AnnuAl RepoRt of Gifts - Colby


AnnuAl RepoRt of Gifts - Colby
July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009
Colby-Sawyer College
Annual Report
of Gifts
The Colby-Sawyer College community is honored to share this 2009 Annual
Report of Gifts. At the same time, we salute the spirit in which each gift to
the college was made, and the many ways you were all inspired to make
a difference. Especially in these challenging economic times, philanthropy
and your support of the Annual Fund make a profound difference, and are
essential for the college’s continued vitality. When you choose to make a gift
to the Annual Fund, you make an investment in today’s students and ColbySawyer’s future. You help to expand academic excellence and opportunities
for rich discovery beyond the classroom. A gift to the Annual Fund strengthens
scholarships, athletics, student life, faculty development, and more. We
gratefully acknowledge the extraordinary generosity of alumni, parents and
friends with each annual and special purpose contribution that is listed on the
following pages, and we thank you for contributing to Colby-Sawyer College’s
most successful annual giving campaign ever. Your support truly energizes our
campus community, ensures our future success, and allows us to dream about
exciting new possibilities. We hope you will be inspired to continue to make
a difference in the lives of our students by joining us with an Annual Fund
gift this year, and thank you for making the college a philanthropic priority.
© January 2010, Colby-Sawyer College
Annual Report
A Message
from the
January 2010
Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends
of Colby-Sawyer College,
I learned much about the importance of education, and
of philanthropy to education, from my father; however, my
mother taught me an even more basic lesson. My mother was
a gentle and loving person from whom I learned many wonderful things. When I was about
ten years old, we left a store together during the holiday season and she stopped to drop some
money into a box for people who needed some help over the holidays. “Why did you do that?”
I asked. She stopped, looked at me, and said: “Because it does a good thing for someone else and
it fills my spirit at the same time.”
To all of you who have supported Colby-Sawyer with your generous gifts this past year,
your spirits should be very full because you have done much good for our wonderful college.
Your gifts have made education possible for 1,000 young people. You have provided our students with scholarships without which they would not have been able to attend Colby-Sawyer.
You have supported the teaching, scholarship, creative work and development of our outstanding faculty. You have made significant and generous gifts to help us move forward in realizing
our dreams of a new arts center and a new Windy Hill School.
Notably, 2009 was a year in which the economy in general, and higher education in parti­
cular, faced grave challenges. Yet, for Colby-Sawyer, your commitment, loyalty, and dedication
were steadfast. In the most challenging economy since the Great Depression, both total giving
and the Annual Fund surpassed 2007–2008. Your participation remains as valuable this year,
and I hope you will continue to make a difference. While we are deeply thankful for each and
every gift, we invite those alumni who have not supported the Annual Fund recently to join
us with a gift this year, to help make a difference that will have an immediate impact on our
campus and transform our students’ education.
Your generous support in our 2008–2009 fiscal year was no less than incredible. Our college
community is both honored and grateful. I very much hope in this new year of 2010 that your
spirits are full, because you have certainly filled ours.
Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
President and Professor of Humanities
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 1
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Expense Summary History
FY ’06–07
FY ’07–08
FY ’08–09
Tuition and Fees
$22,868,960 $24,997,361 $28,656,875
Federal Gifts and Grants
735,000 915,000 1,004,710
Private Gifts and Grants 2,842,976 2,168,000 2,429,405
Auxiliary Enterprises
Residence Fees 7,792,515 8,042,347 9,081,297
Other Educational Programs
Hogan Sports Center
377,800 396,100 358,660
Windy Hill Tuition
338,433 338,433 360,673
Gordon Research
813,703 728,501 1,067,436
448,145 579,583 415,365
Total Revenues
$36,217,532 EXPENDITURES:
Academic Support
Student Development
Institutional Support
Operation and Maintenance
Student Aid
Auxiliary Enterprises
Debt Service & Depreciation
Total Expenditures
$38,165,325 3,836,322
$ 3,810,619
3,301,961 3,498,102
4,947,584 4,977,802
7,119,450 7,031,580
4,159,359 4,351,871
9,210,981 11,189,945
1,592,412 1,635,740
251,253 176,253
1,798,210 1,493,413
$36,217,532 $43,374,421
$38,165,325 $43,374,421
College Expenses
All Other
Financial Aid
Fixed Costs
Endowment Totals at the end
of the F iscal year on J une 30
$25,000,000 $24,441,769
Total Enrollment/Residents
■Total Enrollment
FY End
FY End
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport FY End
■ Residents
FY End
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
A Message
from the
Vice President
January 2010
Dear Friends:
This report celebrates the commitment of each individual who chose to financially support Colby-Sawyer College
during the 2009 fiscal year. During the past year, as the economy remained in a decline, it was the remarkable,
combined generosity of thousands of alumni, parents and friends that helped to sustain and to enrich opportunities
for students.
Every gift of every amount inspired us to work even harder for our students. With generous gift support, ColbySawyer was able to add faculty, to increase financial aid, to encourage professional development, to increase the
diversity of the student body, to broaden the curriculum with new study-abroad options and a new major, to expand
co-curricular programming, to renovate a building, to expand campus housing options, and more. For all that each
gift has made possible, we are grateful.
Whether or not you supported Colby-Sawyer last year, I hope you will consider a gift to a project at the college
that particularly interests you this year. When you make a gift to the college, you partner with faculty and staff on
campus in New London to accomplish the awesome responsibility of preparing students to lead fulfilling lives in a
global society. For this, we truly thank you.
Elizabeth A. Cahill
Vice President for Advancement
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 3
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
The Legends
Legends are individuals whose words and
deeds are so distinctive and far-reaching
that they remain forever etched in people’s
memories. Colby-Sawyer College honors
our Legends, individuals and families whose
extraordinary philanthropy of over $1 million has helped the college realize its aspirations toward new levels of academic excellence. It is our privilege to recognize these
Annual Report
Class Agents 2008 –2009
Colby-Sawyer’s class agents are an essential link between the college and its alumni
constituency. During our fiscal year, class agents help keep their classmates connected
to the college and informed through letters, phone calls and e-mails as they encourage
participation in the Annual Fund. The following alumni served as class agents for the
2009 Colby-Sawyer Fund, and we extend our grateful thanks for their commitment to
this important work.
friends for the transformative and lasting dif-
1936 Mrs. Barbara Melendy Parker
1978 Ms. Linda Pianowski Flahive
ference their gifts have made to the college.
1944 Mrs. Shirley Tunison Eustis
1979 Ms. B. Ann Waggaman
1945 Mrs. Nancy Dean Maynard
1980 Mrs. Mary Ellen Blatchford Walker
1946 Mrs. Beverly Walker Wood
1981 Dr. Mary Kyle Dyer-Martin
1947 Mrs. Cornella Fay Rendell-Wilder
1982 Mrs. Amy Coburn Ferris
1948 Mrs. Sybil Adams Moffat
1983 Mrs. Sharon Roper Alphas
1950 Mrs. Rita Ferris Briggs
1984 Mrs. Nancy Sullivan Bussiere
1951 Mrs. Ruth Gray Pratt
1985 Mrs. Margaret Rogers Andrews
1952 Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler
1986 Mrs. Karen Craffey Eldred
1953 Mrs. Jane Pearl Dickinson
1987 Mrs. Sandra Couch-Kelly
1956 Mrs. Nancy Hoyt Langbein
1987 Mrs. Constance Hooker Panetski
1959 Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson
1990 Ms. Jill M. Dean
1959 Mrs. Judith Gilmore Getchell
1991 Mrs. Gretchen D. Garceau-Kragh
1960 Mrs. Gale Hartung Baldwin
1992 Mrs. Kelly Lynch Collins
1961 Mrs. Prudence Jensen Heard
1993 Mrs. Dale Murphy Rozek
1962 Ms. Margot Fraker Wynkoop
1994 Ms. Hillary Waldbaum
1963 Mrs. Joan Gibney Whittaker
1995 Mrs. Wendy Mansson Olsen
1964 Mrs. Karen Braden Foley
1997 Mr. Frank B. Abel IV
1965 Ms. Judith G. Butler
1998 Mrs. Andrea Pueschel Reilly
1966 Ms. Susan E. Weeks
1999 Mr. Keith A. Perkins
1967 Ms. Anne Baynes Hall
2001 Mrs. Tracey Guarda Perkins
1968 Mrs. JoAnn Franke Overfield
2002 Ms. Maura A. Brady
1968 Mrs. Marilyn Rouse Phillips
2003 Ms. Kori E. Johnson
1970 Ms. Gale Spreter
2003 Ms. Kerstin A. Swenson
1971 Mrs. Susan Moe-Raposo
2004 Mr. Eric J. Emery
1973 Mrs. Catherine Moore Pomeroy
2004 Mrs. Erica Reeder McMahon
1974 Ms. Susan Brown Warner
2005 Ms. Cheryl A. Oliveira
1975 Mrs. Candace Booker Elefante
2006 Ms. Tarren Mackenzie Bailey
1976 Ms. Teresa Meighan Hacunda
2007 Ms. Katina Marie Caraganis
1976 Ms. L. Brooks Rolston
2007 Ms. Janine Elizabeth DeSerres
1978 Ms. Jody Hambley Cooper
2007 Ms. Nicole Marie Kenney
Anonymous (2)
Harry W. Anderson ^
Martine Baker-Anderson ’59 ^
Cornelia Woolley Clifford ’50
Stewart B. Clifford
Peter D. Danforth P’83, ’84, GP’02
Sheridan S. Danforth P’83, ’84, GP’02
Marlene Mustard Graf ’75
Irene M. Hicks ’31 ^
Daniel E. Hogan ^
Curtis L. Ivey
Doris W. Ivey
Rebecca Kittredge Johns ’38 ^
Patricia Driggs Kelsey
Robert P. Kelsey Jr.
Eleanor Seybert Kujawski ’45 ^
Charles J. Lawson ^
Joan Hubbard Lawson ^
George M. Lethbridge Jr.
The London Family:
M. Roy London Jr ^
Eleanor S. London ^
Jean D. London ’41 ^
Margaret E. Cawley ’41
Gerald M. Mayer Jr. P’75 ^
Susan Morrison Mayer ’50, P’75
Ramona Wells Mercer ’41 ^
William C. Mercer ^
Genevieve Millar ’32 ^
Mary Frances Morton ^
Robert C. Morton ^
Jean “Je-Je” Harding Pierce ’47
Natalie Davis Rooke ’48, P’73
Robert C. Rooke
Alice Withington Rooke GP’73 ^
Robert L. Rooke GP’73 ^
Janet Udall Schaefer ’52
Mauri Dibner Schwartz
Robert A. Schwartz
Avone P. Thielen
Richard N. Thielen
Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Martha Ware ’37 ^
Janet Wesson
William S. Wesson
Jean M. Wheeler
Janice Wilkins ’41
David H. Winton P’75 ^
If your class is not represented by an agent volunteer and you are interested in joining this
alumni effort, please contact Tracy Poland in the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
(800) 266-8253 or via e-mail at [email protected]
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 4
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Anne Winton Black ’73, ’75
Chairman of the Board
Richard Dulude
Suzanne Simons Hammond ’66
Executive Secretary
Pamela Stanley Bright ’61
Alice W. Brown
William P. Clough III
Thomas C. Csatari
Karen Craffey Eldred ’86
Joan Campbell Eliot ’67
Christine Biggs Ferraro ’65
Harry Gazelle*
Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51**
William E. Gundy
Susan Carroll Hassett ’79*
G. William Helm Jr.
George Jamieson
Erik Edward Joh
Joyce Juskalian Kolligian ’55
Robin L. Mead ’72
Sara Hammond Misiano ’01*
A. John Pappalardo P’10
David B. Payne
Mark A. Peterson P’08
William S. Reed
Erik C. Rocheford ’01*
Richard N. Thielen**
Jean M. Wheeler
Daniel H. Wolf
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport of
Sharon K. Ames, Manager of Public Programs and Stewardship
Margaret “Peg” Rogers Andrews ’85, Major Gift Officer
Tracey Austin, Director of Alumni Relations
Mark Boillotat, Research and Prospect Manager
Elizabeth “Beth” A. Cahill, Vice President for Advancement
Elizabeth “Beth” Bryant Camp ’92, Major Gift Officer
Kathleen “Kathy” A. Carroll, Director of Development
Allison R. Faccone, Major Gift Officer
Mike Gregory, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and
Annual Giving
Kathleen Horten, Senior Staff Assistant
Lauri Justice, Operations Coordinator
Joyce Kellogg, Adventures in Learning Program Assistant
Tracy Poland, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and
Annual Giving
Christopher “Chris” S. Reed, Director of Annual Giving
Gina Reich, Administrative Assistant
Alena Shumway, Administrative Assistant
Janet St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant
*Elected spring 2009
**Retired spring 2009
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Thank You
2 0 0 8 – 2 0 0 9
Colby-Sawyer’s Leadership
Societies recognize those
individuals who generously contribute gifts of $1,000 or more
to the Annual Fund. We extend
a sincere thank you to these
donors for their exemplary
The President’s Society
The President’s Society recognizes
individuals whose contributions
to the Annual Fund total $10,000
or more in a single year. Members
of the President’s Society demonstrate an extraordinary level of
commitment to the college.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Csatari
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Davidow ’56
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Hammond ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Edward Joh
Mrs. Patricia Driggs Kelsey
Mrs. Joyce Juskalian Kolligian ’55
Mr. Charles J. Lawson ^
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mr. and Mrs. William F. K.
Monks ’60
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mrs. Jean “Je-Je” Harding
Pierce ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Shaftel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Ms. Sally Shaw Veitch ’66
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Miss Janice Wilkins ’41
Mr. David H. Winton ^
Ms. Mozell Zarit ’54 ^
^ Deceased
i f t s
a n d
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins
McCollum ’58
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
McCollum ’62
Mrs. Nancy Paige Parker ’54
Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Regan Jr. ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Galen J. Reser
Giving Levels
Leadership Societies
The President’s Society
Gifts to the Annual Fund totaling $10,000 or more in a
single year.
The Susan Colby Society
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Susan Colby, teacher and first
principal of Colby Academy
and one of the college’s most
significant benefactors, provides
the inspiration for this giving
society, which honors donors
who give $1,000 to $2,499 in a
single year to the Annual Fund.
Gifts to the Annual Fund in the range of $5,000 to
$9,999 in a single year.
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 to the Annual Fund.
The Susan Colby Society
Annual Fund gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 in a single year.
Giving Clubs
The Eugene M. Austin Club
Annual Fund gifts of $500 to $999 in a single year.
The Cupola Club
Annual Fund gifts from graduates of 1994 –2008.
The H. Leslie Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.
Pasquale ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Robinson ’64
Mrs. Leslie Moore
Waldbillig ’50 ^
Mrs. Jean M. Wheeler
Mrs. Ruth Randolph
Woodman ’40
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
honors one of the college’s most
beloved presidents. Membership
in this society recognizes donors
who give $5,000 to $9,999 in a
single year to the Annual Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman R.
Black Jr. ’73, ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bright ’61
Mrs. Irene Demoulas
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Eldred ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Eliot ’67
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradford
Evans ’62
Thomas C. and Susan S. Galligan
Mrs. Ethel Greenspan
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall ’67
Mrs. Edith Tedford
Hendricks ’32 ^
Mr. Francis A. Hendricks ^
Mr. and Mrs. George Jamieson
Mr. Dean LeBaron
Mr. George M. Lethbridge Jr.
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Niblack ’68
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport The Mt. Kearsarge Society
The Mt. Kearsarge Society is
a tribute to the generosity of
donors who make gifts of $2,500
to $4,999 to the college’s
Annual Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angoff
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Reeve
Mr. Peter D. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Ferraro ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graf ’75
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gundy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gunther ’64
Mrs. Jane Winey Heald ’40
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry
Kemps ’70
o n o r s
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C.
Adams Jr. ’52
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Anderson ’59
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson ’59
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Bernson ’55
Mrs. and Mrs. Harris D.
Berry Jr. ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Block ’59
Dr. Anne Ponder and
Dr. Christopher Brookhouse
Ms. Katherine M. Burke ’76 and
Mr. Edward M. Alt
Professor Dexter Burley
Mrs. Barbara Henderson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Carpenter ’55
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Chu ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Churchill Jr. ’58
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Clough III
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Cochran ’71
Ms. Deborah L. Coffin ’76
Ms. Marcia S. Cohn ’58
Mrs. Anne Matternes
Congdon ’65
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R. Corns ’64
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Covin ’63
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H.
Crandall ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A.
Criscione ’79
­­––continued on page 7
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Leadership Societies, continued
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Crosby ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland J. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F.
Darling ’56
Ms. Anne Quantrell Dennen ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Donavan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dulude
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunbar ’50
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Egenberg ’60
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S.
Faulkner ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R.
Francis Jr. ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
Fritz ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.
Gardiner ’44
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Mrs. Harriet Wickham
Gorman ’40
Ms. Gail E. Graham ’62 and
Mr. Richard E. Lee
Mrs. Ann Doyle Gramstorff ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Griner ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Hager ’59
Dr. and Mrs. H. Roger Hansen ’64
Mr. and Mrs. John Nils
Hanson ’63
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hassett ’77
Mr. and Mrs. G. William Helm Jr.
Ms. Nancy Gay Hill ’61
Miss Sarah L. Hinman ’75
Mrs. Sylvia Cookman Hnat ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond B.
Hopkins ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Leverett M.
Hubbard Jr. ’59
Mr. and Ms. Philip S. Hunter ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A.
Ingwersen Jr. ’54
Ms. Barbara Greenspan Jacobson
’62 and Mr. Carl Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K.
Johnson ’59
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H.
Kaplan ’55
Mrs. Barbara Frank Ketchum ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.
Kidder III ’52
Mr. Thomas B. and The Reverend
Beverly Kinraide ’62
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Langa ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Langbein Jr. ’56
Ms. Mary C. Lanius ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. LaVigne ’83
Mr. Eugene H. Leaver ^
Mrs. Jeanne Fairbanks
Leaver ’44 ^
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Linsley ’56
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45 and
Mr. William C. Roney Jr.
Doug and Nancy Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
MacDonald ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maslow ’52
Mr. Bruce R. McClintock and Ms.
Carolyn A. Pelzel
Mrs. Sharon Fitzpatrick
Merrill ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Millard ’56
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
Mrs. Ellen Peterson Morris ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.
Morris Jr. ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Moulton ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Neary ’74
Ms. Kathryn Jones Nixon ’68 and
Mr. Theodore E. Nixon
Mr. Arthur J. O’Brien
Ms. Ramona Hopkins O’Brien ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Opler ’56
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale
Overfield ’68
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Shelton
Pierce ’51
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Pierson ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Pratt ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Reed
Mrs. Katherine Gordon
Ridgway ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J.
Rohrbach Jr. ’62
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Seidensticker ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H.
Shotwell III ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Siegfried ’43
Ms. Kathryn E. Simons ’77
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa ’53
Mr. J. Deane Somerville
Mrs. Janice Hesse
Somerville ’46 ^
Ms. Rosalie Belanger
Sorenson ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Stephenson ’53
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Stockwell ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Seth D.
Strickland ’63
Dr. Deborah A. and
Dr. Laurence Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Tishman ’86
Mrs. Mary Stanton Tullis ’50
Mrs. Ann Wray Upchurch ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R.
Vermilya ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A.
Von Glahn ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Voss ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Watts ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H.
White ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T.
Whittaker ’63
Mr. Benjamin Davis Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Williams ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wolf
Mrs. Beverly Walker Wood ’46
Giving Clubs
Colby-Sawyer College’s Giving
Clubs recognize those individuals who generously contribute
gifts of $150 to $999 to the
Annual Fund. We extend a sincere thank you to these donors.
The Eugene M. Austin Club
This society recognizes donors
of $500 to $999 in a single
year to the Annual Fund and
honors the memory of Eugene
M. Austin, second president
of Colby-Sawyer, who led an
impressive expansion of the
college’s physical facilities and
academic programs in the late
1950s and early 1960s.
Mrs. Marilyn Adams ’61
Dr. and Mrs. Julian S.
Albergotti Jr. ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Scott
Ballou ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G.
Becker ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Boeck ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F.
Bonazzoli Jr. ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G.
Bowe Jr. ’74
Mrs. Nancy Gaunt Bradford ’32 ^
Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Bradley ’42
Dr. Alice W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Calhoun Jr. ’52
Mrs. Almira Taylor Campbell ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carlin ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C.
Cassinelli ’95 ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Clark Sr. ’53
Mr. Frederick J. Costello
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 7
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert O.
Crabbs ’46
Mrs. Marguerite Russell-Farnum
Cullinan ’73
Ms. Laura Danforth ’83 and
Ms. Paula B. Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Daylor ’71
Mr. Robert P. Dean
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Dewhirst ’75
Mrs. Ann Buckman Dickson ’48
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Donaher ’79
Col. and Mrs. William A.
Dow ’57
Ms. Carolyn M. Eames ’65
Ms. Jen M. Ellis ’85 and
Mr. Peter Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ewig ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ewing Jr.
Mrs. Jane Cooper Fall ’44
Mrs. Anne Getchell Floyd ’48
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H.
Fried ’46
Mrs. Harriet Tillinghast Fuller ’40
Mrs. Gretchen D. Garceau-Kragh
’91 and Dr. John Kragh
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Geis ’63
Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin J.
Gilson ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Glenn ’46
Mr. Roy L. Goldman and
Ms. Jacqueline A. Dzaluk
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D.
Goldstein ’52
Mrs. Dorothy B. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gray ’64
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Gregory ’50
Mr. and Ms. Peter J. Hacunda ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf K.
Haerle Jr. ’53
Mr. Sheffield J. Halsey
Mrs. Marcia Symmes Harmon ’55
Ms. Karen Anderson Harvey ’72
and Mr. Thomas Harvey
Miss Sally Heald ’53
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hiley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Jackley ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Jackson ’70
Mrs. Sally Roesser Johnston ’55
Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Jordan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Judd ’60
Miss Georgia Kanouse ’72
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Kelly ’44
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A.
Knowlton ’50
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Kren
Mr. and Mrs. Toomas Juhan
Kukk ’62
Ms. Melissa F. Langa Esquire ’74
and Mr. Jeffrey R. Wulfson
­­––continued on page 8
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Giving Clubs, continued
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lemay
Mrs. Barbara Wilson Lenox ’32
Mrs. Jeanne Delbridge Little ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lusk ’58
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas
Martinson ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N.
McGrew ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Welton E.
McKean ’66
Mrs. Carolyn Tilton
Medgyesy ’51
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonhard
Miller ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mitchell ’79
Dr. and Mrs. H. Nicholas
Muller III
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Ordman
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Petersen ’77
Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Peterson Jr. ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R.
Pitcher ’65
Mrs. Betsey Ann Quigley
Mr. David W. Reeves and
Professor Susan Glasheen
Reeves ’88
Mrs. Nancy Palmer Reid ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Reininger ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Sandstrom ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Schermerhorn ’47
Mrs. Carol Woods Searing ’52
Ms. Rebecca Zagorski Silver ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Smith III
Mrs. Carol Weissenborn
Smith ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel H.
Smith Jr. ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Morton
Smith Jr. ’50
Ms. Sally J. Todd ’58 and
Mr. Stanley L. Smith
Ms. Janet E. Spurr ’76
Mr. and Ms. Allan W. Staats ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Steiner ’75
Dr. and Mrs. Frank E.
Stockdale ’64
Mrs. Sara Height Strawbridge ’56
Mrs. Harriet Hilts Sullivan ’57
Ms. Vincente Tang ’70
Mrs. Barbara-Jane Smith
Thompson ’48
^ Deceased
Mrs. Joan Boyd Veazey ’48
Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Walton Jr. ’43
Mrs. Barbara Strait Wentz ’55
Mr. John V. White
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Wickers ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C.
Zemlin ’75
Ms. Lesley Bolton ’07
Mr. John David Bossé ’08
Mrs. Theresa Bousquet ’98
Mrs. Donnelle Bowers ’96
Dr. Kim-Laura Boyle ’98
Ms. Maura Brady ’02
Mrs. Beth McElwee Bristol ’04
Ms. Holly Brooks ’99
Ms. Michelle Brousseau ’99
“Colby-Sawyer people are
very nice to be around, and
the professors are great.
Some of the classes really
changed my life, and I
didn’t expect that.”
