technical specification


technical specification
Schedule No 5
Procedure no. EU/02/RTG/ZZ/2011 for awarding a contract in the
open tender procedure:
Supply of 2 units of Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane
Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane
2 units
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Supply of the following equipment defined within this Technical Specification:
Two fully erected Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes
Two 41MT Single Lift all-electric Spreaders – 20/40ft
Containers in single lift mode 20/40ft
One over five 9’-6” high containers
Five containers plus roadway
Gantry Wheel Span
Lift above ground
Overall crane length
20.70 m
18.00 m
Main Hoist
Hoisting with rated load
Lowering with rated load
Hoisting with empty spreader
Lowering with empty spreader
70 m/min
Gantry with rated load
Gantry with empty spreader
Wheel Turn, Normal to Cross Travel
90 m/min
130 m/min
60 seconds
Main Hoist
Rated load
Empty Spreader
Drive Control System
Programmable Logic Controllers
Crane Monitoring
AC Drive
Local and Remote via Wireless Link
Eight Wheels
Four rope Anti-sway, Trim and Skew Functions
Spin Turn
Anti-collision on Crane to Crane and Crane to Container Stack
Automatic Steering System
Entire Crane & accessories after Taking-over
Components repaired during DLP
Crane Structure
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2 Years
1 Year or balance of DLP
10 Years
10 Years
10 Years
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Table of Contents
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................... 9
PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 9
SITE .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
OVERRIDING REQUIREMENT OF THE PURCHASER ................................................................................................ 9
OVERALL DESIGN CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... 10
TYPE OF CRANE ......................................................................................................................................... 10
TYPE OF CARGO......................................................................................................................................... 10
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN AIM ................................................................................................. 10
STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARD ........................................................................ 10
SAFETY OF MACHINERY ............................................................................................................................... 11
Conformity with the EU Machinery Directive ................................................................................ 11
MINIMUM CLASS OF CRANE ........................................................................................................................ 11
GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................... 11
Crane Particulars ........................................................................................................................... 12
Dimensional Restrictions ............................................................................................................... 13
Yard Interface ............................................................................................................................... 13
Electrical Facility Interface (Supply) .............................................................................................. 13
Communication Facility Interface (Radio) ..................................................................................... 14
Climatic Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 14
Seismic Activity ............................................................................................................................. 14
Wind Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 14
Lifting Loads and Stability ............................................................................................................. 15
TIE-DOWN ............................................................................................................................................... 16
NOISE CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.10 OPERATIONALLY CRITICAL COMPONENTS........................................................................................................ 16
CRANE STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................... 17
GENERAL REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................. 17
DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Equipment and Materials ............................................................................................................. 17
Fittings .......................................................................................................................................... 18
MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................................ 18
General ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Steel .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Edge Finish .................................................................................................................................... 18
Surface Finish ................................................................................................................................ 18
Draining and Inspection Manhole ................................................................................................. 18
CALCULATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Submission to Purchaser ............................................................................................................... 19
Audit.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Calculations................................................................................................................................... 19
Drawings ....................................................................................................................................... 19
LOADS ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Load Combinations ....................................................................................................................... 19
Engineering Standard ................................................................................................................... 20
MEMBERS SUBJECT TO BUCKLING................................................................................................................. 20
FATIGUE DESIGN CRITERIA........................................................................................................................... 20
CONNECTION DESIGNS................................................................................................................................ 20
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Pin Joints ....................................................................................................................................... 20
GANTRY STRUCTURE STIFFNESS .................................................................................................................... 20
3.10 CAMBER .................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.11 TROLLEY RAILS & RAIL FIXING ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.12 WORKMANSHIP......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.13 QUALITY CONTROL OF STRUCTURE FABRICATION ............................................................................................. 23
3.14 TEMPORARY STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................................... 23
3.14.1 Temporary Structures ................................................................................................................... 23
3.14.2 Sea-Fastening................................................................................................................................ 23
FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................... 24
MAIN HOIST ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Main Hoist..................................................................................................................................... 24
Sway Control ................................................................................................................................. 25
Skew Control ................................................................................................................................. 25
Trim Control .................................................................................................................................. 25
TROLLEY................................................................................................................................................... 25
Trolley Frame ................................................................................................................................ 25
Trolley Drive .................................................................................................................................. 26
Energy Chain System ..................................................................................................................... 26
GANTRY ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Gantry Drive .................................................................................................................................. 27
Steering ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Right Angle and Pivot Turn ........................................................................................................... 28
Gantry Anti-collision System ......................................................................................................... 28
Gantry CCTV .................................................................................................................................. 28
ENGINE GENERATOR, ENGINE GENERATOR HOUSE, FUEL TANK, BATTERY ............................................................ 28
General ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Engine, Fuel ................................................................................................................................... 29
Engine Management Control System (EMCS) ............................................................................... 32
Generator ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Fuel Tank ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Engine Generator House ............................................................................................................... 35
Starting Battery............................................................................................................................. 35
Reefer Container Power Generation (NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) .................................. 36
ELECTRICAL HOUSE & REGENERATIVE EMF ABSORBING RESISTORS..................................................................... 36
General Construction .................................................................................................................... 36
E-House Temperature Control ...................................................................................................... 36
Emergency Lights and Fire Control ............................................................................................... 36
Back Power Absorbing Resistors ................................................................................................... 36
Energy Saving Device .................................................................................................................... 36
Control Panel (in the panel house) ................................................................................................ 36
OPERATOR’S CAB ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Construction General .................................................................................................................... 37
Cab Access..................................................................................................................................... 37
Window Visibility .......................................................................................................................... 37
Cab Dimensions............................................................................................................................. 37
Cab Fittings ................................................................................................................................... 37
Checker’s Cab ................................................................................................................................ 38
PERSONNEL ELEVATOR ................................................................................................................................ 38
HEAD-BLOCK............................................................................................................................................. 38
Head-block Fittings ....................................................................................................................... 38
Baloney Cable ............................................................................................................................... 39
SPREADER ................................................................................................................................................ 39
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Single Lift Telescopic Spreader ...................................................................................................... 39
INTER-FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS & COMPONENTS .................................................................... 42
