message from the superintendent - Fox Chapel Area School District
message from the superintendent - Fox Chapel Area School District
2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s Message from the Superintendent Dear Residents of the Fox Chapel Area School District, This issue of IN Fox Chapel Area Magazine highlights many of the outstanding accomplishments of students and staff during the 2012-2013 school year. In addition, you will read about the building construction and remodeling plans through interviews of our School Board President, Mr. Joel Weinstein; Buildings and Grounds Agenda Chair and Treasurer, Nancy Foster; and Finance Agenda Chair, Charles “Chip” Burke. Construction and remodeling of Fox Chapel Area High School will begin in early 2014 followed by the remaining buildings in 2015 and 2016. The vision for these projects is to keep all facilities in excellent condition and to maintain all elementary schools as community schools within the current designated districts. Fall is always an exciting time of the year as our students return to school. The winter IN Fox Chapel Area Magazine will be my final magazine to the residents of the Fox Chapel Area School District due to my plans to retire in December 2013. I always enjoy writing the State of the Schools report because it allows me to reflect back on each year that I have spent in the district. I spent a lot of time in 2006 talking with parents, teachers, students, Board members and community members to find out what they really liked about their school district and what improvements they would like to see. The answers included: raising overall academic success, increasing AP participation, improving gifted and special education programs, better collaboration with PALS (special education support organization) and PAGE (organization in support of gifted programming), better organization within the athletic department, addressing diversity and transitioning so that all students feel comfortable in our schools, improving access to 21st century technology, improving facilities, and keeping the district financially sound. We began our journey by developing a new Strategic Plan and annually, a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) to address the critical issues. As we begin the 2013-2014 school year, I am very pleased that so many of those initial goals have been met, a new Strategic Plan has been written, and we continue to focus our energy on the goals that are set each year in the CIP. I have met some of the most generous and caring people during my time in the Fox Chapel Area School District. The Board of School Directors has been amazing to work with; talented and focused on what will benefit children the most. They are nine different personalities with varied experiences to contribute to the overall good of children at all grade levels. This is truly the backbone of any school district. From there, you build through your administration, teachers, support staff, students, and parents. The Fox Chapel Area School District has tremendous strength in each area. I think about our wonderful PTA/PTO and booster groups, the hard work of so many parents and staff to make two Gala events successful to improve technology and support the arts, the amazing donation of $800,000 to build new athletic fields at the high school, and the overwhelming encouragement so many of you have given me over the past few months during challenging times. I have spent 38 years as a school administrator with 19 of those years as a fully credentialed superintendent by the state of Ohio and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I was also privileged to impact government policy when I was appointed as the Executive Director for School Reform for the state of Ohio and Ohio’s liaison to Washington, D.C., for education. My goal throughout my career has been to impact and improve education for all students. Thank you for your continued support of education in the Fox Chapel Area School District. Sincerely, Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 7 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s 2012-2013 State of the Schools Awards and Achievements • High school sophomore Rishi Mirchandani received a Fourth Place Grand Award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. He qualified by being named an overall winner at the 74th Annual Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Students from more than 70 countries showcased their independent research at the competition held in Phoenix. • Seventeen seniors were designated as National Merit Finalists and nine were named Commended Students in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program. The Finalists were David Ahn, Sarah Burns, Joshua Goodman, Manu Goyal, Colleen Hamilton, Kate Hardiman, Riley Herrmann, Gavriel Hirsch, Andrew Kemp, Lisa Liu, Harrison Newman, Joseph Puthenpurayil, Deeksha Sarma, Simon Schaitkin, John Shymansky, Zihan Su, and Gautam Swamynathan. • A total of 113 high school students were named Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars by the College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level AP examinations taken in May 2013. Seniors Jared Everingham, Joshua Goodman, Manu Goyal, Colleen Hamilton, Bharat Iyer, Lisa Liu, Joseph Puthenpurayil, and Zihan Su and juniors Taha El-Magbri and Richard Szabo qualified for the National AP Scholar Award by earning an average score of 4 or higher on all AP exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. 8 Fox Chapel Area Learning The Fox Chapel Area School District will provide a curriculum and extracurricular opportunities that foster academic growth and personal development. FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y 2012-2013 Accomplishments • The use of Differentiated Instruction (DI) continues to support meeting the learning needs of all students. This is also the main focus of professional development for all administrators and teachers. The training focuses on what students should know, understand, and be able to do in order to achieve mastery of a skill. Additionally, teacher leaders are being developed in each building and the expertise of this leadership team will be utilized to assist teachers in the development of Differentiated Instruction skills. • The Benchmark Literacy program was piloted in several classrooms at each of the elementary schools. This reading program involves pretesting to determine individual literacy levels so that students receive reading materials aligned with their actual achievement levels. • The elementary report cards were revised to align with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The new report cards include descriptors for the levels of proficiency. • All seventh graders at Dorseyville Middle School will receive their own iPads as part of a 1:1 iPad technology plan that was finalized in 