crash data recorders “the black box you need to know
crash data recorders “the black box you need to know
EVENT DATA RECORDERS - CRASH DATA RECORDERS “THE BLACK BOX YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT” Woodrow M. Poplin, P.E. Woodrow M. Poplin, P.E. is a consulting engineer specializing in the evaluation of transportation accidents. Over the past 23 years he has evaluated approximately 2500 vehicle accidents. EVENT DATA RECORDERS – CRASH DATA RECORDERS As everyone knows, aircraft crash analysis usually involves locating and analyzing data from “black boxes” which record cockpit conversations, flight controls and a variety of parameters associated with the aircraft’s operation. Not as well known is that most modern vehicles store diagnostic and troubleshooting information associated with the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS or air bag), emissions control, powertrain and braking systems. This data can be retrieved with a variety of proprietary and commercial equipment usually in the form of a “scan tool” or a computer interface. Earlier systems varied tremendously but in the early 1990’s, the Society of Automotive Engineers released standards to promote more commonality among the vehicle interfaces and the equipment used to retrieve the data. The current interface is referred to as the “OBD II” (On Board Diagnostics Version II). This interface has 16 pins and is located in the passenger compartment near the center console or below the dash on the driver side. For automobile or small truck accidents, the most useful information is usually obtained with the air bag or ”Supplemental Restraint Systems”. of common interface. Large trucks have similar systems with a different type The large truck systems were developed around maintenance requirements for the engines and therefore concentrate predominately on engine operating conditions. W Poplin Engineering LLC Post Office Box 210 Wadmalaw Island, SC 29487 (843) 559-8801 Fax (843) 559-8802 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 2 Event Data Recorders were introduced into automobiles as a byproduct of airbag implementation. Air bag patents date back at least to 1952. The first commercial air bags were introduced in 1974 as an option on certain General Motors vehicles. They were available for three model years and then dropped, presumably for lack of sales. Air bags were effectively reintroduced by Mercedes in 1985 and then by all manufacturers beginning in 1989 to meet the passive restraint requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety standard 208. The airbag has to deploy in time to protect an occupant during a collision. A variety of sensors collect information that is processed in an electronic module. When some combination of the inputs exceeds the designated threshold, the airbags are activated. The systems are designed to retain portions of the input data in electronic memory. Following an accident, the automobile manufacturer can download the data. Some manufacturers are pursuing at least some public access to this information. Equipment to download and electronically interpret the data from late model General Motors, Ford and Isuzu vehicles is commercially available from Vetronix Corporation ( of Santa Barbara, California. Toyota Motor Company is expected to join the list in the very near future. Other manufacturers are likely to follow the trend. The Vetronix equipment is called the “Crash Data Retrieval System” (Fig 1). It consists of an interface module, connectors, and a software package to allow a portable computer to store and present the data. The raw data is retrieved in hexadecimal format (Fig 2). The manufacturers have not released the information necessary to directly confirm or translate the raw data. For commercial motor vehicles, the primary data of interest is in the Engine Control Module (ECM). The three major engine manufacturers, Cummins, Detroit Diesel, and Caterpillar all capture and record data that can sometimes be extensive. Knowing a vehicles speed, engine rpm, brake effort, throttle position and other parameters in detail for the time frame before, during and after a collision can be extremely helpful in any accident analysis. Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 3 Fig. 1 Vetronix Crash Data Retrieval System First generation airbags deployment systems typically consisted of one or more forward placed discriminating sensors and a more centrally located arming sensor. Each of these acts as an inertia activated switch. When a forward discriminating sensor closes, it completes a portion of the firing circuit. If the arming sensor also closes, the firing circuit is complete and airbag deployment is initiated. The sensitivity of the sensors is controlled both by their basic design and adjustment controls on the individual sensors. The air bag module for these systems predominately acts as an energy reserve source in case of loss of vehicle power and a malfunction indicator if the system detects an out of limits condition in the circuit. no logic routine and little or no data is permanently recorded. There is An example of this type of module is the General Motors “Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module” or DERM introduced for the 1990 model year. In addition to providing an energy source for deployment, the DERM provides diagnostic monitoring of the system components and activation of the malfunction warning indicators. It provides very limited event data most of which directly involves the supplemental restraint system. The data available includes the following: 1. Status of warning indicator – on/off 2. Length of time the warning indicator was illuminated 3. Crash sensing activation times or that the crash sensing criteria was met 4. Time from vehicle impact to deployment initiation 5. Diagnostic trouble codes present at the time of the event 6. Ignition cycle count at the time of the event Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 4 H exad ecim a l D ata T his page displa ys all th e data re trie ved