MECHANICAL SYSTEM/COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................ 42
Bearing, Seals................................................................................................................................ 42
Gearing ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Gear Reducers ............................................................................................................................... 42
Wire Rope Winch Drums ............................................................................................................... 42
Wire Rope Sheaves........................................................................................................................ 43
Wire Ropes .................................................................................................................................... 44
Shafts, Axles .................................................................................................................................. 44
Couplings....................................................................................................................................... 44
Steel Wheels.................................................................................................................................. 45
5.1.10 Pins, Pin Brackets .......................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.11 Bolts .............................................................................................................................................. 45
5.1.12 Lubrication .................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.13 Trolley Buffer................................................................................................................................. 45
5.1.14 Rubber Tires .................................................................................................................................. 46
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM / COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................. 46
Standards ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Components Sources ..................................................................................................................... 46
Operating Condition...................................................................................................................... 46
Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir .............................................................................................................. 46
Power Unit .................................................................................................................................... 47
Valve Mounting............................................................................................................................. 47
Relief Valve ................................................................................................................................... 47
Flow Control Valve ........................................................................................................................ 47
Check valves .................................................................................................................................. 47
5.2.10 Servo Valves .................................................................................................................................. 47
5.2.11 Control Valves ............................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.12 Solenoid Valves ............................................................................................................................. 48
5.2.13 Piping ............................................................................................................................................ 48
5.2.14 Hoses ............................................................................................................................................. 48
5.2.15 Assembly Test ............................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.16 Catch Basins .................................................................................................................................. 49
5.2.17 Filters ............................................................................................................................................ 49
5.2.18 Actuator ........................................................................................................................................ 49
5.2.19 Application for Spreader ............................................................................................................... 49
5.2.20 Gauges .......................................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.21 Covers ........................................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.22 Hydraulic Fluid .............................................................................................................................. 49
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEM / COMPONENTS ..................................................................................... 50
General ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Main Power Supplies..................................................................................................................... 50
Protection against Power Surge.................................................................................................... 50
Protection against Voltage Dip/Loss of Power Supply .................................................................. 51
Wiring ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Marking and Identification ........................................................................................................... 52
Conduit Cable Tray and Junction Box Panels ................................................................................ 52
Electrical Trunking ........................................................................................................................ 53
Motors .......................................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.10 Brakes ........................................................................................................................................... 54
5.3.11 Transformers ................................................................................................................................. 54
5.3.12 Resistors ........................................................................................................................................ 54
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
5.3.13 Enclosures ..................................................................................................................................... 54
5.3.14 Meters, Counters........................................................................................................................... 54
5.3.15 Limit Switches ............................................................................................................................... 55
5.3.16 Space Heaters ............................................................................................................................... 56
5.3.17 Name Plates .................................................................................................................................. 56
5.3.18 DC Power Supply ........................................................................................................................... 56
5.3.19 Encoders........................................................................................................................................ 56
5.3.20 Circuit Breakers ............................................................................................................................. 56
CRANE MOTION CONTROLS ......................................................................................................................... 56
Control System General ................................................................................................................ 56
Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC) ...................................................................................... 57
Power Supply ................................................................................................................................ 58
Discrete I/O Modules .................................................................................................................... 58
Motion Control Switches in Operator’s Cab .................................................................................. 58
Remote Motion Control ................................................................................................................ 59
OPERATIONAL SAFETY INTERLOCKS ................................................................................................................ 60
Main Motions Interlocks ............................................................................................................... 60
For Trolley Operation .................................................................................................................... 61
For Gantry Travel Operation ......................................................................................................... 62
Spreader Functional Interlock ....................................................................................................... 62
Cab Entrance Door Interlock. ........................................................................................................ 63
COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 63
Intercom System ........................................................................................................................... 63
Radio Communication System ...................................................................................................... 63
Data Communication System........................................................................................................ 63
Public Address System................................................................................................................... 63
Operation Centre / Maintenance Office Station ........................................................................... 63
CRANE CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM (CCMS) ......................................................................................... 63
General ......................................................................................................................................... 63
CCMS Description .......................................................................................................................... 64
On-Board Crane Condition Monitoring System (On-Board CCMS) ................................................ 64
On-Board CCMS Software Requirements ...................................................................................... 64
On-Board CCMS Hardware Requirements .................................................................................... 65
Condition Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 66
Fault Diagnosis.............................................................................................................................. 69
Equipment Performance Data and Operation Log........................................................................ 69
Remote Crane Condition Monitoring System (RCCMS) ................................................................. 70
5.7.10 RCCMS Software Requirements .................................................................................................... 70
5.7.11 RCCMS Hardware Requirements................................................................................................... 70
5.7.12 Server(s) ........................................................................................................................................ 71
5.7.13 CCMS Reporting Format ............................................................................................................... 71
COMMON ITEMS ............................................................................................................................... 72
WALKWAYS, STAIRS, LADDERS AND PLATFORMS .............................................................................................. 72
Applicable Code or Engineering Standard..................................................................................... 72
Stairway Requirements ................................................................................................................. 72
Ladder Requirements .................................................................................................................... 72
Platforms Requirements ............................................................................................................... 72
Walkway Handrail Requirements ................................................................................................. 73
Cab Access Platforms .................................................................................................................... 73
Walkway Requirements ................................................................................................................ 73
ILLUMINATION AND LIGHTING ...................................................................................................................... 73
Walkways, Stairs, Ladders, Cab Access ......................................................................................... 73
Work Area Floodlights .................................................................................................................. 73
