Castle Watch Fall / Winter 2013


Castle Watch Fall / Winter 2013
Castle watch
A Publication for Members of Joslyn Castle
Autumn/Winter 2013
A Message From the Executive Director Julie A. Reilly
The winter holiday season is an introspective time. It’s a time
You can join the family by attending our events.
of year that brings warmth, friendship, family, and cozy places
Our programs and our rental events brought over 18,000 guests
to the Castle this year! Programs help us share the Castle with
people and they bring in ticket sales, sponsorships, memberships, donations, and event rental clients, all so critical to our
financial sustainability and our ability to achieve our mission.
to mind. The Castle is just such a place - a warm, glowing,
beautiful refuge for companionship and friendship. Those of us
who are here often - staff, board, tenants, devoted volunteers,
and patrons - all know this about 3902 Davenport Street and
know they are part of the Castle family.
You can become a part of our family too!
You can become a family member by becoming a
donor of financial resources, materials, or services.
A recent gift from an anonymous donor has allowed us to have
the conservatory evaluated for preservation needs. An ArtStock
grant from the Peter Kiewit Foundation has radically improved our
communications and stewardship of the Castle archives. The
lead sponsorship gift from First National Bank Omaha for our
2013 Literary Festival allowed us to make it the best it’s ever
been, serving over five thousand guests. The Nebraska Forest
Service, ReTree Nebraska, and the Nebraska Statewide
Arboretum together have made over fourteen trees available
to the Castle so that we can begin to plant the next generation
of legacy trees to replace those glorious behemoths originally
planted by the Joslyns.
As you look through this special issue of our Newsletter, you
will see the names of all of our wonderful donors – of time, of
supplies, of services, of financial resources, and of expertise.
I hope you will join all of us at the Castle in thanking these
individuals and companies for their generosity. We would truly
not be here without them.
Join their ranks and make a donation to the Castle, we would be
very, very happy to add you to the Castle family! Please use the
enclosed envelope or call or email me to discuss a holiday gift.
Our 2013 Holiday Historic Home Tour and Gift Boutique and our
annual Parton Party this December, will open the Castle and two
other spectacular homes to you, in full holiday glory – the Storz
Mansion and the Barmettler House. Please come and share the
warmth of the season with us at these events.
Both events are fundraisers for the Joslyn Castle and we deeply
appreciate your support for our mission to preserve and share
the Castle and its Gardens to enrich your lives and to enrich our
You can become a member of the Castle family
by becoming a volunteer.
If it weren’t for our wonderful volunteers we couldn’t share the
Castle with the thousands of people who visit from Omaha,
Nebraska, and beyond. Without dedicated volunteers the Castle
gardens and grounds would not be as spectacular as they have
been this past year. Mega-volunteers Ron Crampton and Sharon
McGill can be found on the Castle grounds every week and,
during the summer, nearly every day – not just directing and
planning the development and care of the grounds but weeding,
planting, pruning, and sweating! Their dedication and passion
is overwhelming and evident in the beautiful beds and displays many of which you may have seen on our Facebook page.
So, whether you donate, attend, or volunteer, you become part of
our Castle family!
From every member of the staff, the Board of Directors, the
Advisory Group, the Guild, and our volunteers, we thank each of
you sincerely and wholeheartedly for your support of the Castle.
Table Of Contents
Year-End Building Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Message From
The Joslyn Castle Board President . . . . . . . . . 2
Message From
The Joslyn Castle Guild President . . . . . . . . . . 2
2013 Program Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Year-End Grounds Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Upcoming Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Turkey Trot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Miracle On Farnam 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Holiday Historic Home Tour & Boutique . . . . . . . . 5
Member Only Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Lynhurst Lecture Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Special Visitor to The Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Violet’s Wedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Murder Mystery Save The Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Statement of Financial Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Castle Donors List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Castle Program Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mary Jewell, President
Linda Andersen
Ron Crampton
Catherine Demes-Maydew
Jessica Duce
Ben Harvey
Lorraine Jeffus
Mary Jochim
George Kleine
David Levy
Stephanie Mattoon
Tim McGill
Sharon McGill
Susan McMannama
Holly Mulkins
David Levy, Chair
Brad Ashford
Castle Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Carol Gendler
Membership Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
George Haecker
Margie Heller
Tim Holland
B.J. Reed
Connie Spellman
Bryan Zimmer
Julie Reilly, Executive Director
Judy Alderman
Jake Arneson
Emily Lasky
Peter Marion
Mary Parrish
Joan Standifer
Guild Charter Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Doug Bisson
Francie Prier
Castle Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Guild Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
David Ambrose
Dani Penke
Castle In-Kind Service Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Amy Trenolone
page 1
Year-end Building Report
a Message From the
Joslyn Castle
Board President
Behind the scenes, a great deal had been accomplished this year,
both in the Castle and the Carriage House.
In the Castle, a floor sink and new plumbing lines were installed in the
kitchen and basement. Locks were repaired and added so that the
basement and third floor can be secured. Other keys were made so
that all rooms on the third floor can be locked with the same key.
The Porte Cochere door was planed and rehung and is now functional.
It has been used as the main entrance for two programs this year.
On the second floor, the wall paper and wainscoting in the back
bathroom was removed exposing the original subway tile. It is hoped
that this room can be re-stored and become a better men’s restroom
in the future.
In the news of late there have been Midtown traffic issues as a result of
the Dodge Street construction projects. The one consensus comment
is that it will sure be nice when it’s done!
In the basement, much cleaning and organizing has been completed.
One of the back rooms has been cleared and cleaned so that it can be
used as an historic building materials archive area.
In the Carriage House, the area occupied by Rule of Thumb is
under-going some modifications. A hallway is being created to the
exterior door so that egress is available from the basement without
going through the Rule of Thumb office space.
The kitchen door in the basement of the Carriage House has been
moved so that anyone in the basement can access the kitchen without
going through the conference room. The dry-wall and false windows
on the south wall in the basement were removed exposing the brick
and cement wall.
In the Annex, the second floor space has become the office of the
new Restoration Exchange Organization, and the apartment has
become the Castle’s archive processing center.
Thank you to all who helped with these important projects.
a Message From the
Joslyn Castle
Guild President
Living in Midtown Omaha, there are certain commonalities that we
“Midtowners” like to talk about. We talk about our old homes and all
the issues that go along with them. We talk about our yards—raking
leaves in the fall and cleaning out our gutters in the spring. We like to
talk about our gardens and the plants that are most appropriate for the
amount of sun or shade.