from th e air bag m odule . It conta in s da ta th at is not conve rted by th is pro gra m . $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $40 F1 23 41 4B 00 25 00 41 82 00 00 00 00 00 00 FD 83 9B 00 1D FA FA FA 00 10 00 00 00 00 FF 12 FF FF FF 00 0A 00 01 00 C0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3D 26 00 53 30 00 75 00 44 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 83 00 01 00 FA FA FA 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE FF FF FF 00 00 01 00 00 A5 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3D C4 00 32 31 00 41 00 06 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 83 00 00 00 FA FA 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 1A 00 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 3E 1 G C G G 25U 53110322 2 F8 00 32 59 00 98 00 27 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 FA FA 00 AC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 05 00 01 00 07 FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 3E B0 00 31 59 00 00 00 58 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 FA FA 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 10 FF 01 00 FD FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 3D 04 00 39 31 00 00 00 21 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 08 FA FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 0A FF 01 00 17 FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 P age 5 of 6 P rinted on: S und ay, M arch 5 20 06 a t 10:4 4 :1 4 A M Fig. 2 Printed hexadecimal data from a 2003 Chevrolet Van Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 5 Second generation systems introduced a logic routine into the firing circuit. In a typical example, a longitudinal accelerometer provides data which is checked against a preprogrammed algorithm. When the deployment criteria is met or exceeded and a discriminating sensor is activated, deployment is initiated. The General Motors version of the module is called an SDM for “Sensing and Diagnostic Module”. It was introduced into the 1994 model year. This version of the SDM provides all of the previous data plus the following: 7. Maximum delta V for a near deployment event 8. Delta V versus time for a deployment event 9. Time from impact to time of maximum delta V 10. Status of drivers seat belt switch 11. Time between near deploy and deployment event if within 5 seconds The delta V recorded is the change in longitudinal speed undergone by the vehicle in the time period under consideration. accelerometer. It is calculated from the accelerations measured by the The device has the capability to record two separate events. threshold, below which no information is captured. There is a Once the threshold is exceeded, a near deployment is recorded. The near deployment could be as simple as striking a pothole or running into a curb. Any event which is greater than the first one will overwrite the data in this field unless the first event was followed within five seconds by a deployment level event. In this case, the data fields are locked together. If there is no near deployment event within five seconds before deployment, a second deployment level event may be recorded into the near deployment field. Beginning in 1999, General Motors began adding additional data to include: 12. Passenger airbag enabled/disabled status Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 6 13. Engine speed in second increments for five seconds prior to impact (algorithm enable) 14. Vehicle speed in second increments for five seconds prior to impact (algorithm enable) 15. Brake status (on/off) in second increments for five seconds prior to impact (algorithm enable) 16. Throttle position in second increments for five seconds prior to impact (algorithm enable) Fig. 3 Non deployment pre crash graph This type of data is useful in accident reconstruction. However, its usefulness comes with a number of caveats. First, the ability to record data is very limited. The typical General Motors SDM has 32 kilobytes of ROM (read only memory) for program code. It has 512-640 bytes of RAM (random access memory) and 512 bytes of EEPROM (electronically erasable Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 7 programmable read only memory). EEPROM. All the data stored is limited to the 512 bytes of To appreciate the small amount of storage, consider that a single letter such as “B” is one byte of information. Acceleration data may be limited to the longitudinal axis, therefore the delta V’s only reflect the component parallel to the vehicle. Because of the limited storage space, storage occurs at discrete intervals. What happened between the storage intervals could be important. The stored data is a reflection of the sensor readings. These may or may not be accurate. Bad sensors will give bad data. The sensor data may be accurate, but not a reflection of what is really happening to the vehicle. For example, the speed data comes from the drive train. If a drive wheel left the ground it could provide a false speed to the sensors. Portions of the sensor data simply reflect an on/off condition. In order to save memory space, the acceleration data is not stored. A delta V is calculated from the data. Only the resultant calculated values are actually stored. Fig.4 Supplemental Restraint Module Installed in Vehicle Under the Seat Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 8 Problems with the data occur with the manner in which it is captured. The vehicle speed is captured from the rotational speed of the drive train. This is influenced by the size of the tires, whether or not they are inflated, and whether they are rolling in line with the path of travel. A vehicle which has tires spinning, leaving the ground or traveling partially sideways will be unlikely to reflect its true speed. The data is also a “snapshot” of the status in one second intervals. Nominally it begins one second before algorithm enable. Rosenbluth (1) reports that it represents the time period of 20 to 980 milliseconds before algorithm enable. The one second designation