WASA Rule Book 2015


WASA Rule Book 2015
WASA Rule Book 2015
Certificate of Incorporation….p.3
WASA Rules…………………………..p.8
Racing Rules…………….................p.15
Technical Specifications………..p.16
Illustrations for
- Driver Restraints……...………...p.24
- Minimum Helmet Clearance for Roll
• - Tail Shaft & Driveline
• - Roll Bar Gusset
• - Supermod Designs……………...p.26
• - Sprint Car Design & Panels Not Acceptable In
Supermod Division……………..p.27
1. THE NAME The name of the association shall be the WEST AUSTRALIAN SUPERMOD
ASSOCIATION INC. and such name shall not be changed, nor the Association dissolved without the
concurrence of three quarters of its financial members present and voting at a special meeting of which
twenty eight (28) days notice shall be given to all financial members, in writing.
INTERPRETATION In this constitution, “This Association “means WEST AUSTRALIAN
SUPERMOD ASSOCIATION INC. “The Committee” means the Executive Committee of the West
Australian Supermod Association Inc. “Financial Member” shall mean and include every member
who is registered with the Association as a Supermod Driver and has paid all monies due and Payable.
“Associate Member” shall mean and include every member who is not registered with the Association
as a Supermod Driver and has paid all monies due and payable. The Association shall be affiliated
with any other Association or Club as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide. All
cases of dispute as to the correct interpretation of these rules shall be decided by the Executive
Committee whose decision shall be final.
3. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION To encourage the sport of motor racing, to promote the spirit of
sport and good fellowship amongst members. To promote the concept of friendship in competition.
To assist in promoting and organising speedway meetings in harmony with other bodies with similar
interests. To submit to promoters any terms that may be of mutual benefit.
4. GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association shall be governed by an Executive
Committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, One (1) elected delegate from
each Affiliated Club, and a Technical Officer. The Technical Officer to be appointed by the Executive
Committee. A minimum of four (4) of whom shall constitute a quorum for the dispatch of business at a
duly convened meeting of the Executive Committee.
5. APPLICATION OF RULES Every member of the Association shall be considered to be acquainted
with, shall submit to, and be bound by the Rules and Specifications of the Association.
6. ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION The Constitution shall not be altered except at the
Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.
7. APPLICATION OF MEMBERSHIP Application for membership shall be in writing, stating their
reasons for wishing to join, their interests in the Association Objects and supplying some personal
particulars concerning themselves. Any person seeking membership shall make application on the
prescribed form to the Secretary, and the Management Committee shall determine whether the
application is successful or not. Applications must be signed personally by the Applicant. Applicants
denied membership shall be advised in writing. Membership of the Association is to be renewed
8. LIFE MEMBERS Any financial member is in good standing who has rendered the Association
meritorious service may, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, be elected a Life
Member at the General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at such
General Meeting.
9. HONORARY MEMBERS The Association may at any General Meeting, by a two-thirds majority of
members present and voting at such meeting, elect as Honorary Members any person who, for services
rendered to the Association is considered eligible for any period deemed applicable, or is a financial
member of a Affiliated Club or other recognised Car Club for a period not exceeding one (1) month.
Such membership may be cancelled at any time by the Executive Committee.
10. ARREARS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Any financial (except a Life or Honorary Member) whose
subscription remains unpaid twenty eight (28) days after becoming payable shall be notified by the
Secretary that if payment thereof be not made within fourteen (14) days after issue of the said notice,
they shall be deemed to have resigned and on no account be permitted eligible to hold office, vote or
compete in any of the Associations competitions or otherwise entitled to any of the privileges of
membership. Such Members, may, however, with the approval of the Executive Committee, be
reinstated to Membership of the Association on payment of all arrears of monies payable to the
Association and shall be there upon entitled to the same privileges they held prior to such resignation
of membership under this rule.
11. RESIGNATIONS Any member whose subscription is not in arrears may resign their membership by
giving fourteen (14) days notice in writing to the Secretary who shall submit same to be dealt with by
the Executive Committee at its next Committee meeting. Such member shall return to the Secretary the
Associations Licence and/ or car registration; however no refund of the applicable fee shall be granted
by the Association. Upon cessation of membership there shall be no claim upon the Association, nor
upon any of its property.
12. FINANCIAL YEAR AND SUBSCRIPTIONS The financial year of the Association shall commence on
the first (1st) day of August in each year. All fees are due first (1st) day of July payable within fourteen
(14) days.
13. VOTING Voting at a Committee Meeting shall be taken by a show of hands, provided that in such
cases where a vote is being taken under clause 17 or 18, such voting will be by secret ballot. Only
members, except Honorary Members, who are also holders of current licenses issued by the
Association, and who have driven a Supermod in not less than three(3) complete meetings in the
previous season shall be entitled to vote on matters concerning the Rules or Specifications of the
Association, provided that they are financial. All other members, except Honorary Members shall be
entitled to vote on any other matter, provided that they are financial. The President or Chairperson of
the meeting shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote. No proxies shall be allowed at any
meeting. Voting at the Annual General Meeting or Special Summons Meeting shall be by a show of
hands, and a simple majority of members present and voting required to declare a motion carried.
14. OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE Resignations from office will be deemed to have
been received and accepted in any other following instances:
a) Any Executive failing to attend
three (3) consecutive Meetings of the Committee. b) The President, Secretary or Technical Officer
failing to attend three (3) consecutive General Meetings of the Association. PROVIDED ALWAYS that
where leave of absence has been granted, the foregoing shall not apply. Where, however, the
resignation takes effect under this rule, then the member, or members concerned shall not be eligible
for re-election to their former, or any other office during the current financial year in which such
resignation becomes operative.
15. EXECUTIVE COMMIITTEE MEETINGS The Executive Committee shall meet annually or on any
other occasion as may be deemed necessary, four (4) members of the Executive Committee shall form a
quorum. Whenever practicable seven (7) days previous notice of such meeting shall be given to each
member of the Executive Committee. The minutes of the Executive Committee shall be open to any
member of the Executive Committee only.
16. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS Should it appear to any member of the Executive Committee that any
Officer is not performing their duties, the Executive Committee may by two-thirds majority of its
members present and voting, declare such office vacant, provided that any officer so removed may
within seven (7) days of declaration, demand a ballot of financial members upon the question of their
removal from office. Notice of the intention to take such ballot shall be given by the President at the
General Meeting next preceding the taking of such ballot, and the result thereof shall be binding on the
Executive Committee. Any member removed from office under this rule may not be elected to any
office whatsoever during the current financial year in which they were so removed.
17. SUSPENSION OF MEMBERSHIP The Executive Committee shall, subject to the provision herein
contained, be empowered, by a two-thirds majority of its members present and voting, to suspend, fine
or expel any member of the Association for any breach or infringement of the rules or Specifications of
the Association, or for any misconduct, or for any misapplication of the funds of the Association,, or for
noncompliance with or disobedience of any order contained in any resolution of the Executive
Committee, or for conduct in its opinion unworthy of a member. PROVIDED THAT such member
shall have first been given notice in writing of the allegations or matters of complaint made. Any
member so suspended, fined or removed, may within seven (7) days from the date of suspension, fine
or removal apply to the Executive Committee for hearing of their appeal.
18. POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall have the following
powers: To implement all necessary action for the proper upkeep and business of the Association and
to pay all expenses so incurred. To appoint a subcommittee to deal with all matters that may affect the
Association or any of its members. To fill any vacancy which shall occur either on the Executive
Committee or in any other office of the Association. Provided that all acts of the Executive Committee
done in pursuance of the powers granted by this Constitution, shall have full force and effect and be of
full validity until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association or a Special Summons Meeting
convened for that purpose.
19. DUTIES OF OFFICERS PRESIDENT The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive
Committee, and shall preserve good order so that the business may be properly conducted. The
President shall see that the minutes are read and confirmed, upon such reading and confirmation, sign
same, and shall endorse all accounts passed for payment. The President shall sign all cheques jointly
with the Secretary or Treasurer, checking the amount with that of the account.
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President to be prepared to substitute for the
President in presiding at any meeting of the Association necessary due to the non-attendance of
the President.
SECRETARY The Secretary shall collect subscriptions and all other monies
due or payable to the Association, and hand same to the Treasurer within fourteen (14) days of receipt
thereof. The Secretary shall convene all meetings, keep a complete list of members with their
addresses and date of joining, and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and shall give
all notices as may be required to be given to members. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all
properly convened meetings and shall submit same to the next ensuing meeting for confirmation.
TREASURER The Treasurer shall keep a record of the amount of subscriptions
due by each member from time to time, showing the date of the subsequent payment. The Treasurer
shall keep correct account books, showing the financial affairs of the Association, and shall prepare and
submit to the Annual General Meeting a Balance Sheet and Statement of accounts which shall be duly
audited. The Treasurer shall present financial reports of the income received and the payments made
since the preceding financial report was presented by him to the Executive Committee for passing of
payment and when so passed shall see that the President’s signature is affixed to the account. Petty
Cash advance of not more than fifty dollars ($50. ) shall be made as and when required, and the
Treasurer shall, on calling for further advances, immediately report to the Executive Committee the
method in which the previous Petty Cash advance was expended. All Cheques Shall Be Marked “Not
negotiable”, and shall be drawn to the order of the person in whose favour the cheque was made. The
treasurer shall, together with the President or the Secretary sign all cheques drawn on the Associations’
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The Technical Committee shall consist of a
Technical Officer and Assistants. The Technical Committee will have full power to handle and deal
with any business arising from plans, specifications and construction of vehicles within the
Association. Original inspection of all vehicles must be carried out by a member of the Technical
Committee. The Technical Committee will meet on special occasions if necessary and report at the next
Committee meeting. The Technical Officer will become a member of the Executive Committee and will
have full voting power of the Association.
20. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS The Association shall hold one (1) Annual General Meeting per
annum, and Summons Meetings as Executive Committee deem necessary. Nominations will be made
by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be financial members of the Association. Voting for
Office Bearers will be conducted at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Summons Meeting.
21. NON PROFIT The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the
promotion of the objects of the Association. No portion of the income or property shall be paid,
transferred or distributed directly, or indirectly, to the members of the Association, provided that
nothing shall prevent the payment in good faith of renumeration to any Officer, other member,
employee or any person, in return for services rendered to the Association.
22. AUDIT Accounts will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the Association, these accounts
will be audited by an Auditor appointed by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
23. INSPECTION OF RECORDS A member may at any reasonable time inspect without charge the
books, documents, records and securities of the Association.
24. DISSOLUTION The Association may be dissolved or wound up by a resolution at any General
Meeting, or Special meeting called for such purpose. A majority of seventy five percent (75%) of
members voting at a meeting shall be required to pass a motion to dissolve the Association. If upon
the dissolution or winding up of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and
liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to, transferred too or distributed
amongst the members of the Association. Any income or property shall be applied for charitable or
benevolent purposes, or paid, or transferred to another incorporated Association, the Association,
provided that the Association, institution or body shall prohibit the distribution of its income and
property amongst its members. The aforementioned Association, institution or body shall be
determined by the members before the time of dissolution or winding up. In default of such
resolution, such payment, transfer or dissolution shall be determined by a Judge of the District Court.
25. COMMON SEAL The Executive Committee shall provide for the safe custody of the Common Seal of
the Association and the same shall not be used except with the authority of a resolution of the
Executive Committee and in the presence of the President or the duly appointed Deputy, in writing,
who shall sign every instrument to which the Seal is affixed and every such instrument shall be counter
signed by the Secretary or some other person appointed by the Executive Committee.
1.1 A Racing Rules and Specifications book is available and downloadable on our website
www.supermods.com.au .
1.2 Any Driver, Owner, Pit Crew, Official or Member assisting or taking part in a race meeting
is required to be conversant with and to have submitted to these Racing Rules and
1.3 Any member charged with conduct prejudicial to the interest of the sport and/or the
Association. PENALTY: Expulsion from the Association.