–– Marianne Lamas ’08,
Psychology major
Ms. Abbie Bruett ’01
Ms. April Buchheit ’07
Mr. Mitchel Cable ’08
Mr. Joseph Caforia ’04
Mr. Nathan Camp ’98
Mrs. Elizabeth Reinecker
Campbell ’05
Ms. Dina Cannata ’99
Ms. Katina Caraganis ’07
Ms. Kristina Carlson ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Carney ’02
Ms. Amy Carroll ’98
Mr. Robert Carroll ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Cassinelli ’95, ’98
Mrs. Catherine Maykut
Cayton ’95
Mr. Jeremiah Cerrutti ’97
Ms. Sarah Champagne ’08
Mr. and Ms. Shawn Coe ’95
Mrs. Dana Healy Commesso ’94
Mrs. Kimberly Kogut Cote ’99
Ms. Keriann Croatti ’08
Mr. Kevin Crotty ’06
Ms. Aidan Danaher ’02
Mr. Matthew Danahy ’05
Mr. Jay Dapprich ’06
Ms. Katherine Davis ’08
Mr. Tyler Davis ’08
Mrs. Norma Silsby Dean ’98
Ms. Jennifer Deasy ’94
Ms. Jennifer DeMarco ’97
Mrs. Susan Whittaker DiFatta ’97
Mrs. Kristin Ozana Doyle ’01
Mr. Adam Dow ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Drummond ’02, ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dyer ’98
Ms. Nicole Eaton ’06
Mr. Lawrence Elliott ’94
The Cupola Club
The Cupola Club recognizes
our generous young alumni.
Named for the structure atop
Colgate Hall, one of the oldest and most enduring campus
symbols, the cupola represents
our most recent graduates and
their importance to the future
of the college. All young alumni
are welcomed into the Cupola
Club upon making a gift to
the Annual Fund. This year we
are pleased to recognize gifts
from members of the classes of
Anonymous ’08
Mr. Frank Abel IV ’97
Professor Laura Alexander ’98
Mr. Christopher Ames ’05
Ms. Tarren Bailey ’06
Ms. Elisa Michelle Banuelos ’08
Mr. Justin Barker ’03
Mr. Benjamin Barr ’04
Mr. Charles Bazdanes ’04
Ms. Jenni Beaulieu ’05
Mr. Robert Behn ’02
Ms. Meghan Belanger ’08
Mrs. Amanda Cullen Benard ’97
Mr. Bradley Bennett ’02
Mr. Douglas Bennett ’97
Ms. Amy Bergeron ’99
Mrs. Zanna Campbell Blaney ’00
Mr. Jeffrey Blaszka ’06
Ms. Allison Blood ’08
Ms. Ashley Blood ’06
Mrs. Alison Bogrett ’98
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 8
Mr. Jonathan Emmons ’05
Mr. Brian Ennis ’01
Mrs. Elizabeth EstabrookHatfield ’95
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Marisa
Fagan ’01
Ms. Laura Feltner ’05
Ms. Melissa Ferrigno ’07
Ms. Lauren Ferullo ’98
Mrs. Karissa Pignone Fitzell ’03
Ms. Rebecca Floyd ’08
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Follis ’99, ’00
Mr. Jaron Foster ’06
Ms. Christine Francis ’07
Ms. Stacey Fraser ’04
Mrs. Heidi Mari Stevens
Freeman ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Frenkiewich ’99
Mr. Julian Frey IV ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Fucile ’03, ’04
Ms. Meghan Gately ’05
Mrs. Suzanne Blake Gerety ’99
Ms. Emily Goodrich ’05
Mr. Richard Gould ’05
Ms. Ashley Goulter ’08
Ms. Grace Gravelle ’01
Ms. Jazmine Greenlaw ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hall ’96, ’97
Mrs. Justine Hammond ’97
Mrs. Lisa Noyes Hardenbrook ’03
Mr. Robert Walker Harwood ’08
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Hay Jr. ’03, ’01
Ms. Kimberlee Valentine
Hayward ’05
Ms. Sarah Helen Heaney ’08
Mr. Matthew Hiller ’01
Ms. Elisabeth Holdsworth ’05
Mrs. Jennifer Renee Holl ’06
Mr. Benjamin Holley ’05
Mr. Shane Hoover ’99
Mr. Christopher HoustonPonchak ’06
Mrs. Marjorie Huston ’98
Mrs. Megan Donnelly Hydock ’99
Ms. Donna Kaplan ’06
Mr. Jason Kelly ’07
Ms. Nicole Kenney ’07
Mrs. Dawn Lohmann
Kilcrease ’96
Mrs. Michelle Brown Kinney ’95
Ms. Ellen Kirsch ’05
Mrs. Lauren Smyrl Koron ’97
Ms. Lauren Kovach ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Kozlowski ’95, ’96
Mr. Peter Ladd ’96
Mr. Robert Silva ’07 and Ms.
Shannon Lange ’07
Ms. Angela Langevin ’02
Ms. Holly Latulip ’07
Mr. Marc LeBourdais ’08
­­––continued on page 9
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Giving Clubs, continued
Ms. Cheryl Lecesse ’02
Mrs. Michelle Lefebvre ’00
Ms. Amanda LeMarier ’07
Mr. Steven Lerman ’04
Ms. Taber Lightfoot ’01
Ms. Renee Lowell ’03
Ms. Christine Lucius ’02
Mr. Kevin Maccioli ’02
Ms. Catherine MacDonald ’07
Mrs. Erin Ward Maciorowski ’99
Ms. Lauren MacLeod ’05
Mr. Peter Mailloux ’06
Mr. Matthew Maloney ’06
Mr. Philip Manning ’97
Mrs. Nicole Fowler Martin ’02
Mrs. Erin Sawler Massa ’04
Mrs. Kelly Wigmore
Mastroianni ’02
Ms. Jennifer McAfee ’08
Mr. Michael McCarthy ’01
Mrs. Danica Letarte Medeiros ’01
Ms. Monica Michaud ’05
Mrs. Sara Hammond Misiano ’01
Mrs. Sheila Mitchell ’98
Mr. Michael Mooney ’02
Mrs. Sara Gilderdale Morcom ’95
Ms. Melissa Morgan ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan
Morley ’99, ’96
Mr. Michael Morrison ’99
Ms. Molly Anne Mullen ’08
Mrs. Jessica Teach Navarro ’97
Mr. Pearson Woodworth Neal ’07
Mr. Ethan Nosel ’04
Ms. Elisabeth Grimshaw
Novak ’08
Mrs. Wendy Mansson Olsen ’95
Mr. John O’Neil ’08
Mrs. Kristy Meisner Ouellette ’01
Mr. DJ Palmer Jr. ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Perkins ’99, ’01
Mr. Andrew Pillsbury ’07
Ms. Laura Powell ’97
Mr. Kristopher Ramsay ’08
Mrs. Deborah Schofield Reed ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Reeder ’99, ’02
Mrs. Andrea Pueschel Reilly ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Robinson Jr. ’01
Mr. and Ms. Erik
Rocheford ’01, ’02
Mr. Steven Rogers ’06
Mrs. Wendy Morgan Root ’95
Mrs. Hilary Cogen Ryan ’02
Mr. Robert Ryder ’03
Mr. Justin Sakovitz ’08
Mrs. Kristen Orvis Salter ’95
Mr. Aaron Sanford ’00
Ms. Lindsey Santoro ’08
Mr. Jeremy Schnaittacher ’00
Mr. Stefan Schwarz ’95
Mr. Douglas Scott ’02
Mr. Logan Shedd ’04
Mrs. Heather Gardiner
Shupenko ’99
Ms. Carol Signorelli ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jo
Smith ’04, ’01
Mr. Ryan Smith ’00
Mr. Aaron Snay ’01
Mrs. Tamsen Bolte Snyder ’04
Ms. Anna Sommer-Cutts ’04
Mr. Travis Soule ’06
Ms. Allison Stacey ’06
Mr. Kyle Stewart ’05
Mr. Daniel Stone ’08
Ms. Donna Studley ’97
Ms. Dawn Sutton ’95
Ms. Kerstin Swenson ’03
Mr. and Mrs. George
Sylvester III ’00
Mrs. Sarah Holmes Tucker ’95
Ms. Lida Vanasse ’03
Mr. Andrew Wadleigh ’08
Ms. Hillary Waldbaum ’94
Ms. Anne Hillary Walsh ’07
Mr. Robert Wardwell ’08
Ms. Jessica Wilfert ’03
Mrs. Jeanne Crowell Willis ’94
Ms. Rebecca Yturregui ’94
Endowment Fund
The following donors have
designated important gifts
for capital purposes such as
new and renovated facilities,
equipment or special program
support, and/or for endowment
purposes, such as scholarships
and memorial funds. ColbySawyer is grateful for their
generosity and vision.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Atwood
Miss Reva Elaine Bailey
Mrs. Madeline G. Berry
Ms. Pauline Boucher
Mrs. Dawn T. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Chittim
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland ^
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cricenti
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 9
Mr. Loomis G. Dana
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Col. and Mrs. William A. Dow ’57
Ms. Nancy Dumoulin
Mr. Michael Dupont
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mrs. Deborah S. Eibner
Mr. John Munn Ellis III
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Foote
Thomas C. and Susan S. Galligan
Ms. Barbara Davis Green
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Guarda
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Hammond ’66
Mrs. Juliet L. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Henry II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Herbster
Ms. Aphrodite S. Hero
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Ilg
Ms. Barbara Greenspan Jacobson
’62 and Mr. Carl Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jenesky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaplan
Ms. Monika D. Kehas
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mrs. Eleanor Seybert
Kujawski ’45 ^
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett H. Lewis
Mr. M. Roy London Jr. ^
Miss Barbara J. MacDonald
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mrs. Virginia Crockett Milord
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Moquin
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Niblack ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Otto Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Packard
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Paynter
Ms. Denise Rancourt
Ms. Judy Roy
Mr. and Mrs. David William
Mr. and Mrs. E. Waldo Sanders
Ms. Phyllis R. Schless
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Mrs. Gladys Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Smith
Ms. Deborah Stanley and
Mr. Peter Stanley
Ms. Nancy H. Stowell
Mr. Stephane Courtine and
Ms. Elizabeth Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. James H. Truncellito
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Linda and Don Varnum
Ms. Sally Shaw Veitch ’66
Mr. and Mrs. David Z. Webster
Mr. Alexander Wenner
Ms. Dorothy Young
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors
Top Five Classes
By Participation
Colby-Sawyer College depends
upon the generous support of its
alumni to sustain our excellence.
The following class lists recognize all alumni who have made
gifts to the Annual Fund and/
or for Capital and Endowment
purposes during the period
July 1, 2008, through June 30,
2009. An asterisk denotes five
or more years of consecutive
giving. Annual Fund gifts are
unrestricted or restricted for
current use and support the
college’s educational and cocurricular programs. These gifts
are expendable within the fiscal
year in which they are received.
Capital and Endowment gifts are
contributions received by the
college for equipment, new and
renovated facilities, special program support, and for endowed
and memorial funds. Leadership
societies and giving clubs are
recognized and included in the
Annual Fund lists. The class
dollar and participation totals
noted for each class pertain to
the 2009 Annual Fund.
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Edith Tedford Hendricks ^
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Nancy Gaunt Bradford ^
Mrs. Barbara Wilson Lenox
To The Annual Fund
During Fiscal Year 2009
When you make an unrestricted gift, you enable the college
to deploy resources when and where they are most needed in
order to directly support the best educational opportunities
for our students.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tobey Erb
Mrs. Janet Sherman Lockwood ^
Mrs. Helen Corey Penick*
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Constance Alley French
Mrs. Bessie Wilner Grad*
Mrs. Katharine Field Hinman*
Mrs. Barbara Crampton Jones*
Mrs. Barbara Laier Ashmore*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Fund Donors
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds*
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Joan Chandler Beer
Mrs. Justine Mintie Caldwell*
Mrs. Dorothy Carter Ahearn
Mrs. Lucienne Jones Albro*
Annual Fund:
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport Annual Fund:
Mrs. Virginia Paul Barchard
Mrs. Annette Caldwell Blais* ^
Mrs. Martha Morgan Burns
Mrs. Elizabeth Kleppinger Cargill
Mrs. Virginia Wells Chandler
Mrs. Janet Morton Coates*
Ms. Margaret Carter Colony*
Mrs. Ada Shapiro Creighton*
Mrs. Barbara Perkins
Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins Hassell
Mrs. Anne-Shirley Orent Hudler*
Mrs. Christine Close McKisson
Mrs. Joan Helms Orr*
Mrs. Norma Nordlund Overbeck*
Mrs. Eleanor Smith Slawson*
Mrs. Dorothy Davenport Zilly
Annual Fund:
Miss Elizabeth A. Allenson*
Mrs. Barbara Symonds Ayers
Mrs. Barbara Rounds Carson
Miss Janet Marcia Drabble
Mrs. Jane Seavey Emerson*
Mrs. Dorothy McKinney Malin
Mrs. Inez Gianfranchi Snowdon*
Mrs. Barbara Howard Welch* ^
Mrs. Constance Mason Lane*
Mrs. Lelia Strickland Letherland*
Mrs. Priscilla Jameson Mullen
Mrs. Trudie Myers Sunderland*
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Mrs. Barbara Melendy Parker
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds*
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Virginia Enslin Fagan*
Lois Nutting Fitch
Margaret Raleigh Hennessy
Sarah Henckel Judson
Constance Arnold Martin*
Esther Ellet Mayo
Ina Hardy McLeod
Mary Gay Marble Talcott*
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Barbara Johnson Stearns* ^
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Ruth Randolph Woodman
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Jane Winey Heald*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Harriet Wickham Gorman*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Almira Taylor Campbell*
Mrs. Harriet Tillinghast Fuller*
Mrs. Kathryn Richman Bourland
Mrs. Janet Rockwood Cartmill
Mrs. Helen Tripp Davies*
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mrs. Jane Hollings Gordon*
Mrs. Barbara Weare Grover*
Mrs. Jean Lincoln Hart*
Mrs. Marguerite Biggs Lovelace*
Mrs. Rosemary Gamwell
­­––continued on page 11
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1940,
Eileen Mattis O’Brien
Juliette Conover Reinicker
Nancy Amend Snyder*
Jeanette Goodwin York
Fund Donors
Mrs. Janet Canham Williams*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Miss Janice Wilkins*
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Joan Rosenwald Scott ^
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Mary Westberg Francis*
Mrs. Deborah Burton Adler
Miss Elizabeth S. Ballentyne
Mrs. Louise Norris Breen*
Mrs. Barbara Moulton Chase* ^
Mrs. Joan Russell Desmond
Mrs. Ruth Hall Dowden*
Mrs. Lillian Scott Dyczynski
Cdr NC USN Barbara Ellis*
Mrs. Mary Louise Williams
Mrs. Arlene Dawson Knapp
Mrs. Priscilla Karle Leach
Mrs. Marcia Brown Macintosh*
Mrs. Anne Weston Miller*
Mrs. Katharyn Crane
Mrs. Susan Speir Parker
Mrs. Mabelle Goodrich Robbie*
Mrs. Zada Lynch Travaglini*
Mrs. Miriam Tibbitts Wheeler
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Edith Doe Ballard
Mrs. Claire Basch Barger
Mrs. Jean Craig Brooks
Mrs. Marion Huggins Brown
Mrs. Sara Felton Bruins*
Mrs. Constance Rudd Cole
Mrs. Shirley Walter Ferguson*
Mrs. Barbara Hughes Ford
Mrs. Pearl Leigh Fuller
Mrs. Jane Rayner Groo*
Mrs. Beatrice Neal Niemi*
Mrs. Barbara Leary Parrish*
Miss Shirley E. Parsons*
Mrs. Eleanor Brown Pearce*
Mrs. Virginia Wells Radasch
Mrs. Nancy Bowman Rutherford*
Mrs. Ruth Kerney Scott*
Mrs. Virginia Leighty Severs*
Mrs. Audrey Rembe Sharpe*
Mrs. Barbara Molander Warner*
“I’m a firm believer in
getting students out of
the classroom and into
experiences in nature. If
students get out of their
element, to a new place
that stimulates their senses,
that’s where the best learning happens.”
–– Nick Baer, Natural Sciences
Assistant Professor
Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Katherine Gordon Ridgway*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Barbara Boyd Bradley*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Jean Aronson Rea*
Shirley Mowry Reichenberg*
Mary Scheu Teach*
Margaret Morse Tirrell*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Janet Thompson Smith
Mrs. Julia Ann Keeney Walton*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Janet Peters Gardiner*
Mrs. Jeanne Fairbanks Leaver* ^
Mrs. Priscilla Coan Barnes
Mrs. Mary Lou Craffey Ackley
Mrs. Janice Cooper Adams
Ms. Audrey Barrett
Mrs. Susan Roberts Bean*
Mrs. Priscilla Donle Berry
Mrs. Margaret Wells Bush*
Ms. Emily Morgan Clemmer
Mrs. Leah Keever Cotton*^
of giving
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport $3,603
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Anne Heuer Lewis
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Shirley Tunison Eustis
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Patricia Stickel Crandall
Mrs. Blanche Worth Siegfried*
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Dr. Esther C. Toms ^
Ms. Constance Brailey Ackroyd*
Mrs. Jeanne Losey Bole*
Mrs. Alice Crowther Brooks
Mrs. Shirley Merz Bryant*
Mrs. Priscilla Bullock Bubar
Mrs. Phyllis Slater Burgess*
Mrs. Margaret Kentfield Burkey*
Mrs. Ann Tilton Carpenter*
Mrs. Phyllis Jones Collins*
Mrs. Laura Stone Cutler
Mrs. Shirley Tunison Eustis*
Mrs. Gloria Hirsch Flanzer*
Ms. Jean Bush Gabriel* ^
Mrs. Elinor Files Halsted
Mrs. Carol Cathcart Hutchins*
Mrs. Catharine English Kipe
Mrs. Nancy Hall Kurhan
Mrs. Mary Jane Niedner Fletcher
Mrs. Ann Norton Merrill*
Mrs. Elizabeth VanGorder
Mrs. Mary Cushman North
Ms. Jane Cowles Parmenter
Miss Dorothy W. Sears Jr.*
Mrs. Kathleen Howden
Mrs. Anne Alpaugh Stone*
Mrs. Hester Jerome Sweeney
Mrs. Ruth Forbes Tudeen
Mrs. Margaret Jardine Van Dine
Mrs. Mary Helen Mitchell
Mrs. Jane Earle Wright*
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Jane Cooper Fall*
Mrs. Jane MacCabe Kelly*
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonhard Miller
Class Agent:
Mrs. Nancy Dean Maynard
Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Dorothea Gay Bewley* ^
Mrs. Jean Spencer Brown*
Mrs. Doris Douglas Butler*
Mrs. Betty Jane Goss Conant
Ms. Sally King Cramer*
Mrs. Shirley Hobbs Craven
Mrs. Marilyn Maier Feinberg*
Mrs. Virginia Hansen Gato*
Mrs. Virginia Mack Gregory*
Mrs. Jean Wackerbarth Hadidian
Mrs. Rosamond Jones Hannum*
Mrs. Jean Stewart Hilton*
Mrs. Carolyn Sigourney Holtz*
Mrs. Jane Hamlin Horton
Mrs. Eleanor Davis Howard*
Mrs. Charlotte Shapiro Krentzel*
Mrs. Virginia Davis McGlynn
Mrs. Jean Marquier Molloy*
Mrs. Joan Manda Mueller
Mrs. Frances Morton Nugent*
Mrs. Jean Thurman Ramsey*
­­––continued on page 12
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1945,
Mrs. Janet Green Dean*
Mrs. June Mitchell DouglasWhite
Mrs. A. Lillian Quimby Easton*
Mrs. Rosemary Beede Fournier
Mrs. Ruth Gay Frederick
Ms. Nancy Teachout Gardner*
Mrs. Joy Waldau Hostage*
Mrs. Suzanne Needham Houston
Mrs. Janet Davis Keegan
Mrs. Frances Strode Lamberti
Mrs. Judith Allen Lawrence*
Mrs. Jane Peters Layton*
Mrs. Dorothy Randall Loft*
Mrs. Dorothy Georger
Mrs. Nancy Dean Maynard*
Mrs. Joan Smith McIver*
Mrs. Nancy Erickson Murphy
Mrs. Ruth Anderson Padgett*
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant Parker*
Mrs. Jean Shanley Puckhaber
Mrs. Jane Seccombe Rice
Mrs. Grace MacDonald Ross
Mrs. Shirley Glidden Splaine*
Mrs. Martha Whitney Steers
Mrs. Jean Jacob Vetter
Mrs. Barbara Macaulay Watkins*
Fund Donors
Ms. Nancy Teachout Gardner*
Mrs. Eleanor Seybert Kujawski ^
Class Agent:
Mrs. Beverly Walker Wood
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Ms. Ramona Hopkins O’Brien*
Mrs. Janice Hesse Somerville* ^
Mrs. Beverly Walker Wood*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Mary Phinney Crabbs*
Mrs. Lila Labovitz Fried*
Mrs. Priscilla Beardsley Glenn*
Mrs. Margaret Hale Bascom*
Mrs. Jean Andersen Bazzani*
Mrs. Jane Hatch Benson*
Miss Phyllis Birch*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Frances Wilde Boynton*
Mrs. Virginia Parsons Breuer*
Mrs. Dorothy Rice Brown*
Mrs. Ann Johnston Bunis
Mrs. Priscilla March Burton
Mrs. Barbara Bell Clark*
Mrs. Janet Reynolds