2012-2013. In January 2014, students in seventh grade will engage in new Project-Based Learning (PBL) experiences using iPads. The iPads will enhance the curriculum through Project-Based Learning where the learning goals focus on inquiry, discovery, and collaboration. This project seeks to transform instruction to best meet the needs of the 21st century learner as well as prepare learners for collegiate and workplace expectations. The plan will be expanded to include higher grade levels in future years. • The FC Virtual program offered six blended online courses for high school students. Enrollment in these courses increased to 108 students, compared to an enrollment of 44 in 2011-2012. The SAT prep course had the greatest student enrollment with 43 students. Continued on next page Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 9 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s • The Dorseyville Middle School Sinfonia Orchestra was one of 16 orchestras chosen to participate in the 2013 American String Teachers Association National Orchestra Festival held in Rhode Island. Orchestras selected from across the nation exemplified continued excellence, strong curricular focus, and superior performance attributes. • Middle School eighth grader Mihir Garimella was named a finalist and eighth grader Suvir Mirchandani was named a semifinalist in the Broadcom MASTERS Competition based on their achievements at the Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair. • High school sophomore Zoe Aridor was named a winner in the national 2012 Cassini “Scientist for a Day” Essay Contest. She and a group of her classmates participated in an after-school videoconference with scientists from NASA. • High school social studies and gifted support teacher Jennifer Klein was chosen by National Public Radio (NPR) to spend election night 2012 at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. She was part of a select group of 30 people who were invited to observe NPR’s social media desk. • The Fox Chapel Area School District designed a cyber school program to be implemented in 2013-2014. The program, which is aligned to the Fox Chapel Area curriculum and is facilitated by Fox Chapel Area teachers, will be open to students in grades 9-12. Core and elective courses will be offered, plus there will be access to a variety of Fox Chapel Area’s blended courses. • Schools throughout the district continued to benefit from the partnership with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and access to Allegheny Connect, a network that connects districts across the state to one another and to countries around the world. Some programs and benefits include: a Mandarin Chinese course; iPad video conferencing; math, language arts, and writing projects; high school anatomy & physiology class; autopsy and surgery video conferences; NASA video conference; and a Latin America regional seminar. • A team of administrators and teachers worked together throughout the year to develop a supervisory model that will set the expectations for teaching and learning for all teachers beginning in 2013-2014. This team also worked on fully understanding the new teacher evaluation system that went into effect July 1, 2013. • The district has been measuring the 21st century skills of eighth graders for the past four years. Areas included in the assessment are: creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts. Dorseyville students have performed above the global and state averages in all categories every year. • The district teamed with the Cooper-Siegel Library to host a cyber safety session titled, “It’s A Wired, Wired World: Youth Perspective on Cyber Culture.” Two students helped to present two sessions on social networking, online interaction, and cyber bullying. Additionally, students throughout the district continued to be educated on cyber safety. 10 Fox Chapel Area FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y • Career QRT (Quality Resource Time) was created at the high school. This QRT occurs monthly and involves time when students can attend career sessions or work with a teacher mentor. Additionally, seniors have the opportunity to complete career-related field experiences. • The science rubrics developed during the 2011-2012 school year were used in all elementary schools. • The Dorseyville Middle School Literacy Committee implemented several initiatives to promote a culture of literacy throughout the school. • The high school summer school program is not only for remediation – but acceleration as well. Classes include physics, Algebra I & II, geometry, English 9-12, U.S. History II & III, world civilizations, health, recreational sports, and SAT prep. Students Use 21st Century Skills to Solve Academic Challenges • More than 1,200 classroom teacher observations/evaluations were completed. Areas of focus included data-driven instruction, knowing each learner, student engagement through differentiated learning, and questions for reflection. Recognizing the integration of STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) in crosscurricular instruction, the district researched and piloted Project-Based Learning (PBL) across all levels during the 2012-2013 school year. With Project-Based Learning instruction, students are engaged in challenges framed with an initial problem to be solved. The project requires the integration of multiple content areas and the use of technology tools that facilitate collaboration and interaction in small student groups and between students and teachers. For example, O’Hara Elementary School fifth graders were given a problem to solve concerning a mock airborne virus outbreak and asked to determine how the school should respond to the outbreak. Additionally, seventh graders became architects, engineers, researchers, and public relations staff as they worked to develop a new roller coaster ride and presented their proposal to a panel of judges. