Experimental Biology 2016 Program
Experimental Biology 2016 Program
SUNDAY, APRIL 3 Across Societies 553. TEACHING, LEARNING AND TESTING IN THE BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education Presentation time: 1:30 pm–3:30 pm Recognizing that techniques and issues related to teaching and the use of computers in research and teaching crosses all biomedical disciplines, EB 2016 has combined education posters from all participating societies. Please note: Posters are on display Sunday through Tuesday. Presentation time is for Sunday only. T2 553.1 Undergraduate Collaborative Writing in STEM: How Learning to Write Authentically in the Discipline Can Promote Mastery. E.M. Waters, W.M. Schlegel. Indiana Univ. Bloomington. T3 553.2 A PhUn Week Incursion in Australia Teaches 3-4 and 5-6 Graders Exercise Physiology. P.A. Halpin. Univ. of New Hampshire. T4 553.3 Combining Physiology and Health Care Professions Education in High School-Aged Students: High Tech PhUn! A.N. Gurovich, D. Coovert, B. Millspaugh Storms, K. Terry. Indiana State Univ. and South Vermillion H.S., Clinton, IN. T5 553.4 Race Influences Student Experience in Stem Courses. K.M.S. Johnson, N. Mantina. Beloit Col., WI. T6 553.5 Humanizing Science and Engineering to Reduce Health Care Delivery Inequalities. P. Cabrales, V. Jani. UCSD. T7 553.6 An Interdisciplinary Approach Combines Physiology, Engineering, and Computer Science to Increase Awareness of Stem Professions among Middle School Students. P.A. Halpin, S. Tavares, M. Sabin. Univ. of New Hampshire. T8 553.7 Successful Inquiry-Based Activities in High School Physiology. S. Anjur. Illinois Math. and Sci. Acad., Aurora. T9 553.8 Novel Graduated Engagement Strategy Tools for Enhancing Student Success in a Large Diverse Introductory Physiology Course. S.J. Malmquist, W.F. Collins. Stony Brook Univ. T10 553.9 Fabric Muscles: A New Approach to Learning and Understanding Human Skeletal Muscles. K.M. Mathis. Univ. of Cincinnati Clermont Col. T11 553.10 Pharmacokinetics in an Introductory Physics Lab: Experimental Monitoring and Computer Modeling of Drug Metabolism. J. Rodriguez, J. Weigal, B. Spitznagel, A. Wilmes. St. Louis Col. of Pharm. T12 553.11 Utilizing Interdisciplinary Research Experiences and Learning Communities to Engage Students in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics. A. Kruchten. Linfield Col., OR. T13 553.12 Transformation of the Introductory Biology Experience for Biology Majors: Progress of the Northwest Bioscience Consortium RCN-UBE. A. Kruchten, E. Baumgartner, A. Beadles-Bohling, J. Whitman, J. Duncan, L. Kayes, S. Kiser, W. Shriner, S. Stavrianeas. Linfield Col., OR, Western Oregon Univ., Univ. of Portland, Whitman Col., WA, Willamette Univ., Oregon State Univ., Lane Community Col., Eugene, OR and Mount Hood Community Col., Gresham, OR. T14 553.13 Geometry in Cell Biology. D. Lin, L. West. Lee Univ., TN. T15 553.14 Original Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience to Detect Parasitic Worms in Local Parks in Two Undergraduate Courses. C.A. Schmidhauser, S.A. Blatch. Stevenson Univ. T16 553.15 The Effect of Past Learning Experience on Writing Performance in an Upper-Level Undergraduate Science Course. K.E. Sylvia, K.D. Kearns, A.Z. Rangazas, W.M. Schlegel. Indiana Univ. T17 553.16 The Design and Impact of a New Biomedical Seminar Deconstruction Course on Undergraduate Learning – A Pilot Study. S. Osborne, S. Schroeter. Univ. of British Columbia. T18 553.17 Using Core Principles in Physiology and Pathology to Guide Spiraled Biomedical Curriculum Development. R.H. Selinfreund, D.W. Rodenbaugh, D.L. Osborne. Burrell Col. of Osteo. Med., NM. T19 553.18 Improvement in Student Data Analysis Skills after Out-of-Class Assignments. K.L.W. Walton. Missouri Western State Univ. T20 553.19 Navigating from Vision to Change: Tools to Help Biology Departments Align Curriculum with the Core Concepts of Biology. S. Brownell, C.E. Wright, B. Couch, A. Crowe, S. Freeman, M.P. Wenderoth. Arizona State Univ., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln and Univ. of Washington. T21 553.20 A Conceptual Framework for the Core Concept of Cell-Cell Communications. J. Michael, W. Cliff, J. McFarland, A. Wright, H. Modell, P. Martinkova. Rush Med. Col., Niagara Univ., Edmonds Community Col., Seattle, Canisius Col., Buffalo, PERC, Seattle and Czech Acad. of Sci., Praha. T22 553.21 Online Simulations to Support the Teaching of Physiology. M.dM. Quiroga, S. Clarke, R. Rajan. Monash Univ., Australia. T23 553.22 The Use of High Fidelity Patient Simulations to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in First Year Medical Students. D.M. Harris, A. Schuster, D. Kay, J.D. Kibble. Univ. of Central Florida. T24 553.23 Comparison of High Fidelity Patient Simulation on the Retention of Physiology Concepts over Summer Break. A. Jones, D. Harris. Univ. of Central Florida Col. of Med. T25 553.24 Clinical Scenario Videos Improve D.M.D Students’ Perception of the Basic Sciences and Ability to Apply Content Knowledge. C.J. Metz, M.J. Metz. Univ. of Louisville. T26 553.25 Clinical Simulations: Engaging Medical Students in Problem-Based Learning. A. Li, H. Carvalho. Virginia Tech Carilion Sch. of Med. 165 S U N ACROSS SOCIETIES/ANATOMY SUNDAY T27 553.26 Physiology Meets Regenerative Medicine and Education Becomes Research: Using Muscle Force Production to Assess Ischemia and Arteriogenesis in a Masters-Level Cell Transplantation Laboratory. T.R. Cardinal. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. T28 553.27 Pathophysiology in Postgenomic ERA – Natural Etiopathogenetic Algorhythms and Clusters of Health Disorders. Z. Kovac. Med. Sch., Univ. of Zabreb, Croatia. T29 553.28 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Medical Students’ Research Output in Six Developing Countries. A.S. Obad, H.T. Albarqawi, A.M. Eshaq, H.N. Hoilat, A.A. AlKhateeb, A.M. Fothan, A.H. AlSaffar, W.M. Al-Najjar, A.M. Bakather, M.A. Shareef, T.A. Khan, A.A. AlAmodi. Alfaisal Univ., Saudi Arabia, St. Vincent Mercy Med. Ctr.-OH, Toledo and Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. T30 553.29 Statistics Education for Physiologists: Are Students Learning the Skills That They Need? T.L. Weissgerber, V.D. Garovic, J. Milin-Lazovic, S.J. Winham, Z. Obradovic, J.P. Trzeciakowski, N.M. Milic. Mayo Clin., Univ. of Belgrade, Temple Univ. and Texas A&M, Temple. T31 553.30 Student Learning Gains through Curriculum Modification in a College Introductory Human Nutrition Course. M.L. Stewart. Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. T32 553.31 The Starling Actuator – the Implementation of Starling’s Law of the Heart within a Mechanical Model of the Cardiovascular System. G.L. Strauss, T.E. Sweeney. Univ. of Scranton. T33 553.32 Modeling Aortic Insufficiency in the Scranton Cardiovascular Model. M.T. Graham, T.E. Sweeney. Univ. of Scranton. T34 553.33 A Mathematical Model of the Cardiovascular System Based on the Scranton Cardiovascular Model. N.E. Frederick, J.R.N. Jimenez, J.M. Graham, T.E. Sweeney. Univ. of Scranton. T35 553.34 Animating the Kidney: Temporal and Spatial Integration of Complex Renal Mechanisms. G.D. Guttmann, D.R. Guttmann, R.T. Mallet. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Univ. of Windsor, Canada. T36 553.35 Exploring Oxygen Transport by Hemoglobin: A Computer Simulation for Students. K. Christmas, M. Chirillo, D.U. Silverthorn. Univ. of Texas at Austin, Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston and Dell Med. Sch. Univ. of Texas at Austin. T37 553.36 Can Visual Memory Devices Aid Retention and Short-Term Recall of Pre-clinical Science Knowledge? A.L. Hawkins, J.D. Kibble. Univ. of Central Florida. Anatomy 554. CARDIOVASCULAR BIOLOGY: DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Biology Cardiovascular Biology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A259 554.1 Lipidic Agent as Vascular Constrast-Medium for MRI (3T) in Foetal and Embryonic Development: FeasabilityStudy on Ex Vivo Rabbit Foetus at 3T. R. Tonnelet, M. Perez, P.A. Gondim Teixeira, A. Sewonu, M. Beaumont, G. Hossu, M. Labrousse, M. Braun. Univ. de Lorraine UL and CHU, Nancy and Univ. Reims Champagne, France. A260 554.2 Hydrostatic Stress Regulates Tissue Compaction, Polarity, and Matrix Stiffness in the Developing Atrioventricular Valve. D.M. Bassen, R. Singh, R.A. Gould, P.R. Buskohl, J.T. Butcher. Cornell Univ. A261 554.3 Light-Sheet Microscopy to Elucidate Hemodynamic Forces and Modulation of Cardiac Trabeculation: Implications for Embryonic Contractile Function. J. Lee, R.R.S. Packard, H. Xu, H. Kang, K.I. Baek, N. Jen, C.C.J. Kuo, N.C. Chi, C-m. Ho, R. Li, T. Hsiai. UCLA, USC and UCSD. A262 554.4 Double Superior Vena Cava: A Case Report. O. Rosenthal, S. Lobo, H. Sandhaus, H. Kopelman, S. Zarkar, R. Menezes. TouroCOM, Middletown, NY and Univ. of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. A263 554.5 CXCL12 and Vascular Maturation of the Coronary System during Heart Development. S. Cavallero, H. Shen, C. Yi, R.K. Subramanyan, H. Sucov. Univ. of So. California Keck Sch. of Med. (230.3) 166 555. CARDIOVASCULAR BIOLOGY: DYSFUNCTION; DISEASE; GENETIC DISORDERS A264 555.1 An Explanatory Computational Simulation of Contiguous Capillary Occlusion in Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Patient-Derived Vasculature. X. Fu, J.S. Gens, J.A. Glazier, S. Burns, T.J. Gast. Indiana Univ. A265 555.2 Genotype Discrimination Using Facial and Body Anthropometry among Hausas. M.G. Taura, L.H. Adamu, A. Gudaji. Bayero Univ. Kano, Nigeria. A266 555.3 Loss of Axin2 Leads to Myxomatous Valve Disease. A. Hulin, K. Yutzey. Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. A267 555.4 Trichloroethylene Produced Defects in the Developing Heart Involve the Transcription Factor, HNF4a. S. Chen, M. Nunez, K. Ismail, O. Selmin, R.B. Runyan. Univ. of Arizona. A268 555.5 Trapped Lung Secondary to Cardiomegaly in a 78 Year-Old Male with Congestive Heart Failure. A.H. Amabile, R.M. DePhilip, S.D. Moffatt-Bruce. The Ohio State Univ. SUNDAYANATOMY 556. ANATOMY: CARDIOVASCULAR Poster 558. CARDIOVASCULAR BIOLOGY: BIOENGINEERING, REPAIR AND REGENERATION Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Cardiovascular Biology Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A269 556.1 Morphometric Parameters to Evaluate Zebrafish Heart: A Model to Study Cardiovascular Function. R.A. Vargas, I.C. Vásquez. Pontificia Univ. Javeriana, Bogotá. A270 556.2 Surgical Radiologic Anatomy of Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery (Arteria Lusoria): A Study on 160 CT Scans. N. Settembre, S. Malikov, F. Jeannon, Z. Bouziane. Nancy Univ. Hosp., France. A271 556.3 Pre-operative Eligibility for Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Using the Davinci Robot: An Examination of Anatomical Parameters Using Computed Tomography. K. Dillon, M. Johnson, I. Chan, B. Kiaii. Western Univ. and London Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Canada. A272 556.4 Bilateral Intra-individual Comparison of Vascular Structure following Eight Weeks of Unilateral Maximal Interval Handgrip Training in Post-menopausal Women. D.C. Bentley, S.G. Thomas. Univ. of Toronto. 557. CARDIOVASCULAR BIOLOGY: ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Biology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A273 557.1 Retrospective Computed Tomography Angiogram Investigation on the Subclavian Artery Branching Pattern and Origin. J. Ryu, O. Scallan, M. Johnson, T. Wilson, A. Power. Schulich Sch. of Med. & Dent., Western Univ. and Victoria Hosp., London Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Canada. A274 557.2 Morphological Analyses of the Arterial Supply to the Brain. E.G.M. Kyle, V. Hachinski, D.A. Ramsay, K.A. Rogers. Western Univ., Canada. A275 557.3 A Tale of Two Arches. B.M. Wilson, J.M. Williams. Rush Univ. Med. Ctr. A276 557.4 Variation of the Common Carotid Artery Diameter Related to Age. M. Tracy-Bee, S.T. Barton, J. Zurke, N. Hamka. Univ. of Detroit Mercy and UCSD. A277 557.5 A Unique Case of Branching Pattern in the Superior Mediastinum: A Brachiocephalic Trunk with Four Branches, and the Left Thyrocervical Trunk Arising from the Aortic Arch. N. Valentin Carro, W. Veras Tavares. Univ. Central del Caribe, PR. A278 557.6 Perforator Angiosomes of the Anterior Knee Region. L. Hirtler, A. Lübbers. Med. Univ. of Vienna, Austria. Cardiovascular Biology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A279 558.1 Characterization of the Unique Viscoelastic Properties of the Mitral Valve Anterior Leaflet. L. Figueroa, B. Brazile, S. Lin, B. Nelson, J. Liao. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Ponce, Mississippi State Univ. and Univ. of Pittsburgh. A280 367.3 Functional Characterization of Isl2/coupTFIb Activation Targets in Vascular Development. Y-S. Wang. Natl. Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan. 560. ANATOMY: NEURAL Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neurobiology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A281 560.1 The Serratus Anterior Plane Block: An Anatomical Investigation of the Regional Spread of Anesthetic Using Ultrasound-Guided Injection. L. Varghese, M. Johnson, M. Barbeau, S. Vijayashankar Rakesh, P. Magsaysay, S. Ganapathy. Western Univ. and London Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Canada. A282 560.2 The Interplay between Taste and Chemesthesis. A.Y. Huang, S.Y. Wu. So. Illinois Univ. Sch. of Med. A283 560.3 Middle and Inner Ear 3d Reconstructions Using High Resolution X-Ray Micro-tomography. M. Labrousse, X. Dubernard, N. Settembre, R. Tonnelet, C. Avisse, J. Devy, Y. Renard. Univ. de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, CHU Reims, CHU Nancy and Univ. de Lorraine, France. 561. NEUROBIOLOGY: BEHAVIOR; NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS; DISEASE; AGING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neurobiology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A284 561.1 Cystatin Peptide Prevents Alzheimer’s Pathology in CRND8 AD Mice. P.A. Shaw. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. 167 S U N ANATOMYSUNDAY A285 561.2 Drug Combinations Modulate Stem Cell Proliferation in the Subventricular Zone of 11-Month-Old Rats: Innate Gender Differences Could Explain Alzheimer’s Susceptibility. T. Sulehria, N. Sharma, S. Gagle, A.M. Corbett. Wright State Univ. A286 561.3 Examining the Immunomodulatory Effects of IL-12 in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. L. Klaidman, D.D. Ellefson, T. Gallaher, E. Stark, S.P. Schettler. UCLA and Sarcix Inc., Riverside. A287 561.4 Vitamin K2 Prevents Beta Amyloid Peptide and Vitamin K3-Induced Cell Death. T. McGarvey, P. Ramaraj, S.S. Hassan. A. T. Still Univ. A288 561.5 Protracted Withdrawal from Cocaine: A Role for mGlu2/3 Receptors in the vmPFC? C.B. Shin, M.A. RuppertMajer, M.M. Serchia, T.E. Kippin, K.K. Szumlinski. Univ. of California Santa Barbara. A289 561.6 Estradiol Increases Choice of Cocaine over Food in Male Rats. J.R. Bagley, R. Bozadjian, L. Bubalo, J. Adams, S. Ghobadi, T.E. Kippin. Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. A290 561.7 Extended-Access and Yoked-Access to Cocaine Self-Administration Have Distinct Behavioral and Molecular Profiles. K.L. Ploense, P. Vieira, T.E. Kippin. Univ. of Californa Santa Barbara. A291 561.8 Thymoquinone Enhances Neurogenesis to a Greater Extent in Middle-Aged Than in Young Aged Rat in Chronic Epilepsy. S.A. Brito, M.S. Rao. Kuwait Univ. A292 561.9 Behavioral Resiliency of Mice to Repeated Mild Cerebral Concussion: Are There Interactions with Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids? R.W. Clough, N. Viscomi, G. Rose, E. Hayashi, W. Banz, J. Cheatwood. So. Illinois Univ Sch. of Med. A293 561.10 Soy Protein Diet Preserves Skilled Ladder Rung Walking Performance after Stroke Better Than Isoflavones Alone in Adult and Aged Male Rats. J.L. Cheatwood, D.G. Wallace, D.N. Butteiger, W.J. Banz. So. Illinois Univ., No. Illinois Univ. and DuPont Nutr. & Hlth., St. Louis. A294 561.11 Loss of Nf1 Function Causes Stereotypic Grooming Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster Y. Velázquez, S.M. Tomchik. Univ. of Puerto Rico in Ponce and The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL. A295 561.12 Behavioral Evidence of Transient versus Persistent Tinnitus Induced by Loud Noise Exposure in a Novel Rat Model. K. Beh, M. Typlt, G. Sigel, A. Schormans, D. Stolzberg, B.L. Allman. Univ. of Western Ontario. (371.5) 562. NEUROBIOLOGY: BRAIN Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neurobiology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A296 562.1 Morphometry of Brain Longitudinal Fissure and Its Possible Clinical Correlations. E.P. Camara, A.J.A.X. Pinto, M.R. Tavares, V.P.S. Fazan, B.C. Netto, H.R. de Paula, N.F. Oliveira. Univ. José do Rosário Vellano, Brazil and Univ. of São Paulo. 168 A297 562.2 Morphometry of the Corpus Callosum and Its Possible Clinical Correlations. E.P. Camara, A.J.A.X. Pinto, M.R. Tavares, V.P.S. Fazan, M. Amorim, N.F. Oliveira, H.R. de Paula. Univ. José do Rosário Vellano, Brazil and Univ. of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. A298 562.3 Level of Tool-Use Proficiency in Chimpanzees Is Associated with Differences in Gray Matter Distribution in the Inferior Parietal Cortex: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. L.D. Reyes, W.D. Hopkins, C.C. Sherwood. George Washington Univ., Georgia State Univ. and Yerkes Natl. Primate Res. Ctr., Atlanta. A299 562.4 Cognitive Function as Related to Cumulative Head Impact Exposure in Football: Effects of Position. D. Brewer Deluce, T.D. Wilson, A.M. Owen. Western Univ., Canada. A300 562.5 Morphometric Analysis of the Blood-Brain Barrier in the Peri-infarct Zone in Young Adult and Aged Mice. P.C. Nahirney, P. Reeson, C.E. Brown. Univ. of Victoria, Canada. A301 562.6 Cells Lining the Lateral Ventricle Show Dynamic Protein Expression following Tail Loss in the Leopard Gecko. R.P. McDonald, E.A.B. Gilbert, A. Macdonald, M.K. Vickaryous. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. 563. NEUROBIOLOGY: DEVELOPMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neurobiology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A302 563.1 Characterization of a NOGO-A Associated Enhancer Element in Chicken. C.U. Pira, S.A. Caltharp, S. Magaki, E. Haro, A. Fukuda, K.C. Oberg. Loma Linda Univ., Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and UCLA Med. Ctr. A303 563.2 Regulation of the Development of Human Neurons by Substratum Elasticity. L.M. Rivera-Pérez, R. Nichol, T. Gomez. Univ. of Puerto Rico - Ponce and Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 564. NEUROBIOLOGY: NEURONAL AND SPINAL CORD DEGENERATION, REPAIR AND REGENERATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neurobiology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A304 564.1 Quantification of Substance P in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons, after Nociceptive Stimulation during the Neonatal Period. A.L.B. Simões, C.S. Carvalho, E.C. Carmo, N.B. Machado, L.S. Sanada, V.P.S. Fazan. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. SUNDAYANATOMY A305 564.2 An Immunohistochemistry Protocol to Identify Satellite Glial Cells Positive for GFAP in the Dorsal Root Ganglion of Rats in Different Ages. A.L.B. Simões, C. Giorgetto, E.C. Carmo, N.B. Machado, L.S. Sanada, V.P.S. Fazan. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. A306 564.3 Neuritin, a New Potential Target for Optic Nerve Injury Therapy. J. Xu, W. Cao, W. Liu, H. Ma, A. Qi, T. Huang, L. Li, F. Liu. Second Military Med. Univ., Shanghai. A307 564.4 Histological and Functional Study of Laser and Latex Treatments on Crushed Sciatic Nerve. F.J. Dias, I-s. Watanabe, M.M. Iyomasa, J. Coutinho-Netto, J.P.M. Issa, R. Fuentes, E. Borie, V.P.S. Fazan. Ribeirão Preto Med. Sch., Univ. of São Paulo, Dent. Sch., Univ. de La Frontera, Chile and Inst. of Biomed. Sci., Univ. of São Paulo. A308 564.5 The Regenerative Potential of the Axolotl Spinal Cord: A Blunt Spinal Cord Injury Model. M.M. Thygesen, H. Lauridsen, M. Pedersen, M.M. Rasmussen. Aarhus Univ. and Aarhus Univ. Hosp., Denmark. A309 564.6 Ependymal Cells Are a Heterogeneous Population in the Spinal Cord of the Leopard Gecko. E.A.B. Gilbert, M.K. Vickaryous. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. 565. ANATOMY EDUCATION: MEDICAL STUDENTS AS TEACHERS/PEER TEACHING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A310 565.1 Outcomes of Using Peer-Mentors and Bidirectional Development of CanMEDS Core Competencies at a Distributed Medical Education Site. M.T. Pignanelli, J. Williams, C. Hillman, S. Mekhaiel, A. Farias. Schulich Sch. of Med. & Dent., Windsor, Canada. A311 565.2 Gaining Competencies during Early Medical Training: Medical Students as Teaching Assistants in Dissection-Based Anatomy Course. M.T. Brown, G. Zhang. Thomas Jefferson Univ. A312 565.3 A Longitudinal Study of the Utility and Efficacy of a Peer-Based Anatomy Tutoring Program for First-Year Medical Students: 2011-2015 N.A. Schmalz, C. Escovedo, D. Harrison, J. Lentz, L. Stahl, S. Thakur, N. Parker, E. Stark. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med., Mattel Children’s Hosp. UCLA, Children’s Hosp. Los Angeles, Ronald Reagan UCLA Med. Ctr., Ofc. of Admisssions and David Geffen Sch. of Med. at UCLA. A313 565.4 Steering Illusions of Competence: A NearPeer Driven Integrated Approach to Improving Performance of At-Risk Students in a Gross Anatomy Course. P. Salem, L. Schmelkin, N. Lachman, W. Pawlina. Mayo Med. Sch. A314 565.5 Role of Peer-Teaching in Graduate Anatomical Sciences Education. L.M.J. Lee. Univ. of Coloradao Sch. of Med., Aurora. 566. ANATOMY EDUCATION: STUDENT SELF/PEER-ASSESSMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A315 566.1 A Newly Modified Research Design for the Assessment of an In-Class, Student Driven Teaching Activity. D.C. Bentley, C.L. DeZorzi, N. Richardson. Univ. of Toronto, George Brown Col. and York Univ., Toronto. A316 566.2 Rubric Design for Evaluating Reciprocal Peer Teaching in Gross Anatomy Impacts Student Performance and Satisfaction. B.F. Giffin, A. Marshall, L. Lukin. Univ. of Cincinnati Col. of Med. A317 566.3 Learning to Lead: Facilitating Leadership Skills through Peer and Faculty Feedback in a Team-Based Anatomy Course. S.R. Halasz, M.H. Ansari, W. Pawlina, N. Lachman. Mayo Med. Sch. and Mayo Clin. 567. ANATOMY EDUCATION: ASSESSMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A318 567.1 Assessing Assessments: The Effect of Virtual Assessment on Measuring Student Success. G.M. Fox, K. Alsup. Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch. A319 567.2 Accuracy of Localisation and Cause of Preclinically Suspected Diagnose: Explorative Analysis of Retrospective Data of 700 Patients. L. Hirtler, F. Huber. Med. Univ. of Vienna. A320 567.3 Evaluation of a Hands-on Anatomy-Centered Ultrasound Curriculum in a Graduate Gross Anatomy Course. D. Royer, R. Kessler, J. Stowell. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus, Univ. of Michigan Hlth. Syst. and Maricopa Med. Ctr., Phoenix. A321 567.4 Evaluation of the Inclusion of Weekly Quizzes on Academic Performance in First Year Medical Students. J. Collier, C.A. Nichols, A.C. Edmondson. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. A322 567.5 A Look at Questions Asked in Gross Anatomy Lab: An Analysis at Indiana University School of Medicine Bloomington. M. Taylor. Indiana Univ. A323 567.6 Use of iPad and ExamSoft™ in Administering Morphological Sciences Practical Examination in an Integrated Curriculum. C. Vasan, E. Goldman, M. Gentile, S. Perlis, J. Ferrarie, C. Ferretti, P. Greenfield, N. Vasan. Cooper Med. Sch. of Rowan Univ. A324 567.7 A Cadaveric Procedural Anatomy Course Enhances Operative Competence. G. Sharma, M.A. Aycart, T. van Houten, D.S. Smink, R. Askari, J.D. Gates. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. 169 S U N ANATOMYSUNDAY A325 567.8 Gross Anatomy Dissection Improves Exam Scores Amongst Medical and Allied Health Students. R.J. Anders, A.C. Edmondson, C.M. Martin, K. Wheeler. Med. Col. of Georgia - Augusta Univ. and Western Univ., Canada. 568. ANATOMY EDUCATION: TECHNOLOGY ASSISTED Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A326 568.1 How Do Alternative and Traditional Dissemination Metrics Compare in Medical Education Scholarship? C.J. Ramnanan, K. Ambacher, A. Amath, C. O’Brien, T.J. Wood, J.J. Leddy. Univ. of Ottawa. A327 568.2 The Anatomy of E-Learning Tools: Are Modern E-Learning Tools a Suitable Replacement for Traditional Learning Methods? S.E. Van Nuland, K.A. Rogers. Western Univ., Canada. A328 568.3 Tailoring Virtual Content to Curricula: BlueLink. K. Alsup, G.M. Fox. Univ. of Michigan. A329 568.4 Effectiveness of BlueLink Cadaveric Multimedia Resources in a Pre-professional Course. S.N. Dudgeon, B.K. Alsup, G.M. Fox. Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch. A330 568.5 Use of an Anatomy eBook to Document and Discuss Anatomical Variation. B.J. Thompson, M. Barremkala, A. Raoof, S.M. Attardi, A.M. Blenc, I. Hajj Hussein, W. Forbes, D.J. Gould, J.M. Venuti. Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med. and Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak, MI. A331 568.6 The Use of Facebook to Support Anatomy Learning. M. El-Sherbiny, M.A. Eladl, M.E. Abdalla. ALMaarefa Col., Saudi Arabia, Univ. of Mansoura, Egypt and Univ. of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. A332 568.7 Development and Use of a Web-Based Human Dissection Video Library at MCW. P. Biggs, D. Pierce, T. Hoagland. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. A333 568.8 Implementing the Sony Action Cam® and Camtasia® Software to Supplement Dissection-Based Anatomy in DPT Programs. J. Immonen, C. Siefring, K. Chung-Hoon, J.W. McWhorter. Rocky Mountain Univ. of Hlth. Professions, Provo. A334 568.9 Decreasing Bias of the Traditional Structure Tagging Method during an Anatomy Practical Lab Exam Using Google Glass. B. Benninger, I. Blandford. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci., Lebanon, OR. A335 568.10 Integrated Sequential Layering – an Effective Method for Teaching and Learning Anatomy in the Digital Age. L. Dissabandara, S.N. Nirathanan. Griffith Univ., Australia. A336 568.11 Teaching Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System during Anatomy Using the 7D Interactive Software Program. I. Blandford, B. Benninger. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci., OR. A337 568.12 From the Novice to the Experienced Ultrasound User: 7D Interactive Software Is Your Personal Tutor. I. Blandford, B. Benninger. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci., OR. A338 568.13 Self- and Peer Assessment of Professional Speaking Skills Using a Classroom Response System: Three “Clicker” Systems and Ten Years of Data Collection. L.K. Sprunger. Washington State Univ. 170 A339 568.14 Development and Implementation of a Novel Integrated Anatomical Sciences Mobile App for Medical Students. D. Harmon, E. Kalmar, J. Burgoon. UCSF and The Ohio State Univ. A340 568.15 A Virtual Laboratory and Game-Based App to Facilitate Self-Directed Online Learning in Histology. N. Swailes. Univ. of Iowa. A341 568.16 The Changing Face of Histology: An Old Idea for a New Era. P.A. Shaw. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A342 568.17 Digital Microscopy: A New Method for Histology Teaching. B. Romana-Souza, M.A. Santos-Silva, L.C. Porto, A. Monte-Alto-Costa. State Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A343 568.18 HistoConnect: An Online Integrated Module. J-P. Iskandar, K. Doyle, A.M. Blenc, A. Jurjus, I. Hajj Hussein. Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med. and American Univ. of Beirut. A344 568.19 Development of a 3D Interactive Model for Teaching Intercortical Connectivity of Cerebral White Matter Tracts. J. Bergden, M.E. Stabio. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. A345 568.20 Utility of Virtual 3D Animations and 3D Printed Models of Heart Development in Graduate Embryology Education. A. Richardson, L.M.J. Lee. Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med. A346 568.21 Interactive 3D Atlas of the Human Hand: Anatomical Specimens, Illustrations and CT Scans. L. Burchianti, M.D. Barros, D.F. Curcio. Santa Casa Sch. of Med. Sci., São Paulo and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A347 568.22 Development of 3D Stereoscopic Virtual Model of the Pelvis from Computed Tomography Images. A.M. James, A.D. Smith, D. Cui. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. A348 568.23 X-perience – an Interactive Viewing Platform Displaying Radiographic Profiles of Cadavers for Educational Purposes. E. Nic an Riogh, G.F. Perry, J.F..X. Jones, A. Tattersall, M. Heduan, R.H. Stern, P. MacMahon, N. Giannotti, M. Davis. University Col. Dublin Sch. of Med., Mount Sinai Hosp., NY and Mater Misericordiae Univ. Hosp., Dublin. (225.3) 569. ANATOMY EDUCATION: FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT PERFORMANCE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A349 569.1 Making Meaning: A Qualitative Inquiry into Undergraduate Meta-emotional and Socio-cognitive Development during Cadaver Dissection. P.A.G. Soneral, S.A. Wyse, T. Shaw. Bethel Univ. A350 569.2 The Effect of Focused Active Learning Strategies on Student Engagement with Respect to Socioeconomic Class. T. Birk, V. Lee. Ivy Tech Community Col., Lafayette, IN and So. Adventist Univ., Collegedale, TN. A351 569.3 Performance in an Anatomy Pre-course Predicts Performance in a Professional Veterinary Anatomy Curriculum. M.A. McNulty, C. Stevens-Sparks, J. Taboada, A. Daniel, M.D. Lazarus. LSU Sch. of Vet. Med. and Monash Univ. SUNDAYANATOMY A352 569.4 Correlation between Pre-medical Exposure to Anatomy and Performance in Medical Gross Anatomy. E.M. Robertson, A.J. Notebaert, A.R. Sinning, R.D. Darling. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. A353 569.5 Examination of the Roles of Learning Style and Learning Strategy on the Academic Performance of First Year Medical Students. C.T. Nichols, A.C. Edmondson. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. A354 569.6 VARK Learning Styles of First Year Dental Students. S. Alshehry, J. Sedlmayr, J. Cork. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A355 569.7 Assessing Musculoskeletal Competency in Osteopathic Medical Students. S.A. McCarthy, L. Olson, C.C.A. Chen, R. Kulesza, J.K. Kalmey. Univ. of Vermont and Lake Erie Col. of Osteo. Med., PA. A356 569.8 Optional Online Quizzes Increase Student Success on Exams in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy Course. N. Richardson. York Univ., Canada. A357 569.9 Customizing Anatomy Videos to Curricula Maximizes Learning and Retention: Implications for First Year Medical Education. D. Mastriano, J. Kurtzman, S. PaskinFlerlage, D. Brady, P. Eucalitto, B. Laurance, S. Márquez. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr. A358 569.10 Does Lecture Attendance Matter? A Study of Exam Performance in Medical Neurobiology. E.R. Meyer, A.J. Notebaert, E. Perkins, J.C. Lynch, K.L. Simpson, R.D. Darling. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. A359 569.11 The Impact of Team-Based Learning on Physician Assistant Student’s Academic Performance in Gross Anatomy. V. Makeeva, J.A. Isbell, K. Caruthers, W. Brooks. Univ. of Alabama Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. A360 569.12 Performance Statistics of Structures: Does the Anatomical Region or Structure Type Impact Item Difficulty or Discrimination on Gross Anatomy Practical Examinations? A.R. Thompson, C.E. Cotter, J.B. Hanna. Univ. of Cincinnati Col. of Med. and West Virginia Sch. of Osteo. Med. A361 569.13 Problem Sets Allow for Multiple Competency Acquisition in First Year Neuroscience Course. M.D. Lameka, W.G. Pearson, A.C. Edmondson. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. 570. ANATOMY EDUCATION: SPATIAL ABILITIES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A362 570.1 Spatial Abilities and Pictures of Objects Recognized from Haptic Perception: Effect of Short-Term Memory. J. Langlois, Y. Dagenais, M. Martin, R. Lemieux, M. Lecourtois, E. Yetisir, C. Bellemare, G. Bergeron, S.J. Hamstra, G.A. Wells. Sherbrooke Univ. Hosp., Univ. of Sherbrooke, Univ. of Ottawa Heart Inst. A363 570.2 Spatial Abilities, Anatomy Knowledge and Technical Skills: A Systematic Review. J. Langlois, C. Bellemare, J. Toulouse, G.A. Wells. Hosp. Ctr., Univ. of Sherbrooke, Univ. of Ottawa and Univ. of Ottawa Heart Inst. A364 570.3 Spatial Organization and Learning. L. Alazzeh. San Francisco State Univ. A365 570.4 The Influence of Spatial Ability on Anatomy Examination Questions in an Integrated Medical Curriculum. J. Xiong, A.C. Edmondson, C. Martin. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ., Augusta Univ. and Univ. of Western Ontario. A366 570.5 The Influence of Spatial Ability on Medical Student Performance in the Basic Sciences. A. Willis, A. Edmondson, C. Martin. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ., Augusta Univ. and Univ. of Western Ontario. A367 570.6 Effect of Spatial Ability on Enhancing Neuroanatomy Education with an Interactive 3D E-Learning Module. L. Allen, R. Eagleson, S. deRibaupierre. Western Univ., Canada. A368 570.7 Stereoscopic (3D) Visualization Improves Medical Student Comprehension of Head and Neck Vascular Anatomy. D. Cui, T.D. Wilson, R.W. Rockhold, M.N. Lehman, J.C. Lynch. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Western Univ., Canada. A369 570.8 Potential of “Living” Photography in an Online Anatomy Resource to Improve Students’ 3D Spatial Understanding. M. Pascoe, L. Lee. Univ of Colorado, Aurora. A370 570.9 Guiding Low Spatial Ability Individuals through Visual Salience Cueing: The Dual Importance of Where and When to Look. V. Roach, G. Fraser, J. Kryklywy, D. Mitchell, T.D. Wilson. Western Univ., Canada. A371 570.10 Teaching Students to See: Visual Learning Instruction for Two Different Undergraduate Anatomy Courses. B. Barger. Indiana Univ. 171 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 571. CRISPR MECHANISM AND FUNCTION Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C1 571.1 Live Cell Interrogation of dCas9:sgRNA Dynamics Off and at the Target. T. Pederson. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. C2 571.2 Generation of a Foxc2 Gene Knockout Murine Melanoma Cell Line via CRISPR Cas9 Genome Editing Technology. J. Thompson, K. Hargadon. Hampden-Sydney Col., VA. C3 571.3 Control of CRISPR Priming and Interference Activities by a Cascade-Activated Switch. N.R. Whitis, C. Xue, D.G. Sashital. Iowa State Univ. C4 571.4 Utilizing the CRISPR-Cas System to Excise and Study the Insulin Enhancer. S. Yang, R. Rose. North Carolina State Univ. C5 571.5 Optimization of DNA, RNA and RNP Delivery Methods for Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Mammalian Cell Engineering. C. Khodthong, J. Snow, L. Juckem. Miirus Bio LLC, Madison, WI. C6 571.6 A Small Molecule Enhanced CRISPR/Cas9 Methodology for Genome Editing of Dog (Canis familiaris) Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. F. Federico, N. Federico, G. Sternik, T. Federico, B. Esmaeli-Azad. Cathedral Catholic H.S., San Diego, San Diego State Univ., DNAmicroarray Inc., San Diego and Carlsbad and UCLA. C7 571.7 Optimization of CRISPR/Cas9 PlatformMediated Gene Editing of Swine Embryos for the Creation of Novel Biomedical Swine Models. D.T. Schomberg, J.J. Meudt, K.J. Krentz, C.D. Rubinstein, A. Zhang, D. Shanmuganayagam. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 572.DNA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C8 572.1 Synthesis and Characterization of Nucleic Acid Aptamers Targeted at Aspergillus Surface Carbohydrates. J.A. Bush, C.E. Rohlman. Albion Col., MI. C9 572.2 Design and Construct a Type of Fluorescently Labeled Circular DNA Molecules to Study DNA Topology and Topoisomerases by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer. F. Leng, M. Gu. Florida Intl. Univ. C10 572.3 Phylogenetic Classification of Gongora species (Orchidaceae) Based on DNA Barcode Regions matK, rpoB, rpoC1, and trn-H-psbA C. Guardado, O. Rodriguez, K. Foss, D. Ludovic, C. Ribadeneyra, C. Trivino, E. Baenziger, A. Ribes-Zamora, A.D. Simmons. Univ. of St. Thomas, TX. 172 573. DNA DAMAGE SIGNALING C11 573.1 Characterization of the E. coli SOS Response Protein YbfE. C. Kramer, M. Muenter, B. Leifer, M. Travers, R. Judge, P. Beuning. Northeastern Univ. C12 573.2 Investigating the Metabolism of a Major Peroxidation DNA Adduct, M1dG, in the Genome. O.R. Wauchope, W.N. Beavers, J.J. Galligan, M.M. Mitchener, P.J. Kingsley, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. C13 573.3 Nuclear Extracts Enzymatically Convert M1dG to 6-oxo-M1dG in Duplex DNA. M.M. Mitchener, O.R. Wauchope, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. C14 573.4 Using Budding Yeast to Study Properties and Function of the Human Replication Protein A2 N-Terminus in Response to Specific Types of DNA Damage. S.J. Haring, B.L. Senger, T.M. Wilson. North Dakota State Univ. 574. DNA REPAIR ENZYMES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C15 574.1 Investigation of the DNA Damage-Induced Protein DinD, and Its Effect on DNA Synthesis. Z.J. Romero, S. Lusetti. New Mexico State Univ. C16 574.2 Kinetic Mechanism for Binding and Flipping of Damaged Bases by DNA Repair Dealkylases. P. O’Brien. Univ. of Michigan. 575. GENOME DIVERSITY AND DNA RECOMBINATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C17 575.1 Novel Gene Identification Using the Transpose Elements in Rhodococcus aetherivorans Plasmid pR. A3 A. Alfadda. Alfaisal Univ., Saudi Arabia. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 576. GENOME STABILITY AND DNA REPAIR Poster C29 578.4 Flexible Modes of Translocation by the Eukaryotic CMG Helicase Facilitate Removal or Bypass of DNA Blocks. L.D. Langston, M. O’Donnell. HHMI, Rockefeller Univ. Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D 579. CHROMATIN RECOGNITION AND ASSEMBLY Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C18 576.1 Genomic Analysis of the Resistance of E. coli to Benzyl Bromide. M. Qi, M. Muenter, S. Baig, S. Bellou, A. Carlson, C. Conway, C. Joshi, C. Kramer, B. Leifer, M. Travers, P. Wang, R. Giese, P. Beuning. Northeastern Univ. C19 576.2 Multiple Invasions-Induced Chromosomal Rearrangements. A. Piazza, W-D. Heyer. Univ. of California, Davis. C20 576.3 Mutations in the RQC Domain of Human WRN Helicase Compromise It’s Ability to Unwind G-Quadruplex DNA. A. Ketkar, M. Voehler, T. Mukiza, R.L. Eoff. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Vanderbilt Univ. C21 576.4 The Influence of Progerin Expression on the Nature of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair. A.S. Waldman, S. Chowdhary, A. Patrick, M. Hersey, B.C. Waldman. Univ. of South Carolina. C22 576.5 Arabidopsis thaliana: A Unique and Powerful Model for Genomic Mutation Accumulation and Chromothripsis. N.L. Fernandes, S. Singh. Univ. of New Hampshire. C23 576.6 Elucidating the Role of Transcriptional Mutagenesis in the Acquisition of Adaptive Mutations. T.T. Saxowsky, G. Wilson, G. Nixon, J. Iverson, P. Angkanaworakul, C. Brock. Pacific Lutheran Univ. C24 576.7 The Yeast Genome Project: Characterizing AP. D1 C. Douds, I. Touimi Ben Jelloun, J.B. Keeney. Juniata Col., PA. 577. INTERSTRAND CROSSLINK REPAIR Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C25 577.1 Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors of the Fanconi Anemia DNA Repair Pathway. A.F. Voter, K.A. Manthei, J.L. Keck. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 578. REPLICATION: ALPHA TO OMEGA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C26 578.1 The Dynamic Nucleotide Selection Mechanism of DNA Polymerase I at Atomic Resolution. E.Y. Wu, B.R. Miller, C.A. Parish. Univ. of Richmond. C27 578.2 Exploration of the Atypical Regions of the Plasmodium falciparum Apicoplast DNA Polymerase and Their Potential Role in Antimalarial Drug Discovery. M.E. Milton, R.B. Honzatko, S.W. Nelson. Iowa State Univ. C28 578.3 TFAM Mutants Support mtDNA Replication In Vivo. M. Alexeyev, N. Kozhukhar. Univ. of South Alabama. Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C30 579.1 Heterologous Expression of the Human Polybromo-1 Protein in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris S. Hopson, M. Thompson. Michigan Technol. Univ. C31 579.2 Force Spectroscopy of Nucleosomes at the Promoters of the LH Genes Reveals Two Distinct Strategies for Their Regulation. A. Kaplan, S. Rudnizky. Technion - Israel Inst. of Technol., Haifa. 580. CHROMATIN STRUCTURE IN GENE ACTIVATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C32 580.1 Identification and Characterization of Histone Variant H2A.Z in the Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Integration. S.K. Rai, Y. Guo, H.L. Levin. NICHD, NIH. 581. DNA METHYLATION DYNAMICS AND FUNCTION DURING DEVELOPMENT AND PATHOGENESIS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C33 581.1 Genome Wide Methylation of RASSFs Associated Genes in Kidney Cancer. M.S. Alokail, A.M. Alenad. King Saud Univ., Saudi Arabia and Univ. of Southampton, U.K. C34 581.2 DNA Cytosine Methyltransferase Increases Stationary Phase Fitness under Temperature Stress in Escherichia coli R.A. Huss, S. Davidson, K.T. Militello. SUNY at Geneseo. C35 581.3 5-Azacytidine Increases Class I HLA ABC Expression in Tumor Cell Lines. P.L. Long, C.L. Louis, D.W. Nicholas, R.W. O’Donnell. SUNY Geneseo. 582. DYNAMICS OF TRANSCRIPTION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C36 582.1 Single-Molecule Analysis of Glucocorticoid Receptor and Cofactor Action in Living Cells. V. Paakinaho, D.M. Presman, D. Ball, T.S. Karpova, R.L. Schiltz, P. Levitt, T. Morisaki, D. Mazza, L.D. Lavis, G.L. Hager. NCI, NIH, Univ. Vita Salute San Raffaele, Milan and HHMI, Ashburn, VA. 173 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C37 582.2 DNA-Binding Triggers the Tetramerization of the Glucocorticoid Receptor in Live Cells. D.M. Presman, S. Ganguly, R.L. Schiltz, T. Karpova, G.L. Hager. NCI, NIH and Univ. of California, Berkeley. 583. EPIGENOME DYNAMICS IN DEVELOPMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C38 583.1 Identifying the Molecular Mechanisms by Which Disruptor of Telomere Silencing 1-Like, a Histone 3, Lysine 79 (H3K79) Methyltransferase, Regulates Mammalian Hematopoiesis. C. Malcom, J. Piasecka-Srader, N. Alvarez, C. Slawson, P. Fields. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. C39 583.2 Decline in Arylsulfatase B and Overexpression of Galactose 6-Sulfatase Both Increase DNA Methyltransferase Activity and Wnt Signaling in Prostate Stem Cells. S. Bhattacharyya, L. Feferman, J.K. Tobacman. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Jesse Brown VA Med. Ctr. 584. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF CISREGULATORY SEQUENCES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C40 584.1 Bioinformatics and Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays to Characterize Activators and Repressors of the Lupinus albus Formamidase Gene. M.C. Amadi, N.P. Galang, D. Sin, C. Uhde-Stone. California State Univ. East Bay, Hayward. C41 584.2 A Genome Editing Approach to Studying Pmp22 Enhancer Functionality. H. Pantera, J. Moran, C. Lopez-Anido, J. Svaren. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 585. GENOME-WIDE ANALYSIS OF TRANSCRIPTIONAL REGULATORY MECHANISMS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C42 585.1 Maternal versus Lifelong High-Fat Diet Differentially Alters Genome-Wide DNA Methylation in Rat Liver. L. Moody, A. Kriska, H. Chen, Y-X. Pan. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. C43 585.2 Molecular Analysis of Adaptational Strategies under Heat Stress by Whole-Genome Sequencing of Laboratory-Evolved Saccharomyces cerevisiae A. Satomura, N. Miura, K. Kuroda, M. Ueda. Kyoto Univ. and Japan Society for the Promotion of Sci., Kyoto. 174 C44 585.3 Transcriptional Activity of TEAD4 Ensures SelfRenewal of Trophoblast Progenitors during Post-implantation Placental Development. B. Saha, P. Home, S. Gunewardena, S. Paul. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. C45 585.4 The Role of Physical Nano-structure of Chromatin on Gene Expression. L.M. Almassalha, A. Tiwari, P. Thusgaard Ruhoff, M. Dela Cruz, H.M. Matsuda, C. White, Y.M. Stypula-Cyrus, H. Subramanian, I. Szleifer, H. Roy, V. Backman. Northwestern Univ., Boston Univ. and Univ. of So. Denmark. C46 585.5 Steroid Receptors Can Activate Unique FoxA1 Binding Patterns through a Highly Dynamic Mechanism Associated with a Fast DNA Residence Time. E.E. Swinstead, T.B. Miranda, V. Paakinaho, S. Baek, M. Hawkins, T. Karpova, D. Ball, D. Mazza, L.D. Lavis, T. Morisaki, L. Grøntved, D.M. Presman, G.L. Hager. NCI, NIH, Univ. Vita Salute San Raffaele, Milan, HHMI, Ashburn, VA and Univ. of So. Denmark. 586. HISTONE MODIFICATIONS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C47 586.1 Kinetic Studies of Histone Acetylation Effect in Nucleosome Disassembly Mediated by Histone Chaperone Na. p1 J.H. Lee, T-H. Lee. Penn State. C48 586.2 Histones Are Targets for Modification by Glucose-Derived Methylglyoxal. J.J. Galligan, M.M. Mitchener, O.R. Wauchope, T. Wang, K.L. Rose, D.A. Spiegel, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. and Yale Univ. C49 586.3 Investigating the Structural Dynamics of Oncogenic Histone Methyltransferases. K.E. Teichert, R.E. Iacob, T. Wales, J. Paulk, R. St. Pierre, J. Engen, J. Bradner. Northeastern Univ., Dana Farber Cancer Inst. and Harvard Med. Sch. C50 586.4 The Involvement of Histones and Posttranslational Modifications during DNA Repair in Bdelloid Rotifers. A.C. Jones, M. Ebijoyeldhas, M. Boerma, L.M. Orr, S.D. Byrum, A.J. Tackett, A.M. Schurko. Hendrix Col. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C51 586.5 Quantitative Histone H3 Modification Characterization of Differentiating Hematopoetic Murine Erythroleukemia Cells Using Parallel Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. S. Hess, A. Moradian, M. Raedle, M. Sweredoski. Caltech and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf Univ. of Applied Sci., Germany. C52 586.6 HDAC Inhibitors Decrease p35 Cleavage through Increased Expression of Calpastatin mRNA in Primary Neuronal Cells and MPTP-Treated Mice Brain. J. Seo. Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. C53 586.7 Comparing the Energetics of Histone Peptide Binding among Histone Readers. S. Chakravarty, F. Essel, T. Lin. South Dakota State Univ. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 587. NON-CODING RNAS IN GENE REGULATION AND CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C54 587.1 A Circular RNA ciRS-7 in Alzheimer’s Disease Targets miRNA-7 Trafficking and Promotes Deficits in the Expression of the Ubiquitin Conjugase (UBE2A) and the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. W. Lukiw, Y. Zhao, E. Rogaev, S. Bhattacharjee. LSU Neurosci. Ctr., New Orleans and Univ. of Massachesetts Med. Sch. C55 587.2 Analysis of Long Noncoding RNA Chromatin Interactions by Chromatin Isolation by RNA Purification. N. Asbrock. EMD Millipore, Temecula, CA. 588. NUCLEAR ARCHITECTURE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C56 588.1 Chromatin Extrusion Explains Key Features of Loop and Domain Formation in Wild-Type and Engineered Genomes. A. Sanborn, S. Rao, S-C. Huang, N. Durand, M. Huntley, A. Jewett, I. Bochkov, D. Chinnappan, A. Cutkosky, J. Li, K. Geeting, A. Gnirke, A. Melnikov, D. McKenna, E. Stamenova, E. Lander, E.L. Aiden. Baylor Col. of Med., Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med. and Broad Inst. of MIT and Harvard. 589. TRANSCRIPTIONAL ASSEMBLIES AND MECHANISMS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C57 589.1 DNA Breaks and Damage Response Signaling Are Coupled with RNA Polymerase II Promoter-Proximal Pause Release and Required for Effective Transcriptional Elongation. H. Bunch. Harvard Med. Sch., Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. 590. ALTERNATIVE RNA SPLICING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C58 590.1 Alternatively Spliced Novel Transcripts of Mouse Nur77 Gene Identified Using Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Techniques. S.R. Abul Kalam, M. Tabish, M.A. Jairajpuri. Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Aligarh Muslim Univ., India. C59 590.2 Intercellular Transfer of Splicing Factors via Extracellular Vesicles Promotes Glioblastoma Growth and Therapy Resistance. M.S. Pavlyukov, A. Mohyeldin, V.O. Shender, M. Minata, J. Wang, D. Chen, S. Kim, N.V. Antipova, M.I. Shakhparonov, I. Nakano. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Inst. of Bioorganic Chem., Moscow and The Ohio State Univ. C60 590.3 Identification of Alternatively Spliced Transcript of Bax Gene in Mouse. M.A. Husain, M. Tabish. Aligarh Muslim Univ., India. C61 590.4 Identification and Characterization of a Novel Alternatively Spliced Isoform of IRF-1 Gene in Mouse. T. Sarwar, M. Tabish. Aligarh Muslim Univ., India. C62 590.5 A Novel Alternative Exon of the Caenorhabditis elegans Lev-11 Tropomyosin Gene Is Used to Express a HeadMuscle-Specific Isoform. D.E. Barnes, H. Kuroyanagi, K. Ono, E. Kwak, S. Ono. Emory Univ. and Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ. C63 590.6 RNA Multifunctional Antisense Gene Transfer Strategy to Alter Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor Expression in Glioblastoma Multiforme. P. Patel. Monmouth Univ. C64 590.7 Design of a Pre-trans-Splicing Molecule to Generate a Soluble Extracellular Peptide Decoy to Block Activation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Pathway in Human Glioblastoma Cells. S.C. Falotico. Monmouth Univ. C65 590.8 Identification and Characterization of a Minimal Functional Splicing Regulatory Protein. R.J. Ontiveros, J. Doan, E.S. Adams, A.L. Hernandez, D.L. Black, N.M. Keppetipola. California State Univ., Fullerton and UCLA. 591. MOLECULAR RECOGNITION AND ENZYMOLOGY OF RNA Poster S U N Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C66 591.1 Interactions of a Fluorescently-Labeled Tobacco Mosaic Virus RNA with Pokeweed Antiviral Protein. D.J. Rodriguez, A.V. Domashevskiy. John Jay Col. 592. MOLECULAR RECOGNITION OF RNA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C67 592.1 Characterization of the RNA-Binding Motif of Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1 – A Moonlighting Function for a Metabolic Enzyme. A. Walker, K. Friend. Washington and Lee Univ. C68 592.2 Analysis of RNA Binding by Evolutionarily Divergent LARP6 Proteins. J.M. Castro, E. Salas, E. Peña, A. Kocian, K. Lewis. Texas State Univ. and St. Edward’s Univ. C69 592.3 Structural and Mechanistic Basis for Self versus Non-self RNA Discrimination by the Innate Immune Receptor RIG-I. S. Devarkar, C. Wang, A. Ramanathan, F. Jiang, M. Miller, A. Khan, J. Marcotrigiano, S. Patel. Robert Wood Johnson Med. Sch., Rutgers Univ., Piscataway. 175 BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY 593. RNA PROCESSING Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C70 593.1 Reprogramming Msl5 to Recognize Mutant Branch Point Sequences during Spliceosome Assembly. B. Turner, M. Rodgers, A. Hoskins. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C71 593.2 Studying the Effects of MDS Mutations in HSH155 and PRP21 on the Splicing of Introns. G. Luo, T. Carrocci, D. Zoerner, J. Xu, A. Hoskins. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C72 593.3 The RS/RGG Domain of the SR-Like Protein Npl3 Is Required for Efficient RNA Splicing in Yeast. T.L. Kress, K. Gala, J. Lobby, A. Moazamian, P. Palvannan. The Col. of New Jersey. C73 593.4 An Investigation of the Role of the NuA4 and Swr1 Complexes in Coordination of Transcription and RNA Splicing. A.N. Avitto, N. Paripati, A. Moazamian, J. Martinez, R. Moazamian, J. Pleiss, T. Kress. The Col. of New Jersey and Cornell Univ. C74 593.5 Histone H3K36 Methylation Is Required for Efficient Pre-mRNA Splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D.M. Flood, M.C. Kennedy, M. Sorenson, S. Ucles, D.K. Jha, B.D. Strahl, S.W. Stevens, T.L. Kress. The Col. of New Jersey, The Univ. of Texas at Austin and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. C75 593.6 The Role of Histone Variant H2A.Z in Cotranscriptional Splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae L.T. Neves, S. Douglass, A. Galivanche, T. Johnson. UCLA. 594. RNA: PROCESSING, TRANSPORT, AND REGULATORY MECHANISMS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C76 594.1 Discovery of Mammalian Regulators of Ribosome Biogenesis. K. Farley, K. McCann, J. Merkel, Y. Surovtseva, S.J. Baserga. Yale Univ. C77 594.2 Genetic and Biochemical Studies on the Role of Essential Protein Dib1 in Pre-messenger RNA Splicing. E. Bowman, C. Hernandez, C. Schreib, A. Lucas, C. Maeder. Trinity Univ., TX. C78 594.3 EWSR1 Potentially Functions as an RNA Chaperone in the Stress Response. C. Ribadeneyra, S. Amin. Univ. of St. Thomas, TX. 176 595. PROTEIN SYNTHESIS AND DEGRADATION C79 595.1 Rheb Inhibits Protein Synthesis by Activating the PERK-eIF2α Signaling Cascade. R. Tyagi, N. Shahani, L. Gorgen, M. Ferretti, W. Pryor, P.Y. Chen, S. Swarnkar, P.F. Worley, K. Karbstein, S.H. Snyder, S. Subramaniam. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL and Florida Atlantic Univ. C80 595.2 Translocating Loop-Substrate Interactions Mediate Subunit Coordination and Regulate the Mechanochemical Coupling and Power Production in a AAA+ Protease Machine. P. Rodriguez, L. Ramirez, F. Kim, C. Bustamante, A. Martin. Univ. of California, Berkeley. C81 595.3 Investigating the Mechanism by Which the Small RNA MtlS Regulates the Mannitol Protein Transporter at the Post-translational Level in Vibrio cholerae E.E. Hansen, M.C. Coyle, J.M. Liu. Pomona Col., CA. C82 595.4 In Vivo Studies of Function of Ribosome Recycling Factor with Translationally Coupled Two ORFs Revealed Its Major Function: Release of mRNA from the Posttermination Complex. A. Kaji, Y. Inokuchi, A. Hirashima, H. Kaji. Perelman Sch. of Med., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Teikyo Univ., Japan and Thomas Jefferson Univ. C83 595.5 Chemical Ligation Synthesis of IsotopeLabeling Compatible Selenoprotein S. J. Subramoney, Z. Zhang, R. Cheng, S. Rozovsky. Univ. of Delaware. C84 595.6 Unraveling the Activation Mechanism of CullinRing Ubiquitin Ligases Using Quantitative Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry. C. Yu, H. Mao, E. Novitsky, S.D. Rychnovsky, N. Zheng, L. Huang. Univ. of California, Irvine and Univ. of Washington. C85 595.7 The PINK-Parkin Circuit in Mitochondrial Quality Control. X. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Peng, E. Bunker, S. Lee. Univ. of Colorado Boulder. 596. PROTEASE: STRUCTURE AND REGULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C86 596.1 Modifying Trypsin to Weaken Inhibitor Interaction. A. Nzessi, H. Huynh, T. Baird. San Francisco State Univ. C87 596.2 Optimizing the Enzymatic Activity and Storage Method of the Metacaspase SUMO-Sc. p3 D.E. Proper, K.M. Fox. Union Col. C88 596.3 Adaptor Guided Proteolysis Initiates on the Ribosome. N. Puri, P. Woo, P. Mehta, A. Choksi, W. Karzai. Stony Brook Univ. C89 596.4 Expression and Purification of Active S. commune Metacaspase Proteins. B.M. Jones, K.M. Fox. Union Col., NY. C90 596.5 Decreased Aggregation of Carboxypeptidase O upon Incorporation into Lipid Rafts. H.O. Ezeribe, L.C. Burke, G.B. Barfi, P.J. Lyons. Andrews Univ. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C91 596.6 Trypsin as a Model for Investigating Serine Protease-Inhibitor Interaction. P. Diaz, W. Zhuo, A. Sharma, T. Baird. San Francisco State Univ. C92 596.7 Characterization of Ecm14, a Fungal Pseudopeptidase. T.A. Idowu, M.J. Schott, P.J. Lyons. Andrews Univ., MI. C93 596.8 Exploring the Evolution of a Unique Allosteric Regulatory Mechanism in Caspase-6 R.D. Grinshpon, A.C. Clark. Univ. of Texas at Arlington and North Carolina State Univ. 597. PROTEASOMES: STRUCTURE AND REGULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C94 597.1 Assessing Substrate Engagement by Single Molecules of the AAA+ Protease ClpXP. R.A. Saunders, B.M. Stinson, R.T. Sauer. MIT. C95 597.2 Illuminating the Proteasome: Fluorescence Assays for Investigating the Kinetics of Proteasome Substrate Processing. J.A. Bard, E. Jonsson, A. Martin. Univ. of California, Berkeley. C96 597.3 Mode of Ubiquitination Determines Complete or Partial Degradation of GFP Substrates by the 26S Proteasome. G.G. Chirico, D.A. Kraut. Villanova Univ. C97 597.4 Substrate Polyubiquitination Increases Proteasomal Processivity. E.L. Reichard, W.J. Dewey, N.D. Nassif, D.A. Kraut. Villanova Univ. C98 597.5 Conformational Switching in Proteasomal ATPases Allows for Proper Substrate Processing. A.M. Snoberger, D.M. Smith. West Virginia Univ. C99 597.6 Resveratrol Modulates Cytokine Expression in LPS-Induced Human Monocytes: Role of Proteasome Subunits. N. Silswal, N. Reddy, N. Qureshi. Univ. of MissouriKansas City. C104 598.5 Structural Analysis of CCT-Bound Folding Intermediates for mTORC1 Subunits Raptor and mLS. T8 W.G. Ludlam, T. Aoba, J. Cuéllar, A. Makaju, S. Franklin, J.M. Valpuesta, B.M. Willardson. Brigham Young Univ., Autonomous Univ. of Madrid and Univ. of Utah. C105 598.6 Structural Characterization of a Mutant Form of the Chlamydial Protein Pg. p3 T. Trinh, J. Waninger-Saroni, A. Galaleldeen. St. Mary’s Univ., TX and Univ. of Michigan. C106 598.7 Hydrodynamic Radius Prediction of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. B. Ricard, M. Tomasso, S. Whitten. Texas State Univ. C107 598.8 Understanding a Fundamental Force in Protein Folding: Tuning the n→ π* Interaction via Designed Peptides. N.A. Wenzell, H.K. Ganguly, A.K. Pandey, G.P..A. Yap, N.J. Zondlo. Univ. of Delaware. C108 598.9 Elucidating ER-Associated Degradation Pathway for GABAA Receptors. T. Mu. Case Western Reserve Univ. 599. REGULATION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS BY RNA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C109 599.1 mRNA Quality Control Is Activated Due to Chromium (VI) Mediated Oxidative Damage. N. GarciaDoherty, A.L. Larson, M. Six, S.P. Segal. Winona State Univ. C110 599.2 Translational Regulation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 2α in Response to Iron and Cellular Stressors. W. Lin, K. Deck, R. Eisenstein. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C111 599.3 Coaxing a Viral RNA Out of Its Shell: How Does a Viral RNA Genome Initiate Contact with Its Host? R.W. Sportsman, C. Beren, B. Kartub, R. Garmann, C. Knobler, W. Gelbart. UCLA and Harvard Univ. Sch. of Engin. and Applied Sci. 600. PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS 598. PROTEIN FOLDING AND MISFOLDING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C100 598.1 Brain Expressed X-Linked 3 Is a HighOrder Oligomer with Partially Folded Regions. K. Cabral, D. Raymundo, V. Silva, L. Sampaio, L.F. Hill, F. Almeida, Y. Cordeiro, M. Almeida. Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. C101 598.2 Understanding Dysregulated Collagen-I Proteostasis Linked to Osteogenesis Imperfecta. N-D. Doan, A.S. DiChiara, M.Y. Wong, R.J. Taylor, M.D. Shoulders. MIT. C102 598.3 Mutational Editing of Strained New Protein Folds with Deletion Mutations. S.R. Pattengale, V.K. Kumirov, T.N. Szyszka, M.H.J. Cordes. Univ. of Arizona. C103 598.4 The Modeling of GroEL to Understand Its Function. S. Grover, N. Kandru, J. Razo, N. Mendoza, J. Kenana, I. Dvoretz. Olathe North H.S., Olathe, KS. Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C112 600.1 A Novel Plate-Binding Array to Characterize CaMKII Protein-Protein Interactions. T.L. Perfitt, C.R. Marks, R.J. Colbran. Vanderbilt Univ. C113 600.2 CACN-1 and Its Interacting Proteins Are Important Regulators of Somatic Development in Caenorhabditis elegans J. Hugunin. Northeastern Univ. C114 600.3 Competition between Tamm-Horsfall Protein and Heparin in Ligand Interactions. M. Haskell, D.C.J. Rhodes. Pacific Northwest Univ. C115 600.4 Serum Proteins Binding to Tamm-Horsfall Protein. H.C. Araujo, D.C.J. Rhodes, J.A. Rhodes. Pacific Northwest Univ. of Hlth. Sci. C116 600.5 Binding of Tamm-Horsfall Protein to Properdin in Various Ionic Environments. J. Morgan, D. Rhodes. Pacific Northwest Univ. 177 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C117 600.6 Determination of the Molecular Interactions of Bovine Gamma B Crystallins Using NMR Spectroscopy. K. Mathews, J. Zanet, A. Payan, L. Vacca Michel, G. Thurston, J. Mills. Rochester Instn. of Technol. C118 600.7 FRET Analysis of KLHL1 Homo-dimerization and Interaction with Actin: Influence of CaV3.2 Calcium Channel Interaction with the KLHL1 Complex. H.R.S. Martin, V. Sivakumaran, K.A. Benzow, M.D. Koob, J.L. Martin, S.L. Robia, E.L. Piedras-Renteria. St Johns Univ., NY, Loyola Univ. Chicago, Maywood and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. C119 600.8 Calorimetic Study of Calcium Binding Proteins with Their Interacting Peptides. C-C. Wei, K. Schaffer, D. Jensen, R. Ngo. Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville. C120 600.9 Investigating the Activation of the Tm22 Immune Receptor in Response to the Tobamovirus Movement Protein. C. Sandoval, M.A. Sacco. California State Univ. Fullerton. C121 600.10 Computational Design of Helical Peptides Targeting Transmembrane Domain of Cellular Receptors. H. Hu, S-Q. Zhang, W.F. DeGrado. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Tsinghua Univ., China, UCSF and Sch. of Arts and Sci., Univ. of Pennsylvania. C122 600.11 Calcineurin Homologous Protein Isoforms 1 and 2 Binding to the Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger 1 C. Marshall, M. Wallert, J.J. Provost. Univ. of San Diego and Bemidji State Univ. C123 600.12 Frustrational Analysis of Na+/H+ Exchanger 1 and Calcineurin B Homologous Protein 1 & 2 D. Silva, J. Latzer, M. Wallert, J.J. Provost. Univ. of San Diego and Bemidji State Univ. C124 600.13 Determining Cellular and Viral Interaction Partners of the Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Protein ORF55 K. Randolph, H. Rivas, M.M. Gaglia. St. Mary’s Univ., TX and Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med. C125 600.14 Aim32p Is a Novel Member of the Erv1 Translocation Pathway within the Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space of Saccharomyces cerevisiae D.V. Dabir, K. Nguyen, C. Koehler. Loyola Marymount Univ. and UCLA. C126 600.15 Blocking the Protein-Protein Interaction between Gαh and PLC&Δ1 Inhibits Metastatic Progression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Y-F. Lin, P-Y. Liu, M. Hsiao. Col. of Med., Taipei Med. Univ. and Genomics Res. Ctr., Acad. Sinica, Taipei. C127 600.16 Analysis of Tectonin I and II and TectoninRelated Proteins from Physarum polycephalum T. Matsuda, R. Morita, Y. Minami. Okayama Univ. of Sci. C128 600.17 Juncture of the Cytoskeleton and Innate Immune Signaling Pathways: The Role of Suppressor of IKK Epsilon. E.L. Dohleman, H.J. Steele, J.B. Knoblauch, H.A. Sonnenschein, K.F. Lawrence, J.K. Bell. Univ. of San Diego and Virginia Commonwealth Univ. C129 600.18 The Role of Subunit Interfaces of Malate Dehydrogenase in Protein Folding and Unfolding. J. Abano, E. Bell, J. Bell. Univ. of San Diego. C130 600.19 Using ANS to Probe Ligand-Induced Conformational States of Malate Dehydrogenase. M. Schwabe, E. Bell, J. Bell. Univ. of San Diego. C131 600.20 The Effects of the H90 and E256 Mutations in the gMDH Interface on the Stability, Function, and Interface Interactions of gMDH. Z. Stewart, N.M. Garcia, E. Bell, J. Bell. Univ. of Richmond and Univ. of San Diego. 178 C132 600.21 Probing the Subunit Interface of Malate Dehydrogenase: Effects of S266A and L269A Mutations. N. James, J. Verdi, E. Bell, J. Bell. Univ. of Richmond and Univ. of San Diego. C133 600.22 Transcriptional Complexes Involving PAX3FOX. O1 A. Weatherspoon, T. Cherlin, K. Johanson. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C134 600.23 FRET Studies Examining the Interaction of Hepatitis C NS3 Helicase and Human DExD/H Box Helicases. J. Corby, G. Biener, V. Raicu, D. Frick. Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. C135 600.24 Establishing a Transcription Factors Protein Network for Lymphangiogenesis: Identification of Binding Domains, Impact of Pathological Mutations and Perturbations by Small Molecules. M. Moustaqil, J. Overman, F. Fontaine, T. Bailey, M. Francois, Y. Gambin, E. Sierecki. Univ. of New South Wales and Univ. of Queensland. C136 600.25 Determining Histone Deacetylase 8 Substrates Using Non-natural Amino Acids. J. Lopez, J. Majmudar, B. Martin, C. Fierke. Univ. of Michigan. C137 600.26 Noncanonical PDZ Interaction between PKAa RIα R368X Acrodysostosis Mutant >and P-Rex1 PDZ Domain. J.C. Del Rio, J.G.H. Bruystens, L. Chávez-Vargas, Y. Ma, A.P. Kornev, J. Vázquez-Prado, S.S. Taylor. UCSD and CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City. C138 600.27 In Vivo Assessment of a Tissue-Engineered Vascular Graft in a Rat Model. C. MacIsaac, P. Stringa, N. Lausada, A. Nieponice, J. Vande Geest. Univ. of Arizona and Fndn. Favaloro, Buenos Aires. C139 600.28 Novel Protein Binding Kinetics Measurements in Complex Biological Samples Using AGILE Research. B. Goldsmith, A. Walker, D. Pan, M. Lerner, F. Barron. Nanomed. Diagnostics, San Diego. C140 600.29 Varying Assay of Proteins Vital to Regulation of the Epithelial Sodium Channel. C. Wolfe, B.E. Roach, R.E. Booth. Texas State Univ. 601. PROTEOMICS AND BIOINFORMATICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C141 601.1 Database for Storage and Rapid Retrieval of ProMOL Results. C.D. Baker, J.L. Mills, H.J. Bernstein, P.A. Craig. Rochester Inst. of Technol. Schs. of Life Sci. and Chem. & Materials Sci. C142 601.2 Large-Scale Structure-Based Prediction and Identification of Novel Protease Substrates Using Computational Protein Design. M.A. Pethe, A. Rubenstein, S.D. Khare. Rutgers and Ctr. for Integrative Proteomics Res., Piscataway. C143 601.3 A Group of Novel Serum Diagnostic Biomarkers for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis by iTRAQ-2D LC-MS/ MS and Solexa Sequencing. C. Wang, C-M. Liu, L-L. Wei, L-Y. Shi, Z-F. Pan, L-G. Mao, X-C. Wan, Z-P. Ping, T-T. Jiang, Z-L. Chen, Z-J. Li, J-C. Li. Zhejiang Univ., The Sixth Hosp. of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Hosp., Hangzhou and The First Hosp. of Jiaxing, China. C144 601.4 Identification of the Recognition Sequence in Gluten by the Prolyl Endoprotease of Eurygaster integriceps S. Melton. Stephen F. Austin State Univ. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C145 601.5 Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Analysis of Saliva from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Matched Controls. K.L. Wormwood, L. Charette, J.P. Ryan, A.G. Woods, C.C. Darie. Clarkson Univ. and SUNY Plattsburgh. C146 601.6 Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics to Investigate and Characterize the Jumping Translocation Breakpoint Protein Using Cancer Cell Lines. D. Channaveerappa, K. Li, C.C. Darie. Clarkson Univ. C147 601.7 A Novel Lipolytic Enzyme from an Uncultured Bacterium Genome. M.V. Rangel, G. Palmieri, N. Zoubeidi, B. Lee, C. Ouverney. San Jose State Univ. and Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. C148 601.8 Characterization and Expression of Conserved Skeletal Proteins in Echinoderms. R.L. Flores, B.T. Livingston. California State Univ., Long Beach. C149 601.9 Crystal Structure and Bioinformatics Inferred Function of Protein A2617 from Methylibium petroleiphilum A. Saleh, M.J. Collazo, M. Sawaya, D. Cascio, M. Rasche. California State Univ., Fullerton, UCLA and HHMI, Los Angeles. C150 601.10 Characterizing the Microbial Sulfur Metabolizing Community of the Salton Sea Geothermal System. J.Y-H. Lee, M. Shelton, B. Iglesias, C. Chu, D. Lawrence, E.J. Crane. Pomona Col., CA. 602. PROTEOMICS/SYSTEMS BIOLOGY FOR HUMAN HEALTH AND MEDICINE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C151 602.1 The Human C-Terminome. S. Sharma, O. Toledo, M. Hedden, K.F. Lyon, S.B. Brooks, R.P. David, J. Limtong, J.M. Newsome, N. Novakovic, V. Thapar, S. Williams, S. Rajasekaran, M.R. Schiller. Sch. of Life Sci., Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, Massachusetts Gen, Hosp. and Univ. of Connecticut. C152 602.2 Rapid and Reproducible Proteotype Acquisition from Biopsy Level Samples. T. Guo, R. Aebersold. ETH Zurich. C153 602.3 Noninvasive Biomarker Candidates for Cadmium-Induced Nephrotoxicity by 2DE/MALDI-TOF MS and SILAC/LC-MS Proteomic Analyses. A. Moon, S.Y. Kim, H. M. Lee, E-y. Ko, K.S. Kim, H.S. Kim. Col. of Pharm., Duksung Women’s Univ. and Sch. of Pharm., Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea. C154 602.4 A Novel Immunoassay, AGILE Research, Enables Detection of Analyte in Quantity Limited Samples. F.E. Barron, R. Scannura, A.L.P. Tavares, A. Walker, D. Pan, M. Lerner, D.E. Clouthier, B. Goldsmith. Nanomed. Diagnost. Inc., San Diego and Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. 603. QUANTITATIVE PROTEOMICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C157 603.1 The Potential Urinary Aging Markers from 20-Month-Old Rats. X. Li, Y. Gao. Peking Union Med. Col. and Beijing Normal Univ. C158 603.2 New Serum Biomarkers of Blood Coagulation Function for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Using iTRAQ-Coupled 2D LC-MS/MS. T. Jiang, L-L. Wei, L-Y. Shi, C. Wang, D-D. Xu, Z-L. Chen, Z-P. Ping, C-M. Liu, J-C. Li. Zhejiang Univ., The Sixth Hosp. of Shaoxing and Zhejiang Hosp., Hangzhou, China. C159 603.3 A Preliminary Study on Serum Proteomics in Yin-Deficiency-Heat Syndrome Rats Using iTRAQ-Coupled 2DLC-MS/MS. C. Liu, L. Mao, Z. Ping, T. Jiang, C. Wang, Z. Chen, D. Xu, J-C. Li. Zhejiang Univ., China. 604. BIOPHYSICAL METHODS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C160 604.1 Metal Affinity Chromatography and Protein Refolding Techniques: Some Observations and Strategies. O.O. Odunuga, J.M. Weihe, C.N. Tovar. Stephen F. Austin State Univ. C161 604.2 Analysis of Fluorescent Proteins for the Development of an In Vivo System for Protease Evolution. T.L. Selby. Mercer Univ. Sch. of Med. C162 604.3 Whole-Blood Optimization of Electrochemical Biosensors for Biomedical Diagnostics. J. Daniel, M. McCoy, A.J. Bonham. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver. C163 604.4 Inhibition of Osteotropic Breast Cancer Cell Motility by Zoledronic Acid in a 3D Spheroid Culture. W.A. Whalen, J.A. Bush. California State Univ., Fresno and UCSF. 605. BIOINORGANIC CATALYSIS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C164 605.1 Achieving Enzyme-Like Behavior with Amino Acids and Peptides in the Outer Coordination Sphere of Hydrogenase Mimics. W. Shaw, N. Borolugodage, A. Dutta. Pacific Northwest Natl. Lab. C165 605.2 An Investigation Into the Extended Coordination Network of Catalytic Zinc Ions in a Class B β-Lactamase. A. Caruso, E. Eberhardt. Vassar Col., NY. C166 605.3 Mutagenesis and Steady State Kinetic Characterization of a Class B Metallo-β-Lactamase. J.P. Baker, E. Eberhardt. Vassar Col., NY. 179 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY 606. ENZYMES AS DRUG TARGETS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C167 606.1 Peptide-Induced Inhibition of ATP Synthase as an Alternative Approach to Combat Microbial Infections. Z. Ahmad. A.T. Still Univ., MO. C168 606.2Withdrawn C169 606.3 A Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase Virulence Factor from Staphylococcus aureus I. Moreno, S.F. O’Handley. Rochester Inst. of Technol. C170 606.4 N-Terminal Domain of Bothrops asper Myotoxin II Enhances the Activity of Endothelin Converting Enzyme and Neprilysin. S. Kuruppu, N. Rajapakse, O. Kleifeld, D.H. Small, J. Whisstock, A.I. Smith. Monash Univ., Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Inst., Prahan and Menzies Res. Inst., Hobart, Australia. C171 606.5 Rational Engineering of the CDK9/CyclinT Complex Improves Protein Stability Enabling Kinetic Analysis of Inhibitors by SPR. E. Code, A. Ferguson, N. O’Connell, P. Doig. AstraZeneca R&D Boston. C172 606.6 Effect of the Heavy Metals Cobalt and Cadmium on LINE1 Endonuclease Activity. I. Ahmad, M. Smith, J. Meyers, B. Russell, K. Dorrah, C. DeFreece. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C173 606.7 Downregulation of the G6PDH Pathway Can Promote Oxidative Stress-Mediated Reversal of Drug Resistance in B-Cell Lymphoma Cell Lines. S.H. Mousavifard. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Bryan. 607. ENZYME INHIBITORS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C174 607.1 Structural and Inhibitor Screening Studies of a Fungal Form of Aspartate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase from Cryptococcus neoformans G.P. Dahal, R.E. Viola. The Univ. of Toledo. C175 607.2 Metallothionein Induction, Antioxidant Defence Systems and Lipid Peroxidation: An Amalgamation of Biomarkers of Heavy Metals Pollution in Mus musculus F.I. Osuala, A.A. Otitoloju, M. Igwo-Ezikpe. Univ. of Lagos. C176 607.3 Functional Studies of Thiosemicarbozone Compounds against Topoisomerase IIα A.R. Brown, L. Ngo, W. Morris, W. Medawala, V. Khoo, E. Lisic, X. Jiang. Tennessee Technol. Univ. C177 607.4 Inhibitory Effects of Substituted Pyrazoline Derivatives on Entamoeba histolytica A. Tight, L. Rossi, A. Espinosa. Roger Williams Univ., MA and RI. C178 607.5 Topoisomerase II Inhibition by BZP Thiosemicarbazones. M.T. Stephens, Y.L. Angulo, R.R. Eatebarian, W. Medawala, W. Morris, J.E. Deweese, E. Lisic, X. Jiang. Tennessee Technol. Univ. and Lipscomb Univ. C179 607.6 Recombinant Production of a PLA2 Inhibitor: Implications for Production of Venom Inhibitors. H. Elmashhady, C.Y. Loh, C. Michael, M. Ma, S. Sahudin, V. Schutz. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 180 C180 607.7 Examination of Turnip Mosaic Virus GenomeLinked Protein (VPg) as an Effective Novel Inhibitor of Ricin Toxin A Chain. S. De Los Santos, A.V. Domashevskiy. John Jay Col. of Criminal Justice, NY. C181 607.8 Cloning and Purification of Human Prolyl Endopeptidase for Biochemical Comparison to Sunn Pest Prolyl Endoprotease. T.K. Moore. Stephen F. Austin State Univ. C182 607.9 Development of an Efficient Structure-Based Drug Discovery Platform for BACE1 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. Y-C. Yen, A. Kammeyer, K.C. Jensen, A.K. Ghosh, A.D. Mesecar. Purdue Univ. C183 607.10 Transition-State Analogs as Effective Inhibitors against Helicobacter pylori 5′-Methylthioadenosine Nucleosidase. A. Payan, B. Hirsch, V. Schramm. Rochester Inst. of Technol. and Albert Einstein Col. of Med. C184 607.11 The Effect of the Heavy Metal Nickel on the LINE1 Endonuclease. M. Smith, I. Ahmad, J. Meyers, B. Russell, K. Dorrah, C. DeFreece. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C185 607.12 Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the LINE1 Endonuclease. J. Meyers, C. DeFreece. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C186 607.13 Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Mormodica charantia P.O. Obih, A. Nguyen, J-C.A. Obih. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana and So. Univ. at New Orleans. 608. MECHANISTIC STUDIES OF METALLOENZYME Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C187 608.1 Investigation of Solvent Hydron Exchange in the Reaction Catalyzed by the Antibiotic Resistance Protein, Cfr. M.R. Bauerle, T.L. Grove, S.J. Booker. Penn State, Albert Einstein Col. of Med. and HHMI, University Park, PA. C188 608.2 Structural and Functional Characterization of the Sco Protein from Thermus hermophilus L. Lopez, L. Hunsicker-Wang. Trinity Univ., TX. C189 608.3 Mechanism and Catalytic Potential of a Cytochrome P450 (OleT) That Catalyzes C-C Bond Scission. C.H. Hsieh, X. Huang, C.L. Keys, J.T. Groves, R.N. Austin, T.M. Makris. Univ. of South Carolina, Princeton Univ. and Barnard Col., Columbia Univ. C190 608.4 A Surprising Shift in the Biosynthesis of Marine Meroterpenoids. Z. Miles, S. Deithelm, J. George, B. Moore. UCSD and Univ. of Adelaide. C191 608.5 New Insight Into the Role of ATP in Iron Sulfur Cluster Scaffolding by the Mrp/Nbp35 Family of Cluster Scaffolds. D.L. Perlstein, J. Grossman. Boston Univ. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 609. PHOTOCHEMICAL SENSORS 612. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY AND DRUG DISCOVERY Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C192 609.1 Effects of Antisense Oligonucleotide Treatment on Photoreceptor Function in a Mouse Model of Usher Syndrome. F.A. Franceschini, R. Amato, F. Rigo, M. Hastings, J. Lentz. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Ponce, Isis Pharmaceut. Inc., Carlsbad and Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. 610. PROTEIN INTERACTIONS IN CATALYSIS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C193 610.1 Potential Electron Transfer Protein Complexes during the Initiation of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degradation Investigated by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering. C. Colbert, J. Jensen, B. LeVahn, Z. Staskywicz, K. Glover, D. Neau, S. Chakravarthy, S. Sinha. North Dakota State Univ., North Eastern Collab. Access Team, Fargo and Biophysics Collab. Access Team, Argonne, IL. C194 610.2 Systematic Proteomics and Biochemical Approaches to Identifies the Function of UBXN10 in p97Associated Process. X. Li, S. Li,T-F. Chou. LA BioMed, Torrance. 611. PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES AND INHIBITORS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C195 611.1 Cleavage of Proglucagon by the Prohormone Converting Enzymes PCSK1 and PCSK2 Is Not Dictated by the Amino Acid Sequence Immediately Adjacent to the Cleavage Site. R.B. Mackin. Creighton Univ. C196 611.2 Peptides Mimicking the Reactive Center Loop as Potential Inhibitors of Serpin-3 in Manduca sexta M. Li, M.R. Kanost. Kansas State Univ. C197 611.3 N-Terminal Extracellular Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor Cleavage by Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 A.N. Gonçalves, J. Ramos, R.F. Gerlach. Univ. of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. C198 611.4 Insights into Rate-Limiting Substrate Dynamics during Proteolysis of Kunitz-BPTI Family Canonical Serine Protease Inhibitors. O. Kayode, T.R. Caulfield, A. Soares, E.S. Radisky. Mayo Grad. Sch., Col. of Med. and Cancer Ctr., Jacksonville, FL and Brookhaven Natl. Lab. C199 612.1 A New Oridonin Analogue Suppresses TripleNegative Breast Cancer Cells and Tumor Growth via Inducing the Expression of Death Receptor 5 C. Chen, J. Wu, J. Zhou. Kunming Inst. of Zoology, CAS, China and Univ. of Texas Med. Branch. C200 612.2 Menaquinone Biosynthesis: An Antibacterial Target? J. Matarlo. Stony Brook Univ. C201 612.3 Chemical and Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of UDP-N-Acetyl Glucosamine Probes. T.K. Heiss, K.E. DeMeester, H. Liang, B. Barbero, C. Leimkuhler Grimes. Univ. of Delaware. C202 612.4 Synthesis of Artificial Bacterial Cell Wall Fragments as Tools to Study the Innate Immune System. G. Gregorzak, J. Melnyk, K. DeMeester, C. Grimes. Univ. of Delaware. C203 612.5 A Lipid Fraction from Catfish (Arius bilineatus, Val.) potently Inhibits Collagen-Induced Aggregation In Vitro. C. Pace-Asciak, J.M. Al-Hassan, M. Afzal, B.M. Paul, S. Oommen, Y.F. Liu. Univ. of Toronto Hosp. for Sick Children (SickKids), Kuwait Univ. and CMS Col. Kottayam, India. C204 612.6 Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Proliferative Activities from the Skin of the Catfish arius Bilineatus, Valenciennes P. Yang, J. Ding, L. Tang, P. Rhea, Y. Pan, M. Afzal, B.M. Paul, S. Oommen, J.M. Al-Hassan. Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Kuwait Univ., Kuwait and CMS Col., India. C205 612.7 Structural Insight into Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency – Discovery of Novel G6PD Activators to Correct G6PD Deficiency. S. Hwang. Stanford Univ. C206 612.8 Cell-Rounding Compounds Inhibit Components of the Bacterial Cytoskeleton. M. Lammers, T. Santos, K. Hurley, T. Mitchinson, D. Weibel. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and Harvard Med. Sch. C207 612.9 Progress towards Design of a Light Activated COX-2 Inhibitor. W. Paulishak, C. Armstrong, M. DeBerardino, C. Rous, P. Mertz, C. Streu. St. Mary’s Col. of Maryland and Albion Col., MI. C208 612.10 The First Example of Allosteric Partial Inhibition of a Monomeric Protease. S. Verespy, A.Y. Mehta, D. Afosah, R.A. Al-Horani, U.R. Desai. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. C209 612.11 Search for New Pro-apoptotic Agents in Indigenous Antitumor Plants in Nigeria. A.B. James, G.M. Saibu, O.A. Magbagbeola, S.A. Omilabu, M. Meyer. Col. of Med., Univ. of Lagos, Lagos State Univ., Nigeria and Univ. of the Western Cape, South Africa. C210 612.12 Evolution of Metal Ion and Purine Nucleotide Effects and Cooperativity in Glutamate Dehydrogenase: The Role of Conformational Flexibility. S. Tran, J. Bell, E. Bell. Univ. of San Diego. C211 612.13 Effects of Purine Nucleotides on the Stability of Glutamate Dehydrogenase Studied Using a Fluorescence Based Thermal Shift Assay. A. Smith, J. Bell, E. Bell. Univ. of San Diego. 181 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C212 612.14 A Fluorescent, HTS-Adaptable CoupledEnzyme Assay for Measurement of Human Cytosolic Sulfotransferase 2B1b Activity and Identification of SmallMolecule Inhibitors. Q. Zhou, A. Mesecar. Purdue Univ. C213 612.15 Synthesis of a New Series of Alpha-(N)Heterocyclic Thiosemicarbazone Ligands and Their Cu2+, Pd2+, and Pt2+ Metal Complexes: Differences in Biological Activity. V.G. Rand, E. Lisic. Tennessee Technol. Univ. C214 612.16 Conjugation of BSA Onto PEG8 via StrainPromoted Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition as a Drug Delivery System. J. Hill. Loyola Univ. Chicago. C215 612.17 Imaging Withaferin A-Vimentin Interactions in Live Cells and Fibrotic Tissues. P. Bargagna-Mohan, S. Keshipeddy, D.L. Wright, R. Mohan. Univ. of Connecticut Hlth. Ctr. and Univ. of Connecticut. C216 612.18 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 10-Chloro-9h-5-oxa-6b,7,9,11,12-pentaaza-benzo[5,6] pentaleno[2,1-b]naphthalen-6-one. S. Govori, A. Haziri, N. Neziraj, H. Ibrahimi. Univ. of Pristina, Albania. C217 612.19 Novel Allosteric Destabilizers as Therapeutics for Genetic Diseases and Trauma. J.C. Groppe, G. Lu, A. Dawson, T. Dawson. Texas A&M Baylor Col. of Dent. 613. NEW TARGETS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY: ANTIBACTERIALS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C218 613.1 Biophysical and Structural Studies of Chelator Fragment-Library Candidates as Inhibitors of Metallo-βlactamases. C. Williams, D.L. Tierney, M.W. Crowder, S. Cohen, W. Fast, R.C. Page. Miami Univ., UCSD and Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Texas at Austin. C219 613.2 Antibacterial Activity of Organic Ligands and Their Cu(II) Complexes. S. Hamaway, K. Fox, J. Tanski, L. Tyler. Union Col. and Vassar Col. C220 613.3 Elucidating the Molecular Basis of Protein and Polymer Display in Pathogenic Bacteria for Novel Antivirulence Drug Development. M. Kattke, M. Sawaya, D. Cascio, A. Duong, M. Elliot, R. Clubb. UCLA and McMaster Univ., Canada. C221 613.4 Synthesis and Application of Small Cationic Hexamers as Potential Antibiotic Agents. J.W. Sheffield, C.T. Kyle, J.D. Rockenbach, C.W. Anderson, M.J. Wolyniak. Hampden-Sydney Col., VA. C222 613.5 Cell Membrane Permeabilization by Double, Bi-monopolar and Bi-polar, Electrical Pulses and Polycationic Peptides. V.V. Lemeshko, D.A. Ortiz. Natl. Univ. of Colombia, Medellin. C223 613.6 Investigating Mycobacterium tuberculosis L,D-Transpeptidases as Novel Drug Targets. L. Basta, Y. Pan, A. Kaushik, E. Lloyd, C. Townsend, B. Staker, C. Lukacs, M. Bianchet, G. Lamichhane. U.S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Johns Hopkins Univ., Ctr. for Infect. Dis. Res., Seattle and Elpedira, Cambridge, MA. C224 613.7 Development of Novel Small Molecule Antibiotics against T-Box Riboswitches in Gram-Positive Bacteria. V.Y.P. Väre, G.C. Todd, K.M. Frohlich, J.T. Bell, S.F. Weintraub, P.F. Agris. SUNY at Albany. 182 C225 613.8 Fine-Tuning the Selectivity of Pore-Forming Peptides From Loss-of-Function High Throughput Screening. A.J. Krauson, M. Hall, T. Fuselier, C.G. .Starr, W.B. Kauffman, W.C. Wimley. Tulane Univ. C226 613.9 Camel VHH for the Prevention of Listeria monocytogenes cellular Invasion. M. Toride, I. Huh, M. Mendoza, C.L. Brooks. California State Univ., Fresno. 614. NEW TARGETS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY: SIGNALING PROTEINS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C227 614.1 Mechanisms by Which Plant Extracts Delay Aging in Yeast by Targeting Certain Signaling Pathways and Modulating Lipid Metabolism. V. Titorenko, V. Lutchman, Y. Medkour, A. Leonov, A. Arlia-Ciommo, V. Svistkova, P. Dakik. Concordia Univ., Montreal. C228 614.2 Small Molecule Activation Affects Cellular Localization of NF&κB and Fox03 during LPS-Induced TLR4 Signaling. R.A. Day, D. Stoub, V. Gupta. Dordt Col, IA and Rush Med. Sch. 615. WELCOME TO THE POST-ANTIBIOTIC ERA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C229 615.1 Acetylating Polymyxin Antibiotics: Clues toward Substrate Specificity of PA3944 Gcn5-Related N-Acetyltransferase of Unknown Function. M.L. Kuhn, L. Joe, B. Amsler, B. Zhang, K. Majorek, R. Yen, W. Wu, G. Gassner, T. Baird, W. Minor. San Francisco State Univ. and Univ. of Virginia. 616. GLYCOSCIENCE IN BIOLOGY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C230 616.1 Hyaluronan Signals Release and Nuclear Accumulation of WWOX and Smad from Membrane Hyal-2 N-S. Chang. Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan. C231 616.2 A New Selective Probe for Visualization and Identification of O-GlcNAc-Modified Proteins in Cells. P.G. Wang, J. Li, J. Wang, L. Wen, S. Li, H. Zhu, C. Ma, X. Li. Georgia State Univ. and Col. of Pharm., Nankai Univ., China. C232 616.3 Cell-Specific Glycomic and Signaling Alterations Associated with Human Ganglioside Deficiency. M. Dookwah, K. Aoki, M. Kulik, S. Dalton, R. Steet, M. Tiemeyer. Univ. of Georgia. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 617. REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION BY O-GLCNAC Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C233 617.1 Dynamic Interactions of TATA-Box Binding Protein with Promoters Is Regulated by O-GlcNAcylation. S. Hardivillé, G. Han, J. Ma, P. Hu, P.S. Banerjee, G.W. Hart. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. 618. GLYCANS IN BACTERIA Poster 621. GLYCANS IN PROTEIN QUALITY CONTROL Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C239 621.1 GRP78 Is Not Expressed on the Surface of Triple Negative Human Breast Cancer Cells. J.E. SerranoNegron, E.C. Romero, N. Sanchez, A. Banerjee, K. Baksi, D.K. Banerjee. Univ. of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Univ.Central del Caribe, Bayamón and Inst. of Funct. Nanomaterials, San Juan, PR. 622. GLYCOBIOLOGY AND EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C234 618.1 N-Linked Glycosylation of Hemagglutinin Globular Head Modulates the Antibody Response to H3N2 Influenza A Virus. I. Alymova. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. C235 618.2 Glycans in Pseudomonas aeruginosa A.K. McClinton, D.L. Cioffi, E.A. Cioffi. Univ. of South Alabama. 619. GLYCANS IN DEVELOPMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C236 619.1 The Role of N-Linked Glycosylation in Drosophila Development Morgan Thomas and Dr. Erica M. Selva Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, 210 South College Ave, Newark, Delaware 19711 M.D. Thomas, E.M. Selva. Univ. of Delaware. 620. GLYCANS IN DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C237 620.1 Lectin-Like Properties of Human Antibodies against the Red Meat-Derived Antigen N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid: A Mitogenic Factor Promoting Carcinoma Growth. F.A. da Silva, N. Nguyen, A. Varki. UCSD. C238 620.2 Downregulating FUK to Get Unstuck: Altered Fucosylation in Melanoma Promotes Tumor Development and Metastasis. E.K. Lau, Y. Feng, G. Claps, M.N. Fukuda, A. Perlina, D. Donn, L. Jilaveanu, H. Kluger, H.H. Freeze, Z.A. Ronai. Moffitt Cancer Ctr., Tampa, Sanford Burnham Prebys Med. Disc. Inst., La Jolla and Yale Univ. Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C240 622.1 MAGP2 Binding to αvβ3 Integrins Affects Levels of Microfibril Formation. R. Daniels, M. Valdivia, A. Perez, A. Miyamoto. California State Univ. Fullerton. C241 622.2 Bioengineering Proteoglycan-Based Matrices for Blood Contacting Applications. M. Lord, C. Chuang, J. Rnjak-Kovacina, B. Cheng, G. Lyons, J. Whitelock. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Engin., Univ. of New South Wales, Univ. of Copenhagen, Sydney Med. Sch., Royal Prince Alfred Hosp., Univ. of Sydney and Sydney Head and Neck Cancer Inst. S U N 623.GLYCOMICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C242 623.1 Cellular O-Glycome Reporter/amplification to Explore O-Glycans of Living Cells. M.R. Kudelka, A. Antonopoulos, Y. Wang, D.M. Duong, X. Song, N.T. Seyfried, A. Dell, S.M. Haslam, R.D. Cummings, T. Ju. Harvard Univ., Imperial Col. London and Emory Univ. 624.GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C243 624.1 Dysregulation of TGF-β Signaling: A Key Role for Fucosyltransferase-1 in Scleroderma and BleomycinInduced Fibrosis. W.A. Stinson, P-S. Tsou, N. Lepore, S. Arwani, G. Edhayan, R. Ohara, E. Cealey, B.J. Rabquer, D. Khanna, D. Fox, M.A. Amin. Univ. of Michigan Med. Ctr. and Albion Col. C244 624.2 Investigation of Enzymatic Mechanism and Cellular Expression of DPY-19L1 and DPY-19L4 A. Kastigar, B. Murdock, J. Rakus. Marshall Univ. 183 BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C245 624.3 Regulation of Notch Signaling by O-Glucosylation: Notch-Modifying XylosyltransferaseSubstrate Complexes Support an SNi-Like Retaining Mechanism. R.S. Haltiwanger, H. Yu, M. Takeuchi, J. LeBarron, J. Kantharia, E. London, H. Bakker, H. Li, H. Takeuchi. Univ. of Georgia, Brookhaven Natl. Lab., NY, Stony Brook Univ. and Hannover Med. Sch., Germany. C254 626.5 Transcriptomic and MicroRNA Analyses Identify Gene Networks Regulated by Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Brown Adipose Tissue from Diet-Induced Obese Mice. M. Pahlavani, N.N. Wijayatunga, R. Kottapalli, L. Ramalingam, P.H. Gunaratne, C. Coarfa, K. Rajapakshe, N.S. Kalupahana, N. Moustaid-Moussa. Texas Tech Univ., Univ. of Houston and Baylor Col. of Med. 625. AGING AND METABOLISM 627. METABOLISM, DISEASE AND DRUG DESIGN Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C246 625.1 Plasma Kallistatin Is Associated with Leukocyte Telomere Length in Young African Americans. H. Zhu, J. Chao, A. Raed, Y. Huang, J. Bhagatwala, S. Parikh, Y. Dong. Med. Col. of Georgia, Augusta Univ. and Med. Univ. of South Carolina. C247 625.2 Regular Supplementation of Dietary Compounds Modulates Longevity and Aging in Drosophila melanogaster L. Holohan, R.P. Rogers. Wentworth Inst. of Technol., Boston. C248 625.3 Indices of Fatty Acyl-CoA Desaturase Activity Are Associated with Cognitive Function and Preclinical Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Beta-Amyloid and Tau Levels in Alzheimer’s Disease. A.N. Fonteh, M. Cipolla, J. Chiang, X. Arakaki, M. Harrington. HMRI, Pasadena. C249 625.4 Detection of Glycerophospholipids and Sphingolipids in Urine and Their Correlation with Cerebrospinal Fluid Beta-Amyloid 42 A.N. Fonteh, M. Cipolla, J. Chiang, K. Castor, M. Harrington. HMRI, Pasadena. 626. GENETIC AND METABOLIC APPROACHES TO OBESITY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C250 626.1 Genomic Analysis of Obesity Gene Risk Variations: Understanding the Thrifty-Genotype Hypothesis on an Evolutionary Time-Scale. J.J. Castillo, Z. Hazlett, W.S. Garver. Univ. of New Mexico. C251 626.2 Adipose Depot-Specific Differences in Transcriptome and MicroRNA Expression in High Fat DietInduced Obese Mice. N.N. Wijayatunga, M. Pahlavani, R. Kottapalli, J.A. Dawson, L. Ramalingam, P.H. Gunaratne, C. Coarfa, K. Rajapakshe, N.S. Kalupahana, N. MoustaidMoussa. Texas Tech Univ., Univ. of Houston, Baylor Col. of Med. and Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. C252 626.3 Do Sweeteners Affect the Expression of (Pro) renin Receptors in the Rat Kidney? N.E. Young, T. Salerno. Minnesota State Univ., Mankato. C253 626.4 Modulation of Hypothalamic Activity Alters Appetite in a Novel Antioxidant Mouse. D.L. Amos, L. Efaw, C. Cook, M. Massie, N. Mitchell, A. Gudivada, N. Santanam. Marshall Univ. and Bluefield State Col., WV. 184 C255 627.1 Affinity of Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen for Synthetic N-Acetylaspartylglutamate Derivatives. K. Javed, L. Salamanca Cardona, K. Keshari. St. John’s Univ. and Mem. Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr. C256 627.2 Exploration of Plasmodium Kinases. A.L. Eubanks, E.R. Derbyshire. Duke Univ. C257 627.3 Administration of a Novel β-Hydroxybutyrate Ester after Radiation Exposure Suppresses In Vitro Lethality and Chromosome Damage, Attenuates Bone Marrow Suppression In Vivo. M.F. Kemper, A. Miller, R.J. Pawlosky, R. Veech. NIAAA, NIH, Rockville and Armed Forces Radiobiol. Res. Inst., Bethesda. C258 627.4 Evaluation of Compounds That Inhibit Fatty Acid Uptake in Mice. S. Taylor, N. Saini, D. Montefusco, P. Black, C. DiRusso. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. C259 627.5 Novel Method for the Detection of Glucose Uptake: Direct Measurement of Glucose Levels in Cultured Cells. K. Yan, S. Li, Y. Lin, S. Saddar, G. Tchaga, G. Yan. BioVision Inc., Milpitas, CA and Henry M. Gunn H.S., Palo Alto. C260 627.6 Small Fungal Molecule Metabolites Targeting Mosquito Midgut FREP1 Block Malaria Transmission. J. Li. Univ. of Oklahoma. C261 627.7 Characterizing the Structural Requirements of the Human Antiviral Protein Apobec3G. R. Casazza, A. Sheehy. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C262 627.8 Expression Profile of Monocarboxylate Transporters and Basigin Gene Products in the Mouse Cornea. R.G. Maniccia, J.D. Fong, J.D. Ochrietor. Univ. of North Florida. C263 627.9 Analysis of Immune Molecule Expression in Mouse Adipose Tissue and Deep Fat. S. Juresic, J.D. Ochrietor. Univ. of North Florida. C264 627.10 In Good Taste: An Investigation of Lactate Metabolons in the Mouse Tongue. J.D. Ochrietor, H. Zahir, L. Castillo, R. Seddeik, J.D. Gelsleichter. Univ. of North Florida. C265 627.11 Characterization of Basigin and MCT1 Expression in Murine Myocardium. G.E. Morse, J.D. Ochrietor. Univ. of North Florida. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 628. METABOLISM AND NUTRITION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C266 628.1 Association of Serum Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin with Features of Metabolic Syndrome in Children. N. Al-Daghri, N. Khan, O. Al-Attas, S. Sabico, M. Alokail, S. Kumar. King Saud Univ. and Warwick Univ., U.K. C267 628.2 High Fructose Corn Syrup-55 Alters Hepatic Metabolism to Increase Risk of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Female Sprague-Dawley Rats. S. Lateef, K. Mock, V. Benedito, J. Tou. West Virginia Univ. C268 628.3 Parental Diet Modulates Gene Expression in Drosphila melanogaster J. Tresser. Biola Univ., CA. C269 628.4 Variation in Inositol Utilization in Closely Related Drosophilids. M.B.T. Smith, E. Eldon, L. Klig. California State Univ., Long Beach. C270 628.5 Contribution of Poly-unsaturated Fatty Acids on Cerebral Neurobiology: An Integrated Omics Approach with Epigenomic Focus. N. Chakraborty, S. Muhie, A. Gautam, R. Hammamieh, M. Jett. U.S. Army Ctr. for Enfrn. Hlth. Res., Frederick, MD. C271 628.6 The Roles of GPD1 in Maintaining Blood Glucose Levels under Fasting Conditions. T. Sato, A. Morita, N. Mori, S. Miura. Univ. of Shizuoka and Osaka Prefect. Univ., Japan. C272 628.7 Antioxidant Activity of Three Local Leafy Vegetables of Western Uganda. H.W. Kinyi, W. Byarugaba, M. Vicente-Crespo. Kampala Intl. Univ. and Kabale Univ., Uganda. C273 628.8 The Role of 12/15-Lipoxygenase in a Mouse Model of Alcoholic Liver Disease. I. Kirpich, M. Miller, C. Ramsden, A. Feldstein, C. McClain. Univ. of Louisville, NIAAA, NIH, UCSD and Robley Rex VA Med. Ctr., Louisville. C274 628.9 Blueberry Supplementation Attenuates Oxidative Stress within the Monocytes and Modulates Immune Cell Levels in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome. A.R. Nair, N. Mariappan, A.J. Stull, J. Francis. LSU Sch. of Vet. Med. and Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr. C275 628.10 Location of Iron and Ferritin in the Midgut of the Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti M.B. Love, D.L. Geiser, J.J. Winzerling. Univ. of Arizona. 629. OMICS APPROACHES TO TARGET DISCOVERY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C276 629.1 Metabolomics Reveals the Glycerophosphodiester Phosphodiesterase GDPD5 to Regulate an Invasive Phenotype in Lung Cancer Cells and Potentially Constitute a Novel Drug Target. A. Nordstrom, O. Broom, B. Witek. Umea Univ., Sweden. C277 629.2 Signaling Pathways Activated during Acute Aldosterone Stimulation in Kidney Distal Convoluted Tubule Cells. L. Cheng, Q. Wu, L. Peng, T. Pistikun, R. Fenton. Aarhus Univ., Denmark and Chulalongkorn Univ., Thailand. C278 629.3 Development of a Python-Based Algorithm for Comparative Analysis of Multiparticipant Next Generation Sequencing Data. F.G. Martz, T.M. Forst, S.M. Ryan, P.J.M. Murphy. Seattle Univ. C279 629.4 Development of a Python-Based Algorithm for the Quantification and Analysis of Multivariate Next Generation Sequencing Data following Genome-Wide Mutagenesis and Cell Survival Screening. T.M. Forst, P.J.M. Murphy. Seattle Univ. 630. NUCLEAR RECEPTORS IN METABOLIC SYNDROMES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C280 630.1 Effects of Synthetic Ligands on Heterodimer Pairs Regarding PPARα, RXRα and LXRα E.E. Delman, S.D. Rider, H.A. Hostetler. Wright State Univ. C281 630.2 Critical Role of Residues in Helices 9 and 10 of the Liver X Receptor Alpha in Mediating Heterodimer Choice between Heterodimeric Complexes. S. Bedi, H.A. Hostetler, S.D. Rider; Jr. Wright State Univ. C282 630.3 Characterization of the Functional Significance of PPAR/LXR Heterodimers via a Novel Response Element. A.M. Klingler, S.D. Rider, H. Hostetler. Wright State Univ. C283 630.4 Development and Characterization of Dual-Site PPAR&γ Antagonists. R. Brust, A. Asteian, T. Kamenecka, D. Kojetin. Scripps Florida. C284 630.5 Nuclear Receptor SHP Reduces Proinflammatory Macrophage Polarization in High FatCholesterol-Fructose Diet-Induced Mouse Model of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. N. Magee, A. Zou, S. Lehn, Y. Zhang. Kansas Univ. Med. Ctr. 631. CARGO SORTING AND VESICLE TARGETING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C285 631.1 A Novel Element in the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Type I TGFβ Receptor Mediates Basolateral Targeting in Polarized Epithelial Cells. X. Yin. Mayo Clin. C286 631.2 Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptides Overcome Endosomal Escape and Deliver Protein Cargos Into the Cell. V. Ngwa, J. Salerno, S. Nowak, C. Chrestensen, J. McMurry. Kennesaw State Univ. C287 631.3 The Roll of COMMD1 in Membrane Protein Trafficking. D. Stewart, K. Short, E. Buglo, J. Burkhead. Univ. of Alaska Anchorage. 185 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY 632. CELL MIGRATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C288 632.1 Coiled-Coil Domain Containing Protein 103 Regulates Myeloid Development and Function. S. Beckman, J. Waxman. Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. C289 632.2 HMG Box-Containing Protein 1 Modulates Matrix Metalloproteinase-13-Mediated Cellular Migration and Invasion in Oral Cancer. C.Y. Chan, W-C. Wu, T-Y. Lin, M-F. Lee, C-Y. Huang. China Med. Univ. and Chang Jung Christian Univ., Taiwan. C290 632.3 Secreted Factors, Identified as Exosomes, Enhance Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion in MDA-MB-231 Cells. T. Cunningham, L.A. Yearby, D. Garrett, K.P. Lemieux. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C291 632.4 PLCβ3 Mediates Cortactin Interaction with WAVE2 in MCP1-Induced Actin Polymerization and Cell Migration. J. Janjanam, G.K. Chandaka, S. Kotla, G.N. Rao. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis. 633. CELL SIGNALING, KINASE AND CHEMOTHERAPY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C292 633.1 Effect of Cinobufotalin on Three Different Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines. S.H. Afroze, R. Tobin, C. Peddaboina, T.C. McCormick, M. Newell-Rogers, D.C. Zawieja, T.J. Kuehl, M.N. Uddin. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. and Baylor Scott & White, Temple, TX. C293 633.2 Hematopoietic TAK1 Is Required for Maintaining Lysosomal Integrity and Cell Survival in Resident Macrophages. Y. Sakamachi, S. Mihaly, S. Morioka, J. Ninomiya-Tsuji. North Carolina State Univ. C294 633.3 Enterococcus faecalis GdpP Is a Novel Protein with a Potential Role in Stress Signaling and Response through the Essential Second Messenger Cyclic Di-AMP. X. Wang, M. Davlieva, Y. Shamoo. Rice Univ. C295 633.4 Src Family Kinases as Proteasome Regulators and Therapeutic Targets for Treatment of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. M. Cann, M. Priestman, Q. Wang, D. Lawrence. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. C296 633.5 mTORC2 Regulation of the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway in Response to Nutrients. N.M. VegaCotto, J. Moloughney, P. Kim, C-C. Wu, T. Lynch, S. Zhang, M. Adlam, S. Guntaka, P-C. Chou, J.D. Rabinowitz, G. Werlen, E. Jacinto. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway and Princeton Univ. C297 633.6 Designing Allosteric Switches of Kinases. N.V. Dokholyan, O. Dagliyan, K. Hahn. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. C298 633.7 Phosphorylation of Secreted Proteins by a New Family of Kinases. V.S. Tagliabracci, S. Wiley, J. Dixon. Univ. of Texas Southwestern and UCSD. 186 C299 633.8 Evidence for a Functional Domain in the Extreme Carboxy Terminus of Interleukin-1 Receptor Associated Kinase 4 S. Yeyeodu, K.S. Kimbro. North Carolina Central Univ. C300 633.9 Pentoxifylline Modulates the AKT/mTOR/ AMPK Pathway: Potential Role as an Adjunct in Cancer Chemotherapy. G.T. Le, R. Canatsey, K. Tran, T.J. Monks, S. Lau. Univ. of Arizona. 634.BIOENERGETICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C301 634.1 Experimental Demonstration of Localized Excess Protons at a Water-Membrane Interface and the Effect of Other Cations on Their Stability. H.A. Saeed, J.W. Lee. Old Dominion Univ. 635. CYTOCHROME P450 Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C302 635.1 Activity and Kinetic Characterization of Four Human CYP2D6 Polymorphisms Using the Substrates Bufuralol and Dextromethorphan. S. Glass, L.L. Furge. Kalamazoo Col., MI. C303 635.2 Role of SQSTM1/p62 in Cytochrome P450 Autophagy? Y. Liu, M.A. Correia. UCSF. C304 635.3 Susceptibility of Four Human CYP2D6 Variants and One Active Site Mutant to Inhibition by the MechanismBased Inactivator SCH 66712 V.M. Osorio, L. Lowe Furge. Kalamazoo Col., MI 636.FLAVOPROTEINS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C305 636.1 Rate-Contributing Proton Transfers and Crystal Structures of the Flavoenzyme Nitroreductase. A-F. Miller, W. Pitsawong, C. Haynes, R. Koder; Jr., D. Rodgers. Univ. of Kentucky, Brandeis Univ., Booz Allen Hamilton, Washington, DC and City Col. New York. C306 636.2 Examining the Functional Roles of Active Site Residues in the Catalytic Mechanism of Dibenzothiophene Monooxygenase. L. Gonzalez-Osorio, K. Luong, B. Palfey, J.L. Vey. California State Univ., Northridge and Univ. of Michigan. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 637. OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION 640. CENTROMERES AND KINETOCHORES Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C307 637.1 Resveratrol Impairs Mitochondrial Respiration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L.A. Madrigal Pérez, C. Martinez-Ortiz, A. Carrillo-Garmendia, J.M. ZamudioBolaños, G.M. Nava, R. Reynoso-Camacho, J.C. GonzalezHernandez, M. Ramos-Gomez. Inst. Tecnol. Superior de Ciudad Hidalgo, Univ. Autónoma de Querétaro and Inst. Tecnol. de Morelia, Mexico. C308 637.2 Novel Roles for Uncoupling Proteins in Brown Adipose Tissue Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Function and Supermolecular Organization. C.L. Riley, S. Kohno, E. Mills. Univ. of Texas at Austin. 638. CELL CYCLE AND GROWTH CONTROL Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C309 638.1 Tetrandrine Induces Cell Cycle Arrest at G0/ G1 Boundary and Cell Death In Vitro Pancreatic Cancer Cells. K. Singh, Q. Dong, S. Koul, H.K. Koul. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. C310 638.2 Regulation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase by Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 1 in Mitosis. S.D. Stauffer, X. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Dong. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. C311 638.3 Sca-1+PDGFRα- Endothilial Cell Population Maintains the Ability of Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro. Y. Ogata, Y. Mabuchi, Y. Horiike, M. Yoshida, E.G. Suto, N. Suzuki, C. Akazawa. Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ. C312 638.4 Towards Understanding Cell Cycle Regulation in the Pathogenic Cryptococcus neoformans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae S. Kawamoto, E. Virtudazo, M. Ohkusu, A. Suganami, Y. Tamura. Med. Mycol. Res. Ctr. and Grad. Sch. of Med., Chiba Univ., Japan. C313 638.5 B-Raf Is Required for Normal Cardiomyocyte Growth. K. Rees, N. Chattergoon. Linfield Col, OR. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. 639. CYCLINS AND CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C314 639.1 Tellimagrandin I Decreases Cyclin B1 Protein Levels through SP1 in MDA-MB-231 Cells. B. White, T. Luis, A. Rodriguez y Baena, L. Wang, S. Shah. San Jose State Univ. C315 640.1 The Histone Tail of CPAR-1, a CENP-A Related Protein, Is Cleaved by Separase at the Meiosis I MetaphaseAnaphase Transition in C. elegans J. Monen, N. Hattersley, A. Desai. Ramapo Col. of New Jersey amd UCSD. 641. CHROMOSOME SEGREGATION AND ANEUPLOIDY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C316 641.1 Iinvestigating the Mechanism of Wnt-Induced Chromosomal Instability. A. Stiers, K. Willert. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, UCSD and Sanford Consortium for Regen. Med. 642. MITOTIC SPINDLE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C317 642.1 Proteomic Analysis of the Mammalian Katanin Family of Microtubule-Severing Enzymes Defines KATNBL1 as a Regulator of Mammalian Katanin Microtubule-Severing. K.C. Cheung, J.Z. Torres. UCLA. 643. SPINDLE CHECKPOINT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C318 643.1 Regulation of HORMA Domain Proteins by the Conserved Remodeler Pch2/TRI. P13 K.D. Corbett, Q. Ye, S.C. Rosenberg, T.Y. Su. UCSD and Ludwig Inst. for Cancer Res. 644. SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C319 644.1 Electrostatics and N-Glycan-Mediated Membrane Tethering of SCUBE1 Is Critical for Promoting Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling. W-J. Liao. Inst. of Biomed. Sci., Acad. Sinica, Taipei. 187 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C320 644.2 Rab5-Activating Protein 6 Activity in Adipogenesis. P. Chantarasinlapin, M-L. Veisaga, F.G. Huffman, M.A. Barbieri. Florida Intl. Univ. C321 644.3 Janus Kinase 3 Increases Phosphorylation of Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 3 in Reproductive Cells. K. Ndiaye, A. Castonguay, G. Benoit, D.W. Silversides, J.G. Lussier. Univ. of Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe. C323 644.5 Identification of Cell Signaling Pathways Involved in the Repression of Mouse ES Neuronal Differentiation by RAR Beta. S. Joseph, D. Moses, E. Martinez-Ceballos. Southern Univ., Baton Rouge. C324 644.6 Extracellular Adenosine-Induced Rac1 Activation in Pulmonary Endothelium: Molecular Mechanisms and Barrier-Protective Role. A. Kasa, K.M. Kim, M. Shaw, R. Batori, S. Kumar, S.M. Black, D.J. Fulon, A. Verin. Georiga Regents Univ. and Univ. of Arizona. C325 644.7 Activation of Membrane Estrogen Receptor: MAPK Signaling by Cadmium Chloride and Sodium Arsenite in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells. J.M. Hyzer, K.A. Krauss, A.T. Black, S.L. Todd, J.T. Elpers, J.E. Hoerter, C.M. Klinge, M.O. Huff. Bellarmine Univ. and Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Med. C326 644.8 The Role of Molecular Chaperonin CCT and Its Co-chaperone PhLP1 in the Assembly of mTOR Complexes. M. Dhavale, R. Plimpton, T. Aoba, N. Tensmeyer. Brigham Young Univ. C327 644.9 CaM Kinase Co-localization and Regulation of p53 in Breast Cancer Cells. C. Coblentz, R. Geck, J.M. Schmitt II. George Fox Univ. C328 644.10 Estrogen Receptor Alpha Utilizes TRP Channel 6 in Cancer Cell Growth. E.J. Rawlings, A.J. Rofelty, J.M. Schmitt II. George Fox Univ. C329 644.11 AKAP7 and Calcineurin Control CaM Kinases and Cell Growth. L. Papenfuse, H.M. McFarland, K. DodgeKafka, J.M. Schmitt II. George Fox Univ. and UConn Hlth. Ctr. C330 644.12 Curcumin Inhibits Development and Cell Adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum: Implications for YakA Signaling and GST Enzyme Function. M. Garige, E. Walters. Howard Univ. C331 644.13 Peptide Ligand C391 as a Potential PAR-2 β-Arrestin Biased Antagonist. M. Ming, M.C. Yee, K.J. Lee, M.D. Siegler, M. Arrellano, S. Aghayan, K. DeFea. Univ. of California, Riverside. 645. ADAMS AND OTHER PROTEASES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C332 645.1 The Potential Link of COMP-ADAMTS and Aggrecanase-ADAMTS Genes with Osteoarthrit. K. Demircan, G. Gürlü, K.N. Güven, T. Fıstık, H. Çakırbay, B. Yanık. Turgut Ozal Univ. and Hosp., Hacettepe Univ., Gazi Univ., and Med. Park Hosps., Ankara, Turkey. 188 646.AGING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C333 646.1 The Putative Role of Lin28 in Aging of Aeolosoma viride Y.Y. Chen. Natl. Taiwan Univ. C334 646.2 Transcriptional Changes in Aging Photoreceptor Cells of Drosophila melanogaster K.J. Brennan, H. Hall, V.M. Weake. Purdue Univ. 647. APOPTOSIS AND CELL STRESS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C335 647.1 FAM83G Is a Novel Apoptosis Inducer. S. Okada, M. Yamada. Gunma Univ., Japan. C336 647.2 Effect of Pathway-Interconnectors in SEBInduced Apoptosis Related Events in Human PBMCs. E. Geddes, M. Hendricks, C. Doyle, D. Borgos, D. Burton, C. Mendis. Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville. C337 647.3 Role of Endogenous Antioxidant Peroxidases in Cancer Cell Apoptosis Induced by TNF-A. S. Lee. Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. C338 647.4 Caspase Activity in Early Stage Regeneration of A. viride Regulated by the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway. S. Fok. Natl. Taiwan Univ. C339 647.5 Examining Apoptosis in a Sepsis Cell Culture Model. B. Davis, V. Del Gaizo Moore. Elon Univ. C340 647.6 Myocardin Regulated Genetic Pathway Modulates Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Closure to Prevent Cell Death during Cardiac Differentiation. W. Mughal, S. da Silva Rosa, D. Chapman, Y. Hai, W. Diehl-Jones, J. Gordon. Univ. of Manitoba and Athabasca Univ., Winnipeg. C341 647.7 Isolated Extracellular Domain of DR5 Is a Potential Inhibitor of Apoptosis. N. Vunnam, J.N. Sachs. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. C342 647.8 Expression and Functional Analysis of Fas Ligand-Like Protein from Silkworm, Bombyx mori K. Yanagida, T. Yabu, H. Shiba. Col. of Bioresource Sci., Nihon Univ., Japan. C343 647.9 CREB Regulates the Expression of PERK and IRE1a, and Controls Unfolded Protein Response under Hypoxic Conditions. K. Nakayama. Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ. C344 647.10 Regulation of Protein Kinase R Activation during Cell Stress by TRBP Phosphorylation. E.E. Chukwurah, R.C. Patel. Univ. of South Carolina. C345 647.11 Protective Roles of Sep15 against Cataract Formation. N. Yin, K. Huang. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Technol., China. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 648. BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 651. CYTOKINE AND GROWTH FACTOR SIGNALING Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C346 648.1 Evaluating Tim12p as a Potential Target of the Anti-cancer Compound Parthenolide. E.K. Babb, K.P. Callahan. St. John Fisher Col., NY. C347 648.2 Modulation of PON2 and Proinflammatory Cytokine Genes in Rat Tissue Exposed to Combined Oral Contraceptive Ethinylestradiol and Levonorgestrel. A.D. Wusu, S.O. Rotimi, G.M. Saibu, O.A. Rotimi, R.A. Giwa. Lagos State Univ. and Covenant Univ., Nigeria. C348 648.3 Yeast Strains Heterozygous for YTA12 Are Sensitive to the Anti-cancer Compound Parthenolide. R.E. Hojnacki, K.P. Callahan. St. John Fisher Col., NY. 649.CASPASES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C349 649.1 Fine Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Caspase-3 by Phosphorylation and Site-Directed Mutagenesis of an Allosteric Site. M.E. Thomas III, C. Clark. North Carolina State Univ. and Univ. of Texas at Austin. C350 649.2 Phage Display and Structural Studies Reveal Plasticity in Substrate Specificity and Allosteric Regulation of Caspase-3 from Zebrafish. C. Clark, M.B. Tucker, S.H. MacKenzie, J.J. Maciag, H.B. Dirscherl, P.B. Swartz, J.B. Yoder, P.B. Hamilton. Univ. of Texas at Arlington and North Carolina State Univ. C351 649.3 A Tunable Allosteric Library of Caspase-3 Identifies Coupling between Conserved Water Molecules and Conformational Selection. J.J. Maciag, S.H. Mackenzie, M. Tucker, J.L. Schipper, P. Swartz, A.C. Clark. Univ. of Texas at Arlington, North Carolina State Univ. and Duke Univ. 650. CELL PROLIFERATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C352 650.1 Epidermal Growth Factor Substrate 8 Is an Essential Partnering Factor of the Forkhead Box Transcription Factor FOXM1 in the Regulation of Cell Proliferation in Cervical Cancer Cells. W.L. Ngan, K-M. Yao, W.Y. Leung, D.W. Chan. The Univ. of Hong Kong. C353 650.2 Effect of Covalent TAK1 Inhibitors on the Viability of Pancreatic, Renal and Colon Cancer Cells. F. Bernard, W.D. Singer, D. Gurbani, T. Li, S.M. Lim, N. Gray, K. Westover. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. and Dana Farber Cancer Inst. C354 651.1 Role of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs in TributyltinStimulated Interleukin 1 Beta Secretion and Production from Human Immune Cells. M. Boules, S. Brown, M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ. C355 651.2 Effects of Pentachlorophenol on Secretion of Interferon Gamma from Human Immune Cells. R. Massawe, M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ. C356 651.3 Pentachlorophenol and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Alter Secretion of Interleukin 1 Beta from Human Immune Cells. T.J. Martin, M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ. C357 651.4 Tributyltin Alters Secretion of Interleukin 6 from Human Immune Cells. W.J. Wilburn, S. Brown, M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ. C358 651.5 Dibutyltin Exposures Alter Secretion of Interleukin 6 from Human Immune Cells. S. Brown, W. Wilburn, M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ. C359 651.6 Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent PKB Activation Contributes to Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1-Induced Phosphorylation of Histone Deacetylase 5 in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. P. Pietruczuk, A.K. Srivastava. CRCHUM, Univ. of Montreal. C360 651.7 Ex Vivo Quantification of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta1 in Equine Laminitis. L.D. Gutzmann, P.J. Johnson, R.R. Mohan. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Harry S. Truman VA Hosp. 652. POSTTRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATIONS (CELL SIGNALING, KINASE AND CHEMOTHERAPY) Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C361 652.1 Polyisoprenylated Cysteinyl Amide Inhibitors Block Innate and VEGF-Induced Angiogenesis. A.T. Nkembo, E. Ntantie, R.A. Poku, O. Salako, F. Amissah, N.S. Lamango. Florida A&M Univ. C362 652.2 O-GlcNAc Regulates p53 in Ovarian Cancer. R.M. Queiroz, J. Chien, R. Madan, C. Slawson, W. Dias. Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. C363 652.3 Combination of Aurora A and Haspin Inhibitors Enhances p53 Expression and Tumor Growth Inhibition in Human Colorectal Cancer. Y-H. Chang, C-I. Lin, Z-C. Chen, K-K. Liu, J-I. Chao. Natl. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan. C364 652.4 Site Specific Oxidation of Calmodulin by Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase A in Drosophila S. Tarafdar, N.M. Rusan, R.L. Levine. NHLBI, NIH. C365 652.5 G-Protein Gamma Subunits as Novel Regulators of G-Protein Signaling. S. Choudhury, M. Torres. Sch. of Biol., Georgia Tech. C366 652.6 O-GlcNAc Regulates CD4+ T Cell Differentiation. M. Machacek, C. Slawson, P. Fields. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. 189 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C367 652.7 A Novel Compound PT-262 Inhibits Oct4 and Nanog on the Survivin Blockage and Apoptosis Induction in Human Lung Cancer. Y-T. Chen, J-Y. Li, P-Y. Pan, C-P. Chen, J-I. Chao. Natl. Chiao Tung Univ. and Natl. Don Hwa Univ., Taiwan. C368 652.8 Regulation of the Unfolded Protein Response by Fic-Mediated Adenylylation/AMPylation. S. Mattoo, A. Sanyal. Purdue Univ. C369 652.9 Structural Analysis of PTM Hotspots Reveals Large Body of Putative Regulatory Elements with Predicted Biological Function in Eukaryotic Protein Families. M. Torres, H. Dewhurst, S. Choudhury. Georgia Tech. 653. LIPIDS AND INFLAMMATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C370 653.1 Leukotriene B4 Receptor Type 2 Enhances Skin Barrier Function by Regulating Tight Junction Proteins. Y. Ishii, K. Saeki, T. Yokomizo. Kyushu Univ. and Juntendo Univ. Sch. of Med., Japan. C371 653.2 Chlorinated Lipids Are Potential Mediators of Microcirculatory Dysfunction during Sepsis. D.A. Ford, R.J. Korthuis, R.S. Hotchkiss, C.J. Albert, J. McHowat. Saint Louis Univ., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Washington Univ. C372 653.3 Production of Novel Glutathione Adducts of Halogenated Fatty Aldehydes in Inflammatory Animal Models. M.A. Duerr, R. Aurora, R.J. Korthuis, D.A. Ford. Saint Louis Univ. and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. C373 653.4 Chlorinated Lipids Activate Human Neutrophils. E.N.D. Palladino, D.A. Ford. Saint Louis Univ. C374 653.5 Characterization of 2-Chlorofatty Acid Signaling Pathways. C. Hartman, T.Y. Cho, J. McHowat, D.A. Ford. Saint Louis Univ. C375 653.6 BLT2 Receptor Protects against Lethal Acute Lung Injury Induced by a Pneumococcal Toxin Pneumolysin. M. Shigematsu, T. Koga, K. Saeki, T. Okuno, T. Yokomizo. Juntendo Univ. and Kyushu Univ., Japan. C376 653.7 Lysophospholipid Receptors, as Novel Danger Associated Molecular Pattern Receptors and Homeostasis Associated Molecular Pattern Receptors Modulate Inflammation – Novel Paradigm and Therapeutic Potential. X. Wang, Y-F. Li, H. Fu, C. Johnson, Y. Shao, R. Cueto, H. Wang, X-F. Yang. Temple Univ. Sch. of Med. C377 653.8 Bisphenol A Induces Gene Expression Related to Inflammation and Lipid Accumulation in Adipocytes. H.W. Lee, J. Kim. Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea. C378 653.9 N-Docosahexaenoylethanolamine Ameliorates LPS-Induced Brain Inflammation through Suppression of Neutrophil/Macrophage as Well as Microglia Activation. T. Park, J. Lee, H. Chen, H-Y. Kim. NIAAA, NIH, Rockville, MD. C379 653.10 Alcohol and HIV Protease Inhibitor-Induced Inflammasome Activation and Liver Lipotoxicity. M. Hinton. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. C380 653.11 Effects of Gryllus bimaculatus (Gb) Fractions on Alcoholic Hepatitis. M.Y. Ahn, J.S. Hwang, .Y. Yun. Natl. Acad. of Agr. Sci., Wanju, South Korea. 190 654. LIPIDS AND CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C381 654.1 Microarray Analysis and Anti-hyperglycemia Effect of Gryllus bimaculatus (Gb, a Type of Cricket) Extract in Rats on High Fat Diet. M.Y. Ahn, J.S. Hwang, E.Y. Yun. Natl. Acad. of Agr. Sci., Wanju, South Korea. C382 654.2 Transcriptome Analysis of Illinois Abdominal and Cardiac Adipose. W. Treible, J.W. Finger; Jr., T. Tuberville, T.C. Glenn, M. Hamilton, S.J. Lamont, C.J. Schmidt, B.K. Schneider, C. Kern, A. Hubbard. Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of California, Davis, Univ. of Georgia and Iowa State Univ. 655. LIPIDS AND LIPID SIGNALING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C383 655.1 FTY720 Induces Necroptosis by Regulating Ceramide Signaling at the Plasma Membrane. R. Ndeto, B. Ogretmen. Med. Univ. of South Carolina. C384 655.2 Brain Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase-1 Deficiency Protects against High-Fat Diet-Induced Metabolic Derangements. A.C. Zdechlik, K.R. Harrington, Maggie S. Burhans, Chang-An Guo, L. Bond, J. Ntambi. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C385 655.3 Hepatic Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Deficiency Suppresses Gluconeogenesis by Regulating Lipid Profile of Mitochondria. C. Guo, J.M. Ntambi. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 656. LIPID SECOND MESSENGERS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C386 656.1 Diacylglycerol Kinase ζ Produces 16:0-Containing Phosphatidic Acid Molecular Species during Neuroblastoma Cell Differentiation. S. Mizuno, F. Sakane. Chiba Univ., Japan. 657. LIPID STORAGE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C387 657.1 Sub-chronic Exposure to Cadmium at Low Levels Alters Microsomal Lipid Storage in Rat. O.O. Ogunrinola, D.A. Wusu, K. Afolabi, E. Balogun, O. Ademuyiwa, O. Odukoya. Lagos State Univ., Ladoke Akintola Univ., Univ. of Ilorin and Fed. Univ. of Agr. Abeokuta, Nigeria. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C388 657.2 Choline Deficiency Alters Lipid Droplet Composition and Size. E. Brown, E. Townsend, A. Hains, L. Listenberger. St. Olaf Col., MN. 658. LIPID TRAFFICKING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C389 658.1 Trafficking of Acetyl-C16-Ceramide-NBD with Long-Term Stability and No Cytotoxicity into the Golgi Complex. H. Nakamura, T. Makiyama, N. Nagasaka, H. Yamashita, T. Honda, N. Yamaguchi, A. Nishida, T. Murayama. Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Chiba Univ. C390 658.2 The Unique Relationship between Niemann Pick Type C2 Protein and Lysobisphosphatidic Acid. A. Jochum, R. Li, S. Newton, L. McCauliff, J. Storch. Rutgers Univ. and Ctr. for Lipid Res. C391 658.3 Screening for Genes Required for Coenzyme Q Uptake and Trafficking in S. cerevisiae C. Kampmeyer, A.M. James, M.P. Murphy, C.F. Clarke. UCLA and Wellcome Trust, Cambridge, U.K. 659.LIPIDOMICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C392 659.1 PGC-1α-Mediated Changes in Phospholipid Profiles of Exercise-Trained Skeletal Muscle. S. Miura, N. Senoo, N. Miyoshi, N. Goto-Inoue, K. Minami, R. Yoshimura, A. Morita, N. Sawada, J. Matsuda, Y. Ogawa, M. Setou, Y. Kamei. Univ. of Shizuoka, Nihon Univ., Kyoto Prefect. Univ., Univ. of Chicago, Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ., Natl. Insts. of Biomed. Innovation, Hlth. and Nutr., Ibaraki and Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. of Med., Japan. C393 659.2 FOXO1-Induced Atrophy Changes in Phospholipid Profiles of Skeletal Muscle. N. Senoo, N. Miyoshi, E. Kobayashi, A. Morita, Y. Kamei, S. Miura. Univ. of Shizuoka and Kyoto Prefect. Univ. 660. MEMBRANE CONTACT SITES AND LIPID TRAFFICKING Poster C396 660.3 The Lipid Transfer Protein STARD3 Modulates Intracellular Cholesterol Localization. C.L. Tomasetto, L. Wilhelm, G. Drin, F. Alpy. IGBMC, Illkirch and IPCM, Valbonne. C397 660.4 Molecular Determinants of the Localization of the Phosphatidylinositol/Phosphatidic Acid Transfer Protein, Nir2 to ER-PM Contact Sites. Y.J. Kim, M.L. GuzmanHernandez, E. Wisniewski, N. Echeverria, T. Balla. NICHD, NIH. 661. PROTEIN-LIPID INTERACTIONS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C398 661.1 Substrate Selectivity of Lysophospholipid Transporter LplT Involved in Membrane Phospholipid Remodeling in Escherichia coli Y. Lin, M. Bogdanov, S. Tong, Z. Guan, L. Zheng. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston Med. Sch. C399 661.2 Investigation of Molecular Interactions between Lysophospholipase A2 and Its Diverse Bioactive Lipid Substrates. J.A. Wepy, S. Xu, S.N. Kudalkar, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. C400 661.3 HspA1A, a Seventy-kDa Heat Shock Protein, Binds to Phosphoinositides. B. Kdeiss, C. McCallister, N. Nikolaidis. California State Univ. Fullerton. C401 661.4 Acrolein Modification of Apolipoprotein A-I Alters Protein Stability and Antimicrobial Activity. H.J. Hong, P. Weers. California State Univ. Long Beach. C402 661.5 Binding of Lysine Residues of Apolipophorin III to Phosphatidylglycerol Membranes. K. Shah, P.M.M. Weers. California State Univ., Long Beach. C403 661.6 PIP2 Mediated Influence on Serotonin Transport Function. T. Hofmaier, A. Anderluh, O. Kudlacek, T. Stockner, G. Schütz, H. Sitte. Med. Univ. of Vienna, Austria and Tech Univ. of Vienna. C404 661.7 Studies Into the Synthetic Analogs of Key Intermediates, and Ring Precursors in the Biosynthetic Pathway of Coenzyme Q: Synthesis and Metabolism. A. Nag, C. He, J.N. Shepherd, L. Fernandez, C.F. Clarke, J.M. Villalba. UCLA, Gonzaga Univ. and Univ. of Cordoba, Spain. C405 661.8 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Coq10, a Putative START Domain Protein Binds CoQ and Late-Stage CoQ Biosynthetic Intermediates. H.S. Tsui, C.F. Clarke. UCLA. 662. ADVANCING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE BIOCHEMISTRY/MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CLASSROOM Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C394 660.1 An EE-Golgi Tether Facilitates Ceramide Transfer Out of the ER and Alleviates Ceramide Toxicity. L-K. Liu, A. Toulmay, W. Prinz. NIDDK, NIH. C395 660.2 Phosphatidylserine Production at Membrane Contacts Sites Enhances Its Transport Out of the Endoplasmic Reticulum M. Kannan, S. Lahiri, L-K. Liu, W.A. Prinz. NIDDK, NIH and Univ. of Virginia. Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C406 662.1 Research for All: Large Introductory Laboratory Classes Investigate the Evolutionary Conservation of Metabolic Pathways. C.M. O’Connor, D.M. Warner. Boston Col. C407 662.2 Using Pop-It Beads in the Classroom to Enhance Student Comprehension of Enzyme Catalysis and Reaction Rate. A. Gehret. Rochester Inst. of Technol. 191 S U N BIOCHEMISTRYSUNDAY C408 662.3 The Biotech Explorers Pathway: Teams Taking First Steps toward Scientific Challenges. B.G. Cascella, J.M. Jez. Washington Univ. in St. Louis. C409 662.4 Writing throughout the Biochemistry Curriculum: Synergistic Inquiry-Based Writing Projects for Biochemistry Students. P. Mertz, C. Streu. St. Mary’s Col. of Maryland and Albion Col., MI. C410 662.5 Integrating Rare Disease Research into an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Curriculum to Enhance the Pace of Rare Disease Gene Discovery for Underserved Populations and Promote Stem Retention. R.N. Jinks, B.K. Davis, D.M. Roberts, E. Rice, K.W. Brigatti, E.G. Puffenberger, K.A. Strauss. Franklin & Marshall Col. and Clin. for Spec. Children, Strasburg, PA. C411 662.6 Developing Science Leaders through Applied Learning Experiences. J.M. Richardson. Austin Col. C412 662.7 Teaching Matters: Undergraduate Grant Writing Curriculum. K.R. Miller. Univ. of Mount Union, OH. C413 662.8 A Flipped Classroom Format Enhances Learning of Molecular Biology in an Introductory, Biology Major Course at a Small Liberal Arts University. C.L. Clauson, A.C. Shor. Saint Leo Univ.,FL. C414 662.9 Increasing Integration and Retention of Metabolic Pathways by Undergraduate Biochemistry Majors through Creation of a Concept Map. V. Del Gaizo Moore. Elon Univ. C415 662.10 Fostering Remembering: Strategies for Helping Students Link Prerequisite Knowledge to Learning Biochemistry. A.T.S. Taylor, W.R.P. Novak. Wabash Col., IN. C416 662.11 Exploring the Impact of Jargon on Student Learning in Biology: Student Understanding, and SelfPerception of Understanding, of Technical Vocabulary. L. McDonnell. Univ. of British Columbia and UCSD, J. Zukswert, M. Barker. C417 662.12 Integration of Biochemistry and Problem Solving-Based Pedagogy throughout the Chemistry Curriculum in Support of Learning Outcomes Articulated by the Association. of American Medical Colleges., the ASBMB and the American Chem. Soc. H.V. Jakubowski, K. Graham, E. McIntee, C. Schaller. Col. St. Benedict/St. John’s Univ., MN. C418 662.13 Specifications Based Grading: Nearly Pointless Education That Points Students to Key Concepts. R.P. Rylaarsdam, C. Heinz. Benedictine Univ. C419 662.14 A Two-Dimensional and Non-hierarchical Framework of Bloom’s Taxonomy for Biology. S.M. Lo, V.M. Larsen, A.T. Yee. UCSD and Northwestern Univ. C420 662.15 Integration of Undergraduate Research into the Biomolecular Science Curriculum Using Thematically Linked Laboratory Courses in Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, and Neurobiology. R.J. Johnson, G. Hoops, J. Kowalski. Butler Univ. C421 662.16 FauxSeqEvolver Software Automates the Electronic Creation of Novel Pseudo Biological Sequences, Generating Truly Novel “Unknown” Sequences for Use in Bioinformatic Education. R. Rutherford. Seattle Univ. C422 662.17 Is More Activity Always Better? A DepartmentWide Study of Relationships between Classroom Practices and Student Performance. M.K. Barker, L. Weir, L. McDonnell, N. Schimpf, T. Rodela, P. Schulte. Univ. of British Columbia, Kwantlen Polytech Univ., Canada and UCSD. C423 662.18 Breast Cancer in the Age of Personalized Medicine: A CURE Design for Aspiring Physicians. P.A.G. Soneral. Bethel Univ. 192 C424 662.19 Lowering the Activation Barrier, Not the Academic Bar: The Role of Contract Grading in Decreasing DFW Rates in Introductory Biochemistry. E.G. Offerdahl, A. Hodgson, C. Krupke. North Dakota State Univ. C425 662.20 In Silico Phage-Hunting in Sinorhizobium Genomes: Incorporating Original Research in Undergraduate Molecular Biology and Microbiology Courses. B. Martinez-Vaz, A. Jensen, M. Vang. Hamline Univ. 663. INTEGRATING COMPLEMENTARY SKILLS INTO GRADUATE AND POSTDOC TRAINING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C426 663.1 Innovative Program That Broadens Career Development Training through Community Partnerships and Outreach. T.M. Evans. Grad. Sch. of Biomed., Sci., Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. C427 663.2Withdrawn C428 663.3 Changing Career Prospects Are Changing the Needs in Graduate and Post-Doc Training. S.E. Feeney. Univ. of California, Davis. 664. LEARNING TOOLS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C429 664.1 Research as a Tool for Undergraduate Education Using Drosophila melanogaster R.P. Rogers. Wentworth Inst. of Technol., Boston. C430 664.2 A Collaboration between the ASBMB and Course Source to Promote the Use of Active Learning Strategies in BMB Courses. K.M. Fox, N. Grover. Union Col., NY and Colorado Col. C431 664.3 Using Readings and Discussion to Teach Ethics in the Undergraduate Science Curriculum. J.T. Tansey. Otterbein Univ. 665. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C432 665.1 Effects of Simulated Microgravity on the Microbial Physiology of Ralstonia pickettii Isolates from the International Space Station. S.J. Fergione. Missouri Western State Univ. C433 665.2 Undergraduate Students Engagement in Basic Biochemistry Course Activities in Sudan and Saudi Arabia. M.E.A. Mohammed. King Khalid Univ., Saudi Arabia. SUNDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C434 665.3 Do the TWIST: Transcription and Regulation of Estrogen Receptor Operon. A. Krishnaswamy, C. Eshleman, A. Fortier, M. Kahn, A. Kepner, A. Naderi, S. Om, A. Baxley, T. Link, S. Nowak. Walton H.S., Marietta, GA and Kennesaw State Univ. C435 665.4 Characterization of Rare Oncogenic Mutations in the Kinase Domain of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Z. Ruan, S. Katiyar, N. Kannan. Univ. of Georgia. C436 665.5 Screening Unnatural Fluorescent Amino Acids for Incorporation Into E. coli Cellular Machinery. C. Mammoser, S. Dhar, B. Kelly, L. Rowe. Valparaiso Univ. C437 665.6 Oligomerization of Wild-Type Fumarase and a Mutant Associated with Fumarate Hydratase Deficiency. A. Bulku, N. Aleksanyan, M. Berkmen. Suffolk Univ., MA. C438 665.7 Problematic 15-PGDH: The Link between 15PGDH and Uncontrolled Tissue Growth. D. Chyong, A. Alluri, T. Arpornsuksant, M. Hu, S. Jain, M. Williams, A. Baxley, T. Link, H-K. Na. Walton H.S., Marietta, GA and Col. of Human Ecol., Sunshine Women’s Univ., Seoul. C439 665.8 A Phenylalanine Fiasco: The Structure of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase and Its Impact on Phenylketonuria. J. Kahn, A. Koh, R. Luckcuck, J. McNeice, E. Walter, W. Yao, A. Baxley, T. Link. Walton H.S., Marietta, GA. C440 665.9 Design Elements of a High Enrollment CourseBased Undergraduate Research Experience May Lead to Inaccurate Student Conceptions about Scientific Research. K.M. Cooper, C. Wassef, S.E. Brownell. Arizona State Univ. C441 665.10 Collaborative Undergraduate Research Laboratory: Engaging Students in Research Using Yeast Molecular Genetics. A.H. Munshi, T.L. Johnson. UCLA. C442 665.11 Transformation and Assessment Mapping of a Course Undergraduate Research Experience. K. Clase, A. Zissimopoulos. Purdue Univ. and Univ. of Chicago. C443 665.12 Development of a Research-Intensive Undergraduate Teaching Program in Biochemistry. R. Milner. Univ. of Alberta. C444 665.13 The Small World Initiative™: An Innovative Crowdsourcing Platform for Antibiotics. A.M. Barral, H. Makhluf, N.A. Broderick, E.L. Kurt. National Univ., Costa Mesa and La Jolla, Univ. of Connecticut and Inst. for Life Sci. Collaboration, New Haven. C445 665.14 Creating Authentic Research Experiences for Student Engagement and Success. H.A. Makhluf. National Univ., CA. C446 665.15 Integrating Research on Student Understanding of Protein Structure with Implementation of a Biochemistry Laboratory Experiment: Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. C. Lewis, M-T. Nguyen, F. Texter, J.L. Schlessman, M. Teichert. U.S. Naval Acad. and Albright Col., PA. C447 665.16 Identfication of Microbial Symbionts Harbored by the Chesapeake Bay Sponge, Clathria prolifera H. Kerins, K. Rubenstein, M. Hill, J.D. Dattelbaum. Univ. of Richmond. C448 665.17 Construction of a Maltose Biosensor Using the Thermotoga maritima Maltose Binding Protein. L. Masson, J.D. Dattelbaum. Univ. of Richmond. C449 665.18 Lessons, Experiences and Opportunities Gained through a 3-Year Undergraduate Research Study. K. Carter, J. Mytych, S. Soriano, N. Parmar. California State Univ. Channel Islands. C450 665.19 Identification of Genetic Sequences Recognized by Human SC35 Protein Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Deep Learning Approach. A.J. Luke, S. Fergione. Missouri Western State Univ. C451 665.20 Non-profit Patient Research Services from Rare Genomics Institute Enable Insight Into Rare Diseases through Genome Sequencing and Cloud Collaboration. B. Tucker, E. Aguilar, D. Gurnon. DePauw Univ. 666. MOLECULAR VISUALIZATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C452 666.1 Molecular Visualization in the Classroom: Learning Goals and Competencies. D.R. Dries, P.A. Craig, D.M. Dean, L. Listenberger, W.R.P. Novak, M.A. Franzen. Juniata Col., PA, Rochester Inst. of Technol., Univ. of Saint Joseph, CT, St. Olaf Col., MN, Wabash Col., IN and Milwaukee Sch. of Engin. C453 666.2 Combining Molecular Visualization with Bench Methods in a Hypothesis-Driven Undergraduate Biochemistry Lab Course. P.A. Craig, J.L. Mills, C. Daubner, M.J. Pikaart. Sch. of Chem. & Mat. Sci., Rochester Inst. of Technol., Sch. of Sci., Engin. and Technol., St. Mary’s Univ., San Antonio and Hope Col., MI. C454 666.3 Teaching Students to See Biologically Relevant Interactions When You Can’t See Them: Protein Visualization Instruction in the Online Classroom. D.M. Dean. Univ. of Saint Joseph, CT. C455 666.4 Taxonomy of Biochemistry External Representations Applied to Biochemistry Textbooks. K. Linenberger. Kennesaw State Univ. C456 666.5 Visual Models to Use in the Classroom for Teaching Immunology Concepts. A. Williams. Univ. of Tampa. C457 666.6 Reviving “Byron’s Bender”: Hands-On Molecular Visual and Tactile Learning at the Most Basic Level. J.T. Hazzard, A. Issaian. Univ. of Arizona and Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. 193 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY Nutrition 667. GLOBAL NUTRITION: OBESITY, NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND THE NUTRITION TRANSITION Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D1 I667.1 Global Food System Changes Have Created New Drivers and New Challenges for Low and Middle Income Countries. B.M. Popkin. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hillll. D2 II667.2 Metabolic Changes Underlying Interactions between Obesity and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in South Asian Adults. K. Albracht-Schulte, N. Kalupahana, L. Ramalingam, S. Rosairo, S. Wijetunge, H.M.S.R.B. Kotakadeniya, R.M.C.J. Ratnayake, N. MoustaidMoussa. Texas Tech Univ. and Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. D3 I667.3 Obesity Risks Associated with Lowand High Birth Weight and They Varied by Population Obesity Prevalence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. T. Song, Y. Wang, W. Huang, L. Lu, Y. Zhao, M. Sharma, Y. Zhang. Chongqing Med. Univ., China, Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY and Jackson State Univ., MA. D4 II667.4 Anthropometric, Blood Pressure, Dietary, and Physical Activity Differences in Urban- Compared to Rural-Dwelling Women in the Chimborazo Region of Ecuador. C. Melby, F. Orozco, D.X. Ochoa, M. Muquinche, M. Padro, F. Munoz. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Colorado State Univ., Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. San Francisco de Quito, ESP de Chimborazo, Riobamba and Visor Análisis Est. Cía. Ltda, Quito, Ecuador. D5 I667.5 Iron Nutritional Status of Overweight and Obese Subjects: Relation with BMI and Inflammation. L. Zago, M. Pandolfo, C. Carbia, M. Lardo, A. Weisstaub, A.L. Felipoff, H. Dupraz, N. Presner, C. Perdomo, M.E. Río, C. González Infantino. Fac. of Pharm. and Biochem. and Hosp. Clins., Univ. of Buenos Aires D6 II667.6 Changes in Physical Activity Patterns and Dietary Intake in Chinese Youth and Their Associations with Obesity: A Longitudinal Study in Nanjing City, China. H. Chang, F. Xu, H. Xue, Y. Wang. Univ at Buffalo, SUNY and Nanjing Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. D7 I667.7 Unhealthy Weight among Mothers and Young Children in the Middle East and North African Region. R. Jones, S. Cunningham. Emory Univ. D8 II667.8 The Trend of Korean Staple Food Intake and Prevalence of Obesity in Korean Adults: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 1998-2012S-A. Kim, K. Ha, J. Kim, H.Y. Paik, H. Joung. Grad. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Seoul Natl. Univ. D9 I667.9 Overweight and Obesity among Women in a Predominantly Rural District of Ghana. G.S. Marquis, E.K. Colecraft, B. Bannerman, T. Thompson-Colón. Sch. of Dietetics and Human Nutr., McGill Univ. and Univ. of Ghana. 194 D10 II667.10 Preliminary Understanding of Hypertensive Clinics and Hypertensive Patients Attending Hypertensive Clinics in Malawi. E.W.P. Siyame, L.S. Goodell, J.C. Allen. North Carolina State Univ. D11 I667.11 Dietary Comparisons between Mexican and American College-Aged Adults. B. Hannon, K.N. Robinson, J.M. Vargas Morales, C. Aradillas García, M. Teran-Garcia. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana and Univ. Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 668. GLOBAL NUTRITION: NUTRITION, INFECTION AND INFLAMMATION Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D12 II668.1 α-1 Acid Glycoprotein but Not C-Reactive Protein Is Associated with Significantly Lower Serum Zinc Concentrations among Congolese Children Aged 6-59 Months and Has a Substantial Impact on Prevalence Estimates of Zinc Deficiency. C.D. Karakochuk, K.C. Whitfield, S.I. Barr, E. Boy, M. Moursi, P.L. Tugirimani, L. Houghton, R.S. Gibson, T.J. Green. Univ. of British Columbia, IFPRI, Washington, DC, Univ. of Goma, Congo, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand and SAHMRI and WCHRI, Adelaide. D13 I668.2 The Influence of Inflammation on Iron Status among Young Children in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. C.G. Perrine, M.E. Jefferds, A. Then, S. Santos, R. Flores. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. and Ministry of Publ. Hlth., Santo Domingo. D14 II668.3 Maternal Anemia of Inflammation and Adverse Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes in India. J.L. Finkelstein, A.V. Kurpad, T. Thomas, K. Srinivasan, C. Duggan. Cornell Univ., St. John’s Res. Inst., Bangalore, Harvard T.H. Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Children’s Hosp. Boston. D15 I668.4 Micronutrients and Dengue Fever in Coastal Ecuador. J.L. Finkelstein, A.J. Layden, E. BeltránAyala, W.B. Cárdenas, T.P. Endy, S.J. Ryan, A.M. Stewart Ibarra, S. Mehta. Cornell Univ., Machala and Guayaquil, Ecuador, SUNY Upstate Med. Univ. and Univ. of Florida. D16 II668.5 HIV-Infected Pregnant and Lactating Women Have Higher Serum Aflatoxin Levels Than HIVUninfected Women and Aflatoxin Levels Are Higher during Early Postpartum Than during Pregnancy among HIV-Infected Women. B.K. Natamba, J-S. Wang, S.L. Young, S. Ghosh, J.K. Griffiths. Harvard Univ., Gulu Univ., Uganda, Univ. of Georgia, Cornell Univ. and Tufts Univ. D17 I668.6 Impact of Host Iron on Pathogenesis of Falciparum Malaria: A Translational Field Study from the Gambia. C. Cerami, M.M. Goheen, D. Gardner, B. Darboe, E. Danso, M. Bah, A. Bah, R. Wegmuller, A. Prentice. Univ. of North Carolina Sch. of Med., Med. Res. Council-The Gambia and London Sch. of Hyg. and Trop. Med. SUNDAYNUTRITION D18 II668.7 Vitamin D Status and Diabetes among Patients with Suspected Tuberculosis in Rural South India. E.A. Yu, J.L. Finkelstein, W. Bonam, M.J. Glesby, D.G. Russell, P.M. Brannon, S. Mehta. Cornell Univ., Arogyavaram Med. Ctr., India, Weill Cornell Med. Col. and Col. of Vet. Med., Cornell Univ. D19 I668.8 Overweight and Obesity Prevalence Is High among Non-pregnant Women of Reproductive Age in Eight Countries and Positively Associated with Circulating Acute Phase Protein Concentrations. A.M. Williams, Y. Addo, S. Namaste, P.S. Suchdev, R.C. Flores-Ayala. Emory Univ., Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD, NIH, Rockville, SPRING Proj. and Helen Keller Intl., Washington, DC and Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. D20 II668.9 The Infant Gut Microbiome Is Associated with Stool Markers of Macrophage and Neutrophil Activity. Z. Pierce, N. Huda, R. Raqib, S. Ahmed, M. Zerofsky, D. Mills, C. Stephensen. Univ. of California, Davis, icddr, Bangladesh and USDA, Davis. D21 I668.10 Infectious Disease and Inflammation in the First 24 Months of Life and Emerging Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome in Peruvian Infants. G. Lee, M. Kosek, M. Paredes Olortegui, P. Yori, L.E. Caulfield. Tulane Univ., Johns Hopkins Univ. and AB Prisma, Iquitos, Peru. D22 II668.11 Scant Interactions of Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Anti-oxidation Defense with Those of the Inflammatory Response among Preschool Children Form the Western Highlands of Guatemala. M.J. Soto Méndez, C.M. Aguilera, M.D. Mesa, M.C. Rico, L. Campaña-Martín, V. Martín-Laguna, N.W. Solomons, K. Schuemann, A. Gil. CeSSIAM, Guatemala, Ibero-American Nutr. Fndn. and Univ. of Granada, Spain and Tech Univ. of Munich. D23 I668.12 Oregano Essential Oil and Carvacrol Reduce Cryptosporidium parvum Infectivity of HCT-8 Cells. S. Gaur, T.B. Kuhlenschmidt, M.S. Kuhlenschmidt, J.E. Andrade. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D24 II668.13 Caffeine Consumption and Its Association with Mitochondrial-Specific Oxidative Stress in People Living with HIV in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV Cohort. V. Ramamoorthy, A. Campa, S. Sales, M. Rubens, C. Fleetwood, T. Stewart, G. Alvarado, H. Khan, J.P. Liuzzi, F. George, M. Baum. Florida Intl. Univ. and Louis A. Johnson VA Med. Ctr., Clarksburg, WV. D25 I668.14 Viral Hepatitis Infections in Africa. T.C. Oyesile, G.P. Einstein, O.F. Obidi, O.L. Tulp. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat and Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria. D26 II668.15 Acute versus Delayed Iron: Effect on Red Blood Cell Iron Incorporation in Uncomplicated Malaria. S.E. Cusick, M.K. Georgieff, R.O. Opoka, C. John, S. Abrams, E. Mupere. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Makerere Univ., Uganda, Indiana Univ., Indianapolis and Univ. of Texas at Austin. 669. GLOBAL NUTRITION: MEASURING AND IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NUTRITION PROGRAMS Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D27 I669.1 Quasi-Experimental Feeding Study in Patients Admitted for Elective Gastrointestinal Surgery at Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam. P.T.T. Huong, N.T. Lam, N.T.T. T’hu, N.Q. Anh, T.H. Hoc, D.T.K. Lien, K. Gura, T.R. Ziegler, K. Plourde, L.S. Young. Natl. Inst. of Nutr. and Bach Mai Hosp., Hanoi, Boston Children’s Hosp., Emory Univ., Boston Univ. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Boston Med. Ctr. D28 II669.2 Lipid Profile, Glucose and Insulin Are Affected Differently by Physical Activity, Nutrition Education or Their Combination in Mexican Adolescents. R. Valdes-Ramos, R.M. Velasco, P. Tlatempa-Sotelo, A.L. Guadarrama-López, A.D. Benítez-Arciniega, B.E. Martínez-Carrillo. Fac. of Med., Autonomous Univ. of Mexico State, Toluca and Autonomous Univ. of Chiapas, Mexico. D29 I669.3 Contribution of School Meals to Nutrient Intakes of School-Age Children Enrolled in Two Feeding Programs in Ghana. J.S. Owusu, E. Colecraft, R. Aryeetey, J.A. Vaccaro, F. Huffman. Florida Intl. Univ. and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of Ghana. D30 II669.4 Child Stunting and Maternal Undernutrition in Two Rural Ethiopian Communities Five Years after the Initiation of the National Nutrition Program. G.E. Lombamo, C.J. Henry, N. Regassa, G.A. Zello. Col. of Pharm. & Nutr., Univ. of Saskatchewan and Sch. of Nutr., Food Sci. & Technol. and Sch. of Envrn, Gender and Develop Studies, Hawassa Univ., Ethiopia. D31 I669.5 Barriers for Science Outreach Regarding Nutrition and Food Safety: A Qualitative Study of Teenagers in Chongqing City, China. Z. Xiang, Y. Wang, T. Song, J. Zhou, J. He, Y. Zhang. Chongqing Med. Univ., China and Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY. D32 II669.6 Development of a Survey That Assesses Intra-and Inter-Personal Weight-Related Cognitions and Behaviors of Mothers of Young Children. J.T. Martin-Biggers, V. Quick, J. Worobey, C. Byrd-Bredbenner. Rutgers Univ. D33 I669.7 HomeStyles: Tracking Participant Progress in a Randomized Control Trial. C. Delaney, J.T. Martin-Biggers, M. Koenings, C. Byrd-Bredbenner. Rutgers Univ. D34 II669.8 PROSPERA Program Impact on Hemoglobin Concentration in Children Less Than Five Years Old from San Luis Potosí State. T. Shamah Levy, E.B. Gaona Pineda, L. Cuevas Nasu, I. Méndez Gómez -Humarán, S. Villalpando Hernández. Natl. Publ. Hlth. Inst., Cuernavaca, Mexico. D35 I669.9 Multisectoral Nutrition: Feasible or Fantasy? D. Pelletier, S. Gervais, H. Hafeez-ur-Rehman, D. Sanou, J. Tumwine. Cornell Univ. 195 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D36 II669.10 Evidence of Reporting Bias within the Context of a Randomized Trial of Infant and Young Child Feeding Messages in Rural Kenya. C.P. Stewart, A.M. Williams, B.F. Arnold, J.M. Colford, H.N. Dentz, M. Kiprotich, R.O. Omondi, B. Akoth, C. Null. Univ. of California, Davis, Emory Univ., Sch. of Publ. Hlth./Epidemiol., Univ. of California, Berkeley, Innovations for Poverty Action, Kenya and Mathematica Policy Res., Washington, DC. D37 I669.11 “My Testimony Is the Growth of My Baby”: Effectiveness of the Nutrition Improvement Program on Infant and Young Child Feeding and Nutritional Status K.R. Reinsma, G. Nkuoh, P.M. Tih. Cameroon Baptist Convention Hlth. Svcs., Bamenda. D38 II669.12 Impact of Micronutrient-Fortified Milk Supplementation on Anthropometric Measures and Lipid Profile on School Children in Quito, Ecuador. M. Fornasini, D. Guevara, S. Reyes, M. López, I. Cocha, M. Morales, N. Flores, S. Aguirre, M.E. Baldeon. Univ. of the Américas, Ecuador, Nestle - Quito and NetLab, Quito. D39 I669.13 Improving Nepal’s Female Community Health Volunteers’ Infant and Young Child Feeding Exposure and Knowledge: Results from Implementation Research on the Suaahara Program. K. Cunningham, A. Singh, P. Menon, R. Avula, P. Pandey Rana, P. Oyloe, S. Alayon. Independent Consultant, U.K., Tufts Univ., IFPRI, New Delhi, Suaahara, Kathmandu and Save the Children, Washington, DC. D40 II669.14 The Role of Dairy in the Comparative Effectiveness and Cost of Fortified Blended Foods versus Ready-to-Use Foods in Treatment of Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition. D.J. Suri, D. Moorthy, I.H. Rosenberg. Friedman Sch. of Nutr., Tufts Univ. and SPRING, Arlington, VA. D41 I669.15 Scaling Up Dietary Data for DecisionMaking in Africa and Asia: New Technological Frontiers. J. Coates, W.F.L. Bell, B. Colaiezzi, C. Cisse. Tufts Univ., Boston. D42 II669.16 Dorwin Lajot’s Theory of Nutritional Sedimentation Can Enlighten and Motivate Our Desire to Manage Weight or Reduce Diabetes and Any Reverse Lifestyle Related Diseases. D.Z. Lajot. DL NUTRITIONAL Consultancy and Supply, Philippines. D43 I669.17 Filling a Dietary Data Gap? Estimating Individual Nutrient Intakes from Household-Level Data in Ethiopia and Bangladesh. J. Coates, B. Rogers, A. Blau, J. Lauer. Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy. D44 II669.18 Tubaramure, a Food-Assisted Integrated Health and Nutrition Program, Improves Maternal Health and Nutrition Knowledge in Burundi. E. Iruhiriye, J. Heckert, D.K. Olney, J.L. Leroy, M. Ruel. IFPRI, Washington, DC. 670. GLOBAL NUTRITION: NUTRITIONSENSITIVE PROGRAMS Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D45 I670.1 Effects of Text Message Intervention on Infant Growth and Anemia at 6 and 12 Months Old. J. Lai, Y. Duan, W. Jia, S. Jiang, X. Pang, Y. Bi, J. Wang, S. Yin, Z. Yang. Natl. Inst. for Nutr. and Hlth., CDC, Beijing and Tuyou Qi CDC, Baotou, China. 196 D46 II670.2 Physical, Economic, and Social Limitations to Egg Consumption in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. J.J. Hong, E.B. Martey, S.E. Dumas, S.L. Young, A.J. Travis. Cornell Univ. D47 I670.3 Agricultural Interventions for Improved Nutrition: A Review of Livelihood Dimensions. K.J. Fiorella, R.L. Chen, E.M. Milner, L.C.H. Fernald. Cornell Univ., Univ. of California, Berkeley and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of California, Berkeley. D48 II670.4 Leveraging Food and Agriculture Policy Mapping and Analysis for Nutrition-Sensitive Planning. J. Meerman, M.C. Dode, C. Dufour. Food and Agr. Org. of the U.N., Rome. D49 I670.5 The Role of Women’s Status in Agricultural Commercialization, Production Diversity and Dietary Diversity in Ethiopia: Results from a 2012 National Integrated Agriculture and Socio-economic Survey. J. Coates, T. Galante. Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. 671. MATERNAL, PERINATAL AND PEDIATRIC: EARLY CHILDHOOD NUTRITION Poster Maternal, Perinatal and Pediatric RIS Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D50 II671.1 Growth and Tolerance of a Routine Infant Formula with an Alternative DHA Source Fed to Term Infants. A.C. Patterson, K.H. Maditz, C. Harris, J. Wampler, A. Kirchoff, E. Zissman, C.L. Berseth. Mead Johnson Nutr., IN and Altamonte Pediat. Assocs., Lake Mary, FL. D51 I671.2 Micronutrient Intake and Supplement Use in Infants and Toddlers from a WIC Clinic in Puerto Rico. K.Y. Amaro-Rivera, E. Ríos, O. Sinigaglia, B. Díaz, M. Campos, C. Palacios. Grad. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Sch. of Nursing and Sch. of Dent. Med., Univ. of Puerto Rico Med. Sci. Campus, San Juan. D52 II671.3 The Correlation between Dairy Product Consumption and Gastrointestinal Bleed, Ovarian Cancer, and Diabetes in Infants: A Meta-analysis Approach. S.L. Kelly-Newton, O.L. Tulp, G.P. Einstein. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat. D53 I671.4 Gastrointestinal Tolerance of Formula Supplemented with Oligosaccharides. J. Kajzer, J. Oliver, B. Marriage. Abbott Nutr. D54 II671.5 Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration and Risk of Anemia in Infants and Young Children. D. Li, F. Wang, H. Liu, Y. Guan, T. Huang, J. Zheng. Zhejiang Univ., China, Jiaxing, China, Boston, MA and Cambridge, U.K. D55 I671.6 The Importance of Vitamin A Supplementation Dose, Frequency and Duration on All-Cause Mortality in Children Under 5 Years. L. Pimpin, S. Kranz, W. Fawzi, C. Duggan, D. Mozaffarian. Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy and Harvard T.H. Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth. SUNDAYNUTRITION D56 II671.7 The Effect of Zinc Supplementation during Pregnancy and Youth on Child Growth Up to 5 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. L. Pimpin, E. Liu, M. Shulkin, C. Duggan, W. Fawzi, D. Mozaffarian. Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy and Harvard T.H. Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth. D57 I671.8 Nutrient and Food Group Intakes of the Korean Preschoolers According to Growth Status. M. Kang, J.E. Shim, H-Y. Paik. Col. of Human Ecol., Seoul Natl. Univ. and Daejeon Univ., South Korea. D58 II671.9 Public Health Monitoring of Weight Change, in Addition to Weight Status, in Child Care Centers. J. Stookey, L. Tao-Lew, T. Arana, J. Evans. San Francisco Dept. of Hlth. D59 I671.10 Nutrient Intakes from Restaurants among U.S. Children Age 1-2 Years. A.B. Jarvis, J.C. Clemens, D.G. Rhodes, A.J. Moshfegh. USDA, Beltsville, MD and Amer. Soc. for Nutr., Bethesda. D60 II671.11 Food Sources of Fiber and Micronutrients of Concern in Diets of Young Children. L.M. O’Neill, K.C. Reidy, D.M. Deming. Nestle Nutr., Florham Park, NJ. D61 I671.12 Portioning Foods and Beverages for Toddlers and Preschool Children. E. Jacquier, A. Gatrell, A. Bingley. Lancaster Univ., U.K. D62 II671.13 Effect of Food Allergies on Growth in Children. K. Rhodes, T. Crook, J. Phelps, R. Hakkak. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. D63 I671.14 Risk of Deficit in the Nutritional Status of Children Hospitalized at Admission Vs More Than Seven Days. E.M. Vasquez-Garibay, N.C. Muñoz-Esparza, E. RomeroVelarde, R. Troyo-Sanroman. Univ. of Guadalajara and Civil Hosp. of Guadalajara. D64 II671.15 Gamma EEG Activation during PictureWord Semantic Processing in 3 Year Olds Varies as a Function of Gender and Infant Diet. R.T. Pivik, A. Andres, M.A. Cleves, T.M. Badger. Arkansas Children’s Nutr. Ctr., Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. D65 I671.16 Validation of a Novel Method for Use in Studies of Iron Status, Brain Function (EEG), and Recognition Memory Performance in Infancy. S.M. Stoyell, J.E.H. Nevins, M.A. Orsillo, R.L. Canfield, S.S. Robertson, J.D. Haas. Cornell Univ. D66 II671.17 The Relationship between Infant Iron Status, Maternal-Infant Interactions, and Cultural Ideology. E.N. McNeill, J.E.H. Nevins, R.L. Canfield, J.D. Haas. Cornell Univ. D67 I671.18Omega-3 Deprivation Enhances Anxiety-Like Behaviors after Abstinence from Chronic Cocaine Consumption: Possible Synergistical Effect of Cocaine and Nutrition. S. Serrano, N. Rodriguez, J.R. Geste, M. Pompilus, N. Wickensonn, C. Maldonado-Vlaar. Univ. of Puerto RicoRio Piedras Campus. D68 II671.19 The Effect of Iron Deficient Diets (wIth or without LC-PUFA) on the Offspring Brain Lipid and Eicosanoid Metabolism during Pre-postnatal Development. F.M. Rioux, J-L. Jougleux, M.E. Surette, S. Fiset. Sch. of Nutr. Sci., Univ. of Ottawa, Cocagne, NB, Univ. of Moncton, Moncton and Edmunston, Canada. D69 I671.20 Maternal Diet Quality during Pregnancy and Fetal Growth Outcomes: A Pilot Study of Lower-Income Pregnant Women. C.W. Leung, E.S. Epel, N.R. Bush, K. Coleman-Phox, N.E. Adler, B.A. Laraia. UCSF and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of California, Berkeley. 672. MATERNAL, PERINATAL AND PEDIATRIC: MEETING THE NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OF PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS Poster Maternal, Perinatal and Pediatric RIS Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D70 II672.1 Is It Useful and Practical to Assess Body Fat in Sick Infants Using Skinfolds? C.M. Wright, S.A. Milani, K. Gerasimidis. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Glasgow. D71 I672.2 Lower Maternal Serum Folate in First Trimester Associated with Higher Autism Risk in Offspring. S. Sen, M. Siegel, M. Verdi, F.L. Lucas, L. Folger, W. Allan, L. Paul, J. Selhub, S.L. Santangelo. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., USDA at Tufts Univ., Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med., Maine Med. Ctr. Res. Inst., Spring Harbor Hosp., Westbrook, ME and Fndn. for Blood Res., Scarborough, ME. D72 II672.3 Fatty Acid Composition in Feeds and Plasma of Canadian Premature Infants. J. Friel, D. Mackay, Z. Hossain. Univ. of Manitoba. D73 I672.4 Impact of Breastfeeding on the Nutritional Status of Infants with Cystic Fibrosis in the First Year of Life – Results of the First Study. H. Lai, L. Chin, S. Schoff, Z. Zhang, F.R. Greer. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 673. MATERNAL, PERINATAL AND PEDIATRIC: MAMMARY GLAND FUNCTION AND EFFECTS OF MILK COMPONENTS ON INFANT HEALTH Poster Maternal, Perinatal and Pediatric RIS Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D74 II673.1 Women with a Common Genetic Variant in ZnT2 (T288S) Have Altered Breast Milk Composition: Implications for Suboptimal Lactation. S. Lee, C. Dalrymple, S.L. Kelleher. Penn State Hershey Col. of Med. D75 I673.2 Effects of Consuming Bifidobacterium longum Subspecies infantis on Intestinal Microbiota in Exclusively Breastfed Term Infants. J.T. Smilowitz, A. Fineberg, M. Underwood. Univ. of California, Davis, Sutter Davis Hlth. and Univ. of California Davis Children’s Hosp., Sacramento. D76 II673.3 The Participation of an Infant Harbored Bacterial Commensal in Urea Nitrogen Salvaging. X. You, Y. Lyu, D.A. Sela. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. D77 I673.4 Milk Osteopontin Regulates Immune Responses in Mice Stimulated by Lipopolysaccharide. R. Jiang, C. Prell, B. Lönnerdal. Univ. of California, Davis and Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hosp., Univ. of Munich Med. Ctr. D78 II673.5 Dietary Depletion of Cow’s Milk MicroRNAs Impairs Fecundity in Mice. M. Sadri, F. Xie, J. Wood, J. Zempleni. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. 197 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D79 I673.6 Effect of Daily Iron Supplementation in Healthy Exclusively Breastfed Infants: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. C. Cai, J. Friel. Univ. of Manitoba. D80 II673.7 Consumption of a Corn-Sugar Based Infant Formula Is Associated with Higher C-Peptide Secretion Compared to Lactose Based Formula among Exclusively Formula Fed Infants. B.E. Young, M. Tang, K. Griese, N.F. Krebs. Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med. D81 I673.8 Analysis of Maillard Reaction Products, Carboxymethyllysine, Furosine, Hydroxymethylfurfural, Furan and Acrylamide during Processing Infant Formula. H-M. Lee, S-Y. Yang, K-W. Lee. Col. of Life Sci. and Biotechnol., Korea Univ. D82 II673.9 A Dose-Response Balance Study to Establish the Daily Dietary Iodine Requirement in Infancy. S. Dold, M. Zimmermann, J. Baumgartner, C. Braegger, M. Andersson. ETH Zurich, North-West Univ., South Africa and Univ. Children’s Hosp. Zurich. D83 I673.10 Human Milk Oligosaccharides in Preterm and Term Milk. A.L. Morrow, C. Chen, A. Cline, D.S. Newburg. Cincinnati Childrens Hosp. Med. Ctr. and Boston Col. 674. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION: COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION INTERVENSIONS Poster (Sponsored by: Community and Public Health Nutrition RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D84 II674.1“Ignite: Sparking Youth to Create Healthier Communities”–Policy Changes. K. Kattelmann, B. Chen, A.M. Daniels, S. Zies, B. Stefura, N. Muturi, Y. Li, E. Lindshield, T. Kidd. South Dakota State Univ., Ohio State Univ. and Kansas State Univ. D85 I674.2 Therapeutic Nutritional Effect of Regular Ingestion of Non-caloric Sweeteners over Regular Ingestion of Sucrose. I. Contreras, A.J. Diaz-Sanchez, J. Gonzalez-Rangel, N. Guzman-Frias, M. Sanchez-Delgado, J.A. Estrada. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico State, Toluca. D86 II674.3 Tracking Change in Homestyles: Developing a Goal Tracker for Parents of Preschool-Aged Children. C. Delaney, J.T. Martin-Biggers, C. Lozada, G. Povis-Alleman, N. Hongu, J. Worobey, C. Byrd-Bredbenner. Rutgers Univ. and Univ. of Arizona. D87 I674.4 Factors Affecting Enrollment in a Nutrition Intervention Program for Low-Income Mothers. S. Nitzke, M-W. Chang, R. Brown, M.J. Egan, C. Bendekgey, D. Buist. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan State Univ., Dept. of Hlth. and Human Svcs., Lansing, Kent Cty. Hlth. Dept., Grand Rapids and Calhoun Cty. Publ. Hlth., Battle Creek. D88 II674.5 Anemia Prevalence and Hemoglobin Concentrations Improve in Young Children after 6 Months of Supplementation with a 21 Micronutrient-Fortified Cereal and Legume Premix in a Rural Community in Retalhuleu, Guatemala. G.A. Reinhart, A.M. Palacios, S. de Ponce, V. Alfonso. The Mathile Inst., Dayton and APEVIHS, Retalhuleu, Guatemala. 198 D89 I674.6 Kuwaiti Mother’s Perception of Her 3-5 Year Old Child’s Body Mass Index. G. Alabdullah, D. Abel, L. Shaban, F. Huffman. Florida Intl. Univ. and Kuwait Univ. Col. of Life Sci. D90 II674.7 Risky Food Handling Practices among Community-Residing Older Adults. L. Yap, S.L. Francis, M. Shelley, C. Lillehoj, D. Montgomery, D.M. Winham. Iowa State Univ. and Iowa Dept. of Publ. Hlth., Des Moines. D91 I674.8 Assessing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Concerning Sodium Intake in College Students. A. Webster, C. Gibby, C. Gunther, E. Lim, A. Rose, J. Banna. The Ohio State Univ. and Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. D92 II674.9 Food Assistance Programs Impact on Dietary Diversity in Children of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. E.B. Gaona-Pineda, I. Mendez-Gomez-Humaran, L. CuevasNasu, T. Shamah-Levy. Natl. Inst. of Publ. Hlth., Cuernavaca and Ctr. for Res. in Math., Aguscalientes, Mexico. D93 I674.10 Preliminary Data from an EvidenceBased Nutrition Education and Cooking Family Meals Program for Moderately Low-Income Families with Children Aged 4-10 Years Old. C.A. Rogers, K. Pratt, J. Kennel, C. Gunther. The Ohio State Univ. D94 II674.11 Effect of Prospera Program in Nutritional Status in Its Beneficiaries in San Luis Potosi State, Mexico. L. Cuevas Nasu, T. Shamah-Levy, E.B. Gaona-Pineda, I. Mendez-Gomez. Natl. Inst. of Publ. Hlth., Cuernavaca, Mexico. D95 I674.12 Changes in Intake of CVD-Related Food Components Associated with an Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Time. K. Casey, S. Rosenkranz, E. Mailey, A. Baquero Garcia, A. Swank, R. Rosenkranz. Kansas State Univ. D96 II674.13 Egg and Dairy Consumption Were Not Associated with Allergic Reactions or Allergy-Like Symptoms in 6 to 9 Month-Old Infants from Rural Cotopaxi, Ecuador. A.M. Palacios, C.A. Gallegos, W.F. Waters, C. Malo, C. Lutter, C.P. Stewart, G.A. Reinhart, L.A. Iannotti. The Mathile Inst., Dayton, OH, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Washington Univ. in St. Louis, Univ. San Francisco de Quito, Pan Amer. Hlth. Org./ WHO, Washington, DC and Univ. of California, Davis. D97 I674.14 Application of the New “Guidelines, for Sale and Distribution of Prepared and Processed Foods and Beverages in Schools” in the National School System, during the Lunch in Mexico. M.C. Morales Ruán, T. Shamah-Levy, A. Jimenez-Aguilar. Natl. Inst. of Publ. Hlth., Mexico City. D98 II674.15 Meal Consumption Patterns among Recipients of the School Nutrition Programme in Trinidad and Tobago. M. Francis, S. Nichols. Natl. Dietary Svcs. Ltd. and Univ. of The West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. D99 I674.16 Follow of Children and Youth People with Type 1 Diabetes after Five Years of Participation in a SelfCare Program in Hermosillo, Mexico. P.E. Landeros Flores, G.E. Portillo, A.D. Contreras, E.E. Artalejo, M.N. Ballesteros, J. Krimpe, M. Ortega Ctr. for Food Res. and Develop. (CIAD) and Univ. Vizcaya de las Américas, Hermosillo, Mexico. D100 II674.17 Relationship between Breast Feeding and Eating Patterns in a Rural, Mexican-Origin Population during a Nutrition Intervention. R. Cabrera, A.L. Aguilera, A. de la Torre, L.L. Kaiser. Univ. of California, Davis. D101 I674.18 Evaluation of a Multi-component Farmto-Preschool Program on Access to and Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables among Preschool-Aged Children. J. Parry, M. Spence, K. Aaron, S. Colby, K. Kavanagh. Univ. of Tennessee and East Tennessee Children’s Hosp., Knoxville. SUNDAYNUTRITION D102 II674.19 Why Are Communities So Committed to Providing Non-governmental Food-Assistance Programs? E.M. Fishbein Androlia, E.A. Frongillo, C.E. Blake, C. Shapiro. Univ. of South Carolina. D103 I674.20 How Effective Is the “Eat Better Feel Better” Community-Based Cooking Intervention at Tackling Barriers of Time, Cost, Waste and Knowledge of Healthy Eating in Glasgow, Scotland? A.L. Garcia, R. Reardon, E. Hammond, A. Parrett, A. Gebbie-Diben. Univ. of Glasgow and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. D104 II674.21 Characterization of Fatty Acid and Mineral Composition of Selected Seeds, Nuts and Oils in Tanzania. K. Valentini, T. Jumbe, A. Pickens, M. Adjepong, W. Li, J. Kinabo, J. Fenton. Michigan State Univ. and Sokoine Univ. of Agr., Tanzania. D105 I674.22 Does Installing “Healthy Eating Information” in a University Dining Hall Change Students’ Food and Beverage Choices? M.J. Scourboutakos, C.L. Mah, S. Murphy, F. Mazza, M.R. L’Abbe. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Toronto and Fac. of Med., Mem. Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada. D106 II674.23 Use of Monitoring Data to Inform Program Implementation of a Multiple Micronutrient Powders Program in Bihar, India. R. Mehta, M. Young, P. Verma, P. Kekre, A. Webb Girard, U. Ramakrishnan, S. Babu, I. Devi, D. Nawal, R. Verma, A. Kumar, S. Alam, S. Ranjan, A. Swarup, I. Chaudhuri, S. Srikantiah, R. Martorell. Emory Univ. and CARE India, Patna. D107 I674.24 Self-Reported Barriers to Adapting Contextualized Nutrition Education Messages Targeted at Preventing Iron Deficiency among Mothers and Their Young Children in Ghana. B.A.Z. Abu, V.L. Louw, J.E. Raubenhiemer, W. Oldewage-Theron, L.V. van den Berg. Texas Tech Univ. and Fac. of Hlth. Sci., Univ. of the Free State, South Africa. D108 II674.25 Feasibility and Acceptability of a Novel Intervention to Improve Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling for HIV-Positive Women in Malawi. V. Flax, G. Hamela, I. Mofolo, L. Mokiwa, P. Mgoli, H. Swira, M. Hosseinipour, I. Hoffman, S. Maman. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, RTI Intl., Durham, NC and UNC Project-Malawi and CARE-Malawi, Lilongwe. D109 I674.26 Improvement in Long-Term Household Food Security among Indiana Households with Children Did Not Differ between Rural and Urban Counties after a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education Intervention. R.L. Rivera, M.K. Maulding, A.R. Abbott, Q. Wang, H.A. EicherMiller. Purdue Univ. D110 II674.27 Improving Accessibility and Quality of Nutrition and Health Care in Kamuli District, Uganda. D.M. Winham, D. Masinde, L. Byaruhanga, G. Nonnecke, M. Rothschild. Iowa State Univ. D111 I674.28 Attention to Front-of-Package Labels Is Associated with Parents’ Healthy Food and Beverage Choices for Their Children. N.N. Monalisa, T.N. Rosemond, J.F. Thrasher, J. Kim, C.E. Blake. Univ. of South Carolina. D112 II674.29 Feasibility of an Online Nutrition Education eLearning Program from the Perspectives of Peer Nutrition Educators and Low-Income Individuals in Georgia. S. Stotz, J.S. Lee, H. Rong. Univ. of Georgia. D113 I674.30 Healthy Store Programs and WIC, but Not SNAP, Are Associated with Corner Store Healthfulness. R. DeWeese, M. Todd, A. Karpyn, M. Yedidia, M. Kennedy, M. Bruening, C. Wharton, P. Ohri-Vachaspati. Arizona State Univ., Phoenix, Univ. of Delaware and Rutgers Univ. D114 II674.31 Tools for Communication of Exercise Health Benefits: EPA’s BenMAP and ArcGIS Show Very Granular Walking and Cycling Impacts. A.J. DeLucia. East Tennessee State Univ. D115 I674.32 Wellness Program at the Workplace Promotes Healthy Eating Lifestyle: Analysis of Employee Wellness Data in a Longitudinal Retrospective Study. G.A. Soliman, J. Kim, J-M. Lee, R. High, N.K. Wehbi, J.T. Canedy. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr., Univ. of Nebraska Omaha and Nebraska Med., Omaha. D116 II674.33 The Impact of a Pricing and Communications Intervention on Stocking and Sales of Healthier Foods in Small Baltimore City Food Stores. N. Budd, A. Kharmats, J.K. Jeffries, J. Jones-Smith, J. Gittelsohn. Johns Hopkins Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. D117 I674.34 Vitamin A Fortification of Vegetable Oil in Bangladesh. R. Raghavan, G.J. Aaron, L.M. Neufeld, S. Rahman, B. Nahar, J. Knowles. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Global Alliance for Improved Nutr., Geneva and Dhaka and Intl. Ctr. for Diarrhoeal Dis. Res.,Dhaka, Bangladesh. D118 II674.35 Expectations from Low-Income Adults Regarding an Innovative Nutrition Education eLearning Program. S. Stotz, J.S. Lee, J. Hibbs, A. White. Univ. of Georgia. D119 I674.36 Development of an Online Nutrition Education Elearning Program Targeted to SNAP-Ed Eligible Adults. S. Stotz, J.S. Lee, H. Rong, A. Childers. Univ. of Georgia. D120 II674.37 Recruitment Strategies Implemented across a Four-State Lifestyle Intervention: Get Fruved Study. M.L. Barr, M.D. Olfert, W. Zhou, K. Riggsbee, A.E.W. Mathews, M. Vilaro, K.K. Kattelmann, H. Andrea, A. White, T. Horacek, T. Kidd, O. Brown, S.E. Colby. West Virginia Univ., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Univ. of Florida, South Dakota State Univ., Univ. of Maine, Syracuse Univ., Kansas State Univ. and Auburn Univ. D121 I674.38 Multi-micronutrient Fortified Juice Drink Improved Biomarkers of Iron Status among Schoolchildren: An Intervention Study. I. Angeles-Agdeppa, M.E. Crisostomo, C.R. Magsadia. Food and Nutr. Res. Inst., Taguig City, Philippines and Univ. of the Philippines Manila. D122 II674.39 Front-of-Pack Labelling Is Positively Associated with Degree of Product Processing and Innovation. A. Christoforou, V. Tarasuk. Univ. of Toronto. D123 I674.40 A Qualitative Study of Factors Related to Cardiometabolic Risk in Rural Men. M.L. Graham, E.H. Morgan, R.A. Seguin. Cornell Univ. D124 II674.41 Food Label Use Is Associated with Dietary Quality and Dietary Patterns among Latinos with Type 2 Diabetes. G. Kollannoor Samuel, S. Segura-Pérez, F.M. Shebl, N. Hawley, G. Damio, J. Chhabra, S. Vega-López, M.L. Fernandez, R. Pérez-Escamilla. Yale Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Hispanic Hlth. Council, Hartford, CT, Hartford Hosp., Sch. of Nutr. and Hlth. Promotion, Arizona State Univ. and Univ. of Connecticut. D125 I674.42 The Formulation of a Patient-Centered Quality Care Improvement Tool for Nursing Home Patients. S.G. Henry-Newton, G.P. Einstein, O.L. Tulp. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat. 199 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY 675. INNOVATIONS IN UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE NUTRITION EDUCATION Poster (Supported by Association of Nutrition Departments and Programs ) Assoc. of Nutrition Departments and Programs Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D126 II675.1 Development of a Nutrition Entrustable Professional Activity for Pediatric Residents. A.J. Manders, K.A. Ireland, D.J. Schumacher, S.B. Collier, C.L. Distler, C.M. Lenders. Boston Med. Ctr., Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. and Boston Children’s Hosp. D127 I675.2 Assessing the Nutrition Curriculum at Boston University School of Medicine. K.A. Ireland, A. Manders, C. Lenders. Boston Med. Ctr. and Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. D128 II675.3 Mapping Nutrition Competencies in the Foundation Years (Years 1 and 2) in Four Australian Medical Courses Using an Online Curriculum Mapping Tool. C. Nowson. Deakin Univ., Australia. D129 I675.4 Understanding Nutrition-Related Care in General Pediatric Outpatient Clinical Settings from the Pediatric Provider Perspective: A Qualitative Study. J.L. Kaar, S. Schievelbein, P. Gonzalez-Pacheco, K. Caponigro, A. Graham, L.S. Goodell, D.A. Thompson. Univ. of Colorado, Aurora, Metropolitan State Univ., CO and North Carolina State Univ. D130 II675.5 Assessment of Omega-3s Knowledge on Blood Lipids among Registered Dietitians. C. Li, D. PalmerKeenan. Rutgers the State Univ. of New Jersey. D131 I675.6 Changes in Perceptions of Nutrition and Obesity in an Interdisciplinary Graduate Course. A.C. Berg, W.E. Bignell, K.W. Shollenberger, M.A. Johnson. Univ. of Georgia. D132 II675.7 Cooking Meals More Frequently, Eating More Fruits and Vegetables, and Less Fast-Foods among Students in Nutritional Sciences Majors Than Non-majors. B.R. Taylor, B.T. Pope, A.M. Franklin, P.R. Harris, B. Wyatt, N. Hongu. Univ. of Arizona. D133 I675.8 Improvements in Conscious Eating Behaviors in Undergraduate Nutritional Science Students. A.M. Franklin, B.T. Pope, B.R. Taylor, P.R. Harris, B. Wyatt, N. Hongu. Univ. of Arizona. D134 II675.9 Practical Usage and Educational Requirement Analysis about School Meal Menu of Middle Schools in Incheon Region. Y.A. Kim, S-K. Kang. Inha Univ. and Inha Univ. Grad. Sch. of Educ., South Korea. D135 I675.10 The Influence of Korean High School Students’ Midnight Snacks on Their Breakfast-Skipping Pattern. Y.A. Kim, J-H. Kim. Inha Univ. and Grad. Sch. of Educ., Inha Univ., South Korea. D136 II675.11 Integrating Food Insecurity Assessment in Medical School Curriculum as an Important Health Indicator. V. Uhley, A.C. Farr. Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med. 200 D137 I675.12 Current Nutrition Screening and Assessment Practices in Use According to Members of the Texas and Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. T. Hurlimann, J. Phelps, T. Crook, R. Hakkak. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. D138 II675.13 Synchronous Classrooms: Teaching Practicing Nutrition Clinicians through Distance Technologies. R. Heuberger, A. Clark, J. Logomarsino, V. Shayna, S. Hewlings, D. Duriancik. Central Michigan Univ., Midland, MI, The Villages, FL and Mt. Pleasant, MI and East Tennessee State Univ. D139 I675.14 Interprofessional Clinical Training of Nutrition and Dental Students/Residents: Examining DrugNutrient/Dietary Supplement Interactions and Their Impact on Diet/Nutrition and Oral Health. J. Ziegler, E. Spivack, G. Heir, D. Rigassio Radler, R. Touger-Decker. Rutgers Sch. of Dent. Med. D140 II675.15Experiential Learning in the Undergraduate Nutrition Didactic Curriculum: Enhancing Student’s Ability to Link Experience with Competencies Achieved. M.I. Scannavino. Cedar Crest Col., PA. D141 I675.16 Monitoring General Education Science Competencies through a Beginning Nutrition Course: Step 1, Development of Items for a Brief Assessment Quiz. A.D. Fly, L. Kurz. Indiana Univ. 676. NUTRITION EDUCATION: NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Poster (Sponsored by: Nutrition Education and Behavioral Science RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D142 II676.1 The Impact of Socio-economic Factors and Food Habits on Lipid Profile: A Cross Sectional Study among Schoolchildren from a Low-Income Area of Mexico. D. Gregori, G. Lorenzoni, N. Soriani, P. Berchialla. Univ. of Padova and Univ. of Turin. D143 I676.2 PAWS (Peer-Education about Weight Steadiness) Club: Rationale and Design for a Randomized Controlled Study. H. Muzaffar, S. Nickols-Richardson. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D144 II676.3 Self-Weighing and Visual Feedback Has Long Term Effects on Weight Gain Prevention in Adults. L. Wilkinson, C. Pacanowski, D. Levitsky. Cornell Univ. and Neuropsychiat. Res. Inst., Ithaca. D145 I676.4 The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Elementary School Students Had SelfReported and Observed Behavior Changes. L. McCullough, V. Farrell, V. Hartz, T. LeGros, L. Jacobs, S. Misner. Univ. of Arizona and UA Nutr. Network. D146 II676.5 Pilot Study for Assessing Moderate to Long-Term Outcomes of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. G. Auld, S. Baker, J. Batchelder. Colorado State Univ. D147 I676.6 An Evaluation on Satisfaction with Nutrition Counseling for Cancer Inpatients. A-C. Tung, C-F. Wen, P-R. Li. Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hosp., Taiwan. SUNDAYNUTRITION D148 II676.7 Lessons Learned from the Development of a Prenatal Nutrition Online Training for EFNEP Paraprofessional Nutrition Educators. S. Baker, G. Auld, M. Chlipalski. Colorado State Univ. D149 I676.8 Nutrition Education for Obese Emergency Department Patients. W-J.J. Yen, K. Horinko, B. Meggs, K. Myers. Indiana State Univ. and East Carolina Univ. D150 II676.9Nutritional Awareness about Recommendations and Sources of Fruits and Vegetables in Male Brazilian Adolescents and Association with Physical Activity Patterns, Nutritional Status and Household Characteristics – The Fit Food Study. R.H.V. Machado, I. Iglesia, C.A. Hartwick, A. Pires, M. Fisberg, L. Moreno. Sabara Children’s Hosp., José Luiz Egydio Setubal Fndn., São Paulo, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain, Danone Res. and Danone Inst. Intl., Paris and Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. D151 I676.10 Effects of an Educational Group Intervention for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Lifestyle and Glycemic Control. L.M. Sterpone, K. Haua-Navarro, A.B. Perez-Lizaur. Univ. Iberoamericana, Mexico City. D152 II676.11 Evaluating the Young Adult Motivation to Prepare Healthy Foods Questionnaire Using Exploratory Factor Analysis. A.D. Bailey, D. Miketinas, M. Cater, B. Zawodniak, G. Tuuri. LSU and LSU AgCtr. D153 I676.12 Influences on Fluid Intake According to Preferences, Parental Permission and Nutritional Awareness among Male Brazilian Teens – The Fitfood Study. R.H.V. Machado, I. Iglesia, C. Martinelli, A.C.L. Rocha, C.A. Hartwick, A. Pires, M. Fisberg, L. Moreno. Sabara Children’s Hosp./José Luiz Egydio Setubal Fndn., São Paulo, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain, Danone Res. and Danone Inst. Intl., Paris and Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. D154 II676.13 Experiential Cooking and Nutrition Education Program Improves Fruit and Vegetable Liking, Vegetable Consumption, and Cooking at Home in Elementary and Middle School Children. N.K. Edens, S. Sharma, S. Folkens, A. Wojtowicz, N. Ranjit, A. Evans. Common Threads and Univ. of Texas Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Austin. 677. NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY: ADVANCING NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY WITH PUBLIC USE AND COMMERCIAL DATA SETS Poster (Sponsored by: Nutritional Epidemiology RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D155 I677.1 Prevalence of Excess Sodium Intake in the United States, NHANES 2009-2012 S.L. Jackson, S. Coleman King, L. Zhao, M.E. Cogswell. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent, D156 II677.2 Consumption of Rice Products Containing Low Levels of Arsenic and Its Relationship to Health Outcomes Utilizing Blood Pressure Readings: An Initial Analysis of NHANES Data. L.A. Fahnestock, R.D. Smith, M. Randhawa, G. Siapco, S. Soret, J. Lloren, J. Sabate. Loma Linda Univ. D157 I677.3 Usual Coffee Intake among Adults in the United States. E. Loftfield, N.D. Freedman, Q. Xiao, K.W. Dodd, R. Sinha, B.I. Graubard. NCI, NIH, Rockville, MD. D158 II677.4 Sandwich Consumption in the U.S.: Contributions to Intake and Associations with Dietary Quality among Adults, What We Eat in America, NHANES 2009-2012 R.S. Sebastian, C. Wilkinson Enns, J.D. Goldman, A.J. Moshfegh. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D159 I677.5 DHA and EPA Consumption from Seafood, U.S. Adults, 2009-2012 S.J. Nielsen, K.A. Herrick, C.L. Ogden. Natl. Ctr. for Hlth. Stats., CDC, Hyattlville, MD. D160 II677.6 Children (2-18 y) Consuming Flavored Milk Ingested More Milk and a Higher Percentage Met Dietary Recommendations for Calcium Than Non-consumers: NHANES 2001-2012 C.E. O’Neil, T.A. Nicklas, V.L. Fulgoni III. LSU Agr. Ctr., Baylor Col. of Med. and Nutr. Impact LLC, Battle Creek, MI. D161 I677.7 Characterizing Sandwich Consumption Patterns among Children Age 2-19 Years, What We Eat in America NHANES 2009-2012 K. Hoy, J.D. Goldman, R.S. Sebastian, C. Wilkinson Enns, A.J. Moshfegh. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D162 II677.8 A Descriptive Study of the Vital Health Indicators of Four Sub-Saharan African Countries, 19602012 S.S. Klobodu, J.A. Dawson, D.B. Reed, N. MoustaidMoussa, C. Carpio, N. Velikova. Texas Tech Univ. D163 I677.9 Collecting Brand and Product Names in the USDA Automated Multiple Pass Method 24-Hour Dietary Recall. L.C. Steinfeldt, A.J. Moshfegh. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D164 II677.10 Diet Quality during Pregnancy Is Inversely Associated with Prepregnancy Weight Status. D. Shin, K.W. Lee, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. D165 I677.11 Eating Dessert Foods: Behavioral Patterns in American Children. E.F. Jacquier, A.L. Eldridge. Nestlé Res. Ctr., Florham Park, NJ and Lausanne. D166 II677.12 Away-from-Home Food Intake among Mexican Children Ages 2-13 Years. M.C. Afeiche, L. Smith Taillie, A.L. Eldridge, B.M. Popkin. Nestlé Res. Ctr., Lausanne and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. D167 I677.13 Beverage Choices among Adults and Their Contribution to Nutrient Intake. E. Parker, J. Clemens, A. Moshfegh. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D168 II677.14 A Comprehensive Database Linking Dietary Fibers and Health: Rationale and Methods. K.A. Livingston, M. Chung, C.M. Sawicki, B.J. Lyle, D.D. Wang, S.B. Roberts, N.M. McKeown. USDA at Tufts Univ., Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med., Intl. Life Sci. Inst., Washington, DC and Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Tufts Univ. D169 I677.15 School Lunch Consumption Is Associated with Higher Intakes of Total Fat, Added Sugars, and Sodium in U.S. Children. B. O’Brien, J.A. Vernarelli. Fairfield Univ. D170 II677.16 Ready-To-Eat Cereal Consumption Is Associated with Improved Nutrient Intakes and Nutrient Adequacy in Lower Income Children and Teens: Results from NHANES 2007-2012 C.K. Gugger, S. Bidwai, N. Joshi, N.M. Holschuh. Gen. Mills Inc., Minneapolis and Mumbai. D171 I677.17 Consumption of Low-Calorie Sweeteners in the United States 2011-12 A.C. Sylvetsky, Y. Jin, J.A. Welsh, K.I. Rother, S.A. Talegawkar. George Washington Univ., Emory Univ. and NIDDK, NIH. 201 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D172 II677.18 Current Data on Manganese in Foods and in U.S. Diets from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Total Diet Study. J.H. Spungen, R. Pouillot, D. HoffmanPennesi, S. Briguglio, M. Wirtz. USDA, College Park, MD. D173 I677.19 Medium and High Risk Alcohol Drinking Increases the Risk of Obesity in Korean Men: Prospective Cohort Analysis Based on the National Health Insurance Data. C-i. Kim, S-O. Kwon. Korea Hlth. Industry Develop. Inst., Chungbuk, South Korea. D174 II677.20 Does the Nutrient Profile of Snacks Vary According to the Time of Day of Consumption? S.A. McNaughton, R. Leech, A. Worsley. Deakin Univ., Australia. 678. AGING: NUTRITION AND MUSCULOSKELETAL HEALTH Poster (Sponsored by: Aging and Chronic Disease RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D175 I678.1 Higher Dietary Vitamin C Intake Is Associated with Higher Grip Strength in Adults: The Framingham Offspring Study. S. Sahni, P.F. Jacques, A.B. Dufour, D.P. Kiel, R.R. McLean, M.T. Hannan. Harvard Med. Sch. and USDA at Tufts Univ. D176 II678.2 Magnesium and Space Flight. S.M. Smith, S.R. Zwart. NASA and USRA, Houston. D177 I678.3 Skeletal Muscle Specific MicroRNA 206 and 486 Observed in Circulation Are Biomarkers of Aging. L.M. Margolis, Y. Ezzyat, R.A. Fielding, D.A. Rivas. Tufts Univ., Boston and USDA at Tufts Univ. D178 II678.4 Mediterranean-Style Dietary Pattern Is Associated with Hip Bone Mineral Density among Older Puerto Rican Adults. S.E. Noel, S.J. Bigornia, K.M. Mangano, K.L. Tucker. Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell. D179 I678.5 Effect of Soy-Dairy Protein Blend Ingestion on Post-exercise Muscle mTORC1 Signaling and Protein Synthesis in Older Adults. M. Borack, P. Reidy, S. Husaini, M. Markofski, R. Deer, A. Richison, B. Lambert, M. Cope, R. Mukherjea, K. Jennings, E. Volpi, B. Rasmussen. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch and DuPont Nutr. and Hlth., St. Louis. D180 II678.6 Protein Intake and Bone Mineral Density – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. M. Shams-White, J. Sackey, Z. Fu, M. Karlsen, M. Du, K. Insogna, M. LeBoff, S. Shapses, C. Weaver, M. Chung. Tufts Univ., Yale Univ., Harvard Univ., Rutgers Univ. and Purdue Univ. D181 I678.7 Blueberry Diet Derived 3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl) Propionic Acid Suppresses Osteoblastic Cell Senescence to Promote Bone Accretion in Mice. J-R. Chen, O.P. Lazarenko, M.L. Blackburn. Arkansas Children’s Nutr. Ctr. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. D182 II678.8 Exercise or Caloric Restriction Reduces Bone Resorption and Improves Cortical Bone Strength in Hyperphagic OLETF Rats. L.C. Ortinau, M. Richard, M. Linden, R.S. Rector, P. Hinton. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 202 D183 I678.9 Effects of a High-Fat, High-Cholesterol Diet or Hyperphagia on Bone Mass, Bone Strength and Serum Turnover Markers in Male Rats. L.C. Ortinau, M. Richard, R. Dirkes, M. Linden, R.S. Rector, P. Hinton. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. D184 II678.10 Short-Term Consumption of Whole Grain Foods Independent of Weight Loss Does Not Affect Surrogate Markers of CVD. M. Meydani, M. Thomas, J.B. Barnett, S. Vanegas, O. Chen, G. Dolnikowski, S. Jonnalagadda, E. Saltzman, S. Roberts, S.N. Meydani. USDA at Tufts Univ. and Gen. Mills. D185 I678.11 Insulin Resistance Negatively Influences the Muscle-Dependent Relationship between IGF-I and Bone Mass in Pre-menarcheal Girls. J. Kindler, N. Pollock, E. Laing, N. Jenkins, A. Oshri, C. Isales, M. Hamrick, R. Lewis. Univ. of Georgia and Augusta Univ. D186 II678.12 Effects of a 12-Month Low-Carbohydrate Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet on Bone Mineral Density: A Randomized Controlled Trial. T. Hu, L. Yao, L. Bazzano. Tulane Univ. and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. D187 I678.13 Oral Potassium (K+) Administered as K+ Enriched Diet Combined with a Specially Prepared K+ Rich Food-Based Supplement Reduces Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis. T.M. Kianifard, M.S. Saluja, A. Venugopalan, A. Chopra. Ctr. for Rheumat. Dis., Pune, Iran. D188 II678.14 Improved Muscle Function after Diet Intervention with Leucine-Enriched Whey and Antioxidants in Antioxidant-Deficient Aged Mice. M. van Dijk, F. Dijk, A. van Bunschoten, D. van Dartel, K. van Norren, S. Walrand, M. Jourdan, S. Verlaan, Y. Luiking. Nutricia Res., Utrecht, Wageningen Univ., Netherlands and Univ. d’Auvergne, France. D189 I678.15 Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Healthy Men with Low Choline Intake. M. Kohlmeier, O. Dong. UNC Nutr. Res. Inst., Kannapolis and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. D190 II678.16 Bone Mass Status Is Associated with Consumption of Dairy Foods and Fruits and Vegetables in Young Adult Uruguayan Women. R. Cornes, A. Peña, C.M. Donangelo. Sch. of Nutr., Univ. de la República, Uruguay. D191 I678.17 Mouse Model of Muscle Atrophy with Water-Immersion Restraint Stress. S. Fushimi, T. Nohno, S-i. Nishimatsu, N. Katase, K. Terada, Y. Watanabe, Y. Ota, M. Katsuyama, K. Saijoh, H. Katsuyama. Kawasaki Med. Sch. and Kanazawa Univ., Japan. D192 II678.18 Butyrate Influences Myogenic Potential of Porcine Satellite Cells. R.L. Murray, C.H. Stahl. Univ. of Maryland College Park. D193 I678.19 Higher Intake of Meat, Oil, Grains, Fruits and Legumes Discriminated Higher Muscle Mass among Urban Community - Free Living Adults. C. Bernardino, G.N. Vilches, L.E.F. Pereira, H.T. Kano, R.C. Burini. Botucatu Med. Sch., Brazil. D194 II678.20 Nutraceutical Strategy for Muscle Maintenance and Recovery. A. Torrent, E. Montell, J. Vergés, C. Gómez-Cabrera, J. Viña. Bioberica SA, Parafolls and Fac. of Med., Univ. of Valencia. D195 I678.21 Effect of Moringa oleifera on Bone Density in Post-menopausal Women. J. Brown, E. Merritt, C.N. Mowa, S. McAnulty. Appalachian State Univ. SUNDAYNUTRITION D196 II678.22 Daily Consumption of Strawberries for Eight Weeks Increases Serum Levels of IGF-1 in Postmenopausal Women. R.G. Feresin, S.A. Johnson, S. Pourafshar, M.L. Elam, N. Navaei, N. Akhavan, A. Figueroa, G. Tenenbaum, K. Brummel-Smith, B.H. Arjmandi. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci., Florida State Univ., Colorado State Univ. and California State Polytech Univ., Pomona. D197 I678.23 Skeletal Muscle Mass Characteristics and Elevated Non-communicable Diseases in Saudi Adults. E. Combet, M. Alkhalaf, M.E.J. Lean, C. Edwards. Univ. of Glasgow. D198 II678.24 Serum Bone-Building Metabolites Are Enhanced by a Restricted Vitamin A Intervention in Zambian Children with High Liver Reserves of Vitamin A. K.E. Olsen, N. Binkley, B.M. Gannon, S.A. Tanumihardjo. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 679. NUTRITION ACROSS THE LIFESPAN: NUTRITION, NEUROBIOLOGY, MOOD AND BEHAVIOR Poster (Sponsored by: Aging and Chronic Disease RIS) (Cosponsored by: Obesity RIS and Nutrition Translation RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D199 I679.1 From Visceral Fat to Brain Function: The Selectively Negative Influence of Central Adiposity on Neuroelectric Indices in Preadolescent Children. L. Raine, N. Cohen, A. Kramer, C. Hillman, N. Khan. Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign. D200 II679.2 Carbohydrates Differentially Influence Children’s Efficiency during Cognitive Control Tasks. L. Raine, N. Cohen, A. Kramer, C. Hillman, N. Khan. Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign. D201 I679.3 Choline Supplementation Improves Behavioral Aspects of Mice Exposed to Ethanol In Utero. E. Pjetri, N. Surzenko, C.A. Munson, S.H. Zeisel. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kannapolis. D202 II679.4 Anthocyanin-Rich Blueberry Diets Enhance Protection of Critical Brain Regions Exposed to Acute Levels of 56Fe Cosmic Radiation. S.M. Poulose, M.E. Kelly, D.F. Bielinski, M.G. Miller, B. Rabin, B. Shukitt-Hale. USDA at Tufts Univ. and Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County. D203 I679.5 Omega-3 Dietary Fatty Acids Improve Spatial Learning and Memory but Do Not Alter the Escalation of Alcohol Drinking. L.O. Byerley, J.E. Reppel, A.R. Pahng, S.R. Edwards. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. D204 II679.6 Evaluation of Dietary Nutrients on Clinical Outcomes in Subjects with Chronic-Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. R.E. Grossmann, E. Perkhounkova, B. Bisht, T. Wahls. Univ. of Iowa and VA Med. Ctr. D205 I679.7 Anti-diabetic Efficacy of a Novel Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum, Fenfuro) Extract in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes. D. Bagchi, A. Swaroop, H.G. Preuss, M. Bagchi, P. Kumar. Univ. of Houston Col. of Pharm., Cepham Res. Ctr., Piscataway, Georgetown Univ. Med. Ctr., Dr. Herbs LLC, Concord, CA and Chem. Resources, Haryana, India. D206 II679.8 The Association of Dietary Glycine and Glutamate with ADHD. K.F. Holton, J. Johnstone, J.T. Nigg. American Univ. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. D207 I679.9 Low Intake of Choline during Pregnancy Leads to Aberrant Retinal Architecture and Poor Visual Function in the Offspring. N. Surzenko, I. Trujillo-González, S.H. Zeisel. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kannapolis and UNC Gillings Sch. of Global Publ. Hlth. D208 II679.10 Protein Intake and Mood: A Systematic Review. P. Pribis. Univ. of New Mexico. D209 I679.11 The Impact of Mastication on Cognition: Evidence for Intervention and the Role of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. S. Miquel-Kergoat. Wrigley (Mars Inc.), Chicago. D210 II679.12 Changes in Nutrient Intakes by Age among U.S. Adults: Estimates from What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2012 S. Mishra, J.D. Goldman, N.R. Sahyoun, A.J. Moshfegh. Univ. of Maryland College Park and USDA, Beltsville, MD. D211 I679.13 Effects of Iron Levels and Cerebral Oxygenation on Free and Cued Recall in Elders with Mild Cognitive Impairment. M.J. Wenger, B.W. Carlson, L.A. De Stefano, K.K. Butler, K.A. Curran, S.K. Daji, E.H. Mooney, L.A. Herhsey, J.R. Carlson. Univ. of Oklahoma and Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. D212 II679.14 Chocolate and the Brain: Cacao Increases power Spectral Density (µV2) of EEG Gamma Wave Band Activity (31-40Hz) Which Is Associated with Neuronal Synchronization, Enhanced Cognition, Memory, Recall and Physiological Benefits. L. Berk, J. Lee, D. Mali, E. Lohman, G. Bains, N. Daher, J. Bradburn, R. Mohite, N. Vijayan, S. Juneja, S. Shah, A. Shah, P. Shah. Loma Linda Univ. D213 I679.15 Low versus High Cacao Anti-oxidant Consumption Effects on Power Spectral Density (µV2) EEG Brain Frequencies (0-40Hz) and Significance of Sensory Olfaction and Taste Deprivation of Cacao to Decrease the Response of Power Spectral Density for Gamma Frequency. L. Berk, J. Lee, D. Mali, E. Lohman, G. Bains, N. Daher, J. Bradburn, R. Mohite, S. Juneja, N. Vijayan, S. Shah, A. Shah, P. Shah. Loma Linda Univ. D214 II679.16 Fructose Extends Lifespan and Reduces Intestinal Fat Deposition in Caenorhabditis elegans M. Wang, R.A. Laine, C. Gao, P. Tran, N. Mai, J.W. Finley, S.B. Heymsfield, F.L. Greenway, Z. Li, D. Heber, J.H. Burton, W.D. Johnson, J. Zheng. Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., LSU AgCtr., Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr. and A&M Col. and UCLA. D215 I679.17 Relationship between Self-Reported Polyphenol and, Caffeine Consumption and Mood. A. Boolani, J. TeRiele, C. Towler, T. Baghurst. Clarkson Univ. and Oklahoma State Univ. D216 II679.18 Dietary Strawberry Improves Cognition in Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Trial. M.G. Miller, N. Thangthaeng, T.M. Scott, B. Shukitt-Hale. USDA and Tufts Univ., Boston. 203 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D217 I679.19 The Relationship between Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6 Intakes and Depression in Women Who Use Hormonal Oral Contraceptives: 2003-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. S. Zolfaghari, L. Wang, V. Gray, R. Roy. California State Univ., Long Beach. D218 II679.20 Dietary Plant Lectins Affect Lifespan and Dopaminergic Neurons in Ceanorhabditis elegans Model Organism. M. Wang, R.A. Laine, J.N. Keller, F.L. Greenway, S.B. Heymsfield, J. Zheng. Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., A&M Col. and Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., LSU, Baton Rouge. 680. NUTRITION TRANSLATION: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN NUTRITION Poster (Sponsored by: Nutrition Translation RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D219 I680.1 Quinoa Ancient Whole Grain GlutenFree Snacks. T.S. Kahlon, R.J. Avena_Bustillos, M-C.M. Chiu. USDA, Albany, CA. D220 II680.2 Ancient Whole Grain Gluten-Free Buckwheat Snacks. T.S. Kahlon, R.J. Avena_Bustillos, M-C.M. Chiu. USDA, Albany, CA. D221 I680.3 Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Vitamin Contents and True Retention in Selected Vegetables. J. Lee, J. Yang, Y. Choi, K. Lee. Chungbuk Natl. Univ. and Natl. Acad. of Agr. Sci, RDA, Jeonju, South Korea. D222 II680.4 Effects of High Pressure Treatment and EDTA-2Na on Lipid Oxidation and Color Properties of Altay Sheep Body Fat. Q. Wang, C. Liu. Chongqing Univ. of Educ. and Xin Jiang Acad. of Agr. and Reclamation Sci., China. D223 I680.5 Characterization of Anthocyanins in Sweet Potato Shoots. X. Su, J. Griffin, B. Katz, J. Tomich, W. Wang. Kansas State Univ. D224 II680.6 Ultrasound-Induced Changes in Structural and Physical Properties of Whey Proteins. M. Guo, X. Shen, S. Shao. Jilin Univ., China and Univ. of Vermont. D225 I680.7 Speciation and Monitoring of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice by HPLC-ICP/MS. S.G. Lee, S-H. Chun, D.H. Kim, Y.S. Lee, K-W. Lee. Col. of Life Sci. and Biotechnol., Korea Univ. D226 II680.8 Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Reduction in Simple-Processed Foods According to Manufacturing System. S-J. Kang, S-Y. Yang, K-W. Lee. Col. of Life Sci. and Biotechnol., Korea Univ. D227 I680.9 Development of Novel Hollow Zein Nanoparticles for Delivery of Nutraceuticals. S. Hu, M-L. Fernandez, Y. Luo. Univ. of Connecticut. 681. NUTRITION TRANSLATION: NUTRITION SCIENCE FOR PUBLIC POLICY, PRACTICE AND THE CONSUMER Poster (Sponsored by: Nutrition Translation RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D228 II681.1 Federal Policy Development Process for the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. K.O. Casavale, E. Essery Stoody, C. Rihane, R. Olson. HHS, Rockville, MD and USDA, Alexandria, VA. D229 I681.2 The Science Behind the Dietary Guidelines for Americans E.E. Stoody, K. Casavale, C. Rihane, R. Olson. USDA, Alexandria, VA and HHS, Rockville, MD. D230 II681.3 Marketing Strategies of the Industry of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Monitoring of In-Store Special Offers. A. Velasco, I.P. Hernandez, P. Aguilar. Natl. Publ. Hlth. Inst., Cuernavaca. D231 I681.4 Prevalence and Patterns of Wild Berry Consumption among Park Users in Western Washington. E.G. Diehl, A. Kazaks. Bastyr Univ., WA. D232 II681.5 Intakes of Processed Meat and Red Meat in Koreans Are Far Below the Level Referred to Increase the Risk of Colorectal Cancer by IARC. J.Y. Lee, M. Yon, D. Kim, J. Nam, S. Park, H-S. Lee, C-i. Kim. Korea Hlth. Industry Develop. Inst., Cheongju. D233 I681.6 Comparison of an Egg White versus Toaster Pastry Breakfast on Dietary Intake and Quality in College-Age Women. J. Eckerson, N. Allen, A. Lieb, K. Mullen. Creighton Univ. D234 II681.7 Improving the Food Supply by Product Reformulation: Using Nutrient Profiling to Evaluate Foods Consumed in the USA. F. Mölenberg, A. Vlassopoulos, G. Masset, U. Lehmann. Wageningen Univ., Netherlands and Nestle Res. Ctr., Lausanne. D235 I681.8 Discrepancies between Health Professionals’ Understanding and the Evidence for Sugars Related Nutrition Issues in Canada. F. Wang, C.L. DiAngelo, L. Pasut, S.L. Marsden. Nutr. Info. Svc., Canadian Sugar Inst., Toronto. 682. MEDICAL NUTRITION: APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, NUTRITION, AND METABOLISM Poster (Sponsored by: Medical Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D236 II682.1 Ingesting 25 g/Day Milled Chia Seeds for Two Weeks Does Not Affect Exercise Performance. D. Nieman, M.P. Meaney. Appalachian State Univ., North Carolina Res. Campus, Kannapolis. 204 SUNDAYNUTRITION D237 I682.2 Metabolomics-Based Analysis of Banana and Pear Ingestion on Exercise Performance and Recovery. D. Nieman, N. Gillitt, W. Sha, M.P. Meaney, C. John, K. Pappan, J. Kinchen. Appalachian State Univ., North Carolina Res. Campus, Dole Nutr. Inst. and Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, Kannapolis and Metabolon, Durham, NC. D238 II682.3 The Effects of Resistance Training with L-Carnitine Supplementation on Total Antioxidant Capacity and Lipid Peroxidation in Untrained Men. M. Koozehchian, E. Falah, A. Daneshfar, M. Kaveh, B.K. Sanchez, G. Owlia, A. Moosakhani, G. Nazem, N. Moradi, R.B. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Iran, Karnataka Col. of Pharm., Bangalore, Texas Southern Univ., Univ. of Tehran and Azad Univ., Iran. D239 I682.4 Cross-Validation of Recent and Longstanding Resting Metabolic Rate Prediction Equations. K.D. Flack, W.A. Siders, L. Johnson, J.N. Roemmich. USDA, Grand Forks. D240 II682.5 Korean Fermented Soy Sauce Modulate Na+/K+-ATPase Activity in HK-2 Cells. Y-S. Cha, E-G. Mun, M. Kim, J-s. Yook. Chonbuk Natl. Univ., South Korea. D241 I682.6 Bitter Receptors and Glucose Transporters Interact to Control Carbohydrate and Immune Responses in the Gut. K.M. Palatini, P-J. Durand, T. Rathinasabapathy, D. Esposito, S. Komarnytsky. North Carolina State Univ., Kannapolis and Raleigh, Agrosup Dijon, France and Intl. Med. Univ., Juala Lumpur. D242 II682.7 Monitoring Clinical Characteristics and Lifestyle Factors to Reduce Confounding in Studies of Peripheral Vascular Function. Y. Liu, A.D. Fly, J. Risting, Z. Wang, J.E. Klaunig. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Indiana Univ. Bloomington. D243 I682.8 Post-prandial Exhaled 8-Isoprostane Responses to Meals of Varying Caloric and Fat Content in Nonasthmatic, Insufficiently Active Men. S.P. Kurti, S.R. Emerson, S.K. Rosenkranz, C.S. Teeman, E.M. Emerson, B.J. Cull, J.R. Smith, C.A. Harms. Kansas State Univ. D245 I682.10 Metabolomics Analysis of Serum and Urine after Bean Consumption by Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease. L. Wang, P. Zahradka, C. Taylor, M. Aliani. Univ. of Manitoba and St. Boniface Res. Ctr., Winnipeg. D246 II682.11 Unique Post-prandial Amino Acid Responses following Oral Administration of Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin. E.M. Weaver, B.W. Petschow, D.W. Mathews, B. Burnett, A.L. Shaw, T.P. Bradshaw, J. Hinkle. Entera Hlth. Inc., IA and NC and EarlyPhase Sci. Inc., NC. D247 I682.12 The Perceived Impact of Moving to United States on Eating Habits among College Students from Countries Gulf Cooperation Council. M. Huwaikem, A. Campa. Florida Intl. Univ. D248 II682.13 Foodomics Database: A New Tool for Precision Medicine and the -omic Toolbox. H.J. Allen, D.J. Lennon, J. Lukosaityte, P.R. Borum. Univ. of Florida. D249 I682.14 A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Gluten-Free Weight Loss Diet in HLA DQ2 or D8 Positive Subjects. M. Vranceanu, D. de Lorenzo, K. Grimaldi. Estetica Milano Sei, Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Eurogenetica, London. D250 II682.15 The Impact of Online Dietary Assessment to Efficiency of Nutrition Counseling: A Pilot. R.P. Watowicz, R.K. Wexler, R. Weiss, C.K. Spees, C.A. Taylor. The Ohio State Univ., Viocare Inc., Princeton. D251 I682.16 Severely Compromised Anabolic Response to Nutrition in a Pseudomonas aeroginosa-Induced Hyper-dynamic Sepsis-Recovery Pig Model. G.A. Ten Have, M.P. Engelen, R.R. Wolfe, N.E. Deutz. Texas A&M Univ. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. 683. MEDICAL NUTRITION: NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL FUNCTION – THE MICROBIOME AND BEYOND Poster (Sponsored by: Medical Nutrition Council) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D252 II683.1 Gut Microbiota in Wild Type Caenorhabditis elegans: Stimulation by Media Containing Dietary Fiber from Prowashonupana Barley. J. Zheng, C. Gao, A.M. Raggio, F.M. Enright, R.J. Martin, M.E. Janes, F.L. Greenway, M.J. Keenan. PBRC and Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., LSU, Baton Rouge and Univ. of California, Davis. D253 I683.2 Fiber Utilizing Capacity Varies with Prevotella versus Bacteroides Enterotypes. T. Chen, W. Long, C. Zhang, S. Liu, L. Zhao, B. Hamaker. Purdue Univ. and Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China. D254 II683.3 Food-Grade Antimicrobial ε-Polylysine Transiently Perturbs the Structure of the Murine Gut Microbiome. X. You, J. Einson, C. Lopez-Peña, M. Song, H. Xiao, D.J. McClements, D.A. Sela. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. D255 I683.4 Modulation of Colonic Microbiota Populations by Polyphenolic Containing Sorghum Brans May Protect against Development of Metabolic Disease. S.K. Lloyd, L.E. Ritchie, K.K. Hicks, M.A. Azcarate-Peril, N.D. Turner. Texas A&M Univ. and Univ. of North Carolina Sch. of Med. D256 II683.5Prebiotic Short-Chain Fructooligosaccharides Increases Abundance of the Butyrate Producing Microbial Community Differentially When Administered with or without Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in Piglets with Short-Bowel Syndrome. B.R. Loman, K.A. Tappenden. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D257 I683.6 Metatranscriptomics: Monitoring Gut Microbiome Activity in Response to Diet. S.T. Westreich, I. Korf, D.A. Mills, D.G. Lemay. Univ. of California, Davis. D258 II683.7 Substrate Structure-Dependent Growth of Bacteroides xylanisolvens XB1A on Corn Arabinoxylan Fragments in Pure and Mixed Culture Environments. X. Nie, E. Martens, Y. Xiao, B. Reuhs, B. Hamaker. Purdue Univ. and Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch. D259 I683.8 The Effects of Symbiotic Ice Cream on Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Microbiome. E. McNamara, D. Giraud, S. Fernando, J. Albrecht. Univ. of Nebraska. D260 II683.9 Effects of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Consumption on Fecal Microbiome of Obese Diabetic (db/db) Mice. G. Noratto, J. Garcia-Mazcorro, D. Mills. Washington State Univ., Texas A&M Univ., Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo León, Mexico and Univ. of California, Davis. 205 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D261 I683.10 Pectin Feeding for 16 Weeks Improves Learning and Memory in Young C57BL/6_J Mice: A Relationship to the Gut Microbiota? L. Mailing, J. Allen, T-W. Liu, T. Bhattacharya, P. Park, B. Pence, J. Rodney, G. Fahey, K. Swanson, J. Rhodes, J. Woods. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D262 II683.11 Decreased Abundance of Firmicutes in the Gut Microbiota after Consumption of a Diet Containing Milk Fats. H. Walsh, H. Haq, L. Cersosimo, C.L. Kien, J. Kraft. Univ. of Vermont. 684. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: LIPID AND FATTY ACID METABOLISM AND TRANSPORT Poster (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D263 I684.1 Consuming 1 Egg Per Day Favorably Alters Diastolic Blood Pressure and Plasma Lipid Profiles in a Young, Healthy Population. D.M. DiMarco, A.M. Missimer, A.G. Murillo, B.S.O. Lemos, M.L. Fernandez. Univ. of Connecticut. D264 II684.2 Diet-Induced Activation of PPARΔ Improves Liver Metabolic Profiles in Mice. C.M. Paton, R.A. Vaughan, E. Alpergin, F. Assadi-Porter, M.K. Dowd. Univ. of Georgia, High Point Univ., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and USDA, New Orleans. D265 I684.3 Bioavailability of Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Phospholipid-Rich Herring Roe Oil in Men and Women with Mildly Elevated Triacylglycerols. C.M. Cook, H. Hallaråker, P.C. Sæbø, S.M. Innis, K.M. Kelley, K.D. Sanoshy, A. Berger, K.C. Maki. Biofortis Clin. Res., Addison, IL, Arctic Nutr. AS, Ørsta, Norway, Univ. of British Columbia and British Columbia Children’s Hosp. D266 II684.4 MiR-383 Is Associated with Ameliorated Hepatic Steatosis in Mice Fed on High-Fat Diet. B. Yan, X. Duan, Y. Shi, G. Le. Jiangnan Univ., China. D267 I684.5 Absorption of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid in Wax-Ester Rich Oil from the Marine Crustacean, Calanus finmarchicus, in Healthy Men and Women. C.M. Cook, T. Larsen, H.J. Kern, L.D. Derrig, K.M. Kelley, K.S. Tande. Biofortis Clin. Res., Addison, IL, Fac, of Hlth. Sci., Univ. of Tromsø and Calanus AS, Tromsø, Norway. D268 II684.6 Korean Pine Nut Oil Replacement Decreases Intestinal Lipid Uptake While Improves Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in High-Fat Diet Fed Mice. Z. Shuang, S. Park, Y. Lim, S. Shin, S.N. Han. Seoul Natl. Univ. D269 I684.7 Obesogenic Diets Enriched in Oleic Acid versus Saturated Fatty Acids Differentially Modify Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Composition in Liver and Visceral Adipose. M. Picklo, E. Murphy. USDA, Grand Forks and Univ. of North Dakota. D270 II684.8 Mouse Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 2 Is Required to Sustain Cardiac Function. J.M. Ellis, L.Y. Hasek, E.J. Yurovich, K.L. Harris, C.J. Goergen. Purdue Univ. 206 D271 I684.9 Retroconversion of Docosahexaenoic Acid (22:6n-3) to Eicosapentaenoic Acid (20:5n-3) Dominates over Elongation to 24:6n-3 in Human Cells. H.K. Park, P. Lawrence, K.S.D. Kothapalli, J.T. Brenna. Cornell Univ. D272 II684.10 Characterization of the Human EA.hy926 Endothelial Cell Response to Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as a Function of Growth Conditions. Y. Du, C. Taylor, H. Aukema, P. Zahradka. Univ. of Manitoba and Canadian Ctr. for Agri-Food Res. in Hlth. and Med., Winnipeg. D273 I684.11 Comparison of Preparative High Density Lipoprotein Separation Methods for Subsequent Omic Analysis. C. Zhu, R. Sacchi, C. Rhodes, B. Tan, J.K. Muchena, C.B. Lebrilla, A.M. Zivkovic. Univ. of California, Davis. D274 II684.12 RNA Sequencing: A Novel FADS2 Isoform Identified in Milk Fat Globule Suppresses FADS2Mediated Delta 6-Desaturation of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. K.S.D. Kothapalli, H.G. Park, X. Guo, X. Sun, J. Zou, S.S. Hyon, X. Qin, P. Lawrence, R.R. Ran-Ressler, J.Y. Zhang, Z. Gu, J.T. Brenna. Cornell Univ., Jilin Univ., China and Nestlé, Minnetonka, MN. D275 I684.13 Functional Characterization Reveals Human ELOVL3 Role in the Biosynthesis of iso-20:0 Z. Wang, H.G. Park, P. Lawrence, K.S.D. Kothapalli, J.T. Brenna. Cornell Univ. D276 II684.14 Functional Characterization of Novel Fads3 Isoform. J.Y. Zhang, X. Qin, H.G. Park, E. Kim, G. Liu, K.S.D. Kothapalli, J.T. Brenna. Cornell Univ. and Col. of Vet. Med., Jilin Univ., China. D277 I684.15 Associations between Plasma Fatty Acid Composition, Estimated Desaturase Indices, and Measures of Insulin Resistance in 4th- and 5th-Grade Children. L.M. Nguyen, J.W. Newman, A.G. Borkowska, S. Zidenberg-Cherr, M. Dharmar, I.J. Gray, J.D. Linnell, H.M. Young, R.E. Scherr. Univ. of California, Davis, USDA, Davis, Penn State and Sch. of Nursing, Univ. of California Davis Hlth. Syst., Sacramento. D278 II684.16 Size and Timing Matter: Differential Triglyceride Responses to Three Meal Conditions. S.R. Emerson, S.P. Kurti, C.S. Teeman, E.M. Emerson, B.J. Cull, M.D. Haub, S.K. Rosenkranz. Kansas State Univ. D279 I684.17 Metabolic Profiling and Quantification of Ceramide by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Y. Chen, D. McLaren, J. Liu, W. Yin, R. Mayoral, A. Petrov, L. Bojic, O. Berejnaia, S. Previs, D. Kelley. Merck, Kenilworth, NJ. D280 II684.18 Quantifying Fatty Acid Synthesis Using Heavy Water: Enabling Back-to-Back Studies. S. Previs, K. Herath, A. Nawrocki, S. Singh, L. Kang, M. Erion, D. Kelley. Merck, Kenilworth, NJ. D281 I684.19 Exogenous Oxidation of Lipids Reduces the Deleterious Effects of a High Fat Diet Composed of These Lipids in a Swine Model of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Spontaneous Atherosclerosis. F. Arowolo, J.J. Meudt, C. Cabelka, D.T. Schomberg, N.J. Chesmore, A. Escobar López, S.T. Trace, J.L. Reichert, T.D. Crenshaw, M.P. Richards, D. Shanmuganayagam. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. D282 II684.20 The Variant R230C Is Associated to a Higher Risk for Hypoalphalipoproteinemia, in School-Aged Mexicans of Hidalgo, Mexico. A. Gutierrez Gamo, E.M. Tejero Barrera, M. Galván García, E. Gamez-Valdez, J.C. Fernández, A.V. Contreras, G. López Rodríguez. Univ. Iberoamericana and INMEGEN, Mexico City and Autonom. Univ. of Hidalgo State (UAEH), Mexico. SUNDAYNUTRITION 685. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: EMM AND THE GUT 686. OBESITY: BODY COMPOSITION Poster Poster (Sponsored by: Obesity RIS) (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D283 I685.1 Increased Gastrointestinal Permeability during Prolonged Physical Stress Is Associated with Lower Energy Intakes but Not Dietary Macronutrient Composition. J.P. Karl, L.M. Margolis, N.E. Murphy, S. Martini, Y. Gundersen, J.W. Castellani, C.T. Carrigan, H.K. Teien, E.H. Madslien, S.J. Montain, S.M. Pasiakos. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA and Defense Res. Establishment, Kjeller, Norway. D284 II685.2 Dairy Milk Components Differentially Affect Gastrointestinal Health Markers in C57Bl/6 Mice. T.R. Price, S.A. Baskaran, K. Moncada, Y. Minamoto, C. Klemashevich, A. Jayaraman, J.S. Suchodolski, R.L. Walzem. Texas A&M Univ. D285 I685.3GC-TOF/MS-Based Metabolomic Profiling of Goto-Kakizaki Rats: Comparison of Diets Enriched with Purified Resistant Starch or Resistant Starch in the Form of Whole-Grain Flour. R.J. Martin, J. Fahrmann, D. CarvajalAldaz, J. Guice, R. Page, A. Raggio, D. Coulon, R. Stout, C. Pelkman, M.L. Marco, M.J. Keenan. Univ. of California, Davis, MD Anderson, Houston, LSU AgCtr, LSU A&M and Ingredion Inc., Bridgewater, NJ. D286 II685.4 Protein and Glutathione Kinetics in Protein Deficient Piglets with Colitis in Response to Nutritional Interventions: Protein Repletion or N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation. M. Hong, J.Y. Xiao, E. Nitschmann, L.J. Wykes. Sch. of Dietetics and Human Nutr., McGill Univ. D287 I685.5 The Effect of Fructose-Containing Sugars on Glycemic Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Controlled Trials. V.L. Choo, A.I. Cozma, E. Viguiliouk, S. Blanco Mejia, C.W.C. Kendall, R.J. de Souza, D.J.A. Jenkins, J.L. Sievenpiper. Univ. of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto and McMaster Univ., Canada. D288 II685.6 Metabolic Profiling Reveals Differences in Plasma Concentrations of Arabinose and Xylose after Consumption of Fiber-Rich Pasta and Wheat Bread with a Differential Rate of Systemic Appearance of Starch-Derived Glucose in Healthy Men. A. Pantophlet, C. Eelderink, R. Vonk, S. Wopereis, A. Dijk-Stroeve, S. Bijlsma, L. Stee Van, I. Bobeldijk, M. Priebe. Univ. Med. Ctr. Groningen and TNO, Zeist, Netherlands. D289 I685.7 Plasma Bile Acid Responses in Methane and Non-methane Producers to Standard Breakfast Meals. B. Rust, M. La Frano, J.W. Newman, K. Agrawal, W. Horn, L. Welch, M. Marco, R. Martin, N.L. Keim. Univ. of Califormia, Davis and USDA, Davis. Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D290 II686.1 Evaluation in Children of Novel Bluetooth Bioimpedance Analysis Devices Designed for mHealth Applications. J. Zheng, M. Wang, A. Choi, J.Y-H. Kim, S.W. Jo, J. Cho, Y.A. Bhagat, I. Kim, S.B. Heymsfield. PBRC and Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., LSU, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea and Samsung Res. America, Richardson, TX. D291 I686.2 The Effects of Pedometer-Metered Walking on Body Composition, Blood Glucose, Diet Alterations, Blood Pressure, and Waist-to-Hip Ratios in College-Aged Participants: A Pilot Study. L. Meeks, A. Reynaga, C. Worland, B. Burns-Whitmore. Cal Poly Univ., Pomona. D292 II686.3 The Gender Differences in the Change of Dietary Intake and Body Composition following the First Semester for Undergraduate First Year Students at a Small Liberal Arts University. J. Nunez, D. Vera, S.L. Dunn. Univ. of La Verne. D293 I686.4 Differences in Body Composition According to Gender in Schoolchildren in Arandas, Mexico. E. Romero-Velarde, E.A. Caro-Sabido, E.M. Vasquez-Garibay, A. Larrosa-Haro. Univ. de Guadalajara and Hosp. Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca. D294 II686.5 Effects of Endurance and Strength Training and Their Combined Intervention on Body Composition of High School Students. J. He, D. Cui, Y. Sun. East China Normal Univ. D295 I686.6 Anthropometric Measurements Differ among Overweight and Obese Adults of Varying Socioeconomic Status but No Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake. Y. Rhee, K. Honrath, M.G. Wagner. North Dakota State Univ. and Concordia Col., MN. D296 II686.7 Long-Term Vitamin D Deficiency Decreases Bodyweight and Adipose Tissue Mass in Female Mice. A.M. Belenchia, C. Rosenfeld, S.A. Johnson, A. Kieschnick, C. Peterson. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. D297 I686.8 Comparison of MRI and DXA for Measurement of Visceral Adipose Tissue in Adolescent Females. S.L. Belcher, J.M. Kindler, N.K. Pollock, H.L. Ross, C.M. Modlesky, E.M. Laing, R.D. Lewis. Univ. of Georgia, Med. Col. of Georgia-Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of Delaware. D298 II686.9 Changes in Body Composition Despite Changes in Dietary Intake or Eating Behaviors during the Fall Semester in First Year College Students. K. Jones, D. Vera, S.L. Dunn. Univ. of La Verne. D299 I686.10 Fat Weight Rises with Increased Severity of Obesity in Women but Not Lean Body Mass. T.G. Babb, V. Bernhardt, D. Bhammar, J. Stickford, J.T. Basset, R. Marines-Price, M. Roman. Texas Hlth. Presbyterian & Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. and Texas A&M Univ.-Commerce. 207 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D300 II686.11 Sex Differences of Body fat Distribution in Mexican Adolescents 10-14 Years Old with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors. A. Soto-Piña, A. Esquivel-Roque, C. Flores-Reséndiz, A.C. Fernández-Gaxiola, P. TlatempaSotelo. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. D301 I686.12 Assessment of Visceral Adipose Tissue by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging among a Young Adult Obese Population. C.L. Carpenter, M. Sarma, R. Nagarajan, C.C. Lee, M.A. Thomas, V.L. Go, T.J. Hahn. UCLA. 687. OBESITY: CHILDHOOD OBESITY MANAGEMENT Poster (Sponsored by: Obesity RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D302 II687.1 Associations between Weight-Related Variables, Gender, and Age in Overweight and Obese Preadolescents and Adolescents. E.L. Delavan, T. Crook, J. Phelps, R. Hakkak. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. D303 I687.2 Energy Expenditure in Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome during Walking. F.A. Chavoya, A. Slowetzky-Amaro, D. Castner, A. Hyde, J. Ramirez, A. Wong, V. Layvant, D. Rubin. California State Univ., Fullerton. D304 II687.3 Defining Infant Rapid Weight Gain to Best Predict Subsequent Obesity. C.L. Eckhardt, M.C. Leo, N. Karanja. Sch. of Community Hlth., Portland State Univ. and Kaiser Permanente Ctr. for Hlth. Res., Portland. D305 I687.4 Healthy as a Horse. H. Battisti, F. Battisti. Marywood Univ., PA, Endwell Family Physicians, NY and SUNY Broome Community Col., Binghamton. D306 II687.5 Respiratory Effects of Weight Loss or Gain Over 1 Year in Obese Children. D.M. Bhammar, J.L. Stickford, R.J. Kim, R. Marines-Price, J.T. Bassett, M.C. Roman, A. Kruetzer, T.G. Babb. Valdosta State Univ., Dallas Inst. for Exercise and Envrn. Med., Appalachian State Univ. and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. D307 I687.6 Effects of Apple Snacking on Body Weight Status and Metabolic Profiles of Overweight and Obese Children. C. Cabalbag, D. Metti, A. Tunstall, L. Almaiman, M.Y. Hong, M. Kern, S. Hooshmand. San Diego State Univ. 688. DIET AND CANCER: MOLECULAR TARGETS Poster (Sponsored by: Diet and Cancer RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D308 II688.1 Curcumin Inhibits Lymphangiogenesis In Vitro and In Vivo through Suppressing VEGF Receptor Signaling. W. Wang. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. 208 D309 I688.2 Synergystic Interaction of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Peptides and Oxaliplatin on Proliferation of HCT116 Colorectal Cancer Cells through Mitochondrial Depolarization and DNA Damage. D-A. LunaVital, E.G. De Mejia, G. Loarca-Pina. Autonomous Univ. of Querétaro, Mexico and Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. D310 II688.3 An Oral Iron Compound That Decreases Colon Cancer Cell Growth. N.M. Scheers, D.A. Pereira, J.J. Powell. Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Sweden and MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge, U.K. D311 I688.41α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Inhibits De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis and Metastatic Capability of Breast Cancer Cells. T. Wilmanski, A. Barnard, S. Donkin, M. Parikh, K. Buhman, J. Kirshner, J. Burgess, D. Teegarden. Purdue Univ. D312 II688.5 DHA Supplementation Alters Cofilin1/ pVASP-S239 Expression, Sub-cellular, Localization, and Suppresses Migration and Proliferation in Lung Cancer Cells. M. Ali, K.M. Heyob, L.K. Rogers. Nationwide Children’s Hosp. and The Ohio State Univ. D313 I688.6 Characterization of the Pro-inflammatory Cytokine IL-1β on Butyrate Oxidation in Colorectal Cancer Cells. M. Johnstone, A. Han, N. Bennett, C. Standifer, A. Smith, D. Donohoe. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. D314 II688.7 Pyrogallol, a Microbial Metabolites from Mango Tannins (Mangifera indica L.) Suppresses Breast Cancer Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Proliferation in Both In Vitro and In Vivo. S.U. Mertens-Talcott, H. Kim, R. Barnes, S.T. Talcott, M. Nemec. Texas A&M Univ. D315 I688.8 Comparing Gene Expression between Resveratrol Sensitive and Insensitive Cells Using RNASequencing Methods. C.W. Cranney, J. Kenealey. Brigham Young Univ. D316 II688.9 Butyrate Plays Differential Roles in Cellular Signaling in Cancerous HCT116 and Noncancerous NCM460 Colon Cells. H. Zeng, D.P. Taussig, W-H. Cheng, R. Hakkak. USDA, Grand Forks, Mississippi State Univ.,Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Arkansas Children Hosp. Res. Inst. D317 I688.10 An Inhibitory Role of Piceatannol in Cancer Cachexia-Associated Lipolysis In Vitro. J. Kershaw, K-H. Kim. Purdue Univ. D318 II688.11 Anti-tumor Properties of Beta-Sitosterol in AGS Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells and Tumor Xenograft Mice. E. Shin, S.H. Kim, J-T. Hwang. Univ. of Sci. & Technol., Daejeon and Korea Food Res. Inst., Seongnam. D319 I688.12 Allicin Inhibits Lymphangiogenesis In Vitro and in Vivo. W. Wang. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. D320 II688.13 Soybean-Derived Glyceollins Promote Nrf2-Mediated Detoxifying Enzymes In Colorectal Cells. G. Jo, J. Oh, S. Kang, M. Kim, J. Jang, G. Jeong, H. Seo, S. Ju, Y. Woo, S. Lim, J-S. Kim. Sch. of Food Sci. and Biotechnol., BK21 Plus Creative Innovation Group, Kyungpook Natl. Univ. and Hallym Univ., South Korea. D321 I688.14 Herbs FG Matrix for Advance Wound Care Therapy for Diabetic, Venous, Artelous Ulcer. F.U. Izunobi, G.P. Einstein. Col. of Med., Einstein Med. Inst. Corp. USA. D322 II688.15 Terpenoid-Enriched Loquat Leaf Extract Controls the Growth and Survival of Pancreatic Cancer Cell and Acts on Glucose Metabolsim to Alter Pentose Phosphate Pathway. Q-Y. Lu, J. Yang, V-L. Go, Z. Li, W-N. Lee. UCLA and LA BioMed, Torrance. D323 I688.16 Delta Tocotrienal Inhibit mTOR Pathway by Modulating Glutamine Uptake and Transporters in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer. L.D. Rajasinghe. Wayne State Univ. SUNDAYNUTRITION D324 II688.17 Apiaceous Vegetable Intake Modulates Expression of DNA Damage Signaling Pathway Genes and miRNA in Wistar Rats. J.K. Kim, D.D. Gallaher, S.P. Trudo. Univ. of Arkansas and Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul. 689. CARIG: BIOAVAILABILITY AND METABOLISM OF CAROTENOIDS AND VITAMIN A Poster (Sponsored by: CARIG RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D325 I689.1 Antioxidative Activity of (3R,3R′) and (3S,3S′) Astaxanthin in Caenorhabditis elegans X. Liu, Q. Luo, Y. Cao, X. Liu, H. Xiao. Col. of Food Sci., South China Agr. Univ. and Univ. of Massachusettes Amherst. D326 II689.2 Lutein and DHA Co-localize in Cell Membranes of Brain Regions Controlling Cognition in the Rhesus Macaque. E.S. Mohn, N.R. Matthan, J.W. Erdman; Jr., M. Neuringer, M.J. Kuchan, E.J. Johnson. USDA at Tufts Univ., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ., Beaverton and Abbott Nutr., Columbus, OH. D327 I689.3 Lutein Supplementation Increases Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Humans. N.T. Stringham, P.V. Holmes, J.M. Stringham. Univ. of Georgia. D328 II689.4 Identification and Quantification of Carotenoids in Various Phenotypic Sorghum Accessions. Y. Shen, X. Su, X. Chen, D. Rhodes, B. Katz, J. Tomich, W. Wang. Kansas State Univ. and USDA, Manhattan, KS. D329 I689.5 Lutein HPLC Method Comparison and Validation. N.E. Craft, D.G. Springs, J. Chavan. Craft Technol. Inc., Wilson, NC and OmniActive Hlth. Technol., Mumbai. D330 II689.6 Low Intake of Fruit and Vegetables, Body Fatness and Pro-inflammatory/Pro-oxidant Status Are the Major Determinants of Plasma Carotenoids Reduction in Free-Living Adults. R.M. Manda, H.T. Kano, G.N. Vilches, R. Selingardi, L.M. Abe, C.R. Correa, R.C. Burini. Botucatu Med. Sch., São Paulo State Univ. D331 I689.7 Carotenoid Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Tortillas Elaborated from Yellow Creole Maize (Zea mays L.) by Conventional Nixtamalization Process. S. Mora-Rochin, A. Corrales Bañuelos, D. Angulo Serrano, E. Cuevas Rodriguez, C. Reyes Moreno, J. Milan-Carrillo. Univ. Autonoma de Sinaloa, Mexico. D332 II689.8Apo-10′-Lycopenoic Acid Inhibits Cancer Cell Migration and Angiogenesis by Suppressing Lamellipodia Formation. B. Miao, X. Fu, X-D. Wang. USDA at Tufts Univ. D333 I689.9 Evaluation of Different Delivery Vehicles on the Digestion and Absorption of Lutein Using a Lymph Fistula Rat Model. P. Tso, M. Vurma, D. Lee, S. DeMichele. Univ. of Cincinnati and Abbott Nutr. D334 II689.10 In Vivo Assessment of Lutein Absorption in Infant Formula Using Mono-diglycerides Based Emulsification Technology. M. Vurma, S. DeMichele, D. Lee, P. Tso. Abbott Nutr., Columbus, OH and Univ. of Cincinnati. D335 I689.11Lutein-Supplemented Formula Enhances Lutein Accumulation in Brain and Other Tissues in Infant Rhesus Macaques. S. Jeon, K.M. Ranard, M. Neuringer, E.E. Johnson, M. Kuchan, E.J. Johnson, J.W. Erdman; Jr. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ., Beaverson, Abbott Nutr. and USDA at Tufts Univ. D336 II689.12 Comparison of Vitamin A Total Body Stores Calculated by Two Retinol Isotope Dilution Equations with Known Values Derived from Modeling. J.L. Ford, M.H. Green, J.B. Green, J. Novotny. Penn State and USDA, Beltsville. D337 I689.13 Retinoic Acid Pretreatment Promotes Vitamin A Accumulation in the Lung of Neonatal Rats. Y. Li, J.K. Urbanek, M.H. Green, L. Tan, A.C. Ross. Penn State and Univ. of Alabama. D338 II689.14 Selective Delivery of Xanthophylls to Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells (ARPE-19) via Human Lipoproteins. S. Thomas, E.H. Harrison. The Ohio State Univ. 690. DBC: BIOAVAILABILITY, METABOLISM AND BIOMARKERS OF DIETARY BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS Poster (Sponsored by: Dietary Bioactive Components RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D339 I690.1 Identification of Methylated Avenanthramides in Human Plasma. J. Walsh, J. Haddock, D.L. McKay, F.W. Collins, J.B. Blumberg, C-Y.O. Chen. USDA at Tufts Univ. and Agr. and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa. D340 II690.2 Nutritional Polyphenol Metabolites’ Kinetics in Plasma, Urine, and Saliva following Consumption by Normal, Healthy, Subjects. Y.Y. Choy, S.N. Hester, A. Mastaloudis, S.M. Wood, R. Gray, R.P. O’Donnell, J.L. Barger, P. Quifer-Rada, R.M. Lamuela-Raventós, A.L. Waterhouse. Univ. of California, Davis, Nu Skin Enterprises, Provo, UT, LifeGen Technols., Madison, WI, Univ. of Barcelona and Inst. of Hlth. Carlos III, Madrid. D341 I690.3 Resistant Starch Fermentation Is Prevented by Low Potency Antibiotic Neomycin and Ampicillin. J.L. Guice, D.G. Carvajal-Aldaz, R.C. Page, A.M. Raggio, R.J. Martin, C. Husseneder, H.A. Durham, J.P. Geaghan, C.L. Pelkman, M.L. Marco, M. Janes, D. Coulon, M.J. Keenan. LSU AgCtr., USDA, Davis, CA, Amway, Baton Rouge, LSU A&M, Ingredion Inc., Bridgewater, NJ and Univ. of California, Davis. D342 II690.4 Microbial-Derived Metabolites of Oat Avenanthramides. A. Yerke, P. Wang, S. Sang. North Carolina A&T State Univ., Kannapolis. D343 I690.5 Seven Day Blackberry Feeding Affects the Energy Substrate Profile in Males and Improves Insulin Sensitivity. P. Solverson, W.V. Rumpler, J.L. Leger, S.K. Gebauer, B. Redan, M. Ferruzzi, D.J. Baer, J.A. Novotny. USDA, Beltsville, MD, Univ. of Maryland College Park and Purdue Univ. 209 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D344 II690.6 Validating Polyphenol Intake Estimates from a Food-Frequency Questionnaire Using Repeated 24Hour Dietary Recalls and a Unique Method of Triads Approach with Two Biomarkers. N. Burkholder-Cooley, S. Rajaram, E. Haddad, G.E. Fraser, K. Oda, K. Jaceldo-Siegl. Loma Linda Univ. D345 I690.7 Intake of 2 Eggs for Breakfast Increases Plasma Lutein Concentration in Association with Increased Large HDL and Zeta Potential as Compared to an Oatmeal Breakfast. A.C. Missimer, S. Hu, Y. Luo, C.N. Blesso, M-L. Fernandez. Univ. of Connecticut. D346 II690.8 Bioavailability and Biodistribution of Fluorophore-Labeled Exosomes from Cow’s Milk after Intravenous and Oral Administration in C57BL/6J Mice. S. Manca, D. Giraud, J. Zempleni. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. D347 I690.9 Metabolic Fate of Curcumin in the Gastrointestinal Tract in Mice. Z. Li, Y. Sun, M. Song, F. Li, H. Xiao. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. D348 II690.10 The Physical Stability Comparison of Two Types of Resveratrol Nanocarriers. Y. Zu, S. Wang. Texas Tech Univ. D349 I690.11 Colonic Metabolism of the Common Dietary Polyphenol Quercetin-3-O-Rutinoside – Impact of Age and Gut Health. E. Combet, C.A. Edwards, A.A. Alkhaldy. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Glasgow and King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia. D350 II690.12 Is Plasma Plant Sterols a Biomarker of Plant Sterols Intake Estimated from FFQ and Multiple Dietary Recalls? R. Sirirat, E. Haddad, A. Mashchak, K. JaceldoSiegl. Loma Linda Univ. D351 I690.13 Effect of Frequent Broccoli Intake on Rat Gut Microbiota Metabolism and Composition. Y. Wang, X. Liu, M.J. Miller, E.H. Jeffery. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. D352 II690.14 Site-Specific Deglucuronidation of Turmeric-Derived Curcuminoids in Bone. A.G. Kunihiro, J.B. Frye, P.B. Luis, C. Schneider, J.L. Funk. Univ. of Arizona and Vanderbilt Univ. D353 I690.15 Calcium-Binding Peptides Isolated from Casein Hydrolysates Enhances Intestinal Calcium Uptake. J. Miao, G. Liu, Z. Luo, Z. Xia, F. Liu, Y. Chen, W. Dixon, H. Xiao, Y. Cao. Col. of Food Sci., South China Agr. Univ., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Infinitus (China) Co. Ltd. and Guangzhou Greencream Biotech Co. Ltd., China. D354 II690.16 Oat Avenanthramides Are Bioavailable in Humans after Acute Consumption of Oat Cookies. T. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. Gao, C. Chen, D. Yao, M. Wise, C. Kang, D. Yeo, L.L. Ji. Sch. of Kinesiol., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Col. of Food, Agr. and Animal Sci., Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul and USDA, Madison, WI. D355 I690.17 A Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of the Duration of Effect of Inositol-Stabilized Arginine Silicate and Arginine Hydrochloride in Healthy Adult Males. J. Komorowski, S. Perez Ojalvo. Nutr. 21, LLC, Purchase, NY. D356 II690.18 Efficacy of Chewing Gum as a Delivery System for Water and Fat Soluble Vitamins. W.Y.H. Khoo, J.D. Lambert. Penn State. D357 I690.19Postprandial Cranberry Flavonol Glycoside Bioavailability in Human Urine. H.N. Nelson, A.J. Kaiser, N.C. Reker, Y. Wang, A.P. Singh, N. Vorsa, T.L. Hooks, T. Wilson. Winona State Univ. and Rutgers Univ. 210 D358 II690.20 Acute Bioavailability of (Poly) phenolic Content of Different Varieties of Vaccinium spp. in Ovariectomized Rats. M. Maiz, D.P. Cladis, P.J. Lachcik, E.M. Janle, M.A. Lila, M.G. Ferruzzi, C.M. Weaver. Purdue Univ. and North Carolina State Univ., Kannapolis. D359 I690.21 Enhanced Solution Concentration of Quercetin in Amorphous Solid Dispersions. A. Gilley, H.C. Arca, B. Nichols, K. Edgar, A.P. Neilson. Virginia Tech. D360 II690.22 Testing the Use of Urinary Biomarkers to Assess Added Sugar Intake in Obese Postmenopausal Women. K. Arnold, J. Bomser, R. Andridge, T. Orchard. The Ohio State Univ. D361 I690.23 Metabolomic Analysis Revealed DoseDependent Association between Growth Performance and Redox Metabolites in Algae Feeding. Y. Ma, W. Zhou, P. Chen, P.E. Urriola, G.C. Shurson, R. Ruan, C. Chen. Univ. of Minnesota, Saint Paul. D362 II690.24 The Mediation of Intracellular Ca2+ by Resveratrol. J.C. Mecham. Brigham Young Univ. 691. DBC: MECHANISMS OF ACTION AND MOLECULAR TARGETS OF DIETARY BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS Poster (Sponsored by: Dietary Bioactive Components RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D363 I691.1 Javamide-I Found in Coffee Is a Potent p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor Suppressing MCP-1 Expression Significantly in LPS-Stimulated Monocytic THP-1 Cells. J. Park, T. Wang. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D364 II691.2 The Heat Shock Protein 70 Is a Novel Target for Nobiletin in Human Colon Cancer Cells. Z. Gao, J. Zheng, X. Wu, K. Dimova, S. Scordilis, H. Xiao. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Smith Col. D365 I691.3 α-Tocopheryl Phosphate Induces VEGF Expression via CD36/PI3Kγ/Akt in THP-1 Monocytes. J-M. Zingg, A. Azzi, M. Meydani. Tufts Univ., Boston. D366 II691.4 Zinc Transporter 7 Knockout in Mice Differentially Affects Lipid Metabolism in adipose Tissues. L. Huang, S. Tepaamorndech, C.P. Kirschke, T.L. Pedersen, W.R. Keyes, J.W. Newman. USDA, Davis and Univ. of California, Davis. D367 I691.5 Naringenin, a Citrus Flavanone, Enhances Isoproterenol-Stimulated Thermogenic Activation of 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. L. Zhao, J. Bae, J. Chen. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. D368 II691.6 The Regulation in Key Protein Expression Related to Circadian Rhythms with a Natural Compound Containing Rosemary and Hemerocallis Fulva Extract In Vitro. B. Qin, T. Shea-Donohue, C. Liu, J. Quilici Timmcke, R.A. Anderson. USDA, Beltsville, MD, Iningredients.com, Columbia, TN, Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. and Jiangsu Province Acad. of Traditional Chinese Med., Nanjing. SUNDAYNUTRITION D369 I691.7 Ellagic Acid and Quercetin Are HighAffinity Ligands of Human Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha in an In Vitro Competitive Binding Assay. G. Sasaki, T. Luo, N.F. Shay. Oregon State Univ. D370 II691.8 Diosmetin: An Anti-leukemic Flavonoid Targeting the Estrogen Receptor β S.G. Rota, A. Roma, P.A. Spagnuolo. Univ. of Waterloo Sch. of Pharm., Canada. D371 I691.9 Dietary Procyanidins Lower Serum Triglyceride Levels via Up-Regulation in Pparα and Its Downstream Target Gene Expression. M-L. Ricketts, L.E. Downing. Univ. of Nevada Reno. D372 II691.10 Mango Polyphenols (Mangifera indica L.) and Their Microbial Metabolites Suppress Adipogenesis and Fat Accumulation by Mediating AMPK Signaling Pathways in 3T3L-1 Adipocytes. C. Fang, H. Kim, S.T. Talcott, S.U. Mertens-Talcott. Texas A&M Univ. D373 I691.11 Spirulina platensis Organic Extract Increases Spare Respiratory Capacity in RAW 264.7 Macrophages to Exert an Anti-inflammatory Effect. T.X. Pham, J-Y. Lee. Univ. of Connecticut. D374 II691.12 Potentiation of TRPM 5 Leads to Increased Taste Perception and Insulin Secretion. K. Philippaert, R. Vennekens. Univ. of Leuven, Belgium. D375 I691.13 Involvement of Autophagy in Differential Cytotoxicity of Pterostilbene on Human Bladder Cancer Cells and Immortalized Human Uroepithelial Cells to FDAApproved Anticancer Drugs. C-L. Su, Y-T. Chen. Natl. Taiwan Normal Univ. D376 II691.14 Effects of Curcumin Metabolites on Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells. A-C. Cheng, M-F. Lee, C-T. Li, K-H. Chang, M-H. Pan. Chang Jung Christian Univ., Fooyin Univ. and Natl. Taiwan Univ., Taiwan. D377 I691.15 Curcumin Metabolites Induce Autophagic Cell Death through PI3K/AKT-mTOR Signaling in COLO205 Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells. A-C. Cheng, M-F. Lee, B-H. Chiou, Y-Z. Yen, M-H. Pan. Chang Jung Christian Univ., Tainan, Natl. Kaohsiung Marine Univ. and Natl. Taiwan Univ., Taipei. D378 II691.16 Inhibition of High Glucose-Induced Diabetic Retinal Angiogenesis by Dietary Compound Chrysin. M. Kang, Y-H. Kang. Hallym Univ., South Korea. D379 I691.17 Gossypetin Suppresses AcidificationRelated Protein Expression and Lysosomal Enzymes Secretion in RANKL-Mediated Osteoclasts. L.D. Antika, E-J. Lee, Y-H. Kang. Hallym Univ. and Korea Food Res Inst., Gyeonggi-do. D380 II691.18 Astragalin Attenuates Allergic Airway Inflammation by Modulating Macrophage Infiltration in Asthmatic Mice. Y-H. Kim, Y.J. Choi, Y-H. Kang. Hallym Univ. and Ulsan Univ. Col. of Med., South Korea. D381 I691.19 Protective Effect of Betaine against Liver Steatosis Involves Depletion of Homocysteine via Upregulation of Betaine-Homocysteine Methyltransferase. C.W. Ahn, D.S. Jun, J.D. Na, Y.J. Choi, Y.C. Kim. Seoul Natl. Univ. D382 II691.20 Role of Acetyl-CoA Metabolizing Enzyme ACSS2 and Dietary Acetyl-CoA Precursors in Transcription and Lipid Disorder. R. Moreau, A. Erickson, N. Bruner, M. Xia, B. He. Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln. D383 I691.21 iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of the Anticancer Mechanism of a Novel Ent-Kaurane Diterpenoid from Rubus corchorifolius Linn.f X. Chen, Z. Gao, Y.W. Ou, G. Liu, X. Gao, X. Liu, Y. Chen, L. He, H. Xiao, Y. Cao. South China Agr. Univ. and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. D384 II691.22 Effects of Resveratrol Derivatives on Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+ Homeostasis in MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer Cells. J.A. Peterson, J.D. Kenealey. Brigham Young Univ. D385 I691.23 Lycopene Induces Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Y. Jeong, J.W. Lim, H. Kim. Yonsei Univ., South Korea. D386 II691.24 Korean Red Ginseng Extract Inhibits p53-Dependent Apoptosis In Helicobacter pylori- Infected Gastric Epithelial Cells. HJ. Kang, J.W. Lim, H. Kim. Col. of Human Ecol., Yonsei Univ., South Korea. D387 I691.25 Docosahexaenoic Acid Inhibits Cytokine Expression through Suppression of NF-κB Activation in Rat Pancreatic Stellate Cells. H.R. Eum, S.A. Chung, J.W. Lim, H. Kim. Col. of Human Ecol., Yonsei Univ., South Korea. D388 II691.26 Activation of AMP Kinase by Zyflamend, a Well-Defined Blend of Herbal Extracts. A.F. MacDonald, A.F. Han, D. Donohoe, J. Whelan. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. D389 I691.27 Genetic Background Determines Anthocyanin Effects on Glutathione Redox Balance. K.M. Norris, R. Pazdro. Univ. of Georgia. D390 II691.28 Effects of Pomegranate Extract on High Fat/High Sucrose Diet-Induced Obesity Are Dependent on the Intestinal Formation of Urolithin A. J. Yang, S.M. Henning, R. Lee, M. Hsu, E.M. Grojean, A. Ly, D. Heber, Z. Li. UCLA and Loyola Marymount Univ. D391 I691.29 Obesity-Breast Cancer Interactions: Effects of Adipocytes on Breast Cancer Cells and Preventive Effects of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. S.A. Alhaj, A. Aljawadi, L. Ramalingam, N. Moustaid-Moussa. Texas Tech Univ. D392 II691.30 Unfermented and Fermented Cocoa Extracts as Inhibitors of Pancreatic α-Amylase, α-Glucosidase, and Pancreatic Lipase. C. Ryan, L. Ye, S. O’Keefe, A.P. Neilson. Virginia Tech. D393 I691.31 Inhibitory Effects of Red Raspberry Polyphenols on Osteoclastogenesis in RANKL-Stimulated RAW264.7 Murine Macrophages. A. Thomas, S. South, V. Imrhan, C. Prasad, P. Vijayagopal, S. Juma. Texas Woman’s Univ. D394 II691.32 Proteomic Analysis of Human Serum of Osteopenic Women after Dried Plum Treatment. F. Lee, M. Ghassemian, S. Schenk, M. Kern, S. Hooshmand. San Diego State Univ. and UCSD. D395 I691.33 Resveratrol and Pterostilbene Inhibit TNF-α Stimulated Activation of NF-κB and Its Upstream TAK1 in Macrophages via Modulation of Sphingolipids. C. Yang, Q. Jiang. Purdue Univ. D396 II691.34 Modulation of Serotonergic Stress Neurocircuitry by Dietary Prebiotics and Lactoferrin. M. Chichlowski, A. Mika, B. Berg, M. Fleshner. Mead Johnson Nutr., Univ. of Colorado Boulder and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D397 I691.35 In Vitro Effects of Grape Phenolics, Myricetin and Piceatannol, on Bovine Granulosa Cell Proliferation and Steroid Production. L.J. Spicer, L.F. Schutz, L. Zhang. Oklahoma State Univ. D398 II691.36 Beetroot Extract Increases the Expression of Uncoupling Protein 1 in Primary Brown Adipocytes In Vitro. D. Otieno, S.G. Lee, H.W. Kang. North Carolina A&T State Univ. D399 I691.37 Comparison of Anti-obesity Effects of Onion Peels by Different Extraction Methods Using 3T3-L1 and Primary Brown Adipocytes In Vitro. S.G. Lee, H.W. Kang. North Carolina A&T State Univ. 211 S U N NUTRITIONSUNDAY D400 II691.38 The Chemoprotective Effects of Mammalian Lignans Enterodiol and Enterolactone in Nontransformed Colonocytes. C. Curry, E. Garcia-Villatoro, D.B. Hales, C.D. Allred. Texas A&M Univ. and So. Illinois Univ. Sch. of Med. D401 I691.39 Drug Treatment of Prostate Cancer Cells Using a Combination of Naturally Occurring Compounds Leads to Activation of Apoptosis. R.V. Oblad, A. Dixon, D. Bernhisel, D. Eggett, J. Kenealey. Brigham Young Univ. 692. DBC: EFFECTS OF DIETARY BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS ON EXPERIMENTAL MODELS OF CHRONIC DISEASE RISK Poster (Sponsored by: Dietary Bioactive Components RIS) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D402 II692.1 Turmeric Powder Gavage Improves Lipid Profile of Normal Albino Rats. A.V. Iwueke, K. Iheanacho, J. Nwodu. Imo State Polytech and Fed. Univ. of Technol. Owerri, Nigeria. D403 I692.2 Dietary Tocotrienols Improve Glucose Homeostasis and Bone Turnover Biomarkers in High-Fat-DietInduced Obese Male Mice. C-L. Shen, G. Kaur, L. Ramalingam, M.D. Tomison, E. Chung, N. Moustaid-Moussa, C. Guo, C.R. Web, H. Mo, J.D. Dufour. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Texas Tech Univ. and Georgia State Univ. D404 II692.3 Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Rich Fish Oil Supplementation Prevents Rosiglitazone-Induced Osteopenia in Insulin Resistant C57BL/6 Mice. M.M. Rahman, G. Halade, P. Williams. Col. of Arts and Sci., Qatar Univ., Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. D405 I692.4 Dietary Quercetin Inhibits MethylglyoxalInduced Advanced Glycation End Products Formation in Mice. Y. Zhao, P. Wang, H. Chen, S. Sang. North Carolina A&T State Univ., Kannapolis. D406 II692.5 Novel Nutritional Formula Protects against Cellular Damage. S.M. Wood, R. Gray, S.N. Hester, A.F. Mastaloudis, D. Kern, J. Namkoong, Z.D. Draelos. Nu Skin Enterprises, Provo, UT and Dermatol. Consult. Svcs., High Point, NC. D407 I692.6 Intake of Whole Raspberries and the Raspberry Phytochemicals, Ellagic Acid and Raspberry Ketone Reduces Adiposity, Improves Glucose Control and Changes Hepatic Gene Expression Profiles in High-Fat Fed Mice. N.F. Shay, T. Luo, O. Miranda, A. Adamson. Oregon State Univ. D408 II692.7 Blueberries Improve Whole-Body Insulin Action and Alter the Development of Obesity in HighFat Fed Mice. A.J. Stull, R.A. Beyl. Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge. D409 I692.8 Improved Peripheral Insulin Sensitivity and Pancreatic Islet Function in Obese Rats Treated with Polyphenol-Rich Extract of Syzygium cumini Leaves. L.M. França, J.R. Sanches, V.T. Chagas, R.S. Gaspar, K.A. Santos, M.C.S. Maranhão, E.M. Carneiro, A.P.G. Cappelli, A.M.A. Paes. Fed. Univ. of Maranhão and Univ. of Campinas, Brazil. 212 D410 II692.9 Cyanidin, a Natural Anti-glycation Agent, Inhibits Methylglyoxal- and Glucose-Mediated Protein Glycation In Vitro. T. Suantawee, H. Cheng, S. Adisakwattana. Chulalongkorn Univ., Thailand and LSU Sch. of Vet. Med. D411 I692.10 Xylobiose Ameliorates Hyperglycemia and Dyslipidemia via Regulating Hepatic Lipogenic Genes in db/db Mice. E. Kim, E. Lim, S. Jung, S-H. Yoo, Y. Kim. Ewha Womans Univ., TS Corp., Inchon and Sejong Univ., South Korea. D412 II692.11 Phyllodulcin as a Sugar Complement Exerts Anti-diabetic Effects in db/db Mouse. E. Kim, S-H. Yoo, Y. Kim. Ewha Womans Univ., BK21 Plus Team, and Sejong Univ., South Korea. D413 I692.12 Molecular Effects of Cinnamon Bioactive Compounds for Neuroprotection in D. melanogaster R. Crews, Y. Gomada, B. Jamison, D. Vattem. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Tufts Univ., Texas State Univ., Fukushima Med. Univ., Japan and Quality Assurance Village Farms Intl., Dallas. D414 II692.13 Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects of Hawthorn Extract in Pre- and Postmenopausal Rats. Y. Liu, J-H. Yoo, E-J. Ko, H. Jeong, H-S. Kim. Sookmyung Women’s Univ., South Korea. D415 I692.14 Induced the Down-Regulation of Adipogenesis-Related Genes of Bacterial β-Glucan in High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats. S.A. Kang, J.A. Kim, H-S. Kim, T-S. Kim, J-K. Kim, B. Hwang, J-Y. Lee. Hoseo Univ., South Korea. D416 II692.15 Improved Osteoporotic Condition of Soybean and Yak-kong (Blackbean: Rhynchosia molubilis) in Korean Postmenopausal Women. S.A. Kang, K-G. Jung, S-H. Kim, J-G. Park, M-H. Seo, J-H. Cha, H-J. Oh, J-Y. Lee. Hoseo Univ., Seoul and Asan, South Korea. D417 I692.16 The Effect of Guava Leaf Extracts on Antioxidant Properties and Lipid Profile in Ovariectomized Rats. Y. Liu, E-J. Ko, J-H. Yoo, E-K. Song, H-S. Kim. Sookmyung Women’s Univ., South Korea. D418 II692.17 Evaluating the Effect of Plant Origin Prebiotics (Raffinose and Stachyose) on Iron Status, Intestinal Functionality and Intestinal Bacterial Populations In Vivo. S. Pacifici, J. Song, C.K. Zhang, E. Tako. Cornell Univ. and USDA, Cornell Univ. D419 I692.18 Effects of Stevioside on Oxidative DNA Damage in Liver and Kidney of High Fat Diet-Induced Type 2 Diabetes in Rats. S.O. Rotimi, O.A. Rotimi, P.O. Obi, C.D. Onuzulu, O.O. Ogunlana, T.M. Dokunmu, W.O. Iyanda-Joel. Covenant Univ., Nigeria. D420 II692.19 Effects of Naringin on Hepatic Paraoxonase Activity and Lipid Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic Rats. S.O. Rotimi, I.B. Adelani, G.E. Bankole, O.A. Rotimi. Covenant Univ., Nigeria. D421 I692.20 Acute Effects on Satiety from White Button and Shiitake Mushroom Powder Supplementation in a High Fat Meal. T.J. Robak, L.A. Talal, M.J. Morris, B.T. Williams, R.W. Browne, P.J. Horvath. Univ. at Buffalo. D422 II692.21 The Effect of Oil Palm Phenolics on Urinary Metabolomic Profile In Atherogenic Diet-Induced Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Y. Wu, V. Srirajavatsavai, R. Sambanthamurthi, S.V. Gupta. Wayne State Univ. and Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur. D423 I692.22 β-Alanine Supplementation Improved Workload Capacity and Cognitive Function of Middle Age Individuals. T. Furst, B. Williams, A. Massaro, C. Miller, P.J. Horvath. Univ. at Buffalo SUNY. SUNDAYNUTRITION/PATHOLOGY D424 II692.23Effects of Raspberry Dietary Supplementation on Risk Biomarkers of Diabetes-Related Complications and Heart Disease in Diabetic Mice. G. Noratto, B. Chew, A. Mencia. Texas A&M Univ. and Washington State Univ. D425 I692.24Resveratrol Attenuates Obesity Related Renal and Systemic Alterations during Acute and Chronic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. C. Tovar-Palacio, M. Terán-García, E. Figueroa-Juarez, I. Torre-Villalvazo, L.G. Noriega, A.R. Tovar, R. Correa-Rotter. Salvador Zubirán Natl. Inst. of Hlth. Sci. and Nutr., Mexico City and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D426 II692.25 Blueberry Supplementation Impacts Gut Microbiota, Inflammatory Profiles, and Insulin Sensitivity in High-Fat Fed Rats. S. Lee, R. Kirkland, J.G. Fischer, C. de La Serre. Univ. of Georgia. D427 I692.26 Effects of Sphingomyelin-Rich Beta Serum on Lipid Metabolism in High Fat Diet-Fed Mice. G.H. Norris, C.N. Blesso. Univ. of Connecticut. D428 II692.27 The Acute Effects of White Button and Shiitake Mushroom Powder Supplementation on Postprandial Lipemia following a High Fat Meal M.J. Morris, T.J. Robak, L.A. Talal, B.T. Williams, R.W. Browne, P.J. Horvath. Univ. at Buffalo. D429 I692.28 Supplementation of Whole Flaxseed Reduced Hepatic Steatosis in Aged Laying Hens. J.E. Davis, J. Cain, C. Small, D.B. Hales. Sch. of Med., So. Illinois Univ. Carbondale and Aurora Univ. D430 II692.29 Early Detection of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Utilizing a Novel QUS Method. J.L. Rowles, R.J. Miller, A. Han, M.A. Wallig, W.D. O’Brien; Jr., J.W. Erdman; Jr. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Pathology 693. EDUCATION IN PATHOBIOLOGY 695. STEM CELLS Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A193 693.1 Specialist Program in Pathobiology: An Undergraduate Program in Mechanisms of Disease. A. Gotlieb, D. Templeton. Univ. of Toronto. 694. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A194 694.1 Potential Pathological Implication of Osteocalcin and Vitamin D in Acute Aortic Dissection. M.M. Corsi Romanelli, E. Vianello, A. Barassi, S. Trimarchi, E. Dozio. Univ. of Milan and IRCCS Policlin. San Donato, Italy. A195 694.2 Preclinical Safety Profile of a Depleting Antibody Against CRTh2 for Asthma: Well Tolerated Despite Unexpected CRTh2 Expression on Vascular Pericytes in the Central Nervous System and Gastric Mucosa. C.D. Austin, T. Huang, N. Sharma, S. Liu, M. Solon, A. Reyes, S. Paul, A. Yee, J. Tao, S. Chalasani, N. Bien-Ly, K. Barck, R.A.D. Carrano, J. Wang, L. Rangell, M. Bremer, D.M. Danilenko, P. Katavolos, I. Hotzel, K. Reif, K.S. Rajapaksa. Genentech Inc. A196 694.3 Intraperitoneal Post-operative Adhesions in Rats Are Worsened by Opiate Administration. G.M. Bove, S.L. Chapelle, D.J. Mokler. Univ. of New England and Squamish Integrated Hlth., Canada. A197 694.4 F93D Mutation in HDAC4 N-Terminal Glutamine-Rich Domain and Its Effect on Photoreceptor Survival. M.C. Juarez, V. Sample, C. Cepko. Lehigh Univ. and Harvard Med. Sch. A198 694.5 Urocortin 3 Gene Transfer Increases LV Peak -dP/dt in Normal Mice. D. Giamouridis, N.C. Lai, M. Gao, E. Biessen, M. Blankesteijn, H.K. Hammond. Maastricht Univ., Netherlands, Veterans Med. Res. Fndn., San Diego and UCSD. A199 695.1 ATF6 Promotes Early Stem Cell Development. H. Kroeger, W-C. Chiang, R.L. Wiseman, J.H. Lin. UCSD and The Scripps Res. Inst. A200 695.2 Bone Morphogenic Protein 2 Is a Key Regulator of Spheroidal Aggregates of Mesenchymal Stem Cells K. Tamama, J. Funnell, Z. Cesarz. Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med. 696. BIOMARKERS AND TARGETED THERAPY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A201 696.1 Validation of a Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Method for Detecting Lymph Node Metastasis by Melanoma Cells. T.B. Goodloe III, K.M. Hargadon. Hampden-Sydney Col., VA. A202 696.2 Vasculogenic Mimicry in Non-functioning Pituitary Adenomas: Fact or Fallacy? F. Rotondo, J. Di Michele, K. Kovacs, L.V. Syro, G.M. Yousef, M.D. Cusimano, A. Di Ieva. St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto, Hosp. Pablo Tobon Uribe & Clin. Medellin, Colombia, Australian Sch. of Adv. Med., Macquarie Univ. Hosp., Sydney and Garvan Inst. of Med. Res., Sydney. A203 696.3 Inaccurate Quantitation of IgM Monoclonal Proteins: A Cause for Concern. E.W. Holmes, B. Bahar, B.M. Whisler, M. Gryzbac, S.E. Kahn. Loyola Univ. Med. Ctr. A204 696.4 CD44, CD133 and Lgr5 as Biomarkers for Early Detection of H. pylori-Associated Gastric Cancer. R. Walker, J. Mejia, H. Enderling, J.M. Pimiento, M. Malafa, D. Coppola. Moffitt Cancer Ctr., Tampa and Pathol. Inst. Mejia Jimenez, Colombia. 213 S U N PATHOLOGYSUNDAY A205 696.5 A New Composite Biomarker for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis. O. Markovic, N. Markovic. Global Acad. for Women’s Hlth. and BioSciCon Inc., Rockville, MD. 697. TUMOR PROGRESSION METABOLISM AND METASTASIS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A206 697.1 Modeling Melanoma as In Vitro Artificial Tumor Tissues Using Natural 3D Matrix Materials. T. Lyden, M. Martin. Univ. of Wisconsin-River Falls. A207 697.2 Indoleamine2,3-Dioxygenase Inhibition Decreases VEGF-A Expression in Human Bladder Cancer Cells and Diminishes Angiogenesis in Coculture with Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. C.S. Malta, R.B. de Oliveira Brito, Y.T. Matos, D.M. de Souza, L.H. Matheus, H. Dellê. Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo. A208 697.3 Diphenolic Acid in Plastics Activates Smoothened Receptor. K. Kandhwal, I. Kufareva, M. Parle, R. Abagyan. Guru Jambheshwar Univ. of Sci. and Technol., India and Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., UCSD. A209 697.4 Renal Subcapsular Space of Balb/c Nude Mice as a Route to Evaluate Differentiation of Human Bladder Carcinoma T24 Cells Subpopulations. D.M. Souza, L.H.G. Matheus, R.B. Brito, Y.S.T. Matos, C.S. Malta, J.M. Ferreira, C.S. Silva, H. Dellê. Nove de Julho Univ., São Paulo. A210 697.5 Cigarette Smoke-Induced Bladder Cancer Initiation. J. McHowat, J. Marentette. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. A211 697.6 Implications for Platelet Activating Factor Receptor Antagonism for Managing Bladder Cancer Progression. J. McHowat, J. Marentette. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. A212 697.7 TIMP-2 Deficiency Alters Host Immune Response in Murine Lung Tumor Microenvironment. S.M. Jensen, S. Kumar, A. Chowdhury, B. Wei, W.G. StetlerStevenson. NCI, NIH, Gaithersburg, MD. A213 697.8 HPV Related Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck Metastatic to the Small Bowel: First Case Report and Review of the Literature. A.P. Patel, K.G. Neill, M. Leon, D. Coppola. Univ. of South Florida and Moffitt Cancer Ctr., Tampa. 698. BREAST, GYNECOLOGICAL, AND PROSTATE CANCER Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A214 698.1 Lactate Dehydrogenase A May Not Be Primarily Responsible for Maintaining High Tumor Lactic Acid Levels in Aggressive Breast Cancer. N. Mack, E. Mazzio, K. Soliman. Florida A&M Univ. 214 A215 698.2 TIMP-2: A Novel Biologic Therapy for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. N.P. Castro, A. Chowdhury, S.M. Jensen, F. Cuttitta, W.G. Stetler-Stevenson, D. Solomon. NCI at Frederick and NCI at Shady Grove, MD. A216 698.3 Control of Breast Cancer through the Resolution of Inflammation. D.R. Vatnick, K. Lehner, M. Gilligan, D. Panigrahy, Y. Gus-Brautbar, S. Ramon, S. Huang, C. Serhan. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr., Harvard Med. Sch., Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and Inst. for Systs. Biol., Seattle. A217 698.4 PAF/PAF-R Expression and Effects of Cigarette Smoke Exposure in Human Breast Cancer. S.E. Kispert, T. Schwartz, J. McHowat. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. A218 698.5 The Histone Deacetylase Sirt2 Regulates Slug in Basal-Like Breast Cancer. W. Zhou, C. Kuperwasser. Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med. and Tufts Univ. A219 698.6 Breast Tumor Development and Cigarette Smoking: Accelerated Tumor Development in Calcium Independent Phospholipase A2γ Deficient Mice. S.E. Kispert, J. McHowat. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. A220 698.7 A Novel Synthetic Tumor Platform for Screening Drug Delivery Systems. Y. Tang, F. Soroush, S. Deosarkar, B. Wang, P. Pandian, M.F. Kiani. Temple Univ., Widener Univ. and CFD Res. Corp., Huntsville, AL. A221 698.8 Breast Cancer Emergence from Dormancy Can Be Activated by Hepatic Stellate Cells. A.S. Khazali, A. Clark, S. Wheeler, A. Wells. Univ. of Pittsburgh and VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Syst. A222 698.9 Expression and Function of Androgen Receptor in Human Breast Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts: May Androgens Shape Breast Tumor Microenvironment? M. Lanzino, A. Campana, C. Giordano, I. Barone, D. Bonofiglio, S. Catalano, S. Andò. Univ. of Calabria, Italy. A223 698.10 Characterizing Breast Cancer Stem Cell Populations In Vitro Using the Sore6 Gene Reporter System. D. Li, D.I. Yi, S. Park, G. Liang, M. Kabbout, J. Byun, K. Gardner. NIMHD and NCI, NIH. A224 698.11 The Role of CtBP in Tumor Progression: Insights from the Pinducer Inducible Gene Expression System. D.I. Yi, D. Li, S. Park, L. Crawford, G. Liang, M. Kabbout, R. Hernandez-Mora, T. Yan, J. Byun, K. Gardner. NCI, NIH. A225 698.12 PEDF Reduction Induced by Cigarette Smoke: A Potential Role for Breast Tumor Development. S.E. Kispert, J. McHowat. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. A226 698.13 Exploring the Proteomic and Genomic Relationships between CtBP Expression and Metabolic Imbalance in Breast Cancer. L. Crawford, R. Hernandez-Mora, S. Park, J.S. Byun, K. Gardner. NIMHD, NIH and NCI, NIH. A227 698.14 Apigenin Attenuates CCL2 Release from TNFα and IL-1a Stimulated MDA-MB-231 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells. D.F. Bauer, E.A. Mazzio, K.F. Soliman. Col. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., Florida A&M Univ. A228 698.15 Characterizing Bone Tropism of Human ER+ Breast Cancer Cell Lines in a Murine Bone Metastasis Model. J.N. Cheng, J.B. Frye, S.A. Whitman, J.L. Funk. Univ. of Arizona. A229 698.16 The Influence of the Social Support about 20s Women’s Cervical Cancer Screening Who Are Doing Physical Activities on the Screening Attitude. K. Yunhwa. Asan City, South Korea. A230 698.17 Leptin Association with Prostate Cancer and HIV Infection – A Double Edge Sword. R.G. Andavolu, C. Stafford, M.V.S. Andavolu. Genet. Res. Inst. of the Desert and Eisenhower Med. Ctr., Rancho Mirage, CA. SUNDAYPATHOLOGY A231 698.18 The Role of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase on PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells Viability. Y.S.T. Matos, R.B.O. Brito, L.H.G. Matheus, D.M. Souza, C.S. Malta, D. GiannellaNeto, J. Pontes-Junior, H. Dellê. Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo. A232 698.19 Androgen Receptor Represses the Expression of Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins: A Mechanism for Androgen Therapy in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer. K. Valencia, D. Han, S. Gao, W. Han, C. Cai. Univ. of Massachusetts Boston. A233 698.20 Foxi3: A Sly Regulator of Bone Development, Promotes Prostate Cancer. A. Mukherjee. Troy Univ., AL. 699. LUNG CANCER Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A234 699.1 FSTL1 Inhibits Tumor Growth and Metastatic Progression via Blocking Proteolytic Activation of SPP1 in Lung Adenocarcinoma. J. Chiou, C-Y. Su, Y-F. Lin, M. Hsiao. Genomics Res. Ctr., Acad. Sinica, Taipei, China Med. Univ. and Col. of Med., Taipei Med. Univ., Taiwan. A235 699.2 Pharmacogenomic Analysis of Adenylate Kinase-4 Gene Expression Signature Identifies Withaferin-A as an Anti-metastatic Agent in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Y-H. Jan, M. Hsiao. Genomics Res. Ctr. Acad, Sinica, Taipei. A236 699.3 Anti-angiogenic Activity of Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists in Lung Cancer. Z. Robateau, K.C. Brown, R.G. Creel, Y.C. Chen, L.M. Grover, E.I. Mangiarua, R.D. Egleton, P. Dasgupta. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ. and Alderson Broaddus Univ., WV. A237 699.4 Analysis of the Acetylcholine-Signaling Pathway Reveals Differences between Normal and Malignant Lung Tissue. K.C. Brown, J.K. Lau, B.A. Thornhill, H.E. Perry, D.V. Jones, J.F. Pulliam, J. Martin, P. Dasgupta. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ., Dana-Farber Cancer Inst. and Markey Cancer, Lexington, KY. A238 699.5 Anti-invasive Activity of Capsaicin and Nonpungent Capsaicin Analogs in Human SCLC. A.T. Akers, J.D. Hurley, K.C. Brown, N.A. Nolan, P. Dasgupta. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ. A239 699.6 Acetylcholine-Signaling Inhibitors for Lung Cancer Therapy. P. Dasgupta, J.K. Lau, K.C. Brown, W.D. Rollyson, C.A. Stover, J.M. Rimoldi, S.J. Cutler, W.E. Hardman, A.B. Carpenter, Y.C. Chen. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ., Univ. of Mississippi and Alderson Broaddus Univ., WV. A240 699.7 Combinatorial Apoptotic Activity of Capsaicin and Camptothecin in Small Cell Lung Cancer. C.A. Stover, H.E. Perry, K.C. Brown, W.D. Rollyson, P. Dasgupta. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ. A241 699.8 Role of the Transcription Factor Yin Yang 1 in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. O. Boucherat, S. Chabot, A. Bourgeois, S. Provencher, R. Paulin, F. Maltais, S. Bonnet. Univ. Inst. of Cardiol. and Pneumol. of Québec, Univ. Laval. 700. LUNG PATHOBIOLOGY Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A242 700.1 Cardio-respiratory Development in Juvenile Sprague-Dawley Rats: A Histomorphologic and Immunohistochemical Study. V. Vrolyk, A. Apreutese, C. Gordon, R. Forster, A. Graham, B. Palate, J. Haruna, M-O. Benoit-Biancamano. Univ. of Montreal, St.-Hyacinthe, CiToxLAB, Laval and CiToxLAB France, Evreux. A243 700.2 Losartan Blocks the Recruitment of Mast Cells in the Lungs of Rats Subjected to Fat Embolism with or without a Second Hit with LPS. A. Poisner, S. Hamidpour, A. Ho, P. Skaria, A. Fletcher, S. Simon, A. Molteni. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Missouri Kansas City. A244 700.3 Regulation of Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 1 Stability Modulates Cytokine Release in Lung Injury. Y. Zhao, J. Wei, S. Dong, R.K. Bowser, L. Zhang, A.M. Jacko, J. Zhao. Univ. of Pittsburgh. A245 700.4 TGF-Beta Induces the Expression of Scleraxis in Lung Fibroblasts from Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. M. Ramirez Aragon, M.A. Blancas Oropeza, F. Hernandez Sanchez, A. Cruz Lagunas, M.P. Czubryt, C. Mendoza Milla. UNAM and INER, Mexico City and Inst. of Cardiovasc. Sci., Winnipeg, Canada A246 700.5 Kinetics and Implications of Germinal Center Formation in Induced Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue during Influenza Infection. K.N. Gibson-Corley, A.W. Boyden, L. Tygrett, T.J. Waldschmidt. Univ. of Iowa. A247 700.6 BLES-Cath-2 Intratracheal Administration in an In Vivo P. aeruginosa Pneumonia Model. J.M. Nicholson, B. Banachewski, L. McCaig, E. Veldhuizen, C. Yamashita, R. Veldhuizen. Western Univ., Canada and Utrecht Univ., Netherlands. A248 700.7 Pulmonary Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Expression in Lung: Relevance in Experimental Models and for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Clinical Disease. D.K. Meyerholz, P.B. McCray; Jr. Univ. of Iowa Carver Col. of Med. 701. NON-NEOPLASTIC AND ORGAN PATHOBIOLOGY POSTERS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A249 701.1 NLRP3 Inflammasome as a Novel Target for Docosahexaenoic Acid and Its Metabolites to Abrogate Glomerular Injury during Hyperhomocysteinemia. Z. Chen, S.M. Conley, G. Li, M. Xia, T.W. Gehr, K.M. Boini, P-L. Li. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. A250 701.2 ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter ABC1 Is Decreased in Skeletal Muscle from Insulin-Resistant Mice. P. Llanos, P. Sanchéz, H. Cerda-Kohler, M. Arias-Calderón, A. Diaz-Vegas, C. Campos, A. Contreras-Ferrat, C. Hidalgo, E. Jaimovich. Fac. of Odontol., Univ. of Chile. A251 701.3 Activity of Sphingomyelinase in Plasma, Urine, and Tissues of Diabetic Rats. R. Bautista-Pérez, R. PérezVillavicencio, L. del Valle-Mondragón, O. Pérez-Méndez, M. Franco. Natl. Inst. of Cardiol. - Ignacio Chávez, Mexico. Poster 215 S U N PATHOLOGY/PHARMACOLOGYSUNDAY A252 701.4 The Effects of 4-Methylumbelliferone on Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetic Mice. J.S. Edwards, V. Sunkari, P. Bollyky. Sch. of Life Sci., Rochester Inst. of Technol. and Stanford Univ. A253 701.5 Investigating the Mechanism of Autoimmune Disease-Associated LQTS: Anti-Ro52 IgG Decreases hERG Channel Density. J.A. Szendrey, S. Zhang. Queen’s Univ., Canada. A254 701.6 A Novel Assay to Screen Porcine Mhc Class II Antibodies in Potential Xenotransplant Recipients. J.M. Ladowski, J. Butler, G. Martens, L. Reyes, Z-Y. Wang, J. Tune, M. Tector, A.J. Tector. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Indiana Univ. Hlth. A255 701.7 Generating Hypertrophic Adipocytes from 3T3 L1 Cell Line and Characterizing the Phenotypic Transition. X. Yuan, X. Xu, N. Li, W. L. Dewey, P-L. Li, F. Zhang. Med. Col. of Virginia. A256 701.8 Weight Management in Primary Care Validated by Evidence-Based Algorithm. D.G. Jacks, G.P. Einstein, O.L. Tulp. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat. 702. PATHOBIOLOGY OF AGING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A257 702.1 Effects of Melatonin and Beta-Amyloid on Mitochondrial Function in a Model of Aging Mouse Astrocytes. E.K. Debner, J.M. King. Trinity Univ. Pharmacology 703.CANNABINOIDS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Behavioral Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A1 703.1 Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol SelfAdministration in Male and Female Long Evans Rats. A.G.P. Wakeford, B.B. Wetzell, R.L. Pomfrey, M. Clasen, W. Taylor, A.L. Riley. American Univ. A2 703.2 Novel Synthetic Cannabinoid AB-PINACA Produces THC-Like Behavioral and Cellular Effects through Activation of the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor. S. Tai, J. Crane, B.M. Ford, P.L. Prather, W.E. Fantegrossi. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Middlebury Col., VT. A3 703.3 Behavioral Characterization of Spiradoline and CP55,940 in Rats: Potential of Drug Mixtures for Treating Pain. V. Minervini, C.P. France. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., San Antonio. A4 703.4 Daily Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonist (JWH018) Treatment: Tolerance to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Like Discriminative Stimulus Effects in Rhesus Monkeys. M.L. Cocke, L.R. McMahon. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A5 703.5 Comparison of Heroinand ?9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Antinociception and Physical Dependence in Monkeys. H. Ding, N. Kiguchi, S. Kishioka, M-C. Ko. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. and Wakayama Med. Univ., Japan. A6 703.6 Physiological and Pharmacokinetic Effects of E-Cigarette Type Exposure to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. J.D. Nguyen, S.M. Aarde, S.A. Vandewater, Y. Grant, D.G. Stouffer, L.H. Parsons, M. Cole, M.A. Taffe. Scripps Res. Inst. and La Jolla Alcohol Inc. A7 703.7 Increases in Locomotor Activity during Spontaneous Cannabinoid Withdrawal in Mice. J.A. Bergman, C.G. Reingold, C.E. Barkin, N.R. Bergman, S.P. Nikas, A. Makriyannis, C.A. Paronis. McLean Hosp./Harvard Med. Sch., Belmont and Northeastern Univ. 216 A8 703.8 The Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Drug History on THC Taste and Place Conditioning. B. Hempel, A. Wakeford, M. Clasen, M. Friar, A. Riley. American Univ. A9 703.9 Characterization of the Behavioral Phenotypes Underlying the Reinforcing Effects of Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists in Rhesus Monkeys. W. John, M. Nader. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. A10 703.10 Mechanisms of Tolerance to Delta-9-THC in Rodent Models of Pathological Pain. D. Morgan, M. Yuill, M.L. Zee, R. LaFleur, J. Guindon. Penn State Col. of Med. and Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. 704.ALCOHOL Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Behavioral Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A11 704.1 Impact of Chronic Ethanol Self-Administration on Kappa Opioid Receptor Regulation of Dopamine Signaling in Nonhuman Primates. C.A. Siciliano, E.S. Calipari, S.C. Fordahl, J.R. Melchior, J.T. Yorgason, Y. Mateo, C.M. Helms, V.A. Jimenez, D.M. Lovinger, K.A. Grant, S.R. Jones. Wake Forest Sch. of Med., NIAAA, NIH, Rockville and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. A12 704.2 The Serotonin 2A Receptor Agonist 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Iodoamphetamine Reduces Ethanol Consumption and Place Conditioning. K.S. Murnane, P. Nakhla, K. Curry, J. Phillips, C. Daphney. Mercer Univ. Col. of Pharm. and Oglethorpe Univ. A13 704.3 Sex Differences in Alcohol-Induced HPA Activation following Systemic versus icv Administration in Rats: Gene Expression Studies. A. Wakley, S. Davis, P. Yap, C. Pham, D.J. Selvage. Univ. of New England. A14 704.4 Pharmacological Reversal of Adolescent Alcohol-Induced Perturbation to Mesolimbic Dopamine Network Dynamics Rescues Maladaptive Decision Making in Adulthood. A. Schindler, M. Soden, S. Weber, L. Zweifel, J. Clark. Univ. of Washington. SUNDAYPHARMACOLOGY A15 704.5 Effect of Oral Augmentin on Glutamate Transporter-1 Expression Levels as Well as Ethanol Intake in Alcohol-Preferring Rats. A.Y. Hakami, F.S. Alshehri, Y.S. Althobaiti, Y. Sari. Univ. of Toledo. A16 704.6 Tianeptine Co-administration with Alcohol to Adolescent Rats Modifies the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. D.E. Rhoads, B. Martin, M. Mauterer, K. Orlando. Monmouth Univ. A17 704.7 Modeling Chronic Alcohol-Stimulant Couse Shows Dampening of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity. A.J. Nanchanatt, S. Popkin, M. Mauterer, D.E. Rhoads. Monmouth Univ. A18 704.8 Adenosine A2A Receptor Driven Impulsivity Promotes Cue-Dependent Reward Seeking Behavior and Increases Hippocampal Immature Neurons. A. Oliveros, C.H. Cho, S. Choi, M-H. Jang, D-S. Choi. Mayo Clin. 705. HYPEREXCITABILITY AND NEUROIMMUNITY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neuropharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A19 705.1 A Novel, A-2, 3-Selective GABAA Receptor Modulator with Improved Central Penetrability and Associated Antiepileptic and Anti-pain Efficacy. J.M. Witkin, K.R. Methuku, J.M. Schkeryantz, S.D. Gleason, A. Okun, F. Porreca, J.W. Cramer, T.M. Jones, J.T. Catlow, X. Li, M.M. Poe, G. Li, A. Arnold, J.M. Cook. Lilly Res. Labs., Univ. of WisconsinMilwaukee and Univ. of Arizona. A20 705.2 Role of Extracellular Matrix Protein FibronectinIntegrin Signaling in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus in Epilepsy. X. Wu, B. Clossen, M. Muthuchamy, D. Reddy. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. A21 705.3 Neurotensin Depresses GABA type-B Receptor-Mediated Neurotransmission in the Substantia Nigra through Pre- and Postsynaptic Mechanisms. C.W. Tschumi, M.J. Beckstead. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A22 705.4 The Neurotoxic Effects of Manganese on Dopamine Post-Synaptic Receptors Are Reversed by p-Aminosalicylic Acid. L. Dubose, K. Loney-Walsh, M.A. Carroll, E.J. Catapane. Medgar Evers Col., NY. A23 705.5 Serine 216 Regulates ERα to Repress Inflammation in Microglia of Mouse Brains. S. Shindo. NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park, NC. A24 705.6 The Effects of ARVs on ARG-iNOS Pathway in the Brain: Does the Interaction Play a Role in Microglial Activation? Emilia Laudati, Lisi Lucia, Cinzia Dello Russo and Pierluigi Navarra Institute of Pharmacology, Catholic University Medical School E. Laudati, L. Lucia, C. Dello Russo, P. Navarra. Catholic Univ. Med. Sch., Rome. A25 705.7 Cannabinoids Are Neuroprotective against HIV-1 Tat and Occlude the Tat-Induced Decrease in GABAergic Neurotransmission in Prefrontal Cortex Slices. C. Xu, D.J. Hermes, K. Mackie, A.H. Lichtman, B.M. IgnatowskaJankowska, S. Fitting. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Indiana Univ., Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem. A26 705.8 Long-Term Administration of Methamphetamine in Tat Mice Causes Altered Behavior and Neuroplasticity Gene Expression – Implications in NeuroAIDS. A.R. Nookala, A. Kumar. Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City. 706. NEURONAL INJURY: SCI, STROKE AND TBI Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neuropharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A27 706.1 PPAR-α Modulates the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Melatonin in the Secondary Events of Spinal Cord Injury. I. Paterniti, M. Campolo, M. Cordaro, D. Impellizzeri, R. Siracusa, R. Crupi, E. Esposito, S. Cuzzocrea. Univ. of Messina. A28 706.2 mTOR Pathway Inhibition Prevents Neuroinflammation and Neuronal Death in a Mouse Model of Spinal Cord Injury. E. Esposito, M. Cordaro, I. Paterniti, D. Impellizzeri, R. Siracusa, S. Cuzzocrea. Univ. of Messina and Manchester Royal Infirm., Sch. of Med., Univ. of Manchester. A29 706.3 Activation of the Cannabinoid Receptor 2 by JWH133 Attenuates Neurological Deficits and Brain Edema after Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mice. L.O. Iniaghe, S.R. Burchell, J.H. Zhang, J. Tang. Univ. of Benin, Nigeria and Loma Linda Univ. A30 706.4 Astrocyte Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein Mediates the Neuroprotective Effect of Thyroid Hormone after Stroke in Mice. M. Sifuentes. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A31 706.5 The Effect of BPC 157 on Ischemic/reperfusion Injuries in Rat Brain. J. Vukojevic, B. Vrdoljak, D. Malekinusic, D. Zaler, D. Kolenc, M. Siroglavic, G. Aralica, D. Drmic, S. Seiwerth, P. Sikiric. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia. A32 706.6 A Multi-herbal Extract HT047 Promotes LongTerm Functional Recovery after Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats. J. Song, D. Lee, Y-S. Kim, H.S. Kim, H. Lee, S. Lee, S.H. Lee, H. Kim. Col. of Korean Med., Kyung Hee Univ., Korea Inst. of Sci. and Technol. for Eastern Med. and NeuMed Inc., Seoul. A33 706.7 Targeting Trauma-Induced Blood Brain Barrier Disruption: An Innovative Approach for Treating Concussion. B. Lucke-Wold, A. Logsdon, R. Turner, M. Robson, P. Lockman, C. Rosen. West Virginia Univ. and Vanderbilt Univ. A34 706.8 Co-ultra PEALut Enhances Neuronal Recovery after a Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. M. Campolo, R. Crupi, M. Cordaro, G. Bruschetta, R. Siracusa, E. Esposito, S. Cuzzocrea. Univ. of Messina. 217 S U N PHARMACOLOGYSUNDAY 707. DRUG AND GENE THERAPIES FOR COGNITIVE DISORDERS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neuropharmacology Drug Discovery and Development Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A35 707.1 Development of Cathepsin B Positive Modulators to Treat Multi-proteinopathic Dementias: Exploiting the Lysosomal Avenue of Protein Clearance to Promote Synaptic Recovery. M.C. Pait, L. Elliott, S. Hafner-Ruiz, C. Mundell, W. Patterson, H. Romine, U. Ikonne, B.A. Bahr. Univ. of North Carolina-Pembroke and A.T. Still Univ. A36 707.2 The α2 Adrenergic Receptor as a Novel Target for Alzheimer’s Disease. M. Gannon, Y. Peng, K. Jiao, Q. Wang. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. A37 707.3 Neurochemical Profile of a Novel Allosteric Potentiator of the Dopamine D1 Receptor. J.F. Falcone, S.N. Mitchell, G. Carter, D.L. Maren, J. Katner, E. Chernet, R.A. Wright, H. Wang, J.W. Ryder, M. Morin, D.R. Gehlert, M.P. Johnson, J.P. Beck, J. Hao, M.M. Menezes, R.F. Bruns, K.A. Svensson. Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis and Erl Wood, U.K. A38 707.4 miR-146a Contributes to Dementia-Like Pathology by Upregulation of Prion Protein in Type-2 Diabetes. A. Kalani, C.J. Mallonee, G. Chu, N. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. A39 707.5 Cocaineand Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript Peptide Alleviates the Cognitive Deficits following MK-801-Induced Schizophrenia. C.D. Borkar, A.P. Bharne, N.K. Subhedar, D.M. Kokare. R.T.M. Nagpur Univ., India and Indian Inst. of Sci. Educ. and Res., Pune. A40 707.6 Memory Enhancement Induced by PDE2 Knockdown in an Alzheimer’s Disease Model of Mice. Y. Xu, Z. Chen, J. Pan, H-T. Zhang, J.M. O’Donnell. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY, Changzhou Second People’s Hosp., China, Wenzhou Med. Univ., China and West Virginia Univ. A41 707.7 Deficiency of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Attenuates Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease. R.D. Ye. Univ. of Macau, China. A42 707.8 Correcting Memory Deficits in Fragile X Syndrome by Targeting Rac1/PAK1 Signaling. L. Martinez, M.V. Tejada-Simon. Univ. of Houston. A43 707.9 Chronic Antagonism of p38α MAPK Normalizes Serotonin Clearance, Serotonin Receptor Hypersensitivity and Social Behavior Deficits in a Genetic Murine Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder. M.J. Robson, M.A. Quinlan, J. VeenstraVanderWeele, D.M. Watterson, R.D. Blakely. Vanderbilt Univ., Columbia Univ. and Northwestern Univ., Chicago. 218 708. PARKINSON’S DISEASE THERAPEUTICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Discovery and Development Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A44 708.1 In Vitro Characterization of a Novel Allosteric Potentiator of the Dopamine D1 Receptor. B.A. Heinz, J.M. Schaus, J.P. Beck, J. Hao, X. Wang, J. Krushinski, M. Reinhard, S. Hellman, B. Getman, T. Suter, D. Nelson, T. Wiernicki, M.P. Cohen, C.R. Yang, K.A. Svensson, R.F. Bruns. Eli Lilly and Co. and Shanghai Chempartner. A45 708.2 Behavioral Effects of a Novel Allosteric Potentiator of the Dopamine D1 Receptor in Human D1 KnockIn Mice and Rhesus Monkeys. K.A. Svensson, J.P. Beck, J. Hao, J.M. Schaus, D.L. Maren, M.M. Menezes, J.F. Falcone, W. Anderson, K. Knopp, B.L. Adams, J.M. Witkin, X. Li, J. Cramer, A.J. Harper, K.A. Wafford, L. Zhang, C.R. Yang, R.F. Bruns. Eli Lilly, Indianapolis and Erl Wood, U.K. and Chempartner, Shanghai. A46 708.3 Investigation of Dithiolethione 59 as Potential Neuroprotective Antiparkinsonian Agent. S. Betharia, D. Brown, S. Fuentes, I. Aoude. Manchester Univ. Col. of Pharm. and Nat. and Hlth. Sci., IN. A47 708.4 Opicapone Improves the Effects of L-DOPA on the MPTP-Induced Parkinson’s-Like Syndrome in Cynomolgus Monkeys. M.J. Bonifacio, S. Medakkar, F. Sousa, J.A. Vivian, P. Soares-da-Silva. BIAL Portela & Cia, Portugal, Maccine Pte Ltd., Singapore and MedInUp and Fac. of Med., Porto, Portugal. A48 708.5 Effects of UCH-L1 Inhibition in Immortalized Dopaminergic Neurons. B.M. Winner, H. Zhang, J. Goudreau, K. Lookingland. Michigan State Univ. 709. ORPHAN GPCRS, GPCROMICS, ADHESION GPCRS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Molecular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A49 709.1 Loss of GGPR37 Increases Susceptibility to Demyelination. B.M. Coleman, F. Li, M.M. Giddens, R.A. Hall. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. and Neurorepair Therapeut., Research Triangle Park, NC. A50 709.2 Loss of Brain-Expressed Receptors GPR37 and/or GPR37L1 Results in Increased Seizure Susceptibility to Induced Seizures. M.M. Giddens, J.C. Wong, B.M. Coleman, J.P. Schroeder, E.G. Farrow, S.E. Soden, D. Weinshenker, A. Escayg, R.A. Hall. Emory Univ. and Children’s Mercy Hosp., Kansas City, MO. A51 709.3 Stalk-Dependent and Stalk-Independent Activity of the Adhesion GPCR GPR56/ADGR. G1 A. Kishore, R.A. Hall. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. A52 709.4 The BAI Sub-Family of Adhesion GPCRs: New Insights into Regulation and Signaling. R.H. Purcell, R.A. Hall. Emory Univ. SUNDAYPHARMACOLOGY A53 709.5 Identification of a First-In-Class Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptor Orthosteric Antagonist. H. Stoveken, A. Smrcka, G.G. Tall. Univ. of Rochester Med. Ctr. A54 709.6 Deorphanizing Renal Olfactory Receptor 1393 B.D. Shepard, Z. Peterlin, S. Firestein, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. and Columbia Univ. A55 709.7 Studies of Ectopically Expressed Olfactory Receptor Olfr558/PSGR2: Gene Expression, Function and Novel Molecular Probes. A. Pronin, C-H. Volmar, M. Giulianotti, S. Brothers, V.Z. Slepak. Univ. of Miami and Torrey Pines Inst. for Molec. Studies, Port St. Lucie, FL. A56 709.8 GPCRs as Novel Targets in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. K. Sriram, N. Aroonsakool, A.V. Michkov, P.A. Insel. UCSD. A57 709.9 GPCRomics of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Cardiac Fibrosis. K. Sriram, A.V. Michkov, N. Aroonsakool, P.A. Insel. UCSD. A58 709.10 GPCRs Expressed by Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Are Potential Therapeutic Targets in Pancreatic Cancer. S. Zhou, S. Chang, T. McCann, H. Nishihara, R. French, A. Lowy, P. Insel. UCSD and Hokkaido Univ. A59 709.11 GPCRs as Possible Therapeutic Targets in Pancreatic Cancer. S. Chang, T. McCann, S. Zhou, R. French, A.M. Lowy, R. Corriden, P.A. Insel. UCSD and UCSD Health. 710. GPCR SIGNALING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Molecular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A60 710.1 Changes in Brainstem Protein Levels during the Development and Decay of Tolerance to Morphine: Focus on PKC&γ B.G. Thompson, J.M. McKeel, D.A. Taylor. Brody Sch. of Med., East Carolina Univ. A61 710.2 Heat Shock Protein 90 Regulates μ-Opioid Receptor Signaling In Vitro and in Different Regions of Mouse Brain. W. Lei, N. Mullen, S. McCarthy, C. Brann, P. Richard, J. Cormier, K. Lindros, K. Edwards, E. Bilsky, J.M. Streicher. Univ. of Arizona and Univ. of New England. A62 710.3 Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Stimulation Enhances Bactericidal Activity of Human Neutrophils. M.B. Wiley, V. Nizet, P.A. Insel, R. Corriden. Univ. of Mount Union, OH and UCSD. A63 710.4 Identification of Potential PAR-Regulating Proteinases in Agricultural Dust Using an Activity-Based Serine Proteinase Probe. M.D. Hollenberg, D. Polley, M. Saifeddine, B. Gilmore, D.J. Romberger, A.J. Heires, T.M. Nordgren, M.L. Toews. Univ. of Calgary, Canada, Sch. of Pharm., Queens Univ. Belfast, U.K. and Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. A64 710.5 Internalization of Protease-Activated Receptor 4 Is AP-2 Dependent and Utilizes a Non-canonical Sorting Motif. T.H. Smith, L. Coronel, M. Nieman, J. Trejo. UCSD and Case Western Reserve Univ. A65 710.6 RNA-Seq Based Transcriptome Profiling of Human and Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglion Reveals a Potential Role for Protease Activated Receptor 3 in Pain Processing. T. Price, A. Torck, P. Ray, S. Hassler, J. Hoffman, S. Boitano, G. Dussor, J. Vagner. Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Richardson and Univ. of Arizona. A66 710.7 Investigation of Signaling Pathways Activated by Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript Peptide in PC-12 Cells. S. Prinster, A. Kothari, X. Wang. Touro Univ., NV and Col. of Med., Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci. A67 710.8 Constitutive Phosphorylation of STAT3 by the Human Serotonin 2C Receptor. M.E. Curtis, L. Fears, M. Ivy, H. Fentress. Tennessee State Univ. A68 710.9 Specificity and Mechanisms for Induction of PDE4 Up-Regulation by PGE2 and Related Agents in Lung Fibroblasts. M.L. Toews, N.A. Schulte, R.S. Ostrom, S.I. Rennard. Univ. of Nebraska Med Ctr., Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis and AstraZeneca, Melbourn, U.K. A69 710.10 Bitter Taste Receptor Agonists as Potent Tocolytics for Preterm Labor. K. Zheng, P. Lu, T.A. Moore Simas, E. Delpapa, L.M. Lifshitz, F. Shi, R. ZhuGe. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. and Nanjing Agr. Univ. A70 710.11 The GPCR CXCR4 and Tyrosine Phosphatase SHP2 Interact and Signal via a Novel Consensus Motif. L.T. Belcastro, R.D. Paulukinas, A. Jancina, C.C. Moore. Univ. of the Sciences and Wistar Inst., Philadelphia. A71 710.12 Alpha-1D-Adrenoceptors Lacking Their Carboxyl Terminus Inhibit the MAPK/ERK Pathway in Rat-1 Fibroblasts. M.A. Alfonzo-Méndez, J.A. Castillo-Badillo, M.T. Romero-Ávila, J.A. García-Sáinz. IFC, UNAM, Mexico City. A72 710.13 Compartmentalized cAMP Response to Prostaglandin EP2 Receptor Activation in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. R.D. Harvey, K. Miyashiro, S.R. Agarwal, H. Latt, R.S. Ostrom. Univ. of Nevada, Reno, Univ. of Nevada Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis. A73 710.14 Identifying New Players and Pathways Involved in Receptor-Mediated Heterologous Sensitization of Adenylyl Cyclase Using Genome-Wide siRNA and BiFC Library Screening. T.B. Doyle, K.F.K. Ejendal, M. Soto Velasquez, N. Santoro, S. Choudhari, M.J. Larsen, J. Thimmapuram, C-D. Hu, V.J. Watts. Purdue Univ. and Univ. of Michigan. A74 710.15 Regulation of Ric-8A by Dephosphorylation Downstream of Ras Signaling. M.M. Papasergi-Scott, B. Patel, M. Gabay, G. Tall. Univ. of Rochester. A75 710.16 Modulation of the Facilitatory Effect of Dopamine at the Neuromuscular Junction by Adenosinergic and Purinergic Receptors. H.E. AlQot, N.A. Elnozahi, M.M. Mohy El-Din, A.E. Bistawroos, M.S. Abou Zeit-Har. Alexandria Univ. Fac. of Pharm., Egypt. 711.NEPHROTOXICITY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Toxicology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A76 711.1 The Anti-viral Agent Tenofovir Induces Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in HK-2 Cells. R. Murphy, R. Stafford, B. Petrasovits, M. Boone, M. Valentovic. Marshall Univ Sch. of Med. and West Virginia Wesleyan Col. A77 711.2 Protective Effect of Resveratrol on Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress Induced by Cisplatin in HK-2 Cells. M. Valentovic, R. Murphy, A.B. Lamyaithong, R. Stafford, A. Schnelle, J.G. Ball. Marshall Univ Sch. of Med. 219 S U N PHARMACOLOGYSUNDAY A78 711.3 Nephrotoxic Potential of 3,5-Dichloroaniline Putative Metabolites in Isolated Renal Cortical Cells from Fischer 344 Rats. G. Rankin, C. Racine, D. Ward, C. Tyree, D. Pope, D. Anestis. Marshall Univ. A79 711.4 Molecular Mechanisms of All-trans-Retinoic Acid Mediated Cytoprotection against Renal Cell Injury. J.M. Sapiro, K.L. Burrell, S.S. Lau. Univ. of Arizona. A80 711.5 Increased Tubular Dysfunction and Injury Response Biomarkers in the Absence of Overt Clinical Nephrotoxicity in Cancer Patients Receiving Cisplatin Therapy. B. George, X. Wen, N. Johnston, M. Gomez, L. Ellison, M. Joy, L. Aleksunes. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway and Univ. of Colorado, Aurora. A81 711.6 N-Acetylcysteine Decreases the Susceptibility to Diclofenac-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Diabetic Patients. C.H. Yeh. Da-Yeh Univ., Taiwan. A82 711.7 Renoprotective Effects of 4-Phenylbutyrate against Palmitate-Induced Renal Cell Injury. S. Munusamy, D.I. Alkhiyami, S. Berzou, A. Gholamhussain, H.A.A. Mohamed, A. Saleh. Col. of Pharm. and Col. of Arts and Sci., Qatar Univ. A83 711.8 Experimentally Induced Chronic Kidney Disease in Rats, and the Influence of Curcumin Thereon. B.H. Ali, S. Al-Salam, M.H. Al Za’abi, Y. Al Suleminai, A. Nemmar. Sultan Qaboos Univ., Oman, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates and Al Khod, Oman. A84 711.9 Evaluation of Protein Biomarkers for Renal Toxicity Induced by Exposure to Low-Dose Heavy Metals. Y-J. Shin, J-H. Kim, H-S. Kim, O-N. Bae. Col. of Pharm., Hanyang Univ. and Col. of Pharm., Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea. A90 712.6 Predicting Fetal Exposure to Drugs throughout Pregnancy Using a PBPK Model. Z. Zhang, M.Z. Imperial, G.I. Patilea-Vrana, J. Wedagedera, G. Lu, J.D. Unadkat. Univ. of Washington and Simcyp Ltd (a Certara Co.), Sheffield, U.K. A91 712.7 Toxicokinetics of Domoic Acid in Cynomolgus Monkeys. J. Jing, R. Petroff, B. Crouthamel, K. Grant, T. Burbacher, N. Isoherranen. Univ. of Washington and Washington Natl. Primate Res. Ctr., Seattle. A92 712.8 Cytochrome P450 Enzymes Involved in the Primary Metabolism of the Novel Constitutive Androstane Receptor Inhibitor, CINP. A1 M.T. Cherian, L. Yang, S.C. Chai, W. Lin, T. Chen. St Jude Children’s Res. Hosp. A93 712.9 Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination of Opicapone in the Rats and Non-human Primates. A. Loureiro, C. Fernandes-Lopes, P. Soares-da-Silva. BIAL, Portela e Companhia SA, Coronado and Inst. of Pharmacol. and Therapeut., Porto A94 712.10 Development of a New Practical Approach to Perform Single-Mouse Pharmacokinetic Study. J.L. Jilek, Y. Tian, A-M. Yu. Univ. of California, Davis Sch. of Med. A95 712.11 Absence of Age-Related Differences in Internal Dosimetry of Deltamethrin at Low Exposure Levels. C. Chen. Univ. of Georgia. A96 712.12 Analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions Caused by the Inhibition of Hepatic Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides Using a Rational Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model and Parameters Obtained from Human Hepatocytes. T. Yoshikado, K. Toshimoto, Y. Sugiyama. RIKEN Innovation Ctr., Yokohama. 712. PHARMACOKINETICS AND TOXICOKINETICS 713. REGULATION OF DRUG METABOLIZING ENZYMES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Metabolism Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A85 712.1 No Longer “The Dog That Did Not Bark”: Discovery of Xenobiotic Phosphorylation Metabolism of a TNKS-Wnt Inhibitor When Dosed to Mice or Incubated in Mouse Whole Blood. C. Gu, P. Doig, E. Gangl, J.W. Johannes, S. Wen. AstraZeneca. A86 712.2 A Multi-scale Systems Pharmacology Approach for Personalizing Irinotecan Chronotherapy. A. Ballesta, S. Dulong, R. Dallmann, P. Innominato, F. Lévi. Univ. of Warwick, U.K. and INSERM Unit 935, Villejuif. A87 712.3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Bioengineered miR-34a Prodrug. P.Y. Ho, W-P. Wang, Q-X. Chen, B. Addepalli, P.A. Limbach, M-M. Li, J.L. Jilek, J-X. Qiu, H-J. Zhang, T. Li, T. Wun, R. DeVere White, K.S. Lam, A-M. Yu. UC Davis, Sacramento, Univ. of Cincinnati and Univ. of Buffalo. A88 712.4 Use of Age-Dependent Carboxylesterase 1 Protein Expression to Predict In Vitro Elimination and In Vivo Pharmacokinetics of Oseltamivir in Infants. M. Boberg, A. Mehrotra, M. Vrana, B. Prasad. Univ. of Washington and Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden. A89 712.5 Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Aerosol Propellant HFA-134a Elimination in the Human Breath. H-W. Shin, E.M. Landaw, B. Barletta, S. Meinardi, S. Aizik, S-Y. Leu, D. Blake, D.M. Cooper. Univ. of California Irvine and UCLA. 220 Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Metabolism Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A97 713.1 Transcriptional Regulators Predict CYP3A4 Expression in Human Pediatric Liver. C.A. Vyhlidal, C. Bi, S.Q. Ye, J.S. Leeder. Children’s Mercy Hosp., Kansan City, MO. A98 713.2 Nitric Oxide Stimulates CYP51A1 Down Regulation. A. Byrd, C-m. Lee, J.W. Park, E.T. Morgan. Emory Univ. A99 713.3 High Fat Diet Feeding Alters Expression of Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes in Mice. M. Ning, H. Jeong. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. A100 713.4 Fenofibrate Upregulates SHP Expression but Does Not Alter CYP2D6 Expression. R. Kent, H. Jeong. Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. A101 713.5 Cholic Acid Feeding Increases CYP2D6 Expression in CYP2D6-Humanized Mice. R. Kent, X. Pan, H. Jeong. Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. A102 713.6 C-Jun-N-Terminal Kinase: Novel Regulator of PXR-Mediated CYP3A4 Induction. G. Taneja, C. Chu, B. Moorthy, R. Ghose. Univ. of Houston and Baylor Col. of Med. A103 713.7 Induction of Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters in Human Intestinal Cells by PregnancyRelated Hormones. J.E. Moscovitz, G. Herrera-Garcia, G.L. Guo, L.M. Aleksunes. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway and Robert Wood Johnson Med. Sch., New Brunswick. SUNDAYPHARMACOLOGY A104 713.8 Structure-Activity Analysis of EfavirenzMediated Activation of Pregnane X Receptor. J.M. Lade, N.N. Bumpus. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. A105 713.9 Sex-Dependent Expression of Cytoprotective Elements in the Kidney in Response to a Hepatotoxic Dose of Acetaminophen. D. Cooper, K.M. Flores, J.L. Renfro, J. Manautou. Vassar Col., NY and Univ. of Connecticut. A106 713.10 The Temporal Expression and Regulation of an Imprinted Gene Network during Postnatal Liver Development in Mice. S. Piekos, L. Peng, X. Zhong. Univ. of Connecticut. A107 713.11 Age-Dependent Expression Analysis of Major Drug Metabolizing Enzymes in Human Liver. A. Mehrotra, M. Boberg, M. Vrana, A. Gaedigk, R.E. Pearce, S. Leeder, B. Prasad. Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Gothenburg and Children’s Mercy Kansas City and Sch. of Med., Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City. A108 713.12 Neonatal Phenobarbital Exposure Results in Decreased Proton Pump Inhibition by Omeprazole in Adult Mouse Y.C. Tien, C. Pope, S. Piekos, X-b. Zhong. Univ. of Connecticut. 714. CELL SIGNALING AND CANCER BIOLOGY A116 714.8 CaMKK2 Activates Oncogenic Akt in Ovarian Cancer Cells and Is a Promising Therapeutic Target. A.M. Gocher, G. Azabdaftari, L. Karacosta, T.F. Franke, A.M. Edelman. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY, Roswell Park Cancer Inst. and NYU. A117 714.9 Serum Starvation Induces a Rapid Increase of Akt Phosphorylation in Ovarian Cancer Cells. S. Dai, A. Gocher, L. Euscher, A. Edelman. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY. A118 714.10 Establishment of Induced Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells by Defined Factors. Y-A. Chen, C-Y. Lu, W-F. Cheng, N-s. Chang, H-N. Ho, H-F. Chen. Col. of Med., Natl. Taiwan Univ. and Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan. A119 714.11 Ablation of Neuropilin 1 in Glioma-Associated Macrophages Slows Tumor Progression. J.T. Miyauchi, D. Chen, J. Nissen, K. Shroyer, D. Selwood, S. Tsirka. Stony Brook Univ. and University Col. London. 715. CANCER THERAPY AND IMMUNOTHERAPY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Cancer Pharmacology Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm Cancer Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A109 714.1 c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase 2 Contributes to the Tumorigenesis of Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma through MKK4-Dependent and MKK7-Independent Mechanism. T.S. Kaoud, L. Du, K.Y. Tsai, K.N. Dalby. Univ. of Texas at Austin, Fac. of Pharm., Minia Univ., Egypt and Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. A110 714.2 Proteinases, Proteinase-Activated Receptors and Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channels: Driving Tumorigenesis in the Bladder Cancer Microenvironment. S. Gibson, K. Mihara, M. El-Daly, M. Saifedine, M.D. Hollenberg, M.E. Hyndman. Univ. of Calgary, Snyder Inst. for Chronic Dis., Cumming Sch. of Med. and Prostate Cancer Ctr., Calgary. A111 714.3 A Novel CXCR4-ARF1-MAPK Signaling Pathway Controls Prostate Tumorigenesis. J.E. Davis, W.H. Wu, K. Surrao, Y. Teng, G. Wu. Georgia Regents Univ. A112 714.4 Impact of Palmitic Acid and α-Linolenic Acid on the β-Catenin Pathway with Inhibition of the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor &γ (PPAR&γ) in HCT116 Colon Cancer Cells. M.C. Myers, L. Wetmore. William Jewell Col., MO. A113 714.5 Epac1 Links Prostaglandin E2 to β-Catenin Transcriptional Activity during Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in A549 Cells. S. Jansen, W. De Jager, S.J. Yarwood, F. Lezoualc’h, R. Gosens, M. Schmidt. Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, Univ. of Glasgow, U.K. and Univ. Toulouse III, France. A114 714.6 MRTF-A and YAP Exert Dual Control in GPCR and RhoA-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation and Cell Proliferation. O.M. Yu, S. Miyamoto, J.H. Brown. UCSD. A115 714.7 Electrophilic Nitroalkenes Inhibit Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis. C-S. Woodcock, S.R. Woodcock, C. Cao, N.E. Davidson, Y. Huang, B.A. Freeman. Univ. of Pittsburgh, Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Pittsburgh Cancer Inst. A120 715.1 Synergism of Aldehydes and Cytotoxic Chemotherapy. J.S. Miles, H. Flores-Rozas. Florida A&M Univ. A121 715.2 Synergistic Interaction of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors with Interferon-β in Inducing Apoptosis of Human Neuroblastoma Cells. S. Dedoni, M.C. Olianas, P. Onali. Univ. of Cagliari. A122 715.3 Plasticity of Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells as Immunotherapy Vaccines. P. Jungsuwadee. Sch. of Pharm., Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. A123 715.4 In Vitro Validation of Cancer Immunotherapy Reagents Using an Impedance-Based Platform. F. Cerignoli, J. Zhu, G. Guenther, C. Radecke, B. Xi, L. Zhao., Y. Abassi. ACEA Biosci. Inc., San Diego. A124 715.5 Multi-dynamics Mathematical Function and Matrixes in Stimulation Immune System. F.U. Izunobi, G.P. Einstein. Col. of Med., Einstein Med. Inst. Corp. USA. 716. SEX DIFFERENCES IN CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A125 716.1 Sex-Based Differences in the Aortic Function of UCD-T2DM Rats: A Novel Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. F. Akther, S. Shaligram, M.D. Karimi, J.L. Graham, K.L. Stanhope, P.J. Havel, R. Rahimian. Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of Pacific and Univ. of California, Davis. A126 716.2 GPER-1 Agonist Reduces Angiotensin-II Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells. J.L. Duong, T.P. Baker, P. Katakam, S.H. Lindsey. Tulane Univ. 221 S U N PHARMACOLOGYSUNDAY A127 716.3 Estrogen-Induced Superoxide Production in Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells via Uncoupled Nitric Oxide Synthase in Diabetes. J. Winkler, H. Ma, S. Zhu, M. Owen, R. White. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. - Georgia Campus. A128 716.4 The Effects of Sex and Genotype on the Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Modeling and Simulation of Low Dose Epinephrine and Cardiac Output. A.R. Eugene, M. Joyner. Mayo Clin. A129 716.5 Sex Specific Differences in Key Signaling Pathways Involved in Sympathetic Nervous System Control within the Dorsal Medulla of Adult Sheep with Fetal Betamethasone Exposure. A.S. Hendricks, D.I. Diz, H.A. Shaltout, M.C. Chappell. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. A130 716.6 Sex Differences in Sympathetic Neurotransmission in Normotensive Rat Mesenteric Arteries. K. Gebremedhin, J.J. Galligan, H. Xu. Michigan State Univ. A131 716.7 Sexual Dimorphism in Left Ventricular and Electrocardiographic Effects of Chronic Cyclosporine in Rats. M.M. El-Mas, H.M. El-Bassossy, Z.M. Banjar. Alexandria Univ., Egypt, King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia and Zagazig Univ., Egypt. A132 716.8 Modulation by NADPH Oxidase/Rho-Kinase Oxidative Pathway of Chronic Cyclosporine-Diclofenac Hemodynamic Interaction in Female Rats. M.M. El-Mas, K.S. Ibrahim, A.F. El-Yazbi, N.M. El-Deeb, H.M. El-Gowelli. Fac. of Pharm., Alexandria Univ., Egypt. A133 716.9 Investigation of the Influence of Sex on Cantharidin-Induced Inflammation in Healthy Volunteers. K.S. Rathod, U. Siddiqui, A. Hartley, R.S. Khambata, A. Ahluwalia. Barts & The London Sch. of Med. & Dent. and Queen Mary Univ. London. A134 716.10 Gender Differences in the Cardiac Action of Tyramine but Not Cathinone in the Rat. J.R. Docherty, H.A. Alsufyani. Royal Col. of Surgeons in Ireland. 717.OBESITY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A135 717.1 Buprenorphine-Induced Respiratory Depression Varies as a Function of Leptin-Related Genotype in Normal Weight and Obese Mice. C. Angel,W. Alami, S. Mihalko, H.A. Baghdoyan, R. Lydic. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. A136 717.2 Identification of Novel Probiotics to Modify Appetite and Satiety Directly Targeting the Ghrelin Receptor. C. Torres Fuentes, H. Schellekens, N. Hoevenaars, P. Ross, B. Roy, C. Stanton, T.G. Dinan, J.F. Cryan. University Col. Cork,Teagasc Food Res. Ctr., Fermoy, Ireland and CREMO SA, Fribourg, Switzerland. A137 717.3 Genetic Inhibition of Chac1 Leads to Dysregulation of Body Composition. R.R. Crawford, E.T. Prescott, I.N. Mungrue. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A138 717.4 Chronic Paroxetine Treatment in Mice Leads to Adiposity and Glucose Intolerance. W. Zha, J. Wang. Univ. of Washington. A139 717.5 Adipocyte-Derived Factors Affect Cardioprotective Programs Initiated by Short-Term High Fat Feeding. L. Haar, K. Luther, X. Ren, Y. Wang, W.K. Jones. Loyola Univ. of Chicago. 222 A140 717.6 Mitochondrial Function of Cerebral Vasculature in Insulin Resistant Zucker Obese Rats. I. Merdzo, I. Rutkai, T. Tokes, V.N.L.R. Sure, P.V.G. Katakam, D.W. Busija. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med. A141 717.7 Diminazene Aceturate Attenuates Obesity and Promotes a Balance of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Fat and Muscle Tissue in Young and Aged Rats on High Fat Diet. Y. Sakarya, E. Bruce, D. Morgan, N. Tümer, C.S. Carter, P.J. Scarpace. Univ. of Florida and VA Geriat. Res. Educ. & Clin. Ctr. A142 717.8 A Nutraceutical Formulation Improves Cardiometabolic Parameters in Obese/Overweight Subjects. S. Nair, Y. Hua, D.Y. Ren, Q. Wang, T.P. Rasmussen, D.T. Smith, T.J. Robinson, R.P. Nair, M. Muhammed, N. Kalyanam. Sch. of Pharm. and WWAMI Med. Sch., Univ. of Wyoming, Nutriwyo LLC, Laramie and Sabinsa Corp., East Windsor, NJ. 718. CARDIOMYOCYTES/HEART FAILURE I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A145 718.1 Absence of Gravin’s Scaffolding Enhances Myofilament Sensitivity to Calcium by Modulating Actomyosin ATPase Activity. S. Suryavanshi, S. Singh, W.D. Gao, B. McConnell. Univ. of Houston, Univ. of Florida and Johns Hopkins Med. A146 718.2 The Role of CaMKIId in Angiotensin Ii-Induced Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis. A. Willeford. UCSD. A147 718.3 Blocking Effect of Carvedilol, a Beta-Blocker on Na+/Ca2+ Exchange Current in Isolated Cardiac Ventricular Cells of Guinea Pig. Y. Watanabe, J. Kimura. Hamamatsu Univ. and Fukushima Med. Univ., Japan. A148 718.4 Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecule-3 Alleviates Angiotensin Ii-Induced Hypertrophy and Apoptosis by Inhibiting Oxidative and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes. R.T. Kinobe, J. Phie, N. Haleagrahara, L. Chilton. Col. of Publ. Hlth., Med. & Vet. Scis., James Cook Univ., Australia. A149 718.5 Combined Treatment of Hydrogen Sulphide and Nitric Oxide Limit the Progression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Induced by Isoprenaline– Caffeine in Wistar Kyoto Rats. A. Ahmad, M.A. Sattar, H.A. Rathore, S.A. Khan, M. Azam, N. Abdullah, E.J. John. Univ. Sains Malaysia, COMSATS Inst. of Information Technol., Islamabad, Pakistan, Univ. of Malaya and University Col. Cork, Ireland. A150 718.6 Disruption of Gravin’s Scaffolding Protects against Isoproterenol-Induced Heart Failure. B. McConnell, S. Suryavanshi, F. Fa’ak, A. Diaz Diaz, S. Singh. Univ. of Houston. A151 718.7 Protein Expression Differences in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Transgenic Mice. M.R. Shah, R. Abraham, J. Afzal, S. Vakarou. Howard Univ. A152 718.8 Intralipid Protects against Hypoxia/ Reoxygenation Injury in Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells and Cardiomyocytes. M.M. Salzman, E.R. Warner II, M.L. Riess. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. SUNDAYPHARMACOLOGY A153 718.9 2-Methoxyestradiol Protect against Isoproterenol-Induced Cellular Hypertrophy in the Human Ventricular Cardiomyocytes, RL-14 Cells, through MAPK- and NF-κB-Dependent Mechanisms. Z.H. Almaayah, A.O.S. ElKadi. Univ. of Alberta. A154 718.10 Cardiomyocytes Release IFN-β in Response to Hypoxia: A Previously Unrecognized Cardiomyocyte to Fibroblast Signaling Pathway. C. Bangeranye, P. Wang, P.K. Chatterjeee, J. Predmore, F. McNeil, C. Metz, E. Miller, S. Day, S.R. Powell. Hofstra-NSLIJ Sch. of Med., Feinstein Inst. for Med. Res., Manhasset and Univ. of Michigan Sch. of Med. 719. CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY I A167 719.13 The Effect of Losartan on Marfan Syndrome Is Angiotensin II Receptor Type 1 Independent. S. Sellers, R. Chan, M. Mielnik, U. Jermilova, M. Pavlovic, J. Hirota, M. Seidman, J.C. Hogg, M. Esfrandiarei, C. Van Breemen, P. Bernatchez. Univ. of British Columbia. A168 719.14 Burn Injury Alters Cardiac β-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Interleukin 6 Knockout Mice. A.N. Guillory, A. El Ayadi, C. Porter, D.N. Herndon, C.C. Finnerty. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch at Galveston, Shriners Hosps. for Children. 720. GI PHARMACOLOGY Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A155 719.1 MSC Exosomes Deliver Cardioprotective miR21 K. Luther, M. McGuinness, L. Haar, H. Xu, J. Chen, M. Medvedovic, W.K. Jones. Loyola Univ. Chicago Maywood and Univ. of Cincinnati. A156 719.2 Characterization of β2-Containing Receptors in Rat Brainstem Using [125i]A-85380 M.I. Davila-Garcia, H. Kamendi, B. Ogunlade, A. Robinson. Howard Univ. A157 719.3 Superoxide via Sp3 but Not NF-κB Regulates Renal AT1 Receptor Expression and Function in Human Kidney Cells. M. Saleem, M. Asghar. Univ. of Houston Col. of Pharm. A158 719.4 Development of a Microphysiological System to Assess Vitamin D Metabolite Disposition in the Renal Proximal Tubule. B.D. Chapron, A. Jaklic, B. Phillips, E. Kelly, J. Himmelfarb, K. Thummel. Univ. of Washington. A159 719.5 Angiotensin II Negatively Modulates Coronary Reactive Hyperemia and Deletion of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Partially Ameliorates Its Effect. A. Hanif, D.C. Zeldin, M.A. Nayeem. West Virginia Univ. and NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park. A160 719.6 Unexpected Negative Role of the AT1R Adaptor Protein βarrestin1 in the ERK1/2 Activation of SHRDerived Primary Astrocytes. S. Negussie, A. Lymepropoulos, M.A. Clark. Col. of Pharm., Nova Southeastern Univ. A161 719.7 Effect of Ang III on JNK Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase in Wistar Rat VSMCs. A.Z. Alanazi, M.A. Clark. Nova Southeastern Univ. A162 719.8 Calpain-2 Activates Akt via TGFβ1-MTORC2 Pathway in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells. P.K. Abeyrathna, L. Kovacs, Y. Su. Med. Col. of Georgia -Augusta Univ. and Charlie Norwood VA Med. Ctr. A163 719.9 TBX20 Regulates Endothelial Angiogenesis and Migration. S. Meng, W.T. Wong, J.P. Cooke. Houston Methodist Res. Inst. A164 719.10 Kruppel-Like Factor 15: A Critical Transcriptional Regulator of Hypoxia-Induced Endothelial Arginase 2 D. Pandey, D. Hori, L. Santhanam, D. Berkowitz, L. Romer. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. A165 719.11 Biased Activation of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Can Cause Contraction of Isolated Arteries. C.M.S. Detremmerie, S.W-S. Leung, A. Xu, Y. Gao, P.M. Vanhoutte. The Univ. of Hong Kong and Peking Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A166 719.12 Human Perivascular Adipose Tissue Contains an Adrenergic System. N. Ayala-Lopez, C. Pereira-Hicks, R. Burnett, G.D. Fink, S.W. Watts. Michigan State Univ. Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A170 720.1 Lubiprostone Stimulates HCO3- Secretion in Rat Stomach and Duodenum Mediated by Different EP Receptor Subtypes. K. Takeuchi. Kyoto Pharmaceut. Univ. A171 720.2 Attenuation of the Deleterious Course and Gastric Lesions after Bilateral Nephrectomy in Rats, NOSystem Relation. BPC 157, L-Arginine, L-NAME. D. Drmic, M. Sucic, A. Zenko Sever, D. Kolenc, V. Andrijasevic, J. Suran, S. Seiwerth, P. Sikiric. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Zagreb, Univ. Hosp. ‘Holy Spirit’, Univ. Hosp. Ctr. and Fac. of Vet. Med., Zagreb, Croatia. A172 720.3 Microbiota-Derived Metabolites Associated with Metabolic Improvements after Gastric Bypass Surgery and Their Effects on Intestinal Cells In Vitro. M. Jennis, J.R. Mabus, C.R. Cavanaugh, G. Leo, J. Lenhard, P.J. Hornby. Janssen, Spring House, PA. A173 720.4 The Effect of PAK1 Knockout on the Efficacy of Metoclopramide in a Murine Model of Postoperative Ileus. T. Peery, O. Rivas, D. Bhattarai, K. Uray. Univ. of Texas Med. Sch. at Houston. A174 720.5 Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Bergamot Juice in a Mouse Model of Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. D. Impellizzeri, M. Cordaro, M. Campolo, E. Esposito, S. Cuzzocrea, M. Navarra. Univ. of Messina. A175 720.6 Use of a Non-native Chloride Channel as a Treatment for Interstitial Cystitis. J.M. Beckel, T.S. Tillman, P. Tang, W.C. de Groat, Y. Xu. Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med. A176 720.7 Amygdaloid Corticotropin Releasing Factor as the Key Mediator of Chronic Visceral Pain in Females with a History of Early Life Stress. D.K. Prusator, B. Greenwood-Van Meerveld. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A177 720.8 Enhanced Translocation of Nanoparticles with Low Surface Coverage of Phage Display Peptide into Rat Intestinal Mucosa. D. Myers, A. Nelson, J. Holloway, Z. Szekely, X. Zhang, P.J. Sinko. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway. A178 720.9 Engineering Nano-based Delivery Systems for a Rectal Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Treatment for HIV Prevention. A. Nelson, Z. Szekely, X. Zhang, P.J. Sinko. Ernest Mario Sch. of Pharm., Rutgers Univ., Piscataway. A179 720.10 Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Deficiency Attenuates DSS-Induced Acute Colitis through Activation of Intestinal Epithelial Cell STAT3-Mediated Pathway. L. Liu, C. Zhao, G. Dryden, C. McClain, W. Feng. Univ. of Louisville. 223 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY Physiology 721. MICROCIRCULATION: ANGIOGENESIS/ MICROVASCULAR REMODELING/INJURY AND REPAIR Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B1 721.1 VEGF Knockdown in Muscle Improves Recovery of Blood Flow and Arteriolargenesis after Ischaemia. M.J.C. Machado, F. Riu, A.V. Benest, D.O. Bates. Univ. of Nottingham, U.K. B2 721.2 Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells Improve Microvascular Perfusion in Skin Flaps Subjected to Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. Y-H. Tang. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. B3 721.3 Therapeutic Transplant Efficacy of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Is Impaired by NK Cells. E.C. Exner, A.C. Abel, S.C. Malarkannan, A.C. Greene. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Blood Ctr. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. B4 721.4 Adherens Junction Proteins in Cochlear Lateral Wall Capillaries Are Altered by Loud Sound-Induced Stress to the Ear. Q. Yu, S. Foster, S. Dziennis, T. Wilson, A.L. Nuttall. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. B5 721.5 Differential Expansion of the Capillary Bed through Physiological Angiogenesis in Skeletal Muscle. R. Kissane, S. Egginton. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., Univ. of Leeds. B6 721.6 Interleukin-19 Can Simultaneously Reduce Atherosclerosis and Increase Perfusion in Hind Limb Ligated LDLr-/- Mice. M. Ray, K. Gabunia, S. Kelemen, F. Kako, J. Richards, M.V. Autieri. Temple Univ. Lewis Katz Sch. of Med. B7 721.7 Angiogenesis and Expression of IGF2R, IGF2, uPAR, and TGFB in a Rat Obesity Model. D.S. Bayless, R.D. Sheldon, M.A. Linden, R.S. Rector, M.H. Laughlin. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B8 721.8 Maternal Hyperleptinemia Increases Arterial Stiffening and Alters Vasodilatoy Responses to Insulin in Adult Male Mice Offspring. F.I. Ramirez-Perez, K.A. Pennington, K.E. Pollock, O.O. Esangbedo, C.A. Foote, C.C. ReyesAldasoro, H-H. Wu, T. Ji, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, L.C. Schulz. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and City Univ. London, U.K. B9 721.9 Increased Cerebral Capillary Density in Aquaporin-4 Knockout Mouse. K. Xu, K. Almotah, Y. Zhang, T.S. Radford, X. Yu, W.F. Boron, J.C. LaManna. Case Western Reserve Univ. B10 721.10 Increased Shear Rate Drives Arteriolar Collateral Remodeling after Acute Microocclusion but Might Not Concern Venular Collateral Remodeling. W. Xiang, B. Reglin, W. Rong, B. Nitzsche, M. Maibier, P. Guimarães, A. Ruggeri, T.W. Secomb, A.R. Pries. Inst. of Physiol., Berlin, Dept. of Info. Engin., Padova, Dept. of Physiol., Phoenix and German Heart Inst., Berlin. B11 721.11 Endothelial Maturity as a Function of Shear Stress: A Novel, Non-invasive Intravital Imaging Approach. M.R. Kelly-Goss, B. Ning, D.N. Tavakol, S. Hu, P.A. Yates, S.M. Peirce. Univ. of Virginia. 224 B12 721.12 Serine 275 and Serine 328 in the CarboxylTerminus Regulates Phosphorylation-Dependent Antiproliferative Properties of Connexin 37 N.L. Jacobsen, S. Taylor, T. Pontifex, J. Burt. Univ. of Arizona. B13 721.13 Pericyte Recruitment in a Diabetic Mouse Model of Corneal Neovascularization. D.N. Tavakol, M. KellyGoss, P. Yates, S. Peirce-Cottler. Univ. of Virginia. 722. MICROCIRCULATION: ATHEROSCLEROSIS/ THROMBOSIS/PLATELETS Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B14 722.1 Gamma Linoleic Acid and Trans Linoleic Acid Effects on Atherogenic Dieted Rabbit Tissue Sensitivity to Insulin. E.L. Beard, A.N. Swafford; Jr. Loyola Univ. New Orleans and Our Lady of the Lake Col., Baton Rouge. B15 722.2 Attenuation of EPA and DHA-Mediated Platelet Inhibition Effects following Heterogeneous Agonist Treatment. J.L. Bormann, E.S. Meyer, E.M. Voigt, S.W. Whiteheart, M.K. Larson. Augustana Univ., SD and Univ. of Kentucky. B16 722.3 Deficiency for Smooth Muscle-Specific InsulinLike Growth Factor I Receptor Increases Atherosclerotic Plaque Size and Promotes Plaque Destabilization. S. Sukhanov, Y. Higashi, P. Snarski, P. Delafontaine. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B17 722.4 Ex Vivo Validation of Intravascular Ultrasound/ Photoacoustic Tissue Characterization. A. Kole, J. Hui, Y. Cao, P. Wang, J-X. Cheng, M. Sturek. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Purdue Univ. B18 722.5 Electronic Cigarettes Modulate Platelet Inflammatory, Adhesion, Activation and Aggregation Responses. S. Hom, T. Wang, L. Chen, W. Yin, D.A. Rubenstein. Stony Brook Univ. B19 722.6 Platelet Adhesion to Vascular Endothelial Cells through PECAM-1 Regulates Endothelial Cell Inflammatory Responses. W. Yin, D. Meza, D.A. Rubenstein. Stony Brook Univ. B20 722.7 Effects of SIRT3 Deficiency on Vasomotor Function and Atherosclerotic Plaque Composition in Mice. C.M. Roos, M.A. Hagler, B. Zhang, J.D. Miller. Mayo Clin. B21 722.8 Electronic Cigarette Extracts Alter Endothelial Cell Inflammatory Responses. K.E. Barber, W. Yin, D.A. Rubenstein. Stony Brook Univ. B22 722.9 Multicolor Two-Photon Intravital Microscopy Reveals Monocyte Patrolling and Macrophage Migration in Atherosclerosis. S. McArdle, N. Ray, K. Ley. La Jolla Inst. for Allergy and Immunol. and Univ. of Alberta. B23 722.10 Glycated Albumin Alters Platelet Activities Associated with Cardiovascular Diseases. I. Soaita, W. Yin, D.A. Rubenstein. Stony Brook Univ. B24 722.11 In Vivo Imaging of Infection-Induced Cogulopathy in the Microcirculation. C.N. Jenne, R.P. Davis, B. McDonald. Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Univ. of British Columbia. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY 723. MICROCIRCULATION: INFLAMMATION/ LEUKOCYTE-ENDOTHELIUM INTERACTIONS 724. MICROCIRCULATION: INSTRUMENTATION, METHODOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL MODELS Poster Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B25 723.1 Stroke Severity in Obesity: Role of Leukocyte Activation and Vascular Dysfunction. S. Asano, H. Hu, X. Ren, K. Lemaster, G. O’Connell, T. Barr, J.C. Frisbee, P.D. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B26 723.2 The Role of NADPH Oxidase Isoform 1 in L-NAME-Induced Leukocyte-Endothelial Interactions in Rat Mesenteric Postcapillary Venules. A. Zabrecky, H. Pham, A. Koon, B. Rueter, R. Barsotti, L. Young, Q. Chen. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. B27 723.3 Molecular Mechanism of Tethers and Slings in CD4+ T Cells. M. Abadier, K. Ley. La Jolla Inst. B28 723.4 Hypertensive Mechanical Stretch: A Model for Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Differentiation. R. Loperena, W. Chen, A. Kirabo, D.G. Harrison. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. B29 723.5 A New Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule (CORM401) Suppresses PMN Migratory Potential through an F-Actin-Dependent Mechanism. K. Inoue, E. Patterson, K. Chung, R.F. Potter, A. Capretta, D.D. Fraser, G. Cepinskas. Ctr. for Critical Illness Res., London, ON and McMaster Univ., Canada. B30 723.6 The Effect of Splenectomy on the Recruitment of Inflammatory Cells in the Cerebral Microvasculature. H. Seifert, J. Russell, D.N. Granger. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Shreveport. B31 723.7 Circulating Microparticles in Pancreatic Tumor Patients and Their Roles in Mediating Leukocyte Adhesion in Intact Microvessels. M. Zhou, S. Xu, Q. Feng, J. Wong, P. He. Penn State Col. of Med. B32 723.8 Effect of High Fat Feeding on Inflammatory Cytokines in Obese and Healthy Children. A.S. Chiu, G. Ganesan, P. Horvath, G. Bachman, F.P. Zaldivar, P.R. Galassetti. Univ. of California, Irvine. B33 723.9 Stimulation of Mitochondrial Fragmentation and Mitophagy by TNFα in Microvascular Endothelial Cells. T. Kalogeris, R. Korthuis. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Dalton Cardiovasc. Res. Ctr. B34 723.10 Pretreated with Evans Blue Can Prevent Mast Cell Degranulation and Compound 48/80-Induced Anaphylaxis. Y-T. Chen, S-Y. Lin, S-I. Lue, T-S. Lu, Y-S. Fu. Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Taiwan, Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and Harvard Med. Sch. B35 723.11 Reduced Endothelial Basal Nitric Oxide Induces Leukocyte Adhesion through Src-Dependent Phosphorylation of Constitutive Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 B. LuckeWold, A. Logsdon, X. Li, S. Xu, X. Lichong, C. Siedlecki, J. Huber, C. Rosen, P. He. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med. and Penn State Col. of Med. B36 723.12 Three-Dimensional Monolayer Stresses of Neutrophil Diapedesis. Y-T. Yeh, R. Serrano, Y-S. Li, J.C. del Alamo, S. Chien, J.C. Lasheras. UCSD. B37 724.1 Validation of the Doubly Labeled Water Method Using Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy against Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry and Whole-Room Indirect Calorimetry. E.L. Melanson, G. Plasqui, L. Wouters, W.S. Kohrt, T. Swibas, V.A. Catenacci, J.R. Speakman, E.S. Berman. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus, Maastricht Univ. Med. Ctr., Netherlands, Aberdeen Univ., U.K. and Los Gatos Res., Mountain View, CA. B38 724.2 Experimental Approaches for Studying Cell Water and Volume Regulation in Apoptotic Cells. M.A. Model. Kent State Univ. B39 724.3 An Experimentally-Derived Wall Shear Rate Equation for Use in Microvascular Preparations. D. Goldman, B.K. Al-Khazraji, D.N. Jackson. Univ. of Western Ontario. B40 724.4 Circulating Microparticles in Pancreatic Cancer Patients and Their Interactions with Endothelial Cells of Engineered Microvessel Network. X. Li, M. Zhou, J. Wong, P. He. Penn State Col. of Med. B41 724.5 The Effect of Media Type on Nerve Presence in Cultured Microvascular Networks. N.A. Hodges, R.W. Barr, W.L. Murfee. Tulane Univ. B42 724.6 Barometric Calibration of Luminescent Oxygen Probes. A. Golub, R. Pittman. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. 725. MICROCIRCULATION: ISCHEMIAREPERFUSION/FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B43 725.1 Delayed β1 Adrenergic Receptor Blockade Attenuates Cardiac Oxidative Stress, Remodeling, and Improves Cardiac Function in Post-myocardial Infarction. W. Bao, J. Kuziw, A. Zacco, M. Ringenberg, C. Schnackenberg. GlaxoSmithKline. B44 725.2 Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Activation during Ischemic Injury in Mice Protects against Post-ischemic Inflammation at the Mitochondrial Level. D. Wang, A. Jones, W. Wang, M. Wang, R. Korthuis. Univ. of Missouri and Rock Bridge H.S., Columbia. B45 725.3 Caveolin-3 Plays a Critical Role in Autophagy after Ischemia Reperfusion. A. Kassan, U.N. Pham, E. Cho, Q.M. Nguyen, P.P. Patel, D.M. Roth, B.P. Head, H.H. Patel. UCSD. B46 725.4 Administration of Metformin during Early Reperfusion Decreases Cardiac Injury through Inhibition of MPTP Opening. E. Lesnefsky, J. Thompson, Y. Hu, Q. Chen. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and McGuire VA Med. Ctr. 225 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B47 725.5 Novel Finding of Mitochondrial Biogenesis during Cardiac Surgery: Marker or Mediator of Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury, or an Element of the Homeostatic Intracellular Repair Response (HIR2) A. Andres, D. Sengstock, S. Jahania, R. Dabir, K. Tucker, R. Gottlieb, R. Mentzer. Cedars-Sinai Med. Ctr. and Beaumont Hlth. Syst., Dearborn, MD. 726. MICROCIRCULATION: LYMPHATIC AND VENULAR FUNCTION Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B48 726.1 Bacterial Metabolite Indole Alters Inflammatory Signaling Cascades in Human Lymphatic Endothelial Cells. T. Muthuchamy, Y. Lee, A. Jayaraman, R.C. Alaniz, S. Chakraborty. Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Texas A&M Univ. B49 726.2 Sigma Receptor Agonism by Afobazole Attenuates Lymphatic Pumping in Juvenile Rat Mesenteric Collecting Vessels. A.N. Trujillo, S.P. Adderly, C.P. Katnik, J. Cuevas, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B50 726.3 The Ca2+-Activated ClChannel TMEM16A(ANO1) Modulates, but Is Not Required for, Pacemaking in Mouse Lymphatic Vessels. P. Gui, S. Zawieja, M. Li, S. Bulley, J. Jaggar, J. Rock, M. Davis. Univ. of MissouriColumbia, Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and UCSF. B51 726.4 Multi-scale Modeling of Collecting Lymphatic Vessels: From Ion Channel Activity to Lymph Transport. A. Moshkforoush, A. Kapela, N. Tsoukias. Florida Intl. Univ. B52 726.5 Impact of Dynamic Transmural Pressure on Lymph Propulsion in Lymphatic Vessels. S. Jamalian, M.J. Davis, D.C. Zawieja, J.E. Moore; Jr. Imperial Col. London, Univ. of Missouri Sch. of Med. and Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B53 726.6 Mast Cells-Dependent Compromised Response of Aged Mesenteric Lymphatic Vessels and Surrounding Tissues to the Acute Inflammatory Challenge. H. Skoog, G.F. Dusio, R. Tobin, D.C. Zawieja, M.K. NewellRogers, A.A. Gashev, I. Tsoy Nizamutdinova. Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. and Baylor Scott & White Hlth., Temple, TX. B54 726.7 A Novel Mouse Model of Inducible Lymphangiogenesis through Controlled Local Expression of VEGF-D. J.M. Rutkowski. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr., College Station. B55 726.8 Morphometric Analyses of Longitudinal and Circular Smooth Muscle and Lacteals of the Small Intestine of Zucker Lean and Obese Rats. A.R. Burgess, A.N. Trujillo, M. Barter, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B56 726.9 Mathematical Model of Calcium and Electrical Dynamics in Lymphatic Endothelium. M. Jafarnejad, E.J. Behringer, J.P. Scallan, M.J. Davis, S.S. Segal, J.E. Moore. Imperial Col. London, Loma Linda Univ. and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B57 726.10 Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Response to X-Ray Irradiation. A. Narayanan, J. Ford, D. Zawieja. Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Temple and Texas A&M Univ. 226 B58 726.11 A Lymphedema-Inducing Mutation of Cx47, R259C, Alters Growth Pattern and Cx43 Processing in Rat Insulinoma Cells. J. Kanady, T. Pontifex, S-S. Taylor, A. Simon, J. Burt. Univ. of Arizona. 727. MICROCIRCULATION: MICROVASCULAR CELL SIGNALING PATHWAYS Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B59 727.1 MicroRNA-204, SIRTUIN1, and Caveolin-1 Regulate Vascular Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Endothelium-Dependent Vasorelaxation. M. Kassan, A. Vikram, Q. Li, Y-R. Kim, S. Kumar, J. Jacobs, K. Irani. Univ. of Iowa. B60 727.2 Macrophages Drive Microvascular Dysfunction in Obesity by Depleting Vessel Hydrogen Sulfide. J.J. Candela, C. White. Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. B61 727.3 Mitochondria Modulates Calcium Pulsars Kinetics in Native Endothelial Cells from Mouse Mesenteric Arteries. F. Toussaint, D. Béziau, C. Charbel, A. Blanchette, G. Mayer, J. Ledoux. Montreal Heart Inst. and Univ. of Montreal. B62 727.4 Inhibition of Inward-Rectifier K+ Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle Restores Myogenic Tone Development in Mouse Bladder Arterioles. N.R. Tykocki, T.J. Heppner, M.T. Nelson. Univ. of Vermont. B63 727.5 Oxygen Considerations in the Design of Microfluidics for Studying Oxygen-Dependent ATP Release from Erythrocytes. R.J. Sove, D. Goldman, G.M. Fraser, C.G. Ellis. Western Univ., Canada. B64 727.6 Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Protein Distribution in Endothelial Cells along the Coronary Vascular Tree. J.H. Israel, J.F. Bray, A.L. McIntosh, F. Schroeder, C.L. Heaps. Texas A&M Univ. B65 727.7 Differential Role of PKA/MLCP Axis in ATPand Adenosine-Induced Microvascular Endothelial Barrier Enhancement. R.K. Batori, S. Kumar, A. Kasa, A.D. Verin. Georgia Regents Univ. B66 727.8 PDE6 Isoforms Are Expressed in Native Endothelium but Not in Cultured Cell Lines. A. Blanchette, F. El Jetlawi, F. Toussaint, C. Charbel, P. Comtois, J. Ledoux. Montreal Heart Inst. and Univ. of Montréal. B67 727.9 Lipid Composition of the Myoendothelial Junction Allows for Compartmentalized eNOS Function. L. Biwer, E. Taddeo, K. Hoehn, A. Straub, B. Isakson. Univ. of Virginia and Univ. of Pittsburgh. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY 728. MICROCIRCULATION: MICROVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT AND AGING Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B68 728.1 Exercise Training Attenuates Vascular Smooth Muscle Remodeling of Coronary Microvasculature in Aged Heart. K. Hotta, B. Chen, B.J. Behnke, P. Ghosh, D. Alarcon, H. Morgan, M. Cowan, T. Lucero, J. Maraj, A. Haynes, J.N. Stabley, M.D. Delp, J.M. Muller-Delp. Florida State Univ. Col. of Med., Univ. of Florida Col. of Med., Kansas State Univ. Col. of Human Ecol., Florida State Univ. Col. of Human Sci. and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. B69 728.2 Whole Brain Irradiation Impairs Cerebromicrovascular Function and Promotes Cognitive Decline: Potential Role of Endothelial Senescence. A. Yabluchanskiy, P. Hertelendy, N.M. Ashpole, S. Tarantini, S. Logan, D.B. Owen, J.A. Farley, Z. Ungvari, W.E. Sonntag, A. Csiszar. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Univ. of Szeged, Hungary. B70 728.3 IGF-1 Deficiency Exacerbates HypertensionInduced Cerebromicrovascular Rarefaction in Mice: Implications for Cognitive Decline. S. Tarantini, C. Giles, P. Toth, N.M. Ashpole, Z. Tucsek, M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, T. Gautam, W.E. Sonntag, J.D. Wren, A. Csiszar, Z. Ungvari. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Oklahoma Med. Res. Fndn. and Univ. of Pecs, Hungary. B71 728.4 Changes in miRNA Expression Patterns and Vascular Aging Phenotypes in Mice with Developmental LiverSpecific Knockdown of IGF-1 S. Tarantini, C.B. Giles, J.D. Wren, N.M. Ashpole, M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, Z. Tucsek, W.E. Sonntag, A. Csiszar, Z. Ungvari. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Oklahoma Med. Res. Fndn. B72 728.5 Loss of Bioavailable NO with Enhanced iNOS Expression and Oxidative Stress Increase Pulmonary Arteriolar Tone in Aged Mice. R. Drinovac, R. Jagadapillai, E. Gozal, X. Lin, R. Vaishnav, R.P. Friedland, A.M. Roberts. Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Med. B73 728.6 Hypertension-Induced Impairment in Synaptic Plasticity and Dysregulation of Genes Involved in Synaptic Function in the Mouse Hippocampus: Implications for the Pathogenesis of Vascular Cognitive Impairment in Aging. M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, Z. Tucsek, S. Tarantini, P. Hertelendy, C.B. Giles, A. Orock, W.E. Sonntag, J.D. Wren, A. Csiszar, F. Deak, Z. Ungvari. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Fac. of Med. and Fac. of Sci. and Informat., Univ. of Szeged, Hungary and Oklahoma Med. Res. Fndn. B74 728.7 Nrf2 Deficiency Exacerbates Obesity-Induced Neurovascular Uncoupling in Mice, Mimicking the Aging Phenotype. P. Hertelendy, M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, S. Tarantini, Z. Tucsek, T. Gautam, E. Farkas, Z. Ungvari, A. Csiszar. Univ. of Szeged, Hungary and Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. 729. MICROCIRCULATION I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B75 729.1 Western Diet Increases Inflammatory Responses and Atherosclerosis Progression via IGF-1 Receptor in ApoE-Deficient Mice. M. Wang, Y. Higashi, D. Wang, R. Korthuis, P. Delafontaine. Univ. of Missouri and Rock Bridge H.S., Columbia, MO. B76 729.2 Cutaneous Thermal Injury Increases Vascular Permeability of Rat Mesenteric Venules by a Reactive OxidantDependent Mechanism. D.M. Pfitzinger, J.M. Howard, M. Moncure, J. Wood. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B77 729.3 Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Protects Myocardial from Ischemia - Reperfusion Injury in Type 2 Diabetic Mice. V.R. Mali, M. Ali, S. Haddox, K. Matrougui, S. Belmadani. Eastern Virginia Med. Sch. B78 729.4 Enterococcus faecium Strain R30 Prevents Capillary Regression through Increasing Red Blood Cell Velocity in Rat Soleus Muscle under Disuse Condition. Y. Hirayama, R. Nakanishi, M. Ueno, M. Yoshikawa, A. Tategaki, N. Maeshige, H. Fujino. Kobe Univ. and Kaneka Corp., Japan. B79 729.5 Orphan Nuclear Receptors Nur77 and Nor1 Are Novel Regulators of Thrombotic Function in Vascular Endothelial Cells. X. Wei, P. Yang, J. Zhang, B. Yi, G. Zhang, L. Yin, J. Sun. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Xinhua Hosp., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. B80 729.6 Decreased Large Conduit Artery Nitric Oxide Bioavailability in Metabolic Syndrome Effects Peripheral Microvessel Reactivity. K. Branyan, E. DeVallance, K. Lemaster, R. Skinner, S. Brooks, S. Asano, J. Willimas, J. Frisbee, P. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. B81 729.7 Limb-Specific Differences in Vasomotion Response to Varying Rates of Local Heating. A.T. Del Pozzi, J.T. Miller, G.J. Hodges. Sch. of Kinesiol., Ball State Univ., Univ. of Alabama and Brock Univ., Canada. B82 729.8 Process of Cell-Free Layer Formation after Arteriolar Bifurcation and Its Physiological Effects. S. Kim, Y.C. Ng. Natl. Univ. of Singapore. B83 729.9 Ossified Bone Marrow Blood Vessels, Trabecular and Cortical Bone Properties and Hematological Parameters in 6- and 18-Month-Old Fischer 344 Rats. S. Guderian, S. Lee, M.A. McLane, R. Prisby. Univ. of Delaware. 730. WIGGERS AWARD FEATURED TOPIC POSTERS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B84 730.1 A Splice Variant of Smooth Muscle Myosin Phosphatase Regulatory Subunit Tunes Arterial Reactivity and Suppresses Response to Salt Loading. J. Reho, D. Kenchegowda, L.D. Asico, S. Fisher. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. 227 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B85 730.2 p66 Shc Contributes to Susceptibility to Cerebrovascular Injury and Intracerebral Hemorrhages. A.M. Beyer, K. Ait-Aissa, B. Miller, A. Sorokin. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B86 730.3 Coronary Microvascular Smooth MuscleEndothelial Cell Communication and Notch 3 Signaling in Type 2 Diabetes. P.E. McCallinhart, O.E. Clark, M. Kanai, B. Lilly, A.J. Trask. Nationwide Children’s Hosp. and The Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med. B87 730.4 Effect of Age and High Fat Diet on the Proatherogenic Response to Oscillatory Blood Flow. A.E. Walker, S.R. Breevoort, J.R. Durrant, D.R. Machin, P.S. Dobson, E.I. Nielson, A.J. Donato, L.A. Lesniewski. Univ. of Utah, North Carolina State Univ. and VA Med. Ctr., Salt Lake City. 731. BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B88 731.1 Spectral Analysis Measured in Cooling-Evoked Hemodynamic Perturbations of Rats Indicates Endogenous Nitric Oxide Facilitating Sympathomyogenic Oscillations. C-S. Tung, Y-P. Liu, Y-H. Lin, Y-C. Lin, P-L. Lee. Cheng Hsin Gen. Hosp. and Natl. Defense Med. Ctr., Taipei and Natl. Central Univ., Taiwan. B89 731.2 Sympathetic Modulation Decreases in Rats with Renovascular Hypertension Treated with Chronic Administration of Catalase Inhibitor. M.R. Lauar, L.A. De Luca; Jr., P.M. De Paula, D.S.A. Colombari, E. Colombari, C.A.F. Andrade, J.V. Menani. Dent. Sch., São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B90 731.3 Sympathetic Vasomotor Activation to Different Targets in a Model of Hypertension Induced by Nitric Oxide Synthase Blockade. L.I. Zambrano, R.B. Pontes, M.L. Garcia, E.E. Nishi, R.R. Campos, C.T. Bergamaschi. UNIFESP, Brazil and UNAH, Honduras. B91 731.4 Neuromodulation of Cranial Nerves for Migraine and Trigeminal Neuropathy Pain: Cardiac Effects. C.R. White, D. Snodgrass, M. Yazdizadeh, F. Yan-Go, J. Jen, R.K. Harper, E.K. Sauerland, R.M. Harper. UCLA and Univ. of Nevada, Reno. B92 731.5 Differential Effects of Group III/IV Skeletal Muscle Afferents and Hypoxia on Blood Pressure during LowerExtremity Dynamic Exercise. D.P. Chantigian, A.L. Cowl, B.D. Johnson, M. Keller-Ross, T.P. Olson. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Mayo Clin. B93 731.6 Estrogen Does Not Protect Ovariectomized Mice from Increased Blood Pressure and Sodium Retention Induced by High Fructose and High Salt Diet. L. Fan, S. Saberi, A. Dehghani, C. Watauruocha, L. Kudo, A. Rouch. Oklahoma State Univ. Ctr. for Hlth. Sci. B94 731.7 Effects of Acute Dietary Polyphenols Supplementation on Hemodynamic Responses to Dynamic Exercise in Young Prehypertensive Men. H-M. Choi, K-A. Kim, H-W. Doh, H. Nho, S-K. Park, S-W. Yang, J-K. Kim. KyungHee Univ., South Korea. 228 B95 731.8 Autonomic Dysreflexia Persists following Acute Rehabilitation in Rats with Incomplete Contusive Spinal Cord Injury. K.A. Harman, K.M. DeVeau, J.W. Squair, C.R. West, D.S.K. Magnuson, A.V. Krassioukov. Univ. of Louisville and Univ. of British Columbia. B96 731.9 Relationship between the Elevated Orexin Sensitivity via OX2R in RVLM and an Increased Arterial Pressure in Rats Fed a High Fat Diet. A. Yamaguchi, K. Obata, H. Morita. Sch. of Med. and Grad. Sch. of Med.., Gifu Univ., Japan. 732. CARDIAC FUNCTION AND DYNAMICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B97 732.1 Myocardium from the Left and Right Ventricles of Human Hearts Have Similar Mechanical Properties. C.A. Blair, M. Guglin, A. Stromberg, K.S. Campbell. Univ. of Kentucky. B98 732.2 Dioscin Improves Heart Function by Increasing Sodium Influx via NCX in Rat Cardiomyocytes. Y. Yin, T. Cong, F. Yang, Y. Han, K. Wen, Y. Kang, J. Lou. Tianjin Med. Univ., China and Thomas Jefferson Univ. B99 732.3 Single-Beat Estimation of Isovolumic Maximum Pressure Can Predict Left Ventricular Contractility in Rats. T. Tohyama, K. Saku, T. Nishikawa, Y. Oga, T. Kishi, K. Sunagawa. Kyushu Univ., Japan. B100 732.4 Mitigation of Diazinon-Induced Cardiovascular and Renal Dysfunction by Gallic Acid. T. Ajibade, A.A. Oyagbemi, T.O. Omobowale, E.R. Olowu. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. B101 732.5 The Long Acting GLP-1 Receptor Agonist, Liraglutide, Augments Myocardial Contractile Responses and Cardiac Efficiency under Sympathetic Stimulation in Obesity and Myocardial Infarction. A.G. Goodwill, D.J. Sassoon, J.N. Noblet, A.M. Conteh, K.J. Mather, J.D. Tune. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B102 732.6 Medical Device Materials and Blood Pressure Alterations in Mice. A. Swiercz, M. Sherman, N. Muselimyan, L. Swift, P. Marvar, N.G. Posnack. George Washington Univ. B103 732.7 A Support Vector Machine to Predict Impending Pre-syncope from Hemodynamic-Derived Signals during Progressive Central Hypovolemia. J.P. van der Ster, F.C. Bennis, W.J. Stok, B.E. Westerhof, J.J. Settels, F. Hatib, J.J. van Lieshout. Acad. Med. Ctr., Amsterdam, Univ. of Twente, Netherlands, Edwards Lifesci. BMEYE, Amsterdam, Edwards Lifesci., Irvine, CA and Queen’s Med. Ctr., Nottingham. B104 732.8 Low-Dose Triiodo-L-Thyronine Treatment Prevents Decline in Cardiac Function and Arrhythmia Inducibility Resulting from Severe Calorie Restriction. C. Costello, V. Rajagopalan, Y. Zhang, E. Schultz, A. Thawani, A.M. Gerdes. NYIT Col. of Osteo. Med. B105 732.9 Positive and Negative Inotropic Effects of Left Ventricular Mechano-energetics in Hypothermic and Hyperthermic Rat Hearts. K. Obata, H. Morita, M. Takaki. Giful Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Japan. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B106 732.10 Hemodynamic Effects of Enalapril and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide on the Progression of PacingInduced Cardiac Myopathy in Conscious Dogs. K. Qanud, N. Shnayderman, M. Ochoa, X. Xu, T. Hintze. New York Med. Col. B107 732.11 Over-Expression of Osteopontin Significantly Increases Cardiomyoycte Size. M. McBride, L. Downie, T. Martin, J.D. McClure, S. Nicklin, D. Graham. Univ. of Glasgow. B108 732.12 Smyd5 Regulates Hypertrophic Growth in the Heart. A. Anderson, M. Miller, L. Wang, S. Franklin. Univ. of Utah. 733. CORONARY CIRCULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B109 733.1 Role of Leptin in Coronary Vascular Dysfunction and Proliferation. J.N. Noblet, A.G. Goodwill, D.J. Sassoon, A.M. Kiel, J.D. Tune. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Purdue Univ. Weldon Sch. of Biomed. Engin. B110 733.2 Coronary Blood Flow Velocity Responses to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Humans. L.M. Boulet, M. Stembridge, M.M. Tymko, J.C. Tremblay, G.E. Foster. Sch. of Hlh. and Exer. Sci., Univ. of Briish Columbia and Cardiff Sch. of Sport, Cardiff Metro. Univ., U.K. B111 733.3 Kv1 Channels Are Critical Regulators of Coronary Blood Flow in Swine. A.G. Goodwill, J.N. Noblet, D.J. Sassoon, L. Fu, L. Schepers, J. Sturek, J.D. Tune, G.M. Dick. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and California Med. Innovation Inst., San Diego. B112 733.4 Propofol Dialates Coronary Arteries In Vitro via Endothelial TRPA1 and TRPV1 Channels. P. Sinha Roy, I. Bratz, D. Damron. Kent State Univ. and Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. B113 733.5 Coronary Flow and Cardiac Responses to Adenosine in Beta-1 Adrenergic Knockout Mice. B. Teng, S.J. Mustafa. West Virginia Univ. B114 733.6 Determinants of Myocardial Oxygen Delivery in Response to Moderate and Severe Reductions in Hematocrit. A.M. Kiel, A.G. Goodwill, J.N. Noblet, D.J. Sassoon, J.D. Tune. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Weldon Sch. of Biomed. Engin., Purdue Univ. B115 733.7 Improvement of Coronary Flow and Cardiac Function, as a Function of Deletion/Downregulation of Soluble Epoxide Sydrolase. J. Qin, S. Kandhi, G. Froogh, H. Jiang, D. Sun, A. Huang. New York Med. Col. B116 733.8 Aging Down Regulates L-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels in Resistance Coronary Arteries. F.A. Mansour, M.O. Hassan, A.A. Khan, S. Albarwani. Col. of Med. and Hlth. Sci., Sultan Qaboos Univ., Oman. B117 733.9 SERCA Inhibition Attenuates Medial Thickening in an Organ Culture Model of Coronary Artery Disease. S.D. Rodenbeck, A.L. Barnard, M. Sturek. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B118 733.10 Osteoprotegerin and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-κB Ligand Alter Intracellular Ca2+ Handling in Coronary Smooth Muscle Cells in an In Vitro Model of Coronary Artery Calcification. J.K. Badin, M. Sturek. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. 734. DIABETES AND INSULIN RESISTANCE I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B119 734.1 CTPR3 Prevents ETOH- Induced Hepatocyte Apoptosis. S. Dunlay, J.M. Peterson. East Tennessee State Univ. and East Tennessee Univ. B120 734.2 Only Two Weeks of Physical Inactivity Induces Insulin Resistance and Impairs Glycemic Control in Older Adults. C. McGlory, M. von Allmen, T. Stokes, S. Phillips. McMaster Univ., Canada. B121 734.3 Loss of Pancreatic Mig6 Improves Glucose Homeostasis during Diet-Induced Obesity. N. Olivos, P.T. Fueger. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B122 734.4 HMGB1 Mediates Sidestream Cigarette Smoke-Induced Metabolic Disruption. O.J. Taylor, M.E. Porter, P.R. Reynolds, B.T. Bikman. Brigham Young Univ. B123 734.5 Placental Growth Factor Expression Is Inhibited by Hyperglycemia in Cardiac Cells. F. Rouf, P.G. Lloyd. Oklahoma State Univ. B124 734.6 Attenuated Response of hCD39 Overexpressing Transgenic Mice to High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Glucose Intolerance. A.U. Brandes, Y. Zhang, S.C. Robson, B.K. Kishore. Univ. of Utah, VA Med. Ctr., Salt Lake City, Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. and Harvard Univ., Boston. B125 734.7 Muscarinic Agonist Carbachol Restores Insulin Secretion and Abolishes Type 2 Diabetes-Like Condition in Wolframin1 Deficient Mice in Glucose Tolerance Test. M. Loomets, R. Reimets, M. Plaas, E. Vasar. Tartu Univ., Estonia. B126 734.8 Production of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products following Acute Aerobic Exercise Is Gender Specific. E.R. Miranda, J.T. Mey, B.K. Blackburn, S.S. Farabi, L. Quinn, J.M. Haus. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B127 734.9 Female Farm Workers at Higher Risk for the Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance, Western Cape Province, South Africa. M.J. Kruger, T.A. Nell. Stellenbosch Univ., South Africa. B128 734.10 Effects of NOX-1 on Real-Time Blood Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in Acute Hyperglycemia. A.E. Mawhinney, M. Bertolet, M. Minni, R. Barsotti, L. Young, Q. Chen. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. 735. HEART FAILURE I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B129 735.1 Caveolin-3 Expression Is Increased in Anthracycline-Induced Heart Failure in Rabbits. Y. Ichikawa, A. Zemlic-Harpf, K.H. Hammond, D.M. McKirnan, H.H. Patel, D.M. Roth. VA San Diego Hlth. Care Syst., UCSD. 229 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B130 735.2 Loss of the Mitochondrial Sodium/Calcium Exchanger in the Adult Heart Causes Sudden Death and Overexpression Protects against Heart Failure. T.S. Luongo, M. Nwokedi, J.P. Lambert, D. Kolmetzky, E. Gao, A.C. Carpenter, J. Song, X. Chen, V.V. Patel, M. Madesh, J.D. Molkentin, J.W. Elrod. Temple Univ. Sch. of Med. and HHMI, Univ. of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. B131 735.3 Daunorubicin-Induced Heart Failure Elevates Hippocampal TNF-α and Caveolin-1 in Rabbits. Z. Zhang, B. Alas, A. Zemljic-Harpf, Y. Ichikawa, M.D. MicKirnan, H.K. Hammond, H.H. Patel, D.M. Roth, B.P. Head. UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. B132 735.4 N-Acetylcysteine Reverses Established Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Heart Failure. N. Rajapakse, B. Giam, P-Y. Chu, H. Kiriazis, X-J. Du, D.M. Kaye. Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Inst., Melbourne. B133 735.5 The Impact of Acute Oral Tetrahydrobiopterin on Vascular Function in Heart Failure Patients with Reduced Ejection Fraction. H.L. Clifton, R.S. Garten, J.F. Lee, M.J. Rossman, J.R. Gifford, J.R. Hyden, J. Stehlik, R.S. Richardson, D.W. Wray. VA Salt Lake City Hlth. Care Syst., Univ. of Utah, Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Univ. of Colorado Boulder. B134 735.6 α1A-Subtype Adrenergic Therapy Is Beneficial for Failing Right Ventricle. P.M. Cowley, G. Wang, S. Joshi, D.H. Lovett, P.C. Simpson, A.J. Baker. San Francisco VA Hlth. Care Syst. and UCSF. B135 735.7 Doxorubicin May Damage Cardiomyocytes More Than Cardiac Progenitor Cells. J. Edwards, M. Mitry, D. Laurent. New York Med. Col. B136 735.8 DCD Donor Heart Pathophysiology and Preconditioning. M.J. Kearns, A. Cheung, J. Bashir, M.A. Seidman, J.H. Boyd. UBC Ctr. for Heart & Lung Innovation, Vancouver. 736. PERIPHERAL CIRCULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B137 736.1 Influence of Aerobic Fitness, Contraceptive Use, and Height on Cardiac Augmentation Index in Young Healthy Females. M. Smith, S. Devor. California State Univ. Chico and The Ohio State Univ. B138 736.2 The Adhesive Epidermal Growth Factor Repeats of Platelet SCUBE1 Are Critical for Thrombus Formation. M-Y. Wu, W-J. Liao, R-B. Yang. Natl. Defense Med. Ctr. and Acad. Sinica Inst. of Biomed. Sci., Taipei. B139 736.3 Altered Vascular Endothelial Control of Facial Skin Blood Flow in Rosacea. K. Metzler-Wilson, M. Kube, S. Mann, O. Demidova, D.L. Sammons, T.E. Wilson. Marian Univ. Col. of Osteo. Med., Indianapolis and Ohio Univ. B140 736.4 Within-Day Test-Restest Reliability of the Single Passive Leg Movement Technique: Evidence of Clinical Utility. R.M. Broxterman, H.J. Groot, M.J. Rossman, R.S. Garten, M. Venturelli, O-S. Kwon, J.R. Hydren, J.R. Gifford, R.S. Richardson. Univ. of Utah. B141 736.5 Effect of Aging on the CO2 Reactivity and Blowout Time in Ocular Vessels. A. Miyaji, T. Ikemura, N. Hayashi. Tokyo Inst. of Technol. and Waseda Univ., Japan. 230 B142 736.6 Role of Metabolic and Inflammatory Biomarkers on Femoral Artery Responsiveness in Trained Rats Fed with Hight-Fat Diet. M.A. Delbin, A.C.S. Sponton, H.N. Araujo, C.P. Valgas da Silva, C. de Moraes, A. Zanesco. UNICAMP, Campinas, UNESP, Rio Claro and Univ. of São Paulo, Ribreirao Preto, Brazil. B143 736.7 Rescuing Age-Related Vascular Dysfunction: The Impact of Tetrahydrobiopterin and Antioxidants. R. Garten, J. Lee, J. Groot, M. Rossman, H. Clifton, W. Wray, R. Richardson. Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Univ. of Utah and Univ. of Colorado Boulder. B144 736.8 Impact of Sodium Nitrate on Measures of Vascular Function and Biomarkers of Inflammation in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease: A Preliminary Assessment. S.L. Norton, K. Ueda, C.T. Ganger IV, D.P. Treichler, D.P. Casey. Univ. of Iowa. B145 736.9 Endothelin-1 Receptor Responses during the Menstrual Cycle. K.N. Sebzda, M.M. Wenner. Univ. of Delaware. B146 736.10 Acute Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption on Reactive Hyperemia in Young, Healthy Humans. J.L. Keller, E.A. Kelsch, D. Cuy Castellanos, A.R. Crecelius. Univ. of Dayton. B147 736.11 Endothelin-B Receptor Responses in Young and Postmenopausal Women. A. Kuczmarski, K.N. Sebzda, S.N. Mraz, M.M. Wenner. Univ. of Delaware. B148 736.12 Altered Ca2+ Dynamics and Vascular Function during Low-Flow Induced Vascular Remodeling. D.S. Weber, C-S. Choi, L. Bayazid, K. Glosemeyer, M.S. Taylor. Univ. of South Alabama. 737. ROS/CV INJURY I Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B149 737.1 A Redox Responsive MRI Contrast Agent for the Detection of Oxidative Stress in the Heart. D. Schwartz, M. Yu, C.R. Goldsmith, R. Beyers, R.C. Cattley. Auburn Univ. B150 737.2 Contribution of Prolyl Hydroxyl Binding Proteins (PHD) to MYD88/NFkB Pathways in Nitric Oxide DeficiencyInduced Hypertensive Renal Injury. M. Choi, A. Oyekan. Texas So. Univ. B151 737.3 Downregulation of the Nuclear Factor (Erythroid-Derived 2)-Like 2 (NRF2) Antioxidant Defense System Contributes to Endothelial Dysfunction and Microvascular Rarefaction with Elevated Dietary Salt Intake. J.H. Lombard, K.E. Kautenburg, J.R.C. Priestley, J.M. McCord, A.S. Greene, A.M. Geurts. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora. B152 737.4 Effects of Acute TUDCA Administration on Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Endothelial Function. L.K. Walsh, R. Restaino, C. Manrique, J. Padilla. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B153 737.5 Effects of Acute Induced Inflammation on Arterial Stiffness and Compliance in Overweight Adults. K. Bunsawat, A.D. Lane-Cordova, B. Fernhall, T. Baynard. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern Univ., Chicago. B154 737.6 Tetrahydrobiopterin Prevents Congenital Heart Defects Induced by Pregestational Diabetes. A. Engineer, Y. Lim, T. Saiyin, X. Lu, Q. Feng. Western Univ., Canada. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B155 737.7 Putative Sarcomeric Targets of Doxorubicin Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activity in Cardiomyocyctes. A. Roczkowsky, B.Y.H. Chan, B.G. Hughes, R. Schulz. Univ. of Alberta. 738. SEX DISPARITIES IN CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION AND REMODELING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B156 738.1 Nitric Oxide Synthase and Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Mediate Endothelial Responses in Aged Female Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase-Deficient Mice. S.P. Didion. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B157 738.2 Roles of Sex-Specific Regulation of Vascular Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Flow-Induced Vasodilator Responses. J. Qin, S. Kandhi, G. Froogh, H. Jiang, D. Sun, A. Huang. New York Med. Col. B158 738.3 A Sex-Specific Role for Egr1 in Mediating Norepinephrine-Induced Contraction in Mesenteric Arteries. K.M. Thakali, E.C. Wahl, P. Kang, K. Shankar. Arkansas Children’s Nutr. Ctr. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. B159 738.4 Low-Dose Aspirin during Gestation Promotes Vascular Dysfunction and Does Not Ameliorate Maternal Hypertension in Rats Exposed to Innate Immune System Activation. P.A. Jaini, A. Nguyen, M. Valdes, O. Osikoya, S. Goulopoulou. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B160 738.5 Obesity-Associated Impairments in Autonomic Control of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Are Sex-Specific. T. Bruder-Nascimento, O.J. Ekeledo, R. Anderson, H.B. Le, E.J. Belin de Chantemele. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. B161 738.6 Hypertension and Type II Diabetes Are Not Associated with Visceral Inflammation or Vascular Remodeling/ fibrosis in Obese Women. R. Fernandes, G.D. Fink, J.J. Galligan, S.W. Watts, C. Pereira-Hicks, R.E. Watson, H. Xu, M. Lane. Michigan State Univ. B162 738.7 Sexual Dimorphism in Mesenteric Arterial Function of a Novel Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetes, UC DavisType 2 Diabetes Mellitus. S. Shaligram, F. Akther, M.D. Karimi, J.L. Graham, K.J. Stanhope, P. Havel, R. Rahimian. Univ. of the Pacific and Univ. of California, Davis. B163 738.8 Sex Differences in the Gene Expression Profile of LOX-1 in Mouse Tissues. S.C. Kim, M.H. Hamblin. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med. B164 738.9 Sex-Specific Transcriptomic Regulation in the Diseased Human Heart. G. Kararigas, H. Summer, I. Baczko, S. Golz, V. Regitz-Zagrosek. Charité Univ. Hosp., Berlin, Bayer Hlth.Care, Wuppertal, Germany and Univ. of Szeged, Hungary. B165 738.10 Mapping Gender-Specific Modifiers of Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity in BN and SS Rats. M. Flister, C. Plasterer, S. Paddock, J. Jacob, A. Lemke. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B166 738.11 Gender Differences in Cardiomyocyte Adhesion Cause Heart Failure. G.L. Brower, Y. Du, E. Plante, J.A. Stewart; Jr., J.S. Janicki. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Univ. of South Carolina, Univ. of Montreal and Mississippi State Univ. B167 738.12 Sex Differences in the Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure Response to Exercise in Healthy Older Adults. S. Esfandiari, S. Wright, J. Goodman, S. Mak. Univ. of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hosp., Toronto. B168 738.13 Decreased Systemic Microvascular Function May Contribute to Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Asthma. K. Kapoor, L.E. Moore, B.W. Byers, M.K. Stickland. Univ. of Alberta, Canada. B169 738.14 Differences in Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation in Male and Female Rugby Players with Concussions. J. Serrador, L. Reyes, J. Tosto, M. Falvo. Rutgers Univ., Newark and DVA East Orange, NJ. 739. RENAL HEMODYNAMICS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B170 739.1 The Chronic Effect of Tubular pH on TGF. J. Wei, S. Wang, L. Wang, G. Zhang, J. Zhang, K-P. Yip, R. Liu. Univ. of South Florida. B171 739.2 ATP and Activation of P2X1 and P2X7 Renal Receptors. A New Concept in the Pathophysiology of Renal Vasoconstriction in Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension. M. Franco, R. Bautista-Pérez, A. Cano, U. Pacheco, O. PérezMendez. Natl. Inst. of Cardiol., Mexico City. B172 739.3 A Newly Developed Technique of In Vivo Synchrotron Radiation Renal Micro-angiography in Spontaneously Hypertensive and Normotensive Rats. K. Miya, S. Matsushita, K. Hyodo, C. Tokunaga, H. Sakamoto, T. Mizutani, Y. Hiramatsu. Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Univ. of Technol. and High Energy Accelerator Res. Org., Tsukuba, Japan. B173 739.4 Development of a Novel Technique to Isolate and Characterize Mouse Podocytes. L. H. Kung, R. Wasti, A. Tibolla, G. Gibson, S. Pullen, S. MacDonnell. Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridgefield, CT. B174 739.5 Radiation-Induced Afferent Arteriolar Endothelial Dysfunction Involves Decreased Epoxygenase Metabolites. A. Sharma, M.A.H. Khan, B. Fish, E.P. Cohen, J.D. Imig. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Baltimore VA Med. Ctr. B175 739.6 Internephron Coupling Increases the Efficiency of Dynamic Autoregulation. I. Sgouralis, A. Layton. Natl. Inst. for Math. and Biol. Syntesis, Knoxville and Duke Univ. B176 739.7 The Role of the NADPH Oxidase Subunit p67phox in the Regulation of Renal Blood Flow in Dahl S (SS) Rats. L.C. Evans, A.J. Polichnowski, A.W. Cowley Jr. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Loyola Univ. and Hines VA Hosp., Maywood, IL. B177 739.8 Individual Fluid Therapy versus Standardized High Volume Fluid Infusion during Kidney Transplantation – Evaluation of Oedema Development, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Levels, Using a Porcine Model. L.H. Nielsen. Aarhus Univ. Hosp.-Skejby, Denmark. B178 739.9 Effect of db-cAMP on Renal Interstitial Hydrostatic Pressure Response to Renal Medullary Direct Interstitial Volume Expansion (DIVE) in Rats. O. FloresSandoval, J.F. López-Rodríguez, M.E. Sánchez-Briones, M.Z. Calvo-Turrubiartes, M. Rodríguez-Martínez. Fac. of Med., Autonomous Univ. of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. 231 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B179 739.10 Components of the Innate Immune System Induce an Increase in Mitochondrial Membrane Potential, Reactive Oxygen Species and Necrotic Cells in Renal Medulla. K. Robertson, S. Wildman, C. Peppiatt-Wildman. Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of Kent, U.K. B180 739.11 Multiparametric Determination of Renal Hemodynamics and Oxygenation Using Non-invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Healthy Volunteers. P. Eckerbom, E. Cox, I. Subasic, J. Weis, F. Palm, P. Hansell, S. Francis, P. Liss. Instn. for Surg. Sci., Uppsala, Peter Mansfield MRI Ctr., Nottingham and Instn. for Med. Cell Biol., Uppsala. B181 739.12 Endothelial-Derived Hyperpolarization In Vivo in Hypertensive Rats. J.C. Brasen, S.U. Stannov, M. Salomonsson, C.M. Sorensen. Tech Univ. of Denmark and Univ. of Copenhagen. B182 739.13 Renal Hemodynamics and Tubular Function Are Preserved When Hydroxyethyl Starch Is Dosed to Acutely Restore Blood Pressure after Blood Loss in Rats. Y. Fu, H. Qiu, J. Kelada, S. Khang, S. Honndorf, V. Vallon. UCSD, VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg. B183 739.14 Prostamide-Mediated Protective Action of Anandamide on Nlrp3 Inflammasome Activation in Glomeruli of Mice with Hyperhomocysteinemia. M. Xia, G. Li, S.M. Conley, N. Meng, K.M. Boini, J.K. Ritter, P-L. Li. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. B184 739.15 Impaired Renal Autoregulation after IschemiaReperfusion Results from Loss of Dynamic Stability Normally Conferred by Tubuloglomerular Feedback. S.C. Thomson, H. Pham, R. Bourgette, P. Singh. UCSD, VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and Veterans Med. Res. Fndn. B185 739.16 Adiponectin Protects Mouse Podocytes from Acid Ceramidase Inhibition-Induced Injury. S. Koka, M. Xia, S.M. Conley, T.W. Gehr, N. Li, P-L. Li, K.M. Boini. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. B186 739.17 Visualizing Regional Kidney Blood Flow in the Mouse. P. Cabrales, V. Jani, V.J. Hu. UCSD. B187 739.18 Heterodyning in Tubuloglomerular Feedback Induced Oscillations in Coupled Model Nephrons. K.J. Kesseler, H.E. Layton. AsystBio, LLC, East Lansing and Duke Univ. B188 739.19 The Use of Precision-Cut Kidney Slices (Pcks) to Investigate Intracellular Calcium Signaling and Contraction in Small Renal Arteries of Heathy and Diabetic Nephropathy Rats. J.F. Perez-Zoghbi, A. Roghani. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ce. B189 739.20 NOS1β in the Macula Densa Contributes to the Sex Differences in Decline of GFR with Aging. J. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Wang, J. Wei, G. Zhang, K-P. Yip, R. Liu. Univ. of South Florida. 740. DIABETIC RENAL DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B190 740.1 Elucidating the Role of Arginases in Diabetic Nephropathy: Arginase 2-Dependent and -Independent Effects. A.S. Awad, H. You, T. Gao, T.K. Cooper, S.M. Morris; Jr.Penn State Col. of Med. and Univ. of Pittsburgh. 232 B191 740.2 Effect of SGLT Inhibition on Medullary Oxygen Consumption: A Multi-nephron Model of the Rat Kidney. A. Layton, V. Vallon, A. Edwards. Duke Univ., UCSD and Res. Ctr. des Cordeliers, Paris. B192 740.3 Characterization of mRNA Expression in Mouse Renal Vasculature and Glomerulus Using Laser Capture Microdissection. T. LoDuca, S. Kumar, C. Duris, P.E. North, N.M. Tabatabai. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B193 740.4 Essential Involvement of Purinergic Signaling in Calcium Handling in the Podocytes of Type 2 Diabetic Rats. D. Ilatovskaya, O. Palygin, A. Lowing, V. Levchenko, J. Lazar, A. Staruschenko. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B194 740.5 Dual Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor/ PPAR-γ Agonist Reduces Kidney Injury in Metabolic Syndrome Rat. J. Birschbach, M.A.H. Khan, A. Sharma, M. Hartmann, R. Blöcher, E. Proschak, J.D. Imig. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Goethe Univ. of Frankfurt. B195 740.6 Mathematical Model-Based Analysis of the Acute and Chronic Mechanisms of Diabetic Hyperfiltration. M. Hallow, V. Vallon. Univ. of Georgia and UCSD. B196 740.7 Oxygen Metabolic Competition in the Lactic Acidotic Diabetic Kidney: A Point of No Return? C. Laustsen, K. Lipsø, J.A. Østergaard, P. Mose, A. Flyvbjerg, M. Pedersen, F. Palm, J.H. Ardenkjaer-Larsen. Aarhus Univ., Denmark, Tech. Univ. of Denmark and Uppsala Univ., Sweden. B197 740.8 Renal NMDA Receptors Are Increased in the Akita Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes and NMDA Antagonists Reduce Diabetic Nephropathy. S.E. Dryer, E.Y. Kim, H. Roshanravan. Univ. of Houston. B198 740.9 Proximal Tubular Cell Angiotensinogen Upregulation by High Glucose Is Mediated by Reactive Oxygen Species and Not Dependent on AT1 Receptor Activation. M. Cypress, R. Satou, U. Hopfer, L.G. Navar. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med., Tulane Univ. and Case Western Reserve Sch. of Med. B199 740.10 Renal Urea Transport Alterations with Prolonged Renal Urea Transport Alterations with Prolonged Hyperglycaemia. L.B. Bertelsen, P.M. Nielsen, H. Qi, T.S. Nørlinger, X. Zhang, H.S. Jørgensen, C. Laustsen. Aarhus Univ. and Aarhus Univ. Hosp., Denmark. B200 740.11 ENaC Activity in the Collecting Ducts of the STZ-Induced Type 1 Diabetic Dahl SS Rats. T.S. Pavlov, D.V. Ilatovskaya, V. Levchenko, M.W. Brands, A. Staruschenko. Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Med. Col. of Georgia. B201 740.12 Increased Urinary Exosomal Kidney Injury Molecule-1 in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J. George, Y-X. Meng, M-B. Huang, J. Morgan-Billingslea, H. Garba, V. Bond, X. Zhao. Morehouse Sch. of Med. B202 740.13 Meprin β Deficiency Associated with Higher Levels of Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Kidney Injury Molecule (KIM-1) in Mice with StreptozotocinInduced Type 1 Diabetes. S.R. Kenley, J-M.V. Niyitegeka, R. Sedighi, J. Gooding, S. Sumner, E.M. Ongeri. North Carolina A&T State Univ. and Res. Triangle Inst. Intl., NC. B203 740.14 Novel Differences in Renal Gene Expression in a Diet-Induced Obesity Model of Diabetic Nephropathy. V.L. Halperin Kuhns, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Univ. B204 740.15 Stimulation of Intrarenal Endothelin B Receptors with Sarafotoxin 6c Improves Kidney Oxygenation in Rats with Diabetic Nephropathy by Augmented Oxygen Availability. S. Franzen, F. Palm. Linköping Univ. and Uppsala Univ. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B205 740.16 Meloxicam Fails to Augment the Renoprotective Effects of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibition in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats via Up-Regulation of Cytochrome P450 Hydroxylase-Mediated 20-Hete Production. M.M. Katary, C. Pye, A.A. Elmarakby. Damanhour Univ. and Georgia Regents Univ. B206 740.17 ER Stress and Mitochondrial ROS Contribute to the Development of Hypertensive-Diabetic Nephropathy. Z. Wang, J.M. do Carmo, J.E. Hall. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B207 740.18 The SGLT2 Inhibitor, Empagliflozin, Attenuates Some Markers of Renal Fibrosis without Improving Albuminuria in Diabetic Db/Db Mice. L.A. Gallo, M.S. Ward, A.K. Fotheringham, A. Zhuang, H. Koepsell, V. Vallon, C. Pollock, U. Panchapakesan, J.M. Forbes. Univ. of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Univ. of Würzburg, UCSD, VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and Univ. of Sydney, St. Leonards. B208 740.19 Increased I-mfa in Mesangial Cells Contributes to Increased Abundance of Fibronectin Protein in Diabetic Kidney. S. Chaudhari, W. Li, Y. Wang, R. Ma. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B209 740.20 Renal Tubule-Specific Knockdown of Na+/H+ Exchanger 3 Attenuates Diabetes-Induced Increase in Kidney Weight and Blood Pressure. A. Onishi, Y. Fu, P. Song, M. Busslinger, M. Soleimani, V. Vallon. UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare Syst., Res. Inst. of Molec. Pathol., Vienna and Univ. of Cincinnati. B210 740.21 Knockout of Na-Glucose Transporter SGLT1 Lowers GFR and Kidney Weight in Non-diabetic and Akita Diabetic Mice. P. Song, Y. Fu, A. Onishi, H. Qiu, H. Koepsell, V. Vallon. UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare Syst., Central South Univ., China and Inst. of Anat. and Cell Biol., Würzburg, Germany. B211 740.22 Renal Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Knockout in Akita-Diabetic Mice. P. Song, Y. Fu, H. Qiu, A. Onishi, D.J. Drucker, V. Vallon. UCSD and VA San Diego Hlth. Care Syst. and Mount Sinai Hosp., LunenfeldTanenbaum Res. Inst., Toronto. B212 740.23 The Impact of Elevations of Renal Perfusion Pressure and Hyperglycemia on MMP-2 Expression. K.C. McPherson, J. Womack, L. Taylor, B. Fizer, D. Green, D. Spires, J. Robinson, J.M. Williams. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B213 740.24 Dysregulation of Insulin Receptor Expression Affects Proximal Tubule Gluconeogenesis. G. Pandey, A. Mandhani, A. Srivastava, C. Ecelbarger, K.S. Agnihotri, A. Gaikwad, S. Tiwari. Sanjay Gandhi Post-Grad. Inst. of Med. Sci., Lucknow, Georgetown Univ. and Central Drug Res. Inst., Lucknow. B214 740.25 Diet-Induced Obesity and Renal Dysfunction Is Enhanced in Female Rats Exposed to Chronic Stress during Early Life. M. Murphy, C. Wills, L. Gilbert, D. Cohn, A. Loria. Univ. of Kentucky. 741. NOVEL SIGNALING AND TRANSPORT MECHANISMS IN THE COLLECTING DUCT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B215 741.1 Lack of the Prorenin Receptor in the Collecting Duct Blunts the ENaC Responses to Chronic Angiotensin II. A.A. Gonzalez, V. Reverte-Ribo, A. Katsurada, C.B. Rosales, M. Galatty, M. McLellan, O. Gentile, L.C. Veiras, D.M. Seth, A. Ichihara, A.A. Mc Donough, M. Mamenko, O.M. Pochynyuk, L.G. Navar, M.C. Prieto. Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Valparaíso, Chile, Tulane Univ., Tokyo Women’s Med. Univ., Keck Sch. of Med. of USC and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. B216 741.2 Regulation of 24p3 Receptor (24p3R/ SLC22A17) Expression by Tonicity in Rodent Renal Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cells. F. Thevenod, C. Langelueddecke, S. Probst, B. Scharner, R. Betten, K. Mese, B. Edemir. Univ. of Witten/Herdecke and Univ. of Halle, Germany. B217 741.3 ENaC in Renal Cortical Collecting Duct Principal Cells Is Stimulated by Increasing Intracellular Ca2+ in the Basal Compartment of the Cell via a Process Involving Src but Not CAMK II. T.L. Thai, L. Yu, M.M. Wu, L.I. Galarza-Paez, B.J. Duke, O. Al-Khalili, H. Ma, D.C. Eaton. Emory Univ. B218 741.4 Gβγ Signaling Regulates Aquaporin-2 Trafficking and Urinary Concentration. E.T.B. Olesen, S.B. Poulsen, N. MacAulay, T. Rieg, R.A. Fenton. Univ. of Copenhagen, Univ. Hosp. of Copenhagen, Aarhus Univ., Denmark, VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and UCSD. B219 741.5 (Pro)Renin Receptor Mediates Antidiuretic Action of Vasopressin/Prostaglandin EP4 Subtype. T. Yang, X. Lu, K. Peng, F. Wang. Univ of Utah. B220 741.6 Lack of Adenylyl Cyclase 6 Induces Alkalosis and Enhances Urinary Acidification. S.B. Poulsen, R.A. Fenton, T. Rieg. Aarhus Univ., Denmark, VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and UCSD. B221 741.7 EHD4 Deletion Results in a Urine Concentrating Defect in Mice. S.S. Rahman, A.E.J. Moffitt, M. Storck, H. Band, E.I. Boesen. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B222 741.8 Altered Electrolyte Homeostasis in Mice with Collecting-Duct-Principal-Cell Select Knockout of the Mammalian-Target-of-Rapamycin (mTOR) C.M. Ecelbarger, M. Byrd, S. Tiwari, L. Li. Georgetown Univ. and Sanjay Gandhi Postgrad. Inst. of Med. Sci., Lucknow. B223 741.9 Activation of Kir4.1 Is Essential for Switching the Function of DCT2 to DCT1 by Stimulating NCC and Inhibiting ROMK/ENaC during Dietary K Restriction. M. Wang, X-T. Su, P. Wu, D-H. Lin, J.A. McCormick, D.E. Ellison, W-H. Wang. New York Med. Col. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. B224 741.10 High K+ Intake Attenuates ARPKD Progression by Activation of TRPV4-Mediated Ca2+ Signaling in Cyst Cells. M. Mamenko, V. Tomilin, O. Zaika, O. Pochynyuk. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. 233 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY 742. OXIDATIVE STRESS, MITOCHONDRIAL METABOLISM AND REDOX CHANGES IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B225 742.1 Vitamin E Mitigates the Decremental Effect of Paraquat on Substantia Nigra Neurons. M.A. Fahim, A. Nemmar, S. Shehab, S. Dhanasekaran, J. Yasin, M. Shafiullah, M. Hasan. Emirates Col. for Adv. Educ. and Col. of Med. and Hlth. Sci., United Arab Emirates Univ. B226 742.2 Increased O-GlcNAcylation Attenuates Autophagic Flux, Induces Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Leads to Accumulation of Alpha-Synuclein in Neurons. W.Y. Wani, G. Benavides, I. Ahmad, J. Shacka, B. Chacko, J.C. Chatham, A.J. Paterson, V.M. Darley-Usmar, J. Zhang. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. B227 742.3 Muscle Compression Causes Reduction of Oxidative Phosphorylation (OXPHOS) Subunits and Increase in Autophagy. B.T. Tam, B.Y. Yung, C.S. Wong, L.W. Chan, E.W. Tam, P.M. Siu. Hong Kong Polytech Univ. B228 742.4 Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Density and Quality in Untrained and Endurance-Trained Humans. J. Gifford, R. Garten, J. Trinity, G. Layec, R. Richardson. Univ. of Utah and Virginia Commonwealth Univ. B229 742.5 S-Nitrosylation of Mitochondrial Proteins Preserves Skeletal Muscle Function from IschemiaReperfusion-Induced Injury. R.J. Wilson, M. Zhang, M.P. Murphy, Z. Yan. Univ. of Virginia and MRC Mitochondrial Biol. Unit, U.K. B230 742.6 Myocardial Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activation Impairs Amplitude and Frequency of Spontaneous Intracellular Ca2+ Transients in Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity. B.Y.H. Chan, B.G. Hughes, A. Roczkowsky, P. de Souza, G. Armanious, H.S. Young, K. Ballanyi, R. Schulz. Univ. of Alberta, Canada and Univ. Fed. do Paraná, Brazil. B231 742.7 PKD Translocation to the Outer Mitochondrial Membrane Induces Mitochondrial Fragmentation and Cell Death via DLP1 Phosphorylation in Cardiomyocytes. B.S. Jhun, J. O-Uchi, J. Mishra, X. Xu, S. Hurst, U. Mende, S-S. Sheu. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Rhode Island Hosp. & Alpert Med. Sch. of Brown Univ. B232 742.8 Decreases in Glutathione Levels Augment VEGFR2 Activation. P.K. Prasai, C.B. Pattillo. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. B233 742.9 Locomotor and Diaphragm Muscle Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity in Lung-Targeted Vegf Gene Deleted Mice Exposed to Cigarette Smoke. T. Witte, F. Wong, J. Lee, J. Fine, A. Gutierrez, T. Bigby, D. Cannon, E. Breen. UCSD, VA San Diego and San Diego State Univ. B234 742.10 Engineered FGF21 Variant, LY2405319, Can Protect Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease through Enhancing Hepatic Mitochondrial Function. H.K. Chung, Y.E. Kang, J.H. Hwang, K.S. Kim, M. Shong. Chungnam Natl. Univ. Sch. of Med., South Korea. B235 742.11 A Thermodynamically-Constrained Mechanistic Mathematical Model for the Catalytic Action of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase. V.R. Pannala, A.KS. Camara, R.K. Dash. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. 234 B236 742.12 The Sex-Specific Adaptation of the Mitochondrial Lon Protease in the Model Organism, Drosophila melanogaster L. Corrales-Diaz Pomatto, B. Shen, C. Carney, J. Tower, K.J.A. Davies. Univ. of So. California. B237 742.13 A Case of Mistaken Identity: Are Reactive Oxygen Species Actually Reactive Sulfide Species? K.R. Olson, Y. Gao, E. Huang, M. Arif, N. Arora, A. Divietro, S. Patel, E.R. Deleon. Indiana Univ. Sch. Med. South Bend and Univ. of Notre Dame. B238 742.14 Quantitative Ex Vivo Imaging of Tissue O2 Reveals Effects of Inflammation, Mitochondrial Respiration and ROS Production on O2 Levels in Colonic Mucosa. A.V. Zhdanov, I.A. Okkelman, A.V. Golubeva, G. Aviello, S. Melgar, N.P. Hyland, U.G. Knaus, J.F. Cryan, D.B. Papkovsky. Sch. of Biochem. and Cell Biol., University Col. Cork and Sch. of Med., University Col. Dublin. B239 742.15 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Suppress Transcription of NADPH Oxidases and Ameliorate Pulmonary Hypertension. S.B. Haigh, F. Chen, X. Li, M.L. Meadows, J. Zhou, D. Stepp, N. Weintraub, S. Barman, D. Fulton. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. B240 742.16 Antitumor Activity of Salvianolic Acid against Ehrilich Solid Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice. M. Katary, A. Elmarakby. Damnhour Univ., Egypt and GRU Univ., Augusta. B241 742.17 Glutathione (GSH) Absolute Synthesis Rates (ASR) of Multiple Organs in a Pseudomonas aeroginosa (PM) Induced Hyperdynamic Sepsis Pig Model. G.A. Ten Have, M.P. Engelen, R.R. Wolfe, N.E. Deutz. Texas A&M Univ. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. 743. MICRORNAS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B242 743.1 Denervation Alters microRNA Expression Profiles of Microvesicles Released by Cultured Muscle Fibers. S. Hamidi, R. De Gasperi, L.M. Harlow, H. Ksiezak-Reding, W.A. Bauman, C.P. Cardozo. James J. Peter VA Med. Ctr., Bronx and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. B243 743.2 Regulation of Dicer-Mediated MicroRNA Maturation by β-Arrestin-Biased Agonism of β-Adrenergic Receptor: A New Cardioprotective Mechanism. I-m. Kim, J-p. Teoh, A. Bayoumi, Z. Broskova. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. B244 743.3 Investigation of MicroRNA Expression Profiles in the Susceptible Population to In-Stent Restenosis. C-J. Chen, C-H. Wu, S. Chun-Ming, C-Y. Huang, W-F. Bi, C-S. Chan, Y-T. Kao, C-H. Pan, S-J. Chiang, K-H. Chiang, Y-R. Liu, J-D. Luo. Taipei Med. Univ. and Taipei Med. Univ. Hosp., Taiwan. B245 743.4 Circulating MicroRNA and Isomir Profiles in Patients with Varying CVD Severity: Using isomiRs as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets. A.M. James, S. Thomas, K. Rooney, C.D. Searles. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. and Atlanta VA Med. Ctr. B246 743.5 Chronic Alcohol Ingestion Induces Alveolar Macrophage Oxidative Stress and Phagocytic Dysfunction by Down-Regulating NADPH Oxidase-Related microRNAs. S.M. Yeligar, F.L. Harris, C.M. Hart, L.A.S. Brown. Emory Univ., Dacatur and Atlanta. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY 744. MICROBIOTA OR NUTRITION AND HOST CELL SIGNALING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B247 744.1 Interplay between Nutrition and Environment in Altering the Gut Microbiome and Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes. M. Schaid, J. Neuman, J. Wisinski, A. Reuter, E. Laundre, R. Fenske, M. Kimple. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B248 744.2 Comparative Analysis of Biotransformation of trans-Resveratrol in Worms, Flies, Mice and Humans. S.E. Kulling, S.T. Soukup, F. Rieck, B. Spanier, C. Schulze, S. Piegholdt, G. Rechkemmer, A.E. Wagner, A. Bub, G. Rimbach, H. Daniel. Max Rubner Inst., Karlsruhe, TU München and Univ. of Kiel, Germany. B249 744.3 Coxiella burnetii Infection of Host Cells Involves PKC Substrate MARCKS. S. Whitlock, C.J. Funk. John Brown Univ. B250 744.4 Renal Olfactory Receptor 90 Responds to Fungal Metabolites. V.L. Halperin Kuhns, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Univ. B251 744.5 Mechanism of Action of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 in Colon Epithelial Cells. N.D. Rios-Arce, R.A. Britton, L. McCabe, N. Parameswaran. Michigan State Univ. and Baylor Col. of Med. B252 744.6 EriC2 Regulates Histamine Production Machinery via an Ion Transport-Dependent Mechanism in Lactobacillus reuteri A. Hall, M. Engevik, J. Versalovic. Baylor Col. of Med. and Texas Children’s Hosp. 745. CELLULAR RESPONSES TO INFLAMMATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B253 745.1 Purinergic Signaling in Sepsis Induced by α-Hemolysin Producing Escherichia coli in Mice. A-S. Greve, H.A. Praetorius, M. Skals. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B254 745.2 Exocytosis of Endothelial Lysosome-Related Organelles Hair-Triggers a Patchy Loss of Glycocalyx at the Onset of Sepsis. J.A. Zullo, J. Fan, T. Azar, W. Yen, M. Zeng, J. Chen, B. Ratliff, J. Song, J.M. Tarbell, M.S. Goligorsky, B. Fu. New York Med. Col., City Col. of CUNY and Ulsan Med. Col., South Korea. B255 745.3 Pulsed Ultrasound Stimulation Prevents Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Muscle Wasting and p38 MAPK Phosphorylation in Mouse C2C12 Skeletal Myotubes. M. Ueno, N. Maeshige, Y. Hirayama, R. Nakanishi, M. Yoshikawa, H. Fujino. Kobe Univ., Japan. B256 745.4 The Role of P2X7R in Priming the NLRP3 Inflammasome after Mechanical Strain. F. Albalawi, W. Lu, J. Lim, C.H. Mitchell. Univ. of Pennsylvania. B257 745.5 Training Enhances the Recovery of Monocyte Subset Response to a Bout of Resistance Exercise. A.R. Jajtner, J.R. Hoffman, J.R. Townsend, K.S. Beyer, A.N. Varanoske, D.D. Church, J.J. Riffe, T.W.D. Muddle, S. Radom-Aizik, D.H. Fukuda, J.R. Stoute. Univ. of Central Florida and Univ. of California-Irvine. B258 745.6 Essential Role of Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene-1In Vascular Endothelial Cell Activation and Remodeling. L. Yin, B. Yi, X. Wei, G. Zhang, Y. Yin, Z. Guo, F. Cheng, J. Sun. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Shanxi Med. Univ., China. B259 745.7 Age-Related Changes in Macrophage Proliferative Capacity in Response to Chronic Inflammation and Inhaled Ozone. Z. Liu, A. Groves, T. Golden, D. Laskin, A. Gow. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway. 746. CELLULAR RESPONSE TO HYPOXIA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B260 746.1 Intermittent and Sustained Hypoxia Exacerbate the Neonatal Microglial Inflammatory Response to TLR4 Ligands. E.A. Kiernan, A. Gardner, E.A. Langenstroer, J.J. Watters. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B261 746.2 Microglial Inflammatory Responses to Systemic Immune Challenge Are Attenuated over the Course of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Exposure. J.N. Ouellette, S.M.C. Smith, J.J. Watters. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B262 746.3 Mitigation of Hypoxic-Ischemic Damage in Newborn Rats by Misoprostol, a Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Agonist. M. Martens, C. Blaney, A. Archiblad, L. Nguyen, C. Rampitsch, J. Gordon, T. Ivanco, W.L. Diehl-Jones. Univ. of Manitoba, Childrens Hosp. Res. Inst. of Manitoba, Agr. Canada, Winnipeg and Athabasca Univ., Canada. B263 746.4 Counter-Regulation of the HIF-Dependent Adaptive Response to Hypoxia by Hypercapnia. C. Taylor, A. Selfridge, M. Cavadas, C. Scholz, E. Cambpell, L. Welch, E. Lecuonah, S. Colgan, K. Barrett, P. Sporn, J. Sznajder, E. Cummins. University Col. Dublin, Univ. of Zurich, Univ. of Colorado Denver, Northwestern Univ.,Chicago and UCSD. B264 746.5 Effects of Hypoxia on Intracellular H2S and Polysulfides: Implications in O2 Sensing. E.R. Deleon, E. Huang, Y. Gao, K.R. Olson. Indiana Univ. Sch. Med. South Bend and Univ. of Notre Dame. B265 746.6 Contribution of Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide to Hypoxic Inhibition of Sodium Transport by Lung Epithelial Cells. M. Althaus, N.C. Krause, J. Pott, L.K. Münch, K.R. Olson. Justus Liebig Univ., Germany and Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med.-South Bend. B266 746.7 Effect of Hypoxia on Fibroblast Proliferation in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. L.K. Senavirathna, C. Huang, L. Liu. Oklahoma State Univ. B267 746.8 Investigating the Role of Mitochondrial Fission in Cardiac Myocyte Hypoxia/Re-oxygenation-Induced Cell Death. A.M. Pratt, E. Heine, Q. Chen, R. Barsotti, L. Young. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. 235 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY 747. APOPTOSIS, CELL STRESS AND CELL DEATH Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B268 747.1 DLP1-Dependent Mitochondrial Fragmentation Mediates Heat Shock-Induced Injury in Mouse C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells. T. Yu, P. Deuster, Y. Chen. Uniformed Svcs. Univ. of Hlth. Sci. B269 747.2 A Novel Interaction between Thyroid Receptor Interacting Protein 13 with Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain 5 Regulates p53 Activity in Murine Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cells. T. Hama, J.D. Pressly, S. O’Brien, F. Park. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Col. of Pharm. B270 747.3 CT20p-Induced Autophagy in Breast Cancer Cells Can Be Overcome by Co-treatment with 3-Methyladenine to Maximize Cell Death. M.W. Lee, C. Moskowitz, J.M. Perez, A. Khaled. Univ. of Texas at Austin Dell Med. Sch., Univ. of Central Florida Col. of Med. and Cedars-Sinai. B271 747.4 Emergence of Apoptotic Features after Glcine Cytoprotection against ATP Depletion-Induced Necrotic Killing of Rat Hepatocytes. L. Li, J.J. Lemasters. Med. Univ. of South Carolina and Inst. of Theoret. and Exptl. Biophys., Moscow region, Russia. B272 747.5 P2X Receptor Inhibition Protects THP1 Monocytes against Cytolysis by α-Hemolysin from Escherichia coli and Leukotoxin from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans S.K. Fagerberg, M.G. Skals, H.A. Praetorius. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B273 747.6 Vanadium Complexes Inhibit Growth of HT29 Cells via ROS Generation. B. Moretti, V. McCaffrey, B.J. Rabquer. Albion Col., MI. B274 747.7 BNIP3 Regulation of Intracellular Calcium. J. Field, S. da Silva Rosa, W. Mughal, Y. Hai, J. Gordon, W.L. Diehl-Jones. Col. of Nursing, Univ. of Manitoba and Athabasca Univ., Canada. 748. STEM CELLS, CELL GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, DIFFERENTIATION, AND AUTOPHAGY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B275 748.1 Examination of the Development of Gastrointestinal Brunner’s Glands: Stem Cells and Differentiation Factors. A. Powell, M. Parappilly, Y-H. Lo, T. Lantz, N. Shroyer. Univ. of Oregon and Baylor Col. of Med. B276 748.2 Umbilical Cord Stromal Cell Exosomes Protect Tubular Epithelial Cells from Gentamicin Injury. F.T. Borges, A. Novaes, N. Schor. Univ. Cruzeiro do Sul and UNIFESP, São Paulo. B277 748.3 Pharmacological Activation of LPA Receptors Regulates Erythro-megakaryocytic Differentiation in Myeloid Lineage. J-C. Chiang, K-H. Lin, Y-S. Ho, C-L. Yao, H. Lee. Natl. Taiwan Univ. and Yuan-Ze Univ., Taiwan. 236 B278 748.4 Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Epstein-Barr Virus Immortalized Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines Using Episomal Vectors. K. Saito, C. Mayhew, L. Stanton, J.A. Towbin, E. Purevjav. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. B279 748.5 5-Methoxytryptophan Prevents High-Glucose Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cell Senescence through Alteration of Lysosome Mass. T-C. Chang, Y-C. Shiue, M-F. Hsu, K.K. Wu. China Med. Univ. Hosp. and China Med. Univ.,Taichung and NHRI, Miaoli, Taiwan. B280 748.6 Disruption of the Mouse Tip110 Gene Leads to Early Post-implantation Lethality and Prohibits Embryonic Stem Cell Development. A.J. Whitmill, J. He. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Fort Worth. B281 748.7 Examining the Functional Role of Fragile X Related Protein 1 in Adult Neurogenesis. N. Patzlaff, K. Nemec, X. Zhao. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Sch. of Med. and Publ. Hlth. 749. BRAIN DEVELOPMENT AND AGING Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B282 749.1 Sexually Dimorphic Expression of RNA Processing Genes in the Developing Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus. M.K. Franklin, C. Armoskus, C. Donovan, H-W. Tsai. California State Univ., Long Beach. B283 749.2 Effect of Age on Sexually Dimorphic Expression of X-Linked Genes in the Developing Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus. D. Moreira, C. Armoskus, F. Rath, R. Reyes, H-W. Tsai. California State Univ. Long Beach. B284 749.3 Regulation of the Sexually Dimorphic Gene, Rora, in the Developing Mouse Cerebellum Is Independent of Sex Steroids. T. Mota, H-W. Tsai. California State Univ., Long Beach. B285 749.4 Loss of Cdk5 Function May Mediate AgeRelated Decline in Voluntary Physical Activity. G. Ruegsegger, R. Toedebusch, F. Booth. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B286 749.5 Multisensory Integration in the Developing Brain of the Xenopus laevis Tadpole. O.A. Carrillo, T. Truszkowski. Brown Univ. B287 749.6 fMRI-Based Method to Describe Human Brain Size as a Function of Age and Height. M. Obatusin, L.A. Reyes, J.M. Serrador, G.D. Wylie. VA New Jersey Healthcare Syst., East Orange, Rutgers Biomed. and Hlth. Sci., Newark and Kessler Fndn., West Orange, NJ. B288 749.7 Exposure to a Diet High in Saturated-Fat during Pre-natal and Post-weaning Brain Development Alters Hippocampal Gene Expression and Behavioral Indices for Anxiety and Depression. K.C. Page, M.E. Winkelmann, E.K. Anday. Bucknell Univ. and Drexel Univ. Col. of Med. B289 749.8 Aging and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: Increased Gut Permeability, Altered Gut Microbiota Composition and Increased Peripheral Inflammation Are Associated with Neurobehavioural Effects in Aged Mice. K.A. Scott, M. Ida, J.A. Prenderville, G.M. Moloney, T. Izumo, A. Murphy, R.P. Ross, C. Stanton, T.G. Dinan, J.F. Cryan. University Col. Cork, Suntory World Res. Ctr., Kyoto and Teagasc, Ireland. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY 750. CENTRAL REGULATION OF FOOD INTAKE AND BODY WEIGHT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B290 750.1 Long-Term Body Weight Regulation by the Central Melanocortin System Appears to Be Dissociated from Food Intake. I. Cote, Y. Sakarya, N. Kirichenko, D. Morgan, C. Carter, N. Tumer, P. Scarpace. Univ. of Florida. B291 750.2 Role of Brainstem Melanocortin-4 Receptor in Regulating Glucose, Energy Balance and Body Fat in Female Mice. T. Fang, J.M. do Carmo, Z. Wang, N. Aberdein, C. Perez de Lara Rodriguez, J.E. Hall. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B292 750.3 Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Proteins in AgRP Neurons Are Required for Energy Homeostasis. D.F. Guo, K. Rahmouni. Univ. of Iowa. B293 750.4 Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 1 Gene in The Ventromedial Hypothalamus Is Required for Energy Homeostasis. M. Rouabhi, D.F. Guo, K. Rahmouni. Univ. of Iowa. 751. CENTRAL REGULATION OF BODY FLUID HOMEOSTASIS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B294 751.1 Optogenetic Stimulation of Distinct Populations of Anterior Preoptic Neurons Reveals a Locus for the Reciprocal Control of Thirst. S.B. Abbott, J.C. Geerling, C.B. Saper. Heart Res. Inst., Sydney and Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. B295 751.2 Brain Epithelial Sodium Channel Contributes to Thirst Stimulated by Hypernatremia. H.L. Nation, S.S. Simmonds, S.D. Stocker. Penn State Col. of Med. B296 751.3 DREADD (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs)-Induced Activation of Subfornical Organ Neurons Stimulates Thirst and Salt Appetite. M.H. Nicoleau, H. Nation, B. Kinsman, K. Browning, S.D. Stocker. Franklin and Marshall Col., PA and Penn State Col. of Med. B297 751.4 Increases in Cerebrospinal Fluid NaCl Concentration Excites Neurons of the Organum Vasculosum of the Lamina Terminalis to Elevate Sympathetic Outflow and Blood Pressure. S.S. Simmonds, S.D. Stocker. Penn State Col. of Med. 752. SYMPATHETIC CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B298 752.1 Prior Exercise and Changes in Plasma Volume Cause Differential Baroreflex Responses to Head-Up Tilt. N. Charkoudian, R.W. Kenefick, E.M. Caruso, A.J. Luippold, K.R. Heavens, S.N. Cheuvront. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Exptl. Med., Natick, MA. B299 752.2 Brief Isocapnic Hyperoxia Increases Sympathetic Vascular Transduction during Sympathoexcitatory Maneuvers in Healthy Humans. B.M. Silva, A.C. Machado, L.C. Vianna, T.C. Barbosa, E. Prodel, I.A. Fernandes, A.C. Nobrega. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo, Fluminense Fed. Univ. and Univ. of Brasília, Brazil. B300 752.3 Can Augmented Sympathetic Activity in Rosacea Be Tracked by Cutaneous Flowmotion? T.E. Wilson, E. Eaton, K. Toma, A. Jurovcik, D. Sammons, K. MetzlerWilson. Marian Univ. Col. of Osteo. Med., Marshall Univ. and Ohio Univ. Heritage Col. of Osteo. Med. B301 752.4 ATP Maintains the Ability to Blunt α1-Adrenergic Vasoconstriction during Combined Blockade of Nitric Oxide, Prostaglandins, Na+/K+-ATPase, and KIR channels. C.M. Hearon; Jr., J.C. Richards, G.J. Luckasen, D.G. Larson, M.J. Joyner, F.A. Dinenno. Colorado State Univ., Poudre Valley Hlth. Syst., Med. Ctr. of Rockies Fndn., Mayo Clin. and Ctr. for Cardiovasc. Res., Fort Collins. B302 752.5 Vasodilation and Hyperemia during Passive Limb Movement: Impact of Acute Sympathetic Activation. J.D. Trinity, J.F. Lee, R.S. Garten, Z. Barrett O’Keefe, G. Layec, D.W. Wray, R.S. Richardson. Salt Lake City VA Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Utah. B303 752.6 Time Course of Structural and Functional Adaptations of Mesenteric Resistance Vasculature after High Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. D. Popok, C. West, B. Frias, I. Laher, A. Krassioukov. Univ. of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Hlth., Canada. B304 752.7 Ca2+ Transients in and Release of Norepinephrine from Sympathetic Varicosities in Rat Mesenteric Small Arteries – Importance for Force Development. C. Aalkjaer, O. Tarasova, H. Nilsson. Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark, Moscow State Univ. and Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden. B305 752.8 Acute Slow-Paced Breathing Modulates the Pressor and Depressor Responses following Spontaneous Oscillations in Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity. L.C. Vianna, P.J. Fadel, M.J. Joyner, E.A. Wehrwein. Univ. of Brasilia, Univ. of Taxas at Arlington, Mayo Clin. and Michigan State Univ. 753. ARTERIAL BAROREFLEX FUNCTION AND BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B306 753.1 Dynamic Carotid Baroreflex Function at the Onset of Leg Cycling. T. Barbosa, L. Vianna, T. Hashimoto, L. Petersen, N. Olesen, H. Tsukamoto, H. Sørensen, S. Ogoh, A. Nobrega, N. Secher. Fluminense Fed. Univ., Brazil, Univ. of Copenhagen, Univ. of Brasilia, Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan and Toyo Univ., Japan. B307 753.2 ARMAX-Based Method Extends Knowledge of the Baroreflex. M.T. Lund, M. Salomonsson, T.E.N. Jonassen, N-H. von Holstein-Rathlou. Univ. of Copenhagen. B308 753.3 Impaired Arterial Pressure Stability Is Improved by Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter 2 Inhibitor in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rat. T. Yoshikawa, T. Kishi, Y. Hirooka. Kyushu Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci. and Cr. for Disruptive Cardiovasc. Med., Japan. 237 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B309 753.4 Fish Oil Supplementation Attenuates Blood Pressure Response but Not Renal Vasoconstrictor Response to Orthostatic Stress in Healthy Older Humans. R.C. Drew, C.M. Clark, K.D. Monahan. Penn State Col. of Med. B310 753.5 Intermittent Hypoxia Decreases Baroreflex Sensitivity in Healthy Humans. Z.M. Scruggs, L.P. Newhouse, M.J. Joyner, T.B. Curry, J.K. Limberg. Mayo Clin. B311 753.6 pSer40 Tyrosine Hydroxylase Immunohistochemistry Identifies the Anatomical Location of C1 Neurons in Rat RVLM That Are Activated by Hypotension. P.M. Pilowsky, P.E. Nedoboy, S. Mohammed, K. Kapoor, A.M. Bhandare, M.M.J. Farnham. Univ. of Sydney and Heart Res. Inst., Newtown. B312 753.7 Functional Changes of Baroreceptor Afferent, Central and Vagal Efferent Components in the Baroreflex Arc: Effects of SOD1 Overexpression in Mice. J. Chen, J. Hatcher, H. Gu, Z.J. Cheng. Burnett Sch. of Biomed. Sci., Univ. of Central Florida. B313 753.8 Baroreflex Function and Salt Sensitivity among Normotensives. E.L. Matthews, D.E. Coyle, M.S. Brian, D.G. Edwards, S.D. Stocker, W.B. Farquhar. Univ. of Delaware and Penn State Col. of Med. B314 753.9 Exercise Training Improves the Arterial Baroreflex Function in Hypertensive Rats. Y-X. Pan, L. Hong, X-L. Zhao, C. Lin. Fujian Med. Univ., China. 754. AUTONOMIC BALANCE: SYMPATHETIC AND PARASYMPATHETIC Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B315 754.1 Effect of Electroacupuncture on Cardiac Excitability during Sympathoexcitation Induced by Acute Ischemia and Left Stellate Ganglion Stimulation in a Porcine Model. W. Zhou, T. Takamiya, K. Yamamoto, A. Mahajan. UCLA. B316 754.2 The Correlation between Heart Rate Variability and Diet. O. Murray, R. Vick. Elon Univ. B317 754.3 Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Decreases Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Older Healthy Human Subjects. A.R. Murray, J.A. Clancy, S.A. Deuchars, J. Deuchars. Univ. of Leeds, U.K. B318 754.4 The Effect of Oral Hygiene on Cardiac Health as Determined by Heart Rate Variability. E.E. Bujnoski. Elon Univ. B319 754.5 Analysis of Heart Rate Variability by Multiscale Entropy in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. L.E.V. Silva, C.A.A. Silva, H.C. Salgado, R. Fazan; Jr. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. B320 754.6 Electrical Stimulation of the Carotid Sinus Nerve Improves Hemodynamics and Heart Rate Variability in L-NAME Hypertensive Rats. G.D. Souza, L.E.V. Silva, D.P. Martins Dias, F.M. Santos-Almeida, J.A. Castania, H.C. Salgado, R. Fazan; Jr. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. B321 754.7 Angiotensin-(1-7) Delays Onset of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Mice with Muscular Dystrophy. R. Sabharwal, L. Yang. Univ. of Iowa. 238 755. CHEMOREFLEX FUNCTION AND AUTONOMIC REGULATION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B322 755.1 Cardiorespiratory Control in Newborn Rats Submitted to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia. M.F. Menezes, D. Zoccal. São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B323 755.2 The Comparison of Multiple Chemosensitivity Tests in Healthy Adults. S.É. Collins, D.P. Fuhr, W.W. Michaelchuk, B.W. Byers, M.K. Stickland. Univ. of Alberta and Covenant Hlth., Edmonton, AB, Canada. B324 755.3 Enhanced Carotid Body-Mediated Chemoreflex Drive in Heart Failure: A Matter of Flow. D.C. Andrade, H.D. Schultz, N.J. Marcus, C. Toledo, C. Lucero, R. Del Rio. Univ. Autón. de Chile, Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. and Des Moines Univ. B325 755.4 The Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Carotid Chemoreceptor Activity and Sensitivity in COPD. B.W. Byers, D.P. Fuhr, L.E. Moore, M. Bhutani, E. Wong, M.K. Stickland. Univ. of Alberta. B326 755.5 Carotid Body Removal Markedly Improves Survival via Sympathoinhibition, Depressor Response and Leftward Shifting of the Pressure-Natriuresis Curve in Dahl Salt -Sensitive Rats. K. Fujii, K. Saku, Y. Oga, A. Nishizaki, T. Akashi, T. Takehara, T. Kishi, K. Sunagawa. Kyushu Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci. and Kyushu Univ. Hosp., Japan. B327 755.6 Sleep Apnea Worsens Muscle Vasoconstriction during Central and Peripheral Chemoreceptors Stimulation in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure. D.M.L. Lobo, P.F. Trevizan, E. Toschi-Dias, P.A. Oliveira, R.B. Piveta, C. Mady, E.A. Bocchi, D.R. Almeida, G. Lorenzi-Filho, H.R. Middlekauff, C.E. Negrão. Heart Inst., Univ. of São Paulo Med. Sch., Fed. Univ. of São Paulo and Geffen Sch. of Med. at UCLA. B328 755.7 Localization of Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 2 in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarii. B.C. Ruyle, G.F. Callanan, M.M. Haney, K.M. Coldren, C.M. Heesch, E.M. Hasser. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B329 755.8 Leptin Facilitates Phrenic and Abdominal Nerve Activity during Chemoreflex Activation. M. Bassi, W.I. Furuya, D.B. Zoccal, J.V. Menani, D.S. Colombari, E. Colombari. Sch. of Dent. and São Paulo State Univ. B330 755.9 Chemoreflex Activation of Neuroendocrine versus Pre-sympathetic Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Neurons in the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus: Continuous Acute Hypoxia and Intermittent Sodium Cyanide. K.M. Coldren, D.D. Kline, E.M. Hasser, C.M. Heesch. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 756. SYMPATHETIC AND PARASYMPATHETIC REGULATION IN DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B420 756.1 Renal Afferent Peptidergic Neurons – What Are Primary Stimuli? T. Ditting, K. Rodinova, S. Loosen, K. Hilgers, C. Ott, R.E. Schmieder, K. Amann, R. Veelken. Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B421 756.2 Pro-arrhythmic Effects of the Cardiac Sympathetic Co-transmitter, Neuropeptide-Y, during IschemiaReperfusion and ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction. N. Herring, M. Kalla, E. Dall’Armellina, L. Woodward, C-J. Lu, A. Banning, B. Prendergast, J.C. Forfar, R. Choudhury, K. Channon, R. Kharbanda, D. Paterson. Univ. of Oxford. B422 756.3 Developing Manganese-Enhanced MRI as a Non-invasive Measure of In Vivo Neuronal Activity in the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla of Sedentary and Physically Active Rats. D.J. Huereca, A.G. Holt, B.A. Berkowitz, P.J. Mueller. Wayne State Univ. Sch. of Med. B423 756.4 Rostrocaudal Changes in the Protein Expression of GABAA Receptor Subunits in the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla of Sedentary and Physically Active Rats. P.J. Mueller, M.D. Dombrowski, B.E. Fyk-Kolodziej. Wayne State Univ. Sch. of Med. B424 756.5 Effect of Six Months of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Autonomic Function in Coronary Artery Disease Patients. M.B. Badrov, K.N. Norton, S. Lalande, N. Suskin, J.K. Shoemaker. Sch. of Kinesiol., Western Univ. and St. Joseph’s Hosp. London, Canada. B425 756.6 Cardiovascular Autonomic Tone in Rats with Heart Failure Treated with Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells. S.D.B.V. Morais, R.M. Lataro, C.A.A. Silva, L.S. Meirelles, R. Fazan. Jr., H.C. Salgado. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto and Lutheran Univ. of Brazil. 757. NCAR YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B426 757.1 Norepinephrine-Mediated Suppression of T-Lymphocyte Activation Is Regulated by Mitochondrial Redox Mechanisms. A.J. Case, M.C. Zimmerman. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B427 757.2 Central Anti-inflammatory and Neuronal Effects of Butyrate in Wistar Kyoto and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. T. Yang, V. Rodriguez, L. Colon-Perez, T. Redler, M. Febo, C. Sumners, J. Zubcevic. Univ. of Florida. B428 757.3 Renal Nerves, Renal Inflammation and Hypertension in Deoxycorticosterone Acetate-Salt Hypertension: Who Is in the Driver’s Seat? C.T. Banek, J.D. Foss, D.A. Van Helden, N. Asirvatham-Jeyaraj, J.W. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Vanderbilt Univ. B429 757.4 Renal Function in Normotensive Sheep in the First Fourteen Weeks after Catheter-Based Renal Denervation. L.C. Booth, Z. McArdle, S.T. Yao, S. Malone, Y. Lankadeva, J. Kosaka, M. Schlaich, C.N. May. Florey Inst. of Neurosci. and Ment. Hlth. and IDI Heart & Diabetes Inst., Melbourne. B430 757.5 Neuronal Activation of ADAM17 by AT1A Receptors Contributes to Neurogenic Hypertension. J. Xu, S. Sriramula, E. Lazartigues. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B431 757.6 Prostaglandin E2 and Its EP3 Receptors Contribute to Dendritic Cell and Memory T Cell Activation in Mice with L-NAME/High Salt-Induced Hypertension. L. Xiao, H.A. Itani, M.P. Kraemer, R.M. Breyer, D.G. Harrison. Vanderbilt Univ. B432 757.7 Active Expiration and Sympathetic Excitation during Hypercapnia Require Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus. E. Lemes, D. Zoccal. São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B433 757.8 Macrophage-Dependent Impairment of α2 Autoreceptor Inhibition of Ca2+ Currents in Sympathetic Neurons Contributes to Hypertension in DOCA-Salt Rats. R. Mui, R. Fernandes, J. Galligan. Michigan State Univ. B434 757.9 N-Acetyl Cysteine Reduces Sympathetic Activation during Acute Intermittent Hypoxia in Healthy Human Subjects: Implications for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. N. Jouett, G. Moralez, D.W. White, J. Tian, M.L. Smith, M.C. Zimmerman, P.B. Raven. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Univ. of Illinois Chicago and Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B435 757.10 BDNF/TrkB Antagonism Attenuates the Hypertensive and Sympatho-excitatory Response to ICV Administration of Angiotensin II in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats. B.K. Becker, H. Wang, I.H. Zucker. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B436 757.11 Sympathetic Overactivity Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease during DietInduced Obesity. C. Hurr, H. Simonyan, C.N. Young. George Washington Univ. B437 757.12 Acute Alcohol Consumption Blunts the Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity Response to Mental Stress in Humans. I.T. Fonkoue, B. Gervais, Q. Chen, J.R. Carter. Michigan Technol. Univ. B438 757.13 Diminished Intracellular Calcium in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Augments Neuronal Excitability and Sympathetic Nerve Activity. R.A. Larson, A.D. Chapp, Z. Cheng, Z. Shan, Q-H. Chen. Michigan Technol. Univ. and Univ. of Central Florida. B439 757.14 High Salt Challenge Augments Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokines and Contributes to Elevated Neuronal Activity in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus. F. Zhu, R.A. Larson, P. Shi, N. Li, Q. Chen, Z. Shan. Michigan Technol. Univ., Cedars-Sinai Med. Ctr. and Virginia Commonwealth Univ. 758. INTEGRATED RESPONSES TO HYPOXIA AND DISEASE Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B440 758.1 EETs Oppositely Regulate Pulmonary and Systemic Pressure in Hypoxia. S. Kandhi, J. Qin, G. Froogh, N. Alruwaili, M.S. Wolin, A. Huang, D. Sun. New York Med. Col. B441 758.2 The Effects of Remifentanil on the Cardiorespiratory Responses to Severe Arterial Hypoxia in the Rabbit. A.W. Quail, D.B. Cottee, J.M. Johnstone, S.W. White. Fac. of Hlth. and Med., Univ. of Newcastle, Australia and Hunter Med. Res. Inst., Newcastle. B442 758.3 Hypertension Impairs Peripheral and Cerebrovascular Reactivity to Isocapnic Hypoxia in Humans. I.A. Fernandes, M.O. Campos, D.E. Mansur, J.D. Mattos, M.P. Rocha, A.C.L. Nóbrega. Fluminense Fed. Univ., Brazil. B443 758.4 Positive Airway Pressure Therapy Improves Nocturnal Beat-to-Beat Blood Pressure Reactivity in Patients with Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. J.R. Carter, I.T. Fonkoue, D. Grimaldi, L. Emami, D. Gozal, B. Mokhlesi. Univ. of Chicago and Michigan Technol. Univ. 239 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B444 758.5 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Impairs Insulin Resistance in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Normal Levels of Glucose. F.X. Cepeda, S. Rodrigues, A.C.B. DutraMarques, J.C. Carvalho, E. Toschi-Dias, C.P. Jordão, M.U. Rondon, M.J.N.N. Alves, G. Lorenzi-Filho, I.C. Trombetta. Heart Inst (InCor)., Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sports, Univ. of São Paulo and Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo. B445 758.6 Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Human Adipose Tissue Lipoprotein Lipase Activity and Lipolysis. B. Mahat, É. Chassé, J-F. Mauger, P. Imbeault. Univ. of Ottawa. 759. INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA/OXIDATIVE STRESS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B446 759.1 Acute Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia on LeptinMediated Increases in Adiponectin Expression. C. Becari, K.R. Somers, K. Polonis, M.A. Pfeifer, S. Prachi. Mayo Clin. B447 759.2 Contrasting Effects of Acute versus Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia on Leptin Secretion in Differentiated Human Preadipocytes. K.R. Somers, C. Becari, K. Polonis, P. Singh. Mayo Clin. B448 759.3 Cardioprotective Intermittent Hypoxia Conditioning Induces Glyoxalase-1 in Rat Left Ventricle. A. Ramani, G.F. Scott, A.G. Williams; Jr., M-G. Ryou, R.T. Mallet. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Wiley Col., TX and Tarleton State Univ., Fort Worth. B449 759.4 Beneficial Effects of Physical Training on the Vascular Dysfunction Induced by Intermittent Hypoxia during Apnea. E.J-C. Esteve, Z. El Dirani, E. Lemarie, A. Daher, W. Joumaa, G. Faury. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France and Univ. Libanaise, Lebanon. B450 759.5 The Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia on the Vasculature and Carotid Baroreflex Regulation. J.C. Tremblay, L.M. Boulet, M.M. Tymko, G.E. Foster. Sch. of Hlth. and Exercise Sci., Univ. of British Columbia Okanagan. 760. SCHOLANDER AWARD COMPETITION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B451 760.1 Mechanisms Underlying Differential Responses to the Neuropeptide Allatostatin-C in the Cardiac Ganglion of the Lobster, Homarus americanus M. Stanhope, T.J. Lameyer, D.N. Shea, M. Chi, M.G. Pascual, D.J. Schulz, A.E. Christie, P.S. Dickinson. Bowdoin Col., ME, Univ. of Hawai’i at Manoa and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B452 760.2 Physiology and Structure of Motion-Sensitive Neurons in the Dragonfly Visual System. B.G. Shapiro. Union Col., NY. B453 760.3 Structure and Function of Dragonfly LoomingSensitive Neurons. C. Slugaski. Union Col., NY. B454 760.4 Heart Rate Response to Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Red-Eared Slider. K.L. Florimon, C.L. Williams. Univ. of California, Irvine. 240 B455 760.5 Prolactin and Extracellular Osmolality Regulate Branchial clc2c Expression in Tilapia. P.L.K. Keith, B.L. Hunt, M. Inokuchi, Y. Yamaguchi, A.P. Seale, D.T. Lerner, E.G. Grau, J.P. Breves. Skidmore Col.,NY, Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of Hawaii, Kaneohe and Honolulu. B456 760.6 Increases in Thyroid Hormone-Mediated Plasma Glucose Does Not Stimulate Insulin Secretion in Prolonged-Fasting Northern Elephant Seal Pups. L.J. Horin, B. Martinez, D.E. Crocker, R. Ortiz. Pitzer Col., CA, Univ. of California, Merced and Sonoma State Univ. B457 760.7 High Glucose-Mediated Oxidative Stress Impairs Vasodilation of Small Resistance Skeletal Muscle Arteries from Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) Z.S. Ahmed, C.L. Jarrett, J.J. Faust, K.L. Sweazea. Arizona State Univ. B458 760.8 Glycogen Synthesis from Lactate in Skeletal Muscle of the Painted Turtle In Vitro. D. Wang, C.A. Hill, C.E. Grombka-Murphy, J.S. Fisher, D.E. Warren, K. Nguyen. Saint Louis Univ. B459 760.9 Effects of Jumping on Grasshopper Muscle Carbohydrate Levels. A.A. MacDonald, S. Azher, S.D. Kirkton. Union Col., NY. B460 760.10 Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Grasshopper Jumping Muscle. A.A. Yazdani, R.C. Broadwell, S.D. Kirkton. Union Col., NY. B461 760.11 The Ontogenetic Scaling of Metabolic Rate in Wing-Polymorphic Gryllus firmus A.D. Cooper, R.J. Schilder. Penn State. B462 760.12 Age-Related Decline of Anoxia Tolerance in Adult Drosophila Melanogaster J.C. Sargent, J.B. Campbell, J.F. Harrison. Sch. of Life Sci., Arizona State Univ., Tempe. B463 760.13 Geographic Distribution and Functionality of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Drosophila athabasca T. Harvey, R. Yukilevich. Union Col., NY. B464 760.14 Benefits of Being Small? The Scaling of Flight Performance in Stingless Bees and Size-Dependent Scaling of Insect Flight Metabolism. M. Duell, J.F. Harrison. Sch. of Life Sci., Arizona State Univ. B465 760.15 Using Confocal Imaging to Understand the Effect of Atmospheric Oxygen on Insect Respiratory Systems. G. Gstrein, K. Arthur, G. Parker, J. Friedman, J. VandenBrooks. Midwerstern Univ., AZ. B466 760.16 Metabolic and Genetic Implications of Survival in Anoxic Drosophila J.B. Campbell, J.F. Harrison. Arizona State Univ. Sch. of Life Sci. B467 760.17 Stellate and Pyramidal Neurons in Goldfish Telencephalon Respond Differently to Anoxia and GABA Receptor Inhibition. N. Hossein-Javaheri. Univ. of Toronto. B468 760.18 The Anoxic Reduction of Mitochondrial ROS Production Leads to Increased GABAergic Interneuron Activity and Electrical Suppression in Turtle Cerebral Cortex. P. Hawrysh, D. Hogg, L. Buck. Univ. of Toronto. B469 760.19 Amino Acids as Fates of Anoxia-Induced Lactate Loads in the Painted Turtle. C.A. Hill, K.E. Yarasheski, D.E. Warren. Saint Louis Univ. and Sch. of Med., Washington Univ. St. Louis. B470 760.20 Species Differences in Gastrointestinal Tract Glucose Transporters between Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) M. Subramaniam, L.P. Weber, J.C. Ching, C.B. Enns, A.B. Kilgour, M.D. Drew, M.E. Loewen. Univ. of Saskatchewan. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B471 760.21 Molecular Phenotypes of Gills from Resident Marine versus Landlocked Freshwater Three-Spined Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) J. Li, D.M. Paguio, D. Kültz. Univ. of California, Davis. B472 760.22 The Effect of Intracellular pH on Myocardial Calcium Sensitivity in the Anoxia-Tolerant Painted Turtle. C.E. Fanter, D.E. Warren, K.S. Campbell. Saint Louis Univ. and Univ. of Kentucky. B473 760.23 Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase Senses Alkalosis in Epithelial Base-Secreting Cells. J.N. Roa, M. Tresguerres. Scripps Instn. of Oceanography. B474 760.24 Control of Lung Ventilation after Extended Disuse Caused by Overwintering Submergence in the Bullfrog. J. Santin, L. Hartzler. Wright State Univ. B475 760.25 Aquatic Hypercapnia and Aerial Excretion of CO2 in Air-Breathing Fishes. C. Jew, M. Thomsen, M. Bayley, J.W. Hicks. Univ. of California, Irvine and Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B476 760.26 Elevated Carbon Monoxide Production in Marine Mammals. M.S. Tift, J. St. Leger, T. Leuker, P.J. Ponganis. Scripps Instn. of Oceanography and SeaWorld, La Jolla. B477 760.27 Seasonal Cold Exposure Modulates Metabolic Phenotype and Mitochondrial Function in Obese GoldenMantled Ground Squirrels. A.B. Heim, M.A. Lashbrook, S.A. Rosales, J.B. Wakefield, G.L. Florant, A.J. Chicco. Colorado State Univ. B478 760.28 Deiodinase Type 3 Methylation Increases in Response to Thyroid Stimulating Hormone in a Fasting Adapted Mammal. B. Martinez, N. Gemmell, D.E. Crocker, R.M. Ortiz. Univ. of California Merced, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand and Sonoma State Univ. B479 760.29 Glyceroporin HC-9 in the Freeze Tolerance Mechanism of Cope’s Gray Treefrogs. B. Stogsdill, J. Frisbie, P.T. Tsou, D. Goldstein. Wright State Univ. B480 760.30 Effects of Hyperosmotic Stress on Cellular Proteome and Phenotype of Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) OmB Cells. T.N. Wiegers, D. Kültz. Univ. of California, Davis. 761. ACUTE EXERCISE RESPONSES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B481 761.1 Acute Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on V?O2max and V?O2 Kinetics at Supramaximal Intensity in High-Level Runners: A Randomized Placebo- and NoceboControlled Study. J.L. Sabino-Carvalho, T.R. Lopes, T. ObeidFreitas, T.H.N. Ferreira, J.E. Succi, A.C. Silva, B.M. Silva. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo and Olympic Ctr. of Res. and Training, São Paulo. B482 761.2 Exercise Pressor Reflex Response to Static and Dynamic Skeletal Muscle Stretch. M. Venturelli, E. Cè, E. Limonta, S. Rampichini, A.V. Bisconti, M. Devoto, F. Esposito. Univ. of Milan. B483 761.3 Comparison of Stress Response Pathways in Male and Female Athletes during Ultra-marathon Events. W. DeNeen, A.B. Jones. Northeastern State Univ. B484 761.4 Handgrip Exercise Increases Platelet-Bound BDNF in an Intensity-Dependent Manner. J.J. Walsh, R.F. Bentley, M.E. Tschakovsky. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. B485 761.5 Persistent Augmentation of the Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Responses to Dynamic Exercise in Rats with Chronic Bilateral Femoral Artery Occlusion. J.M. Kuczmarski, K. Unrath, G.D. Thomas. Penn State Col. of Med. B486 761.6 A Novel Model of Weightlifting in Mice: Signaling and Gene Transcription Responses in Skeletal Muscle. D. Cui, B. Lewellen, R. Wilson, M. Zhang, Z. Yan. Univ. of Virginia, East China Normal Univ., Shanghai. B487 761.7 Acute Effects of Isometric Handgrip Exercise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability. B. Locke. San Francisco State Univ. B488 761.8 Power Reserve at the Limit of RampIncremental Exercise Is Affected by Incrementation Rate. M.J. Davies, A.P. Benson, K.M. Birch, H.B. Rossiter, C. Ferguson. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., Univ. of Leeds and LA BioMed Res. Inst. at Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. B489 761.9 Investigation Into Effects of Supplementary O2 on Tissue Oxygenation during Isometric Handgrip in the Ipsilateral and Contralateral Limb in Young (Y) and Older (O) Men Using Near Infra Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) R.T. Junejo, C.J. Ray, S.J.E. Lucas, J.M. Marshall. Univ. of Birmingham, U.K. B490 761.10 Rapid Onset Vasodilation in the Leg Is Greater in Habitual Endurance Runners. C. Coolbaugh, E. Bush, S. Sabin, B. Scott, B. Damon, T. Towse. Vanderbilt Univ. B491 761.11 Is a 90 Min Recovery Period following Fatiguing Handgrip Exercise Enough to Ensure Maximal Performance during a Critical Impulse Test or Incremental Exercise Test? A.M. Fenuta, M.E. Tschakovsky. Queen’s Univ., Canada. B492 761.12 Effects of High Intensity Interval Exercise on Peripheral Blood Flow and Muscle Tissue Oxygenation. S.K. Neeley, M.J. Luetkemeier, J. Davis. Alma Col., MI. B493 761.13 Endothelial Dysfunction Predicts Systolic Blood Pressure Slope during Whole Body Maximal Exercise in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. R.M. Downey, P. Liao, E.C. Millson, A.A. Quyyumi, J. Park. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med., DVA Med. Ctr., Decatur and Emory Univ. Rollins Sch. of Publ. Hlth. B494 761.14 Effects of Hypoxia with Matched Convective O2 Delivery on Fatigue and O2 On-Kinetics in Canine Skeletal Muscle In Situ. B.S. Ferguson, J.R. McDonald, F. Mowry, Y. Sun, L. Rasica, S. Porcelli, M.C. Hogan, B. Grassi, B. Gladden. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, Auburn Univ., Ministry of Educ., Shanghai, NRC, Univ. of Udine, Univ. of Milan and UCSD. B495 761.15 Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J.C. Carvalho, F.X. Cepeda, S. Rodrigues, A.C.B. DutraMarques, E. Toschi-Dias, M.U.P.B. Rondon, M-J.N.N. Alves, A.M.F.W. Braga, G. Lorenzi-Filho, I.C. Trombetta. Heart Inst. (InCor), Univ. of São Paulo and UNINOVE, São Paulo. B496 761.16 Prediction of Mountain Marathon Performance with Anaerobic Capacity. M.J. Rogers, L.J. Rietchel, P.K. Singh, I.J. Foster, A.L. Wookey, M.D. White. Simon Fraser Univ., Canada. B497 761.17 Expiratory Flow Limitation, Dynamic Hyperinflation, and Locomotor Power and Fatigue. J. Cunha, P. Benedict, A. Domingo, F.W. Kolkhorst, H.B. Rossiter, D.T. Cannon. Sch. of Exercise & Nutr. Sci., San Diego State Univ. and LA BioMed at Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. 241 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B498 761.18 Is There a Relationship between Pulmonary Capillary Blood Volume and Intrapulmonary Arteriovenous Anastomosis Recruitment during Exercise? V. Tedjasaputra, S.É. Collins, T.L. Bryan, S. van Diepen, M.M. Bouwsema, M.K. Stickland. Univ. of Alberta and Covenant Hlth., Edmonton, Canada. 762. REDUCED GRAVITY AND HYPERBARIC ENVIRONMENTS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B499 762.1 X-Irradiation and Simulated Microgravity Affects Rat Weight, Food Intake, Insulin and Paw Pressure Pain Threshold. P. Chowdhury, N. Akel, A-J. Parsian, R. Griffin, J. Yadlapalli, M. Dobretsov. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. B500 762.2 Does Pulse Contour Analysis Provide a Valid Estimate of Cardiac Output during Spaceflight? N.J. Yee, K.A. Zuj, D.K. Greaves, R.L. Hughson. Univ. of Calgary and Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. B501 762.3 Elevated Inspired and End-Tidal PCO2 on the International Space Station. R.L. Hughson, N.Yee, D. Greaves. Schlegel-Univ. of Waterloo Res. Inst. for Aging, Canada. B502 762.4 Sex Differences in the Cardio-metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Long-Duration Spaceflight. R.L. Hughson, K. Shoemaker, J. Rush, P. Arbeille. SchlegelUW Res. Inst. for Aging, Waterloo, Western Univ. and Univ. of Waterloo, Canada and Univ. of Tours, France. B503 762.5 Comparative Analysis of Gastrointestinal and Bone Inflammation in Hindlimb Unloading. A. Narayanan, C. Metzger, J. Brezicha, S. Lenfest, S. Bloomfield, H. Hogan, D. Zawieja. Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Texas A&M Univ. B504 762.6 Lower Body Negative Pressure Decreases Intracranial Pressure and Internal Jugular Vein Cross-Sectional Area. W. Watkins, S. Baird, E.M. Clary, A.R. Hargens, B.R. Macias. UCSD and Johnson Space Ctr. Cardiovasc. and Vision Lab. B505 762.7 Are Inert Gases Inert? Hyperbaric Nitrogen and Hyperoxia Stimulate Singlet O2 Production in Solitary Complex Neurons of the Dorsocaudal Medulla in Rat Brain Slices. T. Roberts, J.B. Dean. Univ. of South Florida. B506 762.8 Lower Body Negative Pressure Treadmill Exercise Attenuates Simulated Space Flight-Induced Reductions of Balance Abilities in Males but Not Females. T.R. Macaulay, B. Macias, S.M.C. Lee, W. Boda, D.E. Watenpaugh, A. Hargens. UCSD, Wyle Sci., Technol. & Engin. Gp., Houston, Sonoma State Univ. and Univ. of North Texas. B507 762.9 Intracranial Pressure Increases during Hindlimb Suspension. H.S. Gompf, E.L. Robinson, T.M. Hoban-Higgins, C.A. Fuller. Univ. of California, Davis. B508 762.10 Convective and Diffusive O2 Transport Mechanisms Mediate the Decrease in Peak Oxygen Uptake following Long-Duration Spaceflight. C.J. Ade, R.M. Broxterman, A.D. Moore, T.J. Barstow. Univ. of Oklahoma, Univ. of Utah, Lamar Univ. and Kansas State Univ. 242 763. VASCULAR RESPONSES TO EXERCISE AND ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B509 763.1 Prolonged Adenosine Triphosphate Infusion and Exercise Hyperemia. J.R.A. Shepherd, M.J. Joyner, F.A. Dinenno, T.B. Curry, S.M. Ranadive. Mayo Clin. and Colorado State Univ. B510 763.2 Hypercapnic Cerebral Vasodilation: Contribution of Cyclooxygenase and Reactive Oxygen Species in Healthy and Metabolic Syndrome Adults. J. Harrell, G. Peltonen, K. LaPlante, B. Ernst, W. Schrage. Drake Univ., IA and Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B511 763.3 Repeated Moderate Heat Exposure Improves Limb Endothelial Function in Humans. J. Cui, M. Lott, C. Blaha, L.I. Sinoway. Penn State Hershey Heart and Vasc. Inst. B512 763.4 Microvascular Responsiveness to Exogenous H2S Is Similar between Normotensive and Hypertensive Adults. J.L. Kutz, J.L. Greaney, L. Santhanam, L.M. Alexander. Shenandoah Univ., Penn State and Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. B513 763.5 Amplification of Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilatory Signaling in Contracting Skeletal Muscle of Humans: Role of Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels. C.M. Hearon;Jr., G.J. Luckasen, D.G. Larson, F.A. Dinenno. Colorado State Univ., Med. Ctr. of the Rockies Fndn. and Ctr. for Cardiovascular Research. B514 763.6 Effect of Prolonged Adenosine Infusion on Resting Forearm Vasodilatory Responses and Exercise Hyperemia. S. Ranadive, J-R.M. Shepherd, F. Dinenno, T. Curry, M. Joyner. Mayo Clin. and Colorado State Univ. B515 763.7 Individual Differences in Compensatory Vasodilation Impact Exercise Performance. R.F. Bentley, J.J. Walsh, A.M. Fenuta, P.J. Drouin, M.E. Tschakovsky. Queen’s Univ., Canada. B516 763.8 Endothelial Dysfunction following Prolonged Sitting Is Mediated by a Reduction in Shear Stress. R.M. Restaino, L.K. Walsh, T. Morishima, J.R. Vranish, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, P.J. Fadel, J. Padilla. Univ. of MissouriColumbia and Univ. of Texas-Arlington. B517 763.9 Vascular Responses to Hypovolemic Pressure Challenge in Individuals with Down Syndrome. S.O. Wee, A.J. Rosenberg, B. Kanokwan, G. Griffith, T. Baynard, B. Fernhall. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B518 763.10 Hypercapnic Responses Uncover Regional Cerebrovascular Dysfunction and a Varying Role of Cyclooxygenase in Young Adults with Metabolic Syndrome. J.M. Kellawan, J.W. Harell, A. Roldan-Alzate, O. Wieben, W.G. Schrage. Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison. B519 763.11 Height Correction for Carotid Blood Pressure Measurement during Positional Changes Is Important to Account for Gravitational Effects When Assessing Arterial Stiffness. A.J. Rosenberg, D.W. White, E.C. Schroeder, T.I. Hilgenkamp, B. Fernhall, T. Baynard. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B520 763.12 The Role of Prolonged Adenosine Triphosphate Infusion on Rapid Onset Vasodilation. G. Dillon, J-R. Shepherd, F. Dinenno, T. Curry, M. Joyner, S. Ranadive. Mayo Clin. and Colorado State Univ. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B521 763.13 Heat Acclimation and Cross-Tolerance: Changes in the Mitochondrial Proteome. M. Horowitz, E. Smeir, G. Gerstenblith. The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem and Johns Hopkins Univ. B522 763.14 Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Endothelial Function in Older Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J-K. Yoo, M-H. Hwang, H-K. Kim, E-L. Hwang, E.M. Handberg, D. Christou. Univ. of Florida. B523 763.15 Transiently Augmented Endothelium Dependent Vasodilatory Capacity following Repeated 6-Hour Air Dives. R.G. Morgan, E. Bergeron, B.E. Shykoff, J.P. Florian. Navy Exptl. Diving Unit, Panama City, FL. B524 763.16 Tempol Augments the Blunted Cutaneous Microvascular Thermal Reactivity in Healthy Young African Americans. C. Hurr, J.C. Patik, K.M. Christmas, R.M. Brothers. George Washington Univ., Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Texas at Austin. B525 763.17 Long-Term Endurance Exercise Training Ameliorates Conduit Artery Retrograde and Oscillatory Shear in Older Adults. A.C. Schneider, K. Ueda, D.P. Casey. Univ. of Iowa. B526 763.18 Endothelin-1 Modulates Methacholine-Induced Cutaneous Vasodilation but Not Sweating in Young Human Skin. L. Halili, M.S. Singh, N. Fujii, L.M. Alexander, G.P. Kenny. Univ. of Ottawa and Penn State. B527 763.19 Elevated Extracellular Potassium Prior to Muscle Contraction Reduces Exercise Hyperemia in Humans. J.D. Terwoord, C.M. Hearon; Jr., G.J. Luckasen, D.G. Larson, M.J. Joyner, F.A. Dinenno. Colorado State Univ., Med. Ctr. of the Rockies Fndn., PVHS, Loveland, CO and Mayo Clin. B528 763.20 Passive Heat Stress Prevents Endothelial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Young Healthy Humans. V.E. Brunt, A.T. Jeckell, B.R. Ely, M.J. Howard, M.A. Francisco, C.T. Minson. Univ. of Oregon. B529 763.21 Cutaneous Blood Flow during Intradermal Exogenous Nitric Oxide Administration in Young and Older Adults: Roles for Cyclooxygenase and Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels? N. Fujii, M.S. Singh, C.T. Minson, V.E. Brunt, P. Boulay, R.J. Sigal, G.P. Kenny. Univ. of Ottawa, Univ. of Oregon, Univ. of Sherbrooke and Univ. of Calgary, Canada. B530 763.22 The Impact of Acute Isocapnic Hypoxia on Reactive Hyperemia in Young, Healthy Humans. E.A. Kelsch, J.L. Keller, A.R. Crecelius. Univ. of Dayton. B531 763.23 Orthotopic versus Ectopic Tumor Perfusion during Exercise: Implications for Host Tissue Vasoreactivity. E. Garcia, V. Becker, E.M. Gittemeier, A.B. OpokuAcheampong, D. McCullough, B.J. Behnke. Kansas State Univ. and Edward Via Col. of Osteo. Med., Auburn, AL. B532 763.24 Aging Slows Vasoconstriction Dynamics in Skeletal Muscle Resistance Vessels. E.M. Gittemeier, T.J. Ericson, R. Verma, P. Ghosh, E. Garcia, A. OpokuAcheampong, B.J. Behnke. Kansas State Univ., Univ. of Florida and Florida State Univ. B533 763.25 Blunted Arterial Blood Pressure Responses to Whole-Body Cold Stress in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. D.R. Allen, M.R. Huang, E.M. Frohman, S.L. Davis. So. Methodist Univ., Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. B534 763.26 Extracellular Matrix Affects Endothelial Cell Attachment under Shear Flow. Y-F. Chiu, B. Huang. Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Taiwan. B535 763.27 Aerobic Exercise Dampens Acute Hypertension-Induced Vascular Oxidative Stress. A.T. Robinson, I.S. Fancher, J-T. Bian, M.M. Ali, V. Sudhahar, M. Ushio-Fukai, T. Fukai, I. Levitan, S.A. Phillips. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Col. of Med. B536 763.28 Effects of Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage on Endothelial Function and Skeletal Muscle Microvascular Deoxygenation. J.T. Caldwell, C.J. Ade, C.D. Black, G.C. Wardlow, S.F. Maggard, P.A. Branch, R.N. Hardy, A.T. Quarshie. Univ. of Oklahoma. B537 763.29 Regular Exercise Reduces Endothelial and Whole Artery Stiffness in Western Diet-Fed Female Mice. J. Padilla, F.I. Ramirez-Perez, B. Bostick, A.R. Aroor, C. Manrique, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, J.R. Sowers. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 764. WHAT DO BOTH MITOCHONDRIAL PROTEIN TURNOVER AND MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION TELL US ABOUT EXERCISE AND AGING? Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B538 764.1 Effect of Partial Denervation Mitochondrial ROS Generation in Skeletal Muscle. N. Pollock, C.A. Staunton, A. Vasilaki, A. McArdle, M. Jackson. Univ. of Liverpool. B539 764.2 Exercise Training Induced Regulation of Muscle Mitochondrial Dynamics. D.K. Fix, J.P. Hardee, S. Gao, K.L. Hetzler, J.A. Carson. Univ. of South Carolina. B540 764.3 Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy in Skeletal Muscle with Aging and Exercise. C. Chen, D. Hood. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Sci., York Univ., Canada. B541 764.4 Anabolic Response to Exercise Is Not Limited in Older Adults Despite Lower Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity Compared to Young. I. Lanza, A. Lalia, S. Dasari, M. Robinson, H. Abid, D. Morse, K. Klaus. Mayo Clin. B542 764.5 Evidence for a Novel Role for eNOS in the Regulation of Hepatocellular Mitophagy. R. Sheldon, E.M. Morris, M.A. Linden, G.M. Meers, J.P. Thyfault, M.H. Laughlin, R.S. Rector. Univ. of Missour-Columbiai, Harry S Truman Mem. VA Hosp. and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. 765. CARDIOVASCULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY, INCLUDING RAAS Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B543 765.1 Resistin Enhances the Central Effects of Leptin on Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity. H. Habeeballah, N. Alsuhaymi, M. Stebbing, T. Jenkins, E. Badoer. Sch. of Med. Sci., RMIT Univ., Melbourne. B544 765.2 Effects of Mirabegron, a β?-Adrenergic Receptor Agonist, On metabolic and Cardiovascular Parameters in Obese Mice. A. Zanesco, C.P. Valga da silva, F.B. Calmasini, E.C. Alexandre, T. Candido, F.T. Monica, M.A. Delbin. UNESP, Rio Claro and UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. 243 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B545 765.3 The Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channel GIRK4 Plays a Role in Aldosterone Production in the Mouse Adrenal Cortex. I. Hardege, K.M. O’Shaughnessy. Univ. of Cambridge. B546 765.4 Ventricular Disfunction Induces Morphofunctional Changes in Adrenal Glands. T.R. de Andrade, J. Silva, L. Souza, C. Jordão, T. Ferreira, C. Negrao, P. Brum, M.C. Irigoyen, S. Lacchini, M.J. Alves. Heart Inst., Biomed. Sci. Inst. and Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sport, Univ. of São Paulo. B547 765.5 Aldosterone Acutely Enhances Coronary Artery Contractile Responsiveness without Inducing Endothelial Dysfunction. H.M. Cleeton, A.I. Meuth, S.B. Bender. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Harry S. Truman Mem. Veterans Hosp. B548 765.6 Intermittent Hypoxia Upregulates Angiotensin II Generating Pathways in Human Preadipocytes. C. Becari, P. Singh, K. Polonis, V.K. Somers. Mayo Clin. B549 765.7 Characterization of 125-I-Angiotensin (17) Binding to Mouse Forebrain and Liver and Rat Liver. F.F. Conti, A.C. Linares, L.E. Couling, M. Morris, K. De Angelis, R. Speth. Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Nova Southeastern Univ. and Georgetown Univ. B550 765.8 Captopril Suppresses Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether-Induced Pressor Responses and Upregulation of Raas Gene Markers Nr3c2 and Sgk1 Under Salt Loading in Rats. J.E. Lindner, R. Gutierez, A. Ramirez, K. Spurgin, M. Valdez, D. Platt, M. Curras-Collazo. Univ. of California, Riverside. B551 765.9 Differential Agonistic Activities of Angiotensin Peptide Analogs. R.C. Speth, E. Sturchler, P. McDonald. Nova Southeastern Univ. and The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL. B552 765.10 Regulation of the Cardiac Fibroblast Transcriptome by Aldosterone In Vivo. M. Syed, J.P. Ball, L.L. Yanes, D.G. Romero. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B553 765.11 Nur77 Inhibits Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis through Upregulation of Relaxin-3Z-F. Guo, G. Zhang, X. You, B. Yi, F. Cheng, J. Sun. Thomas Jefferson Univ. 766. PANCREATIC HORMONES, GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS, AND DIABETES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B554 766.1 Effect of Chronic Stress and Aerobic Exercise on Glycemic Control in Rats. F.K. Marcondes, A. Sanches, R. Costa, D.E. Casarini, T.S. Cunha. FOP - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Fed. Univ. of São Paulo, UNIFESP and San Jose dos Campos, Brazil. B555 766.2 Mitogen-Inducible Gene 6 Accelerates the Progression to Diabetes by Inhibiting EGFR-Mediated Repair Mechanisms. K.M. Fong, P.T. Fueger. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B556 766.3 Diabetes Mellitus Influences the Pattern of Distribution of Irisin in Pancreatic Islet Cells. E. Adeghate, C. D’Souza, A.M. Al Harthi. Col. of Med. & Hlth. Sci., United Arab Emirates Univ. B557 766.4 Mouse SERCA2b Is Critical in Compensatory Response to High Fat Diet by Maintaining Pancreatic β Cell Proliferation. X. Tong, T. Kono, E. Anderson-Baucum, G. Shull, C. Evans-Molina. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Cincinnati Col. of Med. and Herman B Wells Ctr. for Pediat. Res., Indianapolis. 244 B558 766.5 Diet-Induced Obesity Increases Hepatic Mig6 Expression and Attenuates EGFR Signaling. A.J. Lutkewitte, P.T. Fueger, Y-C. Chen, J.L. Hansen. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B559 766.6 Effect of Diabetes-Associated Metabolic Factors on Placental Growth Factor in Skeletal Muscle Cells. F. Rouf, P.G. Lloyd. Oklahoma State Univ. B560 766.7 Paracrine GABA and Insulin Restrain Pancreatic α-Cell Proliferation in Islets of Langerhans. A.L. Feng, Y-Y. Xiang, L. Gui, Q. Feng, W-Y. Lu. Western Univ., Canada. B561 766.8 Beta Cells Deletion of the Angiotensin-II Type 1a Receptor Differentially Influences Insulin Levels in Male and Female Mice. H. Chodavarapu, E. Lazartigues. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B562 766.9 Regional Differences of Pancreatic Islet Area and Beta Cell Density in Obese and Lean Zucker Rats. G. Goudy, S. Asano, H. Hoskinson, M. Dawson, M. Breit, M. Olfert, J.C. Frisbee, P.D. Chantler, S. Alway, R. Bryner. West Virginia Univ. B563 766.10 Proinsulin C-Peptide Prevents VEGF Release from ARPE-19 Cells: A Novel Signaling Mechanism. G.R. Kolar, G.L.C. Yosten. Saint Louis Univ. B564 766.11 HDSC1 Increases Functional β-Cell Mass. C. Draney, A. Hobson, J. Tessem. Brigham Young Univ. B565 766.12 Monomeric Cocoa Procyanidins Enhance Functional β-Cell Mass. T. Rowley, B. Bitner, M. Ballard, A.T. Smithson, A.P. Neilson, J.S. Tessem. Brigham Young Univ. and Virginia Tech. B566 766.13 Aged Islets Are Refractory to Nkx6.1 Mediated β-Cell Proliferation. B. Wright, K. Garland, C. Tidwell, S. Kang, J.S. Tessem. Brigham Young Univ. B567 766.14 A Novel Role for the PKG-Encoding foraging Gene in the Fly ‘Pancreas’ of Drosophila melanogaster B.N. Hughson, A. Vesterberg, M.B. Sokolowski. Univ. of Toronto. B568 766.15 The Effects of Hyperglycemia on Insulin Resistance in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s Disease. D. Cline, B. Paddock. Arcadia Univ. Col. of Arts and Sci. B569 766.16 Improvement of the Adipokines Profile and Insulin Resistance in Metabolic Syndrome Patients Induced by Galantamine Activation of Cholinergic Pathway. C.T. Sangaleti, F.O. Costa, T.L. Moraes, M.C. Irigoyen, L.A.T. Bortolotto, H.F. Lopes, V. Pavlov, K. Tracey, F.M. Consolim-Colombo. Univ. of São Paulo, State Univ. of Paraná Midwest, Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo and Feinstein Inst. for Med. Res., Manhasset, NY. B570 766.17 GLP-1-Producing Neurons in the Control of Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Sensitivity. X. Shi, S. Chacko, D. Li, F. Li, X. Guan. Baylor Col. of Med., Binzhou Med. Univ. Hosp., China and Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. B571 766.18 Nutritional Status Affects Expression of Insulin Receptor mRNA in a Tissue Specific Manner in Channel Catfish. A. Leiker, P. Evans, B. Watkins, Y. Kobayashi. Fort Hays State Univ. 767. AGING AND MUSCLE FUNCTION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B572 767.1 Effect of Dihydrotestosterone Treatment on Young and Elderly Mice Skeletal Muscle. O. Wendowski. Univ. of East Anglia, U.K. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B573 767.2 Caveolin-2 Enhances Longevity and Induces Stress Adaptation in C. elegans M.D. Mehta, E.D. Mehta, J.M. Schilling, E. Shi, H.N. Fridolfsson, D.M. Roth, H.H. Patel. UCSD. B574 767.3 Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Delta – Does Ageing Mirror Disease in the Cardiovascular System? C. McCluskey, H. Salleh, S. Currie. Univ. of Strathclyde, U.K. B575 767.4 Impact of Aging on Fatigue and Corticomotoneuronal Excitability during Small Muscle Mass Exercise. J.C. Weavil, S.K. Sidhu, T.S. Mangum, T.S. Thurston, R.S. Garten, R.S. Richardson, M. Amann. Univ. of Utah. B576 767.5 Rejuvenation of Aged Neuromuscular Junctions by Exposure to a Young Systemic Environment. E.J. Shin, A. Wagers, Y.C. Jang. Georgia Tech and Harvard Univ. 768. CALCIUM AND MUSCLE CONTRACTILITY Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D B583 769.3 Exercise Induces Skeletal Muscle Heat Shock Protein Expression Independent of Dietary Macronutrient Content. A. Von Schulze, T.A. Gunnels, J-H.M. Schriefer, S-R. Lee, J.J. MacDonnchadh, R.K. Buddington, K.K. Buddington, M. van der Merwe, H.J. Sable, R.J. Bloomer, C.D. Touchberry. Univ. of Memphis and New Mexico State Univ. B584 769.4 Heat Shock Factor Activation in Skeletal Muscle following Lengthening Contractions. E. Pollock-Tahiri, M. Locke. Univ. of Toronto. B585 769.5 Heat Shock Proteins as Markers of ContractionInduced Muscle Damage. E. Pollock-Tahiri, M. Locke. Univ. of Toronto. 770. MUSCLE DYSFUNCTION IN DIABETES Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B577 768.1 Calcium-Dependent Sliding of Actin Thin Filaments Isolated from Hearts with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Donor Controls Does Not Differ. S. Beck Previs, S.M. Day, M.J. Previs, J.P. Snyder. Saint Michael’s Col., Univ. of Vermont and Univ. of Michigan. B578 768.2 Rewarming Shock Disrupts Intracellular Ca2+ Homeostasis and Contractility in Cardiomyocytes. T. Hoang, N. Schaible, Y.S. Han, G. Arteaga, T. Tveita, G. Sieck. Mayo Clin. and Arctic Univ. of Norway. B579 768.3 Jagged-1 Enhances CaSR-Induced Increase in [Ca2+]cyt by Promoting Recruitment of STIM2 to ER-PM Junctions. S. Song, K.M. McDermott, A. Makino, J.X-J. Yuan. Univ. of Arizona. B580 768.4 Drugs That Inhibit the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) and Prevention of Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation. M. Loulousis, S.L. Krager, Y.L. Darcy, S.A. Tischkau, J.A. Copello. So. Illinois Univ. Sch. of Med. B586 770.1 Obesity Distinctly Influences Cardiac Function and Molecular Responses to Ischemia-Reperfusion and GLP-1 Receptor Agonism. D.J. Sassoon, A.G. Goodwill, J.N. Noblet, A.M. Conteh, B.P. Herring, J. McClintick, J.D. Tune, K.J. Mather. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B587 770.2 Myostatin Inhibition as an Adjuvant Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. T.J. Hawke, S. Coleman, I. Rebalka, D. D’Souza, N. Deodhare. McMaster Univ., Canada. B588 770.3 The Role of Ankrd2 in Obesity-Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance. A.M. HernandezCarretero, N. Weber, N.Y.T. Doan, O. Osborn. UCSD and Pomona Col., CA. B589 770.4 Improved Insulin-Mediated Glucose Oxidation in Cultured Human Myotubes following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. K. Zou, J.M. Hinkley, S. Park, D. Zheng, G.L. Dohm, J.A. Houmard. East Carolina Univ. B590 770.5 Higher Cell Growth/Viability Accompanied by Reduced Myosin Heavy Chain Expression in Skeletal Muscle Cells Derived from Severely Obese Type 2 Diabetic Humans. K.D. Turner, K. Zou, M. Hinkley, S. Park, D. Zheng, J. Houmard. East Carolina Univ. 769. HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS AND MUSCLE FUNCTION 771. GENOMICS OF OBESITY, DIABETES, CARDIOVASCULAR, KIDNEY AND BEYOND Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Poster Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B581 769.1 Effects of Gender, Aging, and Training Mode on Muscular Heat Shock Protein and Contractile Adaptations in Mice. K. Huey, T. Drake, G. Dillon, A. Wilhelmi. Drake Univ. B582 769.2 HSP72 Is Required for Exercise-Induced Protection against Ventilator-Induced Diaphragm Dysfunction. A.J. Smuder, A.B. Morton, S.E. Hall, B. Ahn, M.P. Wiggs, N.R. Wawrzyniak, S.K. Powers. Univ. of Florida. B591 771.1 Phosphorylation of α-Actinin-4 at Serine 159 Mimics the Biochemical and Cellular Effects of Human Kidney Disease Mutations. D. Feng, R. Krishnan, L. Stella, M. Schenone, C.R. Hartigan, M.R. Pollak. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. and Havard Med. Sch., Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata and Broad Inst. of Harvard and MIT. B592 771.2 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Exhibit Enhanced Kidney Functions in Guanylyl Cyclase-A/Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-A Gene-Disrupted Mice: Role of Epigenetic Mechanisms. P. Kumar, R. Periyasamy, U. Subramanian, K.N. Pandey. Tulane Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. 245 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B593 771.3 RNA Next Gen Sequencing of Kidneys from Diabetic Rats Provides Insights into Reno-protective Effects of Vitamin D Receptor Activation. S.S. Prabhakar, K. Kam, R. Kottapalli, C. Yego. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B594 771.4 Transcriptomic Profiling in Cardiovascular Disease with Renal Failure in Human. D. Lee, J. Xu, E. Zhang, L. Ho, T. Kong, T. Lu. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvrad Med. Sch., Harvard Univ. and MIT. B595 771.5 RNA-Seq Analysis of Paired Servo-controlled Kidneys Suggests Molecular Pathways Affected by Pressure. A. Dayton, L.C. Evans, C.Yang, P. Liu, K.W. Ahn, J.D. Bukowy, F. Stingo, M. Vannucci, P. Laud, M. Liang, A.W. Cowley; Jr. Med. Col. of Wisconsin, Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. and Rice Univ. B596 771.6 Whole Genome and RNA Sequencing Identifies Genetic Factors Involved in Nephron Deficiency in the HSRA Congenital Solitary Kidney Rat. X. Wang, A.C. Johnson, M.R. Garrett. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B597 771.7 Independent and Pleiotropic Gene Effects on Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in Lyon Hypertensive Rats. A.E. Kwitek, J.M. Pettus, J.A. Jakoubek, M.C.J. Ma. Univ. of Iowa. B598 771.8 Searching for the Genetic Basis of Impaired Placentation in the Dahl Salt Sensitive Rat Model of Superimposed Preeclampsia. J.M. Sasser, A.C. Johnson, M.R. Garrett. Univ of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B599 771.9 Exercise Training in the Metabolic Syndrome Improves Perivascular Adipose Gene Expression. E. DeVallance, K. Branyan, K. Lemaster, R. Skinner, S. Brooks, W. Sheets, R. Bryner, J. Frisbee, P. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. B600 771.10 RNAseq Analysis of Exercise, Heat, and Dehydration Stress in a Kona Ironman World Championship. E.C-H. Lee, S. Aizik, F. Haddad, F.P. Zaldivar, D.J. Casa, L.E. Armstrong, R.L. Stearns, C.X. Munoz, J.M. Bartley, C.M. Maresh. Univ. of Connecticut, Univ. of California Irvine Hlth. and The Ohio State Univ. B601 771.11 Epigenetic Regulation of Macrophage Polarization and Renal Inflammation. S. Pushpakumar, L. Ren, R. Biswas, U. Sen. Univ. of Louisville. B602 771.12 The Circadian Clock Protein Per1 and Aldosterone Mediate Opposing Action on Endothelin-1 Expression in Murine Collecting Duct Cells. M. Michel, K. Solocinski, B.D. Cain, C.S. Wingo, M.L. Gumz. Florida Intl. Univ., Univ. of Florida and NF/SG Veterans Hlth. Syst., Gainesville, FL. B603 771.13 Integrating GWAS and Experimental Data to Predict Targets and Models for Mechanistic Validation of Genetic Determinants of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. M. Hultström, M.W. McBride. Uppsala Univ. and Univ. of Glasgow. B604 771.14 A Novel Mechanism of Pressure Natriuresis as Revealed in Global, Kidney-Selective and Conditional Proximal Tubule-Specific NHE3 Knockout Mice. X.C. Li, M. Soleimani, J.L. Zhuo. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Cincinnati. B605 771.15 Contribution of Innate and Adaptive Exercise Capacity as Determinants of Health and Longevity in Rats. L.G. Koch, S.L. Britton, N.R. Qi. Univ. of Michigan. 246 772. CONTROL OF BREATHING: CHEMORECEPTION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B606 772.1 New Theory of Holistic Integrative Physiology and Medicine II: Mechanism of Breathing Control. X-G. Sun. Fuwai Hosp., Chinese Acad. of Med. Sci., Beijing. B607 772.2 Activation of Bitter Taste Receptors in Rat Pulmonary Sensory Neurons Augments Capsaicin-Evoked TRPV1 Responses. Q. Gu, D. Joe, C. Gilbert, S. Gabriel. Mercer Univ. Sch. of Med. B608 772.3 Role of BK in Hypoxia-Induced Elevation of [Ca2+]i in Depolarized Rat Carotid Body Glomus Cells. J. Wang, J.O. Hogan, D. Kim. Chicago Med. Sch., Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. B609 772.4 Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Is Crucial for CO2 Signal Transduction in Avian Intrapulmonary Chemoreceptors. R.G. Molloy, T.M. Low, P.R. Bassett, J-G. Lonjaret, S.C. Hempleman. No. Arizona Univ. B610 772.5 Blocking Volume Regulated Anion Channels with DCPIB Depresses Avian Intrapulmonary Chemoreceptor Discharge More in Tonic Than Phasic Units. R.G. Molloy, P.R. Bassett, J-G. Lonjaret, K.L. Burchinal, S.C. Hempleman. Northern Arizona Univ. B611 772.6 Metabolic Implications of Single-Unit Avian Intrapulmonary Co2 Chemoreceptor Responses to Sustained Anoxia and Normoxia. T.M. Low, S.C. Hempleman, R.G. Molloy, I.C. Solomon. No. Arizona Univ. and SUNY Stony Brook. B612 772.7 The Enhanced CO2 Chemoreflex Is Associated with Increased Number of CO2-Activated Orexin Neurons in the Lateral Hypothalamus in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. A. Li, E. Nattie, S. Roy. Dartmouth Geisel Sch. of Med. B613 772.8 Orexin 1 Receptors Are Necessary for Phase-Specific Enhancement of the Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response in Female Rats Subjected to Neonatal Stress. L.T. Lopes, R. Gulemetova, G. Drolet, F. Bretzner, R. Kinkead. Laval Univ. and CHUL, Quebec City. B614 772.9 Chronic Exposure to Elevated Ambient CO2 Influences the Orexinergic System in the Lateral Hypothalamus and Dorsocaudal Medulla. J.W. Sherwood, R.S. Beard, C.S. Landon, J.B. Dean. Univ. of South Florida. B615 772.10 Hyperoxia and Hypercapnic Acidosis Increase Free Radical Production and Cellular Excitability in Rat Caudal Solitary Complex Brain Slices. G. Ciarlone, J.B. Dean. Univ. of South Florida. B616 772.11 Administering CO2 Anesthesia to Male Sprague-Dawley Rats Prior to Euthanasia for Postmortem Brain Slicing Alters Cardiorespiration In Vivo and O2-/CO2Sensitive Redox Signaling in Dorsocaudal Medullary Neurons in Brain Slices. G.E. Ciarlone, C.S. Landon, J.B. Dean. Univ. of South Florida. B617 772.12 There Is a Greater Ratio of Phox2B Positive Neurons to Total Neurons in the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract Than in the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus. M. Smith, P.F. Martino, J. Miller, S. Neumueller, M.R. Hodges, H.V. Forster. Carthage Col. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. SUNDAYPHYSIOLOGY B618 772.13 Conditional Knockout of Astrocytic Kir4.1 Channels Impairs Central Respiratory Drive Despite Maintaining a Subset of Cx26+ Astrocytes within the RTN. V.E. Hawkins, F.W. Kolling IV, C.E. Nelson, D.K. Mulkey. Univ. of Connecticut. B619 772.14 The Inwardly-Rectifying Potassium Channel Subunit Kir5.1 Contributes to Acute and Chronic pH Homeostasis in Rats. M.R. Hodges, M.M. Puissant, A.M. Geurts. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B620 772.15 The Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response and Behavior in Ca2+-Activated K+ (BK) Channel Knockout Mice. R.W. Putnam, L.G.A. Patrone, C.A. Ratliff, L.H. Gargaglioni. Wright State Univ. and São Paulo State Univ. B621 772.16 How Inhibition of CO2/H+-Sensitive Ionic Currents Affects the Firing Rate of a Single-Neuron Model of Central Chemoreceptors? M.C. Quintero, J.M. Cordovez, R. Putnam. Univ. de Los Andes, Colombia and Wright State Univ. B622 772.17 Influence of CO2 and HCO3- on Basal Activity and Acid Sensitivity of Chemosensitive Neurons in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus. C.M. Goncalves, F-S. Kuo, E. Daniel, D.K. Mulkey. Univ. of Connecticut. B623 772.18 Noradrenergic Modulation of Chemosensitive Neurons in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus. F-S. Kuo, B.F. Barna, D. Chen, A.C. Takakura, D.K. Mulkey. Univ. of Connecticut and Univ. of São Paulo. B624 772.19 Effects of 5-HT2A and 5-HT7 Receptors in the RTN Region on Breathing during Eupnea and Hypercapnia. C. Muere, M. Hodges. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. 773. CONTROL OF BREATHING: DEVELOPMENT Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B625 773.1 Restoration of Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Tph2 Knockout (Tph2-/-) Rats Significantly Increases Eupneic Ventilation during Postnatal Development. B. Massat, P. Martino, M. Hodges. Carthage Col., WI and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B626 773.2 Role of Central Serotonin in Sleep Architecture and Arousal in Infant Rat Pups. J. Young, M. Hodges, K. Cummings. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B627 773.3 Role of Central Serotonin in Sleep Architecture and the Control of Breathing during Sleep in Adult Rats. J. Magnusson, A. Li, M. Hodges, K. Cummings. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B628 773.4 Characteristics in the Vulnerability of the Respiratory Neural Control System during a Critical Window of Postnatal Development. P.M. MacFarlane, C.A. Mayer. Case Western Reserve Univ., Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hosp. B629 773.5 Caffeine Improves Survival in AutoresuscitationImpaired Serotonin-Deficient Rats. S. Lee, E. Nattie. Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth. B630 773.6 Developmental Changes in Trigeminal Motoneuron Properties in the American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus R. Kinkead, S. Fournier, S. Chamberland. Univ. Laval, Québec. B631 773.7 Maturational Changes in Phenotype and Electrophysiological Properties of Bötzinger Complex Postinspiratory Neurons of Rats. D.J.A. Moraes, M.P. da Silva, W.A. Varanda, B.H. Machado. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Univ. of São Paulo. B632 773.8 New Theory of Holistic Integrative Physiology and Medicine IV: Fetus Is Not Breathing and How We Start It after Birth. X-G. Sun. Cardiovasc. Fuwai Hosp., Chinese Acad. of Med. Sci., Beijing. B633 773.9 Thyroid Hormone Deficiency Disrupts Respiratory Control Development and Responses to Hypoxia in Newborn Rat. J-P. Rousseau, R. Kinkead. Univ. Laval, Québec. 774. LUNG PHYSIOLOGY: PULMONARY HYPERTENSION Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B634 774.1 Roles of Protein Kinase D in Vasoconstriction and Hemodynamics. Y. Sugawara, Y. Mizuno, H. Kawakami, T. Goto. Yokohama City Univ., Japan. B635 774.2 Pressurized Pulmonary Arteries from the TWIK-2 Knockout Mouse Exhibit Increased Vascular Reactivity. M.G. Kitagawa, D.J. Durgan, J. Reynolds, R.M. Bryan; Jr., L.M. Pandit. Baylor Col. of Med., Texas Childrens Hosp. and Michael E. DeBakey VA Med. Ctr., Houston. B636 774.3 Calcineurin -NFAT Signaling Molecules Regulate Proliferation, Migration and Apoptosis in PASMCs of Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats Induced by Monocrotaline. M-J. Lin, R-L. He, X-R. Liu, L-X. Gui, R-X. Wang, Y-P. Mu, J.S.K. Sham. Fujian Med. Univ., China and Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. B637 774.4 HDAC6-Hsp90 Interplay in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. S. Chabot, O. Boucherat, G. Ruffenach, S. Breuils-Bonnet, E. Tremblay, S. Provencher, S. Bonnet. Laval Univ.,Québec. B638 774.5 JNK2 Regulates Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension. M. Das, W.M. Zawada, J. West, K. Stenmark. Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora and Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. B639 774.6 Acute Hypoxia and Ryanodine Receptor Activity in Pulmonary Arterial Myocytes of High Altitude Acclimatized Fetal and Adult Sheep. G. Goyenaga, T. Yoo, M. Romero, J. Puglisi, L.D. Longo, S.M. Wilson. Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med. and California North State Univ. Sch. of Med. B640 774.7 Chronic and Acute Hypoxia Markedly Alter Ca2+ Signaling in Adult and Fetal Pulmonary Arterial Myocytes. K. Cothran, S. Sandy, M. Romero, A. Dobyns, R. Paez, M. Francis, M.S. Taylor, L.D. Longo, C.G. Wilson, S.M. Wilson. Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med., California Baptist Univ. and Univ. of South Alabama Col. of Med. B641 774.8 Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Baroreflex Dysfunction Paralleled the Progression of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Monocrotaline-Induced Rat Model. M. Shinoda, Y. Oga, K. Saku, K. Abe, T. Tohyama, Y. Kuwabara, K. Yoshida, T. Takehara, K. Fujii, A. Nishizaki, T. Kishi, T. Ide, K. Sunagawa. Kyushu Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci. and Kyushu Univ. Hosp., Japan. 247 S U N PHYSIOLOGYSUNDAY B642 774.9 Pulmonary Arteries Show Differences in the Effects of Angiotensin II Stimulation of Mitochondrial Superoxide on Regulation of Heme Biosynthesis and Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Expression. D. Patel, M.R. Kelly, J.J.O. Accarino, D. Sun, M.S. Wolin. New York Med. Col. B643 774.10 Hot, Heat and Stretch All Contribute to the Enhanced Ca2+ Signaling in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. S. Song, A. Yamamura, H. Yamamura, A. Babicheva, H. Tang, R.J. Ayon, K.M. McDermott, X. Sun, S.M. Black, A. Makino, J.X-J. Yuan. Univ. of Arizona, Nagoya City Univ. and Kinjo Gakuin Univ., Japan. B644 774.11 Calcium-Sensing Receptor, Coupled with Transient Receptor Potential Canonical Channels 6, Regulates Cytosolic [Ca2+] in the Development and Progression of Pulmonary Hypertension. H. Tang, A. Yamamura, D.R. Fraidenburg, S. Song, H. Yamamura, J. Chen, Y. Gu, R.J. Ayon, S.M. Black, J.G.N. Garcia, A. Makino, J.X-J. Yuan. Univ. of Arizona, Kinjo Gakuin Univ., Japan, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagoya City Univ., Japan. B645 774.12 Macrophages Are Part of Cause, Not Consequence, in PAH. M. Talati, S. Gladson, T. Blackwell, S. Shay, R. Hamid, J. West. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. B646 774.13 Hypoxia Reduces HUWE1 by Downregulating PPAR&γ in Mouse Lungs and Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells. B-Y. Kang, J.M. Kleinhenz, T.C. Murphy, R.L. Sutliff, C.M. Hart. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. and Atlanta VA Med. Ctr. B647 774.14 Hypoxia Decreases Trx2 Protein and Activity in Pulmonary Vascular Cells. B.E. Wade, S.E. Adesina, C.M. Hart, R.L. Sutliff. Emory Univ./Atlanta VA Med. Ctr. B649 774.16 Chronic Hypoxia Elevates Basal Tone in Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension through PKCβ and Reactive Oxygen Species Signaling. J.R. Sheak, N.L. Jernigan, B.R. Walker, T.C. Resta. Univ. of New Mexico. B650 774.17 Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension Is Not Affected by Neonatally Induced Diabetes in Rats. K. Chalupsky, O. Vajnerova, T. Kratzerova, J. Durisova, D. Mikova, P. Rachacova, R. Sedlacek, J. Herget, V. Hampl. Inst. of Molec. Genet., ASCR, Prague and Charles Univ., Czech Republic. B651 774.18 Canonical Transient Receptor Potential 4 Protein Encodes High Frequency Calcium Transients in Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. C.M. Francis, N. Xu, C. Zhou, T. Stevens. Univ. of South Alabama. B652 774.19 The Geometry of the Progression of Occlusive Lesions in Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. C.M. Francis, K. Oshima, T. Stevens, M. Oka. Univ. of South Alabama. B653 774.20 Reduced Membrane Cholesterol following Chronic Hypoxia Limits Depolarization-Induced Ca2+ Entry in Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cells. B. Zhang, J. Naik, N. Jernigan, T. Resta, B. Walker. Univ. of New Mexico. B654 774.21 Ventilatory and Cerebrovascular Responses to Hypercapnia in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. S. Malenfant, P. Brassard, M. Paquette, O. Le Blanc, A. Chouinard, S. Bonnet, S. Provencher. Quebec Heart and Lung Inst. B655 774.22 G Protein-Coupled Receptor Expression in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells of Human and Experimental Models of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. N. Aroonsakool, K. Sriram, A.V. Michkov, P.A. Insel. UCSD. 248 B656 774.23 eNOS Methylation at R494 Is Increased with Hypoxia Exposure and May Be Associated with Decreased NO Production. L.G. Chicoine, R. Rafikov, S. Black, L.D. Nelin, A.J. Cardounel. The Ohio State Univ. Wexner Med. Ctr., Nationwide Children’s Hosp., Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. and Univ. of Pittsburgh Med. Ctr. B657 774.24 Metabolic Syndrome and Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A New Model of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Left Heart Disease. F. Potus, B. Ranchoux, E. Tremblay, S. Provencher, S. Bonnet. Univ. Laval, Canada. B658 774.25 Aquaporin 1 Elevates cMyc and Cyclin D1 via β-Catenin in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells. X. Yun, H. Jiang, N. Lai, L. Shimoda. Johns Hopkins Univ. 775. LUNG PHYSIOLOGY: VASCULAR SMOOTH MUSCLE CELL BIOLOGY, VASCULAR REGULATION, AND HYPOXIA Poster Sun. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B659 775.1 Acid Sensing Ion Channel 1 Contributes to Hypoxia-Induced Proliferation and Hypertrophy in Mouse Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells. T.R. Yellowhair, L.M. Herbert, T.C. Resta, N.L. Jernigan. Univ. of New Mexico. B660 775.2 Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Pulmonary Hypertension. B.E. Wade, C.M. Hart, R.L. Sutliff. Emory Univ. and Atlanta VA, Decatur. B661 775.3 BK Channel Differences in Near-Term Fetal and Adult Ovine Small Pulmonary Arteries. D.A. Hessinger, G.U. Thorington, I. Sokolova, W.H. Fletcher, M.R. Pretorius, D.P. Morris, L.D. Longo. Loma Linda Univ. B662 775.4 Extracellular Adenosine Diphosphate Ribose Mobilizes Intracellular Ca2+ via Purinergic-Dependent Ca2+ Pathway in Rat Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells. C. Huang, J. Hu, K.P. Subedi, A.H.Y. Lin, J.S.K. Sham. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Fujian Med. Univ. Guangzhou Chest Hosp., China. B663 775.5 Sex Differences in Sepsis-Induced Nitric Oxide and EDHF Signaling Pathways in Rat Pulmonary Artery. G. Kuntamallappanavar, M.D. Leo, J. Subramani, S. Mishra. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis, Texas Tech Inst. and Indian Vet. Res. Inst., Bareilly. MONDAY, APRIL 4 Across Societies 776. TEACHING, LEARNING AND TESTING IN THE BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm Recognizing that techniques and issues related to teaching and the use of computers in research and teaching crosses all biomedical disciplines, EB 2016 has combined education posters from all participating societies. Please note: Posters are on display Sunday through Tuesday. Presentation time is for Monday only. T38 776.1 Enabling a Viable Pipeline of NHLBI Extramural Investigators in Fiscally Challenging Times. C. Maric-Bilkan, M. Charette, Y. Oh, P. Schum, Y. Gao, C. McDonald, D. Reid, V. Robinson, D. Stanley, K. Fuentes, M. Olive, M. Eblen, K. Pearson, E. Tolunay, Z. Galis. NHLBI, NIH. T39 776.2 Effectiveness and Reception of Clinical Pathophysiology Lectures for Physician Assistant Students. F.K. Johnson, M.P. Seaman. LMU-DeBusk Col. of Osteo. Med., TN. T40 776.3 The Prevalence of Exercise PrescriptionRelated Course Offerings in U.S. Pharmacy School Curricula: Exercise Is Medicine® A.J. Dirks-Naylor, C.L. Griffiths, J.L. Gibson, J.A. Luu. Wingate Univ. T41 776.4 A Sustainable Medical Anatomy Program Supported with Small 3-D Printed Human Parts. S. Perez. Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. Phoenix. T42 776.5 In Final Examinations, Quality of Essay Plan Correlates with the Essay Mark. P. Langton. Sch. of Physiol., Pharmacol. and Neurosci., Univ. of Bristol, U.K. T43 776.6 Promoting Motivationally and Educationally Productive Behaviors with Collaborative Testing. R.N. Cortright, H. Lujan, L.A. Johnson, S.E. DiCarlo. East Carolina Univ. and Wayne State Univ. T44 776.7 Collaborative Testing Improves Performance on Long Answer Questions, and Maintains Long-Term Retention of Course Material. K.L. Ritchie, R. Rajakaruna, G. Newton. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. T45 776.8 Students as the Unit and Instrument of Analysis for the Assessment of Advising. K.M.S. Johnson, K. Greene, E. Guttchen, R. McLeod, Z.W. Paquin, M.K.M. Young. Beloit Col., WI. T46 776.9 Use of Remote Assessment Using an Online Learning Management System: Evaluation by Outcomes Assessment. J. Kingsbury. Arizona State Univ. Col. of Letters and Scis. T47 776.10 Tactical post hoc Exam Key Review. J.A. Price III. Oklahoma State Univ. Ctr. for Hlth. Scis. T48 776.11 Effect of Educational Games on Knowledge Acquisition in Physiology. F.K. Marcondes, K.C. Gavião, L.T. Cardozo, A.B.A. Moraes. FOP - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil. T49 776.12 An Active Learning Activity Utilizing a Headline News Story to Engage Students, Enhance Interest, and Improve In-Class Learning of Cell Cycle Regulation. A.J. Dirks-Naylor. Wingate Univ. T50 776.13 Effects of In-Class Discussion with Pre- and Post-Lecture Quizzing on Retention. C.E. Akers, K. Flann. Univ. of Portland. T51 776.14 “Fact-Ways”: Teaching Cellular Signaling Using the Nobel Archives. E.P. Seidlitz, S. Nastos, P.K. Rangachari. McMaster Univ., Canada. T52 776.15 The Testing Effect Varies with Spaced versus Massed Learning of Skeletal Muscle Information. J. Dobson, J. Perez. Georgia Southern Univ. T53 776.16 Open Educational Resources in the Laboratory: Moving the Introductory Biology Laboratory Manual onto Pressbooks. S. Knight, M. Bentley, L. Regner, L. Murphy. American Univ. T54 776.17 Benefits of the Students Who Grade Pathology Assignments of Their Near-Peers. S.K. Biswas, A. Basu, J. Ram. St Matthews Univ. Sch. of Med., Grand Cayman. T55 776.18 Do “Job Aids” Facilitate Retention of Physiology Concepts. M. Povlow, D. Harris. Univ. of Central Florida Col. of Med. and Med. Educ., Orlando. T56 776.19 Benefits of Online Textbook Resources Depend on Physiology Students Using Retrieval. L.C. Anderson, S.A. Keirstead. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. T57 776.20 Developing Online Guided Self-Assessments in Cardiovascular Physiology for Medical School. T.A. Pressley, J.C. Fowler. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. T58 776.21 How Do We Train Our Future Faculty to Teach? Results from a Multidisciplinary Comparison of Pedagogy Courses Offered at a Large Midwestern University. V.D. O’Loughlin, K.D. Kearns, J.M. Robinson, C. SherwoodLaughlin. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med., Indiana Univ. and Indiana Univ. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. T59 776.22 Problem-Based Learning Is a More Effective Method at Developing Critical Reasoning Skills When Compared to Traditional Instructional Methods. B.M. Franklin, L.M. Xiang, J.M. Paulose, J.A. Collett, M.K. Rhoads, J.L. Osborn. Univ. of Kentucky and Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. T60 776.23 Using Longitudinal Fabricated Patient Panels to Integrate Clinical and Basic Science Education in a Spiraled Preclinical Medical Curriculum. D.L. Osborne, S.J. Howell, D.E. Bramblett, N. Minugh-Purvis, C.M. Galin, R.H. Selinfreund, H. Vilchis, R.J. Ketchum, D.W. Rodenbaugh. Burrell Col. of Osteo. Med., NM. T61 776.24 “Absolut Polycythemia”: Non-traditional Case-Based Instruction in Physiology Related to Alcohol Consumption. M.B. Harris. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks. T62 776.25 The “420” Ptosis: Non-traditional CaseBased Instruction in Physiology Related to Endocannabinoid Influences on the Sympathetic Nervous System and Cannabis Consumption. M.B. Harris. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks. T63 776.26 Student Feedback from Independent Study Modules on Prerequisite Review and Areas of Misconception in Physiology. R.E. Laudadio, T.E. Wilson. Marion Univ. Col. of Osteo. Med., IN. 249 M O N ACROSS SOCIETIES/ANATOMY MONDAY T64 776.27 Pros and Cons of Active Learning. T.R. Chakraborty. Adelphi Univ. T65 776.28 Usefulness and Student Preferences for Interactive Pre-lecture Modules as Part of Flipped Instruction in Biomechanics. Z.J. Domire, P.M. Rider. East Carolina Univ. T66 776.29 Integration of Digital/Blended Pedagogy and a Data Acquisition System to Enhance Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Teaching for Allied Health Students: A LearnerCentric Strategy. K. Dutta. Univ. of New England. T67 776.30 Innovative Methods Common in Non-science Disciplines Equally Effective in Physiology Courses. M.K. Hopper. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med., Evansville. T68 776.31 Blended Learning within an Undergraduate Exercise Physiology Laboratory. S.J. Elmer, K. Carter, A.J. Armga, J.R. Carter. Michigan Technol. Univ. T69 776.32 Use of Flipped Classroom Teaching Approach on Student Performance in Physiology. C. Gopalan. So. Illinois Univ. Edwardsville. T70 776.33 The Formation of Student Learning Communities in a Life Science First-Year Course. L. Parks, J. Lubischer. North Carolina State Univ. T71 776.34 Effects of a Team-Based Learning Environment on Student Outcomes in Anatomy and Physiology for First Year Pharmacy Students. H.M. Jones. Lake Erie Col. of Osteo. Med. T72 776.35 Student Perceptions and Effectiveness of Team-Based Learning in an Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Course. S. Luckey, N. McLaughlin. Seattle Univ. T73 776.36 Assessment of Team Cohesiveness, Potency and Reflexivity with First-Year Medical Small Group Activities. M.W. Lee, C. Gabelica, S.M. Fiore. Univ. of Texas at Austin Dell Med. Sch., Glasgow Caledonian Univ., U.K. and Univ. of Central Florida. 777. COMPUTERS IN RESEARCH AND TEACHING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm Recognizing that techniques and issues related to teaching and the use of computers in research and teaching crosses all biomedical disciplines, EB 2016 has combined education posters from all participating societies. Please note: Posters are on display Sunday through Tuesday. Presentation time is for Monday only. T1 777.1 Adding a Checklist to the Medical Neuroscience Laboratory Guide When Using a ComputerAssisted Neuroanatomical Learning Tool. A.R. Severson. Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth. Anatomy 778. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Evolution/Anthropology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A281 778.1 Measurement Theory and the P-Matrix: Ramifications of Variable Choice. K.R.R. Savell, B.M. Auerbach. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. A282 778.2 Differences in Trace Elements over 10 Thousand Years: Comparison of Superficial Enamel Pb, Mn, Zn, Cu, Sr, Cd, Ba, and Ag. J. Ramos, A.S. Bilal, T.C.I. Toledo, M.A.M.S. Veiga, T.A. Maranhao, J.C. Ramos, S.R.P. Line, C. Cartelle, R.F. Gerlach. Univ. of São Paulo, Fed. Univ. of Santa Catarina, Sch. of Dent. of Piracicaba, UNICAMP and Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A283 778.3 Manganese in Human Teeth. M. JelacaTavakoli, R.F. Gerlach, M. Djuric. Southwestern Col., CA, Dent. Sch. of Ribeirão Preto, Univ. of São Paulo and Univ. of Belgrade, Serbia. A284 778.4 Preliminary Analysis of Skeletal Trauma from an Atypical Early Colonial Period Pit Burial with Comparison to Fractures Observed among Typical Late Intermediate Period (ca AD 1250) Above-Ground Tombs in the Ancash Region of Highland Peru. A. Titelbaum, B. Ibarra. Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med.-Phoenix and Tulane Univ. A285 778.5 Metric Variation in the Human Sacrum: Costal Process Length among Black and White South Africans. C.R. Wayne. LSU, Baton Rouge. 250 A286 778.6 Morphological Integration and Changes in Pelvic Dimensions with Age in Adult Female Humans. A.M. Mallard, K.R.R. Savell, B.M. Auerbach. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. A287 778.7 Primate Diversity of the Nasal Conchae: Are There Functional Differences? N.H. Kimura, A.S. Pagano, W. Lawson, S. Márquez. SUNY Downstate Col. of Med., NYU Sch. of Med. and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A288 778.8 Assessing Differences in the Functional Morphologic Relationships of the Nasal Cavities of Anatomically Modern Humans, Neanderthals, and Mid-Pleistocene Homo A.S. Pagano, J.T. Laitman, S. Marquez. NYU Sch. of Med., Icahn Sch. of Med. and SUNY Downstate Col. of Med. A289 778.9 Cranial Base Angulation: Examining Congruence of Interior and Exterior Measurements. E.R. Agosto, S.J. Williams, B.M. Auerbach. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. A290 778.10 Complications in 3D Quantitative Analysis of Sexual Dimorphism of the Human Nuchal Area. L.T. Gaona, D.F. Royer. Univ. of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Med. Campus. A291 778.11 Effects of Geography, Genetics, and Environment on Morphological Variation in Two Subspecies of Common Chimpanzee. M.L. Burgess, J-A. Junno, C.B. Ruff. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Oulu, Finland. A292 778.12 Exploring Ecogeography, Drift, and Selection on the Macaque Cranium. S.J. Williams, B.M. Auerbach. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. A293 778.13 The Effects on Subtalar Neutral Angle in Non-weight Bearing Position on Postural Stability. Q.F. Gan, N. Dalayi, C. Simon, E. Chinnavan, S.R. Rajagopal Naidu. AIMST Univ., Malaysia. MONDAYANATOMY A294 778.14 Contrasting Force Reduction at the Greater Trochanter Using Different Surgical Procedures for Relief of Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome. V. Taylor II, A. Wood, R. Belmares, G. Guttmann, R. Reeves. Wake Forest Med. Ctr. and Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A295 778.15 Body Mass Estimation from the Knee: Forensic Applications. N. Squyres, C. Ruff. Johns Hopkins Univ. 779. FORM, FUNCTION AND MORPHOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Evolution/Anthropology Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A296 779.1 Comparative Anatomy of the Ischiorectal Fossa and Pudendal Canal in Humans and Domestic Animals. J.R. Rodriguez-Sosa, M. Hall, B. Adrian, J.H. Plochocki. Midwestern Univ., AZ. A297 779.2 Polyisomerism, Anisomerism, and the Evolution and Development of the Vertebrate Head Muscles. J.M. Ziermann, R. Diogo. Howard Univ. Col. of Med. A298 779.3 Insight Into the Anatomy of the Poor Visual System in the Adult African Giant Rat( Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse) J.N. Alawa, S. Amuzor, S.J. Sambo, C.B. Alawa. Bingham Univ., Kara, Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello Univ. and Univ. of Abuja, Nigeria. A299 779.4 Scaling of the Ectotympanic Tube and Tympanic Membrane Diameter among Catarrhine Primates. E.E.I. Fricano, V.B. DeLeon. Johns Hopkins Univ. and Univ. of Florida. A300 779.5 Gape and Fiber Architecture of the Chewing Muscles in Primates and Phalangeroid Marsupials. J.M.G. Perry, E.E.I. Fricano, T.M. Harper. Johns Hopkins Univ. A301 779.6 Using Novel Methods to Visualize Jaw Muscle Biomechanics and Its Significance for the Evolution of the Avian Feeding Apparatus. A.T. Spates, I.N. Cost, K.C. Sellers, K.M. Middleton, C. Holliday. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A302 779.7 Dental Wear, Molar Shape and Dietary Adaptation in Early Australopithecus N.M. Bauer, E.R. Middleton, C.V. Ward. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A303 779.8 Ontogeny of Enamel Thickness in the Teeth of Alligator and Its Significance for Crocodyliform Dental Evolution. A.B. Schmiegelow, K.C. Sellers, C.M. Holliday. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A304 779.9 Cervical Vertebral Morphology and Neck Mobility in Gibbons (Hylobates lar) and Humans. N. GriderPotter, R. Goto, Y. Nakano. Sch. of Human Evol. and Soc. Change, Arizona State Univ. and Osaka Univ. A305 779.10 Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius and Choeropsis liberiensis) Shoulder Osteology and Function Compared with Suids (Sus scrofa, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, Potmochoerus porcus and Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) and Tayasuids (Tayassu peccary and Tayassu tajacu) V.L. Naples. Northern Illinois Univ. A306 779.11 Is Olecranon Length Reflective of Adaptations for Speed or Power in Anthropoids? M.S. Selby. Georgia Campus, Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. A307 779.12 Development of Wing Bone Laminarity in the Pigeon. R.M. Ourfalian, K. Ezell, A.H. Lee. Midwestern Univ., AZ. A308 779.13 Human Soft Tissue Pelvic Anatomy: Evolutionary and Clinical Perspectives. J.H. Plochocki, J. Rodriguez-Sosa, M.I. Hall. Midwestern Univ., AZ. A309 779.14 Effects of Selection for High Voluntary Wheel Running on Sexual Dimorphism in the Sacrum of Mus musculus C.L. Asplund, K.W. Perry, H. Schutz. Pacific Lutheran Univ. A310 779.15 Trabecular Bone Mass and Daily Travel Distance in Mammals. H. Chirchir, C.B. Ruff, K.M. Helgen, R. Potts. Marshall Univ., Natl. Museum of Natural Hist., Washington, DC, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. and Natl. Museums of Kenya. A311 779.16 Variability in the Post-hatching Growth Trajectory of Alligators from Eggs Incubated with and without the Eggshell. E. Gonzalez, J. Doyle, M. Noriega, A. Hocson, N.A. Membreno, R.M. Elsey, T. Owerkowicz. California State Univ., San Bernardino and Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, LA. A312 779.17 Optimization of Technical Photographic Variables to Assess Newborn Length Using Photographic Imaging. M.N. Orozco, R. Gwaltney, N.W. Solomons. CeSSIAM, Guatemala City and Tufts Univ., Boston. A313 779.18 Ontogenetic Cranial and Postcranial Regional Variation in Bone Strength: Comparisons in Two Archaeological Populations. E.M. Garofalo, M.A. Holmes. Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. and Sch. of Med., Duke Univ. (231.2) A314 779.19 Structural and Sensorimotor Deficits Associated with Abnormal Frontal Plane Motion of the Knee during Gait: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. A.E. Wink, J. Niu, D.T. Felson, M.C. Nevitt, J. Torner, C.E. Lewis, C.A. Brown, N. Shakoor, L. Sharma, K.D. Gross. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med., UCSF, Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Sch. of Med., Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Northwestern Univ. Feinberg Sch. of Med. and Massachusetts Gen, Hosp. Inst. of Hlth. Professions, Boston. A315 779.20 Variations in the Branching of the Lingual and Facial Arteries. M.E. Hurley, W.Y. Lee, H. Beyea, T. Stevens, J. Den haese, M.P. Olivieri. D’Youville Col., NY. M O N 780.IMAGING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A316 780.1 Differential Lectin Binding and Coronary Angiography in a Danio and Non-model Fish Species. W. He, T. Manalo, A. May, J. Quinn, P.J. Lafontant. DePauw Univ. A317 780.2 The Application of Iodine-Enhanced MicroCT Scanning Protocols to Analyze Multiple Tissue Types and Organ Systems in Mouse Embryos with Short-Term Gestational Hypoxia. R.E. Fisher, G. Chapman, S.L. Dunwoodie, K. Kusumi. Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. Phoenix, Arizona State Univ. and Victor Chang Cardiac Res. Inst., Sydney. A318 780.3 Basis Microscopy: Label-Free Imaging of the Native, Living Cellular Nano-architecture. L.M. Almassalha, G. Bauer, J. Chandler, S. Gladstein, L. Cherkezyan, Y. StypulaCyrus, S. Weinberg, D. Zhang, P. Thusgaard Ruhoff, H. Roy, H. Subramanian, N. Chandel, I. Szleifer, V. Backman. Northwestern Univ., Northwestern Feinberg Sch. of Med., Univ. of So. Denmark and Boston Univ. 251 ANATOMYMONDAY A319 780.4 Surgery to Relieve Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Complaints Should Have Preoperative Imaging: MRI/MRA/MRV. J.D. Collins, E.H. Saxton, H.A. Gelabert, A. Carnes. UCLA and UCSF, Fresno. A320 780.5 Assessment of Myocardial Architecture Depends on Imaging DTMRI Parameters. P. Agger, C. Laustsen, V. Hjortdal, M. Pedersen. Aarhus Univ. Hosp., Denmark. A321 780.6 Using CT Scans to Assess Early Postnatal Development of the Bony Eustachian Tube and Hyolaryngeal Apparatus: A Test of Reliability. J. Meaike, A. Gupta, A. Pagano, D.F. Curcio, P. Som, J.T. Laitman. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai, NYU Sch. of Med. and Santa Casa Sch. of Med. Sci., São Paulo. A322 780.7 Use of Axial CT Scans to Assess Early Postnatal Development of the Internal Nares: A Test of Reliability. A. Gupta, J. Meaike, A. Pagano, D.F. Curcio, P. Som, J.T. Laitman. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai, NYU Sch. of Med. and Santa Casa Sch. of Med. Sci., São Paulo. A323 780.8 Pole-Shark (Galeorhinus galeus): Seriated CTScanned Cross-Sections Every 1mm of the Rostral Extremity and Reconstructions. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, S. Verdeille. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ. and CIMOP, Saint-Cloud, France. 781. ANATOMY EDUCATION: FIXATION TECHNIQUES/PRESERVATION MODALITIES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A324 781.1 Development of a Multidisciplinary Clinical Cadaver Program. R.E. Sandeski, G. Kovacs. Dalhousie Univ., Canada. A325 781.2 The Heart of Fascia: Initial Steps toward a Three Dimensional Model of the Human Extracellular Matrix in Dissection Lab. L. Nemetz. Pace Univ. and Anatomy Trains, ME. A326 781.3 Successful Soft Cure Embalming of a Whole Body Cadaver after Three Years in a Cryogenic State. S. Heltzel, M. Sochor, D. Sikon, R. Sikon. Univ. of Virginia and Virginia State Anat. Prog. 782. ANATOMY EDUCATION: DISSECTION VERSUS ALTERNATIVE METHODS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A327 782.1 A Comparison Study of Model-Based Anatomy Learning and Cadaver-Based Learning. S. Chowdhury, U. Akter. St. Louis Community Col.-Wildwood and St. Louis Community Col.-FV, Saint Louis. 252 A328 782.2 Musculoskeletal Anatomy Education: Evaluating the Influence of Different Methods of Delivery on Medical Students Perception and Academic Performance. J. Peeler, A. Longo, H. Bergen. Univ. of Manitoba. A329 782.3 A Comparison of Student Approach to Learning between Dissection- and Prosection-Based Undergraduate Human Anatomy Courses. S.C. McWatt, G.S. Newton, L.C. Jadeski. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. A330 782.4 A Kinetic Model for Learning Gross Anatomy. E.R. Malone, M. Pine, G. Bingham. Texas A&M Univ. A331 782.5 Prosection-Based Gross Anatomy Lab for Dental Students. L.E. Sanders, G. Dorius, D.A. Morton, D.A. Hutcheson. Univ. of Utah. A332 782.6 Educational Outcomes of Implementing Prosected Hands and Feet as Educational Tools in a Traditionally Full Dissection Medical Gross Anatomy Laboratory. S.R. Williams, A. Sinning, A. Notebaert, R. Darling. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. A333 782.7 Are Prosections an Effective Supplemental Tool for Improving Students’ Knowledge of Neck Anatomy? S. Alshehry, J. Sedlmayr, J. Cork. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A334 782.8 Do Screen Display Systems Improve Anatomy Student Performance? M.A. Bardales-Cahua, D.R. UlloaDeza, L.J. Fernández-Rodríguez. Antenor Orrego Private Univ., Peru. A335 782.9 Pilot Study: Integration of 3-D Dissection Table into Undergraduate Gross Anatomy Course. C.O. Lane; Jr. Prairie View A&M Univ. A336 782.10 A Refined Study of the Effect of Cadaver Dissection on Written and Practical Gross Anatomy Test Scores. M.P. Olivieri, M.I. Hurley, M.E. Gervasi, N.R. Olivieri, E.M. Rokitka, L. Georger, G. Bistulfi. D’Youville Col., NY and Univ. at Buffalo Sch. of Dent. Med., SUNY. 783. ANATOMY EDUCATION: LABORATORY TEACHING STRATEGIES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A337 783.1 Clinical Anatomy and Imaging Lab: Vertical Integration in a Preclinical Cardiovascular Course. M. Hankin, E. Downs, D. Barry, N. Malik, J. Moak, V. Soukoulis, J. Dent. Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Med. A338 783.2 Cadaver Biopsies and CT Scans Spur an Investigative and Analytic Approach to Dissection. D.L. Davies, C.M. Quick, S.F. Malak. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. A339 783.3 The Use of a Checklist to Increase the Quality of Student Dissections in Medical Gross Anatomy Labs. E. Johnson, J. Foster. Alabama Col. of Osteo. Med. A340 783.4 The Use of “Structured Lab Review” to Augment Student Learning and Its Impact on Cadaveric Practical Examination Performance. C. Vasan, M. Gentile, N. Vasan. Cooper Med. Sch. of Rowan Univ. A341 783.5 Assessing Formative Feedback after Table Conferences in the Icahn School of Medicine’s Structures Course. P. Maffucci, B. Laitman, J. Laitman. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. MONDAYANATOMY A342 783.6 A Comparison of Approaches and Comprehensive Guide for a Complete Cadaveric Central Nervous System Extraction. R. Hlavac, K. Nelson, M.E. Stabio. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. 784. ANATOMY EDUCATION: COMPARATIVE APPROACHES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A343 784.1 The Anatomy of Healthcare Student Perceptions. J.L. Dowdy, C.M. Martin, C.A. Nichols, A.C. Edmondson. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. and Univ. of Western Ontario. A344 784.2 The Utility of Cadaver-Based Approaches for the Teaching of Human Anatomy: A Survey of British and Irish Anatomy Teachers. J.Y. Balta, M. Cronin, J.F. Cryan, S.M. O’Mahony. University Col. Cork, Ireland. A345 784.3 How the Distinctive Cultures of Osteopathic and Allopathic Medical Schools Affect the Careers, Perceptions, and Institutional Efforts of Their Anatomy Faculties: A Qualitative Case Study of Two Schools. J. Byram, C. Traser, T. Arbor, J. Brokaw. Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Marian Univ. Col. of Osteo. Med., Indianapolis. 785. ANATOMY EDUCATION: TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES/METHODS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A346 785.1 Applications of the Anatomy Comics. M.S. Chung, B.S. Chung. Ajou Univ. Sch. of Med., South Korea. A347 785.2 A Short Mindfulness Activity to Reduce Anxiety State of Dissection and Prosection Students Prior to Their First Cadaver-Based Laboratory Experience. W. Albabish, J. Bigg, G.S. Newton, L. Jadeski. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. A348 785.3 Experiencing Embodied Learning: A MixedMethods Analysis of a Yoga Anatomy Workshop. B. Klein, M. Sugrue, M. Loyet. Indiana Univ. and Midwestern Univ., IL. A349 785.4 Seeing Is Knowing: Instructor Perceptions of Teaching an Online Undergraduate Anatomy Course with Laboratory. S.M. Attardi, N.M. Mintz, J. Barnett, K.A. Rogers. Western Univ., Canada and Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med., WI. A350 785.5 Anatomists as Coaches for Developing Clinical Professionals. L.J. Rizzolo. Yale Univ. A351 785.6 Instructor Presence and the Value of Instructor-Student Interface in the Gross Anatomy Laboratory. N. Contreras, C.J. Harper, N. Lachman, F.W. Hafferty, W. Pawlina. Mayo Med. Sch. and Mayo Clin. Col. of Med., Mayo Clin. A352 785.7 Applied Anatomy Labs: Interactive Small Group Learning. A.L. Mork, B. Klement, D.F. Paulsen, L.E. Wineski. Morehouse Sch. of Med. A353 785.8 Integration of Active-Learning Activity Increased Short-Term and Long-Term Retention in a Self-Learning Setting. L.B. Ruest, K.K.H. Svoboda, L.A. Opperman. Texas A&M Univ. Baylor Col. of Dent. A354 785.9 Enhancing Active Learning in a Medical Gross Anatomy and Embryology Course: A Flipped Classroom Approach. K.M. Harrell. East Carolina Univ. Brody Sch. of Med. A355 785.10 The Flipped Anatomy Classroom: Does It Help Reduce Study Time Outside the Classroom? G.T. Dorius, Y. Zhang, L.M. Olson, J. Colbert-Getz, D.A. Morton. Univ. of Utah. A356 785.11 How to Support Student Motivation in a Flipped Anatomy Course: Introducing the “mflip” W. Saltarelli, K. Robinson, E. Bovee, P. Beymer, L. Linnenbrick-Garcia, C. Roseth. Central Michigan Univ. and Michigan State Univ. A357 785.12 Student Learning and Retention in Introductory Anatomy Flipped Class Models Compared to Traditional Lecture Format. M.J. McCullough, M.G. McCullough. Adrian Col. and Onsted Community Schs., MI. A358 785.13 Comparison of Mono-Lecture and DualLecture Modes in the First Year Medical Education. J. Chen, W.P. Daley, G. Yang, D. Cui. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. A359 785.14 A Blended Learning Approach for Human Skeletal Anatomy with Undergraduate Students. T.R. Wakeham, B.E. Morin, J.J. Durocher. Michigan Technol. Univ. A360 785.15 Counting the Dead: Who Is Teaching Anatomy to Physical Therapy Students? J.M. Cope, M. Precht, A. Klinepeter, B. Powell. Elon Univ. A361 785.16 Can a Cranial Nerve Animation Enhance Dental Student Learning? Employing an Innovative Teaching Aid in the Classroom. M. Lone, J.P. McKenna, J.F. Cryan, T. Vagg, A. Toulouse, E.J. Downer. Cork Univ. Dent. Sch. and Hosp., University Col. Cork and Trinity Col. Dublin. A362 785.17 Evaluating the Impact of the Supplemental Instruction Program on Student Academic Performance in Gross Anatomy at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Y.E. Peng, A.L. Rossi, A.C. Edmondson. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. A363 785.18 Anatomical Education, Memory Consolidation and the Testing Effect. R.A. Easteal, J. Biddell. Queen’s Univ., Canada. A364 785.19 QTD Effects on Veterinary Anatomy Learning. D. Ahn, J. Sim. Col. of Vet. Med., Chonbuk Natl. Univ. and Col. of Med. Sci., Jeonju Univ., South Korea. A365 785.20 Evaluation of Power Point Presentation Reflection among Students of Applied Medical Sciences College, Najran University. A.E. Mokhtar, S.D. Elmustafa. Najran Univ., Saudi Arabia. 253 M O N ANATOMYMONDAY 786. ANATOMY EDUCATION: CURRICULUM DESIGN AND EFFECTIVENESS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A366 786.1 A Remediation Strategy for Gross Anatomy in the New Horizons Curriculum. M.A. Pizzimenti. Univ. of Iowa. A367 786.2 A Comparison of Three Neuroscience Curriculum Models in an Osteopathic Medical School. S.M.S. Hassan, C. Thomann, S. Bhatia, R. Theobald. A. T. Still Univ., MO. A368 786.3 Teachers Perception on the Integration of Morphological Sciences Discipline in Integrated Clinical Curriculum in Santa Casa De São Paulo School of Medical Sciences. M.D. Barros, V.A. Silva, A.C.C. Pinto, C.S.B. Pereira, B.M. Liquidato. Santa Casa Sch. of Med. Sci., São Paulo. A369 786.4 Effectiveness of a Course Utilizing CadaverBased Dissection in Preparation for Gross Anatomy as Perceived by Undergraduate Students upon Entry to Professional School. J. Dennis, A. Barry. Missouri So. State Univ. A370 786.5 What to Teach or Not to Teach, That Is the Question: Anatomy Objectives in a Modern Medical Curriculum. N. Metti, F. Anwar, V. Lyons, M. Bee. Univ. of Detroit Mercy and Geisel Sch. of Med., Dartmouth Univ. 787. ANATOMY EDUCATION: CLINICAL SKILLS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A371 787.1 Using Ultrasound to Assess Accuracy of Liver Measurement and Palpation during Early Medical Training. G.L. Brower, V. Tipton, J. Kim, V.H. Lee, F.R. Prabhu. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A372 787.2 Utilization of the Point of Care Ultrasound Training in Patients Management by Medical Residents: A Place in the Anatomy Curriculum R. Jirjis, I. Hajj Hussein, A. Jurjus, K. Zakaria. Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med., American Univ. of Beirut and Wayne State Univ. A373 787.3 Preliminary Multi-site Usage for the Online ‘Medical Imaging Solution for Teaching and Research’ Y. Carter, J. Costa, B. Burbridge. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. and Univ. of Saskatchewan Col. of Med. A374 787.4 Assessing Simulation-Based Interventional Angiography Training in Novices. O. Zaika, M. Boulton, R. Eagleson, S. de Ribaupierre. Western Univ., Canada. A375 787.5 How to Use Anatomical Dissections and Prossections to Contribute in Avoiding Erros in Clinical Practice. M.D. Barros, C.L. Mendes. Santa Casa Sch. of Med. Sci., Brazil. 254 A376 787.6 A Case-Based Learning Module on Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Donated Medical Records. T.C. Browne, D. Royer. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. A377 787.7 Utility of 3 Dimensional Printing of Hearts with Complex Congenital Heart Disease in the Education of Pediatric Trainees and Sonographers. D. Prasad, R. Ashwath. Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hosp., Cleveland. A378 787.8 Creation of a Learning Module for Healthcare Graduate Students on ALS. J.R. Diouf, M.A. Pascoe, S.P. Ringel. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. A379 787.9 Integrating Clinical Medicine with the Basic Sciences: Pulmonology Learning Modules for Medical Students. M. Doroudi, B. Hoomayon, R. Cohen. Univ. of British Columbia. A380 787.10 Correlating Clinical Reasoning Skills to Expert Interaction in First Year Medical Students. M. Manuel, G. Rae. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A381 787.11 To What Extent Are First-Year Medical Students Willing to Disclose Errors: Relating a Reflective Writing Exercise in Gross Anatomy to Medical Error Disclosure. P.Y-w. Sun, C.M. Wittich, N. Lachman, W. Pawlina. Mayo Clin. Col. of Med. 788. ANATOMY EDUCATION: OUTREACH Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Education and Teaching Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A382 788.1 The Anatomy Training Program: A Participant’s Perspective. M. Umorin. Texas A&M Univ. Baylor Col. of Dent. A383 788.2 The Human Body and Modern Harms – Itinerant Anatomy Museum. T.S. Masuko, R.V. Coutinho, J.O. Gonçalves, P.S. Carvalho, Í.M. Vilasbôas, A.B. Oliveira, M.M. Maron e Silva, J.N. Nascimento, D.F.B. Matos, L.D.A. Santos, L.M.C. Moraes. Fed. Univ. of Bahia, Brazil. A384 788.3 Gross Anatomy for Teacher Education: Equipping the Anatomy Educator. W. Brooks, A. Doss. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Univ. of Alabama Sch. of Med. A385 788.4 Individualized Learning in Anatomy to Diversify Tomorrow’s Medical Field. J.J. Gong, B. Schindel, C. Jerome, K.L. Antoine, A.S. Pagano, S. Márquez. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr. and NYU Sch. of Med. A386 788.5 Student Demographics of Samuel Merritt University Community Service Honor Society Volunteers. M.A. Allen, L.B.A. Peck, C.A. Elliott, B. Puder. Samuel Merritt Univ. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 789. DNA REPAIR MECHANISMS 792. CONTROL OF DNA RECOMBINATION Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C1 789.1 Identifying the MAP Kinase Slt2/Mpk1 as a New Interacting Protein for Mm. s2 G. Kung, Y. Wang. Saint Louis Univ. C2 789.2 Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization of the Escherichia coli Protein YbjN in Response to Ionizing Radiation. M. Menhart, S.T. Bruckbauer, M.M. Cox. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C3 789.3 Determination of Escherichia coli Genes Involved in Resistance to DNA Alkylating Agents. S. Bellou, M. Muenter, M. Travers, B. Leifer, S. Baig, C. Kramer, M. Qi, C. Joshi, A. Carlson, C. Conway, P. Beuning. Northeastern Univ. C4 789.4 Functional Significance of Meiotic Proteins in the DNA Repair System of Bdelloid Rotifers. L.E. Dickinson, J.C. McReynolds, A.M. Schurko. Hendrix Col., AR. 790. DNA REPLICATION MECHANISMS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C5 790.1 Coordination of Gene Expression and Cell Cycle Progression in Response to Stress; a Novel Checkpoint in S Phase. F. Posas Garriga, A. Duch, B. Canal, E. de Nadal. Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. C6 790.2 Regulation of the Kinetoplast Maxicircle DNA Replication by RNase HIIC in Trypanosoma brucei S. Misra, M.K. Mittal, U.K. Singha, M. Chaudhuri, G. Chaudhuri. Meharry Med. Col. and Vanderbilt Univ. 791. BASE EXCISION REPAIR Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C7 791.1 Acetylation of DNA Polymerase Beta Regulates the Choice of the Base Excision Repair Pathway. O.K. Howald, L. Balakrishnan. Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis. C8 791.2 Base Excision Repair of Bulky DNA Adducts Generated by the Antitumor Drug Yatakemycin. E.A. Mullins, R. Shi, Y. Igarashi, B.F. Eichman. Vanderbilt Univ. and Toyama Prefect. Univ. C9 791.3 Small Molecule Ogg1 Activators Ameliorate mtDNA Oxidation and Promote Cell Health. S.R. Katchur, A.M. Davis, E. Ellis, B. Pickard, S. Pyne, W. Rumsey. GlaxoSmithKline and Univ. of Strathclyde, U.K. C10 792.1 Characterizing a New Role of Novel uup Gene in E. coli during DNA Repair. B. Joung, S.H. Chen, M.M. Cox. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C11 792.2 Proteomic Analysis of a Meiotic Recombination Hotspot. A.J. Storey, R.U. Protacio, A.J. Tackett, M.K. Davidson, W.P. Wahls. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. 793. DNA REPLICATION, REPAIR AND RECOMBINATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C12 793.1 Breaking the Fourth Wall: Quaternary Organizations Forge a Link to the Novel Non-enzymatic Function of RNR-α Y. Aye. Cornell Univ. and Weill Cornell Med., Ithaca. C13 793.2 Tripartite DNA Lesion Recognition and Verification by XPC, TFIIH, and XPA in Nucleotide Excision Repair. F.M. Golebiowski, C-L. Li, Y. Onishi, N.L. Samara, K. Sugasawa, W. Yang. NIDDK, NIH, Inst. of Molec. Biol., Acad. Sinica, Taipei and Kobe Univ., Japan. C14 793.3 Acetylation of Replication Protein A Improves Its DNA Binding Property. S. Surendran, O.E. Ononye, L. Balakrishnan. Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis. C15 793.4 Early Replication Stress Leads to Abnormal Mitosis and Genome Rearrangement. S. Forsburg. Univ. of So. California. C16 793.5 Instability within the Coding Sequence of the Repetitive RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain. A.E. Exner, S.M. Fuchs. Tufts Univ. C17 793.6 How DNA-Damage Machinery Protects the Genomes of Mouse Oocytes. V.S. Rinaldi, E. Bolcun-Filas, J. Schimenti. Cornell Univ. and The Jackson Lab., Bar Harbor, ME. 794. MECHANISM OF DNA RECOMBINATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C18 794.1 Defining the Cut Site Specificity of Ref – a RecA-Dependent Endonuclease. Y-C.S. Wan, E.A. Ronayne, M.M. Cox. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 255 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY 795. MISMATCH REPAIR Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C19 795.1 Investigating the Intersection between DNA Mismatch Repair and Triplet Nucleotide Repeat Expansion. S. Kutlu, B. Case, M. Hingorani. Wesleyan Univ., CT. 796. NON-HOMOLOGOUS END JOINING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C20 796.1 DNA Repair Proteins XLF and XRCC4 Interact with Telomeric Proteins TRFf1 and RA. P1 E.A. Castle, P. Zaibaq, Q-K. Pham, Y. Aviles, J. Hou, K.T. Vu, N. Fahmy, M. Guirette, A. Ruff, R. Jain, J. Jabbur, A. Ribes-Zamora. Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston Houston Community Col. 797. NUCLEOTIDE EXCISION REPAIR Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C21 797.1 Understanding the Efficacy of Inhibitor TRDL551 on Replication Protein A Binding Affinity. J. Kaur, L. Balakrishnan. Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis. 798. REPLICATION FORK DYNAMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C22 798.1 Identifying the Role of Genomic Uracil in Folate Deficiency. J. Chon, M. Field, J. Gondokusumo, P. Stover. Cornell Univ. C23 798.2 Function of Cdc45 in DNA Replication and in Response to Genotoxic Stress. A. DeBrot, C. Lancaster, M-A. Bjornsti. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and St Jude Children’s Res. Hosp. 799. SIGNALING RESPONSES TO DNA DAMAGE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C24 799.1 Estrogen Induces RAD51C Expression and Localization to Sites of DNA Damage. M.K. Holz. Yeshiva Univ., NY. 256 C25 799.2 A Novel Role for RPA Phosphorylation in the Regulation of G2 Exit in the Face of Persistent DNA Damage. T.M. Wilson, P.L. Ghospurkar, S.J. Haring. North Dakota State Univ. 800. SINGLE-STRAND ANNEALING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C26 800.1 Elucidation of Saw1 and Rad1-Rad10 Recruitment to Induced Single-Stand Annealing Sites as a Function of 3′ Flap Length. J. Camberos Felix, F. Fregoso, R. Odango, B. Iannolo, P. Fischhaber. California State Univ. Northridge. 801. SITE-SPECIFIC DNA RECOMBINATION AND TRANSPOSITION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C27 801.1 Interactomic and Enzymatic Analyses of Distinct Affinity Isolated Human Retrotransposon Intermediates. J. LaCava, K.R. Molloy, D. Fenyö, M.S. Taylor, B.T. Chait, J.D. Boeke, M.P. Rout. The Rockefeller Univ.,NYU Sch. of Med. and Massachusetts Gen. Hosp. 802. CHROMATIN ORGANIZATION AND GENE REGULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C28 802.1 Enhancer H3K4 Methyltransferase MLL4 Controls Cell Fate Transition. K. Ge. NIDDK, NIH. C29 802.2 The Chromatin Remodeling Complex SWI/SNF Is a Master Regulator of Meiotic Splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae S. Venkataramanan, S. Douglass, A.R. Galivanche, T. Johnson. UCLA. C30 802.3 Identification and Characterization of GammaSynuclein as a PCBP1-Interacting Protein in Various Cancer Cell Lines. J. Ko, A. Hunkele, H. Sultan, F. Ikalina, A. Liu, P. Nahar-Gohad. Seton Hall Unv. C31 802.4 Neuroprotective Actions of Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfhydration in the Brain. B.D. Paul, S.H. Snyder. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. C32 802.5 BRD4 Is a Histone Acetyltransferase That Evicts Nucleosomes from Chromatin. D.N. Ballachanda, C. Case-Borden, A. Gegonne, C.H. Hsu, Q. Chen, D. Meerzaman, A. Dey, K. Ozato, D. Singer. NCI, NIH, Bethesda and Rockville and NICHD, NIH. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C33 802.6 Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Regulatory Mechanisms Lead to Metabolic Adjustment in Response to Glucose Availability. A.H. Munshi, J.M. Claggett, T.L. Johnson. UCLA. C34 802.7 Dissection of Gene Regulatory Networks That Control Retinal Cell Fate Specification. S. Wang, C. Cepko. Harvard Med. Sch. C35 802.8 Human Growth Gene Family Chromosomal Architecture Is Affected by Maternal Obesity, Gestational Diabetes and Insulin Treatment. Y. Jin, H. Vakili, S. Menticoglou, P.A. Cattini. Univ. of Manitoba. C36 802.9 Regulation of Hepatic Mouse Major Urinary Protein Genes by the Zinc Finger and Hemeoboxes 2 and Alpha-Fetoprotein Regulator 2 J. Jiang, K.T. Creasy, M.L. Peterson, B. Spear. Univ. of Kentucky. C37 802.10 Epigenetics Impacts Copy Number Heterogeneity and Drug Resistant Gene Selection. J.R. Whetstine, J.C. Black, S. Mishra, B. Sexton, C. Van Rechem, S. Murphy. MGH Cancer Ctr. and Harvard Med. Sch., Charlestown. 803.TRANSCRIPTIONAL REGULATORY MECHANISMS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C38 803.1 Regulatory Characteristics of Vibrio vulnificus gbpA Encoding a Mucin-Binding Protein Essential for Pathogenesis. S.H. Choi, K.K. Jang. Seoul Natl. Univ. C39 803.2 Activation of p21 following DNA Damage Transcriptionally Controlled by a Telomeric Shelterin Protein TRF2 in a Telomere-Length Dependent Fashion. S. Chowdhury. CSIR Inst. of Genomics and Integrat. Biol., New Delhi. C40 803.3 O-GlcNAc Transferase and O-GlcNAcase Interact with Mi2β at the Aγ-Globin Promoter. Z. Zhang, F.C. Costa, E.P. Tan, N. Bushue, C.E. Costello, M.E. McComb, S.A. Whelan, K.R. Peterson, C. Slawson. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. and Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. C41 803.4 The Dynamics of TAL Effector – DNA Interaction Reveals Optimal Number of Targeted Nucleotides for Maximum Binding Specificity. F.C. Rinaldi, K.E. Wilkins, A.J. Bogdanove. Cornell Univ. C42 803.5 Defining a Transcriptional Regulatory Network for Peroxisome Biogenesis. E.A. Paz, T. Gaasterland, A. La Spada. UCSD. C43 803.6 Analysis of Nuclease HypersensitiveEquivalent Sites in SV40 by Next Generation Sequencing. B. Milavetz, L. Balakrishnan, B. Woods, K. Christensen. Univ. of North Dakota and Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis. C44 803.7 Transgenic MyoD Is Associated with Upregulation of Id2 mRNA during Induction of Differentiation at Low Cell Density in Balb 10(1)- and 10T1/2-Derived Myogenic Cells. M. Masihi, C. Aguirre, K. Tiger, P. Russel, C.J. Ibarra, L. Lugo, L. Lumpkin, S.B. Sharp. California State Univ., Los Angeles. C45 803.8 Mechanistic Study of ERCC6/CSB Enzymatic Regulation, and Its Roles in Transcription Elongation, and Chromatin Remodeling. D. Wang. UCSD. C46 803.9 Chromatin Remodeler EP400 Deposits H3.3 Into Promoters and Enhancers during Gene Activation. S.K. Pradhan, T. Su, L. Yen, K. Jacquet, J. Cote, S. Kurdistani, M. Carey. UCLA and Laval Univ. Cancer Res. Ctr., Quebec. C47 803.10 Distinct Kinetic Phases Associated with Specific Transcription Factors Differentially Regulate IL1B and TNF Genes. S.H. Pulugulla, J. Adamik, A.N. Grillini, D.L. Galson, P.E. Auron. Duquesne Univ. and Univ. of Pittsburgh. C48 803.11 Altered DNA-Binding Specificity Transcription Activator Variant Provides Key to Unlocking Gene Activation Mechanism. A.N. Meyer, P.A. Weil. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. C49 803.12 Her2 Breast Cancer Cells Form SuperEnhancers Which Indicate a New Mechanism of Aggression. F. Rahmatpanah, Z. Jia, Y. Hu, B. Men, R. Jahan, M. McClelland, D. Mercola. Univ. of California, Irvine. C50 803.13 Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions Mediate Single-Stranded DNA Recognition and Acta2 Repression by Purine-Rich Element Binding Protein B. L. Ferris, A. Rumora, T. Wheeler, R. Kelm. Univ. of Vermont. C51 803.14 Structural Basis for Histone H2B Deubiquitination by the SAGA DUB Module. M.T. Morgan, M. Haj-Yahya, A.E. Ringel, P. Bandi, A. Brik, C. Wolberger. Johns Hopkins Med. Inst., Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev and Technion-Israel Inst. of Technol. C52 803.15 Hematopoietic Cell Stress Response Gene Transcriptional Regulation by TFII-I and E2F Family. M. Aryan. Univ. of Florida, Fort Myers. 804. NON-CODING RNAS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C53 804.1 Microarray Expression Profile Analysis of Long Non-coding RNAs in Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Traditional Chinese Medicine. T. Jiang, L-Y. Shi, L-L. Wei, Z-L. Chen, C. Wang, C-M. Liu, Z-J. Li, J-C. Li. Zhejiang Univ., Zhejiang Hosp., Hangzhou and The Sixth Hosp. of Shaoxing, China. C54 804.2 Long Non-coding RNA GAS5 Suppresses TGFβ-Smad Signaling via Intrinsic rSBE Elements. R. Tang. Univ. of Georgia. C55 804.3 Deletion of Five Senescence-Associated lncRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae K. Krauss, K. McMurdie, D. Zappulla. Bellarmine Univ. and Johns Hopkins Univ. C56 804.4 AFP Anti-sense Transcripts in Mouse Liver and Their Potential Role in Gene Regulation. M.S. Dixon, Qiu, B.T’. Spear, M.L. Peterson. Univ. of Kentucky. C57 804.5 Zhx2 and the Regulation of AFP Anti-sense RNAs in Mouse Liver. G. Qiu, M. Dixon, B. Spear, M. Peterson. Univ. of Kentucky. C58 804.6 Circadian Inc to EDN1-AS: A Novel, Long, Non-coding RNA Antisense to the EDN1 Gene. K. Solocinski, S.J. Barilovits, A.K. Welch, C.S. Wingo, B.D. Cain, M.L. Gumz. Univ. of Florida and NF/SG Veterans Hlth. Syst., Gainesville, FL. C59 804.7 Non-coding RNA Regulations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa M.C.B. Ammons. Montana State Univ. 257 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY 805.RIBOSWITCHES Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C60 805.1 Expanding Structure Activity Relationships for the preQ1 Riboswitch: Functional Group Requirements and Metal Dependence in Pathogenic Aptamer Domains. M-A. Doan, M.N. Pahl, B.K. Neilson, I.T. Suydam. Seattle Univ. C61 805.2 Synthesis and Characterization of Ribonucleic Acid Aptamers Targeted at aspergillus Cell Surface Carbohydrates. M.R. Sheridan, D.R. Engelke, C.E. Rohlman. Albion Col., MI and Univ. of Michigan. C62 805.3 Creating a Riboswitch-Based Whole-Cell Biosensor for Bisphenol A. M. Zorawski, J. Shaffer, E. Velasquez, J.M. Liu. Pomona Col., CA. 806. RNA EDITING AND MODIFICATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C63 806.1 Editing of Kv1.1 RNA Transcripts Is Altered by Human Mutations Responsible for Episodic Ataxia Type-1 E.F. Kiddie, K.M. Patterson, R.A. Reenan, J.J.C. Rosenthal, R.B. Emeson. Vanderbilt Univ., Brown Univ. and Univ. of Puerto Rico Med. Sci. Campus. C64 806.2 Apobec-1 Complementation Factor Regulates mRNA Stability and Polysome Distribution but Has No Role in apoB RNA Editing. V. Blanc, J. Riordan, E. Park, S. Kennedy, A. Mortazavi, J. Nadeau, N. Davidson. Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., Pacific NW Diabetes Res. Inst., Seattle, UCLA and Univ. of California, Irvine. 807. RNA MODIFICATION: MECHANISM AND FUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C66 807.2 Post-transcriptional Modifications Alter Anticodon Loop Dynamics and Codon Recognition in E. coli tRNAArg1,2 K.L. Sarachan, W.A. Cantara, S. Vangaveti, J.L. Spears, H. DeMirci, F.V. Murphy IV, S.V. Ranganathan, P.F. Agris. Univ. at Albany-SUNY, Stanford PULSE Inst. and NECAT/Cornell Univ., Argonne Natl. Lab. C67 807.3 Expanding the Roles of tRNA Thiolation in Bacteria: Involvement of 2-Thiouridine tRNA in Signaling Bacterial Sulfur Metabolism. K.A. Black, N.J. Kus, P.C. Dos Santos. Wake Forest Univ. C68 807.4 RNA Editing-Mediated Modulation of CalciumDependent Activator Protein for Secretion 1 Function. R.B. Emeson, R.J. Ulbricht, R.M. Lazarenko, C.E. DelBove, Q. Zhang. Vanderbilt Univ. 258 808. RNA TURNOVER C69 808.1 Phosphorylation-Independent Recruitment of 14-3-3 to Tristetraprolin Partially Impairs Deadenylation by Blocking Ccr4, but Not Pan2, Association. A.M. Nunez Castrejon, M. Tun, R. Nava, L. Kraemer, S.L. Clement. Cal Polytech State Univ., San Luis Obispo and Allan Hancock Col., Santa Maria, CA. C70 808.2Withdrawn C71 808.3 Determining the Effect Nutrient Availability Has on the Activity of the 3’-5’ Exoribonuclease Rr. p6 T. Ryan, K.P. Callahan. St. John Fisher Col., NY. C72 808.4 Vacuolar Turnover of rRNA Mediated by an Autophagy-Dependent Mechanism Is Necessary to Maintain Cellular Homeostasis. G.C. MacIntosh, B. Floyd, S. Morriss, D. Bassham. Iowa State Univ. C73 808.5 Effects of Aging and Nitrogen Deprivation on Nonfunctional rRNA Decay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D. Zekan, F.J. LaRiviere. Washington and Lee Univ. C74 808.6 The Effect of Ultraviolet Stress on Nonfunctional rRNA Decay. K.J. Villarroel Gomez, F.J. LaRiviere. Washington and Lee Univ. C75 808.7 Ascertaining a Role for Rnp1p in Posttranscriptional Gene Control in S. cerevisiae K.E. Mackay, S.P. Segal. Winona State Univ. C76 808.8 Dephosphorylation of the RNABinding Protein Tristetraprolin by PP2A in LPSStimulated Macrophages. S.A. Smolgovsky, M.E. Caldwell, B.M. Parsons, M.E. Cahill, S.L. Clement. California Polytech State Univ., San Luis Obispo. C77 808.9 Characterization of the Ubiquitin Binding Properties of the Deadenylase Pa. n2 Z. Swinney, J. Teruya, N. Vengoechea, S.L. Clement. California Polytech State Univ., San Luis Obispo. 809. BUILDING MOLECULAR MACHINERY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C78 809.1 Design and Development of Chemically Gated Artificial Regulatory Domains. D.T. Cunningham-Bryant. Univ. of Washington. C79 809.2 Development of a Natural Protein Synthesis System from Pseudomonas aeruginosa C. Hughes, Y. Escamilla, Y. Hu, J.M. Bullard. Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg. C80 809.3 Using Synthetic Biology Methods to Construct a Rapid and Efficient Estrogen Biosensor. M. Lynott, S. Huttelmaier, D. Tobiason, J. Canfield. Simmons Col., MA and Carthage Col., WI MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 810.CHAPERONES 813. PROTEASES IN DISEASE Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C81 810.1 Exploring GTP Control of Bacterial Respiratory System Specific Chaperone Interaction with Its Substrate Protein’s Twin-Arginine Signal Peptide. S.J. Cherak, R.J. Turner. Univ. of Alberta and Univ. of Calgary, Canada. C82 810.2 The Production of Extracellular Vesicles Is Increased after Heat Shock. A. De Maio, D. Hawisher, B. Lara, D.M. Cauvi. UCSD. 811. MOLECULAR CHAPERONES: MECHANISM AND FUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C83 811.1 Mortalin Caught in Action: Structures of the Nucleotide Binding Domain in the Apo, ADP-Bound and AMP+PPi-Bound States. M. Moseng, M. Mignery, P. Larney, C. Emerson, J.C. Nix, R.C. Page. Miami Univ. and Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab. C84 811.2 Biochemical Characterization of the Interaction between Innate Immune Receptor Nod2 and Its Chaperones. H.C. Wastyk, V. Mohanan, A. Schaefer, C-W. Hou, M. Lauro, C.L. Grimes. Univ. of Delaware. C85 811.3 Differential Action of Purifying Selection Explains the Evolution of the Major Chaperone Sub-network in Humans. K. Hess, J. Ellis, P. Nguyen, N. Nikolaidis. California State Univ. Fullerton. C86 811.4 Naturally Occurring Mutations Alter the Function of HSPA1A, a Key Regulator of the Cellular Stress Response in Humans. R.M. Oliverio, K. Hess, N. Nikolaidis. California State Univ., Fullerton. C87 811.5 En’Cas’ing the Stress: Engineering a Human Cell Line Knockout of Heat Shock Response Coordinator Genes Using CRISPR Cas9 System. G.I-I. Canales, B. Pani, E. Nudler. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County and NYU Langone Med. Ctr. C88 811.6 Functional Cooperativity between the Trigger Factor Chaperone and the ClpXP degradation System. W.A. Houry. Univ. of Toronto. 812. GENETIC STUDIES OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C89 812.1 Evaluation of ADAMTS Levels in Patients with Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis. K. Demircan, A. Tayman, N.A. Bayram, B. Tuğtağ Demir, Z. Fırat Karagöz, T. Fıstık, Ş. Kurga, C. Önder, M. Günhan. Turgut Ozal Univ., Ankara Univ. and Gazi Univ., Turkey. C90 813.1 Testing Specificity of Commercially Available Nicastrin Antibodies. J. Hatter, D. Dries. Juniata Col., PA. C91 813.2 A Trypsin-Like Protease from Alternaria alternata Allergens Promotes Airway Inflammation through Activation of Protease-Activated Receptor-2/β-Arrestin Signaling. M.C. Yee, H.L. Nichols, K. Pal, D. Polley, K.J. Lee, M. Ming, M.D. Seigler, M.D. Hollenberg, M.O. Daines, S. Boitano, K.A. DeFea. Sch. of Med., Univ. of California, Riverside, Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Univ. of Arizona. C92 813.3 Compulsive Grooming and Hyperactivity in Nicastrin Conditional Knockout Mice. D.R. Dries, J. Zhu, S.G. Birnbaum, G. Yu. Juniata Col., PA and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. C93 813.4 Comparison between hPEP and spPEP Inhibition When Varying Size and Position of Inhibitory Peptide of Casein α s1 A.K. Vishram, B.A. Clack. Stephen F. Austin State Univ. C94 813.5 Transcriptome Analysis of Conditional Knockout Mice. C. Biefeld, K. Sztroin, Y. Zhu, G. Yu, D. Dries. Juniata Col., PA and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. C95 813.6 Deletion of nicastrin Leads to Hypomyelination and Transcriptional Changes in Juvenile Mice. M. Yamato, Y. Zhu, D. Dries, G. Yu. Juniata Col., PA and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. 814. PROTEIN AGGREGATION AND AMYLOID DISEASES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C96 814.1 Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of hnRNP A2 and Implications for Structure and Disease Propagation. C.V. Chabata, V. Ryan, N.L. Fawzi. Brown Univ. C97 814.2 What Pathological Mutants Tell Us About Synuclein Aggregation Pathways. A. Bhumkar, Y. Gambin, A. Leitao, Q. Bowden, N. Giles, B. Francois, D. Hunter, T. Boecking, E. Sierecki. Univ. of New South Wales and Inst. for Molec. Biosci., Brisbane. C98 814.3 Prion-Like Protein Polymerisation Underlies Signal Transduction in Innate Immunity: The Emergence of a Universal Mechanism? A. O’Carroll, T. Ve, D. Lau, N. Giles, M. Moustaqil, A. Bhumkar, D. Hunter, B. Kobe, T. Boecking, E. Sierecki, Y. Gambin. Univ. of New South Wales, Griffith Univ. and Sch. of Chem. and Molec. Biosci., Brisbane. C99 814.4 Discovery of a New Prion-Like Behaviour Linked with Infantile Epilepsy. E. Sierecki, Y.J. Chai, V.M. Tomatis, R.S. Gormal, N. Ariotti, N. Giles, D. Xia, R.G. Parton, B. Collins, F.A. Meunier, Y. Gambin. Sch. of Med. Sci., Univ. of New South Wales and Univ. of Queensland. 259 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C100 814.5 Effects of Cinnamon Extract on Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Phosphorylation of Tau. J. Donley, W. Hurt, A. Stockert. Ohio Northern Univ. C101 814.6 Protein Disulfide Isomerase Can Reverse the Aggregation of α-Synuclein. H. Burress, L. Cilenti, A. Serrano, M. Taylor, S. Tatulian, K. Teter. Univ. of Central Florida. C102 814.7 The Molecular Basis for Cross-Species Prion Transmission. T. Kurt, L. Jiang, N. Alderson, J. Liu, D. Eisenberg, C. Sigurdson. UCSD and UCLA. 815. PROTEIN TARGETING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C103 815.1 Effect of rLosac (Lonomia obliqua stuart-factor activator) on Skin Wound Healing. S.A. Andrade, A.C. Sato, M.P. Alvarez-Flores, R. Bosch, A.M. Chudzinski-Tavassi. Butantan Inst., São Paulo. C104 815.2 Preclinical Trials of Amblyomin-X: A Toxicity Study in Mice. A.M. Chudzinski-Tavassi, S.E. Will, J.M. Sciani, R. Bosch, M.B. Goldfeder, D.A. Maria. Butantan Inst., São Paulo. 816. PROTEIN TURNOVER AND QUALITY CONTROL Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C105 816.1 Ataxin3 Deubiquitination Activity Is Stimulated by Association with Specific Binding Partners. M.V. Rao, P.J. Loll. Drexel Univ. Col. of Med. C106 816.2 Expression of Herpud1 during Osteoclast and Osteoblast Differentiation. C. Quiroga, L. Americo Da Silva, G. Mansilla, I. Oyarzún, M. Bustamante, P. Castro, H. Verdejo. Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Chile, Santiago. C107 816.3 A Hect Domain Ubiquitin Ligase Mediates the Degradation of Unassembled Nuclear Proteins in Mammalian Cells. Y. Xu, Y. Ye. NIDDK, NIH. C108 816.4 Structural Determinants of human Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase Protein Degradation. S. Kim, S. Karkashon, S-R. Yeh, M.A. Correia. UCSF and Albert Einstein Col. of Med. C109 816.5 ER Protein Quality Control and Lipid Droplets: Unexpected Functional Connections. J.A. Olzmann. Univ. of California, Berkeley. C110 816.6 p97 Is Critical for Cardiac Proteostasis and Dysregulation of p97 Activity Causes Cardiomyopathy. M.J. Brody, J. Karch, J.D. Molkentin. Cinncinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. and HHMI. 260 817. PROTEIN TURNOVER IN CELL REGULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C111 817.1 N-End-Rule-Mediated Degradation of the Proteolytically Activated Form of PKC-Theta Kinase Attenuates Its Pro-apoptotic Function. M.A. Eldeeb, M. Esmaili, R. Fahlman. Univ. of Alberta. 818. SYSTEMS BIOLOGY OF CELLULAR NETWORKS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C112 818.1 Skeletal Muscle Wasting and Inflammatory Regulation by Ovarian Function and IL-6 in Tumor Bearing Mice. O. Reszczynski, A. Saum, K. Hetzler, J. Carson. Univ. of South Carolina. C113 818.2 Computational Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data Predicts Potential Sources of Phenotypic Variation in Human Glucocorticoid Signaling. S.M. Ryan, T.M. Forst, F.G. Martz, P.J.M. Murphy. Seattle Univ. 819. SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND PROTEOMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C114 819.1 Bioinformatic and Functional Analysis of Venom from the Jewel Wasp Ampulex compressa R. Arvidson, M. Kaiser, S. Pan, F. Libersat, M.E. Adams. Univ. of California, Riverside and Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev. C115 819.2 Mechanism of Action Identified in 30 Days: A Systems Biology Approach. A. Vertes, A.R. Korte, C. LombardBanek, P. Nemes, L. Lida Parvin, Z.J. Sahab, B. Shrestha, S.A. Stopka, W. Yuan, D.I. Bunin, M. Knapp, I. Mason, D.M. Nishita, A. Poggio, C.L. Talcott, M. Yadav, B.M. Davis, A.I. Larriera, C.A. Morton, C.J. Sevinsky, M.I. Zavodszky, N.J. Morris, H.R. Anderson, M.J. Powell, T.T. Razunguzwa. George Washington Univ., SRI Intl., Menlo Park, GE Global Res., Niskayuna, NY and Protea Biosci. Inc., Morgantown, WV. C116 819.3 Dynamic Organellar Maps, a Tool to Study Proteome-Wide Subcellular Localization Changes. D. Itzhak, S. Tyanova, J. Cox, M. Mann, G. Borner. Max Planck Inst. of Biochem., Martinsried. C117 819.4 Characterization of Retinal Thickness Measurements and Their Relationship to Visual Acuity in Progressing Cases of Dry Macular Degeneration. B.J. Klein, L.S. Khadjavi. Loyola Marymount Univ. C118 819.5 Syntrophic Metabolism of Vitamins and Amino Acids in Gut Microbial Community as Revealed by In Silico Genomic Analyses. M.S. Khoroshkin, D. Rodionov. IITP, Russian Acad. of Sci., Moscow and Sanford Burnham Prebys Med. Discovery Inst., San Diego. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C119 819.6 Global Ubiquitylome Profiling for the Identification of Drug Targets in Cancer. N.D. Udeshi, J. Kronke, E. Fink, T. Svinkina, M. Schenone, B. Ebert, S.A. Carr. Broad Inst. of MIT and Harvard, Univ. Hosp. of Ulm, Germany and Brigham and Women’s Hosp. C120 819.7 The Transcription Factors Swi4 and Hap4 Contribute to the Regulation of the Transcriptional Response to Cold Shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae K.W. Wyllie, K.P. McGee, M.V. Hong, K.D. Dahlquist. Loyola Marymount Univ. C121 819.8 Modeling the Dynamics of a 21-Gene, 50Edge Gene Regulatory Network Controlling the Transcriptional Response to Cold Shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using GRNmap. K.G. Johnson, N.E. Williams, B.G. Fitzpatrick, K.D. Dahlquist. Loyola Marymount Univ. C122 819.9 Mathematical Modeling Shows That Gln3 and Zap1 Affect the Dynamics of the Gene Regulatory Network Controlling the Cold Shock Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae T.A. Morris, K.M. Horstmann, K.C. Jackson, B.G. Fitzpatrick, K.D. Dahlquist. Loyola Marymount Univ, CA. and Spelman Col., GA. C123 819.10 Test-Driven Development Improves GRNsight: A Web Application for Visualizing Models of Gene Regulatory Networks. A. Varshneya, N.A. Anguiano, M. Samdarshi, J.D.N. Dionisio, B.G. Fitzpatrick, K.D. Dahlquist. Loyola Marymount Univ. C124 819.11 Novel Quantitative FRET Technology to Determine Protein Interaction Dissociation Constant and Enzymatic Kinetics in Solution for Sumoylation Cascade. J. Liao, Z. Xiong, G. Way, V. Madarha. Univ. of California, Riverside. C125 819.12 Novel Mechanisms of Transcriptional Regulation of Vitamin and Co-factor Metabolism in Archaea. I.A. Rodionova, X. Li, M.W. Vetting, S.C. Almo, A.L. Osterman, D.A. Rodionov. Sanford-Burnham-Prebys Med. Discovery Inst. and Albert Einstein Col. of Med. C126 819.13 Understanding the Lipid Mediated Oligomerisation in Membrane Proteins. K. Gupta, C. Robinson. Univ. of Oxford. C127 819.14 Information Extraction from Native Mass Spectra. S. Guan. UCSF. C128 819.15 Evolutionary and Comparative Genome Analysis of Phage NAD Metabolic Genes. L. Sorci, M.D. Kazanov, S. Gerdes. Marche Polytech Univ., Italy, Russian Acad. of Sci., Moscow and Argonne Natl. Lab., IL. C129 819.16 GRNmap and GRNsight: Open Source Software for Dynamical Systems Modeling and Visualization of Medium-Scale Gene Regulatory Networks. K.D. Dahlquist, B.G. Fitzpatrick, J.D.N. Dionisio, N.A. Anguiano, J.S. Carrillo, M.V. Hong, K.M. Horstmann, K.C. Jackson, K.G. Johnson, T.A. Morris, T.A.M. Roque, M. Samdarshi, A. Varshneya, N.E. Williams, K.W. Wyllie. Loyola Marymount Univ., CA and Spelman Col., GA. 820.TOXICOGENOMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C130 820.1 Using a Toxicogenomic Approach to Understand How Silver Poisons the Bacterial Cell. J. Lemire, K. ChatfieldReed, G. Chua, R.J. Turner. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. 821. WHOLE PROTEOME PROFILING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C131 821.1 Enhanced Sample Preparation for Proteomic Analysis Utilizing Reversible Biotinylation and Polymer-Based Protein Engineering. A. Lucas, C. Cummings, A. Russell, J. Minden. Carnegie Mellon Univ. 822. MASS SPECTROMETRY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C132 822.1 LC-MS/MS Evaluation about How Lipoprotein Lipids Are Oxidized In Vivo. S. Kato, K. Nakagawa, J. Ito, Y. Otoki, A. Asai, M. Nagao, H. Sugihara, S. Oikawa, T. Miyazawa. Grad. Sch. of Agr. Sci., Tohoku Univ., Nippon Med. Sch. and NICHe, Tohoku Univ., Japan. 823.NANOTECHNOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C133 823.1 Multiplexing Metabolomic-Based Disease Diagnosis by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Platform. Y. Chen, R. Premasiri, L.D. Ziegler. Boston Univ. C134 823.2 Targeted Drug Delivery System for Ribonuclease A. V.C. Barceló-Bovea, K. Griebenow, A. CruzMontañez. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. C135 823.3 Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Conformational Changes in Proteins and Peptides. N.T. Ploscariu, J. Tomich. Kansas State Univ. C136 823.4 Absorption Mechanisms of Poly I:C RNA Onto Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: Maximizing the Payload. M. Ramani, R.K. DeLong. Kansas State Univ. 824. NEW MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR IMAGING AGENTS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C137 824.1 Molecular Design and Photophysics of Curcuminoid Chromophores for Application as Photoacoustic Contrast Agents. F.J. Mithila, S. Bellinger-Buckley, M. Frenette, M. Hatamimoslehabadi, C. Yelleswarapu, J. Rochford. Univ. of Massachusetts Boston. C138 824.2 Characterization of Leadmium Green for Fluorescence Detection of Intracellular Cadmium. L.M. Malaiyandi, H. Sharthiya, K.E. Dineley. Midwestern Univ., IL. 261 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C139 824.3 Arc Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cleared Whole Brains Utilizing Hybridization Chain Reaction Amplification. M. Nguyen, M.K. Chawla, C.A. Barnes. Univ. of Arizona. 825. PROTEIN CHEMISTRY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C140 825.1 Easier Elution of Urinary Proteins Preserved on Nitrocellulose Membrane with Heating. W. Qin. Beijing Normal Univ. C141 825.2 The Collection and Preservation of Urinary Proteins Using a Special Diaper. W. Qin. Beijing Normal Univ. C142 825.3 Development of “Inside-Out” PEGylated Crosslinked Hemoglobin Polymers: A Novel HemoglobinBased Oxygen Carrier. K.D. Webster, D. Dahhan, C. Frosti, W. Dean, J.B. Chaires, K.W. Olsen. Loyola Univ. Chicago and Univ. of Louisville. C143 825.4 Novel Anti-cariogenic PhosvitinPhosphopeptides Produced by Hydrostatic Pressure Combined with Enzymatic Hydrolysis. H. Yoo. Univ. of Alberta. 826. PROTEIN/PEPTIDE SEPARATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C144 826.1 Measurements of Endogenous Opioid Peptides in the Rat Brain Using Online-Preservation Microdialysis with Mass Spectrometry. D. Robles, N.D. Laude, C. Kramer, E. Lemister, D. Meske, E. Navratilova, M. Heien, F. Porreca. Univ. of Arizona. 827. RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C145 827.1 Purification of Truncated Wild-Type and Mutant Recombinant Lipoprotein Lipase and Investigating Their Ability to Regulate ABCA1 K.R. Madhwani, J.D. Medh. California State Univ., Northridge. 262 828. GENOMICS/TRANSCRIPTOMICS IN DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C146 828.1 Analysis of Myogenic Markers in Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy Cell Models. M. Harnois, M. Pincus, E. Powers, V. Badarinarayana. Univ. of Arizona and Sanofi, Oro Valley, AZ. C147 828.2 Characterization of Vitamin D and Serotonin Pathway Variations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. C.M. Dussik, A. Grozić, M. Hockley, L. Zhang, J. Park, J. Wang, C. Nickerson, S.H.Yale, A. Foxx-Orenstein, T. Sandrin, P. Jurutka. Arizona State Univ., Biodesign Inst.,Tempe, North Florida Reg. Med. Ctr., Mayo Clin. Col. of Med., Scottsdale and Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. C148 828.3 Noninvasive Detection of Fetal Subchromosomal Abnormalities by Semiconductor Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA. D.D. Zhang, K. Zhang. UCSD. 829. INTEGRATIVE OMICS BIOINFORMATICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C149 829.1 Temporal Shifts in Differential Changes and Regulatory Relations among Multi-omic Assays in Social Defeat Mouse Model of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. S. Muhie, A. Gautam, N. Chakraborty, R. Hammamieh, J. Meyerhoff, M. Jett. U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, MD. 830.METABOLOMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C150 830.1 Modification of Urinary Metabolome in Young Women after Cranberry Juice Consumption Were Revealed Using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap-HRMS-based Global Metabolomics Approach. H. Liu, T.J. Garrett, Z. Su, C. Khoo, L. Gu. Univ. of Florida and Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc., Lakeville, ME. C151 830.2 A Metabolomics Investigation of the Physiological Component of the Innate Immune Response in Raw264.7 Macrophages Treated with Nitric Oxide Inhibitors. A. May, J. Wepy, L. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 831.OMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C152 831.1 Simultaneously Revealing All Lysine Acylations in an Organism to Elucidate Substrate Metabolism. H.H.T. Nguyen, J.A. Loo, R.R. Ogorzalek Loo. UCLA. C153 831.2 Identification of Apoptosis Inducing Signaling Pathways and Characterization of Sclerotium rolfsii lectin (SRL) Binding Proteins from Human Colon Epithelial Cancer HT29 Cells. N. Guha, R. Gudihal, S. Barkeer, D. SA, A. Padmanaban, S. Inamdar. Agilent Technologies,Bangalore and Karnatak Univ., India. C154 831.3 Characterization of the Epigenomic Status of the U.S. OEF/OIF War Veterans: A Pilot Clinical Study. N. Chakraborty, S. Muhie, R. Yang, A. Gautam, D. Donohue, B. Daigel, Y. Zhang, D.A. Amara, J. Flory, R. Yehuda, F. Doyle, R. Hammamieh, C. Marmar, M. Jett. U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Frederick, NCI-Frederick, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, NYU Sch. of Med. and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. C155 831.4 Omics Approaches for Discovery of Natural Anti-aging and Anti-cancer Compounds and Defining Mechanisms of Their Action. V. Titorenko, A. Leonov, A. ArliaCiommo, Y. Medkour, V. Svistkova. Concordia Univ., Montreal. 832. OMICS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C156 832.1 Genomics of Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Familial Based Approach. J.L. Coble, K. Sheldon, F. Yue, L. Schneper, C. Choi, K. Poirier, T. Salameh, L. Harris, S. Deiling, F. Ruggiero, J.R. Broach, W.A. Koltun, G.S. Gerhard. Penn State, Hershey and Temple Univ. Col. of Med. 833. ENZYME DYNAMICS AND ENZYME MOTIONS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C157 833.1 Investigating the Role of the Primer-Template Terminus in the Conformational Dynamics of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA Polymerase I Using FRET. T.D. Christian, W. Konigsberg. Yale Univ. C158 833.2 Cytotoxicity of Calpain Inhibitor KR-180 R. Alzahrani, A. Baashirah, E. Myles, I. Donkor, W. Boadi, X. Wang. Tennessee State Univ. and Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr. C159 833.3 Evolution of Phospholipases A2 in Catalysis and Allosteric Regulation by Membranes. V.D. Mouchlis, J.A. McCammon, E.A. Dennis. UCSD. C160 833.4 Ramachandran Outliers in Ligand-Induced Protein Structural Changes. K.H.J. West, W.R.P. Novak. Wabash Col., IN. C161 833.5 Conservative Substitutions of Buried Amino Acid Residues Distant from the Active Site of Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Have Small Effects on Structure, Catalysis and Dynamics. B.V. Plapp, K. Shanmuganatham, R.S. Wallace, A.T-I. Lee. Univ. of Iowa. C162 833.6 Large Scale Structural Rearrangement Provides Dual Control Over the Catalytic and Membrane Binding Activity of a Bacterial Serine Hydrolase. R.J. Johnson, M. Smith, W. Hart. Butler Univ. C163 833.7 Dynamic Equilibria Studies of FTT258, a Serine Hydrolase from Francisella tularensis P. Rabin, R.J. Johnson. Butler Univ. C164 833.8 Dissociation Constants for Reversible Homodimers of Recombinant Monomeric Human Acetylcholinesterase. Z. Radic. Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., UCSD. C165 833.9 Overlay Independent Comparison of Acetylcholinesterase 3D Structures Reveals Ligand-Specific Backbone Changes upon Reversible and Covalent Binding. Z. Radic, J. Rohrer, M. Sidhom, J. Han. Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., UCSD. C166 833.10 Structural and Functional Analysis of Acetylcholinesterase Complexes with In Situ Click-Chemistry Inhibitors. P. Marchot, K.B. Sharpless, P. Taylor, Y. Bourne. CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ, The Scripps Res. Inst. and Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., UCSD. 834. ENZYME KINETICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C167 834.1 Structural, Biochemical Characterization, and Evolutionary Origin of Alcohol/Aldehyde Dehydrogenases in Entamoeba J. Leitao, A. Espinosa. Roger Williams Univ. C168 834.2 Biochemical Characterization of Two Evolutionary Distant Ten-Eleven Translocation Enzymes and Their Utility in 5-Methylcytosine Sequencing in the Genomes at Single-Base Resolution. L. Saleh, E. Tamanaha, R. Vaisvila, J.E. Pais, N. Dai, S. Guan, I.R. Corrêa; Jr., Y. Zheng. New England Biolabs. C169 834.3 Evaluating the Catalytic Role of a Conserved Glutamate Residue in Triosephosphate Isomerase. N. Seangmany, A. Nguyen, A. Chan, J. Schwans. California State Univ., Long Beach. C170 834.4 Expression, Purification and Enzymatic Characterization of Brugia malayi Dihydrofolate Reductase. R. Perez-Abraham. Montclair State Univ., NJ. C171 834.5 Kinetics and Binding Studies Reveal That His-40 Is Essential for Catalysis in F420-Dependent Glucose-6Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. Oyugi, J. Mayfield, G. Bashiri, E. Baker, Y. Zhang, K. Johnson-Winters. Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Univ. of Texas at Austin and Univ. of Auckland. C172 834.6Withdrawn C173 834.7 A New Role of Cysteine Residues in Human H-Ferritin Activity. J.Y. Yeom. Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. 263 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C174 834.8 Characterization of a Novel Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase in Bacillus niacini M.A. Dasovich, M.J. Snider, M.T. Peterson. The Col. of Wooster, OH. C175 834.9 Characterization and Identification of Metabolites in the Oxidation of Nicotinic Acid by Bacillus niacini N.P. Lesner, M.T. Peterson, M.J. Snider. The Col. of Wooster, OH. C176 834.10 Biodiesel Production via Genetically Altered Lipase from Proteus mirabilis Transesterification in Methyl Acetate. A.N. McDonnell, J. Altier, D. Carey, D.S. Witherow. Univ. of Tampa. C177 834.11 Coevolution and Disease-Causing Mutations in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. A. Cunningham, A. Colavin, KC. Huang, D. Mochly-Rosen. Stanford Univ. C178 834.12 Mutational Analysis of the Catalytic Mechanism of a Peroxidase Enzyme from the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana E. Bordeaux, S. Rampur, K. Frato. Seattle Univ. C179 834.13 Understanding the Ability of Heavily Contaminated Soil to Sustain Enzyme Function. D. LeRoux. Montclair State Univ. C180 834.14 Fluorescent Assay of Ubiquitin Conjugation. C. Jackson, C. Berndsen. James Madison Univ. C181 834.15 Transition Metal Cation Inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Esterase Rv0045c. B. Lancaster, G. Hoops, R.J. Johnson. Butler Univ. C182 834.16 Structural and Biochemical Characterization of AidC, a Quorum-Quenching Lactonase with Atypical Selectivity. R.N. Mascarenhas. Loyola Univ. Chicago. C183 834.17 Fluorophore Conjugation to Substrates Affects Lysine Deacetylase Activity and Specificity. T.B. Toro, T.J. Watt. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C184 834.18 Probing the Role of a Catalytic Residue in a Lysine Deacetylase. K.A. Nichols, T.B. Toro, T.J. Watt. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C185 834.19 Impact of a KDAC4 Active Site Residue on Activity and Specificity. J.R. Bryant, T.B. Toro, T.J. Watt. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. C186 834.20 Substrate Specificity of the Rv0045c Hydrolase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis G.C. Hoops, A.D. White, R.J. Johnson. Butler Univ. C187 834.21 Investigating the Half-Site Reactivity of a Member of the PNDOR Family of Proteins. W. Li, D. To, J. Lee, E.J. Crane, M. Sazinsky. Pomona Col., CA. C188 834.22 The Role of Aspartate 141 in the Regulation of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens ADP-Glc Pyrophosphorylase. H.P. Patel, L. Gonzalez-Martin, V. Renata, M. Ballicora. Loyola Univ. of Chicago. 835. REGULATION AND ALLOSTERISM Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C189 835.1 Examination of the Mechanism of Intersubunit Communication in Pyruvate Carboxylase Using Mixed Hybrid Tetramers. L.E. Westerhold, T.N. Zeczycki. Brody Sch. of Med. at East Carolina Univ. C190 835.2 Control of Enzyme Function through Loop Dynamics. C.N. Chi, B. Vogeli, S. Bibow. ETH, Zurich. 264 C191 835.3 Structure-Function Studies of ADPGlucose Pyrophosphorylase from Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii: Probing the Role of the C-Terminus in Allosteric Regulation. S. Kaur, A. Avila, A. Espinoza, L. Mulato, J. Chan, M. Susoeff, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton. C192 835.4 Probing the Role of the N-Terminus in the ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii E. Yik, E. Pushkarev, D. Campbell, C. Diep, N. Duran, J. Nguyen, A. Orry, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton and Molsoft LLC, San Diego. C193 835.5 Structure-Function Studies of the ADPglucose Pyrophosphorylase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens: Defining the Roles of the K310 and P288 Residues in Allosteric Regulation. V. Duong, J. Butz, T. Nguyen, J. Ochoa, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton. C194 835.6 Decoupling the Allosteric Activation of Ubiquitin Specific Protease 7 by Its Ubiquitin-Like Domains for the Development of Small Molecule Inhibitors. N.M. Hjortland, A. Pepe, K. Molland, A. Mesecar. Purdue Univ. and Cook Biotech, West Lafayette. C195 835.7 Unexpected pH-Dependent DNA Binding of CooA, a CO-Sensing Transcription Factor from Rhodospirillum rubrum B.R. Weaver, R.M. DeVries, A.J. Gunter, R.W. Clark. Valparaiso Univ. C196 835.8 The Agrobacterium tumefaciens ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase G329D Mutant Exists in a Pre-activated State. B.L. Hill, R. Mascarenhas, A.M. Koenig, F. Huerta, S. Khan, A.A. Iglesias, D. Liu, M. Ballicora. Loyola Univ. Chicago and Univ. of Buenos Aires. C197 835.9 Regulation of N-Myristoyltransferase by Akt/ PKB Mediated Phosphorylation. S. Kumar, R.K. Sharma. Col. of Med., Univ. of Saskatchewan. C198 835.10 Dynamic Flexibility of p97 AAA ATPase Is Important for Cofactor Regulation. T-F. Chou. Harbor-UCLA and LABioMed, Torrance. C199 835.11 Probing the Role of Threonine-221 and Lysine-397 in ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Deinococcus radiodurans J. Reynaga, G. Szczeblowski, C. Salas, A. Le-Pham, L. Ong, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton. C200 835.12 Structure-Function Studies of Deinococcus radiodurans ADP Glucose Pyrophosphorylase: Role of Ser48 in Allosteric Regulation. A. Le-Pham, J. Qoborsi, L. Ong, A. Orry, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton and Molsoft LLC, San Diego. C201 835.13 Structure-Function Studies of the Thermotoga maritima ADPGlucose Pyrophosphorylase: Probing the Role of the C-Terminus of the GlgD Subunit. J. Tiet, A. Kuipers, C. Vu, A. Orry, C.R. Meyer. California State Univ., Fullerton and Molsoft LLC, San Diego. C202 835.14 Phosphorylation Site Specificity for 14-3-3 Protein Binding to Tyrosine Hydroxylase Studied by Chemical Cross-Linking. S.C. Daubner, E.J. Vogt, S. Mallet. St. Mary’s Univ., TX. C203 835.15 Regulation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Studied by Fluorescence Anistotropy and Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer. S.C. Daubner, L. Teran, A. Rodriguez, E. Cruz. St. Mary’s Univ., TX. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 836. STRUCTURAL ENZYMOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C204 836.1 Modification of the Flexible Loop of Tyrosine Hydroxylase That Determines Substrate Specificity. S.C. Daubner, S. Rios. St. Mary’s Univ. C205 836.2 Structural Basis for Weight Loss in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Modeling of Gly80 and Ser80 Variants of Human Group IID Phospholipase A2 and Their Receptor Complexes. G. Hariprasad, A.S. Ethayathulla, M.I. Khan. All India Inst. of Med. Sci., New Delhi. C206 836.3 Structural Insights Into Novel Esterase. S. Rhee, S. Kim. Seoul Natl. Univ. C207 836.4 Determining the Structure of NRPSIndependent Siderophore Synthetase DesD Using X-Ray Crystallography. K.L. Karimi, K.M. Hoffmann. California Lutheran Univ. C208 836.5 Structural and Functional Substrate Binding in an Iterative Non-ribosomal Peptide Synthetase Independent Siderophore Enzyme from Streptomyces coelicolor K.M. Hoffmann. California Lutheran Univ. C209 836.6 Structural Characterization of SOD5 Mutants from Candida albicans J. Villarreal, R.L. Peterson, A.B. Taylor, S.P. Holloway, A. Galaleldeen, V.C. Culotta, P.J. Hart. St. Mary’s Univ., TX, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. C210 836.7 Engineering a Putative Zinc Binding Site in SO. D5 C. Moreno Romero, R.L. Peterson, A.B. Taylor, S.P. Holloway, A. Galaleldeen, V.C. Culotta, P.J. Hart. St. Mary’s Univ., TX, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. 837. STRUCTURAL ENZYMOLOGY OF MEMBRANE PROTEINS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C211 837.1 Human Alpha3 Beta1 Isoform of Na+/K+ATPase: Expression in Yeast, Mutations and Their Relation to Neurological Disorders. J. Geletičová, M. Kubala, D. Sorensen, P.A. Pedersen, P. Nissen. Palacky Univ. in Olomouc, Czech Republic, Univ. of Copenhagen and Aarhus Univ., Denmark. 838. BIOCATALYSIS, BIOENERGY, AND BIORENEWABLES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C212 838.1 Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Putative Oleate Hydratase Isozyme from Nocardia cholesterolicum NRRL 5767 J-K. Huang, H.B. Alhmadi, D.R. Vanderway, C.A. Hoerner, L. Wen. Western Illinois Univ. C213 838.2 Molecular Cloning and Expression of an Oleate Hydratase from Nocardia cholesterolicum NRRL 5767 D.R. Vanderway, H.B. Alhmadi, J.D. Diaz, L. Wen, J-K. Huang. Western Illinois Univ. C214 838.3 Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Secondary Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Nocardia cholesterolicum NRRL 5767 J.D. Diaz, D.R. Vanderway, M. Flores, L. Wen, J-Q. Huang. Western Illinois Univ. C215 838.4 The Energetic Cost of Improved Acid Resistance. E.C. Keffeler, S. Payne, P. Blum. Missouri Western State Univ. and Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. C216 838.5 Optimization and Lipid Quantitation of Potential Algal Biofuels Feedstocks. S.J. Brad, B.E. Umbach, E.D. Gehlhausen, C.R. Sweet. U.S. Naval Acad., Annapolis. C217 838.6 Correlating Gene Expression Profiles to Lipid Induction in the Microalga Chlorella protothecoides R.S.J. Maggard, R.L. Waikel. Eastern Kentucky Univ. 839. BIOSYNTHESIS OF COMPLEX MOLECULES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C218 839.1 Substrate Synthesis and Inhibitor Design for Synthetase DesD from Streptomyces coelicolor B.A. Smolarski, H.J. Adetyan, J.S. Kingsbury, K.M. Hoffmann. California Lutheran Univ. 840. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C219 840.1 Strategies to Enable Practical Electrochemical Diagnostics for Proteins and Small Molecules. A.J. Bonham, A. Bulow, L.C. Fetter, J. Richards, J. Daniel, M. McCoy. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver. C220 840.2 Design of a Genetically Encoded 4Fe-4S Cluster Sensor. C. Glynn, J.D. Grossman, D. Perlstein. Boston Univ. 265 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY 841. CHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C221 841.1 Skin Preparations from Catfish (Arius bilineatus, Val.) Contain a Lipid Which Inhibits Cancer Cell Survival In Vitro. J.M. Al-Hassan, M. Afzal, B.M. Paul, S. Oommen, Y.F. Liu, C. Pace-Asciak. Kuwait Univ., CMS Col. Kottayam, India and Univ. of Toronto Sick Kids Hosp. Res. Inst. C222 841.2 Uranyl Ion Biosensors for Water Quality and Safety. S.J. Jett, A.J. Bonham. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver. C223 841.3 Antioxidant Activity of the Hexanic Extract from Eryngium Carlinae In Vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D. Peña-Montes, J. Mejía-Barajas, M. Clemente-Guerrero, R. Salgado-Garciglia, C. Cortés-Rojo, R. Montoya-Pérez, S. Manzo-Avalos, A. Saavedra-Molina. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico. C224 841.4 Antioxidant Activity of the Seed Oil Extract from Eryngium carlinae In Vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J.A. Mejía-Barajas, A.L. Rodríguez-Lino, R. Torres-Martínez, R. Salgado-Garciglia, C. Cortés-Rojo, R. Montoya-Pérez, A. Saavedra-Molina. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico. C225 841.5 Antiproliferative Effect of Curcumin and Kaempferol on Colon Cancer Cells. A. Kaverimanian, N. Khatwani, U. Ezekiel. Saint Louis Univ. C225A 841.6 Amino Acid Selection during Teicoplanin Biosynthesis Can Be Switched by a Point Mutation. T. Kittilä, M.J. Cryle. Max Planck Inst. for Med. Res., Heidelberg and EMBL, Monash Univ., Australia. 842. DRUG DISCOVERY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C226 842.1 Biological, Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Cu (II) Complexes: Applications to the Development of Anticancer Metallodrugs. A. Lewis, K. Fox, J. Tanski, L. Tyler. Union Col. and Vassar Col. C227 842.2 Docking into Homology Models in Tandem with Structure Activity Relationships: Bradykinin B2 Receptor Complexed with Non-opioid Dynorphin A Analogues. C. Chan, Y. Lee, V. Hruby. Univ. of Arizona. C228 842.3 Antiproliferative Effects of Hinute-AM in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines. S. Mukherjee, P. Mitra, A. Ratna, M. Maebuchi, H. Furuta, S.K. Das. Meharry Med. Col. and Fuji OIl Co., Ibaraki,Japan. C229 842.4 Design, Synthesis, and Development of Broad Spectrum Coronaviral 3C-Like Protease Inhibitors to Target Emerging Human Pathogens: A Phylochemical Approach. S.E. St. John, A.D. Mesecar. Purdue Univ. 266 C230 842.5 Organic Synthesis of Novel Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors Activated by Prostate-Specific Antigen for the Treatment of Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer. R.A. Nelson. Wake Forest Univ. C231 842.6 The Structural Basis of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibition by Fenamates. S. Xu, S. Banerjee, S.N. Kudalkar, E.T. Perry, K. Ghebreselasie, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ., Argonne Natl. Lab. and Cornell Univ. C232 842.7 Engineered FGF-1 Derivatives Lacking Cysteine for Treating Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy. D. Eveleth, R. Bradshaw, M. Blaber. Trefoil Therapeut. LLC, San Diego and Florida State Univ. C233 842.8 L- to D- Amino Acid Substitution Impacts the Cellular Penetration Activity and the Intracellular Behavior of the Endosomolytic Delivery Agent dfTAT. K. Najjar, A. ErazoOliveras, J-P. Pellois. Texas A&M Univ. C234 842.9 Late Endosomes and Its Unique Anionic Lipid bis(Monoacylglycero)phosphate Act as Doorways for the Endosomal Escape and Cytosolic Entry of the FluorescentlyLabeled Dimeric Cell-Penetrating Peptide dfTAT and Bioactive Cargos. A. Erazo-Oliveras, K. Najjar, D. Truong, T-Y. Wang, J-P. Pellois. Texas A&M Univ. C234A 842.10 Engineered Caspases with Altered Specificities Enable Identification of Exosites. J.A. Hardy, M. Hill, D.J. MacPherson, P. Wu, O. Julien, J.A. Wells. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and UCSF. 843. ENZYMOLOGY OF GLYCOSYL-TRANSFERASES AND HYDROLASES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C235 843.1 Biophysical and Biochemical Analyses of Cellulase-Polymer Bioconjugates for Biofuel Applications. K. Makaroff, M. Lucius, T. Wright, J. Stewart, C. Williams, J. Berberich, D. Konkolewicz, R.C. Page. Miami Univ. C236 843.2 Mutagenesis Study to Reveal Important Determinants of XXT2 Catalytic Activity. A.L. Smith, A.T. Culbertson, O.A. Zabotina. Iowa State Univ. C237 843.3 Optimizing a Chemoenzymatic Method to Produce a Photocrosslinking Nucleotide Donor Sugar for the N. meningitidis Serogroup W Capsule Polymerase. C. Gonzalez. Morgan State Univ. C237A 843.4 Structure and Biosynthesis of Complex N-Glycan Cores and Antennae in Nematodes. I.B.H. Wilson, S. Yan, K. Paschinger. Univ. of Nat. Resources and Life Sci., Vienna. C237B 843.5 Bacterial Glycosidases Acting on Red Blood Cells. Y. Bourne, G. Ponchel, V. Roig-Zamboni, E.P. Bennett, B. Henrissat, H. Clausen, G. Sulzenbacher. CNRS, AixMarseille Univ. and Copenhagen Ctr. for Glycomics. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 844.N-GLYCOSYLATION 848. MECHANISTICALLY-INFORMED DRUG DESIGN Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C238 844.1 Silencing Mannosylphospho Dolichol Synthase with shRNA Impacts Differentiation of Capillary Endothelial Cells. K. Baksi, Z. Zhang, A. Banerjee, J.E. Serrano, L.E. Perez, L. Linares, A. Seijo, N. Sanchez, U. Katiyar, D.K. Banerjee. Univ. Central del Caribe and Univ. of Puerto Rico. C239 844.2 Analysis of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Glycosylation and Its Role in Angiogenesis. K.B. Chandler, K. Khatri, D.R. Leon, R.D. Meyer, N. Rahimi, C.E. Costello. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. 845.O-GLCNAC Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C239A 845.1 Elevated O-GlcNAcylation Levels Improve Mitochondrial Function. E.P. Tan, R. Swerdlow, C. Slawson. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. C239B 845.2 O-GlcNAcylation of the Human Kinome. X. Liu, G. Han, L. Wells, L. Graves, H. Zhu, J. Neiswinger, G.W. Hart. Johns Hopkins Univ., Univ. of Gerogia and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 846.O-GLYCOSYLATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C239C 846.1 Defects in Protein O-Mannosylation Result in Abnormal Muscle Contractions and Aberrant Neural Sensory Feedback in Drosophila. V. Panin, R. Baker, N. Nakamura, D. Lyalin. Texas A&M Univ. 847. SIGNALING IN GLYCOBIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C240 847.1 Lectin-Based Methods for In Vivo Characterization of C-Mannosylated Proteins. N.R. Kegley, S. Naylor, J. Rakus. Marshall Univ. C240A 847.2 Lectin Nucleotide Phosphohydrolases May Function as Co-receptors or Modulators of Several ChitinBased Oligosaccharide Signaling Events in Plants. M.E. Etzler, N. Roberts, G. Kalsi. Univ. of California, Davis, AgRes. Grasslands Res. Ctr., New Zealand and ITC Ltd., Bengaluru, India. C241 848.1 Heterologous Expression of Multidrug Resistance Proteins. C.A. Marchesseault, P.D. Vogel, J.G. Wise. So. Methodist Univ. C242 848.2 Correlating the Reversal of Multidrug Resistance in Cancers by Novel P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors to the Expression of ABC Transporters. A.L. Sunshine, C.A. Follit, C. Marchesseault, J.G. Wise, P.D. Vogel. So. Methodist Univ. C243 848.3 Inhibition of ABC-Transporters by In Silico Identified Small Molecules. C.A. Follit, A.K. Nanayakkara, J.G. Wise, P.D. Vogel. So. Methodist Univ. C244 848.4 Functional Reconstitution of P-Glycoprotein Into Nanodiscs: Biochemical and Biophysical Evaluation. G. Chen, M. Oliveira, J.G. Wise, P.D. Vogel. So. Methodist Univ. C245 848.5 In Silico Selective Screening for Inhibitors of ABC Transporters That Minimizes Off Target Toxicity. J.W. McCormick, C.A. Follit, P.D. Vogel, J.G. Wise. So. Methodist Univ. C245A.848.6 Potent Lipidated Antagonists to ProteaseActivated Receptor 2 S. Boitano, J. Hoffman, A. Flynn, C.L. Sherwood, Z. Zhang, R. Patek, T.J. Price, J. Vagner. Univ. of Arizona and Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Richardson. 849. METABOLIC NETWORKS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C246 849.1 De Novo Synthesis from Tryptophan in the Absence of a QPRTase Homolog Contributes to NAD+ Biosynthesis in C. elegans M.R. McReynolds, W. Wang, L. Holleran, W. Hanna-Rose. Penn State. 850. METABOLIC REGULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C247 850.1 The Ins and Outs of Regulating Gln3, the Major Nitrogen-Responsive Transcription Activator in Saccharomyces cerevisiae T.G. Cooper, R. Rai, J.J. Tate. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis. C248 850.2 The Four Faces of Gln3 and Its Response to Nitrogen Catabolite Repression. T.G. Cooper, J.J. Tate, R. Rai. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis. C249 850.3 Altered Zinc Ion Levels and Transporter Expression Indicate That High Liver Copper Disrupts Zinc Metabolism in the Atp7b-/- Mouse Model of Wilson Disease. K. Meacham, J. Burkhead. Univ. of Alaska Anchorage. 267 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C250 850.4 Hepatic Nuclear Factor 4 Alpha Regulates Transcriptional Control of Amino Acid Catabolism. S. Tobon, L.A. Velazquez-Villegas, V. Ortiz, N. Torres, A.R. Tovar. UNAM and Salvador Zubiran Natl. Inst. of Hlth. Sci. and Nutr., Mexico City. C251 850.5 Inhibition of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Induces Beige Adipocytes through Angiotensin-(1-7) in 3T1-L1 Adipocytes and Obese Mice. A.E. Vargas-Castillo, L. Del Valle-Mondragon, N. Torres, E. Hong, A.R. Tovar. CINVESTAV, IPN, Salvador Zubiran Natl. Inst. of Hlth. Sci. and Nutr. and Natl. Inst. of Cardiol., Mexico City. C252 850.6 GPR109a Signaling Alters the Hepatic Response to Fasting. C.E. Foy, C. Hepler, B.J. Renquist. Univ. of Arizona and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. C253 850.7 Effect of Frequent Intake of Sweeteners on the JAK2/STAT3 Signaling Pathway in the Central Nervous System of Mice. A.A. Barrios, I. Contreras, J.A. Estrada. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. C254 850.8 Mitochondrial Translocator Protein (TSPO) Is a Regulator of Fatty Acid Metabolism. L.N. Tu, A.H. Zhao, M. Hussein, V. Selvaraj. Cornell Univ. C255 850.9 Sequestration-Mediated Downregulation of de Novo Purine Biosynthesis by AMPK. D.L. Schmitt, S. An. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County. C256 850.10 Chronic Caloric Restriction Alters Nutrient Sensing in Skeletal Muscle in High-Fat Diet Fed Rats. D. Hernandez-Saavedra, H. Chen, Y-X. Pan. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. C257 850.11 Life Long High Fat Diet Causes Hepatic Lipid Accumulation by Programming Lipid Synthesis Genes in Liver of Male Rat. P.M. Jung, D. Zhou, L. Moody, A. Kriska, H. Chen, Y-X. Pan. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Mayo Clin. 851. METABOLISM AND DIABETES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C258 851.1 Activation of Adiponectin Receptors induces Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin Type 9 Expression by Activating PPARgamma Pathway. L. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, J. Han, Y. Duan. Nankai Univ., China. C259 851.2 Antidiabetic Effect of the Ethanolic Extracts of Azadirachta indica Leaves on Streptozotocin-Induced Wistar Rats. E.L. Aniefuna, O. Omorevbarhia. Ministry of Sci. and Technol. and Nnamdi Azikiwe Univ., Awka, Nigeria. C260 851.3 Hyperglycemia Is Exacerbated by Dysregulation of Hepatic SREBP1c-CRY1 Signaling Pathway. J.B. Kim, W.G. Choi, H. Jang, G.Y. Lee, G. Lee, Y.G. Jeon. Sch. of Biol. Sci., Seoul Natl. Univ. C261 851.4 Determining the Role of Skeletal Muscle MicroRNA-133a in Early-Onset Insulin Resistance. S. da Silva Rosa, W. Mughal, L. Nguyen, D. Chapman, M. Aliani, T. Pereira, C. Rampitsch, V. Dolinsky, J. Gordon. Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst. of Manitoba, Univ. of Manitoba and Agr. and Agrifood Canada, Morden, MB. C262 851.5 Placental Expression of NFAT5, SLC5A3, and Aldose Reductase in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. C. Mejia, P.R. Reynolds, J.A. Arroyo. Brigham Young Univ. 268 C263 851.6 Treatment with Diet or Insulin Induces a Different Placental Ceramide Expression during Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. C.A. Mejia, T. Monson, C. Jordan, B.T. Bikman, P.R. Reynolds, J.A. Arroyo. Brigham Young Univ. C264 851.7 Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) and Insulin Resistance: Differential Effects of CLA Isomers on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. J.K. Dammanahalli, P.V. Subbaiah. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Jesse Brown VA Med. Ctr. C265 851.8 Decreasing O-GlcNAc Levels Reverses Diabetic Nephropathy-Associated Phenotypes. S. Peterson, M. Delannoy, P. Banerjee, G. Hart. Johns Hopkins Univ. C266 851.9 Molecular Mechanism of Insulin Resistance in Offspring of Obese Fathers. X. Liu, J. Ozbolt, R. Fuchs, Y. Zhang, L. Consitt, Y. Slyvka, F. Nowak. Ohio Univ. C267 851.10 Plasma Concentrations of FAM3D Protein Is Higher in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treated with Sulfonylureas. J.A.J. Neves, R. Feliciano, D. Giannella-Neto. Univ. Nove De Julho, São Paulo. C268 851.11 Liraglutide Induces Brown Adipocyte Specific Genes in Mice Skeletal Muscle Tissue. L. Li, J.Y. Zhou, J. Bahaee. Central Michigan Univ. and McGill Univ. C269 851.12 Robust Glucose and 1,5-Anhydroglucitol Uptake Assays Using Novel Fluorescent Conjugates. S. Li, S. Khatwani, Y. Lin, G. Tchaga, G. Yan. Biovision Inc., Milpitas, CA. C270 851.13 Investigating the Regulation of GuanylateBinding Protein1 Expression during Adipose Tissue Inflammation. X. Qiu, X. Chen. Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities. C271 851.14 Effects of Aqueous Cinnamon Extract on 3T3L1 Cell Size, Lipid Volume and Lipase Activity. A. Stockert, S. Newstead, E. Freeh, M. Stephan, A. Aulthouse. Ohio Northern Univ. C272 851.15 Effects of Thymol on 3T3-L1 Differentiation and Lipase Activity. O. Dinsmore, E. Wells, A. Aulthouse, A. Stockert. Ohio Northern Univ. C273 851.16 Effects of Paternal High Fat Diet on Plasma Leptin, Adiponectin, and Insulin in Offspring of C57BL/6 Mice. A. Zontini, Y. Slyvka, Y. Zhang, F.V. Nowak. Ohio Univ. C274 851.17 Comparison of a Novel Commercial Immunoassay, AGILE Research, and the Meso Scale Discovery Array System for the Quantification of Insulin and Leptin in Human Plasma. S. Afsahi, A. Walker, D. Pan, M. Lerner, D.D. Sears, B. Goldsmith, F.E. Barron. Nanomed. Diagnostics Inc., San Diego and UCSD. C275 851.18 Correlation between Tau Accumulation in Brain and Retina of Individuals with Late Stage Alzheimer’s Disease. V. Bondarenko, D. Skyba. Touro Univ. Nevada. 852. HUMAN MICROBIOME Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C276 852.1 In Vivo Efficacy and Durability of Anti-infective Foley Catheters Functionalized with Silver Nano Particle and Antibiotics. K.P. Srinivasakumar, R. Mala, A. Aglin, S. Kiruthika, C. VazagaPriya. Inbiotics, India and Mepco Schlenk Engineering Col., India. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C277 852.2 Patterns of 16s rRNA Microbial Regions in Aggressor-Exposed Mice with Features of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. A. Gautam, A. Hoke, R. Kumar, N. Chakraborty, S. Muhie, R. Hammamieh, M. Jett. The Geneva Fndn., Frederick Natl. Lab. for Cancer Res. and U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, MD. C278 852.3 Identification of Novel Antimicrobial Peptides to Be Used in Functional Foods. S. Doering, M. Thomas, J.E. Grant, E.J. Lee. Univ. of Wisconsin-Stout. 853. ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C279 853.1 The Conserved DedA/Tvp38 Membrane Protein Family Plays a Role in Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa M.R. Justice, J.S. Justice, W.T. Doerrler. LSU, Baton Rouge. C280 853.2 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XI: Critical Appraisal of Disposal Method of National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. S. Kannan, L. Robles, N. Moody, M. Delgado, V. Garcia, K. Moore, L. Echeverria, P. Ruiz, C. Martinez. Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C281 853.3 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XII: Trifling Role of SMARXT Disposal™ to Mitigate the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance. S. Kannan, P. Ambriz, O. Flores, P. Fernandez, N. Carrales, E. Mata, A. Moreno, E. Herrera, J. Hernandez. Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C282 853.4 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XIII: Critical Appraisal of Incineration of Prescription Drug En Masse from National Drug Take Back Day by United States Drug Enforcement Administration – Department of Justice. S. Kannan, J. Munoz, J. Luna, R. Rosales, J. Rodriguez, V. Ruiz, M. Velez, L. Rodriguez, D. Chavez, P. Subburaj. Southwest Texas Junior Col. and Sul Ross State Univ., Eagle Pass, TX. C283 853.5 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance (AR) XIV: Inter-agency Anomaly in Data Sharing Debilitate the Mitigation of AR Pandemic. S. Kannan, A. Villarreal, E. Valdez, R. Villarreal-Moreno, J. Sanchez, G. Serna, K. Salazar, V. Rodriguez, M. Padilla, C. Navejas. Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C284 853.6 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance (Ar) XV: Genetic (Modification) Roulette Impairs Response to Antibiotics – An Insidious AR Pandemic Phenomenon. S. Kannan, A. Alvarez, G. Hernandez, M. Hernandez, J. Garza, T. Carrizales, D. Carrizales, C. Crabtree, P. Subburaj. Southwest Texas Junior Col. and Sul Ross State Univ., Eagle Pass. C285 853.7 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XX: CDC (Frieden’s) Report on AR and Executive Strategy to Mitigate AR Pandemic Fail to Account Human Migration (Immigrants) and Hardy-Weinberg -Castle Principle. S. Kannan, A. Alvarez, D. Carrizales, T. Carrizales, S. Jouregui, N. Moody. Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C286 853.8 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XVI: “Role of Lax Regulations on Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in AR Pandemic” – Antibiotics, and Estradiol Are Detected in Four Surface Water Sites of Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio, Texas. S. Kannan, D. Carrizales, T. Carrizales, M. Hernandez, M. Moody. Southwest Texas Junior Col. and Fort Duncan Reg. Med. Ctr., Eagle Pass, TX. C287 853.9 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance VIII: “Auto Medication”, a Universal Practice That Contravenes HardyWeinberg-Castle Principle, Escalates as a Serious Risk Factor in Mitigating AR Pandemic. S. Kannan, D. Carrizales, T. Carrizales, A. Alvarez, S. Jouregui. Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C288 853.10 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance XIX: An Alternative to Incineration of Prescription Drug Collection En Masse. S. Kannan, L. Echeverria, J. Munoz, J. Luna, R. Rosales, J. Rodriguez, V. Ruiz, M. Velez, L. Rodriguez, D. Chavez, P. Subburaj, R. Villarreal-Moreno. Southwest Texas Junior Col. and Sul Ross State Univ., Eagle Pass, TX. C289 853.11 Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance (AR) XVII Population Dynamics That Contravenes Hardy-WeinbergCastle Principle Augment AR Pandemic. N. Moody, D. Carrizales, T. Carrizales, S. Kannan. Fort Duncan Reg. Med. Ctr. and Southwest Texas Junior Col., Eagle Pass. C290 853.12 Spatial Distribution of the Abundance and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Staphlyococcus aureus in the Hillsborough River. R. Seferian, A. Williams, B. Froeschke. Univ. of Tampa. C291 853.13 Progress towards Addressing Gram Negative Bacterial Resistance. B.N. Koleva, K. Takrouri, H.D. Cooper, A. Spaulding, P. Zucchi, D. Cleary, W. Tear, E.B. Hirsch, J.B. Aggen, P.J. Beuning. Northeastern Univ. 854. DIET, OBESITY, NUTRITION AND GUT MICROBIOME Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C292 854.1 Lactobacillus plantarum Improves Metabolic Outcomes and Alters the Colonic Immune State in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet. D. Heeney, J. Barouei, Y-h. Hsieh, A. Martinic, D. Mishchuk, D. Kieffer, C. Slupsky, R. Martin, M. Marco. Univ. of California, Davis and USDA, Davis. C293 854.2 Regulation of Adaptive Thermogenesis by the Gut Microbiome. H.T. Nicholls, T.I. Krisko, K.B. LeClair, A.S. Banks, D.E. Cohen. Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and Harvard Med. Sch. C294 854.3 Inclusion of Chicken Broth AAC1 as a Dietary Supplement Modulates the Gut Microbiome: Results of NextGeneration DNA Sequencing. J. Hawkins, R. Norton, P. Durham. Missouri State Univ. and Dynamic DNA Labs. C295 854.4 Proximate Composition and Nutritional Profile of Rhynchophorus palmarum W.O. Okunowo, A.M. Olagboye. Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria. 855. GUT MICROBES, DRUGS AND TOXINS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C296 855.1 Characterization of Heterologously Expressed Putative Cytolysins from Brachyspira hampsonii B.A. Keith, J.C. Harding, J.E. Hill, M.E. Loewen. Univ. of Saskatchewan. 269 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY 856. ALLOSTERIC CONTROL OF KINASE ACTIVITY 857. SIGNALING IN TIME AND SPACE Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C297 856.1 Mechanism and Interactions of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex with Its Kinase 1 E.L. Guevara, N.S. Nemeria, L. Yang, F. Jordan. Rutgers Univ.-Newark. C298 856.2 Prediction and Validation of New Polarity Substrates Employing an aPKC Anchoring Motif. R. Constable, N. McDonald, P. Saiu, E. Soriano, P. Knowles, A. Purkiss, N. O’Reilly, P. Riou, P. Parker. The Francis Crick Inst., United Kingdom. C299 856.3 Understanding the Phylogenetic Relationship of Bacterial Arginine Kinases. K. Stock, M. Aryal, D. Fraga. Col. of Wooster, OH. C300 856.4 Evolution of Allostery in a Ser/Thr Kinase Illuminating Novel Cancer Drug Targets. C. Zheng, A. Zorba, C. Wilson, J. Villali, N. Kern, D. Kern. Brandeis Univ. C301 856.5 Single Molecule Analysis of Allosteric Interactions in Protein Kinase A. Y. Hao, J. England, S. Taylor, R.A. Maillard. Georgetown Univ. C302 856.6 PKA and Calcineurin Scaffolding on AKAP79: A Small Angle Xray/Neutron Scattering Profile. J. Hall, J. Copps, P. Zhang, A. Heck, W. Heller, D. Blumenthal, S. Taylor. UCSD, The Scripps Res. Inst., Utrecht Inst. for Pharmaceut. Sci., Netherlands, Oak Ridge Natl. Labs. and Univ. of Utah. C303 856.7 Substrate Selective Mechanisms in Protein Kinases: Allostery between Nucleotide and Substrate in PKCα R. Sommese, C. Swanson, S. Sivaramakrishnan. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Univ. of Michigan. C304 856.8 Phosphorylation of PKA Regulatory Subunit RIα by PKG: A Mechanism for “Desensitizing” the Type I PKA Holoenzyme. K.J. Haushalter, D.E. Casteel, E. Stefan, S.S. Taylor. UCSD and Univ. of Innsbruck. C305 856.9 Activities of Dysregulated ALK2 Receptor Kinases Provide Insight Into the Protein Structural-Functional Basis of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. J.C. Groppe, M.R. Tandang-Silvas, A. Pathi, J. Wu, G. Lu, V.Q. Le, A.L. Culbert, K.A. Wharton, E.M. Shore, F.S. Kaplan. Texas A&M Baylor Col. of Dent., Brown Univ. and Univ. of Pennsylvania. C306 856.10 Protein Dynamics Defines Allostery in the Conserved EPK Core. L.G. Ahuja, A.P. Kornev, C. McClendon, G. Veglia, S.Taylor. UCSD and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. C307 856.11 Covalent Inhibition of ERK Docking Interactions. T.S. Kaoud, W.H. Johnson, A. Piserchio, N.D. Ebelt, M. Warthaka, M. Cano, R. Sammons, Q. Wang, P. Ren, R. Ghose, K.N. Dalby. Univ. of Texas at Austin, Fac. of Pharm., Minia Univ., Egypt and City Col. of New York. C308 857.1 Three-Dimensional Quantification of the Spatiotemporal Co-evolution of Vascular and Neuronal Networks within Intact Eyes. J. Singh, D. Shepherd, G. Seedorf, J. Brzezinski. Univ. of Colorado Denver and Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med., Aurora. C309 857.2 An Optogenetic Toolkit for Spatial and Temporal Control of the cAMP Dependent Protein Kinase. C.P. OBanion, R. Hughes, M. Priestman, D. Lawrence. Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill. C310 857.3 Tracking Dynamics of Vascular Development in Time and Space Using Sox18 Dimer Split-Fluorescent Protein Biosensors. N. Giles, A. McCann, M. Moustaqil, J. Overman, F. Fontaine, M. Francois, E. Sierecki, Y. Gambin. Sch. of Med. Sci., Univ. of New South Wales and Univ. of Queensland. C311 857.4 Super-Resolution Imaging of the HER Family of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases. B. van Lengerich, E. Puchner, B. Huang, N. Jura. UCSF and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. C312 857.5 Investigating the Role of AKAP12 in Maintaining G Protein-Coupled Receptor Responsiveness. D.J. Tóth, N. Bojjireddy, T. Balla. NICHD, NIH. C313 857.6 Integrin-Mediated Signaling Regulates Efficiency of Lymphocyte Effector Functions. Y. Sykulev, N. Anikeeva. Thomas Jefferson Univ. 858. DISEASES OF ORGANELLE MISFUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C314 858.1 Phenotype Analysis and Gene Expression Profiling in a Yeast Model of Cystinosis. A.E. Walnofer, S. Vitiello. Augustana Univ. C315 858.2 SIRT3 Prevents Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis in Mice by Blocking Mitochondrial DNA Damage and ROS Synthesis. S. Bindu. Univ. of Chicago. C316 858.3 Oxidatively Degraded Mitochondrial DNA Is a Newly Identified DAMP Family Member in Astrocytes, and Potential Trigger of Alzheimer’s Disease. A. Mathew. Albany Med. Col. 859. FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY APPROACHES TO UNDERSTAND APOPTOSIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C317 859.1 Temporal Dynamics of Apoptotic Activity in Jurkat Cells. S.K. Morris, R. Reif. Univ. of Mary Washington. 270 MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 860. INTRACELLULAR DYNAMICS 863. MITOCHONDRIAL TOXICITY Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C318 860.1 Characterizing the Functions of WHIMP as a New WASP-Family Actin Nucleation Factor. S. Kabrawala, M. Zimmer, K. Campellone. Univ. of Connecticut. C319 860.2 Investigations of Functional Interactions between Env7 and TOR Complex 1 in Saccharomyces cerevisae J. Shaoulian, E. Gharakhanian. California State Univ., Long Beach. C320 860.3 ER-Associated SNAREs Are Involved in Atlastin-Mediated ER Membrane Fusion. M. Lee, Y. Moon, S.Y. Kim, Y. Jun. Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Technol., South Korea. 861. MEMBRANE TRANSPORT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C321 861.1 YqjA Is a Putative Transporter Essential for Alkaline pH Tolerance in Escherichia coli S. Kumar, W.T. Doerrler. LSU, Baton Rouge. C322 861.2 NHE1 Phosphorylation and Steady State Intracellular pH. D. Hasle, M. Wallert, J.J. Provost. Univ. of San Diego and Bemidji State Univ. C323 861.3 NaPi2b Diffusion and Activity Could Be Regulated by Membrane Fluidity in the Microvilli of the Small Intestine. S.I. Al-Juboori, T. Lei, V. Hogg-Cornejo, E. Sutherland, M. Levi, E. Dobrinskikh. Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora. C324 861.4 Identification of a Mitochondrial Oxodicarboxylate Carrier in the Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica P.J. Trotter, K. Juco, S. McGreer, N. Orsi, P.N. Pierson, N. Savage, L. Tamayo, J-M. Nicaud. Augustana Col., IL and BIMLip, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France. C325 861.5 Mechanism of Transport of Ferric Enterobactin through FepA in Gram Negative Bacteria A. Majumdar, V. Trinh, K.J. Moore, C.R. Smallwood, S.M.C. Newton, P.E. Klebba. Kansas State Univ. and Univ. of Oklahoma. 862. MITOCHONDRIAL DYNAMICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C326 862.1 Sab-Mediated Signaling Regulates Mitochondrial Fission. I. Paudel, J. Chambers. Florida Intl. Univ. C327 863.1 The Function of the Iron–Sulfur Cluster Assembly Machinery Is Involved in Electron Transport Chain Activity and Oxidative Stress in saccharomyces Cerevisiae M. Gomez-Gallardo, L.A. Sanchez-Briones, A.L. Diaz-Perez, A. Lopez-Alvarez, C. Cortes-Rojo, O. Aguilar-Mendez, A. Saavedra-Molina, J. Campos-Garcia. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico. 864. POSTTRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATIONS AND THE MICROORGANISM RESPONSE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C331 864.1 Metabolite-Driven Modifications: Protein Acylations Elucidate Substrate Metabolism in Syntrophic Bacteria. H.H.T. Nguyen, P.H.N. Nguyen, R.P. Gunsalus, M.J. McInerney, J.A. Loo, R.R. Ogorzalek Loo. UCLA and Univ. of Oklahoma. C332 864.2 Ate1-Mediated Posttranslational Arginylation Is Essential for Stress Response Regulation and Mutagenesis Suppression. A. Kumar, M.D. Birnbaum, W. Morgan, F. Zhang. Univ. of Miami. C333 864.3 Specificity of Protein Arginine Methyltransferases: How Does the Trypanosoma brucei PRMT7 Limit Its Activity to Monomethylation of Its Target Proteins? K. Jain, R.A. Warmack, Y. Feng, E.W. Debler, P. Stavropoulos, G. Blobel, S.G. Clarke. UCLA and The Rockefeller Univ. C334 864.4 Transcriptome Profiling of Burkholderia thailandensis Reveals That MftR Is a Master Regulator. A. Gupta, G. Wang, M. Dassanayake, A. Grove. LSU, Baton Rouge. C335 864.5 Noncognate Toxin-Antitoxin Interactions: Implications for Bacterial Persistence. A.L. Molinaro, D.A. Daines. Old Dominion Univ. C336 864.6 5hmC Distribution in Isolated Visceral Adipose Tissue Nuclei. P. Yu, L. Ji, K. Lee, M. Yu, C. He, S. Ambati, R. Schmitz, R. Meagher. Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Chicago. C337 864.7 Biochemical Characterization of the Substrate Specificity of Two Unique Members of the Mammalian Protein Arginine Methyltransferase Family, PRMT7 and PRM. T9 A. Hadjikyriacou, Y. Feng, Y. Yang, M.T. Bedford, S.G. Clarke. UCLA, City of Hope, Duarte and Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. C338 864.8 Using Anti-fungal Bacteria to Contest Snake Fungal Disease. K. Malone. Tennessee Technol. Univ. C339 864.9 Capacity of Chlorogenic Acid Isomers to Modulate Oxidative and Inflammatory Responses in Caco2 Human Enterocyte-Like Cells. N. Liang, D. Kitts. Univ. of British Columbia. C340 864.10 Purification and Characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster IKKβ/iKK&γ Complex. W.E. Rogers, T. Huxford. San Diego State Univ. and UCSD. 271 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C341 864.11 Free Fatty Acid Activates MMP-1 and MMP3 through PPAR-γ Mitigation. W-M. Tsai, K-L. Tsai. Physical Therapy, Tainan. C342 864.12 Overcoming Challenges in the Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni Infections Using Recombinant Protein Technology. R.F.G. Queiroz, V. Silva-Moraes, N.B.F. Almeida, D.A. Harn, P.M.Z. Coelho. FIOCRUZ,Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Univ. of Georgia. C343 864.13 Integrated Analysis of Posttranslational Modification Proteomes Reveals Interactions and Cell Cycle Regulatory Patterns In Toxoplasma gondii N.C. Silmon de Monerri, R.R. Yakubu, L.M. Weiss, K. Kim. Albert Einstein Col. of Med. C344 864.14 AMPK Regulates Nuclear Trafficking of Nrf2 through Phosphorylation. M.S. Joo, W.D. Kim, S.G. Kim. Col. of Pharm., Seoul Natl. Univ. and Boston, MA. C345 864.15 Cell Polarity Kinase MST4 Cooperates with cAMP-Dependent Kinase to Orchestrate Histamine-Stimulated Acid Secretion in Gastric Parietal Cells. H. Jiang, W. Wang, Y. Zhang, W.W. Yao, X. Ding, X. Liu, X. Yao. Univ. of Sci. and Technol. of China, Hefei, Atlanta Clin. & Translational Sci. Inst. and Beijing Univ. of Chinese Med. C346 864.16 Autophagy Regulates the Early Secretory Pathway through Interaction between ULK1 and Se. c23 S. Zhao, W. Gan, H.C. Chan, Yu. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong. C347 864.17 Isomerized Aspartate Residues in Rodent Eye Lens Protein Act as a Marker of Biological Aging. R.A. Warmack. UCLA. C348 864.18 Role of Janus-Kinase 3 in Lung Inflammation. J. Mishra, R.K. Verma, X. Yang, N. Kumar. Texas A&M Univ., Kingsville, VA Med. Ctr., Kansas City, MO, Univ. of MissouriKansas City and Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. C349 864.19 Nm23-Mediated hnRNPA2/B1 to Regulate Sp1 Expression Is Associated with Lung Cancer Progression J-J. Hung. Inst. of Bioinformatics and Biosignal Transduction, Tainan. C350 864.20 Enzyme Catalyzed Expressed Protein Ligation. S. Henager, N. Chu, Z. Chen, D. Bolduc, J. Wells, P. Cole. Johns Hopkins Univ. and UCSF. C351 864.21 β-Hydroxypyruvate Induced Side Chain Modification of Human Serum Albumin and the Formation of Advanced Glycation End-Products. W. Liu, J.A. Dain. Univ. of Rhode Island. C352 864.22 Investigation into the Role of N-Terminal Acetylation of ESAT-6 in Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis J.A. Aguilera, J. Sun. Univ. of Texas at El Paso. C353 864.23 MIF SUMOylation in Regulation of Its Stability and Activity during Breast Cancer Progression and Metastasis. P. Sen, X-D. Zhang. Wayne State Univ. C354 864.24 Proteome-Wide Structural Analysis of PTM Hotspots Reveals Large Body of Putative Regulatory Elements with Predicted Biological Function. H. Dewhurst, M. Torres. Georgia Tech. C355 864.25 Decreasing O-GlcNAcylation of 8-Oxoguanosine DNA Glycosylase (OGG1) in Cardiac Myocytes Cultured in High Glucose Leads to Improvement of DNA Repair and Mitochondrial Function. F. Cividini, A. Dai, B. Scott, T. Diemer, J. Suarez, W. Dillmann. UCSD. 272 865. G PROTEINS AND PROTEIN KINASES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C356 865.1 Determinants of Gα12-Specific Binding Common to AKAP-Lbc and p114rhoGEF. R.D. Garcia, A.L. Towne, K.S. Cavagnini, T.E. Meigs. Univ. of North Carolina Asheville. C357 865.2 Novel Brain-Specific Isoforms of Regulator of G Protein Signaling 6 K.E. Ahlers, A. Stewart, J. Yang, Z. Luo, R.A. Fisher. Univ. of Iowa and Vanderbilt Univ. C358 865.3 Overexpressed Gα13 Stimulates Serum Response Factor Mediated Transcription Concurrent with Relocalization to a Soluble Fraction. G.R. McDiarmid, A.C. Tagliatela, T.E. Meigs. Univ. of North Carolina Asheville. C359 865.4 GRK2 Constitutively Downregulates Delta Opioid Receptor Activity in the Periphery. A.P. Doyle, R. Gomez, M.A. Henry, N.A. Jeske. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. C360 865.5 The Role of CaMKII in mGlu5 Signaling. C.R. Marks, B.C. Shonesy, R.J. Colbran. Vanderbilt Univ. C361 865.6 GPR161 and smAKAP Are Membrane-Bound PKA-RI-Selective AKAP. T-W. Lu, R. Ilouz, E. Stefan, S. Taylor. UCSD and Univ. of Innsbruck. 866.GTPASES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C362 866.1 Screening for Potential Inhibitors of the Proangiogenic GTPase TCL Using Split-Venus Reporter Proteins. R. Florke, M. Hamann. Bemidji State Univ., MN. C363 866.2 Bitter Taste Receptor T2R4 Mediated Inactivation of Rac1 GTPase in Response to Quinine. C. Sidhu, A. Jaggupilli, P. Chelikani, R.P. Bhullar. Univ. of Manitoba. 867. HORMONE RECEPTORS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C364 867.1 MicroRNA-124 Negatively Regulates Nuclear Receptor Nu. r77 A. Farmer, J.A. Beard, A. Takwi, Y-m. Wang, T. Chen. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and St. Jude Children’s Res. Hosp., Memphis. C365 867.2 Immunofluorescence Localization of LigandInduced Internalization, Trafficking, and Signaling of eGFPTagged Guanylyl Cyclase/Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-A into the Subcellular Compartments. I. Mani, S. Tripathi, R. Garg, K.N. Pandey. Tulane Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Sch. of Med. C366 867.3 Local Aldosterone Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle. J.A. Chadwick, S. Swagger, J. Lowe, J. RafaelFortney. The Ohio State Univ. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C367 867.4 Biological Funtions for Asn-Linked Oligosaccharides in the Tethered Rec-Eel Luteinizing Hormone. M. Byambaragchaa, K-S. Min, M-H. Kang. Hankyong Natl. Univ. and Hoseo Univ., South Korea. 868. INTEGRATION AND ORGANIZATION OF SIGNALING PATHWAYS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C368 868.1 Computational Analysis of the FLFP Motif in the Cell Survival Mechanism Conferred by PKC&ΔVIII. B.M. Brooks, K.A. Urbina, L. Parisot, S.E. Cole, A.C. Shor. Saint Leo Univ. C369 868.2 The Coordination of Notch and Integrin Signaling by Resveratrol. B. LaFoya, A. Albig. Boise State Univ. C370 868.3 The Impact of Redox Modification on the Global Substrate Selection of PKA C Alpha. S. Patwardhan, J. Delva, L. Beckett, J. Keyes, J.P. Neiswinger, H. Zhu, L.B. Poole, R.H. Newman. North Carolina A&T State Univ., Wake Forest Univ. and Johns Hopkins Univ. C371 868.4 The Impact of Meprin A-Mediated Cleavage on the Function of the Catalytic Subunit of Protein Kinase A (PKA Cβ1) L. Beckett, S. Patwardhan, J. Delva, J. Jefferson, M. Watson, E.M. Ongeri, R.H. Newman. North Carolina A&T State Univ. 869.NEUROBIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C372 869.1 A New Role for Thermosensors in Drosophila melanogaster K.M. Marquez Gonzalez. Univ. Metropolitana, PR. C373 869.2 Histamine Mediates the Response to Light in the Sensory Motor Integration of Gill Lateral Cell Cilia in the Bivalve Mollusc, Crassostrea virginica D. Semple, K. Marrett, M.A. Carroll, E.J. Catapane. Medgar Evers Col., NY. C374 869.3 Beating of Gill Lateral Cell Cilia of Crassostrea virginica Involves Neuronal Innervation and the Presence of Gap Junctions. R. Buchanan, N. Dobey, D. Frank, E.J. Catapane, M.A. Carroll. Medgar Evers Col., NY and Behavioral Instruments, NJ. C375 869.4 Modulation of Serotonin Synthesis, Reuptake, and Degradation by 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D: Potential Relevance for Neuropsychiatric Disorders. M.S. Sabir, C.M. Dussik, I. Kaneko, G.K. Whitfield, M.R. Haussler, P.W. Jurutka. Sch. of Math. and Nat. Sci., Arizona State Univ. and Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med. C376 869.5 The Lyme Disease Spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi Induces Increased Expression of Multiple Neuroinflammatory Factors in Human Microglial Cells In Vitro. J.R. Greenmyer, R. Gaultney, B. McGregor, M. Burke, C. Brissette, J. Watt. Univ. of North Dakota Sch. of Med. and Hlth. Sci. C377 869.6 Exchange Protein Directly Activated by cAMP (EPAC) Regulates Neuronal Polarization through Rap1B. M. Schmidt, P. Munoz Llancao, C. González-Billault1 Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands and Univ. of Chile. C378 869.7 Novel Role of bHLH Protein Daughterless in Synaptogenesis. E.L. Robinson, E.A. Waddell, M. D’Rozario, D.R. Marenda. Drexel Univ. C379 869.8 Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Regulation of cAMP and PKA in Early Stage Hippocampal Neurons. K. Gorshkov, S. Ramamurthy, S. Mehta, G.V. Ronnett, F. Zhou, J. Zhang. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. and UCSD. C380 869.9 Chicken Broth AAC1 as a Dietary Supplement Inhibits Pain Transmission and Decreases Serum C-Reactive Protein Levels in a Model of TMJ Disorder. P. Durham, J. Hawkins. Missouri State Univ. C381 869.10 A Novel Murine Experimental System for Analyzing Differentiation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Using Sox10-Venus Mice. N. Suzuki, K. Sekimoto, C. Hayashi, Y. Mabuchi, E.G. Suto, T. Nakamura, C. Akazawa. Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ. C382 869.11 Arachidonic Acid Cascade-Driven Neurotoxicity in Hypobaric Hypoxia: An In Vivo Study. R. Choudhary, A. Katyal. Univ. of Delhi. C383 869.12 Neurodevelopmental Gene Expression of Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2R) in C57BL/6J and BTBRT+tf/j and the CB2R Expression in Transgenic Knockout Mice (MUBx, DAT, DATCI, SERT) E.K. Dennis. William Paterson Univ. C384 869.13 Functions of Cx36, Life or Death? N.N. Boonyasiti, A. Derib-Adugna, J. Dhillon, H. Hameedi, E. Inthavong, A. Pardue, A. Schroeder. Olathe North H.S., Olathe, KS. C385 869.14 Superresolution Microscopy Studies of Stx3 Clustering Mechanisms in Hippocampal Neurons. H. Thomson, S. Lowenstein, J. Lochner. Lewis & Clark Col., OR. 870. NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE Poster M O N Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C386 870.1 Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Induces Hepatic Steatosis by Enhancing the Expression of Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein. X. Lin, Y-L. Wu, X-E. Peng, Y-B. Zhu, X-L. Yan, W-N. Chen. Fujian Med. Univ., China. C387 870.2 Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Halts Progression of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, but Does Not Promote Fibrosis Remission in Ldlr-/- mice. K.A. Lytle, C. Wong, D. Jump. Oregon State Univ. C388 870.3 Regulation of AMPK and Hepatic Metabolism by Folic Acid Supplementation in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. V. Sid, N. Wu, L. Sarna, Y. Shang, J. House, Y.L. Siow, K. O. Univ. of Manitoba, St. Boniface Hosp. Res. Ctr. and Agr. and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg. C389 870.4 Dual Activation of Bile Acid Receptors FXR and TGR5 Plays a Protective Role in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Atherosclerosis. K. Jadhav, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. C390 870.5 Palmitoleate Protection against PalmitateInduced Cholangiocyte Lipoapoptosis Is Sensitive to Pertussis Toxin. S.K. Natarajan, M.A. Walker, M. Toews, J.L. Mott. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. 273 BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C391 870.6 Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Signaling in Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis. L.A. Cowart. Med. Univ. of South Carolina. C392 870.7 FTY720/fingolimod Reduces Steatosis in a Murine Model of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. T.D. Rohrbach, A. Asgharpour, D. Avni, S.C. Cazanave, P. Bedossa, A.J. Sanyal, S.D. Spiegel. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Univ. Paris-Denis Diderot. 873. MEMBRANE PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, INSERTION AND ASSEMBLY 871. HEPATIC LIPID SIGNALING: NAFLD AND BEYOND C400 873.1 Examining Interactions between Bacterioopsin and Carotenoid Biosynthetic Proteins in the Halophilic Archaeon Halobacterium salinarum A.M. Plesa, R.F. Peck. Colby Col., ME. Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C393 871.1 Cyclin D1 Regulates Adipose Triglyceride Lipase to Influence Hepatic Lipid Droplet Metabolism and Cell Proliferation. J. Ploeger, S. Kamarajugadda, D. Mashek, J.H. Albrecht. Univ. of Minnesota. 872. LIPID SIGNALING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C394 872.1 Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts Modulates Leukotriene B4 Receptor 1 Signaling. T. Ichiki, T. Koga, T. Okuno, K. Saeki, Y. Yamamoto, M. Sakaguchi, T. Yokomizo. Juntendo Univ. Sch. of Med., Kanazawa Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Dent. and Pharmaceut. Sci., Japan. C395 872.2 Regulation of Store-Operated Calcium Channels by Sphingosine 1 Phosphate. H.M. El-Shewy, M.H. Lee, Y.K. Peterson, L.M. Luttrell. Med. Univ. of South Carolina and Ralph H. Johnson VA Med. Ctr. C396 872.3 Tracking Diacylglycerol Pools in Budding Yeast. S. Ganesan, M.L. Sosa Ponce, V. Zaremberg. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. C397 872.4 Cysteinyl Leukotriene 2 Receptor Enhances Angiogenesis, Vascular Permeability and Tumor Metastasis. E. Duah, V. Kondeti, N. Al-Azzam, R. Adapala, P. Patil, C. Thodeti, S. Paruchuri. Univ. of Akron and Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. C398 872.5 Biochemical Characterization of HDL/LDL-Like Particles Secreted by Astrocytes. A. Nguyen, K. Cabrera. Trinity Univ., TX. C399 872.6 HPV16-E7 Oncoprotein Enhances CeramideMediated Lethal Mitophagy by Regulating the Rb/E2F5/Drp1 Signaling Axis. R. Thomas, N. Oleinik, B. Ogretmen. Med. Univ. of South Carolina. 274 Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm 874. NON-ANIMAL GENETIC MODELS OF LIPID METABOLISM Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C401 874.1 Characterization of a Glycerophosphocholine Acyltransferase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae S. Anaokar, I. Lager, B. Glab, A. Banas, S. Stymne, J. Patton-Vogt. Duquesne Univ., Swedish Univ. of Agr. Sci., Uppsala and Med. Univ. of Gdansk, Poland. C402 874.2 A Functional Relationship between Plb1Mediated Phosphatidylcholine Turnover and Sphingolipid Homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J. PattonVogt, S. Anaokar, J. Brant, B. Jonik, N. Nesbitt, M. Vera. Duquesne Univ. 875. ORGANELLE LIPID BIOSYNTHESIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C403 875.1 Homeostatic Regulation of Sphingolipid Synthesis by the ORMDL Proteins: Molecular Mechanisms. B. Wattenberg, D. Siow, M. Sunkara, A. Morris. Univ. of Louisville and Univ. of Kentucky. C404 875.2 Novel Interactions of Yeast Glycerol-3Phosphate Acyltransferases. B. Shabits, M. Tavassoli, V. Zaremberg. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. C405 875.3 Phosphorylation of Yeast Glycerol 3-Phosphate Acyltransferase Gpt2 Regulates the Timing of TAG Synthesis and Lipid Droplet Morphology. M. Tavassoli, B. Nagler, B. Shabits, P. Sipila, K. Athenstaedt, V. Zaremberg. Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Univ. Graz, Austria. C406 875.4 Diihydroxyacetone Phosphate Acyltransferase Is a Peripheral Membrane Protein. M. Chilije, E. Hoffarth, G. Bertolesi, S. McFarlane, V. Zaremberg. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 876. PROTEIN-LIPID INTERACTIONS AS DETERMINANTS OF FUNCTION Poster C415 878.5 Unraveling the Structural Basis of P-Glycoprotein Transport of Serotonin 5-HT1B/1D Receptor Agonists: Eletriptan and Sumatriptan. D. Nguyen, L. Wilt, A. Roberts. Univ. of Georgia. C416 878.6 Identification of the Eletriptan Binding Site on P-Glycoprotein Determined from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. L. Wilt, A. Roberts. Univ. of Georgia. C417 878.7 Heterodimerization of SLC30A10/ZnT10 and SLC30A3/ZnT3 Modulates ERK1/2 Activity. Y. Zhao, R.G. Feresin, J.M. Falcon-Perez, G. Salazar. Florida State Univ., Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and CIC bioGUNE, CIBERehd, Spain. C418 878.8 Modulatory Activation of an Invertebrate Kir Channel by Protein Kinase C: Investigation of an Interaction with PIP2 T.M. Larry, J.M. Butler, E.M. Leggett, N.M. Rockwell, J.K. Bell, C.A. Villalba-Galea, L.M. Boland. Univ. of Richmond, Univ. of San Diego and Virginia Commonwealth Univ. C419 878.9 Structural Determination of the BBSome Core Complex. T. Aoba. Brigham Young Univ. C420 878.10 Transmembrane (TMEM)-163 Protein Is a Novel Zinc Transporter. Q.W. Cantrell, J. Silva, C. Nguyen, L.D. Hildebrand, T. Rivas, R. Shoemaker, A. Rojas, M.P. Cuajungco. California State Univ., Fullerton. Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D 879. VESICULAR TRAFFICKING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C407 876.1 Calcium Promotes Syntaxin 1 Mesoscale Domain Formation through Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate. D. Milovanovic, A. Honigmann, G. van den Bogaart, S.W. Hell, R. Jahn. Max Planck Inst. for Biophys. Chem., Goettingen, Max Planck Inst. of Molec. Cell Biol. and Genet., Dresden and Radboud Univ. Med. Ctr., Netherlands. C408 876.2 The Structure and Function of COMM. D1 Z.A. Rasmussen, K. Fitzpatrick, A. Choi. Univ. of Alaska Anchorage. 877. STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND MECHANISMS OF MEMBRANE LIPID ASSEMBLY Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C409 877.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Detection of Lipid Ion-Pairing in the Staphylococcus aureus Plasma Membrane. A.T. Duran, H. Marbach, B. Rasul, K.L.A. Chan, R.D. Harvey. California State Univ., Fullerton and King’s Col. London. C410 877.2 Is the Site of Influenza Virus Assembly and Budding Enriched with Cholesterol and Sphingolipids? M.L. Kraft, A.N. Yeager, P.K. Weber, J. Zimmerberg. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab. and NICHD, NIH. 878. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF TRANSPORT PROTEINS AND CHANNELS Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C421 879.1 Dysregulation of V-ATPase Function Impairs Lysosomal Acidification in a Mouse Model of a Rare Lysosomal Storage Disease, INCL. M.B. Bagh, S. Peng, G. Chandra, Z. Zhang, A.B. Mukherjee. NICHD, NIH. C422 879.2 Redefining Caveolae as Signalling Platforms: Specificity of Interactions on Endocytic Caveolae in Response to Stress. Y. Gambin, E. Sierecki, W. Jung, N. Ariotti, N. Giles, M. Bastiani, R. parton. Univ. of New South Wales and Univ. of Queensland. 880. LABORATORY COURSES Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C411 878.1 Autism-Linked Mutations in the Human Serotonin Transporter Induce Distinct Structural Changes That May Account for the Altered Function of the Transporter. D. Krout, L.K. Henry. Univ. of North Dakota. C412 878.2 Structure-Function Analysis of MntP and Other Manganese Exporter Proteins and Their Contribution to Reactive Oxygen Species Survival. E. Martinez, R. Zeinert, J. Schmitz, J. Draven, L. Waters. Univ. of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst C413 878.3 Molecular Biology of Calcium Trigger Vesicle Fusion in Situ. K. Cialowicz, R. Duncan, C. Rickman, E. Brown, M. Euston. Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh. C414 878.4 Analysis of Large Conductance Ca2+-Activated K+ (BK) Channels Dynamics in Living Cells. A. Miguelez, R. Duncan, E. Brown. Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh. Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C423 880.1 Transforming an Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory Courses: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons? J.T. Hazzard. Univ. of Arizona. C424 880.2 A Ten Week, First-Semester Biochemistry Lab Course Studying Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatase. D.S. Witherow. Univ. of Tampa. C425 880.3 An Inquiry-Based Exercise in Medicinal Chemistry: Synthesis of a Molecular Library and Screening for Potential Anti-malarial and Anti-inflammatory Compounds. D.J. Hall, C.G. Martin, M. Welford, S. Debbert. Lawrence Univ. C426 880.4 Measurement of Branched Chain Amino Acids in Milks and Protein Supplements. K. Hubble, D. Swanson, K. Keenan. Stockton Univ., NJ. 275 M O N BIOCHEMISTRYMONDAY C427 880.5 Pick a Color, Any Color: An Inquiry-Based Laboratory Course Based on Fluorescent Protein Mutagenesis, Expression, Purification and Characterization. D.A. Kraut. Villanova Univ. C428 880.6 Cloning and Characterizing a Beta-Glucanase Gene from Oats: A Structure/Guided Inquiry-Based Molecular Biology Laboratory. D.J. Martin. Saint Mary’s Univ., MN. C429 880.7 A Research-Based Biochemistry Lab Focused on Gene Expression and RNA Degradation: Design, Implementation and Outcomes. K.P. Callahan, S. Butler. St. John Fisher Col. and Univ. of Rochester. C430 880.8 A Redesigned Undergraduate Biochemistry Lab. J.L. Mills, K. Hart, E. Thurnherr, S.F. O’Handley, H.J. Bernstein, P.A. Craig. Sch. of Chem. and Material Sci., Rochester Inst. of Technol. C431 880.9 Development of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Using a Design-Based Approach. S.M. Lo, D.L. Drane, S.L. Swarat, J.C. Mordacq. UCSD, Northwestern Univ. and California State Univ., Fullerton. C432 880.10 A Combination Course and Lab-Based Approach to Teaching Research Skills to Undergraduates. A.D. Parente, R.C. Brown, A.M. Danowitz, C.D. Jones, C.E. Taylor. Mercyhurst Univ. C433 880.11 A Guided Inquiry-Based Animal Cell Culture Laboratory Course for Undergraduates. L.M. Carastro. Univ. of Tampa. 881. ONLINE EDUCATION AND FLIPPING THE CLASSROOM Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C434 881.1 Engaging Medical Students in Amino Acid Metabolism Using a Flipped Classroom Approach. T.A. Clemons. Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker M.D. Sch. of Med. C435 881.2 Active Learning in a Flipped Classroom: Implementation and Assessment. A.M. Barral, V.C. Ardi. Natl. Univ., Costa Mesa and La Jolla. 882. PERSISTENCE IN SCIENCE OF STUDENTS OF ALL BACKGROUNDS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C436 882.1 The Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy: A Longitudinal and Multi-tiered Model for Preparing the Next Generation of Biomedical Scientists. I. Chapa, J. Hensler, L. McManus, A. Giuffrida. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. C437 882.2 Teaching a Broad Non-science Major Audience Using the Science of Food and Cooking. J.J. Provost, B. Kelly, K. Colabroy, M. Wallert. Univ. of San Diego, Gustavus Adolphus Col., MN, Muhlenberg Col., PA and Bemidji State Univ. 883. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR UNDERGRADS, GRAD STUDENTS, AND POSTDOCS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C438 883.1 Want to Get a Career Development Award? Start Early. L-S. Huang, D.E. Carlson, W.C. Wang, J.D. Scott. NHLBI, NIH. C439 883.2 Analysis of NIEHS Postdoctoral Alumni Career Outcomes. T.R.L. Collins, R. Gilliam, S. Peddada, H. Xu. NIEHS, NIH, Durham, NC. C440 883.3 The Balance of a PUI Career. What Is the Tightrope You Walk? M. Benore, J.J. Provost, A. Aguanno, Q. Vega. Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn, Univ. of San Diego, Marymount Manhattan Col. and Montclair State Univ. 884. INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION CONCEPT INVENTORIES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C441 884.1 Bioenergetics Education: Art Meets Gentle Science in Sickness and in Health. S. Iyer, R.R. Rao, S. Faris, F. Heller, L. Hughes, R. Jamison, E.J. Lesnefsky, E. Maurakis. VCU, Sci. Museum of Virginia and Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Med. Ctr., Richmond. 276 MONDAYBIOCHEMISTRY/NUTRITION 885. MENTORING, NETWORKING AND SUCCESS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C448 886.3 Activatable COX-2 Probes in Optical Imaging of Cancer. M.J. Uddin, B.C. Crews, K. Ghebreselasie, C.K. Daniel, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. Sch. of Med. 887. CURRICULUM CHANGES IN PREMED EDUCATION Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C442 885.1 Mentor-Mentee Interaction and Laboratory Social Environment: Do They Matter in Doctoral Students’ Publication Productivity? M.A. Ynalvez, R. Ynalvez, E. Ramirez. Texas A&M Intl. Univ. C443 885.2 Getting the Word Out on Effective Ways to Teach: The Promoting Active Learning & Mentoring (PALM) Research Coordination Network. M.J. Wolyniak, K. Engen, M. Peifer, A.J. Prunuske, E. Ruedi, S.M. Wick. HampdenSydney Col., VA, Amer. Soc. for Cell Biol., Bethesda, Amer. Soc. of Plant Biologists, Bethesda, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth and Genet. Soc. of Amer., Bethesds and Univ. of Minnesota, St. Pau. C444 885.3 Women in Scientific Discovery or Medicine (WISDOM): Engaging K-12 and Undergraduate Students in the Basic and Health Sciences. N.C. Woitowich, S. Pamarthy. Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. C445 885.4 Building the Capacity of STEM Graduate Students to Mentor in an Informal Afterschool Program. A. Matias, P. Ortiz, G.F. Elphick, J. Duncan-Poitier, J. Lansing, M. Groome, K. Breton. SUNY Empire State Col., Saratoga Springs, SUNY Admin., Albany and New York Acad. of Sci. 886. EDUCATION AND/OR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C446 886.1 Improving Undergraduate Biochemistry Curriculum Using Threshold Concepts: An Analysis of Student Understanding. S. Freese, K. James, J. Lewis, J. Loertscher, V. Minderhout. Seattle Univ. and Univ. of South Florida. C447 886.2 Effects of Helichrysum plicatum Extract against Thallium (I) Sulphate-Induced Reproductive Damage in Male Rats. A.D. Omur, B.A. Yildirim, S. Kucukler. Atatürk Univ., Turkey. Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C449 887.1 Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Curriculum for the New MCAT. Y. Dobrydneva, L. Schwartz. George Washington Sch. of Med. and Hlth. Sci. C450 887.2 Creating an Outcomes-Based Biochemistry Major from ASBMB and ACS Major Guidelines That Reflects MCAT Needs. J.K. Bell, T.J. Dwyer, C.M. Loer, M.S. Lowery, J.J. Provost. Univ. of San Diego. 888. MEDICAL AND DENTAL EDUCATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C451 888.1 Implementation of the Molecular Basis of Medicine Course at Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia from Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University: Analysis of Student Performance in 2014-2015 L.J. Prochaska, F. Elmigdadi, H. Khader, K. Mohany, W. Fadda, R. Aboukhalil, D.J. Organisciak, J. Paietta, N.J. Reo, M.J. Miller, G.J. Onady, J. Donnelly, A. Altwairgi, A. Alkadi, S. Aldamegh, D. Parmelee. Boonshoft Sch. of Med., Wright State Univ. and Unaizah Col. of Med., Qassim Univ., Saudi Arabia. C452 888.2 Collaborative Anatomy-Pathology Project: Integrating Clinical Sciences Into the Pre-clinical Curriculum. E. LaRose, T.R.T. Mitchell, H. Reisner, A. Siddiqui, B. Newton, R. Terreberry, B. Brenseke, F. Anderson, N. Zaman. Campbell Univ. Sch. of Osteo. Med. Nutrition 889. OBESITY: MACRONUTRIENTS AND OBESITY Poster (Sponsored by: Obesity RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D1 I889.1 Simulating the Influence of Changes in Macronutrient Composition and Amounts in the American Diet from 1971-2008 on Body Composition Changes and Their Contribution to the Obesity Epidemic. R.T. Davidson, M. Hippard. Logan Univ., MO. D2 II889.2 Carbohydrate Intake Affects Weight Loss Related Improvements in Glycemic Control: Results from a Systematic Review and Regression Analysis. J. Li, C.S. Wright, W.W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. 277 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D3 I889.3 Differences in Plasma Metabolites in Insulin Resistant and Insulin Sensitive Obese Individuals during a Hyperinsulinemic/Euglycemic Clamp. J.L. Casey, D.W. Van Pelt, C. Burant, J. Horowitz, C. Evans. Univ. of Michigan Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Sch. of Kinesiol. 890. GLOBAL NUTRITION: LINEAR GROWTH AND GROWTH FAILURE FROM CONCEPTION TO ADULTHOOD Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D4 II890.1 How Well Do Nigerian Heath Staff Interpret Weight Trajectory on Growth Charts in Children Under 6 Months? C.M. Wright, I. Ezeofor, A. Garcia. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Glasgow. D5 I890.2 Validity of Photographic Imaging for Assessing Standing Height of Preschoolers. J.J.S. Beintema, N.W. Solomons, M.N. Orozco, R. García-Meza, R. Gwaltney, H.B. Rolker, C.M. Doak. VU Univ., Amsterdam and CeSSIAM, Guatemala City and Quetzalenango. D6 II890.3 Comparison of Trunk-to-Leg Ratio as Assessed by Photographic Imaging in Shorter and Taller Preschool Children of the Western Highlands of Guatemala: Implications Regarding the Biology of Stunting. J.J.S. Beintema, N.W. Solomons, R. García-Meza, M.N. Orozco, R. Gwaltney, C.M. Doak. VU Univ. Amsterdam and CeSSIAM, Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango. D7 I890.4 Inter- and Intra-Rater Concordance in Estimating Height and Its Components Using Photographic Images in Guatemalan Children from the Western Highlands. M.N. Orozco, J.J.S. Beintema, R. García-Meza, R. Gwaltney, H.B. Rolker, C.M. Doak, N.W. Solomons. CeSSIAM, Guatemala City, VU Univ., Amsterdam and CeSSIAM Quetzaltenango. D8 II890.5 Nutritional Status of Children under Five Years and Associated Factors in Kalale District, Benin. D. Taren, H. Alaofe, J. Burney, R. Naylor. Univ. of Arizona, UCSD and Stanford. D9 I890.6 How Should Undernutrition Be Diagnosed in Nigerian Hospitalised Infants Aged under Six Months? C.M. Wright, I. Ezeofor, A. Garcia. Univ. of Glasgow. D10 II890.7 The Influence of Maternal Nutrition on Fetal Size Based on Ultrasound Measurements throughout Pregnancy. P. Nguyen, M.F. Young, Y.O. Addo, H. Nguyen, H. Pham, T.V. Truong, S.V. Truong, R. Martorell, U. Ramakrishnan. IFPRI, Washington, DC, Thai Nguyen Univ. of Med. and Pharm., Vietnam and Emory Univ. D11 I890.8 Household Expenditures on Fruit and Vegetables Are Associated with Significant Increases in zHFA at Ages 5, 8 and 12 in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. D. Humphries, K.A. Dearden, B. Crookston, T. Woldehanna, M.E. Penny, J. Behrman. Yale Univ., Micronutrient Initiative, New Delhi, Brigham Young Univ., Addis Ababa Univ., Nutr. Inst. of Invest., Peru and Univ. of Pennsylvania. 278 D12 II890.9 The Importance of Timing of Gestational Weight Gain for Infant Birth Size in Vietnam. M.F. Young, P.H. Nguyen, O.Y. Addo, H. Pham, T.V. Truong, S. Nguyen, R. Martorell, U. Ramakrishnan. Emory Univ., Thai Nguyen Univ. of Pharm. and Med., Vietnam and IFPRI,, Washington, DC. D13 I890.10 Ultrasound Measurements during the Third Trimester Predict Height and Stunting at 1 Year of Age among Vietnamese Children. I. Gonzalez Casanova, P. Nguyen, M.F. Young, N.D. Ford, H. Nguyen, H. Pham, T.V. Truong, S.V. Truong, U. Ramakrishnan. Emory Univ., IFPRI, Washington, DC and Thai Nguyen Univ. of Med. and Pharm., Vietnam. D14 II890.11 Maternal Education and Home Environment Quality Protect Infants in Low Asset Families from Poor Growth. M.M. Black, N. Tilton, K.M. Hurley, S. Fernandez Rao, N. Balakrishna, K. Harding, G.A. Reinhart, K.V. Radhakrishna, P. Ravinder, K. Madhavan Nair. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Natl. Inst. of Nutr.,Hyderabad, Micronutrient Initiative, Ottawa and The Mathile Inst., Dayton. D15 I890.12 Dietary Pattern with High Dairy Intake Is Associated with Linear Growth in Peruvian Infants. J.E. Arsenault, D. Lopez de Romaña, M. Penny, K.H. Brown. Univ. of California, Davis, Inst. de Invest. Nutr., Lima and Bill & Melinda Gates Fndn., Seattle. D16 II890.13 Predictors of Improved HAZ in Rural Egyptian Children. D.M. Winham. Iowa State Univ. D17 I890.14 Cord Blood FGF21 and Leptin as Candidate Biomarkers of Early Infant Linear Growth Velocity in a Low-Income Country. S. Hack, E. Papp, J. Shi, M. Dimitris, R. Bandsma, A. Al Mahmud, D. Roth. The Hosp. for Sick Children, Toronto, icddr,b, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Univ. of Toronto. 891. GLOBAL NUTRITION: IMPROVING THE DIETS OF VULNERABLE POPULATIONS Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D18 II891.1 Maternal Membership of Community Groups Is Associated with Dietary Diversity among Children 6 to 12 Months of Age in Rural Ethiopia. Y. Kang, E. Seo, J. Kim. Johns Hopkins Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and World Vision Korea, Seoul. D19 I891.2 A Novel Model of Pre-competitive Public-Private Collaboration for Nutrition Research for Vulnerable Populations. F.C. Vasta, M. Arabi, L.M. Neufeld. Global Alliance for Improved Nutr., Washington, DC and Geneva, Switzerland. D20 II891.3 Predicted Effects of Current and Potential Micronutrient Intervention Programs on Adequacy of Folate and Vitamin B-12 Intake in a National Sample of Women and Young Children in Cameroon. H. Luo, C.P. Stewart, K.H. Brown, R. Engle-Stone. Univ. of California, Davis and Bill & Melinda Gates Fndn. MONDAYNUTRITION D21 I891.4 Do Mass Media and Mobile Technology Nutrition Education Campaigns Improve Infant and Young Child Feeding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in the Developing World? A Systematic Review of the Evidence. M. Graziose, Q. O’Brien, S. Downs, J. Fanzo. Teachers Col. Columbia Univ., Mailman Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr., Columbia Univ. and Sch. of Adv. Intl. Studies, Johns Hopkins Univ. D22 II891.5 Use of Dietary Scores for Diet Quality Measurement: Relation with Nutritional Status of Women in Northern Benin. J. Burney, H. Alaofe, R. Naylor, D. Taren. UCSD, Univ. of Arizona and Stanford Woods Inst. for the Envrn. D23 I891.6 The Maternal Domain: Social Support, Decision-Making, Psychological Health and Child Feeding and Anthropometry in Uganda. S. Ickes, M.P. Mandel, A. Roberts. Univ. of Washington and Col. of William and Mary, VA. D24 II891.7 Women’s Dietary Diversity in Rural Bangladesh: Pathways through Women’s Empowerment. S. Sinharoy, J. Waid, S. Gabrysch. Emory Univ., Helen Keller Intl., Dhaka, Bangladesh and Ruprecht Karls Univ. Heidelberg. D25 I891.8 Shifting Grounds: Perceptions of Factors That Affect Agricultural and Nutrition Transitions in Remote Hill Villages of Nepal. A.Z. Lei, U. Rai. Cornell Univ. and Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal. D26 II891.9 Consumption of Novel Thiamin-Fortified Fish Sauce Improves the Thiamin Status of Rural Cambodian Women of Childbearing Age and Their Children <5 Years. K.C. Whitfield, C.D. Karakochuk, H. Kroeun, B. Chan, M. Borath, L.D. Lynd, E.C.Y. Li-Chan, D.D. Kitts, T.J. Green. Univ. of British Columbia, Helen Keller Intl. - Cambodia, Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh and South Australian Hlth. and Med. Res. Inst., Adelaide. D27 I891.10 “Molds Attack Rice - but We Don’t Know What to Do”. A Qualitative Study of Farming Families’ Perceptions of Food Safety in Banke, Nepal. J.Y. Andrews Chavez, S. Ghosh, B.L. Rogers, G. Shively, K. Baral, P. Webb. Tufts Univ., Boston, Purdue Univ. and Patan Acad. of Hlth. Sci., Kathmandu. D28 II891.11Developing Food-Based Recommendations to Complement Distribution of a MeatBased Fortified Food Product for School-Aged Children from Rural Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Using the Optifood Linear Programming Tool. M. Vossenaar, M.L. Escobar, M.J.L. Bonorden, N.W. Solomons. CeSSIAM, Guatemala City and Hormel Foods Corp., Austin, MN. D29 I891.12 Consumption of Native and Traditional Crops in Bolivia Varies along an Ecoregional Gradient. A. Keleman Saxena, X. Cadima Fuentes, D. Illanes Velarde, D. Humphries. Sch. of Epidemiol. and Publ. Hlth., Yale Univ., Fndn. PROINPA, Bolivia and Univ. Mayor de San Simon, Bolivia. D30 II891.13 Impact of a Comprehensive Nutrition Program on Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices among Children Aged 6 to <24 Months in Rural Malawi. K.M. Hurley, Y. Kang, A. Bou Monclus, J. Ruel-Bergeron, R. Oemcke, L.S.F. Wu, M. Mitra, J. Phuka, P. Christian. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Col. of Med., Univ. of Malawi. D31 I891.14 Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status in Infants from the Urban Slums of Mumbai, India. S. Venkatramanan, J.D. Haas, J.L. Finkelstein, A. Salvi, A. Thorat, S.L. Huey, S.A. Udipi, P. Ghugre, A.V. Kurpad, S. Mehta. Cornell Univ., SNDT Univ., Mumbai and St. Johns Res. Inst., Bengaluru India. D32 II891.15 Understanding Intrahousehold Factors Prior to Infant and Young Child Feeding Programming with Micronutrient Powder in Northern Nigeria. S.R. Kodish, P. Mathema, A. Imohe, T. Osunkentan, C.L. Ejembi. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth., UNICEF Nigeria and Ahmadu Bello Univ., Nigeria. 892. GLOBAL NUTRITION: MEASURING AND IMPROVING MICRONUTRIENT STATUS Poster (Sponsored by: Global Nutrition Council) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D33 I892.1 Perceived Iron Content in Drinking Water Associated with Anemia among Women with Iron-Poor Diets in Rural Bangladesh. A. Wendt, J. Waid, S. Gabrysch. Univ. of Heidelberg and Helen Keller Intl., Bangladesh. D34 II892.2 Iodine Status Has Changed between 2001 and 2012 in U.S. Adults. K.W. Lee, M.S. Cho, D. Shin, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ., Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. D35 I892.3 Oral Contraceptive Use Is Associated with Increased Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Decreased Serum Parathyroid Hormone but Not with Bone Mass Status in Young Adult Uruguayan Women. R. Cornes, A. Peña, C.M. Donangelo. Sch. of Nutr., Univ. of the Republic, Uruguay. D36 II892.4 Use of Modified Relative DoseResponse to Examine Sensitivity and Specificity of Retinol Binding Protein as an Indicator of Vitamin A Deficiency among Nepali Children 6-23 Months of Age. R.D. Whitehead; Jr., C.G. Perrine, R.C. Flores-Ayala, S.A. Tanumihardjo, P. Dahal, S. Mebrahtu, G.R. Subedi, M.E. Jefferds. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, UNICEF, Lalitpur, Nepal and MoHP, Kathmandu, Nepal. D37 I892.5 Risk of Neural Tube Defects Based on Red Blood Cell Folate among Women in the Dominican Republic. R.D. Whitehead; Jr., C.G. Perrine, A.T. Paulino, S.S. Torbio, M.E. Jefferds. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. and MoHP, Santo Domingo. D38 II892.6 Comparison of Selected Nutrients in Raw, Whole Egg from USDA Data Releases (1976 – 2010) M. Somanchi, J. Exler, P.R. Pehrsson. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D39 I892.7 Effect of Antioxidants on Vitamins A, E and Carotenoid Stability in Dried Blood Spots. F.X. Arredondo, N.E. Craft. Craft Technols. Inc., Wilson, NC. D40 II892.8 Vitamin D Status of Husbands of Pregnant Women in Dhaka, Bangladesh. L. Ruiter, J. Shi, E. Papp, A.A. Mahmud, A. Gernand, D. Roth. Univ. of Toronto, Hosp. for Sick Children, Toronto, icddr, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Penn State. D41 I892.9 Assessment of Micronutrient Status in Pregnant Malawian Women before and after Treatment for Moderate Malnutrition. C.M. Glosz, S. Reaves, M. Manary, P. Papathakis. Cal Poly Univ., San Luis Obispo and Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. 279 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D42 II892.10 Anemia, Iron and Vitamin A Deficits Are Still Public Health Issues among Women and Young Children in Northern Benin. H. Alaofe, J. Burney, R. Naylor, D. Taren. Univ. of Arizona, UCSD and Stanford Univ. D43 I892.11 Plasma Proteome Associated with Hepcidin and Iron Status in 6-8 Year Old Children of Rural Nepal. S. Baker, M.A. Arguello, K.J. Schulze, S.E. Lee, R. Cole, L. Wu, B. Nonyane, J. Yager, J. Groopman, P. Christian, K. West. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. D44 II892.12 Addressing Anemia in Women and Children in Rural Communities of Cambodia and Kenya: Experiences from an Integrated Program. B.A. Aidam, A. Edward, A.C. Paden, R.Y.S. Wong, J. Chege. World Vision Intl., Washington, DC and Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Johns Hopkins Univ. D45 I892.13 Determining an Optimal Plasma Folate Concentration Associated with the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects. A. Sekkarie, R.J. Berry, Y.P. Qi, K. Crider. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. and Carter Consulting Inc., Atlanta. D46 II892.14 Vitamin D Insufficiency among Lactating Women in Southern Ethiopia. M. Girma, B. Tilahun, B.J. Stoecker. Oklahoma State Univ., Hawassa Univ. and Hawassa Univ. Col. of Med. & Hlth. Sci., Ethiopia. D47 I892.15 Use of Zn Kinetics in the Design of Zn Supplementation Studies. M.E. Wastney, J. King. Metabolic Modeling, West Lafayette, IN and Children’s Hosp. Oakland Res. Inst., CA. D48 II892.16 Reducing Micronutrient Deficiencies in a Decentralized Setting: Lessons in Food Fortification from the Philippines. C.C.S. Acuin, L. Perlas, C. Duante, M. Serafico, A.J. Ducay, M. Capanzana. Food and Nutr. Res. Inst., Taguig, Philippines. D49 I892.17 Effectiveness and Tolerability of Various Ferrous Salts in Correcting Mild to Moderate Iron Deficiency Anemia in Indonesian Women. S. Ashmead, J. Hartle. Albion, UT. D50 II892.18 Socio-economic Variables Associated with Anaemia during Pregnancy in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria. O.C. Afam-Anene, A.C. Uwaegbute. Imo State Univ. and Michael Okpara Univ. of Agr., Nigeria. D51 I892.19 The Cornell NutriPhone: Enabling Precision Nutrition. S. Mehta, D.C. Erickson. Cornell Univ. and Sch. of Mech. and Aerosp. Engin., Cornell Univ. 893. PULSES, NUTRITION AND HEALTH Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D52 II893.1 Sarcopenic Obesity in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Effect of a Pulse-Based Diet and Exercise Intervention. L.E. McBreairty, G.A. Zello, J.J. Gordon, D.R. Chizen, P.D. Chilibeck. Univ. of Saskatchewan. D53 I893.2 Development of Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods by Incorporating Pulse Ingredients Into CerealBased Products: Use of In Vitro Screening and In Vivo GI Determination. N. Fujiwara, C. Hall, A.L. Jenkins. No. Crops Inst., Fargo, North Dakota State Univ. and Glycemic Index Labs., Toronto. 280 D54 II893.3 Carbohydrate Fractions in Chickpeas, Lentils and Dry Peas. D.B. Haytowitz. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D55 I893.4 Acute Effects of Lentil Fractions on Satiety and Glycemic Responses before and after a Meal in Healthy Young Men. H. Fabek, A. Rajadurai, M.U. Arshad, C.E. Smith, B.G. Bailo, R. Kubant, G.H. Anderson. Univ. of Toronto. D56 II893.5 The Role of Caregiver Communication in Children’s Liking and Consumption of Lentils. A.J. Roe, J.N. Davis, S.L. Johnson, S.A. Ramsay. Univ. of Idaho and Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus. D57 I893.6 Common Bean and Chickpea Supplemented Diets Beneficially Enhance the Colonic Microenvironment and Reduce Colitis-Associated Inflammation. K.A. Power, J.M. Monk, D. Lepp, L.E. Robinson, W. Wu, C. Carey, D. Graf, A. Hussain, L. McGillis. Agr. and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph and Univ. of Guelph. D58 II893.7 Fortification of Yogurt with Chickpea Flour Decreases Fermentation Time and Enhances Overall Quality of Yogurt. X. Chen, R. Ramanathan, K. Bhargava. Univ. of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma State Univ. D59 I893.8 Impact of Processing on the Protein Quality of a Pinto Bean/Buckwheat Blend, as Determined by In Vitro and In Vivo Methodologies. M.G. Nosworthy, A. Franczyk, J. Neufeld, J.D. House. Univ. of Manitoba. D60 II893.9 The Effect of Consuming a LowGlycemic Index Lentil-Based Sports Nutrition Bar on Recovery after a Soccer Match. M. Kaviani, P. Chilibeck, S. Gall, J. Jochim, G. Zello. Col. of Kinesiol. and Col. of Pharm. and Nutr., Univ. of Saskatchewan. D61 I893.10 Consumption of Roasted Chick Peas Results in Increased Excretion of Oral Bacteria in Feces. V. Mai, S.G. Waugh, D.J. Simpson, F.R. Hadjimiry, M. Ukhanova. Univ. of FLorida. D62 II893.11 Chickpea Bread, a Low Glycemic Index Bread Alternative. S. Blanco Mejia, C. Ireland, C.W.C. Kendall, J.L. Sievenpiper, T.M.S. Wolever, V.V.V. Vuksan, P.B. Pencharz, D.J.A. Jenkins. St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Fac. of Med., Univ. of Saskatchewan Col. of Pharm. and Nutr. and Sick Kids Hosp.,Toronto. D63 I893.12 Predication of Glycemic Response of Extruded Pulse Products Using n Vitro Analysis. S. Joseph Thandapilly, R. Mollard, J. Curran, D.R. Bouchard, P. Jones, N. Ames. Agr. and Agri-Food Canada,Winnipeg, Univ. of Manitoba, Pulse Canada,Winnipeg and Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada. D64 II893.13 The Sensory Characteristics of Whole and Puréed Navy Beans: Effect of Processing. B.L. Luhovyy, A. Martynenko, T. Chiu, K. Mather, R. Boachie, A. Hamilton, Y. Chen. Mount Saint Vincent Univ. and Dalhousie Univ., NS, Canada. D65 I893.14 Satiety Effects of Lentils in a Calorie Matched Fruit Smoothie. J. Erickson, A. Rendahl, J. Slavin. Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul. MONDAYNUTRITION 894. FACTORS INFLUENCING LONG-TERM ECONOMIC/ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OF THE FOOD SUPPLY 895. NUTRITION EDUCATION: DEVELOPING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY BEHAVIORS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D (Sponsored by: Nutrition Education and Behavioral Science RIS) Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D D66 II894.1 Characterizing Early Adolescent Food Waste Using the Mobile Food Record. J.C. Banna, C. Panizza, C. Boushey, E. Delp, E. Lim. Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, Curtin Univ., Australia, Univ. of Hawaii Cancer Ctr. and Purdue Univ. D67 I894.2 Examination of Sociodemographic Correlates of Plate Waste in Early Adolescent Girls. C. Panizza, C. Boushey, E. Delp, E. Lim, J.C. Banna. Curtin Univ., Australia, Univ. of Hawaii Cancer Ctr., Purdue Univ. and Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. D68 II894.3 Eating Away at Climate Change – Substituting Beans for Beef to Help Meet U.S Climate Targets. H. Harwatt, J. Sabate, G. Eshel, S. Soret, W. Ripple. Loma Linda Univ., Bard Col., NY and Oregon State Univ. D69 I894.4 Examining Local Fish Consumption in the Globalized Lake Victoria Fishery. K.J. Fiorella, K. Seto, E. Gavenus, E.M. Milner, D.O. Omollo, B. Mattah, L.C.H. Fernald, J. Brashares. Cornell Univ., Univ. of California, Berkeley and Organic Hlth. Response, Kenya. D70 II894.5 Sustainability of Soy Protein from Life Cycle Assessment. M. Braun, I. Muñoz, J.H. Schmidt, M. Thrane. DuPont Nutr. & Hlth., St. Louis, 2.-0 LCA Consultants, Aalborg and DuPont Nutr. & Hlth., Brabrand, Denmark. D71 I894.6 Healthy and Sustainable Diets: The Development and Application of a Policy Analysis Framework. S. Downs, A. Payne, J. Fanzo. Columbia Univ., Amplify Urban Planning and Develop., NYC and Sch. of Adv. Intl. Studies, Johns Hopkins Univ. D72 II894.7 Perspectives of Public, Private and Civil Sectors in the Development and Maintenance of a Local Food System. D. Cuy Castellanos, J. Christaldi, J. Jones. Univ. of Dayton, West Chester Univ. and Rutgers Univ. D73 I894.8 The Future of Meat: Exploring the Nutritional Qualities and Environmental Impacts of Meat Replacements. M.A. Mejia, H. Harwatt, K. Jaceldo-Siegl, S. Soret, J. Sabate. Andrews Univ. and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Loma Linda Univ. Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D74 II895.1 Peer Mentoring to Prevent Obesity in First Year College Students: Get Fruved. S. Colby, W. Zhou, W. Yan, S. Dahlman, M. Olfert, M. Barr, K. Kattelmann, K. Leischner, A. Mathews, K. Shelnutt, M. Vilaro, O. Brown, T. Kidd, T. Horacek, A. White. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, West Virginia Univ., South Dakota State Univ., Univ. of Florida, Auburn Univ., Kansas State Univ., Syracuse Univ. and Univ. of Maine. D75 I895.2 “iRun”! An Evaluation of the Addition of Nutrition Education and a Fitness Log to an Existing AfterSchool Fitness Program. J. Bell, M. Spence, K. Aaron, S. Colby, K. Kavanagh. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville and East Tennessee Children’s Hosp. D76 II895.3 An Online Study of Undergraduates’ Knowledge, Awareness, and Attitudes of Preconception Care. K.J. Crusenberry, S.E. Colby, M.L. Spence, L.T. Murphy, K.F. Kavanagh. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. D77 I895.4 Flowers, Hearts, and Stars, Oh My!: Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Preschoolers. K.L. Clay, S. Colby, K. Kavanagh, M. Spence. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. D78 II895.5 What Is a Snack, Why Do We Snack, and How Can We Choose Better Snacks? The Definitions of Snacking, Motivations to Snack, Contributions to Dietary Intake, and Recommendations for Improvement. J. Hess, S. Jonnalagadda, J. Slavin. Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul and Kerry, Beloit, WI. D79 I895.6 Developmental and Gender Differences in Risk Taking in Response to Caffeine. A. Graczyk, A. Ziegler, A. Atkins, H. Carrasco, J. Temple. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY. D80 II895.7 Physical Activity Patterns versus Sedentary Behaviours, Awareness of Recommendations and Overweight in Physically Active Male Brazilian Adolescents – The Fit Food Study. R.H.V. Machado, I. Iglesia, J.S. Silva, A.B. Neto, C.A. Hartwick, A. Pires, M. Fisberg, L. Moreno. Sabara Children’s Hosp./José Luiz Egydio Setubal Fndn., São Paulo, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain, Danone Res. and Danone Inst. Intl., Paris and Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. D81 I895.8 The Nutrient-Density of Snacks: A Comparison of Nutrient Profiles of Popular Snack Foods Using the Nutrient Rich Foods Index. J. Hess, G. Rao, J. Slavin. Univ. of Minnesota, st. Paul and NorthShore Univ. Hlth. Syst./ Univ. of Chicago,, Glenview. D82 II895.9 Comparing Dietary Strategies to Increase Vegetable Consumption: Encouraging Tomato Products versus Raw Vegetable Consumption. S. Rahman, E. Park, K. Reimers, B.M. Burton-Freeman. Illinois Inst. of Technol. and ConAgra Foods, Omaha. 281 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D83 I895.10 Participants in the Shaping Healthy Choices Program Increased the Intensity of Physical Activity. D.S. Fetter, R.E. Scherr, J.D. Linnell, M. Dharmar, S.E. Schaefer, K.M. Brian, S. Zidenberg-Cherr. Univ. of California, Davis, Sch. of Nursing, Davis Hlth. Syst., Sacramento, Agr. and Nat. Resources, Davis and Coop. Ext., Auburn, CA. D84 II895.11 Demographic Factors Influencing Obesity Risk Reduction Behaviors among Chinese Americans. D. Liou, K. Bauer, Y. Bai. Montclair State Univ. D85 I895.12 Impact of Military Dining Facility Serving Modifications on the Nutritional Intake of Special Operations Personnel. A.S. Bukhari, A.P. Crombie, S.M. McGraw, C.M. Champagne, A. Ray, S.J. Montain, A.J. Young. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA, U.S. Military-Baylor Univ. Grad. Prog. in Nutr., Fort Sam Houston and Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge. D86 II895.13 Observed Differences in Child Picky Eating Behaviors between the Child’s Home and Center- or Home-Based Childcare. V. Luchini, S-Y. Lee, S. Donovan. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 896. NUTRITION EDUCATION: EVIDENCE-BASED NUTRITION EDUCATION: DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, AND EVALUATION Poster (Sponsored by: Nutrition Education and Behavioral Science RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D87 I896.1 Implementation of a Nutrition?Education Program Designed to Improve the Diets of Low Income Underserved Populations. M.P. Corcoran, P. Keighley. Merrimack Col., MA. D88 II896.2 Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Nutrition Intervention Programs on Adolescents’ Intrinsic Motivation and Perceived Competence to Cook Using the Adolescent Motivation to Cook Questionnaire. D. Miketinas, M. Cater, B. Craft, H. Roy, A. Bailey, G. Tuuri. Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., LSU and LSU Agr. Ctr. D89 I896.3 Physician Nutrition Education Program: Adding Value to Patient Care by Increasing Physician Expertise in Nutrition. K.K. Hicks, M.K. Irion, P.S. Murano. Texas A&M Univ., College Station and Bryan, TX. D90 II896.4 Wave Virtual World Learning Environment for Childhood Obesity Prevention: High School Soccer Players’ Perspectives – A Pilot Study. S.S. Wong, Y. Meng, J. Bruntmyer, J. Cui, M.M. Manore, J. Dorbolo. Oregon State Univ. D91 I896.5 Promotion of Healthy Food Choices in School Children through Nutrition Education. V. Davar. Kurukshetra Univ., India. D92 II896.6 Culinary Skills Intervention: Immediate Impacts on Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-Efficacy in Adolescent Youth. A.R. Oakley, S.M. Nickols-Richardson. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 282 D93 I896.7 Perceptions, Beliefs, and Implementation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Consumer Messages by Low-Income Parents. M. Chea, A.R. Mobley. Univ. of Connecticut. D94 II896.8 Nutrition Education Intervention in Kindergarteners: Effects on Knowledge and Behavior. L. Hoolihan, A. Larsen, Y. Liao, G.F. Dunton. Dairy Council of California, Irvine, Hermosa Beach and CA, Univ. of So. California. D95 I896.9 Validation of Two Brief Questionnaires Designed to Assess Fruit and Vegetable Intake among 3rd5th Grade SNAP-Ed Participants. Y. Zhang, G. Hurtado, M. Reicks. Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities. D96 II896.10 Attracting Attention: Parent Perceptions of Coverlines on Homestyles Guides. J.T. Martin-Biggers, C. Delaney, G. Povis-Alleman, N. Hongu, J. Worobey, C. Byrd-Bredbenner. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick and Univ. of Arizona. D97 I896.11 Coordination of Classroom Nutrition Education with School Nutrition Services Programs in California Schools. A.M. Jones, M. Briggs, J. BoarerPitchford, S. Zidenberg-Cherr. Univ. of California, Davis, California Dept . of Educ., Sacramento and Univ. of California ANR, Davis. D98 II896.12 Whole Grain Willingness Questionnaire: Examining College Students’ Attitudes toward Consuming Whole Grains through Exploratory Factor Analysis. B. Craft, M. Cater, A. Bailey, G. Tuuri. LSU and LSU. Agr. Ctr., Baton Rouge. D99 I896.13 Validation of General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults in Uganda. R. Bukenya, A. Ahmed, K.M. Chapman- Novakofski, J. Muyonga, J. Andrade. Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Makerere Univ., Uganda. D100 II896.14Parent and Adolescent Child Perceptions of a Grocery Store Tour: Comparison of Adultversus Teen-Led Education. C.J. Nikolaus, C.A. Liguori, S.M. Nickols-Richardson. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D101 I896.15 Nudges: Fun, Motivational Messages to Encourage and Reassure Parents in the Homestyles Randomized Controlled Trial. C. Delaney, J.T. MartinBiggers, G. Povis-Alleman, N. Hongu, J. Worobey, C. ByrdBredbenner. Rutgers Univ. and Univ. of Arizona. D102 II896.16 Nutrition Recommendations Critical to Teach Low-Income Adults in EFNEP: U.S. Dietary Guidelines Expert Panel Opinion. E. Murray, S. Baker, G. Auld. Colorado State Univ. D103 I896.17 The Effects of Nutrition Education on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Food Pantry Clients. S. St. Cyr, A. Bruzina, M. Linek, M. Butsch-Kovacic, S-Y. Lee. Univ. of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. D104 II896.18 Peer-Education about Weight Steadiness (PAWS Club): Pilot Test of Family Menu Planning Lesson for Parents and Their Young Adolescents. C.J. Nikolaus, C.A. Liguori, A.N. Winslow, S.M. Nickols-Richardson. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D105 I896.19 Using Skin Carotenoids to Assess Potential Dietary Changes after One Academic Year in the Shaping Healthy Choices Program. L.M. Nguyen, R.E. Scherr, M. Dharmar, I.V. Ermakov, W. Gellermann, L. Jahns, J.D. Linnell, C.L. Keen, S. Miyamoto, F.M. Steinberg, H.M. Young, S. Zidenberg-Cherr. Univ. of California, Davis, Sch. of Nursing, Davis Hlth. Syst., Sacramento, Image Technols. Corp., Salt Lake City, USDA, Grand Forks, Univ. of California Agr. and Nat. Resources and Penn State Col. of Nursing. MONDAYNUTRITION 897. NUTRITION POLICY Poster (Sponsored by: Public Policy Committee) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Science Policy Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D106 II897.1 Adapting, Implementing, and Assessing the Impact of the Shaping Healthy Choices Program through UC CalFresh Partnerships. J.J. Bergman, J.D. Linnell, D.C. Ginsburg, R.E. Scherr, K.M. Brian, R. Carter, S. Donohue, L. Hoyos, S. Klisch, S. Lawry-Hall, A. Martin, M.A. Mills, J. Pressman, K. Soule, W. West, S. Zidenberg-Cherr. Univ. of California, Davis and Coop. Exts. Auburn, Oroville, Stockton, San Luis Obispo and Placerville, CA. D107 I897.2 Mining the Twitter-Sphere for Consumer Attitudes towards Dairy. C.M. Whisner, H. Wang, S. Felix, R. Maciejewski. Arizona State Univ. D108 II897.3 FDA’s Evaluations of GRAS Food Ingredients. J. Dausch. FDA, Bethesda. D109 I897.4Validity of Anthropometric Measurements, BMI and Child Growth Assessments Conducted by Head Start Teachers: Training Needs for Longitudinal Child Growth Surveillance. M.K. Esquivel, M.K. Fialksowski, C.R. Nigg, K.L. Braun, F. Li, L. Wilkens, R.K. Novotny. Univ. of Hawaii Manoa and Univ. of Hawaii Cancer Ctr. D110 II897.5 New Classification Based on Anthropometric Indicators for Assessing Dual Burden of Malnutrition in Young Children. R. Sibrian, P. Palma de Fulladolsa. SG-SICA/PRESANCA, San Salvador. D111 I897.6 Menu Labeling: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You...or Is It? J.E. Green, R. DeWeese, C. Lorts, P. Ohri-Vachaspati. Arizona State Univ. D112 II897.7 Examining the Implementation of a Regulatory Food Policy in High Schools: Experiences of Principals and Food Service Administrators. M.L. Jensen, W. González, E.A. Frongillo, R. Monge, A.J. Chinnock. Sch. of Nutr., Univ. of Costa Rica, Arnold Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of South Carolina and INCIENSA, Cartago, Costa Rica. D113 I897.8 A Qualitative Evaluation of the Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy Using an Implementation Framework: Lessons Learned. R.Valaitis, R. Hanning,T. Orava. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. & Hlth. Systs., Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. 898. SPORTS NUTRITION: NUTRITION, DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Poster D115 I898.2 Sensation Seeking Behaviors and Dietary Supplement Usage in Warfighters. A.M. Hatch, A.J. DiChiara, J.J. Sepowitz, R.E. Cole, E.P. Merrill, H.R. Lieberman, A.S. Bukhari. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA. D116 II898.3 Caffeine Accentuates Emotional Responses, Not Emotion Regulation Choice. G.E. Giles, A.M. Spring, H.L. Urry, J.M. Moran, C.R. Mahoney, R.B. Kanarek. Tufts Univ. and U.S. Army Natick Soldier R&D and Engin. Ctr. D117 I898.4Carbohydrate+Protein Ingestion Influences Recovery following a Marathon Run. M.J. Saunders, C.R. DeWitt, M.C. Gross, A. Dillon Rios, C.J. Greever, K.A. Murach, S.Y. Wineland, D.A. Baur, N.D. Luden. James Madison Univ. D118 II898.5 The Effect of Protandim® Supplementation on Athletic Performance and Oxidative Blood Markers in Runners. G.S. Zavorsky, S.L. Ueberschlag, J.R. Seay, A.H. Roberts, P.C. DeSpirito, J.M. Stith, R.J. Folz, K.A. Carter, E.P. Weiss. Georgia State Univ., Univ. of Louisville, Univ. of Kentucky, Case Western Reserve Univ. and Saint Louis Univ. D119 I898.6 Intense Exercise Increases NF-κB Activity in Liver: Regulatory Effects of Quercetin. C. Gao, Z. Wang, Y. Tang, L. Liu, X. Xiang, W. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Zhao, Y. Yang. Chinese Ctr. for Dis. Control and Prevent., Beijing, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Technol. and Wuhan Polytech Univ., China. D120 II898.7 Energy Drink Consumption by Online College Students. L.O. Byerley. American Publ. Univ., WV. D121 I898.8 In Vitro Comparative Absorption of Creatine Compounds. S. Morgan, C. Ericson, J.W. Hartle. Albion, UT. D122 II898.9 Examining the Relationship between Iron Status and Physical Performance in Chinese Women. L.M. Pompano, J.D. Haas. Cornell Univ. D123 I898.10 Coffee but Not Anticipation of Coffee Alters the Outcome of Explosive Bench Pressing. B. Smith, A. Feucht, G. Slack, J. Rogers, F. LaRock, R. Mendel, L. Lowery. Univ. of Mount Union and Independent Licensed Res. Nurse, Alliance, OH. D124 II898.11Astaxanthin-Rich Green Alga Haematococcus pluvialis Enhanced Extreme Endurance Performance and Improved Heart Rate Recovery in Exercised Rats. E. Yamashita, H. Lin, M. Narducci. AstaReal, Co. Ltd., Osaka. D125 I898.12 Effect of Aspartate Supplementation on Athletic Performance and Testosterone Levels in Young Men. Z. LaMacchia, B. Williams, P.J. Horvath. Univ. at Buffalo SUNY. D126 II898.13 The Analysis of Essential Nutriment Intake Deficiencies and the Body Composition Compartments in College Athletes. A. Mendoza-Hernandez, B. Avila-Martinez, V. Rocha, P. Sánchez-Quintero, A. Nuñez-Guzman. UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico. Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D114 II898.1 Via Instant Coffee Enhances the Stretch Reflex during Bench Pressing. G. Slack, J. White, A. Feucht, S. Stepp, D. Hosier, A. Wise, S. Mohney, L. Lowery. Univ. of Mount Union. 283 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY 899. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION: FOOD SECURITY AND ITS CONNECTIONS TO NUTRITION AND HEALTH Poster (Sponsored by: Community and Public Health Nutrition RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D127 I899.1 Food Insecurity, Health, and Healthcare Utilization among the Working Poor in the U.S. E.L.P. Sattler, V. Bhargava. Univ. of Georgia. D128 II899.2 The Usual Nutrient Intakes of U.S. Children and Adolescents by Milk Drinking Behavior. Y. Zhao, R. Bailey, C. Weaver, G. McCabe, H. Eicher-Miller. Purdue Univ. D129 I899.3 Psychological Distress Mediates the Relationships between Household Food Insecurity and Sleep Quality among Latinos with Type 2 Diabetes. A. BermúdezMillán, R. Pérez-Escamilla, S. Segura-Pérez, G. Damio, J. Chhabra, C.Y. Osborn, J.A. Wagner. UConn Hlth., Yale Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Hispanic Hlth. Council, Hartford, Hartford Hosp. and Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. D130 II899.4 Household Food Insecurity Is Associated with Higher Insulin Resistance and Blood Glucose Levels in Latinos with Type 2 Diabetes. A. Bermúdez-Millán, J.A. Wagner, S. Segura-Pérez, G. Damio, J. Chhabra, R. Pérez-Escamilla. UConn Hlth., Farmington, Hispanic Hlth. Council, Hartford, Hartford Hosp. and Yale Sch. of Publ. Hlth. D131 I899.5 Food Security: Motivations to Volunteer in Food Rescue Nutrition. T.Y. Mousa, J.H. Freeland-Graves. Univ. of Texas at Austin. D132 II899.6 Association of Household Food Insecurity, Nutritional Status, Energy and Nutrients Intake in Female-Headed Households from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. D.A. Ochoa, I.A. Osuna-Ramirez, R. Pérez-Escamilla, C.G. Plazas-Guerrero, M.D. Vergara-Jiménez. Univ. Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Yale Univ. D133 I899.7 Nutritional Impact of “Cruzada Nacional Contra El Hambre” in México. V. Mundo Rosas, T. Shamah Levy, I. Méndez Gómez-Humarán, B. Martínez Tapia. Natl. Inst. of Publ. Hlth., Cuernavaca and Ctr. Invest. en Matemat. A.C, Aguascalientes, Mexico. D134 II899.8 Implementation of the General Guidelines for the Sale and Distribution of Food and Drinks Prepared and Processed in the Schools of the National Education System in Mexico, the Universidad Iberoamericana Case. A.B. Perez-Lizaur, L.I. Moreno. Univ. Iberoamericana, Mexico City. D135 I899.9 Sustainable Diets for Food Security in the Middle East and North Africa Region. N. Hwalla, R. Bahn, S. El Labban. American Univ. of Beirut. D136 II899.10 Cross-Sectional but Not Longitudinal Measures of Food Insecurity Are Associated with the Rate of Weight Gain during Pregnancy in Northern Uganda. B.K. Natamba, S. Mehta, F. Vermeylen, E.M. Widen, S. Ghosh, J.K. Griffiths, P.M. Brannon, S.L. Young. Harvard Univ., Gulu Univ., Uganda, Cornell Univ., Columbia Univ. and Tufts Univ., Boston. 284 D137 I899.11 The Association between DIetary Diversity Score and Iron Deficiency Anemia among Reproductive-Aged Women in Ghana. C. Kubuga, K. Lee, S. Song, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. and Univ. for Develop. Studies, Ghana. D138 II899.12 High Levels of Food Insecurity Were Observed among HIV, TB, and HIV/TB CoiInfected Outpatients in Northern Uganda. M.M. Blakstad, S. Mehta, J. Kuule, B.K. Natamba. Cornell Univ., Uganda Ministry of Hlth., Entebbe, Harvard Univ., Boston and Gulu Univ., Uganda. D139 I899.13 Food Insecure Women with Lower Education Report More Health Problems in a Global Sample of Individuals. D. Dallmann, M. Miller, H. Melgar-Quiñonez. McGill Univ. D140 II899.14 Divorced Women Who Are in Informal Unions Are Most Vulnerable to Food Insecurity. D. Dallmann, G.S.D. Marquis, E.K. Colecraft, S. Clark, R. Aryeetey. Sch. of Dietetics and Human Nutr., McGill Univ., Univ. of Ghana and McGill Univ., Montreal. D141 I899.15 Nutrition Resource Associations with Food Security Parameters among Mexican-Heritage Seniors: A Structural Equation Model Analysis. B.D. Bustillos. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr., San Antonio. 900. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION: POLICY AND SYSTEMS APPROACHES IN COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION Poster (Sponsored by: Community and Public Health Nutrition RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D142 II900.1 Food Purchasing Patterns of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participants. N. Sanjeevi, J.H. Freeland-Graves. Univ. of Texas at Austin. D143 I900.2 Academic and Industry Joint Efforts to Include Vitamins and Minerals in Newly Implemented Regulation in Japan for the Functional Claims of Health Foods Named Food with Functional Claims. H. Amagase, K. Sueki, K. Abe, J. Yamauchi, A. Wada, H. Ichinose, S. Shigeoka. Amway Japan, Tokyo, Vitamin Soc. of Japan Task Force, Kyoto, Assn. of Intl. Food and Nutr., Eizai Food Chem. Co. Ltd. and Natl. Inst. of Hlth. and Nutr., Tokyo, Kobe Pharmaceut. Univ., Tokyo Inst. of Technol., Yokohama and Kinki Univ., Japan. D144 II900.3 Advancing the Science of Dietary Patterns Research: Developing a Framework and Leveraging a Complex Systems Approach. J. Reedy, R. Hammond, E. Hennessy, S.M. Krebs-Smith. NCI, NIH and Brookings Instn., Washington, DC. D145 I900.4 A China-USA Comparative Study of Peer Influence on Childhood Obesity and Eating Behavior: Social Network Analysis and Agent-Based Modeling. H. Xue, J. Zhang, Y. Wang. Univ at Buffalo, SUNY and Med. Univ of South Carolina Hosp. Authority. D146 II900.5 Impact of Citation Network on the Diffusion of Systems Science Simulation Approaches in HealthRelated Research. S. Liu, H. Xue, Y. Wang. Southwestern Univ of Finance and Econ., China and Univ at Buffalo SUNY. MONDAYNUTRITION D147 I900.6 Using a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Design Changes to the Food Environment in a Central American Immigrant Community. U. Colon-Ramos, M. Edberg, S.D. Cleary, W.D. Evans, E. Andrade. Milken Inst. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., George Washington Univ. D148 II900.7 School Food Policies and Practices in New York City Public Schools. M. Pflugh Prescott, B. Dixon. Colorado State Univ. and Syracuse Univ. 901. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION: HEALTH DISPARITIES AND PROMOTING HEALTH IN DIVERSE POPULATIONS Poster (Sponsored by: Community and Public Health Nutrition RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D149 I901.1 Impact of Casinos on Key Dimensions of Health and Nutrition: Qualitative Findings from American Indian Gaming Communities in California. S.R. Kodish, J. Gittelsohn, V.M. Oddo, J.C. Jones-Smith. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. D150 II901.2 Vitamin B12 and Folate Status in Pregnant Adolescents and Their Infants. J.L. Finkelstein, R. Guillet, E.K. Pressman, T.R. Kent, K.O. O’Brien. Cornell Univ. and Univ. of Rochester Med. Ctr. D151 I901.3 Assess the Prevalence of Nutrition Related Diseases and Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases in Mamfe Subdivision in Cameroon. S.A. Besong, P. Agbo, A.A. Assam, E.E. Assam, B.C. Besong, J.O. Enoru. Delaware State Univ., RAPHAS HANDS Fndn., Dover, DE, First Choice Home Hlth. Agcy., Homewood, IL and MECA-USA Inc., Camden, DE and Concord, OH. D152 II901.4 Nutritional Health Attitudes and Behaviors and Their Associations with the Risk of Overweight/ Obesity among Michigan Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Staff. S. Song, V. Nieves, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. D153 I901.5 The Relationship of Full Time Family Care to Food Security in U.S. - and Foreign - Origin Hispanic Households. A.C. McClain, K.L. Dickin, J. Dollahite. Cornell Univ. D154 II901.6 A Palauan Healthy Lifestyle: Steps toward Tailoring Local Resources and Health Information for Non-communicable Disease Prevention and Intervention. K.J. Farr, Z. Cohen, K. Nielsen, A. Rombod Rahimian, I. Appanaitis, N. Hongu. Univ. of Arizona and Ministry of Hlth., Republic of Palau. D155 I901.7 Dietary Quality and Food Group Intakes of Korean Elderly by Chewing Ability Using the 2013 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data. Y.S. Lim, S.H. Kwon, C.R. Kim, Y.M. Lee, S. Kwon, O.S. Kim, H.Y. Kim, H-R. Park. Myongji Univ., Honam Univ. and Jangan Univ., South Korea. D156 II901.8 Barriers, Facilitators, and Strategies to Support Healthy Eating among Recent Hispanic Immigrants’ Mothers Living in a Food Swamp: A Photovoice Project. U. Colon-Ramo, E. Cremm, I. Rivera, M. Edberg. Global Hlth. and Milken Inst. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. George Washington Univ. D157 I901.9 High Overweight/Obesity Risk among Children Enrolled in Michigan Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Programs, 2012 C. Nance-Panek, S. Song, Y.M. Lim, E.T. Crockett, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. D158 II901.10 Community Perspectives of Health Care and Education Provided through a Student-Run Free Clinic in an Urban Setting. J. Phelps, L. White, S. Parker. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Oklahoma State Univ. D159 I901.11 Promotora-Academic Partnership to Reduce Nutritional Health Disparities among Mexican-Heritage Families in Texas Border colonias J. Sharkey, R. Umstattd Meyer, J. St. John. Texas A&M Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Baylor Univ. and Texas Tech Univ., Abiline. D160 II901.12 Partnership between a Historically Black College and a Community Health and Wellness Center to Engage African American Men in Community Participatory Research and the Development of Biomarkers of Diabetic Nephropathy. R. Sedighi, O.E. Jegede, J. Pinder, S.J. Sumner, S.H. Harrison, R.H. Newman, E.M. Ongeri. North Carolina A&T State Univ., Cone Hlth. Community Hlth. and Wellness Ctr., Greensboro and Res. Triangle Inst. Intl., NC. D161 I901.13 Usual Dietary Intake among Children 2-5 Years in a Community at High Risk for Obesity: Comparison to Age-Matched NHANES Data, 2009-2012 B.R. Markides, S.H. Crixell, L. Biediger-Friedman. Texas State Univ. D162 II901.14 Nutritional Status of Pesticide-Exposed Individuals. R. Valdes-Ramos, A.L. Guadarrama-López, B.E. Martínez-Carrillo, A.D. Benítez-Arciniega, G. PachecoLópez, J.L. Domínguez. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca and Autonomous Metropolitana Univ., Lerma, Mexico. D163 I901.15 Community Support Groups Improved Feeding Practices in Infants and Young Children in Remote Areas in Vietnam. T.T. Nguyen, S. Alayón, P.H. Nguyen, N. Hajeebhoy, C.T. Do, E.A. Frongillo. FHI 360, Vietnam, FHI 360, Save the Children and IFPRI, Washington, DC and Univ. of South Carolina. D164 II901.16 My Grandmother’s Pot: Caribbean Immigrant Cooking Skills and Dietary Acculturation. M.F. Horlyck-Romanovsky, K. Russell, M-C. Yeh. Grad. Ctr. of CUNY, Brooklyn Col. and Sch. of Urban Publ. Hlth. at Hunter Col., CUNY. D165 I901.17Differences in Whole Grain Consumption Patterns by Ethnicity: Results from NHANES 2011-2012 and the Food Patterns Equivalents Database 20112012 C.K. Gugger, S. Bidwai, N. Joshi, B. Garcia-Bailo. Gen. Mills Inc., Minneapolis, Mumbai and Toronto. D166 II901.18 Crosstalk between the Risk of Diabetes and Iron Status in Different Ethnic Groups. D. Yang, M.E. Kalan, J. Han. Univ. of Louisville and North Carolina A&T State Univ. D167 I901.19 The Effects of Omega 3 Supplementation on Reducing the Neuropathy Pain Symptoms in Hispanics with Type-2 Diabetes. S.M. Alshahrani, W.L. Beeson, I. PerezPaquien, A. Firek, Z. Cordero-MacIntyre, M. De Leon. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Sch. of Med., Loma Linda Univ. and J.L. Pettis Mem. VA Med. Ctr. and Whittier Col., CA. D168 II901.20 The Effects of Omega-3 Supplementation on the Lipid Profile and Adipose Indices in Hispanics with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. C.V. Mota, I. PerezPaquien, A. Firek, W.L. Beeson, Z.R. Cordero-MacIntyre, M. De Leon. Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Med. Ctr. and Veterans Affairs, Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med. and Whittier Col. 285 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D169 I901.21 Is There Evidence of Demographic Disparity in Provision and Outcomes of Artificial Nourishment? K.Y. Yao, D.S. Seres, B. Lebwohl, M. Burgermaster. Mailman Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Columbia Univ. and Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr. D170 II901.22 Consumption of Cultural and AmericanStyle Foods among Young Women of Cambodian Heritage. J.L. Nelson-Peterman, L. Sibeko, L.S. Cordeiro. Framingham State Univ. and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. D171 I901.23 Nutrition Education for Low Income Population through Social Marketing: Insight from Cooperative Extension Agents. R. Hagues, S. Stotz, A. Childers, J.S. Lee, J. Phua, J. Hibbs, D. Murray. Samford Univ. and Univ. of Georgia. D172 II901.24 Nutrition Education for Low-Income Population through Social Marketing: Insight from SNAP-Ed Eligible Participants. R. Hagues, A. Childers, J.S. Lee, J. Phua. Samford Univ. and Univ. of Georgia. D173 I901.25 Acculturation, Diet and Psychological Health of Asian International Students at the University of Delaware. H. Jiang. Purdue Univ. D174 II901.26 Examination of Dietary Behaviors of South Asians for the Development of Culturally Appropriate Nutrition Education Program. Z. Qamar, R. Misra. Texas A&M Univ. and West Virginia Univ. D175 I901.27 Attitudes, Beliefs and Promotion of Fruits and Vegetables by Multicultural Students from an Urban Middle School in Worcester, MA. E. Harrington, F. Mangan, L. Sullivan-Werner, Z. Barros, L. Sibeko. Stockbridge Sch. of Agr., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. 902. NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY: NUTRITION AND CHRONIC DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY Poster (Sponsored by: Nutritional Epidemiology RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D176 II902.1 Autism Linked to Alcohol and Sugar Intake. R.J. Shamberger. King James Med. Lab., Kirtland, OH. D177 I902.2 The Subjective Level of Stress, Alcohol Consumption and Obesity in Koreans. M. Doo, S-J. Yoon, H-J. Kim, Y. Kim. Ewha Womans Univ., Grad. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Korea Univ. and Seoul Natl. Univ. Hosp., South Korea. D178 II902.3 Differential Predictors of Cardiometabolic Risk among College-Aged Males and Females. M. MacArthur, I.E. Lofgren. Univ. of Rhode Island. D179 I902.4 100% Fruit Juice and Measures of Glycemic Control and Insulin Sensitivity: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. M.M. Murphy, E.C. Barrett, L.M. Barraj. Exponent Inc., Washington, DC. D180 II902.5 Comparison of Salt Intake between the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and/or Hypertension, and Healthy Subjects. N. Motoyuki, Y. Ishihara. Kurume Univ., Japan. D181 I902.6 The Association between Dietary Factors and the Incident of Type 2 Diabetes: A Case-Control Study. Y-b. Ye, Y-m. Chen, W. Lu, Y-b. Li, A-l. Chen, S. Fang, S-y. Zhuo. First Affil. Hosp. of Sun yat-sen Univ. and Sun Yatsen Univ., China. 286 D182 II902.7 Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids and Incident Diabetes Mellitus in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study. W.S. Harris, J. Luo, J.V. Pottala, K.L. Margolis, M.A. Espeland, J.G. Robinson. OmegaQuant Analytics LLC, Univ. of South Dakota Sch. of Med., Indiana Univ., Hlth.Partners Inst. for Educ. and Res., Minneapolis, Wake Forest Univ. and Univ. of Iowa. D183 I902.8 Dietary Intake of Isoflavone and AllCause Mortality in Women with Breast Cancer: The Breast Cancer Family Registry. D.E. Haslam, E. John, M.B. Terry, J. Knight, I. Andrulis, M. Daly, S. Buys, F.F. Zhang. Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Cancer Prevent. Inst. of California, Fremont, Columbia Univ., Mount Sinai Hosp., Toronto, Fox Chase Cancer Ctr. and Univ. of Utah. D184 II902.9 A Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies of Red and Processed Meat and Pancreatic Cancer. P.E. Miller, D. Alexander. EpidStat Inst., Ann Arbor. D185 I902.10 Individual and Neighborhood Factors of Serum Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and C-Reactive Protein: Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) W. Chai, J.X. Fan, M. Wen. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln and Univ. of Utah. D186 II902.11 Dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity Was Associated with Reduced Blood Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in U.S. Adults. K. Kim, T.M. Vance, O.K. Chun. Univ. of Connecticut. D187 I902.12 Higher Diet Quality and Decreased Inflammation in Young Women. Q. Chen, C.C. Cramoy, R. Magner, A.G. Ronnenberg, E.R. Bertone-Johnson, L.M. Troy. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. D188 II902.13 Mediterranean Diet and Changes in Weight among Older Puerto Rican Adults. S.J. Bigornia, S.E. Noel, K.L. Tucker. Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell. D189 I902.14 “When It Comes to Diet, I Know What I’m Doing Wrong” Perception of Diet Quality Is Inversely Associated with Body Weight in U.S. Adults. R. Nouri, J.A. Vernarelli. Fairfield Univ. D190 II902.15 Plasma Amino Acids and Mortality in a Middle-Aged and Older Chinese Population during 6-Year FollowUp. L. Sun, X. Lin, R. Zeng. Shanghai Inst. for Biol. Sci., CAS. D191 I902.16 Elevated Early Adolescent Body Fat Measures Predict Increased Blood Pressure after Ten Years in Black and White Girls. S.E. Ferreira, M.R. Singer, M.L. Bradlee, S.R. Daniels, L.L. Moore. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med., Aurora. 903. NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY: RESEARCH WITH DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS Poster (Sponsored by: Nutritional Epidemiology RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D193 II903.1 Monitoring Analytical Ingredient Content in Adult Multivitamin/Mineral Products for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database. P.A. Gusev, K.W. Andrews, P.T. Dang, F. Han, S. Savarala, P.R. Pehrsson, J.T. Dwyer, J.M. Betz, L.G. Saldanha, R.B. Costello, L.W. Douglass. USDA, Beltsville, MD, ODS, NIH and Consult. Statistician, Longmont, CO. MONDAYNUTRITION D194 I903.2 The Randomization to Randomization (R2R) Method: An RCT Application with Caffeine. M.M. Jeansonne, M.A. Parman, A.J. Idigo, B.J. George, K.R. Fontaine, G.R. Dutton, T. Soleymani, D.B. Allison. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. D195 II903.3 Changes in Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of Coffee Bean Extracts by Heat Processing. J. Lee, S.I. Jang, B.H. Kang, M.S. Lee, E.M. Park, Y.I. Kwon. Hannam Univ., South Korea and Univ. of Maine. D196 I903.4 Postprandial Blood Glucose Level Reducing Effect of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan Oligosaccharide, GO2KA1, in Health Individuals. Y-R. Kang, H-Y. Choi, J-Y. Lee, J-B. Oh, J.S. Kim, J-W. Lee, Y-C. Kim, E. Apostolidis, Y-I. Kwon. Hannam Univ., South Korea, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Kunpoong Bio Co. Ltd., South Korea and Framingham State Univ. D197 II903.5 Biochemical Comparison of AAC1 Enriched Chicken Broth to Homemade Chicken Broth: Potential Benefits to Joint Health. P. Durham, J.L. Hawkins. Missouri State Univ. D198 I903.6 In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and α-Glucosidases Inhibitory Potential of Amadori Rearrangement Compound, Lysinyl-Fructose. H-Y. Choi, S-H. Jo, K-S. Ha, H-D. Jang, Y-I. Kwon. Hannam Univ., South Korea and Framingham State Univ. 904. AGING: NUTRITION AND CARDIOMETABOLIC HEALTH Poster (Sponsored by: Aging and Chronic Disease RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D199 II904.1 Consuming < or > 0.5 Servings of Red Meat per Day Does Not Have a Negative Impact on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. L.E. O’Connor, J. Kim, W.W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. D200 I904.2 The Association between Adipose Tissue n-3 Fatty Acids and Blood Lipids. C. Heskey, K. Jaceldo-Siegl, J. Sabate, S. Rajaram. Loma Linda Univ. D201 II904.3 Increased Whole Body β-Hydroxy-βMethylbutyrate Production in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. D. Walker, J. Thaden, A. Wierzchowska, M. Engelen, N. Deutz. Texas A&M Univ. D202 I904.4 Differential Relationship between Thigh and Calf Intramuscular Adipose Tissue Depots and Indices of Metabolic Health in Older Overweight and Obese Adults. R.E. Bergia, J.E. Kim, W.W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. D203 II904.5 The Fat Content of Milk Does Not Affect the Plasma Glucose and Insulin Responses to a Meal. J. Li, E. Janle, W.W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. D204 I904.6Whole Body Leucine and α-Ketoisocaproate Turnover and Transamination in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. D. Walker, J. Thaden, A. Wierzchowska, M. Engelen, N. Deutz. Texas A&M Univ. D205 II904.7 Relation of Total Sugars and FructoseContaining Sugars with Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. T.A. Khan, S. Blanco-Mejia, R. de Souza, C.W.C. Kendall, J.L. Sievenpiper. St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto, Univ. of Toronto, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON and Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada. D206 I904.8 Following a Mediterranean Diet for 3-Months Reduces Home Measured Systolic Blood Pressure in Older Australians: Results from the Mediterranean Diet for Cognition and Cardiovascular Health in the Elderly (MedLey) Trial. K. Murphy, C. Davis, J. Bryan, C. Wilson, R. Woodman, J. Hodgson. Univ. of South Australia, Sch. of Med., Flinders Univ. and Royal Perth Hosp, Univ. of Western Australia. D207 II904.9 Iodine Status Is Associated with Dyslipidemia in U.S. Adults. K.W. Lee, D. Shin, M.S. Cho, W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. and Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. D208 I904.10 A High Flavonoid Diet Does Not Improve Markers of Insulin Resistance and Subclinical Inflammation in Overweight and Obese Men and Women. M. Lefevre, R. Ward, J. Bergeson, N. Hergert, J. Hergert, S. Aguilar. Utah State Univ. D209 II904.11 A Vegan Diet Rich in Fats of Plant Origin May Reverse Coronary Artery Disease. M.A. Mejia, A. Sanchez, J. Sanchez, E. Runte. Andrews Univ., MI, NEWSTAR Lifestyle Ctr., Weimar, CA, Doctors Hosp. of Manteca, CA and Family Practice, Sonora, CA. D210 I904.12 The Efficacy of High Fat Load Liquid Meal on Postprandial Insulin Level in Postprandial Insulin Resistance Population. F. Wang, F. Liu, H. Cai, L. Yang, G. Sun. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Southeast Univ., Nanjing and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Ningxia Med. Univ., China. D211 II904.13 Micronutrient Deficiencies in Patients with Heart Failure: Relationships with Body Mass Index and Age. P.M. Shetty, P.J. Hauptman, L.K. Landfried, K.J. Patel, E.P. Weiss. Sch. of Med., Saint Louis Univ. D212 I904.14 The Characteristics and Stability of T0901317 Nanovesicles. J. Liu, S. Wang. Texas Tech Univ. D213 II904.15 Fuzhuan Tea Reverses Western DietInduced Arterial Stiffness in Mice. D. Lee, M. Battson, D. Jarrell, K. Sevits, T. Weir, K. Cox-York, C. Gentile. Colorado State Univ. D214 I904.16 Effects of Strawberry Consumption on Vascular Parameters in Pre- and Stage 1-Hypertensive Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. B.H. Arjmandi, R.G. Feresin, S.A. Johnson, A. Figueroa, S. Pourafshar, N. Navaei, J. Campbell, S. Jaime, M.L. Elam, S. Alvarez-Alvarado, N.S. Akhavan, K. Brummel-Smith, G. Tenenbaum. Florida State Univ., Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci., Colorado State Univ. and California State Polytech Univ., Pomona. D215 II904.17 The Effect of Higher Protein Intake during Energy Restriction-Induced Weight Loss on Counts of Intermediate and Classical Monocytes and Their Relations to Lipid-Lipoprotein Profile and C-Reactive Protein. G. Lin, J.E. Kim, J. Zhou, W.W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. D216 I904.18 Choline and Its Metabolites Are Differentially Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk and Cardioand Cerebro-vascular Disease. A.J. Roe, A.H. Lichtenstein, I.H. Rosenberg, E.J. Johnson, T.M. Scott. Univ. of Idaho and USDA at Tufts Univ. 287 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D217 II904.19Coconut Oil Supplementation: An Innovative Strategy for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction. C. Thompson-Felty, C.S. Johnston, A. Ryder. Arizona State Univ. D218 I904.20 Endothelial Function Assessment in Nutritional Research Studies: A Comparison of Two Arterial Occlusion Sites for Assessing Reactive Hyperemia Using a Peripheral Arterial Tonometry Device. L.R. Woodhouse, Y. Adkins, E. Bonnel, J.M. Peerson. USDA, Davis. D219 II904.21 Genistein Increased Hepatic Cholesterol Uptake via a JNK Mediated Activation of SREBP-2 and LDLR Expression. S-M. Lee, M. Kartawijaya, Y. Kim. Yonsei Univ., South Korea. D220 I904.22Higher Fruit and Vegetable Consumption May Be Associated with Improved Lipid Profiles in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome. N. Navaei, S.A. Johnson, S. Pourafshar, N.S. Akhavan, M.L. Elam, E. Foley, E.A. Clark, B.H. Arjmandi. Florida State Univ., Colorado State Univ., Ctr. for Adv. Exer. and Nutr. Res. on Aging, Tallahassee and California State Polytech Univ., Pomona. D221 II904.23Sugary Beverage and Food Consumption and Leukocyte Telomere Length Maintenance in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Study. C.W. Leung, B.A. Laraia, K. Coleman-Phox, N.R. Bush, J. Lin, E.H. Blackburn, N.E. Adler, E.S. Epel. UCSF and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of California, Berkeley. D222 I904.24 Antiseptic Mouthwash Use and Effect on Resting Metabolic Rate and Blood Pressure among Healthy Females: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study. M.L. Sundqvist, J. Lundberg, E. Weitzberg. Karolinska Inst, Stockholm. D223 II904.25 Dairy Consumption Is Associated with Reduced Plasma Triglycerides and Changes in Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Brazilian Adults: A 12Week Intervention Study. K. McLellan, A.C. Diegoli. Texas Inst. for Kidney and Endocrine Disorders, Lufkin, TX and São Paulo State Univ., Botucatu. D224 I904.26 Alcohol Interrupts Adipose Tissue Maturation and Attenuates Adiponectin Expression in 3T3F442 Pre-adipocytes. M.S. Shafiei, S. Juma, C. Prasad, V. Imrhan, P. Vijayagopal. Texas Woman’s Univ. D225 II904.27 SSB Assessment in a Teaching Primary Care Clinic Involving Family Practice Residents: A Feasibility Study Over Three Months. M. Nirmalraj, J. Neme, H. Mathews, B. Khandalavala. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. D226 I904.28 Egg Consumption May Be Associated with Improved Lipid Profiles and Blood Glucose Levels in Men and Women with Metabolic Syndrome. S. Pourafshar, S.A. Johnson, N. Navaei, N.S. Akhavan, M.L. Elam, E. Foley, E.A. Clark, B.H. Arjmandi. Florida State Univ., Colorado State Univ. and California State Polytech Univ., Pomona. 288 905. DAIRY AND YOGURT: HEALTH AND NUTRITION EFFECTS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D227 II905.1 Application of HACCP on the SmallScale Manufacture of a Food Product (Pudding) S. Almalky. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. D228 I905.2 Pre-meal Low-Fat Yogurt Consumption Reduces Postprandial Hyperglycemia and IL-6 in Apparently Healthy Obese Women. R. Pei, D. DiMarco, K. Putt, D. Martin, R. Bruno, B. Bolling. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Univ. of Connecticut and The Ohio State Univ. D229 II905.3 Despite Higher n-6 PUFAs, Butter Remains a Reliable Source of Saturated Fats across the World. S. Ghosh, A. Botta. Univ. of British Columbia-Okanagan. D230 I905.4 Dairy Foods: Current Evidence of Their Effects on Bone, Cardiometabolic, Cognitive, and Digestive Health. J. Hess, S. Jonnalagadda, J. Slavin. Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul and Kerry, Beloit, WI. D231 II905.5 Modelling Substitution of Foods: A Tool to Improve Diet Quality. R.J. Weill, M.E. Zapata, M. Domet, E. Clerfeuille, E. Carmuega. Danone Nutr. Res. and CESNI, Buenos Aires and Danone Nutr. Res.,Palaiseau, France. D232 I905.6 The Effect of Yogurt on Human Body Weight: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Experiments. K.A. Kaiser, M.M. Jeansonne, A.W. Brown. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. D233 II905.7 Dairy Food Intake and Perceptions 1995 to 2009: Is It Time to Promote Dairy Food Consumption? D.A. Kerr, X. Meng, A. Devine, R.L. Prince, C.M. Pollard. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Curtin Univ., Sch. of Med., Flinders Univ., Sch. of Exer., Biomed. and Hlth. Sci., Edith Cowan Univ., Sch. of Med. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Western Australia and Dept. of Hlth. WA, Perth. D234 I905.8 Milk and Dairy Foods and Growth Parameters among Adolescents. M. Nezami, J. Sabate, L. Beeson, G. Segovia-Siapco. Loma Linda Univ. D235 II905.9 Low-Fat Yogurt Consumption Reduces Markers of Chronic Inflammation in Apparently Healthy Lean and Obese Women. R. Pei, D. DiMarco, K. Putt, D. Martin, R. Bruno, B. Bolling. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Univ. of Connecticut and The Ohio State Univ. D236 I905.10 Consumption of Cheese and Nutrient Intake of the U.S. Population. S.E. Noel, S. Saklani, J.E. Maras, S.J. Bigornia, K. Rubin, K.L. Tucker. Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell, Northeastern Univ. and The Kraft Heinz Co. MONDAYNUTRITION 906. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: ENERGY BALANCE, MACRONUTRIENTS AND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Poster (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D237 II906.1 Diet Quality Is Lower and Energy Intake Greater on Weekends Than Weekdays: A One-Year Longitudinal Study of Midlife Women. L. Jahns, L.K. Johnson, S.K. Raatz, A.J. Scheett, K. Stote. USDA, Grand Forks, Univ. of North Dakota and SUNY Empire State Col. D238 I906.2 Almond Form and Processing Impacts Metabolizable Energy Value in Humans. D.J. Baer, S.K. Gebauer, J.A. Novotny. USDA, Beltsville, MD. D239 II906.3 Environmental Cues Assist in Weight Management. A.K. Thaw. Millsaps Col., MS. D240 I906.4 Increases in the Lean and Adipose Tissues Are Not Influenced by the Speed of Body Weight Gain in Growing Rats. K. Okamura, Y. Tai, E. Kondo, M. Maeda, H. Hasegawa. Osaka Univ. Hlth. Sport Sci. D241 II906.5 Correlation between Total Daily Energy Expenditure and Progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Men and Women. J. Lee, S.H. Kim, Y. Park. Hanyang Univ. and Hanyang Univ. Hosp., Seoul. D242 I906.6 Liquid Calories from Sugars Do Not Increase Body Weight More Than Solid Calories: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. J.C. Noronha, V. Choo, S. Blanco Mejia, E. Viguiliouk, V. Jayalath, C. Braunstein, C.W.C. Kendall, J. Sievenpiper. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto and Univ. of Saskatchewan Col. of Pharm. and Nutr. D243 II906.7 Energy Balance Teaching Tool for Community Use: What University Nutrition Faculty and Community Nutrition Educators Want. N. Hongu, A. Lindsay, E. Larson-Meyer, L.B. Houtkooper, P.J. Gallaway, M.M. Manore. Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, Univ. of Wyoming and Oregon State Univ. Col. of Publ. Hlth. and Human Sci. D244 I906.8 Effect of Stimulation to the Oral Cavity on Diet-Induced Thermogenesis and the Substrate Oxidation of Macronutrients. Y. Hamada, N. Hayashi. Grad. Sch. of Decision Sci. and Technol., Tokyo Inst. of Technol. D245 II906.9 Effect of Low-Glycemic Index/Load Diets on Body Weight: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. C.R. Braunstein, S. Blanco Mejia, E. Stoiko, J.C. Noronha, V. Choo, V. Ha, L. Augustin, D.J.A. Jenkins, C.W.C. Kendall, J.L. Sievenpiper. Univ. of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hosp., Toronto, McMaster Univ., Hamilton and Univ. of Saskatchewan Col. of Pharm. and Nutr. D246 I906.10 Metabolic Behavior, Body Composition and Satiety Associated with Egg Consumption in Healthy Young Population. J.A. Fierros-Valdez, N.G. Valenzuela-Rubio, D.A. Ochoa-Acosta, F.H. Castro-Sanchez, M. DominguezRodriguez, M. Vergara-Jimenez. Sch. of Nutr. and Gastron., Autonomous Univ. of Sinaloa, Mexico. D247 II906.11 The Influence of Beverage Choice on Body Weight Over 4 Weeks. E.C. Johnson, J.D.C. Adams, L.T. Jansen, C. Capitain-Jiménez, S.A. Kavouras. Univ. of Wyoming and Univ. of Arkansas. D248 I906.12 Gut Hormone Secretion by Dietary Maltooligosaccharide Chemosensation in Small Intestine Enteroendocrine Cells. M.M.M. El Hindawy, C.Y. Kim, B.R. Hamaker. Purdue Univ. and Yeungnam Univ., South Korea. D249 II906.13 Effects of Exercise, Caloric Restriction and Subsequent Weight Regain following the Loss of Ovarian Function on Mitochondrial Respiration. R. Oljira, M. Jackman, R. Foright, J. Houck, G. Johnson, V. Sherk, P.S. MacLean. Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med. D250 I906.14 The Effect of Television Viewing and Portion Size on Intake during a Meal. R. Rosenthal, H. Raynor. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. 907. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: OBESITY AND THE METABOLIC SYNDROME Poster (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D251 II907.1 Cardiovascular and Lifestyle Factors Influencing the Metabolic Syndrome in Overweight and Obese Participants of a Randomised Clinical Trial. L. Tapsell, A. Humphries, E. Neale, M. Batterham. Univ. of Wollongong, Australia. D252 I907.2 Groundsel Bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Enhances Adipocyte Development and Attenuates Inflammation in Adipocytes In Vitro. S.E. Fuller, A.L. Boudreau, J.M. Stephens. Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge. D253 II907.3 Intaken CHO/Fiber as Diagnostic Tool for Diet Quality and Prognostics of Insulin Resistance in FreeLiving Adults. C. Bernardino, J.E. Corrente, R.C. Burini. Botucatu Med. Sch. and Inst. of Biochem.,São Paulo State Univ. D254 I907.4 Association between Obesity and Amino Acids: A Metabolomics Approach. D. Marchioni, A.A. Carioca, A.A. Miranda, A.M. Carvalho, J. Steluti, I.D. Cotrim, A.M. Silva, R.M. Fisberg. Univ. of São Paulo and Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. D255 II907.5 Metabolic Risk Factor Prevalence in Children Participating in a Family-Based Community Diabetes Prevention Program. C. Ussery, S. Going, D. Roe, R. Kutob, C. Stump, N. Merchant, M. Hingle. Univ. of Arizona. D256 I907.6 Long-Term Exposure of Very High Fat Diet on Energy Intake, Hormones, Cellularity and Morphology of Tissues – A Male Rodent Study. S. Chakraborty, D. Adhikari, T.R. Chakraborty. New York City Col. of Tech/CUNY, Cross Island Res. and Diagnostic Lab., Mineola and Adelphi Univ. D257 II907.7 Components of the Metabolic Syndrome and Its Association with Nutritional Status of Vitamin D in Children and Adolescents with Obesity. E. Romero-Velarde, E. Casillas-Toral, S. Fonseca-Reyes, L.M. Aguirre-Salas. Univ. of Guadalajara and “Dr. Juan I. Menchaca” Civil Hosp. of Guadalajara, Mexico. 289 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D258 I907.8 The Impact of Supplementation with Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Adolescents. P. Inda-Icaza, M. Lopez-Alarcon, M.L. Barbosa-Cortez, C. Marquez, A. Armenta-Alvarez, M.T. Bram-Falcon, M. Mayorga-Ochoa. Univ. Anahuac, Mexico and Mexican Inst. of Soc. Security, Mexico City. D259 II907.9 Effects of Melatonin on Lipid Metabolism and Circulating Irisin in Diet-Induced Obese Sprague-Dawley Rats. P-C. Chiang, C-C. Lo, C-Y. Lin, Y-w. Chien. Taipei Med. Univ. D260 I907.10 Pterostilbene Inhibits Mitotic Clonal Expansion and Subsequent Decreases Adipogenic Factors in 3T3L1 Y-J. Seo. CHA Univ., South Korea. D261 II907.11 Associations between the Intake of Soups and Stews and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES) 2013 Y.J. Bae. Shinhan Univ., South Korea. D262 I907.12 Protective Effects of Dietary Walnuts on High Fat-Induced Hepatic Steatosis, Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Mice. Y. Choi, M.A. Abdelmegeed, B-J. Song. NIAAA, NIH. D263 II907.13 A Dietary Intervention of Fish Oil Can Restore Metabolic Dysfunction and Improve Estrous Cycle Irregularity in Obese C57BL/6 Female Mice. S.M. Godwin, L. Beech, R. Buddington, M. van der Merwe. Univ. of Memphis Sch. of Hlth. Studies. D264 I907.14 Body Composition Changes in WeightStable Overweight and Obese Middle-Aged Adults Who Performed Exercise Training for 36 Weeks Impact Indexes of Cardio-metabolic Health. A. Amankwaah, J. Eun Kim, W. Campbell. Purdue Univ. D265 II907.15 Understanding Obesity through a Big Data Analysis. C.Y. Jin, O. Yu. Univ. of Wonkwang and Chonbuk Natl. Univ., South Korea. D266 I907.16 Serum Advanced Glycation EndProducts (AGE) of Humans before and after Consumption of an AGE-Rich Meal. H. Powers, A. Breunig, F. Verissimo, T. Silvamen, A. Oliveira, M. de Oliveira, S. de Araujo Lima, M. Maher. Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse. D267 II907.17 Impact of Mitochondrial Free Fatty Acid Overload on Hepatic Ureagenesis in Mice with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. S. Kalavalapalli, K.I. Abdo, Z.J. Murphy, J.C. Fernandez, K. Cusi, N.E. Sunny. Univ. of Florida. D268 I907.18 Relationship between Self-Reported Hot Pepper Consumption and Body Weight Status among Adults. C. Wang, L. Huang, C. Butler. Kentucky State Univ. D269 II907.19 Acanthosis Nigricans: Relation to Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases among Jamaican Adolescents. S.C. Barrett, F. Huffman, A. Campa, P. Johnson, M. Magnus, D. Ragoobirsingh. Northern Illinois Univ., Florida Intl. Univ. and Univ. of the West Indies, Jamaica. D270 I907.20 Dietary Supplementation with Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Oil Reduces the Complications Caused by High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity. M. Citelli, T. Fonte-Faria, S. Vargas-Silva, C. Barja-Fidalgo. Rio de Janeiro State Univ. D271 II907.21Dietary Raspberries Ameliorate Metabolic Syndromes in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. M-J. Zhu, Y. Kang, M. Paola González García, X. Liang, Y. Xue, H. Pan, M. Du. Washington State Univ. 290 908. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: METABOLIC PHENOTYPING, METABOLOMICS AND BIOMARKERS Poster (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D272 I908.1 Using Untargeted Metabolomics to Elucidate Metabolic Changes in Murine Skin following Tomato Supplementation. J.L. Cooperstone, M.D. Teegarden, M.J. Cichon, K.A. Tober, T.M. Oberyszyn, S.J. Schwartz. The Ohio State Univ. 1 D273 II908.2 H NMR-Based Metabolomics Reveals Urinary Metabolome Modifications in Female Sprague-Dawley Rats by Cranberry Procyanidins. H. Liu, F. Tayyari, Z. Su, L. Gu. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Georgia. D274 I908.3 Plasma Metabolome Correlates with Habitual Dietary Intakes among Chinese Adults. D. Yu, S. Moore, C. Matthews, Y-B. Xiang, R. Li, X. Zhang, Y-T. Gao, W. Zheng, X-O. Shu. Vanderbilt Univ. Sch. of Med., NCI, NIH., Shanghai Cancer Inst. and Tennessee Dept. of Hlth., Nashville. D275 II908.4 Variation of Fasting Plasma Inflammatory Markers in Overweight and Obese Individuals. E.G. Beals, E. Demmer, N. Rivera, T.S. Rogers, E. Gertz, M. Van Loan, J.B. German, J.T. Smilowitz, A.M. Zivkovic. Univ. of California, USDA and Foods for Hlth. Inst., Davis. D276 I908.5 Long-Term Intermittent Leucine Pulses during Continuous Feeding Impact the Plasma Metabolome of Neonatal Pigs. A. Suryawan, C. Boutry, R. Manjarín, S.W. El-Kadi, J. Steinhoff-Wagner, H. Nguyen, M.L. Fiorotto, T.A. Davis. USDA and Baylor Col. of Med. D277 II908.6 Determination of NAT2 Activity in the U.S. Population by Use of Caffeine Metabolite Ratios in Spot Urine Samples: NHANES 2009–2010 C-I. Pao, M.R. Sternberg, M. Rybak, C.M. Pfeiffer. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. 909. ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENT METABOLISM: PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID METABOLISM Poster (Sponsored by: Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D278 I909.1 Dietary Glycomacropeptide Increases Fat-Free Mass, Bone Mineral Content and Fatty Acid Oxidation Compared with Casein in Female Mice. E.A. Sawin, B.M. Stroup, S.G. Murali, D.M. Ney. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. D279 II909.2 The Increase in Liver Polyamine Concentration Contributes to the Tryptophan-Induced Stimulation of Hepatic Protein Synthesis. F. Yoshizawa, S. Koike, K. Sugahara. Fac. of Agr., Utsunomiya Univ., Japan and Grad. Sch. of Agr. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Agr. and Technol. MONDAYNUTRITION D280 I909.3 Novel Mechanism Responsible for Regulation of Branched-Chain Alpha-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase. Y. Shimomura, Y. Kondo, R. Ito, A. Tsuji, K. Shibata, Y. Kitaura. Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. of Bioagr. Sci. and Univ. of Shiga Prefect. Sch. of Human Cultures. D281 II909.4 Whole Body Protein Turnover in Overweight/Obese Adults in Response to Whole Grain and Refined Grain Diets – A Randomized Control Trial. J.P. Kirwan, A.B. Ross, E.L. Kullman, S.K. Malin, A. Scelsi, S. Kochhar, J-P. Godin. Cleveland Clin., Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Gothenburg and Nestle Res. Ctr., Lausanne. D282 I909.5 Dietary Protein Source at Breakfast Influences Subsequent Learning and Memory Performance. K. Du, M.J. Dailey, J.S. Rhodes, J.L. Beverly. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro. D283 II909.6 Dietary Carbohydrates but Not Proteins Are the Main Nutritional Determinant of FGF21 Production in Mice. T. Chalvon-Demersay, P.C. Even, D. Tomé, C. Chaumontet, J. Piedcoq, C. Gaudichon, D. AzzoutMarniche. AgroParisTech, INRA, Univ. Paris Saclay. D284 I909.7 Effect of β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyric Acid on Macrophage Polarization. W-C. Mu, R.W. Grant. Purdue Univ. D285 II909.8 Dietary Creatine Supplementation Reduced the Proportion of Dietary Arginine Directed toward Guanidinoacetic Acid Synthesis and Reduced the Demand for Methionine-Derived Methyl Groups, but Did Not Enhance Whole Body Protein Synthesis in Neonatal Piglets. O.C. Dinesh, T. Kankayaliyan, M. Rademacher, C. Tomlinson, R.F. Bertolo, J.A. Brunton. Mem. Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada, Evonik Nutr. & Care GmbH, Hanau, Germany, Univ. of Toronto and The Hosp. for Sick Children, Canada. D286 I909.9 Protein Level in a Meal Influences Novel Object Recognition in Exercise-Trained Rats. M. Fecych, C. Murray, D. Oberlin, V. Porcelli, J. Starnes, J. Etnier, J.L. Beverly. Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro. D287 II909.10 A Minimal Compartmental Model for the Assessment of Net Whole Body Protein Breakdown, Using a Pulse of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Stable Isotopes in Humans. A. Mason, M. Engelen, G. Toffolo, N. Deutz. Texas A&M Univ. and Univ. of Padova. D288 I909.11 Arginine or Guanidinoacetic Acid Can Serve as Precursors for Creatine Synthesis in Parenteral Nutrition, but Only with Excess Methionine to Facilitate Transmethylation. S.D. Bray, A. Aljaroudi, O.C. Dinesh, T. Kankayaliyan, J.A. Brunton, R.F. Bertolo. Mem. Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada. 910. OBESITY: CHRONIC DISEASES Poster (Sponsored by: Obesity RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D289 II910.1 Effect of Obesity on Liver Metabolic and Morphological Profile in Zucker Rats. R. Hakkak, S. Korourian, T. Evans, O. Pavliv, A. Harb, S. Melnyk. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Arkansas Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst. D290 I910.2 Effects of Obesity on Serum and Hepatic Cations in Zucker Rat Model. R. Hakkak, S. Korourian, M. Niedoba, A. Romani. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci., Arkansas Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst. and Case Western Reserve Univ. D291 II910.3 The Association of Serum Biomarkers of Types 2 Diabetes with BMI. L.L. Stephen, K. Marshall, M. Damour, T. Race. Ampersand Biosci., Saranac Lake, NY. D292 I910.4 Weight Gain with Metabolic Dysfunction Is Associated with Obesity-Related Cancer. S. Chadid, M.R. Singer, B.E. Kreger, L.L. Moore. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. D293 II910.5Associations between Dietary Macronutrients, Glucose and Insulin Dynamics in Obese Adolescents. E. Braun, K. Wagner, S. Armah, L. Smith, C. Boushey, E. Delp, T. Hannon, N. Gletsu-Miller. Purdue Univ., Univ. of Iowa, Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Hawaii. D294 I910.6 Hiperandrogenemia Is Highly Frequent in Adolescent Girls Who Are Obese. M. Lopez-Alarcon, P. Inda-Icaza, C. Márquez, A. Armenta-Alvarez, M.T. BramFalcon. Mexican Inst. of Soc. Security, Mexico City and Univ. Anahuac, Mexico. D295 II910.7 Is BMI a Risk Factor for Enteral NutritionRelated Complications? T. Tran, D.S. Seres, B. Lebwohl, M. Burgermaster. Mailman Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr. 911. NUTRIENT-GENE INTERACTION: GENOMICS, PROTEOMICS AND METABOLOMICS Poster Nutrient-Gene Interaction RIS Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D296 I911.1 Predictive Modeling of Child Obesity According to Salt-Sensitive Genes and Sodium Intakes in Korean Children: The 3 Year-Panel Study. J. Park, S. Bak, S. Park, M. Lee. Res. Inst. of Obesity Sci., Seoul and Sungshin Womens’ Univ., South Korea. D297 II911.2 Untargeted Metabolomic Profiles, Childhood Obesity, and Metabolic Risk in the ELEMENT Cohort. J. LaBarre, W. Perng, A. Karnovsky, L. Tang, P. Song, C.F. Burant, A. Cantoral, K.E. Peterson, M.M. TéllezRojo. Univ. of Michigan Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch., Natl. Inst. of Publ. Hlth., Morelos, Mexico, Univ. of Michigan and Harvard W.T. Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Boston. D298 I911.3 Implications of Taste Receptor Polymorphisms in Dietary Interventions: TAS2R38 Polymorphisms Associate with Changes in Vegetable Intake. J.C. Schisler, L. Calancie, K. Lenhart, T. Keyserling, Z. Gizlice, C. Patterson, A. Ammerman. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. D299 II911.4 Validation of Fatty Acids Regulated Genes in Adipocytes and Muscle Cells. Y. Li, T. Gonzalez, M. Wang, E. Cheng. Texas A&M Univ.-Kingsville. D300 I911.5 Variation in ALDH4A1, Proline Intake and Plasma Proteins in a Population of Young Adults. J. Jamnik, M.H. Kim, C. Borchers, A. El-Sohemy. Univ. of Toronto and Univ. of Victoria, Canada. 291 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D301 II911.6 Untargeted Profiling of the Urinary Metabolomes of Smokers and Nonsmokers after a Strawberry Intervention. M.D. Teegarden, M.J. Cichon, J.L. Cooperstone, J.H. Ahn-Jarvis, C.M. Weghorst, Y. Vodovotz, S.J. Schwartz. Col. of Publ. Hlth., The Ohio State Univ. D302 I911.7 MicroRNAs as a Novel Mechanism by Which Eicosapentaenoic Acid Mediates Inflammation in Diet-Induced Obesity. E. Yen, N. Wijayatunga, M. Pahlavani, L. Ramalingam, K.R. Kottapalli, N.S. Kalupahana, P. Gunaratne, K. Rajapakshe, C. Coarfa, S. Dharmawardhane, N. Moustaid-Moussa. Texas Tech Univ., Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura and Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Univ. of Houston, Baylor Col. of Med. and Univ. of Puerto Rico-Med. Sci. Campus. D311 II912.9 CpG Methylation Differences between Neurons and Glia Are Highly Conserved from Mouse to Human. N.J. Kessler, T.E. Van Baak, M.S. Baker, E. Laritsky, C. Coarfa, R.A. Waterland. Baylor Col. of Med. D312 I912.10 The Impact of Choline Oxidation Pathway on Liver Methylation Potential. D.S. Lupu, L.D. Orozco, Y. Wang, S.H. Zeisel. Univ. of North Carolina, Kannapolis, UCLA and Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. Sch. of Med. D313 II912.11 Decreased Beige Adipocyte Number and Mitochondrial Respiration Coincide with Reduced FGF21 Gene Expression in Sprague Dawley Rats Fed Prenatal Low Protein and Postnatal High Fat Diets. K.J. Claycombe, E.E. Vomhof-DeKrey, R. Garcia, W.T. Johnson, E. Uthus, J.N. Roemmich. USDA, Grand Forks. 912. NUTRIENT-GENE INTERACTION: EPIGENETICS 913. CARIG: CAROTENOIDS AND HEALTH Poster Poster Nutrient-Gene Interaction RIS (Sponsored by: CARIG RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D303 II912.1 Effects of Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency on Fetal Epigenetic Reprogramming. J. Xue, F.Y. Ideraabdullah. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. D304 I912.2 Spontaneous Preterm Delivery, Dietary Choline Intake and DNA Hypomethylation of Tumor Related Genes in Pregnant Women. X. Chen, G. Bai, T.O. Scholl. Rowan Univ. Sch. of Osteo. Med., NJ and Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Dent. D305 II912.3 Long Chain Fatty Acid Receptor 4 Mediates EPA-miR30b Axis Activation for Promoting Brown Adipogenesis. J. Kim, M. Okla, S.K. Natarajan, S. Chung. Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln. D306 I912.4 Determining Effects of Maternal Methyl Donor Nutrient Deficiency and DNA Sequence Differences on Methylation Potential and Offspring Developmental Outcomes. A. Pal, J. Oakes, M. Hariri, M. Elnagheeb, K. Clement, F. Ideraabdullah. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Kannapolis. D307 II912.5 Walnut Substantially Alters the DNA Methylation Profile in Colon Cancer Stem Cells. S.W. Choi, J. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Friso. CHA Univ. and Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea and Univ. of Verona Sch. of Med. D308 I912.6 Iron Supplementation Reverses Reduced Global Hydroxymethylcytosine Associated with Chronic Alcohol Consumption in Rats. S.W. Choi, S.A.Tammen, J.E. Park, S. Friso, J. Chung. CHA Univ., South Korea, Tufts Univ. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea and Univ. of Verona Sch. of Med. D309 II912.7 DNA Methylation and MicroRNA Expression Are Altered by Choline Deficiency during Mouse Brain Development. I. Trujillo, N. Surzenko, Y. Wang, S.H. Zeisel. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kannapolis and Third Military Med. Univ., China. D310 I912.8 Genes and Sequence Variants in Weight Loss in Response to Diet and Exercise: Meta-analysis. Y.P. Jung, B. Sanchez, R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. 292 D314 I913.1 Associations of Serum Carotenoids with Metabolic-Related Diseases in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults: A Cross-Sectional and Follow-Up Study. Y-M. Chen, C. Wang, Y. Cao, G-d. Chen, J. Liu, Z-q. Zhang, W-t. Cao, Y-y. Zhu, Y-h. Liu, W-q. Wen-qi Shi. Sun Yat-sen Univ., China. D315 II913.2 A Nano-emulsion of Lutein Is More Effective Than Regular Lutein in Reducing Cholesterol-Induced Liver Injury in Guinea Pigs. A.G. Murillo, G.H. Norris, D.M. DiMarco, S. Hu, Y. Luo, C.N. Blesso, M-L. Fernandez. Univ. of Connecticut. D316 I913.3 Lutein Protects the Retinal Pigment Epithelium against Hypoxic and Oxidative Stress: In Vitro Studies. G. Allison, C. Draper, C. Soekamto, X. Gong, L.P. Rubin. Paul L. Foster Sch. of Med., Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. El Paso. D317 II913.4 The Effect of Carotenoids on Transforming Growth Factor β1-Induced Fibrogenesis in LX-2 Cells, a Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Line. M. Bae, J-Y. Lee. Univ. of Connecticut. D318 I913.5 Tomato-Based Supplement Supports Cardiovascular Health. K. Linnewiel Hermoni, I. Shefer, G. Raz. Lycored, Orange, NJ and Yavne, Israel. D319 II913.6 Serum Carotenoids, Retinol, and Retinyl Esters in Midwestern Premenopausal Women. S.J. Mondloch, N. Binkley, S. Arscott, S. Tanumihardjo. Univ. of WisconsinMadison and Standard Process Inc., Palmyra. D320 I913.7 Relationship between Concentrations of Lutein and StARD3 among Pediatric and Geriatric Human Brain Tissue. E.J. Johnson, J. Tanprasertsuk, B. Li, P.S. Bernstein, R. Vishwanathan, M.A. Johnson, L.W. Poon. Tufts Univ.,Boston, Univ. of Utah Sch. of Med. and Univ. of Georgia. D321 II913.8 Differential Expression of Genes Involved in Inflammatory Immune Response and Protein Ubiquitination in the Prefrontal Cortex of Rhesus Macaque with High and Low Lutein Content. E.S. Mohn, J.W. Erdman; Jr., M. Neuringer, M.J. Kuchan, E.J. Johnson. USDA at Tufts Univ., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and Abbott Nutr., Columbus, OH. MONDAYNUTRITION 914. CARIG: BIOFORTIFICATION OF STAPLE CROPS WITH MICRONUTRIENTS Poster (Sponsored by: CARIG RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D322 I914.1 Consuming Iron-Biofortified Pearl Millet Improves Measures of Free-Living Physical Activity in Indian School Children. S.V. Luna, B. Denvir, S.A. Udipi, P.S. Ghugre, E.M. Przybyszewski, J.D. Haas. Cornell Univ., SNDT Women’s Univ., Mumbai and Columbia Univ. D323 II914.2 Acceptability of Iron-Biofortified Pearl Millet among Young Children in Urban Slums of Mumbai, India. S.L. Huey, S. Udipi, J.L. Finkelstein, P. Ghugre, J. Haas, V. Thakker, A. Thorat, A. Salvi, A. Kurpad, S. Mehta. Cornell Univ., SNDT Women’s Univ., Mumbai and St. John’s Res. Inst., Bangalore. D324 I914.3 Influence of Temperature and Humidity on the Stability of Carotenoids in Biofortified Maize Genotypes. D. Ortiz, T. Rocheford, M. Ferruzzi. Purdue Univ. D325 II914.4 Native African Plant Materials Modify In Vitro Bioaccessibility of Provitamin A Carotenoids from Blended Cereal Products. H. Debelo, C. Ndiaye, M. Ferruzzi, B. Hamaker. Purdue Univ. D326 I914.5 Improvements in Electrophysiological Measures of Brain Function during Memory Processing in Rwandan Women Consuming Iron Biofortified Beans. M.J. Wenger, S.E. Rhoten, S.P. Scott, L.E. Murray-Kolb, M.G. Lung’aho, J-B. Gahutu, J.D. Haas. Univ. of Oklahoma, Penn State, Intl. Ctr. of Trop. Agr., Rwanda, Univ. of Rwanda and Cornell Univ. D327 II914.6 Bioaccessibility and Cellular Uptake of Carotenoids, Carotenoid Precursors and A-Tocopherol in Biofortified Golden Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) C. Chitchumroonchokchai, G. Diretto, G. Giuliano, M.L. Failla. The Ohio State Univ. and Italian Natl. Agcy. for New Technols., Rome. D328 I914.7 Impact of Processing on the Stability and Bioaccessibility of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Biofortified Cassava Roots (Manihot esculanta, Crantz) I. Aragon, D. Dufour, A.F. Escobar, F. Calle, H. Ceballos, M.G. Ferruzzi. Purdue Univ., CIAT, Palmira, Colombia and CIRAD, Montpellier, France. 915. EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL NUTRITION: PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL NUTRITION AND ANIMAL MODELS OF DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D330 I915.2 Disruption of Mitochondrial Folate Transporter Gene (Slc25A32) Induces Embryonic Lethality and Neural Tube Defects in Mice. J. Kim. Univ. of Texas at Austin. D331 II915.3 Maternal Consumption of a Diet Lacking Omega-3 Fatty Acids during Development Alters Pup Behavior and Brain Metabolism Later in Life. C. Jackson, M. Alhado, E. Gonzales, J. Shumake, D. Barrett, F. Gonzalez-Lima, M.A. Lane. Texas State Univ. and Univ. of Texas at Austin. D332 I915.4 Maternal Dietary Intake of Different Lipid Sources during Pregnancy and Lactation Predispose the Offspring to Metabolic Changes and Altered Liver Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Adult Life. P.C. de Velasco, G. Chicaybam, D. Ramos, R. dos Santos, T. El-Bacha, A. Galina, M. Tavaresdo-Carmo. Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. D333 II915.5 Intrauterine Nutrient Restriction Programs Impaired Endothelial Function Associated with Functional Dysfunction in Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells. V.A. Oliveira, S.D. Silva Junior, L.V. de Souza, T. Fernandes, E.H. Akamine, M.H.C. Carvalho, E.M. Oliveira, L.C. Michelini, M.P. Franco. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo and Univ. of São Paulo. D334 I915.6 Brain Development after Preterm Birth Is Enanced by Including Phosphatidylserine in Formula: Evidence from Preterm Pigs. R.K. Buddington, V.V. Chizhikov, J.J. Sable, H.J. Sable, I.Y. Iskusnykh, E.Y. Steshina, Z.R. Holloway, K.K. Buddington, Y. Lifshitz. Univ. of Memphis, Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Christian Brothers Univ. and Enzymotec Ltd., Israel. D335 II915.7 Effects of Choline Deficiency on Composition of Sow’s Milk. A.T. Mudd, S.K. Johnson, L.S. Alexander, C.M. Getty, R.N. Dilger. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. D336 I915.8 Transgenerational Effects of High Salt Diet during Gestation. M.A. Peres, I.B. Oliveira, L.N.S. Furukawa, J. Heimann. Univ. of São Paulo Sch. of Med. D337 II915.9 Newborn Cardiac Structural Alterations in Response to Salt Restriction or Overload during Pregnancy. P. Seravalli, B.C. Zago, I.B. Oliveira, M.M. Veras, J. Heimann. Univ. of São Paulo Sch. of Med. D338 I915.10 Dietary Alpha-Lipoic Acid Impacts Brain Development of the Young Pig. A.T. Mudd, R. Waworuntu, B.M. Berg, R.N. Dilger. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana and Mead Johnson Nutr. D339 II915.11 Supplementation with Choline Chloride in a Liquid Rodent Diet: Recipe Development for Differing Caloric Intake in a Fetal Alcohol Model. T.W. Jackson, L.G. Canipe III, C.L. Cheatham. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kannapolis. D340 I915.12 Prepregnancy Vitamin D Deficiency and Placental Growth and Development in Mice. A.D. Gernand, M.T. Cantorna, F.J. Diaz, L.M. Snyder, J.M. Hester, S. Vasudevan, M.M. Kamat, T.L. Ott. Penn State. D341 II915.13 Dietary Deprivation of Each Essential Amino Acid Induces Differential Systemic Adaptive Responses in Mice. S. Kamata, J. Yamamoto, K. Karube, R. Ohkubo, T. Kasahara, I. Ishii. Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Keio Univ., Japan. D342 I915.14 Efficacy of Lycopene to Improve Cardiac Ionic Balance Disturbance in Mice Exposed to Atrazine. J. Li, J. Lin, L. Qin, J. Xia, S. Zhu, Z. Du, Y. Zhang. Col. of Vet. Med. and Sch. of Resources & Envrn., Northeast Agr. Univ., China. D329 II915.1 Lean Body Mass Accretion Follows a Dose-Response to Dietary Vitamin D in Female Weanling Rats. M. Razaghi, M. Djekic.ivankovic, S. Agellon, P. Lavery, H.A. Weiler. McGill Univ. 293 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D343 II915.15 A Comparison of Effects of Lard and Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening on the Development of High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats. R. Kubant, A.N. Poon, D. Sanchez-Hernandez, A.F. Domenichiello, P.S.P. Huot, E. Pannia, C.E. Cho, S. Hunschede, R.P. Bazinet, G.H. Anderson. Univ. of Toronto. D344 I915.16 Dietary Protein Bioavailability in Bariatric Surgery Rat Models. O. Bruneau, J-B. Cavin, L. Ribeiro-Parenti, N. Khodorova, D. Tomé, A. Bado, M. Le Gall, C. Gaudichon. UMR914 and UMRS1149, Paris. D345 II915.17 High-Fat Diet Exacerbates Bone Loss in Mice Implanted with Low-Dose Slow-Release Lipopolysaccharide Pellets. J.J. Cao, C-L. Shen. USDA, Grand Forks and Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. D346 I915.18 Thymic Involution beyond WaterSoluble Silicon Consumption. V. Gordova, V. Sergeeva. Chuvash State Univ., Russia. D347 II915.19 High-Iron Intake Impairs Growth and Causes Copper-Deficiency Anemia in Mice. J-H. Ha, C. Doguer, J.F. Collins. Univ. of Florida. D348 I915.20 Leucine Ameliorates Endotoxin-Induced Alterations in Protein-Protein Interactions within mTORC1 Complex in Neonatal Piglets. A.D. Hernandez-Garcia, A. Suryawan, H. Nguyen, D.A. Columbus, R. Manjarin, R.A. Orellana, T.A. Davis. Baylor Col. of Med. and Texas Children’s Hosp. D349 II915.21 Decreased Muscle Health in Dietary Antioxidant-Deficient Aged Mice. M. van Dijk, F. Dijk, K. van Norren, R. Jaspers, A. van Helvoort, S. Verlaan, Y. Luiking. Nutricia Res., Utrecht, Wageningen Univ., Netherlands and VU Univ. Amsterdam. D350 I915.22 FADS2 Overexpression Promotes Metabolic Syndrome in Mice: Influence of Maternal Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Composition. C.M. Whitaker, C.M. Mulligan, A.J. Evans, L.C. Li Puma, A.J. Chicco. Colorado State Univ. D351 II915.23 Study of Hematopoiesis in Protein Restriction: Characterization of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. E.W.B. Santos, C. Dias, G.B. Silva, D.C. Oliveira, J.S.O. Beltran, A.B. Hastreiter, E.J. Paredes-Gamero, P.B. Borelli. Univ. of São Paulo and Fed. Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil. D352 I915.24 Intracerebroventricular Oxytocin Effects on mRNA Abundance Differ in Adipose Tissue of Chicks from Low and High Body Weight-Selected Lines. A. Koskinen, B. McConn, G. Wang, P.B. Siegel, M.A. Cline, E.R. Gilbert. Virginia Tech. D353 II915.25 Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Affects Adipose Tissue Physiology in Broiler Chicks. S.L. Shipp, G. Wang, X. Fu, M. Cline, E. Gilbert. VPI and State Univ. D354 I915.26 Central Injection of Neuropeptide Y Affects Dietary Macronutrient Composition-Mediated Changes in Broiler Adipose Tissue mRNA Abundance. C. Williams, G. Wang, B. McConn, M. Cline, E. Gilbert. VPI and State Univ. D355 II915.27 Increased Intracellular Calcium Is a Mediator of Heat Stress-Induced Adipocyte Hypertrophy. K.M. Ajuwon, H. Qu. Purdue Univ. D356 I915.28 Effect of Dietary Protein Source and Quantity on the Growth and Body Composition of Juvenile Danio rerio M.B. Williams, L. Dennis, N. Miyasaki, R. Barry, M. Powell, S. Watts, D. Smith. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. D357 II915.29 Anthocyanins Improved Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Mice of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Induced by High Fat Diet. W. Ling, T. Shen, X. Tang, X. Jiang. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Sun Yat-sen Univ., China. 294 D358 I915.30 Effects of Obesity and Soy Protein Diet on Feed Intake and Serum Leptin Level in Female Zucker Rats. R. Hakkak, A. Bell, S. Korourian. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Arkansas Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst. D359 II915.31 Time-Restricted Feeding of a High-Fat Diet Reduces Adiposity and Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Mice. S. Sundaram, L. Yan. USDA, Grand Forks. D360 I915.32 Multiple Vitamins, Not GlutamineSupplemented Resuscitation Fluid Improves Intestinal Integrity and Alters Systemic Inflammatory Mediators in Rats with Trauma-Hemorrhagic Shock. Y.H. Lin, H-C. Lo, T-C. Su. Fu Jen Catholic Univ. and Changhua Christian Hosp., Taiwan. D361 II915.33 Overexpression of the Cannabinoid Receptor CB1 in Mouse Astrocytes Related to Prolonged Intake of Commercial Sweeteners. J.A. Estrada, Z. MoriyamaEstrada, S. Olin-Carbajal, L. Díaz-Casasola, I. Contreras. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico State, Toluca. D362 I915.34 Activation of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Components in Heat-Stressed Pig Skeletal Muscle. L.D. Zhao, Z. Zhang, G. Xie, J.T. Selsby, L.H. Baumgard, R.P. Rhoads. Virginia Tech and Iowa State Univ. D363 II915.35 The Effect of Feeding Soy Protein Isolate and/or Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Spleen of Female PCK Rats. L.B. Gibson, K. Maditz, V.A. Benedito, J.C. Tou. West Virginia Univ. D364 I915.36 The Effects of Glutamine- and n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids-Supplemented Resuscitation Fluid on Circulating Cytokines and Neutrophil Activity in Rats with Trauma-Hemorrhagic Shock. Y-C. Wu, H-C. Lo, F-H. Huang. Fu Jen Catholic Univ., Taiwan and Children’s Hosp. of China Med. Univ., Taichung. D365 II915.37 The Effects of Dietary Macronutrient Composition on Lipid Metabolism-Associated Factor Gene Expression in the Adipose Tissue of Chickens Are Influenced by 3 Hours of Fasting. G. Wang, B. McConn, M.A. Cline, E.R. Gilbert. VPI and State Univ. D366 I915.38 Prebiotics and β-Glucan Affect Jejunal and Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Affinity in Weanling Pigs. M-A.N. Hayhoe, T. Archbold, M.Z. Fan. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. D367 II915.39 Modulation of Ileal Starch Digestion by Exogenous Fibres and Different Genotypes of Potato in Growing Pigs Fed a High-Fat Basal Diet. Q. Wang, T. Archbold, M-A.N. Hayhoe, X. Yang, A. Sullivan, B. Bizimungu, A. Murphy, D.W. Ma, A.M. Duncan, J. Htoo, M.Z. Fan. Univ. of Guelph, Canada, Agr. and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton and Evonik Industries, Germany. D368 I915.40 Preliminary Evaluation on the Effects of Feeds on the Somatic and Cardiac Parameters of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) R.A. Vargas, I.C. Vásquez, J.A. Sánchez. Pontificia Univ. Javeriana, Colombia. D369 II915.41 Small Intestinal Co-perfusion of Alanyl-Glutamine and Free Glutamine with fMLP Bacterial Peptide Resulted in a Diminished Inflammatory Response in Parenterally and Sow-Fed Neonatal Piglets. A.R. Trevors, M.G. Nosworthy, R.F. Bertolo, J.A. Brunton. Mem. Univ. of Newfoundland and Univ. of Manitoba. D370 I915.42 Cat’s Choose 30% of Their Calories as Protein Which Is Associated with Both Body Composition and Circulating Metabolites. D.E. Jewell, J.C. Vondran, M.A. Vanchina. Hill’s Pet Nutr. Inc., Topeka. MONDAYNUTRITION D371 II915.43 Dogs Choose 23% of Their Calories as Protein Which Is Associated with Body Composition and Circulating Metabolites. D.E. Jewell, J.C. Vondran, M.A. Vanchina. Hill’s Pet Nutr., Topeka, KS. D372 I915.44 High Maternal Vitamin D Status In Utero through Weaning Beneficially Affects the Gut Microbiota-Bone Axis in Obese Male Mice. C.R. Villa, E.M. Comelli, A. Taibi, J. Chen, S. Sacco, W.E. Ward. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Toronto and Fac. of Applied Hlth. Sci., Brock Univ., Canada. 916. NUTRITION IMMUNOLOGY: NUTRITIONAL IMMUNOLOGY, INFECTION AND INFLAMMATION Poster (Sponsored by: Nutritional Immunology and Innflamation RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D373 II916.1 Obesity, Rather Than Fat Content of Diet, Contributes to Reduced Influenza Vaccine Efficacy in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet. D. Wu, L. Li, W. Guo, J. Wu, D.E. Smith, S.N. Meydani. USDA at Tufts Univ. D374 I916.2 Vitamin a Supplementation and Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation in the Neonate—a Pilot Study in C57BL/6 Mice. C-H. Wei, A.C. Ross. Penn State. D375 II916.3 Synergistic Effects of Glutamine, Citrulline, and Antioxidant Vitamin C and E on Modulating Splenocytic Immune Responses in Rats with Intestinal Ischemia and Reperfusion. H-C. Lo, Y-W. Chiu, C-H. Lee. Fu Jen Catholic Univ., New Taipei City, Chi-Mei Med. Ctr., Tainan and Children’s Hosp. of China Med. Univ., Taichung, Taiwan. D376 I916.4 In Vitro Comparison of AntiiInflammatory Activity of Green Tea Catechins. S. Fechtner, S. Ahmed. Washington State Univ. Col. of Pharm. D377 II916.5 Development and Validation of a FoodBased Inflammation Score. A.C. Holmes, R.M. Bostick. Emory Univ. and Winship Cancer Inst. D378 I916.6 In Vitro Antimalarial Activity of Microbial Metabolites from Mango Tannins (Mangifera Indica L.) V.P. Venancio, L.C. Abrão, H. Kim, S.T. Talcott, S.U. MertensTalcott. Texas A&M Univ. D379 II916.7 The Relationship between Total Parenteral Nutrition and Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections. A.G. Fonseca, M. Burgermaster, E. Larson, D.S. Seres. Melman Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Sch. of Nursing, Columbia Univ. and Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr. D380 I916.8 Cranberry and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Generally Healthy Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. H. Kern, D. Liska, M. Chung. Biofortis, Addison, IL and Tufts Univ., Boston. D381 II916.9 High Caffeine Consumption and Its Association with Lower Intakes of Antioxidant Micronutrients, and with Higher Food Insecurity in People Living with HIV in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV Cohort. V. Ramamoorthy, A. Campa, M. Rubens, S. Sales, C. Fleetwood, T. Stewart, I. Hatsu, F. George, H. Khan, J.P. Liuzzi, M. Baum. Florida Intl. Univ., Louis A. Johnson VA Med. Ctr., Clarksburg, WV and The Ohio State Univ. D382 I916.10 Barriers to Nutritional Counseling by a Registered Dietitian for People Living with HIV. C.D. Fleetwood, A. Campa, S. Martinez, A. Charlesworth, G. Alvarado, K. Dizon, T. Li, F.G. Huffman, M. Baum. Louis A. Johnson VA Med. Ctr., WV and Florida Intl. Univ. D383 II916.11 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Black Adzuki Bean in High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice. J-S. Yook, M. Kim, K-A. Kim, Y-S. Cha. Chonbuk Natl. Univ. and Songwon Univ., South Korea. D384 I916.12 A Reduction of Myeloperoxidase and Interleukin-10 Expressions in Mesenteric Lymph Nodes of the Rats Fed a Cholic Acid-Supplemented Diet. G-H. Joe, S. Hori, H. Shimizu, H. Hara, S. Ishizuka. Hokkaido Univ. and Shimane Univ., Japan. D385 II916.13Vitamin D Reduces Hepcidin Concentrations Independent of Inflammatory Cytokines in Healthy Adults: A Pilot, Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Trial of High-Dose Vitamin D3 E. Smith, J. Alvarez, M. Kearns, L. Hao, J. Sloan, R. Konrad, T. Ziegler, S. Zughaier, V. Tangpricha. Emory Univ., Eli Lilly and Co. and Atlanta VA Med. Ctr. D386 I916.14 Dietary Supplementation with Montmorency Tart Cherry Prevents the Alterations in Gut Mucosal Immunity That Occurs with Ovarian Hormone Deficiency. E.K. Crockett, J.L. Graef, P. Ouyang, S.L. Clarke, U. DeSilva, E.A. Lucas, B.J. Smith. Oklahoma State Univ. D387 II916.15 The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Spirulina platensis Extract Are Mediated, in Part, through the Induction of an Endotoxin Tolerance-Like Mechanism. T.X. Pham, J-Y. Lee. Univ. of Connecticut. D388 I916.16 No Differential Effect of Beverages Sweetened with Fructose, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, or Glucose on Systemic Inflammation in Healthy, Normal Weight or Obese Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Kuzma, G. Cromer, D. Hagman, K. Breymeyer, C. Roth, K. Foster-Schubert, S. Holte, D. Weigle, M. Kratz. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res. Ctr., Seattle Children’s Hosp. and Univ. of Washington. D389 II916.17 Probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri KS13, Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1, and Bifidobacterium longum MM-2) and Health-Related Quality of Life in Individuals with Seasonal Allergies. J.C. Dennis, T. Culpepper, C. Nieves; Jr., M. Ukhanova, V. Mai, M.C. Christman, B. Langkamp-Henken. Univ. of Florida and MCC Stat. Consulting LLC, Gainesville. D390 I916.18 Relationship between Vitamin D Status and Plasma Aminothiol Redox in Critically Ill Children. J.A. Alvarez, J.R. Grunwell, S.E. Gillespie, V. Tangpricha, K. Hebbar. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. D391 II916.19Calcineurin Inhibitor-Induced Hyperkalemia and Salt-Sensitive Hypertension in Early Post-kidney Transplant Period. E. Tantisattamo, A. Chokechanachaisakul, S. Pitukweerakul, P. Ratanasrimetha, P. Shrivastava, D. Samarapungavan. Oakland Univ. William Beaumont Sch. of Med., Feinberg Sch. of Med., Northwestern Univ., Presence Saint Francis Hosp., Evanston and Siriraj Hosp., Mahidol Univ., Thailand. D392 I916.20 Undernutrition, Nutrient Intake and Acute Phase Response of Anemic Children. I.A. Agdeppa, M.V. Capanzana, C.R. Magsadia. Food and Nutr. Res. Inst., Taguig, Philippines. D393 II916.21 Effects of Calorie Restriction on Microglial Activation in a Murine Model. U. Quijano, I. Contreras, J.A. Estrada. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. 295 M O N NUTRITIONMONDAY D394 I916.22 Changes in the Expression of Cell Surface Markers in Spleen Leukocytes in a Murine Model of Frequent Sucralose Intake. M. Sánchez Delgado, J.A. Estrada, I. Contreras. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. D395 II916.23 Prevalence of Staphylococcal Diarrhea in Some Developing African Countries. G.P. Einstein, O.L. Tulp, T.C. Oyesile, O.F. Obidi. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat and Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria. D396 I916.24 Chronic Consumption of Non-caloric Sweeteners in Carbonylated Protein Concentrations from Blood Lymphocytes of CD1 Mice. B.E. Martinez, J.A.E. Herrera, L.G. Iniesta, R.V. Ramos, A.L.G. López. Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. D397 II916.25 Serum Retinol and Selenium Levels Correlate Negatively with Hemolysis Markers in Sickle Cell Disease Adult Patients. M. Citelli, E. Delesderrier, K. Cordovil, J. Omena, C.C. Santos-Rodrigues. Rio de Janeiro State Univ. 917. VITMIN: WATER AND FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS AND CHRONIC DISEASE Poster (Sponsored by: Vitamins and Minerals RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D398 I917.1 Effect of Vitamin D Fortified Cheese on Oral Glucose Tolerance in Individuals Exhibiting Marginal Vitamin D Status and an Increased Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes: A Double-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. T.S. Moreira-Lucas, A.M. Duncan, R. RabasaLhoret, R. Vieth, A. Gibbs, A. Badawi, T.M.S. Wolever. Univ. of Toronto, Univ. of Guelph, Canada, Clin. Res. Inst. of Montreal and Publ. Hlth. Agcy. of Canada, Toronto. D399 II917.2Correlation between Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Fiber Composition of Skeletal Muscle in Response to Dietary Vitamin D3 or 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 supplementation. M.Y. Park, J. Kim, K-Y. Whang. Korea Univ., Seoul. D400 I917.3 Whole Egg Consumption Increases Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Rats with DSSInduced Colitis. S.K. Jones, M. Rowling, K. Schalinske. Iowa State Univ. D401 II917.4 The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Lipids in Minorities with Type 2 Diabetes. J. Exebio, S. Ajabshir, G. Zarini, F. Huffman. Florida Intl. Univ. D402 I917.5 Quantitative Measurement of Plasma and Urinary Excretion of 3-Hydroxyisovaleryl Carnitine by UPLC-MS/MS. Z. Wang. Natl. Inst. for Nutr. and Hlth., Chinese Ctr. for Dis. Control and Prevent., Beijing. D403 II917.6 Association between Serum Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin and Triglycerides in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome L.F.C. Pedrosa, H.T. Pereira, A.T.O. Cunha, S.L. Aquino, S.C.V.C. Lima, A.P.T. Fayh, J.G. Lima, K.C.M. SenaEvangelista. Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. D404 I917.7 Vitamin A Status Affects the Body Mass Gain and Hepatic Gene Expression in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet. H. Kuang, Y. Li, J. Eastep, G. Chen. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. 296 D405 II917.8 Whole Egg Consumption Attenuates Vitamin D Insufficiency in Type 1 Diabetic Rats. C.J. Saande, K.L. Schalinske, M.J. Rowling. Iowa State Univ. D406 I917.9 Elevated Systolic Blood Pressure Is Associated with Low Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations of Children in the United States: NHANES 2005-2006 C. Moore, Y. Liu. Texas Woman’s Univ. and Baylor Col. of Med. D407 II917.10 Upregulated 1,25-Dihydorxyvitamin D in High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Could Be Restored by Feeding a Low Fat Diet. Y.S. Jung, D. Wu, D. Smith, S.N. Meydani, S.N. Han. Seoul Natl. Univ. and USDA at Tufts Univ. D408 I917.1125-Hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Modulate the Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms in C2C12 Cells during Early Differentiation Stage. M.Y. Park, J. Kim, K-Y. Whang. Korea Univ., South Korea. D409 II917.12 Homeostatic Model Assessment Index 1 and 2 Are Associated with Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D among Haitians and African-Americans Living in South Florida. S. Ajabshir, J. Exebio, G. Zarini, J. Voccaro, F. Huffman. Florida Intl. Univ. D410 I917.13 Vitamin D Attenuates MED28-Mediated Cell Growth and Migration in Human Colon Cancer Cells. N-T. Hsieh, C-Y. Huang, Y-T. Weng, M-F. Lee. China Med. Univ. and Chang Jung Christian Univ., Taiwan. D411 II917.14 Association of Vitamin D Status with Dual Task Physical Performance in Older Adults. J. Lopez, A. Campa, J.E. Lewis, F.G. Ercanli-Huffman, J.P. Liuzzi, T. Li, A.H. Martinez, S.M. Ferris. Florida Intl. Univ. and Univ. of Miami. D412 I917.15 Effect of Age on Vitamin D in Serum of Male Rhesus Monkeys. A.M. Preston, J. Rodriguez-Orengo, S. Ayala-Torres. Univ. of Puerto Rico-Med. Sci. Campus. D413 II917.16 Assessing Dietary Intake of Minerals in the Form of Mineral Ratios May Be More Informative for Evaluating Their Status Than by Their Individual Intake. O.J. Kelly, J.C. Gilman, J.Z. Ilich. Abbott Nutr, Columbus, OH and Florida State Univ. D414 I917.17 Assessing Dietary Intake of Vitamins in the Form of Vitamin Ratios May Be More Informative for Evaluating Their Status Than by Their Individual Intake. O.J. Kelly, J.C. Gilman, J.Z. Ilich. Abbott Nutr., Columbus and Florida State Univ. 918. VITMIN: MICRONUTRIENT BIOAVAILABILITY AND ANTIOXIDANT FUNCTION Poster (Sponsored by: Vitamins and Minerals RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D415 II918.1 Absorption of Iron in Caco-2 Cells Evaluated by Ferritin Upregulation from Five Dietary Supplement Iron Sources. S. Morgan, J.W. Hartle. Albion, UT. MONDAYNUTRITION D416 I918.2 Vitamin E Pharmacokinetics in Swine Show Low Bioavailability of all-rac α-Tocopheryl-Acetate. T. van Kempen, C. de Bruijn, K. Monkerhey, S. de Smet, J. Michiels, M. Traber, C. Lauridsen. Trouw Nutr., Netherlands, North Carolina State Univ., Ghent Univ., Belgium, Oregon State Univ. and Danish Inst. of Animal Sci., Tjele. D417 II918.3 Metabolomic Profile of Serum 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D. S.M. Nelson, G.M. Anic, O.A. Panagiotou, A. Mondul, S.J. Weinstein, D. Albanes. NCI, NIH, Rockville, MD and Ann Arbor, MI. D418 I918.4 Improved Bioavailability of Iron from Amino Acid Chelates in Fully Differentiated Human Intestinal Epithelial (Caco-2) Cells. C. Doguer, N. Shay, J.F. Collins. Univ. of Florida and Oregon State Univ. D419 II918.5 Evaluating the Effect of Seizure Induction on Top of HFCD and/or Vitamin E Administration on the Levels of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Hippocampus. Z.A. Hasan, K.H. Alzoubi. Arabian Gulf Univ. Col. of Med. and Med. Sci., Bahrain and Jordan Univ. of Sci. and Technol, Fac. of Pharm. D420 I918.6 Bioaccessibility of Vitamin D from Bread Fortified with UV-Treated Yeast Is Lower Than Bread Fortified with Crystalline Vitamin D2 and Bovine Milk. T.E. Lipkie, M. Ferruzzi, C.M. Weaver. Cargill Global Food Res., Minneapolis and Purdue Univ. D421 II918.7 Individual Amino Acids Differentially Regulate Paracellular Calcium Flux across an Intestinal Cell Model. M. MacArthur, P. Marszewski, C. Cummings, J. McClung, R. Matheny, E. Gaffney-Stomberg. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA. D424 I919.3 Zip14 (Slc39A14) Is Critical to Modulate Inflammatory Responses in Murine Skeletal Muscle. J. Kim, T.B. Aydemir, R.J. Cousins. Univ. of Florida. D425 II919.4 Circulating Levels of Small Nucleolar RNAs Are Affected by Zinc Supplementation in Early Pubertal Females. A. Grider, R.D. Lewis, E.M. Laing. Univ. of Georgia. D426 I919.5 Zinc Supplementation, Beta Cell Function, Insulin Secretion, and Insulin Resistance in Black and White Female Adolescents. A.J. Lobene, J.M. Kindler, N.K. Pollock, E.M. Laing, R.D. Lewis. Univ. of Georgia and Georgia Regents Univ. D427 II919.6 Zinc Supplementation and Antioxidant Activity in Adult Women in Rural Southern Ethiopia. A. Bogale, B.J. Stoecker. NBTY Inc., Central Islip, NY and Oklahoma State Univ. D428 I919.7 Plasma Metabolite Profiles in Ethiopian Women following Zinc Supplementation. S. Barton-Wechsler, L.L. Atwell, A. Bogale, J. Choi, Y. Nkrumah-Elie, B. Stoecker, E. Ho. California State Univ., Chico, Oklahoma State Univ. and Oregon State Univ. D429 II919.8 Dual Action of Zinc in Bone and Vascular Calcification. I-S. Kwun, M-Y. Shin. Andong Natl. Univ., South Korea. D430 I919.9 Comparison of Macro Mineral Contents following Kind of Vegetables Produced in Korea. J.B. Hwang, E-J. Park, S. Kim, D. Seo, Y. Choi, S-N. Kim, J-S. Nam, M-O. Yang. Korea Food Res. Inst., Seongnam-si, Rural Develop. Admin., Jeonju-si, Suwon Women’s Univ. and Wonkwang Digital Univ., South Korea. 919. VITMIN: ZINC Poster (Sponsored by: Vitamins and Minerals RIS) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D M O N Presentation time: 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (I); 1:45 pm–2:45 pm (II) D422 I919.1 Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Zinc Status – a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. A. Chu, P. Petocz, S. Samman. Univ. of Otago, New Zealand and Macqurie Univ., Australia. D423 II919.2 Zinc Supplementation Activates Nfe2l2/ARE-MT2-Antioxidant Pathway in a Model of Diabetic Nephropathy. G. Ding, M. Hao, P. Tian, Q. Tang, H. Zhao, Z. Darzynkiewicz, N.R. Ferreri, S. Hao. Natl. Inst. for Nutr. and Hlth., Beijing and New York Med. Col. 297 PATHOLOGYMONDAY Pathology 920. CELL DEATH, TISSUE INJURY AND REPAIR Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A193 920.1 Inter-competetion and Conversion among TNF-α-Induced Signaling Complexes Determine the Outcomes of TNF-α Signaling. Z-H. Yang, X-N. Wu, X. Wang, P. He, M. Hong, J. Han. Sch. of Life Sci. and Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Xiamen Univ., China. A194 920.2 Cathepsin Localization and Activity on the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier of Rats following Hemorrhagic Shock and Reperfusion. A.S. Courelli, F. DeLano, G.W. Schmid-Schonbein. UCSD. A195 920.3 Rip3 Forms Different Complexes Leading to Apoptosis or Necrosis. W. Li. Xiamen Univ., China. A196 920.4 Cellular Stress Response 1 Regulates RNA Splicing of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and PlateletDerived Growth Factor Receptor through Inactivation of Splicing Factor 3 A3 J. Luo, Z-H. Zuo, Y.P. Yu. Univ. of Pittsburgh. A197 920.5 Induction of Anchorage Independent Growth and Angiogenesis by Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Nanoparticles. M. Ding, T.L. Barber, L. Bowman. NIOSH/ CDC, Morgantown, WV. A198 920.6 Induction of AP-1-MAPKs Signaling by Copper Oxide Nanoparticles. T.L. Barber, L. Bowman, M. Ding. NIOSH/CDC, Morgantown, WV. A199 920.7 Ppm1b Negatively Regulates Necroptosis through Dephoshophorylating Ri. p3 W. Jianfeng, C. Wanze, L. Yangxin, A. Tingting, H. Jiahuai. Xiamen Univ., China. A200 920.8 Gingival Cell Smoke Exposure Disrupts Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Function. S.G. Laub, O.J. Taylor, P.R. Reynolds, B.T. Bikman. Brigham Young Univ. A201 920.9 Inhibition of Polyamine Oxidase Reduces Hyperoxia-Mediated Neurovascular Injury in Retina. P. Narayanan, C. Patel, Z. Xu, E. Shosha, R.B. Caldwell. Georgia Regents Univ. A202 920.10 Cleavage of the Osmotic Stress-Related Transcriptional Regulator NFAT5 Is Critical for Cardiac Injury in Coxsackievirus B3-Induced Myocarditis. Y. Qiu, P.J. Hansen, M. Zhang, D. Yang. Univ. of British Columbia and Ctr. for Heart Lung Innovation, Vancouver. A203 920.11 Immunohistochemical Detection of AutophagyRelated Proteins in Canine Appendicular Osteosarcoma. C.R. Schott, G.A. Wood. Ontario Vet. Col., Guelph. A204 920.12 LC3 Overexpression Perturbs Pancreatic Acinar Cell Homeostasis and Alters Pancreatitis Responses. O. Mareninova, W. Jia, J. Elperin, E. Lotshaw, M. Pimienta, B. Reicher, I. Gukovsky, A. Gukovskaya. David Geffen Sch. of Med. at UCLA and VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Syst. A205 920.13 Functional Diversity of Novel Disease Mutations in the Unfolded Protein Response Regulator, AT. F6 W-C. Chiang, P. Chan, J.H. Lin. UCSD. 298 921. MUCOSAL INFLAMMATION AND HOSTPATHOGEN INTERACTIONS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A206 921.1 In Vitro Therapeutic Index Application in Highthroughput Screening of the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Natural Products Evaluation in Different Cell Lines. E.A. Mazzio, D. Bauer, E. Taka, K.F. Soliman. Col. of Pharm. & Pharmaceut. Sci., Florida A&M Univ. A207 921.2 Alveolar Lipid Accumulation in GMCSFRβ KO Mice Involves Epithelial Steatosis as Well as Macrophage Lipotoxicity and Is Not Associated with Altered Surfactant Lipid Synthesis. D.J. Corkill, A.N. Hunt, M.J. Hinrichs, M.C. Rebellato, P. Ryan, A. Scott, M.A. Sleeman, A.D. Postle. MedImmune Ltd, Cambridge, U.K., Univ. of Southampton and MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD. A208 921.3 Echinacea purpurea Down Regulates LPSInduced Expression of Pro-inflammatory and Angiogenic Factors in an Ex Vivo Model of Equine Placentitis. C. Sloboda, S. Chico, J. Gordon, S. Bailey, K.A. Zwetsloot, C. Mowa. Appalachian State Univ. and North Carolina State Univ. Vet. Sch. A209 921.4 Stress and Inflammatory Markers: The Impact on Military Physical Performance. H.C. Tingelstad, J. Martin, V. Tang, L.G. Fillion, M. Spivock, F. Haman. Univ. of Ottawa and Canadian Forces Moral and Welfare Svc., Ottawa, ON. A210 921.5 The Attenuating Effects of 1,2,3,4,6 Penta-oGalloyl-β-D-Glucose on the Inflammatory Cytokines Release from Activated BV-2 Microglial Cells. P. Mendonca, D. Bauer, E. Taka, K.F. Soliman. Col. of Pharm. & Pharmaceut. Sci., Florida A&M Univ. A211 921.6 Upregulation of Chemokine Ligands and Receptors in the Spinal Cord of Type 2 Diabetic Monkeys. N. Kiguchi, H. Ding, C.M. Peters, N.D. Kock, S. Kishioka, J.D. Wagner, J.M. Cline, M-C. Ko. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. and Wakayama Med. Univ., Japan. A212 921.7 Moringa oleifera Whole Methanolic Leaf Extract Attenuates Levels of Angiogenic Factors in the Cervix of Preterm Labor Mice Models. M. Fitch, S. Ray, K.A. Zwetsloot, C. Mowa. Appalachian State Univ. A213 921.8 Whole Ethanolic Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract Generates Kinetic Growth Curves of Escherichia coli Comparable to Pharmaceuticals. B. Smith, T. Orders, J. Tallapaneni, S. Nair, V. Ravi, J. Emrani, J. Idassi, J. King, K.A. Zwetsloot, C. Mowa. Appalachian State Univ. and North Carolina A & T State Univ. A214 921.9 Effect of the Exposure to Progesterone Analogues in the Proliferation and Production of TNF-Alpha and IL-10 by Circulating Leukocytes. I. Contreras, F.G. OchoaArriaga, M.C. Erazo-Muñoz, M. Alvarado-Guadarrama, J.A. Estrada. Fac. of Med., Autonomous Univ. of State of Mexico, Toluca. MONDAYPATHOLOGY A215 921.10 Celiac Disease: Role of Intestinal Compartments in the Mucosal Immune Response. G. Iaquinto, V. Rotondi Aufiero, G. Iacomino, G. Mazzarella, M. Schettino, A. Masucci. Santa Rita Hosp. and N. Taccone Fndn., Atripalda, Inst. of Food Sci., CNR and San G. Moscati Hosp., Avellino, Italy. 922. EPITHELIAL BARRIERS, CELL MIGRATION AND TISSUE REPAIR Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A216 922.1 CD36-Myeloperoxidase Connection and the Activation of Intestinal Fibroblasts. M. Anderson-Thomas, A. Nillas, T.A. Reaves. Med. Univ. of South Carolina. A217 922.2 Reacquisition of E-Cadherin Expression in Metastatic Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma: A Potential Anchor for Metastatic Deposition. Y. Ma, G.P. Siegal, S. Wei. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. A218 922.3 Granzyme B Disrupts Epithelial Barrier Function. S. Santacruz, L. Parkinson, D. Granville. Univ. of British Columbia and St. Paul’s Hosp., Vancouver. A219 922.4 Maturation of Intestinal Barrier Function by Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Is Mediated by Inactivation of p38 MAPK. M. Meir, S. Flemming, N. Burkard, C-T. Germer, N. Schlegel. Uniklin. Wuerzburg, Germany. A220 922.5 Upregulation of Matrix Degrading Enzymes and Lubricin in the Pathogenesis of Joint Disease Requiring Arthroplasty C. Wanderling, N. Emanuele, P. Carlsgaard, J. Lilles, T. Schnettler, D. Syed, N. Guler, W. Hopkinson, D. Hoppensteadt, J. Fareed. Loyola Univ. Med. Ctr. A221 922.6 Wound Healing in a Model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus May Be Delayed by a Lack of Interleukin-2 K.M. Doersch, M.K. Newell-Rogers. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. and Baylor Scott and White. 923. EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A222 923.1 Soluble VE-Cadherin Contributes to Loss of VECadherin-Mediated Adhesion and Endothelial Barrier Function. S. Flemming, N. Burkard, M. Renschler, F. Vielmuth, M. Meir, M. Schick, C. Wunder, C-T. Germer, V. Spindler, J. Waschke, N. Schegel. Univ. Hosp. Wuerzburg, Univ. of Michigan and Univ. of Munich. A223 923.2 The Roles of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Anterior Regeneration in Aeolosoma viride T.L. Tseng. Natl. Taiwan Univ. A224 923.3 Extracellular Matrix-Stiffness Regulated Cancer Cell (A549) Migration. B. Gweon, Z. Li, Y. Shin, H. Yoo, J.H. Shin. Hanyang Univ. and KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea. A225 923.4 Analysis of Forces Acting on the Equine Navicular Bone in Normal and Dorsiflexed Positions. K.C. Ruff, M.L. Osborn, E.W. Uhl. Univ. of Georgia. 924. LIVER PATHOBIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A226 924.1 Increase in Therapeutic Effects and Therapeutic Window of Hepatocyte Xenotransplantation in Hemophilia B Mice with a Safe Pretreatment Strategy Coupled with Genetically Engineered Donor Cells. Y-C. Hsu, S-J. Yang, K-Y. Chen, C-W. Yeh, Y-J. Huang, I-S. Yu, Y-M. Wu, S-W. Lin. Col. of Med., Natl. Taiwan Univ. and Natl. Taiwan Univ. Hosp., Taipei. A227 924.2 Inhibitory Effect of Luteolin on Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation Is STAT3 Dependent. X. Wang, F.J. Bohanon, O. Nunez Lopez, A.J. Kandathiparampil, J. Zhou, R.S. Radhakrishnan. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch. A228 924.3 Activation of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha in Hepatic Stellate Cells during Chronic Liver Injury. A. Kikuchi, S. Monga. Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med. A229 924.4 DNA Damage Response Plays Critical Role in Liver Regeneration after Acetaminophen Overdose. P.C. Borude, B. Bhushan, U. Apte. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. A230 924.5 Role of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 Alpha in Hepatocyte Regeneration. I. Huck, M.W. Manley; Jr., U. Apte. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. A231 924.6 Complete Inhibition of Regeneration in Mice following Simultaneous Elimination of MET-EGFR Signaling. S. Paranjpe, W.C. Bowen, M. Haynes, T. Paranjpe, A. Orr, S. Liu, G.C. Tseng, J. Luo, W. Mars, G.K. Michalopoulos. Univ. of Pittsburgh. A232 924.7 Loss of Wnt Secretion by Macrophages Promote Heptobiliary Injury following DDC Diet. A. Jiang, H. Okabe, M.E. Preziosi, M. Poddar, S.P. Monga, S. Nagarajan. Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med., The Second Affil. Hosp., Sch. of Med., Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., China. A233 924.8 Glypican 3, CD81 and HCV E2 Protein Control Yap and Hippo Pathway. Y. Xue, B. Bown, A. Orr, K. Koral, M. Haynes, W. Mars, G. Michalopoulos. Univ. of Pittsburgh. A234 924.9 Reprogramming Factor Oct4 Is Crucial for Transdifferentiation of Hepatocytes to Biliary Epithelial Cells. M. Doffou, G. Adams, G. Michalopoulos, V. Bhave. Georgia Campus-Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med. Sch. of Pharm. and Univ. of Pittssburgh Sch. of Med. A235 924.10 VTL C3A Cells Secrete Factors Involved in Coagulation Homeostasis. S.L. Riley, D.F. Mendez, P.W. Bedard, L.K. Landeen. Vital Therapies Inc., San Diego. A236 924.11 Neural Modulation of Liver Function to Regulate Lipid and Glucose Metabolism. Y.A. Patel, R.J. Butera. Georgia Tech. A237 924.12 Aberrant Modulation of the BRCA1 and G1/S Cell Cycle Pathways in Alcoholic Hepatitis Patients with Mallory Denk Bodies Present Revealed by RNA Sequencing. H. Liu. LA BioMed/Harbor UCLA Med. Ctr. A238 924.13 Anti-fibrotic Effects of Synthetic TGF-β1/Smad Oligodeoxynucleotide for the Simultaneous Regulation of mRNA and Transcription Factor in Animal Model. K-K. Park, J-Y. Kim, H-J. An, W-H. Kim, K-H. Kim. Sch. of Med., Catholic Univ. of Daegu, South Korea. 299 M O N PATHOLOGYMONDAY A239 924.14 Insights into Translational Utility of Rodent Models of Hepatic Fibrosis. C. Saravanan, J. Judge, Y. Song, B. Dietrich, J. Wu, A. Bauer, K. Mansfield. Novartis Insts. for Biomed. Res., Cambridge, MA, Shanghai and Basel. 925. PATHOBIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 11:45 am–1:45 pm A240 925.1 Group a Streptococcus Persists in the Lysosomes of Phagocytic Cells. K. Zheng, J. Snipper, H. No, A. Till, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., CA and UCSD. A241 925.2 Advancements in the Management of Chromoblastomycosis among Immunocompromised Patients: An Overview. T. Hinojosa, P.C.Q. Zancanaro, E. Ramos, L. Saldivar, S.K. Tyring. Med. Sch., Univ. of Monterrey, Mexico, Hosp. de Base, Brazil, Ctr. for Clin. Studies, Houston, Univ. of Monterrey and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Houston. A242 925.3 Identification of Protein Kinase R and Tissue Distribution in Channel Catfish. J. Ball, M. Vides, Y. Kobayashi. Fort Hays State Univ., KS. A243 925.4 Effects of Sub-inhibitory Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide and Fluoride on the Innate Immune Resistance of Streptococcus mutans S. Peacock, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., CA. A244 925.5 Sequence Variation in Hepatitis B Virus Variants of Chronically Infected Saudi Patients and Their Interaction with Host Genetic Factors. F.N. Almajhdi, A. AlQudari, H.M. Amer, A.A. Abdo. Col. of Sci. and Col. of Med., King Saud Univ. A245 925.6 Group A Streptococcus Prevents the Acidification of Phagolysosomes in Macrophages. H. Franscioni, J. Snipper, H. No, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., CA. A246 925.7 Cellular and Proteomic Characterization of the Innate Immune Response in Bat Stars (Patiria miniata) A.K. Andrus, B.T. Livingston. California State Univ., Long Beach. A247 925.8 Substitutions in the Proximity of the Active Site of Peptidylarginine Deiminase from P. gingivalis – Is There a Correlation with Enzyme Activity? G. Bereta, K. Gawron, K. Łazarz-Bartyzel, M. Łazarz, K. Stożek, A. Naskalska, M. Burmistrz, K. Pyrć, M. Chomyszyn-Gajewska, J. Potempa. Jagiellonian Univ. Med. Col., Inst. of Dent. and Malopolska Ctr. of Biotechnol., Poland and Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Dent. A248 925.9 Group a Streptococcus Prevents Initiation of the Oxidative Burst Response in Immune Cells. I. Yuen, M. McLain, H. Franscioni, N. Etesami, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., CA. A249 925.10 Cloning, Identification and Characterization of Two MyD88s during Anterior Regeneration in Aeolosoma viride C.P. Chen. Natl. Taiwan Univ. 300 A250 925.11 Group A Streptococcus Streptococcal Collagen-Like Protein (Scl-1) Enhances Bacterial Resistance to Neutrophil Serine Proteases. J. Kim, N. Etesami, S. Dohrmann, V. Nizet, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., LA, UCSD and UCSD Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. A251 925.12 Activation of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Contributes to Conversion of Cardiomyocytes into a Proinflammatory Phenotype in Rat Model of Sepsis. W. Jiang, A. Tao, T. Mele, R. Kao, C. Martin, T. Rui. The Affil. People’s Hosp. of Jiangsu Univ., China, Lawson Hlth. Res. Inst., London, Canada and Schulich Sch. of Med. and Dent., Western Univ., Canada. A252 925.13 Effects of Repeated LPS Infusion on Hematologic, Metabolic, and Intestinal Histology Parameters. S.K. Kvidera, E.A. Horst, E.J. Laughlin, J. Mayorga, J.T. Seibert, M. Abuajamieh, M. Al-Qaisi, S. Lei, A.F. Keating, J.W. Ross, L.H. Baumgard. Iowa State Univ. A253 925.14 Decade Long Study in HIV-1+ Puerto Ricans Finds Reduction in Average Drug Resistance Per Individual, Changes in Antiretroviral Medication Resistances and Shifts in Mutations Expression. L. Cubano, M.L. Roger, L. Rishishwar, L.C. Sepúlveda-Torres, E. Ríos-Olivares, I.K. Jordan, N. Boukli. Univ. Central del Caribe and Univ. del Sagrado Corazón, PR and Georgia Tech. A254 925.15 Role of the Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Fusion Machinery in Viral Growth in the Natural Host. S. Jusino, L.M. Palermo, A. Moscona. Univ. of Puerto Rico at Ponce and Weill Cornell Med. Col. A255 925.16 Rift Valley Fever Virus Protein Detected by Multiple Immunohistochemical Methods. M. Gamez, B. Faburay, B.S. Drolet, W.C. Wilson, J.A. Richt, A.S. Davis, E. Stietzle. Col. of Vet. Med., Kansas State Univ. A256 925.17 Streptococcal Collagen-Like Protein 1 Protects Group A Streptococcus from Innate Immune Defenses. R. Whalen, S. Dohrmann, J. Shimamoto, N. Etesami, G. Martin, V. Nizet, C. Okumura. Occidental Col., LA, UCSD and UCSD Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. A257 925.18 Enhancing Quantitative-PCR-Based Detection of Pathogenic Enteric Viruses in Coastal Marine Environment Using Monolithic Chromatographic Supports. M.N. Balasubramanian, J. Goncalves, N. Rački, K. Kovač, M. Hren, V. Turk, M. Ravnikar, I. Gutiérrez-Aguirre. Biosistemika Ltd., Ljubljiana, Natl. Inst. of Biol., Piran and Ljubljiana, Slovenia. A258 925.19 Exhaled Breath Carbon Isotopes Are a Marker for Inflammation in Neonates with a Chorioamnionitis Risk Factor. D.E. Butz, D-A. Pillers. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and Isomark LLC. A259 925.20 Role of Cox Pathway in Human Monocytes and Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Infected by Trypanosoma cruzi S.C.H. Lonien, R.C. de Freitas, H.T. Suzukawa, F.F. dos Santos, M.I. Lovo-Martins, G.F. Silveira, P.F. Wowk, J. Bordignon, P. Pinge-Filho. State Univ. of Londrina and Oswaldo Cruz Fndn., Curitiba, Brazil. MONDAYPHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology 926.OPIOIDS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Behavioral Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A1 926.1 Efficacy Related Modulation of Behavioral Effects of Opioids during Chronic Buprenorphine Treatment in Squirrel Monkeys. S.L. Withey, C.A. Paronis, J. Bergman. Harvard Med. Sch., McLean Hosp., Belmont. A2 926.2 A Centrally Active, Peripherally Available Mixed Efficacy MOR/DOR Ligand That Displays Reduced Development of Negative Side Effects. J. Anand, I. Dripps, B. Boyer, H. Mosberg, E. Jutkiewicz. Univ. of Michigan. A3 926.3 Abuse Liability and Anti-addiction Potential of the Atypical Mu Opioid Receptor Agonist IBNtxA. T.M. Keck, V. Verchio, C. Wu, G. Moura-Letts. Rowan Univ. A4 926.4 Gαo Proteins Mediate the Antihyperalgesic and Antidepressant-Like Effects, but Not the Convulsive Effects, Produced by Delta Opioid Receptor Activation. I. Dripps, R. Neubig, K. Rice, E. Jutkiewicz. Univ. of Michigan, Michigan State Univ. and NIDA, NIH, Rockville, MD. A5 926.5 Differential Role of G Protein Signaling Regulator RGS7 on Rewarding Effects of Opioids and Psychostimulants. L. Sutton, O. Ostrovskaya, M. Dao, R. Smith, K. Martemyanov. The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL. A6 926.6 Environmental Enrichment Augments Behavioral and Epigenetic Response to Heroin SelfAdministration. A.J. McFalls, C.G. Imperio, D.R. Masser, G.V. Bixler, B.C. Wronowski, K.E. Vrana, P.S. Grigson, W.M. Freeman. Penn State, Hershey, Robert Wood Johnson Med. Sch., Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Penn State Col. of Med. A7 926.7 The Effect of Ventral Tegmental Area Rictor Knockout on Susceptibility to Chronic Social Defeat Stress and Stress-Induced Changes in Morphine Reward. S. Kaska, M. Mazei-Robison. Michigan State Univ. A8 926.8 Effect of Opioids on Integrity of White Matter. N.L. Korneeva, R. Fan, L.M. Schrott, T. Arnold, D. Graham. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. A10 927.2 Breaking the TRPV1-Calcineurin Interaction as a Novel Means for Pain Control S. McAllister, V. Zambelli, E. Gross. Stanford Univ. and Butantan Inst., São Paulo. A11 927.3 A Novel Class of Potent, Allosteric TRPA1 Antagonists Reverse Hyperalgesia in Multiple Rat Models of Neuropathic Pain. J.M. Herz, E. Kesicki, J. Tian, M.X. Zhu, W.J. Thomsen. Algomedix, Inc. and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. A12 927.4 Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitors Are Orally Available, Non-Opiate, Non-NSAID Analgesics Which Block Neuropathic Pain Better Than Gabapentin or Pregabalin without Reduction in Mobility or Cognition. B.D. Hammock, K. Wagner, B. Inceoglu, A. Bettaieb, F. Haj. Univ. of California, Davis. A13 927.5 Antinociceptive Effects of Synthetic Tetracycline Compound and Influence of Cx3cr1 in Inflammatory Pain. J. Guindon, C. Bezboruah, H. Blanton, C. Sherfey, P.C. Marquardt, J.M. Martinez, S.E. Bergeson. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A14 927.6 Slick (Kcnt2) Sodium-Activated Potassium Channels Limit Nociceptor Excitability and Pain. D.L. Tomasello. SUNY Univ. at Buffalo. A15 927.7 Novel Inhibitors of the Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Block Pain in Multiple Models. K. Wagner, K.S.S. Lee, S.H. Hwang, B.D. Hammock. Univ. of California, Davis. A16 927.8 Adelmidrol, a Palmitoylethanolamide Analogue, as a New Pharmacological Treatment for the Management of Inflammatory Pain. S. Cuzzocrea, D. Impellizzeri, R. Di Paola, M. Cordaro, G. Casili, E. Esposito. Univ. of Messina. A17 927.9 The 5-HT4 Receptor Agonists Prucalopride and BIMU8 Suppress Abdominal Nociception in Animal Models. O. Lyubashina, I. Busygina, I. Sivachenko, S. Panteleev. Pavlov Inst. of Physiol., Russian Acad. of Sci. and Valdman Inst. of Pharmacol., First Saint-Petersburg Pavlov State Med. Univ., St. Petersburg. A18 927.10 Systemic Effects of AT-121 as a Safe Analgesic without Abuse Liability in Primates. H. Ding, N. Kiguchi, P. Czoty, M. Nader, N. Zaveri, M-C. Ko. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. and Astraea Therapeut. LLC, Mountain View. A19 927.11 Peptidomimetics Exhibiting Mu Opioid Receptor Agonist/Delta Opioid Receptor Antagonist Activity as Novel Pain Therapeutics. N. Griggs, A. Bender, C. Gao, J. Anand, J. Traynor, H. Mosberg. Univ. of Michigan. 927. NOVEL PAIN THERAPEUTICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Behavioral Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A9 927.1 Antihyperalgesic and Antiallodynic Effects of 3a,4,5,9b-Tetrahydro-4-(1-Naphthalenyl)-3HCyclopentan[c]Quinoline-8-Sulfonamide in an Animal Model of Neuroinflammatory Pain. M. Abbas, S. Rahman. South Dakota State Univ. 301 M O N PHARMACOLOGYMONDAY 928. EFFECTS OF PAIN ON OTHER MEASURES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Behavioral Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A20 928.1 Neuropathic Pain Unmasks Delta Opioid Receptor-Mediated Analgesia. E.W. Ong, S.V. Holdridge, K.A. Sutherland, S.A. Armstrong, A.M.W. Taylor, L. Xue, C.M. Cahill. Queen’s Univ., Canada, Univ. of California, Irvine and UCLA. A21 928.2 Controlling for Individual Differences in Temperature Sensitivity Reduces Potency Differences among Subjects in a Warm Water Tail Withdrawal Procedure in Rhesus Monkeys. P.F. Weed, L.R. Gerak, D.R. Maguire, C.P. France. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A22 928.3 Effects of MIA-Induced Osteoarthritis on Hind Limb Weight Bearing and Bone Biology Endpoints in Rats with or without Access to Running Wheels. K. Cone, R. Krivitsky, E. Warner, I. Imbert, J. Allen, T. Henderson, C.J. Rosen, E.J. Bilsky, T. King, G.W. Stevenson. Univ. of New England, Maine Med. Ctr. Res. Inst. and Univ. of New England Col. of Osteo. Med. A23 928.4 Depression of Home Cage Wheel Running: A Novel Method to Assess Spontaneous Migraine Pain. R. Kandasamy, J.J. Calsbeek, M.M. Morgan. Washington State Univ. A24 928.5 Neuropathic Pain Alters Reward and Affect via Kappa Opioid Receptor Upregulation. S. Liu, C. Cook, E. Thai, S. Pickens, A.M. Taylor, V.D. Tea, F.I. Carroll, F.M. Leslie, C.J. Evans, C.M. Cahill. Univ. of California, Irvine, UCLA and Res. Triangle Inst., NC. A25 928.6 Expression and Pharmacological Modulation of Visceral Pain-Induced Conditioned Place Aversion in Mice. S. AlSharari, D. Bagdas, P. Muldoon, I. Carroll, S. Negus, I. Damaj. King Saud Univ., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Uludag Univ. Fac. of Med., Turkey and Res. Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park. A26 928.7 Calorie Restriction Mimicking by Isoliquiritigenin Attenuates Experimental Diabetic Neuropathy via Induction of Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Autophagy. V.G. Yerra, A.K. Kalvala, A. Kumar. Natl. Inst. of Pharmaceut. Educ. and Res., Hyderabad, India. 929.ANTIDEPRESSANTS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neuropharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A27 929.1 The Lysophosphatidic Acid LPA1 Receptor as a Novel Molecular Target of Antidepressants in Neuronal Cells. M.C. Olianas, S. Dedoni, P. Onali. Univ. of Cagliari, Italy. A28 929.2 Citalopram’s Mechanism for Decreasing Immobility Time in the Tail Suspension Test. R. Kingston, H. Pan, A. Carneiro. Morehouse Col. and Vanderbilt Univ. 302 A29 929.3 Evaluation of Molecular Biomarkers in an Adolescent Chronic Restraint Stress Model of Depression. M. Graham, M. Hibicke, R. Hayslett. Mercer Univ. Col. of Pharm. A30 929.4 Effects of Ketamine in the Forced Swim Test in Female Rats. R. Felger, F. Carreno, A. Frazer. Trinity Univ., TX and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A31 929.5 Ketamine Treatment Translocates Gsalpha from Lipid Rafts in Cultured Glial Cells: Similar Effects to Several Antidepressant Compounds. M.M. Rasenick, N. Wray, J. Schappi. Univ. of Illinois Col. of Med. and Jesse Brown VA Med. Ctr., Chicago. A32 929.6 Chronic Isolation Stress Alters AntidepressantLike Behaviors in Animals Lacking RG. S4 J.N. Talbot, B. Poncede Leon, C.L. Nielsen, C.M. Benhatzel, D. Alp, R. Kirsh, J.R. Traynor. Touro Univ. Nevada, Roseman Univ. of Hlth. Sci. Cols. of Pharm. and Med., Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch. and Roseman Univ. of Hlth. Sci. A33 929.7 Rapid Antidepressant-Like Effects of the “Uptake-2” Blocker, Decynium 22 in the Flinders Sensitive Line Rat Model of Depression. R. Fraser-Spears, W.A. Owens, N.C. Mitchell, D. Overstreet, W. Koek, L.C. Daws. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A34 929.8 Adult Rats Exposed to Adolescent Chronic Restraint Stress Display Robust Depressive-Like Behaviors and Unexpected Responses to Desipramine and Fluoxetine. M. Hibicke, M. Graham, R. Hayslett. Mercer Univ. Col. of Pharm. A35 929.9 Beta-Arrestin1 and Testosterone Levels in Women with Depression during Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. K. Smith, F. Alam, T. Ansah, A. Archibong, T. Nayyar. Meharry Med. Col. 930.SEROTONERGICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Neuropharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A36 930.1 Characterization of the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Lorcaserin in Rats. K.M. Serafine, C.P. France. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. A37 930.2 Influence of Central Serotonin Availability on Social and Repetitive Behavior in Mice. G.G. Gould, N. Witt, J. Allen, A. Sanchez, M.A. Javors, L.C. Daws. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio, Univ. of Texas San Antonio and St. Mary’s Univ., TX. A38 930.3 Psychedelics Produce Complex and Heterogeneous Transcriptional Responses in Diverse Cortical Cell Types in the Brain of Rats as Determined by New Flow Cytometric Methods Allowing for Sorting of Distinct Cell and Neuronal Populations from Whole Brain. D. Martin, C. Porretta, C.D. Nichols. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A39 930.4 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Modulates Circadian Activity Behavior and the Expression Level of Circadian Genes in Drosophila melanogaster in Both Sexes. K.J. Sherman, C.D. Nichols. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A40 930.5 Role of Serotonin 2A and 2C Receptors in Ketamine-Induced Hypothermia. T.J. Murphy, K.S. Murnane. Oglethorpe Univ. and Mercer Univ. Col. of Pharm. MONDAYPHARMACOLOGY 931. MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY OF HEPTAHELICAL RECEPTORS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Molecular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A41 931.1 Structural Basis for Allosteric Coupling between G Protein and the Agonist-Binding Pocket in GPCRs. J. Mahoney, B. DeVree, G. Velez-Ruiz, S. Rasmussen, A. Kuszak, E. Edwald, A. Manglik, M. Masureel, Y. Du, R. Matt, E. Pardon, J. Steyaert, B. Kobilka, R. Sunahara. Univ. of Michigan, Stanford Univ., Vrije Univ. Brussels and UCSD. A42 931.2 A Panoramic Measure of Agonist, Modulator, Receptor and Signaling Pathway Selectivity. R. Zhang, M. Kavana. Merck Res. Labs. A43 931.3 Estimation of Ligand Affinity for Receptor States in Functional Studies on G Protein-Coupled Receptors. F.J. Ehlert, R.S.L. Stein. Univ. of California, Irvine. A44 931.4 Optimizing the Analysis of Bias to Produce More Accurate Results. E. Stahl, F.J. Ehlert, L.M. Bohn. Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL and Univ. of California, Irvine. A45 931.5 Characterization of Novel Biased KOR Agonist-Mediated Cell Signaling. J-H. Ho, K. Lovell, L. Zhou, K. Frankowski, J. Aubé, L. Bohn. The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A46 931.6 Multipronged Approach to Investigate the Mu-Delta Opioid Receptor Heteromer Interface. D. Alongkronrusmee, H.T. Ghomi, S. Tang, M.A. Lill, R.M. van Rijn. Purdue Univ. A47 931.7 Efficacy at the Mu Opioid Receptor: Insights from Orthosteric and Allosteric Ligands. K.E. Livingston, J. Mahoney, A. Manglik, B. Kobilka, R. Sunahara, J.R. Traynor. Univ. of Michigan, Stanford Univ. and UCSD. A48 931.8 A Biased Mu-Opioid Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulator That Does Not Alter Receptor Regulation. K.E. Livingston, J.R. Traynor. Univ. of Michigan. A49 931.9 Structurally Diverse Positive Allosteric Modulators of the D1 Dopamine Receptor Potentiate G-Protein and β-Arrestin-Mediated Signaling. K.D. Luderman, J.L. Conroy, R.B. Free, N.T. Southall, M. Ferrer, J. Aubé, K.J. Frankowski, D.R. Sibley. NINDS, NIH, NCATS, NIH, Rockville and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A50 931.10 Identification and Characterization of a Novel Dopamine Receptor Antagonist with High Selectivity for the D2 Dopamine Receptor. R.B. Free, A.E. Dulcey, A.E. Moritz, T.B. Doyle, J.A. Javitch, N.T. Southall, M. Ferrer, J.J. Marugan, D.R. Sibley. NINDS, NIH, and NCATS, NIH, Rockville, MD and Columbia Univ. A51 931.11 Identification of a Novel Negative Allosteric Modulator of the D3 Dopamine Receptor. A.E. Moritz, R.B. Free, J.L. Conroy, E.S. Barnaeva, X. Hu, J.A. Javitch, N.T. Southall, M. Ferrer, K.J. Frankowski, J. Aubé, D.R. Sibley. NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, NCATS, NIH, Rockville, Columbia Univ. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A52 931.12 LPA1 Receptor Antagonists Exhibit Signaling Bias and Differential Efficacy in Models of Renal Fibrosis. L.A. Hazelwood, L. Leys, G. Lundgaard, C.B. Putman, S. McGaraughty, B. Clapham, D. DeGoey, L. Lee. AbbVie Inc., North Chicago. A53 931.13 Structure-Activity Relationship of Peptide Inhibitors of the Wnt/Frizzled Interaction. W.M. Blankesteijn, K.C.M. Hermans, A.I. Fernandez-Llamazares, N. Kriek, P. Timmerman. Maastricht Univ. and Pepscan Therapeut. Netherlands. A54 931.14 A Novel Activator of Canonical Wnt Signaling. J. Baruah, K.K. Wary, R. Hitzman, J. Zhang. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. 932. NATURAL PRODUCTS – PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY I Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Discovery and Development Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A55 932.1 Pharmacological Properties of Chromobacterium violaceum Violacein at the Human Serotonin 2C Receptor. L. Fears, M. Curtis, T. Johnson, H. Fentress. Tennessee State Univ. A56 932.2 Synthesis of Chitosan Nanoparticles of Flavonoids Extracted from Black Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seed Coats to Enhance the Intestinal Absorption and Increase Plasma Residence Time. C. Sanchez-Ramirez, R.A. ChavezSantoscoy, J.M. Cornejo-Bravo. Sch. of Chem. Sci. and Engin., Autonomous Univ. of Baja California, Mexico. A57 932.3 Semen Characteristics and Sperm Morphology of Pistia stratiotes Linn. (Araceae) Protected Male Albino Rats (Wistar Strain) Exposed to Sodium Arsenite. O.E. OlaDavies, O.S. Olawuwo, O.S. Ajani, O.M. Oyeyemi. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. A58 932.4 Neuroprotective Activity of Macamides on Manganese Chloride-Induced Toxicity in U-87 MG Glioblastoma Cells. K. Gugnani, M. Bohlke, A. Pino-Figueroa. MCPHS Univ., Boston. A59 932.5 Induction of Nrf2 Activity by Ethyl Acetate Extract of Lagenaria breviflora O.A. Oridupa, K.J. Ritchie. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria and Liverpool John Moores Univ., U.K. A60 932.6 Investigation of a Cyanobacterial Collection from Curaçao for CNS Activity. E. Hilton, C. Staub, B. Kolber, K. Tidgewell. Bayer Sch. of Nat. and Envrn. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci. and Mylan Sch. of Pharm., Duquesne Univ. A61 932.7 The Marine Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals Pipeline in 2015 A.M. Mayer, M. Nguyen, D.J. Newman, K.B. Glaser. Midwestern Univ., NCI at Frederick and AbbVie Inc., North Chicago. A62 932.8 Ameliorative Effect of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Tridax procumbents L. (Asteraceae) on Sodium ArseniteInduced Toxicities in Male Wistar Rats. S.S. Ekundayo, O.A. Odunola, O.E. Ola-Davies. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. A63 932.9 The Hepatoprotective Effects of Whole Plant Extracts of Ocimum basilicum in Experimentally Induced Liver Damage in Rats. M.O. Abatan, M.T. Asala. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. 303 M O N PHARMACOLOGYMONDAY 933. GENERAL TOXICOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Toxicology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A64 933.1 Management of Fluoride Toxicity on Adult Male Wistar Rats’ Fecundity Using Some Selected Antioxidants. F.C. Anacletus, B.M. Onyegeme-Okerenta, C.U. Iheka. Univ. of PortHarcourt, Nigeria. A65 933.2 Characterization of Nitrogen Mustard-Induced Lung Injury Using Molecular Imaging Techniques. A. Venosa, J. Schumacher, D. Adler, J. Laskin, E. Yurkow, A. Gow, D. Laskin. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway. A66 933.3 Passive Pulmonary Targeting: Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of Microparticle Deposition in the Lungs. K.A. Rivera, D. Gao, J. Holloway, S. Li, S.R. Johnson, Z. Szekely, P.J. Sinko. Pharmaceut. Sci., Rutgers Univ., Piscataway and Pharmaceut. Sci., Piscataway. A67 933.4 Altered Ion Transport in Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells following Exposure to Metal Welding Particles. J.S. Fedan, J.A. Thompson, T.G. Meighan, P.C. Erdely, J.M. Antonini. NIOSH, Morgantown, WV. A68 933.5 Evaluation of the Effect of CdTe Quantum Dots on Cell Viability. A. Rodríguez-Lopez, J. Reyes-Esparza, V. Agarwal, L. Rodriguez-Fragoso. Autonomous Univ. of State of Morelos, Cuernavaca. A69 933.6 Evaluation of Analytical Parameters by Mineralization by Dry Method for Lead Detection in Urine. J.A. Giolo, G.S.C. Tiritan, F.T.A. Neves. Univ. of Sagrado Coracao, São Paulo. A70 933.7 Subacute Toxicity of Cadmium Sulfide Quantum Dots Coated with Maltodextrin In Vivo. I. GutiérrezSancha, J. Reyes-Esparza, P. Rodríguez-Fragoso, L. Rodriguez-Fragoso. Autonomous Univ. of State of Morelos, Cuernavaca and CINVESTAV, Mexico City. A71 933.8 Effect of Nimesulide on Blood Sugar Level and Haematological Indices of Albino Rats. P.U. Agbasi, L.C. Chukwu, P. Unekwe. Fed. Univ. of Technol., Owerri, Chukwuemeka Odimuegwu Ojukwu Univ., Uli and Nnamdi Azikiwe Univ., Awka, Nigeria. A72 933.9 Evaluation of the Embryotoxic and Teratogenic Effect of the β-HPC In Ovo B. Mendoza-Rivera, J. ReyesEsparza, R. de la Cruz-Cordero, L. Rodriguez-Fragoso. Autonomous Univ. of State of Morelos and Nucitec S.A. de C.V., Querétaro, Mexico. A73 933.10 Pharmaceutical Waste Management in Pharmacies in Zagreb. M. Bosnjak, I. Bosnjak, D. Drmic. Univ. of Applied Hlth. Sci., Zagreb, Univ. of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sch. of Med., Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia. 304 934. PHASE I ENZYMES: CYTOCHROME P450 ENZYMES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Metabolism Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A74 934.1 Cholesterol 7α-Hydroxylase (CYP7A1) Plays a Critical Role in Preventing Hepatic Inflammation and Fibrosis. H. Liu, J. Ferrell, S. Boehme, J. Chiang. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. A75 934.2 Effect of CYP17A1 17,20 Lyase Inhibitors on Regulation of Adrenal Androgen Biosynthesis. A.V. Pandey, S.S. Udhane. Univ. of Bern. A76 934.3 CYP26 Inhibition Increases Retinoic Acid Concentrations in Target Tissues and Alters Retinoid Signaling. F. Stevison, S. Tripathy, T. Kent, C.A. Hogarth, M.D. Griswold, N. Isoherranen. Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of Washington and Sch. of Molec. Biosci., Washington State Univ. A77 934.4 Effect of Ethanol on the Metabolism of Antiretroviral Drugs Elvitegravir and Darunavir in the Presence and Absence of Their Pharmacoenhancers in Microsomes. N.M. Midde, M.A. Rahman, C. Rathi, J. Li, B. Meibohm, W. Li, S. Kumar. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis and East China Univ. of Sci. and Technol., Shanghai. A78 934.5 Inhibition of Human CYP3A-Catalyzed Lithocholic Acid 3-Oxidation by Specific Vitamin E Isomers. A.J. Lau, S.F. Chai, J.S.M. Teo. Yong Loo Lin Sch. of Med., Natl. Univ. of Singapore. A79 934.6 Cinnamaldehyde Analogs as CYP2A6 Inhibitors: A Structure-Activity Study. S. Black, P. Joseph, A. Higa, G. Moyeen, K. Ebisuya, M. Davis, J. Chan, J. Harrelson. Pacific Univ., Hillsboro and Forest Grove, OR. A80 934.7 Endogenous Substrates for Tumor-Specific Human Cytochrome P450 CYP2W1 Y. Zhao, P. Ortiz de Montellano. UCSF. A81 934.8 Implications of In Vitro System Conditions for CYP2C9 and CYP3A4: Impact of pH on Clearance and Enzyme Inhibition. L.R.A. Rougee, M.A. Mohutsky, D.W. Bedwell, K.J. Ruterbories, S.D. Hall. Eli Lilly and Co. A82 934.9 Induction of CYP2A6 by Metronidazole in Primary Human Hepatocytes. S. Stancil, C. Vyhlidal, G. Kearns, S. Leeder, R.E. Pearce. Children’s Mercy Hosp. and Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City and Arkansas Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst., Little Rock. A83 934.10 Mechanistic Role of Cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A2 in the Regulation of Hepatic and Pulmonary CYP1A1 Expression in Mice Treated with 3-Methycholanthrene. B. Moorthy, P. Maturu, L. Wang, C. Chu, W. Jiang. Baylor Col. of Med. MONDAYPHARMACOLOGY 935.TRANSPORTERS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Drug Metabolism Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A84 935.1 Chronopharmacology of Cisplatin: Role of the Circadian Rhythm in Modulating the Cisplatin Transporters Levels. D.N. Sorensen, P.P. Dakup, S. Gaddameedhi. Washington State Univ. A85 935.2 Activity of hBSEP Transporter Expressed in Human and Insect Cells. S. Wright, M. Wilkerson, J. Li, I. Hidalgo. Carson-Newman Col, TN and Absorption Systs., Exton, PA. A86 935.3 Vorinostat Induces Blood-Brain Barrier P-Glycoprotein Drug Efflux Activity: Implications for Limited Brain Disposition of Co-administered Chemotherapeutics. R.K. Sajja, T.R. Liles, S. Prasad, L. Cucullo. Texas Tech Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Amarillo. A87 935.4 Transport of Estrone Sulfate by Human Placental Plasma Membrane Vesicles. T. Nanovskaya, S. Patrikeeva, X. Wang, Q. Wang, M.S. Ahmed. Univ. of Texas Med. Br. A88 935.5 Establishing the Competitive Counterflow Assay for OATP1B1 and OATP1 B3 M. Katuwal, R. Schnegelberger, E. Wityk, M. Ruggiero, B. Hagenbuch. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. A89 935.6 Organic Cation Transporters in Drug Interactions with Methamphetamine and Metabolites. D.J. Wagner, J. Wang. Univ. of Washington. A90 935.7 Cerebroventricular Sodium, Regulated by Na,K,ATPase and Endogenous Ouabain, Changes Neuronal Excitability in a Rat Migraine Model. N.B. Gross, M.G. Harrington. Huntington Med. Res. Insts., Pasadena. A91 935.8 Identification of Novel Substrates and Substrate-Dependent Interactions of Human Organic Cation Transporter 1 K.H. Boxberger, B. Hagenbuch, J.N. Lampe. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. A92 935.9 ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters and Cytoprotective Genes Respond Differentially to a Hepatotoxic Dose of Acetaminophen in Male and Female Mouse Brain. K.M. Flores, J.L. Renfro, J. Manautou. Univ. of Connecticut. A93 935.10 The N-Terminal Region of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1B3 Plays an Essential Role in Regulating Its Plasma Membrane Trafficking. S-E. Chun, N. Thakkar, J.E. Park, S. Han, S.H. Maeng, Y-R. Lim, D. Machado, W. Lee. Col. of Pharm., Seoul Natl. Univ., Univ. of Kentucky and Konkuk Univ., South Korea. A94 935.11 Buprenorphine, Norbuprenorphine and Methadone Enantiomers Induce ABCB1/ P-gp and ABCG2/ BCRP Expression and Are Potent Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Agonists in Human Placental Cells. N.K. Neraudgomma, Q. Mao. Univ. of Washington. A95 935.12 Bioengineered miR-1291 Prodrug as Sensitizing Agent for the Control of Pancreatic Carcinoma Cell Proliferation and Tumor Growth. M. Tu, M. Li, A. Yu. UC Davis Med. Ctr., Sacramento. 936. PRECLINICAL CANCER PHARMACOLOGY AND CELL SIGNALING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cancer Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A96 936.1 Synergism between Bioengineered miR-34a Prodrugand Doxorubicin in Suppressing Osteosarcoma cell Proliferation and Xenograft Tumor Growth. M. Tu, Y. Zhao, Y. Yu, W. Wang, Q. Chen, J. Qiu, A. Yu, A. Yu. Univ. of California Davis, Sacramento, Wuhan Univ., China and Univ. of Buffalo. A97 936.2 Tamoxifen Affects PLCg1 Expression in ER+ Breast Cancer Cells. R. Vergne, C. Ortiz, L. Godoy, J. Matta. Univ. of Puerto Rico at Ponce and Ponce Hlth. Sci. Univ. A98 936.3 Treatment of Triple Negative Breast CancerDerived Cells with Polyisoprenylated Cysteinyl Amide Inhibitors Activates Caspase 3/7 and Disrupts F-Actin Organization Leading to Apoptosis and Diminished Cell Motility. O. Salako, R. Poku, A. Nkembo, F. Amissah, E. Ntantie, N. Lamango. Florida A&M Univ. Col. of Pharm. & Pharmaceut. Sci. A99 936.4 Small Molecule Inhibition of MEKK2 Signal Transduction in Cancer Cells. J. Noll, J.E. Scott, B. Cuevas. Loyola Stritch Sch. of Med., Maywood and North Carolina Central Univ. A100 936.5 A Dock-Derived PEDF Mimic Targeting Laminin Receptor Downregulates VEGF Receptor. C.S. Umbaugh, A. Diaz-Quiñones, M. Figueiredo. Purdue Univ. and Univ. Central del Caribe Med. Sch., PR. A101 936.6 miR-186 Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Anchorage-Independence in a Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cell Line. D.Z. Jones, M.L. Schmidt, K.R. Hobbing, G. Clark, L.R. Kidd. Univ. of Louisville. A102 936.7 In Vitro Basis for Cell Line-Dependent Interaction between Sorafenib and Dasatinib in Human Nonsmall Cell Lung Carcinoma Cell Lines. Q. Zhou, R. Choksi, X. Guo. Univ. of South Florida Col. of Pharm. and Univ. of South Florida. A103 936.8 Overexpression of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter ABCG2 Mediates Acquired Resistance LDC000067, a Selective Inhibitor of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase CD. K9 M-L. Lin, C-P. Wu. Col. of Med., Chang Gung Univ., Taiwan. 937. NOVEL THERAPEUTIC AGENTS IN CANCER Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cancer Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A104 937.1 Novel ShetA2 Analog, SL-01-18, Triggers Apoptosis and Targets Androgen Receptors in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. V. Rajagopalan, T. Nguyen, G. Naizghi, S. Liu. Touro Univ. California Col. of Pharm. and Safeway Inc., Milpitas, CA. 305 M O N PHARMACOLOGYMONDAY A105 937.2 Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of EB-3D, a Novel Choline-Kinase Inhibitor in Breast Cancer. G. Viola, E. Mariotto, R. Bortolozzi, R. Ronca, L.C. Lopez Cara, A. Entrena, G. Basso. Univ. of Padova and Univ. of Brescia, Italy and Univ. of Granada, Spain. A106 937.3 Inhibition of Tumor Growth in an Orthotopic Model of Invasive Pancreatic Cancer: A Novel Molecular Pathway Inhibitor. J. Cheng, K. Okolotowicz, A.M. Lowy, M. Mercola, J. Cashman. Human BioMolec. Res. Inst. and ChemRegen Inc., San Diego and UCSD and Sanford Burnham Prebys Med. Disc. Inst., La Jolla. A107 937.4 Evidence That Aspirin Blocks Platelet-Induced Growth, Invasive Activity and Epithelial-MesenchymalTransition of Mouse Colon Cancer Cells. L.M. Lichtenberger, D. Fang, E. Dial, K.V. Vijayan. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston, Michael E. De BaBakey VA Med Ctr. and Baylor Col. of Med. A108 937.5 The Repurposing of Ritanserin for the Inhibition of Diacylglycerol Kinase Alpha, a Novel Therapeutic Target in Glioblastoma Multiforme. S. Boroda, T.E. Harris, B.W. Purow. Univ. of Virginia. A109 937.6 SAABFAT6-Induced Anti-growth and Survival of A549 Adenocarcenoma Cell Is Mediated via Death and Survival Pathways and Downstream Cascades Involving Regulation of NF-κB Expression. S. Kwende, A.A. Oyagbemi, O.A. Fagbohun, O.A. Fagbohun, O.T. Omobowale, A.A. Adedapo, M.A. Yakubu. Texas So. Univ. and Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. A110 937.7 NOSH-Aspirin (NBS-1120) Inhibits Estrogen Receptor Negative Breast Cancer In Vitro and In Vivo by Modulating Redox-Sensitive Signaling Pathways. P.L. Duvalsaint, M. Chattopadhyay, R. Kodela, K. Kashfi. CUNY Med. Sch. A111 937.8 Anti-cancer Effects of a Proposed Sigma-2 Receptor Agonist Structurally Similar to Tamoxifen. B.R. Adams, C.R.T. Stang, L. Carlston, A.D. Faler, C.D. Thomas, B.R. Schuler, A.M. Eichel, T.L. Whited, D.H. Kinder, R.A. Schneider. Univ. of Findlay Col. of Pharm. and Ohio No. Univ. Col. of Pharm. A112 937.9 Identification and Evaluation In Silico and In Vitro of Small Molecules in the KRas4B-PDEΔ Molecular Complex in Pancreatic Cancer. D. Casique Aguirre, P. García Gutiérrez, M.P. de León Bautista, M.Á. Vargas Mejía. CINVESTAV and Autonomous Metro. Univ., Mexico City. A113 937.10 Pre-clinical Development of rhTIMP-2 as a Novel Anti-cancer Therapeutic. A. Chowdhury, B. Wei, Y. Yamada, J.P. Schneider, W.G. Stetler-Stevenson. NCI, NIH, Gaithersburg and Frederick, MD. A114 937.11 Synthesis and Studies of N, N-(Dimethylamino) Methylene Prodrugs of Gemcitabine, Ara-A and Ara-G. N. Tawfeeq, S. Kerr. MCPHS Univ., Boston. A115 937.12 Discovering Potent PTP4A3 Phosphatase Small Molecule Inhibitors for Colorectal Cancer. K.E. McQueeney, J.M. Salamoun, K. Handing, A. Boulton, E.R. Sharlow, J.H. Bushweller, W. Minor, P. Wipf, J.S. Lazo. Univ. of Virginia and Univ. of Pittsburgh. 306 938. PHARMACOLOGY TOOLS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A116 938.1 Human Physiome on a Chip: Merging Tissue Engineering and Systems Pharmacology. M. Cirit, L. Griffith, D. Lauffenburger, S. Tannenbaum, C. Stokes, D. Trumper, D. Hughes. MIT, Stokes Consulting, Redwood City, CA and CN Bio Innovations, U.K. A117 938.2 A Novel Neonatal Blood-Brain Barrier on a Chip Closely Approximates the In Vivo Microenvironment. S.P. Deosarkar, B. Prabhakarpandian, B. Wang, J. Sheffield, B. Krynska, M. Kiani. Temple Univ., CFD Res. Corporation and Widener Univ. A118 938.3 Novel Long-Term Substance Delivery Method in Chronic Dosing Studies. J. Rissanen, S. Ruohonen, H. Jukarainen. Preclinapps Ltd., Finland. A119 938.4 A Retrospective Study of Semen Quality in Infertile Men with Varicoceles: Urological Expertise in Designing and Conducting a Testicular Safety Evaluation Study. M. Yono, Y. Inoue, K. Ito, M. Kimura, K. Furukawa, M. Hori, S. Tsuji, T. Tanaka, Y. Sakata, S. Irie, J. Latifpour. Nishi-Kumamoto Hosp., SOUSEIKAI, Japan, Osaka City Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. and Yale Univ. Sch. of Med. A120 938.5 Substituted Thiadiazines as Potential Antistress Agents: Results of (Q)SAR Prediction and Experiments In Vivo. A.P. Sarapultsev, P.A. Sarapultsev, L.P. Sidorova, V.V. Poroikov, O.N. Chupakhin. Inst. of Immunol. and Physiol., Ural Branch of RAS, Ural Fed. Univ. named after first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Inst. of Biomed. Chem., Moscow and I.Ya. Postovsky Inst. of Organic Synthesis, Ekaterinburg, Russia. A121 938.6 Preclinical Research Strategies for Newly Approved Veterinary Drugs as Reflected in Early Publication Patterns. U. Köster, I. Nolte, M.C. Michel. Univ. of Vet. Med. Hanover and Johannes Gutenberg Univ., Mainz, Germany. A122 938.7 Advances and Trend Analysis on Science and Technology against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria through Scientometric Approaches. E. Sohn. Korea Inst. of Sci. and Technol. Info., Seoul. A123 938.8 Real-Time, Continuous Electrochemical Monitoring of Therapeutic Drugs In Vivo. P.A. Vieira, N. Arroyo-Curras, K.L. Ploense, J. Somerson, K.W. Plaxco, T.E. Kippin. Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. A124 938.9 Cat-Exposure Results in Significantly More Elicited Alarm Calls (22kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations) Compared to Snake-, Ferret-, or Sham-Exposure during a Rodent Model of Traumatic Stress. C.M. Groeber Travis, R.F. Genovese. Walter Reed Army Inst. of Res. A125 938.10 Ex Vivo Response of Plasmodium falciparum to Dihydroartemisinin in an Area of Ota Southwest Nigeria. T.M. Dokunmu, A.E. Akinbohun, S.O. Rotimi, O.A. Rotimi, O.O. Ogunlana. Covenant Univ., Nigeria. A126 938.11 Perceived Social Support and Socioeconomic Status Predict Maternal Delay Discounting Behavior and Neural Function in Healthy Postpartum Women. L.K. Brents, J. Young, B.T. Knight, J.L. Coker, S.L. Ray-Griffith, Z.N. Stowe, G.A. James, C.D. Kilts. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. MONDAYPHARMACOLOGY 939. CARDIOMYOCYTES/HEART FAILURE II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A127 939.1 Chronic Reduction of Heart Rate with Ivabradine Does Not Alter the Extent of Myocardial Apoptosis during Post-infarction Left Ventricular Remodeling in MiddleAged Rats. I. Kandinov, R.J. Tomanek, E.I. Dedkov. NYIT Col. of Osteo. Med. and Univ. of Iowa Carver Col. of Med. A128 939.2 Inhibiting Fibronectin Improves Cardiac Function in a Mouse Model of Heart Failure. I. Valiente Alandi, M. Nieman, J.D. Molkentin, B.C. Blaxall. Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Cincinnati. A129 939.3 Contribution of NADPH Oxidase-Derived Reactive Oxygen Species to Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy Mediated by Regulator of G Protein Signaling 6 B. Chakravarti, J. Yang, Z. Luo, K.E. Ahlers. Univ. of Iowa. A130 939.4 Radiofrequency Renal Denervation Improves Left Ventricular Function and Hemodynamics through Modulation of Natriuretic Plasma Peptides in the Setting of Heart Failure. D.J. Polhemus, J. Gao, A. Scarborough, R. Trivedi, J. Bradley, T. Goodchild, F. Smart, D.R. Kapusta, D. Lefer. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A131 939.5 Kolaviron Attenuated Arsenic Acid-Induced Cardiovascular Dysfunction by Enhancing Antioxidant Defense System and Inhibiting Inflammatory and Apoptotic Signaling Pathways. A.A. Oyagbemi, T.O. Omobowale, E.R. Olowu, A.A. Adedapo, M.A. Yakubu. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria and Texas So. Univ. A132 939.6 Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 Inhibition Is Protective in a Pressure Overload Model of Heart Failure. A. Schafer, I. Valiente-Alandi, B.C. Blaxall. Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Cincinnati. A133 939.7 Inhibition of COX-2/PGE2/EP4 Signaling Protects against Post-hypoxic Apoptosis in H9C2 Cardiomyocytes. L. Pang, H. Ma, Y. Cai, M.G. Irwin, Z. Xia. The First Hosp. of JiLin Univ., The Univ. of Hong Kong and Affil. Hosp. of Guangdong Med. Col., China. 940. CHANNELS IN CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A134 940.1 T-Type Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels Do Not Contribute to the Negative Feedback Regulation of Myogenic Tone in Murine Superior Epigastric Arteries. B. Mullan, J. Pettis, W.F. Jackson. Michigan State Univ. A135 940.2 Resveratrol Can Enhance as Well as Relax Contractions of the Rat Tail Artery: Possible Role of Endothelial Potassium Channels. J.D. Peuler, S.M. Stom, L.E. Phelps. Midwestern Univ., IL. A136 940.3 Ontogeny Influences Pharmacological-Induced L-Type Ca2+ Dependent Contractility of Pulmonary Arteries in Sheep. C. Wolfe, A. Brunelle, L. Longo, S.M. Wilson. Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med. A137 940.4 Interaction of Gq- and Gs-Coupled Pathways in the Regulation of Ca2+ Spiking and Activity of Kv7.5 Potassium Channels in A7r5 Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. C.R. Himes, B. Condon, M. Rak, L.I. Brueggemann, K.L. Byron. Loyola Univ. Chicago, Maywood. A138 940.5 Decreased Role for BKCa Channels in Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation of Nitrate Tolerant Coronary Arteries. A. Mughal, M. Sane, C. Sun, S. O’Rourke. North Dakota State Univ. A139 940.6 Activation of CLC-3 Chloride Channels during Myocardial Ischemia Limits Prolongation of Q-T and Effective Refractory Period. Y. Yu, L.L. Ye, Y-G. Li, D.D. Duan. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. Sch. of Med. Xinhua Hosp. and Sch. of Med., Univ. of Nevada Reno. A140 940.7 The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase: A Target for Cardioprotective Drugs. J.A. Copello, Y.L. Darcy, P.L. Diaz-Sylvester, M. Loulousis. So. Illinois Univ. Sch. of Med. 941. BLOOD PRESSURE THERAPEUTICS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A141 941.1 Western Medicine versus Oriental Medicine in Hypertension Therapy: Case Study. O.L. Tulp, T. Chow, C.M. Konyk, G.P. Einstein. Univ. of Sci. Arts & Technol., Montserrat. A142 941.2 ROMK Inhibitor Actions in the Nephron Probed with Diuretics. S.V. Kharade, D. Flores, C. Lindsley, L. Satlin, J.S. Denton. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A143 941.3 Evidences of Antihypertensive Potential of Extract from Solanum capsicoides All. in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. L.O. Simões, A.Q.G. da Silva, G. Conceição-Filho, T. Ribeiro, R. Niero, V.C. Filho, D.F. Silva. Fed. Univ. of Bahia and Univ. do Vale do Itajaí, Brazil. A144 941.4 Carvacrol Inhibits TRPM7-Like Current in Native Myocytes from Mesenteric Artery of Hypertensive Rats. D.F. Silva, M.R. Reis, A.P. Vasconcelos, J.S. Cruz, D.A.M. Araújo. Fed. Univ. of Bahia, Brazil, Georgia Regents Univ., Fed. Univ. of Paraíba and Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A145 941.5 Administration of Omecamtiv Mecarbil Leads to Hypotension and Diastolic Dysfunction in WKY Rat Model. G.A. Fulop, L. Nagy, T. Csipo, A. Kovacs, B. Juhasz, D. Priksz, S.L. Helgadottir, R. Porszasz, Z. Papp, A. Toth. Univ. of Debrecen Fac. of Med., Hungary. A146 941.6 Dopamine β-Hydroxylase Inhibitor Etamicastat Prevents High Blood Pressure in Mice Lacking Salt-Inducible Kinase 1 N. Pires, B. Igreja, E. Moura, M.J. Bonifácio, P. Serrão, P. Soares-da-Silva. BIAL - Portela & Cª, S.A., Coronado, Univ. of Porto Fac. of Med. and MedInUP, Porto. A147 941.7 Cardiovascular Effects Induced by Linalool after Subchronic Treatment of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. S.B. Camargo, L.O. Simões, C.F.dA. Medeiros, A.dM. Jesus, J.dJ. Silva Júnior, J.B. Fregoneze, D.F. Silva. Inst. of Hlth. Sci., Fed. Univ. of Bahia, Brazil. 307 M O N PHARMACOLOGYMONDAY A148 941.8 The Effect of Adenosine A1-Receptor Agonists on Regional Haemodynamics in Conscious Freely Moving Rats. J. Woolard, A.J. Wheal. Univ. of Nottingham. A149 941.9 Resveratrol Inhibition of Rac1-Derived Reactive Oxygen Species by AMPK Decreases Blood Pressure in a Fructose-Induced Rat Model of Hypertension. P-W. Cheng, C-J. Tseng. Kaohsiung Veterans Gen. Hosp., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. A150 941.10 Novel Antagonists of Transient Receptor Potential-C6 Channels Prevent Inflammatory-Fibrotic Activation of Cardiac Fibroblasts: Cardioprotective Therapeutics in Pulmonary Hypertension. W.J. Thomsen, R.D. Brown, E. Kesicki, K.R. Stenmark, J.M. Herz. Algomedix Inc., Mill Creek, WA and Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora. A151 941.11 Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-C Agonist Attenuates the Enhanced Expression of Gqα, PLCβ1 Proteins and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Hypertrophy from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: Role of ROS and ROSMediated Signaling. A. Jain, M.B. Anand-Srivastava. Univ. of Montreal. A152 941.12 Time to Blood Pressure Control According to Drug Class in Patients with Hypertension. M.W. Johnson, R. Sprissler, T.P. Olson, G.W. Beenken, E.M. Snyder. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Univ. of Arizona and Mayo Clin. 942. PATHOBIOLOGY OF BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A153 942.1 Multi-gene Pharmacogenetics and Blood Pressure Control in Patients with Hypertension. M.W. Johnson, R. Sprissler, T.P. Olson, G.W. Beenken, E.M. Snyder. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Univ. of Arizona and Mayo Clin. A154 942.2 Hypertension Mechanisms: Elastin Haploinsufficiency Alters Renal Structure and Function. P. Osei-Owusu, E.A. Owens, L. Jie, B.A. Reyes, E.J. Van Bockstaele. Drexel Univ. A155 942.3 cFos Changes in the Hindbrain following Central Microinjection of Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ in Conscious Hypertensive Rats. C. Conner, B. Drzymala, L. Koshy, L. Fortepiani, C. Franklin, H. Gottlieb. Univ. of the Incarnate Word. A156 942.4 Participation of TRPM4/TRPM7 Channels in the Cardiac Activities of Carvacrol on Animals with Essential Hypertension. Q.L. Alves, P.V. Santos, W.A. Santos, S.C. Oliveira, R.L. Jesus, T.Q. Froes, M.S. Castilho, D.F. Silva. Fed. Univ. of Bahia, Brazil. A157 942.5 Pharmacological Evidence That NaHS Inhibits the Vasopressor Responses Induced by Stimulation of the Preganglionic Sympathetic Outflow in Pithed Rats. A. Sanchez-Lopez, S. Huerta De La Cruz, E.J. Gutierrez-Lara, J.H. Beltran-Ornelas, D. Centurion. CINVESTAV, Mexico City. 308 A158 942.6 Lipocalin-2 Deficiency Protects against Aldosterone-Induced Hypertension and Organ Damages by Inhibiting Mineralocorticoid Receptor Signaling. K. Yang, C. Luo, B.M.Y. Cheung, M. Félétou, J-P. Vilaine, N. Villeneuve, A. Xu, P.M. Vanhoutte, Y. Wang. Univ. of Hong Kong and Inst. de Rech. Servier, Paris. A159 942.7 Comparison of Outcomes between Normal and Preeclamptic Pregnancies: A Prospective Study. R.R. Kalagiri, S.H. Afroze, M. Reyes, N.N. Drever, S.R. Allen, M.R. Beeram, V. Govande, D.C. Zawieja, T.J. Kuehl, M.N. Uddin. Baylor Scott & White and Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. A160 942.8 PDI via Nrf2 Contributes to the Regulation of Renal AT1 Receptor Function and Blood Pressure. X. Wang, M. Asghar. Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Houston. A161 942.9 PRR Activates Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathway during Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension in Rats. P. Lopez, C. Ramirez-Montero, L. Anguiano-Robledo, M.A. Avila-Ramirez, M.E. Hernandez-Campos. Sch. of Med., Natl. Polytech Inst., Mexico City. A162 942.10 Impaired Vascular Contractility to Uridine Adenosine Tetraphosphate (Up4A) in Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertensive Mice: The Receptor Desensitization? Z. Zhou, V.R. Yadav, C. Sun, B. Teng, S.J. Mustafa. Karolinska Inst., Stockholm and West Virginia Univ. A163 942.11 Toll-Like Receptor 9 Contributes to Increased Vascular Tone via Small GTPase Activation. C.G. McCarthy, C.F. Wenceslau, S. Ogbi, T. Szasz, R.C. Webb. Georgia Regents Univ. A164 942.12 Intermedin/Adrenomedullin 2 Is a Potent Vasodilator in Chronic Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertensive Isolated Rat Lungs. G. Telli, H.B. Kandilci, B.C. Tel, B. Gümüşel. Hacettepe Univ. Fac. of Pharm. and Ankara Univ. Fac. of Med., Turkey. A165 942.13 Effects of Nerve Stimulation in Mouse Lungs. C. Kieffer, Y. Tu, P. Abel. Creighton Univ. Sch. of Med. 943. VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY OF HEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cardiovascular Pharmacology Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A166 943.1 Activation of Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 Occurs Downstream of PAR4 and TP-α Receptors in Human Platelets. R.J. Derstine, M.U. Naik, R. Turaga, U.P. Naik. Thomas Jefferson Univ. A167 943.2 Nanogel Drug Carriers Presenting Platelet GPIbα Mimic and Enhance Platelet Adhesion. J.W. Myerson, I. Johnston, J. Wu, R. McClintock, Z. Ruggeri, M. Poncz, V. Muzykantov. Univ. of Pennsylvania and The Scripps Res. Inst. A168 943.3 3-O Sulfation of Heparin Is Required for Hepatic Accumulation. E.N. Harris, J. Liu, C. Miller, Y. Xu, E. Blank. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A169 943.4 The First Intracellular Loop Regulates the Platelet Thromboxane A2 Receptor-Gq-Dependent Signaling and Function. Z.A. Karim, O. Lin, F.T. Khasawneh. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci., CA. MONDAYPHARMACOLOGY/PHYSIOLOGY A170 943.5 Identification of a Biased Agonist for P2Y2 Receptor to Suppress Pro-thrombotic Gene Expression in Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells. L. Zhang. Auburn Univ. A171 943.6 Reducing Thrombosis Risk with JNK-2 siRNA Therapeutic Nanoparticles in ApoE-/- Mice. H. Pan, R.U. Palekar, J. Bacon, S. Allen, P.H. Schlesinger, S.A. Wickline. Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. and Washington Univ. in St. Louis. A172 943.7 Distinct Vascular Effects of Celecoxib and Rofecoxib In Vivo. E. Ricciotti, G.R. Grant, S-L. Liu, J.A. Lawson, T. Grosser, G.A. FitzGerald. Univ. of Pennsylvania. A173 943.8 Inhibition of vWF Secretion with Novel Gα12 N-Terminal α-SNAP Binding Domain Peptide Increases Survival in Septic Mice. L. Rusu, J.W. Christman, X. Du, R. Minshall. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and The Ohio State Univ. A174 943.9 Antibody Targeted against P2Y12 Receptor Reduces Platelet Activity In Vitro and In Vivo. N.R. Hensch, Z.A. Karim, F.T. Khasawneh. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci., CA. A175 943.10 Loss of Serotonin Transporter Function Alters ADP-Mediated αIIbβ3 Activation through Disregulation of 5Ht2A Receptor. K.H. Oliver, H. Hamm, A.M.D. Carneiro. Vanderbilt Univ. 944. PHARMACOLOGY EDUCATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Pharmacology Education Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:30 pm A176 944.1 Use of Web-Logs (Blogs) to Promote Student Ownership. K.H. Oliver, D. Picard, J. Wikswo, C. Brame. Vanderbilt Univ. A177 944.2 Motivating Young Investigators to Pursue Cancer Research Careers and Training. L.R. Kidd, D.W. Hein. Univ. of Louisville. A178 944.3 Implementing Modified Active Learning Strategies in Graduate Pharmacology Education. D.S. Ponnoth. Arnold & Marie Schwartz Col. of Pharm., Long Island Univ. A179 944.4 Integrating Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacogenetics into a FirstYear Medical School Foundational Module Using Active Learning Methodologies. D.M. Peffley, J. Reuben, D. Wolff, C. Farrell. Univ. of South Carolina Sch. of Med. Greenville and Presbyterian Col. Sch. of Pharm., Clinton, SC. A180 944.5 A Pilot Study: Influence of Free versus Cued Recall Questions on Medical Student Utilization, Effectiveness, and Perception of Pharmacology Educational Games. J.S. Lee, M. Cowan, A.L. Gorman. Univ. of Central Florida Col. of Med. A181 944.6 Analysis of the Integration of Medical Pharmacology Curricula across the Preclinical Continuum Using Diverse and Innovative Approaches. A.L. Gorman. Univ. of Central Florida Col. of Med. A182 944.7 Digital Spaced-Learning Media: A Platform to Reduce Student Anxiety and Promote Proficiency in Medical Pharmacology Education. D. McHugh, T.M. Sherban, S.H. Rahman. Quinnipiac Univ. Frank H. Netter MD Sch. of Med. A183 944.8 Outcomes of a Dedicated Pharmacy Student Summer Research Program. K. Brandl, D. Adler, C. Kelly, P. Taylor, B. Best. Skaggs Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci. and Sch. of Med., UCSD. Physiology 945. MICROCIRCULATION: VASOMOTOR CONTROL: ENDOTHELIUM/SMOOTH MUSCLE/NERVES Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B1 945.1 Capillary Response to Skeletal Muscle Contraction: Implications for Redundancy in Microvascular Blood Flow Control. I.R. Lamb, C.L. Murrant. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. B2 945.2 Attenuated Rapid-Onset Vasodilation with Greater Force Production in Skeletal Muscle of Caveolin-2-/Mice. C. Fernando, Y. Liu, G. Sowa, S. Segal. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B3 945.3 Aging Impairs Spontaneous Ca2+ Signaling and Regulation by CGRP in Smooth Muscle Cells of Mouse Mesenteric Arteries. E.M. Boerman, S.S. Segal. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B4 945.4 Endothelial Conduction of Rapid Onset Vasodilation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle. S.Y. Sinkler, S.S. Segal. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B5 945.5 Vascular Function Assessed by Passive Leg Movement and Flow-Mediated Dilation: Evidence of Construct Validity. M.J. Rossman, H.J. Groot, R.S. Garten, M. Witman, R. Richardson. Univ. of Colorado Boulder, Univ. of Utah, George E. Whalen VA Med. Ctr., Salt Lake City, Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Univ. of Delaware. B6 945.6 Smooth Muscle/Endothelial KIR Channels Modulate Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cerebral Arteries. M. Sancho Gonzalez, N. Samson, B.O. Hald, A. Hashad, S. Marrelli, S. Brett, D.G. Welsh. Western Ontario Univ., Univ. of Calgary, Canada, Univ. of Copenhagen and Baylor Col. of Med. B7 945.7 Role of Gamma-Adducin Gene in Cerebral Vascular Myogenic Response. M. Pabbidi, Y. Ge, D.R. Harder, R.J. Roman, F. Fan. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B8 945.8 Disruption in PKC-Mediated K Channel Regulation Contributes to Enhanced Serotonin-Mediated Carotid Vessel Constriction from the Fawn Hooded Hypertensive Rat. G. Kaur, M. Pabbidi. Millsaps Col. and Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B9 945.9 Effect of Mantidis ootheca on the Mechanism of Vasorelaxation in Thoracic Aorta. H.Y. Kim, Y.J. Lee, Y.M. Ahn, R. Tan, J.H. Park, E.S. Choi, S.H. Lee, H.S. Lee, D.G. Kang, H.S. Lee. Col. of Oriental Med. and Prof. Grad. Sch. of Orienal Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. 309 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B10 945.10 Distinct EC Coupling Mechanism Drives Spatial Control of Vascular Tone in Cerebral Arteries. A. Zechariah, B.O. Hald, N.G. Mazumdar, D.G. Welsh. Univ. of Western Ontario and Univ. of Copenhagen. B11 945.11 Evaluation of Smooth Muscle Cell Function in Cultured Microvascular Networks. J.M. Motherwell, M.S. Azimi, P.V.G. Katakam, W.L. Murfee. Tulane Univ. B12 945.12 Angiotensin II Inhibits T-Type Ca2+ Channels in Cerebral Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells. A.M. Hashad, M. Sancho, D. Welsh. Univ. of Calgary and Univ. of Western Ontario. B13 945.13 Anti-vascular Inflammatory Effect of Samultang in HUVECs. E.S. Choi, Y.J. Lee, J.J. Yoon, Y.M. Ahn, J.H. Park, B.H. Han, S. Namgung, X-J. Jin, D.G. Kang, H.S. Lee. Professional Grad. Sch. of Orienal Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. B14 945.14 Effect of Betulinic Acid on Diabetic Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein-E Gene Knockout Mice. J.J. Yoon, Y.J. Lee, B.H. Han, E.S. Choi, S. Namgung, R. Tan, M.C. Kho, J.H. Park, D.G. Kang, H.S. Lee. Professional Grad. Sch. of Oriental Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. B15 945.15 Effect of Hwangryunhaedoktang on TNFα-Induced Vascular Inflammation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. B.H. Han, Y.J. Lee, J.J. Yoon, E.S. Choi, S. Namgung, H.Y. Kim, Y.M. Ahn, X.J. Jin, H.S. Lee, D.G. Kang. Professional Grad. Sch. of Orienal Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. B16 945.16 Purinergic Signaling in Rat Mesenteric Arteries In Vivo. C. Aalkjaer, A. Mazur, V. Matchkov. Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark and Copenhagen Univ. B17 945.17 Propagation of Capillary-Initiated Conducted Vasodilation in Skeletal Muscle – a Novel Paracrine Signaling Pathway. N.M. Novielli, C.L. Murrant. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. B18 945.18 Hyperpolarization of Mouse Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle and Endothelium by Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide. C. Norton, S. Segal. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B19 945.19 H+ Induces Arteriolar Vasodilation but Does Not Initiate a Conducted Response in Skeletal Muscle Microvasculature. M.E. Charter, C.L. Murrant. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. 946. MICROCIRCULATION: MICROVASCULAR FLOW REGULATION/OXYGEN DELIVERY/NETWORKS Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B20 946.1 PGC-1α Activation Confers Plasticity in the Mediator of Dilation in Healthy and Diseased Human Arterioles. J.C. Hockenberry, A.M. Beyer, D.D. Gutterman, A.O. Kadlec. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B21 946.2 Effects of Muscle Stretching on Skeletal Muscle Microcirculation in Old Rats. K. Hotta, B.J. Behnke, P. Ghosh, B. Chen, A. Churchill, M.L. Elam, S. Pourafshar, B.H. Arjmandi, P. Maher, D. Kurien, R. Verma, D. Christou, J.M. Muller-Delp. Florida State Univ. Col. of Med., Kansas State Univ. Col. of Human Ecol., Florida State Univ. Col. of Human Sci., Univ. of Florida Col. of Med., California State Polytech Univ. Pomona, Col. of Agr. and Univ. of Florida Col. of Hlth. and Human Performance. 310 B22 946.3 Endogenous Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Modulates Skeletal Muscle Arteriolar Diameter in Rats. L.E. Neidert, M. Al-Tarhuni, D. Goldman, H.A. Kluess, D.N. Jackson. Sch. of Kinesiol., Auburn Univ. and Univ. of Western Ontario. B23 946.4 Effect of Pulmonary Flow Heterogeneity and Impaired Diffusing Capacity on Oxygen Uptake. T.K. Roy, T.W. Secomb. Mayo Clin. and Univ. of Arizona. B24 946.5 Comparison of Anterior Tibial Bone Microvascular Flow, with Macrovascular Flow during Body Tilt. R.L. Becker, J. Siamwala, B. Macias, A.R. Hargens. UCSD. B25 946.6 Thermally Induced Erythrocyte Aggregation by Surface Nanobubble Coalescence. H.S. Seidner, G. Gunter, S. Weber-Fishkin, M.D. Frame. Stony Brook Univ. B26 946.7 Band 3 and Glycophorin C as Potential Mediators of Erythrocyte Aggregation during the Onset of Thermal Burn Injury. H.S. Seidner, G. Gunter, S. Weber-Fishkin, M.D. Frame. Stony Brook Univ. B27 946.8 Rho-Kinase Inhibition Restores ATP Release from Deoxygenated Red Blood Cells of Older Adult Humans. M.L. Racine, M.J. Joyner, F.A. Dinenno. Colorado State Univ. and Mayo Clin. B28 946.9 Influence of Light Sources and Photoperiods on Blood Physiological Variables Broilers Grown to Heavy Weights. H.A. Olanrewaju, J.L. Purswell, S.D. Collier, S.L. Branton. USDA, Starkville, MS. B29 946.10 Sprague Dawley Severe Hemorrhagic Shock Model Assessed by Systemic and Microcirculatory Parameters. W.H. Nugent, B.K. Song. Song Biotechnols., Baltimore. B30 946.11 Effects of Novel Oxygen Therapeutic on Systemic and Microcirculatory Variables in Sprague-Dawley Rat Isovolemic Hemodilution Model. B.K. Song, W.H. Nugent, C.M. Sayes, E.D. Bruce. Song Biotechnols., Baltimore and Baylor Univ. B31 946.12 Renal Oxygenation and Microcirculation in Relation to Fluid Therapy during Kidney Transplantation in a Porcine Model. N. Moeslund, L.H. Nielsen, J.K. Eriksen. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B32 946.13 Measurements of Blood Flow, Tissue Oxygen Tension, and Oxygen Consumption in Rat Skeletal Muscle during Recovery from Bouts of Brief, Transient Ischemia. S.C. Dodhy, A.S. Golub, R.N. Pittman. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. B33 946.14 A Dynamical Computational Model of Circulating Blood Gases, Hemoglobin Binding, and pH Regulation in the Microcirculation. J.B. Bassingthwaighte, R.K. Dash. Univ. of Washington and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. 947.MICROCIRCULATION: MICROVASCULAR MECHANICS/ HEMODYNAMICS/RHEOLOGY Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B34 947.1 Rheological Property of Tapioca MaltodextrinBased Plasma Expander and Effect on Red Blood Cells Morphology. S. Chatpun, K. Sawanyawisuth, K. Piyachomkwan. Fac. of Med., Prince of Songkla Univ.,Fac. of Med., Khon Kaen Univ. and Natl. Sci. and Technol. Develop. Agcy., Thailand. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B35 947.2 Estimating Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscle Arteriolar Trees Reconstructed from In Vivo Data. D. Goldman, A.H. Saleem, B.K. Al-Khazraji, D.N. Jackson. Sch. of Kinesiol., Univ. of Western Ontario. B36 947.3 Erythrocyte Flux versus Flow in Microchannels as a Function of Bifurcation Architecture and Re. S. Darvishi, M. Frame. Stony Brook Univ. B37 947.4 The Role of Calcium in Active Regulation of Erythrocyte Deformability. O. Yalcin, B. Eglenen, M. Turkay, G. Yavas, E. Ugurel, P. Connes. Sch. of Med., Koc Univ., Turkey and Claude Bernard Univ. Lyon 1, France. B38 947.5 Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone Administration and Aortic Stiffness in Young and Old Fischer-344 Rats. R. Prisby, J. Guers, J. Kim. Univ. of Delaware. B39 947.6 Systemic and Microcirculatory Effects of Severe Hemorrhage and Resuscitation Using a Pegylated Carboxyhemoglobin. B.K. Song, W.H. Nugent. Song Biotechnols., Baltimore. B40 947.7 Geometric and Topological Analysis of Arteriolar Networks in the Rat Gluteus Maximus Muscle: One Network to Rule Them All? M. Al Tarhuni, D. Goldman, D.N. Jackson. Univ. of Western Ontario. B41 947.8 Acute Reduction of Ambient Air Pressure Enhances Arterial Vasodilation in Murine Resistance Arteries Independently of Endothelial Factors. A. Shahid, J.S. Morton, S.T. Davidge, M.S. McMurtry. Univ. of Alberta. B42 947.9 Comprehensive Hemodynamic Analysis of Arteriolar Networks in the Rat Gluteus Maximus Muscle. M. Al Tarhuni, D.N. Jackson, D. Goldman. Univ. of Western Ontario. 948.MICROCIRCULATION: MICROVASCULAR PATHOPHYSIOLOGYPHARMACOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS AND TRANSLATIONAL ASPECTS Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B43 948.1 A Role for Sarcolemmal Membrane-Associated Protein in Mediating Autophagy in Endothelial Cells through an AMPK-Dependent Mechanism. A.P. Lakshmanan, S.M. Samuel, C. Triggle, B.S. Tuana, H. Ding. Weill Cornell Med. Col. in Qatar and Univ. of Ottawa. B44 948.2 Metformin Sensitizes Glucose Starved Microvascular Endothelial Cells to Death by Inhibition of the mTOR Pathway and Autophagy. S.M. Samuel, S. Ghosh, C.R. Triggle. Weill Cornell Med.-Qatar, Doha. B45 948.3 Inhibition of TRPC3 Channels Underlies Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Endothelial KCa Channel Dysfunction. X-C. Wang, J-H. Huang, W-T. Sun, C-M. Yu, G-W. He, Q. Yang. The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong and TEDA Intl. Cardiovasc. Hosp., Tianjin, China. B46 948.4 Flavonoid: Quercetin, a Multifunctional Therapeutic Agent to Reverse Acute Crisis in a Transgenic Sickle Mouse Model. S. Thangaswamy, H.H. Billett, C.A. Branch, S.M. Suzuka, S.A. Acharya. Albert Einstein Col. of Med. B47 948.5 Global Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in the Metabolic Syndrome following Ischemic Stroke. K. Branyan, S. Brooks, E. DeVallance, S. Asano, J. Frisbee, P. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. B48 948.6 Microvascular Function Is Impaired in Adults Who Reported Adverse Childhood Events. P. Rodriguez Miguelez, J. Thomas, N. Seigler, J.S. Pollock, R.A. Harris. Georgia Regents Univ. and Sch. of Med., Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. B49 948.7 Response of Skeletal Muscle Arterioles In Vivo to Modulation of Endothelial Glycocalyx by Resuscitation Fluids after Hemorrhagic Shock. L. Torres, C. Salgado, J. Sondeen, M. Dubick, I. Torres Filho. U.S. Army Inst. of Surg. Res., San Antonio. B50 948.8 Plasma Biomarkers of Glycocalyx Shedding after Hemorrhage and Resuscitation: Correlation with Microvascular Events. I. Torres Filho, L.N. Torres, C. Salgado, C. Valdez, M.A. Dubick. U.S. Army Inst. of Surg. Res., Fort Sam Houston, TX. B51 948.9 Catecholamine Induced Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: The Role of Coronary Metabolic Blood Flow Regulation in Apical Ballooning. V. Ohanyan, L. Yin, R. Bardakjian, M. Khayata, C.L. Kolz, M. Enrick, B. Schatmeyer, V. Perera, D. Janota, T. Hakobyan, W.M. Chilian. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. B52 948.10 Mechanistic Investigation of Reversal of Endothelial Dysfunction in Hyperglycemia. H. Patel, J. Chen, M. Kavdia. Wayne State Univ. B53 948.11 Endothelial Dysfunction in Children after Cardiopulmonary Bypass. L. Krispinsky, F. Lamb, R. Stark, D. Parra. Vanderbilt Children’s Hosp. B54 948.12 Exercise Training Prophylactically Abrogates Chronic Stress-Induced Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in Lean and Obese Zucker Rats. S.D. Brooks, K. Branyan, E. DeVallance, W.J. Sheets, R. Skinner, R. Bryner, M. Olfert, P.D. Chantler, J.C. Frisbee. West Virginia Univ. B55 948.13 Comparison of Endothelial Function in Preand Post-exercise States between Obese and Normal-Weight Children. B.D. Tran, A. Chiu, G. Ganesan, H. Pham, M. Martinez, P.R. Galassetti. Univ. of California, Irvine. B56 948.14 Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Renal and Mesenteric Blood Flow. A. Barrera, J. Naik, N.L. Kanagy. Univ. of New Mexico Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B57 948.15 Interventions Blunting Systemic Inflammation and Oxidant Stress Improve Depressive Symptoms and Vascular Function in a Model of Metabolic Syndrome. W.J. Sheets, S.D. Brooks, P. Chantler, J. Frisbee. West Virginia Univ. B58 948.16 Melatonin Preserves Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity and Permeability via Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Inhibition. C. Anasooya Shaji, H. Alluri, K. Wiggins-Dohlvik, M.R. Beeram, M.L. Davis, B.L. Tharakan. Texas A&M Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Baylor Scott and White Hlth. 311 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 949. MICROCIRCULATION: PERICYTES AND STEM CELLS Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B59 949.1 The Role of Pericytes for Angiogenesis in Skeletal Muscle Tissue. B. Hoier, Y. Hellsten. Univ. of Copenhagen. B60 949.2 Evaluation of Stem Cell Fate in Cultured Microvascular Networks. M.S. Azimi, A. Strong, M. Dutreil, R. Fishel, B. Bunnell, W.L. Murfee. Tulane Univ. B61 949.3 Contractile Pericytes Determine the Direction of Blood Flow at Capillary Bifurcations. A.L. Gonzales, T.A. Longden, B. Shui, M.I. Kotlikoff, M.T. Nelson. Univ. of Vermont, Cornell Univ. and Sch. of Med., Univ. of Manchester, U.K. 950. MICROCIRCULATION: PERMEABILITY/FLUID AND SOLUTE EXCHANGE/GLYCOCALYX Poster 951. MICROCIRCULATION: TISSUE-MICROVESSEL INTERACTIONS/EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B62 950.1 Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Attenuates Combined Acute Alcohol Intoxication and Hemorrhagic-Shock/ Resuscitation-Induced Microvascular Hyperpermeability in Rat Mesentery. T.M. Doggett, N.G. Alves, S.Y. Yuan, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B63 950.2 Rapid Increases in Fluid Shear Stress Elicit Local Lamellipodia and Elevate Microvascular Endothelial Barrier Function. S.G. Spampinato, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B64 950.3 Activation of RhoA, but Not Rac1, Mediates Early Stages of S1P-Induced Endothelial Barrier Enhancement. X. Zhang, S. Adderley, J. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B65 950.4 HS-FGF2-FGFR1 Signaling Contributes to Pulmonary Endothelial Glycocalyx Reconstitution. E.P. Schmidt, Y. Yang, M. Suflita, F. Zhang, K. Dailey, S. Haeger, J. Ford, R. Linhardt. Univ. of Colorado, Aurora and Rensselaer Polytech Inst. B66 950.5 IL1β Disrupts Barrier Integrity and Elicits Formation of Focal Adhesions in Lymphatic Endothelial Cells. S.P. Adderley, X.E. Zhang, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B67 950.6 Sigma-1 Receptor Agonists Compromise Barrier Function of Endothelial Cell Monolayers with Differential Impact on Cells Derived from Cardiac or Dermal Microcirculation and Dermal Lymphatics. C. Schecker, S. Adderley, J.W. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B68 950.7 The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Loss in Diabetic Retinopathy: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies. R.S. Eshaq, N. Harris. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. 312 B69 950.8 Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and 8-pCPT2′-O-Me-cAMP Can Restore Alcohol-Induced Junctional Disorganization and Barrier Dysfunction of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells. N.G. Alves, S. Adderley, S. Yuan, J. Breslin. Univ. of South Florida. B70 950.9 Lymphatic Vascular Integrity Is Disrupted in a Mouse Model of Diabetes: Dual Regulation by Nitric Oxide. J.P. Scallan, M.A. Hill, M.J. Davis. Univ. of South Florida and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B71 950.10 Optimization of the Hemodynamic of the Kidney and Preservation of Glycocalyx during Kidney Transplantations – A Combination of Fluid Therapy and Low Dose Norepinephrine. J.K. Eriksen, N. Moeslund, L.H. Nielsen, J.A.K. Petersen, B. Jespersen, H. Birn. Aarhus Univ. Hosp. and Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B72 950.11 Bulk Flow of Interstitial Fluid: A Watershed in the Brain Parenchyma. B. Bedussi, M.G.J.T.B. van Lier, J.W. Bartstra, J. de Vos, M. Siebes, E. van Bavel, E.N.T.P. Bakker. Acad. Med. Ctr., Amsterdam. B73 950.12 Hydrogen Sulfide Metabolism Regulates Endothelial Permeability. S. Yuan, S. Pardue, A.W. Orr, C.G. Kevil. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B74 951.1 IL-17- and TNFα-Activation Induces Proinflammatory Paracrine Signaling and Basement Membrane Remodeling by Human Pericytes. H.M. Lauridsen, R. Liu, J.S. Pober, A.L. Gonzalez. Yale Univ. and Yale Univ. Sch. of Med. B75 951.2 Nrf2 Deficiency Attenuates Synaptic Plasticity in Mice, Mimicking the Aging Phenotype. M.N. ValcarcelAres, Z. Tucsek, S. Tarantini, P. Hertelendy, T. Gautam, W.E. Sonntag, F. Deak, Z. Ungvari, A. Csiszar. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Univ. of Szeged, Hungary. B76 951.3 Mechanisms Coordinating Vascular Smooth Muscle Adhesion to the Extracellular Matrix during Contraction. H. Huang, Z. Sun, M.A. Hill, G.A. Meininger. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 952. MICROCIRCULATION II Poster (Sponsored by: Microcirculatory Society) Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B77 952.1 Human Pericardial Fluid-Derived Endothelin Elicits Arterial Constriction. Z. Nemeth, A. Cziraki, S. Szabados, I. Horvath, A. Koller. Univ. of Pecs, Hungary, New York Med. Col. and Univ. of Phys. Educ., Hungary. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B78 952.2 Blunted Endothelial-Dependent Vasodilation in the Cutaneous Microvasculature of College-Aged African Americans. J.C. Patik, C. Hurr, K.M. Christmas, R.M. Brothers. Univ. of Texas at Arlington, George Washington Univ. and Univ. of Texas at Austin. B79 952.3 Norepinephrine Induces Endothelial Albumin Uptake via ROS and Src-Dependent Mechanisms. A.Z. Chignalia, A. Isbatan, R. Minshall, R. Dull. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B80 952.4 Disruption of Interleukin 12 Stimulates and Enhances Angiogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes. M.A.E. Ali, V. Mali, S. Haddox, S. Abdelghani, S. Eldeek, A. Abulfadl, S. Belmadani. Eastern Virgina Med. Sch. and Assiut Univ., Egypt. B81 952.5 Stromal Interaction Molecule 1 Disruption Protects Myocardial from Ischemia - Reperfusion Injury. V.R. Mali, M. Ali, S. Haddox, S. Belmadani, M.Trebak, K. Matrougui. Eastern Virginia Med. Sch. and Penn State, Hershey. B82 952.6 Transient Exposure to Serotonin + L-NAME Activates Early Processes Mediating Inward Remodeling of Cremasteric Arterioles, In Vivo. C. Foote. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B83 952.7 EET-Dependent Attenuation of Coronary Myogenic Constriction in Response to Deletion/Downregulation of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase. G. Froogh, J. Qin, S. Kandhi, H. Jiang, D. Sun, A. Huang. New York Med. Col. B84 952.8 Comparison in Young White European and South Asian Men of Endothelium-Dependent Cutaneous Vasodilator Responses: Contribution of Cyclooxygenase Products. K. Tsitoglou, U. Martin, J. Marshall. Univ. of Birmingham, U.K. B85 952.9 Nox1 Deletion Rescues Microvascular Dysfunction in Obese Mice. J.A. Thompson, J. Mintz, D.J. Fulton, D.W. Stepp. Georgia Regents Univ. B86 952.10 Effects of Serelaxin on Renal Microcirculation in Rats under Control and High Angiotensin Environments. W. Shao, M.C. Prieto, C. Gonzalez-Arancibia, L.G. Navar. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med. 953. NOVEL MECHANISMS OF CEREBROVASCULAR DYSFUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B87 953.1 Role of Cerebrovascular Endothelial Dysfunction and Oxidative/Nitrative Stress in Impaired Functional Hyperemia: Implications for Age-Related Vascular Cognitive Impairment. S. Tarantini, P.J. Toth, A. Davila, M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, Z. Tucsek, B. Varamini, P. Ballabh, W.E. Sonntag, J.A. Baur, A. Csiszar, Z. Ungvari. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Univ. of Pecs, Hungary, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Biola Univ. and New York Med. Col. B88 953.2 Treatment with the Mitochondrial-Targeted Antioxidant Peptide SS-31 Improves Cerebromicrovascular Function in Aged Mice. S. Tarantini, P. Hertelendy, M.N. Valcarcel-Ares, T. Gautam, Z. Tucsek, A. Csiszar, Z. Ungvari. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Univ. of Szeged, Hungary. B89 953.3 Novel Splice Variant of nNOS in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells Contributes to Superoxide and Peroxynitrite Generation. V.N. Sure, I. Merdzo, V.M. Abraham, N.P. Jain, G. Unis, T.P. Baker, N.R. Peterson, A.O. Gordon, A.L. Chen, I. Rutkai, D.W. Busija, P.V.G. Katakam. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med. B90 953.4 Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Nelfinavir Toxicity in Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells. G. Unis, T.P. Baker, G. Rajaprabhakaran, V.N. Sure, N.P. Jain, V.M. Abraham, N.R. Peterson, A.O. Gordon, A.L. Chen, Z. Cama, D. Mondal, P.V.G. Katakam. Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med. B91 953.5 Critical Role of Telomerase in Regulating Cerebral Vascular Function and Redox Environment. K. AitAissa, J. Hockenberry, D.D. Gutterman, A. Geurts, A.M. Beyer. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B92 953.6 Smooth Muscle Specific Expression of a Dominant Negative Cullin 3 Mutant (Cul3Δ9) Causes Vascular Dysfunction in Mice Mediated by RhoA/Rho-Kinase. L.N. Agbor, S-R.C. Ibeawuchi, C. Hu, F.W. Quelle, C.D. Sigmund. Univ. of Iowa. B93 953.7 Impaired Myogenic Response of MCA Elevates Transmission of Pressure to Penetrating Arterioles and Contributes to Cerebral Vascular Disease in Aging Hypertensive FHH Rats. F. Fan, M. Pabbidi, R.C.S. Lin, Y. Ge, E.P. Gomez-Sanchez, G.K. Rajkowska, M. Moulana, E. Gonzalez-fernandez, J. Sims, M.R. Elliott, I.A. Paul, A.P. Alexander, T.H. Mosley, D.R. Harder, R.J. Roman. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B94 953.8 Treatment of Acute Focal Ischemic Stroke with Peroxynitrite Decomposition Catalyst Does Not Improve Reperfusion, Infarct or Hemorrhage in Chronic Hypertensive Rats. S.L. Chan, J.G. Sweet, M.J. Cipolla. Univ. of Vermont. B95 953.9 Mitochondria-eNOS-Estrogen Axis Provides Pathway to Protection against Stroke. I. Rutkai, S.V. Wunnava, I. Merdzo, P.V. Katakam, D.W. Busija. Tulane Univ. B96 953.10 Chronic Nicotine Exposure Exacerbates Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Induced Brain Injury. C. Li, H. Sun, D.M. Arrick, W.G. Mayhan. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. B97 953.11 Early Post-ischemic Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Obesity. C. Li, Z. Jiang, D.M. Arrick, W. Lu, K.D. McCarter, H. Sun. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport, The Second Xiangya Hosp. of Central South Univ., China. B98 953.12 Mitigation of Nitrosative Stress and Inflammation by Vitamin C in Cardiomyopathy. G. Akolkar, A.K. Bagchi, D.dS. Dias, K. de Angelis, D. Jassal, P.K. Singal. Univ. of Manitoba and Univ. Nove de Julho, Brazil. B99 953.13 Pharmacological Inhibition of NAD(P)H Oxidase with the Peptide gp91ds-tat during Ischemic Stroke Reduces Infarct Volume and Improves Vascular Reactivity in Obese Zucker Rats. S.D. Brooks, K. Branyan, S. Asano, H. Hu, X. Ren, R.W. Brock, J.C. Frisbee, P.D. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. B100 953.14 In Utero Exposure to Alcohol Alters Reactivity of Cerebral Arterioles. S.G. Cananzi, W.G. Mayhan. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Shreveport. 313 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 954. CARDIOPULMONARY EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B101 954.1 Exercise Mitigates Calpain 1-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction through PCP4 in Diabetes. P. Chaturvedi, G.H. Kunkel, A. Familtseva, A. Kalani, S.C. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. B102 954.2 Cardiovascular Implications of Environmental Stressors, a Health Call to Protect the Planet. P. Cabrales, A. William. UCSD. B103 954.3 Endothelial Hyper-permeability and Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. M. Velten, G.D. Duerr, M. Hamiko, S. Frede, L.K. Rogers, G. Baumgarten, A. Hoeft, T. Hilbert. Univ. Med. Ctr. Bonn and Nationwide Children’s Hosp., Columbus, OH. B104 954.4 Maternal Separation Stress Causes Misp[rogramming of Arterial Smooth Muscle Maturation. J. Reho, S.A. Fisher. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. B105 954.5 Synergistic Amplification of Lipopolysaccharideand Histamine-Induced TLR4 and COX2 Expression by Cigarette Smoke Extract and Nicotine in Endothelial Cells. R.S. Barua, M. Sharma, A. De, J. Zhou, D. Parashara, K.N. Dileepan. Kansas City VA Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B106 954.6 Bromine Inhalation in Pregnant Mice Induces Systemic and Pulmonary Hypertension, Fetal Growth Restriction, Heart Failure and Death. J.A. Lambert, M. Carlisle, A. Lam, S. Aggarwal, A. Zaky, L. Dell’Italia, W. Bradley, T. Jilling, S. Matalon. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. B107 954.7 Exposure to PM2.5 during the First Trimester Contributes to Adult Cardiac Dysfunction. V. Tanwar, M. Gorr, C. Eichenseer, L. Wold. The Ohio State Univ. B108 954.8 Influence of Acute Lower Limb Heating on Clinical Measures and Functional Capacity in Peripheral Artery Disease. T.K. Pellinger, C.B. Pearce, G.H. Simmons. Salisbury Univ. and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia Sch. of Med. B109 954.9 Thermoregulatory and Ventilatory Responses in Humans with a Patent Foramen Ovale during Passive Cooling While Immersed in 20°C Water. J.T. Davis, M.W. Hay, A.M. Hardin, A.T. Lovering. Univ. of Oregon. B110 954.10 Hookah Smoking Does Not Constrict Human Coronary Microvessels. M. Rezk-Hanna, M.D. Nelson, F. Rader, O. Mason, X. Tang, S. Shidban, R. Rosenberry, N.L. Benowitz, R.M. Elashoff, J.R. Lindner, R.G. Victor. CedarsSinai Med. Ctr., UCLA, UCSF and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. B111 954.11 Differential Effects of Hookah versus Cigarette Smoking on Endothelial Function. M. Rezk-Hanna, L. Doering, W. Robbins, O. Mason, J. Choung, N.L. Benowitz, R.M. Elashoff, L. Sarna, R. Victor. Cedars-Sinai Med. Ctr., UCLA Sch. of Nursing, UCSF and UCLA. B112 954.12 Post-Exercise Changes in Endothelin-1 in Military Veterans with Respiratory Complaints. P. Salcedo, X. Jiao, Y. Chen, J.C. Klein, D. Ndirangu, M.R. Condon, M.J. Falvo. New Jersey Med. Sch. and VA NJ Hlth. Care Syst. East Orange. 314 B113 954.13 Effect of Transit Time and Gas Density on the Conservation of Agitated Saline Contrast in an In Vitro Model of the Pulmonary Circulation. H. Hackett, L. Boulet, P. Dominelli, G. Foster. Univ. of British Columbia-Okanagan. 955. BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B114 955.1 Higher Hemoglobin A1c and C-Reactive Protein but Not Aortic Stiffness Are Independently Associated with Blunting of Nocturnal Systolic Blood Pressure Dipping among Middle-Aged/Older Adults with Obesity and Prediabetes. A.L. Sindler, G.Z. Kalil, C.J. Wagner, A. Lane-Cordova, J.G. Fiedorowicz, W.G. Haynes, G.L. Pierce. Univ. of Iowa. B115 955.2 Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in Normotensive Adults: Effect of Dietary Sodium and Sex. M. Brian, A. Dalpaiz, E. Matthews, S. Lennon-Edwards, D. Edwards, W. Farquhar. Univ. of Delaware. B116 955.3 Endothelial Calreticulin and Its Role in Vascular Function. L. Biwer, M. Good, S. Sonkusare, B. Isakson. Univ. of Virginia. B117 955.4 Aging Increases Reactive Oxygen Species and Interleukin-17 Concentrations in Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-alpha Knockout Mice during Angiotensin II Hypertension through a NADPH Oxidase Subunit-2 Mechanism. U. Ananaba, N.C. Williams, J.S. Allard, D.L. Lee. Howard Univ. B118 955.5 Acute Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Peripheral and Central Blood Pressure in Post-menopausal Women. D.J-K. Kim, M.A. Barrett, D.J. Moore, M.P. Flanagan, C. Roe, D.B. Kim-Shapiro, D.N. Proctor. Penn State, Penn State Harrisburg, Penn State Hershey and Wake Forest Univ. B119 955.6 Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Acting within the Paraventricular Nucleus Induces Blood Pressure Elevations under Permissive Control of Angiotensin II and Mediates Pressor Responses to Acute Stress. B. Erdos, C.L. Schaich, N.C. Cruickshank, T.L. Wellman. Univ. of Vermont. B120 955.7 Effects of Arginine Vasopressin Deficiency on Long-Term Arterial Blood Pressure in Normal and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. G.M. VillanuevaRodriguez, A. Organista-Esparza, V. Biñuela-Berni, P. Herrera-Carreon, M. Tinajero-Ruelas, C.V. Rivera-Cerecero, R. Chavira-Ramirez, K. Kovacs, A. Quintanar-Stephano. Autonomous Univ. of Aguascalientes, UNAM and Salvador Zubirán Natl. Inst. of Hlth. Sci. and Nutr., Mexico City and St.Michael´s Hosp., Toronto. B121 955.8 The Role of Nitric Oxide in the Expression of the Human Intermediate and Small Conductance CalciumActivated Potassium Channels, KCa3.1 and KCa2.3 H.M. Jones, Y.M. Hussain. Lake Erie Col. of Osteo. Med., PA. B122 955.9 Metaboreflex Contribution to Peak Pressor Response Achieved during Fatiguing Intermittent Static Exercise Is Attenuated in Postmenopausal Women. M.A. Barrett, J-K. Kim, N.M. Garvin, M.J. De Souza, J.A. Pawelczyk, D.N. Proctor. Penn State. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 956. DIABETES AND INSULIN RESISTANCE II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B123 956.1 Relation between Type 2 Diabetes and m.1382 A>C Polymorphism Which Occurs Amino Acid Replacement (K14Q) of Mitochondria-Derived MOTS-c. H. Zempo. Juntendo Univ., Japan. B124 956.2 Glutathione S-Transferase-P and JNK Activation in Glucose Intolerance in Mice. S. Ghosh Dastidar, G. Jagatheesan, A. Bhatnagar, D.J. Conklin. Univ. of Louisville. B125 956.3 Knockout of TSP-1 Prevents HyperglycemiaInduced Atherosclerosis in STZ-Treated ApoE-/- Mice. R. Ganguly, S. Sahu, P. Raman. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. and Kent State Univ. Sch. of Biomed. Sci. B126 956.4 Divergent Response of Circulating CTRP3 Levels to Obesity between Males and Females. J.M. Peterson, R.M. Wagner, K. Sivagnanam, W.A. Clark. East Tennessee State Univ. B127 956.5 Increasing Muscle Mass Improves Cavernosal Function in Obesity. N.K. MicKinac, S. Larion, J.D. Mintz, D.J. Fulton, D.W. Stepp. Med. Col. of Georgia. B128 956.6 Detrimental Changes in Perivascular Adipose Gene Expression in Metabolic Syndrome. A. Seldomridge, E. DeVallance, K. Lemaster, K. Branyan, J. Frisbee, V. Setola, P. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. B129 956.7 β-Cell Deletion of Nr4a1 and Nr4a3 Nuclear Receptors Impedes Mitochondrial Respiration and Insulin Secretion. M.S. Reynolds, C.R. Hancock, J.D. Ray, K.B. Kener, J.M. Hardman, J.S. Tessem. Brigham Young Univ. B130 956.8 Carbonic Anhydrase Mediates Hepatic Steatosis and Vascular Stiffness Induced by a Western Diet. T. Malcolm, A. Aroor, W. Bivin, J. Sowers, R. Woodman, W. Lockette. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B131 956.9 Differential Effects of Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 in Endotoxin-Induced Vascular Dysfunction. M.L. Battson, D.M. Lee, S. Hou, D.K. Jarrell, K.S. Santangelo, K.A. CoxYork, C.L. Gentile. Colorado State Univ. B132 956.10 Sex Differences in the Expression of Cardiac miR-29 Family MicroRNAs in Diabetic Male and Female Rats and Its Correlation with Increased Risk for Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetic Females. K. Lum-Naihe, L. Pulakat. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Harry S Truman Mem. VA Hosp. 957. ENDOTHELIAL CELL BIOLOGY I Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B133 957.1 Nitric Oxide Donor [Ru(terpy)(bdq)NO]3+ (TERPY) Promotes eNOS Activation. S.R. Potje, S.D. Oliveira, Z. Chen, M.G. Bonini, R.S. da Silva, L.M. Bendhack, C. Antoniali, R.D. Minshall. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, Univ. of São Paulo and State Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil. B134 957.2 Heme Oxygenase-1 Counteracts HIV Protease Inhibitor-Mediated Endothelial Cell Dysfunction. W. Durante, X-m. Liu, Z.E. Durante, K.J. Peyton. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B135 957.3 Glutaminase Stimulates the Proliferation of Human Endothelial Cells. W. Durante, X-m. Liu, B. Yates, Y. Yu, K.J. Peyton. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. B136 957.4 Cross Tolerance and Potentiation of Toll-Like Receptors in Endothelial Cells. R.J. Stark, S.R. Koch, F.S. Lamb, E.R. Sherwood. Vanderbilt Univ. B137 957.5 The Early Postmenopausal Phase Is Associated with a Decline in Vascular Function: Is the Prostanoid System to Blame? M. Nyberg, J. Egelund, M.B. Nielsen, A. Mogensen, Y. Hellsten. Univ. of Copenhagen. B138 957.6 Assessing the Pleiotropic Role of Pravastatin™ on the Expression of AQP1 in Vascular Endothelial Cells Cultured under Static, Venous, and Arterial Flow Conditions In Vitro. R.J. Crum, C.M. Krane. Univ. of Dayton. B139 957.7 Reciprocal Regulation of eNOS and Caveolin-1 Function in Endothelial Cells. Z. Chen, R. Minshall. Univ of Illnois at Chicago. B140 957.8 Helium Induces Caveolin Secretion and Decreases Permeability in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. M.A. Landau, K.F. Smit, M. Warmbrunn, B. Preckel, M.W. Hollmann, H.H. Patel, M. Albrecht, N.C. Weber. AMC, Univ. of Amsterdam, UCSD, and Univ. Hosp. SchleswigHolstein, Germany. B141 957.9 Endothelium-Derived Microvesicles Alter Permeability of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Monolayers. L.W. Hunter, M. Jayachandran, V.M. Miller. Mayo Clin. B142 957.10 N-myc Downstream Regulated Gene-1 Promotes Vascular Inflammation through Activating Both NFκB and c-Jun/AP-1 Pathways in Endothelial Cells. G. Zhang, Q. Qin, B. Yi, Z. Guo, X. Wei, L. Yin, Y. Yin, F. Cheng, J. Sun. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Changhai Hosp., China. B143 957.11 Wild Type p53 Regulates Endothelial Barrier Function by Mediating Rac1 Signaling and Inhibiting RhoA Activity. N. Barabutis, C. Birmpas, G. Thangjam, B.W. Gregory, M. Clements, J. Newton, J.D. Catravas. Old Dominion Univ. and Eastern Virginia Med. Sch. B144 957.12 Changes in Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Composition in Response to a High-Fat Meal Promote Endothelial Inflammation in Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects. A. Rajamani, A. Fernandez, S.I. Simon, A.G. Passerini. Univ. of California, Davis. B145 957.13 Enteroendocrine Cell Is a Source of VEGF-A in the Neonatal Intestine. X. Yan, X. Liu, E. Managlia, I. De Plaen. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hosp. of Chicago. 958. HEART FAILURE II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B146 958.1 High Intensity One-Legged Cycling Improves Functional Sympatholysis and Aerobic Fitness in Chronic Heart Failure. G.D.W. Munch, U.W. Jepsen, B.K. Pedersen, J. Rosenmeier, S.P. Mortensen. Rigshosp., Copenhagen and Univ. of So. Denmark. 315 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B147 958.2 Ventilatory Efficiency and Oscillatory Breathing as Clinical Markers of Surgical Outcomes in Heart Failure. N. Jesse, E. Raichlin, H. Schultz. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B148 958.3 Ufm1 E3 Ligase Ufl1 Is Essential for Adaptive Hypertrophy and ER Stress Response in the Heart. J. Li, G. Yue, W. Ma, H. Li, A. Zhang, F. Li, H. Li, H. Su. Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. B149 958.4 How the Activity of PKCα Is Increased and Maintained in Heart Failure Despite the Up-Regulation of Molecular Braking Mechanism? N. Aslam, I. Zaheer. BioSystOmics and The Methodist Hosp., Houston. B150 958.5 Repetitive ROS Injury Leads to Inactivation of NRF2-Induced Antioxidant Defense and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Ischemic Heart Failure. T. Liu, A.A. Knowlton. Univ. of California, Davis and DVA No. California, Sacramento. B151 958.6 The Effect of Monocrotaline-Induced Heart Failure on Left- and Right-Ventricular Function. S-J. Guild, J-C. Han, A. Power, M-L. Ward, L.A. Nisbet, D.S. Loiselle. Univ. of Auckland. B152 958.7 Doxorubicin Decreases Cyclooxygense-2 Levels in Heart, Brain, and Pial Arteries from Ovariectomized Female Rats. R. Gonzales, P. Raman, N. Vijayavel, C. Kerrigan, T. Hale, C. Carroll, J. Dickinson, S. Angadi. Univ. of Arizona, Midwestern Univ., Arizona State Univ. Sch. of Nutr. and Hlth. Promo. and Mayo Clin. B153 958.8 Cardiac Fibroblast Growth Factor-16 Increases Efflux Drug (ABC) Transporter Production and Resistance to Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyocyte Death. J. Wang, P.A. Cattini. Univ. of Manitoba. 959. HYPERTENSION I Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B154 959.1 Sex Differences in Hypertension: A Modeling Study. Y. Chen, A. Edwards, J. Sullivan, A. Layton. Duke Univ., Res. Ctr. des Cordeliers, Paris and Georgia Regents Univ. B155 959.2 The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Induced Hypertension. D. Durgan, B. Ganesh, J. Cope, N. Ajami, S. Phillips, J. Petrosino, E. Hollister, R. Bryan. Baylor Col. of Med. and Texas Children’s Microbiome Ctr., Houston. B156 959.3 Chronic Inhibition of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Attenuates Cardiovascular but Not Appetite Responses to MC3/4R Antagonism in SHR. J.M. do Carmo, A.A. da Silva, Z. Wang, J.E. Hall. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Org. Educ. Barao de Maua, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. B157 959.4 Spilanthol from Acmella oleracea Lowers Na+K+-2Cl--Cotransporter Activity and Water Channel Aquaporin 2 Membrane Expression in Mouse Renal Cells. A. Gerbino, G. Schena, L. Milella, R. Miglionico, M. Armentano, A.F. Barbosa, G. Procino, M. Svelto, M. Carmosino. Univ. of Bari, Univ. of Basilicata, Italy and Fed. Rural Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. B158 959.5 Immunological Memory Exacerbates Responses to Repeated Hypertensive Stimuli. H.A. Itani, L. Xiao, M.A. Saleh, J. Wu, M. Pilkinton, B.L. Dale, N. Barbaro, J. Foss, A. Kirabo, K. Montaniel, A. Norlander, W. Chen, R. Sato, L.G. Navar, S. Mallal, M. Madhur, K. Bernstein, D. Harrison. Vanderbilt Univ., Univ. of Campinas, São Paulo, Tulane Univ. and Cedars-Sinai Med. Ctr. 316 B159 959.6 Longitudinal Study on Independent and Joint Effect of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity and Blood Pressure Control on Incident Stroke in Hypertensive Patients. Y. Song, B. Xu, R. Xu, R. Tung, E. Frank, W. Tromble, W. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Li, X. Qin, B. Wang, F.F. Hou, Y. Huo, H. Wang. So. Med. Univ., China, River Hill H.S., Clarksville, MD, Lower Moreland H.S., Huntingdon Valley, PA, Peking Univ. First Hosp. and Temple Univ. Sch. of Med. B160 959.7 Involvement of Inhibitor Kappa B Kinase 2 in the Elevated Vascular Tone of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. S-K. Choi, M. Lim, Y. Kwon, Y-H. Lee. Col. of Med., Brain Korea 21 Plus Proj. for Med. Sci., Yonsei Univ., South Korea. B161 959.8 Using Fiber-Optic Confocal Microscopy for In Vivo Imaging of Brain and Kidney Vasculature and Haemodynamics. A.M. Tomiak-Baquero, K.E. Lewis, E. Roloff, S. Kasparov, M.P. Koeners, J.F.R. Paton. Univ. of Bristol. B162 959.9 Reduced Repair Capacity and Endothelial Apoptosis Mediated by Retrograde Blood Flow in Hypertension. H.N.M. Rocha, V.P. Garcia, G.M.B. Silva, D.G.V. Lima, G.M. Silva, M.O. Campos, J.D.M. Mattos, A.C.L. Nóbrega, I.A. Fernandes, N.G. Rocha. Fluminense Fed. Univ., Brazil. B163 959.10 Overweight Was Related with Sympathetic Activation in Offspring of Hypertensives. A.O. Viana, F.A. Santa Rosa, M.C. Nascimento, G.L. Shimojo, J. De Paiva, K. De Angelis. Univ. Nove de Julho, São Paulo. 960. ROS/CV INJURY II Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B164 960.1 Severe Sleep Apnea Is Associated with Telomere Lengthening. K. Polonis, P. Singh, C. Becari, N. Covassin, B. Druliner, R. Johnson, L. Boardman, V.K. Somers. Mayo Clin. B165 960.2 Ameliorative Effect of Gallic Acid on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Adult Wistar Rats. O.A. Adejumobi, O. Orotusin, A. Oyagbemi, A. Adedapo, C. Olaogun, T.O. Omóbòwálé. Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. B166 960.3 Altered Nitric Oxide Signaling and Oxidative Stress Increase Pulmonary Arteriolar Tone and Cause Lung Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. A.M. Roberts, R. Jagadapillai, R. Vaishnav, R.P. Friedland, R. Drinovac, X. Lin, E. Gozal. Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Med. B167 960.4 Postconditioning Reduces Early Reactive Oxygen Species Production in the Brain in a Porcine Model of Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation. T.R. Matsuura, D. Yannopoulos, J.A. Bartos, M.D. Olson, J.N. Rees, A. Tsangaris, K.C. Shekar, S.H. McKnite, T.P. Aufderheide, M.P. Bienengraeber, R.W. Neumar, A.E. Dikalova, S.I. Dikalov, H.F. Douglas, M.M. Salzman, M.L. Riess. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Med. Col. of Wisconsin, Univ. of Michigan, Vanderbilt Univ. and TVHS VA Med. Ctr., Nashville. B168 960.5 Malignant Hyperthermia-Associated Mutation of RyR1 Induces Mitochondrial Damages and Cellular Oxidation in the Heart. J. O-Uchi, J. Mishra, B.S. Jhun, S. Hurst, D. Fu, L. Gomez, S-S. Sheu. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Univ. Lyon. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B169 960.6 Angiotensin II-Mediated Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake and Superoxide Generation Activate Proliferative Pathway in Neonatal Cardiac Fibroblasts. J. O-Uchi, D. Fu, J. Mishra, B. Jhun, S. Hurst, S-S. Sheu. Thomas Jefferson Univ. B170 960.7 High Density Lipoprotein-Lipopolysaccharide Binding Lowers HDL’s Basal Antioxidant Capacity. D.W. Fausnacht, N.E. Boutagy, R.P. McMillan, M.W. Hulver. Virginia Tech and Yale Sch. of Med. 961. CARDIOVASCULAR AND RENAL MECHANISMS IN DIABETES AND METABOLIC SYNDROME Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B171 961.1 High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Does Not Necessarily Promote Vascular Remodeling/Fibrosis in Rats. R. Fernandes, E. Carter-Taylor, J. Galligan, H. Xu. Michigan State Univ. B172 961.2 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Deficiency in Pro-opiomelanocortin Neurons Does Not Enhance Leptin’s Anorexigenic Effect, but Improves Glucose Tolerance and Increases Energy Expenditure in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet. N. Aberdein, J.M. do Carmo, J.E. Hall. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B173 961.3 Hydrogen Sulfide Suppresses Diabetic Myocardial ER Stress: An Uncanonical Way. S. Veeranki, N. Metreveli, S.C. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. B174 961.4 Deletion of the Formin, Drf1, Is Protective against Renal Damage in a Murine Model of Diabetes. M.B. Manigrasso, R. Rosario, R. Ramasamy, V. D’Agati, A.M. Schmidt. NYU Langone Med. Ctr. and Columbia Univ. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons. B175 961.5 Continuous Glucose Measurements Using Telemetry in Male and Female Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats on a High-Fat Diet. E. Gillis, E. Ralph, S. Tiesma, R. Lindquist, J. Sullivan. Georgia Regents Univ. and Data Sci. Intl., MN. 962. NEURAL AND HORMONAL MODULATION OF FLUID BALANCE AND ION HOMEOSTASIS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B176 962.1 Vasopressin Receptor Regulation in Maintaining Potassium Homeostasis in a Sus scrofa Model of Hemorrhagic Shock. C.F.T. Uyehara, L.N. Kajiura, L-A.M. Murata, S.A. Wong, W.M. Ichimura, C.A. Hernandez, J. Sarkar, M.R. Rowland. Tripler Army Med. Ctr., HI. B177 962.2 Chronic Insulin-Clamp Causes Postprandial Diuresis in Sprague Dawley Rats. D.L. Irsik, R. Alaisami, A.R. Washington, M.W. Brands. Georgia Regents Univ. B178 962.3 Renal Afferent Nerve Modulation of Sodium Homeostasis and Blood Pressure: A Sodium Sensitive Mechanism Countering the Development of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension? R.D. Wainford, K.R. Walsh, C.Y. Carmichael. Boston Univ. B179 962.4 Preserved Survival of Renal Tubulus-Specific Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger Isoform 3 Knockout Mice in Response to Sodium Restriction. S. Chavez, S.B. Poulsen, M. Soleimani, R.A. Fenton, T. Rieg. UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare Syst., Aarhus Univ., Denmark and Univ. of Cincinnati and VA Med. Ctr. B180 962.5 High Salt Activation of Collecting Duct-Derived Nitric Oxide Synthase Suppresses the Renin-AngiotensinAldosterone System. J.S. Pollock, D.M. Pollock, C. Dugas, K.A. Hyndman. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. B181 962.6 Salt and Angiotensin II Treatment Induces Fluid Congestion and Heart Failure with Increased Mortality in Balb/C Mice but Not in C57BL/6J. S.T. Joensson, M. Becriovic-Agic, M. Hulström. Uppsala Univ. B182 962.7 Chronic Vagus Nerve Stimulation Attenuates Renal Inflammation in Autoimmune-Induced Hypertension. G.S. Pham, A.S. Fairley, C.I. Maloy, K.W. Mathis. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B183 962.8 Median Preoptic AT1a Receptor Knockdown Does Not Diminish Drinking in Response to Peripheral Angiotensin II Administration. B. Shell, G. Farmer, R. Emeh, J. Little, T. Cunningham. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Alabama State Univ. B184 962.9 Renal Denervation Normalizes Blood Pressure and Improves Glucose Metabolism in Obese Genetically Hypertensive Schlager Mice. N. Asirvatham-Jeyaraj, C.T. Banek, R. Han, M. Razzoli, B.J. Burbach, A. Bartolomucci, Y. Shimizu, J.W. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 963. SEX DIFFERENCES IN BLOOD PRESSURE AND FLUID VOLUME HOMEOSTASIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B185 963.1 Renal Salt and Water Homeostasis: A New Regulatory Pathway Involving the Ser/Thr Kinase PIM-3 A. Spirli, C. Ronzaud, A. Debonneville, O. Staub. Univ. of Lausanne. B186 963.2 Identification of Dipeptidyl Peptidase III as the Angiotensin-(1-7)-Degrading Metallopeptidase in Human Proximal Tubule Cells. N. Cruz-Diaz, B.A. Wilson, A.C. Marshall, N.T. Pirro, M.C. Chappell. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. B187 963.3 Deficiency of Prorenin Renin Receptor in Adipocyte Induces Liver Steatosis and Increases Blood Pressure in Lean and Obese Male Mice. C-H. Wu, S. Moradi, M. Gong, G. Nguyen, F. Yiannikouris. Univ. of Kentucky and Col. de France, Paris. B188 963.4 The Predominant Role of Kidney in Sex Difference in Ang II-Induced Hypertension. L. Wang, R. Chen, J. Zhang, S. Rong, S. Wang, J. Wei, K-P. Yip, R. Liu. Univ. of South Florida and Hannover Med. Sch., Germany. B189 963.5 Physiological and Transcriptomic Data Have Equal Variability in Male and Female Rats. A. Dayton, M. Skelton, M. Kaldunski, A.S. Greene, A.W. Cowley; Jr. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B190 963.6 Blood Pressure in Old Female SHR Is Not Salt Sensitive and Tempol Fails to Decrease Blood Pressure during High Salt Intake. C. Dalmasso, R.O. Maranon, C.N. Patil, J.F. Reckelhoff. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. 317 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 964. HYPERTENSION: DEVELOPING CONCEPTS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B191 964.1 Does Chronic Inhibition of Brain Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Alter Metabolic and Cardiovascular Function in Obese Melanocortin-4 Deficient Rat? J.M. do Carmo, A.A. da Silva, J. Yoo, S.P. Moak, F. Spradley, J.E. Hall. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. and Org. Educ. Barao de Maua, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. B192 964.2 Endothelial-Derived Endothelin-1 Distinctly Mediates the Development of Renal Apoptosis in Male and Female Mice. C. De Miguel, K.D. Battles, W.C. Hamrick, X. Liu, D.M. Pollock, J.S. Pollock. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. B193 964.3 Activated Immune Cells Exacerbate Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension and Renal Damage in the Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rat. B.M. Wade, D. Mattson. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B194 964.4 Mycophenolate Mofetil Attenuates Hypertension in an Experimental Model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. E. Taylor, A. Strawder, M. Ryan. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B195 964.5 A high Fat Diet Increases Blood Pressure and Leads to a Renal Proinflammatory Immune Cell Profile in Female Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. L. Taylor, J. Musall, B. Baban, E.J. Belin de Chantemele, J. Sullivan. Georgia Regents Univ. B196 964.6 Improvement in Blood Pressure and Renal Injury following Vagal Nerve Stimulation. C.I. Maloy, A.S. Fairley, G.S. Pham, K.W. Mathis. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B197 964.7 Hemodynamic Mechanisms of Renal Injury in Dahl SS Rats Fed a High Salt Diet. A. Polichnowski, K. Griffin, P. Sethupathi, M. Picken, J. Long, G. Williamson, A. Bidani. Hines VA Hosp. and Loyola Univ.-Chicago and Illinois Inst. of Technol. B198 964.8 Radiofrequency Renal Denervation Decreases Inflammation in Kidney Medulla in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. J. Gao, L. Xiao, D.J. Polhemus, F. Smart, R. Mernaugh, T.T. Goodchild, D.J. Lefer, D.G. Harrison, D.R. Kapusta. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr. New Orleans and Vanderbilt Univ. B199 964.9 Sex-Specific Cell Death Response following Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. G.R. Crislip, J.C. Sullivan. Georgia Regents Univ. B200 964.10 Endothelial-Derived ET-1 Contributes to the Pressor Response Elicited by Acute Behavioral Stress. B.M. Fox, A.S. Loria, K.A. Hyndman, R. Johns, C. Jin, D.M. Pollock, M. Yanagisawa, J.S. Pollock. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, Univ. of Kentucky, Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan. B201 964.11 Microbial Short Chain Fatty Acid Metabolites Lower Blood Pressure via Endothelial G-Protein Coupled Receptor 41 N. Natarajan, D. Hori, S. Flavahan, J. Steppan, N.A. Flavahan, D.E. Berkowitz, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Univ. B202 964.12 Evidence for Endothelin Regulation of Bmal1 Expression in the Renal Vasculature. D. Chen, J.S. Speed, K.A. Hyndman, M. Kasztan, J.J. Johnston, E.W. Inscho, M.E. Young, D.M. Pollock, J.S. Pollock. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. 318 B203 964.13 The Role of Gαi2 Proteins in the Regulation of PVN Neuronal Activation in Response to Isotonic Volume Expansion in Conscious Rats. C.Y. Carmichael, N.M. Patel, R.E. Wipfler, R.D. Wainford. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. B204 964.14 RhoBTB1, a Novel PPARγ Target Gene Regulates Vascular Function. M. Mukohda, S-R.C. Ibeawuchi, C. Hu, F.W. Quelle, C.D. Sigmund. Univ. of Iowa and California Inst. for Biomed. Res., La Jolla. B205 964.15 Leptin-Mediated Increases in Sympathetic Tone Decreases Alpha(1D)-Adrenergic Receptor Expression in Arteries and Adrenals. M. Newell, M. Momtahan, S. Kennard, E.J. Belin de Chantemele. Med. Col. of Georgia at Augusta Univ. B206 964.16 ACE2 Deletion Is Associated with Increased ADAM17 and Reduced Inhibitory Currents to Pre-sympathetic Hypothalamic Neurons. S. Mukerjee, J. Xu, S. Sriramula, H. Gao, A. Zsombok, E. Lazartigues. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B207 964.17 Flow-Induced Activation of NO Production Is Calcium- and HDAC1-Dependent in Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cells. R.S. Sedaka, K.A. Hyndman, J.S. Pollock. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. 965. KIDNEY IN HYPERTENSION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B208 965.1 Both Alpha and Beta Adrenergic Receptor Expression Is Increased in the Renal Medulla of Spontaneously Hypertensive African Green Monkeys. M.K. Rhoads, C. Munhoz, J. Osborn. Univ. of Kentucky and Fed. Univ. of Pelotas, Brazil. B209 965.2 Effect of Low-Dose of Multi-glycoside of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. F. on Renal Injury in Mice with SaltSensitive Hypertension. Y. Wang, C. Song, M. Zhu, H. Xu, X. Wang, L. Cui, S. Liu, S. Xie, S. Shen, S. Zhang, D.H. Wang. Henan Univ. of Traditional Chinese Med., China and Michigan State Univ. B210 965.3 Conscious Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats Excrete a Volume Load Slower Than Sprague Dawley Rats Due to a Defect in Thick Ascending Limb Transport. F. Saez, J. Garvin. Case Western Reserve Univ. B211 965.4 Exposure to Cigarette Smoke Worsens Chronic Kidney Disease-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy and Fibrosis. C.A. Drummond, D.A. Hernandez, S.T. Haller, J. Liu, J.I. Shapiro, C.J. Cooper, J. Tian. Univ. of Toledo and Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ. B212 965.5 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Down Regulates the Renal Epithelial Sodium Channel. A. Koenen, R. Rettig, O. Grisk. Univ. of Greifswald, Germany. B213 965.6 Neddylation-Deficient K712R CUL3 Δ403-459 Double Mutant Attenuates Proteasome-Dependent KLHL3 Degradation. R.J. Cornelius, C. Zhang, K.J. Erspamer, A.S. Terker, J.D. Singer, C-L. Yang, D.H. Ellison. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ., Xinhua Hosp., Sch. of Med., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China, Portland State Univ. and Portland VA Med. Ctr. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B214 965.7 Lack of Collecting Duct Renin Does Not Protect against DOCA-Salt Hypertension and Renal Injury. K. Song, D. Stuart, N. Abraham, F. Wang, S. Wang, T. Yang, C.D. Sigmund, D.E. Kohan, N. Ramkumar. Univ. of Utah, Univ. of Iowa and VA Salt Lake City Hlth. Care Syst. B215 965.8 NEDD4-2 Reduces Electroneutral Cl-/HCO3Exchange in Mouse Cortical Collecting Duct. T.D. Pham, M. Nanami, O. Staub, R.L. Sutliff, J.D. Klein, D. Eladari, R. Chambrey, X. Wang, J.W. Verlander, S.M. Wall. Emory Univ., Hyogo Col. of Med., Japan, Univ. of Lausanne, Inst. des Cordeliers, Paris and Univ. of Florida. B216 965.9 Zinc Deficiency Stimulates Sodium Chloride Cotransporter Upregulation via Modulation of Calcineurin Activity in Mouse Distal Convoluted Tubular Cells. C.R. Williams, M. Mistry, M. Li, B. Ko, J.L. Gooch, R.S. Hoover. Emory Univ., Atlanta VA Med. Ctr., Decatur, Univ. of Chicago and Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Sch. of Pharm., Suwanee, GA. B217 965.10 G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Expression in the Kidney of L-NAME-Induced Hypertension and 2K-1C Rats. E. Barbosa de Oliveira Sales, N. Oliveira Maruyama, V. Araujo Varela, T.F. Lucas, M.A. Boim, C. Segreti Porto, C. Toledo Bergamaschi, R. Ribeiro de Campos Jr. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. B218 965.11 Alstrom Syndrome 1, a New Interacting Protein of NKCC2, Regulates Apical NKCC2 Trafficking, Urinary Concentration and Blood Pressure. A.B. Jaykumar, P. Caceres, G. Ares, W. Beierwaltes, P. Ortiz. Henry Ford Hosp. and Wayne State Univ. B219 965.12 Stem Cells Improved the Ability of the Contralateral Kidney to Excrete Sodium in the Renovascular Hypertension Induced by Renal Artery Stenosis. V. Araujo Varela, E. Barbosa de Oliveira-Sales, C. Gusson Shimoura, E. Maquigussa, F. Teixeira Borges, M.A. Boim. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. B220 965.13 Dopamine β-Hydroxylase Inhibition with BIA5-1058 Normalizes the High Blood Pressure of Human GRK4g 142V Transgenic Mice. L.D. Asico, H. Lin, J.E. Jones, P. Soares-da-Silva, P.A. Jose, X. Wang. George Washington Univ., Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore and Univ. of Porto, Portugal. B221 965.14 ETA Receptor Antagonism and Estrogen Replacement Prevent Ang II Hypertension in Menopausal Mice. D.P. Pollow; Jr, M.J. Romero-Aleshire, J. Davies, J. Nikolich-Zugich, H.L. Brooks. Univ. of Arizona. B222 965.15 Altered Renal and Circulating ReninAngiotensin System Does Not Cause Spontaneous Hypertension in the African Green Monkey. A. Gutierrez, S.B. Goleva, M.K. Rhoads, C.C. Weaver, W.H. Beierwaltes, J.L. Osborn. Univ. of Kentucky, Henry Ford Hosp. and Biomed. Sci. Res. Gp., Lexington. B223 965.16 Renal Specific Downregulation of OXPHOS Transcription Factors and Mitochondrial Respiratory Dysfunction in Spontaneously Hypertensive Nonhuman Primates. S. Goleva, M. Rhoads, J. Osborn. Univ. of Kentucky and Biomed. Sci. Res. Gp. LLC, Lexington. B224 965.17 Salt Inducible Kinase: A Potential Intracellular Signal Involved in DOCA-Salt Induced Hypertension? S.R. Gonsalez, F.M. Ferrão, D.S. Gomes, D.G.B. de Lima, J. Lowe, M.C. Prieto, L.S. Lara. Tulane Univ., Rio de Janeiro State Univ. and Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. 966. IMMUNE CELLS AND INFLAMMATION IMPACT ON KIDNEY FUNCTION AND HYPERTENSION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B225 966.1 Meprin β Deficiency Reduces Leukocytes Infiltration in Mouse Kidneys with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction-Induced Inflammation. M.C. Fernander, J-M.V. Niyitegeka, D. Conklin, I. Yahaya, R.C. Minor, E.M. Ongeri. North Carolina A&T State Univ. B226 966.2 Formyl Peptide Receptor Blockade Ameliorates Intrarenal Resistance Artery Function and Decreases Blood Pressure in SHR. C.F. Wenceslau, C.G. McCarthy, T. Szasz, S. Ogbi, R.C. Webb. Georgia Regents Univ. B227 966.3 Transferrin Receptor Levels Are Increased by Interleukin 1β in a Human Kidney Proximal Tubular Cell Line. M.L. Bonnemaison, E.I. Boesen. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B228 966.4 T Cell Infiltration in Kidney Induces SaltRetention via NCC Up-Regulation. S. Mu, Y. Liu. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. B229 966.5 Intervention with VG1177, a MHC Class II Invariant Peptide Chain Antagonist, Restores Afferent Arteriolar Autoregulatory Behavior during Chronic 14 Day Lipopolysaccharide Treatment. J.P. Van Beusecum, A.K. Cook, S. Zhang, R.P. Tobin, K. Newell-Rogers, E.W. Inscho. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr./ Baylor Scott & White Hlth. B230 966.6 Interleukin-6 Receptor Alpha Exhibits Differential Cellular Localization within the Nephron. T.A. Kronk, F. Theilig, O. Al-Khalili, R. Mallick, D.C. Eaton, R.S. Hoover, B.M. Wynne. Emory Univ., Univ. of Fribourg, Switzerland and Atlanta VA Med. Ctr., Decatur. B231 966.7 RORγt-Dependent Preferential Induction of IL-17F by TLR3 Activation in SHR Immune Cells. M.V. Singh, M.Z. Cicha, M.W. Chapleau, F.M. Abboud. Univ. of Iowa and VA Med. Ctr. B232 966.8 Bicarbonate Therapy Has No Effect on Renal T-Cell Infiltration or Blood Pressure but Markedly Reduces Tubular Casts/Fibrosis and Is Associated with an M1 to M2 Polarization in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. P. O’Connor, J-K. Chen, L. Taylor, S. Ray, B. Baban, J.C. Sullivan. Georgia Regents Univ. B233 966.9 SH2B3 Mutation Attenuates T Lymphocyte Intracellular Ca2+ Release in Response to Direct Angiotensin-II Stimulation in Dahl S Hypertensive Rats. G. Blass, O. Palygin, N.P. Rudemiller, D. Mattson, A. Staruschenko. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B234 966.10 Suppressing Hypertension Preserves Renal Autoregulatory Behavior and Purinoceptor Response in Deoxycorticosterone Acetate-Salt-Treated Rats. Z. Guan, H. Cha, J.P. Van Beusecum, A.K. Cook, E.W. Inscho. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Sch. of Nat. Sci, Univ. of California, Merced. 319 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 967. RENAL TRANSPORT MECHANISMS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B235 967.1 Hydrochlorothiazide Does Not Acutely Acidify Urine. P. de Bruijn, R. Brekelmans, H. Praetorius, J. Leipziger. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B236 967.2 Localization and Regulation of the DiseaseCausing H+-ATPase B1 Subunit in the Early Distal Nephron of Human and Murine Kidney. H. Dimke, R. Chambrey, R. Zamani, N. Marcussen, P. Svenningsen, S. Frische. Univ. of So. Denmark, Univ. Paris-Descartes, Odense Univ. Hosp. and Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark. B237 967.3 A Novel GPCR in the Renal Proximal Tubules, Gprc5c, Is Involved in Systemic pH Regulation. P. Rajkumar, B. Cha, M. Donowitz, Y. Hirabayshi, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Sch. of Med. and RIKEN Brain Sci. Inst., Saitama. B238 967.4 Effect of NBCe1 Deletion on Renal Organic Anion Metabolism. I.D. Weiner, G. Osis, M.E. Handlogten, H-W. Lee, K. Hering-Smith, M.F. Romero, J.W. Verlander. Univ. of Florida, NF/SG Veterans Hlth. Syst., Tulane Univ. and Mayo Clin. B239 967.5 Internalization of Angiotensinogen in Renal Proximal Tubules: Evidence for Mitochondrial Trafficking. B. Wilson, N. Cruz-Diaz, Y. Su, J.C. Rose, M.C. Chappell. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. B240 967.6 Lack of an Effect of Collecting Duct-Specific Knockout of Nitric Oxide Synthase 3 on Renal Sodium and Water Excretion or Blood Pressure during Physiological Conditions. Y. Gao, D. Stuart, T. Takahashi, D. Kohan. Univ. of Utah and Vanderbilt Univ. B241 967.7 Evidence of Phosphodegron Regulating Expression of Urate Secretory Transporter ABC. G2 O.M. Woodward, A. Hofherr, Q. Huang, M. Kottgen. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. and Univ. Med. Ctr. Freiburg, Germany. B242 967.8 Distinct Regulation of the Basolateral Conductance in the Collecting Duct by Na+ and K+ Intake. O. Zaika, V. Tomilin, M. Mamenko, O. Pochynyuk. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. B243 967.9 Nitric Oxide Regulates Paracellular Resistance in Isolated, Perfused Rat Thick Ascending Limbs through cGMP. C.M. Monzon, J.L. Garvin. Case Western Reserve Univ. B244 967.10 Targeted Knockin of Constitutively Active SPAK in the Early Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT1) Causes Hyperkalemic Hypertension. P.R. Grimm, R. Coleman, E. Delpire, P.A. Welling. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. and Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Sch. B245 967.11 Determining the Kinetic Mechanism of Metformin and NBD Interaction at the Multidrug Transporter OCT2: A Mathematical and Experimental Approach. P.J. Sandoval, T.W. Secomb, S.H. Wright. Univ. of Arizona. B246 967.12 Role of the Novel Kinase TNIK on NKCC2 Surface Expression, Phosphorylation and Na Reabsorption in the Thick Ascending Limb. P.S. Caceres, P.A. Ortiz. Henry Ford Hosp. and Wayne State Univ. B247 967.13 P2X Receptor-Mediated Inhibition of NaCl Absorption in the Thick Ascending Limb: No Evidence for Nitric Oxide as Second Messenger. S.L. Svendsen, J.S. Olsen, H. Preatorius, J.G. Leipziger. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. 320 B248 967.14 The cGMP/PKG Signaling Pathway Underlies the Inhibitory Effect of Sildenafil Citrate on NHE3 Activity in Rat Renal Proximal Tubules. P.M.C. dos Santos, T.D. Pessoa, G. Malnic. Univ. of São Paulo. B249 967.15 Angiotensin II Increases Phosphorylation of Rat Kidney Na, K-Pump at S938 in Proximal Tubule (PCT) Cells through a Phosphatidylinositol 3’-Kinase/Akt Pathway Facilitated via Epac. D.R. Yingst, R.R. Mattingly, S.M. Keezer. Wayne State Univ. and Cell Signaling Technol., Danvers, MA. B250 967.16 Short-Term Regulation of SGLT2 by Insulin In Vivo. C. Ghezzi, C. Scafoglio, J. Liu, J.R. Barrio, E.M. Wright. UCLA. B251 967.17 Expression of a Diverse Array of Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels Are Functionally Coupled to the Mechanosensitive TRPV4 Channel in the Late Distal Tubule. Y. Li, H. Hu, R.G. O’Neil. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr at Houston. B252 967.18 A Renal Olfactory Receptor Aids in Kidney Glucose Handling. B.D. Shepard, L. Cheval, H. Koepsell, A. Doucet, J.L. Pluznick. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Sorbonne Univs. UPMC, Paris and Univ. of Wurzburg. B253 967.19 Rapid Internalization and Trafficking of GC-A/ NPRA via Endo-lysosomal Compartments with Concurrent Generation of cGMP in Mouse Mesangial Cells: Role of FQQI Motif. I. Mani, R. Garg, S. Tripathi, K.N. Pandey. Tulane Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Sch. of Med. B254 967.20 AT2R Is Involved in Mediating the Effect of High Dietary K Intake on Basolateral Kir4.1 in the Distal Convoluted Tubule. P. Wu, Z. Gao, M. Wang, X-T. Su, L. Wang, W-H. Wang. New York Med. Col. B255 967.21 Role of IGF1R in Tubular Remodeling of the Mouse Kidney. E. Walczak, A. Krauson, S. Iyer, J. Nizar, W. Dong, V. Bhalla. Stanford Univ. B256 967.22 Dose-Dependent Effects of Angiotensin-(1-7) and Angiontensin II on the NHE3 Exchanger in In Vivo Proximal Tubule of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. R.C. Castelo Branco, D.C.A. Leite-Dellova, G. Malnic, M. Mello-Aires. Univ. of São Paulo. B257 967.23 AMPK Stimulates Osmotic Water Permeability in Rat IMCDs. Y. Wang, O. Efe, L.M. LaRocque, J.D. Klein, J.M. Sands. Emory Univ. B258 967.24 Effect of Oleanolic Acid on Regulation of Renal Function and Hormonal Balance in Hypertension Model. Y.M. Ahn, Y.J. Lee, H.Y. Kim, R. Tan, M.C. Kho, B.H. Han, S.H. Lee, H.S. Lee, K.W. Cho, H.S. Lee, D.G. Kang. Col. of Orient. Med. and Prof. Grad. Sch. of Orient. Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. B259 967.25 Impaired Urinary Concentration in Car2 Deficient Mice. R.T. Alexander, D. Krishnan, E. Cordat. Univ. of Alberta. B260 967.26 1,2,3,4,6-Penta–O-Galloyl–β–D–Glucose Ameliorates Renal Injury in Ischemia-Reperfusion Induced Acute Renal Failure Rats. J.H. Park, Y.J. Lee, H.Y. Kim, J.J. Yoon, M.C. Kho, S.H. Lee, H.S. Lee, X.J. Jin, H.S. Lee, D.G. Kang. Col. and Professional Grad. Sch. of Oriental Med., Wonkwang Univ., South Korea. B261 967.27 Transcription Factor Elf3 Mediates Vasopressin-Regulated Aquaporin-2 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cells. S-T. Lin, C-C. Ma, Y-F. Su, C-H. Yang, S-C. Weng, C-H. Sun, S-L. Lin, M-J. Yu. Col. of Med. Natl. Taiwan Univ. B262 967.28 Vasopressin-Escape Does Not Involve Marked Changes in the Ratio of Intercalated-to-Principal Cells in the Cortical Collecting Duct. C-L. Chou, C.M. Ecelbarger, J.W. Lee, M.A. Knepper. NHLBI, NIH and Georgetown Univ. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B263 967.29 Sexual Dimorphic Expression of Renal Claudins, Water Channels and Transporters Accounts for the Downstream Shift in Salt and Volume Reabsorption Along the Nephron in Female versus Male Rats. L.C. Veiras, L. Pei, A.S.L. Yu, A.A. McDonough. Keck Sch. of Med., Univ. of So. California and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B264 967.30 Sex Differences in Renal Sodium Transporter Gene Expression. R.S. Patel, K. Solocinski, K. Cheng, M.L. Gumz. Univ. of Florida. B265 967.31 Conditional Knock-Down of Kidney-Specific Klotho Gene Impairs Sodium Reabsorption by Downregulating Epithelial Sodium Channel Expression. Q. Ali, Y. Lin, X. Wang, Z. Sun. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. 968. EPITHELIAL BIOLOGY AND TRANSPORT I Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B266 968.1 Inducible Renal Tubule-Specific Insulin Receptor Knockout Mice Have Decreased NCC-Mediated Sodium Reabsorption and Reduced Sensitivity to Mineralocorticoid-Induced Hypertension in Obesity and Insulin Resistance. J.M. Nizar, E.M. Walczak, W. Dong, L. Bankir, V. Bhalla. Stanford Univ. and Cordeliers Res. Ctr., INSERM, Paris. B267 968.2 Salt-Losing Nephropathy in Mice with a Null Mutation of Clcnkb. A. Grill, I.M. Schiessl, A. Hammer, H. Castrop. Inst. of Physiol, Regensburg, Germany. B268 968.3 Down-Regulation of Kir4.1 Eliminates the Basolateral K Conductance in the Distal Convoluted Tubule and Inhibits NCC Activity. X-T. Su, M-X. Wang, P. Wu, J.A. McCormick, D.E. Ellison, W-H. Wang. New York Med. Col. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. B269 968.4 Tight Junction Protein Abundance Is Altered in Metformin-Treated Airway Epithelial Cells. K.K. Kalsi, J.P. Garnett, E.H. Baker, D.L. Baines. St. George’s Univ. of London and Newcastle Univ., U.K. B270 968.5 Hydrocortisone Affects the Transport Phenotype of Differentiated Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. N. Zaidman, A. Panoskaltsis-Mortari, S.M. O’Grady. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul. B271 968.6 Impact of Phosphorylation Site Mutations on Human Amino Acid Uniporter LAT4 Expression, Localization and Function. L. Oparija, A. Guetg, F. Verrey. Univ. of Zürich. B272 968.7 Acute Pancreatitis Involves Alterations in the Transport of Amino Acids Necessary for Glutathione Synthesis. E. Kuster, R. Graf, F. Verrey, S.M. Camargo. Univ. of Zurich and Univ. Hosp. Zurich. B273 968.8 Stretch-Regulated Tight Junction Dynamics, and Paracellular Permeability of the Urothelium. A.F. Eaton, D.R. Clayton, W.G. Ruiz, G.L. Apodaca. Univ. of Pittsburgh. B274 968.9 Smoking-Induced Urothelial Cell Accumulation of Platelet-Activating Factor: Implications for Interstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome. J. McHowat, J. Marentette, T.S. Isbell, E.C. Campian. Saint Louis Univ. B275 968.10 A Gut Microbial Metabolite of Linoleic Acid and Gut Homeostasis. J. Miyamoto, S. Kishino, T. Suzuki, J. Ogawa, I. Kimura, S. Tanabe. Hiroshima Univ., Kyoto Univ. and Tokyo Univ. of Agr. and Technol. B276 968.11 Xenin Induces Anion Secretion via Neural Pathway in Rat Duodenum. I. Kaji, Y. Akiba, J.D. Kaunitz. UCLA, Brentwood Biomed. Res. Inst. and West Los Angeles VA Med. Ctr. B277 968.12 Extreme Blood Pressure Polymorphisms Influence the Bicarbonate-Independent Conductance of NBCn1 but Not Its Na/HCO3 Cotransport Activity. F.J. Moss, B. Zeise, M.D. Parker, B. Yu, A.C. Morrison, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ., Univ. at Buffalo and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. B278 968.13 Differential Mechanisms of Ammonia Transport in Rat Duodenum and Colon. Y. Akiba, I. Kaji, H. Said, J.D. Kaunitz. UCLA and West Los Angeles VA Med. Ctr. B279 968.14 Chronic Lithium Treatment Induces Novel Patterns of Pendrin Localization and Expression in the Renal Inner Medulla. N.J. Himmel, Y. Wang, D.A. Rodriguez, M.A. Sun, M.A. Blount. Emory Univ. B280 968.15 Basolateral Cholesterol Depletion of mpkCCD Cells Results in Ubiquitylation of Aquaporin-2 C.H. Fuglsang, R.A. Fenton, H.B. Moeller. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B281 968.16 Involvement of Bile Acids in Regulation of Water Channel Expression in Colon Epithelial Cells. J. Yde, H.B. Moeller, P. Dalsgaard, R.A. Fenton. Aarhus Univ. and Randers Regional Hosp., Denmark. B282 968.17 SGLT1 and Osmotic Water Flow across the Small Intestine. K. Her, E. Gorraitz, D. Loo, E.M. Wright. UCLA. B283 968.18 Insights into the Role of Occluding Septate Junctions in the Maintenance of Salt and Water Balance in Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) Larvae. S. Jonusaite, S.P. Kelly, A. Donini. York Univ., Canada. B284 968.19 AQP1 in Peritoneal Dialysate as Predictive Biomarker of Integrity of the Peritoneal Barrier and Ultrafiltration Efficiency. G. Procino, M.C. Nicoletti, S. Corciulo, R. Corciulo, R. Russo, G. Grandaliano, M. Carmosino, M. Svelto, L. Gesualdo. Univ. of Bari, Univ. of Foggia and Univ. of Basilicata, Italy. B285 968.20 Urinary Excretion of Kidney Aquaporins as Possible Biomarker of Diabetic Nephropathy. G. Procino, L. Rossi, M.C. Nicoletti, M. Carmosino, A. Di Franco, F. Indrio, R. Lella, L. Laviola, L. Gesualdo, M. Svelto. Univ. of Bari and Univ. of Basilicata. B286 968.21 Ablation of the Renal Urea Transporters UTA1 and UT-A3 Replicates the Benefits of a Low-Protein Diet in Attenuating Diabetic Nephropathy. Y. Wang, N.J. Himmel, G.M. Mallow, M.A. Sun, M.R. Borchart, M.A. Blount. Emory Univ. B287 968.22 Role of Catestatin in Intestinal Epithelial Cell Turnover and Glucose Uptake in Hyperleptinemic Type 2 Diabetic Mice. C. Farrelly, S.K. Mahata, T. Rieg, J.A. Dominguez Rieg. Bastyr Univ. California, UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. B288 968.23 Do Compensatory Changes Occur in Intestinal Glucose Transport following Gastric Bypass in Type 2, Diabetic Rats. M. Hatch, B.K. Canales. Univ. of Florida. B289 968.24 Regulation of Calcium Transport Pathways in Kidney and Intestine during Lactation. H. Dimke, M.R. Beggs, R.T. Alexander. Univ. of So. Denmark and Univ. of Alberta. Receptor-1-Driven B290 968.25 Protease-Activated Intracellular Calcium Dynamics in Rat Glomerular Podocytes. O. Palygin, D.V. Ilatovskaya, V. Levchenko, A. Staruschenko. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. 321 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B291 968.26 TRMP4 Is Expressed in and Carries a Nonselective Cation Current through the Apical Membrane of Mouse Cortical Collecting Duct Principal Cells. M.M. Wu, T.L. Thai, Y. Zhai, D.C. Eaton, Z. Zhang, H. Ma. Emory Univ. and Harbin Med. Univ., China. B292 968.27 Elevated Level of Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1α Can Alter Renal Epithelial Function. S.S. Nag, A. Resnick. Cleveland State Univ. B293 968.28 Cyclic-AMP Regulates Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β by a Feed-Forward Mechanism in Polycystic Kidney Disease. V.R. Kakade, S. Tao, X. Zhou, X. Li, P. Pandey, M. Rajagopal, R. Rao. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B294 968.29 Remodeling of the Purinergic Receptors Profile in the ARPKD Cystic Epithelia. D. Ilatovskaya, O. Palygin, V. Levchenko, T. Pavlov, A. Staruschenko. Med. Col. of Wisconsin. 969. CELL SIGNALING: PROTEINS, PATHWAYS, AND MECHANISMS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B295 969.1 Dehydration Impairs Synaptic Plasticity by Interfering with Late-Phase Long-Term Potentiation. A. Vashisht, M. Morykwas, A. Hegde, L. Argenta, M. McGee. Wake Forest Univ. Med.Sch. B296 969.2 Screening Bioactivity of Virus Surface Glycoprotein Peptides Using C. elegans Electropharyngiogram. J.B. Hincks, B.B. Monrean, B. Lu, B.E. Taylor, K. Hueffer, M.B. Harris. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks and West Valley H.S., Fairbanks. B297 969.3 The First Cellular Step for ChemotherapyInduced Peripheral Neuropathy after Vincristine Treatment May Require Binding to Neuronal Calcium Sensor- 1 E. Viveros Araque, L. Huynh, L. Nguyen, Y. Yang, J. Rengifo, B. Ehrich. Univ. Icesi, Colombia and Yale Univ. Sch. of Med. B298 969.4 The Intermediate Filament Cytoskeleton Is a Target of Statins and Statin-Induced Cancer Cell Death. K.P. Trogden, P. Kabiraj, N.T. Snider. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. B299 969.5 Probing the Cell Cycle Significance of Cdt1 Phosphorylation at Novel Sites. R.S. Harris, D. Varma, J.G. Cook. North Carolina A&T State Univ., Northwestern Univ. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. B300 969.6 Nuclear Lemur Tyrosine Kinase-2 Regulates RNA Polymerase II Dependent Transcription in Prostate Cancer. K. Shah, N. Bradbury. Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. B301 969.7 Transcriptional Regulation of LMTK2, a Serine/ Threonine Kinase Implicated in Cystic Fibrosis. I. Dey, N. Bradbury. Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. B302 969.8 The SH2 Domain of the Src Family Kinase FYN Binds to Partitioning Defective Protein 3 (PARD3) K. Hinkle, A. Haswell, B. Ballif. Norwich Univ. and Univ. of Vermont. B303 969.9 Contribution of Oligomeric Forms of Tripartite Motif E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Proteins to Plasma Membrane Repair in Striated Muscle. L.V. Gushchina, J. Alloush, J.H. Choi, S. Bhattacharya, E. Beck, N. Weisleder. The Ohio State Univ. 322 B304 969.10 PYY, a Novel Factor in Human Myogenesis. B.J-F. Gheller, H. Roman, J. Blum, A. Thalacker-Mercer. Cornell Univ. B305 969.11 Effects of PYY on IL-6 Signaling in Primary Human Myotubes. J.E. Blum, B.J.F. Gheller, H. Roman, A. Thalacker-Mercer. Cornell Univ. B306 969.12 Mutation in the PPARγ Ligand Binding Domain Impairs the AntiiInflammatory Action of PPARγ M. Mukohda, P. Ketsawatsomkron, M. Stump, X. Liu, D.F. Guo, K. Rahmouni, F.W. Quelle, C.D. Sigmund. Univ. of Iowa and Nortis Inc., Seattle. B307 969.13 Toll-Like Receptor 4 Mutation Moderates Hyperhomocysteinemia-Induced Hypertension. A. Familtseva, P. Chaturvedi, A. Kalani, N. Metreveli, G.H. Kunkel, S.C. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. B308 969.14 Enhancement of Neutrophil Antimicrobial Activity by the Breast Cancer Drug Tamoxifen. R. Flores, P.A. Insel, V. Nizet, R. Corriden. UCSD. B309 969.15 Domain of hCLCA1 That Is Responsible for Macrophage Activation. J.C.H. Ching, M.E. Loewen. Univ. of Saskatchewan. B310 969.16 The Anti-inflammatory Peptide Ac-SDKP Is Released from Thymosin β4 by Meprin α and Prolyl Oligopeptidase. N. Kumar, P. Nakagawa, B. Janic, C.A. Romero, M.E. Worou, E.L. Peterson, E.E. Ongeri, J-M.V. Niyitegeka, N-E. Rhaleb, O.A. Carretero. Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit and North Carolina A&T State Univ. B311 969.17 Absence of PKCα Alters the Renal Immune Response in Angiotensin II-Dependent Hypertension. M.R. Borchart, F.E. Pulous, Y. Wang, M.A. Sun, N.J. Himmel, T.H. Vanderford, M.A. Blount. Emory Univ. B312 969.18 Nox4 Regulates the mTor Signaling Pathway in the Dahl Salt Sensitive Model of Hypertension. V. Kumar, A. Staruschenko, A.W. Cowley; Jr.Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B313 969.19 Involvement of the Cyclic AMP Pathway in Dendritic Cell Regulation of Th2 Immune Responses. A.M. Chinn, J. Lee, S. Herdman, E. Raz, P.A. Insel. UCSD. B314 969.20 High Glucose Promotes the Pro-migratory Phenotype of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells through Increased Oxidative Stress. M. Farnoodian, C.M. Sorenson, N. Sheibani. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B315 969.21 Deletion of Hepatic AMPK Leads to Metabolic Inflexibility in Low- and High-Protein Diets but Not in Normoprotein Diet. T. Chalvon-Demersay, P.C. Even, C. Chaumontet, J. Piedcoq, B. Viollet, C. Gaudichon, D. Tomé, M. Foretz, D. Azzout-Marniche. AgroParisTech, INRA, Univ. Paris Saclay, Inst. Cochin and Univ. Paris Descartes. B316 969.22 The α2-Subunit of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Is a Potent Modulator of Myocardial Diastolic Calcium Homeostasis. U. Pohl, E. Fein, P. Kameritsch, H. Schneider, S. Engelhardt, A. Dendorfer, S. Blodow. Ludwig Maximilians Univ., DZHK, Munich and Tech Univ. Munich. B317 969.23 Role of Calcium Signaling for GDNF Secretion, Ureter Branching and Early Nephron Formation. J.M. Fontana, D. Unnersjö Jess, H. Blom, H. Brismar, A. Aperia. Royal Inst. of Technol., Sci. for Life Lab. and Karolinska Inst., Stockholm. B318 969.24 Epac-Mediated Vasorelaxation: Epac Increases Spontaneous Transient Outward Current in Mesenteric Artery Smooth Muscle via Activation of CAMKII. C. Dart, E.S.A. Humphries. Univ. of Liverpool. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B319 969.25 Chenodeoxycholic Acid Initiates Distinct Signaling Mechanisms to Stimulate Cl- Transport in Intestinal and Non-Intestinal Epithelial Cells. J. Domingue, A. George, M. Ao, M. Bijvelds, H. de Jonge, J. Sarathy, M.C. Rao. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam and Benedictine Univ., IL. B320 969.26 A Mathematical Model of Calcium and cAMP Signaling in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells. K.J. Webb, C.A. Wiles, N. Annamdevula, R. Sweat, A.L. Britain, A-V. Phan, M.I. Townsley, S.J. Leavesley, T.C. Rich. Univ. of South Alabama. B321 969.27 Hyperspectral Imaging Approaches for Measuring Three-Dimensional FRET. N.S. Annamdevula, R. Sweat, A. Britain, T.C. Rich, S.J. Leavesley. Univ. of South Alabama. B322 969.28 Loss of the Inhibitory G-Protein, Gz, Protects against Type I Diabetes-Like Hyperglycemia by Stimulating Islet Signaling Pathways That Promote Beta-Cell Function and Survival. R.J. Fenske, M.T. Cadena, A.L. Brill, N.A. Truchan, M.E. Kimple. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and William S. Middleton Mem. Veterans Hosp. B323 969.29 A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins Coordinate the Contractile Phenotype of Airway Smooth Muscle. W.J. Poppinga, B. Han, C.R. Elzinga, A.J. Halayko, H. Meurs, M. Schmidt. Univ. of Groningen and Univ. Med. Ctr. Groningen, Netherlands and Univ. of Manitoba. B324 969.30 Bayesian Analysis of E3 Ubiquitin Ligase/ AQP2 Interactions in the Renal Collecting Duct. B.L. Medvar, A. Sarkar, M. Knepper. NHLBI, NIH and The Catholic Univ. of America. B325 969.31 Functional Motif Discovery in Signaling Biology Using a Deep Sequence-to-Structure-to-Function Analysis. J.W. Prokop. HudsonAlpha Inst. for Biotechnol., AL. B326 969.32 GPCRomic Analysis of Human Lung Fibroblasts. A.V. Michkov, K. Sriram, N. Aroonsakool, P.A. Insel. UCSD. B327 969.33 N-Cadherin Adhesion Modulates RhoGTPase Signaling to Promote Endothelial Barrier Integrity. K.J. Kruse, F. Huang, S. Ying, S. Vogel, A. Malik, Y. Komarova. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B328 969.34 Elucidating the Dynamics of NanoparticleProtein Interaction at a Biomolecular Level: Structural and Functional Studies Using Firefly Luciferase. S.E. Thomas, S. Marroquin, R.K. DeLong. Missouri State Univ. and Kansas State Univ. 970. CELL VOLUME, OSMOREGULATION, AND WATER TRANSPORT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B329 970.1 MAp44: Diffusion from Blood to Cerebrospinal Fluid and Intrathecal Synthesis. A.J. Dorta-Contreras, B. Padilla-Cocal, I.M. Iglesias González, J.P. Martínez-Larrarte, W. Castillo-González, C. González-Losada, J. GonzálezArgote, J.C. Jensenius. San Miguel Padron Hosp., Univ. of Med. Sci. of Havanna and Aarhus Univ., Denmark. B330 970.2 TRPC3 Serves as a Link between Osmosensitivity and Water Transport in the Mouse Collecting Duct. V. Tomilin, M. Mamenko, O. Zaika, O.M. Pochynyuk. Univ. of Texas, Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston and Inst. of Cytol., Russian Acad. of Sci., St. Petersburg. B331 970.3 Lithium Induces Warburg-Like Proliferation of Principal Cells in Lithium-Induced Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and Underlies Its Collecting Duct Remodeling. M. Alsady, L. van der Tholen, J. Bedford, R. Walker, T. de Groot, P. Deen. Radboud Univ. Med Ctr., Netherlands and Univ. of Otago, New Zealand. B332 970.4 Aquaporin 9 in the Freeze Tolerance Mechanism of Cope’s Gray Treefrogs. B. Stogsdill, J. Frisbie, D. Goldstein. Wright State Univ. B333 970.5 The Osmotic H2O-Permeability of Human Urea Transporters UT-A1, A2, A3 and B in Rana catesbeiana Oocytes. J. Kabutomori, R.R. Geyer, R. Musa-Aziz. Univ. of São Paulo. 971. PH HOMEOSTASIS AND ACIDBASE TRANSPORT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B334 971.1 Quantification of Red Blood Cell Size and Shape in AQP1–/–, RhaG–/–, and Double-Knockout Mice. F.J. Moss, P. Zhao, P.G. Woost, J.W. Jacobberger, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ. B335 971.2 Is the Electrogenic Na/HCO3 Cotransporter a CO2 Channel? R. Occhipinti, J. Lu, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ. and Smilow Cancer Hosp. at Yale-New Haven. B336 971.3 Exploring an Autoinhibitory Domain in the Electrogenic Na/HCO3 Transporter NBCe1-B. S-K. Lee, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ. B337 971.4 Stimulation of the Electrogenic Na/HCO3 Transporter NBCe1-B by Phosphomimetic Mutants of IRBIT. S-K. Lee, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ. B338 971.5 Na-Driven Cl/HCO3 Exchanger (NDCBE) Activity Is Essential for Establishing New Steady-State in Intracellular pH during Metabolic Acidosis in Murine Hippocampal Neurons and Astrocytes. A. Salameh, W.F. Boron. Case Western Reserve Univ. B339 971.6 Mouse Slc4a11 Mediates Extracellular-pHSensitive H+-Conduction in Xenopus Oocytes. E.J. Myers, A. Marshall, M.D. Parker. Univ. at Buffalo and SUNY Eye Inst. B340 971.7 Acidic Eye Drops De-swell the Edematous Corneas of Slc4a11-null Mice: Evidence for Functional Coupling between Slc4a11 and the H+/Lactate Cotransporter Mc. t1 E. Myers, S.P. Patel, A. Marshall, M.L. Jennings, M.D. Parker. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY Eye Inst., VA Western NY Hlth. Care Syst., Buffalo and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. B341 971.8 Dysregulation of Pendrin and NBC-e1 and Impaired HCO3- Secretion in the Kidneys of CFTR Knockout Mice: Role in the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Alkalosis in Cystic Fibrosis M. Varasteh Kia, S.L. Barone, J. Xu, K. Zahedi, M. Soleimani. Univ. of Cincinnati. 323 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 972. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BARRIERS IN ENDOTHELIA, EPITHELIA, AND THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B342 972.1 Alcohol Consumption Increases Claudin-18 Turnover in Alveolar Epithelial Cells. SC.H. Dorsainvil White, S.A. Molina, C.T. Capaldo, B.L. Schlingmann, M.H. Koval. Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. B343 972.2 Airway Epithelial Monolayer Integrity Is a Critical Target in COPD. V. Sidhaye, K. Brune, N. Hansel, D. Robinson. Johns Hopkins Univ. B344 972.3 The Flavonol Quercetin Improves Endometrial Barrier Function through the Expression of Tight Junction Proteins. C. Deachapunya, S. Poonyachoti. Srinakharinwirot Univ. and Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok. B345 972.4 The Role of a Common HFE Gene Variant in Brain Iron Accumulation. K.A. Duck, E.B. Neely, I.A. Simpson, J.R. Connor. Penn State Col. of Med. 973. TRANSPORTERS FOR TRANSMITTERS, NUTRIENTS, METABOLITES, AND DRUGS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B346 973.1 A PRIME Labeling Approach for Investigating Dopamine Transporter Endocytic Trafficking in Dopaminergic Cell Lines and Neurons. S. Wu, C. Uttamapinant, A. Ting, H. Melikian. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. and MIT. B347 973.2 Structure - Function Relationship of the Human Mitochondrial Thiamin Pyrophosphate Transporter (MTPPT; SLC25A19): Critical Roles for Ser34, Lys291 and His137 S. Sabui, V.S. Subramanian, A. Ghosal, R. Kapadia, H.M. Said. Univ. of California Irvine, VA Long Beach Healthcare Syst. B348 973.3 Effect of Chronic Alcohol Exposure on Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Pancreatic Acinar Cells Ascorbic Acid Transport. V.S. Subramanian, P. Srinivasan, H.M. Said. Univ. of California Irvine/VA Med. Ctrs., Long Beach, CA. B349 973.4 Functional Analysis of N-Glycosylation in the Intestinal Peptide Transporter PEPT1 H. Daniel, T. Stelzl. Techl Univ. of Munich. 324 974. ORAI AND STIM PROTEINS IN CALCIUM SIGNALLING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B350 974.1 Hydrogen Sulfide Inhibits Store-Operated Calcium Entry by Targeting Ora. i3 C. White, J. Kipp, A. Fresquez. Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Med. and Sci. and DePaul Univ. 975. TRAFFICKING, MEMBRANE DOMAINS, POLARITY, AND PROTEIN TARGETING Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B351 975.1 Dysregulation of ZnT2-Mediated Zn Homeostasis Impairs Epithelial Polarity and Breast Differentiation. S. Lee, S.L. Kelleher. Penn State Hershey Col. of Med. B352 975.2 Regulation of Slack KNa Channel Trafficking by p38 MAP Kinase. S. Gururaj, A. Bhattacharjee, J. Fleites. Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY and Pfizer Pharmaceuts., NY. B353 975.3 The Choroid Plexus Epithelium Displays Conventional Cell Polarization. J. Praetorius, H.H. Damkier, I.B. Christensen. Aarhus Univ. and Univ. of Copenhagen. 976. AVIAN OSMOREGULATION: UNIQUE SOLUTIONS, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B354 976.1 Avian Osmoregulation in Flight: Unique Metabolic Adaptations Present Novel Challenges. A.R. Gerson, C. Guglielmo. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Univ. of Western Ontario. B355 976.2 Preliminary Examination of a Role for Insulin in the Regulation of Glucose Excretion in Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) K.L. Sweazea, E.J. Braun. Arizona State Univ. and Univ. of Arizona. B356 976.3 The Integration of Gastrointestinal and Renal Function in Nectar-Feeding Birds. T.J. McWhorter. Sch. of Animal & Vet. Sci., Univ. of Adelaide. B357 976.4 Water Balance in Desert Birds – Challenges in a Rapidly Warming Environment. B.O. Wolf. Univ. of New Mexico. B358 976.5 Function of the Ang II System during the Ontogeny of Archosaurs. D.A. Crossley II, J. Eme, K. Tate, C. Mueller. Univ. of North Texas, California State Univ. San Marcos and McMaster Univ., Canada. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 977. COMPARATIVE OSMOTIC, IONIC, AND ACIDBASE REGULATION 979. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B359 977.1 Effects of Varied Ionic Concentrations on the Feeding Ability of Cordylophora caspia, an Invasive Hydroid. J.D. Cruise, S.J. Hofer, J.L. Busch, N.C. Folino-Rorem. Wheaton Col., IL. B360 977.2 Further Characterization of Anuran-Like Aquaporins in the Urinary Bladder of Urodeles, Notopthalmus viridescens and Cynops pyrrhogaster S. Hillyard, Y. Shibata, R. Ishii, T. Nagai, M. Suzuki. Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas, NICHD, NIH, Shizuoka Univ. and Keio Univ., Japan. B361 977.3 Development of a Reporter Assay for Identifying Osmotically Responsive Enhancers in Euryhaline Fish. X. Wang, D. Kültz. Univ. of California, Davis. B362 977.4 Stoichiometry of Novel Protein Modifications in Livers of Warm-Adapted Threespine Sticklebacks from Baja California (Mexico) B.B. Levitan, S. Gómez-Jiménez, J. Li, D. Kültz. Univ. of California, Davis and Ctr. for Food Res. and Develop. (CIAD), Hermosillo, Mexico. B363 977.5 Halocline Behavior and Salinity Preference in the Estuarine Teleost Fish, the Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) W.S. Marshall, J.C. Tait, E.W. Mercer. St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, Canada. 978. COMPARATIVE NUTRITIONAL AND DIETARY PHYSIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B364 978.1 Chemosensory Prey Preference in Neotropical Gastropod-Eating Snakes (Dipsadinae: Dipsadini) C.M. Sheehy III, R.U. Tovar. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Tulsa. B365 978.2 Feeding Status and the Rate of Crop Emptying in the Hissing Cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa R. Medina, H. Contreras. Univ. of La Verne. B366 978.3 The Effect of Diet on the Metabolic Rate and Microbiome of Gromphadorhina portentosa H.L. Contreras, T. Lorenz. Univ. of La Verne. B367 978.4 Effects of High-Fat Diets on Mortality and Feeding in the Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar, Manduca sexta K.J. Greenlee, L.D. Cambron, G. Thapa, M. Baldwin. North Dakota State Univ. B368 978.5 Variation in Size and Progression through Larval Stages of Drosophila melanogaster Fruit Flies in the Absence of Dietary Folic Acid. M.B. Powel, S.A. Blatch. Stevenson Univ. B369 979.1 Novel Function of Insulin-Like Peptides: Signaling in Sickness-Induced Anorexia. L.D. Cambron, K.J. Greenlee. North Dakota State Univ. B370 979.2 Circulating Concentrations of Progesterone and Estrogen in Weddell Seals during the Breeding Period and Early Pregnancy. A.L. Kirkham, M.R. Shero, G.P. Adams, R. McCorkell, S. Atkinson, J.M. Burns. Univ. of Alaska Anchorage, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, Univ. of Saskatchewan and Univ. of Calgary, Canada. B371 979.3 Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Lipolysis Increases following Chronic Adrenocorticotropin Infusion in Northern Elephant Seals Pups through Its Imperative Interaction with Heat Shock 90 Chaperone Protein. P. Juarez, D. Lee, D. Crocker, J.P. Vasquez-Medina, R. Ortiz. Sch. of Nat. Sci., Univ. of California Merced and Sonoma State Univ. B372 979.4 Protein Markers and Mechanisms of Bacterial Cold Water Disease in Rainbow Trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) Revealed Using Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Analysis. L. Root. Univ. of California, Davis. B373 979.5 Evolution of the Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit 4 Paralogs. C.D. Moyes, D. Porplycia, J. McDonald. Queen’s Univ., Canada. B374 979.6 Tissue-Specific Seasonal Changes in Mitochondrial Membrane Composition and Respiratory Function in the Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel. A.B. Heim, S.A. Rosales, A.J. Chicco, G.L. Florant. Colorado State Univ. B375 979.7 The Meadow Jumping Mouse as a Laboratory Model of Hibernation. W.J. Israelsen, Q. Cong, M.D. Roorbach. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. M O N 980. LUNG PHYSIOLOGY: ENDOTHELIAL CELL BIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B376 980.1 Role of CD36 in ROS-Induced Calcium Influx in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells. J. Reyes, K. Suresh, L. Servinsky, D.B. Pearse, L. Shimoda. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. B377 980.2 Hypoxia Stimulates ERK via EGFR Activation in Human Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells. H.A. White, Y. Jin, L.G. Chicoine, B. Chen, L.D. Nelin. Res. Inst. at Nationwide Children’s Hosp. and The Ohio State Univ. B378 980.3 Hypoxia-Induced Arginase II Expression Depends on EGF-Mediated Activation of EGFR. C.M. Pool, Y. Jin, B. Chen, L.G. Chicoine, Y. Liu, L.D. Nelin. Res. Inst. at Nationwide Children’s Hosp. and The Ohio State Univ. B379 980.4 Activation of Adenylyl Cyclase in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Increases Microparticle cAMPp Content. S.L. Sayner, L. Hargett, A. Scruggs, R. KC, T. Yarbrough, N. Bauer. Univ. of South Alabama. 325 PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B380 980.5 Lipopolysaccharide and Isoproterenol Alter Sodium Bicarbonate Cotransporter Phosphorylation in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells. S.L. Sayner. Univ. of South Alabama. B381 980.6 The Role of PP5 in the FKBP51 Inhibition of Isoc Current. C.L. Hamilton, P.I. Kadeba, K.A. Abney, R. Honkanen, J.G. Scammell, D.L. Cioffi. Univ. of South Alabama. B382 980.7 Pulmonary Endothelial Heterogeneity in Response to Infection-Induced Cytotoxic Supernatant. K.A. Morrow, R. Balczon, D.W. Frank, T.A. Stevens. Univ. of South Alabama and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B383 980.8 cAMP Potentiates Caspase-1 Activation in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells during Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection. P. Renema, N.A. Housley, J.P. Audia, D.F. Alvarez. Univ. of South Alabama. B384 980.9 Endothelin-Receptor A Mediates Enhanced Agonist-Induced Intracapillary Neutrophil Retention in Lungs of Sickle Cell Disease. Z. Zheng, X. Hu, C. Dickerson, S.E. Meiler, S. Wu. Georgia Regents Univ. B385 980.10 α1G T-Type Ca2+ Channel Plays a Dual Role in Control of Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cell P-Selectin Surface Expression. Z. Zheng, X. Hu, H. Chen, H. Sellak, M.F. Alexeyev, S. Wu. Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of South Alabama. B386 980.11 Synergistic Role of Hemin in Endothelial Cell Activation in the Lungs of Sickle Cell Mice. X. Hu, Z. Zheng, M.F. Alexeyev, C. Dickerson, S.E. Meiler, S. Wu. Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of South Alabama. B387 980.12 Hemoglobin Induced Lipid Peroxidation as an Initiating Factor of Pulmonary Hypertension. D. Irwin, Z.L. Loomis, K. Redinius, P. Eigenberger, C. Lisk, P. Buehler. Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus, Aurora and USDA, Rockville, MD. B388 980.13 ER Stress-BiP Axis Regulates Endothelial Barrier Dysfunction and Inflammation in Acute Lung Injury. A. Leonard, A. Rahman, V. Grose, S. Slavin, F. Fazal. Univ. of Rochester. B389 980.14 Non-muscle Myosin Light Chain Kinase Interaction with TRPC1 Mediates Store-Operated Calcium Entry Independent of STI. M1 M. Tauseef, V. Kini, N. Knezevic, T.T. Schmidt, R. Amin, W. Li, A. Obukhov, A. Malik, D. Mehta. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med. B390 980.15 Transcriptional Regulation of S1PR1 through FAK and KLF2 Is Required for Maintaining Endothelial Barrier Integrity. P. Yazbeck, T. Schmidt, M. Tauseef, D. Mehta. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. B391 980.16 Analysis of the Physical Interaction between α1G T-Type Calcium Channel and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS3) in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells. H. Sellak, H. Chen, M. Alexeyev, S. Wu. Georgia Regents Univ. and Univ. of South Alabama. 326 981. LUNG PHYSIOLOGY: FLUID BALANCE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B392 981.1 Reduction in Edema Cuff Size Is Not the Mechanism of Lung Protection Afforded by Airway Pressure Release Ventilation. S.V. Jain, M. Kollisch-Singule, S. Roy, G. Pasquale, T. Sweeney, J. Satalin, P. Andrews, N. Habashi, G. Nieman, L.A. Gatto. SUNY Upstate Med. Univ., CHU SainteJustine, Montreal, SUNY Cortland and R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Ctr., Baltimore. B393 981.2 Hypocapnia Aggravates Hypoxia-Induced Inhibition of Alveolar Na-Transport. H. Mairbaurl, M. Sahinoz, E. Baloglu. Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany and Acibadem Univ., Turkey. 982. ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURES, OXIDATIVE STRESS, AND LUNG DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B394 982.1 Protective Role of Ergothioneine from Tobacco Smoke-Induced Oxidative Stress In Vitro and In Vivo. C. Ehrhardt, M.A. Selo, C.G. Clerkin, B.N. Talbot, J.J. Walsh, N. Nakamichi, Y. Kato, J.B. Lewis, P.R. Reynolds, S. Nickel. Sch. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., Trinity Col. Dublin, Kufa Univ., Iraq, Kanazawa Univ., Japan and Brigham Young Univ. B395 982.2 Mechanisms Involved in the Antioxidant Properties of Azithromycin in Lung Epithelial Cells Stimulated with Cigarette Smoke Extract. S. Cuevas, Y. Yang, I. Armando, P.A. Jose. George Washington Univ. and Univ. of Texas, Galveston. B396 982.3 Inter-strain Variation in Mouse Mitochondrial Genome and Effects of Oxidative Stress. K.C. Verhein, A. Burkholder, J.L. Nichols, Z. McCaw, J. Marzec, V. Panduri, W. Gladwell, N. Reeves, J. Malphurs, G. Solomon, T. Wiltshire, D. Fargo, D. Bell, B. Van Houten, S.R. Kleeberger. NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park, Eschelman Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Univ. of Pittsburgh. B397 982.4 Investigation of the Cardiotonic Steroids, Marinobufagenin and Resibufogenin, in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. M.M.K. Abbas, Q. Chen, A. Das, J. Oliver, W. Jiang, B. Moorthy, B. Patel, K. Morin, J. Puschett. Texas A&M Col. of Vet. Med. and Biosci., Texas Children’s Hosp., Baylor Col. of Med. and Univ. of Texas-Houston and Mem.Hermann Hosp., Houston. B398 982.5 Alveolar Acid Injury Causes Endothelial Mitochondrial Depolarization. R.F. Hough, G.A. Gusarova, M.N. Islam, J. Bhattacharya. Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr. B399 982.6 Alterations in the Expression of Profilin1/ pVASP-S157 and Cofilin1/pVASP-S239 in Perinatal Inflammation/Neonatal Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury. M. Ali, K.M. Heyob, L.K. Rogers. Nationwide Children’s Hosp. and The Ohio State Univ. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 983. CHEMICAL CONTROL OF AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B400 983.1 The Effect of Obese Levels of Leptin on Peripheral Chemoreception. R.L. Pye, A. Roy, R.J.A. Wilson, C.N. Wyatt. Wright State Univ. and Univ. of Calgary, Canada. B401 983.2 Characterization of Ectonucleotidase Expression in the Rat Carotid Body: Potential Regulation by Hypoxia? S. Salman, C. Vollmer, C.A. Nurse. McMaster Univ., Canada. B402 983.3 Early Postnatal Exposure to Intermittent Hypoxia Results in Significant Alterations in White Matter Integrity in a Rat Pup Model of Apnea of Prematurity. R. Darnall, X. Chen, C. Sirieix, L. Xia, B. Gimi. Dartmouth Geisel Sch. of Med. B403 983.4 Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Suppresses Adult Neurogenesis and Disrupts Synaptic Plasticity in the Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus through a Pro-oxidant State. C.M. Pagan, M.A. Khuu, A.Z. Christakis, J-M. Ramirez, A.J. Garcia III. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington. B404 983.5 An Acute Sustained Hypoxic Stress Is Sufficient to Cause Respiratory Muscle Weakness in the Mouse. A.J. O’Leary, K.D. O’Halloran. Univiversity Col. Cork, Ireland. 984. CAROTID BODY STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B405 984.1 Activation of a Non-selective Cation Channel by Store-Operated and Receptor-Mediated Elevation of [Ca2+] i in Rat Carotid Body Glomus Cells. D. Kim, J. Wang, J.O. Hogan. Chicago Med. Sch. B406 984.2 S-Nitrosocysteine Alters Outward Potassium Current in Isolated Glomus Cells of Rat Carotid Body under Normoxic and Hypoxic Conditions. P.M. Getsy, G.A. Coffee, V.E. Sawczak, R.L. Pye, K. Zaman, S.J. Lewis. Case Western Reserve Univ. and Wright State Univ. B407 984.3 Developmental Window Exists in the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response of Juvenile and Adult Male Rats following Carotid Sinus Nerve Transection. G.A. Coffee, P.M. Getsy, S.J. Lewis. Case Western Reserve Univ. B408 984.4 Influence of Blood Flow Velocity on Arterial Distensibility of Carotid Artery in Healthy Men. J. Sugawara, T. Tomoto, S. Maeda. AIST and Univ. of Tsukuba. 985. GENE AND PROTEIN RESPONSES AND FUNCTION IN HYPOXIA Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B409 985.1 Endothelial Cell DNA Integrity following Anoxia/ Reoxygenation Injury. J.L. Barr, R.S. Gibson, M.A. Dubick, P.D. Bowman. U.S. Army Inst. of Surg. Res., San Antonio. B410 985.2 Chronic Hypoxia Downregulates Colocalization of PKG with Its Target BK Channel Proteins in Ovine Cerebral Arteries. R.B. Thorpe, J.M. Williams, W.J. Pearce. Loma Linda Univ. B411 985.3 Activation of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Pathway Induced by PHD2 Deficiency Enhances the Effect of Running Training in Mice. A. Nunomiya. Tohoku Univ., Japan. B412 985.4 Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain 2 Deficiency Promotes Skeletal Muscle Fiber-Type Transition via a Calcineurin/NFATc1-Dependent Pathway. J. Shin. Tohoku Univ., Japan. B413 985.5 Copper Manipulation of the Transcriptional Activity of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 W. Zhang, Z. Wu, X. Liu, P. Li, H. Fu, Y.J. Kang. West China Hosp., Sichuan Univ., China. 986. INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA: RESPIRATORY AND CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL AND BEYOND Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B420 986.1 Hypoxia Hits below the Diaphragm: Effect of Acute Hypoxia on the Micturition Reflex. M. Catege, I.C. Solomon, W.F. Collins. Stony Brook Univ. B421 986.2 Acute Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Plasticity: What About Micturition? W.F. Collins, M. Catege, I.C. Solomon. Stony Brook Univ. B422 986.3 Pretreatment with Ampakine CX717 Enhances Long-Term Facilitation of Inspiratory Hypoglossal (XII) Bursting, but Only When Initial Burst Output Is Low. S. Turner, M. Elmallah, A. Hoyt, J. Greer, D. Fuller. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Alberta. B423 986.4 Antioxidant and Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Antagonist Treatment Reduced the Hypertension Induced by Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia in Rats, but Had Different Effects on Endothelial Dysfunction. R. Iturriaga, B. Krause, P. Casanello, A.C.R. Dias, P. Arias, R. Del Rio. Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Chile. B424 986.5 Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Altered Stability of Rhythm Generation but Increased Robustness of Respiratory Network. T. Dashevskiy, A.J. Garcia III, J-M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington. B425 986.6 Role of PTEN in Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction. A. Krauszman, T. Mak, D. Sheppard, K. Szaszi, W. Kuebler. St. Michael’s Hosp.,Toronto, Charité, Med. Univ. Berlin, Univ. Hlth. Network, Toronto, UCSF and Univ. of Toronto. 327 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B426 986.7 New Theory of Holistic Integrative Physiology and Medicine I: Structural Frame of Life Control. X-G. Sun. Fuwai Hosp., Chinese Acad. of Med. Sci., Beijing. 987. CONTROL OF BREATHING: RHYTHM GENERATION Poster 988. CONTROL OF BREATHING: CONNECTIVITY, NEUROMODULATION AND NEUROTRANSMISSION Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D B427 987.1 Inhibitory Control of Active Expiration by the Kölliker-Fuse in Rats. S.E.M. Jenkin, W.K. Milsom, D.B. Zoccal. Univ. of British Columbia and São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B428 987.2 Role of GABA and Glycine in the Development of Respiratory Rhythmogenesis in the Embryonic Zebra Finch. P.S. Stein, K.L. Pickett, M.A. Vincen-Brown, J.Q. Pilarski. Idaho State Univ. B429 987.3 Functional Identification of Distinct Subpopulations of PreB&ötzinger Complex Neurons Regulating Separate Respiratory Motor Outputs. G. Montandon, R. Horner. Univ. of Toronto. B430 987.4 Disturbances in Central Respiratory Rhythm Generation May Contribute to Breathing Disturbances in Prematurely Born Mice. S.C. Ramirez, J.E. Koschnitzky, N.A. Baertsch, T.M. Anderson, C.V. Smith, J-M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington. B431 987.5 The Role of Dbx1-Derived Cells in the Generation of Inspiration In Vivo. N.A. Baertsch, J.M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. B432 987.6 To Sigh or Not to Sigh: Role of Glia in Sigh Generation. T. Dashevskiy, J. Bloom, J-M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington. B433 987.7 KCNQ Potassium Channels Reverse Opioid Suppression of Respiratory Drive in preBötzinger Dbx1+ Inspiratory Neurons by a Presynaptic Mechanism. A.D. Wei, J-M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington Sch. of Med. B434 987.8 Postinspiratory Complex: A Third Excitatory Respiratory Oscillator. T.M. Anderson, A.J. Garcia III, J.C. Bloom, N.A. Baertsch, J. Pollak, J-M. Ramirez. Univ. of Washington and Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. B435 987.9 Hypercapnic Acidosis Acts on Two Opposing Mechanisms to Modulate the Efficacy of Opioid Neuromodulation of Inspiratory Drive. A.J. Garcia, T.M. Andreson, J-M. Ramirez. Seattle Children’s Res. Inst. and Univ. of Washington. B436 987.10 Unbuckling the Buccal Oscillator in the American Bullfrog. M.I. Baghdadwala, W.M. Trask, R.J.A. Wilson. Hotchkiss Brain Inst., Calgary,Canada. B437 987.11 Becoming a Couple: The Developing Relationship between Respiratory Oscillators of the American Bullfrog. W.M. Trask, M.I. Baghdadwala, R.J.A. Wilson. Hotchkiss Brain Inst., Calgary, Canada. B438 987.12 Exploring Degeneracy of Brainstem Networks That Generate the Respiratory Rhythm. S. Jones, M. Dutschmann. Florey Inst. of Neurosci. and Ment. Hlth., Melbourne. 328 B439 987.13 New Theory of Holistic Integrative Physiology and Medicine III: How We Generate Rhythm and Frequency of Breathing. X-G. Sun. Cardiovasc. Fuwai Hosp., Chinese Acad. of Med. Sci., Beijing. Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B440 988.1 ATP Excitation of the preBötzinger Complex and Inspiratory Neurons In Vitro Is Mediated in Part via a PLC/ IP3-Mediated Increase in [Ca2+]i Y. Zhang, A. Gourine, S. Kasparov, T. Alvares, G. Funk. Univ. of Alberta, University Col. London and Univ. of Bristol. B441 988.2 The Background Sodium Channel NALCN Regulates Basal Excitability of Chemosensitive Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Neurons and Stimulation of Breathing by CO2 Y. Shi, C. Abe, B. Holloway, S. Shu, N. Kumar, J. Weaver, J. Sen, E. Perez-Reyes, R. Stornetta, P. Guyenet, D. Bayliss. Univ. of Virginia. B442 988.3 Acetylcholine Combined with Acetylcholinesterase Blockade within the Commissural Nucleus of the Solitary Tract Increases Respiratory Activity. W.I. Furuya, M. Bassi, E. Colombari, J.V. Menani, D.B. Zoccal, D.S. Colombari. São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B443 988.4 Noradrenergic Signaling in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Differentially Modulates Breathing in Anesthetized Rats by Alpha-1 and Alpha-2 Receptor-Dependent Mechanisms. L.M. Oliveira, D.K. Mulkey, T. Moreira, A.C. Takakura. Univ. of São Paulo and Univ. of Connecticut. B444 988.5 Mapping Projections of Excitatory and Inhibitory preBötzinger Complex Neurons. C.F. Yang, J.L. Feldman. UCLA. B445 988.6 Characteristics of Breathing Rate Control by Neurons in the Pontine Medial Parabrachial Region. E.J. Zuperku, A.G. Stucke, F.A. Hopp, E.A. Stuth. Clement J. Zablocki DVA Med. Ctr., Med. Col. of Wisconsin and Children’s Hosp. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. B446 988.7 The Pontine Respiratory Group Partially Mediates Clinical Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression in Young Rabbits. J.R. Miller, E. Stuth, F. Hopp, E. Zuperku, A. Stucke. Carthage Col. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. B447 988.8 Airway Deflation-Activated Receptors Are Stimulated by Hypertonic Saline. J. Guardiola, M. Proctor, J. Yu. Louisville VA Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Louisville. B448 988.9 Cardiorespiratory Coupling Is Dependent on a Conditionally Expressed Inspiratory Antecedent in the In Situ Rodent Preparation. D.M. Baekey. Univ. of Florida. B449 988.10 Acute Lung Injury Alters AMPA Receptor Subunit Density in the Dorsal Vagal Complex. D.G. Litvin, T.E. Dick, F.J. Jacono. Case Western Reserve Univ. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 989. ASTROCYTE AND NEUROGLIAL INTERACTIONS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B450 989.1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Regulates Astrocyte Function. N.M. Ashpole, S. Tarantini, Z. Ungvari, W. Sonntag. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B451 989.2 MCT Expression in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Is Not Increased by Recurrent Hypoglycemia. D.J. Oberlin, M. Fecych, C. Murray, R. Morrison, L. Wideman, L. Beverly. Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro. B452 989.3 Neurovascular Coupling Is Coordinated by the Activation of Nitric Oxide Production in Astrocytes. M.D. Puebla, M.F. Muñoz, X. Figueroa. Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Chile, Santiago. 990. BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER, BRAIN BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B453 990.1 Improvement in Cerebral Autoregulation during Recovery Phase following Concussion Is Associated with Reduced Postural Sway: A Pilot Study. K. Maffuid, L. Ryan, M.N. Murphy, P.F. Davis, S. Purkayastha. So. Methodist Univ. B454 990.2 The Use of Intransally-Delivered Elastin-Like Polypeptide for Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System. J.W.D. McGowan, P.J.S. Vig, G.L. Bidwell. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. B455 990.3 Alterations in Doublecortin Expression in Human Neuronal Stem Cells in Response to Angiotensinergic Stimulation in Proliferation and Differentiation Conditions. B. Blanco, L.E. Couling, N. Siddiqi, J.R. Munoz, R.C. Speth. PIne Crest Sch., Fort Lauderdale and Nova Southeastern Univ., Fort Lauderdale and Davie, FL. 991.NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY/ NEUROIMMUNOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B456 991.1 Chronic Binge Alcohol Exacerbates Apoptotic Signaling in Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Macaques. J.K. Maxi, G.J. Bagby, S. Nelson, P.J. Winsauer, P.E. Molina. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B457 991.2 Neonatal Maternal Separation Increases Microglial Activation in Brainstem Regions Controlling the Laryngeal Chemoreflex. C. Baldy, S. Boisjoly-Villeneuve, S. Fournier, M-E. Tremblay, R. Kinkead. CHU de Québec, Laval Univ. B458 991.3 GABAB Receptor Plasticity in Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone Neurons in the Paraventricular Nucleus during Chronic Unpredictable Stress. Y. Gao, J-J. Zhou, D-P. Li. MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. B459 991.4 Androgenic Regulation of Sex Differences in Cortical Thickness of the Developing Mouse Brain. D. Miyasaki, L. Ramos, H-W. Tsai. California State Univ., Long Beach. B460 991.5 Sex-Specific Effect of Androgen on SFSWAP Expression in the Developing Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus. A. Ridder, Y.Y. Lee, H-W. Tsai. California State Univ. Long Beach. B461 991.6 Effects of Water-Immersion Restraint Stress on Some Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats and Roles of Selenium and Vitamin E. Y. Sadau, A.B. Adelaiye, R.A. Magaji, J.O. Ayo, A.I. Isa. Col. of Med. Sci., Gombe State Univ. and Ahmadu Bello Univ., Nigeria. B462 991.7 Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Muscle Atrophy Associated with Denervation and Neuromuscular Transmission Instability. K.J. Gilmore, K. Kimpinski, D. Stashuk, T.J. Doherty, C.L. Rice. Univ. of Western Ontario, Univ. of Waterloo and Schulich Sch. of Med. & Dent., Canada. B463 991.8 Depletion of Brain Perivascular Macrophages Mitigates Depressive-Like Behavioral Consequences of Chronic Mild Stress. J-S. Grigoleit, E. Alvarez, C.B. Farrokhi, P.E. Sawchenko. Salk Inst. for Biol. Studies. B464 991.9 Acute Stress Diminishes M-Current in Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone Neurons through AMPK Activation. D.P. Li, J-J. Zhou, Y. Gao. Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. 992. NEUROEXCITABILITY, NEUROTRANSMISSION AND NEUROPLASTICITY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B465 992.1 Differential Responses of Male and Female Microglia to LPS and Estrogen May Contribute to Sexually Dimorphic Effects of Inflammation on Phrenic Long-Term Facilitation. A.N. Gardner, B.J. Dougherty, J.J. Watters. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B466 992.2 Increased Probability of Release in Huntington’s Disease Neuromuscular Junctions. A. Khedraki, E.J. Reed, M.M. Rich, A.A. Voss. Wright State Univ. B467 992.3 Reduced Glutamate Channel Phosphorylation in Pain-Related Brain Areas in a Transgenic Model of Sickle Cell Disease. B.V. Towne, D.M. LeBlanc, J.A. Paul, K. Gupta, S. Edwards. LSU Hlth. New Orleans and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. B468 992.4 Exploring Neuroplasticity in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. X. Arakaki, M. Shoga, D. Till, D. Strickland, T. Tran, M. Gomez, L. Li, G. Zouridakis, J. Dawlaty, A. Fonteh, M. Harrington. Huntington Med. Res. Insts., Pasadena and Univ. of Houston. B469 992.5 Tolerance to Alcohol-Stimulated Glutamate Receptor Phosphorylation in the Central Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex after Chronic Nicotine Exposure. M.A. McGinn, C.A. Itoga, R.I. Paulsen, J.E. Reppel, M.A. Farooq, N.W. Gilpin, S. Edwards. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. 329 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B470 992.6 Kv4.2/4.3 Channels in the Hypothalamic PVN Contribute to Sympathetic Activation in Angiotensin II-Salt Hypertension. G.M. Toney, M. Andrade. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. B471 992.7 Saporin Inhibits Adonis-Biotin Stimulation of Proliferation of Cells of Caudate Nucleus of Newborn Lambs. S. McBride, B.O. Ibe, A. Rajaee, B. Koos. LA BioMed at Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. and UCLA. B472 992.8 Intraneuronal Acidification with Acetic Acid, an Ethanol Metabolite, Increases Excitability of Central Nucleus of Amygdala Neurons with Axon Projecting to Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla. A.D. Chapp, K.M. Driscoll, Z. Shan, J.R. Carter, Q-H. Chen. Michigan Technol. Univ. B473 992.9 Neuronal Specific Caveolin-1 Overexpression Enhances Dendritic Growth and Arborization in Differentiated Human Neuronal Stem Cells Derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Z. Zhang, A. Almenar-Queralt, D.M. Roth, H.H. Patel, B.P. Head. VA San Diego Healthcare Syst. and UCSD. B474 992.10 Angiotensin Type 1A Receptor Expressing Neurons in the NTS Receive Direct Solitary Tract Excitatory Neurotransmission. D.A. Carter, H. Guo, A.M. Allen, S.J. McDougall. Univ. of Melbourne and Florey Inst. of Neurosci. and Ment. Hlth., Parkville, Australia. B475 992.11 Phrenic Long-Term Facilitation Fluctuates Over the Estrous Cycle and Is Abolished by Ovariectomy in Young Female Rats. B.J. Dougherty, E.S. Kopp, J.J. Watters. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B476 992.12 Influence of Social Isolation on Serotonergic Fiber Density in the Auditory Midbrain. R.L. Sandlain, S.M. Keesom, B.M. Wise, L.M. Hurley. Illinois Inst. of Technol. and Indiana Univ. B477 992.13 Maternal High Fat Diet Induces the Expression of an Inhibitory Glycinergic Current in Rat Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Neurons Regulating Gastric Functions. C.A. McMenamin, K.N. Browning. Penn State Col. of Med. B478 992.14 Developmental Regulation of Chloride Currents in the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus of the Rat. C.A. McMenamin, L. Anselmi, K.N. Browning, R.A. Travagli. Penn State Col. of Med. 993.NEUROINFLAMMATION/NEUROPROTECTION/ ISCHEMIA Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B479 993.1 The Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Kv1.3 as a Target for Inhibiting Detrimental M1 Microglia Functions. Y-J. Chen, H.M. Nguyen, I. Maezawa, L-W. Jin, H. Wulff. Univ. of California, Davis and Univ. of California, Davis Med. Ctr., Sacramento. B480 993.2 Reduction of Astrocyte and Microglial Activation in Insulin/Saline-Treated Diabetic Ketoacidosis by the KCa3.1 Blocker TRAM-34 N.S. Glaser, C.J. Little, M.D. Cohen, D.J. Tancredi, H. Wulff, M.E. O’Donnell. Univ. of California, Sacramento and Davis. 330 B481 993.3 Cytoprotective and Anti-glycation Defenses in Porcine Brain after Cardiac Arrest and Cardiocerebral Resuscitation. A.Q. Nguyen, M-G. Ryou, R.A. Hollrah, A.G. Williams; Jr., G.F. Scott, A.H. Olivencia-Yurvati, R.T. Mallet. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Tarleton State Univ. and Wiley Col., TX. B482 993.4 Winter-Like Conditions Do Not Enhance Neuroprotection from OGD in Syrian Hamsters. E.A. Tangog, I. Pérez, J.S. Hamilton, J.M. Horowitz, B.A. Horwitz. Univ. of California, Davis. B483 993.5 Inhibition of Endocannabinoid Degradation Improves Recovery of Neurobehavioral Function and Resolution of Neuroinflammation and Synaptic Hyperexcitability in a Rodent Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. J.P. Mayeux, P. Katz, S. Edwards, J. Middleton, P. Molina. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B484 993.6 Association of Impaired Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Transcriptional Activity with Severer Brain Injury in Aged Rats in Comparison with Young Rats after Acute Ischemic Stroke. Y. Guo, X. Li, P. Han, Y. Xiao, P. Zhu, Z. Gou, Y.J. Kang. West China Hosp., Sichuan Univ. B485 993.7 Persistent Memory Deficits and Histone Modification after a Systemic Inflammatory Event. K. Collette, E. Donzis, N.C. Tronson. Univ. of Michigan and UCLA. B486 993.8 Inhibition of Sodium Bicarbonate Cotransporter Exaggerates Ischemic Penumbral Cell Death. H. Yao, P. Azad, H. Zhao, O. Poulsen, G.G. Haddad. UCSD and Rady Children’s Hosp.-San Diego. B487 993.9 Brain Endothelial Cells Segregate LymphaticVenous Biomarkers Into Microparticles following Inflammatory Cytokine Stimulation. J.W. Yun, A. Minagar, I. Tsunoda, J.S. Alexander. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. B488 993.10 The Effect of Keratin on Spinal Cord Injury Recovery. Z. Zabarsky, A. Marquez-Lara, T.D. Luo, M. Van Dyke, T.L. Smith. Wake Forest Univ. and Virgina Tech. B489 993.11 Heparanase Contributes to Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy and Neurovascular Glycocalyx Degradation. J. Ford, J. Orfila, M. Perez, Y. Yang, S. Haeger, P. Herson, E. Schmidt. Univ. of Colorado, Aurora. B490 993.12 Pain Related Behaviors in Mice Expressing Sickle Hemoglobin: Modulation by Bivalent Ligands. C.L. Rodríguez-Deliz, G. Puig, G. Cataldo, D. Simone. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Ponce, Univ. of Puerto Rico Sch. of Med. Dent and Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. B491 993.13 Translating TNFR Signalling Into Neuroprotective Strategies: Proof of Concept in Acute In Vivo Models of Neurodegeneration Using Humanized TNFR Mice. U.L.M. Eisel, Y. Dong, R. Fischer, P. Naudé, O. Maier, C. Nyakas, E. van der Zee, E. Guenzi, A. Herrmann, R. Kontermann, K. Pfizenmaier. Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany and Baliopharm AG, Basel. B492 993.14 Gender Differences in the Association of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin with Cognitive Impairment and Depression in Heart Failure. R.G. Schoemaker, L. Gouweleeuw, I.B. Hovens, H. Liu, P.J.W. Naude, U.M.L. Eisel. Univ. Med. Ctr. Groningen and Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands. B493 993.15 Altered Microglia Morphology in the Hypothalamus after Myocardial Infarction in Mice. R.G. Schoemaker, L. Gouweleeuw, H. Wajant, O. Maier, U.M.L. Eisel. Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, Univ. of Wurzburg and Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 994. AUTONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS TO BEHAVIORAL STRESS 996. AUTONOMIC AND RESPIRATORY INTERACTIONS Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B494 994.1 Chronic Mild Stress Increases Baseline Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity and the Response to Acute Stressors in Conscious Rats. S. Das, C. Li, H. Chen, N.F. Rossi. Wayne State Univ. and John D. Dingell VA Med. Ctr. B495 994.2 Direct Pathway from Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex to Dorsomedial Hypothalamus Drives Psychological Stress-Induced Hyperthermia. N. Kataoka, K. Nakamura. Grad. Sch. of Med., Nagoya Univ. and PRESTO, JST, Kawaguchi, Japan. B496 994.3 Altered Activity in Efferent Projection Sites of the Brain Orexin System Is Associated with Poor Cardiovascular Adaptability in an Animal Model of Hypertension and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. N. Ahmari, C. Simons, J. Watkins, M. Long, M. Febo, J. Zubcevic, L. Hayward. Univ. of Florida. B497 994.4 Predicting Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Mean Arterial Blood Pressure Responses to Mental Stress. T.R. Wakeham, I.A. Fonkoue, M. Wang, J.R. Carter, J.J. Durocher. Michigan Technol. Univ. 995. AUTONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS TO EXERCISE Poster B503 996.1 Developmental Changes in Breathing Pattern and Neuronal Morphology in the Respiratory Centers of the Neonatal Rat. P. Williams, S. Murray, C. Wilson. Loma Linda Univ. B504 996.2 Mechanisms Involved in Sodium DepletionInduced Facilitation of Respiratory Responses to Baroreceptor Activation. P.M. de Paula, K.C. Borsari, D.B. Zoccal, J.V. Menani. FOAr São Paulo State Univ., Araraquara. B505 996.3 Changes in the Firing Frequency of Medullary Respiratory Neurons of Juvenile Female Rats Exposed to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia. G.M.P.R. Souza, M.R. Amorim, D.J.A. Moraes, B.H. Machado. Univ. of São Paulo. B506 996.4 Possible Respiratory Modulation of Sympathetic Activity in Rats after Sino-aortic Denervation. M.R. Amorim, L.G. Bonagamba, G.M. Souza, D.J. Moraes, B.H. Machado. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Univ. of São Paulo. B507 996.5 Recruitment of Eosinophils to Lungs and Their Role in Vagally Mediated Airway Hyperreactivity Depends upon TNFa and Sensitization Status. S.A. Wicher, D.B. Jacoby, A.D. Fryer. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. 997. AUTONOMIC CIRCUITRY IN THERMOREGULATION OR METABOLISM Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D B498 995.1 Central Projections to Medulla for Autonomic Adjustments to Exercise in Rats. S. Koba, M. Kato, E. Hanai, T. Watanabe. Tottori Univ. Fac. of Med., Japan. B499 995.2 Blockade of Acid-Sensing Ion Channels Attenuates the Skeletal Muscle Metaboreflex in Humans. I.A. Fernandes, M.O. Campos, D.E. Mansur, J.D. Mattos, M.P. Rocha, N.G. Rocha, A.C.L. Nóbrega. Fluminense Fed. Univ., Brazil. B500 995.3 Role of Endothelial Nitric Oxide in Control of Peripheral Vascular Conductance during Muscle Metaboreflex Activation. D. Senador, J. Kaur, A. Alvarez, H.W. Hanna, A.C. Krishnan, Y.H. Altamimi, D.S. O’Leary. Wayne State Univ. B501 995.4 Exercise Training Increases Baroreflex Control of Heart Rate and Decreases Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Chronic Chagasic Cardiomyopathy Patients. A.O. Sarmento, L.M. Antunes-Correa, D.M.L. Lobo, B.E.P. Carvalho, I.C. Trombetta, M.J.N.N. Alves, M.U.P.B. Rondon, E. Rondon, M.L.C. Vieira, C. Mady, C.E. Negrao, B.M. Ianni. Heart Inst., Univ. of São Paulo Med. Sch., Univ. Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) and Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sports, Univ. of São Paulo. B502 995.5 Centrally Acting Perindopril Attenuates the Exercise-Induced Increase in Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Heavy Dynamic Exercise. G. Moralez, N.P. Jouett, J. Tian, M.C. Zimmerman, P.B. Raven. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B508 997.1 Repeated Moderate Heat Exposure Decreases Resting Sympathetic Activity in Humans. J. Cui, C. Blaha, L.I. Sinoway. Penn State Hershey Heart and Vasc. Inst. B509 997.2 Neural Circuit Mechanism for Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y-Induced Inhibition of Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis. Y. Nakamura, Y. Yanagawa, S.F. Morrison, K. Nakamura. Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. and Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Japan, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and PRESTO, JST, Japan. B510 997.3 Decreases in Core Temperature and Sweating Onset during Whole-Body Heating in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis following Administration of 4-Aminopyridine. M. Huang, D.R. Allen, E.M. Frohman, S.L. Davis. So. Methodist Univ., Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. 331 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 998. AUTONOMIC CONTROL AND AUTOREGULATION OF THE CEREBRAL CIRCULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B511 998.1 Cerebrovascular Reactivity Is Reduced in Postmenopausal Women with a History of Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorders. R.E. Harvey, M.C. Johnson, C.P. Johnson, M.J. Joyner, V.M. Miller, J.N. Barnes. Mayo Clin., Mayo Clin. Col. of Med. and Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B512 998.2 Cerebrovascular Endothelial Function Is Impaired after Experimental Spinal Cord Injury. M. Jia, A.A. Phillips, A. Yung, P. Kozlowski, A.V. Krassioukov. Univ. of British Columbia, Intl. Collab. on Repair Discoveries and GF Strong Rehab. Ctr.,Vancouver. 999. AUTONOMIC REGULATION OF BODY FLUID VOLUME Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B513 999.1 Stimulation of Beta Adrenergic Receptor Type3 in the Kidney Triggers Antidiuresis: Physiological Implications and Possible Therapeutic Target to Treat NDI. G. Procino, M. Carmosino, S. Milano, M. Dal Monte, G. Schena, M. Mastrodonato, S. Torretta, A. Gerbino, P. Bagnoli, M. Svelto. Univ. of Bari, Univ. of Basilicata and Univ. of Pisa. 1000.AUTONOMIC REGULATION OF NEUROENDOCRINE FUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B514 1000.1 3 Hours of Intermittent Hypoxia Increases Circulating Glucose Levels in Healthy Adults. L.P. Newhouse, M.J. Joyner, T.B. Curry, J.K. Limberg. Mayo Clin. 1001.DIFFERENCES IN AUTONOMIC REGULATION IN AGING OR SEX Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B515 1001.1 Greater β-Adrenergic Receptor Mediated Vasodilation in Women Using Oral Contraceptives. G.L. Peltonen, J.K. Limberg, R.E. Johansson, J.W. Harrell, J.M. Kellawan, M.K. Crain, M.W. Eldridge, J.J. Sebranek, B.J. Walker, W.G. Schrage. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 332 B516 1001.2 Sympathetic Vasoconstriction Is Attenuated in Young Women during Hypoxia and Cold Pressor Test. A.J. Ross, M.D. Muller, J.C. Luck, J. Cui, L.I. Sinoway. Hershey Heart and Vasc. Inst., Penn State Col. of Med. B517 1001.3 Sex-Dependent Effects of Prenatal Infection on Adult Cardiovascular Health: Are Females at Greater Risk for Cardiovascular Disease? L. Hayward, J. Watkins, M. Von Chamier, L. Reyes, M. Brown. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B518 1001.4 Evidence for Female-Specific Changes in the Sympathetic Nervous System in Post-infarction Heart Failure. M.I. Pinkham, S. Pyner, F.C. Shenton, G. Whalley, B. Habecker, B. Woodward, S-J.I. Guild, C.J. Barrett. Univ. of Auckland, Durham Univ. Sch. of Biol. & Biomed. Sci. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. 1002.ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B519 1002.1 Inhibition of Glial Metabolism Decreases Intestinal Afferent Nerve Activity. M. Miranda-Morales, F. Ochoa-Cortes, F.L. Christofi, E.C. Villalobos-Hernandez, C. Barajas-Lopez. UNAM, Queretaro, Mexico, The Ohio State Univ. and San Luis Potosi Inst. of Sci. Res. and Technol., Mexico. 1003.INFLAMMATION AND AUTONOMIC REGULATION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B520 1003.1 Mapping Multiscalar Variability Dynamics in 1/f Physiologic Phase Space for Tracking the State of Sepsis Patients. B. Vandendriessche, M. Abas, T.E. Dick, K.A. Loparo, F.J. Jacono. Case Western Reserve Univ., Univ. Hosps. Case Med. Ctr. and Louis Stokes DVA, Cleveland. B521 1003.2 Renal Afferent Neurons Are Altered by Lipopolysaccharides. K. Rodionova, T. Ditting, S. Loosen, M. Ziemer, P. Linz, C. Ott, R.E. Schmieder, K. Amann, R. Veelken. Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg. B522 1003.3 Organophosphorus Pesticides Stimulate Macrophages to Release Factors That Modulate M2 Muscarinic Receptors. B. Proskocil, P. Lein, D. Jacoby, A. Fryer. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and Sch. of Vet. Med., Univ. of California, Davis. B523 1003.4 Moderately High Salt Intake Does Not Raise Blood Pressure but Does Activate Peripheral Immune Cells with the Capacity to Raise Blood Pressure. J. Zubcevic, N. Ahmari, D. Diaz, W. Malphurs, C.M. Redlitz, M.A. Andrade, G.M. Toney. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Texas at San Antonio. B524 1003.5 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Brain-Vagal Stimulation: Implication in Post-operative Gastric Ileus. P-Q. Yuan, Y. Tache. UCLA David Geffen Sch. of Med. and VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Syst. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 1004.SYMPATHETIC REGULATION IN DIABETES AND OBESITY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B525 1004.1 Exaggerated Blood Pressure and Sympathetic Reactivity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J.R. Vranish, S.W. Holwerda, D.M. Keller, P.J. Fadel. Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Iowa. B526 1004.2 Functional Changes of Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla by Nitric Oxide from iNOS in Conscious Obese Rats. M.C. Martins-Pinge, F.N.C. Lopes, N.G. Zanluqui, P. PingeFilho. State Univ. of Londrina, Brazil. B527 1004.3 Enhanced Skeletal Muscle Metaboreflex Activation in Type 2 Diabetes. M. Mizuno, S.H. Holwerda, J.H. Mitchell, S.A. Smith, P.J. Fadel. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., Univ. of Iowa and Univ. of Texas Arlington. B528 1004.4 Acute Fructose Overload Induces Baroreflex Dysfunction in Close Relatives of Type 2 Diabetics. F. Santos, T. Dipp, B.D.A. Schaan, K.R. Casali, M. Morris, L.U. Signori, R.D.M. Plentz, M.C. Irigoyen. São Paulo Univ., Porto Alegre, Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil, Fort Lauderdale and Santa Maria, Brazil. B529 1004.5 Treatment of Hypertensive Obese Zucker Rats with Metformin Enhances Phenylephrine-Induced Bradycardia and c-Fos Expression in the NTS. P. Chaudhary, A. Schreihofer. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. B530 1004.6 The Effect of Stimulation of β2 Adrenergic Receptor on Glucose Uptake in Skeletal Muscles. H. Gao. Univ. of South Dakota. 1005.SYMPATHETIC REGULATION IN HEART FAILURE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B531 1005.1 Upregulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nitric Oxide in the Kidney Enhances the Blunted Responses of α1D Adrenoreceptors in the Kidney of Rats with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. H.A. Rathore, M.Z. Abdul Sattar, A. Ahmad, E.J. Johns. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Sains Malaysia and University Col. Cork, Ireland. B532 1005.2 Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces p44/42 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling, Inflammation and Renin-Angiotensin System Activity in Forebrain and Contributes to Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Heart Failure Rats. S-G. Wei, Y. Yu, R.M. Weiss, R.B. Felder. Univ. of Iowa Carver Col. of Med. and VA Med. Ctr. B533 1005.3 Infusion of Losartan Into the 4th Ventricle Reduced Cardiac Sympathoexcitation in Heart Failure. Y. Abukar, C.N. May. Florey Inst. of Neurosci. and Ment. Hlth., Parkville, Australia. B534 1005.4 Enhanced Expression of Renal AQP2 and ENaC in Rats with Chronic Heart Failure: A Role for Renal Nerves. H. Zheng, J. Fleecs, X. Liu, K.P. Patel. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B535 1005.5 HCN Channel Blockers Act Pre- and PostSynaptically to Inhibit Synaptic Transmission and Gain in the Rat Superior Cervical Sympathetic Ganglion. J.P. Horn, P.H.M. Kullmann. Univ. of Pittsburgh. B536 1005.6 Regulation of Protein Inhibitor of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Paraventricular Nucleus during Chronic Heart Failure: Role for Angiotensin II- AT1R. N.M. Sharma, X. Liu, H. Zheng, K.P. Patel. Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr. B537 1005.7 Renal Denervation in Male Rats Attenuates Changes in Cardiac Sympathetic Innervation in Post-infarction Heart Failure. M.I. Pinkham, M. Loftus, S. Amirapu, C.J. Barrett. Univ. of Auckland. 1006.SYMPATHETIC REGULATION IN HYPERTENSION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B538 1006.1 High Inorganic Phosphate Diet Augments the Sympathetic Response to Exercise Pressor Reflex Activation in Rats. M. Mizuno, S. Crawford, C. Carnahan, J.H. Mitchell, S.A. Smith, W. Vongpatanasin. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. B539 1006.2 Renal Denervation Improves Baroreflex and GABA System Normalization in Chronic Kidney DiseaseAssociated Hypertension. H-H. Chen, C-J. Tseng. Natl. Yang Ming Univ. and Kaohsiung Veterans Gen. Hosp., Taiwan. B540 1006.3 Effect of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Phosphodiesterase 2A Is Coupled to Neurotransmitter Release in Pro-hypertensive Rats. K. Liu, L. Woodward, D. Ioannides, C-J. Lu, D. Li, D. Paterson. Univ. of Oxford. B541 1006.4 The Central Deacetylase Sirtuin1 Decreases Sympathetic Hyperactivity by Anti-oxidative Stress in Hypertensive Rats. W. Wang, Z. Wu, C. Ren, Y. Wang. Second Military Med. Univ., Shanghai. B542 1006.5 Impaired Cyclic Nucleotide Signalling in Prehypertensive Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: A Dichotomy of Pathways? E. Bardsley, D.J. Paterson. Univ. of Oxford. B543 1006.6 The Connectome of Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla C1 Neurons. S. Le, B. Dempsey, A. Turner, A. Allen, A. Goodchild, S. McMullan. Macquarie Univ., Sydney and Univ. of Melbourne. B544 1006.7 Dysregulation of Cardiac cAMP in Nicotine Stimulated Sympathetic Neuronal-Myocyte Co-cultures from Hypertensive Rats: Are Sympathetic Neurons the Primary Driver of Autonomic Hypertension? H.E. Larsen, K. Lefkimmiatis, D.J. Paterson. Univ. of Oxford. B545 1006.8 Increased Respiratory-Sympathetic Coupling via C1 Neurons Contributes to the Development of Hypertension in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat. C. Menuet, N. Jancovski, J.K. Bassi, A.A. Connelly, A.M. Allen. Univ. of Melbourne. B546 1006.9 Are C1 Neurons Involved in the Sympathetic Overactivity Induced by Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia? D.J.A. Moraes, L.G.H. Bonagamba, J.F.R. Paton, B.H. Machado. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Univ. of São Paulo and Sch. of Physiol. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Bristol. 333 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B547 1006.10 High Fat Diet Induced Hypertension and Impaired Glucose Tolerance in the Obesity-Prone Sprague Dawley Rat: Effect of Increased Salt Intake and Renal Denervation. R. Han, C.T. Banek, N. Asirvatham-Jeyaraj, X. Wang, J. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. B548 1006.11 The Role of G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor in the PVN of Renovascular Hypertensive Rats. N. Oliveira Maruyama, H. Frank Estrela, T.F. Lucas, C. Segreti Porto, C. Toledo Bergamaschi, R. Ribeiro de Campos; Jr. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. B549 1006.12 Roles of Central α2 and AT1 Signal Transduction via Gαi2 Proteins in Blood Pressure Regulation in Response to an Acute Sodium Challenge. J.W. Shim, R.D. Wainford, C.Y. Carmichael. Boston Univ. B550 1006.13 Effect of Renal Denervation and Celiac Ganglionectomy on Mean Arterial Pressure in the Hypertensive Schlager (BPH/2J) Mice. M.M. Gauthier, C. Breitenstein, N. Asirvatham-Jeyaraj, J.W. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. B551 1006.14 Role of Renal Nerves in Cardiovascular Nuclei and Kidneys in Renovascular Hypertensive Rats. E.E. Nishi, G.N. Gomes, J.C. Perry, A.Y. Simões, C.T. Bergamaschi, R.R. Campos. Fed. Univ. of São Paulo. 1007.ALTITUDE AND HYPOXIA Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B552 1007.1 PETCO2 in Women at Sea-Level and upon Acute Exposure to Normobaric Hypoxic Environments Simulating 3,500 m. K. Kambis, M. Yasukawa, T. Moran, A. Pleasant, G. Hafner, V. Barbour, C. Duckworth, S. Muza, R. Looft-Wilson. Col. of William & Mary, Chuo Univ., Tokyo and U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA. B553 1007.2 Handgrip Training with Chronic Concomitant Exposure to Moderate Altitude Improves Blood Pressure Responses and Delays the Onset of Fatigue. S.S. Jarvis. No. Arizona Univ. B554 1007.3 Aerosolized Perfluorochemical Rescue against Acute Altitude-Induced Pulmonary Compromise. M.R. Wolfson, J. Wu, S.T. Baker, C. Gill, J. Johnson, L. Poole, T.H. Shaffer. Katz Sch. of Med. at Temple Univ. B555 1007.4 Maximum Blood Lactate Responses Acutely and after Two Weeks of Moderate Altitude Exposure in a Large Multi-year Study J. Davis. Alma Col., MI. B556 1007.5 Three Hours of Intermittent Hypoxia in Young Healthy Humans Induces Electrocardiographic Changes. S.E. Baker, L.P. Newhouse, M.J. Joyner, T.B. Curry, J.K. Limberg. Mayo Clin. B557 1007.6 The Number of Nitrogen Breathing Epochs Influences the Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Response to Hypoxia. J.R. Sackett, S. Sarker, G.L. Coleman, C.L. Chapman, Z.J. Schlader, B.D. Johnson. Univ. at Buffalo. B558 1007.7 VO2max Is Restored after Prolonged Exposure to Moderate Altitude. K. Heinicke, I. Heinicke, W. Jelkmann, P. Rawlings, C. Behn, M. Gassmann. Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany, Univ. of Zurich, Univ. of Luebeck, Germany, Fac. of Med., Univ. of Chile, Intl. Ctr. for Andean Studies, Santiago and Univ. Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru. 334 B559 1007.8 Highland Andean Populations Show Reduced Variation in the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response. E.C. Heinrich, E. Gaio, F.L. Powell, J.L. Macarlupú, C. Anza-Ramirez, N. Corante, G. Vizcardo-Galindo, F.C. Villafuerte, T.S. Simonson. UCSD, Univ. of Brasília and Univ. Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru. B560 1007.9 Therapeutic Role of Ambrisentan for the Treatment of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction: Impact of Intrapulmonary Delivery. S. Ferguson, Z. Loomis, J. Harral, K. Redinius, K. Dixon, M. Anderson, D. Irwin. Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora. 1008.METABOLISM AND ENEREGETICS OF MUSCLE AND RELATED TISSUES Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B561 1008.1 mdx Mice Are Protected from Diet-Induced Obesity Possibly Due to Increased Skeletal Muscle Energy Expenditure. F. Kwon, D. Gamu, A.R. Tupling. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. B562 1008.2 Phospholamban Is a Potential Regulator of Skeletal Muscle and Whole-Body Metabolism. D. Gamu, S. Mazereeuw, A.R. Tupling. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. B563 1008.3 Novel Insight Regarding the Trajectory and Time-Course of Immobilisation-Induced Impairment of Limb Glucose Uptake in Healthy Volunteers. A. Burns, A. Nixon, F. Stephens, S. Francis, P. Gowland, P. Greenhaff. Univ. of Nottingham. B564 1008.4 Dysregulation of the Energy-Sensing AMPK Pathway in Skeletal Muscle-Specific ERRα-/- Mice. J. Huss, M. McDonald, A. Hamilton. City of Hope, Duarte, CA. B565 1008.5 IL-15 Promotes Mitochondrial Activity through an ERK1/2-PPAR&Δ Signaling Axis in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells. M.J. Abbott, J.E. Krolopp, T. Nakamoto. Schmid Col. of Sci. and Technol., Chapman Univ. B566 1008.6 Enhanced Gastrocnemii Aerobmic Metabolism in Aged Male Rats following Postnatal Hyperoxia. L.H. Tetri, R.K. Braun, K. Haraldsdottir, D.F. Pegelow, K.N. Gross, M.W. Eldridge. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. B567 1008.7 Regulation of Metabolism by Estrogen Receptor Alpha. A.E. Archer, R.S. Rogers, J.L. Wheatley, K. White, M.A.K. Rumi, M.J. Soares, P.C. Geiger. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B568 1008.8 Beta-Aminoisobutyrate, a Circulating Metabolite Which Regulates Beta-Cell Insulin Secretory Function. T.P. Solomon, M. Gillum. Univ. of Birmingham, U.K. and Univ. of Copenhagen. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 1009.MUSCLE ATROPHY AND HYPERTROPHY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B569 1009.1 Massage Induces an Increase in DNA Synthesis and Satellite Cell Number in Rat Muscle Recovering from Atrophy. A.M. Hayek, A.L. Confides, S.M. Abshire, B. Miller, K. Hamilton, K.A. Baeverstad, F. Peelor, T.A. Butterfield, E.E. Dupont-Versteegden. Univ. of Kentucky and Colorado State Univ. B570 1009.2 Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation (AcuLFES) Attenuates Denervation-Induced Muscle Atrophy by Increasing Muscle Regeneration. X.H. Wang, J.D. Klein, H. Wang. Emory Univ. B571 1009.3 REDD1 Alters the Rate of Muscle Hypertrophy following Functional Overload. B.S. Gordon, G. Nader, J.L. Steiner, L.S. Jefferson, S.R. Kimball. Univ. of Central Florida, Penn State and Penn State Col. of Med. B572 1009.4 The Role of Denervation in Cytokine-Mediated Muscle Dysfunction in Muscles of Old Mice. C.A. Staunton, N. Pollock, A. Lightfoot, A. Vasilaki, R. Barrett-Jolley, A. McArdle, M. Jackson. Univ. of Liverpool. B573 1009.5 Mechanically Overloaded Plantaris Muscles Display Ectopic Sarcolipin Expression That Is Required for Myofiber Hypertrophy and Remodelling. V.A. Fajardo, B.A. Rietze, P.J. Chambers, J. Quadrilatero, A.R. Tupling. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. B574 1009.6 Sarcolipin Is Upregulated in Response to Soleus Unloading Caused by Tenotomy and Opposes Muscle Atrophy. V.A. Fajardo, B.A. Rietze, P.J. Chambers, J. Quadrilatero, A.R. Tupling. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. B575 1009.7 Repeated Bouts of Resistance Training with Short Interval Activate Akt-mTOR Signaling, but Not Protein Synthesis in Mouse Skeletal Muscle. J. Takegaki, Y. Arihara, R. Ogasawara, A. Tsutaki, K. Nakazato, N. Ishii. Univ. of Tokyo, Nagoya Inst. of Technol. and Nippon Sport Sci. Univ. B576 1009.8 TRB3 Regulates Denervation-Induced Muscle Atrophy and Insulin Resistance in Mouse Skeletal Muscle. R.H. Choi, H-W. Jeong, A. McConahay, M.F. Hirshman, L.J. Goodyear, H-J. Koh. Univ. of South Carolina and Joslin Diabetes Ctr.. Boston. B577 1009.9 Mouse Cachectic Skeletal Muscle mTORC1 Signaling in Response to Acute Eccentric Contractions. J.P. Hardee, S. Gao, B.N. VanderVeen, D.K. Fix, K.L. Hetzler, J.A. Carson. Univ. of South Carolina. B578 1009.10 Maternal Protein Intake as a Determinant of the Total Number of Motor Units and Muscle Fibres in Mice. A. Vasilaki, I. Giakoumaki, N. Pollock, K. Goljanek-Whysall, A. McArdle, A.A. Sayer. Univ. of Liverpool and Newcastle Univ. B579 1009.11 The Sirtuin SIRT6 Represses Expression of Cachexia-Associated Cytokine Myostatin by Blocking Its NFκB-Dependent Gene Transcription. M. Gupta, S. Samant, R. Bao, V. Pillai. Univ. of Chiacgo. B580 1009.12 Transcriptional Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Atrophy-Induced Gene Expression by Muscle-Specific Ring Finger 1 K. Kakareka, D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. B581 1009.13 Effect of Nox2 Inhibition Unloading-Induced Changes in Morphology and nNOSµ Translocation in the Rat Soleus. J.M. Lawler, J.M. Hord, D.A. Rodriquez, Y. Lee, V. Guzzoni, E.E. Garcia-Villatoro, M. Garcia, J.M. Kuczmarski, M.S. Lawler. Texas A&M Univ., Fed. Univ. of São Carlos, Brazil, Penn State Col. of Med. and Georgia Tech. B582 1009.14 Identification and Characterization of Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1-Like in Skeletal Muscle. K. Tran, D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. B583 1009.15 K (Lysine) Acetyltransferase 6B Is Upregulated during Neurogenic Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Is Differentially Expressed in MuRF1-Null Mice. R. West, D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. B584 1009.16 FGGY Carbohydrate Kinase Domain Containing Is Upregulated during Neurogenic Skeletal Muscle Atrophy. B. De Las Casas, D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. B585 1009.17 Basal and Stretch-Induced Myotube Protein Synthesis Regulation by gp130 Signaling. S. Gao, J.A. Carson. Univ. of South Carolina. 1010.MUSCLE PLASTICITY AND GENE REGULATION/EXPRESSION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B586 1010.1 Chronology of Early Heat Stress Mediated Changes in Oxidative Skeletal Muscle. O. Volodina, S. Ganesan, S. Pearce, N. Gabler, L. Baumgard, R. Rhoads, J. Selsby. Iowa State Univ. and VPI and State Univ. B587 1010.2 Acute Expression of PGC-1α Isoforms in Skeletal Muscle of Postmenopausal Women following Resistance Exercise. J.L. Kiwata, C. Tuzon, J.C. Rice, E.T. Schroeder, C.M. Dieli-Conwright. Univ. of So. California. B588 1010.3 Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Regulation of Novel lncRNAs Transcribed Near Contractile Protein-Coding Genes during Skeletal Muscle Unloading. J.D. Resnick, A.J. Lowrey, R.G. Akers, L.A. Theodore, A.M. Wiles, C.E. Pandorf. Mercer Univ. B589 1010.4 Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Protein Translation during Energetic Stress. C.A. Wolff, F.F. Peelor III, E.B. Petrilli, R.M. Casey, J.T. Allison, K.L. Hamilton, B.F. Miller. Colorado State Univ. B590 1010.5 Long-Term Quercetin Treatment Is Unable to Sustain Elevated PGC-1α Pathway Activity in the mdx Diaphragm. H. Spaulding, C. Ballmann, J. Quindry, J. Selsby. Iowa State Univ. and Auburn Univ. B591 1010.6 Expression of the Dystrophin-Associated Protein Complex in the Absence of Skeletal Muscle AMPK. A.G. Dial, J.S. Lally, A.L. Bujak, G.R. Steinberg, V. Ljubicic. McMaster Univ., Canada. B592 1010.7 The Correlation between Tfeb and PGC-1α in Skeletal Muscle. A.T. Erlich, A. Vainshtein, D. Hood. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Sci., York Univ., Canada. B593 1010.8 The Aging Muscle Milieu and Transcription of PGC-1α: A Role for Contractile Activity? H.N. Carter, M. Shuen, K. Gavendo, D.A. Hood. York Univ. and Muscle Hlth. Res. Ctr., Toronto. 335 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B594 1010.9 Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Protein Secretion by Skeletal Muscles Is Altered by Activity of L-Type Calcium Channels. A.M. Boynton, J.M. Spitsbergen. Western Michigan Univ. B595 1010.10 Deficits in Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Aged Mice. H. Li, D.A.G. Mázala, E.R. Chin. Univ. of Maryland College Park. 1011.CARDIAC MUSCLE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B596 1011.1 The Use of an Adenine Diet to Induce Uremic Cardiac Hypertrophy in Mice. E.M. Adamic, A. Von Schulze, C. Amat-Fernandez, H. Lee, D. Daniel, M.J. Wacker, C.D. Touchberry. Sch. of Hlth. Sci., Univ. of Memphis and Sch. of Med., Univ. of Missouri- Kansas City. B597 1011.2 Organ Perfusion during Voluntary Pulmonary Hyperinflation: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. K. Kyhl, I. Drvis, O. Barak, T. Mijacika, N.H. Secher, Z. Dujic, A. Buca, P.L. Madsen. Rigshosp., Copenhagen, Univ. of Zagreb Sch. of Kinesiol., Croatia, Univ. of Split Sch. of Med., Denmark, Univ. of Copenhagen, Clin. Hosp. Ctr., Split and Herlev Hosp., Copenhagen. B598 1011.3 Downregulation of Myocardial Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor in Mice Exposed to Cigarette Smoke: A Possible Mechanism for Smoking-Related Cardiovascular Disease. J. McHowat, H. Kuenzel, S. Kispert, J. Marentette, G. Kolar. Saint Louis Univ. B599 1011.4 Renin Overexpression Leads to Increased Titin-Based Stiffness Contributing to Diastolic Dysfunction in Hypertensive mRen2 Rats. T. Csipo, A. Kovacs, G.A. Fulop, A. Kovacs, B. Bodi, B. Juhasz, D. Priksz, H. Granzier, I. Edes, Z. Papp, J. Barta, A. Toth. Univ. of Debrecen Fac. of Med., Hungary and Univ. of Arizona. B600 1011.5 Striatin Expression Is Altered during Cardiac Remodeling and It Regulates Cardiomyocyte Response to Adrenergic Stimuli. S. Alotaibi, E. Alsolme, R. Alsomali, P. Kvietys, N. Dzimiri, M. Nader. Alfaisal Univ. Med. Sch. and King Faisal Spec. Hosp. and Res. Ctr., Saudi Arabia. B601 1011.6 Regional Gradients in Tissue Anisotropy during Pressure Overload Hypertrophy in the Rat Left Ventricle. E.D. Carruth, A.D. McCulloch, J.H. Omens. UCSD. 336 1012.CONTRACTILE AND REGULATORY PROTEINS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B602 1012.1 Regulation of Actin Dynamics by WNT-5A: Implications for Human Airway Smooth Muscle Contraction. T. Koopmans, K. Kumawat, M. Menzen, A. Halayko, R. Gosens. Univ. of Groningen and Univ. of Manitoba. B603 1012.2 Phosphorylation and Calcium Antagonistically Tune Myosin-Binding Protein C’s Molecular Structure and Function. M.J. Previs, J.Y. Mun, A.J. Michalek, S.B. Previs, J. Gulick, J. Robbins, D.M. Warshaw, R. Craig. Univ. of Vermont, Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch., Eulji Univ., South Korea, Clarkson Univ. and Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. B604 1012.3 Effect of Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyAssociated R282W Mutation of MYBPC3 on M-Domain Phosphorylation In Vitro. A.M. Giuffre, T.L. Lynch IV, N. Sadagopan, S. Sadayappan. Loyola Univ. Chicago. B605 1012.4 A Role for the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Channel in Modulating Uterine Tone during Pregnancy. L. Ying, C.M. Alvira, D.N. Cornfield. Stanford Univ. 1013.SMOOTH MUSCLE Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B606 1013.1 Pharmacological Opening of Kv7 Channels by the Novel Activator ML-213: Role in Guinea Pig Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Function. A. Provence, K.L. Hristov, G.V. Petkov. Univ. of South Carolina. B607 1013.2 Testosterone Regulates Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Function through a Signaling Mechanism Involving Direct Activation of Large Conductance Voltage- and Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels. K.L. Hristov, S.P. Parajuli, G.V. Petkov. Univ. of South Carolina. B608 1013.3 Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 4 Channel Regulation by Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor in Human Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle. A. Provence, K.L. Hristov, E.S. Rovner, G.V. Petkov. Univ. of South Carolina and Med. Univ. of South Carolina. B609 1013.4 High-Throughput Contractile Force Screening for Discovery of Novel Bronchodilators. C. Park, S. Burger, E. Watts, M. Frykenberg, D. Tambe, E. Zhou, R. Krishinan, A. Marinkovic, D. Tschumperlin, J. Butler, J. Solway, J. Fredberg. Harvard T.H.Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. of South Alabama, Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr., Mayo Clin. and Univ. of Chicago. B610 1013.5 Ablation of the Semaphorin 3F-Neuropilin 2 Axis Increases Contractility in Bladder Smooth Muscle. D.R. Bielenberg, E. Vasquez, C. Doyle, S. Lukianov, V. Cristofaro, M.P. Sullivan, R.M. Adam. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston Children’s Hosp. and VA Boston Healthcare Syst. B611 1013.6 Essential Roles of ANO1 in Mouse Urethral Smooth Muscle Contraction and Urinary Continence. M. Feng, D. Liu, P. Lu, K. Bellve, L.M. Lifshitz, K. Fogarty, R. ZhuGe. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY 1014.EXERCISE, MUSCLE, AND BONE 1015.MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION Poster Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B612 1014.1 HIF-1α Regulates a Single Bout of ExerciseInduced Hepatic Expression of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism Related Genes. B. Luo, D. Xiang, P. Chen, Y. Hu. Second Military Med. Univ., Shanghai, Shanghai Univ. of Sport and Naval Med. Res. Inst., Shanghai. B613 1014.2 Exercise Mitigates Cognitive Functions through Mitochondrial Remodeling in Type-2 Diabetes. A. Kalani, P. Chaturvedi, L.J. Winchester, S.C. Tyagi, N. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. B614 1014.3 Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Enhances Contraction-Mediated Glucose Metabolism in Primary Human Myotubes. J.M. Hinkley, K. Zou, S. Park, K. Turner, D. Zheng, J.A. Houmard. East Carolina Univ. B615 1014.4 Defective Autophagy Causes a Maladaptive Cardiac Phenotype to Exercise That Leads to Premature Death and FGF21-Mediated Protection against Obesity and Insulin Resistance. V.A. Lira, A. Kronemberger, J.A. Call, H.M. Caster, R.O. Pereira, R.C. Laker, M. Zhang, Z. Yan. Carver Col. of Med., Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Virginia. B616 1014.5 Air Puffs as Refinement of Electric Shocks for Stimulation during Treadmill Exercise Test. S. Lamy, C. Cartoni, A. Bichat, R. Combe, R. Doenlen, X. Warot. Ecole Polytech Fed. de Lausanne. B617 1014.6 Musclin – A Novel Exercise Factor. E. Subbotina, A. Sierra, Z. Zhu, Z. Gao, S. Koganti, E. Stepniak, D. Hodgson-Zingman, L. Zingman. Univ. of Iowa and Univ. of Chicago. B618 1014.7 Myostatin Protein and Muscle Fiber CrossSectional Area Are Associated with Increased Muscle Satellite Cell Number in 10 Month Old Fisher 344 Rats Treated with Testosterone and Trenbolone Enanthate. D.T. Beck, V.J. Dalbo, C.B. Mobley, C. Ballmann, W.C. Kephart, C.D. Fox, V.A. Santucci, L.A. Beggs, A. Balaez, F.J. Hoerr, J.F. Yarrow, S.E. Borst, M.D. Roberts. Edward Via Col. of Osteo. Med.Auburn Campus, Auburn Univ., Central Queensland Univ., Univ. of Florida, Malcom Randall VA Med. Ctr., Gainesville, FL and Vet. Diagnostic Pathol. LLC, Auburn. B619 1014.8 3D Virtual Histology of Trabecular and Cortical Architecture in Living Human Vertebrae. H. Tanioka, K. Kaga. Tanioka Clin. and Natl. Inst. of Sensory Organs, Tokyo. B620 1014.9 The Activation on Serotonin 2B Receptor Is Essential for Osteoclastogenesis. Y-C. Huang, S-Y. Lin, T-S. Lu, B. Huang, C-L. Lin, Y-S. Fu. Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Taiwan, Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. and Kaohsiung Med. Univ. Hosp. B621 1014.10 Integrin-Linked Kinase Enhances Skeletal Muscle Fatty Acid Metabolism In Vivo. D.S. Lark, E. Trefts, M. James, R. Zent, A. Pozzi, D.H. Wasserman. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. and Mouse Metab. Phenotyping Ctr. B622 1015.1 Time-Dependent Differential Effects of Fasting on Cardiac Autophagy and Mitophagy. U. Aslam, S. Kobayashi, Q. Liang, M. Gerdes. New York Inst. of Technol. Col. of Osteo. Med. B623 1015.2 The Role of Mitophagy in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyocyte Death. A. Weiner, A. Kaminaris, S. Kobayashi, M. Gerdes, Q. Liang. NYIT Col. of Osteo. Med. B624 1015.3 Overexpression of Muscle Ring Finger 1 Reduces Mitochondrial Volume in Cardiomyocytes. C. Parikh, S. Kobayashi, M. Gerdes, M.S. Willis, Q. Liang. NYIT Col. of Osteo. Med. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. B625 1015.4 Mitochondrial Dynamics in Auditory Sensory Cells. A.L. Nuttall, S. Foster, T. Wilson. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. B626 1015.5 The Requirement of Cytochrome c Oxidase for Mitochondrial Fusion in Copper-Induced Regression of Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy. W. Yin, R. Li, X. Feng, Y.J. Kang. West China Hosp., Sichuan Univ., China. B627 1015.6 Chronic Binge Alcohol Administration Impairs Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Gene Expression in Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Rhesus Macaques. A.A. Duplanty, K. Song, L. Simon, P.E. Molina. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. B628 1015.7 Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function in High-Fat Diet Fed Mice with Genetically Modified Myostatin Expression. A.V. Khamoui, A. Abraham, S. Reisz-Porszasz, H.B. Rossiter. LA BioMed Res. Inst. at Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. and Charles R. Drew Univ. of Med. and Sci. B629 1015.8 Altering Buffer Ca2+ and pH Stimulates Activation of Mitochondrial Ca2+/H+ Exchanger. M.R. Boswell, A.K.S. Camara, J.S. Heisner, M. Aldakkak, C.A. Blomeyer, M. Yang, D.F. Stowe. Med. Col. of Wisconsin, Univ. of Wuerzburg and Marquette Univ. and Zablocki VA Med. Ctr. B630 1015.9 Sodium Nitrate Supplementation Does Not Alter Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in the Heart. C.M.F. Monaco, P.M. Miotto, G.P. Holloway. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. B631 1015.10 Human Energy Expenditure Is in Control of Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit IV-2 T.A. Schiffer, B. Ekblom, M.L. Sundqvist, J.O. Lundberg, E. Weitzberg, F.J. Larsen. Uppsala Univ., Karolinska Inst., Swedish Sch. of Sports and Hlth. Sci. and Karolinska Univ. Hosp., Stockholm. B632 1015.11 Heat Shock Protein 72 Regulates Mitochondrial Integrity and Function in the Prevention of Hepatic Insulin Resistance. R.S. Rogers, J.L. Wheatley, A.E. Archer, J.P. Thyfault, P.C. Geiger. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. B633 1015.12 An Investigation of the Suitability of Using Octanoylcarnitine Together with Malate as a Substrate Combination for Assessing Beta-Oxidation Using High Resolution Respirometry. P.O. Osiki, E.O. Ojuka, G.J. Maarman. Univ. of Cape Town. B634 1015.13 Cardiac Aging Concurs with Abnormal Mitochondrial Metabolism, Calcium Handling and Disrupted Levels of Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Complex Member Proteins. J. Suarez, J. Diaz-Juarez, B.T. Scott, A. Dai, W.H. Dillmann. UCSD and Natl. Inst. of Cardiol., Mexico City. 337 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY B635 1015.14 Effect of KATP Channel Activators and Inhibitors on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function. E. SanchezDuarte, X. Trujillo, M. Huerta, O. Ortiz-Avila, C. Cortes-Rojo, A. Saavedra-Molina, A. Rodriguez-Orozco, R. MontoyaPerez. Univ. of Colima, Inst. of Biochem. Res. and Fac. of Med., Michoacana Univ. San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico. 1016.NUTRITION AND NUTRIENT METABOLISM Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B636 1016.1 A High Methionine, Low Folate and Low Vitamin B6/B12 Diet Causes Neurovascular Dysfunction and Subsequent Short-Term Memory Loss. M. Nuru, A. Kalani, N. Muradashvili, D. Lominadze, N. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville. B637 1016.2 Distribution Pattern of Dietary Protein Intake Does Not Affect Anabolic Response, Lean Body Mass, Muscle Strength or Function Over 8 Weeks in Older Adults. I-Y. Kim, S. Schutzler, G. Azhar, R. Wolfe, A. Ferrando. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. B638 1016.3 Diet Restriction Exacerbates Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease Drosophila melanogaster Model Flies. D.J. Damschroder, B. Paddock. Arcadia Univ., PA. B639 1016.4 Altered Metabolism in RGS2 KO Mice. K. Lee, R. Gros, P. Chidiac. Univ. of Western Ontario. B640 1016.5 Nutritional Status Affects Expression of AMPK mRNA in a Tissue and Subunit-Specific Manner in Channel Catfish. P. Evans, M. Vides, B. Teel, Y. Kobayashi. Fort Hays State Univ. B641 1016.6 Hypolipidemic Effects of Tomato in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet. M.C. Alfaro-Olivera, M.R. Calla-Pampa, L.J. Fernández-Rodríguez. Antenor Orrego Private Univ., Peru. B642 1016.7 Effect of Canary Grass (Phalaris canariensis) Seed Extract on the Lipid Profile of Rats with Induced Hyperlipidemia. A.P. Vizconde-Rodríguez, M.L. SalazarCastillo, I.M. Rodríguez-Haro, A.A. Calderón-Peña, L.J. Fernández-Rodríguez. Antenor Orrego Private Univ., Trujillo and Natl. Univ. of Trujillo, Peru. B643 1016.8 The Effects of Anti-fibroblast Growth Factor 23-Peptides Antibodies on Excreta Phosphate of Chicks. Z. Ren, D.E. Butz, M. Ebrahimi, M.E. Cook. Sichuan Agr. Univ., China, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and Univ. of Tabriz, Iran. 1017.INNATE IMMUNE FUNCTIONS OF INTESTINAL EPITHELIAL CELLS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B644 1017.1 Loss of PTPN2 in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Upregulates a Novel STAT-Dependent Mechanism of Claudin-2 Expression. M. Krishnan, D.F. McCole. Univ. of California, Riverside. B645 1017.2 ErbB3 Negatively Regulates Homeostatic Paneth Cell Numbers. D. Almohazey, J.J. Hsieh, C.V. Vossler, M.R. Frey. Children’s Hosp. Los Angeles, Univ. of So. California. 338 B646 1017.3 Stressor-Enhanced Infectious Colitis Is Due to Aberrant Colonic Epithelial Cell Signaling. A. Mackos, M.T. Bailey. Nationwide Children’s Hosp. Res. Inst. and The Ohio State Univ. B647 1017.4 Intestinal Mucus Acts Is a Maturation Factor for Dendritic Cells. M.A. Engevik, R.S. Fultz, B.P. Ganesh, J. Versalovic. Baylor Col. of Med. B648 1017.5 The Effect of JAK-Inhibitor Tofacitinib on Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Function. A. Sayoc, M. Krishnan, D.F. McCole. Univ. of California, Riverside. B649 1017.6 Intestinal Epithelial IL-15 Overexpression Enhances γΔ T Cell Mucosal Surveillance. K.L. Edelblum, B. Jabri, J.R. Turner. Rutgers New Jersey Med. Sch. and Univ. of Chicago. 1018.EFFECTS OF DIET AND METABOLITES ON MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B650 1018.1 hdcA+ L. reuteri 6475 Inhibits H1R Downstream Signaling via dagK and Causes Immunosuppression of Intestinal Epithelium in Gnotobiotic Mice. B.P. Ganesh, A. Hall, R. Fultz, M. Engevik, M. Whary, J. Fox, J. Versalovic. Baylor Col. of Med. and MIT. 1019.GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER AND METASTASIS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B651 1019.1 Emerging Regulatory Roles of Wnt1 In HostPathogen Interactions in Inflammation and Colon Cancer. X. Liu, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, R. Lu, Q. Liu, J. Sun. Nanjing Med. Univ., China, Albert Einstein Col. of Med. and Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. 1020.GASTROINTESTINAL NUTRIENT SENSORS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B652 1020.1 FFA3 Activation Stimulates Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion and Prevents NSAID-Induced Enteropathy via the GLP-2 Pathway in Rats. H. Said, Y. Akiba, I. Kaji, J.D. Kaunitz. UCLA and West Los Angeles VA Med. Ctr. B653 1020.2 Nutrient Sensing in Atlantic Salmon – Exploring the Sensory Systems for Amino Acids in the Gastrointestinal Tract. I. Ronnestad, A-E.O. Jordal, A.S. Gomes. Univ. of Bergen, Norway. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B654 1020.3 Butyrate Enhances MCT1 Association with CD147 via GPR109A Activation-Dependent Mechanisms. I. Chatterjee, A. Kumar, A.N. Anbazhagan, W.A. Alrefai, A. Borthakur, P.K. Dudeja. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Jesse Brown VA Med. Ctr. 1021.GI HORMONES, PEPTIDES AND RECEPTORS Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B655 1021.1 Serotonin Type 3 Receptor B Subunit and Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Expression in the Serotonin Transporter Knockout Rat Model of Visceral Hypersensitivity. A. Mecca, N. El-Ayache, J. Galligan. Michigan State Univ. B656 1021.2 Elucidating Interactions between Human MasRelated G-Protein Coupled Receptors. S. Van Remoortel, R. Arora, A.J. Labro, D.J. Snyders, R. Buckinx, J-P. Timmermans. Univ. of Antwerp. B657 1021.3 A GLP-1 Mimetic Alleviates Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Like Symptoms in the Wistar Kyoto Rat. R. O’Brien, M.M. Buckley, K.D. O’Halloran, D. O’Malley. University Col. of Cork. 1022.IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY OF THE GUT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B658 1022.1 Lactobacillus rhamnosus Isolated from “amabere amaruranu” Cultured Milk Modulated the Production of Inflammatory Cytokines in Caco-2 Cells. B. Ngeny, E.M. Onyango. East Tennessee State Univ. B659 1022.2 Modulation of CD4+ T Cell Differentiation by the Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri F. Collins, R.A. Britton, L.R. McCabe, N. Parameswaran. Michigan State Univ. and Baylor Col. of Med. 1023.INTESTINAL INFLAMMATION AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B660 1023.1 Heightened Anaphylaxis Reaction in Female Mice Is Associated with Increased Synthesis of Mast Cell Secretory Granule-Associated Immune Mediators. E. Mackey, S. D’Costa, C. Pohl, S. Ayyadurai, S. Laster, A.J. Moeser. North Carolina State Univ., GI Stress Biol. Lab., East Lansing, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Michigan State Univ. B661 1023.2 Elevated D-2-Hydroxyglutarate during Colitis Drives Progression to Colorectal Cancer. A. Theiss, J. Han, R. Genta, L. Sweetman. Baylor Res. Inst. and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Dallas VA Med. Ctr. B662 1023.3 Tachykinin Activation on Enteric Glia: A Novel Mechanism of Enteric Nervous System Dysfunction in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. N.M. Delvalle-Dorta, G. Rivera-Lopez, B. Gulbransen. Michigan State Univ. and Univ. of Puerto Rico at Humacao. B663 1023.4 Estrogen Receptor Beta Activation Plays a Therapeutic Role in Murine Models of Inflammatory Bowel Disease via Inhibiting P2X3 and P2X7 Receptors. B. Ma, Q. Jiang, W. Li, Z. Li. Second Military Med. Univ. and Changhai Hosp., Shanghai. B664 1023.5 Suppressive Effect of Nicotine on Expression of MAdCAM-1 in Colitis. K. Maruta, C. Kurihara, H. Furuhashi, T. Takajo, Y. Yasutake, Y. Okada, K. Yoshikawa, M. Higashiyama, C. Watanabe, S. Komoto, K. Tomita, S. Nagao, S. Miura, R. Hokari. Natl. Defense Med. Col., Japan. B665 1023.6 Blocking NF-κB Activation in Intestinal Lysozyme M Positive Cells Prevents the NEC-Induced Decrease in Ly6C Positive Cells in the Neonatal Intestine. E. Managlia, X. Yan, X. Liu, J. Mangrum, I. De Plaen. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hosp. of Chicago and Northwestern Univ., Chicago. B666 1023.7 Regulation of the Antioxidant Glutathione by Enteric Glia during Inflammation. I.A.M. Brown, B.D. Gulbransen. Michigan State Univ. B667 1023.8 Bile Acids Regulate Intestinal Epithelial Restitution: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy of IBD. N.K. Lajczak, M.S. Mroz, V. Saint-Criq, S. Keely. Royal Col. of Surgeons in Ireland. B668 1023.9 Transfection of Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cells with a Stable Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1 Mutant. M.M. Talavera, S. Crowell, L.D. Nelin, Y. Liu. Nationwide Children’s Hosp., Columbus. B669 1023.10 Protective Actions of 5-HT4 Receptors in the Colonic Epithelium. S.N. Spohn, R. Scott, C. O’Neill, C. MacNaughton, M. Dicay, F. Bianco, E. Bonora, B. Lavoie, R.L. Wilcox, R. De Giorgio, W. MacNaughton, K.A. Sharkey, G.M. Mawe. Univ. of Vermont, Danbury Hosp., CT, Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Univ. of Bologna. B670 1023.11 17β-Estradiol and Bisphenol-A Exacerbate Symptoms of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis in Mice. J.A.A. DeLuca, K.F. Allred, A. Jayaraman, C.D. Allred. Texas A&M Univ. B671 1023.12 Dexamethasone Upregulates Human SLC26A3 Transporter Expression in Intestinal Epithelial Cells. A. Kumar, S. Priyamvada, I. Chatterjee, A. Natarajan Anbazhagan, M. Singhal, A. Borthakur, S. Saksena, R. Gill, W. Alrefai, P.K. Dudeja. Univ. of illinois at Chicago and Jesse Brown VA Med. Ctr. B672 1023.13 Analysis of Inflammatory Modulation on Term and Preterm Neonatal Gastrointestinal Non-human Primate Explants. N.B. Alana, S.J. Acevedo, N.J. Carr, S.B. Mustafa, C.L. Blanco, J.M. King. Trinity Univ., San Antonio Military Med. Ctr. and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. B673 1023.14 ErbB4 Signaling Restricts Pro-inflammatory Macrophage Numbers through an ADAN17/γ-Secretase Dependent Mechanism. M.A. Schumacher, J.K. Bernard, J.J. Hsieh, S. Punit, M.R. Frey. Children’s Hosp. Los Angeles and Univ. of So. California. B674 1023.15 Metformin Enhances Intestinal Epithelial Health through Activation of AMPK. Y. Xue, X. Sun, M-J. Zhu. Washington State Univ. and Univ. of Idaho. 339 M O N PHYSIOLOGYMONDAY 1024.LIVER PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B675 1024.1 Activation of Nlrp3 Inflammasomes in Mouse Hepatic Stellate Cells during Schistosoma J. Infection. N. Meng, M. Xia, P-L. Li, W-X. Tang. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Tongji Med. Col., Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Technol., China. B676 1024.2 Zinc Deficiency Contributes to Alcohol Consumption-Induced Defect of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain and Overproduction of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Live of Rats. Q. Sun, W. Zhong, W. Zhang, X. Sun, Z. Zhou. Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro, Kannapolis. 1025.METABOLIC DISEASE: GI AND LIVER FUNCTION Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B677 1025.1 Liver-Directed Knockout and Transgene Delivery of Arginase-1 in Mice. C.D. Funk, L. Ballantyne, A. Schulze. Queen’s Univ., Canada and The Hosp. for Sick Children, Toronto. B678 1025.2 Live Imaging of Hepatic and Intestinal Intracellular ApoA-I in Zebrafish. J.P. Otis, B.A. Caldwell, P.N. Howles, S.A. Farber. Carnegie Instn., Baltimore, Univ. of Cincinnati and Johns Hopkins Univ. B679 1025.3 Long-Term Adaptations in Hepatic Substrate Utilization in 1 Year Old Rat Model of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. T.S. Levin, L. Tetri, K. Haraldsdottir, D.F. Pegelow, R.K. Braun, K.N. Gross, M.W. Eldridge. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 1026.METAL ION TRANSPORT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B680 1026.1 Mechanism of Copper Uptake from Ceruloplasmin by Cells and the Involvement of an Additional Copper Uptake Transporter. L. Dinh, J. Juarez, R. Vargas, D. Ramos, D. Mar, M. Ishida, M.C. Linder. California State Univ. Fullerton. B681 1026.2 Purification and Characterization of a Small Copper Carrier Found in Mammalian Blood Plasma and in the Urine of Mice and Dogs with Copper Overload. M. Tellez, T. Alsky, M. Dalphin, S. Flynn, A. Munoz, D. Ibarra, H. Truong, M.C. Linder, S. Lutsenko, S. Weldy. California State Univ. Fullerton, Johns Hopkins Univ. and Serrano Animal and Bird Hosp., Lake Forest, CA. 340 B682 1026.3 Arsenic and Copper Serve as Cofactors to Produce Hepatotoxicity with Mitochondrial Damage, Double Strand DNA Breaks and Disruption of ATM Signaling. T. Chinnasamy, Y. Sharma, P. Gupta, S. Gupta. Albert Einstein Col. of Med. and Pondicherry Univ., India. 1027.MICROBIOME OF THE GI TRACT Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B683 1027.1 Bifidobacterium dentium Modulates Expression of Genes Important to Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodevelopment in the Cerebellum of Germ-Free Mice. B. Luk, M. Engevik, A. Hall, J. Versalovic. Baylor Col. of Med. and Texas Children’s Hosp. B684 1027.2 Alterations in the Gut Microbiome Can Elicit Hypertension in WKY Rats. S. Adnan, J.W. Nelson, D.J. Durgan, R.M. Bryan. Baylor Col. of Med. B685 1027.3 Repeated Antibiotic Treatment Affects Social Behaviors in Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) K.E. Sylvia, N.M. Rendon, E.A. St. John, G.E. Demas. Indiana Univ. B686 1027.4 Effects of a Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic on the Siberian Hamster (Phodopus sungorus ) Gut Microbiome. E.A. St. John, K.E. Sylvia, G.E. Demas. Indiana Univ. B687 1027.5 Cardiorespiratory Fitness as a Predictor of Intestinal Microbial Diversity and Distinct Metagenomic Functions. M. Estaki, J. Pither, P. Baumeister, J.P. Little, S. Gill, S. Ghosh, Z. Ahmadi-Vand, K.R. Marsden, D.L. Gibson. Univ. of British Columbia Okanagan. B688 1027.6 Depletion of Murine Microbiota with BroadSpectrum Antibiotics Alters Intestinal Motility, Secretion, and Mucosal Barrier Function. J. Lendrum, B. Seebach, S. Liu. Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse. B689 1027.7 Amoxicillin Decreases Intestinal Microbial Diversity and Increases Stress-Associated Behaviors in Zebrafish. K.L. Deprey, J.K. Uno. Elon Univ. B690 1027.8 IBS-Induced Constipation Alters Gut Microbiota Stability Leading to Intestinal Transit Time Changes in the Host. K. Touw, A. Nadimpalli, N. Hubert, V. Leone, P. Kashyap, E. Chang. Univ. of Chicago and Mayo Clin. 1028.GENE EDITING, NON-CODING RNA, AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Poster Mon. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:45 pm–3:00 pm B691 1028.1 The Baylor KOMP2 Program and BaSH Consortium: A Resource for Producing and Phenotyping Knockout Mice. C.L. Reynolds, A. Beaudet, M. Dickinson, J. Seavitt, J. Heaney. Baylor Col. of Med. B692 1028.2 Variation in Exercise Capacity and Responses to Training in Inbred Mouse Strains. M.P. Massett, J.J. Avila, S.K. Kim. Texas A&M Univ. MONDAYPHYSIOLOGY B693 1028.3 Vitamin D Supplementation and DNA Methylation Patterns during Pregnancy and Lactation in Mothers and Infants. C.M. Anderson, D.K. Thiele, J.L. Ralph, D. Perley, J.E. Ohm. Col. of Nursing, The Ohio State Univ., Sch. of Nursing, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and Col. of Nursing and Prof. Disc. and Sch. of Med. and Hlth. Sci., Univ. of North Dakota. B694 1028.4 Comparative Analysis of Methods to Profile mRNA Expression of G-Protein Coupled Receptors. K. Sriram, S. Zhou, A.M. Lowy, P.A. Insel. UCSD and UCSD Sch. of Med. B695 1028.5 The Essence of Quiescence: Understanding the Roles of Histone Modification H4K20me3 and the Histone Modifying Enzyme Suv4-20h2 in Cellular Quiescence. A.Z. Corvalan, A.G. Evertts, W.E. Lowry, H.A. Coller. UCLA and Princeton Univ. B696 1028.6 Survey on microRNAs Targeting MuRF1 and MuRF2 in Regenerating Skeletal Muscle. W.J. Silva, I.L. Baptista, J.G. Silvestre, C.I. Yan, A.S. Moriscot. Inst. of Biomed. Sci., Univ. of São Paulo. B697 1028.7 LncRNA H19 Inhibits Gut Epithelial Regeneration via Wnt Co-receptor LRP6 by Interacting with RNA-Binding Protein HuR. G. Chen, J.N. Rao, T. Zou, L. Xiao, H.K. Chung, M. Gorospe, J-Y. Wang. Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med. and NIA, NIH, Baltimore. B698 1028.8 miR-145 Targets the 3′ UTR of Cited2 and Is Reduced by Myostatin in C2C12 Cells. Z.A. Graham, R. de Gasperi, W.A. Bauman, C.P. Cardozo. James J. Peters VA Med. Ctr., Bronx and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mt. Sinai. B699 1028.9 Role of lncRNAs in Regulating Endothelial Function. T-S. Huang, K-C. Wang, J.Y-S. Li, T-Y. Chang, S. Subramaniam, J. Shyy, H-W. Wang, S. Chien. Sch. of Med., UCSD and Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Taiwan. B700 1028.10 The MicroRNA let-7f Regulates Expression of the Voltage-Gated Mechanosensitive Ion Channel NaV1.5 in Human Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle. A. Mazzone, P.R. Strege, C.E. Bernard, R.R. Cima, D.W. Larson, E.J. Dozois, Y. Hayashi, T. Ordog, S.J. Gibbons, A. Beyder, G. Farrugia. Mayo Clin. B701 1028.11 MiR9 Is Increased in Rheumatoid Arthritis Monocytes and Regulates Monocyte Migration. J. Gaudette, W.A. Stinson, D.A. Fox, M.A. Amin, B.J. Rabquer. Albion Col. and Univ. of Michigan. B702 1028.12 MicroRNA Profiling and Regulation in Hypertensive Kidney. G. Weber, S. Pushpakumar, M. Mukhopadhyay, U. Sen. Univ. of Louisville. B703 1028.13 miR429 Is Upregulated in Inflammatory Monocytes and Regulates Monocyte Migration. Z.R. Barry, R.W. Kynast, W.A. Stinson, D.A. Fox, M.A. Amin, B.J. Rabquer. Albion Col., MI and Univ. of Michigan. B704 1028.14 MicroRNAs Target Decidual Angiogenic Factors during Early Pregnancy in BPH/5, a Spontaneous Mouse Model of Preeclampsia. J. Xia, S. Baxter, J. Grenier, R.L. Davisson, J.L. Sones. Cornell Univ. M O N 341 TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Anatomy 1029.DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH: NEURAL CREST AND PLACODES 1031.DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH: ORGANOGENESIS Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Developmental Biology/Morphology Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A259 1029.1 Molecular Changes Leading to the Abnormal Migration of Sacral Neural Crest Cells in the Dominant megacolon Mutant, a Mouse Model of Hirschsprung’s Disease. T. Huang, Y. Hou, W.Y. Chan. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong. A260 1029.2 The Effect of Phenylalanine Exposure on Cell Migration. M.B. Vaughan, N.J. Alkadhem, N.J. Seagraves. Univ. of Central Oklahoma and Al Nahrain Univ. A261 1029.3 Cranial Neural Crest Migration Sculpts Endothelial Patterning in Avians with Anti-angiogenic Factors. M.C. McKinney, P. Kulesa. Stowers Inst. for Med. Res., Kansas City, MO. (83.2) 1030.DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH: CRANIOFACIAL A266 1031.1 Deletion of Notch Signaling in the Developing Mouse Kidney Results in a Disruption of Planar Cell Polarity in Tubule Epithelial Cells. D. Kearns, S. Livingston, R. Baybutt, G. Vanden Heuvel. Wheaton Col., IL and Western Michigan Univ. Sch. of Med. A267 1031.2 Mechanics of Cell Motility within Stratified Epithelia. A. Czirok, D.G. Isai, Z. Neufeld. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. and Queensland Univ., Australia. A268 1031.3 An Active Microrheological Approach to Determine Material Properties of Early Avian Embryos. E. Kosa, Z. Akos, M. Filla, D.G. Isai, S. Ghazvini, P. Dhar, A. Czirok. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr., Children’s Hosp. Los Angeles and Univ. of Kansas. 1032.DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH: LIMBS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A262 1030.1 Role of Skeletal Muscle in Inner Ear Development. I. Rot, B. Kablar. Dalhousie Univ., Canada. A263 1030.2 The Otolithic Membrane Mediates Otolith Organization. K.L. Kramer, K.D. Thiessen. Creighton Univ. A264 1030.3 Inner Ear Volume in Craniosynostotic Mice. E.A. Heitman, M.A. Holmes, M.A. McNulty, V.B. DeLeon, J.C. Mussell. Sch. of Med., LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans, Duke Univ. Sch. of Med., LSU Sch. of Vet. Med., Baton Rouge and Univ. of Florida. A265 1030.4 Ontogeny and Microanatomy of the Nasal Turbinals in Four Genera of Lemuriformes. T.D. Smith, M.C. Martell, J.B. Rossie, V.B. DeLeon. Sch. of Phys. Therapy, Slippery Rock Univ., Univ. of Pittsburgh, Univ. of Florida and SUNY Stony Brook. 342 Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A269 1032.1 Low Dose IGF-I Augments the BoneLengthening Effect of Targeted Heat in the Mouse Hindlimb. M.A. Serrat, H.L. Racine, G. Ion, J.C. Kerby, C.A. Meadows. Marshall Univ. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med. A270 1032.2 Thermal Imaging Reveals Temperature Retention in Hindlimbs of Mice Up to 4 Hours after Targeted Intermittent Limb Heating. H.L. Racine, G. Ion, J.C. Kerby, M.X. Gray, C.A. Meadows, M.A. Serrat. Marshall Univ. Joan C. Edwards Sch. of Med. A271 1032.3 Co-incident Upregulation of Shh and Hoxa 13 by Fgf in the Developing Limb Bud. D. Real, B.A. Watson, J.M. Feenstra, C.U. Pira, K.C. Oberg. Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med. and Loma Linda Univ. A272 1032.4 Lmx1b Binds to a Gdf5-Associated Enhancer Element Active during Limb Dorsalization. E. Haro, L. Pernu, C.U. Pira, K.C. Oberg. Loma Linda Univ. and Walla Walla Univ. A273 1032.5 Lmx1b-Mediated Limb Dorsalization: Identification of a Potential Regulatory Sequence for Keratocan, Lumican, and Decorin. R.N. Spady, E. Haro, C.U. Pira, J.M. Feenstra, K.C. Oberg. Loma Linda Univ. TUESDAYANATOMY 1033.DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH: REPRODUCTION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A274 1033.1 Musculoskeletal and Neural Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Development in Humans and Broader Medical Implications. M. Alghamdi, C. Smith, J. Ziermann, R. Diogo. Howard Univ. A275 1033.2 Uterine Endometrial Reprogramming during Early Pregnancy Is Accompanied by Distinct Spatiotemporal Expression Patterns of Basement Membrane Components. C.R. Jones-Paris, S. Paria, T. Berg, J. Saus, G. Bhave, B.C. Paria, B. Hudson. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. and Valencia Univ. Med. Sch. A276 1033.3 Differential Changes in Trophoblast Lineage Allocation in Rats Deficient in Uterine Natural Killer Cells. S.J. Renaud, R.L. Scott, D. Chakraborty, M.A.K. Rumi, M.J. Soares. Univ. of Western Ontario and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. A277 1033.4 Receptors for Advanced Glycation EndProducts (Rage) Inhibition Protects from Intrauterine Growth Restriction (Iugr) during Second Hand Smoke (Shs) in Mice. C.J. Jordan, J.B. Lewis, J.S. Bodine, A.L. Lewis, T.M. Dunaway, K.M. Egbert, T.D. Monson, C. Ogden, T.J. Wright, C.A. Mejia, P.R. Reynolds, J.A. Arroyo. Brigham Young Univ. 1034.CELL BIOLOGY: MEMBRANES, CYTOSKELETON, CELL ADHESION AND SIGNALING Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Cell Biology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A278 1034.1 Identification and Characterization of a Novel Actin-Associated Protein Recruited to Structures at the Plasma Membrane. M.D. Chua, J.A. Guttman. Simon Fraser Univ., Canada. A279 1034.2 Functional Characterization of SM22 during Listeria monocytogenes Infections. K.J. Hipolito, M.D. Chua, J. Solway, J.A. Guttman. Simon Fraser Univ., Canada and Univ. of Chicago. A280 1034.3 Cell Contractility-Driven Multicellular Nodule Formation. D.G. Isai, J. Zach, E. Mehes, S. Paku, B. Hegedus, B. Dome, A. Czirok. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr, Eotvos Univ. and Semmelweis Med. Univ., Hungary and Med. Univ. of Vienna. A281 1034.4 The Non-receptor Tyrosine Kinase, Src, and Its Regulator PTP1B Are Present at Tubulobulbar Complexes. C.D. Ho, K.R.P. Lyon, A.W. Vogl. Univ. of British Columbia. A282 1034.5 Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 Is Present at Tubulobulbar Complexes. K.R.P. Lyon, A.W. Vogl. Univ. of British Columbia. A283 1034.6 Immunoelectron Microscopy of Endocytosis and Junction Proteins at Tubulobulbar Complexes in the Mammalian Testis. A. Adams, A.W. Vogl. Univ. of British Columbia. A284 1034.7 The Role of Nanoscale Roughness on Cell Attachment following Titanium-Based Instrumentation of Titanium, Titanium-Zirconium, and Zirconia Surfaces. D.R. Cerutis, N.G. Fischer, R. Gnabasik, M.S. Lang, A. Baruth. Creighton Univ. A285 1034.8 Evidence That Epithelial Tight Junctions Are Altered during Edwardsiella Infections. P. Aggarwal, K.Y. Leung, J.A. Guttman. Simon Fraser Univ. and Trinity Western Univ., Canada. A286 1034.9 The Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Conditioned Medium on Fibroblast Tension Generation and Migration. P. Kshetri, R.E. Brennan, M.B. Vaughan. Univ. of Central Oklahoma. A287 1034.10 Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm and Planktonic Secreted Products on Myofibroblast Differentiation. P.M. Hall, R.E. Brennan, M.B. Vaughan. Univ. of Central Oklahoma. A288 1034.11 The Effect of n-Acetylcysteine on the Migration of Myofibroblasts. M.D. Nichols, M.B. Vaughan. Univ. of Central Oklahoma. A289 1034.12 Caffeine Inhibits Dupuytren’s Fibroblast Form and Function In Vitro. J.C. Pantoja, M. Bryson, N. Alkadhem, M.B. Vaughan. Univ. of Central Oklahoma. A290 1034.13 Phenformin Inhibits Myofibroblast Differentiation in Dupuytren’s Contracture Cells Treated with TGF-β1 R.A. McNamar, M.B. Vaughan. Univ. of Central Oklahoma. A291 1034.14 Effect of ADAM17 on EMMPRIN Expression after Vesicant Injury to the Cornea. M.K. Gordon, A. DeSantisRodrigues, Y. Chang, R.A. Hahn, P. Zhou, N.D. Heindel, D.R. Gerecke, K.K.H. Svoboda. Ernest Mario Sch. of Pharm., Rutgers Univ., Lehigh Univ. and Texas A&M Baylor Col. of Dent. A292 1034.15 Bcl-xL-c-FLIPpL Anti-apoptotic Interaction in Microvascular Endothelial Cells. D.A. Sawant. Alderson Broaddus Univ. Col. of Med. Sci. A293 1034.16 The Role of HFE in Macrophages. A. Nixon, E. Neely, J. Connor. Penn State Col. of Med. A294 1034.17 Impact of BMP-7 on Cell Migration in the Meniscus. V. Taylor II, I. Hutchinson, K. Danelson, C. Ferguson. Wake Forest Med. Ctr. and Hosp. for Spec. Surg., NY. (9.3) 1035.MUSCLE: ANATOMY DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Bones/Muscle/Connective Tissue Evolution/Anthropology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A295 1035.1 Development of the Epaxial Muscles in the Human Embryo. H.K. Mekonen, J.P.J.M. Hikspoors, G. Mommen, S.E. Köhler, W.H. Lamers. Maastricht Univ., Netherlands. 343 T U E ANATOMYTUESDAY A296 1035.2 Hindlimb Muscles of 17.5-18.5 dpc Mice Double Null for MyoD and Trp53 Appear Indistinguishable from Muscles of Mice Null for Either Gene. C.H. Im, K. Chau, M. Lopez, X.Z. Sun, J. Tran, S. Cuya, S.B. Sharp. Cal State LA. A297 1035.3 The Cardiopharyngeal Field and Associated Syndromes in Humans. A. Forrester, F. Fahimuddin, S. Singh, J.M. Ziermann. Howard Univ. Col. of Med. A298 1035.4 Evaluation of the Relationships between Anatomical Variations of the Pronator Teres and Pronator Quadratus. L. Trimble, C. Lewis. Samuel Merritt Univ. A299 1035.5 The Ligamentous Connection between the Anterior Belly of the Digastric Muscle and the Mylohyoid. J.V. Swearingen, K.D. Miller, M.J. Zdilla, H.W. Lambert. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med. and West Liberty Univ. 1036.STEM CELLS, TISSUE ENGINEERING, WOUND HEALING AND REGENERATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Stem Cells/ Regeneration Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells, Tissue Regeneration, Biomaterials) Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A300 1036.1 Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Chemically-Induced Arthritis in Rats: Role of Proinflammatory and Pain-Mediating Cytokines. H. Atta, A. Noorwali, T. Bashah, A. Ganem. King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia and Fac. of Med., Cairo Univ. A301 1036.2 Premature Ovarian Failure Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Show Compromised Potential to Develop to Germ Cells and Granulosa Cells. C-Y. Lu, Y-A. Chen, F-C. Wu, N-S. Chang, H-N. Ho, H-F. Chen. Natl. Taiwan Univ. Col. of Med. Grad., Taipei and Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan. A302 1036.3 Investigation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Fibroblast Biomarkers for Cell Characterization by Immunohistochemistry. T. Lerma, G.D. Guttmann. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. A303 1036.4 Mustard Injured Skin: Are Matricellular Proteins Involved in the Delay of Wound Repair? Y-C. Chang, R. Hahn, H-Y. Chang, P. Zhou, K.K.H. Svoboda, M. Gordon, D. Gerecke. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway and Texas A&M Univ., Baylor Col. of Dent. A304 1036.5 Olive Oil Administration Improves Cutaneous Wound Healing of Pressure Ulcers in Mice. A. Monte Alto Costa, A. Donnato-Trancoso, B. Romana-Souza. Rio de Janeiro State Univ. A305 1036.6 Using Rabbit Umbilical Cord Stem Cells as Vehicle to Deliver Anti-cancer Drugs to Treat Pancreatic Cancer. C. Marolt, R.S. Rachakatla. Kirksville Col. of Osteo. Med., A.T. Still Univ. A306 1036.7 Investigation of Blood Cell Populations in the Development and Regeneration of a Colonial Ascidian. T. Houck, M. Boyd, E. Balde, E. Keeling. Cal Poly State Univ., San Luis Obispo. 344 A307 1036.8 An In Silico Model of Xenobiotic Distribution and Metabolism in a Simulated Mouse Hepatic Lobule. X. Fu, J.P. Sluka, S. Clendenon, J.A. Glazier, Z. Wang, J. Klaunig, J. Ryan, K. Dunn. Indiana Univ. Bloomington and Indiana Univ. Indianapolis. A308 1036.9 Potential Mechanisms of Action for Exogenous Ketone Enhancement of Ischemic Wound Healing in Young and Aged Fischer Rats. S.L. Kesl, M. Wu, L.J. Gould, D.P. D’Agostino. Morsani Col. of Med., Univ. of South Florida. (9.4) 1037.BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH: ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Bones/Muscle/Connective Tissue Developmental Biology/Morphology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A309 1037.1 An Anatomical Study of the Trabecular Bone Density Distribution in the Scapula Adjacent to the Glenoid Fossa. M. Daalder, G. Venne, M. Rainbow, T. Bryant, R.T. Bicknell, L. MacKenzie. Queen’s Univ., Canada. A310 1037.2 Trabecular Mapping of the Human Distal Femur: Leveraging Geometric Morphometrics for Studies of Bone Microstructure. A.D. Sylvester. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. A311 1037.3 Quantification of the 3D Orientation of Vascular Canals in Cortical Bone. I.V. Pratt, D.M.L. Cooper. Univ. of Saskatchewan. A312 1037.4 Comparative Examination of Forelimb Skeletons of Deer in South Korea. D. Ahn, J. Sim, B-Y. Park, I-S. Kim. Col. of Vet. Med., Chonbuk Natl. Univ. and Col. of Med. Sci., Jeonju Univ., South Korea. A313 1037.5 Thoracic Vertebral Morphology and Locomotor Adaptation in Anthropoid Primates. B.D. Sarrazin, E.R. Middleton, C.V. Ward. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A314 1037.6 Sternum Morphology and Locomotor Adaptation in Anthropoid Primates. M.T. Alwell, E.R. Middleton, C.V. Ward. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A315 1037.7 Havers-Halberg Rhythms in Canis familiaris R. Hogg, T. Bromage, B. Hu. Florida Gulf Coast Univ. and New York Univ. Col. of Dent. 1038.BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH: CRANIOFACIAL Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Bones/Muscle/Connective Tissue Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A316 1038.1 Cranial Index and Pattern of Head Shapes in Children Aged 0 - 36 Months from Sokoto, Nigeria. M.A. Musa, A.D. Zagga, M. Danfulani, A. Hamid, J.D. Usman, A. Abdulhameed, M. Dahiru. Usmanu Danfodiyo Univ., Sokoto, Nigeria. TUESDAYANATOMY A317 1038.2 Ontogenetic Shape Change in the Human Cranial Base and Its Relationship to Positional Behavior. F.R. McGechie. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. A318 1038.3 Phylogenetic Signals in the Primate Sphenoid Bone at Birth. V.B. DeLeon, T.D. Smith. Univ. of Florida and Slippery Rock Univ. Sch. of Phys. Therapy. A319 1038.4 Prevalence, Size, and Shape of the Accessory Optic Canal. H.W. Lambert, A.M. Cusick, M.J. Zdilla. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med., Bellaire H.S., OH and West Liberty Univ. A320 1038.5 Factors Affecting Craniofacial Development in a Mouse Model of Crouzon Syndrome. K. Brakora, C.J. Percival, R. Green, S-G. Gong, B. Hallgrimsson, R. Marcucio. UCSF, Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Univ. of Toronto. A321 1038.6 Functional Cranial Joint Histology in Anas platyrhynchos: A Window to Understand Avian Cranial Kinesis. A.M. Bailleul, C.M. Holliday. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. 1039.BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH: EVOLUTION, DEVELOPMENT, DISEASE AND REPAIR Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Bones/Muscle/Connective Tissue Evolution/Anthropology Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A322 1039.1 Evolvability and the Diversification of the Craniofacial Skeleton in the Domesticated Pigeon (Columba livia) M. Linde-Medina, J. Fondon, R. Marcucio, B. Hallgrímsson, N.M. Young. UCSF, Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Calgary, Canada. A323 1039.2 Expression of CGRP, Osteopontin and VEGF in Embryonic Mouse Mandible. I. Sato, Y. Azuma, Y. Miwa, S. Hara, M. Sunohara. The Nippon Dent. Univ. and Nippon Dent. Univ. Hosp. A324 1039.3 Bat Development: Interspecies Differences in Baculum Ossification Patterns. A.N. Herdina, T.P. Nugraha, G. Semiadi, P.H.C. Lina, L. Godlevska, B.D. Metscher. Univ. of Vienna, Indonesian Inst. of Sci., Cibinong, Naturalis Biodiversity Ctr., Netherlands and Natl. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine, Kiev. A325 1039.4 The Dual Function of Osteocytes in Both Demineralization and Remineralization Processes during Bone Remodeling. Y. Hui, R. Zhang, Y. Ren, Y. Liu, J. Wang, J. Feng. Baylor Col. of Dent. and Duke Univ. Sch. of Med. A326 1039.5 Mechanically-Induced Osteocyte/Th17 Cell Signaling and Subsequent Osteoclast Recruitment. T. McCumber, K. Drescher, D. Cullen. Creighton Univ. A327 1039.6 The Effects of Body Weight Supported Physical Activity on Joint Pain, Function and Thigh Muscle Strength in Overweight Patients with Mild – Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis. J. Peeler, J. Leiter, P. MacDonald. Univ. of Manitoba and Pan Am Clin. Fndn., Winnipeg, Canada. A328 1039.7 Production of Interleukin 1 Beta in Primary, Serum-Free Cultures of Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes. X. Lozano-Torres, A.L. Buckley, L. Miller, G. Bundens, V. Datillo, L. Milton, K. Behling, S. Chmielewski, E. Cho, A. Selim, M. George-Weinstein, M. D’Angelo. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Cooper Univ. Hosp. and Cooper Sch. of Med. of Rowan Univ., NJ. A329 1039.8 Extracellular Matrix Protection Factor 1, a Novel Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease 13 Is Chondroprotective in a Serum-Free Culture Model of Primary Human Articular Chondrocytes. A.L. Buckley, M. George-Weinstein, L. Milton, V. Datillo, S. Goswami, X. Lozano-Torres, K. Behling, E. Cho, S. Chmielewski, A. Selim, L. Miller, M. D’Angelo. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Cooper Sch. of Med. of Rowan Univ. and Cooper Univ. Hosp., Camden, NJ. A330 1039.9 The Effects of Genistein Treatment on the Proximal Femur of Obese Diabetic Mice. B. Odle, N. Dennison, L. Al-Nakash, T.L. Broderick, J.H. Plochocki. Midwestern Univ., AZ. A331 1039.10 Genistein Treatment Increases Resistance to Fracture in Obese Diabetic Mice. N. Dennison, B. Odle, L. Al-Nakash, T.L. Broderick, J.H. Plochocki. Col. of Med., Midwestern Univ., AZ. A332 1039.11 Transdifferentiation of Chondrocytes to Osteoblasts during Endochondral Ossification in the Healing Mandible. S.A. Wong, D. Hu, T. Miclau, C. Bahney, R. Marcucio. UCSF, Sch. of Dent. and Orthopaed. Trauma Inst. A333 1039.12 Developmental and Injury-Induced EphB3 Expression in Bone. R.A.D. Kamath, M. Szczerba, L. Xiang, M.D. Benson. Texas A&M Univ. Baylor Col. of Dent. A334 1039.13 Effects of Zoledronate Regimen on the Induction of BRONJ in Rats. M. Elsalanty, A. Daoudi, N. Howie, A. Panos, Z. Kurago. Georgia Regents Univ. and Med. Univ. of South Carolina. A335 1039.14 Morphometric Characterization of Maxillary and Mandibular Interdental Spaces at the Mucogingival Junction: Implications for Safe Orthodontic Miniscrew Insertion. J. Yang, A. Tassi, T.D. Wilson, Y. Hosein, K. Galil. Western Univ., Canada. A336 1039.15 Stronger Composite Dental Restoration Results from Inclusion of Extracellular Matrix Protection Factor-2, a New Class of Matrix Metalloprotease 8 Inhibitor. D.W. Persky, N. Tuloglu, H. Ghanta, K. Kitagaito, H. Ciccarelli, G. Clauss, V. Datillo, A. Selim, F. Ozer, M. D’Angelo. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Osman Gazi Univ., Turkey and Univ. of Pennsylvania. A337 1039.16 Determination of Palatal Bone Density to Aid in Oral Mini-implant Surgical Success. A. Flores, J.C. Reed. Grand Valley State Univ. A338 1039.17 Secondary Chondrogenesis on the Coronoid Process of the Mandible Requires Both FGF and TGFβ Signaling. K.C. Woronowicz, D.Z. Jaul, S.T. Herfat, A.J. Fields, J.C. Lotz, R.A. Schneider. UCSF. 1040.ANATOMY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A339 1040.1 The Birth and Evolution of Modern Anatomy. C. Barbieri, C. Lugar, G. Nusse, O. Summers. San Francisco State Univ. A340 1040.2 A Medium-Sized, Enlarged Anatomical Model of Human Ear in Plaster (First Middle of the 20th Century) P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, V. Fromager, J-B. Gillot. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ., France. 345 T U E ANATOMYTUESDAY A341 1040.3 A Very Large-Sized Enlarged Anatomical Model of Human Ear in Plaster (First Middle of the 20th Century) P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot. Versailles-St. Quentin Univ. and Librairie Alain Brieux, Paris. A342 1040.4 An Enlarged Anatomical Model of Ear in Wax (Tramond, Paris), Late 19th Century. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot, S. Verdeille. Versailles-St. Quentin Univ. and Librairie Alain Brieux, Paris and CIMOP. A343 1040.5 Does Sinus Surgery Increase the Risk of Orbital Fractures in Patients? R. Joshi, M. Johnson, K. Willmore, K. Galil, T. Jenkyn, L. Sowerby, C. Moore. Western Univ. and St. Joseph’s Hosp., London, Canada. A344 1040.6 Dissection of a New Born: A Visceral Model in Wax by C. Kellner, Early 20th Century. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot, P. Barbet. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ., Librairie Sci. Brieux, Paris and Descartes Univ., France. A345 1040.7 A Sample of the Tabulae Sceleti et Musculorum Corporis Humani by Albinus and Wandelaar, Leyden, 1747 P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ. and Librairie Sci. Brieux, Paris. A346 1040.8 An Original Letter of Georges Cuvier to Charles Bell: 1832, January 24th about the Models of Anatomy in “Papier Mâché” by the Dr. Auzoux. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ. and Librairie Sci. Brieux, Paris. A347 1040.9 Gautier d’Agoty, 1746, Paris: A Coloured Plate of Six Dissections of the Upper Limb. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent, M. Fromanger, J-B. Gillot. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ. and Librairie Sci. Brieux, Paris. A348 1040.10 Laterality of Pancreatic Metastases from Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Anatomical Perspective from the Left Kidney and Tail of the Pancreas. A.J. Raffoul, C.K. Hartley, M. Johnson, J.A. Gomez, S. Pautler, V. McAlister. Western Univ., London Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and St. Joseph’s Hosp., London, Canada. A349 1040.11 Ultrastructural Changes and Nestin Expression Accompanying Compensatory Renal Growth after Unilateral Nephrectomy in Adult Rats. M.A. Eladl, M. El-Sherbiny, W.M. Elsaed, H. Atef, M. Guimei. Univ. of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Univ. of Mansoura, Egypt, and ALMaarefa Col., Saudi Arabia. A350 1040.12 Laterality and Locality of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Pancreatic Position: Right Kidney RCC Mechanism of Dissemination to Pancreatic Position. C.K. Hartley, A. Raffoul, M. Johnson, J.A. Gomez, S. Pautler, V. McAlister. Western Univ., Univ. Hosp. London and St. Josephs Hosp., London, Canada. A351 1040.13 Marked Individual Differences in the Propensity to Select Methamphetamine Over Food Reinforcement in a Rat Preclinical Model. M. Purpura. Univ. California Santa Barbara. 1041.ANATOMY: ANIMAL MODELS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A352 1041.1 An Animal Series of Embryological Models in Plaster by Meusel in Germany, Circa 1900, Probably Representing the Amphioxus. P.P. Le Floch-Prigent. Versailles-Saint Quentin Univ., France. 346 A353 1041.2 is Diabetic Glomerular Basement Membrane Thickening Hyperglycemia Driven or Is It a Part of the Normal Aging Process? E. Carlson, J. Bleth, C. Miller, D. Laturnus, L.K. Young, E. Schaff. Univ. of North Dakota. A354 1041.3 Pig (Sus suis): A Half-Sized, Dismantabled, “Ecorché” Anatomical Model of the First Part of the 20th Century. P.P. LE FLOCH-PRIGENT, J-B. GILLOT. VersaillesSaint Quentin Univ. and Librairie Sci. Brieux, Paris. A355 1041.4 The Lumbar Facet Joint Capsule Thickens following Spinal Segmental Hypomobility-Induced Osteoarthritis. A.N. Benckendorf, J.A. Merlo, G.D. Cramer, J.W. Little. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. and Doisy Col. of Hlth. Sci. and Natl. Univ. of Hlth. Sci., Lombard, IL. A356 1041.5 Lumbar Spinal Segmental HypomobilityInduced Osteoarthritis Is Associated with Early Regression of Facet Joint Synovial Folds. J.A. McDowell, J.A. Merlo, G.D. Cramer, J.W. Little. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. and Doisy Col. of Hlth. Sci. and Natl. Univ. of Hlth. Sci., Lombard, IL. 1042.ANATOMY: RESPIRATORY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A357 1042.1 Respiratory Complications with Coincident Kyphoscoliosis and Type Iv Hiatal Hernia. D. Hutchinson, S. Worku. Ross Univ. Sch. of Med. A358 1042.2 Post-pneumonectomy Compensatory Lung Growth Is Associated with Spatially Dependent Blood-Borne Myofibroblast Recruitment. A. Ysasi, B. Gibney, K. Chamoto, C. Valenzuela, R. Bennett, W. Wagner, M. Ackermann, A. Tsuda, S. Mentzer. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch., Johannes Gutenberg Univ., Mainz and Harvard Sch. of Publ. Hlth. 1043.ANATOMY: MUSCULOSKELETAL Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Bones/Muscle/Connective Tissue Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A359 1043.1 Review of Anatomical Changes in the Musculature of the Foot as Seen in the Cadavers Study with Hallux Valgus. P-W. Kim. Indiana Wesleyan Univ. Sch. of Hlth. Sci. A360 1043.2 The Morphological and Biomechanical Characteristics of the Ligamentum Mucosum and Its Potential Role in Anterior Knee Pain. M.E. Norris, T. Burkhart, M. Johnson, M. Sandig,T. Smallman, A. Getgood. Western Univ., Canada and Melbourne Orthopaed. Gp., Windsor, Australia. A361 1043.3 An Expansion of the Anatomy of the Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee: Morphological Variation and an Alternate Dissection Approach. M.F. Parker, H.F. Smith. Arizona Col. of Osteo. Med., Midwestern Univ. and Arizona State Univ. Sch. of Human Evol. and Social Change. TUESDAYANATOMY A362 1043.4 Hindlimb Anatomy of Three Anole Lizards: Anolis equestris, A. frenatus and A. Biporcatus L.E. Johnson, J. Robertson, B. Garns, S. Gilpin, M. Jordan, M. Elkins, K. Kusumi, R. Fisher. Univ. of Arizona Col. of Med., Phoenix and Arizona State Univ. Sch. of Life Sci., Tempe. A363 1043.5 Expression of Myostatin in Postnatal Mouse Head and Leg Muscles. Y. Miwa, H. Takada, I. Sato, M. Sunohara. The Nippon Dent. Univ. A364 1043.6 Cadaveric Study of the Anatomical and Histological Relationships between the Achilles and Plantaris Tendons. J. Goral, S.E. Inouye, Z. Belford, E. Leland, B. Ferrel, A. Cheung, A. Meyer, N. Fanter. Midwestern Univ., Chicago Col. of Osteo. Med. and Edward Hines Jr. VA Hosp., IL. A365 1043.7 Cadaveric Study of Anatomical and Histological Characteristics of Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon at Possible Sites of Tendon Rupture. J. Goral, S.E. Inouye, B. Ferrel, A. Cheung, Z. Belford, E. Leland, A. Meyer, N. Fanter. Midwestern Univ., Chicago Col. of Osteo. Med. and Edward Hines Jr. VA Hosp., IL. A366 1043.8 Using Ultrasound to Prevent Iatrogenic Injury to the Dorsomedial Cutaneous Nerve of the Hallux. K.D. Miller, J.V. Swearingen, M.J. Zdilla, H.W. Lambert. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med. and West Liberty Univ. A367 1043.9 Mapping the Intersection Point of the Dorsomedial Cutaneous Nerve of the Hallux and the Extensor Hallucis Longus Tendon to Prevent Iatrogenic Injury during Foot Operative Procedures. K.D. Miller, J.V. Swearingen, D.T. Burns, M.J. Zdilla, H.W. Lambert. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med. and West Liberty Univ. A368 1043.10 Long-Term Muscle Involvement after Neonatal Pain. J.A. Alves, A.L.B. Simões, F.J. Dias, E.C. Carmo, N.B. Machado, L.S. Sanada, V.P.S. Fazan. Sch. of Med. of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. A369 1043.11 The Presence of a Variant Leg Muscle, Flexor Digitorum Accessorius Longus, Causing Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, or Posterior Tibial Neuralgia. J.V. Swearingen, P.M. Kennedy, K.P. Whipp, K.D. Miller, M.J. Zdilla, H.W. Lambert. West Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med. and West Liberty Univ. A370 1043.12 The Anatomy of Pediatric Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Procedures – Newer Concepts and Procedures. T. Ghosh. ndian Inst. of Morphol., Kolkata. 1044.ANATOMY: GASTROINTESTINAL Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A371 1044.1 Japanese Herbal Medicine, Juzentaihoto, Suppress the Lymphocyte Infiltration in the Aging Mouse Salivary Glands. N. Nonaka, M. Nakamura. Showa Univ., Japan. A372 1044.2 Accessory Quadrate of Liver and Its Implications. C. Chandrasekaran. So. Med. Univ., China. A373 1044.3 Maternal High Fat Diet Alters Expression of Myenteric Ganglia and Glia Prior to the Development of Obesity. C.A. McMenamin, K. Browning. Penn State Col. of Med. A374 1044.4 Human Hepatic Progenitor Cells in Hepatic Fibrosis of Elderly Cadavers: Lobular Distribution of Cytokeratin 7 and 19 Expressing Hepatic Progenitor Cells. C.Y.M. Png, K.M. Mark. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A375 1044.5 Human Hepatic Progenitor Cells in Hepatic Fibrosis of Elderly Cadavers: Cytokeratin 7 Marks Intermediate Hepatocyte-Like Cells. K.M. Mak, C.Y.M. Png. Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A376 1044.6 You Are What You Eat or You Eat What You Are? Comparative Mammalian Gastrointestinal Anatomy. B.J. Ramalanjaona, C. Sorrento, A.S. Pagano, S. Marquez. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr. and NYU Sch. of Med. A377 1044.7 The Development of the Hepatic Venous System in Man. J. Hikspoors, M. Peeters, H. Mekonen, G. Mommen, E. Köhler,W. Lamers. Maastricht Univ., Netherlands. 1045.ANATOMY: UROGENITAL Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A378 1045.1 Computer-Assisted Anatomical Dissection of the Renal Plexus to Refine Renal Denervation in the Treatment of Refractory Hypertension. T. Bessede, C. Lebacle, K. Nyangoh Timoh, J. Martinovic, D. Diallo, M. Zaitouna, G. Benoit. Paris Sud Univ., Le Kremlin Bicetre, Paris Sud Univ. Hosp. of Bicetre and Hosp. Antoine Beclere, Clamart, France. A379 1045.2 Uro-genital Development in Juvenile SpragueDawley Rats: A Histomorphologic and Immunohistochemical Study. V. Vrolyk, A. Apreutese, C. Gordon, R. Forster, A. Graham, B. Palate, J. Haruna, M-O. Benoit-Biancamano. Fac. of Vet. Med., Univ. of Montreal, St.-Hyacinthe, CiToxLAB, Laval and CiToxLAB France, Evreux. A380 1045.3 Innervation of the Female Levator Ani Muscle and Consequences in Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions. T. Bessede, K. Nyangoh Timoh, C. Lebacle, J. Martinovic, M. Zaitouna, D. Diallo, M. Creze, G. Benoit, D. Moszkowicz. Paris Sud Univ., Hosp. of Bicetre and Hosp. Antoine Beclere, Clamart, France. A381 1045.4 The Anatomy of the Human Myometrium: A Stereological Approach. P. Dockery, E.M. Sweeney, C.J. Denis, M.J. John. Anat. Sch. of Med. NUIGalway, Ireland and McMaster Univ., Canada. A382 1045.5 Standardization of Nodal Counting in the Obturator Fossa of Cadaveric Specimens. T.S. Beveridge, M. Johnson, N. Power, B.L. Allman. Schulich Sch. of Med. and Dent., Western Univ. and London Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Canada. A383 1045.6 Optical Clearing and 3D-Histology of Murine Testis. J.A. Kaufman, M.J. Castro, J.R. Rodriguez-Sosa. Midwestern Univ., AZ. 347 T U E ANATOMYTUESDAY 1046.ANATOMY: FORM AND VARIATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: O dd Board# 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Even Board# 1:00 pm–2:00 pm A384 1046.1 The Branching and Innervation Pattern of the Radial Nerve in the Forearm: A Study to Clarify the Literature. F.K. Sawyer, R. Lufler. Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med. A385 1046.2 3D Modeling of Geometric Structure and Tissue Composition of Human Laryngeal Anatomy via HighResolution MRI Segmentation and Histological Analysis. N.L. Mason, H. Wang, B. Heldt, B. Long, A. Nazaran, R. Reid, N.K. Bangerter, J.J. Wisco. California Northstate Univ. Col. of Med., Brigham Young Univ. and Univ. of Utah Sch. of Med. A386 1046.3 Studies of Bilateral Asymmetry of the Upper Limb in Adult Males in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria. A.O. Oyewopo, I. Gbadamosi, L. Ezra, T. Arogundade, R. Jaji-Sulaimon. Univ. of Ilorin, Nigeria. A387 1046.4 Nerve-Muscle Perforation Variations in the Upper Limb: A Review with a Description of Three New Variants. J.M.A. Miller, R. Trelease. UCLA David Geffen Sch. of Med. A388 1046.5 Prevalence of Pathology in the Cadaveric Heart, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. M. Pontiff, G. Rae. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. A389 1046.6 Peno-Scrotal Raphe Absence and Its Herniation. K.D. Dokiparty. So. Med. Univ., China. A390 1046.7 A Rare Case of Bilateral Supra-Piriformis Pelvic Exit of the Common Fibular Nerve and Its Clinical Relevance. C. Vasan, E. Goldman, N. Vasan. Cooper Med. Sch. of Rowan Univ., NJ. A391 1046.8 Accessory Slip of Latissimus Dorsi. H.M. Beyea, M.I. Hurley, M.P. Olivieri, T. Stevens. D’Youville Col., NY. 348 A392 1046.9 The Facial Nerve: The Path of Its Branches to the Muscles of the Infraorbital Region That Lift the Upper Lip in Relation to the Deep Fascia of the Midface. C. Andretto Amodeo, V. Delmas, A. Casasco, G.S. Keller. Casa di Cura La Madonnina, Milan, Univ. Paris Descartes, Univ. of Pavia and David Geffen Sch. of Med., UCLA. A393 1046.10 Hemorrhage Secondary to Interforamina Implant Surgery: Anatomical Considerations. P. Gill, K. Willmore, T. Wilson, H. Perinpanayagam, K. Galil. Western Univ., Canada. A394 1046.11 Case Report of a Bilateral Absence of the Semimembranosus Muscle. N. Morrison, S. Hervey, J. Runyeon. Univ. of Oregon. A395 1046.12 Anatomical Variation and Morphological Relationships of the Human Pharyngeal Recess: Clinical Implications. C.M. Sorrento, B. Ramalanjaona, A. Pagano, W. Lawson, S. Márquez. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr., NYU Sch. of Med., Langone Med. Ctr. and Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai. A396 1046.13 Prevalence of the Anterolateral Ligament. J. Hinkley, P. Lampert, C. Canby. Des Moines Univ. A397 1046.14 Clinical Implications and Embryological Explanation for Unilateral Variation in Formation of Sciatic Nerve in Relation to Piriformis Muscle – A Case Report. A.R,J. Nayakanti, K.R. Srinivasan, S.D. Velichety. Vinayaka Missions Univ. and Med. Ctr., Salem, India, Avalon Univ. Sch. of Med., Netherlands Antilles and Sri Padmavathi Med. Col. and Hosp., Tirupati, India. A398 1046.15 The Relationship between the Parotid Fascia and the Deep Fascia of the Infraorbital Region: A New Concept in Descriptive and Applied Anatomy. C. Andretto Amodeo, V. Delmas, A. Casasco, G.S. Keller. Casa di Cura La Madonnina, Milan, Univ. Paris Descartes, Univ. of Pavia and David Geffen Sch. of Med., UCLA. A399 1046.16 Subcutaneous Tissue Depth over Intraosseous Infusion Sites in a Cadaveric Model. M. Glazier, J.C. Reed. Grand Valley State Univ. A400 1046.17 Pelvic Incidence in Children and Adolescents Predicts Mature Lumbar Lordosis. J.F. Bailey, S. Shefi, M. Soudack, P.A. Kramer, E. Been. Univ. of Washington, UCSF and Ono Acad. Col., Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hosp., Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv Univ. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1047.DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK AND REPAIR 1050.STRUCTURAL INSIGHTS INTO DNA REPAIR Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C1 1047.1 Multiple Alternative End-Joining Mechanisms Exhibit Varying Dynamics in Double Strand Break Repair. M.L. Woods, A. Lewis, C. Barnes. University Col. London. C2 1047.2 Olive Leaf Metabolites as Covalent Human Topoisomerase II Poisons. K.R. Vann, C.A. Sedgeman, J. Gopas, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, N. Osheroff. Vanderbilt Univ. Sch. of Med., Ben-Gurion Univ. of Negev, Soroka Univ. Med. Ctr., Beer Sheva, Ben-Gurion Univ. of Negev (Sede Boqer Campus) and VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare Syst. 1048.FANCONI ANEMIA C8 1050.1 Crystal Structure of the Cancer Genomic DNA Mutator APOBEC3B Catalytic Domain. H. Aihara, K. Shi, M.A. Carpenter, K. Kurahashi, R.S. Harris. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. C9 1050.2 Chemical and Biochemical Stability of Guanine Lysine Crosslinks Formed by Guanine Oxidation. D. Esparza, J. Mincitar, N. Tran, A. Ramos, K. Miller, E. Stemp. Mount Saint Mary’s Univ. 1051.TELOMERES AND TELOMERASE Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C3 1048.1 A Nucleolar Role for the Fanconi Anemia Pathway Protein, FANCI, in rDNA Transcription. S.B. Sondalle, S. Longerich, P. Sung, S.J. Baserga. Yale Univ. 1049.REPAIR DURING DNA REPLICATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C4 1049.1 Mitochondrial DNA Damage Persistence Due to DNA Polymerase Gamma Disease Mutations. R. Krasich, W.C. Copeland. NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park. C5 1049.2 A Genome Wide Screen to Identify Genes That Prevent the Accumulation of Mutations. H.W. Hombauer, T. Schmidt, G.X. Reyes Cava, U. Ceylan, K. Gries, M. Meurer, M. Knop. DKFZ and Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany. C6 1049.3 Participation of Distal RRRY Motif in Strand Displacement DNA Synthesis by A-Family DNA Polymerases. M.J. Modak, A. Ketkar, K. Singh. Rutgers Univ., Newark, Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. C7 1049.4 Rad18 Regulates BRCA2, FANCD2, and Rad51 to Repair Topoisomerase 1 Inhibitor-Induced DNA Lesions through Homologous Recombination. K. Palle, K. Tripathi, D.W. Clark, C. Mani. USA Mitchell Cancer Inst., Mobile, AL. Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C10 1051.1 Transcription by the Telomeric Shelterin Protein TRF2 Is Telomere-Length Dependent – Telomeric Partitioning and Global Transcription. S. Chowdhury. CSIR Inst. of Genomics and Integrat. Biol., New Delhi. C11 1051.2 The Roles of Telomerase in Regeneration during Aging and the Telomeric DNA Sequence Identification in Aeolosoma viride C.F. Chen. Natl. Taiwan Univ. C12 1051.3 Quantification of Telomerase Activity in Colonial Ascidians. M. Durham, C. Beck, E. Keeling. Cal Poly State Univ., San Luis Obispo. C13 1051.4 TERT Promoter Mutations and Cancer. R. Nwumeh, J. Stern, T.R. Cech. Univ. of Colorado Boulder and Washington Univ. in St. Louis. C14 1051.5 Expression and Assembly of Active Human Telomerase in Escherichia coli J.L. Hansen, T. Thiyagarajan, A.K. Larson, A. Rideout, D.T. Hansen. A.T. Still Univ., Barrow Neurol. Inst., Phoenix and Med. Univ. of South Carolina. C15 1051.6 Sphingosine Kinase-2/Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Signaling Regulates Telomere Dysfunction through GADD45 and TCF21 Mediated Tumor Suppressor Mechanisms in Lung Cancer. S. Panneer Selvam, E. GarrettMayer, C.D. Smith, B. Ogretmen. Med. Univ. of South Carolina. 1052.TRANSLESION AND ERROR-PRONE DNA POLYMERASES Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C16 1052.1 Human Y-Family DNA Polymerase Kappa Is More Tolerant of Amino Acid Substitutions in the Active Site Loop Region Than Its E. coli Ortholog Dinb. N.M. Antczak, P. Ippoliti, J. Walsh, M. Packer, P. Beuning. Northeastern Univ. 349 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY C17 1052.2 Specificity and Activity of DNA Polymerase DinB and Polκ Loop Swap Variants. M.R. Packer, N. Antczak, P. Beuning. Campbell Univ. and Northeastern Univ. C18 1052.3 Investigation of Structure-Activity Relationships for Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Human DNA Polymerase Eta. M.K. Zafar, L. Maddukuri, S. Eddy, A. Ketkar, N.R. Penthala, P.A. Crooks, R.L. Eoff. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C19 1052.4 Biochemical and Biological Investigation of Human Polymerase Kappa Activity on G-Quadruplex DNA. S. Eddy, L. Maddukuri, M. Tillman, R. Smith, A. Ketkar, M.K. Zafar, R.L. Eoff. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C20 1052.5 Aberrant Activation of the Kynurenine Pathway in Gliomas Increases Polymerase Kappa Expression and Promotes Genomic Instability and Chemoresistance. A. Bostian, L. Maddukuri, M. Reed, T. Savenka, J. Hartman, L. Davis, D. Pouncey, G. Miller, R. Eoff. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C21 1052.6 Identifying Y-Family DNA Polymerase Inhibitors to Improve Anti-Cancer Drugs L. Maddukuri, M.K. Zafar, N. Penthala, P.A. Crooks, R.L. Eoff. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C22 1052.7 Investigating the Mechanism of Trans-lesion Synthesis by Human DNA Polymerase Kappa. Z.W. Younger, T. Allen, B. Sampoli Benitez. Marymount Manhattan Col. C23 1052.8 In Silico Exploration of the Mechanism of Translesion Synthesis by DinB. E. Perez, B. Sampoli Benitez. Marymount Manhattan Col. 1053.CHROMATIN REMODELING AND EPIGENETICS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C24 1053.1 NURF Localizes in Gene Bodies to Regulate mRNA Processing. J. Landry, A. Alhazmi, M. Mack, A. Petencin, H. Nelson, J. Hiegel, V. Koparde, N. Scarsdale, C. Lyons, M. Dozmorov. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. C25 1053.2 Endocrine Disrupting Chemical, Bisphenol-A, Induces Breast Cancer Associated Homeobox Containing Gene HOXB9 Expression In Vitro and In Vivo. P. Deb, A. Bhan, I. Hussain, K.I. Ansari, S.A. Bobzean, D. Saha, L.I. Perrotti, S.S. Mandal. Univ. of Texas at Arlington and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. C26 1053.3 Effect of Inflammatory Cytokines on DNA Methylation and Demethylation. J. Winfield, A. Esbitt, S.F. Seutter, B. Desai, M. Abdo, M. Vasconez, W. Laidlaw, K. Green, S.M. Shamseddin, R.C. Borghaei. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo Med., Temple Univ. Kornberg Sch. of Med. and Kennett Square, PA. C27 1053.4 Implications for 4-Oxo-2-Nonenal-Derived Histone Adducts in Mediating Gene Expression. J.M. Camarillo, J.J. Galligan, L.J. Marnett. Vanderbilt Univ. C28 1053.5 Age-Related Epigenetic Modifications Contribute to Dysfunction of Male Germline Progenitor Cells. T-L. Lee, J. Liao, W-Y. Chan. The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong. C29 1053.6 Sphingosine Kinase 2 Generated Nuclear S1P Is an Epigenetic Co-regulator of Pseudomonas aeruginosaInduced Lung Inflammation. D.L. Ebenezer, P. Fu, E. Berdyshev, V. Natarajan. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. 350 C30 1053.7 Methylation Correlates with Suppressed Expression of Immunomodulatory Genes in the Tumor-Adjacent Stroma of African American Prostate Cancer Compared Patients of European American Ancestory. F. Rahmatpanah, Z. Jia, B. Men, P. Rahmatpanah, S. Madahian, M. McClelland, D. Mercola. Univ. of California, Irvine. 1054.NON-CODING RNA AND GENE REGULATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C31 1054.1 Interactions among rsm ncRNAs and Rsm RNA-Binding Proteins in the Plant Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae D. C3000 C.J. Rous, M. Fishman, M.J. Filiatrault. St. Mary’s Col. of Maryland and Cornell Univ. C32 1054.2 Regulation of kcnd2 by microRNA-30e in Rat Trigeminal Ganglions following Chronic Constriction Injury of Infraorbital Nerve. Y. Dong. Nanjing Stomatol. Hosp., Med. Sch. of Nanjing Univ., China. C33 1054.3 Reduced Expression of MicroRNA-200 Family Members Lead to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of a Chemoresistant Colorectal Cancer Cell Line. K. San, A. Martino, U. Ezekiel. Sch. of Med., Saint Louis Univ. C34 1054.4 The Critical Role of MAF1 in Repression of RNA Polymerase III Impacts Metabolic Efficiency in Mice. I.M. Willis, N. Bonhoure, R.D. Moir, A. Byrnes, W. Hodroj, V. Praz, F. Preitner, G. Marcelin, S. Chua;Jr., N. MartinezLopez, R. Singh, J. Auwerx, G. Willemin, H. Shah, K. Hartil, B. Vaitheesvaran, I. Kurland, N. Hernandez. Albert Einstein Col. of Med., Univ. of Lausanne and Fed. Polytech Sch. of Lausanne (EPFL) C35 1054.5 Transfer RNA Fragments: A Novel Class of Non-micro Short RNAs That Uses Ago1, 3 and 4 to Repress Specific Target RNAs through 5’ Seed Sequences. A. Dutta, P. Kumar, M. Kiran, C. Kuscu. Univ. of Virginia. C36 1054.6 A Specialized Mechanism of MicroRNAMediated Translation in Quiescence. S. Vasudevan, S.I.A. Bukhari, S.S. Truesdell, S. Lee, S. Kollu, A. Classon, M. Boukhali, E. Jain, A. Yanagiya, R. Sadyrev, W. Haas. MGHHarvard Med. Sch. and McGill Univ. C37 1054.7 ACA11, a Small Nucleolar RNA Activated in Multiple Myeloma, Stimulates Proliferation by Inactivating NRF2 and Increasing Redox Signaling. N. Mahajan, J.D. Weber, L.B. Maggi, M.H. Tomasson. Washington Univ. in St Louis. C38 1054.8 Characterizing the Functional Roles of miR1017 M. de Cruz, A. Flynt. Univ. of So. Mississippi. 1055.TRANSCRIPTIONAL REGULATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C39 1055.1 DNA Distortions Imposed by the Transcriptional Regulator PecS from Pectobacterium atrosepticum Are Attenuated on Protein Oxidation. D.K. Deochand, A. Grove. LSU, Baton Rouge. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C40 1055.2 The Role of the Actin-Binding Protein, Alpha Actinin 4, in Transcriptional Regulation by Glucocorticoid Receptors in Glomerular Podocytes. X. Zhao, S. Khurana, L. Bruggeman, H-y. Kao. Case Western Reserve Univ. C41 1055.3 Transcriptional and Translational Regulation of CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein β Expression by. P53 B. Hu, Z. Wu, D. Bai, S. Sheng, S.H. Phan. Univ. of Michigan. C42 1055.4 Functional Role of UPF2 Phosphorylated Regions in Translation Termination in Yeast. L.A. Haddock III, E.M. Colón-Morales, C. Lasalde, Q. Lin, C.I. González. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, Univ. of Puerto Rico at Bayamón, Univ. at Albany, SUNY and UPR-Med. Sci. Campus, San Juan. C43 1055.5 CTEN Is a Novel ΔNp63α Target for the Regulation of Prostate Cell Adhesion and Is Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression. Y-C. Liao, W-M. Wu, K. Yang, Y-C. Chen, S.H. Lo. Natl. Taiwan Univ. and Univ. of California, Davis. C44 1055.6 Systematic Studies of Effects of the Discriminator on Stabilization of the Open Complex and Abortive and Productive Initiation. L. Felth, C. Molzahn, S. Wang, K. Henderson, E. Ruff, M. Poulos, M. Chhabra, L. Bieter, I. Artsimovitch, M.T. Record; Jr. Univ. of WisconsinMadison and The Ohio State Univ. C45 1055.7 Characterization of Marr Family Transcriptional Regulator (BTH_i0021) from Burkholderia thailandensis A. Sabrin, A. Gupta, A. Grove. LSU, Baton Rouge. C46 1055.8 Tumor Suppressor Phosphatase PHLPP Regulates Gene Expression through Suppression of Transcription Factor Activation. K. Cohen Katsenelson, J.D. Stender, C. Glass, A.C. Newton. UCSD. C47 1055.9 Biochemical Characterization of ZincResponsive Transcription Factors Zur and ZntR in Klebsiella oxytoca K. Crawford. Midwestern Univ., AZ. C48 1055.10 The Role of the Nucleoid-Associated Protein HU in E. coli Transcription. S. Bugliosi, E. Jessen, R. Landick. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C49 1055.11 Regulation of RAP1A and RAP1B by Estrogen in Human Breast and Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines. N. Elder. Univ. of St Thomas, MN. C50 1055.12 Expression Analysis and Characterization of Tetratricopeptide Repeat Doman 39c (Ttc39c) in Skeletal Muscle. D. Waddell, J. Menke. Univ. of North Florida. C51 1055.13 Untethering Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Transcriptional Repression. E.R. Weikum, W. Hudson, E. Ortlund. Emory Univ. C52 1055.14 Characterization and Expression Analysis of Zinc Finger Protein 593 in Skeletal Muscle. H. Orsech, D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. C53 1055.15 Characterization of Mn(II) Homeostasis within Bacillus subtilis M. Baertlein, C. Vos, W. Jeffries, E. Isaacson, S. Gabriel. Viterbo Univ. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. C54 1055.16 Testing for Combinatorial Activity of 5′ and 3′ MyoD Binding Regions in Mouse Acta1 Gene Expression. S. Esaian, C.M. Gonsalez, H. Vu, G. DeSalvo, J. Morales, G. Manjurr, B. Wold, S. Sharp. Cal State LA and Caltech. C55 1055.17 The RexA Protein of λ Phage: A New Member of a Classic Genetic Switch. C. Schiltz, L. Thomason, C. Hosford, V. Johnson, H. Pan, D. Court, J. Chappie. Cornell Univ. and Frederick Natl. Lab. for Cancer Res., MD. C56 1055.18 Molecular Genetic Response in Xiphophorus maculatus Skin upon Exposure to Various Wavebands of Light. J. Chang, Y. Lu, W. Boswell, M. Boswell, K. Caballero, R. Walter. Texas State Univ. C57 1055.19 Structure of the Bacterial Transcription Termination Factor Rho in Complex with the Regulatory Factor NusG. M. Lawson, J. Berger. Univ. of California, Berkeley and Johns Hopkins Med. Inst. 1056.RNA STRUCTURE AND TRANSLATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C58 1056.1 Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor eIF4G Utilizes Different Domains to Coordinate with eIF4A, eIF4B and eIF4E In binding 3’ Cap-Independent Translation Element of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. P. Zhao, D. Goss. Hunter Col., CUNY. C59 1056.2 Characterization of Maize Necrotic Streak Virus mRNA 3’ Cap Independent Translation Enhancers Binding with Eukaryotic Initiation Factors. Q. Liu, D.J. Goss. Hunter Col. and Grad. Ctr., CUNY. C60 1056.3 Ribosomal Frameshifting of Trichomonas vaginalis Virus 2, 3, and 4 Isolates. L. Ai. Millsaps Col., MS. C61 1056.4 Most Stable G-Quadruplex Structures Are Selectively Avoided at the Codon Level. S. Basu, G.M. Arachchilage, H. Piontkivska. Kent State Univ. 1057.RNA STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C62 1057.1 Thermodynamic Examination of the U6 RNA and DNA Constructs. J.A. Hanson. Colorado Col. C63 1057.2 Characterization of the HIV-1 5′UTR Dimerization Mechanism. J.L.C. Santos, H. Frank, S. McCowin, C. Sciandra, S.C. Keane, M.F. Summers. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County. C64 1057.3 2-Aminopurine Is a Reporter for the Formation of the C&·A+Ÿ Wobble Base Pair in U6 snNA. M. Grossenbacher. Colorado Col. C65 1057.4 Ethylene Glycol Linkers in Nucleic Acids. A.M. Ortega. Colorado Col. 1058.RNA STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, AND REGULATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C66 1058.1 Molecular Characterization of Two Human Lens Epithelial Cell Lines and Their Suitability to Study Function of Cataract Genes. J. Barton, A.D. Siddam, D. Anand, S. Lachke. Univ. of Delaware. 351 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY 1059.NUCLEAR ARCHITECTURE AND CHROMATIN ORGANIZATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C67 1059.1 An Old Dog’s New Tricks: iMMP-3 Processes Nuclear Matrix and Converts Heterochromatin Proteins Leading to Transcriptional Promotion of HSP Genes. T. Eguchi, A. Mino, B.J. Lang, S.K. Calderwood. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr., Harvard Med. Sch., Natl. Inst. for Geriat. and Gerontol, Obu-shi, Japan and Joslin Diabetes Ctr., Boston. 1060.RNA-BASED GENE REGULATION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C68 1060.1 The JAK-STAT Pathway Is Regulated by miRNA Mediated Ribosomal Frameshifting. J.D. Dinman, Y.A. Khan, V.M. Advani, Z.R. Flickenger. Univ. of Maryland College Park. C69 1060.2 MicroRNA miR-1207-5p-Repression of ATRA Receptors Determine Retinoid-Resistance in Breast Cancer. G. Chaudhuri, S. Misra. Meharry Med. Col. C70 1060.3 Exploration of the Role of the CCR4-NOT Deadenylase Complex Subunit Regena/NOT2 in MicroRNAMediated Gene Silencing. J. Knox, K. Rees, T. Zbornik, M. Morin, S. Bowden. Linfield Col., OR. 1061.SMALL RNAS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C71 1061.1 Effect of 5-Azacytidine on MicroRNA Levels in the HL-60 Cell Line. M. Gillard, N. Stafford, K. Militello, R.W. O’Donnell. SUNY Geneseo. 1062.AUTOPHAGY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C72 1062.1 Autophagy Controls Exosomal Release of Prions and Lateral Prion Infection. B.A. Abdulrahman, D.H. Abdelaziz, S. Nishikawa, H. Schatzl. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. C73 1062.2 Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines Induce Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretory Phenotype by Increasing Autophagosomes and Lysosomes. Y-C. Hsueh, H-L. Chen, T-C. Chang, K.K-Y. Wu. China Med. Univ., Natl. Hlth. Res. Insts., Zhunan and Natl. Tsing-hua Univ., Taiwan. 352 C74 1062.3 Depletion of BMI1 Induces AutophagyMediated Necroptosis. A. Dey, S. Banerjee, S. Saha, S. Dwivedi, P. Mukherjee, R. Bhattacharya. Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr. C75 1062.4 PGC-1alpha a Novel Regulator of Autophagy. G. Salazar, J. Huang, Y. Zhao. Florida State Univ. C76 1062.5 Antitumor DNA-Damaging C-1748 Is a New Inhibitor of Autophagy That Triggers Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines. B. Borowa-Mazgaj, A. Skwarska, E. Augustin, A. Radomińska-Pandya, Z. Mazerska. Gda?sk Univ. of Technol. and Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C77 1062.6 Conformational Flexibility Enables Function of a BECN1 Region Essential for Starvation-Mediated Autophagy. S. Sinha, Y. Mei, A. Ramanathan, K. Glover, Z. Yang, C. Colbert. North Dakota State Univ. and Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., TN. C78 1062.7 GSK3β Modulates Excess Nutrient-Induced Autophagy Impairment in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells via FOX. O1 K. Weikel, N. Ruderman, Y. Ido. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. C79 1062.8 IP3 Receptor Determines Increased Basal Mitochondrial Calcium and Autophagy Regulation in Mdx Skeletal Muscle. D. Valladares, Y. Utreras-Mendoza, C. Morales, C. Campos, F. Westermeier, S. Lavandero, E. Jaimovich. Univ. of Chile. C80 1062.9 ULK1-Mediated Autophagy Is Required for Skeletal Muscle Recovery from Acute Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. R.J. Wilson, J.C. Drake, M. Zhang, Z. Yan. Univ. of Virginia. 1063.NEW FRONTIERS IN PROTEIN QUALITY CONTROL Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C81 1063.1 Role of the CHIP/Hsp70 Protein Quality Control Complex as an Information Processor. R.C. Page. Miami Univ. C82 1063.2 The Degradation Requirements for Topologically Distinct Quality Control Substrates in the Yeast Endoplasmic Reticulum. C.J. Guerriero, K.R. Reutter, A. Augustine, J.L. Brodsky. Univ. of Pittsburgh. C83 1063.3 A High-Content RNAi Screen to Elucidate Novel Effectors of Cardiac Proteotoxicity. P.M. McLendon, G. Davis, J. Gulick, K. Shay-Winkler, J.D. Molkentin, J. Robbins. Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr. C84 1063.4 Variant-Specific and Reciprocal Hsp40 Functions in Hsp104-Mediated Prion Elimination: A Potential Role for the Anti-prion J-Protein 1 J.K. Hines, Z.A. Sporn, M.T. Astor, E. Kamiya. Lafayette Col., PA. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 1064.PROTEIN DEGRADATION IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 1067.STRUCTURE AND ASSEMBLY OF MOLECULAR COMPLEXES Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C85 1064.1 Cholesterol-Mediated Degradation of 7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase Switches the Balance from Cholesterol to Vitamin D Synthesis. L.J. Sharpe, A.V. Prabhu, W. Luu, A.J. Brown. Univ. of New South Wales. C86 1064.2 An Inherited Developmental Disorder Reveals Functions for WHAMM and the Actin Nucleation Machinery in Early Stages of Autophagy. K. Campellone, A. Mathiowetz, A. Russo, E. Baple, A. Crosby. Univ. of Connecticut and Univ. of Exeter Med. Sch. C87 1064.3 The Interplay between S-Palmitoylation and Gamma-COP Binding of MAN1B1 Manages Alpha-1Antitrypsin Quality Control. E. Young, R.N. Sifers. Baylor Col. of Med. 1065.REGULATION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C88 1065.1 Translational Recoding in Human Disease. V.M. Advani, R.C. Kobylarz, J.D. Dinman. Univ. of Maryland College Park. C89 1065.2 lternative Ribosomes Synthesize Alternative Proteins. A. Dow, S. Prisic, Univ. of Hawaii. 1066.RIBOSOME AND TRANSLATION Poster C95 1067.1 Assembly of Human Translational Elongation Factor 1B Is Based on the Interaction of the Glutathione Transferase-Like Domains from Alpha and Gamma Subunits. Y.S. Choi, H.J. Lee, B.S. Kang. Kyungpook Natl. Univ., South Korea. C96 1067.2 Knockdown of Axonemal Inner Arm Dynein Protein IC138 Trypanosoma brucei Causes Flagellar Detachment and Defects in Motility. A. Marchese, C. Wilson, A.L. Springer. Siena Col., NY. C97 1067.3 Assessing Species-Specific Determinants of DNA Binding in McrB Homologs. C.J. Hosford, V.M. Johnson, J. Chappie. Cornell Univ. C98 1067.4 The Role of the C1q Domain of Zebrafish Otolin1a in Otolith Morphogenesis. O. Das. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr. 1068.TRNA SYNTHETASES: STRUCTURE, MECHANISM AND EVOLUTION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C99 1068.1 Altering the Enantioselectivity of Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase by Insertion of a Stereospecific Editing Domain. E.A. First, C. Richardson. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr. in Shreveport and Univ. of Virginia. 1069.UBIQUITIN PATHWAY AND TARGETING Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Poster Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C90 1066.1 Tyrosine Phosphorylation of BipA and Its Effect on the Binding Affinity of BipA. G. Blaha, A. Conn, H. Fan, J. Hahm, S. Diggs, W. Preston, Y. Wang. Univ. of California, Riverside. C91 1066.2 Development of Glutaminyl-tRNA Synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Platform to Screen for Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis. Y. Escamilla, C. Hughes, Y. Hu, J.M. Bullard. Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley. C92 1066.3 Development of Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Platform to Screen for Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis. N. Pena, Y. Hu, J.M. Bullard. Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley. C93 1066.4 Development of Methionyl-tRNA Synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Platform to Screen for Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis. S. Robles, Y. Hu, J.M. Bullard. Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley. C94 1066.5 Development of Arginyl-tRNA Synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Platform to Screen for Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis. D. Cantu, H. Salazar, J.M. Bullard. Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C100 1069.1 APOBEC3F-Vif Binding Interface Elucidated by Multiple Experimental Approaches. R. Harris, C. Richards, N. Shaban, B. Anderson, O. Demir, R. Amaro. Univ. of Minnesota and HHMI, Minneapolis and UCSD. C101 1069.2 Using Proteomics and Biochemical Approaches to Evaluate the Function of SAKS1 in p97-Associated Process. S. Li, T-F. Chou. Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. and LA Biomed. Res. Inst. and Capital Med. Univ., Beijing. C102 1069.3 Glucose and Calcium-Responsive Phosphatases Mediate Crosstalk between Organelle and Plasma Membrane Proton Pumps. S.D. Velivela, P.M. Kane. SUNY Upstate Med. Univ. C103 1069.4 Characterization of the HECT Domain Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4-2 D. Todaro, A. Augustus-Wallace, J. Klein, A. Haas. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. 353 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY C104 1069.5 The HECTt Domain and RCC1-Like Domain 5/Herc5 Protein Exhibits Intrinsic Ubiquitin Ligase Activity. V.P. Ronchi, J. Klein, F. Streich, A. Haas. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans and Mem. Sloan-Kettereing Cancer Ctr. C105 1069.6 The Role of Dictyostelium UbpA in Nutrient Sensing and the Growth-to-Development Transition. M.R. Behrens, V.J. Burghart, D.F. Lindsey. Walla Walla Univ. C106 1069.7 A Novel Lysosomal GPCR Sorting Pathway Regulated by Alpha-Arrestins and ALIX. M.R. Dores, H. Lin, J. Trejo. UCSD. C107 1069.8 Functional Analysis of DUF1 in Saccharomyces cerevesiae R. Keuls, B. Lozzi, P. Anderson, F.L. Erickson. Salisbury Univ. C108 1069.9 Phenotypic Characterization of LRS1-2 Knockout Mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana B. Lozzi, R. Keuls, P. Erickson, F.L. Erickson. Salisbury Univ. C109 1069.10 Post-burn Regulation of Cardiac Protein Synthesis and Degradation by IL-6 A. El Ayadi, A. Guillory, A. Prasai, Y. Wang, C. Porter, D.N. Herndon, C.C. Finnerty. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch and Shiners Hosp. for Children, Galveston. 1070.RECENT ADVANCES IN PROTEIN ENGINEERING 1071.CLINICAL PROTEOMICS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C119 1071.1 Digitoxin Treatment Reduces Nasal Epithelial Cytokines in CF Subjects. S. Lee, D. Walker, P.L. Zeitlin. Johns Hopkins Univ. and Sch. of Med. 1072.COMPUTATIONAL AND ALGORITHMIC BIOLOGY Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C110 1070.1 A Novel Thermotolerant β-Glucosidase from Aspergillus nidulans Has Activity across a Broad pH Profile and a Likely Bacterial Origin. R. Auta, I. Radecka, P. Hooley. Univ. of Wolverhampton, U.K. and Kaduna State Univ., Nigeria. C111 1070.2 Assessment of CCN2 Independent Modules Regenerative Capacity on Osteoarthritis and Further Selecting the Most Suitable among Them as a Potential Therapeutic Drug. T. Abdelkader, E. Aoyama, T. Nishida, T. Hattori, D. Janune, E.S. Hara, M. Ono, Y. Tabata, T. Kuboki, S. Kubota, M. Takigawa. Okayama Univ. and Kyoto Univ. C112 1070.3 Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Produced from Long-Term Expansion of B Lymphocytes from Donors with High Titer HBsAb. Y. Yang, C. Jie, J. Xu, X. Cai. Nanjing Red Cross Blood Ctr., China. C113 1070.4 Engineered Mannose-Binding Lectin (FcMBL) Decreases Macrophage Phagocytosis. A. Chen, A. Waterhouse, M. Rodas, G. Cuneo, A. Watters, M. Super, D. Ingber. Simmons Col. and Wyss Inst. for Biol. Inspired Engin., Boston. C114 1070.5 Bioengineering of Human Heparin: A Next Generation Anti-coagulant. J. Whitelock, B. Cheng, F. Tang, G. Lyons, M. Lord. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Engin., Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney Med. Sch. and Royal Prince Alfred Hosp. C115 1070.6 Uptake and Lysosomal Delivery of Recombinant Human Alpha-N-Acetylglucosamine-6-Sulfatase to Mucopolysaccharidosis IIID Fibroblasts. D.R. Moen, D.M. Wang, X. Zhang, S-h. Kan, J. Wood, S. Ekins, T-F. Chou, P.I. Dickson. LA BioMed at Harbor-UCLA and Phoenix Nest Inc. and Jonah’s Just Begun, Brooklyn. C116 1070.7 Investigating the DNA Binding Constraints of the I-Sob2593 Meganuclease. R. Ruff, B. Kaiser. Seattle Univ. 354 C117 1070.8 Generation of Chimeric High-Affinity Monoclonal Antibody against DYKDDDDK Peptide (FLAG) K. Ikeda, F. Sasaki, K. Saeki, T. Okuno, T. Koga, T. Yokomizo. Juntendo Univ., Japan. C118 1070.9 Aplip1 Regulates Dynein-Dependent but Not Kinesin-Dependent Nuclear Movement in Muscle. J. Camuglia, A. Auld, C. Murphy, E. Folker. Boston Col. C120 1072.1 Comparative Genomics and Functional Analysis of Carbohydrate Utilization Networks in Unicyanobacterial Consortia Derived from Hypersaline Lake Microbial Mats. S.A. Leyn, Y. Maezato, M. Romine, D.A. Rodionov. Inst. for Info. Transmission Problems, Moscow, Sanford-Burnham-Prebys Med. Discovery Inst., La Jolla and Pacific Northwest Natl. Lab., Richland, WA. C121 1072.2 A Robust Computational Pipeline to Identify Phenotype-Controlling Candidate Genes within a Quantitative Trait Loci. A. Winnett, T. Gulick, S. Morey, R. Kesseli. Univ. of Massachusetts Boston. 1073.COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES IN SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C122 1073.1 Visualization Explorer for Classification and Functional Enrichment of Fecal Microbiome to Metabolites. R. Kumar, R. Yang, A. Gautam, R. Hammamieh, U. Mudunuri, M. Jett-Tilton. Leidos Biomed Inc. NCI/Frederick and U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, MD. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 1074.EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES TO SYSTEMS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C123 1074.1 Integrating Reductive and Synthetic Approaches in Biology Using Man-Made Cell-Like Compartments. W. Aoki, S. Komura, E. Tamiya, M. Ueda. Kyoto Univ. and Osaka Univ. C124 1074.2 Examining FOXO1 and DNA Interactions through Computational and Direct Methods. B. McDaniel, T. Cherlin, R. Haynes, M. Mottamal, D. Anderson, K. Johanson. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. 1075.FUNCTIONAL PROTEOMIC STUDIES Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C125 1075.1 Sicpin, a Multifunctional Immunomodulatory Salivary Protein from Black Flies Significantly Reduced T and B Cell Proliferation and Directly Binds to Soluble CD4 Receptor. E. Calvo, A.C. Chagas, J. Ribeiro. NIAID, NIH, Rockville, MD. C126 1075.2 Proteomics-Enabled Hypothesis Generation in Eosinophils: The Cases of LOC100996504, ARHGEF18 and NHS. L2 K. Turton, E. Wilkerson, F. Botros, J. Coon, D. Mosher. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C127 1075.3 Purification and Expression of Rhodobacter sphaeroides: A Predicted Dioxygenase. S.M. Neumann, C. Nichols, B. Selinsky. Villanova Univ. C128 1075.4 Characterization of Bacterial Homologs of Prostaglandin H2 Synthase Using GC/MS. C. Nichols, M. Butchy, B. Selinsky. Villanova Univ. C129 1075.5 Characterization of a New Ferritin Protein from the Polychaete Chaetopterus sp. N. Hamlish, E. De Meulenaere, D. Deheyn. Wesleyan Univ.,CT, Scripps Instn. of Oceanography and UCSD. C130 1075.6 Functional Analysis of Suppressor of IKK&ε in Migration and Phagocytosis. S.M. Fahey, F.A. Slykas, N.D. DiChristofano, M.K. Dawood, J.K. Bell. Univ. of San Diego. C131 1075.7 Characterization of Glycine Rich Proteins in Amblyomma americanum R. Bullard, S. Karim. Univ. of So. Mississippi. 1076.GENOMICS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C132 1076.1 Gene Expression Profiles of Various Rat Brain Regions following Exposure to Soman. A. Gautam, B. Sowe, D. Donohue, S-A. Miller, R. Hammamieh, J. Meyerhoff, M. Pham, L. Lumley, M. Jett. Geneva Fndn., Tacoma, WA, U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, MD and U.S. Army Med. Res. Inst. of Chem. Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. C133 1076.2 Genomic Characterization of Novel Genes in the Novel Mycobacterium Phage Butters. M.C. Juarez, M. Grajales, C.M. Mageeney, M.A. Kenna, V.C. Ware. Lehigh Univ. C134 1076.3 Signaling Regulators of TGF Cleavage Predict Mechanisms for RTK Re-activation and Therapeutic Resistance in Gastric Cancer. C. Harrison, J.L. Wilson, E. Fraenkel, A. Herrlich, D. Lauffenburger. Univ. of Massachusetts Boston, MIT and Harvard Insts. of Med. C135 1076.4 Transcriptomic Analysis of Host Response to the Karp Strain of Orientia tsutsugamushi in Inbred Mice Blood. S-A. Miller, C-C. Chao, R. Yang, T-C. Chan, Z. Zhang, H-W. Chen, W-M. Ching, R. Hammamieh, M. Jett-Tilton. U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, Naval Med. Res. Ctr., Silver Spring and Uniformed Svcs. Univ. of Hlth. Sci., Bethesda and NCI-Frederick Adv. Biomed. Computing Ctr., Fort Detrick, MD. C136 1076.5 Characterization of YML020W in Saccharomyces cerevisiae K. Shoemaker, J. Keeney. Juniata Col., PA. C137 1076.6 Gene Expression Patterns in Trauma Patients: A Systems Biology Approach. S. Srinivasan, D.E. Donohue, A. Gautam, A.S. Conroy, M.F. Nelson, M.J. Cohen, R. Hammamieh, M. Jett. The Geneva Fndn., Tacoma, San Francisco Gen. Hosp. and U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick, MD. C138 1076.7 Comparative Genomics of Novel Phage Leo1 Reveal a Promiscuous Cluster of Phage. S. Badran, N. Morales, P. Schick, B. Jacoby, A. Geiger, S. Geiger, A. Thummel, T.C. Lorenz. Univ. of La Verne. C139 1076.8 Transcriptome Profiles of Porcine Skin Dyschromia after Wound Injury. A. Alkhalil, S. Muhie, B. Carney, T.E. Travis, L. Moffatt, L. Johnson, J. RamellaRoman, J. Shupp. MedStar Hlth. Res. Inst., Washington, DC, Geneva Fndn., Frederick, MD, Georgetown Univ., MedStar Washington Hosp. Ctr. and Florida intl. Univ. 1077.GLOBAL ANALYSIS OF PROTEIN FUNCTION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C140 1077.1 Refinement of the ProMOL Algorithm and Determination of Function Based on Homology. S. Madha, M. Lambrecht, J.L. Mills, H.J. Bernstein, P.A. Craig. Rochester Inst. of Technol. Schs. of Life Sci. and Chem. & Materials Sci. 355 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY 1078.INTEGRATIVE PROTEOMICS OF PROTEIN COMPLEXES Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C141 1078.1 Mapping Tyrosine Phosphorylation Networks by Chemical Proteomics. W.E. Rogers, M. Ghassemian. San Diego State Univ. and UCSD. C142 1078.2 Purification and Biophysical Characterization of the Photosystem I Complex from Botryococcus braunii F.M. Joaquín Ovalle, G. Guihurt, Z. Torres-Martínez, Y. Morales-Lozada, K. Griebenow. Univ. of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus. 1079.MICROARRAYS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C143 1079.1 Evaluation of the Gut Resistome and Microbiome on Healthy Adults Receiving Antibiotic and a Multistrain Probiotic. C. MacPherson, O. Mathieu, V. Richard, A. Nantel, T. Tompkins, S-A. Girard, P. Burguière. Lallemand Hlth. Solutions Inc., Montreal, Sherbrooke Univ., Canada and Natl. Res. Council Canada, Montreal. 1080.POSTTRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATIONS (SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND PROTEOMICS) Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C144 1080.1 Comprehensive Characterization of Glycosylation and Hydroxylation of Basement Membrane Collagen IV by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. T. Basak, L. Vega-Montoto, L. Zimmerman, D.L. Tabb, B.G. Hudson, R.M. Vanacore. Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr. C145 1080.2 The Molecular Model of PKC Life Cycle Explained through Systems Biology Approach. N. Aslam, F. Alvi. BioSystOmics, Houston and COMSAT, Lahore. C146 1080.3 Phosphorylation of Neuronal Proteins in Drosophila melanogaster Changes with Age. A. Thomas, A. Haberman. Univ. of San Diego. 356 1081.PROTEIN PROFILING IN NORMAL AND DISEASE STATES C147 1081.1 Proteomic Profiles of Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma Variants. E.R. Holthoff, S. Byrum, T. Kelly, A. Tackett, C.M. Quick, S.R. Post. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. C148 1081.2 Effect of over the Counter Teeth Bleaching Products on the Proteins of Human Teeth. D. Swanson, K. Keenan. Stockton Univ., NJ. C149 1081.3 Electrochemical-Aptamer Biosensor against ENOX2 for Cancer Diagnostics. L.C. Fetter, A.J. Bonham. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver. C150 1081.4 Analysis of the Expression of the Basigin Subset of the Immunoglobulin Superfamily in Mouse Brain. T.N. Hall, J.D. Ochrietor. Univ. of North Florida. C151 1081.5 Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics of Human Breast Milk to Assess Breast Cancer Risk. R. Aslebagh, D. Channaveerappa, K.F. Arcaro, C.C. Darie. Clarkson Univ. and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. C152 1081.6 Host Urinary Proteins Changed Significantly in Mice Infected with Malaria. X. Li, W. Deng, H. Wang, Y. Gao. Inst. of Basic Med. Sci., Chinese Acad. of Med. Sci. and Beijing Normal Univ. C153 1081.7 Proteomic Analysis of Ewing’s Sarcoma Cell Lines. R. Thompson, A. Kruchten. Linfield Col., OR. 1082.METHODS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C154 1082.1 Integrin β1 and ICAM-1; Enrich Markers for Isolating Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Bone Marrow. E.G. Suto, Y. Mabuchi, N. Suzuki, Y. Ogata, C. Akazawa. Grad. Sch. of Hlth. Care Sci., Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ. C155 1082.2 Are Enzymes Required for the Extraction and Isolation of DNA in Conjunction with Mechanical Homogenization? B.A. Easparro, S. Garrett, J. Atwood. Omni Intl., Kennesaw, GA. C156 1082.3 Evaluating the Extraction Efficiency of Food Borne Pathogens on Automated Homogenizer Platforms. S. Garrett, J. Atwood, B. Easparro. Omni Intl., Kennesaw, GA. C157 1082.4 Development of an Easy, Inexpensive, and Precise Method to Identify Hemoglobin C for Use in Underdeveloped Countries. C.D. Ohiri, T.R. Randolph. Saint Louis Univ. C158 1082.5 Optimization of Falling Drop Copper Sulfate Method to Quantify Hemoglobin Concentration. R.K. Sinha, T.R. Randolph. Saint Louis Univ. C159 1082.6 High Throughput Single Cell Gene Expression Profiling by Multiplex qPCR. S. Okino, M. Kong, J. Ma, J. Fenrich, Y. Jouvenot, Y. Wang. Bio-Rad Labs., Hercules, CA. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C160 1082.7 Accurate Quantification of Choline and Ethanolamine Plasmalogen Molecular Species by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Y. Otoki, S. Kato, F. Kimura, K. Furukawa, H. Arai, K. Nakagawa, T. Miyazawa. Tohoku Univ., Univ. of California, Davis and Nippon Med. Sch. C161 1082.8 Quantifying HbF Using a Modified KleihauerBetke Assay. R. Singh, T.R. Randolph. Saint Louis Univ. C162 1082.9 a New Approach to Characterize the Molecular Interactions between Tio2 Nanoparticles and Dietary Flavonoids Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. X. Cao, Z. Gao, J. Zheng, L. He, H. Xiao. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Chinese Acad. of Agr. Sci., Beijing. C163 1082.10 Diet Alters Age-Related Remodeling of Aortic Extracellular Matrix in Mice Susceptible to Atherosclerosis. S.R. Watson, P. Liu, E.A. Pena, S.M. Han, S.M. Lessner. Univ. of South Carolina Sch. of Med. and Univ. of South Carolina. C164 1082.11 Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibition to Study Small Molecule Binding to DNA. R. Ghannam, S.R. Smith, M.A. Benore. Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn. C165 1082.12 Purification and Characterization of DNA from Fresh versus Frozen Chicken Embryos. J. Byk, S.R. Smith, M.A. Benore. Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn. C166 1082.13 Characterizing Heterogeneity of Cancer Stem Cells Using Raman Microscopy. H. Zhang, F. Xu, L. He, H. Xiao. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. 1083.ENZYME MECHANISM Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C167 1083.1 Histone Deacetylase 6: Structure, Mechanism, and Inhibitor Selectivity. Y. Hai, D. Christianson. Univ. of Pennsylvania. C168 1083.2 Relating Intein Flexibility to the Temperature Dependence of Activity. A.E. Yakely, A.A. Bonano, M.V. Jaramillo, J.E. Williams, J.N. Reitter, K.V. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C169 1083.3 Influence of Intein Flexibility on Temperature Dependence of Protein Splicing. J.D. Long, I. Pierre, J. Reitter, K.V. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C170 1083.4 An Investigation of Salt-Dependent Protein Splicing. C.E. Cousin, J.N. Reitter, M. Nicastri, M.S. Jaramillo, K.V. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C171 1083.5 A Biophysical Analysis of Aspartic Acid Cyclization Coupled to Peptide Bond Cleavage. M. Koulopoulos, Z. Giaccone, J. Reitter, K. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C172 1083.6 The Influence of Conserved Residues and Structural Elements on the Stability and Activity of a Thermophilic Intein. C.J. Minteer, K.M. Colelli, J.N. Reitter, K.V. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C173 1083.7 Dissection of DNA Synthesis In Crystallo Reveals a Third Mg2+ in the Transition State. Y. Gao, W. Yang. NIDDK, NIH. C174 1083.8 The Tale of Two Inteins: Similar Inteins with Different C-Termini. C.K. Ramsoomair, Z.T. Giaccone, J.N. Reitter, K.V. Mills. Col. of the Holy Cross, MA. C175 1083.9 9(Z),12(Z)-Eicosadienoic Acid as a Probe for Substrate Binding by Soybean Lipoxygenase-1 D.J. Hinnenkamp, C.H. Clapp. Bucknell Univ. C176 1083.10 Phenotypic Studies of PHO13Δ in Saccharomyces cerevisiae C. Kellogg, K.J. Mills, S. O’Handley, A.U. Gehret. Sch. of Chem. and Mat. Sci. and Natl. Tech Inst. for Deaf, Rochester Inst. of Technol. C177 1083.11 Flavin-N5-Oxide: A New Redox State in Flavin Enzymology. A. Sapra, B. Palfey. Univ. of Michigan. C178 1083.12 Comparison of Enzymatic Activities of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Isoforms toward RNA from the Tobacco Etch Virus. V.R. Aitbakieva, A.V. Domashevskiy. John Jay Col. of Criminal Justice, NY. C179 1083.13 Deciphering the Metal Dependency of Novel Nicotinate Hydroxylase from Bacillus niacini J.A. Meek, L.A. Sherer, M.J. Snider. The Col. of Wooster. C180 1083.14 Identification and Purification of a Serine Protease Involved in Cell-Mediated Immunity in Fish. Y. Matsuura, T. Yabu, H. Shiba, T. Nakanishi. Nihon Univ., Japan. C181 1083.15 Effects of Mutation at Position 557 on the Catalytic Properties of Soybean Lipoxygenase-1 N.F. Bassett, C.H. Clapp. Bucknell Univ. C182 1083.16 Protein-Protein Interactions Reduce Ca2+Requirements for Transglutaminase 2 Mediated Posttranslational Modifications of α-Synuclein. T.N. Zeczycki, J.S. Viscomi. Brody Sch. of Med. at East Carolina Univ. C183 1083.17 Using Mutagenesis and Synthetic Substrates to Explore Regiochemical Control by Soybean-Lipoxygenase-1 C.H. Clapp, K.M. Kahler, P. Plumeri, F. Karaisz, C.R. Dodson. Bucknell Univ. C184 1083.18 Investigating the GCN5 Histone Acetyltransferase Chemical Mechanism. B.H. Young, C.E. Berndsen. James Madison Univ. C185 1083.19 Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization of a Unique Radical S-Adenosylmethionine Methylase. A.J. Blaszczyk, A. Silakov, B. Zhang, S.J. Maiocco, N.D. Lanz, W.L. Kelly, S.J. Elliott, C. Krebs, S.J. Booker. HHMI, Penn State, Boston Univ. and Georgia Tech. C186 1083.20 Avoiding the Carbapenem Trap: KPC-2 β-Lactamase Sequence Requirements for Carbapenem Hydrolysis. S.C. Mehta, M. Samanta, D-C. Chow, T. Palzkill. Baylor Col. of Med. C187 1083.21 Identification of Mechanistic Targets for Optimization of a Cyanobacterial Hydrocarbon Production Bioprocess. E. Beardsley, L. Rajakovich, M-E. Pandelia, C. Krebs, M. Bolinger, S.J. Booker. Univ. of Mount Union, OH and Penn State. C188 1083.22 The Role of Lys42 on the Catalytic Efficiency of the ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Escherichia coli A.L. Mahaffey, S. Aiyash, M.A. Ballicora. Loyola Univ. Chicago and Stritch Sch. of Med. Loyola Univ. Chicago, Maywood. C189 1083.23 Substrate-Induced Structural Changes in the Mevalonate Diphosphate Decarboxylase from Enterococcus faecalis. C-L. Chen. Purdue Univ. 357 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY 1084.RADICALS IN CATALYSIS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C190 1084.1 New Function of Enzyme Involved in the Formation of a Carbon-Nitrogen Triple Bond. M. Kobayashi. Grad. Sch. of Life and Envrn. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba. C191 1084.2 Radical SAM Enzyme-Catalyzed Formation of Thioether Crosslinks in Ribosomal-Produced Peptides: Formation of the RiPP Natural Product Thuricin CD by the Radical Sam Enzymes TrnC and TrnD. J.T. Jarrett, C.E. Holjencin. Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. 1085.STRUCTURAL STUDIES OF COMPLEX SYSTEM Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D C197 1087.2 Comparison of Stability and Kinetic Properties of DszB from N. asteroides A3H1 and R. erythropolis IGT. S8 A. Hutchinson-Lundy, A. Crithary, J.M. Schmitz, L. Watkins. James Madison Univ. 1088.CHEMICAL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C198 1088.1 Precise Redox Responses Imprinted by OnDemand Redox Targeting. Y. Aye. Cornell Univ. and Weill Cornell Med., Ithaca. C199 1088.2 A Spatiotemporal-Controlled Targeting Tool for Understanding the Roles of Redox Signals on Bacterial Growth. V.N. Pham. Cornell Univ. C200 1088.3 Entamoeba spp. as Models for the Effects of Environmental Stress in Protists. M. Hackey, J. Leitao, A. Espinosa. Roger Williams Univ., RI Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C192 1085.1 Structure of a Key Intermediate in the Reaction Catalyzed by the Dual Specificity Methylase RlmN. E.L. Schwalm, T. Grove, A. Boal, S. Booker. Penn State and HHMI. C193 1085.2 UV Mutagenesis Enhance Function of Cellobiohydrolase I Gene of Aspergillus niger M.O. Babalola, O.A. Magbagbeola, A.O. Ebuehi, V.I. Okochi. Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria. C194 1085.3 The NMR Model of the 39-kDa Tri-Domain IsdH Protein from Staphylococcus aureus Suggests That It Uses Inter-domain Motions to Recognize Human Hemoglobin and Promote Heme Release. M. Sjodt, R. Macdonald, D.A. Gell, J.S. Olson, R.T. Clubb. UCLA, Univ. of Tasmania, Australia and Rice Univ. 1086.ROLE OF DYNAMICS IN ENZYME CATALYSIS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C195 1086.1 Sifting through the Haystack to Find the Needle: Spatial Identification of a Structural Conduit for Transfer of Thermal Activation Energy in the Course of C-H Cleavage in Soybean Lipoxygenase. A. Offenbacher, S. Hu, A. Nguy, A. Iavarone, J. Klinman. Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1087.CHEMICAL BIOLOGY OF SUSTAINABILITY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C196 1087.1 Effect of Immobilization on the Stability and Specificity of Choline Oxidase. J.M. Schmitz, L. Watkins. James Madison Univ. 358 1089.CHEMICAL PROBES AND THEIR USE IN IDENTIFYING NEW THERAPEUTIC TARGETS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C201 1089.1 Concentration Effects in Identifying Unclumping Reagents. G. Zem, E. Mikaelian, L. Quinones, C. Nwokochah, F. Osadi, D. Arana, S. Barsigian, J. Dugyawi, B. Alvarado, G. Hovakemian, J. Lam, M. Eskander, M. Voldiner, S. Garcia, D. Nair, J. Song, G. Tashdjian, S. Nazer, S. Rashidizand, G. Constantino, N. Pilikian, A. Faretta, H. Gekchyan, L. Corscadden, M. Kelvani, K. DeGuzman, R. Canta, S. Korkounian, A. Strelnicova, M. Turdjian, M. Lay, A. Darmali, N. Memarian, K. Simonyan, L. Oghlian, S.B. Oppenheimer. California State Univ., Northridge. C202 1089.2 Statistical Analysis of Kinetic Profiles of Anti-clumping Agents. G. Zem, H. Hakobyan, S. Terteryan, T. Baronian, E. Mikaelian, E. Vozovoy, T. Baum, S.B. Oppenheimer. California State Univ., Northridge. C204 1089.4 Sensitive Serologic Detection of Pathogenic Mycoplasma via Electrochemical Biosensor. J. Jacobs, A.J. Bonham. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver. C205 1089.5 The Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Covalent Probes for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemic B-Cell Receptors Using Sulfonyl Fluoride. P. Rohweder, T. Kodadek, M. Sarkar, C. Dreyer, H. Park. The Col. of Wooster and The Scripps Res. Inst. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 1090.MODE OF ACTION OF BIOACTIVE NATURAL PRODUCTS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C206 1090.1 Anti-microbial Properties of Plants Native to the Philippines and to Minnesota. B.M. Pethke. Saint Mary’s Univ. of Minnesota. C207 1090.2 The Effect of Phytochemicals on a Chemoresistant, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transitioned, Colorectal Cancer Cell Line. K. Murden, K. San, A. Martino, U. Ezekiel. Saint Louis Univ. C208 1090.3 Anonna squamosa Leaves Ethanolic Extract Mediates Apoptosis through Heat Shock Protein Mitigation and G2/M Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma (SK-Hep1) Cells. W.M.L. Lumbera, E.J.S. Vergara, Y.S. Kim, J.F. dela Cruz, S.G. Hwang. Hankyong Natl. Univ., Korea and Univ. of the Philippines Los Banos. C209 1090.4 Chemotherapeutic Potential of Averrhoa bililmbi Leaves Ethanolic Extracts against Human Colorectal Carcinoma through Anti-inflammatory Activity in Murine RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells and Anti-proliferative Activities against HT-29 Human Colorectal Carcinoma. E.J.S. Vergara, Y.S. Kim, W.M.L. Lumbera, T.L. Nguyen, J.F. dela Cruz, S.G. Hwang. Hankyong Natl. Univ., South Korea and Col. of Vet. Med., Univ. of the Philippines Los Baños. C210 1090.5 The Peptide Ixosin Uses an ATCUN Motif for Its Oxidative Antimicrobial Activity and Its Synergy with Ixosin B. M.D.J. Libardo, V.Y. Gorbatyuk, A.M. Angeles-Boza. Univ. of Connecticut. C211 1090.6 The Anti-proliferative Effects of Curcumin Derivatives, Dimethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin and Tetrahydrocurcumin, on DLD-1 Colon Cancer Cells. N. Khatwani, T. Adeyeni, U. Ezekiel. Saint Louis Univ. C212 1090.7 Characterization of the Role of Phenolic Compounds in the Inhibition of α-Amylase by Kombucha Tea. S.R. Armando, R.A. Schneider, F.M. Mann. Winona State Univ. C213 1090.8 In Vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil and Terpenes of Satureja macrostema R. Salgado-Garciglia, R. Torres-Martínez, A. HernándezGarcía, A. Saavedra-Molina, J.E. López-Meza, A. OchoaZarzosa. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico. C214 1090.9 In Vivo Activity of Ethanolic Extracts of Leaves and Stems Bark of Alstonia boonei against Plasmodium berghei in Female Albino Mice. O.F. Onifade, N.V. Atasie, I.U. Fakankun, V. Maganda. Bells Univ. of Technol., Nigeria. C215 1090.10 Induction of Apoptosis in DLD-1 Colorectal Cancer Cells Using Water Soluble Compounds from Rumex crispus M. Bhandari, H. Lockwood, B. Clack. Stephen F Austin State Univ. C216 1090.11 Antiproliferative Effect of Resveratrol and Oxaliplatin on Colon Cancer Cells. N.P. Daniel, U. Ezekiel. Saint Louis Univ. 1091.OMICS APPROACHES IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C217 1091.1 A Chemical Glycoproteomics Platform to Study the Human Prostate Secretome. D.R. Spiciarich, S. Purcell, S.L. Maund, D.M. Peehl, C.R. Bertozzi. Univ. of California, Berkeley and Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med. 1092.PROTEIN-SMALL MOLECULE INTERACTIONS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C218 1092.1 Stabilin-Mediated Cellular Internalization of Phosphorothioate-Modified Antisense Oligonucleotides. C.M. Miller, A.J. Donner, E.K. Blank, A. Eggar, B. Kellar, P.P. Seth, E.N. Harris. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln and ISIS Pharmaceuts. Inc., Carlsbad. C219 1092.2 Synthesis of Effective Water-Soluble Fluorescein Dibenzyl Ether Cytochrome P450 Substrates. C.M. Stepler, M.A. Gallivan, L.M. Wysocki. Wabash Col., IN. C220 1092.3 Influence of NSAID Flurbiprofen on Protein Helix-Helix Interactions. N. Gugala, R.J. Turner. Univ. of Calgary, Canada. C221 1092.4 Mechanism of SAMT Analog Inactivation of HIV-1 Gag Polyprotein. E.L. Paine, K.M. George Rosenker, M.T. Scerba, L. Deshmukh, D.H. Appella, L.M. Miller Jenkins. NCI, NIH and NIDDK, NIH. C222 1092.5 New Tricks for an Old Drug: Inhibition of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by Dithiolethiones to Suppress Cancer Cell Proliferation. M.R. White, T.W. Miller, C. Switzer, J. Chavis, P. Xu, D. Roberts, D. Wink, E.D. Garcin. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County and NCI, NIH. C223 1092.6 Small Molecule Binding Sites Explored in Variable Heavy Chain Antibodies. B.R. White, S.J. Gee, B.J. Hammock, C.R. Brooks. California State Univ., Fresno and Univ. of California, Davis. C224 1092.7 Determination of HNO-Derived Modifications on the Cardiac Protein Phospholamban. G. Keceli, A. Majumdar, C.N. Thorpe, J.E. Mahaney, N. Paolocci, J.P. Toscano. Johns Hopkins Univ., Edward Via Col. of Osteo. Med., VA and Johns Hopkins Med. Instns. 1093.BACTERIAL GLYCOSYLATION AND THE MICROBIOME Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C225 1093.1 Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of a Novel Sugar Scaffold for Targeting Ligand Development. K.M. Erickson, J.M. Hazel, J.M. Troutman. Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte. 359 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY 1094.CARBOHYDRATE ACTIVE ENZYMES Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C226 1094.1 Reversible Glucan Phosphorylation Requires Unique Carbohydrate Binding Platforms. M. Gentry, C. Vander Kooi, M. Raththagala, D. Meekins, K. Brewer. Univ. of Kentucky. 1095.CHEMICAL BIOLOGY APPROACHES TO UNDERSTAND GLYCAN-RELATED DISEASES Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C227 1095.1 The Lack of Cardiomyocyte Complex and Hybrid N-Glycans Result in Arrhythmic Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Heart Failure, and Premature Death. A.R. Ednie, L.N. Darville, W. Deng, E.S. Bennett. Univ. of South Florida. C228 1095.2 Glycome Sequencing; Are We There Yet? V.N. Reinhold. Univ. of New Hampshire. C229 1095.3 Bacterial Cell Wall Remodeling to Study the Production of Immunoactivating Fragments. H. Liang, K.E. DeMeester, C-W. Hou, C.L. Grimes. Univ. of Delaware. C230 1095.4 Human-Specific Derived Alleles of CD33 and Other Genes Protect against Post-reproductive Cognitive Decline. S.A. Springer, F. Schwarz, T. Altheide, N.A. Varki, P. Gagneux, A. Varki. UCSD. C231 1095.5 ABO Blood Type Correlates with Survival on Prostate Cancer Vaccine Therapy. J. Gildersleeve. NCI at Frederick. 1096.PROTEIN-CAROHYDRATE INTERACTIONS 1097.STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY OF CARBOHYDRATEPROTEIN INTERACTIONS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C235 1097.1 Introducing Glycans to Molecular Visualization Software. D.F. Thieker, J. Hadden, J. Stone, R. Woods. Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. C236 1097.2 Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions with Polyamido-saccharides as Unique Carbohydrate-Inspired Polymer Structures. S.L. Chin, M.W. Grinstaff. Boston Univ. C237 1097.3 High Affinity Binding of a MUC1 Specific Antibody to a Glycopeptide Mediated by Conformational Selection. C.L. Brooks, R. Movahedin, T.M. Brooks, N. Supekar, G-J. Boons. California State Univ., Fresno and Univ. of Georgia. C238 1097.4 Glycosylation Alters Oligomerization Status of the Human CEACAM1-IgV Domain. J.H. Prestegard, K. Moremen, Y. Zhuo, J-Y. Yang. Univ. of Georgia. 1098.BIOCHEMICALLY-INFORMED IMAGING IN DRUG DISCOVERY Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C239 1098.1 Longitudinal Monitoring of Nanoparticle Accumulation in PC-3 Tumors. J.C. Nneji, C.A. Gharagouzloo. Northeastern Univ. C240 1098.2 Targeting Peptide Bound to Major Histocompatibility Complex Allows Visualization of Insulin Secreting Beta Cells In Vivo. K.R. Miller, J. Taft, A. Koide, M. Johnson, R. Tisch, S. Koide, E. Collins. Univ. of Mount Union, Univ. of Chicago and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C232 1096.1 Location and Partners of Polysialic Acid in the Dorsal Horn and Trigeminal Nucleus of Adult Rat. S. Shahbazian, A. Lee, A. Everest-Dass, P. Bokiniec, N. Packer, A. Goodchild. Macquarie Univ., Australia. C233 1096.2 Probing the Interactions between α-1, 4-Mannobiose Molecules, Using AFM. K.H. Perera, S. Basu, P. Chandran. Howard Univ. C234 1096.3 The C. albicans Adenylyl Cyclase, CYR1p, Binds Bacterial Cell Wall Fragments via Its LRR Domain. J. Burch, A. Schaefer, M. Lauro, J. Melnyk, J. Glowala, D. Wykoff, C.L. Grimes. Univ. of Delaware and Villanova Univ. 360 1099.METABOLISM AND CANCER Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C241 1099.1 Novel Small Molecule, WZB117, Competitively Inhibit GLUT1-Mediated Glucose Transport to Halt Cancer Growth. O. Ojelabi, J. DeZutter, K. Lloyd, A. Carruthers. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. C242 1099.2 Activation of LXR Inhibits the Development of Pulmonary Carcinomas Induced by 3-Methylcholanthrene and Butylated Hydroxytoluene. Y. Liu, Q. Wang, X. Ma, Y. Chen, L. Sun, Y. Duan, J. Han. Nankai Univ., China. TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY C243 1099.3 Axin Is Localized within Mitochondria and Regulates Energy Metabolism through Alterations of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Glycolysis. J-H. Shin, S-H. Kee. Korea Univ. C244 1099.4 Calcium Sulfide Nanostructure Treatment on Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. K. Muñoz Forti, M. Figueroa, B. Torres, F. Bernard, D. Rivera, M.E. Castro, E.B. Suarez. Univ. of Puerto Rico at Ponce and Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. C245 1099.5 MboII Restriction Fragment Length Analysis of Estrogen Receptor 1 Gene. M.G. Saibu, J. Ayorinde, O. Adu, F. Faduyile, D. Wusu, O. Iyapo, M. Kazeem, S. Soyemi, S. Izuagie. Lagos State Univ., Univ. of Lagos Akoka, University Col. Hosp., Ibadan and Caleb Univ., Nigeria. C246 1099.6 Claudin-7 Regulates Survival and Glucose Metabolism of Human Lung Cancer Cells. D.H. Kim, S.M. Jackson, Y-H. Chen, Q. Lu. East Carolina Univ. C247 1099.7 A Novel Role for the Extracellular Matrix in Regulation of Hepcidin in Breast Cancer Spheroids. N. Blanchette, L. Tesfay, D. Kita, K.P. Claffey, F.M. Torti, S.V. Torti. Univ. of Connecticut Hlth. C248 1099.8 Upregulated Expression of GRP78 Supports ER Stress-Induced Apoptosis in Tunicamycin-Treated Triple Negative Breast Tumor. D.K. Banerjee, A. Banerjee, Z. Zhang, J.E. Serrano, E.C. Romero, N. Sanchez, K. Baksi. Univ. of Puerto Rico, San Juan and Univ. Central del Caribe, Bayamon, PR. C249 1099.9 The Bioactive Properties of Acetone Extract of Cola acuminata in Breast Cancer Cells. J. McGovern, W. Gray. Southern Univ. A&M Col. C250 1099.10 Common Jamaican Herbal Medicine, Bizzy Nut, Inhibits Cell Cycle in Prostate Cancer Cells. W. Gray, A. Chumbow, O. Phillips. Southern Univ. A&M Col., LA. C251 1099.11 Analysis of the Calyces from the Jamaica Species of Hibiscus sabdariffa for Adrogenic Compounds. L.Y. Butler, M. Morgan, W. Gray, K. Chin, J. Snowden. Southern Univ. A&M Col. C252 1099.12 Level of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in Selected Facial Makeup Cosmetics Commonly Used in Lagos, Nigeria. M.N. Igwo-Ezikpe, F.O. Taiwo, O.T. Sotinala. Col. of Med., Univ. of Lagos. C253 1099.13 Novel Role for Lysocardiolipin Acyltransferase in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. S.R. Kotha, L. Huang, M.M. Van Scoyk, S. Avasarala, R.A. Winn, R.K. Bikkavilli, V. Natarajan. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. C254 1099.14 Experimentally-Induced Melanoma Has an Heterogeneous Oxidative Metabolism and Induces Peritumoral Innervation Remodeling. R. Noriega-Cisneros, F.X. Rosas-Plaza, J. Ramírez-Santos, G. Gutierrez-Ospina. Fac, of Vet Med. and Animal Husbandry and Inst. of Biomed. Res., Natl. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico. C255 1099.15 Enzymes Running in Reverse: Catalytic Studies on Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutations Implicated in Cancer. C. Sohl, D.A. Matteo, A. Grunseth, S. Anselmo, E. Gonzalez, M. Kennedy. San Diego State Univ. C256 1099.16 Multiple Glutamine Transporters Sustain the Growth of Glutamine Synthetase-Negative Human Oligodedroglioma Cells. M. Chiu, C. Sabino, M. Allegri, M.G. Bianchi, O. Bussolati. Univ. of Parma. C257 1099.17 Metformin Modulation of DichloroacetateInduced Oxidative Stress and Its Impact on Mitochondrial Integrity in VM-M3 Glioblastoma Cells. N.P. Ward, A.M. Poff, A.P. Koutnik, D.P. D’Agostino. Univ. of South Florida. C258 1099.18 Differential Regulation of mTORC1 by Amino Acids. J.L. Jewell, K-L. Guan. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. and UCSD. C259 1099.19 PDK2 Mediated Alternative Splicing Switches Bnip3 from Cell Death to Cell Survival. L. Kirshenbaum, H. Gang, R. Dhingra, J. Lin, Y. Hai, V. Margulets. St-Boniface Hosp. Res., Winnipeg, Canada. C260 1099.20 Expression of Folate Transport Proteins Are Decreased in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J.M. Green, K. Cuadros, J. Goral, B. Jham, E.P. Guimaraes, J.A.C. Hanneman. Midwestern Univ., IL and Fed. Univ. of Alfenas, Brazil. C261 1099.21 Self Activation of IGF1R Signaling by Cancer Cells Confers a Paracrine Metabolic Advantage. G. Lenz, A. Hamilton, J. Huss, S. Kane. City of Hope Natl. Med. Ctr., Pasadena and Duarte. C262 1099.22 Physiological Role of DAB2IP in Regulating the Activity of Glycolysis in Prostate Cancer. Y. Li, J. Jea, R-C. Pong, J.Yang, G. Xiao, D.A. Boothman, J-T. Hsieh. Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Taiwan and Univ. of Texas and Southwestern Med. Ctr. C263 1099.23 Treadmill Exercise Decreases Aberrant Crypt Foci Lymph Associated in the Large Intestine of Obese Mice. A. Kriska, R. Emmons, P. Jung, B. Xu, M. De Lisio, Y-X. Pan, H. Chen. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. C264 1099.24 CD44+/CD25-/CD100+ Cells Contribute to the Development of Basal Epithelial-Like Metaplastic Breast Cancer in Adiponectin-Deficient MMTV-PyVT Mice. J. Chen, H. Cao, J. Liu, W.C. Tse, I-K. Lee, P.M. Vanhoutte, A. Xu, W. Yu. The Univ. of Hong Kong and Kyungpook Natl. Univ. Sch. of Med., South Korea. 1100.MITOCHONDRIA IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C265 1100.1 A Model for the Function of CoQ9: The Isoprenoid-Precursor Presenter. M.S. Stefely, D.C. Lohman, D.J. Pagliarini. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and Morgridge Inst. for Res., Madison. C266 1100.2 Mitochondria as Signaling Organelles in Aging. V. Titorenko, A. Leonov, A. Arlia-Ciommo, Y. Medkour, V. Svistkova. Concordia Univ., Canada. C267 1100.3 Mitochondrial Transfer by Photothermal Nanoblade Restores Respiration in Mammalian Cells with Dysfunctional Mitochondria. A.N. Patananan, T-H. Wu, E. Sagullo, D. Case, X. Zheng, Y. Li, J. Hong, T. TeSlaa, J.M. McCaffery, K. Niazi, D. Braas, C. Koehler, T. Graeber, P-Y. Chiou, M. Teitell. UCLA, Johns Hopkins Univ. and NantWorks, Culver City, CA. C268 1100.4 Mitochondrial Protein Functions Revealed by Global Protein-Lipid-Metabolite Profiles. D.J. Pagliarini, J.A. Stefely, N. Kwiecien, A. Hebert, M. Veling, A. Richards, A. Ulbrich, A. Jochem, M. Rush, E. Freiburger, H. Marx, M. Westphall, J. Coon. Morgridge Inst. for Res. and Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. C269 1100.5 Methylene Blue Alleviates Nuclear and Mitochondrial Abnormalities in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. Z. Xiong, J.Y. Choi, K. Wang, H. Zhang, Z. Tariq, D. Wu, K. Cao. Univ. of Maryland College Park. 361 T U E BIOCHEMISTRYTUESDAY C270 1100.6 Combined BH3 and Metabolic Profiling as a Method to Define Therapeutic Response and Resistance in Grade IV Astrocytomas. M. Rodriguez Silva, S. GonzalezArias, J.W. Chambers. Herbert Wertheim Col. of Med., Florida Intl. Univ. C271 1100.7 TCA Cycle Defects in Barth Syndrome. W. Lou, Y. Li, A.S. Joshi, J.L. DeLeeuw, N. Saadat, C. Reynolds, S.V. Gupta, S. Trimpin, M.L. Greenberg. Wayne State Univ. C272 1100.8 Effects of Turnera diffusa Will over Blood Glucose and Oxidative Stress in Kidney Mitochondria DiabeticSTZ Rats. E.R. Esquivel-Gutiérrez, A. Saavedra-Molina, L. Alcaraz-Meléndez. CIBNOR S.C., La Paz, BCS., Mexico and UMSNH, Morelia, Mexico. C273 1100.9 Hypoxic Adaptation by a Unique Mechanism of Reprogramming Mitochondrial Metabolism. R.T. Tessman, H. Chavan, G. Du, D. Sun, J. Schuetz, P. Krishnamurthy. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. and St. Jude Children’s Res. Hosp. C274 1100.10 Avocado Oil Improves Renal Vasorelaxation in Hypertensive Rats: Probable Role of Decreased Mitochondrial ROS Generation and Enhanced Antioxidant Capacity. J.L. Hernandez De La Paz, C. Marquez-Ramirez, R. Aguilar-Toral, M. Moreno-Jimenez, A. Raya-Farias, R. Salgado-Garciglia, D. Godinez-Hernandez, A. Saavedra-Molina, C. CortesRojo. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico. C275 1100.11 Differential Effects of Diets Rich in Fats, Carbohydrates And/or Fructose on the Development of Hepatic Steatosis and Mitochondrial Dysfunction. C.I. GarciaBerumen, A. Alejandre-Buitron, R. Montoya-Perez, A.R. Rodriguez-Orozco, E. Calderon-Cortes, R. Piña-Zentella, M. Ramos-Gomez, A. Saavedra-Molina, C. Cortes-Rojo. Univ. Michoacana of San Nicolas de Hidalgo and Autonomous Univ. of Queretaro, Mexico. C276 1100.12 Mitochondrial Calcium Entry Induces Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Production by ATP Synthase-Uncoupled, but Proton Leak-Coupled Mechanism – a New System of How Atherogenic Stimuli Activate Aortic Endothelial Cells without Compromising Endothelial Cell Survival. X. Li, H. Fu, P. Fang, W.J. Koch, H. Wang, X-F. Yang. Temple Univ. Sch. of Med. C277 1100.13 Avocado Oil Improves Mitochondrial Function and Decreases Oxidative Stress in Kidney Mitochondria of Type-2 Diabetic Rats. O. Ortiz-Avila, M. Figueroa-Garcia, R. Mejia-Zepeda, F. Cabrera-Nuñez, C.G. Flores-Ledesma, M.J. Hernandez-Esparza, A. Saavedra-Molina, C. CortesRojo. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo and UNAM, Tlalnepantla, Mexico. C278 1100.14 Effects of Uric Acid and Melatonin Exposure on Mitochondrial Complex-I Respiration, Triglyceride Accumulation and Aconitase Activity in Skeletal Muscle Cells. G.J. Maarman, B.M. Andrew, D. Blackhurst, E. Ojuka. Univ. of Cape Town. C279 1100.15 Insulin-Dependent Glucose Uptake Is Regulated by Mitochondrial Ca2+ Handling in Skeletal Muscle Fibers. A.E. Contreras-Ferrat, A. Díaz-Vegas, C. Campos, Y. Utreras, D. Valladares, G. Rosales, P. Llanos, M. Arias, E. Jaimovich. Univ. de Chile. C280 1100.16 Excitation-Metabolism Coupling: Role of Membrane Depolarization on the Mitochondrial Function. A. Díaz-Vegas, A. Cordova, Y. Utreras, G. Rosales, P. Llanos, C. Hidalgo, M. Arias, E. Jaimovich, A.E. Contreras-Ferrat. Univ. of Chile. 362 C281 1100.17 Caveolin-1 Regulates Mitochondrial Dynamics by Suppressing Mfn-2 and Drp-1 Recruitment. Y. Jiang, P. Toth, S. Oliveira, Y. Liu, P. Hart, J. Rehman, M. Bonini, R.D. Minshall. Iniv. of Illinois at Chicago and Univ. of Electron. Sci. and Technol. of China, Chengdu. 1101.NATURAL PRODUCT BIOSYNTHESIS FOR NEW DRUG LEADS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C282 1101.1 Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Pennisetum purpurem in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats. S.I. Omeodu, B.M. Onyegeme-Okerenta. Univ. of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. C283 1101.2 The Biosynthesis of the Indolic Acid Moiety from the Antibiotic Nosiheptide. E. Badding, S. Booker. Penns State Univ. and HHMI. C284 1101.3 Hypoglycaemic Activity of the Aqueous Extract of Costus Afer Stems Alone and in Combination with Metformin. C. Monago, F.C. Anacletus, T.K. Nwauche. Univ. of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. C285 1101.4 Quantification of Ethanolic Dandelion Root Extract on the Growth Inhibition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae H.M. Samuelson, T. Villari, R. Dunkley, F.M. Mann. Winona State Univ. C286 1101.5 Sub-acute Administration of Ethanol Extracts of Erythrophloem suavolens Induced Hepatotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Wistar Strain Albino Rats. R.A. Adisa, C.U. Nwalioba, S. Akujobi, J. Oribabor. Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria and Univ. of Greenwich, U.K. 1102.INTERMICROBIAL INTERACTIONS Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm C287 1102.1 Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer and Its Effects on Global Transcript Abundance in Ruminococcus albus, a Predominant Fiber-Degrading Species in the Rumen. R.R. Geier, I.H. Kwon, I.K. Cann, R.I. Mackie. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. C288 1102.2 Investigating Mycobacteriohage-Host Protein Interactions. A. Neevel, G. Chang, W. VandenBergh, V. McDonough, J. Stukey. Hope Col., MI TUESDAYBIOCHEMISTRY 1103.MICROBE-HOST INTERACTION 1105.MICROBIOME CHEMISTRY Poster Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C289 1103.1 The Role of Semen-Derived Exosomes on Acute HIV Infection in T Lymphocytes. B. Moricz, M.N. Madison, J. Welch, C. Okeoma. Lawrence Technol. Univ., MI and Univ. of Iowa. C290 1103.2 Mapping Epitopes of Pan-Ebolavirus Antibodies from Human Survivors. J.A. David, C.D. Murin, A. Flyak, H.L. Turner, M.L. Fusco, E.O. Saphire, J.E. Crowe; Jr., A.B. Ward. The Scripps Res. Inst., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Vanderbilt Univ. and Vanderbilt Vaccine Ctr. C291 1103.3 The Polyamine Pathway of Leishmania donovani as a Potential Therapeutic Target. S. Roberts, D. Paradis, J. Perdeh, J. Harrelson, B. Jan, P. Yates, B. Ullman. Pacific Univ. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. C292 1103.4 Uncovering the Mechanism of Trogocytosis in Entamoeba histolytica S.E. Feeney, K.S. Ralston. Univ. of California, Davis. C293 1103.5 Regulation of T Cell Activation by Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Protein U. s3 S. Pan, S. Wu, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, Q. Leng, D. Chen, M. Yang, J. Wang, B. He, C. Zhang, Y. Cao. Sch. of Life Sci., Nankai Univ., China and Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. C294 1103.6 A Role for Underlying Glycan Structure in Influenza Binding: Extending the Species Specificity Paradigm. R.J. Woods, O.C. Grant, J.A. Hadden, H.M.K. Smith, W. Peng, R. De Vries, R. McBride, J.C. Paulson. Univ. of Georgia, Natl. Univ. of Ireland, Galway, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and The Scripps Res. Inst. C295 1103.7 Biological Activity of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli Y. Morales-Lozada, G. Báez-Bravo, Y. Ferrer-Acosta, R. Gómez-Moreno, A. Baerga-Ortiz. Univ. of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus and Med. Sci. Campus. 1104.MICROBIAL ROLES IN DISEASE Poster Tue. 9:00 am—San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-D Presentation time: 12:00 pm–1:30 pm C296 1104.1 Culture of Urine Sediment Reveals Differences between Patients with Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Controls: Are Changes in the Bladder Microbiome Responsible for Symptoms of OAB? L. Krska, A. Balachandran, N. Caballero, N. Curtiss, C. Peppiatt-Wildman, M. Strutt, J. Duckett, S.S.P. Wildman. Medway Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of Kent, Medway Maritime Hosp. and William Harvey Hosp., Ashford, U.K. C297 1104.2 Determining Kinetics of Reversible and Irreversible Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus aur
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