is therefore at the extreme upper limit of the actual time period. The one second intervals are also problematic in the sense that it does not report what occurs between intervals. For example, an operator who “pumps his brakes” could cycle the pedal such that either a) no brake application was recorded or b) it appeared to be a continuous application. Even then, the brake status actually represents the status of the brake light circuit, that is, “on or off”. It tells nothing about the extent the brakes were applied nor whether they were operating properly. Further complications arise when it is recognized that the delta V may be only representative of the single longitudinal axis at the location of the module. Recorded values will be influenced both by non longitudinal accelerations and by rotation about any axis. Some systems employ dual axis accelerometers. With the increasing use of side impact airbags, it is likely that most new systems will employ either biaxial or triaxial accelerometers. Access to this type of data will allow significantly more direct comparison with reconstruction values. Other limitations are associated with the focus of the system on the airbag deployment. Frontal airbags are designed to deploy in collisions where the occupants would move forward relative to the automobile. The sensor data is concentrated on the detection of a frontal event. If the accident under consideration is a rollover, it is unlikely that the data would contain much useful information. Further advances such as side airbags require additional sensors that may provide more useful data for this type of accident. The devices are electronic with some mechanical interfaces. Electronics can be influenced by age, contamination, deterioration, electromagnetic fields, etc. In most cases, this would Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 9 produce no results. However, inaccurate results are possible. The results should be consistent with the other aspects of the accident. A traditional reconstruction is required to confirm or refute the recorded data. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Rosenbluth, William, Investigation and Interpretation of Black Box Data in Automobiles, American Society For Testing And Materials, West Conshocken, Pennsylvania, 2002. 2. NHTSA EDR Working Group, “Event Data Recorders – Sumary Of Findings.” U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, August 2001. 3. Gilman, Don, “Automotive Black Box Data Recovery Systems.” (Dec. 20, 2002) 4. LaEnvi, Michael, “The “Black Box” Well folks, It’s Really Silver!” (Dec. 20, 2002) 5. Haight, W. R. “Rusty”, “Automobile Event Data Recorder (EDR) Technology – Evolution, Data, and Reliability.” San Diego: Collision Safety Institute, 2001. 6. Makowski, Felicia, “Vehicular Vision – Your Car May Be Tracking the Way You Drive.” (Dec. 20, 2001) 7. Murray, Charles J., “Engineers Join Push for Automotive Black Boxes.” April 29, 2002 (Dec. 20, 2002) Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 10 APPENDIX I A Short Primer on the Fundamental Equations of Motion In order to understand the data collected by Event Data Recorders, it is necessary to have some understanding of the fundamental relationships which govern the sensors and the manner in which some of the data is derived. The relationships of time, distance, speed and acceleration are important to the reconstruction of most accidents. Reconstruction involves analysis using the fundamental equations of motion. As typically used in reconstruction, the parameters involve time, position, velocity, and acceleration. Concepts of time and position are well understood. Velocity and acceleration are not as easily grasped. In the English measurement system, time, length and force are the three fundamental units of measure. All other units of measure are derived from these three. Therefore, when we discuss time or length, a single value and unit will suffice. We refer to 10 seconds (sec or s) or 5 feet (ft). These are scalar quantities, that is, they need only a single value to be completely defined. Force, position, velocity, and acceleration are vector quantities. Vectors require two values, a magnitude and a direction, to be fully described. The magnitude of the velocity and acceleration are combinations of the fundamental units of measurement. We define these as: velocity = position/time (1) acceleration = velocity/time (2) We can express a velocity in any convenient combination of position (length) units and time units. Therefore, velocities are given values of 10 feet per second (ft/s) or 50 miles per hour (mph). Accelerations are similarly expressed as velocities per unit of time. are 5 feet per second per second (5 ft/s2 ) or 5 meters/sec/sec. combinations as 15 mph/sec. Typical values We can even use such Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 11 There is also a gravitational acceleration produced by the mass of two objects. For reconstruction purposes, this is limited to the earth and all objects on or near its surface. The actual attraction is influenced by the mass of the objects and their distance from one another. However, for our purposes, the mass of the earth is so much larger than the other objects that we evaluate, that we take the gravitational acceleration as a constant. It is always directed toward the center of the earth and to three significant digits, its value is 32.2 ft/s2. It is interesting to note that there is no way to distinguish between the acceleration caused by a change in motion from the acceleration caused by a gravitational attraction. A convenient unit of acceleration measurement is obtained by comparing the acceleration to that produced by the gravitational attraction between an object and the earth. This acceleration is given the symbol of “g”. Accelerations are referred to as fractions or multiples of a g. Accelerations of 16.1 ft/s2 or 64.4 ft/s 2 would be called ½ g and 2 g’s respectively. As an object moves, it changes position with time. The change in position with time is the velocity. Note that