TIF cash flows
TIF cash flows
Visit us on the web: www.hpherald.com Wednesday, January 22, 2014 • Volume 132 • Issue 4 Local Since 1882 Free school finds fall digs Augustana Lutheran will host new alternative school By DASCHELL M. PHILLIPS Staff Writer The founder of the Chicago Free School announced its new Hyde Park location Wednesday. The staff is also hosting a school-planning meeting in February. “After touring many local churches, we have found exactly what we are looking for at Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave.,” Lauren Beitler, founder of the Chicago Free School, announced in a written statement. “We are excited to partner with the church community to create the school of our dreams in this space.” For the past several months Beitler, who is a graduate of the University of Chicago Urban Education Initiative program, has hosted several inquiry sessions about the Free School. Free schools are private, have no principal and everything is decided by community consensus – including the students. In addition to seeking out interested families, Beitler was also searching for an ideal space. According to Beitler, the Chicago Free School will occupy classrooms on the second floor of the church. The school will also make use of Augustana’s enclosed yard. Beitler said the church’s Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and its close proximity to Nichols Park, the Hyde Park Neighborhood Club and public transportation make it a great location for the school, which is expected to open in the fall. Stephanie Jaeger, pastor of Augustana, said the church is very excited to partner with the Chicago Free School. “The Chicago Free School aligns closely with our mission: strong commitment to education, the nurturing of children and a strong social justice orientation,” Jaeger said. “The Chicago Free School’s mission commitment to building See SCHOOL on page 3 Augustana Lutheran Church, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave., will host the Chicago Free School when it opens in the fall. Owen M. Lawson III TIF cash flows Living legacy City Hyde Park gets TIF dollars as demo underway By LINDSAY WELBERS Staff Writer The City Council approved spending $11.3 million tax increment financing dollars to construct City Hyde Park, a mixeduse complex that would bring Whole Foods to the neighborhood. Left to right: Lucy Cowan, Dev Dassani, Jonah Hart and Ezera Moore perform a skit about civil rights last Friday at Ancona School, 4770 S. Dorchester Ave., in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Spencer Bibbs Go to hpherald.com to sign up for breaking news! The $115 million development will include 120,000 square feet of retail, 180 apartments and two levels of parking underground with space for 350 cars. Of the apartments, 36 will be designated affordable, meaning reserved for lower-income families. See TIF on page 2 A demolition crew wipes out the Village Shopping Center complex Monday at Lake Park Avenue and Hyde Park Boulevard to make way for City Hyde Park. Owen M. Lawson III MORE INSIDE... SSA gets city OK ..........2 History of folk fest........ 3 Calendar ....................5 Music........................8 Blotter ....................12 Classifieds ................19 2 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 SSA established for 53rd St. Growing need By LINDSAY WELBERS Staff Writer The City of Chicago has appointed about half of the committee members for the 53rd Street Special Service Area (SSA). James Hanson, principal at Mesa Development; Michael McGarry, president at Hyde Park Bank; Mary J. Rogel, owner of East Point Associates; Tony Fox, owner of the Harper Theater; Gregory Guttman, board president at the Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce and director of marketing at MAC Property Management; James Hennessy, vice president for commercial real estate at the University of Chicago; Allison Hartman, attorney; George Rumsey president of Computer Resource Center and Donna Trainor, UPS Store franchise owner, were all named members of Special Service Area Number 61, the Hyde Park Commission, by the City of Chicago Finance Committee last Monday, Jan. 13. The SSA committee will be able to levy an additional property tax on the buildings along the 53rd Street business corridor and adjacent areas. Among the committee’s tasks would be to determine the annual tax levy, select officers and write bylaws. The SSA’s initial suggested budget would be $264,508 and would be levied through 2022. The tax rate would not exceed .95 percent of the equalized assessed value of a property. SSAs levy additional property taxes that a community imposes on itself within business corridors. The community can then use those taxes to attract new business, maintain or improve the streetscape, construction, security, parking and traffic management, promotion and advertising or other expenses that ultimately improve the corridor. The area would contain 125 property index numbers, which the city uses to identify taxable properties. [email protected] Greater Chicago Food Depository representative Bob Dolgen discusses the growing number of Chicagoans using food banks during a talk Sunday at First Unitarian Church, 5650 S. Woodlawn Ave. Owen M. Lawson III New head of U. of C. schools effort By DASCHELL M. PHILLIPS Staff Writer John W. Gasko has been named the new chief executive officer (CEO) of UChicago Impact, the University of Chicago Urban Education Institute’s (UEI) not-for-profit arm. He will officially begin his role at the Urban Education Institute on Feb. 17. The UEI, which was founded in 2011, has created several school improvement tools currently being used in classrooms in 55 major cities across 23 states. “John’s expertise across sectors and his enthusiasm for innovations that improve the life outcomes of children will lead UChicago Impact in its next phase of development — bringing tools that improve teaching, learning and leadership to significantly greater scale,” said Timothy Knowles, John Dewey director of UEI. Gasko is currently serving as the associate director of the Children’s Learning Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Prior to joining the Children’s Learning Institute, Gasko was the Director of Research and Public Policy for the Children’s Defense Fund in Austin, Texas, and an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies at Hofstra University. He began his education career as a classroom teacher and Dean of Academics in San Antonio, Texas. Gasko said he is thrilled to have the opportunity as CEO to work with such a committed board of directors and broad range of talented leaders and staff. “Urban schools have shown their willingness to establish ambitious goals for student achievement but they frequently lack the supports, innovations and tools required to transform the rhetoric to reality,” Gasko said. “Given its current track record of success and expanding footprint across urban America — and its core ability to draw on UEI’s rich resources to develop rapid responses to the needs of the education marketplace — UChicago Impact is exactly the right organization to help schools break down the barriers behind the stubbornly elusive achievement gap.” [email protected] Businesses on 53rd Street, pictured above at Harper Avenue, will get a boost through the SSA approved last week, if it functions as anticipated. Marc Monaghan TIF from page 1 Whole Foods will occupy 30,000 square feet of retail space on the first floor. Construction began last month, with the demolition of the former Village Shopping Center at 51st Street and Lake Park Avenue. Chicago’s Oldest Community Newspaper • Since 1882 Phone: 1-773-643-8533 • Fax: 1-773-643-8542 Volume 132 Issue 4 Wednesday, January 22, 2014 e-mail: [email protected] • www.hpherald.com Publisher: Bruce Sagan, ext. 126 Deadline for editorial is Thursday. Display advertising deadline for space V. P./General Manager: Susan J. Walker, ext. 128 reservation is Thursday, copy deadline is [email protected] noon Friday before publication. Editor: Gabriel Piemonte, ext. 140 Deadline for classified advertising is [email protected] 2 p.m. Monday before publication. Business Manager: Mary Petrassi, ext. 127 Display Advertising Manager: Carol Cichocki, ext. 129 Hyde Park Herald (USPS 580-440) is published Production Manager: Tony Zralka, ext. 131 weekly by Herald Newspapers, Inc., 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615. Reporter: Daschell M. Phillips, ext. 135 Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL. Reporter: Lindsay Welbers, ext. 139 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Herald Display Advertising: Elizabeth Robinson, ext. 130 Newspapers, Inc., c/o Hyde Park Herald, 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 Classified Manager: Lisa Vinaccia, ext. 124; Fax, 667-0938 Demolition is expected to continue into February. The project is also being funded with new market tax credits, a federal tax break for buildings constructed in “low-income areas,” tax breaks that come from building in an Enterprise Zone, and private equity and funding sources. [email protected] Subscribe Today! 1. Call 1-773-643-8533 ext. 127 OR 2. 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DaytimeRates Phone:______________________________________________________ January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Folkies history this Sunday By JEFFREY BISHKU-AYKUL Staff Writer The Hyde Park Historical Society (HPHS) will host a presentation on the history of the University of Chicago Folk Festival this weekend. The event will take place at 2 p.m. on Sunday at 5529 S. Lake Park Ave., and will feature a panel discussion with former U. of C. Folklore Society President Bob Kass, festival enthusiast Nina Helstein and audio engineer Matt Sohn, who has digitized analog recordings of the event. “I love the music and I love learning through the music about very different ways of life,” said Helstein, who has attended the festival since its first year in 1961. Performers have included bluegrass mandolinist Bill Monroe and blues guitarists Doc Watkins and Muddy Waters. HPHS President Ruth Knack says she has wanted to host an event on the festival’s history for some time now. “What’s probably most interesting is how the folk festival came to be in the first place. There was a folk music scene of a sort in Hyde Park,” she said. For more information, visit hydeparkhistory.org. The 54th Annual U. of C. Folk Festival will take place Friday, Feb. 14 to Sunday, Feb. 16. Tickets will go on sale Feb 5. For details, visit uofcfolk.org. [email protected] 3 Bach at the Blackstone Robbery at Open Produce last week By LINDSAY WELBERS Staff Writer Open Produce, 1635 E. 55th St., was robbed at gunpoint last week. Chicago Police News Affairs said three African American men between the ages of 18 and 20 years old entered the grocer SCHOOL from page 1 relationships across economic and racial lines and earth-keeping or eco-justice are also a part of our vision.” Jaeger said the school using the church building during the day also reduces the cost for the space and utilities for the church. For the past five years, the space has been used by the Hyde Park Suzuki Institute, which will be moving out in August. “We were able to lease the space to Suzuki to develop [it] into a strong program and we hope to do the same for the Chicago Free School,” said Jaeger, who said she did not know where the Suzuki Institute would be relocating. Having just received notification last Wednesday that Suziki’s month-to-month lease would not be renewed after July, around 11 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 14. Two of the offenders displayed handguns and announced a robbery. They fled with cash and one victim’s cell phone. No injuries were reported. An investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information should call 311. [email protected] Lucinda Ali-Landing, founder and director of the Suzuki Institute, was unable to comment on her school’s future plans. The school is hosting an “Envisioning the Chicago Free School” event for the community from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at Augustana. The event is for prospective teachers, parents, organizers, supporters and members of the community who are interested in helping develop the vision for the school. At the event, community members will learn more about the school’s mission and philosophy, participate in brainstorming workshops, group discussions and watch a screening of the school’s fundraising campaign video. E-mail [email protected] or visit chicagofreeschool.org for more information. [email protected] Pianist Donna Lee Fackenthal performs the music of Ludwig van Beethoven and J. S. Bach during a performance at the Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave. Owen M. Lawson III False alarm at Metra station brings out police By LINDSAY WELBERS Staff Writer Metra service was briefly halted at the 53rd Street station Thursday when a suspicious object was reported. Chicago Police News Affairs said a suspicious object was reported at 1500 E. 53rd St., around 11:30 a.m. The bomb squad determined that it was not a threat and service resumed approximately an hour later. The Preschool Center Developing the Whole Child Mark your calendar for these FUN family events! Celebrate National School Choice Week at The Preschool Center. National School Choice Week: January 26-February 1 Preschool Center events: January 27-30 (see times, locations, and descriptions below) Each year, National School Choice Week shines a spotlight on school choice — celebrating it where it exists, and demanding it where it does not. This yearʼs National School Choice Week is January 26 through February 1. We at The Preschool Center will celebrate with a variety of fun events from Monday, January 27 through Thursday, January 30. We invite and encourage you to attend! Hereʼs the schedule: Monday, January 27, 7:00 a.m - 9:00 a.m., 2nd floor childrenʼs library: Bagels and Biscuits Information and Breakfast Bonanza. Enjoy breakfast treats and a display of our childrenʼs artwork as you socialize and learn more about National School Choice Week. Wednesday, January 29, 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Rainbow, Secret Garden, and Rainforest classrooms: Celebrating the Arts through Literacy & Theatre. Children will perform their classroomʼs favorite storybook for parents, guests, and staff! Note: Children in Butterfly and Rainbow will perform together in the Rainbow Tuesday, January 28, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 pm., in all classroom. classrooms: Family Literacy Night. Visit all the classrooms and enjoy story time and presenta- Thursday, January 30, in all classrooms: Chitions by the providers of our enrichment pro- nese New Year Celebration. This year, we celgrams: Lango, JUSTUS Arts, Music Together, ebrate the Year of the Horse with arts and crafts. and the Clinton Duncan Art Scholar Program. Light refreshments will be provided. 