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Floodlights on Trolley .................................................................................................................... 74
Emergency Lighting for Escape Routes ......................................................................................... 74
Lighting Control Switches.............................................................................................................. 74
High Pressure Sodium Lamp and Ballast....................................................................................... 74
Fluorescent Lamps ........................................................................................................................ 74
Access for Lights Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 74
PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATING ............................................................................................................ 74
Paint System General .................................................................................................................... 74
Surface Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 75
Abrasive Blast Cleaning................................................................................................................. 76
Painting General ........................................................................................................................... 77
Paint Systems ................................................................................................................................ 78
Galvanizing ................................................................................................................................... 80
Reinstatement of Protective Coatings at Site ............................................................................... 80
Inspection and Sample Panels....................................................................................................... 81
PURCHASER’S LOGO, CRANE NUMBERS, SIGNS................................................................................................ 81
Purchaser’s Logo ........................................................................................................................... 81
Crane Numbers ............................................................................................................................. 82
Crane Capacity Signs ..................................................................................................................... 82
Manufacturer’s Name Plates ........................................................................................................ 82
Other Signs .................................................................................................................................... 82
ALARM, WARNING SIGNALS ........................................................................................................................ 82
Gantry Travel Warning ................................................................................................................. 82
Main Hoist Overload Warning ...................................................................................................... 83
Premature Twistlock Operation Warning ..................................................................................... 83
By-Pass Switch Abuse Warning ..................................................................................................... 83
Electrical Control House A/C Warning .......................................................................................... 84
Public Address/Warning ............................................................................................................... 84
EMERGENCY STOP PUSH BUTTONS & DRIVE LOCK OUT .................................................................................... 84
Locations ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Type .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Emergency Stop Signs ................................................................................................................... 85
SERVICE OUTLETS ...................................................................................................................................... 85
Location ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Type Model ................................................................................................................................... 85
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .................................................................................................................................. 85
Locations ....................................................................................................................................... 85
Type-Model ................................................................................................................................... 85
MAINTENANCE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 85
Mechanical Maintenance Tools .................................................................................................... 85
Electrical/Electronic Maintenance Tools ....................................................................................... 85
Hydraulic Maintenance Tools ....................................................................................................... 86
Special Tools and Equipment ........................................................................................................ 86
Wear Gauges ................................................................................................................................ 86
PROJECT QA & ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 87
DOCUMENT SUBMISSION (PROJECT) ............................................................................................................. 87
Project Organization Chart (Shop & Site)...................................................................................... 87
Project Schedule (Shop & Site) (Program) ..................................................................................... 87
Project Progress Report ................................................................................................................ 87
Quality Assurance Program/ Manuals .......................................................................................... 87
Daily Plan and Report (Site Work)................................................................................................. 88
DOCUMENT SUBMISSION (TECHNICAL) .......................................................................................................... 88
Submission Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 88
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Conceptual Design ........................................................................................................................ 88
Drawings and Calculations for the Purchaser's Review ................................................................ 88
Lubricant List ................................................................................................................................. 89
Ordered Spare Parts List ............................................................................................................... 89
Sea Fastening ................................................................................................................................ 89
Crane Delivery Method Statement................................................................................................ 90
Site Work Method Statement ....................................................................................................... 90
Tests on Completion...................................................................................................................... 90
7.2.10 Up-Dated Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 91
7.2.11 Training Program .......................................................................................................................... 91
7.2.12 Structural Maintenance Program ................................................................................................. 91
7.2.13 Operation Manuals ....................................................................................................................... 93
7.2.14 Maintenance Manuals .................................................................................................................. 93
7.2.15 As-Built Drawings .......................................................................................................................... 93
SHOP INSPECTION AND TESTS ....................................................................................................................... 94
Shop Inspection and Verification .................................................................................................. 94
Pre-Shipment Inspection and Test ................................................................................................ 95
SHIPMENT, DELIVERY AND SITE WORK ........................................................................................................... 96
Clearance for Shipment................................................................................................................. 96
Notification of ETA Site ................................................................................................................. 96
Navigation Requirement ............................................................................................................... 96
Berthing and Roll-off Requirements.............................................................................................. 97
Customs Clearance........................................................................................................................ 97
Work Permits ................................................................................................................................ 97
Site Safety and Security................................................................................................................. 97
Site Erection Area and Access ....................................................................................................... 97
Site Office Communication............................................................................................................ 97
7.4.10 Test Weight ................................................................................................................................... 97
7.4.11 Water, Electricity Supply ............................................................................................................... 97
7.4.12 Contractor’s Representatives ........................................................................................................ 98
SITE INSPECTION AND TESTS, CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................... 98
Tests on Completion...................................................................................................................... 98
Defects List .................................................................................................................................... 98
Rectification Report ...................................................................................................................... 98
Endurance Test ............................................................................................................................. 98
Taking-over Certificate.................................................................................................................. 99
Access for Remedial Work............................................................................................................. 99
TRAINING & SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................ 99
Training Off-Site ............................................................................................................................ 99
Training On-Site (Operators) ......................................................................................................... 99
Training On-Site (Maintenance).................................................................................................. 100
Training for Critical Components (On Site) ................................................................................. 100
Training & Service Visits following Taking Over (On Site) ........................................................... 101
SPARE PARTS .......................................................................................................................................... 101
Availability Spare Parts .............................................................................................................. 101
Spare parts for Commissioning Work ......................................................................................... 101
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... 102
APPENDIX 1 – DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS....................................................................................................... 102
APPENDIX 2 – INSPECTION / TEST CONTROL SHEETS ....................................................................................... 103
APPENDIX 3 – CORPORATE COLORS AND DECALS ........................................................................................... 110
APPENDIX 4 – RTG ROADWAYS AND LIMITATION OF OUTSIDE RTG DIMENSIONS.................................................. 112
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Functional Requirement for the Crane
Project Description
To carry out the design, construction, delivery, installation, testing and completion of two (2) units of
Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane having a rated load of 41 Metric Tonnes. The cranes shall be delivered in a
fully assembled and tested condition.