Those topics—old homes and traffic—are discussed at almost every
meeting at Joslyn Castle. It is the mission of Joslyn Castle to preserve
and restore the Castle and grounds; thereby serving and enriching
the community through programming and offerings in the areas of
education, entrepreneurship, arts and culture. Work is being done
in the basement to restore the rooms to their original uses, including
bowling lanes. There are very dedicated staff members and volunteers
who work on the grounds to save the foliage that is original to the
property and plant gardens similar to those enjoyed by George and
Sarah Joslyn.
From the Castle’s perspective, we LOVE the word traffic. We love
lots of people to visit and see all the restoration and preservation work
that is being done. We invite businesses and non-profits to host their
meetings at the Castle so that more people can see what’s happening
here. We don’t like to hear people say that they have lived in Omaha
all their lives and have never been to Joslyn Castle.
So I invite you to create some traffic at the Castle. Visit and bring
your friends—especially those who have never been before. Stroll
the grounds, tour the house and be a part of the many events taking
place. Thank you to those who have visited us in the past. We
appreciate your support and ask you to continue to support us with
your presence. There are many fun and exciting events coming up.
Even if you don’t live in the Midtown area, you are a “Midtowner”
when you come to the Castle.
In 2013, the Friends of Joslyn Castle Guild sponsored several events.
At the annual luncheon in May, the Guild allocated $7,500 for the
reproduction of the Dining Room chandelier. Added to the $5,000 set
aside in 2012, the Castle now has almost half the estimated cost.
Mary Jewell
The Patron Party for this year’s Designer Showhouse was hosted
by the Guild. A last minute break in the weather made for a pleasant
evening for all who attended.
The final Guild event for 2013 is the Holiday Patron Party scheduled
for Thursday, December 5th from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Guests will have
the opportunity to enjoy appetizers, wine, beer and champagne, AND
be the first to shop at the Holiday Gift Boutique, which will be set up
on the second and third floors. Up to ten vendors will have booths
featuring great gifts for the Holidays.
In 2014, the Castle Guild will brainstorm ideas for a major fundraiser to support the Castle. Next year’s Holiday Party, Boutique
and Holiday Historic Home tour will all be managed by the Joslyn
Castle Guild.
Francie Prier
page 2
2013 Program Summary
Woven around the Car Show was the 3rd annual Literary Festival.
This year’s featured writer was F. Scott Fitzgerald. This year’s festival
included drama duets, a silent movie showing and a fashion night
focused on clothing from the 1920’s. The event culminated in two
Speak-Easy nights, with presentations on the topic of prohibition in
Omaha, the Jazz Age and a look into the life of a 1920’s flapper. A raid
by the “cops” didn’t break up the party, but fueled it for a few more
hours of fun.
This year the Castle line-up of programs not only expanded past
successes, but offered new creative and interesting experiences for
Throughout the year, the Castle continued to be a popular venue for
Group Bank Tours from all parts of the country. Most of these tours
included a presentation by the Scottish Society of Nebraska. In 2013,
the Castle hosted over 25 tour groups.
The 11th annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre was once again
a success. The two-night performances on February 15 and 16th,
played to sold-out crowds, and as always a great time was had by all.
Planning has begun for the 12th annual presentation
In its 5th year, the “Discover Violet’s
World” program offered an opportunity
for 3rd and 4th graders to learn more
about life in the early 1900s. Over 600
children visited the Castle during April
and May.
In May, the Castle, in partnership with ASID,
sponsored the third annual Designer
Showhouse at the amazing Smyth House.
The Friends of Joslyn Castle Guild hosted a
kick-off Patron Party on May 2nd. Over
4,000 guests toured the house, attended
tastings, brunches and dinners.
Throughout the months of June and July,
over 400 children aged 5 – 17 visited the Castle as part of the Peter
Kiewit Summer Fun Program. In addition to a tour and the discovery
trunk activity, the groups had lunch and completed an art project.
On July 10 and 17, Stuart Chittenden’s Squishtalks at the Castle
series began with The Art of Conversation. These workshops were
followed by Salon Conversation on July 24 and August 14. Squishtalks
offered an opportunity to engage more deeply through the medium of
The fourth annual Joslyn Castle Classic Car Show was held on July
28th. The grounds were covered with antique cars from all eras. The
weather was perfect, as over 1,500 people viewed the cars and toured
the Castle.
Year-end Grounds Report
Visitors to the Castle may have noticed a revamped lower parking
lot. New shrubs, more mulch, and flowers were added to make this
a greener space. We have extended the plantings along the east
property wall with mums, iris, and other generously donated
perennials. The most welcoming sight has been the two circles in
the parking area filled with canna lilies and other showy annuals.
The rose garden, faithfully tended by Anita and Mike Eckley of the
Rose Society, was removed because the shrubs had become
diseased. The space is now an amazing mix of shrubs, perennials
and annuals. The reseeding coreopsis and tall verbena have been
a wonderful surprise, as have the hordes of bees, butterflies and
zebra moths!
The sedum bed at the west entrance was also renovated. No matter
how hard we tried to control the Creeping Charlie, it got the best
of us. The bed was cleaned out and replanted with larger sedums,
catmint and red salvias just in time for the Castle Classic Car Show.
Nineteen people participated in a trip to Historic Williamsburg
October 14 through October 16. The group spent two nights at
Williamsburg Lodge, and toured all Colonial Williamsburg areas as well
as Jamestown. The group had a very enjoyable time.
This fall Joslyn Castle partnered with Paracon, a local paranormal
investigation group to offer visitors the opportunity to learn more about
how an investigation works. Offered October 18 and November 1,
nearly 100 people attended. Following a class during which the
investigative team talked about their investigative process and the
equipment used, the group enjoyed a brief meet and greet break, then
split into smaller groups to participate in an investigation.
Also in October, the Castle staff hosted the 2nd annual Halloween
at the Castle. The event was mostly funded by donations from many
Castle supporters and area businesses. Over 100 people attended
The Monster Mash adult party, featured tasty appetizers, a cash bar,
a costume contest, mini tour and scavenger hunt, drawings for
donated items, music and dancing, plus a themed attic tour. The
Kids at the Castle event, held on the
Castle grounds, had booths featuring
pumpkin decorating and other art
projects, a costume contest and
scavenger hunt, face painting and
apple biting. The themed attic tour was
a big hit, and each child received a bag
of candy before leaving the party.
It was a very busy year at the Castle, and we look forward to
welcoming many visitors to the Castle for our programs in 2014.
In the spring, boxwoods were added along the west side of the
drive leading to the upper parking area. These shrubs were a
donation from the Omaha Council of Garden Clubs and make a
lovely pathway into the bird sanctuary. Annabelle hydrangeas,
another donation, were planted at the east entrance.