1.3.1 Any member so charged will have the right of appeal, to the Executive Committee.
1.4 Any Driver/Owner/Pit Crew or other member given a penalty under W.A.S.A Regulations
shall have the right of appeal:
a) From the decision of an official at a race – to the Disputes Committee.
b) From the decision of the Disputes Committee – to the W.A.S.A Committee.
1.5 Any Driver/Owner/Pit Crew or other member not complying with the Chief Steward’s
Directive will be suspended and/or fined.
1.6 If a W.A.S.A sanctioned meeting is being held, a registered W.A.S.A driver or car is
ineligible to accrue points or win prize money or trophies at any other track.
1.7 Winter Racing: Minimum of 6 drivers required to participate in a meeting. Interested
individuals can organise these meetings but committee MUST be notified.
1.7.1 No Supermod racing is permitted on the Date assigned to the Date of an Annual
General Meeting [AGM]
2.1 The W.A.S.A had been formed to encourage friendly competition. All members are required
to conduct themselves in a manner which will promote this end.
2.2 Supermod racing is a non-contact sport, and any instances of deliberate and/or dangerous
conduct by drivers will be severely penalised. PENALTY: Will be suspended and may be
2.3 The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these Rules and
Regulations made thereunder, and the decision of the Committee upon any question of
interpretation or upon any matter affecting the W.A.S.A and not provided for by these Rules
and/or Regulations shall be final and binding.
2.4 The control of every meeting conducted upon a complex hosted by a W.A.S.A affiliated club
is vested in the Club Officials who must be a member of the affiliated club.
2.5 Rule 2.4 shall not apply is W.A.S.A officials exercise control of the meeting, with the
agreement of the club.
2.6 The W.A.S.A has the right to make additions, alteration and omissions to the Racing Rules.
Any alteration so made will be notified to all Club Delegates and will be included in any
2.7 The W.A.S.A reserves the right to solicit affiliation from any club at which Supermods race,
or may desire to race.
2.7.1 A fee as set down by the Committee may be charged for such affiliation.
2.8 W.A.S.A can have an infield flag Marshall at any W.A.S.A sanctioned meeting.
3.1 Any driver in control of a Supermod shall not participate in any event unless they are a
member of a W.A.S.A affiliated Club. PENALTY: May be fined and/or suspended.
3.2 No driver shall compete at any meeting unless all due fines have been paid and suspensions
(subject to appeal) served. PENALTY: Minimum three (3) month suspension, cumulative on
any current suspension.
3.3 W.A.S.A licensed drivers and W.A.S.A registered Supermods can only compete with other
W.A.S.A licensed drivers and W.A.S.A registered Supermods.
3.3.1 Rule 3.3 does not apply to novelty races such as “mechanics races”. “powder puff”
events or “celebrity races”.
3.3.2 If a W.A.S.A sanctioned meet is being held then all W.A.S.A registered drivers and
Supermods are ineligible to accrue points, win money or win trophies at any other
3.4 No W.A.S.A Affiliated Club or Official will allow an unregistered Supermod of unlicensed
driver to compete in any competition, apart from circumstances as in Rule 3.3.1.
4.1 All drivers must carry an Accident Insurance Policy covering injuries sustained in speedway
4.2 Drivers are not permitted to race whilst under workers compensation. PENALTY:
Cancellation of Licence.
4.3 Drivers under medical treatment must produce a medical certificate before permitted to
continue racing. PENALTY: Minimum suspension three (3) months and may be fined.
4.4 Corrective glasses/contact lenses are to be worn if the Driver’s Medical Form in endorsed to
that effect.
4.5 A driver will, at the request of the Chief Steward or Committee Member, submit to a
physical examination by a registered Medical Practitioner appointed by the Club or
Association. PENALTY: Cancellation of Licence.
4.6 If through accident or other cause, a Driver is considered unfit to continue racing, he will be
excluded from racing for the remainder of the meeting.
4.7 Any driver will, at the requirement of the Chief Steward or Committee Member, submit to a
test for blood alcohol content, or evidence of illegal drug taking. Such tests will be made in
accordance with the laws relating to breath, blood and urine sampling contained in the Road
Traffic Act, 1974. Failure to comply will result in penalty. PENALTY: Minimum twelve
(12) month suspension.
4.7.1 The Association will bear the cost of any such tests.
4.8 It shall be the Driver’s responsibility to purchase a Racing Rules and Specification book and
to make themselves fully acquainted with the Regulations contained therein.
4.9 The Driver is responsible for the behaviour of his/her Pit Crew.
4.9.1 All fines and/or suspensions imposed upon a Pit Crew will be levied on the Driver.
The Driver will not be permitted to participate in any event until such fines have been
paid and/or suspensions served.
4.10 Pit Crew is to make every effort to be dressed in a clean and tidy manner and conduct
themselves in the correct manner. PENALTY: Fine.
4.11 Members or Pit Crew must abide by the Host Club membership and insurance
requirements. PENALTY: May be fined and/or suspended.
4.12 Qualifying for State Title can be done by either (ALL DRIVERS TO NOMINATE
a) Driver must compete at Three (3) club meets plus One (1) away from your home track
Country Round.
b) Driver must compete in Two (2) away from your home track Country Rounds.
4.12.1 All WASA Drivers who have not competed in a Country Round for 3 Seasons will
be deemed a ‘new’ WASA driver. All new WASA drivers MUST start ROF in first two
(2) Country Rounds they compete in.
5.1 A W.A.S.A licence can be issued to any Member if they satisfy the Committee of their
5.2 Prior to application for, or renewal of a licence each season, all Drivers are required to
supply a medical certificate which has been issued not more than sixty (60) days previously,
in accordance to their insurer – Speedway Australia or NDRA. Drivers less than 40 years of
age need to supply a Medical 2 yearly. Drivers over 40 years of age need to supply a Medical
5.3 A Driver’s licence is only valid once the Driver has paid his full membership to WASA and
has provided the Secretary with a copy of Speedway Insurance. i.e. a photocopy of insurance
card with expiry date and Drivers photo on it.