because the velocity is defined by both a magnitude and a direction, the velocity is changing if the direction or the magnitude is changing. A vehicle traveling around a curve has a changing velocity even if the magnitude or “speed” remains constant. Similarly, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity. Most equations developed for accident reconstruction assume that the acceleration is constant. If we plot a typical movement of an automobile from a stopped position to highway speed, we might get a curve like the following: Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 12 Distance (Ft) DISTANCE vs. TIME 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Time (Sec) The slope of the curve at any point is the velocity. The velocity curve for the same movement is: V E L O C IT Y vs . T IM E 3 5.0 Velocity (Ft/S) 3 0.0 2 5.0 2 0.0 1 5.0 1 0.0 5 .0 0 .0 0.0 2 .0 4 .0 6.0 T im e (S e c ) 8 .0 10.0 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 13 And the acceleration curve: ACCELERATION vs. TIME 4.0 2 Acceleration (Ft/S ) 5.0 3.0 ``````` 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 Time (Sec) If we can define the movement with an equation, then we can obtain the slope of the equation by taking the mathematical derivative of that equation. For example, the equation for the first graph (distance vs. time) is: s = s0 + v0 t + 1 /2 at2 where s, s0 , v0 , a, and t are the position at time t, original position, original velocity, acceleration and time. (3) v = v0 + at is the derivative of the first equation and the plotted curve. (4) a = constant is the derivative of equation 4 and the second derivative of equation 3. (5) Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 14 Alternatively, if we start with an acceleration curve, we can integrate it to obtain the velocity curve and integrate it once again to obtain the motion curve. ACCELERATION vs. TIME 5.0 2 Acceleration (Ft/S ) 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 Time (Sec) Integration is a mathematical concept which calculates the area under the curve. For example, in the example above, the acceleration is 3 ft/s2 . To calculate the velocity after 4 seconds, it is simply 3 ft/s2 times 4 seconds or 12 ft/s. VELOCITY vs. TIME 35 Ve locity (Ft/S) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Time (Sec) 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 15 To obtain the distance we find the area under the velocity curve. For the triangular velocity curve, the area is half of the equivalent rectangle. For 4 seconds, this is 0.5 times 4 seconds times 12 ft/s or 24 ft. D istance (Ft) DISTANCE vs. TIME 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Time (Sec) The graph below shows an acceleration curve for a standing start of a 1998 Toyota 4-runner sport utility vehicle. The data was obtained from a Vericom VC2000 accelerometer: 4Run ner 7/ 6/1999 1 Accele ration 0.40 0.30 Ac cel era tio n (G) 0.20 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (Sec .) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 16 The graph below shows a velocity curve for a standing start of a 1998 Toyota 4-runner sport utility vehicle. The data was obtained from a Vericom VC2000 accelerometer. The graph is actually a representation of the area under the acceleration vs. time curve, since the Vericom 2000 is only capable of measuring acceleration as a function of time. It cannot directly measure velocity or distance. 4 Run ner 7/6 /19 99 1 Spee d 60 50 S peed ( MPH ) 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (Sec.) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The graph below shows a distance curve for a standing start of a 1998 Toyota 4-runner sport utility vehicle. The data was obtained from a Vericom VC2000 accelerometer. The graph represents the area under the velocity curve. 1300 4Run ner 7 /6/19 99 1 Di stanc e 1200 1100 1000 900 D ist an ce ( Fee t) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (Sec.) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 17 The curve below is an acceleration curve produced by a tractor trailer: So far we have discussed acceleration as a concept of straight line motion. However, these equations can be calculated independently for each axis of interest. For example, the ballistic equations used for falls, vaults, etc. are developed using a horizontal and vertical axis. The rise and fall times associated with a gravitational acceleration are independent of the horizontal motion. The concepts are also not limited to linear movement. The equations for angular rotation are identical if the following substitutions are used: Linear Rotation Mass Moment of inertia Distance angular displacement Velocity angular velocity Acceleration angular acceleration Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 18 The rotational equations of motion for a constant angular acceleration are therefore given by: = 0 + 0 t + 1 /2t2 where , 0 , 0 , , and t are the position at time t, original angle, original rotational velocity, angular acceleration and time. (6) = 0 + t is the angular velocity at time t (7) = constant is a constant angular acceleration (8) The Supplemental Restraint Modules do not measure distance or speed. They actually only measure accelerations at certain time frames. The delta v’s are then calculated as the integral or area of the accelerations vs. the time period under consideration. They also may calculate the jerk which is the time rate of change of the acceleration. It is calculated by taking the slope or “derivative” of the acceleration vs. time curve. All of the information is dependent upon the measured accelerations and the internal time clock. The recording instruments do not distinguish between the accelerations caused by translational velocity change, rotation or gravity. Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 19 APPENDIX II List of Vehicles Currently Supported by the Vetronix Crash Data Retrieval System Vetronix – Crash Data Retrieval Isuzu Vehicles 20 00 Ma ke Is uzu Mo de l Ho mb re Ca bl e 02 00 28 29 Mo dule Locat ion Ce nt er tu nn el 20 03 - 2004 Ma ke Is uzu Mo de l As ce nd er Ca bl e 02 0 02 82 9 Mo dule Locat ion Ce nt er tu nn el 20 05 - 2006 Ma ke Is uzu Mo de l As ce nd er Ca bl e 02 00 32 93 Mo dule Locat ion Ce nt er tu nn el Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 20 Vetronix – Crash Data Retrieval Ford Vehicles 2001 Make Model Cable Module Location Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford 02003043 02003274 DLC only 02003274 02003274 02003274 Center tunnel Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 DLC only Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP DLC only Center tunnel under IP DLC only Center tunnel under IP DLC only Center tunnel under IP Ford Ford Ford Ford Crown Victoria Escape Escort Excursion Expedition Explorer Sport (2 door) Explorer Sport Trac (pickup) F 150 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Mustang Ranger Taurus Wi ndstar 02003274 02003274 02003043 02003043 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel Center tunnel Lincoln Lincoln Continental LS 02003274 02003274 Lincoln Lincoln Navigator Town Car 02003274 02003043 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel Mercury Mercury Grand Marquis Sable 02003043 02003043 Center tunnel Center tunnel 2002 Make Ford Ford Ford Ford Model Crown Victoria Escape Escort Excursion Cable 02003043 02003274 DLC only 02003274 Module Location Center tunnel Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 21 Ford Ford Expedition Explorer Sport (2 door) 02003274 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Ford 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Ford Ford Ford Explorer Sport Trac (pickup) F 150 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Mustang Ranger Thunderbird 02003274 02003274 02003274 Ford Windstar 02003043 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats Center tunnel Lincoln Lincoln Continental LS 02003274 02003274 Lincoln Lincoln Navigator Town Car 02003274 02003043 Mercury Grand Marquis 02003043 Center tunnel Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford 2003 Make Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel Cable 02003043 02003274 02003274 02003274 02003274 Module Location Center tunnel Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Ford Ford Ford Model Crown Victoria Escape Excursion F 150 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Mustang Ranger Thunderbird 02003274 02003274 02003274 Ford Windstar 02003043 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats Center tunnel Ford Ford Ford Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 22 Lincoln Town Car 02003043 Center tunnel Mercury Grand Marquis 02003043 Center tunnel Model Cable 02003043 02003274 02003274 02003274 Module Location Center tunnel Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 02003274 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats 2004 Make Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Crown Victoria Escape Excursion F 150 (Heritage) F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Mustang Ranger Thunderbird Lincoln Town Car 02003043 Center tunnel Mercury Grand Marquis 02003043 Center tunnel 02003274 02003274 Cable Module Location Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 Center tunnel under IP 02003274 02003274 Center tunnel under IP Center tunnel between seats Ford Ford Ford Ford 2005 Make Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Model Excursion F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Ranger Thunderbird Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 23 Vetronix – Crash Data Retrieval GM Vehicles Make Buick Buick Model Commercial Road master Cable 02003002 * 02003002 * Module Location LF side under dash LF side under dash Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Fleetwood 02003002 * 02003002 * LF side under dash LF side under dash Chevrolet Chevrolet Caprice Commercial 02003002 * 02003002 * LF side under dash LF side under dash Pontiac Grand Prix 02003002 * Under RF seat Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Commercial Le Sabre Park Avenue Regal Road master Cable 02003002 * 02003002 02003002 02003002 * 02003002 * Module Location LF side under dash Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat LF side under dash Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Concours Deville Eldorado Fleetwood Seville 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * LF side under dash Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat LF side under dash Under LF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Caprice Impala Lumina Metro Monte Carlo 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * 02003002 * LF side under dash LF side under dash Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Eighty Eight Ninety Eight 02003002 * Under RF seat 02003002 02003002 Under RF seat Under RF seat 1995 Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 24 Pontiac Bonneville 02003002 Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Grand Prix Firefly 02003002 * 02003002 * Under RF seat Center tunnel Saturn All Models DLC only Center tunnel Make Buick Model Commercial Cable 02003002 Module Location LF side under dash Buick Le Sabre 02003002 Under RF seat Buick Park Avenue 02003002 Under RF seat Buick Regal 02003002 Under RF seat Buick Riviera 02002888 Under RF seat Buick Buick Road master Skylark 02003002 02002888 LF side under dash Under RF seat Cadillac Commercial 02003002 LF side under dash Cadillac Concours 02003002 Under LF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Deville Eldorado Fleetwood Seville Astro Camaro Caprice Cavalier Express Impala Lumina Metro Monte Carlo 02003002 02003002 02003002 02003002 02002888 02002888 02003002 02002888 02002888 02003002 02003002 DLC only 02003002 Under LF seat Under LF seat LF side under dash Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel LF side under dash Under RF seat Under LF seat LF side under dash Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Geo Tracker DLC only Center tunnel GMC GMC Safari Savana 02002888 