We must extend a very special thanks to Lauritzen Gardens for their
very generous help with horticultural advice and the donation of
additional flowers which filled many bare spaces in the gardens.
The gardens of the Castle have never looked more beautiful. It has
been a nice summer with more rain than last season. However, it
is still our fervent wish to
install a sprinkler system.
Any assistance anyone can
give toward this goal would
be greatly appreciated
by us and all of the trees,
shrubs, and plantings!
page 3
Upcoming Events Calendar
November - December
Miracle on Farnam
Saturday, November 23 through Tuesday, December 31
Joslyn Castle Window Display “Holiday Greetings from George A
and Sarah Joslyn.” See window #7 by The Afternoon
Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk
Thursday, November 28, 9:00am
Holiday Historic Home Tour Thursday, December 5, 5:00pm – 8:00pm
and Gift Boutique Patron Party
Holiday Historic Home Tour Friday, December 6 through Saturday December 7, 11:00am – 7:00pm
and Gift Boutique
Storz Mansion, Barmettler House, and Joslyn Castle
Member Appreciation Event Sunday, January 12, 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Lecture Series
Saturday, February 8, 7:00pm – “History of Chocolate”
Sunday, February 9, 4:00pm – “Connoisseurship: What Makes Something Good?”
12th Annual
Murder Mystery Dinner
Thursday, February 20 through Saturday, February 22, 6:30pm
“For Killing Out Loud”
Tickets and Reservations to events can be purchased online at or by calling 402.595.2199
Third Annual Joslyn Castle
Turkey Trot Coming Soon
Want to bank a few extra calories before enjoying your Thanksgiving meal?
Join us on Thanksgiving morning, November 28th, at 9:00 am for the Joslyn Castle
Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk. The race begins in Turner Park at Midtown Crossing. The entry
fee is $30 a person through 6pm 11/26/13, and $35 per person at packet pick-up and the
morning of the race. Packet pick-up is November 27th from 9:00am-4:00pm at the Joslyn
Castle, or at the race site on November 28th from 7:30am-8:45am. You can register at www. This year there is a different route through the Midtown area, so be sure to
reserve your spot for this fun, healthy, family-friendly activity!
Miracle on Farnam 2013
This Holiday season, Midtown Crossing will again sponsor the Miracle on Farnam display windows. The
displays will officially open on Saturday, November 23rd. Visitors will cast votes for their favorite space until
January 1, 2014. The window receiving the most votes will receive $3,000 from Midtown Crossing.
Our window last year, “George A Joslyn in his Castle” was very impressive. This year the Castle’s window,
“Holiday Greetings from George A and Sarah Joslyn” will be located east of the front door to The Afternoon.
This perfect space will feature a 3-dimensional replica of a turn-of-the-century post card with a verse taken
from a holiday card from our archives that Sara sent to family and friends.
We are producing the post cards to sell in The Afternoon, at the Holiday Boutique at the Castle, and
in our own gift shop. Please let us know if you would like some!
Be sure to take a stroll along Farnam Street during this time, and support the Castle by casting
your vote for our window.
page 4
Holiday Historic Home
Joslyn Castle
Storz Mansion
Barmettler House
The Castle announces the 2013
To celebrate the holidays, the Castle is hosting a Holiday Historic
The Holiday Patron Party with Holiday Gift Boutique will be
Home Tour and Gift Boutique on Friday, December 6, and
December 5th from 5 to 8 pm at the Joslyn Castle. Tickets for
Saturday, December 7, from 11 am to 7 pm. Enjoy three
the Patron Party are $75 and include tour admission.
amazing historic homes all decorated for the holidays. Tour the
Purchase tickets for either event online at
famous Storz Mansion, the elegant, sophisticated Gold Coast
or by calling 402-595-2199. Tour tickets will also be available at
Barmettler House, and the spectacular, historic Joslyn Castle.
each home on the days of the tour.
Enjoy unique food or beverage tastings at each home and do
some holiday shopping at a Holiday Gift Boutique on the second
and third floors of the Castle. Tickets for the tour are $20.
Lynhurst Lecture Series
Kick off the New Year at a
Member Only Event
In the coming months, the Castle will be launching an ongoing
lecture series focusing on the decorative arts, architecture, landscape
architecture, and design. The Castle itself, a superb example of each
of these areas, is the perfect place to convene discussion about the
environments in which we work, play, learn, worship, and think. What
leads us to create a specific space? What makes one space more
successful than another? What makes something “good”?
One of the benefits of membership to the Joslyn Castle Trust is
invitations to member only events. These special events allow
members an opportunity to mingle with other Castle supporters,
enjoy the ambiance of the Castle, and learn more about the work
taking place behind the scenes. A member only event is scheduled
for Sunday, January 12, 2014.
Join Amanda Lange, Chair of the Curatorial Department and Curator
of Historic Interiors at Historic Deerfield, as she lays the foundations
of understanding for how to develop an informed and discriminating
sense for evaluating or appreciating things, whether they be works
of art, classic cars, old buildings, or flower beds. Her lecture
“Connoisseurship: What Makes Something Good?” will be Sunday,
February 9, 2014 at 4 pm, at Joslyn Castle.
At this event, members can kick off the New Year at an open house
at the Castle from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, complete with light
refreshments and an opportunity to hear highlights about
programming scheduled at the Castle in 2014. In addition, members
attending will learn more about projects planned for the year.
This event is free to Joslyn Castle members only. To confirm your
attendance, please call the Castle at 402-595-2199. Reservations
are required for planning purposes. We hope to see many of our
members at the Castle in January.
Ms. Lange also honors the month of February with an additional
special presentation at the Castle on Saturday, February 8, 2014,
at 7 pm, entitled “The History of Chocolate.”
To become a member of the Joslyn Castle Trust, please complete the
membership application in this newsletter and return it to the Castle.
page 5
A Special Visitor
Violet’s Wedding
to the Castle
This month marks the 100th anniversary of Violet Joslyn’s wedding.
