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READ MORE - Hope Church Door County
Hope United Church of Christ 141 South Twelfth Avenue Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, 54235 For where you are The Christmas Star Is bright December 2013 From Star in my Heart by Mary E. Linton And it is Christmas In my heart tonight Hope Happenings Rev. Richard Feyen, Pastor Hope United Church of Christ, 141 South 12th Avenue , Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin 54235 Tel: (920)743-2701 Website: Email: [email protected] Services in December: 1 D ECEMBER , 2013 Communion NO ADULT FORUM THANKSGIVING WEEKEND NO CHOIR 10:30 am Worship Service: “WHEN WILL THE LITTLE BOY COME?” Rev. Richard Feyen During Worship Faith Formation Class for children 4k - 4th Grade Mid-High Youth Book Review Group, Grades 5th - 8th 22 9:00 am “American Christmas: Past, Present & Pagan” Presented by Jim Hansen 9:45 am Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am Worship Service: “T HIS G IFT IS O URS - T O S HARE ” Rev. Richard Feyen During Worship: Faith Formation Class for children 4k - 4th Grade Mid-High Youth Book Review Group, Grades 5th - 8th 8 8:00 am December 24th NO Adult Forum, INSTEAD……. Christmas Breakfast & Workshop Brought to us by the Social Life Committee 9:45 am Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am Worship Service: “C LEANSING FROM S EPARATION ” Rev. Richard Feyen During Worship Christmas Eve Services 4:00 pm Early Service: A Story for the Ages 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Prelude Concert Peggy Royseck, Piano/Organ, Mary Hall, Voice & Flute 7:00 pm Candlelight Service: Faith Formation Class for children 4k - 4th Grade 15 9:00 am YOUTH SUNDAY Adult Forum: Birth of a Reign of Love 29 “A Church for the Future -- Here and Now” 9:45 am 10:30 am Presented by Rev. Bruce Joffe, PhD Choir Rehearsal H OPE C HILDREN ’ S C HRISTMAS S ERVICE Entire Service run by the Children of Hope No Faith Formations of Book Club today! Adult Forum: 9:30 am NO ADULT FORUM DUE TO HOLIDAYS! Choir Rehearsal NOTE TIME CHANGE 10:30 am Worship Service: “S TORIES & S ONGS OF C HRISTMAS ” Rev. Richard Feyen NO FAITH FORMATIONS OR BOOK CLUB H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 3 C D EACONS ’ C ORNER I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : offeehouse orner SUNDAYS IN DECEMBER 2 DEACONS’ CORNER 3 OF LILACS & RHUBARB 4 For those who need a good BENEVOLENT 5 “cuppa joe” with them in WELCOME! 5 CHURCH YOUTH 6 ADULT FORUM 7 ENDOWMENT 8 SOCIAL LIFE 9 MISSION & ACTION 10 BIRTHDAYS/ ANNIVERSARIES 11 PRAYER LIST 12 COMMUNITY NEWS 13 ITEMS OF INTEREST 14 HOPE RECIPES 15 the morning, we have a table just for you in the Sanctuary during wor- I like Advent…. I love the freshly placed winter Decorations and the singing of “O Come O Come Emanuel.” There is something especially contemplative and beautiful about this church season. It fills me a sense of hopeful anticipation during, literally, the darkest time of the year. This month, the Deacons will spend a morning “Hanging the Greens.” We will decorate the church for the season of Advent followed by the celebration of Christmas. As part of the decorations, we will place on the altar our Advent wreath, which consists of four candles on a wreath of evergreen, shaped in a perfect circle to symbolize the eternity of God. We use three purple candles with one candle being pink, to represent joy. The lighting of the first candle symbolizes expectation, the second hope, the third joy and the fourth purity. The Christ candle is lit on Christmas Eve, reminding Christians that the light of the world has arrived. H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 4 O F L ILACS AND R HUBARB . ..From Pastor Richard: Merry Christmas! Friends may the holiday season bring joy to your hearts and peace to your spirit. May the gifts that come your way be gifts of love and may you always know hope. Blessings to All! Richard & Peggy The rolling and rocky hills of central Texas were the scenery for a good part of our recent vacation. After the wedding we attended in the Houston area, Peggy and I headed west where we had a couple of nights reserved at a South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ church camp called Slumber Falls. It’s where I (and several others) built a cabin named Vicky’s Haven in memory of