Dear Parents, Moore Elementary will host a school
Dear Parents, Moore Elementary will host a school
Dear Parents, Moore Elementary will host a school-wide Storybook Character Parade on Friday, October 30th. Students are encouraged to dress-up as their favorite storybook characters. Students may choose any character from a book they enjoy, following the guidelines in this letter. To support students’ feelings of safety and security in our building, violent or frightening costumes are not acceptable. No weapons or dangerous-looking items will be permitted to accompany a costume. Here are some examples of acceptable costume choices, and some examples of unacceptable choices. Acceptable Examples Fancy Nancy Cinderella, Snow White, etc. Greg Heffley (the Wimpy Kid) Ramona Hank the Cowdog Ms. Frizzle Babymouse Amelia Bedelia Olivia Junie B. Jones Nate the Great Pippi Longstocking Geronimo Stilton Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, etc. Unacceptable Examples characters from Goosebumps vampires Grim Reaper characters with guns or weapons ghosts horror movie characters Captain Underpants (inappropriate for school) Students need to bring the corresponding book and be ready to share why he/she is a favorite character. Please mark your calendars and talk with your child about how he or she would like to participate in this event! We’re raising funds for our students’ ongoing Academic Enrichment needs! This year’s main fundraiser is the Armadillo Fun Run! Hosting a Fun Run means there is no selling or delivering products. Family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school by giving pledges toward the number of laps your student will run on the day of the Fun Run on October 23rd. Our Fun Run program will last about 2 weeks—from October 14th – October 23rd. Students will experience an exciting Pep Rally, families will have time to get pledges, and on the last day, students will run in the Fun Run! Every student, no matter financial participation, is invited to run in the Fun Run. Also, our Fun Run comes with a world-class character theme. This year’s theme is BIG WORLD RECESS, a global fitness theme all about building character through sports. During the Fun Run program, students will travel our big world learning how to play with character from REAL kid- athletes in other cultures. How Can You Support The Armadillo Fun Run? #1. Register your child on #2. Reach out to sponsors—friends and family who could donate to help our school. #3 Ask your child about the BIG WORLD RECESS Character Play of the day. #4 Come cheer on your student at the Fun Run on October 23rd. Parents invited! More information will come home with your child prior to the event. This is the major fundraising event for the year! Thanks in advance for supporting the Moore Elementary PTO! Moore Elementary PTO Membership Welcome, to the 2015-2016 school year. We had a fantastic 2014-2015, we donated $30,000 to our school. This is all made possible through the PTO with donations and volunteer time. The PTO helps support Field Trips, Junior Achievement, Teacher Hospitality, Academic Enrichment programs, Field Day, Red Ribbon Week, Literacy Library, Math Manipulatives and much more. We are gearing up for "S'more Learning with all our Happy Campers at Moore Elementary" this upcoming school year. As always, family participation by the way of time, talent and resources are key to making our school year successful. We ask everyone (parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, etc.) to participate in any way you can. Look for meeting notifications as well as other information in the Armadillo Newsletter. If you would be interested in receiving emails regarding the PTO opportunities, please include your email with the information below. Our PTO meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month and start at 9:15am in the cafeteria, please join us. Parent/Guardian’s Name: ____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Grade(s)____________________________ PTO dues are $10.00 per family, which helps cover the cost of Academic Enrichment, Junior Achievement, Red Ribbon Week, and so much more. Logging into our new email system, PTO Builder, will give you access to the 2015-2016 Online PTO Directory. Please complete the form below and send it back, along with a check to Moore Elementary PTO. Thank you for your support. Go Armadillos!!!! Child/children Name(s):________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher(s):_________________________________________________ Please note: 1 receipt will be given per family membership. For Official Use Only: Date Paid:________________ Method: cash or check #_________ HORIZONS IDENTIFICATION PROCESS A Guide for Parent Referrals A parent’s first step is to review the information located on the HORIZONS website: especially An Overview of Program Services brochure Who are the