Violet was the daughter of George and Sarah Joslyn, and lived in
this magnificent Castle in the early 1900s. The young, 20 year old
bride was married to David Walter Magowan on Thursday, October
16th, 1913 in the music room where many wedding ceremonies are
held today. Her reception followed in the other rooms of the home
and nearly 500 guests were in attendance. According to an article
in The Omaha Bee, this
wedding “was probably the
most brilliant social event of
the season!” Many important people from Omaha
attended the wedding
including: John McDonald
(the architect who designed
the Castle), Jessie Millard
(daughter of US senator
Ezra Millard and niece of
Joseph Hopkins Millard,
both of whom were mayors
of Omaha and Founders of
Omaha National Bank), and
Mrs. Charles Offutt (mother
of pilot Jarvis Offutt for
whom the air force base is
In July we received a phone call from Andrew
Knutzen who requested a tour of the castle for
his father and family. When the group arrived,
there were ten people, headed by 89-year-old
Dr. Owen Knutzen, a former superintendent
of Omaha Public Schools. Dr. Knutzen was in charge of OPS during
part of the time it occupied the Castle. His office was first located
in George Joslyn’s study overlooking the music room, but was later
relocated to the dining room. School board meetings were held in the
carriage house for decades, and many smaller meetings were held in
Dr. Knutzen’s office in the dining room.
Dr. Knutzen delighted us with tales about the Castle. He said that
when the School Board issued regulations or policy, the teachers
and school personnel prefaced then with “The Castle says….”
He confirmed there was a tunnel system linking the castle to the
offices and to the carriage house. He said part of it was still open
when he became superintendent. It was wonderful for the Castle staff, as well as Dr. Knutzen’s family
that he shared his stories about the days of the school district’s
occupation of the castle—a significant period in the history of the site.
“The bride was charming in her wedding gown of ivory satin
charmeuse with draped skirt and long square train. The bodice and
sleeves were embroidered with pearls and brilliants in rose design…
She carried a shower bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley.”
The Castle was “artistically decorated with white chrysanthemums,
roses, and polyplum ferns.”
Unfortunately, we don’t have any images from the wedding itself, but
we did find a picture of Violet in her wedding dress and the profiles of
three of her bridesmaids: Alice Carter, Bertha Dickey, and Margaret
McPherson in the Omaha Bee article.
The historic 1967 photo above
is from the Omaha World
Herald/John Savage
Photography Collection at
the Durhan Museum.
The tradition of lovely weddings at the Castle continues to this day!
Call Emily Lasky at 402-595-3209 for information about booking a
wedding here.
Killing Out Loud”
Thursday, February 20th
Friday, February 21st
Saturday, February 22nd
All performances at 6:30pm
Although the plot of the play is never revealed in advance, we do know
there is a Titanic connection this year. Mark your calendars for another
amazing show. Tickets to the Murder Mystery make great Holiday Gifts
for your colleagues, friends and families!
page 6
Statement of Financial Position
November 1, 2012 to October 31 ,2013
As of October 31, 2013
Tenant Rents
Statement of Financial Position
As of October
31, 2013
Statement of Financial Position
Oct 31, 13
Oct 31, 12
As of October 31, 2013
$ Change
% Change
Current Assets
31, 13
31, 12
% Change
Non-current Assets
Noncurrent Assets
Net Assets
Other Assets
Net Assets
Rental Events
Ticket Sales
November 1, 2013 to October, 31, 2013
Buidings & Grounds
Harold and Marian
Robert and Helen Bartee
William and Sandi Bruns
Doug Buchanan
The Sherwood
Lauritzen Gardnens
Kathy Caradori
Polo Davis
Amy Dickson
Douglas County Visitors
Improvement Fund
Dundee Garden Club
Indian Creek Nursery
Terry and Catherine
Sherry Fletcher
Megan Froehlich
Carol Gendler
Joan Gibson &
Donald Wurster
Nancy Graf
James Harder
David Harding
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Hoff
BP America, Inc.
Annette Huff
Nadine Hunter
Chris Janicek
Bill Kabourek
Teddi Kennedy
Richard Klaas
Tom Koley
Koley Plating
Peter Kiewit Foundation
Barbara Lieberknecht
PEO Chapter GE
Patricia Manhart
Marion Martinez
Tim McGill
McGill Restoration
Becky Means
Sue Payne
Tom and Terry Price
Francie Prier
Debra Reilly Culver
Jan Riggenbach
Kyle Robino
Old Market Habitat
Mark Samuel
Garden Groomers
Leslie Sanders
and Kevin Burr
Sara Frasier Sellgren
John Seminara
Monte Thompson
Valmont Foundation
Ideal Hardware
page 7
2012 annual
Judy Alderman
Luther Birdzell
Bluestem Prairie
Mary Braatz
Edson and Sally Bridges III
Eddith Buis
Rick and Tancy Ellis
Micah and Jennifer Evans
Bruce Frasier
Cheryl Griffin
George and Judy Haecker
Page 1Newman
of 1
David Harding
Page 1 of 1
Marie Heavican
Shari Hofschire
George Kleine
Marie Kubat
Rosemary Lebeda
Rev. Ryan Lewis
Malone & Company
Mele Mason
Monty McClean
Elizabeth McNichols
Dan and Elise Parish
Jim and Kathy Quinlan
John and Kathleen
Jonathan and Amy Rouse
Deborah Long
and Tom Sain
Marianne Simmons
Dorothy and David Stern
Charles and Anne Trimble
Jim and Judy Wigton
Peggy Wright
Attitude on Food
Bloom Works Floral
Anthony Chambers
Back in the Day Antiques
Art & Collectibles
Diane DelSignore
Jessica Duce, J Duce Designs
Baird Holm LLP
Colleen and Jim Fogarty
Fogarty Creative Group
Jim’s Seek & Save Antiques
Kiewit Building Group
Kleine George
Marilyn Martin
Timothy and Jodie McGill
McGill Restoration
Mr. Tuxedo
Stephanie O’Keefe
Bob Culver and
Debra Reilly-Culver
United Rental
Venice Antiques
Carole Zacek
Judith Bates
Mogens and Cindy Bay
Mary Bernstein
Judith Boelts
Jan Buckingham
Jody Carstens
Cirian’s Farmers Market
Ed Cizek
Omaha Electric Service, Inc.
Debra Clayton
Cornhusker Beverage
Ron and Meri Crampton
Lauritzen Gardens
S. Jeanne Daharsh
Janey Dann
Sarah Davis
Gloria Dinsdale
Linda Dobry
Julie Dolan,
Daisy Fresh Professional
Kacey Dunn,
Jim Elbling,
Classic Electric
Jennifer and Micah Evans
Janet Ferlic
Colleen Fogarty
Hal France
Robyn Freeman
Linda Gardels
James and Colleen Fogarty
Linda and David Gardels
Carol Gendler
Jared and Kristine Gerber
Joan Goldapp
Kathryn Gross
Duchesne Academy
Carol Hahn
Laura Hale
Marilyn Hansen
Diane Harder
Mary Jo Havlicek
Karen Hawkins
Heartland Wood Floors
Holly Hoberman
Color Store, Inc.