5467 S. University Ave., Chicago, IL (773) 643-0452 www.cccsociety.org Happy National School Choice Week. Come celebrate with us! 4 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Editorial: Being part of the solution W e are disappointed but not altogether surprised at the decision by Ald. Leslie Hairston (5th) to suspend her experiment in participatory budgeting. While she cites expense, we cannot help but wonder whether the handful of voters who bothered to take advantage of her offer to help select budget priorities for the ward was anything approaching what she expected. Participatory budgeting, as a movement, has its origins in South America, but the town hall meetings of New England are possibly a more appropriate antecedent to cite for a Chicago Ward vote. In either case, the idea is that citizens decide how a pile of tax dollars get spent. In Chicago, that has been a vote on a fund every alderman has for infrastructure improvements in the ward. We have been surprised at how little interest this idea seemed to generate in Hyde Park, where aldermen have traditionally been expected to get an earful wherever they go about how they should do their jobs. Here’s a chance to literally say how taxes should be spent — often considered the most important part of the job — and the voice of the people fell silent. What gives? Admittedly, this is not the city budget, which many Hyde Parkers, we are sure, are eager to take a red pencil to, nor is it purely discretionary spending: many of the available items are run-of-the-mill items like lighting. But there were also opportunities to support murals and community gardens — music to Hyde Parkers’ ears. We expect that some are correct in saying that, should Hairston try the experiment again, voting must be made more convenient. Also, we suspect that, with all the bellyaching we do about our politicians, maybe there’s a vote of confidence in this lack of voting. It would appear Hairston is trusted to properly prioritize the nuts-and-bolts work that needs to get done in the Fifth. Nevertheless, it seems downright un-Hyde Park to turn down a chance to weigh in on the local budget. We believe Hairston should give this excellent idea another shot — and this time, Hyde Park needs to show up. After all, if you’re not voting, why are you complaining? Music news at Kenwood Academy String Orchestra Kenwood Academy High School’s revived string orchestra will perform at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Concert, Jan. 22, at the South Shore Cultural Center. After several years of silence, the string orchestra at Kenwood, 5015 S. Blackstone Ave., has been reestablished under the direction of Ernestine Fleming-Jones. Since its re-launch, the orchestra has performed at the school’s Winter Festival Concert and has formed a partnership with the Chicago Modern Orchestra Project, under the direction of Renee Baker. Through the partnership, the orchestra will participate in workshops and performances such as the one commemorating civil rights leader King tonight. The concert will take place at 7 p.m. at South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 S. South Shore Dr., and is free and open to the public. Illinois Music Educators Association The Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA) selected Giancarlo Jerry, an 11th grade trumpeter, to be a member of the IMEA Senior Jazz Band and the IMEA Senior Concert Band. He competed with musicians from high schools across the city and will perform in the IMEA All-State Concert at the end of January. Ravinia Jazz Scholars Kenwood juniors Giancarlo Jerry (trumpet) and Josiah Maddox (piano) were selected to be a part of the Ravinia Jazz Scholars program. In the highly selective program, students are mentored and coached by some of Chicago’s most prominent jazz musicians including Pat Mallinger, Willie Pickens and Audrey Morrison. They also receive training through master classes, auditionbased ensembles and individualized instruction. In addition to training, the Jazz Scholars receive numerous performance opportunities including the Music Matters benefit and at Ravinia’s Martin Theatre in June. They are often invited to perform as an ensemble at events throughout the city. Each summer the Jazz Scholars are sent to the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Camp in Louisville, Ky., a prestigious training center for pre-professionals. Compiled by Daschell M. Phillips [email protected] Kenwood’s Jerry a talent to watch By DASCHELL M. PHILLIPS Staff Writer After competing against musicians from high schools across the city, Giancarlo Jerry, a junior at Kenwood Academy High School, was selected to be a member of the Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA) Senior Jazz Band and the IMEA Senior Concert Band later this month. He is the first instrumentalist at Kenwood to be accepted into the IMEA District for Jazz and Concert Band. Jerry began playing the trumpet in 7th grade under the leadership of Gerald Powell, musical director at Kenwood, 5015 S. Blackstone Ave. He is in the Kenwood “Jazz at the Wood” jazz band, which has performed at the Chicago Jazz Fest since 2010. Jerry has also gained experience from playing with the youth orchestra at his home church, The Apostolic Church of God. During the past three years, he has played behind gospel artists such as Tye Tribbett, Anita Wilson and DeWayne Woods during the Joy of Christmas and Joy of Easter concerts at his church. Jerry has also played in performances with the Chicago Modern Orchestra Project, led by Renee Baker. Jerry has received awards at the Chicago Public Recalling King Above: Massachusetts Gov. and former South Sider Deval Patrick speaks last Wednesday at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., during the annual ceremony commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Right: Soul Umoja, the University of Chicago’s gospel choir, sings “Lift Every Voice and Sing” during the event. Spencer Bibbs Schools and Illinois High School Association solo and ensemble competitions. For the past three years, Jerry has been accepted into the Ravinia Jazz Scholar program, where students are mentored and coached by some of Chicago’s legendary jazz musicians including Pat Mallinger, Willie Pickens and Audrey Morrison. Through the program Jerry received a Giancarlo Jerry full scholarship to attend the Jamey Aebersold Music Camp in Kentucky on the campus of the University of Louisville. Jerry, who said musicians such as Miles Davis, Freddie Hubbard and Wynton Marsalis inspire him, said he plans to study music performance in college and become a professional all-around musician — be it classical, jazz or any other genre of music — and become a music teacher. [email protected] HYDE PARK HAPPENINGS week starting Jan. 22 Calendar deadline is noon Thursday before following Wednesday’s publication. Submit calendar items to the editor by fax: 6438542, e-mail: [email protected] or mail: 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 ongoing 61st Street Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-2 p.m., every fourth Saturday through April 26. indoors at Experimental Station, 6100 S. Blackstone Ave., 773-241-6044, experimentalstation.org. LINK and Senior Farmer's Market Coupons accepted. LINK purchases matched up to $25 every market day. E-Waste Collection. 8-10 a.m., every second Wednesday, 61st St. and South Blackstone Ave., near the South Campus Chiller Plant, 6035 S. Blackstone Ave., 773-834-4188, free. A program of the U. of C.’s Office of Sustainability. Visit sustainability.uchicago.edu for a list of accepted items and more details. Mindfulness Meditation. 7:15-9:15 p.m. every Monday, Chaturanga Holistic Fitness, 1525 E. 55th St., Suite No. 302, 773-358-2998, chaturangafitness.com, free. Chicago Hyde Park Village Drop In. 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, Augustana Lutheran Church, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave., $7 suggested donation. Featuring lunch, light exercise and socializing. Call 773752-6587 for assistance with transportation. Health Care Signup. 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., every Tuesday through Jan. 30, Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-747-0511. An agent will be available to guide visitors through the process of signing up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act. A program of Get Covered Illinois, sponsored by Ada S. McKinley Community Services, Inc. The Hyde Park Village Salon. 4-5:30 p.m., every second Tuesday of the month, The Snail Restaurant, 1649 E. 55th St. A dinner club for members of the Chicago Hyde Park Village. For more information, call Jennette Rader at 773-753-4678. Affordable Care Act Education and Enrollment Session. 5-8 p.m. every Tuesday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday. Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., 773-373-3366, rainbowpush.org. The Wright 3 Mystery Tour of the Robie House. 1:30 p.m., every Saturday, Frank Lloyd Wright Robie House, 5757 S. Woodlawn Ave., 312-994-4000, gowright.org, $15 adults, $12 students ages 4 to 17 and seniors over age 65. Based on Blue Balliett's novel, "The Wright 3." Meditation. Twenty Minutes Still. 8-8:20 a.m., every weekday, Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Led by qualified meditation teachers. Lakeside Quilting Guild. 6:30-9 p.m., every Tuesday, Treasure Island, basement, 1526 E. 55th St., l a k e s i d e q u i l t i n g g u i l d . w e e b l y. c o m , [email protected]. Guild meetings are on the second Tuesday of every month. All other sessions are devoted to personal or group projects. Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style. 7-9:30 a.m., every Monday through Thursday, Rockefeller Chapel, Interreligious Center, January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 5 Art your way Rebecca Smith (left) and Eleanor Johnson let their creativity flow during the permissively titled “Draw Bad” workshop at the Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave. Owen M. Lawson III Room 019, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773702-2100, $10 general admission, $5 U. of C. students. Supervised self practice in Ashtanga yoga, led by a teacher. No prior experience necessary. Calvert House Tutoring. 4-6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m. on Saturdays, Calvert House, 5735 S. University Ave., 773-288-2311, uofccatholic.com. Tutoring for 2nd through 12th grade students. Resource Center. 9 a.m.-noon, Mondays through Thursdays, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 dropin, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. See CALENDAR on page 13 6 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Waud Hocking Kracke, 74 Hyde Park native Waud Hocking Kracke died of cancer on Dec. 31, 2013 at home surrounded by family and close friends. He lived in Hyde Park for all but the few first years of his life. Kracke was born in Beijing, China, in 1939 to the late Joan and Edward Kracke, who moved to Hyde Park shortly after his birth. He attended the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools for many years and went on to graduate from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1958. Kracke received his B.A. from Harvard College in 1962, his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Chicago in 1973, and a certificate from the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis in the non-clinical psychoanalytic training program in 1975. He also studied Lacanian psychoanalysis in Quebec, became a member of GIFRIC, a Quebec group devoted to developing more effective methods for treating psychotic patients and helped establish the Chicago Circle of the Freudian School of Quebec. Kracke carried out fieldwork in the 1960s living with and studying the Parintintin, an indigenous tribe of Indians of the Amazon in Brazil, and continued to make periodic visits there throughout his life. He wrote extensively about his field experiences using an analytic approach to understanding the Indians’ behavior. Kracke was a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he taught courses in cultural anthropology and the application of analytic theory to the understanding of culture; he had a particular interest in cross-cultural dream analysis and in the psychology of leadership. His teaching was an occupation to which he was devoted, and his students found him an inspirational influence. Though ill, he continued teaching to within days of his death. Kracke was not only a passionate scholar and researcher, but also worked tirelessly to defend the rights and culture of the Parintintin Indians and indigenous peoples in general; he spent months in the Amazon working to delineate and legally preserve the land Linda S. Bergmann, 63 Linda S. (Shell) Bergmann, of West Lafayette, Ind., passed away at home unexpectedly on Saturday, Jan. 11. Born Nov. 12, 1950 in Syracuse, N.Y., Bergmann was the daughter of the late Stanley and Helen (Stankavitch) Shell. Dr. Bergmann received her bachelor’s degree with high honors in English, from Oberlin College in 1972, her master’s degree with departmental honors from the University of Chicago in 1973, and her Ph.D. in English from the University of Chicago in 1983. Her love of humor as an American rhetoric not only led to her dissertation, “American Historical Humor: The Tradition and the Contemporary Novel,” but also informed her outlook on life. Students, family, colleagues and friends valued her loyalty, intellect and wit. Before she moved to Purdue University in 2001, becoming director of the Purdue Writing Lab in 2003 and Professor of English in 2010, Dr. Bergmann served as director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the Illinois Institute of Technology from 1991 to 1996 and the director of Writing Across the Curriculum and the Writing Center at the University of Missouri-Rolla from 1996 to 2001. Her work in rhetoric and composition reflected equal passions for language and student learning, and led to a $1.5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2011 to create a new interactive Internet tool for high school students based on the Purdue Online Writing Lab. In the Purdue English Department, Dr. Bergmann taught graduate seminars in Writing Across the Curriculum and Writing Center Administration. International interest in her writing pedagogy led to invitations from places as disparate as Lebanon, Poland, Turkey and Columbia. Her textbook, “Academic Research and Writing,” complimented her teaching and scholarly research on composition by enabling students and instructors worldwide to benefit from her work. Dr. Bergmann is survived by her husband, Dr. Bernard Bergman III, of Hyde Park, and their son, Bernard “Bernie” Bergmann IV. Memorial visitation will be held from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday Jan. 25 in the East Room at Montgomery Place, 5550 S. South Shore Dr. A Memorial Service will follow at 2 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Heifer International at heifer.org. Condolences and memories may be shared online at hippensteelfuneralser vices.com. belonging to the tribe. His documentation of traditional indigenous beliefs and practices is now instrumental for younger tribal members attempting to relearn and preserve their language and customs. He received awards including one recently from the Brazilian government for his work with indigenous people. He was an active member of many professional organizations. He was fascinated with linguistics and spoke many languages, including Waud Hocking Kracke 7 Portuguese, French, Kagwahiv (the complex language of the Parintintin tribe) and was working on Mandarin Chinese and Yoruba (a Nigerian language). His love of people shone through in his warmth, kindness and generosity; he was beloved by those who knew him. Waud is survived by his wife Lucia Minnerly Kracke; his son Peter Kracke; his stepchildren Robert Minnerly, Katherine Minkin and daughter Emily, and Blake Minnerly and son Milo; his sister Ernesta Kraczkiewicz and son Andrew. In lieu of flowers send donations to one of the following organizations: Cultural Survival, Cambridge, Mass.; Native American Education Service College, Chicago, Ill.: or the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Plans for Kracke’s memorial service are currently being made and will be announced at a later date. 8 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Baroque Band delights By M.L. RANTALA Classical Music Critic N either snow nor cold kept the Augustana Lutheran Church from hosting a large crowd Saturday night. Baroque Band has that kind of audience. Englishman Ian Watson was the guest director and harpsichordist for a program titled “Under the Influence,” which featured a fascinating collection of baroque gems. Conducting from the harpsichord, Watson proved to be a superlative interpreter, performer and leader, creating the kind of glorious music to warm a winter heart. The evening began with Vivaldi’s Sinfonia “Il coro de la muse.” This set the standard for the night, with artfully brisk pacing, bright sound and a readiness to find the wit in the music. Joan Plana, Baroque Band’s concertmaster, was another key element to the success of the performance. His playing was virtuosic and insightful, his violin able to laugh or cry as required, all while his connection to the other players was obviously integral to the splendid performance. His superb playing as at the heart of the success of Charles Avison’s Concerto Grosso in D Minor. There was a polished shine to Francesco Durante’s Concerto a cinque in A Major with the opening presto rendered at a charming gallop while the middle movement heard Watson create haunting music, slowly drawn. This sunny work was followed by a darker, more brooding one, the Concerto Grosso in E Minor by Francesco Geminiani. The counterpoint was intriguing and the slow sections were packed with nuance and subtlety. Plana was almost manic during some rapid portions, even while keeping tight hold of the rhythm. The pulsing dynamics Watson created were magical. It seemed but a blink of an eye, but the intermission was already upon us. After the break, the band took up Albinoni’s Sinfonia in G Major, permitting Watson to display crisp keyboard work. The violins had intonation problems in the adagio, but these gave way to fine ensemble work for the final allegro, with staggered entrances offering different members of the ensemble a chance to strut. I loved the opening to Locatelli’s Concerto Grosso in D Major, where small wave-like phrases rapidly became a flood of joyous sound. The andante built to a memorable conclusion, with the music creating something akin to a long-drawn deep breath which was held until the perfect moment. The following exhalation was inevitable and the audience itself seemed breathless waiting for it. The concert closed with Geminiani’s La Folia, where Watson created big contrasts, the lower strings provided deep support, and the harpsichord embroidered everything. The work was a Fun-Pak of variety. The audience loved the results, and came to their feet when Watson made his second curtain call. During the intermission, I had a chance to chat briefly with David Schrader, a member of the Baroque Band’s board of directors, its program annotator and in-house harpsichordist. He provided one of his own harpsichords for Watson’s performance, an American instrument constructed in the 1970s for which he had a special stand made by a custom furniture maker. The stand has legs much taller than usual, so that the performer can comfortably stand while playing. This, Schrader noted, makes conducting while playing much easier. I was sitting in nearly the center of the room, and straight on the instrument seemed quite small (it turns out to be about four-anda-half octaves), but its sound was gorgeous and full. Strung entirely in brass, Schrader believes the harpsichord “penetrates better than the instrument at Orchestra Hall.” It certainly sounded great Saturday. It’s also worth noting that a long-time supporter of Baroque Band has recently joined its board of directors. Valerie Solti, who remained active in the music world after the death of her husband Sir Georg, must surely be a wonderful addition to the Baroque Band family. The Band’s next Hyde Park performance is Sat., Mar. 22 at 7:30, again at Augustana, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave. David Schrader returns to the keyboard and he himself will direct a program entitled “Their Master’s Voice” which will include a performance of Bach’s Triple Concerto. For details, visit BaroqueBand.org. Art for the family Amali and her mom Lisa Clark complete a drawing project Saturday at the Logan Center for the Arts, 915 E. 60th St., during a family art day. Owen M. Lawson III Announcing a CAC Planning Meeting Please join the Schools Committee of the HPKCC for a meeting to continue the discussion about the formation of a Community Action Council (CAC) for the Hyde Park-Kenwood area. Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 6:00 - 7:30 pm Kenwood Academy Little Theater Agenda: 1. Answering CAC questions 2. Starting Planning committees 3. Signing up interested people for the CAC board Nancy Baum, Co-Chairperson Schools Committee [email protected] 773-401-8151 Camille Hamilton-Doyle, Co-Chairperson Schools Committee [email protected] 773-373-6944 January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 9 University of Chicago bulks up aid to low-income students By DASCHELL M. PHILLIPS Staff Writer President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama met with about 100 college leaders from across the country last Thursday, including University of Chicago (U. of C.) President Robert Zimmer, to discuss a plan to help more high school graduates from low-income households get into college. Zimmer said the initiative — as well as a $10 million grant from university trustee Steven Kersten and his wife, Priscilla Kersten — would help the university boost its efforts to reach this target population. In 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Zimmer announced the launch of UChicago Promise, a program that helps Chicago high school graduates that attend the university graduate debt free. The loans are replaced by grants, which do not have to be repaid. The application fees are also waived. The program includes an Admissions Academy which offers educators professional development. The academy also offers resources to guide students and families through the college admissions and financial aid processes for any selective four-year college. U. of C. students who are a part of the university’s Metcalf Internship Program, are assigned to select high schools as guidance counselors to help coach students. The fall 2013 entering class included 73 students from the city of Chicago, an increase of 59 percent over fall 2012, according to Calmetta Coleman, director of communications for civic engagement at the U. of C. She said the Admissions Academy placed eight Metcalf interns at five Hyde Park-area schools in 2012 including King, Kenwood Academy, Hyde Park Academy, Mt. Carmel and U. of C. Woodlawn Charter to support guidance counselors and students in the college application process. A sixth school, ACE Technical Charter, was added in 2013. Citywide, the Admissions Academy also served more than 1,100 students, more than 100 guidance counselors, and 73 schools with workshops on essay writing, interviewing, and navigating the financial aid process. The university also reaches out to financially disadvantaged students through Collegiate Scholars, Jewish during Jim Crow By DASCHELL M. PHILLIPS Staff Writer In the 1930s, some Jewish professors from Germany and Austria who fled to America to avoid Nazism found teaching positions at historically Black colleges and universities in the South during the time of Jim Crow “separate but equal” segregation laws. The DuSable Museum of African American History is presenting a new art exhibit that explores the experiences of the Black students and their European Jewish professors. The exhibit, “Beyond the Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges,” will open on Monday, Jan. 20, in conjunction with the museum’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration and continue through Sunday, April 13, at DuSable, 740 E. 56th Pl. Inspired by Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb’s landmark book, “From Swastika to Jim Crow: Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges” and the subsequent PBS documentary by Joel Sucher and Steven Fischler of Pacific Street Films, the exhibit looks at the empathy between two minority groups with a history of persecution, some of who came together in search of freedom and opportunity and shared the early years of struggle in the civil rights movement. Highlights of the exhibit include artifacts, photographs and two new films by Sucher and Fischler, featuring both the professors and the students. It begins with the dismissal of the refugee scholars from German universities and continues through their search for positions in the United States. The exhibition then highlights the backgrounds of the Black students and follows the professors and students coming together to teach and learn and to share a community on campus. Curated by the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City, the exhibition has traveled nationally since 2010. For more information visit, dusablemuseum.org. [email protected] Upward Bound and College Bridge, programs it initiated several years prior to the launch UChicago Promise. “We know that not enough low-income students are taking the steps required to prepare for college,” Obama said at the event. “That’s why I’m glad the University of Chicago — my neighbor, and the place where Michelle and I both worked in the past — is announcing a $10 million college success initiative that will reach 10,000 high schools over the next five years.” Zimmer said the grant would also help the U. of C.’s Urban Education Institute build on the work its been doing, such as creating school improvement tools that are being used in classrooms in about 23 states. [email protected] 10 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 11 “Our Country’s Good”” RECOMMENDED Where: Shattered Globe Theatre at Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont Ave. When: through Feb. 22 Tickets: $30 Phone: 773-975-8150 By ANNE SPISELMAN Theater Critic I n his program notes for Shattered Globe Theatre's commendable production of “Our Country's Good,” director Roger Smart calls Timberlake Wertenbaker's 1988 Olivier award-winning play, adapted from Thomas Keneally's novel The Playmaker, a “contemporary classic.” He's right. The British playwright cleverly uses an historical event — the founding of the Sydney, Australia penal colony in 17881789 — to explore issues that remain relevant today. Is the purpose of imprisonment to punish or to reform? Which deters crime better, fear or kindness? Do the arts, especially theater, have the power to elevate even the most lowly among us? What role does language have in how we define ourselves and others? What are the effects of colonization on the home country, the colonists and the local population (here represented by a lone aboriginal Australian)? At the same time, she crafts a boatload of characters who are interesting enough to hold our attention and a few we can really care about. They range from the pickpockets, prostitutes and other petty criminals transported from England to the soldiers and enlisted men charged with overseeing their incarceration. They also represent various points of view, from the humanism of Captain Arthur Phillip (Drew Schad), governor of the colony, to the brutality of Major Robbie Ross (Ben Werling), who metes out whippings and hangings with abandon. And the convicts include many types, among them incredibly shy Mary Brenham (Abbey Smith), her outspoken friend Dabby Bryant (Christina Gorman), angry and unrepentant Liz Morden (Eileen Niccolai), reluctant hangman Ketch Freeman (Addison Helmann) and language-loving John Wisehammer, an outsider among outsiders because he's Jewish. Wertenbaker's real coup, though, is her theatricality. In a canny use of doubling, all but three of the actors play multiple roles. Men and women alike portray both soldiers and convicts, and some of the pairings have a pointed thematic purpose. Werling, for example, not only is the cruel Major Ross, he's also John Arscott, one of his most unfortunate victims. Schad is both Captain Phillip and Robie needs guides Left to right: Mary Franke, Dillon Kelleher, Abbey Smith, Christina Gorman, Kevin Viol and Steve Peebles in Shattered Globe Theatre’s production of “Our Country’s Good,” written by Timberlake Wertenbaker and directed by Roger Smart. Michael Brosilow Midshipman Harry Brewer, who suffers terrible guilt and sees ghosts of those whose hanging he ordered. To stress the mulilayered implications, all the costume changes are done on stage, with the performers pulling coats, wigs and such for crate-like trunks on Smart's spare but evocative set, which features a palm tree wrapped in rope and shrubs resembling a cat o’ nine tails. Not co-incidentally, the main plot revolves around a play within a play. At the urging of Brewer, 2nd Lieutenant Ralph Clark (Stephen Peebles) petitions the governor to allow the prisoners put on a play, George Farquhar's Restoration comedy, "The Recruiting Officer," to test its civilizing potential and provide entertainment. Initially, he just wants to further his own career and find a distraction from pining away for his beloved wife back home, but he soon becomes passionate about the project. Clark's transformation, as he embraces his new life and falls in love with his leading lady, Mary, is carefully and sympathetically charted by Peebles, and Smith gently shows Mary emerging from her shell and becoming bolder like her Farquhar character. Liz Morten, assigned the role of her antithesis, an aristocratic lady, also changes — as does almost everyone else. Most of the drama is about how they get to opening night (of a one-night engagement), and it's fraught with the convicts squabbling over their roles, Major Ross's endless disruptive efforts, attempted escapes, scheduled hangings and other potential disasters. Some of the complications are comic; some are cruel, even tragic. Director Smart and his ensemble generally do a good job of keeping them in balance, though some of the actors are more accomplished than others. In many ways, “Our Country's Good” adheres to the old “lets put on a show” formula — but also transcends it. Wertenbaker's play is so intelligent — even if she stacks the deck in the debates — and her characters are so engaging that when they work together in the end, we can't help but root for their success in the New World. In The Center Of It All! Featuring: Rosin Eyecare By LINDSAY WELBERS Staff Writer The Frank Lloyd Trust is seeking volunteers to act as tour guides at the Robie House. Volunteer resource manager Linda Bonifas-Guzman said they are looking for 12 to 15 prospective volunteers, who can commit four hours a month, for six months. Volunteers will lead tours at the Robie House, 5757 S. Woodlawn Ave. The three-week training session will take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Feb. 11 to Feb. 27. The training sessions include independent reading and classroom studies on the history of Wright and the house. “We run tours every day of the week,” Bonifas-Guzman said. “We can use people on the weekends that are working [or] new retirees that are very anxious to keep busy with something meaningful — with something stimulating.” For more information, visit flwright.org or call BonifasGuzman at 312-994-4045. [email protected] For Breaking Community News As It Happens... We Make It Easy... Go to www.hpherald.com Rosin Eyecare www.rosineyecare.com 1548 E. 55th Street • 773-667-0024 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bonjour Bakery & Cafe DJ’s Bike Doctor Elston Ace Hardware HomeMade Pizza Co. Hyde Park Cleaners La Petite Folie Office Depot Potbelly Sandwich Works Rosin Eyecare Toys Et Cetera Treasure Island United States Post Office Walgreens Wesley’s Shoe Corral What The Traveler Saw Shop • Eat • Enjoy 55th Street and Lake Park Avenue 12 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 HPAC celebrates 75 this year By JEFFREY BISHKU-AYKUL Staff Writer The Hyde Park Art Center (HPAC) will kick off its 75th anniversary year programming this week. Founded in Hyde Park in 1939, HPAC had several homes — including the Del Prado Building, 5307 S. Hyde Park Blvd. — before settling into its current address at 5520 S. Cornell Ave in 2006. Despite having no building of its own until recently, however, HPAC’s contribution to the city’s art scene has been widely recognized. Six exhibitions have been planned for the year, including “Inside the Outside,” a show opening this Sunday featuring works by two Chicago painters, Richard Loving and Eleanor Speiss-Ferri. The exhibit examines the influence of the Chicago Imagists The following is a record of crimes as reported to the Chicago Police Department’s 2nd District. This listing records calls responded to by police between 47th Street, 60th Street, Cottage Grove Avenue and Lake Michigan. Crimes are classified according to the original call for assistance. This record does not show the results of the follow-up investigations by the police which may reveal that the incident belongs in another category or may have already resulted in the arrest of the offender. Herstory behind the man movement — a local strain of surrealism born at HPAC — on the two artists. HPAC will mark Loving’s 90th birthday with a talk presented by School of the Art Institute professor Frank Piatek on the same day the exhibit opens. HPAC “has always been about the now and the new, and so we wanted to keep that identity and kind of on purpose didn’t choose to do a Hyde Park Art Center retrospective show,” Lorenz said. “But instead, ‘Inside the Outside’ is offering a fresh view of two living working artists who, while aren’t identified technically as part of the Imagists movement, and weren’t in that short list, were incredibly influenced in working at the time and very much on its periphery.” “For the Hyde Park Art Center, it’s See HPAC on page 17 Sunday, Jan. 12 2 a.m., theft, 5300 block of South Kimbark Avenue 9 a.m., theft, 4800 block of South Lake Park Avenue 8 p.m., theft, 4800 block of South Cornell Avenue Monday, Jan. 13 8 a.m., criminal damage, 5400 block of South Drexel Avenue 10 a.m., battery, 1200 block of East 53rd Street 12:15 p.m., theft, 1500 block of East 55th Street Tuesday, Jan. 14 11 p.m., robbery, 1600 block of East 55th Street 12:15 p.m., robbery, 1700 block of East 56th Kathy Chaney (right), chairman of the University of Chicago political science department, listens as her friend and longtime colleague Barbara Ransby, professor of history at the University of Illinois at Chicago, reads from and answers questions about her recently published book about the life of Paul Robeson’s wife, "Eslanda," at Calvert House, 5735 S. University Ave., last week. Owen M. Lawson III Street 10:15 p.m., battery, 5100 block of South Hyde Park Boulevard Wednesday, Jan. 15 11:55 a.m., battery, 5200 block of South Lake Park Avenue 2 p.m., theft, 5400 block of South Kenwood Avenue 4 p.m., motor vehicle theft, 1000 block of East 59th Street Wednesday, Jan. 11 11:55 a.m., battery, 5200 block of South Lake Park Avenue 2 p.m., theft, 5400 block of South Kenwood Avenue 4 p.m., motor vehicle theft, 1000 block of East 59th Street Thursday, Jan. 16 1 a.m., narcotics, 5900 block of South Lake Shore Drive 12:35 p.m., theft, 1400 block of East 53rd Street CALENDAR from page 5 Runs through Jan. 31. Tot Lot. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, early childhood room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave.,773-6434062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. With Motor Monkeys on Mondays and Fridays, and dance on Thursdays. Runs through Jan. 31. Infant Playgroup and Music Circle. 10 a.m.-noon, every Monday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, early childhood room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. For infants to children 18-months-old. Runs through Jan. 31. Sensory Play. 10 a.m.-noon, every Tuesday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, art room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-6434062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Musical Story Time. 10-10:45 a.m. and 11-11:45 a.m., every Tuesday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, early childhood room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Dramatic Play. 10 a.m.-noon, every Wednesday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, classroom e, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Bi-lingual Story Time. 10 and 11 a.m., every Thursday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-6434062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Child Care Information Session. Noon1 p.m., every Thursday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, free. Runs through Jan. 31. Messy Art. 9:30-11:30 a.m., every Friday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, Art Room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Sign Language. 