The Cranes shall be delivered, commissioned and completed on the container-handling berth at Gdynia,
BCT - Baltic Container Terminal, Poland
Overriding Requirement of the Purchaser
The Purchaser’s overriding requirement is for the Works to be suitable in all respects for safe, efficient
and continuous use under actual operational conditions in a modern, large capacity, international
container handling facility for a period of not less than twenty (20) years subject to fair wear and tear
(excluding categorically any fatigue failure), and routine maintenance.
For the purposes of this Contract acceptable routine maintenance shall be within the following general
For steel structures and related component parts, fittings and fixings, acceptable routine
maintenance shall be limited to the maintaining of the paint system as stated below.
Reinforcing, cutting out and/or replacement of any corroded, fatigued or defective steel or its
fixings, etc. shall be Defects remedial works and not maintenance.
For the paint system acceptable routine maintenance shall be:
Preparing and over coating the existing paint system at year 10 after the issuance of
the Taking-over Certificate.
Removing defective parts of the paint system back to clean steel and repainting in
isolated areas but not exceeding in aggregate more than 1% and 2% of the total
surface area at years 5 and 10.
The removal of the paint system back to steel and replacement of the paint system in
areas aggregating more than the above percentages of the total surface area of the
painted part of the Crane shall be Defects remedial works and not maintenance.
For items of electrical and mechanical equipment, controls, systems, components, fittings and
fixings, acceptable maintenance shall be the periodic and routine maintenance normally carried
out on the various parts generally undertaken as established practices of the Purchaser.
The foregoing shall apply notwithstanding any inconsistent requirement or information in any
maintenance instructions provided by the Contractor or otherwise put forward by the
Contractor and any such inconsistent requirement or information shall not, and shall not be
relied on by the Contractor, to relieve, limit or diminish any obligation or liability of the
Contractor under the Agreement or otherwise including in relation to Defects.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Type of Crane
The Crane shall be a diesel-powered, electrically driven, 8-wheeled rubber tyred traveling gantry crane with
a self-driven trolley and cab. The Crane drive and control shall be full AC inverter drive, with fully digitalized
controls with PLC. The proposed drive and control system shall be a proven system successfully operating
on a similar capacity crane in actual container handling operations
Type of Cargo
The type of cargo to be handled by the Crane shall be:
ISO 20ft and 40 ft. containers including high-cube, half height, flat rack containers.
Other types of container with ISO corner fittings at 20ft or 40 ft. positions such as 45ft, 48ft and
53ft containers.
Containers with over-height cargoes through an existing over-height cargo container-lifting frame
owned by the Purchaser.
Damaged container with slings and shackles attached to lifting lugs of the spreader.
Note: Exclusive accessories for handling high cube, half height and flat rack containers are not included.
Operating Environment and Design Aim
The Crane shall be operated and maintained on 24 hours per day basis in all weather conditions.
All electrical, electronic, and mechanical equipment shall be non-hygroscopic, non-corroding and
tropicalized for use in conditions stated elsewhere in this Specification.
The Cranes shall conform to the noise requirements in this Specification.
Special considerations shall be given in all aspects of the design for achieving accurate load
spotting ability with quick sway damping, and ensuring full operational capability and safety for
round the clock operations, including operation in heavy rain conditions.
The Crane shall be exposed to non-technical personnel specifically at the ground level and during
access to trolley/operator’s cab. The Contractor shall provide safe protection in and around all
equipment and fittings in these areas of the Crane.
Ease of maintenance and safety of the maintenance staff shall be considered throughout the
design to minimize downtime of the Crane.
Statutory Requirements and Minimum Design Standard
The Crane electrical, electronic equipment and its mechanism shall be designed and manufactured
to comply in all aspects with the requirements of all latest, laws, ordinances, rules, orders, or other
legal or regulatory institutes applicable in the country of operation.
Where items are not covered by local statutory requirements, the Crane and other Goods shall be
designed and manufactured to at least the standards as specified in this Specification. For items
which are not specified above, then to at least to the current applicable recommendations of the
following organizations: -
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American Welding Society – Bridges and Dynamically Loaded Structures
British Standards Institute
Deutsche Industrie Normen
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Federation Europeane de la Manutention
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
International Electrotechnical Commission
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
International Standards Organization
Japanese Industrial Standards
Underwriters Laboratory
The Contractor shall define all standards used in the design of the Crane.
Safety of Machinery
Conformity with the EU Machinery Directive
The crane shall comply with the requirements of the European Machine Guidelines, particularly
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The cranes shall be provided with a declaration of conformity
and the CE marking and symbol according to the relevant Appendixes of the Machinery
Directive. The Supplier/ Contractor are solely and entirely responsible for all aspects of this
conformity declaration and CE marking. A single electric power, control or hydraulic component
failure or malfunction shall not damage the crane or injure personnel. If possible, component
failure or malfunction shall safely stop the crane operation. If this is not possible, a redundant
system shall be supplied. The redundant system shall both safely stop the crane and prevent
operation until maintenance personnel make corrections. A means shall be provided so the
maintenance personnel may routinely check each redundant or backup system. The check
procedure shall be included in the maintenance manual. No crane component shall change
state as a result of a power failure. Powering or repowering the crane or any system within the
crane shall not result in an unanticipated or potentially unsafe motion or condition
Minimum Class of Crane
Unless otherwise stated, F.E.M. 1.001, 3rd Edition Revised 1998.10.01, and relevant other design standards
noted in these Specifications, shall be used in the design of the crane and its mechanisms.