Annette and Steven Huff
Richard Hunt
Lorraine Jeffus
Julie Jurgenson
Deborah Keating
Ruth Keene
Helen “Hani” Kenefick
Teddi Kennedy
Kathleen Kersey
Ric Klaas,
Omaha Interior & Design
George Kleine
Forest Green Lawn &
Carolyn Law
David and Denise Levy
Anne Lieben
Nancy Lund
Jodie Mackintosh
Carolyn Magid
Mammel Family Foundation
Baird Holm, LLP
Sharon McGill
E. W. McNichols
Metro Magazine
Charla Miller
Dan & Tim Muldoon,
DM Construction
Mutual of Omaha Bank
Dan and Shirley Neary
Steven Neesman
Sun Valley Landscape Design
Jeff Oksman,
Premier Services Corporation
Teri Allen Ondracek,
Absolutely Clean Home
Jeanie Owen
Jennifer Pansing
Richard and Mary Parrish
Acme Carpet & Rug Cleaner
Edwyna Pierce
Frances Prier
Cynthia Ray
Kyle Robino
Amy Rouse
Carol Russell
St. Cecilia Cathedral
Emily Rose Photography
Julie Schroeder
Nicholas Schuster
Amy Scott Foundation
Beth Settles
Shirley Siebler
Signs by Tomorrow
Mark Simanek,
Creighton University
Judy Skinner
Paul and Annette Smith
Sterling Financial Advisors
Kathleen Strawhecker
Teri Thiele
Monte and Duane Thompson
Susan Tracy
Amy and Tom Trenolone
Dorothy Tuma
Anne Thorne Weaver
Susan Weir
Kathryn Wells
Judy & Gale Wickersham
Karthryn Wilson
Laura Worick
Flair Custom Cabinets &
Michael Borsheim
Bastian & Hanson Charitable
Lead Unitrust
Douglas and Dawn Buchanan
Dr. James Canedy
Jim Champion,
Charlie Graham Body
and Service
Duchesne Academy
The Durham Museum
Kristine and Jared Gerber
Hagerty Insurance
Edgar Hagerty,
Hagerty Storage
HyVee Stores
Kiewit Companies
Legacy Preservation
Jack and Sue Lorsch
Manarin Investment Council
Metro Magazine /
Spirit of Omaha
Jeanie Owen
Pins Patches Plaques Etc., Inc.
Saint Cecilia Cathedral
Santa Monica House
Denny Strauss
University of Nebraska
Medical Center
Judith Alderman
Linda Andersen
Rita Bianchi
Sandra Bruns
Ashley Culver
Scott and Traci Damrow
Catherine Demes Maydew
Marty DiGiacomo
Jennifer Evans
Roger and Joyce Fitch
Sherry Fletcher
Betty Foster
Katherine Fulcher
Linda Gardels
Karen Grantham
RyAnne Hastings
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Heinzen
Katherine Heinzen
Jen Hobsa
Robert Hopkins
Annette Huff
Richard Hunt
Mary Jetton
Mary Jewell
Carter Jones
Kathleen Kennedy
George Kleine
Thomas Knox
Emily Lasky
Thomas and Naomi Lasky
David Levy
Diane Luxford
Tracy Madden-McMahon
Stephanie Mattoon
Sharon McGill
Barb Naughtin
Jeanie Owen
Mary Parrish
Stephanie Pelan
Julie Reilly
Debra Ann Reilly-Culver
Else Richards
Kyle Robino
Dan Scanlan
Amy Scott
Connie Spellman
Heidi Sullivan
Duane and Monte Thompson
Meeae Tillwick
Susan Tracy
Tom and Amy Trenolone
Katherine Trenolone
Andi Weber
Martha Weiss
Kathleen Zuchniak
Barb and Bill Anderson
Anthony Chambers
Susan Clement-Toberer
Ron and Meri Crampton
Roger Devor
Michele DiMasso
page 8
First National Bank
Nancy Gilliland
Karlene and Karen Grinberg
Marilyn Hansen
Tracy Hobbs
Humanities Nebraska
Elizabeth Jacquard
Mary Jochim,
Sterling Financial
Matthias Jeske
George Kleine
Chase King
First National Bank of Omaha
Bruce and Gerry Lauritzen
Jason Mares
Brandon Mass
Lynn Mills
Nebraska Arts Council
Nebraska Cultrual Endowment
Cassandra Novotne
Dr. David Peterson
Jessie Prescott
Ablan Roblin
Nancy Ross
Sarah Rowe
Janice Stauffer
Julie Wilshusen
Emily Wynn
Judy Alderman
Bellevue Berry Farm
House of Loom/
The Berry and Rye
LeeAnn Boyle, Sirens
Fairy Tale Costumes
Coldstone Creamery
Ron and Meri Crampton
Catherine Demes-Maydew
Dundee Bank
Indian Creek Nursery
Ben Harvey
Lotus House of Yoga
Rob Hopkins
Steven and Annette Huff
Mary Jochim,
Sterling Financial
Katie’s Greek Restaurant
Teddi Kennedy
George Kleine
Emily Lasky
Flagship Restaurant Group/Roja
Mama’s Pizza
Peter Marion
Tim McGill
McGill Resotration
Holly Mulkins
Peg O’Dea Lippert
D.R. and Jeanie Owen
J. Robert Perrin, Architect
John Ransom
BJ Reed
Patricia Regan, Patricia Catering
Julie Reilly
Rachel, Sirens
Judy Skinner
Oh-K Fast Print
Penelope Smith
Catering Creations
Spaghetti Works
Sparkling Klean
Dean Craft Decks
Trader Joes
Amy Trenolone
Vala’s Pumpkin Patch
Noah’s Bark
Cantina Laredo
Laura and Richard Worick
Above and Beyond
Cleaning Services
Ace Hardware
Aspen Plumbing
Dan the IT Man
Eyman Plumbing
Ideal Hardware
Indian Creek Nursery
Kinghorn Gardens
Koley Plating
Eventive Marketing
Kryger Glass
Lauritzen Gardens
Leaping Lizard
McGill Restoration
MinuteMan Printing
Oh-K Fast Print
O’Keefe Elevator
Omaha Tree Service
