march 2015 - Winnipeg School Division
march 2015 - Winnipeg School Division
Newsletter March 2015 1265 Barratt Avenue, Wpg, MB R3G 0L5 Telephone: (204)772-9527 Fax: (204)783-1806 Principal: S. Anderson Vice-Principal: Y. Koncan Dear Parents and Caregivers, February was an exciting month at Isaac Brock School! The month began with a presentation for grades 1-6 from Ryan Price entitled – “A Reading Adventure “. This presentation encouraged students to read books by using magic tricks and a variety of animals to engage and inspire students. This was followed by 100 Day activities, Leadership initiatives, Student Council, Intramurals, extra curricular clubs and activities. We are fortunate to have so much student and staff participation! March is a busy month for our music program. Sound, Echo and Squeek will be performing at the Winnipeg Music Festival. This is a valuable opportunity for our students. Report cards will be going home to parents on March 11th. Please take the time to review the report card with your child. Parent Teacher Student conferences will take place on the evening of March 12th and March 13th (AM ). This conference provides the opportunity for parents to ask questions about their child’s progress and for students to be involved in the discussion about how to meet their own learning goals. Our grade 1 and 2 students visited the University of Manitoba Farm to learn about food production. Our grade 1 and 2 students will be continuing to learn about this issue in the following months as part of an education for sustainable development initiative. Our grade 5 and 6 students will be working with silk screening artist, Karen Cornelius during the week of March 23rd. Students will be learning the art of silk screening. They will also be learning about the career of an artist. Ms. Cornelius is an artist who is part of the Artists in the School Program. In the following months, our intermediate students will learn about the careers of those who work in the area of wildlife rehabilitation, science and food and nutrition. Recently we sent home application forms for students who will returning to our school for grades 7, 8, 9 in September 2015. Please return these forms as soon as possible as we use this information to plan for the upcoming school year. Our patrols are a very dedicated group of students who are committed to ensuring that our students cross the street safely no matter how wet or cold it is outside! To recognize their efforts they were treated to a breakfast of pancakes, sausages and hash browns on February 20th. Thank you to parent volunteer Nancy MacPherson and Value Lots for donating food! They will also be going on a field trip to Wheelies on the morning of March 17th. We appreciate our patrols and the important role they play in keeping students safe from traffic as they walk to and from school every day. A reminder that there is no school on March 13 (AM - Parent /Student/Teacher conferences / PM. - professional development) and March 20th (professional development) . Have a memorable March! Ms. Anderson & Ms. Koncan Elementary Physical Education News For the month of February the elementary physical education classes have been learning many different basketball skills. They have learned various ways of moving the ball around the body and different ways of passing and shooting. The grade one and two students have been working primarily on moving while dribbling while the grade three to sixe students have been applying their skills into game type situations. The grade 3’s and 4’s had a great month of intramural floor hockey and got to experiment using various striking utensils such as noodles, floor hockey sticks, sponge polo sticks, and broomball sticks. They played hard and had a lot of fun each time they came out. We had a total of 34 students participating and it was nice to see so many grade 3 students come out as this was their first intramural activity of the year. Noon hour intramurals are going to be dodge ball for grades four to six. Intramurals will take place on the following days: March 3, March 5, March 12, March 17, and March 19. I look forward to seeing a good turn out! -Ms. Martin Junior High Basketball The Girl’s Basketball team had a great season this year! They played seven games with only one loss! They ended the season with a tournament at River Heights School where they were victorious in both games! All of the girls worked hard throughout the season and improved quite a bit! We will miss the Grade 9 students Sabrina, Rica and Maria next year! Good luck in your future basketball endeavours! -Mrs. Warelis & Miss Francis (Coaches) This year was a bit different for the Boy’s Basketball team. Usually we play in the developmental league but with so many grade 9s we entered the competitive league. It was a great year with the boys learning a lot along the way. I was happy to coach such a great group and to see such a great turn out of athletes. I look forward to working with boys in the future and hope the students that are leaving our school this year continue with basketball in their respective schools. Thanks for a great season! - Mr. Strong (Coach) & Mr. Madden (Teacher Supervisor) Parent Council Corner Hi there, We