02002888 Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Achieva Aurora 02002888 02002888 Under RF seat Under RF seat 1996 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 25 Oldsmobile 02003002 Under RF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Eighty Eight Ninety Eight 02003002 02003002 Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand AM Grand Prix Sunfire 02003002 02002888 DLC only 02002888 02003002 02002888 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All models 02002888 Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Riviera Skylark Cable 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Module Location Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Concours Deville Eldorado Seville 02002828 02002828 02002828 02002828 02002828 Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Astro Camaro Cavalier Corvette 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Lumina Malibu Metro Monte Carlo Silverado Suburban Tahoe Venture 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat 1997 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 26 Geo Tracker DLC only Center tunnel GM1 EV1 02002888 RF side of battery pack tunnel near IP GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Safari Savana Sierra Suburban Yukon 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile 02002888 02002888 02003002 Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Achieva Aurora Cutlass Supreme Eighty Eight Regency Silhouette 02002888 02002888 02002888 Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand AM Grand Prix Sunfire Trans Sport 02002888 02002888 DLC only 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All models 02002888 Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Riviera Skylark Cable 02002888 02002888 02002828 02002888 02002888 02002888 Module Location Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Deville Eldorado Seville 02002828 02002828 02002828 02002828 Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Astro Blazer Camaro 02002888 02002888 02002888 Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel 1998 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 27 Chevrolet Chevrolet Cavalier Corvette 02002888 02002888 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Lumina Malibu Metro Monte Carlo 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only 02002888 Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet S10 S10 electric Silverado Suburban Tahoe Tracker Venture 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only DLC only Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Jimmy Safari Savana Sierra Sonoma Suburban Yukon 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Achieva Aurora Bravada Cutlass Eighty Eight Intrigue Regency Silhouette 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand AM Grand Prix Sunfire Trans Sport 02002888 02002888 DLC only 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All models 02002888 Center tunnel Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 28 1999 Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century Le Sabre Park Avenue Regal Riveria Cable 02002829 02002888 02002828 02002829 02002888 Module Location Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Deville Eldorado Escalade Seville 02002828 02002828 02002828 02002888 Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Astro Blazer C/K pickup Camaro Cavalier Corvette 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002829 02002888 02002829 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Lumina Malibu Metro Monte Carlo S10 S10 Electric Silverado Suburban Tahoe Tracker Venture 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only DLC only GM1 EV1 02002888 RF side of battery pack tunnel, near IP GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC C/K pickup Jimmy Safari Savana Sierra Sonoma Suburban Yukon 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat 02002828 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 29 Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Aurora Bravada Cutlass Eighty Eight Intrigue Silhouette 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 02002888 DLC only Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand AM Grand Prix2 Sunfire Trans Sport 02002888 02002829 DLC only 02002888 02002829 02002888 DLC only Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn3 All Models2 02002829 Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Cable 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Module Location Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Deville Eldorado Escalade Seville 02002829 02002829 02002828 02002888 02002829 Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Astro Blazer C/K pickup Camaro Cavalier Corvette 02002829 02002829 02002888 02002829 02002829 02002829 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Impala Lumina Malibu 02002888 02002829 02002888 02002829 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat 2000 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 30 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet4 Chevrolet Chevrolet4 Chevrolet Chevrolet4 Chevrolet Chevrolet Metro Monte Carlo S10 Silverado Silverado Suburban Suburban Tahoe Tahoe Tracker Venture DLC only 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002888 02002829 02002888 02002829 02002888 DLC only 02002829 Center tunnel Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC C/K pickup Jimmy Safari Savana Sierra 02002888 02002829 02002829 02002888 02002829 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat GMC4 GMC GMC GMC GMC4 Sierra Sonoma Suburban Yukon Yukon 02002888 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002888 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Bravada Intrigue Silhouette 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand Am Grand Prix2 Montana Sunfire 02002829 02002829 DLC only 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All models 02002829 Center tunnel Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Cable 