10-10:40 and 10:4511:15 a.m., every Friday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, early childhood room, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave.,773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. Runs through Jan. 31. Match Up! Teen Program. 3-6 p.m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org. Students ages 13 to 18 develop study skills and participate in monthly volunteer opportunities. After School Learning Lab. 3-6 p.m., every weekday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-6434062, hpnclub.org. Tutoring, supervision, sports and more for children under 12. Exhibit. "Concealed Carry." Experimental Station, 6100 S. Blackstone Ave., 773-241-6044, experimentalstation.org. Work by artists and art collectives addressing the impact of the state's newly enacted Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Runs through Jan. 23. Exhibit. "The Fifth Dimension." Logan Center, Gallery 107, 915 E. 60th St., 773702-2787, free. Featuring art by a group of international artists addressing what the fifth dimension might be. Runs through Jan. 31. Exhibit. "Parrottree-building for Bigger than Real." Renaissance Society, Cobb Hall, Fourth Floor, Bergman Gallery, 5811 S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-8670, renaissancesociety.org. A solo exhibition of new work by Berlin-based artist Nora January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Schultz, her first in the U.S. Also the society’s first show curated by new Chief Curator and Executive Director Solveig Øvstebø. Runs through Feb. 23. Exhibit. "Our Work: Modern Jobs — Ancient Origins." Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., 773-702-9514, free. An exhibition of photographic portraits drawing connections between modern professions and their ancient counterparts. Runs through Feb. 23. Exhibit. "The Endangered Species: A Visual Response to the Vanishing Black Man." DuSable Museum of African American History, 740 E. 56th St., 773947-0600, dusablemuseum.org. Featuring art curated by Raub Welch addressing Black masculinity in America. Runs through March 2014. Exhibit. "Homer in Print: The Transmission and Reception of Homer's Works." Regenstein Library, The Special Collections Research Center, 1100 E. 57th St., 773-702-4685. Featuring editions of Homer in several languages from the 15th century to the 21st. Runs through March 15. Exhibit. “Charles Otis Whitman: His Science, His Special Birds, and the Marine Biological Laboratory.” Crerar Library, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-7715, free. An exhibit examining the legacy of the late U. of C. zoologist, in commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the extinction of the passenger pigeon. Runs through March 21. Exhibit. “Interiors and Exteriors: AvantGarde Itineraries in Postwar France.” Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave., 7 7 3 - 7 0 2 - 0 2 0 0 , smartmuseum.uchicago.edu. Featuring art tracing the relationship between the emerging generation of avant-garde movements in 1950s France and the postwar surrealist movement. Runs through March 26. Exhibit. "Not Just Another Pretty Face." 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org. Featuring 75 works of art that are part of the center's similarly titled commissioning project. Runs through March 30. Exhibit. "The Co-op Documentary Project: Capturing the Bookstore's Distinctive Character and History." Hyde Park Historical Society, 5529 S. Lake Park Ave., 773-493-1893, free. Featuring photography and testimonies about the Seminary Co-op bookstore's previous location at 5757 S. University Ave. Audition for the Hyde Park Youth Symphony. 4 p.m., Hyde Park Union Church, 5600 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-3636063. For woodwinds, strings, percussion and brass players. Held by appointment. To make an appointment, call 773-562-2369 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Exhibit. "Inside the Outside." Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-3245520, hydeparkart.org. Featuring work by longtime artists Richard Loving and Eleanor Spiess-Ferris to kick of the Center's 75th Anniversary exhibition season. Runs from Jan. 26 through May 4. Exhibit. "Just Breathe." Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-3245520, hydeparkart.org. Featuring a collaborative installation of more than 80 panels by high school students, painted in response to the news. Runs from Jan. 24-31. Wednesday, Jan. 22 Film Screening and Discussion. "After Tiller." 5-7:30 p.m., International House, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-7532274. A screening of Martha Shane and Lana Wilson's 2013 film on third-trimester abortions followed by a panel discussion featuring Shane. Author Talk. 6-7:30 p.m., International House, home room, 1414 E. 59th St., 773753-2274, free. Luis Alberto Urrea, author 13 Art for everyone Mica Medved and her 2-year-old daughter Luka work on an art project during family day on a recent Saturday at the Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave. Owen M. Lawson III of "Queen of America," and Chris Abani, author of "The Secret History of Las Vegas," present. Zen Meditation at Rockefeller. 5-6:45 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Soto Zen mediation instruction for newcomers at 5 p.m., followed by 35 minutes of meditation. Concert. Lunch with Mr. Skinner. 12:30-1 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. A lunchtime organ performance. Visitors are invited to bring their lunch. Beverages See CALENDAR on page 16 14 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 1526 E. 55th Street, Hyde Park Hyde Park Shopping Center, 55th & Lake Park Avenue • 773-358-6400 PULL THIS TAB TO VIEW OUR ENTIRE AD: Store Hours: See Posted Hours at Your Local Store. ALL STORES OPEN SUNDAY. All Beef and Lamb is USDA Grade Choice. Sale prices good January 22 to January 28, 2014. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors. January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Make sure to visit us on Facebook and Twitte r! 15 16 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Art Workshop and Discussion. Arts, CALENDAR Agency, and Creativity in the Classroom. from page 13 5-7 p.m., Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200, provided. smartmuseum.uchicago.edu, free. An Samatha Meditation: Beginner's Class. informal art-making and discussion session 6-7:30 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, for teachers. Interreligious Center, Room 019, 5850 S. Lecture. "Geology Rules: Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. A Unconventional Development of Oil/Gas class on mindfulness of breathing. from Shale Formations."5:30-6:30 p.m., Conversation. 7-9 p.m., Experimental Ida Noyes Hall, third floor theater, 1212 Station, 6100 S. Blackstone Ave., 773- E. 59th St., 773-702-2771. Anthony 241-6044, experimentalstation.org. A Ingraffea, of Cornell University, presents. discussion held in conjunction with Poetry Reading. 6-7 p.m., Logan Experimental Station's current exhibit on Center, 915 E. 60th St., 773-702-2787, the state's newly enacted Firearm free. Poet Rosanna Warren, of the U. of C., Concealed Carry Act, led by former presents. Chicago Public Radio host Steve Edwards. Vespers. 8-9 p.m. Rockefeller Chapel, Knitting and Needle Crafter's Circle. 6 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, p.m., Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake free. Park Ave., 312-747-0511. Activities for Get Lost! Avant-Garde Itineraries at beginner and experienced knitters. the University of Chicago. 5-8 p.m., Family Fun. 6:30 p.m., Blackstone Smart Museum of Art, 550 S. Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312- Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200, free. 747-0511. A chance for families to play Participants will hear an introduction to board games and complete crafts. Situationist and Surrealist wandering Despres Family Memorial Lecture. practices by curators of the Smart "Writing Children." 6 p.m., Blackstone Museum's new exhibit, "Interiors and Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312- Exteriors: Avant-Garde Itineraries in 747-0511. Contributors to the AREA Postwar France." They will then travel Chicago periodical’s 14th issue, "Kids!" from the Logan Center to the Smart will discuss the way children are written Museum of Art for a Surrealist-themed about and the impact it has. reception and opportunity to explore the exhibit. CPS Arts Liaison Welcome Event. 4-5 Gentle Yoga. 4-5 p.m., Bond Chapel, p.m., Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-2100, free. 773-702-9507, free. An opportunity for KTime for quiet reflection, meditation and 12 educators to tour the museum's galleries with a guide and learn about integrating the yoga instruction. Tea Time Concert Series. 4:30-5:30 institute's lessons on ancient art and art p.m., Fulton Hall, 5845 S. Ellis Ave., 773- history. Author Talk. 6-7 p.m., 57th Street 702-8484, free. Flutist Masha Popova and pianist Svetlana Krasnova perform. With Books, 1301 E. 57th St., 773-684-1300, complimentary tea and cookies at 4:15 p.m. free. John Litweiler, author of "Sundidos," Thursday, Jan. 23 presents. Lecture. "The Art and Architecture of the Historic St. Thomas the Apostle Church." 7-9 p.m., St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 5472 S. Kimbark Ave., 773-324-2626, free. Art historian Sarah Bond, parishioner of St. Thomas the Apostle, presents. Light refreshments will be served. Toddler Time. 10:30 a.m., Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312747-0511. Picture books, activities and songs for children up to age 3. Friday, Jan. 24 Poet Talk. "Lines of Sight: The Poetry of Vision."1 p.m., Midway Studios, 929 E. 60th St., 773-834-8524. Poet Rosanna Warren, of the U. of C., presents. Lecture. "Twang and the Politics of Timbre, or What's a Harpsichord Doing in My Country Music?"3:30-5:30 p.m., Fulton Hall, 5845 S. Ellis Ave., 773-7028484. Jocelyn Neal, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presents as part of The Department of Music Colloquium Series. Lecture. "The Body and the Body Politic in the Middle East and North Africa: Theoretical Reflections on the Arab Spring."Pick Hall, 5828 S. University Ave, 773-702-8296. Ellen Amster, of the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, presents as part of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies' Friday Lecture Series. Film Screening. "The Coca Cola Kid."7 p.m., Logan Center, screening room 201, 915 E. 60th St., 773-702-8596. Featuring Dusan Makavejev's 1985 film, preceded by two shorts. MLK Week 59th Street Jazz Concert. 8-10 p.m., International House, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-753-2274, $20 general admission, $10 U. of C. students with IDs. The Frank Walton-Yoron Israel Sextet performs. Jumu'ah Prayers. 1-1:30 p.m. and 1:452:15 p.m., Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-2100. Muslim Friday prayers. Artist Salon and Brown Bag Lunch. 12:15-1:15 p.m., Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org. A chance to meet and catch up with HPAC students and community members over food and art. Opening Reception. 5-7 p.m., Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org. For HPAC's exhibit on display through Jan. 31, "Just Breathe." Saturday, Jan. 25 Symposium. Elections and Democracy in the Middle East. 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., International House, home room, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-702-8296, free. A symposium on Middle Eastern elections, with academics and experts from across the country. Sponsored in part by the U. of C.'s Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Inside the Composer's Studio: A Musical Installation. 7-9 p.m., Logan Center, performance penthouse 901, 915 E. 60th St., 773-702-8484. A concert featuring six U. of C. composers, followed by a reception. For more information, send an e-mail to Phil Taylor at [email protected] or Kate Punkinskis at [email protected]. Performance. "Wordless!"3-5 p.m. and 8-10 p.m., Logan Center, performance hall, 915 E. 60th St., 773-702-2787, $20 general admission, $10 students. A show combining slides, talk, film and live musical performance, with Pulitzer Prizing-winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman, author of "Maus: A Survivor's Tale,"and jazz composer Phillip Johnston. Sunday, Jan. 26 Sunday at Rockefeller. 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Featuring Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's "Surge, illuminare," with organ music by Giambattista Martini. Holy Communion Service. 6-7 p.m., Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-7022100, free. For more information, contact Robert Kinney by calling 773-771-0771 or sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Breath, Body and Voice. 6-7 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. A voice class exploring breath and body awareness. No experience necessary. Open Rehearsal. 3-4:30 p.m., Fulton Hall, 5845 S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-8484, free. An open rehearsal by the Spektral Quartet string ensemble. 37th Season Chicago Ensemble Concert Series. 3-5 p.m., International House, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-7532274, $25 general admission, $10 students with ID. The Chicago Ensemble performs. Kids' Mosaic-Making Workshop. 2-5 p.m., Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., 773-702-9507, $67 members, $75 nonmembers. A mosaic-making workshop for families covering motif design, mosaic composition, cutting and grouting. No prior experience is necessary. All tools and supplies are provided. Tickets are for one child accompanied by one adult. Space is limited. Register (required) at orientalinstitute.eventbrite.com. Sketching in the Galleries: Grouping and Composition. 2-4 p.m., Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., 773-702-9507, $20 members, $25 non-members. A sketching class on visual composition using assemblages of artifacts led by artist Vesna Jovanovic. Discussion. History of the Folk Festival. 2 p.m., The Hyde Park Historical Society, 5529 S. Lake Park Ave., 773-4931893. Bob Kass, former president of the U. of C. Folklore Society, longtime U. of C. Folk Festival attendee Nina Helstein and Matt Sohn, who has digitized festival recordings, present. Birthday Celebration and Talk. 3-5 p.m., Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org. Frank Piatek, of the School of thew Art Institute, will lead a public conversation with artist Richard Loving marking his 90th birthday. Concert. Sunday Night Jazz. 7:30-11:30 p.m., Room 43, 1043 E. 43rd St., $10 adults, $5 for university students. The Victor Goines Quartet performs. A Hyde Park Jazz Society program. Monday, Jan. 27 Film Screening. "The Monsoon Oracle." 3:30 p.m., Foster Hall, room 103, 1130 E. 59th St., 773-702-8637. Featuring Shrenik Rao's 2013 film, followed by a reception and Q and A session with the director. Lecture. "Faltering Images: Byzantium on the Edge of Becoming." 4:30-6 p.m., Swift Hall, third floor lecture room, 1025 E. 58th St., 773-702-8200. Yale Ph.D. candidate Roland Betancourt presents. Emerging Minds Project Community Conversation. 6-8 p.m., Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, room 107, 5710 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-834-4672. An opportunity for the campus community to engage in dialogue around a topic of interest. Film Screening. "Amour." 7-9:30 p.m, Logan Center, screening room 201, 915 See CALENDAR on page 17 CALENDAR from page 16 E. 60th St., 773-702-2787, free. A screening of Michael Haneke's 2012 film, featuring a panel discussion with Karthik Pandian and Jesse Soodalter, of the U. of C. Seating is limited. Fantasy and Science Fiction Book Club. 6:30 p.m., Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-7470511. Participants will discuss "The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic," by Emily Croy Barker. Tuesday, Jan. 28 Lecture. "The Chicago Cultural Plan at Year One." Noon-1:20 p.m., Harris School of Public Policy Studies, room 289B, 1155 E. 60th St., 773-702-1999. Julie Burros, director of Cultural Planning for the City of Chicago Departmen tof Cultural Affairs and Special Events, presents. Lecture. "Spanglish and the Changing of America's Language." Noon-1:30 p.m., 773-834-1987. Ilan Stavans, of Amherst College, presents a Katz Center for Mexican Studies seminar. Restorative Yoga. 4:30-5:30 p.m. and 5:45-6:45 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-7022100, $5 suggested donation, free for students. Film Screening. "Nefarious: Merchant of Souls." 4:306 p.m., Ida Noyes Hall, Max Palevsky Cinema, 1212 E. 59th St., 773-702-2100, free. A screening of Matthew Dickey and Benjamin Nolot's 2011 film, with staff from production company Exodus Cry, an anti-trafficking organization, in attendance. Concert. 7:30-9:30 p.m., International House, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-753-2274, $15 general admission. The Scandinavian Symphonic Sampler performs, preceded by VOX 3 Collective. Tea and Pipes. 4:30-5 p.m., Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-2100, free. Tea and biscuits served at 4 p.m., followed by organ music. Wednesday, Jan. 29 Wednesday Worship. 11:30 a.m.