Parent Newsletter - Menai High School


Parent Newsletter - Menai High School
Parent Newsletter
Issue 21
[email protected]
Published Weekly
Principal’s Message
I was delighted to note Ice Racing NSW’s advice that Year 11
student Michael Pickup was representing NSW at the Duke
Trophy 2014 competition at Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink last
weekend. This is the biggest speed skating team event in
Australia and is an intense and competitive event. We look
forward to some great results as we do for four students who
were the successful Menai High School entries into the 2014
“Film by the Sea” film festival. The screening of their films will
occur at a matinee on the 30th July at the Sutherland
Entertainment Centre and all Year 7 will be attending along with
the students who submitted films. Congratulations Chelsea
Burgess, Nicole Besz, Brianna Shahin and Byron Dempsey.
We all wish you great success. This project led to a new unit of
work for Year 10 Photography which proved to be very
successful in the work produced and future opportunities. It is a
skill that engages students and allows them to develop a huge
range of associated skills we value including writing,
presentation skills, digital skills, creativity and team work.
Congratulations also go to the Year 12 Engineering Studies
students who attended a UTS extension program which was of
great benefit to Corey Fortunato, Md Mahedi Hasan, Joshua
Mendez, Hai Quang Nguyen, Lachlan Towart, Blake
Hammond, Eunah Macamay, Jacob Newton and Timothy
Sherwin. Another group that has gone out of the school and
brought great benefit to others included Milly Richards, Josef
Richmond, Maya Stempien, Liam Johnstone, Lisa
Johnstone, Athina Soulantzos, Natalie Panov, Cody Nelson,
Lily Van Steinburg, Byron Dempsey, Monique Williams,
Jordan Tavita, Mohamad Al Eid, Ali Al-Jwad, Bilal Atieh
Mostafa, Mohamed Hamed, Junhui He, Guesh Jantui, Jo Le,
Kai Yuan Luo, Kim Mercado, Kasrey Nguyen, Rayya Oreiq,
Elijah Ortiguerra, Ariq Permanaputra and Themis Tsigkaris.
These students all volunteered to go to Sir Joseph Banks and
Heathcote High Schools to present great refugee awareness
programs. They have followed this up with a presentation to
their own Geography classes. Well done team and well done
Ms Wililo, Mr Kallon and Mrs Tomalaris who organized the
Elite Cross Country runners Travis Thorpe and Jasmin Grey
represented Sydney East in the NSW CHSSA Carnival. They
are both outstanding athletes and role models.
Special Religious Education (SRE) classes will continue this
term. With parent permission students from Years 7 and 8 will
be withdrawn from their class once a cycle, on Tuesday, to
attend SRE with Mrs Bennett. Classes are rotated so that no
students are withdrawn from the same period more than once a
term. When students are withdrawn from classes no new work
will be completed by those not attending SRE. This is proving to
be a popular and productive option for students.
Mrs Ferraro has also organized a “power house” two week
learning experience for our Vietnamese visitors. Mrs Taylor
has coordinated all of the homestays. We are very grateful for
the opportunities to share excellence internationally and Menai
High School will actively seek to continue providing them.
28th July, 2014
Week 3A
Parent-teacher night is on Tuesday 29th July and offers a
wonderful opportunity for teachers, students and parents to
discuss current and future learning progress. All opportunities
are available on-line and I would encourage all Year 8, 9 and
11 parents to take advantage of this very supportive
opportunity. The days of lining up and hoping for an interview
are over so join in and take advantage.
This week is National GONSKI Week and I will be showing a
short three minute video clip explaining what it is and why it is
significant at roll call Tuesday next week. Please go to to inform yourself
about this critical issue.
It is recommended that all parents with girls in Year 7-9
download the Self-Detection Brochure for Scoliosis from Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an
important health problem for adolescent girls and screening in
the age range 11-13 years is a sound preventative health
The website contains information about the
symptoms and treatment of scoliosis. Many students complain
about the weight of their backpacks and the impact of these
weights over many years. We have become aware of a
special backpack with its own metal spine which redistributes
weight from the shoulders and back onto the hips and backpack itself. We are looking at adding these packs which are
strongly supported by chiropractors to the range of items sold
through the uniform shop. Scoliosis is a real concern for adolescents and these new packs are a great preventative option.
Information will be available at the next P&C Meeting on Monday August 11 at 7pm in the library. Join us and you will be
We are desperate for families to pay their outstanding fees in
that the changes in the DEC finance systems delayed our
capacity to send out fees letters and many families have not
responded quickly to the invoices when they were eventually
able to be sent. We need these payments in order to serve
your children well. Some payments are optional but payments
for materials are not optional for students choosing subjects
that use materials. Families experiencing financial difficulties
can apply to me for financial assistance as we have set aside a
small fund to assist when needed. Parents are also able to
provide their own materials such as eggs, nails, glues etc.
however it would be inconvenient and more expensive in that
we bulk buy what teachers require students to use on behalf of
students. Some faculties are financially stressed and hence
this reminder.
