Happy Holidays - Utah Lions Eye Bank


Happy Holidays - Utah Lions Eye Bank
Utah Lions Eye Bank
Holidays 2007
Happy Holidays
The staff of the Utah Lions Eye
Bank at the John A. Moran Eye
Center would like to extend a
warm holiday greeting to all
those individuals who promote
and support eye tissue donation.
May you and yours have an
enjoyable holiday season.
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Lions Support
Moran and
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"Yes" Utah!
Friends of
the Eye Bank
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Celebration of Life Donor Monument Unveiling Ceremony
their award winning competition medley. The
music was beautiful as the band shared their
talent on the bagpipes. Mayor Rocky Anderson
thanked the donor families, the financial
donors, and all those who worked tirelessly to
make this beautiful monument possible. Two
plaques were added to the monument site this
year. One plaque lists all those who were major
financial supporters and the other defines the
purpose of the monument.
See Page 4
for more
photos of this
Over 500 people gathered at the Celebration of Life Donor
Monument on the southeast corner of Salt Lake City Library
Square Saturday morning, August 25, 2007. Once a year,
Utahns take a moment to remember heroes who have
donated organs, eyes, tissues, and/or at least ten gallons of
blood. These 270 individuals, whose names were added to
the glass Wall of Honor, were recognized for their willingness
and desire to give the precious “gift of life”.
The Wasatch and District Pipe Band marched across the
bridge and opened the ceremony by playing songs from
Grateful recipients, family, and friends
participated in the Points of Light event. To
show their appreciation for the gift of life, these individuals
walked and hiked to the tops of mountains and buildings
surrounding Library Square. They used signal mirrors to
send flashes of light to the hundreds of donors whose
names are on the glass Wall of Honor and to the family and
friends of the donors who were being honored.
Inspirational stories were shared by donor mom Erin Herrin,
who donated a kidney to her daughter Maliyah, and Allyson
Gamble, a heart recipient. Tears were shed as they expressed
their heartfelt thoughts and feelings. Jeannene Barham and
Lisa Hawthorne, major participants in the planning and
building of the monument, read a poem entitled “The
House” written by Carla Rae Call Potter in memory of Tyler
Benjamin Call. The short ceremony ended with the talented
and beautiful Jackie Venable singing Amazing Grace as
white homing doves circled the monument. Everyone was
deeply touched by the music and inspirational stories.
Continued on page 6
Donor Family Comments
About 40 years ago, my heart was born in the form of a
precious little baby girl. She was the world to me, always.
The memories of her are in the thousands but two will always
stand out. When she was small, she would always get up and
come to my side of the bed at night knowing I would lift her
in and hug her all night. We were always so close. Another
time we were driving past a golf course and she asked if that
was where I played. When I told her yes, she asked if I was a
“Pro”. I told her no and she responded by saying, “You are a
pro at being a dad.” Memories…Memories…
and I cannot help it.
At the moment I hate
the other driver, I hate
God if there really is
one, and I know I will
hear from that, but
I do not care. What
I do want to say is
that three little words
always mean a lot and
those words are, “I
love you.” Do not be afraid to say them all the time because
you never know what will happen in the near future.
I talked to her three or four times yesterday morning and, as
always, we told each other “I love you” as we hung up. Later
that night, my son called me and told me that Kathy was
killed on her motorcycle by a person who ran a red light, hit
her, and knocked her into another car. Med flight transported
her to the hospital, but it was too late, and I lost my heart.
I am writing because I cannot talk without breaking apart
and the tears are flowing at this time. She might be 40 but
still looks 18 and with a smile a mile wide. I hope this does
not bore you too much, if so, I am sorry. I have lost my
daughter and my heart, but I still have the memories. Just
always remember the words, “I love you.”
From my heart to yours...
Now, I am not writing this for sympathy as I am getting tons
of that and I appreciate it so much. I am at the stage of hate
page 3
Utah Lions Support the John A. Moran Eye Center
and Utah Lions Eye Bank
The John A. Moran Eye Center held its one-year anniversary
celebration on Saturday, August 18th. The “party” was to
celebrate the first year of being in the new building and over
650 staff members, families, and friends participated. Steak,
chicken, salmon, and hot dogs (for the kids) were served
with all of the fixings. All of the cotton candy and snow
cones a youngster could ever want was also available.
For activities, a 24’ slide, dunk tank, hammer/bell strength
test, and rock wall kept the crowd busy well into the
evening. However, one highlight of the event was the
$20,000 check presentation made to the Utah Lions Eye
Bank by Lion George Whitley, President of the Utah Lions
From left to right: Lion
Al Woodmansee, District Governor
Sam Mascareñas, John A. Moran, Lion Randy Olson, MD, (Chairman of the
Moran Eye Center), Lion George Whitley, Lion Jim Murphy (Executive Director of
Institutional Advancement at the Moran Eye Center), and Lion
Chris Hanna (Executive Director of the Utah Lions Eye Bank).
The Utah Lions Eye Bank at the John A. Moran Eye Center is so very appreciative of all of the generosity, hard work, and
dedication Utah Lions have embodied for the past 35 years of support. It is with the Lions support that the Utah Lions Eye
Bank is able to restore sight to hundreds of Utahns each year.
Eye Bank Participates
in LCI Convention
Heart of the Lion Program
Our sincere thanks to Sam Mascareñas, District Governor, Carolyn
Birch, PDG, and to the following Lions Club members for their support
of the Heart of the Lions Program by delivering precious eye tissue to
local hospitals and surgery centers August - October:
Lions Club
Lion Chris Hanna (left) and District Governor
Sam Mascareñas (right) discuss plans for
Utah Lions in the upcoming year.
