DELTA DHARMA - Walnut Grove Buddhist Church
DELTA DHARMA - Walnut Grove Buddhist Church
DELTA DHARMA The Walnut Grove Buddhist Church Newsletter PO Box 336, Walnut Grove, CA 95690 916 776-1312 [email protected] January 2016 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It’s still mid-December as this newsletter goes to press, but it is not too early to wish everyone a happy new year, complete with good health, peace and goodwill. According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2016 is the year of the monkey. If you were born in year 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1992, or 2004, your sign is the monkey. Among other attributes, a person born in the year of the monkey is said to be very intelligent and is able to influence people. REMINDER Since this issue will be out early, there is still time to remind you of two coming events. 1. Thursday December 31, 2015, from 10:30 a.m., Joya-e, the Year-End Service. All attendees will be able to participate in the symbolic tolling of the temple bell. 2. Friday January 1, 2016, from 10:30 a.m. - New Year’s Day Service. This will be an opportunity to re-dedicate ourselves to a life of gratitude and joy. Everyone is welcome to attend the service as well as the social gathering to follow in the adjoining hall. Come enjoy an hour of fellowship, toasting, singing, and sampling refreshments, which will include Frances’ famous hot and tasty ozoni. 2016 BOARD MEMBERS Tabulation of members’ mail-in ballots for the election of fifteen board members for year 2016 resulted in the selection of the following: Toshiko Hamada Christy Ishizuka Aki Ito David Ito Gladys Katsuki Nellie Kawamura Roy Mayhugh Shizue Nagoshi Craig Nakahara Frances Nakahara Mary Oda Ted Oda Holly Pauls Thomas Shinmoto Yuri Yokoi Alternates: Ralph Sugimoto & Sharon Sano BEREAVEMENTS We recently learned of the passing of past member and past Delta resident, Pacifica Eiri. Memorial service open to friends will be held at the Sacramento Sokagakkai Center, 1812 A., Tribute Rd, Sacramento, CA 95815 at 1 PM on December 22. Also, past member and FujinKai member Kimiye Nakao passed recently. Services were held at the Sacramento Betsuin on December 21st. CHURCH NEW YEAR PARTY Our annual Church New Year Party, jointly hosted by the Bukkyo Kai and Buddhist Women’s Association, will be held on Saturday, January 16, from noon, at the Gakuen Hall. As usual, all church members and their families are invited to attend. Our District Coordinators will be contacting members to get a head count of those planning to attend and reporting back to Toshiko Hamada (916-776-1456) by the of deadline January 8, 2016. Attention Members: If for some reason your coordinator is unable to contact you by the Jan. 8th deadline, please call Mrs. Hamada directly to advise her of the number of your family members planning to attend this party. INITIAL MEETING OF THE 2016 BOARD At its meeting in December, the 2015 Board of Directors elected cabinet officers and committee members. The roster of the 2016 Board Officers, Cabinet Members, Committee Chairs, etc., can be found below in this newsletter. Many issues discussed and passed included 1. Decision to have a bazaar in 2016, on July 2 & 3. 2. Raising the annual church membership dues to $30, effective January 1, 2016. Outgoing President’s Message As 2015 concludes, so does my term as Walnut Grove Buddhist Church president. I’m in a familiar position of capping the year with gratitude to the many people who have, for the most part, made my term pass quickly and easily. Rev. Kusunoki and Rev. Mayhugh have kept our temple’s future promising by actively spreading the teachings of Shinran Shonin to our current members and to the curious public. The board of trustees has done so much throughout the year to make sure that WGBC provides the religious services, seminars, and classes to our sangha and also to keep the temple financially stable. Aki Ito provided another first rate bazaar in his first time as bazaar chairman. We always fret whether we will have enough help, and if we don’t, it will be time to end our annual fundraiser. But every