ICE Yorkshire and Humber Annual Report 2014-15


ICE Yorkshire and Humber Annual Report 2014-15
ICE President (2014-15) Professor
David Balmforth on site at Leeds
Station Southern Entrance
ICE Yorkshire and Humber
Annual Report 2014-15
About ICE Yorkshire and Humber
I have thoroughly enjoyed my second year as Chair of
the region. The Regional Committee and the Regional
Support Team have provided fantastic support and
together we have had a very successful year. The
incoming Regional Director, Penny Marshall, has
brought best practice from the North East region and
the two regions are now working closely together to
improve our support to members in both regions.
The President of the ICE, David Balmforth visited
the region on 5-6 March, joining the Graduates and
Students and the Retired Members for a thoughtprovoking debate focussing on the challenges facing
society. The following day, David chaired a meeting
with the Fellows followed by a visit to the Leeds
Station Southern Entrance construction site. We then
met with regional influencers at the West Yorkshire
Combined Authority to discuss infrastructure planning,
funding and delivery within the region.
The 60th Annual Gala Dinner was again held in
Harrogate, an evening celebrating civil engineering
in the Yorkshire and Humber region. This year we
decided to shake up the annual awards to ensure that
the event showcased the excellent work that takes
place here in Yorkshire and Humber, whether large or
small. We created three awards - Centenary, Smeaton
and the all new Sir John Fowler Award, which are
categorised by project value. The Centenary, for
projects greater than £5m; Smeaton, between £5m
and £500,000 and the Sir John Fowler, less than
£500,000, the latter to recognise the contributions
of studies, research and smaller works that take
place across the region.
These awards were presented to:
■■ S ir John Fowler Award: The River Hull Advisory
Board and Pell Frischmann for the River Hull
Integrated Catchment Strategy
■■ Smeaton Award: The Humber Bridge Board, Arup
and C Spencer for the Humber Bridge A Frames
■■ Centenary Award: Yorkshire Water Services, Ove
Arup and Morgan Sindall Grontmij JV for the
Scarborough Revised Bathing Water Directive
Congratulations to the winners and all the entrants
for contributing to a high quality awards event
demonstrating what we can do in the Yorkshire and
Humber region.
The highlight of my second year as Chair has been
collaborating with like-minded built environment
organisations to form the Yorkshire and Humber
Infrastructure Alliance. The Alliance is currently made
up of CIHT, CECA, ICE, ACE, CIC and Constructing
Excellence. We are open to other partners joining where
they share our vision of ‘Preparing for Growth – Making
a Case for Investment in the Yorkshire and Humber Region’.
The Alliance Manifesto was launched at a wellreceived high profile event in Leeds in March. We are
now putting flesh on the bones of our key areas of
Connectivity, Resilience and Skills. The Alliance is not just
about influencing regional and national policy makers,
but also supporting our membership which represents
80% of the construction sector in the region. As an
Alliance we are collaborating on our under-19 initiatives
and developing a combined knowledge programme,
offering a wider breadth and content for evening
meetings. We do however need support to continue
our momentum, I don’t see this purely as a Regional
Committee activity and we need support from our
members to make the Alliance a success. Please contact
us if you would like to offer your support.
To conclude, I have thoroughly enjoyed being Chair of
your region, and I would like to wish incoming Chair,
Nick Chamberlain every success for the coming year.
Damian Kilburn CEng MICE
Chair, ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2013-15
The active members of ICE bring the
ICE global vision to life.
To foster and promote the art and science of
civil engineering.
Make a difference: get involved
2025 vision and strategy
■■ The qualifying body for a broad spectrum
of activity in the built environment
■■ An authoritative and independent voice
because of its collective knowledge and
emphasis on lifelong learning and education
■■ Respected for its advice because of the
commitment members make to selfimprovement to provide ethical solutions to
societal problems at all levels and scales
■■ Global membership which is passionate
about being part of such a rewarding
profession and inspiring the next generation
■■ The organisation to which the world’s
organisations and institutions turn to,
to help identify and tackle the world’s
global challenges
Promote ICE events in your organisation
Join local branches, and act as ICE’s link with external organisations and other professional groups
Organise technical or networking events and seminars
Join the Regional Advisory Board and provide expert opinion to inform ICE’s State of the
Nation reports
Submit a project you’ve worked on for the Annual Awards
Become an ICE school ambassador
Become a Supervising Civil Engineer (SCE) or mentor and support apprentices and graduates to
become professionally qualified; become a Professional Reviewer
Display banners at project sites as part of 'This is Civil Engineering' campaign
Enter a Graduates and Students' competition, or if you are not eligible, volunteer as a judge or
come along to support the competitors
e: [email protected]
ICE Yorkshire and Humber Region
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
As a learned society, ICE is a centre for the
exchange of specialist knowledge and a provider of
resources to encourage innovation and excellence
in the profession.
