KRAL Screw Pumps – Series EML/EMS.
KRAL Screw Pumps – Series EML/EMS.
KRAL Screw Pumps – Series EML / EMS. Modular Oil burner - supply stations You are searching for an economical oil burner pump with elements providing additional functions. Model EML / EMS. KRAL Oil burner - supply station. ype EML for extra light fuel oil. T Type EMS for heavy fuel oil. Pressure stage up to 40 bar. From 5 to 130 l/m. You neither have the time nor the skilled personnel. to select, layout and synchronise individual components as well as procure them for the assembly and inspection of the components and for initial operation. Who takes over responsibility. as general supplier for the functioning and interplay of all components? Modular system for every application. Each type of burner has different requirements to fulfil, depending on the system concept. The functions of the KRAL oil burner supply station can be expanded individually, for example with: ressure regulation. P Degassing. Flow metering. Filter. Gas-/Air-separator. 2 One detail Left- / right-handed installation. The mounted display instruments are able to swivel. A left- or righthanded installation can ensure individually. Customised additions. KRAL offers the optimal solution for every customers need. Just ask us, we have probably solved a similar problem already! The solution with modular construction. 6 7 8 9 10 1 Options. 2 1 electrical heating for filter 2 vent with automatic timing 3 diff. pressure indicator optic. / electr. 4 expansion valve 5 drain valve on the suc tion side of the f ilter 3 4 5 3 6 pressure control device 7 control circuit for ball valve 8 ball valve with limit switch 9 back-stroke valve 10 oil leakage monitor in oil pan That is why you should decide for KRAL KRAL – The reliable partner. Performance test on our own in-house test bench. Every KRAL oil burner supply station is tested individually on our test bench, performance tested, and if desired, supplied with a test record. One contact partner. The KRAL oil burner supply station constitutes a complete unit. The entire system is produced by a single manufacturer. You therefore have only one contact partner for all inquiries. The handling of your orders is significantly more efficient. 4 Faithful delivery reliability. KRAL has a well-stocked store of all components. Because of this, fast and punctual delivery is guaranteed every time. The KRAL AG is a mediumsized family business, which has developed continuously since its founding in 1950. Our KRAL brand is well known for its high standard of quality. KRAL displacement pumps are most success fully used in the delivery and for pressure increase of oils and particle- and non-aggressive lubricating media. Typical applications include: Marine, as feed and circulation pumps for fuels and lubricants. Mechanical engi neering, as lubricant and coolant pumps for gears, engines, tur bines and hydraulic systems. Oil burner technology, as ring line and transfer pumps. Plastics processing, especially polyure thane applications. Hydraulic Circuit Diagram. EML11 / EMS11 EML12 / EMS12 Oil burner pump station as basic module consisting of: Screw pump with built-in safety valve, largely sized suction filter and delivery ball valves as well as pressure and vacuum gauges with shut-off facility. Basic module with an additional pressure regulator. The pressure regulating valve ensures a constant pressure even with different consumption rates. EML14 EML13 / EMS13 Basic module with an additional pressure regulator and a gas / air separator with integrated commissioning filter. Basic module with an additional pressure regulator and a gas / air separator with integrated commissioning filter and flow meter. ItemParts ItemParts 1 2 3 7 4 KRAL Volumeter® 5 Digital display 12 6 Ball valve 17 Pump unit Filter Air separator with integrated filter Item Parts 5 ItemParts Constant pressure valve 18 Ventilation Vacuum gauge with 26 shut-off valve Pressure gauge with shut-off valve Safety valve Performance Characteristics pump capacity l/h 50Hz size 60Hz motor filterRPM min. inlet surface pressure only for 50/60 152mm2/s EML14 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Kw min-1 min-1 cm2 30 bar bar 