5.4 A driver must produce his Speedway Insurance Card on demand to an Official of the
PENALTY: exclusion from that meeting.
5.5 During pre-race scrutineering a Driver will be required to produce his Speedway Insurance
Card to the Scrutineer.
PENALTY: exclusion from that meeting.
5.6 A Driver competing at his first race meeting will be required to start at the rear of the field
until he satisfies the Chief Steward of his proficiency.
5.7 If a Driver loses or inadvertently destroys his Speedway Insurance Card he must immediately
notify the Secretary and the Speedway Insurance Licensing body,
The Driver will be required to pay the appropriate fee for the issue of a duplicate insurance
from the Speedway Insurance body concerned.
5.8 Any person found competing unlicensed or allowing an unlicensed person to drive their
Supermod in an event will be penalised.
PENALTY: Minimum three (3) months suspension.
5.9 W.A.S.A Drivers can only compete against other W.A.S.A drivers. A Driver found to be
competing against Drivers who do not have a current W.A.S.A licence may be penalised.
6.1 A W.A.S.A registration can only be issued to a Supermod that has been passed by the
Technical Committee.
An application for registration will be accompanied by a completed
scrutineering sheet, a photograph of the Supermod (approx. size
100mm by 150mm), and the registration fee.
6.2 The Owner and/or Driver of a W.A.S.A Supermod who permits the Supermod to compete
against unregistered race cars will incur a penalty.
6.3 Any Driver, Pit Crew and/or Owner guilty of misrepresenting a Supermod or registration
information will be penalised.
PENALTY: Fine and/or suspension.
7.1 Logbooks are compulsory; failure to present the logbook at scrutineering will result in a
PENALTY: Exclusion from that meeting.
7.2 Each registered Supermod will be issued with a logbook annually. This logbook will remain
with that Supermod permanently, and is not transferrable.
7.3 If a logbook is inadvertently lost or destroyed, such loss must be reported to the Secretary
who will issue a new book.
7.3.1 A report of a missing or destroyed logbook must be accompanied by the
appropriate fee for reissue of the book, a photograph of the car, and a
Declaration signed by the Driver nominating any endorsements listed
on the logbook. A false declaration will result in a penalty.
PENALTY: Fine and/or suspension.
7.4 Deliberate destruction of a logbook will incur a penalty
7.5 During pre-race scrutineering, Drivers will present their logbooks to the Scrutineer. The
Scrutineer, after checking the validity of the logbook and making relevant entries, will
return the logbook to the Driver.
7.6 The Chief Steward or other Official may require at any time that the logbook be presented
to them for checking.
7.6.1 Failure to deliver a logbook as required by rule 3.6 will result in a
PENALTY: Exclusion from that meeting and may be fined.
8.1 W.A.S.A Committee Members have the power to intervene at meetings to enforce W.A.S.A
Rules and Specifications on a point of fact, as well as point of opinion.
8.2 An ambulance, fire fighting vehicle and a tow truck must be within the complex in a
location approved by the Chief Steward, whilst any racing is in progress.
8.3 Minimum Ambulance requirements are: a stretcher, oxygen, resuscitation equipment and
fully trained personnel.
8.4 In the event of a race meeting being postponed or cancelled, the driver’s nomination money
is to be refunded when they are denied the opportunity to compete for the advertised prize
8.4.1 In the event of a rained out meeting all drivers that nominated on time
will be issued with 25 points per car.
8.5 Drivers will notify scratching to their driver’s representative. Any driver not notifying his
scratching within forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting and not having a bona-fide
reason for nonattendance, or failing to notify his scratching may be penalised.
PENALTY: May be fined.
8.6 Any driver who is a late nomination, or who arrives at a meeting with the intention of
competing without nominating may be allowed to compete, however if allowed to compete
such driver will be starting from the rear of field in all heats at that race meeting.
8.7 All intending drivers must be at a race complex at least one (1) hour prior to the
commencement of the meeting unless advised by the organisers of a time difference.
Failure to comply may result in a penalty.
PENALTY: May be started R.O.F in the heats and may be excluded from meeting.
8.8 When required, each driver will register with the Pit Marshall or nominated official his pit
crew, prior to the commencement of every meeting.
PENALTY: May be fined.
8.9 Prior to entering the track, all Supermods are to be inspected and passed by the Scrutineer.
PENALTY: Will be excluded and driver may be fined.
8.10 Supermods must be complete at the start of an event, subject to the Scrutineer’s
PENALTY: Will be excluded.
8.11 Scrutineering to be completed prior to Drivers Meeting. Any scrutineering after this time
will be by special arrangement by the Scrutineer.
8.12 Drivers must always be prepared to start in accordance with the program, when called
upon to do so by the Pit Marshall.
PENALTY: May be excluded.
8.13 Any driver not positioned on the dummy grid that notifies the Pit Marshall that he needs
two (2) minutes may start provided that he enters the track prepared to race when he is
called, before the two minute lapse.
8.14 All protective clothing/safety equipment must be worn/in position when drivers are
positioned on the dummy grid prior to entering the track, and are to be checked by an
appointed Official.
PENALTY: May be excluded.
8.15 Each driver is responsible for knowing his position on the starting grid, and for
maintaining his position until the race commences.
8.16 A driver may compete in any event in any Supermod provided that that Supermod used
by the driver in the final is the same car as that used by the driver in the qualifying heats.
8.17 Points are allocated to a driver and Supermod combination, not to a driver alone.
8.18 Drivers and race cars will not be substituted once a car has commenced.
8.19 Drivers will not exceed the speed of twenty (20) km/h when travelling in and around the
pit area.
PENALTY: May be fined.
8.20 No one is permitted to sit or ride on moving race cars in the Pit area at any time, except
when entering or leaving the track for the purpose of a grand parade.
PENALTY: Will be fined.