Class of Utilization
State of Loading
Group Classification
Impact Factor
Duty Factor
Trolley Travel
Gantry Travel
General Design Criteria
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Crane Particulars
Major dimensions, clearances and performance requirements:
Rated Load Under Spreader
41 Metric Tonnes (MT)
Test load for overload test
51.25 MT under spreader.
Container type
ISO 20’, 40’ and up to 53’ containers with ISO corner fittings
at 20’ or 40’ position.
20’/40’ telescopic all-electric type
Span (Gantry)
20,700 mm centers of wheels for 5 wide + roadway
(For crane roadways and limitation of outside RTG dimensions
refer to Appendix 4)
Lift above ground
18,000 mm (One over 5 high x 9’–6” Containers to provide
minimum clearance of 625 mm to the lowest point of spreader
(gather guides).
18,500 mm to Emergency hoist limit at the lowest point of
For lowering, the head-block (spreader removed condition)
shall be able to be lowered onto the ground.
Overall Crane Length
Not more than 14,000mm
- Main Hoist
30m/min. minimum with 41 MT load under spreader.
60m/min. minimum with empty spreader.
The Load-Speed relationship shall be on a power constant
Accelerations shall be:
60m/min. with 0 MT under spreader. Acc./Dec = 3.6s
30m/min. with 41 MT under spreader. Acc./Dec = 1.5s
- Trolley
70m/min. minimum.
Acceleration time max. 4.0 s.
Deceleration time max. 4.0 s.
- Gantry
130 m/min. No load under spreader.
Acceleration/Deceleration time max. 6.0 s.
90 m/min with Rated Load under spreader
The above speeds must be achieved for crane operation under a sustained 22 meter/sec. wind
Skew Adjustment
±5 degrees
Speed: 0.5 degree/second minimum
Skew adjustment system shall be capable of changing attitude
of a 41 MT container (40’) with 1.2 meter eccentricity
Trim Adjustment
±3.0 degrees
Speed: 0.5 degree/second minimum
Trim adjustment system shall be capable of changing attitude
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
of a 41 MT container (40’) with 1.2 meter eccentricity
The Crane shall be provided with anti-sway dampening.
The anti-sway system shall be capable of damping the
spreader after the trolley has stopped with full deceleration at
any operational speed with any operational load, to within
150mm of lateral displacement after 2.5 cycles of sway. The
same criteria will apply to the yawing motion following the
trolley stopping from any operational speed with full
deceleration, or after the end of the skew motion command.
The system shall meet the above criteria measured at the
spreader in the 40’ position between 4.5 meters above the
ground level.
Number of gantry wheels
Eight (8) (Two per corner).
Gantry Wheels Steering
Gantry wheels shall be turned 90 degrees for cross traveling
with empty spreader.
Complete turning of all wheels within 60 seconds maximum.
The gantry system shall provide a feature for the wheels to
adopt intermediate turning angles to allow pivot turning of the
Crane via control from operator’s cabin.
Dimensional Restrictions
The total length of the Crane shall not exceed 14,000mm.
The total width of the crane shall not exceed 22,300 mm.
Near side Restrictions- see attached drawing.
Far side (Diesel Engine Side) Restrictions- see attached drawing.
The crane manufacturer shall submit his preferred design drawing to show operational clearances
Yard Interface
RTG Runways
The RTG crane runway (longitudinal) is painted with 1.6 meter width on a uniform concrete
The design shall allow for cranes to safely pass other Cranes operating on adjacent
runways at 2,800 mm spacing (wheel-center to wheel-center) with a 1160mm clear zone in
between, taking into account 2% grades in cross travel or trolley travel direction.
Electrical Facility Interface (Supply)
(1) A power supply system shall be installed on the crane that will permit the operation of electric
receptacles, humidity control space heaters, lights, control and communication circuits and socket
outlets. Power cable shall be 50m long multi-conductor, heavy-duty, flexible cable (4x6mm²). The
cable shall be located on the outboard side of the near side (E-House Side) of the crane, coiled on a
fixed spool beneath the side beam and fully protected within the structure profile against mechanical
(2) A system to inhibit gantry motion whilst the shore supply is connected shall be installed in a manner
which will not require voltage to be present on the shore supply circuit. A dummy socket on the crane
shall be installed for this purpose.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
(3) An electrical change-over switch shall be mounted adjacent to the power supply that will interrupt all
crane electrical systems except those listed below when “Shore Power” is energized:
Humidity control (space) heaters.
Ladders, stairs and walkway lighting
Battery chargers
Air-conditioners in the driver’s cab and electrical house.
CCMS installed in Electrical House and other remote display units.
Communication Equipment.
(4) Auxiliary power circuitry shall be suitable for an electrical supply of 400 volts, 50Hz, 3-Phase, maximum
32 amperes per phase. The shore power cable shall be provided with at least 5 conductors together
with a pre-wired plug and mating socket which shall be approved by the Purchaser.
Communication Facility Interface (Radio)
(1) Permanent mounting shall be provided inside the drivers’ cabin at the front right hand side at roof
level in order that the Purchaser can install a mobile radio unit. The enclosure shall permit a radio
with maximum dimensions H6cm x W19m x D26cm, to slide into position and allow electrical
connections to be made at the rear.
(2) A regulated Power Supply within the range 12 to 13.6 Volts DC (Negative Ground) shall be installed
and protected through an appropriately sized circuit breaker. A cable shall be routed from the
circuit breaker to the radio enclosure. Current drain characteristics for this type of radio equipment
shall not exceed 20 Amps.