ICE Yorkshire and Humber brings together members
with particular specialisms and experts from all
sectors, to promote debate on key issues for civil
engineering and for society as a whole.
Our special interest groups hold an excellent
programme of technical events including
presentations, site visits, conferences and seminars
helping ICE members across the Yorkshire and
Humber region keep their industry knowledge and
skills up-to-date.
ICE continues to provide a secure online events
booking system for evening lectures and events. ICE
members who book online and sign the attendance
register at the event, will be recorded on MyICE for
CPD purposes.
Members are encouraged to attend any event that
interests them - not just those organised by their
special interest group.
2014-15 highlights
■■ ICE Yorkshire and Humber held 37 learned society
events, lectures and seminars with popular subjects
including: Geotechnical Aspects of Crossrail,
Resilient Energy Supplies in the UK, Flood Resilience
in Hull, and Air Pollution in the M1 Corridor. A
lecture on Construction Design Management, and
the annual debate: Women in Engineering, were
also filmed and made available online.
■■ A range of targeted events were also held including
a site visit to Fylingdales Early Warning Station,
Welcome to the Region, and careers evenings.
■■ Over 1,600 members attended knowledge
transfer events.
■■ Annual Debate – Women in Engineering chaired
by Alexandra Wynne, Deputy Editor of New Civil
Engineer (NCE) magazine, and with a distinguished
panel including Mark Hansford, Editor of NCE, and
Suzy Firkin of WISE, was attended by 80 people,
with many more viewing online.
Image right: Presenters at the 'Fracking. What is it? What
should I know?' debate, chaired by ICE Fellow David Hirst.
2015-16 and beyond
■■ Geotechnics in the Rail Industry, held at the
Railway Museum in York in May attracted 111
delegates, 19 speakers and 9 industry stands.
Excellent feedback was received from those present,
who were impressed with the wide variety of topics
covered, and the excellent value for money.
■■ Fracking. What is it? What should I know?
This debate held in October, organised at the
University of Sheffield jointly between ICE,
IET and IMechE, had an excellent turnout of
over 150 people, attracting members of the
public in addition to institution members.
■■ ICE Yorkshire and Humber continued to hold
regular joint events with other Professional
Engineering Institutions, including CIHT,
IStructE, IET and IMechE.
An exciting programme is planned for the
2015-16 season including:
■■ Holme Tunnel: repairing a railway tunnel
through a large and active landslip in
the Pennines.
■■ Annual Debate - Infrastructure for a
Northern Powerhouse.
■■ What role should Nuclear Power
Technologies play as part of the UK
Energy mix?
■■ At least four regional events will be made
available online, offering an alternative
option to attending knowledge transfer
events at a specific time.
■■ A programme of lunchtime webinars
will be developed to enable members to
access knowledge at a time convenient
for them.
Graduate and Student Conference
In May 2016 our graduates and students' section
will be holding their first ever conference, based on
the Leeds Station Southern Entrance project.
Speakers will look at the various elements of the project
from inception to completion, and the event will help
graduate members understand how the lifecycle of the
project maps against the attributes of membership which
must be demonstrated at Professional Review.
Book your place at:
Images - Top right: Leeds Station
Southern Entrance under construction in
March 2015
For upcoming events, visit:
Keep up-to-date with latest
news and events information by
following us on twitter
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Membership and qualification
Increasing the number of professionally
qualified members is vital to achieving
the highest levels of competency in the
industry. ICE qualifications continue to
enjoy global recognition.
ICE Yorkshire and Humber Membership
Development Officers (MDOs) support civil
engineers at all stages of their professional
development, helping them to achieve the
appropriate professional qualification.
In addition to meeting with members and
non-members in companies across the
region, MDOs also ran membership
surgeries, providing detailed advice and
support to individual members. In addition
to face to face surgeries, a number were
offered using video conferencing to increase
accessibility for members. There were also
dedicated telephone surgeries, to guide and
advise experienced civil engineers how to
progress their membership.
In 2014-15, our MDOs met more than1,000
trainees, Supervising Civil Engineers (SCEs),
Delegated Engineers (DEs) and potential
members, undertaking 90 visits and surgeries.