We have a history of providing great
opportunities because we have enjoyed a history of families
meeting their financial commitments. Your support is needed
and will be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday 29/7
Thursday 31/7
Monday 11/8
Tuesday 12/8
Thursday 14/8
Parent Teacher Night—Years 8,9,11
Regional Athletics (2 days); HSC Trials
School Council Meeting 6pm; P&C
Meeting 7pm
Maths Competition
HSC Trials conclude
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Deputy Principal’s Message
It has been a great start to the term. The academic excellence
assembly on Friday 25th July, 2014 acknowledged the academic
achievements of students from Years 7-12. The students receiving
awards are listed in the newsletter and they are to be congratulated
for their hard work and dedication to their studies. I look forward the
next academic effort assembly on the 29th August, 2014 and to
celebrating more student success at Menai High School. Thank you
to our guest speakers Ms Georgia Tsimos and Ms Ashleigh
Huntley both are remarkable ex Menai High students who are a
testament to our core beliefs that Menai High School exit after Year
12 as Skilled Learners, Skilled Citizens and Skilled for Life. Georgia
and Ashleigh shared their stories and pathways with the whole school
and are excellent role models.
Students at Menai continue to demonstrate their creativity and I
commend Byron Dempsey and Brianna Shahin on their entries into
the Film by the Sea competition. Thanks to Mr Kelly Relieving Head
Teacher CAPA for guiding the students through the process. We look
forward to the premier evening of the films and the results. Another
film crew lead by Mr Allan Ellis, who is a film maker, is near
competition and entails composing a five minute film clip about
Disability. The film crew consists of students from Years 7-11 who
have learnt about how films are made by visiting a film studio, storyboarding, working as team, interviewing filming, editing and have
gained new knowledge about the term Disability and public
perceptions of disability. The film will be entered into the Nova
Disability competition. Good luck to the film crew and well done on a
great team effort. At Menai High there are a myriad of opportunities
to participate and excel in extracurricular programs.
A new initiative called the Parent Café was launched at the end of
Term 2 in partnership with Menai Anglican Church. This is a project
which invites the parents of newly arrived Australians to engage with
the school, learn about school programs and policies and strategies to
support their child in literacy and numeracy. The Parent Café also
offers English classes to parents by trained volunteers from the Menai
Anglican Church. Hospitality students led by Mrs Brown Head
Teacher VET are also integrated into the Parent Café as they gain
more practise in achieving their competencies their service delivery of
catering and beverages. Thanks to Ms Willlo, Mr Kallon, Community
Liaison Officer and Ms Ramsay, School Chaplain for their work in the
project and to Ms Margaret Icke and Mr Larry Warton and the
wonderful volunteers from the Menai Anglican Church for their
support and generosity in this community project.
Welfare News!
We have a lot of good news and students to acknowledge this
Good News
Ms Lewry, Mrs Shales and Mrs Liley would like to congratulate
Jenny Chen, Samantha Vella, Samantha Bermingham,
Jordan Gow, Isabella Rolfe, Taylah Cryer and Alicia Naidu
for excellent results in their Individuals and Group assessment
Ms Wearring would like to acknowledge Lily Van Steinberg,
Emily Cheung, Duncan Irvine, Ben Kelly, Jodie Bigeni,
Marcus Cantori, Kristi-lyn Piccolo, Patrick Dudley, Emily
Farquarson, Ethan Gault and Joseph Messiter in 10H5 for
their amazing Holocaust Empathy Research Tasks. She would
also like to congratulate Terry Asiminaris for outstanding
results in the History half yearly examination and Kristi-Lyn
Piccolo for exemplary class work.
From her Year 9H4 class Ms Wearring would like to
acknowledge Jemma Harlow, Lauren Constantine and Chris
Mallos for their excellent results in the half yearly History
examination and congratulate Jemma Harlow for her
exemplary classwork.
Well done to all students mentioned this week.
Vaccinations Round 2
The second round of vaccinations is due to occur on next week
Monday 28th July 2014 week 3. All Year 7 students who are
having vaccinations will be having their second round which
included the varicella (chicken Pox) vaccination and the
second HPV dose and all Year 9 boys that elected to have the
HPV vaccination will have their second dose.
Catch Ups – All Year 7 students, Year 8 (male and female
students) and Year 9 male students who missed any
vaccination in visit 1 will receive a catch up on this visit.
This will be the last catch up for Year 8 HPV vaccinations.
Any questions please feel free to contact me.
Y Mazoudier, Head Teacher Welfare
Wellbeing Wisdom
Congratulations to 8R7 on having the highest number of donations for
the Christmas Box Child Appeal and thanks to Mrs Bennett, SRE
teacher and to Ms Hamilton and Mr El Masri for leading their year
group in this initiative.
Thank you to all of the parents and caregivers who attended the Year
8 and 10 subject selection evening in full force. It was fantastic to see
the great support our students have from family and friends. Ms
Allison Sevill from the Australian Federal Police delivered an
engaging presentation on Cyber safety and I know other schools will
be requesting a similar presentation.