(3) An aperture shall be provided at or near the radio location for installation of a coaxial R58 cable
connecting to an externally mounted aerial. The aperture shall be fitted with a waterproof fitting
ready for acceptance of coaxial cable.
(4) A minimum of 6 similar Circuit Breakers rated for the appropriate DC Voltage and current, connected to
screw type terminal connectors plus negative and earth terminations shall be provided.
Climatic Conditions
The Crane and other Goods shall be designed and constructed to be fully capable of operating safely and
withstanding the following climatic conditions.
Ambient temperature
-25oC to +35oC
Relative humidity
Max. 95%
Dew point
Max. 30oC
Wind up to 22m/sec. without special warning during operation.
Storm Containing Lighting.
More stringent and specific requirements shall apply for individual crane subsystems and components,
which are separately specified in each relevant clause of this Specification.
Seismic Activity
Seismic activity need not be considered for this project.
Wind Conditions
The entire Crane structure with all of its machineries, components, fittings, or accessories shall be designed
and constructed to withstand following wind loading conditions.
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For Operation:
Allow for wind loading of sustained wind speed of 22m/sec. for safe load handling operation of the
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
For the stowed condition of the Crane:
A wind loading of wind speed up to 42m/sec shall be allowed for the condition that the Crane is
out of service and stationary without any tie downs and wheels chocked. The Stability Safety
Factor under this condition shall meet FEM requirements.
Lifting Loads and Stability
One side landing
A normal operating condition shall include the case of one side landing of a 45ft concentric 41 MT weight container whereby the main hoist wire ropes on the landed side
are assumed slack and not carrying load.
The calculations of the structural and mechanical components shall include calculation for
this criterion.
Eccentric container handling
All structural, mechanical and electrical systems or system components shall be designed
to be capable of handling continuously 28 MT gross weight containers with eccentricity of
1.2m in longitudinal (gantry) direction and 0.25m in transverse (trolley) direction. The
eccentricity of the container shall not cause any horizontal drift of the container during
hoisting/lowering motion.
The Contractor shall submit for the Purchasers review, a design method to completely
eliminate the possibility of lifting one end of a container by two twistlocks. The design
shall incorporate a system to immediately detect this condition and to render the hoist
motion inoperable. The spreader, which stops with one end locked inside a container,
shall allow lowering only with attendance of maintenance personnel.
Fatigue condition
The structural fatigue calculations must include the load cases defined in 2.7.8(2) above which are
considered to be normal operating conditions with a fatigue lifted load of 32.8MT concentric (0.8
times 41MT).
RTG Specification
The Crane shall remain stable according to FEM requirements in the most extreme adverse
operating and stowed conditions
No damage shall be sustained when a dynamic snag load is applied in any trolley and
hoisting position.
The Crane shall remain stable and not sustain any damage in the case when an emergency
push button is pressed during gantry travel with a rated speed with a 41MT rated load
suspended at any lifting position in an operational gantry gradient of not more than two
All other loading conditions forming the design criteria other than specified in this Specification
shall be submitted to the Purchaser for review.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
This clause is not used – refer to clause 2.6.3 (Yard Interface).
Noise Control
The Crane’s noise level shall conform to the following requirements:
The noise level inside the operator’s cab shall be below 75dB during operation, with air conditioner
on, and doors and windows closed condition.
The noise level measured at a distance of 1 meter from any corner of the diesel house shall be
below 90 dB with engine running at full speed and full load condition.
The noise level measured at a distance of 1 meter from the main motion motors (main hoist,
trolley and gantry) shall be below 75 dB with motors running at full speed.
The noise level inside the electrical house shall be below 85 dB during operation with air
conditioner on, and doors and windows in the closed condition.
The Contractor shall include test results of actual noise levels within the “Tests on Completion”
Operationally Critical Components
The Contractor shall submit the inspection and replacement schedule for operationally critical
components to the Purchaser. Inspection schedules shall contain detailed instructions about
the components to be inspected along with the method and rejection criteria for inspection.
The objective is to assist the Purchaser to establish a standard for maintenance and inspection
of operationally critical components (i.e. those components and structural joints where failure
could have catastrophic consequences such as load fall or structure collapse).
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
General Requirement
Deflection or oscillation of the structure shall not affect the Crane capacity and operating
efficiency (particularly spreader positioning ability).
The main structure shall be designed so as not to sustain damage in the event of puncture of
any one tire.
Girders shall be designed to allow the operator to escape from the operator’s cabin to the
walkway of the girder at any point of trolley travel range, in the event of an emergency.
The structure shall consist of sections, box members forming the gantry frame and girder.
The sill beams, legs and girder beams shall form a continuous rigid frame. The connections
between these members shall be bolted or welded and be capable of resisting all components
of force.
If the Contractor proposes to use flanged, bolted joints, they shall be made using ASTM A325
or A490 bolts.
Fracture critical members or member components, FCM’s, are tension members or tension
components of members whose failure would be expected to result in collapse of the crane,
collapse of the trolley, or dropping the load. Tension members or tension components include
those portions of a flexural member that are subject to tension stress.
The Contractor shall determine which member or member component is in the FCM category.
All FCM’s shall be identified on the drawings.
FCM’s shall be accessible for periodic structural inspections. Non-fracture critical members
shall be accessible where practical for periodic structural inspections.
Connections shall be detailed to provide a ductile structure capable of withstanding yielding
without brittle failure. Transitions shall be gradual. Changes in thickness or width shall be
achieved using tapered or curved surfaces.
Material used for longitudinal structural stiffeners shall be the same material (or have the
same material yield strength) as the plate to which it is attached. The use of different
grade steels in the cross section of main structural components must be approved by
Equipment and Materials
The following equipment/machinery shall be fitted to the main structure.