They also delivered six forum events for SCEs
and DEs to provide up to date information
for those volunteers who play a key role in
supporting the training and development of
young engineers.
ICE Training is the training
arm of ICE and leading
provider of specialist training
for civil engineers, project
managers and construction
professionals. See
for details of upcoming training including
routes to ICE Membership and ICE
Professional Review preparation.
Engaging with academic staff and students
on university and college civil engineering
courses in Yorkshire and Humber is another
important aspect of their role, as is working
with the regional Graduates & Students'
(G&S) Committee.
2014-15 highlights
In September 2014 , ICE Yorkshire and Humber
membership staff joined colleagues from the
North East and North West to form one of five
Membership Recruitment Teams working to
a coordinated UK-wide plan managed by the
Director of Membership. These changes have
enabled the Membership Recruitment team to
work more collaboratively and provide better
support to our current members. More details
on page 19.
■■ 55 Yorkshire and Humber candidates
applied for their Professional Review.
There were 21 new technician members,
an increase of almost 30%.
■■ 7 new fellows - the highest and most
senior membership grade.
■■ 177 new graduate members were recruited
– with an overall increase in graduate
members of 6%.
■■ A restructured Professional Review
training programme provided support for
30 members.
EngTechNow, a partnership between ICE, IET and
IMechE, which was launched last year, continues
to help technicians and engineering apprentices
to professionally register as Engineering Technicians
(EngTech) and enhance their status.
As part of our continued efforts to grow technician
membership, ICE Yorkshire and Humber introduced the
work-based Technician Professional Review – held at the
candidates’ place of work.
Monthly webinars continue to deliver training on a range of membership topics, with 'live' events
and recordings offering on-demand training and information for members. For more information
and to access past recordings see
2015-16 and beyond
■■ Early in 2015, membership processes were
streamlined. This included a single application
for those with experience, the launch of a webbased tool for recording initial professional
development for graduate/student members
and new advice and guidance in line with the
new website. In 2016 we will be launching
the updated version of the web-based tool
for initial professional development, following
feedback from those who have been using it.
■■ A prime focus for 2016 is to increase
technician membership, which is currently an
underrepresented grade. We will implement the
new single application form for EngTech TMICE
and continue to work closely with employers to
develop bespoke workplace technician review
assessment centres.
■■ We will also be developing academic
partnerships to further strengthen our links with
universities and colleges in the region, and support
growth in student members.
■■ It is important for the vitality of the organisation
that senior members of the profession go forward to
become fellows of the Institution. In the coming year
we will be running a number of Towards Fellowship
breakfasts to encourage and support aspiring fellows.
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Membership and qualification
Congratulations to the candidates in Yorkshire and Humber who have successfully passed their Professional Review. ICE's professionally qualified
grades of membership are internationally recognised and highly valued. Attainment of these is widely viewed as a significant achievement and a
benchmark of an engineer's competence and professional standing.
Congratulations to those members who were elected as Fellows in 2014-15:
Yorkshire and Humber’s professionally qualified members in 2014-15
Chartered Professional Review
■■ Paul Ahdal, Amey
■■ James Barnes, The Spencer Group
■■ Oliver Birkill, Tata Steel Projects
■■ Alexander Boynton, Network Rail
■■ Benjamin Clarke, Network Rail
■■ David Coates, GGP
■■ Mark Colledge, Mott MacDonald
■■ Joaquim Chu, Amey plc
■■ Andrew Davison, Jacobs UK Limited
■■ Paul Eckersley, Costain Ltd
■■ Philip France, Mott MacDonald
■■ Michael Gaunt, Mott MacDonald Group Ltd
■■ Liam Kennelly, Jacobs UK Limited
■■ Alexander McEnaney, Bechtel
■■ Andrew Pearce ,Jacobs UK Limited
■■ Sarah Rab, Amey Plc
■■ Robert Ramshaw, URS