Mrs. Barbara Bingham Day*
Mrs. Dorothy Wallsten Drake*
Mrs. Barbara Morse Elcik*
Mrs. Sylvia Small Erb*
Mrs. Eleanor Chandler Hall*
Mrs. Althea Bennett Hatch*
Ms. Shirley L. Holmes*
Mrs. Anne Stedfast Jacobs*
Mrs. Lucille Lane Kelleher ^
Mrs. Suzanne Carpenter Kemp
Mrs. Elizabeth Joel Kempton* ^
Mrs. Lois Lippincott Lang*
Mrs. Louise Stevens Lee*
Mrs. Dorothy Huggins Mannix*
Mrs. Nancy Olcott Moreland*
Mrs. Priscilla Edwards Nerbonne
Mrs. Annette Croughwell
Mrs. Mabel Livingstone
Mrs. Catherine Otterman
Mrs. Jean Henderson Read
Mrs. Janet Bromage Rogers*
Mrs. Shirley Rimbach Rohan
Mrs. Jean Gillchrest Simmons
Mrs. Jean Goubert Sisley
Mrs. Harriet Close Skipton
Mrs. Betty Bauersfeld Söderberg*
Mrs. Lillian Whiteman Spear*
Mrs. Marjorie Geerts Swanton
Mrs. Helena Fortuna Szepan*
Mrs. Mollie Miller Tanner*
Mrs. Jean Arnold Taylor*
Mrs. Margaret Reid Towne
Mrs. Barbara Arnesen Wheaton*
Mrs. Frances Randall Wood
Mrs. June Taylor Wright*
Mrs. Marcia Jacobs Adam*
Mrs. Virginia Horton Adams*
Mrs. Dorothy Fitch Adamson
Mrs. Beth Piatt Bascom*
Mrs. Ann Savoye Beddiges
Mrs. Constance Budgell Brettell*
Mrs. Anne Elliott Chaffin
Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Doele
Mrs. Olga Wells Dalton*
Mrs. Caroline Scofield Davis*
Mrs. Jane Messeck Does*
Mrs. Joan Brabrook Doherty
Ms. Nancy Stead Duble*
Mrs. Shirley Holmes Dunlap*
Mrs. Jean Tiffany Evans*
Mrs. Alice Hubbert Forbes*
Mrs. Lynda Childs Fritz*
Mrs. Helen Rotch Garfield
Mrs. Jeanne Courtemanche Gay
Mrs. Renee Goldblatt Gilbert*
Mrs. Joan Curtis Hall*
Mrs. Martha Turner Klenk*
Mrs. Joan Watson Krumm*
Mrs. Ann Walker Levitt
Mrs. Marjorie Johnson
Mrs. Nancy Wiggin McVickar*
Mrs. Virginia Schofield Mueller
Mrs. Martha Worth Oberrender*
Mrs. Claire Couble O’Hara
Mrs. June Morse Parker*
Mrs. Marion Nickerson Paulson*
Mrs. Barbara Hunt Peirson*
Mrs. Polly White Phillips
Mrs. Cornella Fay Rendell-Wilder
Ms. Priscilla Dobbs Ritz*
Ms. Joan F. Rosie*
Mrs. Nancy Williams Siddons
Mrs. Nancy Nutter Snow*
Mrs. Helen Abeling West*
Mrs. Eleanor Murray Wiggins*
Mrs. Grace Greene Williams
Mrs. Mary Humphreys Williams*
Ms. Mary Leigh Woodrow*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Sybil Adams Moffat
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Natalie Davis Rooke*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Barbara Hamilton Hopkins*
Mrs. Nancy Hobkirk Pierson*
Mrs. Barbara Schulz Watts*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Ann Buckman Dickson*
Mrs. Anne Getchell Floyd
Mrs. Carol Weissenborn Smith*
Mrs. Barbara-Jane Smith
Mrs. Joan Boyd Veazey*
Mrs. Sylvia Jacobs Alden*
Mrs. Nancy Dexter Aldrich
Mrs. Barbara Hoyt Baker*
Mrs. Barbara Witte Baron*
Mrs. Beverly Johnson Bitner
Ms. Beryl Knight Brown*
Mrs. Frances Wannerstrom Clark
Mrs. Katherine Heinrich Clark*
Mrs. Louise Cornish Creel*
Mrs. Dorothy Shays Dangerfield*
Mrs. Jane Adams Darnell
Mrs. Priscilla Irish Demos*
Ms. Ione Denny
Mrs. Susan Hight Denny
Mrs. Sara Ackerman Frey*
Mrs. Jean Klaubert Friend
Mrs. Jane Maynard Gibson
Miss Eleanore L. Hodson*
Mrs. Jane Martin Kant*
Mrs. Jean Cummins Kurtis*
Ms. Margaret Perkins Lombard*
­­––continued on page 13
Class Agent:
Mrs. Cornella Fay Rendell-Wilder
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Jean “Je-Je” Harding Pierce*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Margaret Fish Langa*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Jocelyn Newton
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 12
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Top Five Classes
In Dollars
To The Annual Fund
During Fiscal Year 2009
Alumni Donors, Class of 1948,
Mrs. Heloise Pike Mailloux
Mrs. Olga Kavochka Mayo
Mrs. Patricia Bentley Nye*
Mrs. Barbara Cassky Raitto
Mrs. Jeanne Woodruff Ramsey*
Ms. Ann Ackerman Rourke*
Ms. Barbara Russell Sayward*
Mrs. Patricia Anderson Schmitt*
Mrs. Barbara Schramm Taylor* ^
Mrs. Anne Franklin Van Oppen
Mrs. Pauline Carver Watson*
Mrs. Phyllis Harty Wells*
Mrs. Virginia Orr Welsh*
Mrs. Martha Dimmitt White*
Mrs. Betsey Cook Willis
Miss Audrey A. Bostwick
Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson Brennan*
Mrs. Mary Gesen Carroll
Miss Helen R. Casciani*
Mrs. Carolyn Shaw Dillon
Mrs. Dorothea Walker Dressler
Mrs. Barbara Cocks Eastman
Mrs. Barbara Chernin Feldman
Mrs. Bernice Labovitz Frisch*
Mrs. Dorothy Glover Grimball*
Ms. Patricia S. Hammond*
Mrs. Jean Monroe Hanna*
Mrs. Margaret Thomas Hansen*
Mrs. Carolyn Chase Hatch*
Mrs. Elizabeth See Hill
Mrs. Barbara Dent Hinman*
Mrs. Ann Poindexter Ives
Mrs. Catherine Chiquoine
Mrs. Constance Dickinson
Mrs. Jacqueline Cricenti Kelly*
Ms. Barbara Hallett King
Mrs. Joan Trainer Kirsten*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Rita Ferris Briggs
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer*
Mrs. Leslie Moore Waldbillig* ^
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Gwenyth Hall Dunbar
Mrs. Mary Stanton Tullis*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Joan Magavern Gregory*
Mrs. Jean Fuller Knowlton*
Mrs. Nancy Palmer Reid*
Mrs. Nancy Frost Smith*
Mrs. Martha Frey Allen*
Fund Donors
“My education at ColbySawyer had a tremendous
impact on how I present
myself in a professional
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer*
–– Colin Bellavance ’09,
Sport Management major
Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Mrs. Ruth Gray Pratt
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Natalie Davis Rooke*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Verna Williams
Mrs. Ann Wray Upchurch*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Joanne Priest Jackley
Mrs. Jeanne Delbridge Little
Mrs. Althea Currier Barker*
Mrs. Patricia Smith Beach
Mrs. Susan Park Blackwell*
Mrs. Cynthia Overton Blandy*
Mrs. Penelope Morse Bolton*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Janet Phelon Lawton
Mrs. Coralie Nash Liechti
Mrs. Lindy Clapp Macfarland*
Mrs. Barbara Bishop MacLean*
Mrs. Mary Stanier Maloney*
Mrs. Anne Daviss Marsh
Mrs. Joan Eaton Mauk
Mrs. Doris Hammond Morgan
Mrs. Elisabeth Harrison Morgan*
Mrs. Barbara James Mueller
Mrs. Betty Alden Parker*
Ms. Jane Richardson Pearson*
Mrs. Joan Van Iderstine Peterson*
Mrs. Beverly Fraleigh Pulford*
Mrs. Patricia Jaffer Russell*
Mrs. Harriet Patriquin Sanchez*
Mrs. Virginia Murphy Sarno
Mrs. Phyllis Sanderson Scott*
Mrs. Deborah Rosenblum
Mrs. Anne Bailey Shealy*
Mrs. Jane Grayson Slover
Mrs. Elizabeth Simpler
St. George*
Mrs. Lois Smith Thornton*
Ms. Ruth Shonyo Trask*
Mrs. Pauline Dunn Lanata*
Mrs. Joanne Hogg Loomis
Mrs. Jane Coulson MacDonald
Mrs. Joanne McMullen Mason
Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds
Mrs. Julie Hamm McDowell*
Mrs. Beverly Pelletier Menk*
Mrs. Jean Bryant Meyer
Mrs. Donna Oosting Muenzberg*
Mrs. Barbara Laurie Prescott*
Mrs. Helen Gardner Pugh*
Mrs. Miriam Coffin Ragsdale
Ms. Sally A. Randall
Mrs. Virginia Farrar Richardson
Mrs. Janet Sargent Russell*
Mrs. Anne Hull Sargent*
Mrs. Doris Semisch Shearer*
Mrs. Jean Foster Shugrue
Mrs. Lois Patterson Sligh*
Mrs. Ann Bishop Smith
Mrs. Sally Harlow Terry*
Mrs. Susanne Neiley White*
Mrs. Marcia McNeil Wilbor*
Mrs. Nancy Nespor Wilbur
Mrs. Margaret Starbird Yanik*
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 13
Mrs. Priscilla Fields Aloise*
Mrs. Helen Germundson
Mrs. Sally Hartwell Born*
Mrs. Virginia Colpitts Bowers
Mrs. Rita Ferris Briggs*
Miss Marjorie Chisholm*
Mrs. Josephine Carlson Clark*
Mrs. Ann Kitfield Clarke*
Mrs. Gloria Demers Collins*
Mrs. Sharon Thomas Crimmel
Ms. Ann Bemis Day
Mrs. Jean Finley Doughty*
Mrs. Jean Holmes Duffett*
Mrs. Joan Smith Eastman*
Mrs. Sally Ives Foster
Mrs. Marjorie Hamilton Gorham
Mrs. Priscilla Johnson Greene*
Mrs. Anne Maher Grimes*
Mrs. Carol Howe Hagan*
Mrs. Barbara Fetzer Herbert*
Ms. Patricia Davis Hoffman
Mrs. Joan Reynolds Irish*
Miss Katherine V. Jones*
Mrs. Joanne Allardice Keuper*
Mrs. Nancy Hendrickson
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Mrs. Janet Ten Broeck Pierce*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Elsie-Joan Martin
Mrs. Carolyn Tilton Medgyesy
Mrs. Joan Booth Adams*
Mrs. Helen Simms Alberti*
Mrs. Joan Howie Alderton*
Mrs. Nancy Wallace Ashton*
Mrs. Margery Bugbee Atherton
Mrs. Nancy MacCalla Bazemore
Mrs. Dorothy Ernst Bean
Mrs. Marguerite Cline Beckman
Mrs. Joan Taylor Beucke*
Mrs. Dorothy Redfield Brooks*
Mrs. Eleanor Merklen Cambrey*
Mrs. Patricia Odell Caprio
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 14
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1951,
Mrs. Carolyn Kennard
Mrs. Consuelo Wiberg Clark*
Mrs. Ann Houston Conover*
Mrs. Joan Gilbert Crossley*
Mrs. Roberta Green Davis*
Mrs. Ursula Meyerhof Davis*
Ms. Patricia A. Day
Mrs. Joan Glover Dunphy*
Mrs. Mary Loudon Eckert*
Mrs. Mary Mitchell Hadley*
Mrs. Susan Clapp Humphrey*
Mrs. Joan Weaver Hylander
Mrs. Joan Hapgood JohnsonWood
Mrs. Janet Nordhouse
Mrs. Beverley Cushman
Ms. Patricia Ford Labalme
Mrs. Mary Jane Critchett Lane
Mrs. Caroline Regan Lassoe*
Mrs. Gerry D’Amico Loehr*
Mrs. Barbara Easterbrooks
Mrs. Nancy Hess Mathes
Mrs. Beverly Janson Mogensen*
Mrs. Jean Malony Murdock
Mrs. Lynn Healy Nichols*
Mrs. Elizabeth Manning Niven
Mrs. Barbara Nute Orr*
Mrs. Elizabeth Booth Pilling
Mrs. Ruth Gray Pratt*
Mrs. Susan Roesser Putnam*
Miss Mary Ann Reigle
Mrs. Marcia Rogers Reilly
Mrs. Frances Black Rosborough*
Mrs. Irene Baker Salmonsen*
Mrs. Anmarie Roessler Smith*
Mrs. Joan White Snively*
Mrs. Carole Katz Spatz*
Mrs. Ellen Duane Stumpf*
Mrs. Joan Zimble Sudikoff*
Miss Joan F. Sullivan*
Mrs. Marie Lecour Taylor*
Mrs. Amy Deyo Trinkino*
Mrs. Janice Rundle Trucksess*
Mrs. Barbara Gesen Trulson*
Mrs. Maryann Henry von
Mrs. Mary Ann Harman Wagner*
Mrs. Betty Westberg West
Mrs. Patricia Pearson Wingard*
Mrs. Muriel Hubbert Wood
Class Agent:
Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Nancy Shumway Adams*
Mrs. Ann Doyle Gramstorff*
Mrs. Sylvia Cookman Hnat
Mrs. Polly Heath Kidder*
Ms. Mary C. Lanius
Mrs. Marilyn Moore Maslow
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Marian Pennock Calhoun*
Mrs. Sarah Bond Gilson*
Mrs. Corinne Smoller Goldstein*
Mrs. Doris Smart Sandstrom
Mrs. Carol Woods Searing*
Mrs. Martha Marano
Mrs. Isabelle Barnett Berglund* ^
Mrs. Meredith Jarvis Boyd
Mrs. Noel Henriques Brakenhoff*
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bentley
Mrs. Marye-Jane Harrington
Dr. Marilyn Chase
Mrs. Nancy Randall Chiesa
Mrs. Carol Hunter Christophe*
Mrs. Betty Gundlach Currier*
Mrs. Ingrid Mellgren Davidge
Fund Donors
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Sally Hueston Day
Mrs. Patricia Caswell Dey
Mrs. Marilyn Woods Entwistle*
Mrs. Jean Easton Erb*
Mrs. Joan Thomas Gilchrist
Mrs. Margaret Scruton Green*
Mrs. Ann Raabe Halloran*
Mrs. Joanne Fowle Hinds
Mrs. Nancy Keefe Hirschberg
Mrs. Mary Tate Howson
Mrs. Elaine Bowser Hudson
Mrs. Anne Prindle Johnson*
Mrs. Natalie Clarke Jones
Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds Kapner
Mrs. Junia Dunham Kennedy
Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler*
Ms. Carol Moffitt Kline*
Mrs. Barbara Hallett Lester*
Mrs. Ruth Richards LovingoodFinke
Mrs. Lee Miller Lower
Mrs. Mary Anne Lutz Mackin*
Ms. Ruth Maroney
Mrs. Nancy Garland Menchetti*
Mrs. Sally Smith Miller*
Mrs. Mary Jane Fritzinger
Ms. M. Jane Montgomery*
Mrs. Rayma Whittemore Murray*
Mrs. Joan Salmon Nesbit*
Mrs. Judith Chamberlain
Mrs. Sally Humphreys Nicoll*
Mrs. Margaret Kunkel Ploss
Mrs. Elizabeth Carlson Salomon*
Mrs. Coralie Huberth Sloan
Mrs. June Parker Smith*
Mrs. Elizabeth Borgerson
Mrs. Nancy Angell Turnage*
Mrs. Audrey Kelley Vosburgh
Mrs. Melba Harrison Wallace*
Mrs. Virginia Lawrence Warner*
Mrs. Marion Hickey Whiting*
Fund Donors
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer*
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 14
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Mrs. Sally Browne Foster
Mrs. Janet Hofmann Hansen*
Mrs. Ann Blessing Hibler*
Mrs. Dorothy Colburn Holstine*
Mrs. Barbara Dennett Howard*
Mrs. Sara Bassett Howe*
Mrs. Jane Doherty Johnson
Mrs. Joan Hadley Lena*
Mrs. Sally Clickner L’Huillier*
Mrs. Deborah Mathes Liebewein*
Miss Shirley I. Marshall*
Mrs. Joan Dryden May
Mrs. Margaret Lewis Moreland
Mrs. Joan Potter Nelson*
Mrs. Sara Hay Nichols*
Mrs. Ruth Davis Nies
Mrs. Joan Potter Palatine*
Mrs. Elizabeth Moss Phillips*
Mrs. Suzanne Curley Price*
Mrs. Joan Durkee Reed*
Mrs. Norma Oksa Reeve
Mrs. Carol Nelson Reid*
Miss Ruth E. Rice
Mrs. Laurette Lukens Rindlaub
Mrs. Joan O’Neil Ross
Mrs. Coralyn Whiting Samson*
Mrs. Helen Johnson Sargent*
Mrs. Ruth Levy Schultz
Mrs. Patricia Jezierny Short*
Ms. Wilma Smiley*
Mrs. Jean Samuels Stephens
Mrs. Louise Moser Stoops
Mrs. Ann Waldman Tackeff
Mrs. Sachiko Mizoguchi Taneda*
Mrs. Judith Dickinson Taylor*
Mrs. Ann Hilton Thompson*
Miss Margot C. Thompson*
Mrs. Sidney Faithfull Van Zandt*
Mrs. Natalie Langley Webster*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Jane Pearl Dickinson
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Polly Black Koerner*
Mrs. Sinclair Smith Siragusa*
Mrs. Ann Radcliff Stephenson*
Mrs. M. Catherine Oberrender
Von Glahn*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Ruth Sampson Clark*
Mrs. Helen Grove Haerle*
Miss Sally Heald*
Mrs. Nancy Baldwin Adams
Miss Jane N. Bacon
Mrs. Gordon McAllen Baker*
Ms. Nancy Stone Barrett*
Mrs. Nancy Ober Batchelder
Mrs. Jane Thompson Belsky*
Mrs. Susan Wiesner Bray
Mrs. Barbara Young Camp*
Mrs. Martha Jost Claxton*
Mrs. Janet Arminio Connolly*
Miss Clare D. Conover*
Mrs. Ann Murdoch Cooper*
Mrs. Eleanor Edmunds Cragin
Mrs. Alison Faulk Curtis*
Mrs. Hannah Langdon Darche
Mrs. Jane Pearl Dickinson*
Mrs. Merabeth Dogherty
Mrs. Mary-Cliffe Killion Dunn
Mrs. Sybil Scott Dupuis*
Mrs. Jane Bingham Fawcett*
Mrs. Florance Fayle Garofalo
Mrs. Diane MacKenzie Griffiths
Mrs. Darthea Wells Hunt*
Mrs. Virginia Merklen Hutchins*
Mrs. Barbara Freeman Jones*
Mrs. Carolyn Nagel Kaufman
Mrs. Mary Eberlein Longabaugh*
Mrs. Lois Enman Marshall
Mrs. Virginia Erb McGinley* ^
Mrs. Martha Funk Miller*
Mrs. Naomi Nylund Ogden*
Mrs. Sonia Collom Oram
Mrs. Jane Carpenter Patterson
Ms. Katharine C. Purrington*
Ms. Vaughan Peters Rachel*
Mrs. Nancy Messenger Roby
Mrs. Barbara Johnston Rodgers*
Mrs. Joan Bartram Sawyer*
Mrs. Nancy Prann Segee
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Your gift supports the teaching, scholarship, creative work
and development of our outstanding faculty.
Shirley Moulthrop Stange
Barbara Gowdy Tongue*
Barbara Howe Tucker
Ellen Barrows Van Winkle
Audrey Davis Walker
Nancy Southwick Westland*
Gretchen Hoch White*
Sally Wheeler Whitney*
Noel Roe Wilson
Barbara Fenn Wysession
Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Ms. Mozell Zarit ^
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport Capital/Endowment
Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Jean Cragin Ingwersen*
Mrs. Barbara Frank Ketchum
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne*
Mrs. Gertrude Bast Vermilya*
Anonymous* ^
Mrs. Sally Clickner L’Huillier*
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Virginia Sbarra Boeck*
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon*
Mrs. Barbara Ritter Peterson*
Mrs. Barbara Brown Bateman
Ms. Cynthia Bates
Mrs. Barbara Rogers Berndt
Ms. Patricia Blackwood*
Mrs. Barbara Schaff Blumenthal
Mrs. Claire Mufson Carter*
Mrs. Gloria Fish Chick*
Miss Blenda F. Covill*
Mrs. Elinor DeFord Crane*
Mrs. Nancy Brown Cummings*
Mrs. Anne Batchelor De Grazia*
Ms. Helen McWalter Finan
Mrs. Myrtle Westhaver Flight*
Mrs. Susan Wiesner Bray
Mrs. Gretchen Hoch White*
Annual Fund:
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Nancy Paige Parker*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Joyce Juskalian Kolligian*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Beverly Stearns Bernson*
Mrs. Sandra Davis Carpenter*
Mrs. Nancy Wilkins Kaplan*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Marcia Symmes Harmon*
Mrs. Sally Roesser Johnston*
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 16
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1955,
Mrs. Stephanie Brown Reininger*
Mrs. Barbara Strait Wentz*
Mrs. Terry Whitten Bailey*
Mrs. Marinda Helmer Beinert*
Mrs. Grace Meeks Berg*
Mrs. Martha Thorp Brightman
Mrs. Barbara Jerauld Coffin*
Mrs. Nancy Mahon Collins
Mrs. Nancy Little Cotton*
Mrs. Virginia Collins Dalton
Mrs. Elaine Andrews
Mrs. Constance Valpey
Mrs. Marilyn Good Dillman
Mrs. Carol Myers Ditmore*
Mrs. Margaret Judge Dooley*
Mrs. Sallie Lou Johnson Elliott*
Mrs. Frances Kennedy Finch*
Mrs. Julia Snyder Fink
Ms. Joan Piatt Fisher*
Mrs. Sally Beardslee Foster
Ms. Elaine F. Gilman
Mrs. Mary Roberts Giolito
Mrs. Constance Gauthier Granger
Mrs. Marilyn Williams Greene*
Mrs. Adrienne Pease Guptill*
Mrs. Carole Binney Haehnel*
Mrs. Gretchen Davis Hammer*
Mrs. Linda Fitzpatrick Heggy*
Miss Martha Ruth Horsefield*
Mrs. Ann Whaley Hosted*
Mrs. Sally Eldridge Howard
Mrs. Judith Engel Hunter*
Mrs. Jane Lawler Jackman*
Mrs. Eleanor Faulkner Jones*
Mrs. Sandra Goodchild Karstens
Mrs. Gail Burnett Kass*
Mrs. Rosemary Carhart Keenan*
Mrs. Irmeli Ahomaki Kilburn*
Mrs. Joan Cole Knost*
Mrs. Linda Ann Valpey Langan
Mrs. Alethe Laird Lescinsky
Mrs. Barbara Drenchkhahn
Mrs. Joanne Holden Miller*
Mrs. Barbara Harris Mimmack
Mrs. Nancy Sellers Mion
Mrs. Elinor Coughlan Murphy
Mrs. Polly Parsons Nash
Mrs. Jean Warwick Osgood*
Mrs. Susan Litchfield Rogal
Mrs. Judith Kellogg Rowley
Ms. Eleanor M. Russell
Mrs. Virginia Beck Sanborn*
Mrs. Barbara Harmon Sawyer*
Mrs. Joan-Lee Goldsmith Shames*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Dona Smith Shanklin
Mrs. Martha Strauss Shoemaker*
Mrs. Susan Bailey Sink*
Mrs. Georgianna Hubbell
Mrs. Jane Shoemaker Storm*
Mrs. Barbara Curtis Sturgeon*
Mrs. Bryce Loudon TenBroek
Mrs. Janice Spurr Titus*
Mrs. Martha Dodge Wilkerson
Ms. Frances Roberts Wilson
Dawn Allman Clark
Joan DeBevoise Corbin
Marianne Riley Coulthurst
Abby Hoge Csaplar*
Sally Maras Culbertson
Louise Zeller Curley*
Marguerite Granger DeLuca
Patricia Cooke Dugger
Joan Elberfeld Ensor
Susan Shinn Fillius*
Ann Petty Germano*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Nancy Hoyt Langbein
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Sonja Carlson Davidow*
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Jane Keese Darling
Mrs. Charlotte Flink Faulkner*
Mrs. Nancy Hoyt Langbein*
Mrs. Carol Molander Linsley*
Mrs. Suzanne Turtle Millard
Mrs. Nancy Beyer Opler*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Sara Height Strawbridge
Mrs. Nancy Morris Adams
Mrs. Barbara Beals Beal*
Mrs. Paula Anderson Bothfeld*
Mrs. Carol Washburn Brown
Mrs. Lynn Millar Cash*
Mrs. Eleanor Kent Chastain
Mrs. Jane Marcelais Childers*
Mrs. Suzanne Higi Clancy
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 16
Class Agent:
Annual Fund:
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Leslie Wright Dow*