year, family, friends, and the community come out to support us. So we will have a 2016 Bazaar on July 2 nd and 3rd. I have heard some say that being church president is a thankless job. It can be but in my case I don’t believe that to be true. Many of you have shown your appreciation for doing the job as president by personally thanking me, but more than that, you have shown your support by helping with the many tasks involved with this position. If I ask for your help, you have all graciously agreed to assist. Very rarely have I been turned down. Your support is very, very much appreciated. Have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! In Gassho, Craig Nakahara WGBC past president 一月祥月法要 January Shotsuki Deceased Jinpei Ukichi Tama Tsugio Fumiko Ayano Ayako Kano Sadano Isamu Hatsuko Chiyo Sadako Margaret Toshino Eiri Tetsuya George Misako Hinakichi Henry Eddie Sadao Elsie Lillie Yuriko Sakogawa Kuwahara Shinmoto Shinmoto Nakaoka Higashi Higashi Hori Oto Oto Nagoshi Kondo Mizutani Ito Ogawa Teruko Otsuka Shoji Ikeuchi Ikeuchi Katsuki Nakahara Nakayama Omoto 迫川 甚平 桑原 卯吉 新本 タマ 新本 次男 中岡 文子 東 アヤノ 東 あや子 堀 かの 大藤 貞野 大藤 勇 名越 初子 近藤 チヨ 水谷 貞子 伊藤 マーガレット 小川 トシノ 江入 照子 大塚 哲哉 小路 ジョージ 池内 美佐子 池内 雛吉 香月 ヘンリー 中原 エディー Moshu (Chief Mourner) Margaret Gary Tokuye Tokuye Shigyo Hirotsu Shinmoto Shinmoto 執行 マーガレット Suwako Sue Suwako Sue Suwako Sue Barbara Barbara Mikio Edwin Edwin David Shigeko Hori Hori Hori Miyano Miyano Nagoshi Mizutani Mizutani Ito Ogawa 堀 スワ子 堀 スワ子 堀 スワ子 宮野 バーバラ 宮野 バーバラ 名越 幹雄 Roy Aki Miyagawa 宮川 あき Wayne Wayne Gladys Frances Ikeuchi Ikeuchi Katsuki Nakahara 池内 池内 香月 中原 Kazuharu Omoto 新本 トクエ 新本 トクエ 小川 滋子 ウェイン ウェイン グラディス フランセス The Walnut Grove Buddhist Church Gratefully Acknowledge The Following Donations Shotsuki Roy Miyagawa Ken/Sharon Sano James Hirakawa George Iseri Nellie Kawamura Toshiko Hamada Sue Hori Mikio Nagoshi Shizue Nagoshi Ted and Mary Oda 20.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 In Memory of John K. Matsumoto John Matsumoto 50.00 In Memory of Sharon Ito Ted and Carol Tang 100.00 In Memory of Misao Nakahara June Matsubara Frances Nakahara 25.00 25.00 In Memory of Fumio Nakahara Frances Nakahara Nancy Nakahara Mike Otani Helen Yoshikawa Bruce Iwasaki 50.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Ho Onko Kaz and Dorothy Tokuyoshi Shoji and Sumiko Oda Dorothy Koga 25.00 50.00 50.00 Kusunoki’s Korner [The 70th Anniversary of A-Bomb] “The basis for peace is for people to understand the pain of others.” An atomic bomb victim, Mr. Katsuji Yoshida, left this message for us before he passed away in 2010. He was a member of my family temple, Kougenji and also a good friend of my father. He was thirteen years old when the A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945. He was badly burned because he was close to ground zero. Later, he made a big effort to tell his experience to younger generations. He also came to the U.S.A. to convey his experience and wish for peace. I truly appreciate his words, which are related to the Buddha’s great compassion. I would like to introduce his article written in 2005 and think about “Peace” with you. <Human beings cannot coexist with A-bomb. I have an obligation to tell my experience. > Even now, it isn’t clear how many people died because of the A-bomb, which was dropped on Nagasaki. I still wonder why Japan did the war at that time. If the war hadn’t happened, the A-bomb wouldn’t be dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The tragedy in Okinawa would not occur. The Nagasaki Peace Association was formed and I became a member of it. I became a “KATARIBE” who tell their A-bomb experience to people. I started sharing my experience with many people. When I write “平和”(Peace) in Kanji characters, it has only thirteen strokes. In a dictionary, it says that peace means tranquility and a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. I have an obligation to keep sharing my experience and wish for Peace. As long as I can, I will tell my experience and wish to keep this world at peace in the 21st century. Times have changed. I used to hide that I was a survivor of the A-bomb. But, now, I don’t have to hide