my late wife Vicky. Peggy and I enjoy road trips, and we stay off of the interstate as much as time allows when taking trips like this - and this one did not disappoint us! On the way there we took the State FM (Farm to Market) roads and meandered through the small towns, stopping at the local restaurants, talk to a few locals, (not too many were out and about as it was a Sunday and the Cowboys were playing football!). Driving west, the low Gulf Coast plains turn gradually into lowland hills; gently rolling at first, and then rockier, drier and higher as one moves further west. Using Slumber Falls as a ‘home base’ for a few days, we explored small farm towns, tourist towns, breweries, and wineries. We watched cotton being harvested and saw wood-frame country churches that looked as if they were barely standing but still, at four in the afternoon, still had a parking lot full of cars (though we would not call it a parking lot here, it was the grassy area by the church where everyone parked). proached and the setting sun created elongated shadows in the hills and rock formations, we were awed by the beauty, the color, the coolness. The next day we hit the Interstate. The stress returned. Concrete strips thousands of miles long funnel everyone together all trying to get to the next place as fast as possible, barely able to see, let alone appreciate, the countryside. Friends, enjoy your journey! Pause and reflect and look! There is When we left beauty in a broken fence Slumber Falls, we drove line, a rock overhang, a through Fredericksburg field of grain or grass! and Kerrville, (stopping There is beauty in the at a favorite jewelry endless prairie, the fields store) and discovered a of cotton, and the evernew B and B done Texas flowing river. Our faith is style. It was a “Bed and meant to be gradually Beer”! If you stayed (we discovered - not delivdid not) you each got ered to us on an iPhone, two of their home brews. or downloaded in a podI’m guessing they gave cast. We are not meant to them to you in the evenmemorize the catechisms ing, and not for breakfast, or be force-fed doctrines; though it was Texas, so we are creative reasonable we won’t know for sure! beings, all imbued with a sense of the Sacred waitFrom there we ing to be discovered. headed north, as we needed to start getting Go and search! closer to Wisconsin so we could get home on time. As darkness ap- H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 5 B ENEVOLENT C OMMITTEE A Our October Rummage Sale was the most successs you all know - ful ever!! This enables the committee to fill many more of the requests DON’T FORGET… it receives. Dishcloths are available for $1.50 on the counter outside the office. They’re fabulous - try one! THANKS AGAIN! And… The spring setup/sale is scheduled for the week of May 5 Save the good stuff for us! TO Beginning on January 5th - 2014 Econo Foods receipts are ALWAYS being collected. Econo Foods gives us back 1% of the total, which really adds up! Please put your receipts in the blue box on the counter outside the office. HOPE We are excited to welcome our new organist, Bob Nickel to Hope Church! Bob comes to us with 28 years of experience as a church organist. And, as most of you already know, Bob is our Sturgeon Bay High School principal! So everyone….be on your best behavior! H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 6 D ECEMBER F AITH F ORMATIONS Classes are held on Sunday mornings during the service, following the Children’s Moment December 15, 2013 Children & Youth Sunday at HOPE The Hope Kids will be conducting the entire worship service, including the Christmas Pageant! Special THANKS to all the parents for their cooperation! December Mid High & Sr. High Youth Groups We’re busy, busy, busy this Christmas Season! Both the Youth Groups are joining together to spread some Christmas Spirit! December 8th: We’ll be playing Santa Claus at Target while we all shop for our YAPS Christmas Family! December 11th: We’ll be ringing those bells for Salvation Army between 5pm - 7 pm, at these locations: Walgreens, Pick N’Save & Wal Mart. H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 7 A DULT F ORUM 12 / 15 A Church for the Future -Here and Now” At a Glance December Forums 12 / 1 , 8 & 29 No Forum Presented by Bruce Joffe,, PhD We call ourselves “progressive.” But what will the church of the future look like? Hope Church member, Rev. Bruce Joffe, presents a look at Shalom Spiritual Community an online “church” with al-‐ most 400 members. 