hope everyone is staying warm! We seem to have had all the cold weather in February. Hopefully March will bring warmer temperatures! The Parent Council is going strong! We used some of the money from our fundraisers to help send grades one and two on a field trip on February 26 to the University of Manitoba. Staff appreciation week is coming up as well. The Parent Council will be treating all of our wonderful staff to yummy food during this week. So remember to stop a staff member during the week of March 16th to 19th to say thank you to them! At Isaac Brock we have an exceptional group of staff! Our next fundraiser is coming up this month. Look for the information on our spring flower and plant sale from Bloomers. It will be going home with the children in the next couple of weeks. If we all think Spring thoughts maybe it will come sooner! Have a marvelous March, Liz Jackimec Parent Council Chair (204)298-6741 M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 2 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL Student Council News February was a busy month! Student Council has been planning healthy meals for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays during intramurals. They sold cookie-grams and once again, they were a huge success. A huge Thank you to Tec Voc for making the cookies. To complete the month, the Student Council organized the Valentine Dance. The council has decided to make a donation of $50.00 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Isaac Brock Student Council would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting our fundraising endeavours. The Student Council has organized a Spirit Week for the week of March 16. Please note that on Thursday, March 19 they will be collecting loonies from students to donate to Cancer Care Manitoba. Monday, March 16 - Western Day wear your plaid and belt buckles Tuesday, March 17 - Green Day wear green Wednesday, March 18 - Sports Day wear your favourite sports team or Isaac Brock gear Thursday, March 19 - Hat Day bring a dollar for Cancer Care MB and you can sport your hat all day! Junior High Art Club Art Club is well on its way. We are fortunate to have 16 eager artists attend on Thursdays after school from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The students have made projects ranging from foamy fridge magnets to origami. A special thank you goes to Amber E. in grade 8, who ran a session on origami. The students really enjoyed learning from her. Art Club runs until Thursday, March 19th. Mr. Batista & Mrs. Eidse Junior High Quantum Arts Program What a great way to showcase your talents. Isaac Brock School has been given two spots for Prairie Theatre Exchange and two for the Winnipeg Film Group for students in grade 7 to 9. The students attending the PTE go every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The students going to the Winnipeg Film Group attend every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Students attending the PTE are, Shanti F. (grade 7) and Michael S. (grade 8). The student attending the Film program is Alex B (grade 9). The Acting Bug Isaac Brock School would like to congratulate Michael Sa and Mr. Madden for their role in this year’s production of Nude with Violin written by Noel Coward. This was Mr. Madden’s first opportunity to direct a play for the Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre and Michael’s first opportunity to act in a live production. He played the role of a young artist named Stotesbury. According to Michael, “It was fun and an interesting experience.” Michael enjoyed learning about what goes on behind the stage and on stage from experienced actors. Congratulations to both actor and director. Junior High yearbooks are on sale now for $25.00. To pre-purchase your yearbook, please hand in your money or cheque to Ms. Richard before June 20. Please make cheques payable to Isaac Brock School. Yearbooks will be available for pickup in September. M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 3 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL Leadership News The Isaac Brock Leadership group is happy to announce that we were able to raise enough money for three goats in our recent loonie drive. We encouraged students to bring in a loonie on our 100th day of school on February 11th. We had great support from our school community for this drive and we thank you for your participation. The money was raised as part of our WE DAY commitment to participate in a global fundraiser. Many other schools in our province are also participating in this campaign. Please look forward to more fundraisers in the coming months. Guidance News Isaac Brock is continuing to support the Kimochi program in the grade 1 and 2 classes. The students have been enthusiastically learning about their own feelings and how to manage them when they get TOO big. We have talked about being silly, friendly, mad, frustrated, left out and brave. Please ask your grade one or two child who their favourite Kimochi is. Roots of Empathy Roots of Empathy will continue for the grade three students in March. The children are looking forward to seeing baby Simon again before spring break. We have had a little hiatus because Simon