anything. I can live my life as it is. I had plastic surgery operations thirteen times. When my age passed fifty, A Nagasaki University’s doctor recommended having another surgery for my throat. “You will become a nice looking man!” That was the clincher. The surgery took about eight hours. Later, I heard that my family started thinking negatively because it took so long. The surgery went very well. I can move my face freely, now. I am amazed at the progress of medical science. However, nobody has discovered how to cure leukemia yet. So, I strongly believe that human beings cannot coexist with the A-bomb. I have had a hard time for sixty years. I cannot explain all of my sufferings. I wish that this world would become a peaceful place where everybody feels glad to live. I would like to tell as many people as I can how frightening a war is and how disastrous the A-bomb is. Nobody must become a victim of an A-bomb any more. A lot of victims of the A-bomb will continue to watch over us so their “Wish for Peace” will succeed and be passed from one generation to the next, just like the pure and peaceful sky above us stays forever. <A Happy New Year!!> I wish you a happy new year. I would like to walk the path of NAMOAMIDABUTSU each single day in 2016 as well. I choose a Kanji character for 2016. The Kanji character is “広” (Hiro-ku) which means “spreading”. I would like to spread Jodo Shinshu more and let more people know about our church. I will work hard for propagation and advertising in 2016. I would like to ask your continuing support. -New Year’s Resolution1. Propagate & Advertise Jodo Shinshu 2. Take English enunciation class 【ヒロシマ・ナガサキ】 い わ golf げんてん にんげん 3. へPlay once a month 2016 Memorial Service Schedule 2016 is the memorial year for those who passed away in: 2015 1 year 2000 17 year 2014 3 year 1992 25 year 2010 7 year 1984 33 year 2004 13 year 1967 50 year いた 「平和の原点は、人間の痛みがわかる心をもつことです。」 4. Win successive championship Rev. Katsu: [email protected] 長崎で被爆した故・吉田勝二さんは、この言葉を残して、2010年に往生されました。吉田さん は、私の自坊、光源寺の門徒で父の親友でもありました。原爆で体や顔に大やけどをおった吉田さん は、自身の体験をできるだけ多くの人へ伝え、平和な世の実現のために尽力されました。吉田さんが 残してくださったその言葉は、仏様の慈悲に通じる思いです。吉田さんが10年前に書かれた体験談 とその思いを聞かせていただき、みなさんとともに、平和について考えていきたいと思います。 (吉田勝二さん、被爆当時13歳) <13画の「平和」の文字 原爆と人間は共存できない 私には語り続ける責務がある> 長崎の原爆で何人亡くなったか正確な数字は現在も分からない。考えてみると日本はどうして 戦争をしたのだろうか。戦争がなかったら、長崎に原爆が落とされることもなかったし、広島も、沖 縄もなかった。 長崎に「長崎平和推進協会」が結成され、私も早速入会し、「語り部」として私の被爆体験を 多くの人に伝え始めた。文字で書けば僅か13画の「平和」、辞書には、“戦いや争いがなく、おだ やかな状態”と解説されている。私は「平和」について語り続ける責務があると思う。21世紀もず っと平和が続くように、生きている間、話し続ける責務があると思っている。 世の中も変わった。終戦後は「原爆」を隠していたが、やっと被爆者だということを隠さなく ても良い時代になった。 私はこれまでに13回の形成手術を受けた。50歳を過ぎた時、長崎大学の先生から喉の手術 をすすめられた。 「もっといい男になるよ」が殺し文句だった。8時間にわたる手術、家族も余りの手術時間の 長さに、だんだん悪い方に思い始めていたという。お陰で顔は自由に動くようになった。 医学の進歩には驚いているが、現在も白血病だけは治療方法が発見されていない。だから、原 爆と人間は共存できないのだ。60年間、人々に言われぬ苦しみを味わってきた私だが、ほんとうに 生きてきて良かったと言える真の平和が来るように。そして、一人でも多くの人々に、戦争の恐ろし さ、原子爆弾の悲惨さを語り続けながら…。二度と被爆者を作ってはならないと思う。 数多くの亡くなった人々、そしてその人たちは次の世代への継承を見守ってくれると思う。こ の澄み切った平和な空が永遠に続くように。(つづく)合掌 【謹賀新年】 今年も新年を迎えることができました。今年もお念仏を中心として一日一日を歩ませていただ きたいと思っております。今年の目標を漢字に一字に表すと「広」です。今年は、広く多くの方々に この、仏教会のこと、浄土真宗の教えを知っていただくように、広報活動に力を入れたいと思ってお ります。どうぞご協力をお願いいたします。 〜新年の目標〜 1、お寺の広報活動 2、英語の発音のクラスを受ける 3、月に一回ゴルフをする 4、野球大会2連覇! Kieshiki Affirmation Ceremony On Sunday, April 17th, the temple will sponsor a special Kieshiki (Affirmation) Ceremony. The ceremony will be held in conjunction with the Hanamatsuri service. The Kieshiki is an individual’s affirmation to follow the Buddha’s Path. There is no age restriction for the ceremony. Socho Kodo Umezu (Bishop of Buddhist Churches of America) will have the privilege of conducting this meaningful Kieshiki ceremony for our Sangha. At the time of the Kieshiki, each participant takes refuge and affirms (KIE) the Three Treasures: the Buddha, the Dharma (Teaching), and the Sangha (Community). The Buddhist name, or more correctly the Dharma Name (Homyo), is then presented. The Buddhist name is composed of two kanji (Chinese characters), preceded by the kanji for shaku. This character is used as an abbreviation for Shakyamuni, in reference to the historical Buddha. The Buddhist name is given to a Jodo Shinshu priest at Tokudo, the first ordination. For