12 / 8 No Forum, But…... breakfast & christmas workshop 8:00 am - 10:15 am COME ONE AND ALL 12 / 15 “Aa CcHhUuRrCcHh FfOoRr the future HhEeRrEe AaNnDd NnOoWw” Presented by Bruce Joffe, PhD 12 / 22 american christmas Presented by Jim Hansen What would Christmas have been like 100 years ago? 200 years ago? From a humble birth in Bethlehem to modern Christmas mayhem, how did it all come to this? 12 / 22 American Christmas: Past, Present & Pagan Presented by Jim Hansen P AGE 8 H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 E NDOWMENT C OMMITTEE Legacy Gift Needed to Build a Strong Hope Future By Endowment Chair Mark Jinkins You might be a part of Hope, and perhaps give annual or periodic amounts, but you might not have thought about including Hope as part of your legacy giving. Legacy gifts, also known as planned gifts, may be made through a gift effective at your death, or during lifetime, including allowing you to receive income during your life with the re- mainder going to Hope upon your death. Legacy gifts are a way to continue what Hope is to you, and to continue giving to Hope forever. Because they are often one of the largest, if not the largest, gift a person makes, they have a significant impact on Hope, Unless directed otherwise, all such gifts become part of the Hope Endowment Fund where currently not more than 5% of the total is used each year for Hope’s mission. Because of this usage legacy gifts provide confidence that Hope United Church of Christ will be here in the future available to your family or to other families of Hope, and to those who may be in a situation similar to yours. You might feel that you want your entire estate to go to your spouse or children;; nothing wrong with that. However in many cases, a portion of a person’s estate goes elsewhere. If so directed, that might benefit others in the way you have been part of Hope. Retirement plans (“Individual Retirement Accounts” or “IRAs”, that are often taxable might be used to leverage what you do as taxes are completely avoided when a charity like Hope is made the beneficiary (Hope, as a church, is exempt from income tax). Similarly, lifetime gifts of stock, or other assets that have built in gain, when given directly to Hope, avoids tax completely so that such a gift produces a greater benefit as Hope is able to use 100% for its mission. Some have already reported (confidentially by completing the Hope Endowment Committee form) their planned legacy gift. Thank you for helping ensure that Hope’s future will continue and be stronger. Relax as Revocable. Perhaps you want to do more for Hope, but don’t feel able with your current needs. You could create a legacy gift that doesn’t require you to give up anything now. A legacy gift can also be revocable at any time, so if your needs or desires change, you can change the legacy that you designated for Hope. You also are able to have a larger impact when you are able to make a larger gift than previously thought, with an increase in your gift, as your life changes over time. Make it changeable. Will Power, Living Revocable Trust, and/or Beneficiary Designation. The vast majority of lega- cy gifts are bequests, created by naming “Hope United Church of Christ located in Sturgeon Bay” as a beneficiary, including in either or both your Will or Trust: If you are having a Will or Trust prepared now, including redoing any prior document, you might include a charitable bequest of a specific asset, dollar amount, or percentage to “Hope United Church of Christ located in Sturgeon Bay” as part of your overall distribution plan. Thank you!. If you already have a Will or Trust, you can add a bequest to “Hope United Church of Christ located in Stur- geon Bay” by having a simple “Codicil” prepared to your Will, or an “Amendment” to your Trust, desig- nating a specific asset, dollar amount or percentage to Hope. Thank you!.. NOTE: Without a Will or Trust, the laws that vary from state to state, decide the distribution at your death, which may be very different than you would choose? So you should put your desire in a Will, Trust, or other beneficiary designation. DO IT NOW, OR EARLY IN 2014;; make Hope part of your plan!. Without changing your Will or