Benjamin Ridgeon, Highways England
Daniel Rodger, JBA Consulting Engineers & Scientists
Mohammed Shujayathali, WSP Group Ltd
Kate Speirs, Mott MacDonald Bentley Ltd
Katherine Speyer, Balfour Beatty Construction Services UK
Keith Stockdale, KJ Stockdale Ltd
George Watson, Aecom Ltd
Charlotte Woodhall-Jones, JBA Consulting
Chartered Professional Review Progressive
■■ Haroon Rashid, Aggregates Industries Ltd
Member Professional Review
■■ Ian Bellamy, Jacobs UK Ltd
■■ James Burgess, BDS Structural Design Services Limited
■■ Ben Darville, JBA Bentley Ltd
■■ David Hird, Jacobs
■■ Matthew Kendall, JBA Consulting
■■ Collins Karanya, A-One+
■■ John Lyttle, Environment Agency
■■ Bashar Mannan, Morgan Sindall plc
■■ Samuel Murray, Amey OW Ltd
■■ Philip Priest, Atkins
■■ Steven Roberts, Jacobs UK Ltd
■■ Joshua Wattam, Environment Agency
■■ Benjamin Wright, Mouchel
Technician Professional Review
■■ Michael Chatterton, Network Rail
■■ Martin Crossley, Grontmij Ltd
■■ Nicholas Curtis, Breheny Construction Ltd
■■ Barry Hall, Amey plc
■■ Nathan Headington, Atom Consultants
■■ Alex Hinchcliffe, AECOM
■■ Michael Howard, David William Howard
■■ Richard Howlett, Canal & River Trust
■■ Liam Kelly, Balfour Beatty Ltd
■■ Jessica Kitching, Amey plc
■■ Jamie-Lee Matthews-Crampton, SCP
■■ Adam McCormick, Colas Ltd
■■ Phillip Richardson, Amey plc
■■ Andrew Russ, Gronttmij Ltd
■■ Ashley Smith, Amey plc
■■ Steven Steer, AECOM
■■ Peter James Taylor, Canal & River Trust
■■ Stuart Thorpe, 3e Consulting Engineers
■■ Jonathan White, JRW Civil Ltd
■■ Joanna Wood, University of Bradford
Images (L-R) Chris Bevington and Joanna Wood pictured with ICE President Professor David Balmforth
Salim Akhtar
Robert Auld
Noel Feather
Alastair Jackson
Andrew Langley
Peter Papanastasiou
Oliver Priestley
2014-15 highlights
■■ T he Graduates and Students' Committee provided
three Beers & Careers events, offering students the
opportunity to gain advice on career paths from
recent graduates working in the industry.
■■ 3 2 people signed up to our Mentor Match scheme as
mentors, to offer the benefit of their knowledge and
expertise to others.
Helping members to develop professionally throughout their careers is a
priority for ICE.
Members can now take advantage of the MICE dedicated pathway to
Chartered Management Institute (CMI) membership at a reduced rate
secured by ICE. A qualification of this sort helps members get recognised
for their management ability and complements their technical and
professional expertise.
Members looking to enhance their environmental management and
sustainable development credentials have the option of pursuing
professional qualification as Chartered Environmentalists (CEnv).
Image top right: Peter Papanastasiou receives his certificate
from ICE President Professor David Balmforth
Image bottom right: ICEY&H Centenary Certificate of
Excellence winner 2015 Bridlington Revised Bathing Water
Directive Scheme
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Celebrating our success
ICE Yorkshire and Humber Annual Awards 2015
Emerging Engineers Award
(previously the Graduate and Student
Papers Competition)
University of Durham student Philippa Harland
from York was awarded first place and a
£125 cash prize for her written paper and
presentation on ‘Investigating the Seepage
Rates of Grout Grippa’s Grout Sock’ exploring
the effect of pumping grout at varying
pressures on the rate and amount of seepage.
Our annual awards were organised into three
categories this year, to recognise the achievements
of project teams across a wider range of project
value. With over twenty schemes entered across
the three categories, it was encouraging to see such
a range of projects for the judges to consider.
Communications Competition
A team of graduate members comprising
Steven Lloyd (Groundforce), Aminu Adamu
(Environment Agency), Faustas Buskevicius
(Mott MacDonald), and Wellington
Ndlovu (URS) qualified to represent the
region in the semi-final of the national
communications competition.
Football Competition
For the second year running, a team from
Bradford City Council won the regional final
of the annual 5-a-side Football Competition
and have the opportunity to go forward to
the national final later in the year.
Image top: Elsie Brewster receiving her award from ICE
Director General Nick Baveystock
ICE Student Prizes
ICE Yorkshire and Humber awarded prizes to students
in recognition of outstanding academic performance
at four of the region’s accredited universities.