Renier Navas
Rybin Plumbing
Sherwin Williams
The Alliance Group
The Durham Museum
Tru Green
Aaron Ferer And Sons
Jerry and Hedy Ahlvers
Anne Marie Aita
Bob and Barbara Alf
Sheila Altman
L. F. Amis
Linda Andersen
Jon Anderson
Carolyn Anderson
Bob Andrews
John Arkwright
Dick Bailey
Mathew and Nancy Balcetis
Greg Bachman
Glenn Bappe
Bob and Helen Bartee
Mogens and Cindy Bay
Dawn Beacham
Russ and Marj Bees
Anne Begley
Kent Behrens
Joslyn Cassandra Bender
Bob Benton
Linda Bernnadt
Harley Berry
Kathleen Best
Mike Bettis
Bud and Linda Bishop
Jonathan and Amy Boehle
Patricia Boettger
Jim and Ann Bonham
Tommy and Nicole Booth
Leona Borkowski
Michael Borsheim
Dick and Sue Boswell
Gary and Elizabeth Bowen
Mary Braatz
Kate Bradley
Edson and Sally Bridges
Sarah Brogren & Patrick Haynes
Robert Broom
Gary Brown
Castle Members Continued
Doug Buchanan
Jan Buckingham
William Buckley
Rocky and Sammye Buffum
Kelsey Bugjo
Arlene Burianek
Mary Burke
James Canedy
Rich Carlson
Bob Chalek
James and Nancy Champion
Mary Jo Chelf
Joseph Chickinelli
Bill and Mona Christensen
Charles Christensen
Joyce Christensen
Tracey Christensen
Lisa Christiansen
Caleb and Liz Chvatal
Judy Clark
Melanie Cline
Jared Cloudt
Jim Clyde
Jim and Janet Clyde
Richard and Mary Jo Coffey
Howard and Diane Coffin
Robert Cohn
Sylvia “Babe” Cohn
Betty Coleman
Rob and Marnie Corsaro
Deb Covert
Ron and Meri Crampton
Carol Curry
Camilla Cusani and
Andrew Meyers
James Cushman
Catherine Demes-Maydew
and Mark Maydew
Jim and Polo Davis
Sid Dillon
Linda Dobry
Thom Donaldson
Gary Dostal
Frances Dowd
Jessica and Ron Duce
Jim and Mary Ellen Duffack
James and Sharon Dunn
Clifton Ellis
Melissa Emory
James and Mary Erixon
Denise Ervin
Jennifer and Micah Evans
Merrilee Faubel
Thomas Fay and Joan Squires
Mike Feathers
Ron and Pam Feldman
Elsa Fellows
Robert Felthausen
Terry and Catherine Ferguson
Alice Ferris
Edna Flores
Jim and Colleen Fogarty
Suzie Fogarty
Ken and Dixie Foote
Byrony Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Forehead
Carol Fox
Darrell P. Fraynd
Paul and Jamie Fraynd
Marti Frazer
Robert and Kathy Freed
Phil and Kathy French
Eric and Kimberly Fretz
Milton Fricke
Gus Frics
Paul Friskopp
Monte Frost
Linda and David Gardels
Malcolm Gardner
Carol Gendler
Jared and Kristine Gerber
Ron Glowen
Carl Godwin
Joan Goldapp
Deb and Dwight Golder
Jo Grebenick
Rich and Patti Greene
Mike and Kathy Gross
Jesse Grosshans and
Martha Stutelberg
Herb Grothe
Ron Hackbart
Bill Hagerty
Drew Stauder and Kacey Hahn
William Haire
Jon Hall
Gary Hall
Tony and Dory Hallac
Dave and Becky Hallberg
Kelly Hampton
Mark Hanna
Diane Harder
David Harding and
Sarah Newman
Ellen Hargus
Ben and Chalice Harvey
Tony and Nancy Haske
April Hauptmeier-Labedz
Mary Jo Havlicek
Verna Headley
Eddy Hedegaard
Connie Heiden
Margie Heller
Robert Heyen
Bonnie Hickey
Tracy Hightower
Nicholas Hildreth
Lu Hoogeveen
Margaret Horvath
Beth Howard
Lori Hubbell
Sheila Hudson
Steven and Annette Huff
Richard and Maureen Hunt
Howard Hunter
Chris Hunter
John Ingraham
Larry Jacobsen
Bob and Lorraine Jeffus
Paul Jensen
Mary Jetton
Rod and Mary Jewell
Mary Jochim and John Dee
Donald-Brian Johnson
Robert Johnson
Carter and Vernie Jones
William Jordan
Jim and Colleen Juliff
Ray and Denice Kaspar
Walt and Marilyn Kassube
Lisle Kauffman III
Jennifer Keatts
Jim and Ruth Keene
Rodney Keil
Jane Keller
Deborah Kelley
Helen “Hani” Kenefick
Jack Keown
Frank Kilton
Glenn and Lois Kimble
Ronald and Erica King
Pete Kirst
George Kleine
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Klusaw
Jan Koczanowski Family
Julie Kovich
Catherine Kratville
Mark La Fleur
Tom LaHood
John and Bonnie Lajba
Allison Lambert
Al LaMontia
Gary Landeen
Mary Lu Larson
Bruce and Gerry Lauritzen
Pierre and AnnaLiza Lavedan
Michelle Lebens
Bruce and Marcella Lee
Carol Legge
Tim and Shirley Lemmers
David and Denise Levy
George and Peg O’Dea Lippert
Nina Little
Dan and Mary Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lorsch
Brett Louderback
Diana Lough
Kathy Lowry
Rex and Patricia Lucke
Delane Luehring
Graham and Sally Lusk
Craig and Cathy Lyons
Mammel Family Foundation
Roland Manarin
Frank Marescalco
Joyce Marshall
Al Maser
Amy Mather
Stephanie Mattoon
Monty McClean
Sharon McGill
Jodi and Tim McGill
Bob and Jan McKelvie
Shelly McLaughlin & David Smith
Nicole McLeod
Dan McMahon
Susan and Jack McMannama
Larry and Lannie McNichols
Negil McPherson III
Negil McPherson Jr.