Trust (or in addition to those provisions) you can make Hope a benefi- ciary of your IRA or other retirement plan, make Hope a beneficiary of life insurance, make Hope a payable on death beneficiary (“POD”) on any bank account or certificate of deposit, and/or make Hope a transfer on death beneficiary (“TOD”) for any brokerage account, stock, real estate, or other asset. SIMPLE and EASY TO MAKE Hope part of your legacy plan – JUST DO IT NOW OR EARLY IN 2014. Feel free to contact any member of the Hope Endowment Committee for assistance: Mark Jinkins (chair), Nancy Feld, Eric Paulsen, Jerry Bloom Stephenson, Jim McAninch, Katie Schnorr, and Richard Feyen. H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 9 S OCIAL L IFE C OMMITTEE IS H OSTING …. C B &W hristmas reakfast orkshop December 8th 8:30 - 10:15 am Sin ? ing c Dan gin g? A cc o rd ian ? January 26th Hope Church Talent Show Get out that sheet music! Back by Popular Demand! Brush off those magic tricks!! Pull out those juggling balls! Will return in February America’s Got Talent MOVE OVER! HOPE’S GOT MORE! H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 10 M ISSION & A CTION We have a number of worthy causes for you to consider for Christmas giving this December! But first we’d like to report on the Fall campaigns. We were very grateful for the response to this year’s Crop Walk, which generated $660 from Hope Church. The combined total from all participating churches and Thrivent came to more than $4,710! We appreciate your response each year to this campaign. We have also just finished the UCC annu- al campaign for Neighbors in Need, and are sending $320 in contributions from Hope Church. Thank you to all who contributed! During the month of December there are a number of organizations that we support. This is a fun time for us on the Mission and Action Committee. We’ll be manning the table in front the Fellowship Hall and will kick-off the season with Habitat Fruitcakes on November 17th. Don’t worry if we sell out before you get to read this month’s Hope Happenings - we can always get more, if you beg! From December 1st we will begin to take orders for the Heifer Projects and CWS blankets and tools. You give us your order, take a gift card or write your own, and give us payment. We will send the money and orders in and the gifts will be sent by CWS and Heifer. On Christmas Eve information and envelopes will be inserted in the bulletin for the annual appeal for funds for retired UCC clergy and retired lay persons. This is our way to show appreciation for those who served in churches that have not been able to fully support retirement needs. Funds are distributed in the form of monthly pension support, emergency grants, and quarterly health premiums supplements. Our on-going projects will also be continuing. These include the Young Adult Parents Support (YAPS), Feed My People and a collection for disaster relief in the Philippines. You will hear from us as the need arises. Thank you from all of us! On going disaster relief in the Philippines H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 11 D ECEMBER B IRTHDAYS 4 Sandy Purves Happy 5 Phil Sweet Bi r t h d ay 20 Lynn Gilchrist 22 Michael Webber 5 Hannah Hitzman 9 Hap Smith 22 Cari Bicoy 29 Molly Hall 5 Margaret Lockwood 12 Lee Ann Harling 24 George Bodenner 29 Ann Johnson 6 14 Ron Olander 28 Patti Hedeen 29 Nick Montee 28 Bob Hon 29 Karen Stangel 29 Ruth Fahey 31 Sue Ann Hubbard Andrea Treadeau 7 Pat Elliott 7 Caryn Wickman 8 Margie Hedsand 15 Alison Ash Greaves 16 Barb Cihlar 19 Katharine Olski 31 Bart Turk 19 Janelle Severson D ECEMBER A NNIVERSARIES 4- Ken & Peggy Turk (2010) 29- Mark & Karen Rittle 20- Jeanne & John Harris (1986) If your anniversar or bir hday is in December and you don’t see it listed, please let us know so we can add you nex time! Pastor Richard’s BLOG Every Wednesday Steve Graf won 1st place dressed as a Christmas Tree! Christmas by the Bay Parade Sturgeon Bay It was a bit NIPPLY out there! H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 12 P RAYER L IST The Prayer List is now in chronological order, most recent in top left column. Marge Forrest’s granddaughter, Kelly Brosch, received a new heart on November 25, 2013! Thus ends 18+ weeks of waiting for Kelly and her family. Our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! Beverly Brumm Trudy Kinn