8.21 Any driver, pit crew, owner, official or member using or offering violence by any means
towards any other person at, or arising from, or during the course of any race meeting
within a Speedway Complex will be penalised.
PENALTY: Will be fined and/or suspended and may be expelled from the Association.
8.22 Any driver, owner, pit crew, official or member who has not paid a fine imposed on
him/her, or is currently under suspension, cannot hold any of the above positions until the
fine has been paid, or the suspension served.
8.23 No driver, owner, pit crew, official or member may enter the track or infield area without
the Chief Steward’s permission.
PENALTY: May be fined.
8.24 Drivers, owners, pit crew, officials or members must be notified of any alleged offence,
protest or appeal as soon as practicable.
8.24.1 In any event the notification must be affected:
a) If arising out of an incident at a race meeting – notification on that day, or within
ten (10) days.
b) If arising out of any other incident – notification within ten (10) days.
8.25 Drivers, owners, pit crew, officials or members are to remain in the vicinity of the track
area within hearing of the public address system for fifteen (15) minutes after completion of
the last race to be available for notification as per Rule 8.24.1 (a).
8.25.1 Should a member who is summoned for notification as required by
Rule 8.24 within the period of fifteen (15) minutes after completion of
the last race, fail to attend for notification as required, such notification
shall be deemed to have been affected.
8.26 Verbal notification of any offence must be followed by written notification of
infringement within ten (10) days.
8.26.1 If posted, the notification will be despatched by security mail and will
be deemed to have been received in seventy two (72) hours after
8.26.2 Infringement notices are recognized as an official notification.
8.27 The fitting of any form of radio or telephone communication in a car is prohibited.
PENALTY: Will be excluded and will be fined.
8.28 Any driver who is awarded a prize, which becomes a disputed prize, is responsible to
return the prize within fourteen (14) days to the Host Club Secretary. Failure to return the
prize within this time will result in a penalty.
8.29 The Chief Steward is in control from the time the drivers, owners, pit crews, officials or
members enter the complex.
8.30 Apart from the Chief Steward, who makes a decision during the running of a race, no
W.A.S.A body can impose a penalty on any member without the member being notified of
the allegations made against him/her, and an opportunity to be heard in his defence has
been given.
8.30.1 A member given a decision or penalty by the Chief Steward during a
race will be notified by the Chief Steward of the penalty or decision as
soon as practicable, and in any event within the period of fifteen (15)
minutes after the completion of the last race.
8.31 Any member who disregards the direction of an official will be penalised.
PENALTY: Will be fined and/or suspended.
8.32 Lights to be compulsory and operating on a pusher bikes (amber flashing recommended)
whilst on race track. Riders must wear an approved helmet to AS 1688-1988 or better. And
a safety vest.
9.1 If a car is passed by a scrutineer to compete and another driver wishes to lodge an appeal he
must appeal against the scrutineer’s decision to pass the car for competition and state the
Specification/s the Supermod is not complying with. The Disputes Committee is then
responsible for the impounding and inspection of the Supermod by scrutineer/s or member
of the Technical Committee. The Disputes Committee must attend to these matters with the
utmost expediency before scheduled race time. If time and facilities are not available, (e.g.:
full motor pull down), the Supermod Owner/Driver and Race Officials are to be advised
that the car is going to be subject to inspection and that if the car competes in the race
meeting, no prize money, points or trophies will be issued until the matter is finalised.
9.2 A Supermod Owner/Driver who has had a full scrutineering inspection, carried out by his
club scrutineer and has been passed for registration by a member of the Technical
Committee, and travels to another track and is refused to run because his car is not within
specifications may appeal against his club scrutineer for not carrying out his duties.
9.3 Should a scrutineer find a duly registered visiting Supermod that does not comply with
specifications, he has two courses of action:
a) He can refuse the Supermod a clearance for competition and make a full report in the
Supermod’s log book and to the technical officer or secretary or;
b) If in his opinion the breach of specification is not a safety item, or one that gives the
driver a performance advantage he notes the breach in the log book before clearing the
car for competition on that day.
9.4 If a Supermod owner, driver or scrutineer finds another scrutineer has another view of
interpretation on any specification, the matter must be clarified with the technical officer as
soon as possible.
9.4.1 The technical officer shall contact all parties involved and advise the
official technical ruling on the disputed matter. All parties will be
required to comply with this ruling.
9.4.2 If a ruling as above cannot be obtained immediately, the scrutineer of
the meeting will contact any other scrutineers or members of the
Technical Committee in attendance at the race meeting and obtain a
consensus of the problem. If this is not possible, the scrutineer will use
his discretion in allowing a Supermod to compete until such ruling is
9.5 Any appeal on driver of Supermod eligibility must be lodged prior to the commencement of
the first race of the meeting and be accompanied by a fee of fifty (50) dollars.
9.5.1 When an appeal is against the eligibility of an engine that a fee of four
hundred (400) dollars must accompany appeal. If this appeal is lost, the
fee is retained and if dismantling occurred to prove eligibility of the
engine, the fee will be used to cover the expenses incurred to reassemble the engine.
Any use of an illegal engine, illegal fuels or the making of a false
declaration regarding the Supermod specifications will be penalised.
PENALTY: Minimum six (6) months suspension.
The West Australian Supermod Association is a
Speedway Australia and a Speedway West (WA)
Affiliated division.
WASA races under the Australian Racing Rules and
Please refer to the Australian Speedway Racing Rules
and Regulations Book for more Information.
As from 30 June 2015
1.1 INTERPRETATION of the specifications as contained in this book with the circularised
amendments shall be interpreted solely by the Committee, the Technical Committee and the
Technical Officer.
1.2 AUTHORITY TO EXCLUDE Not withstanding anything contained in these specifications, the
Club Scrutineer, Technical Officer, Technical Committee and the Executive Committee shall have
the right to exclude any vehicle from competition.
1.3 GENERAL Before constructing cars, the chassis design must have full details and be submitted in
writing along with a diagram to the W.A.S.A Technical Committee or Technical Officer. This
submission will be treated as confidential and approval or required modification shall be given in
writing to the applicant.