-noon, Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-8200. A brief worship service cosponsored by the U. of C. Divinity School and Rockefeller Chapel. Wednesday Lunch at the Divinity School. "Restoring Touch with a Prosthetic Hand through a Brain Interface." Noon-1:15 p.m., Swift Hall, common room, 1025 E. 58th St., 773-702-8200. Sliman Bensmaia, of the U. of C., presents. A vegetarian lunch will be provided for $5 (vegan option available by request). Register in advance by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Gallery Tour. 6 p.m., Cobb Lecture Hall, room 418, 5811 S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-8670, free. Hamza Walker, associate curator and director of education for the Renaissance Society, gives visitors a tour of the gallery's new exhibit, "Parrottree-building for Bigger than Real." Concert. Lunch with Mr. Skinner. 12:30-1 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-7022100, free. A lunchtime organ performance. Visitors are invited to bring their lunch. Beverages provided. Zen Meditation at Rockefeller. 5-6:45 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Soto Zen mediation instruction for newcomers at 5 p.m., followed by 35 minutes of meditation. Talk. "The ACA and the Transformation of American Health Care." Noon, Surgery Brain Research Pavilion, Billings Auditorium, 5812 S. Ellis Ave., 773-834-4671. Nancy-Ann DeParle, President Obama's former deputy chief of staff for policy, presents. Register at See CALENDAR on page 18 HPAC January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 17 from page 12 certainly [an] important part of our history that people still identify us with,” Lorenz added. “It’s actually humbling to think that such an important movement happened here.” HPAC will also display new works this year, including one by an artist with a strong Hyde Park connection: John Preus. The U. of C. alum, who co-founded the Southside Hub of Production with Laura Shaeffer in 2010, will be exhibiting a two-story high work entitled, “The Beast” — not exactly a sculpture nor an architectural work, according to Lorenz. “We don’t care that it defies definition or boundaries. In fact, that’s exciting,” Lorenz said of Preus’ first solo exhibition. This September, HPAC will host a 75th anniversary barbecue block party. In the second half of this year, HPAC will also host exhibits of work by master’s of fine arts students, artists from the center’s Art Shop program for teens and Center Program professional development class and Curator in Residence Christopher K. Ho. Beginning next Tuesday and through May 1, community members will be invited to donate any materials relating to HPAC’s history as part of an initiative entitled, “Archive-APalooza.” For more information on HPAC’s 75th anniversary, call 773-324-5520 or visit hydeparkart.org. [email protected] For Breaking Community News As It Happens... We Make It Easy... Go to www.hpherald.com Religious directory CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST CATHOLIC SHRINE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS (formerly “St. Gelasius Church”) 6401 South Woodlawn Ave., Chicago 60637 Tel. 773-363-7409 [email protected] www.institute-christ-king.org Mass Schedule: Monday, Wednesday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Holy Days: Call for time Confessions before and after Mass FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF CHICAGO Unitarian Universalist Love is the spirit of this church. 5650 S. Woodlawn Ave. 773 324-4100 www.firstuchicago.org Senior Co-Ministers: David and Teresa Schwartz Minister-at-Large: Rev. W. David Arksey Director of Religious Education: Atena Danner Director of Music: Amanda Thomas January 26, 2013 Sunday Worship – 10:00 a.m. Give Me hunger, But Leave Me a Little Love Rev. David Schwartz Information about Religious Education Programs; (773) 324-4100 x15. CONGREGATION RODFEI ZEDEK 5200 S. Hyde Park Boulevard 773-752-2770 Laurence Edwards, Rabbi in Residence Rachel G. Rosenberg, Cantor/Educator Daily Services - Glick Chapel Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. Evenings: 6:00 p.m. (by request) Sunday Mornings: 9:00 a.m. SHABBAT SERVICES AND TEFILOT Friday, January 24, 2013 Shabbat Eve Service: 5:45 p.m. Family Institute potluck dinner following service - Everyone is welcome (dinner reservations required) Saturday, January 25, 2013 Shabbat Morning Service: 9:45 a.m. Shabbat Mishpatim Dʼvar Torah: Manny Kahana Minyan Katan: 9:45 a.m. Naʼaseh VʼNishma Minyan: 10:30 a.m. Torah Study with David Feuer www.rodfei.org Visit our Nelson Judaica Gift Shop for all your gift needs HYDE PARK UNION CHURCH In the free church tradition of the American Baptist Churches & United Church of Christ 5600 S. Woodlawn Avenue (773) 363-6063 website: http://www.hpuc.org Rev. Susan Johnson, Senior Minister Ms. Celeste Groff, Interim Director of the Gilead Ministry Amanda Guthrie, M.Div., Minister of Congregational Development and Spiritual Formation Jade Maze, Music Director Francy Acosta, Childrenʼs Music Director Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Adult Education 11:30 a.m. All are welcome Home of the Community Food Pantry Celebrate the work of Godʼs spirit among us Child care provided • Wheelchair accessible Sound system for the hearing impaired Chartered in 1874 *Stained glass tours by arrangement* ROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPEL ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH and Spiritual Life Office at the University of Chicago The spiritual and ceremonial center of the University of Chicago 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave http://rockefeller.uchicago.edu (773) 702-2100 Elizabeth J.L. Davenport, Dean HYDE PARK'S CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SINCE 1869 5472 South Kimbark Avenue Office (773) 324-2626; Fax (773) 753-7415 www.stapostlechurch.com St. Thomas the Apostle Elementary School 5467 S. Woodlawn Ave. www.stapostleschool.com Sunday Mass Schedule: 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Confessions: Sat. 3:00 p.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Fr. Elias O’Brien O. Carm, Pastor January 26, 11:00 a.m. Palestrina Surge Illuminare for eight voices, with organ music by Giambattista Martini Bromleigh McCleneghan, associate for congregational life, preaching Zen meditation Wednesdays at 5:30 pm (instruction at 5:00 p.m.) with dharma talk or discussion at 6:10 p.m. presented in association with Ancient Dragon Zen Gate Hindu and Muslim prayer rooms open daily for prayer. Tower tours every weekday at 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., a half hour before the 12 noon and 5 pm daily carillon recitals. 1012 East 47th Street, Chicago, IL 60653 Phone: (773) 624-3695 Fax: (773) 624-3697 Staffed by the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) www.Ambrose47.com Mass Schedule: Sunday Masses: Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. [email protected] Sharing Godʼs love We invite you to join us Sunday: Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Fellowship 11:30 a.m. 53rd St. & Blackstone Ave., Wheelchair Accessible Phone: (773) 363-1620 email: [email protected] www.uchpeace.org The Rev. Larry Turpin, Pastor Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church Disciples of Christ—United Church of Christ 5655 South University Avenue (773) 363-8142 A Multi-racial, Open & Affirming Community Rev. Julian M. DeShazier, Senior Minister Rev. Samuel Dansokho, Minister for Global Concerns Virgilio Vicente, Minister for Central/Latin American Concerns Charles Hayes, Director of Music UNIVERSITY CHURCH The CityLight CHURCH A Diverse Gathering of People Who Make a Difference in the World! 824 E. 43rd Street, Chicago, IL 60653 Prayer and Info Line: 1-888-LIGHT-21 (1-888-544-4821) St. AMbrose CATHOLIC Church UNITED CHURCH OF HYDE PARK www.TheCityLight.org Email: [email protected] Worship Service: Sundays 11am - 1pm Growth Night (Bible Study): Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm Prayer Meeting (Third Friday of the month): 8pm - 9:30pm Club God Quest (out-of-church small-group connection gatherings) Various time & place options At CityLight: Meet a Group of Friendly People from the Community and Other Nations Enjoy Inspiring Upbeat Music with a Contemporary Flair Hear Positive Practical Messages of Encouragement We are eagerly expecting YOU! To advertise your religious service or institution, call 773-643-8533, ext. 130 Sunday, January 26, 2013 Morning worship: 10:30 a.m. “Worship in Corinth” Julian DeShazier, preaching Church School for Children/Youth Adult Education Classes 9:30 a.m. All are welcome. Quality Childcare Available Sound system for the hearing impaired Wheelchair accessible Visitors are always welcome! universitychurchchicago.org CALENDAR Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 from page 17 bit.ly/KWTSVJ. Knitting and Needle Crafter's Circle. 6 p.m., Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-7470511. Activities for beginner and experienced knitters. Zen Meditation at Rockefeller. 5-6:45 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-7022100, free. Soto Zen mediation instruction for newcomers at 5 p.m., followed by 35 minutes of meditation. Samatha Meditation: Beginner's Class. 6-7:30 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, Interreligious Center, Room 019, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. A class on mindfulness of breathing. MEETINGS Monday Elm Park advisory council. 6-7 p.m., Nichols Park, field house, 1355 E. 53rd St. For more information, send an email to Mike Weeda at [email protected]. H A R P E R THEATER 5238 Harper Ave 773-966-5091 www.harpertheater.com $8 Adult; $7 Student $6 Seniors, Children & Matinee Solution to Jan. 15, 2014 Crossword Puzzle 18 Call the Theater, or visit our website for this week’s showtimes! “Like us” on Facebook! S U S P T H E R E S T E T A M A Z F E V E F A I L A L A S B I T L E O E R R E E L I E R W A C S E L L A S C A L A R N O N A M E A B A N D O N S H I P P A R E E V E R S O L A U R A T R E E D I D E E T N S T O I D N A D E P O S I T O N N O E T V F E U R E Y L M U C H O P E A L N S N I N O M P R E I S R O L L I N G P I N S K A T T C A L M S E N O U N C E F L I T T E R B U S E N T G E R G R I E V E Y E S Y E S E R N E R E A D R A V E L O L I V A O D D E R A R A C E L E T E M I S T L E M P A T I E N E R E D O E D E N A T C H A T E R Y R I L S O M A I N I T L A S T E T S Y I N A W A Y N O M I N E T R I T O N H U G H O O R A O P E K X I L E N A L T E X A O T T A C O R D O I D L A L I L E N N T B H E A R E S C A R L S N A D E D G I E L O U N N S O F I R T H E R O E U R O V S E N N E D O T A G E S P A T T E N T No. 0112 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 ACROSS 1 Last name in Scotch 6 Stream 10 Bloke 14 Like blokes 18 Napoleon, e.g., twice 19 Steakhouse order 20 Test subject 22 Grand-slam drama that stars Bacall’s man 24 Half an Xmas “Halls” chant 25 1976 horror hit, with “The” 26 Point value of an A in Scrabble 27 Little to no 29 Heavily favored 30 All-inclusive 32 Beat poet Cassady and others 33 Captain Hook’s right hand 34 69-Across, e.g. 37 Scrams 38 Astral saga that has a Darth part 42 Cutting edge 43 Gulager of TV’s “The Virginian” 44 French Oscar 46 Bit of Google programming 47 Staple of a waiting room Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 4,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). 48 Work on the roof, say 50 “Movin’ ___” (TV theme song) 52 One of die Planeten 53 Kitty, e.g. 54 Count ___ 55 “___ Anything” (“Oliver!” song) 56 “The Witches” writer 57 King Arthur of tennis 59 Kris ___ (music duo) 61 Like classical poetry 63 Fab “backwardgram” à la “Sam, aha! Bahamas!” 67 Burger topper 68 Segway inventor Dean ___ 69 Apple product 70 Bird’s gullet 71 Chip on one’s shoulder, say 73 Kowtowers 75 Pilates targets 78 Take on 79 Poses 80 Stone figures? 81 Equal to the task 82 Objective 83 Louis Armstrong, to friends 85 Two-time U.S. Open champ 86 Houston’s old ___ Field 87 Black cat that packs grass and chants “Jah” 91 Prefix with -hedron 93 Best-selling novelist Susan 94 Great Basin natives 95 An op-ed has one 96 Air apparent? 97 Worships 100 “Common Sense” pamphleteer 101 Valedictorian’s pride, for short 102 Bygone Bombay bigwig 106 Landmark vassal law act 108 Warm mask/cap amalgams 111 Burning desire 112 Puts away 113 Friends, in Firenze 114 Big name in faucets 115 Depict 116 Swarm 117 Where Sharp Electronics is based 11 Gatekeeper’s cry 12 Lawyers’ org. 13 Picasso’s designer daughter 14 Tilex target 15 Latin 101 verb 16 Score creator Schifrin 17 Style 21 Subject of the documentary “An Unreasonable Man” 23 Spoils 24 Two-faced 28 Haphazard 31 Gift shop buy 32 Sign at an intersection 33 Apple product, perhaps 34 Recipe amt. 35 Skin soother 36 Gala that saw “Black Swan,” “Avatar” and “Ab Fab” attract claps 37 Bar glass that’s half Bass, half DOWN dark malt 1 Chrysler Building 38 Lama’s art that style, informally can’t last 2 Physical, e.g. 39 “Shazam!” 3 Smart-alecky 40 Noted political maiden name 4 “M*A*S*H” star 41 Designer 5 One in a gray suit McCartney 6 Modernist Kafka 43 Comedian Margaret 7 A bridge might have 45 “___ hear” one 48 Something woeful 8 “The Lord of the 49 Item of attire for Rings” villain 54-Across 9 “Pop” goer 51 Square meals that 10 Online gaming are round guilds 23 25 26 30 35 10 27 44 45 49 58 60 65 51 79 82 72 61 90 73 91 99 52 Minneapolis suburb 54 Jackie of “Shanghai Noon” 58 Maine senator after Mitchell 60 Striped Girl Scout cookie 62 Knocks 63 Zodiac symbol 64 Pier place 65 Adams and Alcott 66 Most handy 77 75 81 85 86 92 93 96 100 107 111 114 74 95 106 76 62 69 84 94 98 41 52 80 83 89 40 56 68 78 39 66 67 71 17 46 50 59 70 16 33 55 64 15 29 54 88 14 38 48 87 13 21 32 43 57 12 28 37 53 11 24 36 47 97 9 20 31 42 63 8 19 22 34 7 115 72 ’70s self-help course 74 Word repeated in the “Superman” intro 76 Alliance 77 Meaning: Fr. 81 Flashback and halfbacks 84 Eyelashes 86 That, in Tijuana 88 Source of excitement 101 102 103 104 105 108 109 110 112 113 116 117 89 TV/movie group associated with this puzzle’s theme? 90 Agave drink 92 In the slightest 93 Apple product 95 The Adversary 96 Jerk 97 Day-and-night, in a way 98 Belafonte hit 99 Dungeons & Dragons figure 100 Strait-laced 101 Elation 103 Reebok alternative 104 Hike, with “up” 105 The East 107 It goes before E except after C 109 Whiz 110 Vientiane native For any three answers, call from a touch-tone phone: 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 each minute; or with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554 K N E A D A G E I N G The New York Times Magazine Crossword Puzzle IT’S ONLY “A” GAME By ANDREW CHAIKIN / Edited by Will Shortz T A D A S January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald HYDE PARK HERALD and LAKEFRONT OUTLOOK To place your ad, call: 1-773-358-3124 or email: [email protected] SERVICE DIRECTORY Ad copy deadline: 19 1:00 p.m. Friday before Wednesday publication date. SERVICE DIRECTORY SHOWCASE: GERHARDT ROOFING ★ FALL SPECIAL ★ 10% DISCOUNT • Roofing • All Types of Brickwork • Lintel Replacement & Repair • Tuckpointing • Parapet Walls A+ Rated with the BBB Family Owned Business for 40 Years! computer problems? let us come to you! on-site tech support with a human touch pc•mac•mobile•tablet based in Hyde Park! 3 1 2 .8 2 3 .2 7 9 9 m o n o l i th ch ic a g o . c om Jessy Construction Enterprise Inc. Full Service Contractor Licensed & Bonded – REMODELING – KITCHEN • BATHROOM BEDROOMS • BASEMENTS Drywall & Painting Ext./Int. 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GERHARDT 7050 S. Dorchester ROOFING 773-493-8600 ★ FALL SPECIAL ★ HUNGRY? TIRED? NEED FOOD FAST? 10% DISCOUNT • Roofing • All Types of Brickwork • Lintel Replacement & Repair • Tuckpointing • Parapet Walls A+ Rated with the BBB Family Owned Business for 40 Years! Go to hpherald.com 773.325.1600 to find local Hyde Park restaurant menus online! Let Us Help Build Your Business! Advertise in the Herald’s Business & Service Directory Today!! If your restaurant is not listed. Please contact 773-358-3128 to have your menu listed FREE of charge. 20 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Check Us Out on-line It’s very simple hpherald.com Find your new home in the Hyde Park Herald. Subscribe Today! Subscribe to the Hyde Park Herald, Call 1-773-643-8533 ext. 127 news • events • real estate • classifieds Are You Hungry? NOTICE TO OUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please notify us if you find an error in your ad, or if your ad failed to run. If you notify us at once, we will make a correction as soon as deadlines permit. We want to give you the best possible service. However, if you do not inform us about a problem with an ad the first time it runs, the ad may continue incorrectly. The newspaper will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or typographical error(s) in publication except to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first day’s insertion. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Please check your ad each time it appears and notify us promptly in case of an error. Policies All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s standards of acceptance. The Herald Newspapers reserve the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Receipt of copy via remote entry (facsimile, email, etc.) does not constitute final acceptance by this newspaper. The advertiser, NOT THE NEWSPAPER, assumes full responsibility of their advertising message. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Illinois Constitution, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination”. Classified Deadline: 2pm Monday 1-773-643-8533 ext. 124 Fax: 1-773-667-0938 email: [email protected] Please include a phone number with all emails. Go to www.hpherald.com to find a listing of Menus For Restaurants in Hyde Park! January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE TRUST 2007-A3, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, BY PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION AS SERVICER, P l a i n t i f f V . AUSTA L. MURRAY; TCF NATIONAL BANK; CAROLINA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; UNKNOWN O C C U P A N T S , D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 33339 Property Address: 6610 SOUTH KENWOOD UNIT 310 CHICAGO, IL 6 0 6 3 7 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE C O N D O M I N I U M Fisher and Shapiro file # 12-062174 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on November 13, 2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on February 14, 2014, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 6610 South Kenwood, Unit 310, Chicago, IL 60637 Permanent Index No.: 20-23-223-042- 1 0 2 5 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and ( g ) ( 4 ) . The judgment amount was $195,698.56. Sale terms for non-parties: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information and to view auction rules at www.kallenrs.com. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301, Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847) 291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I576808 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION, P l a i n t i f f V . RAESHAWN C. SAVAGE-CAFFEY A/K/A RAESHAWN SAVAGE-CAFFEY; JERRY CAFFEY; CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION; 4447 S. INDIANA CONDOMINIUM A S S O C I A T I O N , D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 22634 Property Address: 4447 SOUTH INDIANA AVE. UNIT 1R CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE C O N D O M I N I U M Fisher and Shapiro file # 12-060560 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on November 25, 2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on February 26, 2014, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 4447 South Indiana Avenue, Unit 1R, Chicago, IL 60653 Permanent Index No.: 20-03-309-046- 1 0 0 2 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and ( g ) ( 4 ) . The judgment amount was $220,178.00. Sale terms for non-parties: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information and to view auction rules at www.kallenrs.com. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301, Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847) 291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I579633 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION, P l a i n t i f f V . TONIA HARDEN; ALEXANDER DUPLEX CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL C O R P O R A T I O N , D e f e n d a n t s 10 CH 31337 Property Address: 4357 SOUTH INDIANA AVE. UNIT 5 CHICAGO, IL 6 0 6 5 3 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE C O N D O M I N I U M Fisher and Shapiro file # 10-040336 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on November 7, 2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on February 10, 2014, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 4357 South Indiana Avenue, Unit 5, Chicago, IL 60653 Permanent Index No.: 20-03-303-032- 1 0 0 9 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and ( g ) ( 4 ) . The judgment amount was $270,517.87. Sale terms for non-parties: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information and to view auction rules at www.kallenrs.com. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301, Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847) 291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I575469 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION CITIBANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR WAMU ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, WAMU SERIES 2 0 0 7 - H E 2 , P l a i n t i f f V . MONNICA WELLS A/K/A MONICA WELLS; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL C O R P O R A T I O N , D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 6715 Property Address: 4831 SOUTH LANGLEY AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60615) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 13-066027 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on November 20, 2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on February 21, 2014, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real p r o p e r t y : Commonly known as 4831 South Langley Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615 Permanent Index No.: 20-10-213-013- 0 0 0 0 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $ 649,478.67. Sale terms for non-parties: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information and to view auction rules at www.kallenrs.com. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301, Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847) 291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I579613 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. P l a i n t i f f , v s . VICKI FERGUSON, CURRENT SPOUSE OF CIVIL UNION PARTNER, IF ANY, OF VICKI FERGUSON, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, CRESENT COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN O W N E R S GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD C L A I M A N T S D e f e n d a n t s , 13 CH 5505 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on October 28, 2013 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, February 10, 2014 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 20-03-424-026-1004. Commonly known as 537 E. 46th Place, Unit 1E, Chicago, IL 60653. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property A c t Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 2 3 6 - 0 0 7 7 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I582935 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR SPRINGLEAF MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2011-1; Plaintiff, v s . MARION L. SHEPHERD; D e f e n d a n t s , 13 CH 3162 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on May 3, 2013 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, February 17, 2014 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 4933 South Washington Park Court, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 5 . P.I.N. 20-10-216-014-0000. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff's Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 651-6705. 13-000992 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I583656 21 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION CITIBANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR GSAA HOME EQUITY TRUST 2007-8 P l a i n t i f f , v s . GEANIA E. PRICE-GIBBS, AKA GEANIA L. GIBBS, AKA GEANIA L. PRICE-GIBBS D e f e n d a n t s , 13 CH 19212 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, February 24, 2014 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 5124 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615. P.I.N. 20-10-304-015-0000. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff's Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 651-6705. 13-015337 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I584404 HUNGRY? TIRED? DON’T WANT TO COOK? Go to hpherald.com to find local Hyde Park restaurant menus online! If your restaurant is not listed. Please contact 773-358-3128 to have your menu listed FREE of charge. 22 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION OLD NATIONAL BANK N.A. AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FEDERATION AS RECEIVER OF INTEGRA BANK, N.A., P l a i n t i f f , v . 6419 S. INGLESIDE, LLC AND PAUL B R O W N D e f e n d a n t s 10 CH 7145 6419 S. INGLESIDE AVE. Chicago, IL 6 0 6 3 7 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 4, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 7, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6419 S. INGLESIDE AVE., Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-105-022-0000. The real estate is improved with a commercial property. The judgment amount was $691,078.46. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD., 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 372-2020. Please refer to file number 09-6000-139V. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD. 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105 CHICAGO, IL 60603 (312) 372-2020 Attorney File No. 09-6000-139V Attorney Code. 4452 Case Number: 10 CH 7145 TJSC#: 34-29 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584167 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE, INC., ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff, v . CARLA GOLDSBY, N.K.A CARLA ROBINSON, JAMES ROBINSON D e f e n d a n t s 10 CH 52831 443 E. 45TH PL Chicago, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 8, 2011, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 3, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 443 E. 45TH PL, Chicago, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-03-415-016. The real estate is improved with a multi-family residence. The judgment amount was $444,172.44. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC, 175 N. Franklin Street, Suite 201, CHICAGO, IL 60606, (312) 357-1125 Please refer calls to the sales department. Please refer to file number 10-00953. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC 175 N. Franklin Street, Suite 201 CHICAGO, IL 60606 (312) 357-1125 Attorney File No. 10-00953 Attorney Code. 18837 Case Number: 10 CH 52831 TJSC#: 33-26566 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I581786 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY D I V I S I O N WELLS FARGO BANK, NA P l a i n t i f f , v . ERIKA WATKINS A/K/A ERIKA L. W A T K I N S , TARGET NATIONAL BANK F/K/A RETAILERS NATIONAL BANK, 4345 S. INDIANA CONDOMINIUM A S S O C I A T I O N D e f e n d a n t s 11 CH 002687 4345 S. INDIANA AVENUE UNIT #1S CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 4, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 18, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4345 S. INDIANA AVENUE UNIT #1S, CHICAGO, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Property Index No. 20-03-303-030-1005, Property Index No. 20-03-303-030-1012. The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-10-33954. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-10-33954 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 11 CH 002687 TJSC#: 33-23094 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I583178 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION P l a i n t i f f , v . MORRIS R. FREEMAN JR., BARCLAY CONDOMINIUM HOME OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS D e f e n d a n t s 11 CH 013384 4940 S. EAST END AVENUE UNIT #6F CHICAGO, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 18, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 20, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4940 S. EAST END AVENUE UNIT #6F, CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-12-102-007-1062. The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-11-11067. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-11-11067 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 11 CH 013384 TJSC#: 33-25989 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584866 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE, INC. P l a i n t i f f , v . BYRON HODGE A/K/A BYRON L. HODGE, 516 E. 42ND STREET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION D e f e n d a n t s 11 CH 044783 516 EAST 42ND STREET UNIT #1E CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 12, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 10, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 516 EAST 42ND STREET UNIT #1E, CHICAGO, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-03-217-038-1001, Property Index No. (20-03-217-020 - underlying). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-11-42046. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-11-42046 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 11 CH 044783 TJSC#: 33-25712 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582731 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NA P l a i n t i f f , v . KENNETH OKYERE A/K/A KENNETH K OKYERE A/K/A KENNETH KWASI OKYERE, MARY HOUSE A/K/A MARY NANA HOUSE A/K/A MARY AKUAMOAH-OKYERE D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 18056 4847 SOUTH SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 15, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 13, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4847 SOUTH SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-211-018-0000. The real estate is improved with a 3 unit home. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1207026. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No. PA1207026 Attorney Code. 91220 Case Number: 12 CH 18056 TJSC#: 3 3 - 2 6 7 5 5 I584185 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION URBAN PARTNERSHIP BANK, AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, AS RECEIVER FOR SHOREBANK P l a i n t i f f , v . 7808 SOUTH CORNELL, LLC, A DISSOLVED ILLINOIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, HOWARD PIGGEE, III, AN INDIVIDUAL, CITY OF CHICAGO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD C L A I M A N T S D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 28417 7808 S. CORNELL AVENUE Chicago, IL 60649 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 11, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 11, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7808 S. CORNELL AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60649 Property Index No. 20-25-324-020-0000. The real estate is improved with a multi-unit residential property. The judgment amount was $383,749.21. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: SmithAmundsen LLC, 150 North Michigan Avenue Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60601, (312) 894-3200. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. SmithAmundsen LLC 150 North Michigan Avenue Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 894-3200 Attorney Code. 42907 Case Number: 12 CH 28417 TJSC#: 33-27997 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584159 January 22, 2014, Hyde Park Herald Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, INC. Plaintiff, v . DOROTHY L. BLAKELY, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 04207 6820 S. HARPER Chicago, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 2, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 14, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6820 S. HARPER, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-407-017-0000. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $71,824.41. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: THE WASINGER LAW GROUP, P.C., MAGNA PLACE, 1401 S. BRENTWOOD BLVD., SUITE 875, ST. LOUIS, MO 63144, (314) 961-0400. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. THE WASINGER LAW GROUP, P.C. MAGNA PLACE, 1401 S. BRENTWOOD BLVD., SUITE 875 ST. LOUIS, MO 63144 (314) 961-0400 Attorney Code. 57197 Case Number: 13 CH 04207 TJSC#: 34-374 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I585193 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, -v.ANTHONY F. SMITH AKA ANTHONY SMITH, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 1714 6833 SOUTH CALUMET AVENUE Chicago, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 30, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 13, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6833 SOUTH CALUMET AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-22-311-018-0000. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $342,361.45. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: KOZENY & McCUBBIN ILLINOIS, LLC, 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850, Chicago, IL 60603, (312) 605-3500. Please refer to file number 12-0082. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. KOZENY & McCUBBIN ILLINOIS, LLC 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850 Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 605-3500 Attorney File No. 12-0082 Attorney Code. 56284 Case Number: 13 CH 1714 TJSC#: 34-350 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. \\I584911 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, v . JOYCELLA OMEREY AKA JOYCELLA A OMEREY, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 1279 6115 SOUTH SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 8, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 11, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6115 SOUTH SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-15-412-003-0000. The real estate is improved with a 2 story home with a detached garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1300316. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No. PA1300316 Attorney Code. 91220 Case Number: 13 CH 1279 TJSC#: 33-24794 I582093 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION P l a i n t i f f , v . CYNTHIA KILGORE, ANTHONY KILGORE A/K/A ANTHONY A. KILGORE, EVERGREEN BANK GROUP, 4806 S. ST. LAWRENCE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 040020 4806 S. SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE UNIT #2N CHICAGO, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 19, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 21, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4806 S. SAINT LAWRENCE AVENUE UNIT #2N, CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-210-044-1002; (20-10-210-041 underlying). The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-11-33485. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-11-33485 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 12 CH 040020 TJSC#: 33-26007 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584829 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NA P l a i n t i f f , v . TORRENCE ROUNDTREE, VICKIE ROUNDTREE, CITY OF CHICAGO D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 039637 67 E. 68TH STREET CHICAGO, IL 6 0 6 3 7 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 7, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 4, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 67 E. 68TH STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-22-307-019. The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-12-31478. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-12-31478 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 12 CH 039637 TJSC#: 33-27455 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582653 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC Plaintiff, -v.HERBERT T. COBBS, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF SARAH COBBS AKA SARAB B. COBBS, HERBERT T. COBBS, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF SARAH COBBS AKA SARAH B. COBBS, DECEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF SARAH COBBS AKA SARAH B. COBBS, DECEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF SARAH COBBS AKA SARAH B. COBBS, DECEASED, ADELE J. COBBS, CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF WATER MANAGEMENT, 4043 S. DREXEL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Defendants 12 CH 33308 4043 S. Drexel Blvd., #1S Chicago, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 19, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 20, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4043 S. Drexel Blvd., #1S, Chicago, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-02106-057-1002. The real estate is improved with a residential condominium. The judgment amount was $352,980.50. Sale terms: The bid amount, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 4221719. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC 111 East Main Street DECATUR, IL 62523 (217) 422-1719 Attorney Code. 40387 Case Number: 12 CH 33308 TJSC#: 33-26164 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I577542 23 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY D I V I S I O N THE NORTHERN TRUST C O M P A N Y P l a i n t i f f , v . REEDA HAWKINS, UNKNOWN OWNERS , COURTYARD ON THE PARK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION D e f e n d a n t s 12 CH 31967 5946 S KING DRIVE UNIT#4 Chicago, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 1, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 11, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5946 S KING DRIVE UNIT#4, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-15-305-035-1036. The real estate is improved with a condominium. The judgment amount was $208,309.49. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW, 120 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 236-6405. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW 120 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 CHICAGO, IL 60603 (312) 236-6405 Attorney Code. 91024 Case Number: 12 CH 31967 TJSC#: 33-25472 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I583118 24 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Go to hpherald.com and sign up for To Advertise, call 773-358-3129 or email: [email protected] 25 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.DANIEL J. CALLAHAN, ERIKA N. LARKIN, SBC REO, LLC, BY ASSIGNMENT, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., CHICAGO GRAND NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, ROYAL RESIDENCES ON KING CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, HSBC NEVADA, N.A. FKA HOUSEHOLD BANK Defendants 12 CH 10754 5014 S. King Dr., 2-E Chicago, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 20, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 21, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5014 S. King Dr., 2-E, Chicago, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-123029-1002. The real estate is improved with a residential condominium. The judgment amount was $222,442.25. Sale terms: The bid amount, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC 111 East Main Street DECATUR, IL 62523 (217) 422-1719 Attorney Code. 40387 Case Number: 12 CH 10754 TJSC#: 33-26553 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I578745 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA N.A. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO LASALLE BANK MIDWEST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, -v.CHARLES J. FERNANDES, THE 5017-19 SOUTH PRAIRIE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, CAPTIAL ONE BANK (USA), NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Defendants 09 CH 045035 5017-19 S. PRAIRIE AVENUE UNIT #2 CHICAGO, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 8, 2013, Auction.com, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 1:00 PM on February 13, 2014, at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, 350 West Mart Center Drive (in the Auction.com room), CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5017-19 S. PRAIRIE AVENUE UNIT #2, CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-122025-1004. The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-09-23269. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. AUCTION.COM LLC For Additional Information regarding Auction.com, please visit www.Auction.com or call (800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 7945300 Attorney File No. 14-09-23269 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 09 CH 045035 TJSC#: 33-25291 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584238 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, -v.UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF JOHN P. JONES, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA, THE NEWPORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, WILLIAM P. BUTCHER, AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE Defendants 12 CH 040910 4800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVE UNIT #310S CHICAGO, IL 60616 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 20, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 24, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVE UNIT #310S, CHICAGO, IL 60616 Property Index No. 20-12-100-0031392. The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-12-31938. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 1412-31938 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 12 CH 040910 TJSC#: 33-26042 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584929 Take a trip in time to Hyde Park’s past! Visit the Hyde Park Herald archives at: www.hpherald.com 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION PNC BANK, N.A., S/B/M TO NATIONAL CITY BANK, S/B/M TO MID AMERICA BANK, FSB Plaintiff, v . NAUKYA BREWER A/K/A NAUKYA V BREWER, CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A., S/I/I TO CAPITAL ONE BANK, 3550 S. MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 13531 3550 SOUTH KING DRIVE UNIT 2 CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 31, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 4, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 3550 SOUTH KING DRIVE UNIT 2, CHICAGO, IL 60653 Property Index No. 17-34-312-091-1002. The real estate is improved with a multi unit condominium with no garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1306798. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No. PA1306798 Attorney Code. 91220 Case Number: 13 CH 13531 TJSC#: 3 3 - 2 4 2 0 6 I581768 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION URBAN PARTNERSHIP BANK, AS ASSIGNEE OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, AS RECEIVER FOR SHOREBANK Plaintiff, v . CRAIG H. MORTON, STACEY D. MORTON, CITY OF CHICAGO, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 11022 4535 S. OAKENWALD Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 4, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 5, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4535 S. OAKENWALD, Chicago, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-02-405-022-0000. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $1,084,494.07. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: CHUHAK & TECSON, P.C., 30 S. WACKER DRIVE, STE. 2600, CHICAGO, IL 60606, (312) 444-9300. Please refer to file number 21457.51207-SLB. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CHUHAK & TECSON, P.C. 30 S. WACKER DRIVE, STE. 2600 CHICAGO, IL 60606 (312) 444-9300 Attorney File No. 21457.51207-SLB Attorney Code. 70693 Case Number: 13 CH 11022 TJSC#: 33-24521 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582097 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AS RECEIVER OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA S/B/M TO HOME SAVINGS OF AMERICA, FSB, S/B/M TO COAST FEDERAL BANK, FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK Plaintiff, -v.EARL W. HOPEWELL, THE NEWPORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 8930 4800 S CHICAGO BEACH DRIVE UNIT 1709N Chicago, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 24, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 10, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4800 S CHICAGO BEACH DRIVE UNIT 1709N, Chicago, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-12-100-0031614. The real estate is improved with a condominium. The judgment amount was $12,257.83. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, or a unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordance with 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1) and (h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you are hereby notified that the purchaser of the property, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and legal fees required by subsections (g)(1) and (g)(4) of section 9 and the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of section 18.5 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: Anthony Porto, FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC, 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333, NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (866) 4028661 For bidding instructions, visit www.fal-illinois.com.. Please refer to file number F11100577. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 (866) 402-8661 E-Mail: [email protected] Attorney File No. F11100577 Attorney ARDC No. 3126232 Attorney Code. 26122 Case Number: 13 CH 8930 TJSC#: 33-24359 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582759 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION P l a i n t i f f , v . YONG KIM AKA YONG KYUN KIM, AELAN KIM CHOI D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 5099 4622 SOUTH WOODLAWN AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 19, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 21, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:Commonly known as 4622 SOUTH WOODLAWN AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-02-318-045-0000. The real estate is improved with a 2 story home with a detached garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1301838. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No. PA1301838 Attorney Code. 91220 Case Number: 13 CH 5099 TJSC#: 33-25427 I583993 26 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICING L L C P l a i n t i f f , v . SYED HASNAIN A/K/A SYED J HASNAIN, WASHINGTON PARK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, METROBANK S/B/M TO METROPOLITAN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, PULL, LLC D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 14746 5148 SOUTH KING DRIVE UNIT B1 CHICAGO, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 20, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 24, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5148 SOUTH KING DRIVE UNIT B1, CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-306-069-1019. The real estate is improved with a brown brick condominium in multi unit building; no garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1125193. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No. PA1125193 Attorney Code. 91220 Case Number: 13 CH 14746 TJSC#: 3 3 - 2 5 6 1 0 I584003 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION MARQUETTE BANK P l a i n t i f f , v . DIMITRI ANAGNOSTOU, TOULA ANAGNOSTOU, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 13 CH 015098 7134 S. CORNELL AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60649 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 20, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on January 31, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7134 S. CORNELL AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60649 Property Index No. 20-25-100-019. The real estate is improved with a multi-family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-13-14310. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-14310 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 13 CH 015098 TJSC#: 33-27910 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582763 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICING L L C P l a i n t i f f , v . KAREGA F. SCOTT, THE JAZZ COURT CONDOMINIUM D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 015416 4420 S. VINCENNES AVENUE UNIT #1N CHICAGO, IL 60653 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 5, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 13, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4420 S. VINCENNES AVENUE UNIT #1N, CHICAGO, IL 60653 Property Index No. 20-03-407-055-1001 (20-23-407-034 underlying). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-13-14602. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-14602 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 13 CH 015416 TJSC#: 33-25215 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I583936 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY D I V I S I O N U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-5 P l a i n t i f f , v . MATTIE C. BUTLER D e f e n d a n t s 13 CH 016363 1543 E. 65TH STREET CHICAGO, IL 6 0 6 3 7 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 22, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 19, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1543 E. 65TH STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-219-009. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-13-12848. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-12848 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 13 CH 016363 TJSC#: 33-24060 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I584871 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY D I V I S I O N THE NORTHERN TRUST C O M P A N Y P l a i n t i f f , v . LESHAN E WALKER-GALLOWAY, UNKNOWN OWNERS, CITY OF CHICAGO, WOODBARK RESIDENCES II CONDOMINIUM A S S O C I A T I O N D e f e n d a n t s 2013 CH 00430 6609 S KIMBARK UNIT 4B Chicago, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 30, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 7, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6609 S KIMBARK UNIT 4B, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-223-046-1008, 20-23-223-046-1016. The real estate is improved with a condominium. The judgment amount was $212,885.77. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW, 120 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 236-6405. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW 120 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 CHICAGO, IL 60603 (312) 236-6405 Attorney Code. 91024 Case Number: 2013 CH 00430 TJSC#: 33-25455 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I582612 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION NORTH CRE VENTURE 2010-2, LLC, AS SUCCESSOR-IN-INTEREST TO THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, RECEIVER TO CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO Plaintiff, -v.SOUTH PRAIRIE PARTNERS, LLC, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF 4933 S. PRAIRIE CONDOMINIUM, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 2013 CH 15478 4933 SOUTH PRAIRIE AVENUE, UNITS 4933-G, 4933-1, 4933-2, P-1, P-2 AND P-3 Chicago, IL 60615 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on January 8, 2014, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 14, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4933 SOUTH PRAIRIE AVENUE, UNITS 4933-G, 4933-1, 4933-2, P-1, P-2 AND P-3, Chicago, IL 60615 Property Index No. 20-10-116-029-1001, 20-10-116-0291002, 20-10-116-029-1003, 20-10116-029-1005, 20-10-116-029-1006, and 20-10-116-029-1007. The real estate is improved with a commercial property (condominium units). The judgment amount was $1,681,375.20. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: CHUHAK & TECSON, P.C., 30 S. WACKER DRIVE, STE. 2600, CHICAGO, IL 60606, (312) 444-9300. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CHUHAK & TECSON, P.C. 30 S. WACKER DRIVE, STE. 2600 CHICAGO, IL 60606 (312) 444-9300 Attorney Code. 70693 Case Number: 2013 CH 15478 TJSC#: 34-378 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʻs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I585747 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff, -v.AUSTIN P. POPE, CITY OF CHICAGO, 6608 SOUTH MARYLAND CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Defendants 13 CH 016992 6608 S. MARYLAND AVENUE UNIT #2N CHICAGO, IL 60637 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 31, 2013, Auction.com, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 1:00 PM on February 5, 2014, at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, 350 West Mart Center Drive (in the Auction.com room), CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6608 S. MARYLAND AVENUE UNIT #2N, CHICAGO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-120-0441003/1010, Property Index No. (20-23-120018/019/043 Underlying). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-13-13126. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. AUCTION.COM LLC For Additional Information regarding Auction.com, please visit www.Auction.com or call (800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 7945300 Attorney File No. 14-13-13126 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 13 CH 016992 TJSC#: 33-27400 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I583179 Find what you are looking for in the Hyde Park Herald. To Subscribe, Call 773-643-8533 ext. 123 27 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC P l a i n t i f f , v s . GUY NELSON AKA GUY A. NELSON; RAMONA Y. COLEMAN AKA RAMONA JOHNSON; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; D e f e n d a n t s , 12 CH 43250 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on April 26, 2013 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, February 21, 2014 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 20-03-214-025-0000. Commonly known as 600 East Bowen Avenue, Chicago, Il 60653. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a multi-family residence. The successful purchaser is entitled to possession of the property only. The purchaser may only obtain possession of units within the multi-unit property occupied by individuals named in the order of possession. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Mr. Anthony Porto at Plaintiff's Attorney, Freedman Anselmo, Lindberg LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding instructions visit www.fal-illinois.com 24 hours prior to sale. F12100470 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I583730 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BMO HARRIS BANK N.A. F/K/A HARRIS N.A., P l a i n t i f f , v s . SAMUEL ORTIZ; MAROON FINANCIAL CREDIT UNION F/K/A CREDIT UNION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 5411 SOUTH MICHIGAN A V E N U E CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS, NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, UNKNOWN TENANTS, OCCUPANTS AND LEASEHOLDS, D e f e n d a n t s , 11 CH 4362 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on November 18, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, February 21, 2014, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real e s t a t e : Commonly known as 5411 South Michigan Avenue, Unit 1, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 5 . P.I.N. 20-10-310-021-0000. The mortgaged real estate is a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property Act Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier's or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. Gary E. Green at Plaintiff's Attorney, Clark Hill PLC, 150 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 985-5900. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I583708 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF SOUNDVIEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2006-OPT1, ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2 0 0 6 - O P T 1 ; P l a i n t i f f , v s . RENEE CURTIS, CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF WATER MANAGEMENT, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; D e f e n d a n t s , 09 CH 46855 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on December 16, 2010 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, March 3, 2014 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 20-03-400-012. Commonly known as 4343 SOUTH KING DRIVE, CHICAGO, IL 60653. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the condominium Property Act Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 2 3 6 - 0 0 7 7 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I585003 CASH! FREE Classified Ads 773.667.6666 5508 S Lake Park Ave c21affiliated.com Properties for Sale Incredible Two-Story Penthouse 3,700 sq ft penthouse in the Marshall Field, Jr. mansion in the Prairie Ave Historic Landmark District. Open layout with large rooms, custom-designed study, bar, granite eat-in kitchen, unbelievable master bath suite. Amazing finishes throughout. The perfect palette to showcase your taste. Gated entry with exquisitely manicured garden. 2 garage spaces. $1,850,000. Fabulous panoramic views of Lake Michigan! New Listing! Experience the idyllic setting & classic styling of a Mies Van Der Rohe designed 2-bedroom co-op apartment home. Flowing floor plan, generous room sizes, radiant heat. Full amenity building. 24 hr doorman, exercise room. $97,000. Renaissance Place Townhome with Garage Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath townhome walking distance from the University of Chicago! Central air, gas starter fireplace, attached 1-car garage. Berkeley is located between Ellis and Greenwood, north of 53rd St. $349,000. Lake Views from East View Park This 3 bedroom, 2 bath lake view condo in a private park has been rewired & repainted. Separate dining room, rear deck. Refinished oak floors, original woodwork throughout. In-unit laundry. Steps from lake. Parking available. Sorry, no dogs. $279,000. Courtyard 1-Bedroom on Drexel Blvd Large 1-bedroom co-op. Generous living room, eat-in kitchen with table space, large master bedroom. Updated kitchen and bath feature ceramic tile. Low assessment includes tax! $37,900. AFFILIATED The Jeanne Spurlock Group Properties for Sale Breathtaking Lake & City Views from Penthouse This 4 bedroom, 3-1/2 bath penthouse condo in Jackson Towers boasts sweeping views of the lake & city. Beautiful hardwood floors, large eat-in kitchen with granite counters. Newer master bath. All rooms are large. Elegant entertaining layout. Doorman, elevator building. Near the University of Chicago. $495,000. Sunny Condo in Central Hyde Park Fabulously bright and sunny 2-bedroom 2nd floor condo. Centrally located: walk to shops, restaurants, transit, and the lake. Hardwood floors, sunroom, dining room, affordable assessments. $185,000. Updated Woodlawn Condo with Parking Spacious, light-filled 3 bedroom, 3 bath duplex condo minutes from the University of Chicago. Updated chef’s kitchen, updated baths. Large back deck, great for entertaining. 2 on-site assigned outdoor parking spaces. $235,000. Lush Bostonian Condo Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in pristine condition! Sun filled space boasts hardwood floors, generous bedrooms, ample closets, NEW washer/dryer. Professionally managed building has low assessments which include cable TV. $149,000. Elegant Art Deco High-Rise Condo Gorgeous move-in condition 2 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath Art Deco condo on the 21st floor. Beautiful lake & sunset views. Large, tasteful eat-in kitchen with Corian counters & designer cabinets. In-unit laundry, baroque master bath. Doorman & concierge building. 1 assigned parking space. $235,000. Chicago Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service/Northern Illinois Smarter. Bolder. Faster. Serving South Chicagoland since 1967! Turn Your Household Items Into If you want to make a little extra cash, sell your unwanted household merchandise with a FREE AD in the Hyde Park Herald today! Use this handy coupon to sell your unwanted household merchandise and make a little extra cash! Name: __________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: __________________________State: ____________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ FREE ads are for household merchandise only and the total value of items may not exceed $100 per coupon. A price must be specified for EACH item. Cars, garage sales, real estate, help wanted, etc.are not included. Be s the pri ure to inclu de ce and q u ant NO FRE each item! ity of E PHONE. ADS ACCEPTE D T accom his form mu BY pany e s ach ad t . LIST MERCHANDISE ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Bring or mail this form to: Hyde Park Herald Classified Department 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 28 Hyde Park Herald, January 22, 2014 • OPEN SATURDAY 11 - 1 DESIRABLE VINTAGE HOUSE • 5445 SOUTH ELLIS - NOW $549,000 • NEW LISTING! HOUSE IN RICHTON PARK REQUIRES NO WORK - $164,500 • 5555 SOUTH EVERETT - $299,000 This lovely nine-room house, built in 1901, has been beautifully updated and has a finished basement with an office, a 16x11 foot family room and a new bath. The three bedroom, two-and-a-half bath house has an updated kitchen, a separate dining room, original moldings and a 10x10 foot bonus room on the bedroom level of the house. The property has a two-car garage. A spectacular renovation of this well laid-out home has left no detail unfinished! The desirable open floor-plan features a luxurious kitchen, spa-like bathrooms, gleaming hardwood floors and brand new carpeting throughout . There are spacious bedrooms, a private office, all new systems —and a two-car garage. A fastidious developer has created a perfect house. • OPEN SATURDAY 1 - 3 CLASSIC ELEVATOR BUILDING • • NEW LISTING IN LINCOLN PARK! STUNNING FOUR FLAT GREYSTONE • 5421 SOUTH CORNELL - $370,000 2480 NORTH ORCHARD - $1,450,000! This beautiful four bedroom, three bath condominium occupies the entire ninth floor of this classic East Hyde Park building. The graciously proportioned rooms — in an unusual and highly desirable square layout — are flooded with light and have stunning views of the lake and the city in all four directions. The updated kitchen has stainless steel appliances. Other upgrades include a new bath, newer windows and an in-unit washing machine and dryer. There is one assigned parking space as well as guest parking. Original features in this stunning four-flat Greystone include gorgeous fireplace mantels, hardwood floors, wood moldings and trim, breakfronts in the dining room, beam ceilings and oversized windows. The huge first-floor owner residence can be duplexed down, or the lower level can be converted into an in-law space. All apartments will command top rents. This very desirable Lincoln Park location is in walking distance to Oz Park. The property has two parking spaces. Great place to live or to buy as an investment. • OPEN SATURDAY 1:30 - 3 MAGNIFICENT HOUSE, HUGE LOT • • HIGH FLOOR AT VISTA HOMES • 3619 SOUTH KING DRIVE - $890,000 When you enter this stunning house, you are transported to another, infinitely more grand era. Set on a magnificent, 122 X 125 foot lot, the house has all of the glamorous and desirable vintage features: Beautifully paneled walls, four fireplaces, high ceilings, gorgeous pocket doors and handsome original floors. There is both a living room and a parlour; a beautiful formal dining room and a modern, eat-in kitchen. The second and third floors have five rooms, including an enormous master bedroom. There is a full basement, a large deck on the rear of the property and a two car garage. • COOPERATIVE WITH GARAGE • 1530 EAST 59TH STREET - $135,000 A wonderful vintage four-room cooperative, at Midway Apartments, is now available to be your delightful retreat! 1920’s elegance and attention to detail is evident in this light-filled residence. While the apartment retains original French doors, lovely oak floors, high ceilings, built-in cupboards and a wonderful floor plan, there are also new thermal pane windows and a lovely new kitchen. A garage space is included. • PRISTINE VINTAGE TWO BEDROOM • 5415 SOUTH DORCHESTER - $239,000 This delightful two-bedroom vintage residence has wonderful natural light and lovely woodwork, moldings and hardwood floors. The spacious condominium has a formal dining room, excellent closet space and a sun-filled office adjacent to the living room. Priced to sell! • OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 3 GRACIOUS THREE BEDROOM • This elegant three-bedroom, two-bath condominium, in a handsome East Hyde Park vintage mid-rise building, is elegantly appointed with beautiful crown moldings and hardwood floors as well as stripped refinished woodwork and abundant built-in storage. In addition to fabulous lake views, this eighth floor residence offers a wonderful floor plan and exceedingly spacious rooms. From the foyer, there is access to the living room, the formal dining room and the private bedroom area where there are two large bedrooms and one bath. The third bedroom, with its own bath, is in another private area of the apartment and is perfect for use as a guest room, office or den. • OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 3 FIFTEEN ROOM 1893 HOUSE • 4907 SOUTH KIMBARK - $1,780,000 This magnificent 1893 house, designed by Horatio Wilson on an oversized Chicago lot, has parking for three cars and possibly room for a garage. Some of the wonderful, original architectural details in this twelve room, seven bedroom residence include: wainscoting, French doors, bay windows, twelve stained glass windows and oak floors. Electrical wiring has been updated and there is two-zone central air. The house has two huge terraces; one accessed from the living room and the other from the second floor master bedroom. A family room, adjacent to the fabulous new kitchen, opens onto a rear porch and the backyard. • TENTH FLOOR TWO BEDROOM • 5840 SOUTH STONY ISLAND - $157,500 There are positively glorious lake views from this two bedroom, two bath 12th floor cooperative, at 58th and Stony Island. The spacious apartment has abundant closets and hardwood floors. The eclectic kitchen, designed in 1999 by noted architect Wayne Tjaden, has a cork floor with an unusual stripped pattern and original cabinets, which have been refinished. • IN SEARCH OF A NEW OWNER TO RESCUE A MAGNIFICENT HOUSE, COACH HOUSE • 4805 SOUTH DREXEL AVENUE $1,100,000 A once a stunning 1901 eight bedroom house, with a three bedroom coach house, was converted years ago into an eight-apartment building. Fortunately this building can easily be restored to a single family residence. Original vintage details are intact in the house: beautiful wood moldings, the original staircase and wainscoting in the living and dining rooms. The house is sited on a 100 x 175 foot lot. • OPPORTUNITY CALLS! CHOOSE BETWEEN FOUR OUTSTANDING RENTALS/PURCHASES $885 - $2500/MONTH • Four residences at Jackson Towers, an elegant East Hyde Park condominium building, can be rented immediately and perhaps purchased. One apartment is an elegant three bedroom, three bath duplex, with a handsome internal staircase and elevator service to both floors. A four bedroom apartment. as well as a one and two bedroom — all have vintage features; high ceilings, decorative fireplaces hardwood floors, large rooms, great closet space. 1640 EAST 50TH STREET - NOW $154,900 This elegant and spacious two bedroom condominium, in the landmark Narragansett in East Hyde Park, is in absolutely pristine, move-in condition. Beautiful vintage details in the tenth floor residence include original parquet floors, plaster moldings and a vault foyer ceiling. The brand new kitchen has granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and 42-inch cherry cabinets with lighting. The baths have been refreshed. One parking space is included. Great location, near to the lake, parks and public transportation. • FOUR BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM • 1348 EAST 48TH STREET - $345,000 This extremely spacious four bedroom condominium in historic Hyde Park/Kenwood has high ceilings as well as oak floors and interesting architectural detail throughout. The dining room is 18x14 feet; all the rooms are large and well proportioned. Outdoor space is excellent, with a private back porch off the eat-in kitchen and a balcony off the living room. Street parking is easy to find on this treelined residential block. This residence is just steps to the Ancona Montessori School and walking distance to the University of Chicago and the lake. • JUST LISTED AND GLORIOUS! • 4950 SOUTH CHICAGO BEACH - $495,000 Located on the top floor of The Powhatan, the Art Deco landmark on Hyde Park’s lakefront, this seven room cooperative has spectacular lake views. Extraordinary vintage finishes include parquet floors, walnut doors, limestone details and a wood-burning fireplace. Among the modern conveniences are a new kitchen with stainless steel appliances, beautifully updated baths, an in-unit laundry and central air. The Powhatan has a fabulous indoor pool, a roof top ballroom, huge terraces and an amazing staff. Parking is included.