Mark Riederer Ed DiMaio Ed Cardinale (Ed’s father) Rose Marie Doty Ralph Chase Michael H. Linda Trutnau Betsy Barr John Contratto Richard Gardiner Kim Hahn (June Kirali’s daughter) Joe Franz (John’s brother) Penny Andersen & Family Gerry & Pat Barlament Sue MacLean Marilyn Metz Jill Ostrand Harding Jenny DeNoto Tammy Brumm Molly Fugelstad Jennifer Hintz Sue Menke White Randy Van Gheem Marsha Maki Christopher Todd Eckers Mike Roirdan & Family John M. Polich Mike Scieszinski Michele Davis Ferron OUR PRAYERS GO WITH YOU….. Bill Wiederanders Mike Riordan Family Rev. James Vahey Suzanne Holvenstot Erika Williams John Bartell A bridge for May I be the medicine for those who are sick those who need to cross over A partner And a light for those who are lonely for those who are blind -Buddhist prayer THE PRAYER LIST If you would like someone included on the printed Prayer List that appears in the bulletin each Sunday and in the monthly newsletter, the best way to make that happen is to write the person’s name on the Pew Pad that is passed along for people to sign – there is a place to write PRAYER REQUESTS OR Write the information on a PRAYER REQUEST card you will find in the Offering envelope holders in the pews and put the card in the offering plate OR Call the church office743-2701 H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 13 C OMMUNITY N EWS Presents….. The Littlest Angel F RIDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 7:00 PM S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 4 2:00 PM Tickets: $10 General Admission $5 Children 11 and under Directed by Amy Ensign A StageKids Production Adapted by Patricia Gray Based on the story by Charles Tazewell Starring our own Molly Hall as The Littlest Angel With Millar Minahan & others From one of the best-selling children’s books of all time, this classic Christmas story tells of an adorable little angel who just cannot stay out of trouble in the celestial city. The mischievous angel learns the timeless lesson of giving, a lesson that has long endured as the true spirit of Christmas. Presented at the Sturgeon Bay High School Auditorium Presented by the T.J. Walker Middle School Allied Arts Program Tuesday, December 10th, 10:30 am Special Performance for Senior Citizens Free Luncheon to Follow Please call the middle school office for reservations, 746-2806. Deadline is Tuesday, December 3rd. Friday, December 13, 7:00 pm Performance for the General Public Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for students and children All proceeds go to offset production costs Come and support our own Grace Hubbard & Kekoa Bicoy H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 14 I TEMS OF I NTEREST COMING SOON-An opportunity to support the Prevent Suicide Door County - Nathan Wilson Coalition fund raising efforts with the purchase of small “silver ribbon” earrings and charms, imprinted with the word “Hope.” Kathy White Graf is working with Cheryl Wilson to make these available soon at Hope Church. Very reasonably priced, they’d make wonderful , mail-able little gifts. [As this is a new endeavor for the Prevent Suicide Door County group, advance orders will be taken on Sundays, December 8 & 15. The project will be ongoing into the new year - contact Kathy for details.] Please remember to collect your can pop tabs for Pat Barlament. She has a container out in the entryway on the bench, and is collecting the tabs for the Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals. WORLD BOOK NIGHT Do you like to read? How about sharing your love of reading by giving away 20 books in one day? That day would be Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - International Book Day. Plan ahead now to share your enthusiasm for reading, and encourage others to read! You can choose what book you’ll give away from a list of 35 titles! View the list at The Door County Library has once again applied to be a distribution center. The books will arrive at the library before the giveaway date. “Givers” will be notified and can then pick up their box of 20 books. Wednesday, April 23, 2014 is the first day that books can be given away. “Giver” applications are open from now until Sunday, January 5, 2014. Most all your questions can be answered by exploring the website, - for additional information contact Door County Library Adult Services Librarian, Laura