Mrs. Harriet Hilts Sullivan
Ms. M. Gale Gilchrest
Mrs. Patricia Beckley Governale*
Mrs. Sarah Clemence Hardy*
Ms. Karen Fowle Johnson
Mrs. Carole Scherer Judge*
Mrs. Judith Albert Kapelson
Mrs. Patricia Lowry Keeley*
Mrs. Anna Denhartog Keith
Mrs. Marjorie Schick Kenny
Mrs. Barbara Chandler Kimm*
Mrs. Ida Gechijian Kolligian*
Ms. Virginia Messmer Krebs*
Mrs. Ruth Rissland Kreuter*
Mrs. Nancy Meaker Laird
Mrs. Patricia Anderson Little
Mrs. Myrna Chernin Lord
Mrs. Nancy Allen MacLean
Mrs. Lynn Shepherd Nichols*
Mrs. Anne de Mille Nieman
Mrs. Alma Gillespie Niemiller
Mrs. Phyllis Leader Paladino
Mrs. Joan Cochrane Pelletier
Mrs. Judith Oglee Sanders
Mrs. Marietta DeFazio Schroeder
Mrs. Nancy Calder Segee
Mrs. Anne Osborne Shannon
Mrs. Cynthia Oswald Sipos*
Mrs. Marilyn Stott Smith*
Mrs. Judith Davis Somers*
Mrs. Beverly Rounds Stanley
Mrs. Barbara Bradway Stone
Ms. Deborah D. Sullivan*
Mrs. Betty Boyson Tacy
Mrs. Rene Driscoll Tanner*
Mrs. Sarah Rudy Terhune*
Miss Linda E. Thompson
Mrs. Judith Tinsman White*
Mrs. Marsha Smoller Winer*
The Susan Colby Society
Mary Knox Tatnall
–– Megan Ruggiero ’10,
English major
Mrs. Beverly Stearns Bernson*
Mrs. Nancy Hoyt Langbein*
Mrs. Augusta Crocker Stewart*
Annual Fund Donors
“The first section of ‘Betwixt
and Between: The Honors
Pathway’ was a crucial step
in my assimilation process
of becoming a college
Fund Donors
Fund Donors
Mrs. Sandra Dennis Allen*
Mrs. Janice Mahoney Amidon*
Mrs. Diane Waplington Beck*
Mrs. Sally Matherson Carlson*
Mrs. Brenda Schneckenburger
Mrs. Deborah Hilles Comeau
Mrs. Elizabeth Grayson Deal
Mrs. Sally Little Dussault
Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig Eastman*
Mrs. Carol McMahon Ehnat
Mrs. Jane Campbell Engdahl
Mrs. Joy Skaarup Evans
Mrs. Ruth Harvey Evans
Mrs. Gail Atwood Foley
Mrs. Barbara Williams Galbraith
Ms. Diane Shugrue Gallagher*
Ms. Judith Morrison Gentry*
Mrs. Deborah Stafford Gilchrist*
Mrs. Nadine Nellis Glover
Mrs. Jean Holdridge Goheen*
Mrs. Joan Lowcock Goodison
Mrs. Adelaide Anthony Griffiths
Mrs. Barbara Rivers Hibbs*
Mrs. Eleanor Carlson Hutchinson
Ms. Ellen Fotter Jamison
Mrs. R. Gayle Sheldon Juliani
Mrs. Virginia Putnam Kinkead
Mrs. Nancy Tyrrell Klein
Mrs. Elaine Mecca Madden
Ms. Virginia Keith Marr
Mrs. Mary Sullivan Martin
Ms. Robin McDougal
Mrs. Jane Vose Mook*
Mrs. Johanne Wright Mueller
Ms. Susan Wheeler Olson
Mrs. Ann Blasi Pellegrino
Mrs. Debra Lamson Perkins
Mrs. Elizabeth Lucie Perreault
Mrs. Nancy Brayton Peterson
Mrs. Wendy Wilkerson Pyper*
Mrs. Jane Baxter Richardson
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 17
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1957,
Mrs. Emily Shepard Riddell
Mrs. Elizabeth Molloy Robinson
Mrs. Anne Carty Rogers*
Mrs. Faith Hirsch Rogers*
Ms. Barbara J. Scheelje
Mrs. Nancy Kiener Schullinger*
Mrs. Carol Dornemann Sellman*
Ms. Kathryn Stott Shaw
Mrs. Garnett Seifert Shores*
Mrs. Barbara Watrous Smith
Mrs. Nancy Bailey Smith*
Mrs. Caroline Morgan Southall
Mrs. Suzanne Staley Spaulding
Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson Summers*
Mrs. Janet Fisher Swanson
Ms. Elizabeth Allen Swim*
Mrs. Dorthea Wind Teasdale
Mrs. Patricia Hathaway Trotter
Ms. Barbara Tucker
Mrs. Suzanne Vander Veer
Mrs. Karen Fahlgren Warrick
Miss Althea T. Weeks*
Mrs. Linda Hano Weintraub*
Ms. Judith Lynah Wheeler
Mrs. Kim Yaksha Whiteley*
Mrs. Carolyn Day Wilson
Mrs. Catherine Farrell Wilson*
Mrs. Joan Sweetser Wright
Mrs. Carol Wadleigh Zavada*
Mrs. Carol Adamian Zeytoonjian
Fund Donors
Mrs. Leslie Wright Dow*
Mary Knox Tatnall
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins McCollum
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Jo-Ann Matukas Churchill
Ms. Marcia S. Cohn*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Sally Nathan Lusk
Ms. Sally J. Todd*
Mrs. Isabelle Spurr Appleton
Ms. Mary Stewart Baird*
Mrs. Katherine Gregory Barnard
Mrs. Helen Storey Barrow*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Making your gift of
support online is fast,
easy, and
Fund Donors
Mrs. Judeen Cameron Barwood*
Mrs. Alice Ensdorf Bergstrom*
Mrs. Meredith Chase Boren*
Mrs. Marlene Williams Boyland
Mrs. Joyce Robinson Bridgman*
Mrs. Ann Francis Cluett
Mrs. Karyl Allyn Condit
Mrs. Nancy Wiesner Conkling
Mrs. Lisabeth Miller Dearborn*
Ms. Mary-Ellen Kimball Egan
Mrs. Nancy Devaux Eidam*
Mrs. Susan Curtis Emery*
Ms. Lynn Johnson Evans*
Mrs. Joanne Macurdy Fairchild*
Mrs. Sandra Clare Fessenden*
Mrs. Sally Bryant Francis*
Mrs. Susan Copeland Grant
Mrs. Monica Wetterberg
Mrs. Barbara Billings Howe*
Mrs. Susan Grove Hyson
Mrs. Martha Reed Jennings
Mrs. Jacqueline Walker Keller*
Mrs. Joan Karl Kelley*
Mrs. Sidney Carroll Knapp
Mrs. Marcia Vieth Koppes*
Mrs. Susan Macfarlane Lanham
Ms. Sandra McBeth*
Mrs. Kathleen McAlear Mitchell
Mrs. Jean Johnston Mulligan*
Mrs. Susan Randolph Ramsey
Mrs. Carol Diem Recht
Ms. Linda Thomson Righter
Mrs. Mary Ann Link Russell
Mrs. Nancy Carrell Sanborn
Mrs. Carol Holsten Smith
Mrs. Margaret Whitney
Mrs. Katherine Filides Tsouros
Miss Shirley Waters*
Mrs. Marcia Newson White*
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins McCollum
Class Agents:
Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson
Mrs. Judith Gilmore Getchell
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Judith Anderson Anderson*
Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson*
Mrs. Judith Weisfeld Block*
Mrs. Carolyn Farrand Hager*
Mrs. Catee Gold Hubbard*
Mrs. Marsha Halpin Johnson*
Mrs. Jane D. Voss*
Dr. Marlene Nelson Allison*
Mrs. Bette Silven Alsobrook
Mrs. Priscilla Tufts Bartle*
Mrs. Margaret Scott Black*
Mrs. Nancy Kolar Bowen
Mrs. Sandra Backer Broadbridge*
Ms. Virginia Cerf Brookins
Mrs. Merrily Appleton Brown
Mrs. Diane Taylor Bushfield
Mrs. Gail Keppel Butler*
Mrs. Mary Willand Calhoun*
Mrs. Ruth Malmquist Craffey
Mrs. Suzanne Dorr Culgin
Mrs. Marion Hill Dunn*
Mrs. Barbara Mitchell Ellis
Ms. Bonnie Bladworth Fallon*
Mrs. Ada Joslin Flanagan*
of giving
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport $14,460
Mrs. Barbara Butler Fraser
Mrs. Joan Blair Freund*
Mrs. Anne McCombe Frost*
Mrs. Martha Reynolds Gauger*
Mrs. Judith Gilmore Getchell*
Mrs. Marilyn Winn Goodwin*
Mrs. Ann Darracq Graham*
Mrs. Linda Rowell Hallen
Ms. Susan Buckley Harlor
Mrs. Susan Starr Hayes*
Mrs. Judith Dexter Hoag
Mrs. Gretchen Seabold Johnson
Mrs. Patricia Bowker Lach*
Mrs. Nancy Cooke Latta*
Mrs. Jane Bruns Lenher
Mrs. Gail Thomas Leonard
Mrs. Ellen Waldron Lewicki
Miss Rebecca B. Lovingood*
Ms. Coralie Alan Morgan
Mrs. Leslie Fritz Moss
Ms. Barbara Nielsen*
Mrs. Joanne Rowland Osgood*
Mrs. Barbara Brodrick Parish*
Ms. Caroline Parker
Mrs. Virginia Case Parkin
Ms. Norma D. Penney*
Mrs. Anne Hamilton Purnell
Mrs. Alice Fitch Richards*
Mrs. Marcia Bittle Rising
Mrs. Joyce Bigelow Sandberg
Mrs. Kimberly Gordon Snyder
Mrs. Marilyn Stark Steen*
Mrs. Lee Mullowney Story*
Mrs. Judith McCormick Taylor*
Mrs. Suzanne Parris Ten Broeck
Miss Anne Tracy*
Mrs. Martha Penfield Umba*
Mrs. Carole Hamell Wenthen*
Mrs. Virginia Shoemaker Winn
Mrs. Joan MacFadyen Worgan*
Ms. Bobbie Herring Worman
Fund Donors
Mrs. Judith Anderson Anderson*
Mrs. Sally Trussell White
Class Agent:
Mrs. Gale Hartung Baldwin
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Susan Barto Monks*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Julie Dougherty Egenberg*
Mrs. Marcia Goodale MacDonald*
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 18
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1960,
Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Ellen Brainard Judd*
Mrs. Betsey Loveland Wheeler*
Mrs. Sharon Quinn Ainslie*
Mrs. Ellen Cook Barnes*
Mrs. Wendy Batchelder Barton
Mrs. Harriet Butler Boyden*
Mrs. Jane Wilbur Brown*
Mrs. Roberta Newton Brown*
Mrs. Caroline Clark Chipman*
Mrs. Sherol Squier Cooley
Mrs. Wendy Shaw Curley*
Mrs. Anne Longstreth DeLay*
Mrs. Judith Gemmill D’Errico*
Mrs. Elizabeth Foss Dinsmore*
Mrs. Christine Carlson Dolan*
Mrs. Jean-Carol Ames Dunham*
Mrs. Claire Lippincott Flowers
Ms. Ann Hoar Floyd
Mrs. Anne Johnson Frost*
Miss Judith C. Godden*
Mrs. Jane Spangler Green*
Mrs. Dorothy Summers Howell*
Mrs. Sarah Stevens Johnson
Mrs. Diana Davis Kingman*
Mrs. Ann Parsons Klump*
Dr. Elizabeth Abel Lane*
Mrs. Joyce Nichols Lewis
Mrs. Susan Atkinson Lukens
Mrs. Linda Buerk Matt*
Miss Susan McKenzie
Mrs. Charlotte Heyl McLaughlin*
Mrs. Sally Winters Mouawad
Ms. Cynthia C. Naylor*
Mrs. Barbara Lippi Neal
Mrs. Ann Skeels Nielsen*
Mrs. Marianne Harvey Olsen*
Mrs. Sandra Martin Pedrick
Mrs. Marcia Williams Perry*
Ms. Sue Hillier Puffer*
Mrs. Judith Levenson Ross*
Mrs. Ellen Winslow Ruhl*
Mrs. Nancy Johnson Sandmann
Mrs. Nancy Adams Scherer
Mrs. Jacquelyn Duffany Schmidt
Mrs. Jane Lundberg Scott
Mrs. Nancy Lucas Sheridan
Mrs. Barbara Swanson Smith
Mrs. Hannah Caldwell
Dr. Brenda Hirst Stone
Mrs. Birgit Rasmussen Talbot*
Mrs. Pamela Fitch Tausta
Mrs. Carol Whittemore Todd
Mrs. Barbara Bruce Welt*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Class Agent:
Mrs. Prudence Jensen Heard
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Judith O’Grady Gordon
Mrs. Barbara Green Gramenos
Ms. Susan A. Greene
Mrs. Sally Cook Gregg*
Mrs. Sally Morris Hayen*
Mrs. Prudence Jensen Heard
Mrs. Ruth Cluett Hendricks*
Mrs. Joanne M’Grath Hetrick
Ms. Alix Littna Heuston*
Mrs. Jane Mullen Hildreth
Mrs. Lynne Goodwin Horn
Mrs. Virginia Nester Janicki
Mrs. Joan Appleton Jevne
Mrs. Constance Lewko Jones
Ms. Jessica Stiteler Koeberle
Mrs. Sandra Senftleben Kuster
Mrs. Janice Weaver Lima*
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Pamela Stanley Bright*
Class Agent:
Ms. Margot Fraker Wynkoop
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Barbara Reed Evans
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Suzanne Mayberry
The Susan Colby Society
Ms. Gail E. Graham*
Ms. Barbara Greenspan Jacobson*
The Reverend Beverly Brookfield
Mrs. Ellen Peterson Morris
Mrs. Penny Jesser Rohrbach
Mrs. Lynne Wavering Shotwell
“My internship experience
proved that it’s important
to keep your eyes open, as
you never know what slight
connection is going to get
you the experience you are
looking for.”
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Judy Park Kukk*
Mrs. Wynne Jesser McGrew*
–– Sam Moore ’09,
Graphic Design Major
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Virginia Field Chu*
Mrs. Barbara Steinemann Crosby
Ms. Nancy Gay Hill*
Mrs. Marianne Walling Morris
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Marilyn Adams
Mrs. Sally Reynolds Carlin*
Mrs. Betsy Rockwell
Mrs. Susan Heath Bint*
Mrs. Martha Rumage Blackburn
Mrs. Barbara Elser Boyer*
Mrs. Paula Haight Briggs*
Mrs. Susan Kershaw Brostoff*
Mrs. Carol Graves Cimilluca*
Ms. Martha G. Clark*
Mrs. Felicia Marinelli Connolly*
Mrs. Winifred Poor Crocetti
Mrs. Toby-Ann Grossman Cronin
Mrs. Stephanie Morrison
Mrs. Susan Olney Datthyn*
Mrs. Ellen Haverkampf Eyster
Mrs. Faith Damon Frasca*
Ms. Frances Wilson Lloyd*
Mrs. Virginia Fitz Loeffler
Mrs. Julia K. Martin
Mrs. Barbara Kemp
Mrs. Anne Mansell Moodey
Mrs. Sarah Watterson Mortimer*
Mrs. Emily Novotny Oelkers*
Mrs. Carolyn Stanton Peirce*
Mrs. Lynne Russell Pillsbury
Ms. Gail Putnam*
Ms. Judyth Rossee
Mrs. Patricia Faragher Sahm*
Mrs. Carolyn Hanford Saum
Mrs. Linda Dexter Schmid*
Mrs. Sara Cole Tague
Mrs. Joyce Danielson Tatoian
Mrs. Linda Masterpaul Ungerer
Mrs. Alicia Fellows Walker
Mrs. Deborah Tracy White*
Mrs. Diane Gilmore Williams
Fund Donors
Mrs. Jacquelyn Taft Lowe*
Ms. Nancy F. Oakes
Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis Allen
Mrs. Susan Shonnard Brenner
Mrs. Elizabeth Rand Brown
Mrs. Susan Jannicky Brownwood
Mrs. Ellen Gessner Clowes
Ms. Karen Loder Davis*
Mrs. Emily Jones Dix*
Mrs. Diane Huston Dobbins*
Ms. Juditha Johnson Dowd
Mrs. Lynn Dysart Elwell
Mrs. Sandra Dix Fesler
Mrs. Linda Caldwell French
Mrs. Lesley Getz
Mrs. Fredericka Herrmann
Mrs. Diane Fuller Goodman
Mrs. Taska Wakefield Hener
Mrs. Barbara Hodge Holmes
Ms. Mathilde MacGregor
Mrs. Karen Berlin Irving*
Mrs. Priscilla Hatch Jones
Mrs. Joan Maclaurin Kearsley
Ms. Sally Mollenberg Lawlor
Mrs. Anne Bibby Lesher
Ms. Carolyn Howe Lewis*
Mrs. Judith McPherson Marks
Mrs. Dorothy Mackenzie Mason
Mrs. Karen Tarbell Michniewich*
The Reverend Barbara Weeks
Mrs. Susanne Landa Moliere*
Mrs. Robin Leach Moody*
Mrs. Carol Moran Mosier
Mrs. Patricia White Nash
of giving
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport $17,755
­­––continued on page 19
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1962,
Miss Janice E. Norvig
Ms. Joanne Johnson Olson*
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott Platais
Mrs. Patricia Matthews Pope*
Mrs. Carolyn Walther Pratt*
Mrs. Grace Fischbeck Riker
Mrs. Linda Wright Robbins
Ms. Merle D. Rockwell-Modell
Ms. Susan Sawyer
Mrs. Carol Eidam Schmottlach
Mrs. Marilyn Levin Sefchovich
Mrs. Carole Davis Sigler
Mrs. Susan Hummel Slack
Mrs. Susan Northrop Sperry*
Mrs. Nancy Riddiford Stapenell*
Mrs. Jane Howe Trainor
Mrs. Patricia Bryant Webber*
Mrs. Ellen Gebhart Weingart*
Mrs. Diane Randall Wells*
Mrs. Carolyn Pierce Wescott
Mrs. Alice Bash Weygandt
Mrs. Kathryn Oram Why
Mrs. Barbara Russell Williams
Ms. Margot Fraker Wynkoop
Fund Donors
Mrs. Edith Moser Apostal*
Mrs. Priscilla Hatch Jones
Class Agent:
Mrs. Joan Gibney Whittaker
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Judy Bentinck-Smith Covin*
Mrs. Stephanie Morgan Hanson*
Mrs. Katherine Fulenwider
Mrs. Joan Gibney Whittaker*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Carol Davis Bonazzoli*
Mrs. Robin Morsman Geis*
Ms. Barbara Grimes Staats*
Miss Mary L. Adams*
Mrs. Martha Idell Anderson*
Mrs. Elizabeth Effinger Baker*
Mrs. Susan Bladworth Beeson*
Mrs. Edith Tupper Bishop
Mrs. Marna Nielsen Blanchette*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Pamela Richardson Booma
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Budelman
Mrs. Diane Doolittle Burrell
Miss Pamela J. Causer*
Mrs. Margot Dewey Churchill
Ms. Susan Pinkerton Clarke
Mrs. Barbara Smythe Collins
Mrs. Suzanne Hutton Corsini
Ms. Karen Dunn*
Mrs. Sandra Newbert Fitts*
Mrs. Maureen Murphy Gormley
Mrs. Susan McBride Gottschall
Mrs. Phyllis McPherson
Mrs. Sandra Thompson Grigg
Mrs. Linda Robinson Harris*
Mrs. Corinne Dalzell Hodgson
Mrs. Sandra Owens Holland
Mrs. Virginia Ward Jenkins
Mrs. Gwen Warner Kade
Miss Judy Kennedy
Mrs. Cheryl Gemberling Kozloff
Mrs. Susan Sweet Lombard
Mrs. Marion Ahbe Lord*
Miss Sharon M. MacKnight
Ms. Linda Oman Manning*
Mrs. Carolyn Fritts Meehan
Mrs. Jane Dielhenn Otis*
Mrs. Meredith McKenzie Parker
Mrs. Virginia Osterland Prescott
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Reed
Mrs. Katharine Klimpke
Mrs. Elma Abbe Rickards*
Mrs. Alicia Sorensen Robertson*
Mrs. Patricia Thomson Russell*
Ms. Patricia Cunningham
Mrs. Christine Turton Talbott*
Mrs. Ann Nutter Thompson
Mrs. Nancy Burgess True*
Mrs. Nancy Woodruff Vaught
Mrs. Susan Gordon Venable*
Ms. Martha Herndon
Mrs. Nancy Ketchum Young
Mrs. Nancy Woodring Hansen*
Mrs. Virginia Simonds White*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Ann Franklin Ewig
Mrs. Leslie Norris Gray*
Mrs. Betsy Stanton Stockdale*
Mrs. Pamela Dixey Abbott
Mrs. Edith Wilkinson Allen
Mrs. Louise Robinson Allgaier*
Mrs. Maryann Blaisdell
Ms. E. Susan Bibby
Mrs. Susan Prentice Brainard
Mrs. Linda McCutcheon Crow
Mrs. E. Betsy Curtis D’Angelo*
Miss Genevieve M. Ebbert*
Mrs. Caroline Mechem Fenollosa
Mrs. Karen Braden Foley
Mrs. Terry Hunt Fonseca
Mrs. Nina Desaussure Frederick
Mrs. Margaret D avison Freeman*
Mrs. Joyce Starratt Galliher*
Ms. Cynthia W. Hayes*
Mrs. Katherine Kayser Hudson*
Mrs. Katharine Gilkeson Hughes
Mrs. Mary Miller Johnson*
Mrs. Mary-Lynn Rand Jost
Mrs. Leslie Henchey Kehoe
Mrs. Joan Williams Laundon*
Mrs. Alice Lawton Lehmann*
Mrs. Nancy Dearborn Lovetere
Mrs. Elizabeth Ridley Mills*
Mrs. Elizabeth Reisner Murray
Mrs. M. Frazer Gimber O’Neill
Mrs. Martha Hicks Ousback*
Mrs. Diane Rogers
Ms. Cynthia Randlett
Mrs. Mary-Jane Riley
Mrs. Wendy Wadsworth
Mrs. Kathleen Block Ryan
Mrs. Ellen Terhune Schauff*
Mrs. Lynn Beaty Sealey*
Mrs. Patricia Havey Sexton*
Mrs. Judith Adams Shadron*
Miss Joanne Shannon
Mrs. Alyce Cushing Stick
Mrs. Sandra Edgcomb Stiger*
Mrs. Ann Wardwell Tanner*
Mrs. Mary Lee Mamer Thayer
Ms. Diana W. Tripp*
Mrs. Judith Gray Trombley
Mrs. Jean Howell Vose*
Mrs. Nancy Bland Wadhams*
Mrs. Binney Kitchel Wells
Mrs. Patricia Halbleib Werth*
Dr. Valerie Taft West
Ms. Judith L. Wyer
Mrs. Judith Curtis Zscheile
Class Agent:
Ms. Judith G. Butler
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Christine Biggs Ferraro*
­­––continued on page 20
Class Agent:
Mrs. Karen Braden Foley
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Rebecca Young Robinson*
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Hedy Ruth Gunther
Mrs. Amy Harper Regan
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Barbara Pinkerton Corns
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 19
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1965,
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Anne Matternes Congdon
Ms. Rosalie Belanger Sorenson*
Class Agent:
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall
Annual Fund:
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Carolyn M. Eames*
Mrs. Sue Elliott Pitcher
Mrs. Beverlee Fisher Anderson
Mrs. Linda Crowley Bainer*
Miss Jane F. Baird*
Mrs. Leslie Carvalho Barlow
Mrs. Carlyn Druy Blum
Mrs. Sarah Briggs Boyd*
Ms. Judith G. Butler*
Ms. Leah R. Caswell
Ms. Mary Allen Chaisson*
Mrs. Julie Slocum Dahlgren*
Ms. Pamela Dodd
Mrs. Susan Wells Ferrante*
Mrs. Katherine Drohan Flatley*
Mrs. Lois Gilbert-Fulton*
Mrs. Emily Moulton Hall
Mrs. Sarah Watson Healy*
Mrs. Susan Robbie Heckerling*
Mrs. Susan Coon Heidbrink*
Mrs. Jill Barry Hodsdon*
Ms. Dorothy Holland
Mrs. Georgie Sawyer Hutton*
Ms. Molly Jaeger-Begent
Mrs. Martha Ritzman Johnson
Ms. Cathleen Earl Kostamo
Mrs. Ann Hodgkinson Low*
Mrs. Susan Woodruff Macaulay*
Mrs. Amanda Thompson
Mrs. Christina Murray McKee
Mrs. Kahren Nottage Miller
Mrs. Linda Lambert Palmer*
Mrs. Rebecca Atwood Patton
Mrs. Judith Attridge Priestley*
Mrs. Carolyn Snow Redington*
Mrs. Elizabeth Donovan Ripple
Ms. Sarah Robinson*
Miss Diane E. Shaw*
Mrs. Deborah Detwiller Smith*
Mrs. Martha Mullendore Storey
Mrs. Virginia Floyd Sullivan
Mrs. Janice Condon Tew*
Mrs. Sarah Hilfinger Tomb*
Ms. Deborah L. Viles
Mrs. Leslie Seymour Wears*
Ms. Deborah Wheelock*
Mrs. Pamela Stowe Wight*
Mrs. Suzanne Hewson Wise
Miss Sara S. Wolf*
Mrs. Nancy Morgan Young*
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Joan Campbell Eliot
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Martha Siegfried Fritz*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Sally Bickel Wickers
Your gifts help provide our students with scholarships without which they would not be able to attend Colby-Sawyer.