individuals, it is given during the Kieshiki. If one has not received a Buddhist name during one’s life, then one is given at the time of one’s funeral. Sometimes the ritual is called the Okamisori (Hair-shaving ceremony). It is a simple ceremony in which the basic ritual is the symbolic shaving of the head, recalling the act of Siddhartha when he resolved to enter the spiritual path of life, as well as the time when Shinran entered the monastery at the age of nine. When this service is conducted by the Gomonshu (Chief Abbot of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha), it is called the Kikyoshiki (Confirmation Ceremony). Only the Gomonshu, or in special cases a selected representative, can conduct these services. For the Kieshiki, Socho Umezu has extended an invitation to have you consult with me on the selection of a Buddhist name. Please advise me of one character (Kanji) selected by you. There is a registration fee of $50 per person for Walnut Grove Buddhist Church’s members. The fee for non-members is $75.00. Registration deadline is March 13th. (Make check payable to: Walnut Grove Buddhist Church). Please fill out the enclosed form and mail it to the church along with your payment. Included with this mailing are Buddhist titles you may consider. Please contact me to discuss your Buddhist name. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your participation with the Kieshiki ceremony. In Gassho, Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 209-712-9769 Please print APPLICATION FOR SARANA AFFIRMATION CEREMONY Temple affiliation:________________________________________________________ Name___________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Address_________________________________________________________________ Street City State Age:______ Date of Birth____________ Male / Female (circle) Telephone:______________ Name of parent or guardian_______________________________________ (if under 12) Favorite word/kanji (or phrase) chosen by member for Homyo:_____________________ (Resident/Supervising Minister: please be sure to fill-in the favorite word/kanji character) * * * * * * * * * * Homyo Selection: To be completed/selected by Resident/Supervising Minister following discussions with applicant. Homyo (Kanji):________ Reading:___________________ Meaning:_______________ _________________________________________ Signature of applicant WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST CHURCH ANNUAL CALENDAR 2016 January Fri 1 Sun 3 Sun 10 Tue 12 Wed 13 Sat 16 Sun 17 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 10:30 AM New year’s Day Service (Rev Roy officiates) NO BWA Meeting this month Shotsuki Service Board Meeting Oasaji cancelled Church New Year Party Dharma School/Adult Study Class February Sun 7 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 7 1:30 PM Shotsuki Service Tue 9 7;00 PM Board Meeting Wed 10 9:00 AM Oasaji Sun 21 10:00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class March 3-1 to 3-6 BCA National Council Meeting Visalia Sun 6 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 6 1:30 PM Shotsuki Service Rev. Roy Officiates Tue 8 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 9 9:00 AM Oasaji Sat 12 10:00 AM Sonenkai New Year Party Sat 19 10:30 AM Spring Ohigan /Keiro Kai Service and Luncheon Guest Speaker: Sun 20 8:00 AM Spring Cleanup Sun 20 10:00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class April Sun 3 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 3 1:30 PM Shotsuki Servic Tue 12 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 13 9:00 AM Oasaji Sun 17 10:00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class Sun 17 1:30 PM Hanamatsuri (Guest Speaker :Bishop Kodo Umezu May Sun 1 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 1 1:30 PM Shotsuki Rev. Roy Officiates Tue 10 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 11 9:00 AM Oasaji Cancelled Sat 14 10:30 AM Kakushinni/Eshinni/lady Ohtani Service (guest speaker; Rev. Patti Oshita) Sun 15 12:00 PM Generations Day Picnic Mon 30 8:30 AM Memorial Day Cemetery Visits June Sun 5 11:00 AM Sun 5 1:30 PM