6mm2/s 152mm2/s 6mm2/s 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 404 644 892 1427 1877 2404 3185 4249 5850 575 872 1171 1761 2317 2966 3697 4930 6618 512 806 1108 1748 2300 2944 3848 5131 7082 683 1034 1387 2081 2739 3506 4361 5841 7894 - 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2 3 4 4 5,5 7,5 320 320 320 580 580 580 720 720 720 304 544 792 1127 1577 2104 2885 3949 5550 475 772 1071 1461 2017 2666 3397 4630 6318 412 706 1008 1448 2000 2644 3548 4831 6782 583 934 1287 1781 2439 3206 4061 5514 7594 - 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2 3 4 4 5,5 7,5 320 320 320 580 580 580 720 720 720 MF 5 MF 7 MF10 MF15 MF20 MF26 MF32 MF42 MF54 304 544 792 1127 1577 2104 2885 3949 5550 475 772 1071 1461 2017 2666 3397 4630 6318 412 706 1008 1448 2000 2644 3548 4831 6782 583 934 1287 1781 2439 3206 4061 5514 7594 - 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2 3 4 4 5,5 7,5 320 320 320 580 580 580 720 720 720 MF 5 MF 7 MF10 MF15 MF20 MF26 MF32 MF42 MF54 304 544 792 1127 1577 2104 2885 3949 5550 - 412 706 1008 1448 2000 2644 3548 4831 6782 - 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,6 1,7 2 1,4 1,7 2 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2 3 4 4 5,5 7,5 320 320 320 580 580 580 720 720 720 pump type EML11/... - EMS11/... EM..11/ 600.1 EM..11/ 900.1 EM..11/1200.1 EM..11/1800.1 EM..11/2400.1 EM..11/2600.1 EM..11/3300.1 EM..11/5000.1 EM..11/6500.1 MF 5 MF 7 MF10 MF15 MF20 MF26 MF32 MF42 MF54 EML12/... - EMS12/... EM..12/ 600.1 EM..12/ 900.1 EM..12/1200.1 EM..12/1800.1 EM..12/2400.1 EM..12/2600.1 EM..12/3300.1 EM..12/5000.1 EM..12/6500.1 MF 5 MF 7 MF10 MF15 MF20 MF26 MF32 MF42 MF54 EML13/... - EMS13/... EM..13/ 600.1 EM..13/ 900.1 EM..13/1200.1 EM..13/1800.1 EM..13/2400.1 EM..13/2600.1 EM..13/3300.1 EM..13/5000.1 EM..13/6500.1 EML14/... EML14/ 600.1 EML14/ 900.1 EML14/1200.1 EML14/1800.1 EML14/2400.1 EML14/2600.1 EML14/3300.1 EML14/5000.1 EML14/6500.1 Please observe specified supply pressure and a maximum burner capacity of 2400 l/h applicable to series EML 14. 6 Dimension Drawing EML11 / EMS11 EML12 / EMS12 EML13 / EMS13 size dimensions in mm DNs/PN16DNrDNdL11 L12 L2 L3 H1 H2 H31H32H33H41* H42*H5 EM.../ 600 EM.../ 900 EM.../1200 EM.../1800 EM.../2400 EM.../2600 EM.../3300 EM.../5000 EM.../6500 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 ∅22 ∅22581736 782509363365480483495545 745389 ∅22 ∅22581736 794509363365480483495545 745389 ∅22 ∅22581736 794509363365480483495545 745389 ∅28 ∅28698880 9966944774776006296427611012557 ∅28 ∅2869888010326965025026256546677861037582 ∅28 ∅2869888010496965025026256546677861037582 ∅28 ∅2869888010496965025026256546677861037582 ∅28 ∅2869888011607225275276506796928111066607 ∅28 ∅2869888011607225275276506796928111066607 * dismounting height for filter element 7 EML14 size EML14/ 600 EML14/ 900 EML14/1200 EML14/1800 EML14/2400 EML14/2600 EML14/3300 EML14/5000 EML14/6500 weight dimensions in mm DNr DNd L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 H1 H2 H3 H4** H5 in kg ø 22 ø 22 ø 22 ø 22 ø 22 ø 22 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 ø 28 920 920 920 1031 1031 1031 1031 1031 1031 926 938 938 1147 1169 1186 1186 1273 1273 760 760 760 950 950 950 950 950 950 540 540 540 660 660 660 660 660 660 170 170 170 86 114 114 114 148 148 417 417 417 448 473 473 473 501 501 510 510 510 528 553 553 553 581 581 605 605 605 623 648 648 648 676 676 716 716 716 734 759 759 759 787 787 510 510 510 528 553 553 553 581 581 82 85 85 135 140 145 150 170 175 * only up to a burner output of 2400 l/h (values with higher level on request) ** dismounting height for filter element 8 flow meter OME20 OME20 OME20 OME20 OME20* OME20* OME20* OME20* OME20* KRAL Oil burner - supply station. The following parameters are required for the station design: Medium Viscosity Differential pressure Regulating range of consumer Medium temperature Supply pressure Feed rate Maximum permissible pressure fluctuation 9 Edition 02/11. All rights reserved. Subject to change. KRAL AG, Bildga s s e 40, I ndus t r ie Nor d , 6 8 9 0 L u s t e n a u , Au s t r i a , Te l . : + 4 3 / 5 5 7 7 / 8 6 6 4 4 - 0 Fa x : + 43/ 5577/ 88433, w w w. k r a l . a t , e - ma i l : k r a l @ k r a l . a t