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 11 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s acHievement More than 90 percent of the students enrolled in the Fox Chapel Area School District will reach the proficient or advanced level in reading, math, science, and writing. • Junior Yiyi Zhao and sophomore Rishi Mirchandani were among the five students from Pennsylvania named national winners in The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America Essay Contest. • Sophomore Rishi Mirchandani was one of 70 students from across the nation chosen to have a story published in “The Best Teen Writing of 2012,” a national anthology of the Scholastic Awards. • Senior Prem Rajgopal, sophomore Elianna Paljug, and freshman Daly Trimble were selected as youth reporters to cover the One Young World international youth summit held in Pittsburgh in the fall of 2012. • Senior Elizabeth Bianchini won first place at the 2013 National Technology Student Association (TSA) Conference. A total of eight high school students placed at the Pennsylvania TSA Leadership Conference and advanced to the national competition. • Sophomore Rishi Mirchandani, Dorseyville eighth grader Suvir Mirchandani, and Fairview Elementary School fifth grader Justin Oliver Choo were selected to play the piano at Carnegie Hall in New York City. All three won medals in the 2012 World Piano Competition. Achievement More than 90 percent of the students enrolled in the Fox Chapel Area School District will reach the proficient or advanced level in reading, math, science, and writing. PERCENT SCORING PROFICIENT OR ABOVE ON THE 2013 KEYSTONE EXAMS Fox Chapel Area High School (Grade 11) State Averages – Spring Testing (Grade 11) State Averages – Winter Testing (Grade 11) Algebra I Literature Biology 86% 40% 54% 94% 55% 67% 67% 40% 42% The PSSA tests at the high school level have been replaced by the Keystone Exams. Beginning with the class of 2017, the state will require that students demonstrate proficiency in the end-of-course Keystone Exams to graduate. However, it is already a requirement for Fox Chapel Area High School students to demonstrate proficiency in reading and math. PERCENT SCORING PROFICIENT OR ABOVE ON THE 2013 PSSA School Math Reading Writing Science Dorseyville Middle School (Grade 8) Dorseyville Middle School (Grades 6-8) Fairview Elementary School (Grade 5) Fairview Elementary School (Grades 3-5) Hartwood Elementary School (Grade 5) Hartwood Elementary School (Grades 3-5) Kerr Elementary School (Grade 5) Kerr Elementary School (Grades 3-5) O’Hara Elementary School (Grade 5) O’Hara Elementary School (Grades 3-5) 92% 89% 96% 97% 84% 86% 77% 83% 88% 94% 94% 88% 89% 90% 80% 77% 58% 76% 84% 92% 90% 90%* 93% 93% 86% 86% 68% 68% 81% 81% 79% 79%* N/A 94%** N/A 84%** N/A 88%** N/A 98%** *Writing and science tests are only administered to students in grade eight at the middle school level. **Science tests are only administered to students in grade four at the elementary level. Pennsylvania is no longer using Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) to measure student performance. The entire state is now using the new Pennsylvania Accountability System that was developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and approved by the federal government. 12 Fox Chapel Area FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y 2013 SAT/ACT/PSAT Mean Scores 2013 SENIOR YEAR SAT MEAN SCORES Critical Reading Math Writing Fox Chapel Area 567 578 561 Pennsylvania 494 504 482 Nation 496 514 488 A total of 296 members (84 percent) of the students in the Class of 2013 took the SAT during their junior or senior year. 2013 ACT RESULTS English Math Reading Science Composite Score Fox Chapel Area 25.7 26.3 26.3 25.7 26.1 Pennsylvania 22.2 23.0 23.0 22.2 22.7 Nation 20.2 20.9 21.1 20.7 20.9 A total of 123 high school students took the ACT in 2013. 2013 GRADE 10 PSAT MEAN SCORES Critical Reading Math Writing Fox Chapel Area 47.4 47.6 45.5 Pennsylvania 44.5 44.8 43.0 Nation 42.5 42.8 41.3 2013 GRADE 11 PSAT MEAN SCORES Critical Reading Math Writing Fox Chapel Area 50.9 52.4 50.5 Pennsylvania 46.6 47.4 45.3 Nation 46.9 47.8 46.0 The district administered the PSAT to all students in grades 10 and 11 during the 2012-2013 school year. The results of this assessment are being used to improve outcomes for students on the SAT and to increase college and career readiness. Continued on next page Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 13 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s 2012-2013 Accomplishments • Middle school art teacher Nanci Goldberg was named the grand prize winner in the “Best Shots” national digital photo contest. • Two high school sophomores were selected to receive the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) award and attended the Pennsylvania HOBY Leadership Seminar. • Sophomore Rishi Mirchandani earned a gold medal and a summa cum laude certificate on the 2013 National Latin II Exam. • The school district received Alcatel-Lucent’s annual Dynamic Enterprise Award for its innovative efforts to implement advanced technologies that help transform education. •Three juniors and two seniors were honored by the Asian American Heritage Committee of the Pittsburgh Federal Executive Board through their Outstanding Asian American Student award program. 14 Fox Chapel Area • Based on 2012 PSSA scores, the Pittsburgh Business Times’ 2013 Guide to Western Pennsylvania Schools ranked Fairview Elementary School first in achievement in western Pennsylvania in grade four and third in grade five. This is the sixth consecutive year that Fairview has been named a top-ranking elementary school. Overall, the school district had a ranking of 12 in the state in the 2013 guide and maintained a ranking of six for academic performance in western Pennsylvania. The district was ranked number seven in western Pennsylvania as an overachieving school district based on the number of economically disadvantaged students who reach high levels of achievement. Fox Chapel Area High School 11th graders achieved a ranking of fifth in western Pennsylvania and Dorseyville Middle School eighth graders ranked 10th. In fifth grade rankings, O’Hara Elementary School moved from number 14 in western Pennsylvania to number six; Hartwood Elementary School moved from number 28 to number eight; and Kerr Elementary School advanced from number 102 to number 66. • The Keystone Exams, designed to be end-of-course exams, replaced the PSSA tests at the high school level. In 2013, the first year of the new exams, all students in their junior year took the tests. Many students who took the new exams had completed the courses in previous years. This will change in 2014, as students will take the exams upon completion of courses for which the test is administered. FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y Middle School Redesignated School to Watch Students, staff, and parents, along with School Board members and administrators, celebrated the redesignation of Dorseyville as a 2013 Don Eichhorn Schools: Schools to Watch school on April 26. Dorseyville was one of six middle schools in Pennsylvania to receive this honor for meeting high academic excellence, being responsive to the needs and interests of young adolescents, and having a commitment to helping all students achieve at high levels as set by the National Forum to Accelerate MiddleGrades Reform. Dorseyville earned its first designation as a school to watch in 2010. • Fox Chapel Area High School was ranked among the best high schools from across the country in 2013. The school received a Silver Medal rank from U.S.News & World Report for the fourth time. Additionally, the high school was named one of America’s Best High Schools by Newsweek and the Daily Beast. • Fox Chapel Area High School students continue to outscore the state and nation on the SAT, ACT, and PSAT in all subject areas. • The high school offered 22 Advanced Placement (AP) courses during the 2012-2013 school year with a total enrollment of 1,035 (many students take multiple courses). A total of 259 students completed 502 AP exams representing 49 percent of the AP course enrollment. Approximately 95 percent scored 3 or higher. • The percent of students in eighth grade enrolled in Algebra I (Plus or Core) and/ or more advanced level courses at the middle school increased from 32 percent in 2008-2009 to 56 percent in 2012-2013. Enrollment in high school molecular biology increased to 48 percent of freshman from 30 percent in 2007-2008. • The high school used the Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) online tests, designed to provide diagnostic information for use in guiding instruction and providing support to students and teachers in preparation for the Keystone Exams. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 15 201 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s Safety Nets The Fox Chapel Area School District will ensure each student’s needs are identified early and supported by a process that provides the necessary interventions. • Juniors Ryan Naugle, Christopher Tran, and Krishna Vallabhaneni placed at the 2013 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Leadership Conference. They were among the five Fox Chapel Area High School students who placed at the state competition and qualified to participate in the National FBLA Leadership Conference. • Sophomore Taylor Edwards was named a Gold Medal winner and junior Melissa Cagan was named a Silver Medal winner in The National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2013. Both were invited to the national celebration held in New York City. Additionally, 13 high school students won Gold Keys in the Pittsburgh Arts Region of The Scholastic Art Awards of 2013 and two won Gold Keys in the 2013 Pittsburgh Regional Scholastic Writing Awards competition. The Gold Key winners qualified for national judging. • Spanish VI senior Emily Myers had her artwork featured in ¡ALBRICIAS!, the official magazine of the Spanish National Honor Society. 16 Fox Chapel Area FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y 2012-2013 Accomplishments • Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) continues to be the main line of support for elementary students who are not moving through the curriculum as expected. The goal is to identify students early so that remediation can take place within the classroom, and this process has reduced the number of students referred for special education services. • Kindergarten students entering Kerr Elementary School were scheduled for individual “Getting to Know You and Your Child” sessions prior to the start of the 2013-2014 school year. The teachers and support staff will use this screening process, including parent interviews, to learn as much as possible about individual student interests, knowledge, language, and motor skills. All the elementary schools will implement this program for the 2014-2015 school year. • Programs used for remedial assistance at the elementary level included Reading Recovery, SRA, Leveled Literacy Intervention, and SpellRead. The Academy of Reading and Academy of Math were also used. • Approximately 120 students participated in the elementary after-school homework helper program and 168 students attended the summer program. Continued on next page Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 17 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s • At Dorseyville Middle School, the Back on Track academic support program provided services to 1,840 students (some attended multiple times); 52 students were serviced through RtII; 11 students were asked to participate in the summer intervention program; and 94 students took part in math extension classes. • Safety net/intervention programs at the high school included: a special education help center in English and math, a math help center available to all students, extended library hours, the Back on Track program and Student Support Team (SST), truancy prevention, and instructional support. • The Freshmen Summer Seminar was held over a four-week period. A total of 80 students participated in the program that was designed to help students grasp the principles of note-taking, studying efficiently, test-taking, and organization and to ease the transition to high school. • Senior Zihan Su (clarinet) was selected to perform with the prestigious National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All-East Band. High school students were also chosen to perform in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) All-State Wind Ensemble, the PMEA Honors Band, the PMEA Honors Jazz Band East, the PMEA District 1 Band, and the PMEA Region 1 Band. • Sophomore Rama Godse was a finalist in the National Catholic Forensic League Grand National Tournament. A total of three high school students qualified to compete in the national tournament. • Kerr Elementary School was recognized for implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports by the 2013 Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network’s Implementers’ Forum. 18 Fox Chapel Area • The high school FOCUS (alternative education) program concluded a fifth successful year of providing services to students in need of a less traditional learning environment. This program gives students a second chance to succeed in school and a total of 28 students participated. • The district Core Values were integrated to help students understand how their actions should reflect Respect, Responsibility, and Integrity. • To promote acceptance and awareness, the high school hosted internal and community events throughout the year, and the elementary and middle schools incorporated lessons into their curriculum. FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y Middle States Association Recognizes High School Fox Chapel Area High School was awarded two Exemplary Educational Program Credentials in music and school counseling by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. According to the Middle States Association, these credentials “provide external validation of a school’s accomplishments in specific areas of expertise, enhancing a school’s prestige and promoting its reputation as a top-tier institution. Middle States credentialed programs serve as models for schools throughout the world.” The school counseling department is the first ever in the history of Middle States to have received this award, and the music department is the first in a public school to receive this award. The Middle States Association also awarded the high school with accreditation for the next seven years. • Focus was placed on transitions as students enter kindergarten, at the fifth grade level prior to middle school, at the eighth grade level prior to high school, and at the 12th grade level as students prepared for college and the world of work. • The Family Literacy Center had 122 families registered and 376 children participated at various times throughout the school year. More than 100 early learning and care providers attended the spring early learning conference in April. • The Family Literacy Center is expanding in focus to incorporate creativity, exploration, and play. Newly named, the Creativity and Literacy Program is being housed at Kerr Elementary School with additional offerings at Volunteers of America/All of Us Care in Sharpsburg. • A drug and alcohol prevention program for parents was presented by Gateway Rehab and the Alliance for Safe and Drug Free Children. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 19 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s COMMUNICATIONS Celebrate the school district, students, teachers, and activities and provide opportunities for the public to share in learning. • Senior Justin Brown-Gnarra (flute) and junior violinists Leila and Olivia Hilal were selected to participate in the 2013 NAfME All-East Orchestra. High school musicians were also selected for the PMEA All-State Orchestra, PMEA 2013 Western Region State Orchestra, and the PMEA District 1 Orchestra. • Two teams of high school students placed in the state TEAMS Competition to qualify for the TEAMS Best in the Nation. The competition is based on science, mathematics, and engineering. • High school television production teacher Doug Martin served as the technology chairperson for the National State Teacher of the Year – Pennsylvania Chapter Executive Board. • School district transition facilitator Stacie Dojonovic served as incoming president of the Division of Career Development and Transition, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children during the 2012-2013 school year. • Superintendent Anne E. Stephens, Ph.D., received the 2013 Outstanding Superintendent Award given by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA). 20 Fox Chapel Area FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y District Receives Music Recognition The Fox Chapel Area School District has been named among the 2013 “Best Communities for Music Education.” This is the second year in a row that the district received this prestigious designation. Fox Chapel Area is one of only 35 in the state of Pennsylvania and one of 307 school districts in the nation chosen for this honor. The districts and schools were selected through a program sponsored by the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) Foundation which acknowledges schools and districts across the United States for their commitment and support for music education as part of the core curriculum. 2012-2013 Accomplishments • Edline continued to be used to notify parents of upcoming events, as well as allowing parents and students to monitor academic progress, attendance, and assignments. • The district has upgraded the online student and parent portal to access student progress and grade information. The new PowerSchool portal replaces Edline and provides real-time progress monitoring and attendance information that is displayed in a clean, uniform interface that is easy to navigate. • The district began utilizing social media and has both a Facebook and Twitter presence. • Site-based management teams and PTO/PTA groups help to keep parents informed of important school activities. Additionally, District Forum meetings were held throughout the year as a way to share information with the community. • The IN Fox Chapel Area Magazine was produced four times and mailed to all district residents. Additionally, the website, art and activities calendar, and Fox Facts continue to keep residents informed of pertinent issues. • Five school district publications received awards in the National School Public Relations Association 2013 Publications and Electronic Media Contest, three received state awards in the 2013 Annual Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) Educational Publications Contest, and two received state awards in the 2012 Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association Excellence in Education Communications Contest. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 21 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s Resource Management The district will take the lead in creative resource management to address the financial crisis facing public schools across the commonwealth. 2012-2013 Accomplishments •Hartwood Elementary School second grader Mia Lynch was named a winner in the regional PBS KIDS GO! Writers Contest open to students in the Pittsburgh, central Pennsylvania, and West Virginia PBS viewing areas. • An article written by teacher Dave Battista highlighted the high school’s ninth and tenth grades physical education triathlon and was published in a state magazine. •Two high school sophomores won first place at the University of Pittsburgh Model UN Conference. • Sixteen high school and middle school students won first place awards at the 79th Annual State Meeting of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS). • High school students placed first in essay contests sponsored by the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research. • Two seniors were named Gold Medal winners in the Trib Total Media’s 2013 Outstanding Young Citizens Awards program. • Three seniors were named first place winners in the 2013 Pennsylvania Statistics Poster Competition. • Senior Christine Mikhael was the recipient of the Spirit of Unity Award for 2013. The award commemorates the works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. • The annual telethon, sponsored by the high school marketing/management and television production students, raised more than $35,700 and involved students from all of the district schools. The 2012 telethon brings the total raised over the past 23 years by Fox Chapel Area students to nearly $540,000. For the third year, the telethon raised money for Habitat for Humanity. 