Kerri Meyer
Corey and Elizabeth Micinuas
John Miller
David and Esther Miller
Elmer Miller
Tom,Peggy & John Miller
Michelle and Wesley Miller
Mary Moberg
Patrick and Jayne Modlin
Linda Mokrycki
Richard and Pat Molden
Tony and Jan Monico
Betty Morar
Darrel Moreland and Mary Ensz
Mary Ellen Mulcahy
Holly Mulkins and Zac Triemert
Robert Mundy
Jim Murray
Sheryl and Steven Nass
Diane Nelson
Matt Nelson
Alan and Denise Nunn
Aubrey Nye
Katherine O’Flanagan
Don and Marlene Ohnstad
Roger Olsen
Lois Ourada
D. R. and Jeanie Owen
Ellen Pandorf
Ann Pape
Betsye Paragas
Dan and Elise Parish
Richard and Mary Parrish
Denelle Paup
Dani Penke
Rozely Penzkowski
Mary Peters
Patti Peterson
Douglas Peterson
Jim Pine
Francie Prier
John Quinnell
Erin Radloff and Brent Pollard
Bruce and Mary Anne Ramge
Heather Ramsey
Boyd and Sandy Ready
Julie Reilly
Don Rhoden
Tim Richardson
Don and Jan Riggenbach
page 9
Don and Donna Rinne
Guy and Amber Rish
Michael Robbins
Katie Robbins-Case
Don Robertson
Alisha Rodasky-Yowell
Tammy and John Rogokos
Douglas and Elizabeth Rollert
Helen Root
Paul and Anita Ruffner
Doug Ruffner
Ken and Mary Ann Rundall
Robert Runyon
Tim Rush
Lynn and Barbara Rutherford
Stephen and Helen Sawtell
Bill and Nancy Scherrer
Monica Schleis
Cynthia Schneider
Karen and Keith Hartz Schoer
Carl and Gina Scholdberg
Julie Schroeder
Richard and Jane Schultz
Mark Schulze
Joel and Cleone Sebek
Teresa and John Seminara
Mimi Shaps
Anne Shaughnessy
Howard Silberg
Danielle Siler
Fred Sillik
Everett Simpson
Lakeesha and Lamont Sims
Jeanette Sinram
Andree and James Smith
Diane Snider
Jim and Karen Snyder
Jim Sobczyk
Laura Sparks and
Michael Bednarz
Bradley Speer
Joan and Stanley Standifer
Doug Steensma
Brian and Dona Stephan
David and Dorothy Stern
Georgia Stevens
James Storc
Michael and Rebecca
Justin and Lauren Sullivan
Bob Swartzbaugh
Marie and Albert Swoboda
Barbara Taxman
Kris and David Tegarden
Chris Tesch
Al and Juanita Thompson
Duane and Monte Thompson
John and Shirley Thorogood
John Thurber
Del and Phyllis Toebben
Chris Tombrello
Shane Tontges
Lydia Tschetter
Dorothy and Allan Tubach
Jillian Tuck
Dean and Dorothy Tuma
Dave and Marilyn Underwood
William Unger
Mr. Frank Van Doorn
Elissa Vilter
Ernest Vincentini
Jerry and Connie Vincentini
Sarah Vodicka
Judd and Patricia Wagner
Machaela Wagner
Howard Wagner
Maureen and Jim Waldron
Virginia Walsh
Chris Holubar Walsh
Susanne Waltermeyer
Marvella and Ralph Walters
Glenn and Lynn Ward
Dian Warren
Mr. Arthur Weaver
Joanne Weber
Jean Welch
Susan Whitaker
Greg White
Casey Frost and
Chris Winzenburg
Brenda Wisniewski
Kathy and Don Wittler
Barbara Wolpa
Johnathan Woodside
Esther Yee
Bryan and Jan Zimmer
Nancy Abboud
Jerry and Hedy Ahlvers
Judy Alderman
Diane Ames
Linda Andersen
Harold and Marian Andersen
Annette Anzalone
Cindy Bay
Joanne Berkshire
Kathleen Best
Judith Boelts
Gary and Elizabeth Bowen
Lynne Boyer
Jan Buckingham
Bill and Sandi Bruns
Eddith Buis
Phyllis Choat
Mona Christensen
Judy Clark
Sylvia Cohn
Meri Crampton
Janey Dann
Hal and Mary Daub
Linda Daugherty
Polo Davis
Linda Dobry
Karen Drickey
Joy Esterbrooks
Roger and Joyce Fitch
Betty Foster
Sarah Ginn
Joan Goldapp
Jean Gordon
Wanda Gottschalk
Katie Guenther
Rebecca Hallberg
Marilyn Hansen
Mary Jo Havlicek
Karen Hawkins
Cristy Hedgpeth
Connie Heiden
Bonnie Hickey
Pamela Hoesing
Annette Huff
Teresa Hunzeker
Cindy Irvine
Lorraine Jeffus
Mary Jetton
Ruth Keene
Teddi Kennedy
Bruce and Gerry Lauritzen
Liz Liakos
Nina Little
Faith Louis
Sally Lusk
Carol Lynch
Craig and Cathy Lyons
Jodie Mackintosh
Ann McGill
Sharon McGill
Susan McMannama
Lannie McNichols
Elizabeth McNichols
Paul Mileris
Mary Moberg
Mary Ellen Mulcahy
Guild Members Continued
Annette Mundy
Dana Shirley Neary
Diane Nelson
Jeanie Owen
Joyce Passarelli
Francie Prier
Kathy Quinlan
David Rice
Kyle Robino
Lisa Runco
Jeanne Salerno
Amy Scott
Joel and Cleone Sebek
Shirley Siebler
Victoria Sitz
Connie Spellman
Dorothy Stern
Kathy Strawhecker
Mary Tanner
Monte Thompson
Phyllis Toebben
Susan Tracy
Dorothy Tuma
Vicki and Dean Wampler
Anne Weaver
Martha Weiss
Kathy Wells
Lynn Williams
Laura Worick
Lesley Akers
Judy Alderman
Diane Ames
Linda Andersen
Marian Andersen
Joan Angotti
Judy Bates
Janice Batt
Cindy Bay
Pam Berry
Tom Birdzell
Becky Bischof
My Boes
Jim and Ann Bonham
Lynne Boyer
Robert Broom and
Mary Clarkson
Beverly Brown
Sandi Bruns
Jan Buckingham
Doris Buell
Jody Carstens
Phyllis Chapin
Mona Christensen
Ed Cizek
Judy Clark
Sue Conine
Meri Crampton
Janey Dann
Hal and Mary Daub
Polo Davis
Linda Dobry
Karen Drickey
Jane Ellsworth
Ann Etienne
Terry and Catherine Ferguson
Roger and Joyce Fitch
Colleen Fogarty
Betty Foster
Linda Gardels
Karen German
Sheila Glaser
Joan Goldapp
Kathy Grandsaert
Jo Grebenick
Michele Grewcock
Kathy Gross
Katie Guenther