Tue 14 7;00 PM Sat 11 8:00 AM Wed 15 9:00 AM Sun 19 10:00 AM Sun 19 8:00 AM Sun 26 8:00 AM Thu 30 8:00 AM BWA Meeting Shotsuki Service Board Tent Raising Oasaji cancelled Dharma School/Adult Study Class Bazaar Construction Bazaar Construction Bazaar Preparation July Fri 1 8:00 AM Bazaar Prep Sat 2 12 PM-6:00 PM Bazaar Sun 3 12 PM-6:00 PM Bazaar Mon 4 8:00 AM Bazaar Cleanup Sun 10 1;30 PM Shotsuki Tue 12 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 13 9 ;00 AM Oasaji cancelled 13-14-15 7:00 PM Odori Practice Sat 16 7:00 PM Obon Odori Sun 17 8:30 AM Cemetery Visits Sun 17 10:00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class Sun 17 1:30 PM Obon Service ( Guest Speaker; Rev. Yukiko Motoyoshi August Sun 7 1;30 PM Shotsuki Service Wed 10 (Oasaji Service Cancelled this Month) September Sun 11 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 11 1:30 PM Shotsuki Service ** Tue 13 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 14 9:00 AM Oasaji Sun 18 10;00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class Sun 18 1:30 PM Fall Ohigan **Shotsuki and BWA meeting moved to second Sunday because of Labor day October Sun 2 Sun 2 Tue 11 Wed 12 Sun 16 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM BWA Meeting Shotsuki Service Board Oasaji Dharma School/Adult Study Class November Sun 6 11:00 AM Sun 6 1:30 PM Tue 8 7:00 PM Wed 9 9:00 AM Sun 13 1:30 PM Rev. Kurt Rye BWA Meeting Shotsuki Board Oasaji Ho Onko Service (Guest Speaker: Sun 20 10:30 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class 17th to 28th Rev. Kusunoki in Japan December Sat 3 10:00 AM Board Meeting/General Membership Meeting Sun 4 11:00 AM BWA Meeting Sun 4 1:30 PM Shotsuki Service Wed 7 9:00 AM Oasaji Service cancelled Sun 18 10:00 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class Sat 31 10:30 AM Year End Service WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST CHURCH 2016 CABINET PRESIDENT------------------------------------------------------ DAVID ITO 1ST VICE PRESIDENT-----------------------------------------CRAIG NAKAHARA 2ND VICE PRESIDENT----------------------------------------TED ODA 3RD VICE PRESIDENT---------------------------------------RECORDING SECRETARY----------------------------------HOLLY PAULS ASSISTANT---------------------------------------------CHRISTY ISHIZUKA CORRESPONDING SECRETARY--------------------------SHIZUE NAGOSHI ASSISTANT---------------------------------------------FRANCES NAKAHARA TREASURER-----------------------------------------------------TOM SHINMOTO ASSISTANT---------------------------------------------CRAIG NAKAHARA, TED ODA PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRPERSON------------------FRANCES NAKAHARA MEMBERSHIP DUES CHAIRMAN------------------------NELLIE KAWAMURA NC COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES---------------------- DAVID ITO, CRAIG NAKAHARA, HOLLY PAULS PLANNING CHAIRMAN-------------------------------------AKI ITO ASSISTANTS-------------------------------------------- KEN SANO, MARVIN YOKOI, TOM SHINMOTO, TED ODA, TRACY OTO, CRAIG NAKAHARA, ROYCE YOKOI, WES OMOTO SOCIAL CHAIRPERSON------------------------------------TOSHIKO HAMADA ASSISTANTS--------------------------------------------FRANCES NAKAHARA, SHIZUE NAGOSHI, YURI YOKOI, CHRISTY ISHIZUKA, GLADYS KATSUKI, NELLIE KAWAMURA, HOLLY PAULS, JUNE MATSUBARA, MARY ODA, MITSUKO NORIKANE BUDDHIST EDUCATION CHAIRMAN------------------REV. ROY MAYHUGH ASSISTANTS-------------------------------------------- SHARON YOKOI, CHRISTY ISHIZUKA, HOLLY PAULS, DARCI NISHI MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CHAIRPERSONS-------------- REV. ROY MAYHUGH, HOLLY PAULS, SHARON SANO HISTORICAL ARCHIVES CHAIRPERSON-----------------JANET SAKATA ASSISTANTS--------------------------------------------DOROTHY KOGA, REV. ROY MAYHUGH, NANCY NAKAHARA, BARBARA TAKEI MINISTERIAL AFFAIRS CHAIRMAN-------------------REV. ROY MAYHUGH ASSISTANTS-------------------------------------------- RALPH SUGIMOTO, REV. KUSUNOKI, DARCI NISHI, DAVID ITO, CRAIG NAKAHARA CALENDAR CHAIRPERSON-------- NELLIE KAWAMURA LIBRARIAN------------------------------------------------------REV. ROY