Class Agent:
Ms. Susan E. Weeks
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mrs. Suzanne Simons Hammond*
Ms. Sally Shaw Veitch*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Carolyn Ayer McKean
Mrs. Janis Green Barnes
Mrs. Carolyn Humphrey Brown*
Mrs. Mary Ann Kenney Brown*
Mrs. Joyce Chapman Cerny*
Mrs. Barbara Walton Cluse
Mrs. Laura Braman Corcoran*
Mrs. Nancy Doubleday Demeritt*
Ms. Sandra Hall Devine
Mrs. Susan Heath Everett*
Mrs. Georgia Mower Exner
Mrs. Patricia Lenehan Farrand*
Mrs. Linda Walker Fuerst*
Mrs. Sandra Scott Fullerton
Mrs. Janet Weden Gearan*
Mrs. Drina Sherwood Gordon
Mrs. Susan Richmond Gouldman
Mrs. Martha Cavagnaro
Ms. Helen T. Hardy*
Mrs. Martha Frisbee Hastings*
Ms. Kathleen Kock Hewko*
Mrs. Sharon Finnegan Huff*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Mrs. Natalie Rice Ireland*
Mrs. Susan Gibson Jackson*
Mrs. Perry Crouse Jeffords*
Mrs. Katharine French Keenan
Ms. Rebecca F. Ketchum
Mrs. Pamela Cross Kielhack
Mrs. Linda Nielsen Kindig
Mrs. Susan Ramsay Knaysi
Mrs. Mary Beebe Konieczny*
Ms. Judith LeBeau*
Ms. Antoinette Curtis Ledzian*
Mrs. Bonnie Brown Mathews*
Mrs. Carolyn Bosqui McGraw
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher McIntosh
Mrs. Catherine Babers Michael
Mrs. Mary Cook Millard
Mrs. Dale Thomson Milne
Mrs. Christine Hewitt Morrison
Ms. Charlotte Williams Neinas*
Ms. Ann Parks*
Ms. Dorothy S. Post*
Mrs. Prudence Kimberley
Ms. Lynda Allen Rayner*
Mrs. Lynn Stranges Slawson*
Mrs. Suzanne Wilson Stewart*
Mrs. Ann Dickerson Swanson*
Mrs. Joyce Copenhaver Thoma*
Mrs. Joan Thacher Tiffany
Mrs. Marcia Quimby Troy
Ms. Barbara Jackson Wade*
Ms. Constance Farrow Webster*
Mrs. Nancy Smith Whelan
Fund Donors
Mrs. Suzanne Simons
Ms. Sally Shaw Veitch*
Mrs. Lucinda Lord Ardizzone*
Ms. Charlotte C. Bell
Ms. Roberta E. Bell
Mrs. Susan Jordan Biggs*
Mrs. Elizabeth Holloran
Mrs. Deborah Gannett Brooks*
Mrs. Janice Moore Canavan*
Mrs. Gail Kerney Cashman*
Mrs. Barbara Evans Decker*
Ms. Anne Jennings Feeley
Miss Cheryl S. Fisher*
Miss Nancy French
Ms. Catherine Harper Goldsmith*
Ms. Deborah H. Gould
Ms. Ellen P. Grant*
Mrs. Patricia Terry Haine
Mrs. Cynthia Buck Herbst
Ms. Prudence Hostetter
Ms. Charlotte Eschenheimer
Ms. Meredith H. Jones*
Mrs. Suzanne Milo Kane*
Ms. Frances B. King
Mrs. Sis Hagen Kinney*
Mrs. Barbara Huntington Larsen*
Ms. Beverly McNutt Lawrie*
Ms. Veda Kaufman Levin
Mrs. Cynthia Thorson Lindley*
Ms. Sallie C. Macintosh
Mrs. Lynne Farrington Miller
Mrs. Mary Putnam Mitchell
Mrs. Emily Waterman Mooney*
Mrs. Whitney McKendree Moore
Mrs. Demaris King Neilson
Miss Lynn L. Neville*
Dr. Page Paterson
Mrs. Gailan Porter Read*
Mrs. Susan Ittner Rock*
Mrs. Leona Burbank Ross*
Mrs. Nancy Kean Salmela
Mrs. Jean Pollay Scelza*
Ms. Caryl A. Walker*
Mrs. Jennifer Bonthron Waters*
Mrs. Jennifer Lucas West*
of giving
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport ­­––continued on page 21
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1967,
Sarah Williamson Whinery
Sandra Tarris Williams
Ellen McDaniel Wilsey*
Susan Benner Worthen
Fund Donors
Mrs. Joan Campbell Eliot
Class Agents:
Mrs. JoAnn Franke Overfield
Mrs. Marilyn Rouse Phillips
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Heidi Grey Niblack*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Georganne Hoffman Berry*
Mrs. Sharon Fitzpatrick Merrill
Mrs. Nancy Talbot Moulton
Ms. Kathryn Jones Nixon
Mrs. JoAnn Franke Overfield*
Mrs. Merritt McWilliams Andruss
Mrs. Margery Tichnor Bialeck
Mrs. Lynn Macdonald Bishop*
Mrs. Yvonne Tiffany Bowdish
Mrs. Pamela Brodie Butler
Ms. Nancy Charlton-Venezia
Ms. Cornelia Y. de Schepper
Mrs. Betsey Martin Devaney
Mrs. Kristina Carlson Fletcher
Ms. Doreen Forney*
Mrs. Beverly Shipman Gibson*
Dr. Nancy E. Greene
Mrs. Barbara Becker Harris*
Mrs. Judith Von Gal Highmark*
Mrs. Jacqueline Van Cleve
Ms. Elizabeth Williamson Hunt
Mrs. Susan MacMichael John
Mrs. Pamela Prescott King*
Ms. Faith Knowles
Mrs. Susan Belmer Kollet-Harris
Mrs. Jacqueline Polito Kulhowvick
Ms. Jean Lange*
Mrs. Wendy Russell LaRose
Mrs. Lynn Gage Lochhead*
Mrs. Barbara Marchetti Mastro
Mrs. Martha Cashman Miller
Mrs. Meredith Worthley Motyka
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Mrs. Susan Johnson Nichols
Mrs. Marilyn Rouse Phillips
Mrs. Mary Reath
Mrs. Gaye Townsend Reichart
Mrs. Ann Bainbridge Simonds
Mrs. Carol Sawyer Tallino
Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd Thorndike
Mrs. Ethel Kimball Turner
Miss Patricia Whitney*
Mrs. Victoria Crear Winslow
Mrs. Martha Halloran
Mrs. Carolyn Sagendorph
Mrs. Catherine Sandford Morgan
Mrs. Marni Fowler Most*
Mrs. Linda Britton Nitschelm*
Miss Linda Parish
Ms. Terry Hessler Randlett
Mrs. Barbara Flavin Richardson
Mrs. Martha Packard Ross
Mrs. Leslie Purdum Rutherford
Mrs. Madelyn Carey Simpson
Mrs. Diane Wright Smith
Miss Gale D. Sparrow
Mrs. Julia Stoddart Strimenos*
Mrs. Karen Greene Timm
Mrs. Janette MacLean Weir*
Ms. Ann E. Wodtke
Mrs. Linda Mullican Wyman
Fund Donors
Mrs. Heidi Grey Niblack*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Judith F. Armstrong*
Mrs. Judith Johnson Austin*
Mrs. Elaine Fraser Baird
Ms. Meredith Bennett
Ms. Marjorie Berger
Mrs. Clare Stroup Cornell*
Mrs. Barbara Podmaniczky
Class Agent:
Ms. Gale Spreter
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Kathleen Field Fischer
Mrs. Margot Kurtz Forbes*
Ms. Sarah D. Haskell
Ms. Nancy Connolly Johnson*
Ms. Constance A. Kastberg*
Mrs. Heidi Rice Lauridsen*
Ms. Linda Howard Lupton*
Mrs. Melanie Witte McKenna
Mrs. Beth Constantinides Meurlin
Mrs. Nancy Lintner Molvig
Mrs. Susan Taylor Morris*
Ms. September Thorne Neville
Mrs. Kathleen Johnson Peterson
Mrs. Roberta Sisson Proctor*
Mrs. Susan Beattie Pugh
Mrs. Joan Kirby Ragsdale*
Mrs. Deborah Almy Ransom
Mrs. Alison Beebe Robie*
Mrs. Gale Collins Rome
Ms. Nancy J. Rowan*
Mrs. Coreen Wallace Scharfe
Mrs. Judith Child Schwartz*
Mrs. Ann Felton Severance*
Mrs. Elizabeth Early Sheehan
Mrs. Ellen Simpson Sivret*
Ms. Gale Spreter
Ms. Dana Stevens
Mrs. Keppele Miller Sullivan
Ms. Nancy Teach
Ms. Valerie L. Turtle*
Mrs. Jeanette Colardo Vermilyea*
Miss Catherine Weisner
“My students are always
kind of surprised to learn
about what they have
missed, what they haven’t
been paying attention to all
their lives.”
Class Agent:
Mrs. Susan Moe-Raposo
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Ellie Goodwin Cochran*
Mrs. Sara Gray Stockwell*
–– Laura Alexander ’98,
Natural Sciences Professor
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Susan Rich Daylor*
Mrs. Anne Laverack Gallivan*
Mrs. Kathleen Robinson Gillooly
Mrs. Maddalena Franklin Hadley
Mrs. Susan Baroni Hilbert*
Mrs. Evelyn Morison Huber
Mrs. Karen Gaudes Jache
Mrs. Elizabeth Mulligan Jaques
Mrs. Deborah Adams Johnston*
Miss Cynthia Jorian
Mrs. Torrey Smith Joy
Mrs. Marcia Somers Krause*
Ms. Andrea Denison Kroll
Ms. Victoria Leidner
Mrs. Cheryl Flint Libby
Ms. Linda McCutcheon*
Mrs. Theresa Reynolds McKeon*
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport Mrs. Janet Elenbaas Kemps
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Elizabeth Roland Hunter*
Mrs. Beatrice Korab Jackson
Ms. Vincente Tang
Mrs. Nancy Pulliam Anglada
Mrs. Pamela Conze Archibald
Mrs. Susan Amory Barber
Mrs. Barbara Blanchette Burns*
Miss Therese Byrne
Mrs. Christina Leach Clark
Ms. Ruth Ann Clark
Mrs. Carolyn Marshall Craven
Mrs. Anne Nordblom Dodge
Mrs. Martha Clark Faucher*
Mrs. Cathy Allen Abbott*
Ms. Jean W. Bannister
Mrs. Sally Leyland Barlow
Mrs. Sara Warner Blackburn
Professor Janet Coggeshall Bliss*
Ms. Elizabeth Burdett
The Reverend Barbara Cavin
Mrs. Caroline Beever Connelly
Ms. Anne Corrigan
Mrs. Janet Martin Fisher
Mrs. Theresa Lewko Fowler
Mrs. Karen Siney Fredericks*
Mrs. Orasa Metmowlee Garland
Mrs. Martha Day Gilmore
Mrs. Deborah Kelly Griffiths*
­­––continued on page 22
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1971,
Ms. Ann H. Grinnell
Ms. Susan Gronbeck*
Mrs. Anne Alger Hayward*
Mrs. Elizabeth Ward Holm
Mrs. Paula Ricker House
Ms. Katharine Jewett
Ms. Patricia A. Johnson
Mrs. Angela George Laufer
Mrs. Susan Anderson Logan
Mrs. Nancy Odell Maynard*
Ms. Patricia K. McMahan
Ms. Nancy Whitmore Miller
Mrs. Jean Nicholson Morrison
Mrs. Karin Armstrong Newhouse
Miss Katherine V. W. Proctor*
Mrs. Jaqueline Beach Purcell*
Dr. Candice Corcoran Raines*
Miss Georgiana Ross*
Mrs. Susan Adams Swann*
Mrs. Mary Clark Whalen
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Ms. Robin L. Mead*
The Susan Colby Society
Ms. Anne Quantrell Dennen
Mrs. Linda Roberts Williams*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Karen Anderson Harvey
Miss Georgia Kanouse*
Mrs. Shubha Khanal Banskota
Mrs. Nancy Neustadt Barcelo
Dr. Melissa Barrett*
Mrs. Brandie Frank Baumann
Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwell Booth*
Miss Margaret Burt
Mrs. Heather Rankin Clark
Mrs. Lisa Feldmeier Clark*
Mrs. Judith Young de Groot
Miss Sarah Elliott*
Mrs. Janet Schwarzkopf
Ms. Joanne Johnson Gaspar
Miss Marilyn Gifford
Ms. Linda Kelly Graves
Ms. Carole J. Hall
Mrs. Serena Davis Hall*
Ms. Elizabeth Doonan Hampton*
Ms. Jane Hindenlang
Ms. Sherrill D. Howard
Mrs. Marilynn Pyle Johnson
Mrs. Cynthia Warren Kelley*
Mrs. Victoria Tuthill Kimball*
Mrs. Sarah Cary Lemelin*
Mrs. Deborah Congdon Lorenson
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Weightman
Mrs. Marilyn Wood Mazer*
Mrs. Anne Butler McNerney
Mrs. Bethel Bladen Norcross*
Mrs. Martha McKay Novis*
Mrs. Lindsay Henes O’Donovan
Mrs. Nancy Kipp Rosenblum*
Mrs. Catherine Cherry Rousey
Ms. Katherine Shaw-Stuart*
Mrs. Martha Cary Shuster*
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 22
Mrs. Jane Hanson St. Amand*
Ms. Lindsey R. Stewart
Mrs. Gail Rogers Sudduth
Mrs. Lydia Biddle Thomas
Ms. Jill Meagher Valauri
Ms. Nancy Schaffer
Ms. Judith Ann Vullo
Mrs. Margaret Orchard White
Ms. Lynn Emerson Whitney
Mrs. Elizabeth Hough-Harden
Ms. Sugar Smookler Howar
Mrs. Jane Wadleigh Hunter
Ms. Barbara A. Kelczewski
Mrs. Mary Cunniff Lambert
Mrs. Lucy Levandoski
Mrs. Elaine Murphy Marks
Mrs. Jane Erskine McCoy*
Mrs. Patricia Crowell Mitchell
Ms. Deborah Ritter Moore*
Mrs. Karen Terrio Onderick*
Ms. Phoebe Orr-Richardson*
Mrs. Diane LaFerriere Plante
Mrs. Anita Savaria Rochefort*
Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Shake*
Ms. Alexandra Cumings Sullivan
Ms. Jacqueline Vetter-Avignon
Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall Weaver
Mrs. Lisa Loehr Weihe*
Mrs. Jean Smithers Williams*
Fund Donors
Miss Margaret Burt
Ms. Robin L. Mead*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Catherine Moore Pomeroy
Annual Fund:
Class Agent:
Ms. Susan Brown Warner
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Lani Kalergis Becker
Mrs. Marguerite Russell-Farnum
Mrs. Gwen Norris Alexander
Mrs. Janet Keller Anderson*
Miss Kelly Bennett
Mrs. Catherine Fontaine
Mrs. Sarah McCreery Chisholm
Mrs. Patricia Weliska Clarke
Mrs. Susan Hilton Cowmeadow
Mrs. Janet Gregory Dailey*
Mrs. Margaret Carder Dupee
Mrs. Elizabeth Rowan Hargrove
Ms. Wendy Parsley Haupt*
Mrs. Pamela Smallwood
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Ann Woodd-Cahusac Neary
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Eleanor Cummings Bowe
Ms. Melissa F. Langa*
Ms. Elizabeth Kotlewski Ayotte
Mrs. Karen Raymond Brown
Mrs. Victoria Field Cahill*
Ms. Sally Williams Cook
Ms. Carolyn D. Cutler
Mrs. Mary Ann Austin Fleming*
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 23
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 1974,
Mrs. Deborah Lawrence Forman
Mrs. Susan Curtis Gile
Ms. Eleanor Richardson
Mrs. Martha Jo Rogers Hewitt*
Mrs. Susan Brown Holtham
Ms. Sally Gates Johnson
Miss Diane Korzinski
Mrs. Susan Marcotte-Jenkins
Mrs. Kathryn Roberts McMullen
Mrs. Elizabeth Janes Nesbitt*
Mrs. Susan Keegan Nicholson*
Mrs. Carole Horton Parsons
Mrs. Deborah Crocker Richie
Miss Cary W. Slocum*
Ms. Kathleen Stavros-Bundy
Mrs. Diane Trinity VanHouten
Ms. Jacqueline Leigh Welsh
Ms. Brooke Wiley*
Ms. Clare Steers Wilich*
Ms. Jamie Healy Yalla
Mrs. Lisa Mooney McDonald*
Mrs. Joanne Colter McNamara
Mrs. Robin Slye McNutt*
Mrs. Holly Hawkes Pascoe
Ms. Sara E. Rowse
Mrs. Laurie Coughlan Sanders*
Mrs. Diane Cotton Siemsen
Mrs. Christine Griffin Stuart
Mrs. Janet Lochhead Sullivan*
Mrs. Carol Blondell Tuttle
Mrs. Colleen Arnold White*
–– Jennifer Sullivan ’10,
Business Administration
Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Marlene Mustard Graf*
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Anne Winton Black*
Class Agents:
Ms. Teresa Meighan Hacunda
Ms. L. Brooks Rolston
The Susan Colby Society
Miss Sarah L. Hinman*
Annual Fund:
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Patricia Grady Dewhirst
Mrs. Margaret Ellis Steiner
Mrs. Nancy McIntire Zemlin*
Annual Fund Donors
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Class Agents:
Ms. Linda Pianowski Flahive
Ms. Jody Hambley Cooper
Fund Donors
Ms. Dawna M. Cobb
Mrs. Mary Anderson Lazar*
The Susan Colby Society
Ms. Katherine M. Burke
Ms. Deborah L. Coffin*
Annual Fund:
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Teresa Meighan Hacunda*
Ms. Rebecca Zagorski Silver
Ms. Janet E. Spurr
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Susan Carroll Hassett
Mrs. Deborah Rogers Pratt*
Ms. Kathryn E. Simons
Mrs. Kim Barry-VanVoris
Mrs. Nancy Barnes Berkeley*
Ms. Barbara Carroll
Ms. Elizabeth Carruthers*
Ms. Priscilla Chadwick
Mrs. Gloria Costello
Mrs. Priscilla Walker Dallmus
Mrs. Margot Keigan Estabrook
Mrs. Dona Hoffman Foerster
Mrs. Susan Thaeder Goodhouse
Ms. Sally Gordon Hogan
Ms. Linda Johnson
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 1978
Mrs. Pamela Roeder Specht*
Mrs. Patricia Minichiello Stapinski
Mrs. Dorothy Rush Sullivan*
Ms. Julie Lucas Tuttle*
Mrs. Sandy Warner Vanlerberghe
Mrs. Margaret Marck Vinnenberg
Mrs. Mary McEvoy Webster
Miss Heidi L. White*
Mrs. Pamela Kinsella White
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mrs. Marlene Mustard Graf*
Mrs. Mary Hebert Aspesi*
Ms. Gail Gorton Bowman*
Mrs. Kimberlee Wieber Cahill
Mrs. Pamela Brett Carpenter*
Mrs. Nancy Weil Castino
Miss Karen Chani*
Ms. Lynn Hollis Dewey
Mrs. Denise Nadeau Dinsmore
Mrs. Ellen Doherty Draper
Mrs. Cynthia Turley Gentles
Mrs. Annemarie Gordon*
Mrs. Eliza Jewett Gray
Mrs. Barbara Petzoldt Koski
Mrs. Terry Walsh Mattoon
Ms. Carol E. Dellacona
Mrs. Margery Hudson Dumaine
Ms. Susan Whalen Frechette
Mrs. Sally Watson Gushue
Ms. Susan Bak Hitchcox
Mrs. Ellen Dutra Houghton
Ms. Toni L. Houghton
Ms. Amelie Gardella Johnson
Mrs. Kim Kovach Martino
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson McQuillan
Mrs. Deborah Crow Nabasny
Mrs. Stephanie Allen Palenski
Mr. Bruce J. Parsons
Mrs. Jennifer Taylor Rossel*
Dr. Jane A. Russo
Ms. Kimberley C. Seiniger
Mrs. Susan Goodman Tassinari
Mrs. Kathy Brown Teece*
Mrs. Susan Brandes Turner
Mrs. Elizabeth Rice Wilson*
“I have learned the
importance of understanding
nature in creating manmade
landscapes and how art
involves politics, business,
and economics in addition
to providing beauty and inspiration.”
Class Agent:
Mrs. Candace Booker Elefante
Mrs. Teri Sandberg Kilarski*
Mrs. Carol Sterling Laro
Mrs. Mary Anderson Lazar*
Ms. Wendy Dow Miller
Mrs. Barbara Stevens Morton*
Ms. Lynne Osborn*
Mrs. Barbara Zenker Parker*
Mrs. Mary Davenport Phelan
Mrs. Ellen Crowley Roberts
Miss Joanne E. Simpson*
Mrs. Andrea Chase Spang
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Susan Sommer Ballou*
Mrs. Jennifer Harwood Petersen
Ms. June E. Bascom*
Ms. Wendi Braun
Mrs. Louisa Herrick Crosby
Mrs. C. Roxanne MacDonald
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Nancy O’Leary Bergmiller
Mrs. Deborah Henken Brunetti
Ms. Jody Hambley Cooper
Mrs. Kimberly Cameron Cooper
Mrs. Edith Safe Devnew
Mrs. Linda Tanoian Doherty*
Mrs. Susan Johns Dorshimer
Mrs. Holly Sebell Fenn
Ms. Linda Pianowski Flahive
Mrs. Jane Norris Flint
Mrs. Clare Dixon Francke
Ms. Lynn Dunton Levy
Mrs. Lauren Smith Llorente
Ms. Mary Olszewski Magnusson
Mrs. Linda Simon Miller
Mrs. Susan Benedict Mott*
Ms. Kay Lynne Petroff
Miss Mary Raftopoulos*
Ms. Natalie B. Reid
Mrs. Sally Bull Sands
Mrs. Jennifer Vetter Sausville*
Mrs. Deborah Bisson Sisson*
Mrs. Laurie Russell Title*
Mrs. Janet Mahon Vincze
Mrs. Maureen Conlon Weir
Mrs. Kathleen Webster Whitmire*
Mrs. Lisa Colvin Zengilowski
Fund Donors
Mrs. Susanna Webster Ries*
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Mrs. Roxie Norton Mulhall
Mrs. Lisa Dargis Nickerson
Ms. Sandra B. Phillips*
Mrs. Anne Sanborn Rowe
Mrs. Susan Waterman Spencer
Mrs. Kimberly Abbe Thomas
Mrs. Shannon Duffy Wierer
Miss Kathryn C. Wolcott
Class Agent:
Ms. B. Ann Waggaman
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Caren Demoulas Pasquale
Mrs. Sandra McLean
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Ellen Fitzpatrick Criscione*
Mrs. Debra Bray Mitchell
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Ginger Gault Donaher
Mrs. Kathleen O’Brien Bascetta*
Ms. Elizabeth Ingalls Belonga
Mrs. Laurand Donnelly Bryant
Mrs. Cheryl Rabenius Cabeceiras
Mrs. Diane Remondi De Falco
Mrs. Josette DeBraggaLevendosky*
Mrs. Martha Colinan Ellicott
Mrs. Ann Millikan Flagg
Mrs. Lynne Atkinson Florian
Mrs. Maureen Johnson Grande
Ms. Marion Chadwick Hafner*
Mrs. Kim Spence Honig
Mrs. Susan Kearns Hubbard
Ms. Rebecca Sheridan Mazen
Mrs. Debra Taubert Morris
Mrs. Lindsay Peach Nicholson
Ms. Cynthia Parker Noyes
Ms. Diane M. Parsons
Mrs. Charlotte Houck Pitman
Mrs. Geraldine Surette Rogers*
Mrs. Tracy Skillin-Lanou
Ms. Patricia Taylor Spae*
Fund Donors
Mrs. Debra Bray Mitchell
Class Agent:
Mrs. Mary Ellen Blatchford Walker
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Lucille Gladys Ayotte
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Class Agent:
Mrs. Sharon Roper Alphas
When Colby-Sawyer needed a new facility to house its
science programs, the Curtis L. Ivey Science Center, with eight
laboratories, six classrooms, and office space, was built with
the help of many contributions from alumni and friends of
the college.