22 Fox Chapel Area • The school district maintained a focus on “right sizing” the staff at all levels to meet the needs of the enrollment, while remaining fiscally responsible to taxpayers. Over the past five years the district has reduced the number of teachers by 29, mostly through retirement. • The school district continued to partner with Volunteers of America/All of Us Care to provide computers for students and families in need. Through a partnership with Comcast and a grant from the Fox Chapel Rotary, low-cost Internet and laptop computers are available to more families. FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y Summer STEMM Program Offers Amazing Opportunities This year’s STEMM Academy, sponsored by Fox Chapel Area High School, opened with a forensic case study led by worldrenown forensic pathologist, Dr. Cyril Wecht. The Western Pennsylvania Summer STEMM Academy ran from July 8-August 1 and provided a projectbased learning environment emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) careers and opportunities. A total of 50 students from 10 high schools from across the greater Pittsburgh area participated. The Academy encourages partnerships with businesses and medical/educational institutions and potential employers. The program featured keynote speakers, engaging hands-on learning activities, and field experiences. • The district received a grant from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (provided by Claude Worthington Benedum and the Grable foundations) to fund a variety of innovative and unique initiatives that engage students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) subjects. • The district implemented a new telephone system that leveraged the flexibility of digital networks and an off-premise, hosted solution. The district is saving $1,169 a month with the new system. • The district’s Resource Planning Committee, a group of residents with financial and management backgrounds, continued to provide additional expertise to the School Board on financial matters, including the annual budget. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 23 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s Athletics 2012-2013 Accomplishments • Fox Chapel Crew Club seniors Sarah Burns, Colleen Hamilton, and Kelly Power were named to the USRowing 2012-2013 Scholastic Honor Roll. Only 55 student-athletes from across the nation were recognized for excelling in academics and rowing. • Twenty-two high school student athletes qualified to participate in the PIAA (state) individual championships. They were: Aaron Bliss, Travis Eckman, Elias Graca, James Humphrey, Colin Martin, Ethan Martin, Karthik Narayanan, and John Shymansky (cross country); Sia Beasley, Noah Cagley, Dante Cordaro, Frances Dean, Emily Eames, Miranda Simon, Scott Sterrett, and Zihan Su (swimming and diving); Travis Eckman, Elias Graca, Colin Martin, Ethan Martin, Michael Mawhinney, Brandon Mitchell, and Brian Papich (boys’ track); Emma Slevin (girls’ track); and Siddharth Rajupet and Benjamin Short (boys’ tennis, also WPIAL runners-up). • Five Fox Chapel Area athletes received scholarships to Division I colleges. • Fifteen of 24 high school interscholastic athletic teams qualified for the WPIAL playoffs. Teams that participated in WPIAL playoffs included baseball, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, boys’ and girls’ cross country, girls’ field hockey, boys’ golf, gymnastics, boys’ and girls’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ swimming, girls’ tennis, and boys’ and girls’ volleyball. • The high school girls’ varsity field hockey team won the WPIAL Class AAA Championship, was named the WPIAL Class AAA Section 2 Co-Champions, and participated in the PIAA Playoffs. • The boys’ varsity golf team won the WPIAL Class AAA Section 4 Title and was undefeated in the section. Additionally, juniors Jorden Alfery and Charles Friend were co-medalists and won the WPIAL Class AAA Individual Section 4 Championship. • The high school girls’ varsity volleyball team was the WPIAL runner-up and participated in the PIAA Playoffs. • The boys’ cross country team won the WPIAL Class AAA Section 4 Title and was the WPIAL team runner-up. The team was undefeated in the section. • The high school girls’ varsity basketball team was named the WPIAL Class AAAA Section 2 Co-Champions. 24 Fox Chapel Area FOX C H A PE L A R E A S C HO OL DI S T R ICT: R E S PE CT, R E S P ON S I B I L I T Y, I N T E G R I T Y Ethan Martin Wins State Championship Junior Ethan Martin won a gold medal at the 2013 PIAA (state) Track & Field Championships by placing first in the 3,200. He shattered his own school record with a time of 9:10.73. • Six high school students won gold medals at the WPIAL Class AAA Track & Field Championships including seniors Travis Eckman and Michael Mawhinney; juniors Ethan Martin (two gold medals), Brandon Mitchell, and Brian Papich; and sophomore Elias Graca. • Five high school students were named to all-state teams including seniors Sarah Bradley and Riley Herrmann (girls’ volleyball), senior Joshua Tublin (boys’ volleyball), junior Erin Mathias (girls’ basketball), and junior Ethan Martin (boys’ cross country). • Senior Kate Hardiman was named a WPIAL Scholar Athlete. • Senior Kelly Capone was voted Western Pennsylvania’s “Most Positive High School Athlete” in the sport of Girl’s Tennis by Positive Athlete. • Freshmen Laurel Shymansky and Lacey Cohen were named the WPIAL Class AAA Section 3 Doubles Tennis Champions and Laurel was also named the WPIAL Section 3 Singles Champion. • A total of 17 members of the Fox Chapel Crew Club participated in the 2013 Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) National Championships. The meet included schools from the United States and Canada. • High school athletes continued to be named to special all-star teams and allconference teams. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 25 2 0 1 2-20 1 3 f ox c ha pe l a re a s c ho ol di s tr ict s tate of th e s c ho ol s Fox Chapel Area High School Class of 2013 On June 9, a total of 353 seniors became the 52nd class to graduate from Fox Chapel Area High School. Approximately 92 percent of those graduates are continuing their education. Many are enrolled in colleges or universities outside of Pennsylvania. The graduates continued the tradition of being accepted to the top colleges and universities across the nation, including: Harvard University, Yale University, Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, Brown University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Columbia University, Northwestern University, The American University, Boston University, George Washington University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, Villanova University, Drexel University, Notre Dame University, Johns Hopkins University, Case Western Reserve University, Purdue University, Virginia Tech, the College of William & Mary, Rutgers University, Emory University, Clemson University, and Boston Conservatory of Music. A total of 98 students in the Class of 2013 (28 percent) graduated with a Quality Point Average (QPA) of 4.0 or higher. 