Gifted? brochure Parent Information Should I Refer My Child? Parents/guardians should discuss appropriateness of referrals with the child’s teacher(s) and/or campus Counselor (elementary level) or Director of Instruction (secondary level). The HORIZONS Open-Referral Period begins October 1 and lasts through December 1. Parents/guardians and teachers can refer students for HORIZONS testing. Parents can obtain the Parent Survey and Permission to Test form from either their child’s campus or the HORIZONS website. Completed forms must be returned to the campus Counselor (elementary) or Director of Instruction (secondary) by December 1, 2015. Late forms will NOT be honored. Referred students’ information is listed on the Mid-year Testing Roster by Counselor or Director of Instruction; students are then scheduled for testing. Testing is administered on campus during school hours on a date set by the campus during the district testing window. Testing includes the administration of two nationally-normed standardized abilities tests. Students who score 130 or higher on the abilities tests qualify for GT services. Individual campuses send home test results to parents. 8/28/15 Students who do not score 130 as a minimum score on the abilities tests do not qualify for the HORIZONS program. Parents of students with scores of 125-129 may wish to view information on the appeal process contained in the online Appeal Process brochure. Elementary Lunch Menu October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Italian Pasta Bake FOLLOW US AT: Hamburger or Cheeseburger on Pretzel Bun Cy-Fair Nutrition Services Sunshine Carrots Garden Salad Crisp Apple Slices @PowerUpCafe Cyfairnutritionservices 5 Nachos with Baked Tostitos Grilled Chicken Sandwich Salsa Pinto Beans Baby Carrots Strawberry Cup 12 NO SCHOOL 6 Mini Corn Dogs BBQ Beef Sandwich Whole Kernel Corn Cole Slaw Mandarin Oranges 7 Chicken Teriyaki & Stir Fried Rice Turkey Hot Dog Power Up Peas Garden Salad Fresh Pineapple Homemade Banana Bread 13 2 Pizza Turkey Hot Dog Cheesy Broccoli Trees Garden Salad Orange Smiles 8 Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks & Marinara Sauce Hamburger or Cheeseburger Zippy Zucchini Garden Salad Marvelous Melon 9 Pizza Turkey Hot Dog Mixed Vegetables Garden Salad Cool Kiwi & Red Grapes 15 Orange Chicken & Stir Fried Pizza Rice Turkey Hot Dog Hamburger or Cheeseburger Cheesy Broccoli Trees on Pretzel Bun Garden Salad Sunshine Carrots Red Grapes Garden Salad Mandarin Oranges Homemade Banana Bread HAPPY NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH WEEK!! Chicken Chunks Turkey Hot Dog Whole Kernel Corn Baby Carrots Strawberry Cup Spaghetti & Meatballs Grilled Chicken Sandwich Seasoned Green Beans Garden Salad Fruit Cobbler Whole Wheat Dinner Roll 14 16 DISCOVER THE GREAT PLATE OF CY-FAIR NUTRITION SERVICES #CYFAIRNSLW Pictures of your favorite lunch! 19 Nachos with Baked Tostitos Grilled Chicken Sandwich Salsa Pinto Beans Baby Carrots Strawberry Cup 20 Mini Corn Dogs Hamburger or Cheeseburger Whole Kernel Corn Garden Salad Mandarin Oranges 26 27 Meatball Sub Hamburger or Cheeseburger Seasoned Green Beans Baby Carrots Mandarin Oranges Crunchy Tacos Mini Corn Dogs Fiesta Black Beans Carrot & Broccoli Slaw Sliced Peaches Pumpkin Cookie Chicken Teriyaki & Stir Fried Rice Turkey Hot Dog Stir Fried Rice California Blend Vegetables Garden Salad Fresh Pineapple Homemade Banana Bread Chicken Chunks BBQ Beef Sandwich Whole Kernel Corn Garden Salad Fruit Cobbler Homemade Banana Bread 21 28 22 Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks & Marinara Sauce Grilled Chicken Sandwich Zippy Zucchini Garden Salad Fresh Berries Italian Pasta Bake 29 Hamburger or Cheeseburger on Pretzel Bun Sunshine Carrots Garden Salad Crisp Apple Slices Pizza Turkey Hot Dog Seasoned Green Beans Garden Salad Cool Kiwi & Red Grapes Pizza Turkey Hot Dog Cheesy Broccoli Trees Garden Salad Orange Smiles HAPPY NATIONAL PUMPKIN DAY! A complete meal comes with: Daily Features Hummus & Pita Bread Entrée, Yogurt, Granola, & String Cheese Entrée, Sunbutter & Jelly Entrée, Turkey & Cheese or Turkey Ham & Cheese on Hoagie, Assorted Fruit Bowl Choice of Entrée 2 fruits 2 vegetables 1% white or fat free chocolate milk All Grains are Whole Grain HAVE YOU DONE YOUR DAILY MOVEMENT CHALLENGE? Fresh Salads Elementary Lunch: Paid Student Lunch: $2.00 Reduced Student Lunch: $0.40 Adult/Visitor Lunch: $3.00 Grilled Chicken Caesar Offered Daily Monday: Egg & Bacon Spinach Salad Tuesday: Chef’s Salad Wednesday: Cranberry Apple Salad Thursday: Southwest Chicken Salad Friday: Mandarin Chicken Salad See for more information on the challenge. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities and you wish to file either an EEO or program complaint please contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (in Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 23 30