Mrs. Cynthia Conner BestDevereux*
Ms. Jennifer F. Buzby*
Mrs. Theresa Guarino Cable*
Ms. Sara Reid Campbell
Ms. Theresa Presutti Campbell
Miss Mary G. Clay
Ms. Belinda Normandie Evans*
Mrs. Anne Phaneuf Falvey
Mrs. Jodi Potter Goliber
Mrs. Janet Hampton Judge
Ms. Jennifer Crean Micciche
Ms. Peggy Papanek
Mrs. Elizabeth Harrigan Riccio
Mrs. Ellen Tozer Slade
Mrs. Sarah Brown Slaght*
Mrs. Jane Curry Smith
Mrs. Kathleen Innie Stuart*
Mrs. Stahley Herndon Szebenyi
Ms. Candace Cash Trombly
Mrs. Mary Ellen Blatchford
Mrs. Melinda Hanson Walter
Mrs. Cordelia Longstreth Fort
Mrs. Susanne Schaffer Garrity*
Mrs. Elizabeth Haughey
Mrs. Susan L. HerrickHuntington*
Mrs. Susan Handy Horn
Mrs. Pamela Aigeltinger Lyons
Mrs. Wendy Fallon McKeon
Mrs. Jacqueline Kelly Moody
Mrs. Lois Coerper Randall
Mrs. Lisa Domaliski Savage
Mrs. Alyson Priddy Taubert
Ms. Janice Von Oehsen
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Laura Danforth
Mrs. Polly Birdsall Martinson*
Mrs. Sharon Roper Alphas
Ms. Anne Hills Barrett
Ms. Simone DeCaro-Young
Mrs. Joanne Tate Franklin
Ms. Joyce H. Greenlee*
Ms. Felice Passero McArthur
Mrs. Jennifer Norsworthy
Mrs. Stephanie Archer Rogan
Ms. Gail Smart Scibelli
Mrs. Lisa Stowall Thompson
Mrs. Kathryn Pepka Wagner
Mrs. Karen Walles Wilber
Mrs. Anne Reynolds Ballin
Ms. Victoria L. Bextel
Ms. Sharon A. Blount
Miss Elizabeth Ann Bucknam*
Mrs. Susan Phillips Bunker
Mrs. Martha Munroe Callahan
Mrs. Amy Coburn Ferris*
Mrs. Joan Flint Fullam
Mrs. Pamela Webb Gentile
Miss Pamela H. Hughes*
Mrs. Linda Compagnone Kalucki
Mrs. Judith Sieczkowski Labbe’
Miss Marcia G. McGowan*
Ms. Margo S. McKinlay*
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Vickie E. Branch
Mrs. Gwendolyn Fager Cheek
Ms. Dyan L. deNapoli
Mrs. Laurie Moore Doherty*
Mrs. Nancy Norlie Flynn
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Sharon Johnson LaVigne*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Amy Coburn Ferris
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Dr. Mary Kyle Dyer-Martin
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Class Agent:
Mrs. Nancy Sullivan Bussiere
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Lisa Reon Barnes
Mrs. Cari Christian Coates*
Mrs. Brigid Rice Gunn*
Mrs. Lauren Smith Hoffer*
Miss Karen S. Lewis
Mrs. Christine Purcell McInerney
Mrs. Cornelia Reeder Mitchell
Mrs. Amye Jarnes Newhall*
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 25
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Mrs. Harriette Barton O’Brien
Mrs. Renee Potvin O’Neil
Mrs. Pamela Birnie Spearing*
Mrs. Diane Place Statkus
Mrs. Elisabeth Herr Taylor
Mrs. Susan Copeland Taylor*
Mrs. Kimberly Clementi Viglas
Ms. Karen Fagula Wickman
Class Agent:
Mrs. Margaret Rogers Andrews
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Ms. Jen M. Ellis*
Mrs. Margaret Rogers Andrews*
Mrs. Leah McMahon Bennassar*
Ms. Stephanie Pointer Brunetta*
Mrs. Francesca DeRosa Durant*
Ms. Lisa Florence*
Mrs. Sharon Conway Hall
Ms. Kim Mohr Howe
Ms. Jill Johnston-Barton
Mrs. Lynn Littlefield Lucier*
Professor Amy Carrier Lyon
Mrs. Brenda Ajami Pollock
Mrs. Elaine Swenson
Mrs. Tracy Shipman Thompson
Mrs. Cara Landen Wall
Ms. Kimberly S. Steward*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Kelly Lynch Collins
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Karen Pillsbury Baravalle
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant Camp
Mr. Andrew M. Clarke
Mrs. Kelly Lynch Collins*
Mrs. Amy Koskey Kurja
Ms. Karen A. Swenson
Mrs. Jennifer Baskin Wobbe
Mrs. Nancy Benward Bates
Ms. Lisa E. Clouet
Mrs. Constance Hooker Panetski
“The more courses I took
for the Environmental
Studies major, the more I
appreciated what’s in the
–– Chris McClellan ’08,
Environmental Studies
Annual Fund Donors
Fund Donors
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant Camp
Ms. Christine Lyons
Class Agent:
Mrs. Dale Murphy Rozek
Ms. Jill M. Dean*
Mrs. Anne Thomas Donaghy
Ms. Laura Fogarty
Mrs. Wenla Vincent Petry
Mrs. Heather Melanson Stiles*
Mrs. Jennifer Goderre Thuermer
Mrs. Jane Barhoff Ypsilantis*
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Professor Susan Glasheen Reeves
Mrs. Marilyn Nolf Bedell*
Mrs. Mary Jo Naclerio Christman
Ms. Christina Pascual Colon*
Mrs. Catherine Long Holtgrave*
Ms. Kate Lundberg King
Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Razavi*
Class Agent:
Mrs. Gretchen D. Garceau-Kragh
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Karen Craffey Eldred*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Mrs. Lucinda Balser-Eaton
Mrs. Sara Bloodgood Brawley*
Ms. Rachel Hobbie*
Ms. Judith Jarvis-Densmore
Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Ms. Jill M. Dean
Class Agents:
Mrs. Sandra Couch-Kelly
Mrs. Constance Hooker Panetski
Annual Fund Donors
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Kristin Takala Tishman
Mrs. Sarah Allen Fredricks
Ms. Kimberly S. Steward*
Mrs. Susan Lowe Stockwell
Ms. Rachel A. Urban-Tassone*
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Maria Kassis Griner
Mrs. Karen Craffey Eldred*
Mrs. Susan Gibbons Gray
Annual Fund:
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Gretchen D. Garceau-Kragh*
Annual Fund Donors
Fund Donors
Mrs. Margaret Rogers Andrews*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Meredith Anderson*
Mrs. Katherine Tuck Higgins
Mrs. Rebecca Sweetland Kelly
Mrs. Rebecca Barnes LaClair
Mrs. Tara Levin Nicholson
Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Mrs. Karen Craffey Eldred
Mrs. Laura Merriam Kyle
Mrs. Sallianne Ficara Lake
Ms. Sarah Lummus*
Miss Margaret F. Mill
Mrs. Anne Putnam Nichols
Mrs. Eileen Meisel Nunez*
Ms. Margaret E. O’Connell
Mrs. Molly O’Shea Piercy*
Mrs. Elizabeth Civetta Pontius*
Mrs. Lisa Tripp Sharpe*
Mrs. Sarah Wardner
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Lara Bitler
Mrs. Sarah Kidder LaBombard*
Ms. Robyn Keating Ladd*
Ms. Jennifer L. McGee
Mrs. Mara Rosenberg
Mrs. Dale Murphy Rozek*
Mrs. Susan Trainer Russell
Mrs. Stephanie Stratton Schell
Mrs. Nicole D. Shakour-Sakhat
Ms. Kathleen Lee Ventura*
Fund Donors
Miss Elizabeth J. Franco
of giving
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 25
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Annual Fund:
Class Agent:
Ms. Hillary Waldbaum
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Dana Healy Commesso
Ms. Jennifer Deasy*
Mr. Lawrence B. Elliott
Ms. Hillary Waldbaum
Mrs. Jeanne Crowell Willis
Ms. Rebecca Yturregui
Fund Donors
To The Annual Fund
During Fiscal Year 2009
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Donnelle Mozzer Bowers
Ms. Kristina C. Carlson
Mr. Jeffrey J. Hall
Mrs. Dawn Lohmann Kilcrease
Mrs. Christen Wallingford
Mr. Peter E. Ladd
Mrs. Diane Marsden Morley
Class Agent:
Mrs. Wendy Mansson Olsen
Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mr. Mark C. Cassinelli*
Mrs. Catherine Maykut Cayton
Ms. Jacqueline Swain Coe
Mr. Shawn A. Coe
Mrs. Elizabeth EstabrookHatfield*
Mrs. Heidi Mari Stevens
Mrs. Michelle Brown Kinney
Mr. Christopher S. Kozlowski
Mrs. Sara Gilderdale Morcom*
Mrs. Wendy Mansson Olsen
Mrs. Wendy Morgan Root
Mrs. Kristen Orvis Salter
Mr. Stefan D. Schwarz
Ms. Carol J. Signorelli*
Ms. Dawn A. Sutton
Mrs. Sarah Holmes Tucker
Fund Donors
Mrs. Heidi Mari Stevens
Mr. Matthew L. Godbout
Mr. Christopher S. Kozlowski
Ms. Jill A. Rivers*
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
Class Agent:
Mr. Frank B. Abel IV
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Mr. Frank B. Abel IV*
Mrs. Amanda Cullen Benard
Mr. Douglas D. Bennett
Mr. Jeremiah F. Cerrutti
Ms. Jennifer D. DeMarco
Mrs. Susan Whittaker DiFatta
Mrs. Angelica Mikols Hall
Mrs. Justine Hammond
Mrs. Lauren Smyrl Koron*
Mr. Philip R. Manning*
Mrs. Jessica Teach Navarro*
Ms. Laura J. Powell*
Ms. Donna M. Studley
Mrs. Erika Cone Clohecy
Mr. Michael A. Morrison
Mrs. Heather Gardiner Shupenko
Annual Fund:
Dr. Kim-Laura Boyle
Mr. Nathan S. Camp*
Ms. Amy M. Carroll
Mrs. Norma Silsby Dean
Mr. Brian J. Dyer
Mrs. Mindy Rumery Dyer
Ms. Lauren T. Ferullo*
Mrs. Marjorie W. Huston
Mrs. Sheila F. Mitchell
Ms. Melissa L. Morgan
Mrs. Andrea Pueschel Reilly*
Mrs. Zanna Campbell Blaney
Mr. Robert J. Carroll
Mrs. Amy Potter Drummond
Mrs. Katherine Sykes Follis
Mrs. Michelle Berger Lefebvre
Mrs. Deborah Schofield Reed*
Mr. Aaron Sanford
Mr. Jeremy A. Schnaittacher
Mr. George P. Sylvester III
Mrs. Susan Datthyn Sylvester
Fund Donors
Fund Donors
Mr. Nathan S. Camp*
Mr. Brian J. Dyer
Mrs. Mindy Rumery Dyer
Mrs. Lauren Bodkin Hunter
Mrs. Jane Kitchel McLaughlin
Mr. Ryan P. Smith
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Ms. Amy J. Bergeron
Ms. Holly G. Brooks
Ms. Michelle A. Brousseau
Ms. Dina M. Cannata*
Mrs. Kimberly Kogut Cote*
Mr. Matthew S. Follis
Mr. Brian J. Frenkiewich
Mrs. Michele Grodzicki
Mrs. Suzanne Blake Gerety*
Mr. Shane M. Hoover
Mrs. Megan Donnelly Hydock
Mrs. Erin Ward Maciorowski
Mr. Ryan Morley
Mr. Dale E. Palmer Jr.
Mr. Keith A. Perkins*
Mr. Benjamin R. Reeder
Annual Fund Donors
The Eugene M. Austin Society
Mrs. Sara Goodridge Cassinelli*
Professor Laura A. Alexander
Mrs. Alison Thorn Bogrett
Mrs. Theresa Saucier Bousquet
of giving
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Class Agent:
Mrs. Tracey Guarda Perkins
Class Agent:
Mr. Keith A. Perkins
Class Agent:
Mrs. Andrea Pueschel Reilly
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport Participation
Annual Fund:
Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Mrs. Christen Wallingford
Ms. Jennifer Deasy*
Annual Fund:
Top Three Young
Alumni Classes
In participation
Ms. Abbie E. Bruett
Mrs. Kristin Ozana Doyle
Mr. Brian M. Ennis
Ms. Grace M. Gravelle*
Mrs. Nichole Lord Hay
Mr. Matthew D. Hiller
Ms. Taber B. Lightfoot
Mr. Michael D. McCarthy
Mrs. Danica Letarte Medeiros
Mrs. Sara Hammond Misiano
Mrs. Kristy Meisner Ouellette*
Mrs. Tracey Guarda Perkins*
Mrs. Melanie McCabe Robinson
Mr. Stephen W. Robinson Jr.
Mr. Erik C. Rocheford
Mrs. Sara Christensen Smith
Mr. Aaron O. Snay
Fund Donors
Mr. Adam T. Dow
Mrs. Marisa Tescione Fagan
Mr. Robert J. Fagan
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Class Agent:
Ms. Maura A. Brady
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Mr. Robert V. Behn*
Mr. Bradley C. Bennett
Ms. Maura A. Brady
Mr. Brendan T. Carney
Mrs. Jennifer Buck Carney
Ms. Aidan L. Danaher
Mr. Patrick A. Drummond
Ms. Angela M. Langevin
Ms. Cheryl A. Lecesse
Ms. Christine Symmes Lucius
Mrs. Nicole Fowler Martin*
Mrs. Kelly Wigmore Mastroianni
Mr. Michael F. Mooney
Mrs. Lucia Savage Reeder
Ms. Katie Lynch Rocheford
Mrs. Hilary Cogen Ryan
Mr. Douglas P. Scott
Fund Donors
Mrs. Andrea D. Broughton
Mrs. Kelsey Barberi LaPerle
Mr. Kevin M. Maccioli
Class Agents:
Mrs. Erica Reeder McMahon
Mr. Eric J. Emery
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Mr. Justin M. Barker
Mrs. Karissa Pignone Fitzell
Mr. Samuel F. Fucile
Ms. Jazmine L. Greenlaw
Mrs. Lisa Noyes Hardenbrook
Mr. Gregory Hay Jr.
Ms. Renee M. Lowell
Mr. Robert C. Ryder
Ms. Kerstin A. Swenson
Ms. Lida E. Vanasse
Ms. Jessica Taryn Wilfert
Fund Donors
Mrs. Kelly Raiano Maccioli
^ Deceased
* Five or more consecutive years
of giving
Ms. Tarren Mackenzie Bailey
Mr. Jeffrey T. Blaszka
Ms. Ashley Rae Blood
Mr. Kevin Patrick Crotty
Mr. Jay S. Dapprich
Ms. Nicole L. Eaton
Mr. Jaron L. Foster
Mrs. Jennifer Renee Holl
Mr. Christopher S. HoustonPonchak
Ms. Donna Rebecca Kaplan
Mr. Peter Joseph Mailloux
Mr. Matthew John Maloney
Mr. Steven Scott Rogers
Mr. Travis Elliott Soule
Ms. Allison Leigh Stacey
Mr. Benjamin O. Barr
Mrs. Beth McElwee Bristol
Mr. Joseph Frank Caforia
Ms. Stacey A. Fraser
Mrs. Harolyn Swartz Fucile
Ms. Lauren E. Kovach
Mr. Steven D. Lerman
Mrs. Erin Sawler Massa
Mr. Ethan R. Nosel
Mr. Logan Shedd
Mr. Gary Jo Thomas Smith
Mrs. Tamsen Bolte Snyder
Ms. Anna R. Sommer-Cutts
Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Lesley Adair Bolton
Ms. April Jeanette Buchheit
Ms. Katina Marie Caraganis
Ms. Melissa Catherine Ferrigno
Ms. Christine Marie Francis
Mr. Jason Andrew Kelly
Ms. Nicole Marie Kenney
Ms. Shannon Elizabeth Lange
Ms. Holly Alain Latulip
Ms. Amanda E. LeMarier
Ms. Catherine Susan MacDonald
Mr. Pearson Woodworth Neal
Mr. Andrew S. Pillsbury
Mr. Robert Scott Silva
Ms. Anne Hillary Walsh
Fund Donors
Fund Donors
Mr. Christopher D. Ames
Mr. Richard M. Gould
Fund Donors
Mr. Kristopher Scott Ramsay
Mr. Justin B. Sakovitz
Mr. Andrew Jared Wadleigh
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund Donors
Ms. Allison Beth Allen
Ms. Jeanine Lee Audet
Mrs. Susan M. Azodi-Kazeroony
Ms. Leslie Ann Bachman
Ms. Erin Elizabeth Bancroft
Ms. Leah Marie Salach
Ms. Kerian Elizabeth Spear
Ms. Elisa Michelle Banuelos
Ms. Meghan Jessica Belanger
Ms. Allison Marie Blood
Mr. John David Bossé
Mr. Mitchel J. Cable
Ms. Sarah Jean Champagne
Ms. Keriann Elizabeth Croatti
Ms. Katherine A. Davis
Mr. Tyler Grant Davis
Ms. Rebecca Marie Floyd
Ms. Ashley Kathleen Goulter
Mr. Robert Walker Harwood
Ms. Sarah Helen Heaney
Mr. Marc Dunlap LeBourdais
Ms. Jennifer Ann McAfee
Ms. Molly Anne Mullen
Ms. Elisabeth Grimshaw Novak
Mr. John Royce O’Neil
Ms. Lindsey Elizabeth Santoro
Mr. Daniel Thomas Stone
Mr. Andrew Jared Wadleigh
Mr. Robert A. Wardwell
Class Agents:
Ms. Katina Marie Caraganis
Ms. Janine Elizabeth DeSerres
Ms. Nicole Marie Kenney
Ms. Jenni S. Beaulieu
Mrs. Elizabeth Reinecker
Mr. Matthew J. Danahy
Mr. Jonathan T. Emmons
Ms. Laura E. Feltner
Mr. Julian J. Frey IV
Ms. Meghan E. Gately
Ms. Emily G. Goodrich
Mr. Richard M. Gould
Ms. Kimberlee Valentine
Ms. Elisabeth G. Holdsworth
Mr. Benjamin J. Holley
Ms. Ellen M. Kirsch
Ms. Lauren D. MacLeod
Ms. Monica R. Michaud*
Mr. Kyle J. Stewart
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Mr. Kevin Patrick Crotty
Ms. Sarah A. LaRosa
Class Agent:
Ms. Cheryl A. Oliveira
Fund Donors
Mr. Charles J. Bazdanes
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport To The Annual Fund
During Fiscal Year 2009
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund Donors
Top Young
Alumni Class
By Participation
Class Agent:
Ms. Tarren Mackenzie Bailey
Annual Fund Donors
Annual Fund:
Class Agents:
Ms. Kori E. Johnson
Ms. Kerstin A. Swenson
Annual Fund:
­­––continued on page 28
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Alumni Donors, Class of 2009,
Mr. Colin Neal Bellavance
Mr. Patrick Mark Benson
Ms. Emily Birkhead
Ms. Katie Ann Bishop
Ms. Pamela Lauren Bohanan
Ms. Alison Ann Borghesani-May
Ms. Gabrielle Olivia Boulay
Ms. Sarah Kimberly Breault
Mr. Andrew Donald Burnell
Mr. Benjamin Hunter Burns
Mr. Sean William Carr
Ms. Kristina Marie Casper
Ms. Madelin Dee Cerullo
Ms. Whitney Clark
Ms. Kali Ann Coleman
Ms. Megan Caron Comolli
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Cortis
Mr. Andrew Paul Cousins
Ms. Abigail Merritt Cramer
Ms. Elizabeth Mary Cressman
Ms. Michelle Rachel Cugini
Mr. Douglas Bornscheur Currie
Ms. Carolyn Patricia Day
Mr. John Thomas DeGray
Ms. Sara Wright Devin
Mr. Brian Thomas Doucette
Mr. Joseph Donald Doud
Mr. Luke R. Driscoll
Ms. Kimberly Ann Elefante
Ms. Samantha Lynn Ellis
Ms. Melissa Anne Estabrook
Ms. Lyndsey Helen Feliciano
Mr. Casey Thomas Ford
Mr. Christopher Joseph Gaeta
Ms. Chelsea Catherine Gill
Ms. Rebecca Rae Gladden
Ms. Alison Jean Good
Mr. Christophe Laurent Gueret
Ms. Alexis Rachel Hodsden
Ms. Jenna Michelle Iacovino
Ms. Michelle Clason Isner
Ms. Alise L. Johnson
Mr. Wesley W. Jordan
Ms. Elise Makepeace Kapp
Ms. Katelyn Mae Kimball
Ms. Megan Marie Langevin
Mr. Ryan David Laperle
Mr. Nicholas Lockwood Laurence
Mr. Mason William Law
Mr. Matthew Ryan Lemieux
Ms. Sydney Rogiers Leonardi
Ms. Christine L. Letendre
Ms. Diana Dorthea Lewellyn
Ms. Aubree Lee Lynde
Mr. William Aloysius Lyons
Mr. Daniel F. Mahoney
Ms. Cassandra Marie Malloch
Mr. David William Martin
Ms. Jessica Erin McCabe
Ms. Kathryn Leigh Migliaccio
Seniors’ Gift Will Help Move
Colby-Sawyer Forward
Colby-Sawyer President Tom Galligan holds the gift check
from the Class of 2009. With a 72 percent participation level,
the Class of 2009 came together to present Colby-Sawyer with
a senior class gift of $755. The effort catapults the class into
the top five senior gift campaigns within the last 15 years.
Ms. Kathryn Alexandra Mirick
Ms. Allison Marie Morey
Ms. Zoe Louise Morton
Mr. Ryan Thomas Murray
Ms. Elizabeth Mitchell O’Donnell
Mr. Ryan William Oldfield
Mr. Numan Ozdalga
Mr. Jeffrey Benjamin Parfitt
Ms. Emma Wigton Pasquale
Ms. Jenna Anne Payton
Ms. Chantalle Lea Pelletier
Ms. Nicole Marie Poelaert
Ms. Caitlin Sarah Putnam
Ms. Christina Nicole Quirk
Ms. Kaytlyn Elizabeth Racz
Ms. Amber Rose Richardson
Mr. Michael Thomas Roach
Mr. Michael Reed Rodriguez
Ms. Christa Marie Rogers
Ms. Kristen Nicole Romanko
Ms. Leah Sara Sackett
Ms. Kelsey Elizabeth Wilcox
Mr. Shannon Patrick Sciria
Mr. Charles Arthur Shine
Ms. Andrea Lee Shorthose
Ms. Jessica Ashley Stewart
Mr. Benjamin Harrison Taylor
Ms. Meaghan Cherise Teneriello
Ms. Aubrey Kay Evelyn Thomas
Ms. Julie Lynn Thurston
Ms. Kara Kristine Walker
Ms. Mackenzie Louise Walkley
Ms. Amanda Gayle Wasel
Ms. Abigale Marie Way
Ms. Jennifer Marie Wheelwright
Ms. Jillian Marie Whitney
Mr. Ian Alexander Wiltshire
Colby-Sawyer College is most
grateful to our current and former trustees for their significant
investment, as well as their
leadership role in promoting the
mission of the college through
their philanthropy. The names in
bold represent current trustees.
Annual Fund Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angoff
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman R.
Black Jr. ’73 ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J.
Bright ’61
Dr. Alice W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Clough III
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Cochran ’71
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Csatari
Ms. Laura Danforth ’83 and
Ms. Paula B. Chu
Mr. Peter D. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Davidow ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Donavan
Col. and Mrs. William A.
Dow ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dulude
Mr. and Mrs. David J.
Eldred ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Eliot ’67
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Ferraro ’65
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graf ’75
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gundy
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall ’67
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Hammond ’66
Dr. and Mrs. H. Roger Hansen ’64
Mr. and Mrs. G. William
Helm Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Hinman ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond B.
Hopkins ’48
Mr. and Mrs. George Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Edward Joh
Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Jordan Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H.
Kaplan ’55
Mrs. Patricia Driggs Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner ’53
Mrs. Joyce Juskalian
Kolligian ’55
Mr. George M. Lethbridge Jr.
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins
McCollum ’58
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
Mr. Richard C. Munn and Ms.
Holley M. Eaton
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Ms. Kathryn Jones Nixon ’68 and
Mr. Theodore E. Nixon
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale
Overfield ’68
Mr. and Mrs. A. John
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mrs. Jean ’Je-Je’ Harding
Pierce ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O.
Ramsey ’43
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Robinson ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Shaftel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Siegfried ’43
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa ’53
Mrs. Barbara Johnson
Stearns ’32^
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Weygandt ’62
Mrs. Jean M. Wheeler
Mr. Richard A. Whiting
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 28
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 29
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Trustees, continued
Miss Janice Wilkins ’41
Mrs. Janet Canham Williams ’40
Mr. David H. Winton ^
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wolf
Fund Donors
Col. and Mrs. William A.
Dow ’57
Mr. and Mrs. David J.
Eldred ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Eliot ’67
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graf ’75
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gundy
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Hammond ’66
Mr. and Mrs. George Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Edward Joh
Mrs. Patricia Driggs Kelsey
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins
McCollum ’58
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
Mr. and Mrs. A. John
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38
^ Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Mrs. Janet Canham Williams ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wolf
Faculty and
Staff Donors
Colby-Sawyer College is grateful
to faculty and staff for personally investing in the school they
work so hard to support in other
ways. The Annual Fund provides
resources that both help the
college to maintain current
expenses and that allow it to
respond to opportunity. Thank
you for your support and for
making Colby-Sawyer one of
your philanthropic priorities.