Finally, Parent Teacher Night is on the 29th July, 2014 for Years 8,
9 and 11. Please ensure that you make your bookings with teachers
online. Instructions were issued with latest reports. I look forward to
meeting parents on the night to discuss student progress.
Emotional Support for Parents
As parents, looking after yourself is something
that can sometimes get put way down the list of
priorities. Everything and everyone are
somehow organised, nurtured and sorted out, irrespective of
how you may be feeling. If life appears to be getting out of
control or you're not coping so well, don't think you have to
manage it alone. The old adage ‘a problem shared is a
problem halved' has truth in it, and there are plenty of
professional services which can help you in a time of need.
Take a look at
R. Hatzi and the Wellbeing Wisdom Team
Senior Seminar Program Schedule— , 31st July, 2014
Year 11
Period 2
Business Services, Design & Technology,
English (Standard), ESL, Industrial Technology (Timber/Auto) Information Technology,
Maths 2 Unit
Period 4
Page 3
SRE News
Wednesday the 23rd of July saw 100 students come
together to celebrate with the winning roll call of the
Operation Christmas Child initiate. Over a sausage
sizzle, can of drink and chocolate Freddo Frogs,
Audacity and SRC honoured the hard work by 8R7.
It was wonderful to have our Audacity Youth
Workers from our local churches cooking the BBQ,
serving our students and building great
relationships with our students. They are truly
positive role models for our generation Z. It was
rewarding to see the school community embrace
the heart of this mission: When we sacrifice
something of ourselves, to give out to someone
less fortunate than ourselves, we can impact a life
in a profound way.
As you know the MACCE - Menai Area Committee
for Christian Education supported this initiative.
I’ve been ask ‘Who is the MACCE’? The MACCE
is a committee that represents the four Menai
Churches that invest into paying for an SRE
teacher for 2 days a week at Menai HS. Urbanlife
Church, Reform Church, Salvation Army and St
Pauls Anglican Church are represented on the
committee. The churches all generously give to
ensure non-denominational Scripture classes are
offered at Menai High. This allows students the
opportunity to hear the Gospel if they choose to
attend SRE in Years 7 and 8 as well as Audacity
our lunch time Christian fellowship group. With an
overwhelming support from Mrs McNally, the
Senior Executive and staff, SRE and Audacity is
making a positive contribution to the life at Menai
High School.
I’m privileged to be your SRE teacher and thankful
for the school community here at Menai High. If
you have any questions about SRE please don’t
hesitate to call the school.
Careers News
University Admissions Centre (UAC) books are
now available
Year 12 need to see Mr Gregory or Mrs Brown to get
a copy of the book.
Important dates 1.6th August UAC applications open and close
Tuesday 30th September
2.17th December results released and 18th
December ATARs issued
3.7th January closing date for change of preferences.
4.21st January offers released for main round.
Access Schemes (EAS) for year 12 students
wanting to go to university
Applications for 2014–15 admissions will open in
early August. Information has not yet arrived at the
school but should be available soon. You can
access this info from
Most of UAC’s participating institutions have
Educational Access Schemes (EAS) to help
students who have experienced long-term
educational disadvantage gain admission to tertiary
Institutions use EAS to make offers of admission in
one of two ways. They:
 allocate bonus points, or
set aside a certain
number of places for EAS applicants.
There are seven broad categories of disadvantage:
 disrupted schooling , financial hardship , home
environment , English language difficulty ,
personal illness/disability , refugee status , school
To be eligible for EAS consideration your
educational performance must have been seriously
affected, normally for a period of at least six months
during Year 11 and/or 12 or equivalent, due to
circumstances beyond your control and choosing.
G Gregory
M Bennett, SRE Coordinator
The ‘How to Parenting Teens’ Program
Premier’s Reading
Congratulations to Jessica Dransfield, Noah
Iverach, Michaela Newton and Luke Phillips who
have already completed their challenge for this
year. Other students have until 22nd August to
finish reading 20 books and upload their reading
records. Don’t forget that some picture books may
be included in your 20 books. Please ask Mrs
Nelson or Mrs Cooper for suggestions.
D Cooper, Head Teacher Learning Support
This 6 week program will provide you with practical, effective ways of
communicating with your teens
Monday 11th August, 2014
Venue Sutherland Shire Family Services, 90 Soldiers
Road, Jannali
Contact 9528 2933 Ext 101
No Cost! Places are limited!
Post School Expose for Students with a
School leavers and their families will have an opportunity to visit a
variety of service providers to discuss the options and help available
when they leave school. Find out more about—getting a job, TAFE,
University, further training and education, traineeships, apprenticeships, financial support, ADHC funded transition to work programs,
ADHC funded community participation programs.
12-5pm at Bankstown Sports Club—31 July, Liverpool Catholic
Club—14 August, Campbelltown Catholic Club—21 August.
Free Entry
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Academic Excellence Awards