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/963-9600 26 Fox Chapel Area The district continues to use the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) as the guide for what will happen during each school year. The 2012-2013 school year was the first year of working toward the goals set in the new strategic plan. The Continuous Improvement Plan contains goals that are set on a districtwide basis and in each school, and the plan is constantly being evaluated. The proposed Fox Chapel Area High School main entrance. District Embarks on Major Renovation Project School Board and Administration Determine Time is Right Financially I n the spring of 2013, the Fox Chapel Area Board of School Directors was successful in selling bonds for the purpose of completing construction and renovation projects at schools throughout the district. AXIS Architecture, P.C. was contracted to complete the design work and Massaro Construction Management Services, LLC to manage the projects. Following the tradition of the Fox Chapel Area School District for more than 50 years, the Fox Chapel Area School District Authority Board assumed the task of assisting the administration in the overall construction process. The Authority Board is an appointed board of district residents who have expertise in construction, management, or business and assist in providing guidance to the administration throughout any major construction involving the district’s facilities. The Authority Board and district administration worked throughout the summer months to finalize cost projections and to determine the total scope of the first project which will be at Fox Chapel Area High School. The projected start date for that work is February 2014. Superintendent Dr. Anne Stephens first took the idea of upgrading facilities to School Board President Joel Weinstein, a former CEO, three years ago when she realized that the district would be debt free in 2016. When interest rates dropped to an all-time low, she also approached School Board finance agenda chair Charles “Chip” Burke and buildings and grounds agenda chair Nancy Foster. All were in agreement that a perfect scenario existed and that the possibility of a construction project should be further explored. The Board of School Directors discussed the possible renovations during their annual Board retreats in 2012 and 2013, and following those discussions, determined that the time was right to invest in school facilities. STEMM Initiative Plays Part in Secondary Renovations Mr. Weinstein states, “This is perfect timing to be able to renovate our high school and middle school to better accommodate our programs. The STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) initiative at both levels warrants spaces for project-based learning and innovation and this gives us the opportunity to create those areas. The swimming pool is the original pool constructed in 1961 and has cost the district thousands of dollars in repairs over the past several years. In addition, although we have done many things to increase security at each elementary school, the middle school, and high school, additional changes need to be made to ensure the safety of our students.” He adds, “Having served on the Board for the Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 27 “Many of the items included in the renovations would be things we would have to replace through the general fund, such as roofing, HVAC, and plumbing. By rolling these into this construction project, they will be covered under the Plancon program for state reimbursement. This could amount to more than $30 million dollars in savings for the entire project.” –School Board Finance Agenda Chair Charles “Chip” Burke past 17 years and being the father of two Fox Chapel Area School District graduates, I know the positive impact our school district has on children at each grade level and how important it is to always think ahead to determine what will enhance their educational experiences.” Buildings and grounds agenda chair and School Board Treasurer, Mrs. Foster, concurs that this is the perfect time to put this plan into action. According to Mrs. Foster, who works in the field of finance, the market was really right to sell the bonds when the school district did and it looks as though the timing will be good to have some great competition by the construction companies in the area at the first of the new year. When asked what excites her the most about this initiative, Mrs. Foster replied, “There are so many things, including the renovation to the high school media center, improvements to the auditorium, improving safety through changes to our entrances at all schools, and a new natatorium that will be utilized by every student in physical education classes, swimming competitions, the Killer Whales swim team, and the community.” She continued, “As a Board member and the mother of a Fox Chapel Area graduate and a current student in the district, I can see great value in continuously reviewing our facilities to make certain that they meet the demands of our vast program offerings and student needs.” 28 Fox Chapel Area Project Will Address Improving Overall Learning Environment; Ensuring All Facilities Up-to-Date and Safe Mr. Burke, who is chairman of the Grable Foundation, complimented the administration for being proactive in making the project happen. Mr. Burke states, “Financially, this is a perfect time for the Fox Chapel Area School District to upgrade facilities. The interest rates are low and the district will very soon be debt free.” He adds, “Many of the items included in the renovations would be things we would have to replace through the general fund, such as roofing, HVAC, and plumbing. By rolling these into this construction project, they will be covered under the Plancon program for state reimbursement. This could amount to more than $30 million dollars in savings for the entire project. This is truly a great example of good fiscal management. As a resident of the Fox Chapel Area School District for the past 23 years and the father of four children who have either graduated from our schools or are currently attending school in the district, I am extremely happy that we have taken steps to ensure that our facilities will be up-to-date and safe for many years into the future.” Craig Collins of Axis Architecture, P.C. and Fox Chapel Area School Board members President Joel Weinstein, buildings and grounds agenda chair and Treasurer Nancy Foster, and finance agenda chair Charles “Chip” Burke review plans for the upcoming renovation of Fox Chapel Area High School. During his Board tenure, Mr. Weinstein has been around for renovations to every building in the district. When asked why this project is special, he replied, “The majority of what we are doing not only impacts our educational programs throughout the district, but will replace some mechanicals that will improve the overall learning environment. The Fox Chapel Area School District has been a leader in preparing all students for college and the workforce. This is one more step in the right direction.” Dr. Stephens commends the Board of School Directors for their work to keep the district financially sound. In education today, superintendents, boards, and business managers must be proactive and creative to make certain all students have what they need to succeed while