Annual Fund Donors
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
President Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
The Susan Colby Society
Professor Dexter Burley
Mr. Douglas W. Lyon
Dr. Deborah A. Taylor
The Eugene M. Austin Club
Professor Susan Glasheen
Reeves ’88
Professor Laura A. Alexander ’98
Ms. Sharon K. Ames
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 29
Ms. Lorraine C. Anderson
Mrs. Margaret Rogers
Andrews ’85
Professor Gregory R. Austin
Professor Jennifer Austin
Mrs. Tracey M. Austin
Mrs. Susan M. AzodiKazeroony ’09
Ms. Tarren Mackenzie Bailey ’06
Professor Gerald M. Bliss
Professor Janet Coggeshall
Bliss ’71
Mr. Mark D. Boillotat
Ms. Karen I. Bonewald
Mr. John David Bossé ’08
Dr. Kim-Laura Boyle ’98
Ms. Vickie E. Branch ’81
Mr. James E. Bromwell
Mr. James Broughton
Mr. Jeffrey Cable
Mrs. Elizabeth Cahill
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant Camp ’92
Mr. Nathan S. Camp ’98
Professor Joseph C. Carroll
Mrs. Kathleen A. Carroll
Professor Hilary P. Cleveland
Professor Cheryl Coolidge
Ms. Abigail Merritt Cramer ’09
Professor Jean Eckrich
Mr. William J. Foti
Professor Hester L. Fuller
Ms. Chelsea Catherine Gill ’09
Mrs. Jennifer E. Hastings
Mrs. Kathleen M. Horten
Mrs. Marjorie W. Huston ’98
Mrs. Lauri S. Justice
Professor Charles Kellogg
Mrs. Joyce Kellogg
Professor Semra Kilic-Bahi
Ms. Lisa J. Lacombe
Mr. David Levine
Mr. Douglas G. Lovell III
Professor Amy Carrier Lyon ’85
Mr. George Martin
Professor Gregory W. Matthews
Ms. Susan Maurer
Mr. Sean Michael McCaffrey
Ms. Mary McLaughlin
Mrs. Sheila F. Mitchell ’98
Mr. David R. Morcom
Mr. John Royce O’Neil ’08
Mrs. Carole Horton Parsons ’74
Mrs. Tracey Guarda Perkins ’01
Ms. Tracy E. Poland
Mr. Christopher S. Reed
Dr. Keelin Kerry Regan-Reed
Mr. Benjamin R. Reeder ’99
Mrs. Gina Marie Reich
Ms. Beth Renzulli
Mrs. Hilary Cogen Ryan ’02
Mr. David A. Sauerwein
Professor Kimberly Whitney
Ms. Kate Dunlop Seamans
Mrs. Janet M. St. Laurent
Professor Kathy J. Taylor
Ms. Nancy Teach ’70
Ms. Lisa F. Tedeschi
Ms. Pamela Trostorff
Linda J. Varnum
Professor Renee M. Vebell
Professor Margaret C. Wiley
Fund Donors
Mrs. Margaret Rogers
Andrews ’85
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant Camp ’92
Professor Hilary P. Cleveland
President Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Mr. Charles Gregory Krajewski
Professor Elizabeth M.G.
Mr. David A. Sauerwein
Professor Kimberly Whitney
Ms. Miriam B. Shumway
Ms. Lisa F. Tedeschi
Mrs. Linda J. Varnum
­­––continued on page 30
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Parents and
Each year the college is grateful
beneficiary of the valued support
of the parents and grandparents
of our students and alumni.
We gratefully acknowledge the
special generosity of the donors
those names we are privileged to
list below.
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48
Mrs. Barbara-Jane Smith
Thompson ’48
Anonymous ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H.
Abbott Jr. ’64
Mr. Musah Abdallah
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O.
Adams ’45
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Alderton III ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Aldrich ’48
Mrs. Bette Silven Alsobrook ’59
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mrs. Isabelle Spurr Appleton ’58
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Mrs. Irene P. Demoulas
Mrs. Ethel Greenspan
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
The Mt. Kearsarge Society
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Reeve
Mr. Peter D. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graf ’75
Mrs. Jane Winey Heald ’40
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
McCollum ’62
Mrs. Nancy Paige Parker ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Galen J. Reser
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Barbara Frank Ketchum ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Langa ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Neary ’74
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale
Overfield ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Siegfried ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T.
Whittaker ’63
The Eugene M. Austin Club
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Scott
Ballou ’77
Mr. Frederick J. Costello
Mr. Roy L. Goldman and
Ms. Jacqueline A. Dzaluk
Mrs. Dorothy B. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Gregory ’50
Mrs. Marcia Symmes Harmon ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Judd ’60
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas
Kelly ’44
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonhard
Miller ’44
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Mrs. Betsey Ann Quigley
Mrs. Nancy Palmer Reid ’50
^ Deceased
and Mrs. Peter K. Brooks
and Mrs. Arthur R. Bruce
Carl Bucciantini
and Mrs. Charles P.
Burgess ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Burke
Mrs. Sherry Ann Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cable ’80
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Dominic
Campbell ’80
Professor and Mrs. Joseph C.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Casner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Clark Jr. ’51
“It really opened up America
to me. It was extraordinary
for a junior college, any
college, to provide that kind
of education.”
–– Dr. Ai-Li Sung Chin ’39,
Mr. LeBaron S. Atherton
Mr. and Mrs. Masoud AzodiKazeroony ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ballin ’82
Mr. George W. Bardaglio and
Mrs. Wendy L. Ault
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Dale William
Mrs. Margaret Hale Bascom ’46
Mrs. Patricia Smith Beach ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Bean ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Beaulieu
Mr. Robert Joseph Bellavance Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett
Mr. Richard Gartner Birkhead
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Ms. Kathleen K. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dewey Bolton
Mr. Chris Bonewald and Ms.
Karen I. Bonewald
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Bowers ’50
Mrs. Meredith Jarvis Boyd ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah
Boynton III ’46
Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Bray ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Breen ’41
Mr. David Chaplow Bright
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 30
Mrs. Frances Wannerstrom
Clark ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard Clark
Ms. Emily Morgan Clemmer ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
Mrs. Betty Jane Goss Conant ’43
Mr. William B. Conner
Mr. and Ms. Robert Stansfield
Cook Jr. ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Cowmeadow ’73
Mrs. Ruth Malmquist Craffey ’59
Ms. Anne Felicity Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W.
Crawford Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Cummings ’54
Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Doele
Curran ’47
Mrs. Laura Stone Cutler ’44
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Dargis
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Datthyn ’61
Mr. Benjamin P. Davidson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Bradford
de Rham
Mr. J. Michael Deasy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. DeBragga
Mrs. Ann Breslin Deciccio
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R.
Desmond ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Devaney ’68
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Donaldson Jr. ’53
Mrs. Ruth Hall Dowden ’41
Mrs. Priscilla Drake
Mr. Thomas Arthur Drouin
Mr. and Mrs. Ron DuCharme
Mrs. Shirley Holmes Dunlap ’47
Ms. Karen Dunn ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Dunn ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Yates P. Eckert ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Emond
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Erb ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Ernst
Mrs. Joan E. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Ferguson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Ferris ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo
Mr. Phillip C. Fine and Ms.
Beverly A. Holley
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Fletcher ’68
Mrs. Judy A. Fligg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.
Foerster ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Donald
Foster Jr. ’55
Mrs. Rosemary Beede
Fournier ’45
Mrs. Constance Alley French ’35
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaeta
Mr. Joseph L. Geiger
Mrs. Lois Gilbert-Fulton ’65 and
Mr. James F. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Paul
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
Goodhouse ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Clark A.
Griffiths ’57
Ms. Danielle Eleanor Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W.
Mrs. Mary Louise Williams
Haskell ’41
Mr. Christopher B. Hayden and
Mrs. Jane Tamlyn-Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Herz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hill ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Hilton ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Hinman ’49
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hitch
Mrs. Ann Hodgkinson Low ’65
and Mr. Calvin D. Low
­­––continued on page 31
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Parents and Grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. James M. House ’71
Mr. Keith Andrew Hovan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Howard ’55
Mrs. Anne-Shirley Orent
Hudler ’39
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Huston ’98
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Hutchins ’44
Mr. Stephen Richard Iacovino
and Ms. Christine Materia
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Iannazzi
Mr. and Mrs. W. Peter Irish ’50
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ives IV ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jacobs ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson
Ms. Karen E. Johnson
Ms. Meredith H. Jones ’67 and
Mr. Dana P. Murch
Mrs. Gail Joseph
Dr. Ann L. Juel-Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Frederick
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Kegel
Mr. and Ms. Glenn A. King ’49
Mrs. Helen C. Kingsley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klenk
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Lane Jr. ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. LaRose ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Lee ’46
Mrs. Ann Walker Levitt ’47
Mrs. Marihart M. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Loehr ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Logan ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lull
Mrs. Marcia Brown
Macintosh ’41
Mr. Richard MacKenzie
Ms. Mary T. Madge
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emile
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Marc-Aurele
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marrone
Mrs. Mary Jane Niedner
Mason ’44
Mrs. Deborah R. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. McKinlay
Mr. and Mrs. Steven McNutt ’75
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley S.
Merrill ’44
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Your gifts make it possible for the college to provide special
events such as art show openings (above), student dance
recitals, and academic ceremonies.
Ms. Paula Kelly Migliaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin G. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Milne ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mirick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morcom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Muenzberg ’49
Ms. Rita T. Murdoch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Murphy
Mrs. Katharine Tilson Murray
Mrs. Linda M. Nadeau
Mr. James Allen Naughton and
Ms. Catherine Ellen Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N.
Nichols ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Nickerson ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy R. Noyes
Dr. and Mrs. John F. O’Hara ’47
Mr. and Mrs. John Jeremiah
Mr. and Mrs. Aydin M. Ozdalga
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Parker ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J.
Parsons ’77, ’74
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peninger
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler M.
Perkins ’57
Mrs. Polly White Phillips ’47
Ms. Donnamarie K. Pignone
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wayne Plass
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 31
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Porter
Mr. Kevin J. Porter and Ms.
Helen J. Anthony
Mr. George Arthur Poudrier
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pratt ’51
Mrs. Ruth C. Priddy
Mr. and Mrs. James Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quirk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Read ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. B.
Reed Jr. ’54
Ms. Beth Renzulli
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Robbie ’41
Ms. Caroline Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rome ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rosa
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C.
Rowley ’55
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rumery
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Rutherford ’69
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ryan
Mrs. Jean G. Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sargent ’49
Mr. and Mrs. James Saukas
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Schick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Smith ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R.
Smith ’58
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Snyder ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. St. Cyr
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steers ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens
Dr. Peggy A. Stock and
Dr. Robert Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Stockwell ’91
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Stoops ’54
Mrs. Sara M. Sulloway
Mr. and Bruce Allen Taylor and
Professor Kathy Taylor
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43
Ms. Nancy Teach ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Teasdale Jr. ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edgar
Mr. Richard T. Tomar
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W.
Tucker ’53
Mrs. Ruth Forbes Tudeen ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Van Dine ’44
Mr. and Mrs. David Vanasse
Linda and Don Varnum
Ms. Debra Veilleux
Mrs. Jean Jacob Vetter ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Vilardi
Mr. Paul Gregory Vivino
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wacker
Drs. Robert and Ruth Waldbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Walker ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Wasel
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Watkins Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey David
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bruce Watts
Ms. Judith Lynah Wheeler ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot G.
Mrs. Gretchen Hoch White ’53
Mrs. Judith Tinsman White ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morse
Mrs. Melissa Hurton White
Mr. Richard A. Whiting
Mrs. Nancy Nespor Wilbur ’49
Mr. Donald E. Winfrey and Ms.
M. Elizabeth Oates
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Williams
Mrs. Grace Greene Williams ’47
Mr. Thomas J. Williams and Mrs.
Drew Josephson-Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson
Mrs. Noel Roe Wilson ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Milo G.
Wingard Jr. ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Worden
Ms. Sharon Lee Worsham
Mr. and Mrs. David Alan Zylak
­­––continued on page 32
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Parents and Grandparents,
Fund Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Bray ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Mrs. Dawn T. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graf ’75
Mrs. Ethel Greenspan
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Guarda
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Ilg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kamal
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Matthew
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
Mr. Robert A. Migliaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Packard
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wayne Plass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48
Mr. and Mrs. David William
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Smith
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43
Linda and Don Varnum
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Vilardi
Mrs. Gretchen Hoch White ’53
Mrs. Sally Trussell White ’59
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mr. Eugene H. Leaver ^
Mr. Bruce R. McClintock and
Ms. Carolyn A. Pelzel
Mr. J. Deane Somerville
Mr. Arthur J. O’Brien
Dr. Anne Ponder and Dr.
Christopher Brookhouse
Mr. J. Deane Somerville
Mr. Benjamin Davis Williams III
The Eugene M. Austin Club
Mr. Robert P. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ewing Jr.
Mr. Sheffield J. Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hiley
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan Sr.
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Kren
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lemay
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Dr. and Mrs. H. Nicholas
Muller III
Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Ordman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Smith III
Mr. John V. White
“My capstone experience
allowed me to ask questions
that had not yet been
answered and actively
engage in finding answers
to them.”
Friends of ColbySawyer College
–– Evelina Simanonyte ’09,
Psychology major
We are grateful for the gener-
ous gifts donated by the Friends
of Colby-Sawyer College. The
support of this special group,
that includes many local community members, is an integral
part of our success and further
strengthens the bond between
our communities.
Annual Fund Donors
The President’s Society
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Snyder
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society
Thomas C. and Susan S. Galligan
Mr. Dean LeBaron
The Susan Colby Society
Mrs. Barbara Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland J. Cross
^ Deceased
* F ive or more consecutive years
of giving
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Chase
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Clark
Mr. John Collins
Mr. Robert J. Constantine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus S. Davis
Mrs. Ann M. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Detjen
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Doyle Jr.
Mrs. Mary H. Drexler
Reverend and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Faughnan
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Forbes
Ms. Shelli A. Gay
Mrs. Gail M. Goddard
Ms. Jill O. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Graves
Mr. Robert C. Hannah
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Mrs. Joan V.H. Harris
Ms. Pam Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Anderson
Mr. Timothy Evan Anderson
Mr. Theodore S. Bacon Jr.
Mr. and Ms. I. Cristian Badau
Mrs. Louise H. Bailey
Ms. Priscilla Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Beardsley
Ms. Ashley Lynn Beaulieu
Mrs. Jeanne Blackford
Ms. Lisa Bonfiglio
Mr. James R. Bowditch
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R.
Bradford Jr.
Mr. Bernard J. Brennan
Mr. Kenneth Robert Bunten Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline Dawn Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan Jr.
Mr. David Carroll
Mrs. Dawn M. Carter
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Henry II
Ms. Elizabeth P. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hollis
Mr. Brandon Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Jones
Mr. Leo Jones Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Kempton
Dr. Charles A. Kennedy
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. King
Ms. JoAnn Lambert
Mr. Renot Aragon Lopes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Malm
Mrs. Norma R. Marston
Mr. Richard D. McGinley
Mr. Gordon Moffatt
Ms. Lisa Montcalm
Mr. and Dr. Mark S. Mordecai
Mrs. Mary C. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Moses III
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Chester
Mr. Brian Russell O’Neil
Mr. Bruce Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson
Mr. Travis John Plass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Mr. Athens Clay Pullias Jr.
Ms. Nadine Quinn
Mrs. Wendy Quirk
Mr. Robert J. Rideout
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Robar
Mr. Corey James Rondeau
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sahler
Ms. Rosanne C. Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut R.
Mr. Daniel Scott
Mrs. Diana F. Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. F. Augustus
Mrs. Deirdre P. Segerson
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shepard
Mrs. Gladys Smith
Mr. Roger C. Smith and
Dr. Martha Regan-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Steel
Col. William C. Sullivan Jr.
Mrs. Sandra Swain-Bromwell
Mr. F. Paul Sylvia
Mr. Ramon S. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Theroux
Mrs. Lynn J. Thiesmeyer
Mr. William J. Thomas Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Tighe
Mrs. Mary R. Tracy
Ms. Patricia Trader
Ms. Linda Trenholm
Dr. Michio Umegaki
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L.
Mr. James Franklin Watkins III
Mr. William H. Welsh
Ms. Patryc Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Williams
Mrs. Jean A. Williamson
Ms. Debra Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. D. Austin Wood
Ms. Helen Elizabeth Woodman
Fund Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Adams
Miss Reva Elaine Bailey
Mrs. Madeline G. Berry
Ms. Pauline Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Chittim
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland ^
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cobrain
Mr. Stephane Courtine and Ms.
Elizabeth Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cricenti
Mr. Loomis G. Dana
­­––continued on page 33
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Friends of Colby-Sawyer, continued
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Ms. Nancy Dumoulin
Mr. Michael Dupont
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mr. Richard Egan
Mrs. Deborah Eibner
Mr. John Munn Ellis III
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Foote
Thomas C. and Susan S. Galligan
Mr. James Gleason
Ms. Barbara Davis Green
Mrs. Juliet L. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Henry II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Herbster
Ms. Aphrodite S. Hero
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Homan
Mr. Edward Houle
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hunter
Mrs. Pamela W. Ilg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jenesky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaplan
Ms. Monika D. Kehas
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kohn
Vice Admiral and Mrs. Julien J.
Mr. M. Roy London Jr. ^
Miss Barbara J. MacDonald
Mrs. Virginia Crockett Milord
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Moquin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Otto Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Paynter
Ms. Denise Rancourt
Ms. Judy Roy
Mr. and Mrs. E. Waldo Sanders
Ms. Phyllis R. Schless
Mrs. Mary Cleveland Sholty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. John Skow
Mrs. Gladys Smith
Ms. Deborah Stanley and
Mr. Peter S. Stanley
Ms. Nancy H. Stowell
Mr. Mark Sylvia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. James H. Truncellito
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Mr. and Mrs. David Z. Webster
Mr. Alexander Wenner
Mr. Warren Witkowski
Ms. Dorothy Young
Abbie Moseley Charitable Trust,
Citizens Bank Trustee
Adventures in Learning*
AEGON Direct*
Agnes M. Lindsay Trust*
Arrow Electronics, Inc.
Aspect Communications
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Avon Family Foundation, Inc.*
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bentley Fund*
Berger Family Fund*
Beulah Kahler Foundation*
Bob and Betsey Devaney Family
Gift Fund
Campus Compact for New
Carlin Family Foundation*
Caterpillar, Inc.
Charles Foundation, Inc.*
ChevronTexaco, Inc.*
CIGNA Foundation
Colby-Sawyer College
Golf Classic*
Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo
Community Foundation of
Western Massachusetts*
Corrine C. Turner Foundation
Dartmouth Medical School
Foundations and
Other Sources
Colby-Sawyer proudly acknowledges the substantial financial
partnership with corporations,
foundations, community businesses and other organizations
that provide vital capital and
Annual Fund support. In addition, we also extend grateful
thanks to those companies
which provided matching gift
support that also contributes to
our success.
^ Deceased
David Z. and Janie H. Webster
Family Foundation*
Davidow Foundation*
Davis Educational Foundation
Dayton Foundation
Depository, Inc.
Demoulas Foundation
Edith T. Hendricks Foundation
Entergy Services, Inc.
Ethel Greenspan Revocable Trust
ExxonMobil Corporation*
Fidelity Investments
Charitable Gift*
General Electric Fund*
George F. & Sybil H. Fuller
Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable
Grace and John T. Harrington
Grand Circle Foundation
Greenspan Foundation*
Guardian Life Insurance
Hartford Insurance Group
Hinman Foundation*
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
Houghton Mifflin Company*
IBM Corporation*
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Josiah E. Fernald Trust, Citizens
Bank Trustee
Lockheed Martin Corporation*
Lydall Specialty Engineered
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Millipore Foundation
Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc.
NCR Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable
­­––continued on page 34
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 33
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Corporations, Foundations and
Other Sources, continued
NH College & University Council
North Country Aquatic Club
NStar Foundation
ONEOK Foundation,
Payne Family Foundation*
PepsiCo, Inc.
Pierson Family Foundation,
Procter & Gamble Fund*
Richard Munn and Holley Eaton
Charitable Gift Fund*
Robert W. & Jean H. Pierce
Family Foundation*
Rockwell’s Management
Company, LLC
Samuel P. Hunt Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Siemens Medical Solutions
USA, Inc.
Sorgini & Sorgini, P.A.
Stanley Works Foundation
Straetz Foundation*
The Boeing Company*
The Boston Foundation, Inc.
The Byrne Foundation
The Frank M. Barnard
Foundation, Inc.*
The Goldhirsh Foundation, Inc
The Henry Family Foundation*
The Joseph L. Kaplan Family
The LeBaron Foundation
The Margaret A. Cargill
The New London Inn
The United Way of Rhode Island
Time Warner, Inc.
Toledo Community
Foundation, Inc.
United Technologies Corporation
US Charitable Gift Trust*
Vanguard Group, Inc.
W.S. Johnston Foundation*
Walt Disney Company
Williams Family Foundation
Xerox Corporation*
Yahoo, Inc.
Gifts-in-kind are non-cash gifts
of tangible personal property.
A gift-in-kind may also be a
service or other donated items.
Many of those gifts are received
for special fundraisers to benefit
^ Deceased
athletics or student activities.
The Colby-Sawyer community
appreciates the in-kind gifts
made in 2008–2009 from these
generous donors.
Mr. Robert A. Migliaccio
Millstone Restaurant, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mitchell ’79
New England Handicapped Ski
Orchard Street Chop Shop,
P.N.L. Sheet Metal & Steel
Mrs. Carole Horton Parsons ’74
Pizza Chef
Mr. Christopher S. Reed and
Dr. Keelin Kerry Regan-Reed
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer ’52
Mrs. Mary Cleveland Sholty
Mr. and Mrs. John Skow
Mr. Mark Sylvia
Ben Franklin Printers dba
Twin Press
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Bernson ’55
Boston Cannons
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. James
Broughton ’02
Professor Dexter Burley
Miss Margaret Burt ’72
Beth and Jeff Cahill
Mrs. Esther M. Carstensen
Champion’s Choice
“Your work…is to resist
the easy answer, to seek
out the truth…just as the
author’s work is to face the
blank page with faith and
–– David Elliott, Author
Humanities Instructor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cobrain
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H.
Courtyard by Marriott
Mrs. Sheridan S. Danforth
Dunkin Donuts
Echo Communications, Inc.
Mr. Richard Egan
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Egenberg ’60
Ms. Ann Hoar Floyd ’60
Follett Bookstore
Mr. William J. Foti
Mr. James Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L.
Godbout ’95
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Homan
Mr. Edward Houle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kamal
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S.
Kozlowski ’95,’96
Lake Sunapee Country Club
Vice Admiral and Mrs. Julien J.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Matthew
Mr. George Martin
Mr. Sean Michael McCaffrey
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Tatnall ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Ms. Margaret D. Van Cott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Vilardi
Mr. Warren Witkowski
Friends of
the L ibrary
In 1967 a group of New London
area summer residents founded
the Friends of the Library to
support what is now the Susan
Colgate Cleveland Library/
Learning Center. In addition to
raising funds to enhance our
library, the Friends support several programs throughout the
year that are open and free to
the public. The college is grateful for the enduring support of
the Friends of the Library.
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Ashton ’51
Mr. and Ms. I. Cristian Badau
Ms. Elisa Michelle Banuelos ’08
Mrs. Nancy Benward Bates ’90
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Berndt Jr. ’54
Mrs. Dorothea Gay Bewley ’43 ^
Mrs. Jeanne Blackford
Ms. Patricia Blackwood ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Boeck ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R.
Bradford Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan Jr.
Mr. David Carroll
Professor and Mrs. Joseph C.
Mrs. Frances Wannerstrom
Clark ’48
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Clark
Professor Hilary P. Cleveland
Ms. Deborah L. Coffin ’76
Mr. John Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Day ’52
Mrs. Ann M. Denny
Mrs. Dorothy Wallsten Drake ’46
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Mrs. Joan E. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Fillius ’56
Ms. Stacey A. Fraser ’04
Ms. Elaine F. Gilman ’55
Ms. Jill O. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gray ’75
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gundy
Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Y.
Hadidian ’43
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Mrs. Joan V.H. Harris
Ms. Elizabeth P. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Arthur
Hostage Jr. ’45
Mr. Brandon Huff
Mr. and Ms. David R.
Johnson ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Eckart Kade ’63
Dr. Charles A. Kennedy
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan Sr.
Mr. and Ms. Eugene W.
Ladd Jr. ’93
Ms. JoAnn Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lusk ’58
Dr. and Mrs. Lester D. Miller ’68
Ms. Lisa Montcalm
Ms. Cynthia C. Naylor ’60
Ms. Barbara Nielsen ’59
Mr. Bruce Parrott
Ms. Nadine Quinn
Ms. Caroline Robinson
Ms. Rosanne C. Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut R.
Mrs. Diana F. Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Snow ’47
Mrs. Barbara Johnson
Stearns ’32 ^
J uly 1, 2008
­­––continued on page 35
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Friends of the Library, continued
Jerry M. Bliss
Mrs. Betsey Ann Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. William Steel
Mr. William C. Sullivan Jr.
Mr. F. Paul Sylvia
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edgar
Mrs. Lynn J. Thiesmeyer
Mr. William J. Thomas Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Tighe
Ms. Patricia Trader
Ms. Linda Trenholm
Dr. Michio Umegaki
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L.
Ms. Patryc Wiggins
Mrs. Jean A. Williamson
Ms. Debra Wilson
Ms. Helen Elizabeth Woodman
Mr. and Mrs. Roland J.
Zavada ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Zscheile ’64
Jackie Burnett ’09
Mrs. Sherry Ann Burnett
Chargers Club
Organized in 1982, and now
in its 27th year, the Chargers
Club is a volunteer organization whose primary purpose is
to provide financial support for
athletic programs and facilities
at Colby-Sawyer College. The
college is grateful for donations
to the Chargers Club from the
following individuals and
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson
Mrs. Wendy L. Ault and Mr.
George W. Bardaglio
Ms. Lisa Reon Barnes ’84 and
Mr. Andrew Jonathan Sugg
Mrs. Patricia Smith Beach ’49
Mr. Robert Joseph Bellavance Jr.
