Early Development: Aves Key Concepts Aves 1 2 3
Early Development: Aves Key Concepts Aves 1 2 3
Early Development: Aves Animal Development 1 Key Concepts Classification Eggs Cleavage Ovulation Blastulation Gastrulation Primary Organs Membranes Animal Development 2 Aves Classification Subphylum: Vertebrata Class Aves Animal Development 3 Aves Eggs macrolecithal telolecithal Envelopes vitelline membrane albumen shell membrane hard outer membrane Cleavage meroblastic discoidal Animal Development 4 Aves: Ovulation Infundibulum outer vitelline membrane Magnum albumen envelope Isthmus cleavage shell membrane Shell gland calcified outer shell Vagina Animal Development 5 Aves: Cleavage Blastodisc Periblast Animal Development 6 Aves: Blastulation Blastoderm Subgerminal Cavity delamination Hypoblast Blastocoel Animal Development 7 Aves: Gastrulation Primitive Streak Animal Development 8 Aves: Gastrulation Primitive Streak primitive groove primitive ridges Hensen’s node primitive pit Animal Development 9 Aves: Gastrulation Endoderm epiboly involution Animal Development 10 Aves: Gastrulation Mesoderm extraembryonic mesoderm head mesenchyme prospective heart mesenchyme presumptive notochord lateral plate mesoderm segmental plate mesoderm Ectoderm Animal Development 11 Aves: Gastrulation Cell Movements cell ‘Plates’ ingression filopodia Animal Development 12 Aves: Gastrulation Carbon markers Animal Development 13 Aves: Primary Organ Formation Ectoderm neural plate neural folds neural tube Animal Development 14 Aves: Primary Organ Formation Mesoderm notochord segmental plate mesoderm somites lateral plate mesoderm somatic mesoderm splanchnic mesoderm coelom Animal Development 15 Aves: Primary Organ Formation Foregut & Body subcephalic pocket subcaudal pocket head process body folds Animal Development 16 Aves: Primary Organ Formation Chick vs. Frog Animal Development 17 Aves: Primary Organ Formation Caudal fold subcaudal pocket lateral body folds yolk stalk Animal Development 18 Aves: Extraembryonic Membranes Somatopluere Splanchnopluere Animal Development 19 Aves: Somatopluere Amniotic fold (1) Animal Development 20 Aves: Somatopluere Amniotic fold (1) Amniotic fold (2) Animal Development 21 Aves: Somatopluere Amniotic fold (1) Amniotic fold (2) Amnion Animal Development 22 Aves: Somatopluere Amniotic fold (1) Amniotic fold (2) Amnion Chorion Amniotic Cavity Amniotic Fluid Animal Development 23 Aves: Splanchnopluere Yolk Sac Yolk Stalk Animal Development 24 Aves: Splanchnopluere Allantois (1) hindgut Animal Development 25 Aves: Splanchnopluere Allantois (1) hindgut Allantois (2) Animal Development 26 Aves: Splanchnopluere Allantoic Stalk Allantoic Vesicle Serosa Animal Development 27 Aves: Splanchnopluere Allantoic Stalk Allantoic Vesicle Serosa Chorio-allantoic membrane uric acid Animal Development 28 Aves: Splanchnopluere Allantoic Stalk Allantoic Vesicle Serosa Chorio-allantoic membrane uric acid Sagittal View Animal Development 29
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