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Module Location Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat 2001 Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 31 Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Deville Eldorado Seville 02002829 02002829 02002828 02002829 Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Astro Blazer C/K pickup Camaro Cavalier Corvette 02002829 02002829 02002888 02002829 02002829 02002829 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express2 Impala Lumina Malibu Metro 02002829 02002829 02002888 02002829 DLC only Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Monte Carlo S10 Silverado Suburban Tahoe Tracker Venture 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 DLC only 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC C/K pickup Jimmy Safari Savana2 Sierra Sonoma Yukon Yukon XL 02002888 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Aurora Bravada Intrigue Silhouette 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Aztek Bonneville Firebird Firefly Grand Am Grand Prix2 Montana 02002829 02002829 02002829 DLC only 02002829 02002829 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 32 Pontiac Sunfire 02002829 Under RF seat Saturn All models 02002829 Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Rendezvous Cable 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Module Location Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial Deville Eldorado 02003003 02003003 02002828 Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Cadillac Cadillac Escalade Seville 02002829 02002829 Under LF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Avalanche Astro Blazer Camaro Cavalier Corvette 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express2 Impala Malibu Monte Carlo S10 Silverado Suburban Tahoe Tracker TrailBlazer Venture 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 DLC only 02002829 02003004 Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Envoy Safari Savana 2 Sierra Sonoma 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel 2002 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 33 GMC GMC Yukon Yukon XL 02002829 02002829 Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Aurora Bravada Intrigue Silhouette 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003004 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Aztek Bonneville Firebird Grand Am Grand Prix2 Montana Sunfire 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003004 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn Saturn All cars VUE 02002829 02003004 Center tunnel Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Regal Rendezvous Cable 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Module Location Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial CTS Deville Escalade Seville XLR Roadster 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02002829 02003003 Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and A/C control head Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Avalanche Astro Blazer Cavalier Corvette 02003003 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head 2003 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 34 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Impala Kodiak Malibu Monte Carlo S10 Silverado SSR Suburban Tahoe Tracker TrailBlazer Venture 02003003 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 DLC only 02002829 02003004 Under LF seat Under RF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Hummer Envoy Safari Savana Sierra Sonoma Top Kick Yukon Yukon XL H2 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 02003003 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Aurora Bravada Silhouette 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003004 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Aztek Bonneville Grand Am Grand Prix2 Montana Sunfire 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003004 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All cars except ION ION VUE 02002829 Center tunnel 02003004 02003004 Center tunnel Center tunnel Saturn Saturn Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 35 2004 Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Century LeSabre Park Avenue Rainier Regal Rendezvous Cable 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003004 Module Location Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial CTS Deville Escalade EXT XLR Roadster 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 Cadillac Cadillac Seville SRX 02002829 02003003 Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and A/C control head Under RF seat Center tunnel Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Avalanche Astro Blazer Colorado Cavalier 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003003 02002829 Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Classic Corvette 02002829 02002829 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003321 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Express Impala Kodiak Malibu (see note 7) Monte Carlo S10 Silverado SSR Suburban Tahoe Tracker TrailBlazer Venture Under RF seat Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under LF seat Under RF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 DLC only 02002829 02003004 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat GMC Canyon 02003003 Center tunnel Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 36 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Envoy Safari Savana Sierra Sonoma Top Kick Yukon Yukon XL 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003003 02003003 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Hummer H2 02003003 Under LF seat Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Alero Bravada Silhouette 02002829 02002829 02003004 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Aztek Bonneville Grand Am Grand Prix Montana Sunfire 02003004 02002829 02002829 02003004 02003004 02002829 Under RF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Saturn All cars except ION ION VUE 