■■ Saif Suleman, BEng Civil and Structural
Engineering, University of Bradford
■■ Joint winners, Carolyn Wright, MEng Structural
Engineering with Architecture Studies and
Naomi Plimbett, MEng Civil and Structural
Engineering, University of Sheffield
■■ James Dixon, BSc Civil Engineering, Leeds
Beckett University
■■ Gregory Little, MEng Civil and Structural
Engineering, University of Leeds
Queen’s Jubilee Scholarship Trust (QUEST)
Technician Scholarship
ICE Yorkshire and Humber awarded three technician
scholarships providing up to £1,500 each to
support students during their part-time courses in
civil engineering. The recipients were:
■■ Elsie Brewster, a student at Leeds College
of Building, and Assistant Technician at Tata
Steel Projects
■■ Anthony Harrigan, studying at Leeds College
of Building, and Transport Planner at WYG plc
■■ Nathan Richmond, a technician at Tata Steel
Projects, also studying at Leeds College of Building
Yorkshire Geotechnical Group Presentation Competition
Heather Sales, a Graduate Engineer at
Cementation Skanska, Doncaster, won this
year’s competition, presenting the results of her
university dissertation on "The Effect of Voids on
Buried Water Distribution Pipes". This involved
using a geotechnical centrifuge to upscale the
results of small model tests to real-life conditions.
The judges commented that Heather made
a complicated subject accessible and had a
clear grasp of not just the results but also the
limitations of the technique.
For more details on the winners, runners up and how to enter future competitions see:
The Centenary Award, for projects with a capital
value of £5m or over, was presented to Yorkshire
Water Services, Ove Arup and Partners Ltd and the
Morgan Sindall Grontmij Joint Venture (MGJV) for
their work on Scarborough Revised Bathing Water
Directive Scheme.
Certificates of Excellence in this category were
awarded to the Bramley Service Reservoir
Project, the Bridlington Revised Bathing Water
Directive Scheme, the Jeddah Stormwater
Drainage Programme (JSDP), and the Selby
Swing Bridge Refurbishment.
The Smeaton Award for projects with a capital
greater than £500,000 but less than £5m,
was awarded to the Humber Bridge A-Frames
Replacement. Opened in 1981, the 1,410m
suspended main span of the Humber Bridge was the
longest in the world until 1997.
Certificates of Excellence were awarded to The York
Outdoor Velodrome, the Terminal Building at Askham Bar
Park and Ride, York, the Mill Beck Reservoir project at
Market Weighton, and the M62, Junction 24 (Ainley Top)
Roundabout Improvements
The Sir John Fowler Award for projects with a capital
value of less than £500,000. The inaugural winner was
the River Hull Integrated Catchment Strategy, developed
by the River Hull Advisory Board (East Riding and Hull City
Councils, the Environment Agency, Beverley and North
Holderness Drainage Board and Yorkshire Water)
supported by Pell Frischmann, Grontmij and Capita.
The 2016 Awards will be presented by the
President of the ICE, Sir John Armitt CBE, at the
Annual Gala Dinner on Friday 11 March 2016.
For further details, please see:
Image top right: Sir John
Fowler Award winner River Hull
Integrated Catchment Strategy
Informing opinion
2014-15 highlights
ICE is recognised by key stakeholders and
its members as the independent voice of
infrastructure. Members’ expertise informs
the message communicated to national and
local government, industry, regional media
and the public.
In Yorkshire and Humber we aim to strengthen
the lines of communication between the region’s
civil engineers and key influencers and decisionmakers, and to raise the profile of the profession
with the public and wider built environment
industry. An example of this is when ICE Council
member Jenny Cooke presented Green Party
Leader Natalie Bennett with ICE's Manifesto for
Infrastructure in February.
■■ In September 2014 we joined with CIHT,
CECA, ACE, CIC and Constructing Excellence
to establish the Yorkshire and Humber
Infrastructure Alliance (YHIA) and provide a
single voice for infrastructure in the region.
■■ The YHIA Manifesto for Infrastructure was launched
at a panel debate in February, chaired by Harry
Gration and attended by over 100 delegates.
report urges policy makers from across the
political spectrum to accelerate the process
for devolution of transport powers in the next
parliament and “seize the opportunity to unlock
the potential of our city regions.”
■■ Following the General Election we contacted
all the region's MPs, to introduce them to the
work of ICE in Yorkshire and Humber.
■■ During his visit to the region, President David
Balmforth met key people from the West
Yorkshire Combined Authority and members of
the YHIA to discuss the role of Infrastructure in
economic development.
■■ We also agreed to join with ICE’s North East and
North West regions to form a Northern Powerhouse
Panel, under the chairmanship of Richard Threlfall
of KPMG. The panel will inform ICE’s response to
this important government initiative.