Dory Hallac
Vicki Hallett
Marilyn Hansen
Mary Jo Havlicek
Kim and Karen Hawkins
Christy and Jim Hedgpeth
Tim Held and Jay Worden
Barbara Henkelman
Bonnie Hickey
Marianne Holland
Marilyn Howe
Annette Huff
Lorraine Jeffus
Mary Jochim
Ruth Keene
Anne Kelley
Hani Kenefick
Karen Kennedy
Teddi Kennedy
Addie Kinghorn
Ric Klaas
Orville and Julie Knapp
Beth Kramer
Gerry Lauritzen
Jennifer Lawrence
Denise Levy
Penny Likes
Nano Little
Jodie Mackintosh
Marsha Mamdani
Marilyn Mammel
Delores Maser
Stephanie Mattoon
Sharon McGill
Melissa McMullen
Barbara McNeal
Eli McNichols
Lannie McNichols
Steve and Susan McWhorter
Robert and Angenette Meaney
Mary Moberg
Darlene Mueller
Mary Ellen Mulcahy
Barbara Musselman
Shirley Neary
Paul and Kari Nelson
Diane Nelson
Judie Olson
Sue Olson-Mandler
Jeanie Owen
Jennifer and Tom Pansing
Ann Pape
Dan and Elise Parish
Dave and Sandy Parker
Patti Peterson
Edi Pierce
James Pierson
Lenore Polack
Francie Prier
Jackie Quigley
Betsy Reed
Judy Ricart
Karen Riley
Pat Rosenquist
Amy Rouse
Annie Schmidt
Julie Schroeder
Molly Schropp
Suzanne and Wallter Scott
Amy Scott
Shirley Siebler
Lynette Singer
Tori and Jesse Sitz
Judy Skinner
Charles and Susan Smith
Leonard and Kate Sommer
Connie Spellman
Kathy Strawhecker
Betty Tagge
Dee Teich
Monte Thompson
Elizabeth and Eric Van Sky
Dennis Wahling
Dean and Vicki Wampler
Joy Watanabe
Anne Thorne Weaver
Marty Weiss
Kathy Wells
Nancy Whitted
Judy Wickersham
Cheryl Wild
Laura Worick
Patricia Zieg and
Timothy Higgins
Phyllis Adcock
Sandra Agar-Studelska
Lesley Akers
Judy Alderman
Mary Aldinger
Linda Andersen
Pearl Anderson
Joan Anderson
Carol Anderson
Mo Andrel
Amaya Banuelos Marco
Helen Bartee
Tom Becka
Judith Boelts
Patricia Boettger
Mary Jean B. Breitkreutz
Sharon Brown
Sandi Bruns
Pat Burdyny
Leeota Calentine
Lisa Camplin
Lynn Cardey
Cheryl Caval
Phyllis Choat
Rob and Marnie Corsaro
Ron and Meri Crampton
Bob Culver
Lana Danielson
Lynn Danielson
Janey Dann
John Dee
Beverly Deen
Nick DelSignore
Catherine Demes-Maydew
Carrie Derrick
Tami Doll
Linda Dorothy
Karen Drickey
Jessica Duce
Deb Dwornicki
Connie Elkins
Wendi Elliott
Helene Elsasser
Shirley Enders
Ella Epp
Deirdre Evans
Deidre Evans
Jan Farha
Merrilee Faubel
Laura Fender
Roger and Joyce Fitch
Deb Floreani
Colleen and Jim Fogarty
Suzie Fogarty
Colleen Fogarty
Betty Foster
Sue Freeman
Kristine Gerber
Girl Scouts Troop
Joan Goldapp
Ronda Cox Goldman
page 10
Andrea Gomez
Jim Gosch
Ellyn Grant
Vivian Grantham
Jo Grebenick
Julie Hale
Verla Hamilton
Mary Beth Hansen
Chelsea Hansen
Diane Harder
Ellen Hargus
Kat Harper
Stephanie Hartig
Ben Harvey
Chalice Harvey
Jan Heliker
Margie Heller
Jeanne Henry
Virginia Higgins
Molly Hobson
Rosemary Holeman
Lu Hoogeveen
Ann Hosford
Annette Huff
Steve and Annette Huff
Lorraine Jeffus
Mary Jochim
Nancy Johnson
Jean Johnson
Peg Johnson
Sabrina Jones
Britt Jorns
Judy Kennedy
Teddi Kennedy
Thomas Kerr
Nancy Klein
George Kleine
Cheryl Koziol
Anne Kramar
Vicki Kroft
Barbara Kuhn
Kathleen Lacy
Kathy Lake
Carolyn Law
Tom and Lisa Leise
Linda Leonard
Donna Lesley
George and Peg O’Dea Lippert
Diane Luxford
Connie Magilton Elkins
Nicole Malone
Sharon McGill
Jackie McLellan
Betty McMahon
Susan McMannama
Mary McNeil
Lannie McNichols
Eli McNichols
Elizabeth McNichols
Negil McPherson III
Negil McPherson Jr.
Mary Miller
Kim Minino
Pat Mitchell
Mary Moberg
Mary Moneto
peggy Montgomery
Brad and Sherri Moore
Sherri Moore
Michele Murphy-Houser
Barb Naughtin
Claire Nelson
Deb Newell
Pat Newland
Jamie Niver
Adam Norris
Marlene Otte
Jeanie and D. R. Owen
Darlene Palmer
Mary Parrish
Deborah Pearson
Mary Ann Pederson
Michelle Pfeiffer
Frank Plummer
Mary Ann Ramge
Cynthia Ray
Carol Rayer
Brad and Tina Reckamp
Cindy Rector
Julie Reilly
Patti Render
Katie Robbins
Michael Robbins
Ann Marie Robbins
Alisha Rodasky-Yowell
Ann Royle
Ron Rubin
Katie Saniuk
Joe Schaffner
Jan Scherr
Monica Schleis
Elizabeth Schmidt
Elizabeth Schmidt
Becky Schulz
Jan Schwee
Cleone and Joel Sebek
Marie Sedlacek
Julie Senden
Stephanie Setlak
Soly Sharavaa
Kathy Sibbernsen
Tana Siebert
Sue Simon
Connie Simon
Laura Smith
Ardie Smith
Ainsley Smith
Nick Somers
Jackie Sowers
Rosie Spangenberg
Jan Steibor
Rocky Stern
Kathy Stockham
Dana and Warren Swanson
Shelly Taylor
Marcia Thiele
Monte Thompson
Marla Thompson
Angela Tompsett
Jillian Tuck
Errol Waits
Liane Waldman
Susanne Waltermeyer
Amanda Walters
Natala Wegner
Monica Welna
Cassidy Williams
Fran Witt
Faye Young
Deann Zens
Bonnie Cosentino Welsch
Dana Dolan
The Ladies of
Santa Monica House
Millard North High School
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 1709
3902 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68131
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2013 Joslyn Castle
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