practicing sound management. “The district prepares for the future so that we are able to prepare our students for their futures. Sound financial management is the key to making everything else happen,” she states. Project Includes Green Initiative An important part of the project will be the involvement of interested high school students. Authority Board Chairman Bob Saunders has introduced the administration to a “green” initiative, Green Globes, a system that will assist the district in making the renovations as environmentally friendly as possible through such things as recycling of materials, more efficient lighting, and the use of recommended building materials. The administration plans to get students involved in this initiative as well as having interested students work with architects, engineers, and the management company to learn more about job opportunities in these fields. During the 2013-2014 school year, plans will be finalized for the Dorseyville Middle School and O’Hara Elementary School projects. Information concerning the remaining elementary schools will be available soon after that. The district website will have a construction link as the construction dates move closer that will allow residents to follow the progress. The Fox Chapel Area School Authority is a group of district residents with construction, management, business, legal, and finance backgrounds. The group works very closely with the Fox Chapel Area School District administration and Board of School Directors to help manage the construction process. The School Authority members are Chairman Robert Saunders, Vice Chairman Joseph F. Weis, Secretary Kenneth Haase, Treasurer Richard Ranii, and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Bill Kiszka. Each member of the Authority is appointed to a five-year term by the Fox Chapel Area School Board and may be reappointed for additional terms. Fox Chapel Area | Fall 2013 | 29 INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTICE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS W e take the responsibility of delaying or canceling school very seriously. We recognize that delays and cancellations create inconveniences for parents/ guardians who work outside of the home and that schedule changes take away from the continuity of teaching and learning. Please know that we will not interrupt the educational process unless we feel it is absolutely necessary. Our number one concern is the safety of children. We depend upon the experience of our bus contractor to keep us informed concerning the ability of buses to travel the roads. The process of checking road conditions begins very early in the morning. From that information, a judgment is made to delay or cancel school. If we receive advance warning of a severe storm, and have sound information that it will arrive, we may cancel classes so that children do not arrive at school and become stranded. Parents/guardians should discuss what their children should do in case of an early dismissal. If there is an early dismissal, children will be sent home on the buses. The high school students will be dismissed first, followed by the middle school and Hartwood Elementary students, and then the remainder of the elementary students. This order of dismissal is utilized so that older children can be at home when their younger brothers and sisters arrive. Parents/guardians should plan with their children how they wish to handle an early dismissal. Buses may be unable to make it to the regular drop-off point. If that should occur, the driver will radio the bus garage and inform the school. If the driver is able to see the bus stop and observe the children walk to the bus stop, the driver will allow the children to disembark from the bus to walk to their normal drop-off point. Parents should encourage their children to stand away from the side of the snow-covered roads and to use extreme caution at all times. If the driver cannot make it to the drop-off point, he/she will radio the bus garage and inform the school. School personnel will then attempt to contact the parents/guardians. If the parents/ guardians cannot be notified, the children will be taken back to school. In the event that buses do not arrive at school on schedule at dismissal time, the children will be kept in the school. There are emergency provisions in each of the buildings and the students will be fed if they are stranded at school. Parents/guardians of elementary children must have already completed and turned in to the building principal, an emergency card. This information will help the school personnel know who to contact in the event of an emergency or weatherrelated early dismissal. The card should include the parents’/ guardians’ emergency telephone numbers where someone can always be contacted. 30 Fox Chapel Area Please be sure that your children are dressed for the weather. When there is a threat of snow and the wind chill is low, children should have hats, coats, boots, and gloves to wear. Please remember that we are making a decision based on what is best for the entire school district. That decision may not always seem like the best decision for your section of the school district but may be appropriate for another area. The school district covers an area of approximately 36 square miles, so there are times when roads will be clear in one section and very bad in other areas. All roads are not treated or cleared at the same time, which can result in bus delays. When there is a school delay, cancellation, or early dismissal, every parent/guardian in the district will receive a phone call from the district’s school messaging system. Additionally, an announcement will still be placed on the district’s information line at 412/967-2500 and on the district’s website at www.fcasd. edu. Please note that during a power outage it may not be possible to place an announcement on the district’s website and on the telephone information line. Delay, cancellation, and/or early dismissal announcements will also be placed on the following radio and television stations: KDKA (1020 AM), KQV (1410 AM), KDKA-TV, WPXI-TV, and WTAE-TV. The YMCA-sponsored before- and after-school programs will still be available for children who are enrolled. If school is delayed, cancelled, or is dismissed early, the YMCA programs will still be held as scheduled. Only in an extreme emergency will these programs be cancelled. In the event that any of the YMCA programs are cancelled, there will be notification on the radio and television stations listed above, on the district’s telephone information line, and/or someone from the YMCA will personally contact parents/guardians who have children enrolled in the programs. It is also important to note that if school is cancelled and student makeup days are necessary, they will be held in the following order: June 6, June 9, June 10, and June 11, 2014.