RTG Specification
Gantry drive machineries including 90 degree and an intermediate angle (for spin turn)
steering mechanisms.
Electrical Control panels and panel house.
Engine generator set and house.
Fuel tank.
Engine starting equipment and control panel.
Generator control panel.
Trolley rail.
Trolley power and control feeding system.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The following fittings shall be fitted to the main structure.
Walkway, stairs, ladders and platforms.
Lighting (including emergency lighting) for operation and for walkway, stairs, ladders and
Intercom telephones.
Travel warning device. Speakers and flashing strobe light at each of 4-corners.
Two talk-back speakers fitted on sill beams facing inside of the Crane.
Service outlets.
Emergency stop buttons.
Maintenance Drive Lock Outs
Engine refueling pump and piping and drain piping.
Extended engine exhaust piping to 1m above girder level.
Fire extinguisher.
All materials used in the Crane shall be new, of good quality and suitable for the duty intended. Mill
certificates shall be obtained and records strictly maintained to match these to the various Crane
sections produced during manufacture. The steel materials for all the stressed members shall be
selected from the materials which specification includes notch toughness for service in an environment
with temperature in the range -25 to +35ºC.
The steel used for the manufacture of the Crane shall comply with an internationally recognized engineering
standard such as:
British Standards (BS)
Deutsche Industrie Norman (DIN)
Japanese Industry Standards (JIS)
Chinese Standard (GB)
Alternative codes will be accepted depending upon specifications and certification offered by the Contractor
and approved by the Purchaser.
Edge Finish
All edges of structures shall be free from sharp edges or burrs.
Surface Finish
All welding spatter shall be removed from structure surfaces.
The metal surfaces shall be cleaned and treated as defined in 6.3 (Painting and Protective
Draining and Inspection Manhole
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The steel structure and mechanisms shall be designed to drain water effectively. Any draining
water shall not affect safety of operations or maintenance work under heavy rain conditions. No
water trap shall be permitted in any part of the crane structure.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Submission to Purchaser
Wheel load, stability, braking capacity and drive power calculations for all motions, and peak
power consumption calculations shall be submitted for Purchaser's review prior to commencement
of detailed design. Refer to Appendix 1 for detailed list of submissions
Other data or design calculations at various stages of design shall be submitted from time to time
as requested by the Purchaser as part of review process.
The Purchaser reserves the right to carry out a detailed structural and mechanical audit of the design
proposed by the Contractor.
To facilitate this audit, the Contractor shall supply, in logical order, and in complete packages, all
relevant information on major elements and functional drives. This shall include
Relevant drawings to show how the loads are being transmitted into the structure, to permit
an integrated design audit.
Relevant calculations.
Sufficient drawings to show how components elements make up the conceptual design.
Calculations to justify the selection of proprietary items such as hoist, trolley, gantry and
components e.g. motors, couplings reducers brakes etc.
The design for the structure shall be calculated using the methods and procedures defined by internationally
recognized design standards. The calculations shall be prepared and presented in a clear and precise format
and shall demonstrate all methods and assumptions used in each element of the design.
Other data or design calculations at various stages of design shall be submitted from time to time as
requested by the Purchaser as part of review process.
The Contractor shall provide copies of the drawings showing construction details to enable supervision
of the fabrication and construction by either the Purchasers representatives or Third Party Surveyors.
Drawings forming part of the design packages, forwarded for audit purposes shall be provided in pdf
format at least A1 size so that they can be reproduced clearly upon receipt, to permit accurate
examination and assessment.
[The Purchaser warrants that it will respect commercial confidentiality of drawings provided and will only
use them for the purpose of assessing the design.]
Load Combinations
The design shall incorporate all loads and load combinations pertinent to all in service and out of service
conditions of the crane. The loads due to temperature effects, erection stresses, and others based on
the Contractor's experience shall be included in the analysis if they cause significant stresses. If rational
analysis indicates loads larger than specified, the larger loads shall be used.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Engineering Standard
The Contractor shall comply with BS2573: Part 1: 1983, Rules for the Design of Cranes for calculation of
stresses in structural components. Alternative standards such as FEM are accepted providing the
Contractor provides adequate justification and detailed reference.
Members Subject To Buckling
The design of columns, beam columns, frames and beams subject to buckling shall be in accordance
with the FEM specification.
Fatigue Design Criteria
Fatigue design shall generally conform to the requirements of F.E.M. 1.001, 3rd Edition Revised
Cumulative damage shall be evaluated for the normal operating conditions. For the gantry
frame, only fluctuating stresses due to variations in the lifted load and the trolley motion need
to be considered. The effects of dead load, wind load and gantry travel may be neglected.
The load spectra for development of the stress cycle spectra shall be presented by the
Contactor for approval by the Purchaser. The specified loads and cycles shall represent the
effects of the actual anticipated operating conditions. The fatigue lifted load (LLF), lifting
system (LS) and trolley load (TL) shall be used for the fatigue calculations of the gantry frame.
Connection Designs
Connections shall be designed to resist artificial local loads imposed by a stress equal to the
average of the allowable and the calculated stress, but they shall be designed for not less than
75% of the allowable strength of the member. Notice that whenever the calculated stresses
are less than 50% of the allowable stress, the 75% requirement applies.
Stresses at weld throats shall be calculated as the vector sum of the individual stresses applied
to the weld throat. For fatigue design when calculating the stress range, the vector difference
of the greatest and least vector sum stress may be used instead of the algebraic difference.
Welded joint design shall conform to AWS D1.1 – latest edition.
Bolted joint design shall conform to the AISC Specification using 0.9 times AISC allowable
values. Prying action due to distortion of the connection details shall be considered. Bolts
governed by fatigue strength shall comply with ASTM A325.