Mr. Richard Gartner Birkhead
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dewey Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bothfeld ’56
Mrs. Sherry Ann Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard Clark
Mr. Andrew M. Clarke ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A.
Criscione ’79
Mr. James Allen Naughton and
Ms. Catherine Ellen Durkin
Mr. Lawrence B. Elliott ’94
Ms. Lauren T. Ferullo ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo
^ Deceased
Ben Burns ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas
Whitney Clark ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard Clark
Karissa Pignone Fitzel ’03
Ms. Donnamarie K. Pignone
Chris Gaeta ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaeta
Suzanne Kendall Blake
Gerety ’99
Ms. Kathleen K. Blake
Colby-Sawyer College hosted a ground-breaking ceremony
in mid-October for its new Windy Hill School, the college’s
laboratory school for Child Development. The Windy Hill
students, equipped with hard hats and shovels, joined
Professor Janet Bliss and President Tom Galligan at the
Mr. Phillip C. Fine and
Ms. Beverly A. Holley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaeta
Ms. Meghan E. Gately ’05
Mr. Joseph L. Geiger
Mrs. Gail M. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Greene
Mr. Sheffield J. Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. G. William Helm Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Shane M. Hoover
Mr. Keith Andrew Hovan
Mr. Stephen Richard Iacovino
and Ms. Christine Materia
Mrs. Gail Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S.
Kaufman Jr. ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Langbein Jr. ’56
Mr. George M. Lethbridge Jr.
Mr. Matthew John Maloney ’06
Mr. James Allen Naughton and
Ms. Catherine Ellen Durkin
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Mr. Ethan R. Nosel ’04
Ms. Laura Fogarty ’90 and
Mr. Scott O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Aydin M. Ozdalga
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wayne Plass
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. James Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quirk
Ms. Sally A. Randall ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott
Mrs. Tamsen Bolte Snyder ’04
Ms. Donna M. Studley ’97
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 35
Rebecca Rae Gladden ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Paul
April Greene ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Sylvester III ’00
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Ms. Valerie L. Turtle ’70
Linda and Don Varnum
Mrs. Joan Boyd Veazey ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Vilardi
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wacker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Wasel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey David
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Mrs. Melissa Hurton White
Ms. Jessica Taryn Wilfert ’03
Margret Harrington
Mr. Sheffield J. Halsey
Carl Herz ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richard
Benjamin Holley ’05 and
Kathryn. Holley `09
Mr. Phillip C. Fine and
Ms. Beverly A. Holley
Meaghan Hovan ’09
Mr. Keith Andrew Hovan
Jenna Iacovino ’09
Mr. Stephen Richard Iacovino
and Ms. Christine Materia
Honorary Gifts
Rebecca Irving ’42
Miss Sharon M. MacKnight ’63
Honorary gifts are thoughtful
Elizabeth Klenk ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klenk
expressions of appreciation for
others. The honorees, many of
whom play a special role in our
community, are noted in bold
type and the donors are listed
below each name.
Class of 2009 Senior Class
Professor Hester L. Fuller
Shawn A. Krajewski and
Julia K. Muschiano
Mr. Charles Gregory Krajewski
and Professor Elizabeth M.G.
Pearson W. Neal ’07
Ms. Elisabeth Grimshaw
Novak ’08
Class of 2005
Mr. Matthew J. Danahy ’05
Peg Rogers Andrews ’85
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45 and
Mr. William C. Roney Jr.
Colin Bellavance ’09
Mr. Robert Joseph Bellavance Jr.
Mrs. Melissa Hurton White
Emily Birkhead ’09
Mr. Richard Gartner Birkhead
Mrs. Gail Joseph
Justin Lewis ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott
Elisabeth G. Novak ’08
Mr. Pearson Woodworth Neal ’07
50th Reunion Class of ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Voss ’59
Numan Ozdalga ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Aydin M. Ozdalga
Abigail Sawyer Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Guarda
­­––continued on page 36
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Honorary Gifts, continued
Janet Ten Broeck Pierce ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Ten
Broeck ’59
Travis Plass ’09 and Ben
Burns ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wayne Plass
Emily J. Porter ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Porter
Edith Parker Posselt ’67
Ms. Meredith H. Jones ’67 and
Mr. Dana P. Murch
Caitlin Sarah Putnam ’09
Mr. and Mrs. James Putnam
Susan L. Blair ’88
Ms. Jill M. Dean ’90
Fidelity Investments Foundation
Mrs. Sally Trussell White ’59
Catch the Glory, LLC
Cawley Middle School
Mrs. Dawn T. Chambers
Computel, Inc.
Diversified Marketing Group, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Dumoulin
Mr. Michael Dupont
Glenwood Investment
Group, LLC
Hooksett Youth Athletic
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jenesky
Ms. Monika D. Kehas
The Kirk and Fitts Community
Lambert Funeral Home &
Crematory, Inc.
Marjorie Kidder Blaisdell ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P.
Anderson ’64
Ruth and Peter Blasi
Mrs. Ann Blasi Pellegrino ’57
Ruth Gunnarson Brandes ’45
Mrs. Susan Brandes Turner ’77
Gregory W. Bray
Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Bray ’53
Barbara Ballin Brennan ’51
Mr. Bernard J. Brennan
Christina Quirk ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quirk
Med Techs
Mrs. Nancy Nespor Wilbur ’49
Vinny Vilardi ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Vilardi
Gregory L. Wacker ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wacker
Hillary Waldbaum ’94
Drs. Robert and Ruth Waldbaum
Amanda Wasel ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Wasel
Nick Watson ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey David
Memorial Gifts
A memorial gift to Colby-Sawyer
is a special way to honor and pay
tribute to a friend or loved one.
The college is grateful for these
generous contributions made by
the following alumni and friends
in memory of those whose
names appear in bold type.
Joan “Doey” Wild Davidson ’45
Mr. Benjamin P. Davidson Jr.
Christopher M. Andrews
Mrs. Margaret Rogers
Andrews ’85
Sarah H. Bacon
Mr. Theodore S. Bacon Jr.
Ruth F. Bannister ’51
Ms. Cynthia Randlett Pitts ’64
and Mr. Richard W. Mason Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C.
Bateman Jr. ’54
Esther Currier
Mrs. Louise H. Bailey
Susanne Ott Dana ’49
Mr. Loomis G. Dana
H. Raymond Danforth
Mrs. Louise Sprague
Danforth^ ’24
Barbara “Bobbie” Smith
Day-Schoen ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C.
Adams Jr. ’52
Mrs. Joan Salmon Nesbit ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Moquin
NAIFA–New Hampshire
New England Forum
Ms. Denise Rancourt
Mr. Christopher S. Reed and
Mrs. Keelin Kerry Regan-Reed
The Rowley Agency
Ms. Judy Roy
Satellite Agency Network
Simply Financial, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. James H. Truncellito
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Ms. Dorothy Young
Carolyn Upson Brunstad ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Erb ’34
Joan Daniels Bunten ’53
Mr. Kenneth Robert Bunten Jr.
Constance Hutchins Cahill ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Nickerson ’52
Janice H. Camp
Mrs. Margaret Rogers
Andrews ’85
Nancy Clarke Carter ’57
Ms. Priscilla Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Graves
Elizabeth “Betty” Talbot
Cheney ’70
Mrs. Susan Amory Barber ’70
Michael N. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Adams
Ames Home Improvements
Annuity East, LLC
Mrs. Madeline G. Berry
Ms. Pauline Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S.
Camp ’98, ’92
Alice Ulrich Dean ’52
Mr. Robert P. Dean
Kelsey Ann Dowling ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edward
Nathalie and Alfred Earl
Ms. Cathleen Earl Kostamo ’65
David C. Emery
Miss Cheryl S. Fisher ’67
Marianne Rooke Fairall ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Lambert ’73
The Shanley and Puckhaber
Mrs. Jean Shanley Puckhaber ’45
Alice Gorby Faragher
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sahm Jr. ’61
Margaret Miller Farber ’52
Mrs. Carol Woods Searing ’52
Carl M. and Elinore H.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard P. Green ’60
Elinore H. Cochran
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L.
Thomas S. Costello ’94
Mr. Frederick J. Costello
Mr. Leo Jones Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Olsen ’95
Marilyn Cross Cross ’39
Mr. Malcolm A. Cross
Heather J. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bruce Watts
Jennifer Wheelwright ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot G.
Barbara Hansen Conway ’58
Ms. Lynn Johnson Evans ’58
Evelyn Hesse Coughlan ’49
Mrs. Constance Dickinson
Johnson ’49
”My group’s capstone was
certainly a culmination of
our learning experiences.
We were able to apply
what we’d learned from
our classes, internships and
practical experience hours and tackle a
problem on our own.”
–– John Bosse ’08, Exercise
Sport Sciences major
Judith Pond Condict ’62
Professor Hilary P. Cleveland
Thomas C. and Susan S. Galligan
New London Planning Board
NH Higher Education Assistance
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J.
Parsons ’74, ’77
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Weygandt ’62
Mary C. and Frank L. Farwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Clarence L. Fitch
Mrs. Lois Nutting Fitch ’37
Glenna F. Fritts ’30
­­––continued on page 37
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 36
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
Edith Stedfast Gardner ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jacobs ’46
Rebecca Sullivan
McClintock ’90
Ms. Laura Fogarty ’90 and Mr.
Scott O’Malley
Maureen F. Geiger
Mr. Joseph L. Geiger
Mary Goodnow McCollum ’52
Mr. Ross C. McCollum
Audrey Leighton Hannah ’42
Mr. Robert C. Hannah
Virginia Erb McGinley ’53
Mrs. Barbara Gowdy Tongue ’53
Jacqueline Haubrich ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R.
Desmond ’41
Ramona Wells Mercer ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Ilg
Memorial Gifts, continued
Marilyn Smid Hoffman ’51
Mr. and Mrs. O. Conrad
Trulson ’51
Marianna Rockwell ’44
Ms. Merle D. Rockwell-Modell
’62 and Mr. Edward Modell
Dr. H. Leslie Sawyer
Ms. Ann Bemis Day ’50 and
Mr. Lawrence I. Grinnell
­­––continued on page 38
Gertrude Riley Oaks ’50
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunbar ’50
Ruth Watson O’Brien ’34
Mr. Arthur J. O’Brien
Ruth Hunter Johnson ’42
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hunter
Hunter Family Charitable Trust
Richard M. Ogden
Mrs. Naomi Nylund Ogden ’53
James L. Dunbar Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunbar ’50
Linda Roemer Rideout ’57
Mr. Robert J. Rideout
Francina Crothers Sampson ’18
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Clark Sr. ’53
Genevieve Millar ’32
Ms. Nancy Teachout Gardner ’45
Marguerite Getchell Huff ’37
Mrs. Anne Getchell Floyd ’48
Everett J. Petitt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Greene
Elizabeth Charles Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Matthews ’49
Joan Sundblad Raynor ’74
Mr. Reginald Winfield Raynor
Annette Hill Rea ’47
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sisley Jr. ’46
Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy London Jr.
Mr. George W. Bardaglio and
Mrs. Wendy L. Ault
Michael J. Kelly
Mrs. Jacqueline Cricenti Kelly ’49
Nancy Fisher Kerr ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Charles
Keenan ’55
Kyle Kurjanowicz
Dr. Jane A. Russo ’77
Dr. Margaret A. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Lazar ’76
Elizabeth J. Laidlaw ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Camp
Mrs. Joan Hadley Lena ’54
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Sarno ’50
Joan Otis Peterson ’53 and
Dorothy Lee “Booma”
Carangelo ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Dunn ’53
M. Roy London
Ms. Shelli A. Gay
Roberta Ware London ’48
Ms. Ann Ackerman Rourke ’48
Mary Welch Lundgren ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Jon L.
Houghton ’77
Marylyn Goldstein Markoff ’55
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Robert W. Marsh
Mrs. Anne Daviss Marsh ’50
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport 37
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
While many things change and move forward at the college, the incredible views from the summit of Mt. Kearsarge on
Mountain Day are always the same: beautiful and enduring.
Memorial Gifts, continued
Mrs. Gretchen Hoch White ’53
Mrs. Janet Canham Williams ’40
Jack Jensen and David Siesiski
Ms. Prudence Hostetter ’67
Paul Frank Thielen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Richard and Avone Thielen
Family Foundation
Mrs. Jean M. Wheeler
Judith Walker Skinner ’58
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lenher ’59
Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Professor Hilary P. Cleveland
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Ms. Barbara Davis Green
Mrs. Juliet L. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Herbster
Ms. Aphrodite S. Hero
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A.
Jones Jr. ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Otto Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Waldo Sanders
Ms. Phyllis R. Schless
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Mrs. Gladys Smith
Ms. Deborah Stanley and
Mr. Peter S. Stanley
Ms. Kimberly S. Steward ’91
Ms. Nancy H. Stowell
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43
The Heritage Society was
established in 1992 to thank
those individuals who have provided for Colby-Sawyer’s future
through a bequest or deferred
gift. The college expresses deep
gratitude for the foresight and
generosity of these benefactors.
Alumni and friends join the
Heritage Society by informing
the college of estate plans that
include Colby-Sawyer. Requests
for anonymity are honored.
New members, or members
who made a new contribution
to an existing deferred gift in
2008–2009, appear in bold. The
symbol ^ denotes a member
who has died between July 1,
2008, and June 30, 2009.
Helen Lethbridge Thomas ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh Jr.
Miss Anne Wallace ’56
Mrs. Judith Davis Somers ’56
Harriet G. Ward ’51
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Anne Wilkins Welsh ’44
General Electric Fund
Mr. William H. Welsh
Shirley Herd Wieber ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Cahill ’75
Anonymous (3)
Mrs. Mary Lou Craffey Ackley ’45
Mrs. Nancy Morris Adams ’56
Miss Elizabeth A. Allenson ’38
Mrs. Margaret Rogers
Andrews ’85
Mr. Douglas G. Atkins
Mrs. Sally Stevens Ayres ’39
Mrs. Joan F. Baird
Mrs. Gordon McAllen Baker ’53
Nancy Nielsen Williams ’59
Mr. Benjamin Davis Williams III
Corey J. Worsham ’09
Ms. Sharon Lee Worsham and
The Heritage
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Bean ’51
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Ms. Sally J. Biever-Ward ’60
Mrs. Barbara Boyd Bradley ’42
Mrs. Sally Roberts Burgess ’62
Mrs. Carlene Dahill Bush ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Camp ’92, 98
Mrs. Barbara Henderson
Mrs. Margaret Lewis Cantor ’65
Mrs. Cynthia Alexander
Carlson ’44
Mrs. Sandra Davis Carpenter ’55
Miss Helen R. Casciani ’49
Mrs. Ellie Goodwin Cochran ’71
Ms. Deborah L. Coffin ’76
Mr. David L. Coffin
Mrs. Nancy Wiesner
Conkling ’58
Mrs. Agnes Cornell Cook ’47
Mrs. Ann Murdoch Cooper ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C.
Mrs. Ada Shapiro Creighton ’39
Mr. Sydney Crook
Mrs. Olga Wells Dalton ’47
Mrs. Sheridan S. Danforth
Mr. Peter D. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Datthyn ’61
Mrs. Joan Bryan Davis ’61
^ Deceased
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport ­­––continued on page 37
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
Annual Report
The Heritage Society, continued
Mrs. Susan Rich Daylor ’71
Mrs. Muriel H. Deacon
Mrs. Joan Russell Desmond ’41
Mr. and Ms. Richard D. Dhein ’75
Mrs. Carol Myers Ditmore ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Donavan
Mrs. Suzette van Daell
Douglas ’43
Mrs. Leslie Wright Dow ’57
Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig
Eastman ’57
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mrs. Julie Dougherty
Egenberg ’60
Mr. and Mrs. David J.
Eldred ’86
Mrs. Sallie Lou Johnson
Elliott ’55
Ms. Arline Soderberg Ely ’54
Mrs. Jane Cooper Fall ’44
Mrs. Christine Biggs Ferraro ’65
Mr. Oley Firth
Mrs. Mary Westberg Francis ’41
Dr. Martha L. Friberg ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Galligan Jr.
Ms. Meredith Gleklen
Gardner ’61
Mrs. Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Mrs. Harriet Wickham
Gorman ’40
Mrs. Marlene Mustard Graf ’75
Mrs. Susan Cleaves Graham ’52
Ms. Gail E. Graham ’62
Mrs. Jane Winey Heald ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Hinman ’49
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hitch
Mrs. Sallie Fillebrown
Hofmann ’48
Ms. Shirley L. Holmes ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Merriman H.
Holtz Jr. ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond B.
Hopkins ’48
Mrs. Jean Cragin Ingwersen ’54
Mrs. Natalie Hartwell Jackson ’80
Mrs. Jeanne Hall Johnson ’41 ^
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K.
Johnson ’59
Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson Jump ’56
Miss Georgia Kanouse ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S.
Kaufman Jr. ’53
Mrs. Jane MacCabe Kelly ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Frank
Ketchum ’54
Mrs. Barbara Chandler Kimm ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Kirkpatrick ’53
Mrs. Jean Fuller Knowlton ’50
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner ’53
Mrs. Charlotte Shapiro
Krentzel ’43
Mrs. Joan Watson Krumm ’47
Mrs. Eleanor Seybert
Kujawski ’45 ^
Ms. Melissa F. Langa Esquire ’74
Mrs. Margaret Fish Langa ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Langbein Jr. ’56
Mrs. Jeanne Fairbanks
Leaver ’44 ^
Mrs. Joan Hadley Lena ’54
Mr. George M. Lethbridge Jr.
Ms. Sarah Lewis ’45
Mrs. Janet Sherman
Lockwood ’34 ^
Ms. Janet Rich Nixon ’54
Ms. Kathryn Jones Nixon ’68
Mrs. Joanne Rowland Osgood ’59
Miss Shirley E. Parsons ’42
Mrs. Jean “Je-Je” Harding
Pierce ’47
Dr. Anne Ponder and Dr.
Christopher Brookhouse
Ms. Sally A. Randall ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ray
Mrs. Marcia Rogers Reilly ’51
Mrs. Cornella Fay RendellWilder ’47
Mrs. Katherine Gordon
Ridgway ’42
Mrs. Barbara Johnston
Rodgers ’53
Mrs. Barbara Tracy Sandford ’38
“Teaching inspires me to
stay current in my field.
The challenge I find is to
make thoughtful selections
about what to include.”
Bequests and
Deferred Gifts
–– Susan A. Reeves,
Chair and Assistant Professor
of N ursing
Mr. M. Roy London Jr. ^
Mrs. Lauren Piercy Looney ’62
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45
Mrs. Sally Nathan Lusk ’58
Mrs. Barbara Easterbrooks
Mailey ’51
Mrs. Heloise Pike Mailloux ’48
Mrs. Dorothy McKinney
Malin ’38
Mrs. Joan Dryden May ’54
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer ’50
Mrs. Olive Heyman
McLaughlin ’43
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mrs. Gladys Greenbaum
Meyers ’39
Mrs. Margaret Monroe Mink ’49
Mrs. Jean Marquier Molloy ’43
Mrs. Susan Barto Monks ’60
Ms. Judith Bodwell Mulholland
’62 and Mr. Robert
Dr. H. Nicholas Muller III
Mr. Richard C. Munn
Mrs. Deborah Crow Nabasny ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Denton E.
Nichols ’56
C olby -S awyer C ollege A nnual R eport During the July 1, 2008–June
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer ’52
Ms. Barbara J. Scheelje ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schwartz
Mrs. Ruth Kerney Scott ’42
Mr. Isadore M. Scott ^
Miss Dorothy W. Sears Jr. ’44
Mrs. Verna Williams
Seidensticker ’49
Dr. Eleanor Bernert Sheldon ’40
Mrs. Blanche Worth Siegfried ’43
Ms. Wilma Smiley ’54
Mrs. Gladys Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Morton
Smith Jr. ’50
Mrs. Inez Gianfranchi
Snowdon ’38
Mrs. Nancy Amend Snyder ’40
Ms. Rosalie Belanger
Sorenson ’65
Ms. Janet E. Spurr ’76
Mrs. Barbara Johnson
Stearns ’32 ^
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Stendahl
Mrs. Barbara Styles Stevens
Mrs. Sara Height Strawbridge ’56
Ms. Ann Sturgis ’61
Mrs. Mary Gay Marble Talcott ’37
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Thielen
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Thornton
Mrs. Janice Spurr Titus ’55
Ms. Barbara Tucker ’57
Mr. Richard M. Underwood
Linda and Don Varnum
Mrs. Jean Jacob Vetter ’45
Mrs. Andrea Sawtelle Vincent ’65
Mrs. Mary Ellen Blatchford
Walker ’80
Ms. Mary Sinkiewicz Walker ’73
Miss Harriet G. Ward ’51 ^
Judge Martha Ware ’37 ^
Mrs. Pauline McCusker Watt ’43
Mr. Edward B. Weinstein
Mr. Alexander Wenner
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Mrs. Jean M. Wheeler
Miss Janice Wilkins ’41
Mrs. June Taylor Wright ’46
Mrs. Jane Earle Wright ’44
Mrs. Faith Butterfield Wyer ’37 ^
Ms. Judith L. Wyer ’64
Mr. Harold E. Wyer
Ms. Rebecca Yturregui ’94
30, 2009, fiscal year, ColbySawyer was again privileged to
receive several bequests and
deferred gifts. These “gifts of
a lifetime” are cherished by
the college, and we gratefully
acknowledge the thoughtful
generosity of each of the donors
whose names are listed below.
Anonymous (3) ^
Mrs. Nancy Gaunt Bradford ’32 ^
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland ^
Mrs. Louise Sprague
Danforth ’24 ^
Mrs. Edith Tedford
Hendricks ’32 ^
Mrs. Eleanor Seybert
Kujawski ’45^
Mr. Charles J. Lawson ^
Mrs. Joan Rosenwald Scott ’41 ^
Dr. Ester C. Toms ’43 ^
Ms. Mozell Zarit ’54 ^
J uly 1, 2008
J une 30, 2009
G ive
C olby -S awyer C ollege
Gifts come to Colby-Sawyer in a variety of meaningful and important ways
that can be tailored to the needs of the donor(s). Several of these gift vehicles
typically yield attractive tax benefits. Listed below are opportunities you may
wish to consider in contributing to sustaining the strength and excellence of
the college now and in the future.
Thank you again for this
year’s impressive results:
$1.6 million in annual gifts,
Gifts of cash are deductible up to 50 percent of a donor’s adjusted gross income
(AGI). Any excess can be carried over for five years.
and $6.2 million in total
Deferred Gifts
realized gifts and com­
Deferred gifts may bring donors several benefits, including income for life or for a
term of years, income for a second beneficiary, and reductions in income, capital
gains, gift, or estate taxes. These gifts take many forms, including annuities, remainder trusts, life insurance, and bequests.
Tangible personal gifts, such as art objects, jewelry, silver and antiques can be
donated to the college for educational purposes or for resale. Tax deductibility
will vary. Personal property may also be contributed to fund a trust, which will
produce income for the donor and help the donor to avoid or reduce taxes.
IRA Assets
IRAs are subject to estate tax if left to individuals other than a spouse. If you name
a charity such as Colby-Sawyer as beneficiary, all taxes are avoided.
Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gift programs allow an employee or retiree to potentially
double or triple a gift to Colby-Sawyer. Typically, the employee obtains a company
form and submits it to the college with his/her contribution. Please check with
your human resources department for more information.
Real Estate
Gifts of real estate may be made to the college outright, in whole or in part,
through transfer in a bargain sale, or to fund a gift annuity or unitrust. In some
circumstances, donors may also contribute real estate to the college while reserving
the right to occupy the property during their lifetime. Each approach has specific
estate and tax benefits.
Gifts of appreciated stocks (including mutual funds), bonds, and other securities
may offer considerable capital gains tax savings.
For more information, please contact Kathleen Carroll,
Director of Development, at (603) 526-3888.
mitments to the college.
The Class of 2013 is the
largest class in the college’s
rich history. Over 90
percent of these 450
students will depend on
scholarship support to
make a Colby-Sawyer
degree a reality. Are
you ready to make a
difference with a gift
to the 2010 Annual
Fund? 1-800-266-8253 or
Is your name missing?
Every effort has been made to ensure
that the information included in the
2009 Annual Report is accurate and
reflects the wishes of the donor.
In spite of our best efforts, errors
and omissions can occur. If you see
that we have made a mistake, we
would be grateful if you would let
us know so that we may correct our
records. Please address inquiries to
Chris Reed or Kathy Carroll, Office
of Advancement, 541 Main Street,
New London, NH 03257. You may
also call (800) 266-8253 or send an
e-mail to [email protected].
or [email protected].
Colby-Sawyer College

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