1.4 CONSTRUCTION - Workmanship on race cars is to be of a high standard.
1.4.1 Bolts are not to be used through structural tubing, unless a welded sleeve is provided.
1.4.2 No chrome molly is to be used.
1.4.3 No galvanized or zinc coated materials to be used at any time.
1.5 SIZES - Maximum wheelbase between front and rear axle centres is two point four (2.4) metres.
This will be measured as follows: left wheelbase plus right wheelbase divided by two.
1.5.1 Maximum wheel track measured from outside of wheels is two (2.0) metres.
1.5.2 All working parts are to be suitably pinned or locked with lock nuts.
1.6 DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE The owner/driver of a Supermod will complete a W.A.S.A
declaration of compliance annually. The declaration will cover eligibility for the division and all
points of safety, including material specifications and sizes.
1.6.1 Details of the declaration are to be placed in the vehicle log book.
1.7 INSPECTION Cars must pass a pre-registration daylight examination two (2) weeks prior to any
racing to receive log book endorsement and must show proof of W.A.S.A membership, before
entering competition.
1.7.1 This endorsement can be revoked at any time by the Club Machine Examiner, member of
Technical Committee, or Technical Officer, if a vehicle is found defective.
1.7.2 Endorsement will be withdrawn until repair or adjustment has been made and approved.
1.7.3 Drivers must be present, with their safety equipment at the time of inspection.
1.7.4 The driver is responsible for having the logbook further endorsed before participation in
each official practice session or race meeting.
1.7.5 A logbook without endorsement by one of the above-mentioned officers is equivalent to
a “no race ticket”.
1.8 CHECKING OF CARS All cars are subject to engine and general checking before and after any
race at the discretion of the Technical Officer, member of the Technical Committee, Machine
Examiner, and Steward or racing Disputes Committee.
(a) Optional full motor sealing can be done if driver wishes but must have the Correct
Documentation (which must be presented at State Titles) upon which motors will not need to be
stripped after position at titles. The Technical Committee still has the right to inspect vehicle
after sealing, at any time the Technical Committee deem that it is required. (Sealing form can be
obtained from secretary. Copy of completed form to be returned to Secretary of WASA)
(b) If motor checking is refused, the car will be ineligible to compete at any W.A.S.A meeting and
will be deemed illegal until proven otherwise.
1.8.1 Cars selected will be ordered to be impounded for dismantling.
1.8.2 The entrants of the cars must deliver them immediately upon request and supply the
necessary man power and hand tools to accomplish dismantling.
1.8.3 If there are no facilities for ready check of any parts of a vehicle, sealing of parts under
question can be carried out and the vehicle taken to a mutually agreed venue for
examination at another time within fourteen (14) days.
1.8.4 Impounded cars will be stored at the owner’s risk. Although every reasonable precaution
will be taken, no responsibility for fire, theft, or damage will be assumed by the W.A.S.A
affiliated Clubs or their agent.
2.0 DRIVER SAFETY Speedway Australia “B” Division minimum Safety Standards Apply
Race Suit must meet minimum standard of either SFI 3.2A/1, FIA 8856-2000 or the higher standard of apparel
and be a one (1) piece suit.
Helmet must meet minimum standard of either Snell M 2005, Snell M 2010, AS1698 standard full faced helmet
or the higher standard Snell helmets.
AS1698 and Snell BS 6658 – 85 Type A/FR helmets must be no older than 5 years from the manufacturer date
(please check the manufacturer date prior to purchase). All drivers must wear a full faced helmet *** (see
definition below) with a visor that must be closed whilst competing (no goggles) in all divisions.
Boots are compulsory and must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000.
Balaclavas are compulsory and must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000.
Gloves are compulsory and must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000, it is recommended they are the
Gauntlet Style glove and they must not be modified in any way.
Underwear must be worn conforming to SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000. All drivers must wear cotton under
garments (e.g. no synthetic boxer shorts) and no underwire on bras. There must be no synthetic attire and no
jewellery to be worn by a competitor whilst competing.
Horse collar is compulsory without a Head and Neck Restraint. If you wear a Head and Neck Restraint, it must
conform to either the FIA or SFI 38.1 standards. However, if you are using a AS1698 helmet with the device,
you may not modify the helmet in any way. If the helmet must be modified to wear the head and neck restraint
device, you must wear the Snell helmet.
3.1 All racing will be conducted in an anti-clockwise direction.
3.2 Car Numbers will be issued by the Secretary.
3.2.1 Numbers to be clearly displayed on the rear wing and wing side panels with letters
W.A.S.A placed near a number on the car.
3.2.2 Number one (1), two (2) and three (3) will be reserved and allocated to the top three
drivers from the state title.
3.2.3 Country Round Champion can wear CR1, own number optional. CR1 to be all the same
size and clearly displayed.
3.3 Cars older than 10 years that don’t meet these specifications will only race with the Technical
Officers of the Technical Committee’s approval.
3.3.1 If the vehicle is substantially rebuilt or has major repairs affected to it, it must on
completion conform to these specifications.
3.4 Conduct and behaviour of pit crew is the driver’s responsibility, and penalty levied for misconduct
by a member of a pit crew will be levied on the driver concerned.
3.4.1 It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that his pit crew has the necessary insurance.
3.5 Drivers are to make themselves conversant with W.A.S.A specifications, racing rules and flags.
Ignorance of these rules will not be accepted as an excuse.
3.6 Rear engine, front wheel drive or four-wheel drive vehicles are not permitted.
4.1 Chassis is to be of monorail construction of material at least three (3) millimetres thick.
4.2 Chassis material to be minimum 65mm by 35mm rectangular hollow section or 50mm by 50mm
square tube, or 50mm tube.
4.3 Straight monorail chassis to be full length, to extend to within minimum 150mm of the
differential and to within 150mm of the front axle.