Kayacan at 920-746-7121. Share the world of reading with others! P AGE 15 H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 H OPE R ECIPES In addition to being wonderful recipes for Christmas morning, Claire is providing these recipes for those who have volunteered to cook for the Christmas Breakfast & Workshop on December 8th, in case you don’t have your own special breakfast casserole recipe. From the kitchen of Claire Minahan From the kitchen of Claire Minahan Cheesy Bacon & Egg Casserole Sausage, Bread & Egg Casserole 8 slices bacon 1 medium onion, chopped (1 cup) 1 loaf (8 ounces) Italian bread, cut into 1-inch cubes (5 cups) 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup cottage cheese 5 eggs 1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Preheat oven to 350°F. Cook bacon in large skillet until crisp. Reserve 2 tablespoons of the drippings. Drain bacon on paper towels; crumble and set aside. Add onion to drippings in skillet; cook and stir 3 minutes or until softened. Spread 1/2 of the bread cubes in 13x9-inch baking dish. Layer with 1/2 each of the onion, bacon, cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese. Spread evenly with cottage cheese. Top with remaining bread cubes, onion, bacon, Cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese. Beat eggs in medium bowl until foamy. Add milk, mustard, nutmeg and pepper; beat until well blended. Pour evenly over top. Press bread cubes lightly into egg mixture until completely covered. Let stand 10 minutes. Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until center is set and top is golden brown. Serves: 12 people Assemble the ingredients the night before. Low fat substitutes can be made without losing the delicious flavors! 3/4 lb ground pork sausage 1 tbsp. butter 4 green onions, chopped 1/2 lb fresh sliced mushrooms 10 eggs, beaten 1 (16 oz) container low fat cottage cheese 1 lb Monterey Jack cheese, shredded 2 (4 oz) cans diced green chile peppers, drained 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/3 cup butter, melted Place sausage in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium-high heat until evenly brown. Drain and set aside. Melt butter in skillet and cook and stir the green onions and mushrooms until tender. In a large bowl, mix the eggs, cottage cheese, Monterey Jack cheese and chiles. Stir in the sausage, green onions and mushrooms. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9x13” baking dish. In a bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Blend in the melted butter. Sitr the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Pour into the prepared baking dish. Bake 40 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven or until lightly brown. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Serves: 12 people H OPE H APPENINGS DECEMBER, 2013 P AGE 16 H OPE R ECIPES From the kitchen of Claire Minahan Zucchini Breakfast Casserole Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large bowl beat the eggs. Add the ricotta and beat until smooth. Mix in the grated Parmesan cheese, Tabasco, salt and pepper. Prepare vegetables and bread. After chopping the tomatoes, squeeze excess moisture out of them by pressing them in a sieve or wrapping them in paper towels and squeezing. Add the tomatoes, basil and zucchini to the egg mixture. Mix bread cubes into the egg mixture. Coat the bottom and sides of a 9x13” baking dish generous- ly with olive oil. Pour the egg mixture into the baking pan, making sure it spreads evenly. Place in the middle rack of the oven. Bake for 30 minutes. The casserole should puff up and brown lightly. IF IT HASN’T AFTER 30 MINUTES….increase the heat to 425 degrees and cook for 5-10 minutes further or until it puffs up and browns lightly. Remove from oven and let cool on rack for 10 minutes before serving. Serves: 6-8 people We would love to have YOUR favorite holiday recipes! Just send them into the church office, and I’ll make sure to include them in the newsletter or enews! 6 - 8 eggs 1 cup Ricotta cheese 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1/4 tsp Tabasco sauce (or other hot chili sauce) 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 3 cups grated zucchini (2-3 fresh zucchinis) 1-1/2 cups chopped plum tomatoes (4-5 tomatoes) 1/2 cup sliced fresh basil 4 cups cubed (but not completely dried out) day-old bread