and his family have been travelling. The students will notice some big changes when he returns to our school. .. M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 4 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL I Love to Read Month The students of Isaac Brock School have really enjoyed I Love To Read Month! Every week the students participated in Book Trivia and DEAR time, along with many other great daily opportunities to enjoy the company of books. Even the staff got into the spirit of things by creating a display of their favorite books in the front display case. We were very lucky to host many great guest readers over the month! The students listened to some funny stories read aloud by very entertaining readers. Thank you to the following community members who volunteered to read to our students: Ace Burpee from Virgin 103.1 radio MLA Andrew Swan Constable Jacob Firefighter Spencer Lara Schroeder from Global TV Toby from Virgin 103.1 radio - The I Love To Read Month Committee Ace Burpee Toby Firefighter Spencer M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 5 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL Patrol Breakfast "The Patrols enjoyed a pancake breakfast this past month. The Isaac Brock Patrols work hard to make sure the students cross the streets safely. This has been a cold winter and we appreciate their hard work and dedication." -Mrs. Barto & Ms. Bryant M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 6 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL A Musical Note with Miss Francis The Winnipeg Music Festival at Westminster Church is fast approaching. You should hear your child practicing their songs every evening! All choirs will be singing in the music festival and it would be great to have some parents in the audience. There is an admission price of $4.00 for family and friends. Below are the dates and times each choir sings. Echo SOUND March 4 at 12:30 March 5 at 10:00 March 12 at 12:30 March 3 at 12:30 March 4 at 10:00 March 5 at 10:00 March 10 at 10:00 Squeek March 5 at 12:30 March 10 at 12:30 Remember: all singers must be in all black on performance days. Thank you! On March 4, grade 7 to 9 students at Isaac Brock will be participating in the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey. If you do not want your child to participate, please call project staff at 1-855-837-4549 before March 3 and leave a message. For more information, visit Valour Community Centre – 2015 Mini-Soccer Registration Registration Period: March 7 to March 22 Location for registration: Valour Community Centre – Isaac Brock Site – 715 Telfer St. N. Phone: 204-775-3869 Age Restriction: 4 to 9 - Players must be 4 years old by no later than June 1, 2014 (no exceptions), and cannot be older than 9 years old (no exceptions). Cost: Ages 4 to 6 - $50.00. Ages 7 to 9: $65.00. 2 games per week from May through to the end of June. Wind-up and pictures are included in the cost of registration. Jerseys are supplied, but must be returned. WMBA (Basketball) Ages 8 and up. $130 Season runs from May through to June. Registration starts the first weekend in March and runs until March 22. Please register at Valour Community Centre Isaac Brock Site. 715 Telfer St. North. For more information on these or any of our other programs please call (204)775-3869 or see our website M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 7 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL M A R C H 20 1 5 Page 8 ISAAC BROCK SCHOOL March2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Day 3 Tue 3 Wed Day 4 Grade 8 Shops am SOUND sings at Day 2 10 Day 3 sing at WMF Sound @ 10:00 Echo @12:30 11 Day 4 16 Spirit Week Day 1 17 Day 2 Western Day 12:00 Gr.4-6 Dodgeball Rms 2&8 Freeze Frame all day Grade 9 Shops pm 3:30 JH Art Club 12 Day 5 Echo sings at Report Cards go home 6 Day 1 7 WMF @12:30 12:00 Gr.4-6 Dodgeball 12:00 Right to Play Leadership P/S/T letters due back in office 13 Day 6 14 NO CLASSES P/S/T Conferences am P/S/T Conferences Sound @ 10:00 Squeak @12:30 15 Day 6 Squeek, Echo & Sat Squeek @ 12:30 Grade 8 Shops am Squeek & SOUND sing at WMF 5 Fri Letters go home re: SOUND sing at WMF Grade 7 Shops am P/S/T Conferences Echo & Sound @ 10:00 SOUND & Echo 12:00 Gr.4-6 Dodgeball 9 Day 5 WMF @12:30 Boys Basketball HOME game vs Hugh John 4:00 8 4 Thu Inservice pm NO Art Club today 18 Day 3 19 Day 4 20 Sports Day Green Day Day 5 21 Hat Day NO CLASSES Gr.9 Immunization Grade 7 Shops am Patrols to Wheelies am Grade 8 Shops am PIZZA LUNCH! 12:00 Gr.4-6 Dodgeball 22 23 Day 6 24 Day 1 25 Day 2 Isaac Brock only 12:00 Gr.4-6 Dodgeball 3:30 JH Art Club 26 Day 3 27 Day 4 28 Grade 7 Shops am Grade 9 Shops pm Grade 8 Shops am 6:30 Parent Council meeting 26 April 6 27 Day 3 28 Day Lo 4 29 n eaDayt 5 A30 Classes resume SOUND performs at Take Pride kick off Shops am Parent WE 9 Day April 7 Grade NO8Grade 9 Shops, no Council classes for grade pm Meeting 6:30 April 15 WSD Science Fair - Brody Centre Day Last day of Classes before Spring Break! 31 Day 1 Grade 7 Shops am April 22 Walk-a-Thon Assembly April 24 NO CLASSES - Division-Wide JH Halloween April 28 Parent Council Meeting 6:30 Grade 9 Shops pm Dance & April 29 Bus Ridership Elementary Parties, pm