bibliograph y - Sitterwerk Katalog
bibliograph y - Sitterwerk Katalog
BIBLIOGRAPH Y A selected bibliography dealing with de Kooning's sculpturcs. MONOGRAPHS A N D CATALOGUES OF O N E - M A N EXHIBITIONS Cowart, Jack, and Sandford Shaman. De Kooning, 1966-78 (exhibition catalogue). Cedar Falls, Iowa: University o f N o r t h e r n Iowa Gallery o f A r t , 1978. De Kooning: New Works - Paintings and Sculptures (exhibition catalogue). New York: Fourcade, Droll, 1975. De Kooning: Paintings, Drawings, Seulpture, 1 967-1975 (exhibition catalogue). West Palm Beach, Fla.: N o r t o n Gallery and School o f A r t , 1975. De Kooning: New Paintings and Seulpture (exhibition catalogue). Seattle: Seattle A r t Museum, 1976. De Kooning: Dispinti, disegni, sculture (exhibition catalogue). Text by A t t i l i o Codognato. M i l a n : Studio Marconi, 1985. An Exhibition by de Kooning Introducing His Seulpture and New Paintings (exhibition catalogue). New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, 1972. Gaugh, Harry F. Willem de Kooning. New York: Abbeville, 1983. Hunter, Sam. De Kooning (exhibition catalogue). Paris: Galerie des Arts, 1975. Essay repnnted in Willem de Kooning: sculptures, lithographies, peintures (exhibition catalogue). Geneva: Cabinet des Estampes, Musee d A r t et d'Histoire, 1977. Kertess, Klaus. Celebrating Willem de Kooning: Selected Painting and Seulpture (exhibition catalogue). East Hampton: Guild H a l l Museum, 1994. Larson, Philip and Peter Schjeldahl. De Kooning: Drawings/'Sculptures (exhibition catalogue). Minneapolls: Walker A r t Center, and New York: E.P. Dutton, 1974. Revised Version o f essay by Schjeldahl printed in De Kooning: Paintings, Drawings, Seulpture, 1967-75 (exhibition catalogue). West Palm Beach, Fla.: N o r t o n Gallery and School o f A r t , 1975. Miller-Keller, Andrea. Matrix: A Changing Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Willem de Kooning/Matrix 15. Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1975. Essay repnnted in "Matrix: A Changing Exhibition o f Contemporary A r t - Willem de Koomng/Matrix 12." Calendar. Berkeley University A r t Museum, University o f California, October 1978, p. 14. Plastik-Grafik de Kooning (exhibition catalogue). Foreword by Siegfried Salzmann; essay by Peter Schjeldahl. Duisburg, West Germany: Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum der Stadt Duisburg, 1977. Rosenberg, Harold. Willem de Kooning. Statements by and interview with de Kooning. New York: Harry N . Abrams, 1974. Sims, Patterson. Willem de Kooning in Seattle: Selected Worksfrom 1943 - 1985 in Public and Private Collections (exhibition catalogue). Seattle: Seattle A r t Museum, 1995. Sollers, Phillippe. De Kooning, vite. Two vols. Paris: Editions de la difference, 1988. Sylvester, David. The Seulpture oj de Kooning with Related Paintings, Drawings and Eithographs (exhibition catalogue). Texts by David Sylvester and Andrew Forge; excerpt from interview with de Kooning by Harold Rosenberg. London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1977. Waldman, Diane. Willem de Kooning in East Hampton (exhibition catalogue). New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1978. Waldman, Diane. Willem de Kooning. New York and Washington: Harry N . Abrams in association with the National Museum o f American A r t , Smithsonian Institution, 1988. Welling, Dolf. Willem de Kooning (exhibition catalogue). Amsterdam: Collection d A r t , 1976. Willem de Kooning (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Sam Hunter and Yoshiaki Tono in English and Japanese. Tokyo: Fuji Television Gallery, 1975. Willem de Kooning: beeiden en lithos (exhibition catalogue). Foreword by E. de Wilde; essay by Peter Schjeldahl. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1976. Willem de Kooning: Paintings and Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). Washington, D.C.: International Communication Agency o f thc United States Government and the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithsonian Institution, 1977. Willem de Kooning: Drawings, Paintings, Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Paul Cummmgs, Jörn Merkcrt, and Ciaire Stoullig. New York: The Whitney Museum o f American A r t , in association with Prestel-Vcrlag, Munich, and W . W . N o r t o n & Company, New York/London. 1983. Willem de Kooning: Paintings and Sculpture 1971-1983 (exhibition catalogue). London: Anthony d'Offay, 1984. Willem de Kooning: Pittsburgh International Series (exhibition catalogue). Prcface by Leon Arkus; Statements by de Kooning; reprint o f interview with de Kooning by Harold Rosenberg. Pittsburgh: Museum o f A r t , Carnegie Institute, 1979. Willem de Kooning: sculptures, litbograpbies, peintures (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Marie Claude Beaud and Rainer Michael Mason; reprint o f text by Sam Hunter. Geneva: Cabinet des Estampcs, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, 1977. Willem de Kooning: The North Atlantic Light, 1960-1983 (exhibition catalogue). Foreword by E. de Wilde; essays by E. de Wilde and Carter Ratcliff. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1983. Willem de Kooning: Skulpturen (exhibition catalogue). Cologne: Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthallc, 1983. Willem de Kooning (exhibition catalogue). Zürich: Thomas Ammann Fine A r t , 1995. Wolfe, Judith. Willem de Kooning: WorksJrom 1951-1981 (exhibition catalogue). Photographs o f de Kooning by Hans Namuth in East Hampton. East Hampton, New York: Guild Hall, 1981. Zilczer, Judith. Willem de Kooningjrom the Hirshhorn Museum Collection (exhibition catalogue). Essays by Zilczer and Lynne Cookc. Washington, D.C. and New York: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1993. CATALOGUES OF GROUP EXHIBITIONS Guenther, Bruce. The Essential Gesture (exhibition catalogue). N e w p o r t Bcach, R . I . : Newport Harbor A r t Museum, 1994. Hunter, Sam, ed. Monumenta: A Biennial Exhibition of Outdoor Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). Newport, R . I . : Monumenta Newport, 1974. Moss, Jacqueline, and Ida E. Rubin, ed. Sculpture 76: An Outdoor Exhibition of Sculpture by Fifteen Living American Artists (exhibition catalogue). Essay by Ida E. Rubin; commentaries by Jacqueline Moss. Greenwich, Conn.: Greenwich Arts Council, 1976. In Honor of de Kooning (exhibition catalogue). New York: Xavier Fourcade, Inc. 1983 - 84. Sculpture in the 70s: Tbc Eigure (exhibition catalogue). Introduction by Ellen Schwartz. Brooklyn: Department o f Exhibitions, Pratt Institute, 1980. Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). London: Anthony d'Offay Gallery, Spring 1995. Seventy-Second American Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Chicago: The A r t Institute o f Chicago, 1976. Twentieth-Century Paintings and Sculpture: Brancusi to Lichtenstein (exhibition catalogue). New York: Xavier Fourcade, Inc., 1978. ARTICLES A N D REVIEWS Anderson, Alexandra. "The New Bronze Age." Portfolio F (March-April 1983), pp. 79-83. Anderson, Laurie. "Galleries: de Kooning - Sidney Janis." Arfs Magazine, 47 (November 1972), p. 70. Arkus, Leon A. "The 1979 Pittsburgh International Series." Carnegie Magazine (October 1979), pp. 2-1 I . Ashton, Dore. " W i l l e m de Kooning: H o m o Faber." Arts Magazine, 50 (January 1976), pp. 58-61 Auer, James. "Artworks Fresh and Innovative." The Milwaukee Journal (April 25, 1976), p. 6. Beatty, Frances. "De Kooning at the Guggenheim." Art/World, //(February 1978), p. I . Bell, Jane. "Willem de Kooning's N e w Work." Arts Magazine (November 29, 1975), p. 79. Berkson, Bill, and Rackstraw Downes, cds. Arts Journal 48 (Fall 1989). Special issue devoted to de Kooning with Statements from acquaintances, close friends, and other artists. Berman, Avis. "Willem de Kooning: I am only HalfwayThrough." Artnews 81 (February 1982), pp. 68-73. Biver, Eons. " W i l l e m de Kooning." Die Worte, Luxemburg ( I I June, 1977). Blok, G'or. "Willem de Kooning and Henry Moore." Art International 12 (December 1968), pp. 44-52. Brenson, Michael. "Seulpture o f Summer IS in Füll Bloom." New York Times, July 8, 1983, p. C I , C8. Brown, CLarolyn. "Painting and Seulpture: Willem de Kooning, 1969-78." Dialogue (Akron A r t Institute) (March-April 1979), pp. 36-37. BIT. G .harlcne. "De Kooning's O l l , Seulpture at A r t Museum." St Louis Clobc-Democrat, Februarv 2, I 979. p. 1 )8. Burr, James. " Round the Galleries: From Canvas to Casting." Apollo (December 1977.) Campbell, R . M . "Willem de Kooning and the European Tradition" Seattle Post Intelligencer, February 15, 1976, p. G6. . " De Kooning's Proud Chaos is Back." Seattle Post Intelligencer, January 1980. Catoir, B. "Austellungen: Willem de Kooning - Plastiken und Grafieken." Kunstwerk 30 (April 1977), p. 79. Close, Roy M . "Sketches, Sculptures Illuminate de Kooning."Minneapolis Star, March 14, 1974, p. D 4 . Cowart, Jack. "De Kooning Today." Art International 23 (Summer 1979), pp. 8-17. De Jong, Jacqueline. "The N o r t h Atlantic Light." Du (September 1983), p. 77. "De Kooning: Drawings/Sculpture." Albright- Knox Gallery Notes 39 (Annual Report 1974-75), p. 12. "De Kooning Works at Walker." Minneapolis Tribüne, March 10, 1974. Depuis, Georgia. " De Kooning - A n Artist Reaching Out." Palm Beach Post, December 13, 1975, p. B I . "Drawings, Sculptures by de Kooning at Walker A r t Center." Midwest Art (April 1974), pp. 12-13. Feaver, William. "Figures o f Clay." London Observer, December 11, 1977. Forgey, Benjamin. "De Kooning's Seulpture." The Sunday Star and Daily News (Washington , D.C.), August 13,1972. Franzhe, A. "Austeilung: Plastik - Grafik: Wilhelm Lehmbruch Museum, Duisburg." Pantheon 35 (April 1977), pp. 156-57. Gaugh, Harry F. "De Kooning in Retrospect." Artnews 83 no. 3 (March 1984), pp. 90-95. Glass, Judith Samuel." Willem de Kooning: Sculptures, Paintings, Drawings." Artweek, July 3, 1976, p. 7. Glucck, Grace. "Previews: Exhibition at the Sidney Janis Gallery." Art in America 60 (Scptembcr-October 1972), p. 121. . "City Gets a Seulpture Garden." New York Times, September 16, 1977, pp. C I , CI8. . " De Kooning Retrospectivc o f 60 years at Whitney." New York Times, December 16, 1983, pp. C I , C28. Gold, Barbara. "De Kooning's Paintings in Bronze." Baltimore Sun, August 20, 1972, p. D 7 . Haie, Barrie. "Toronto: Willem de Kooning at Pollock Gallery." Artscanada 31 (December 1974), pp. 116-117. Hammett, Corinne F. "TheTechnique is Bruttish." The News American, August 27, 1972, p. 3E. Harrison, Helen A. "De Kooning: 30 Years on the East End." NewYork Times, May 24, 1981, section 11, p. I . Henry, Gerrit. "De Kooning - Reconfirming the Apocalypse." Art News (November 1975), p. 60. Hess, Thomas B. "The Flying H o l l ä n d e r o f East Hampton, L . I . : Guggenheim Exhibit." New York Magazine, February 20, 1978, pp. 68, 72. Hobbs, Robert C , and Barbara Cavaliere. "Against a Newer Laocoon." Arts Magazine 51 (April 1977), pp. 100-117. Hughes, Robert. "Art: The Painter as Draftsman -Traveling Exhibition o f Drawings, Pasteis and Bronzes." Time, June 17, 1974, pp. 52-54. . "Slap and Twist." Time, October 23, 1972. Kangas, Matthew. "De Kooning" (review o f Richard Hincs exhibition), Argus, February 29, 1980, p. 6. Kertess, Klaus. " Willem de Kooning's Profound Variety." The East Hampton Star, December 22, 1983. Kingsley, April. "Reviews: Willem de Kooning, Sidney Janis." Artforum 1 I (December 1972), p. 8 1 . . "De Kooning: Fragments in Focus." The Village Voice, April 17, 1978, p. 88. Kramer, H i l t o n . "Art: Sculptures o f W i l l e m de Kooning Shown." New York Times, October 13, 1972, p. 32. Levy, Mark. "The Last Survivor Alive and Well." Seattle Sun, February 14, 1980. Merkert, Jörn. " W i l l e m de Kooning: Le Plaisir de Realite."Art Press no. 82 (June 1984), pp. 6-1 I . Peters, D i n . "Work Paintings 1960-1982." Studio International 196 no. 1001 (August 1983), pp 4-5. Preston, Malcolm. "Contemporary Long Island Artists." (exhibition review). Newsday, (October 28). Ratcltff, Carter. " W i l l e m de Kooning: New Paintings and Sculpture." Art International 19 (December 1975), pp. 14-19, 73. Rosand, David. "Proclaiming Flesh." Times Literary Supplement, February 17, 1984, p. I 67. Rosemarch, Stella. "De Kooning on Clay." Craft Horizons 32 (December 1972), pp. 34-35. Russell, John. "De Kooning's Freedom Came Step by Exuberant Step." NewYork Times, May 2, 1984, pp. 29-30. Schjeldahl, Peter, "De Kooning's Sculptures: Amplified Touch." Art in America 62 (March-April 1974), pp. 59-63. Revised text from Philip Larson and Peter Schjedahl. De Kooning: Drawings/ Sculptures (exhibition catalogue) Minneapolis: Walker A r t Center, and New York: E. P. Dutton, 1974. See also Florence Hunter, Letter to the editor, Arf in America 62 (March-April 1974), pp. 6-7, with rejoinder. "Sculptures: Recent Works by W i l l e m de Kooning." Arts Magazine 47 (November 1972), pp. 62-63. Smith, Griffin. " N o r t o n Offers Intnguing Look at de Kooning's Recent Work." Miami Herald, December 28, 1975, p. 2 7 1 . Sollers, Philippe. "Pour de Kooning." Art Press International (October 1977), pp. 6-9. . "Les Naissances de de Kooning" Arf Press no. 82 (June 1984), p. 4-5. Stevens, Mark. "De Kooning in Bloom: Guggenheim Retrospective." Newsweek, February 20, 1978, pp. 92-93. T i l l i m , Sidney. " De Kooning." Artforum 22, no. 7, (March 1984), pp. 52-55. Tisdall, Caroline. "De Kooning." Manchester Guardian, December 13, 1977'. Wallach, Amei. "At 79, de Kooning Secks Simplicity" Newsday, Part I I , p. 4-5. Wiederstan, Stan. " U N I Completes Triple Crown." Cedar Rapids Gazette, October 22, 1978, p. 5C. Zimmer, William. "De Kooning at the Guggenheim: Women as Source." Soho Weekly News, February 23, 1978, p. 20. ARTIST'S STATEMENTS A N D INTERVIEWS: Rodgers, Gaby. "An Interview with W i l l e m de Kooning." Newsday Long Island Magazine, April 2 1 , 1978, p. 18. Rosenberg, Harold. "Interview with Willem de Kooning." ArtNews 71 (September 1972), pp. 54-59. Reprinted in Rosenberg, Willem de Kooning (New York; Harry N . Abrains, 1974), and Willem de Kooning: Pittsburgh International Series (exhibition catalogue) (Pittsburgh: Museum o f Art, Carnegie Institute, 1979).