4.4 No four rail chassis (Sprint car).
4.5 No high bar chassis.
4.6 All joins of chassis to be fully sleeved and properly welded and plug welded.
4.7 Construction. No holes to be drilled into chassis or roll cages. No pop rivets, no tech screws to
be fitted into chassis or roll cages.
5.1 Roll cage to be constructed of tubing minimum outside diameter of 38mm by 3mm thick.
5.2 Roll cage to be suitable gusseted on all four top joins and gusseted on all four bottom joins
where it meets the chassis, - as per the attached diagram.
5.3 Head clearance between top of helmet and bottom of roll cage to be a minimum of fifty (50)
millimetres, measured whilst the driver is seated in the car and strapped in, as per the attached
5.4 All welding to be free of slag and to be of a safe and professional standard.
5.5 Head plate must be of 6mm thickness and 300mm in width from side to side. If using pipe it
must be of the same gauge and sizes as the roll cage and must have one pipe running from side
to side and one running from that pipe to back of roll cage protecting the head area.
5.6 All cars to be fitted with windscreen mesh with opening of a maximum 50mm 75mm x 3mm
6.1 Car must have a safe firewall from fifty (50) millimetres above top bell housing bolt to bonnet
tine, constructed from minimum one (1) millimetre steel or two (2) millimetre aluminium,
6.2 Engine mounting plate to extend from floor level to fifty (50) millimetres above top bell housing
bolt, constructed of three (3) millimetre steel or six (6) millimetres aluminium, minimum.
6.3 Car must have a suitable firewall between the driver’s seat and the fuel tank constructed of one
point six (1.6) millimetre steel or three (3) millimetre aluminium, minimum.
6.4 Drivers compartment to be fully enclosed to approximately half level of roll cage, and offset to
height of left and right panels not to exceed 75mm.
6.4.1 Car must have side entry bars and anti-intrusion bars to be a minimum of 25mm n/b
by 3mm thick. Side entry bars must be as close as practicable vertically to shoulder
6.5 Drivers compartment to permit exit of the driver from both sides of the car. If car is equipped
with a full containment seat then driver will exit from left hand side.
6.6 No entry to be gained through the top of the roll cage.
6.7 All bonnets to be pre 1975 design. Total bonnet angle to be no more than 150mm from radiator
to firewall.
6.8 No mud guards of any type allowed.
6.9 No self-tappers or tek screws allowed.
Cars to have a full floor from engine mounting plate to rear driver’s seat.
Knee padding mandatory if clearance is less than 100mm from any point of contact.
7.1 Nurf bars and bumper bars are not to exceed width or rear wheels or to protrude beyond outside
of rear wheels, must be covered corners.
7.2 Nurf bars to prevent wheel entry at axle height and be no more than 150mm from wheel tyre,
front and rear.
7.3 No single bar bumpers are permitted, unless they are curved back and secured to the chassis,
bottom of rear push bar to be no more than 320mm from the ground.
7.4 All nurf bars to be 25x2mm s/s or 20n/b ¾ black pipe 2.4mm wall maximum 4 spuds.
7.5 Front bumper bar to be single rail only, two spud 25x2mm s/s or 20n/b ¾ black pipe 2.4mm wall
maximum, with no gussets.
8.1 Batteries are to be safely secured.
8.2 Batteries are to be completely covered to prevent spillage.
8.3 Ignition switch and fuel pump to be wired into the same switch and clearly marked on and off.
8.4 No plastic toggle switches permitted.
8.5 Blue triangle must show where battery is located.
9.1 Steel or aluminium bucket seat incorporated head rest is mandatory. Fibreglass seats are not
9.2 Spring upholstered seats are not permitted.
9.3 Magnesium alloy seats are not permitted.
9.4 Lateral support must be provided to hips and above waist.
9.5 Back of seat to support back to a minimum of shoulder width and height.
9.6 Cut outs in seat for seat belts to be suitably grommeted.
9.7 Seat must be bolted down with a minimum of four (4) by eight (8) millimetre high tensile bolts,
two in the base and two in the back.
9.8 A three (3) millimetre steel plate to be fitted beneath the seat, protecting the driver from the
9.9 Aluminium Full Containment Seats allowed.
No straps or single harness permitted.
Five (5) point approved racing harness mandatory.
Four (4) major belts and four (4) mounting points for major belts mandatory. 12mm high
tensile bolts with locking nuts to be used.
At least one (1) additional anti-submarine/crotch strap, separately mounted is mandatory.
Restraints to be mounted as per the attached diagram.
Major belts to be a minimum of seventy five (75) millimetres wide. Crotch strap/ antisubmarine belt is not a major belt.
Belts must have metal to metal quick release buckle. Car type seat belts are not
Triangle safety nets installed on right hand side (sprint car net).
10.8.1 Triangle Harness to be fitted as close as practical to helmet, so as to avoid sideways
movement of head.
Any engine up to 308 cubic inches plus 60 thousands of an inch over bore.
Engine to be manufactured prior to 1980, short motor only pre 1996.
Stock production engines only, except for carby, exhaust and sump modifications.
Original configuration, no interchanging heads, crankshafts, eagle rods, con rods or
All components to be of manufacturers’ standard design and specifications.
No double bump fuely heads. No 4v, no L34’s and no fuely heads.
Any grind cam shaft and lifters.
11.7.1 No roller rockers.
11.7.2 No high compression pistons.
11.7.3 No factory racing engines.
11.7.4 No forced induction motors (turbo charged or fuel injected).
11.7.5 No magnetos.
11.7.6 No high rise manifolds
Electronic ignition allowed.
No rotary motors.
Any balancing allowed.
Petrol fuel only, not to exceed 98 octanes.
Accelerator linkage must have two (2) return springs fitted – one (1) on carby, one (1) on
foot pedal.
Accelerator toe clips are compulsory.
No cable linkages allowed.
Exhaust pipes to extend at least half way along the cab.
11.15.1Exhaust pipes must be chained on end of exhaust or on muffler (if fitted) and be
secured to the car. Only applies if mufflers are not welded.
11.15.2Exhaust systems to conform to noise restriction requirements of the host club.
