Provincial Newsletter, August 2015, Volume 1
Provincial Newsletter, August 2015, Volume 1
August 2015 Volume 1 Number 7 Day Passionist News Notes St Paul of the Cross Province Birthdays 4 BONEY, Vincent 6 GREENE, Michael 10 WARD, Mark 14 FRECHETTE, Richard 14 DOUGHERTY, Charles 20 CHENOT, Paul 21 JOERGER, Robert 22 VEREB, Jerome 22 SKORKA, Terence 26 PAPA, Dominic 28 KRAWCHYK, Matthew Update on North Palm Beach by Fr. Damian Towey JUBILARIANS Years Professed 70 15 Ronan Callahan 15 Paul Chenot 16 Peter Grace 17 Justin Kerber 50 18 John Michael Lee 19 Claudio Piccinini 20 Donald Ware 21 Edward Wolanski Day Professed 12 ROGERS, Joseph 16 STOMBER, Michael 18 MORAN, Michael 22 PARLAVECHIO, Gus Day Ordination 15 SUMAMPONG, Jed DECEASED July 9th Brendan Breen In October, 2004, St. Paul of the Cross Province sold seven acres of Our Lady of Florida Monastery and Spiritual Center property for $23.5 million to the Kolter Group, a development firm with many holdings in South Florida. (Using part of the proceeds of the sale, the Province allowed Our Lady of Florida to do major renovations). In November, 2005, Kolter unveiled plans for a gated-community of 77 luxury condos and mansions called “Domani”, but that project screeched to a halt in June of 2006, following the collapse of the real estate market. The property lay fallow for the next eight years. Then in 2014, following a re-zoning that allowed Kolter to go from 77 units to 166 units, the Village of North Palm Beach approved “The Water Club”, an entirely new concept of twin 19-story towers and 20 villas. Prices range from $700,000 to $2.5 million. As of June, 2015, the project is well-along, and is expected to be ready for occupancy by the summer of 2016. How has this affected the Spiritual Center? Since breaking ground, everything has gone smoothly. The Kast Construction Company (owned by Kolter) has been most cooperative. There has been no interruption of our programs, nor any negative impact whatsoever. It would be a slight exaggeration to say they’ve been as quiet as church mice, but noise has not been a problem. Kolter and Kast and Our Lady of Florida together seem to have gelled well. And we’re looking forward to a lot more good neighbors when the new owners move in. News from Pittsburgh On June 1 the Pittsburgh community welcomed two Passionist priests from India, Fr. Siby Padinjaredath, C.P. and Fr. Junesh Vakapadath, C.P. Fr. Junesh will begin ministry at St.Paul of the Cross Monastery and Retreat Center in Pittsburgh in early September after extensive mission preaching in the mid-west this Summer. Fr. Siby began his ministry on June 17 at St. Ann Monastery in Scranton, Pa. The Pittsburgh and Scranton communities warmly welcome our brothers from India. We look forward to having them on our “teams” for a long time. St. Paul’s Monastery in Pittsburgh has begun some long-needed renovations of its heating system for the monastery and retreat center. We are retiring two heating boilers which actually began their service in Dunkirk many decades ago. Asbestos abatement began in June and the project will be completed by October. This will guarantee a reliable heating system for our Church, Retreat Center, Monastery and Chapel. Our first trip to the St Ann Novena by Bob and Carol Albano, Passionist Associates We were retreatants at Riverdale since 1967 then became volunteers and were in the first group of Passionist Associates with Fr. Donald Ware. On July 20th and 21st, we went to St Ann’s Novena in Scranton for the first time and were INSIPIRED at the dedication of the many Passionists, volunteers and mostly the MANY people who attended the 4 daily masses and novenas AND blessed by St Ann’s relics. Thousands come back each year to this novena from all over the country. Last year there was a 90 year old man who was taken as a baby for the first novena and returned EACH year of this novena!! WHY do so many return each year?? Could it be the countless graces, blessings, healings and miracles have taken place over the 91 years?? This is a GREAT spiritual event that should be experienced by all, especially those who are involved with the Passionists. God willing, Carol and I will make many more novenas! This was the 8 AM outdoor Mass. There were more people in the Basilica watching on a large screen and handicapped people in cars behind me as I took this picture. This Mass and novena was video taped and sent to many TV stations. Read Other Passionist NEWS from PROVINCES and MISSIONS NEWSLETTERS International Australia England & Wales France India Very Good Ireland & Scotland Jamaica, West Indies WEBSITES North American - Eastern This Newsletter North American - Western Nigeria Philippines
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