The Utah Lions Eye Bank at the John
A. Moran Eye Center hosted a booth at
the 90th Annual Lions Club International
Convention held in Chicago this past July.
It was an exciting opportunity to educate
fellow Lions about the importance of eye
tissue donation. Lions were also informed
on how they can play a key role in increasing
awareness by taking the message about eye
donation back to their clubs.
Paul R. Allen
Judie Barron
Karen Barton
Henry Bertram
Rose Park
Phillip Conder
Elmer Inman
South Salt Lake
Jerry Millard
Salt Lake City
Van Katwick South Salt Lake
Dave West
George Whitley
Albert Woodmansee South Salt Lake
Number of
Tissues Delivered
page 4
Celebration of Life Donor Monument
Unveiling Ceremony Photos
Mayor Rocky Anderson
Allyson Gamble
Releasing Doves
Jackie Venable
Erin Herrin
Wasatch & District Pipeband
Lisa Hawthorne & Jeannene Barham
page 5
Jilynne Hafen
Linda Karpowitz
Kim Phillips
Mary Rizzuto
Utah’s Donate Life Coalition
presented the following individuals
We honor and sincerely appreciate all of these special
with the prestigious “Yes” Utah Award for their outstanding
people for their support and service. The “Yes” Utah Award
service in the field of organ, eye, tissue, and blood
is presented to professionals who show outstanding efforts
in promoting organ, eye, tissue, and blood donation
through compassionate family care. Anyone working with
Jilynne Hafen, Critical Care Social Worker
potential donors and their families—nurses, doctors, social
workers, chaplains, funeral directors, etc. are eligible to
Linda Karpowitz, U of U Transplant Assistant
receive the “Yes” Utah Award. For additional information or
Danny McMahan, IDS Organ Coordinator (Not Pictured)
to nominate a worthy candidate, visit our website at www.
Kim Phillips, previous U of U Transplant Services Manager
Mary Rizzuto, Utah’s Donate Life Coalition Volunteer
Friends of the Eye Bank
The Utah Lions Eye Bank wishes to thank the following individuals
and organizations for their generous financial donations from
July – October 2007.
Anita Alcabes
Mary Ann Anderson
June W. Austin
Renald & Charleen Backus
Joyce Brereton
Pauline Childs
Norman & Carol Ellertson
W.B. Gatrell
Dee Ann Gornichec
Frank Gustin
Wayne Huyboom
Nick Kapos
Beverly & Vance Kirk
Anita Lumadue
Irene Merrick
Luisa Nang
Myron Olson
Norene Pollei
Albert Stumphy
Wilma West
Donations In Memory of:
Virginia M. Bird
W.E. Boehlen
Henry J. Desz
Lloyd & Casey Marble
Joyce Acocks Nokes
Shanna Overton
D. Dale Ratliff
Louise H. Wright Mimi B. Mortensen
Gertrude E. Boehlen
Norma Desz
Barbara Tingey
Pat & Mike Allgier
Annette & Wendell Overton
Connie & Dawn Ratliff
Beaufort County Council
Donations In Honor of:
Dr. Moshirfar:
Bill Naegle
Please use the enclosed envelope to make a donation in
memory of, or in honor of, someone you love. Thank you for
your generosity.
Dates to
Bereavement Support Groups:
To Register Call (801)585-9522
January 16 – March 5, 2008
(Wednesday Evenings)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
University of Utah College of Nursing
10 South 2000 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
January 17 – March 6, 2008
(Thursday Evenings)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
UUHC Greenwood Health Center
7495 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84047
January 16 – March 5, 2008
(Wednesday Evenings)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
University of Utah Parkway Health Center
145 West University Parkway
Orem, Utah 84058
John A. Moran Eye Center
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
65 Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
Demonstrate Your Commitment to Saving Sight: www.yesutah.org
The Utah Lions Eye Bank Welcomes New Employees
Dan Lackey,
part time Eye
Bank Donor
is currently a
student at the
University of
Utah where
he is pursuing
Dan Lackey
a B.S. in
Engineering with the hopes and
aspirations of one day attending
medical school. He has been
working at the Eye Bank for
approximately four months and
loves this unique experience and
opportunity to learn. Dan has
been married to his wonderful wife
Amanda for a little over a year. He
enjoys snowboarding, reading, and
spending time with his sweet wife.
part time
is thrilled
to be a part
of the Eye
Bank team!
Adam Jorgensen
He will be
next spring with a B.S. in Biology,
and is currently in the process
of applying for medical school.
He loves playing the guitar,
wakeboarding and is a recent fly
fishing fanatic. Adam is excited to
gain experience and learn about the
wonderful world of Eye Banking.
Holly Shaw,
was born
in Salt Lake
City, Utah,
and has a
background in
Holly Shaw
and Computer
She enjoys, kayaking, camping,
fishing, painting, and playing with
her four very large dogs. She is very
excited to join the Utah Lions Eye
Bank team.
We are very fortunate to have these
talented individuals as part of the
Utah Lions Eye Bank Team!
Celebration of Life Donor Monument Unveiling Ceremony
Continued from page 2
The Celebration of Life Donor Monument honors donor
heroes that have any connection to Utah and who have
made the commitment to saving and improving lives
through the selfless act of organ, eye, tissue, and blood
donation. The monument, with the Wall of Honor consisting
of approximately 2,700 names etched into the glass,
stands as a truly unique memorial to donor heroes. It
is a place of peace, reflection, and inspiration that will
be cherished for generations. Please visit our website
www.celebrationoflifemonument.com, if you would like
additional information about the monument.