The following carby’s are allowed: 1 of 4 barrel, 2 of 2 barrel, 3 of 1 barrel (SU’s).
11.16.1Where a carby to manifold adaptor is required i.e. square to spread bore, it is not to
exceed 20mm in height.
No three (3) of two (2) barrel carby’s allowed (Webber).
Six cylinder engines are allowed aftermarket inlet manifolds, provided that they remain
manufacturers standard (not to be modified).
11.18.1 Kenny Castings Manifolds, which suit 308, 253’s, allowed.
11.18.2 Edlebrock Performer Intake Manifolds that can be used are Chevrolet ED2101
Holden ED2194
Cleveland ED2750
Windsor ED2181
Radiator hoses to be of a minimum canvas reinforced type with screw types only.
11.19.1Radiator hoses protruding through cab must be metal and insulated.
No steel fans allowed.
Any valve spring to suit cam.
All engines must be of pushrod design and have one (1) camshaft only.
Standard reconditioned oversized valves allowed, reclaiming seat to maximum 10mm, no
throating, porting or polishing.
Ports to remain standard.
Shaved heads allowed.
Cooling system. To be fitted with either a vented radiator cap or a suitable manual
pressure release valve.
Centre panel to be a maximum of one point four (1.4) square metres (15 square foot).
Wing side panel’s maximum size of point three seven (0.37) square metres (4 sq. feet)
Flat type wing centre allowed – (with tear drop sides or tapered rectangle side). All
rectangular sides on wings to have 50mm taper minimum.
Both side panels to be of the same measurements and not to be offset.
All corners to be a minimum of seventy five (75) 3millimetres radius.
No side wings allowed.
Two (2) safety chains from front wing to roll bars.
Wing foil not to exceed width of rear wheels.
No front wings allowed.
Any type of transmission, except racing manufacturer. No automatics.
Driveline must have a hoop around tail shaft (as per diagram), a maximum of three times
the shaft diameter, mounted in the centre of the tail shaft to be secured mounted. The hoop is to
be of minimum forty (40) millimetres by five (5) millimetre steel. Can be elongated for
suspension movement.
Dog box plus Tail shaft to have a cover being three (3) millimetre steel or five (5)
millimetre aluminium from rear of bell housing or engine plate to the front of the seat.
13.3.1 The cover is to be secured by at least four (4) by ten (10) millimetre high tensile
13.3.2 When using a clutch or bell housing, the housing must be covered by a steel scatter
plate minimum size three (3) millimetre steel, only when ring gear is being used.
13.3.3 Bell housing cover to be bolted down with a minimum of four (4) by ten (10)
millimetre high tensile bolts.
13.3.4 Clutches and starter motors optional.
The fuel tank is to be made of minimum three (3) millimetre thick steel or aluminium, or
to the Australian Standard or an SFI RATED metal or aluminium fuel tank of any thickness.
Metal fuel tank filler cap to be of threaded screw type and must have a suitable seat.
Tank is to have anti-spill overflow hose it to wrap around the tank once, be secured and
point to the ground or stop valve.
No Jerry cans.
No petrol or oil cans.
No fuel cells.
No bladder type tanks.
The word “petrol” to be marked near filler cap.
Fuel lines to be made of manufacturer approved fuel line only (clear fuel lines not
Black nylon reinforced neoprene fuel lines are accepted, but must be properly clamped
with screw clamps and secured.
Fuel lines to be kept clear of manifolds.
A good quality fuel tap with a positive “on” – “off” action is mandatory. It must be
mounted within easy reach of the driver seat when seated.
Fuel tap to be clearly marked “on” “off” and the word “fuel” are to be marked there.
Fuel tap handle at be at least seventy five (75) millimetres in length.
All fuel lines must be grommeted.
If an electric fuel pump is used, an electrical shut off switch is to be fitted to the fuel
pump from the oil pressure system for when oil pressure drops to zero (0) to switch off fuel
No racing suspension components allowed exception rule 15.6.2.
Rose joints are permitted. Steering component rose joints and ball joints to be a
minimum of 5/8 inch with a minimum of ½ inch bolt. All other suspension parts to be a
minimum of ½ inch rose joints or ball joints.
Any design of axle front or rear – no quick change diffs allowed.
No four (4) bar suspension set up allowed.
Front axle
15.5.1 No torsion bars allowed.
15.5.2 One transverse leaf spring only.
15.5.3 No aluminium front axle.
15.5.4 Chrome moly radius rods, track rods, pan hard bars and drag links are permitted.
Rear axle
15.6.1 Torsion bars or leaf springs allowed.
15.6.2 Torsion bars can be of street manufacture or race manufacture (solid or hollow). Race
car stops and arms are permitted.
15.6.3 Coil springs are permitted on rear, provided shock absorbers are mounted separately.
All cars to have locked diffs.
Brakes to work on both rear wheels.
Front brakes are optional, but if fitted must work on both front wheels – no single wheel
braking permitted.
Non adjustable Sprint car shockies allowed.
Maximum wheel sizes are as follows:
REAR: 11 inches at rim, 15 inches at tyre (rubber)
FRONT: 7 inches at rim, 8 ½ inches at tyre (rubber)
Racing tyres and street legal racing tyres are not allowed. Street tyres only. Recaps on
street tyre castings permitted.
Mag wheels allowed. No alloy racing rims. Two piece steel alloy rims are not permitted.
All rims to be minimum six (6) millimetre thickness except manufactured rims.
Each wheel to have one (1) stud pattern only.
All car wheels to be secured with a minimum of five (5) wheel studs.
Wheel nuts to be using at least 11mm of thread.
Beadlockers permitted.
All cars must be painted and names to be clearly marked (scrutineers to enforce). They
also must have W.A.S.A printed clearly on the car.
No power steering is allowed.
No welding of internal steering box components and all external welds to be visible.
NO Sprintcar Wing Foil
NO Full Length Hump Bonnet
NO Rear Tail Cone
NO Front Wing
NO Four Bar Chassis