■■ We gained excellent media coverage for the
President’s visit and Awards.
■■ In 2014-15 we began working with Recognition
PR to raise the profile of ICE in Yorkshire and
Humber. As a result, we were able to increase
our media coverage by 35% across all media.
■■ In preparation for the General Election in
May 2015, ICE launched a major new report
‘Transport for Growth: Unlocking the Potential
in City Regions which was issued locally to
key decision makers and influencers. The
Falling Snow to get ICE’s name to a wider
audience in the region.
■■ We also supported two theatre productions
at the National Railway Museum in York
– The Railway Children and In Fog and
Image left: L-R: ICE Council member Jenny Cooke presents Green
Party Leader Natalie Bennett with ICE's Manifesto for Infrastructure
■■ Online media coverage doubled, raising
our profile with new audiences, and social
media activity increased significantly in the
latter part of the year. You can follow us
on Twitter at @ICE YorksHumber, and our
graduates and students at @ICEyhgs
In March we were pleased to be able to take our
President David Balmforth to visit projects in Yorkshire
and showcase banners at Leeds Station Southern
Entrance and Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme.
2015-16 and beyond
This is Civil Engineering
■■ C
ontinue to issue timely, proactive media
releases and deal with reactive media
enquiries as well as building links with editors
and specialist correspondents in the region.
■■ S upport the Regional Advisory Board to respond
to specialist enquiries from regional media
Over 100 projects across the UK are proudly
displaying “This is Civil Engineering“ banners. ICE
is linking up with project teams in a campaign to
help raise awareness of the industry and provide
opportunities for budding engineers to find out
more about a career in civil engineering.
The campaign, aimed at the general public,
highlights the work of civil engineers in
designing and supporting the infrastructure
which is all around us and which may
otherwise go unnoticed. Banners are displayed
at sites during construction and immediately
following completion of the works.
■■ C
ontinue to work with the YHIA to influence
combined authorities as the devolution
agenda gathers momentum
■■ Contribute to ICE’s State of the Nation
Devolution project
Image above: ICE President Professor David
Balmforth visits Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme
■■ E ncourage more companies to join the ‘This is
Civil Engineering’ campaign
■■ Support the new ICE Talks initiative
■■ Produce
high quality articles for ICE Local
magazine and ensure that the publication is
circulated to key regional stakeholders
Contact [email protected] now
to join the This is Civil Engineering
campaign and order a banner for
your site
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Education and inspiration
Educating young people and inspiring them to
consider a career in civil engineering is one of
ICE’s key roles. Our multi-disciplinary team of
volunteer ambassadors work in the region to
deliver structured activities and engage students
during events about the crucial role of civil
engineers in society.
ICE Ambassadors promote a career in civil
engineering underpinned by the core subjects
of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) to pre-19 students.
The great work of the Regional Education Team
would not be possible without the support of the
ambassadors who have participated in events
this year, and to their employers, who have this
year have seen us engage with around 3,000
pre-19 students in Yorkshire and Humber in civil
engineering careers and activities.
2014-15 highlights
■■ Almost 3,000 young people across the
region took part in pre-19 activities
■■ 20 new ambassadors signed up to represent
ICE and inspire future engineers
■■ 39 events/careers fairs were supported
Engineering Extravaganza
In March 2015, we joined forces with IMechE,
IET and IOM3 to deliver an activity-filled day
in Sheffield under the Tomorrow’s Engineers
banner. The event gave one hundred students
an opportunity to gain an appreciation of just
some of the many different engineering careers
available to them. The successful event received
positive feedback and we are aiming to repeat it
in November 2015 in North Yorkshire, and again
in March 2016 in South Yorkshire.
British Science Week 2015
We supported three Discovery Days at the
National Railway Museum in York using our
Tower Challenge to engage with students,
and carried out the Water Challenge with 180
students at Ireland Wood Primary School in
West Yorkshire. In addition to our Engineering
Extravaganza and other events, we engaged
with over 700 students in one week!
National Women in Engineering Day
Three of our female ambassadors took our
impressive Giant Tetrahedron to the Winter
Garden in Sheffield to celebrate Women in
Engineering Day in June alongside activities from
the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam
University. This activity demonstrated to students,
parents and passers-by how simple shapes can
transform into inspiring structures by just using
the strength of the materials themselves.
A very big thank you to everyone who has supported and participated in our
outreach activities this year!