02002829 Center tunnel 02003004 02003004 Center tunnel Center tunnel Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Model Allure Century Lacrosse LeSabre Park Avenue Rainier Rendezvous Terraza Cable 02003004 02002829 02003004 02002829 02002829 02003293 02003004 02003004 Module Location Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Commercial CTS Deville Escalade EXT SRX STS (see note7) 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003321 Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Saturn Saturn 2005 Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 37 Cadillac XLR Roadster 02003003 Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and A/C control head Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Avalanche Astro Cavalier Cobalt (see note 7) Colorado Corvette 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003321 Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat 02003003 02003003 02002829 02003004 02003003 02002829 02002829 02002829 02003321 Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Classic Equinox Express Impala Kodiak Malibu Classic Malibu (see note 7) Monte Carlo Silverado SSR Suburban Tahoe Uplander Trailblazer Center tunnel Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Under RF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under RF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel 02002829 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003004 02003293 Under RF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Chevrolet Venture 02003004 Under RF seat GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Canyon Envoy Safari Savana Sierra Top Kick Yukon Yukon XL 02003003 Center tunnel 02003293 02002829 02003003 02003003 02002829 02003003 02003003 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Under LF seat Hummer H2 02003003 Under LF seat Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Aztek Bonneville G6 (see note 7) Grand Am Grand Prix 02003004 02002829 02003321 Under RF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel 02002829 02003004 Under RF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Pontiac Pontiac Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 38 Pontiac Pontiac 02003004 02003321 Under RF seat Center tunnel Pontiac Montana Pursuit (see note 7) Sunfire 02002829 Under RF seat Saab 9-7X 02003293 Center tunnel Saturn All cars except ION ION Relay VUE 02002829 Center tunnel 02003004 02003004 02003004 Center tunnel Under RF seat Center tunnel Model Allure Lacrosse Lucerne (see note 7) Rainer Rendezvous Terraza with RPO AW9 Terraza with out RPO AW9 Cable 02003004 02003004 02003320 Module Location Under RF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel 02003293 02003004 02003004 Center tunnel Under RF seat Under RF seat 02003293 Under RF seat Saturn Saturn Saturn 2006 Make Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Commercial 02003320 (see note 7) CTS 02003003 DTS (see note 02003320 7) Escalade 02003003 SRX 02003003 STS (see note 02003321 7) XLR Roadster 02003003 Center tunnel Avalanche Blazer Cobalt (see note 7) Colorado 02003003 02002829 02003321 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat 02003003 Center tunnel Center tunnel Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Center tunnel Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and A/C control head Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 39 Chevrolet Corvette 02003003 02003321 Behind accessory trim plate, under heater and AC control head Center tunnel Under LF seat Center tunnel Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Equinox Express HHR (see note 7) Impala (see note 7) Kodiak Malibu Classic Malibu (see note 7) 02003004 02003003 02003320 Under RF seat 02002829 02002829 02003321 Under LF seat Under RF seat Center tunnel Monte Carlo (see note 7) Silverado SSR Suburban Tahoe Trailblazer Uplander with out RPO AW9 Uplander with RPO AW9 Venture with out RPO AW9 Venture with RPO AW9 02003320 Under RF seat 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003003 02003293 02003004 Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under RF seat 02003293 Under RF seat 02003004 Under RF seat 02003293 Under RF seat GMC Canyon 02003003 Center tunnel GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Envoy Savana Sierra Sonoma Top Kick Yukon 02003293 02003003 02003003 02002829 02002829 02003003 Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Center tunnel Under LF seat Under LF seat Hummer Hummer H2 H3 02003003 02003293 Under LF seat Under LF seat Pontiac G6 (see note 7) Grand Am Grand Prix Montana with out RPO AW9 02003321 Center tunnel 02002829 02003004 02003004 Under RF seat Under RF seat Under RF seat Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Woodrow M. Poplin, M.S.E., P.E. Page 40 Pontiac Montana with RPO AW9 (see note 7) Pursuit (see note 7) 02003321 Under RF seat 02003321 Center tunnel 02003321 Center tunnel Pontiac Solstice (see note 7) Torrent 02003004 Center tunnel Saab 9-7X 02003293 Center tunnel Saturn Saturn ION Relay with RPO AW9 Relay with out RPO AW9 VUE with out RPO ASF VUE with RPO ASF (see note 7) 02003004 02003293 Center tunnel Under RF seat 02003004 Under RF seat 02003004 Center tunnel 02003293 Center tunnel Pontiac Pontiac Saturn Saturn Saturn * These vehicles use the 12 pin DLC cable, 02003090. 1. Please connect directly to the SDM for EV1 electric cars. 2. Does not record pre-crash data. 3. 1999 Saturn vehicle’s DLC port has a non-standard wiring configuration and does not interface with the Vetronix OBD II interface cable (02002837). Please connect directly to 4. the SDM, or contact Vetronix for more information. 5. These trucks have different SDMs depending upon body style. If the eighth digit of the VIN is either F, J, or R, please use the 02002888 cable. 6. If no cable part number is shown, this means the vehicle is supported via DLC only. 7. Clicking on cable part number displays expected data. 8. No key is required to download these vehicles, leave ignition off.
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