MAYHUGH ASSISTANT---------------------------------------------- HOLLY PAULS, CHRISTY ISHIZUKA, MARY ODA NEWSLETTER EDITOR--------------------------------------NELLIE KAWAMURA ASSISTANTS----------------------------------------------CHRISTY ISHIZUKA, SHIZUE NAGOSHI, KAZ OMOTO, ROY MAYHUGH , GLADYS KATSUKI, TOSHIKO HAMADA, JANET OMOTO ADVISORS------------------------------------------------------- DOROTHY KOGA, BOB MATSUMOTO, ROY YOKOI FINANCIAL ADVISORS______________RALPH SUGIMOTO, KEN SANO, NELLIE KAWAMURA, DAVE ITO, WES OMOTO DISTRICT COORDINATORS OMOTE TOWN--------------------------------------------------MITSUKO NORIKANE URA TOWN-------------------------------------------------------TOSHIKO HAMADA LOWER & UPPER GRAND ISLAND, THORNTON---YURI YOKOI ISLETON & RIO VISTA---------------------------------------YURI YOKOI COURTLAND & CLARKSBURG---------------------------TOSHIKO SAKATA ELK GROVE AREA--------------------------------------------JUNE MATSUBARA SACRAMENTO AREA-----------------------------------------RUBY KAWAHARA, KEN SANO, LINDLEY TOYAMA DAVIS---------------------------------------------------------------NAOMI SAKAI BRENTWOOD, ANTIOCH, WEST POINT---------------REV. ROY MAYHUGH WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION NEWS The new board has been voted in and we are ready for the new year. We are busy making preparations to help with the annual New Year’s Party and look forward to a very enjoyable day. Look for June Matsubara at the event if you would like to take the opportunity to pay your dues for the year. *Please note that the BWA Toban calendar provided by Frances Nakahara has been included in this newsletter. This is your copy as we will not be mailing them out separately. There will be no meeting in January. Our next meeting is scheduled for February 7, at 11:00 A.M. Toban for February’s meeting will be Toshiko Sakata, Nancy Nakahara, Charlene Norman, Janet Sakata and Virginia Uchida. The WGBWA would like to gratefully acknowledge a special donation from Frances Nakahara of 50.00. DHARMA SCHOOL/ADULT STUDY NEWS Our last Dharma School and Meditation meeting for the year was well attended. A special welcome to our guest Jennifer, daughter of Linda Soliven. We continued our study of the Eight Fold Path with a dharma talk and discussion on the subject of “right speech.” The discussion was lively and thought provoking. The beauty of our group is that every person in the room participates and no one holds back. We learn from one another. At the end of the year it is customary to thank those who have helped us succeed through the year. Conducting the Dharma School takes teamwork and we have a great and effective team. First, our thanks to our “Den Mother” Yuri Yokoi. Without her leadership and encouragement we could not exist. She brings the flowers and fruit for the altar and the wonderful snacks we share during the discussion session. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, “DEN MOTHER” YURI YOKOI!!! Next, our thanks to Sharon Yokoi, our teacher, treasurer and leader. Without you Dharma School wouldn’t be fun and interesting. You keep our morale up and our projects moving. You make a big difference in the lives of the people you teach and lead. THANK YOU, OUR TEACHER AND LEADER, SHARON YOKOI!!! Thank you to our Youth Ministers Assistant, Darcy Nishi. You have worked quietly, behind the scenes, to make sure our services go smoothly and well. Wherever you are needed you are willing to serve. THANK YOU, OUR YOUTH MINISTERS ASSISTANT, DARCY NISHI. TO ALL THE PARTCIPANTS IN THE MEDITATION SESSIONS AND THE DHARMA SCHOOL. YOU BRING JOY AND WISDOM TO ALL OF US. THANK YOU!!!!!! In Gassho Rev Roy Fri 1 10:00 AM New year’s Day Service (Rev Roy officiates) Sun 3 11:00 AM NO BWA Meeting this month Sun 10 1:30 PM Shotsuki Service Tue 12 7:00 PM Board Meeting Wed 13 9:00 AM Oasaji cancelled Sat 16 12:00 PM Church New Year Party Sun 17 Meditation Class 10:00 AM Sun 17 10:30 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Service and Class Buddha Belly Laughs WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST CHURCH PO BOX 336 WALNUT GROVE, CA 95690