Image left: Otley Science Fair
Top right: ICE Yorkshire and Humber Ambassadors
Big Bang Fair Yorkshire & Humber and TeenTech
A team of six ambassadors attended the Big
Bang Fair Yorkshire & Humber at Doncaster
Racecourse this year where over one hundred
students visited our stand. At TeenTech, we
challenged teams of students to build the tallest
tower using just wooden blocks. We like to
attend these two events every year as they are
engaging, fun and rewarding for students and
ambassadors alike!
Tomorrow's Engineers Week
This national initiative held from 3-7 November
aims to change perceptions of engineering
among young people, their parents and teachers.
Regional Education Team Awards
Awards were presented at the Gala Dinner for
participation during the 2013-14 academic year,
the categories are:
New Ambassador Award
Presented to a new member of the
scheme who has made an impact
within their first year.
Special Recognition Award
Presented to a member who has contributed
significantly to the team.
Company Award
To the company who has engaged with students,
supported graduates during their training and
represented civil engineering on a professional scale.
New Ambassador Award
Alex Boynton CEng MICE, Network Rail
Special Recognition Award
Corrine Binks EngTech MICE, Mott MacDonald
Company Award
Images top left: Engineering Extravaganza
Top right: Winner of the Special Recognition Award, Corrine Binks, receives her award from
Professor David Balmforth
Bottom right: New Ambassador Award winner, Alex Boynton, receives his award
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Education and inspiration
Image top:
British Science Week
Image bottom: Giant
tetrahedron at Otley
Science Fair
ICE Y&H Retired Members' Group
Get involved...
2015-16 and beyond
Without the contribution of our ambassadors
and companies who have supported our
activities, these events would not be possible.
In 2015-16, the Regional Education Team
will be focusing on a number of key areas:
If you would like to be an ICE Ambassador
and help at our pre-19 and schools events
we would like to hear from you - it's your
chance to inspire today's young people to be
engineers in the future!
Don’t forget our networking event on
7 April 2016 - "Meet, Greet and Eat".
A chance to welcome new Ambassadors,
network with existing Ambassadors and
find out more about the work of the
Regional Education Team. Refreshments
will be provided.
■■ B uild a library of primary school
activities and hold a learning forum with
teachers in the region to demonstrate
key activities that can be integrated
within their existing teaching
■■ Increase the number of careers events
that we attend, recognising these as a
key means of engaging with students,
parents and teachers
■■ W
e will also continue our strong
presence at regional-level nationally
recognised events.
Visit for details –
see you there!
Please contact us e: [email protected]
For further information see
Are you d
schools a
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Let us kn
The Retired Members' section (RICE) is a group of ICE
members in the Yorkshire and Humber region who
have retired, or are close to retirement. The group
arranges a programme of daytime technical meetings,
site visits, social events and other activities to interest
and increase the knowledge of members. Formed in
2002, the section currently has around 120 members.
Meetings usually comprise morning coffee followed by
a talk by an invited speaker, and, after a Q&A session,
there is an optional buffet lunch. Other meetings
include visits to construction sites and other facilities
of interest, and joint meetings are also held with
colleagues from IMechE/IET. There are also three
main social events on the group's calendar – an
annual golf competition, summer social outing, and
the Christmas lunch.
RICE events 2014-15
During the 2014-15 session, five regular meetings
were held; a historically significant dam collapse
tragedy; the controversial HS2 railway scheme; Ings
Beck Flood Alleviation: Bidston Moss Viaduct and
Suspension Bridge Cable Inspection/Dehumidification.
In addition two site visits were arranged – a visit to
the Early Warning System at Fylingdales and a tour
around Drax Power Station, both of these were very
well received by the members who attended. We also
joined the IMechE/IET groups for their meeting on
flood management in Yorkshire.
2015-16 and beyond
For the 2015-16 session, planned meetings include;
Computational and Physical Modelling of Hydraulic
Structures; Streets Ahead - Sheffield Highways PFI;
Civil Engineering in a Civil War, and two joint
meetings with IMechE and IET - Yorkshire East Coast
Wastewater Programme, and Small Nuclear Reactors
and their Applications.
If you are an ICE member and retired, semi-retired, or
even still active but able to attend daytime meetings,
the Retired Members' group would be pleased to
welcome you.
Membership details can be obtained from Honorary
Secretary Hugh Allan e: [email protected]
Image top: Suspension
Bridge Cable Inspection/
Image bottom: Visit to Drax
Power Station
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
Staff teams
Regional Support Team
The ICE Yorkshire and Humber Regional
Support Team (RST) work to support
our members, help raise the profile of
civil engineering, and provide expert
comment or help put you in touch with civil
engineering experts.
Regional Director
Penny Marshall
Penny is responsible for leadership of the ICE Yorkshire and Humber regional support
team and facilitating the delivery of regional programmes and activities to achieve the
ICE business plan. If you have any questions please send Penny an email.
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)7827 893288
If you have a question, then please give
us a call or email our office. You can also
follow us on social media and keep up
to date with all the latest happenings in
Yorkshire and Humber.
Regional Coordinator
Derryn Potter
Derryn provides full support in running the office, as well as dealing with member
enquiries and helping to coordinate the organisation of events in the region.
Contact us...
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)114 232 5044
Institution of Civil Engineers
Yorkshire & Humber
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Suites 5&6 Albion House
Savile Street
S4 7UD
t: +44 (0)114 232 5044
e: [email protected]
Membership Team
In September 2014, ICE Yorkshire and Humber membership staff joined
colleagues from the North East and North West to form one of five
Membership Recruitment Teams working to a coordinated UK-wide plan
managed by the Director of Membership.
ICE Yorkshire and Humber provides a range of advice and support to assist
anyone who wishes to find out more about the routes to ICE membership
and the application process.
Our Membership Development Officers (MDOs) are available to offer advice
on the application procedures for all membership grades and the different
steps in the process working towards Professional Qualification.
To find out more about membership, including routes to membership,
resources and members' directory, please visit:
Marketing Communications Executive
Stephanie Thomas
Stephanie manages all aspects of marketing and communications within ICE Yorkshire and
Humber. If you are a journalist looking for assistance, or interested in finding out how ICE
can help in raising the profile of your civil engineering project, then Stephanie can help.
Membership Manager North
Gillian Elvy is Membership Manager across ICE Yorkshire
and Humber, ICE North East and ICE North West.
e: [email protected]
m: +44 (0)7825 275314
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)1625 511480
m: +44 (0)7747 487049
Membership Development Officer
Robin Bailey covers north Leeds, North Yorkshire (west of the A1) and
Bradford. Available to offer advice for all membership grades and the
different steps involved in working towards Professional Qualification.
This includes the University of Bradford and University of Leeds.
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)7827 850163
Membership Development Officer
Bob Bennett supports the South and West Yorkshire regions
(except Leeds, north of the River Aire and Bradford), offering
advice for all membership grades and the different steps involved
in working towards Professional Qualification
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)7920 532585
Membership Development Officer
Elizabeth Thompson is the MDO for North Yorkshire (east of the
A1), East Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and
Hull, offering advice for all membership grades and the different
steps involved in working towards Professional Qualification.
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)7 825 032598
ICE Yorkshire and Humber 2014-15 highlights
ICE Yorkshire and Humber
regional officers 2014-15
Senior Vice Chair
Nick Chamberlain CEng MICE
Yorkshire Geotechnical Group Chair
Clare Brint
Junior Vice Chair
Chris Digman CEng FICE
Transportation Group Chair
Les Goddard CEng FICE
Honorary Treasurer
Dan Ladbury CEng MICE
Transportation Group Honorary Secretary
John Kennedy
Past Chair
John Bowes CEng FICE
Humber Civils Network Manager
Mike Cargill CEng MICE
Honorary Secretary
Liz Green CEng MICE
Panel for Historical Engineering Works (PHEW) Representative
Ian Boocock IEng MICE
Regional Member of Council
Richard Dew CEng FICE
Retired Members' group (RICE) Chair
David Newby CEng MICE
Graduates & Students' Chair
Chris Hyde/Tom Sheridan
Retired Members' group (RICE) Honorary Treasurer
Roger King CEng MICE
Graduates & Students' Honorary Treasurer
Catherine Minor
Retired Members' group (RICE) Honorary Secretary
Hugh Allan CEng FICE
Graduates & Students Honorary Secretary
Simone Bertram
Registered charity number 210252
Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629
ICE Yorkshire and Humber Chair:
Damian Kilburn CEng MICE
Contact us...
Institution of Civil Engineers
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Suites 5&6 Albion House
Savile Street
S4 7UD
t: +44 (0)114 232 5044
e: [email protected]
ICE Yorkshire & Humber Region
ICE Graduates and Students Y&H
ICE Yorkshire and Humber AGM followed
by evening event 'Northern Powerhouse Going Forward?'
Tuesday 28 June 2016, Wakefield Town Hall.
AGM from 17.30, talk at 18.30.