Pin Joints
All pins shall have angled lubrication drillings to avoid any change in direction that will hinder
flow of grease nipple to the bearing surface.
Eye-bars and pin connected members shall be designed in accordance with the AISC
Specification using 0.9 times AISC allowable values, and shall be checked for fatigue using
either the allowable net section stress range for Class F details or the stress concentration
factors and the stress range for Class B details at the face of the hole. If the net section is
governed by fatigue, then all other proportions shall be increased on a basis consistent with
the AISC requirements.
Gantry Structure Stiffness
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Deflection or oscillation of the structure shall not affect the Crane capacity and operating
efficiency (particularly spreader positioning ability).
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The horizontal displacement at the girder level due to full acceleration or deceleration of trolley
with a rated load, or full acceleration or deceleration of trolley while suspending a rated load at the
maximum upper limit position, shall not exceed ±80mm.
The main structure shall be designed so as not to sustain damage in the event of puncture of any
one tire.
The two main girders shall be designed with an appropriate camber so that under loaded conditions the
main girders are level.
Trolley Rails & Rail Fixing
Trolley rails may comprise standard rail and clips or welded square bar.
In the event that the rail is manufactured from square bar, the material specification for the bar and welding
procedures, inclusive of pre-heat, post heat and electrode specification shall be provided within the
maintenance manuals.
The whole of the structural fabrication and assembly shall be performed in a thorough,
workmanlike manner and shall follow the best modern practices in the manufacture of highgrade structures.
Welders, welding operators and tackers shall be certified, for the material, processes and type of
welding being performed.
Certification of the qualifications of each individual welder shall be submitted by the Contractor.
Welds installed using unqualified procedures or welding performed by non-certified welders shall
be subject to removal by the Contractor at his own expense.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance team shall be required to keep an accurate log of the
qualified welders on the job. This log will be subjected to examination at any time by the
Purchaser or his site representative.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance team will ensure that all correct welding procedures are
strictly followed by the welding personnel. Any welding work being seen to not meet accepted
procedures shall be stopped immediately and logged as a non-conformance report. Continuation
of this welding will then be subject to approval by the Purchaser’s representative on site.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance team will ensure that all welding during low temperatures is
carried out, as far as practicable, within an enclosed canopy to provide a controlled environment.
The use of correct pre-heating procedures and welding rod hot boxes is essential and will be
closely monitored by the Purchaser’s Representative.
A325 and A490 bolts (or their equivalent specification such as ISO/EN/DIN) that are 7/8”
(22m) in diameter or less may be tightened to the required tension by any standard method.
A325 and A490 bolts greater than 7/8” (22mm) diameter shall be tightened to the required
tension by the calibrated wrench method only. The following supplemental requirements shall
apply in addition to the requirements of the Specifications to structural joints using ASTM A325
or A490 Bolts:
Hardened washers shall be placed under the both the head and the nut.
RTG Specification
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if the highest and lowest torques measured
during wrench calibration varies by more than 10 percent of the lowest torque, so
they may develop the appropriate solution. If the range exceeds this tolerance, filed
tightening may be erratic.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The “snug tight” tension shall be approximately 15 percent of the specified tension
and shall be achieved using a calibrated wrench.
The sequence of bolt tensioning shall be shown on the drawings.
After the snug tight condition is achieved, an initial tension of 75 percent of the final
tension shall be developed in all the bolts. Only then shall the final tension be
The final tension shall be verified by testing 10 percent of the bolts after all the bolts
are tensioned. If the verification indicates loss of tension in some bolts, the Contractor
shall notify the Purchaser. The Purchaser and the Contractor will develop the
appropriate action.
Flange contact bearing surfaces shall have at least 75% of the bearing cross-sectional
areas in contact. The outer surface of the flanges shall fit within 0.010in. (0.25mm)
for 75% of the length of the edge and not more than 1/32in. (1mm) for the
remaining 25% of the length.
Bolt tension may be verified at locations selected by the Purchaser’s Representative.
Bolt tension verification shall be performed by the Contractor in the presence of the
Purchaser’s Representative and in such a manner that the torque can be wrench gage
read during verification.
Weld Testing and Inspection
All welds shall be subjected to inspection by methods and extent, reflecting the critical nature
of the welded connection.
Welds shall meet the requirements for cyclically loaded structures of AWS D1.1-2006. The
specific method of weld inspections shall be shown on the drawings. Weld inspection
procedures shall be submitted to the Purchaser.
Testing, which shall be at the Contractors expense is required as follows:-
All Welds
Full Penetration Butt Welds
Full Penetration Butt Welds
(Tension – as determined by stress
levels due to operating load
Full Penetration Butt Welds in
Tension Bars (if applicable)
Fillet Welds or Partial
Penetration Welds
On Non- FCM
Type of Testing/ Inspection
100% Visual
100% UST
1 X Exposure ≈ 400mm
Per weld –
100% UST
1 X exposure per weld length ≈
400mm whichever is the lesser
Acceptance Criteria
AWS 1.1 – 2006
AWS 1.1 – 2006
100% UT
AWS 1.1 –2006
100% of length MT
10% of length MT
(as nominated by the Purchasers
AWS 1.1 –2006
AWS 1.1 – 2006
Rejection of any portion of a weld inspected on a less than 100% basis shall require inspection of 100%
of that weld.
Ultrasonic testing of tension welds shall be done by or under the direct supervision of an ASNT Certified
LEVEL III *or equivalent qualified person.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Quality Control of Structure Fabrication
Quality Control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor must implement a
written quality control program and shall be part of the Contractor’s Quality Assurance Manual
that shall be submitted to the Purchaser for review within 1 month of the date of the
Agreement. The Quality Assurance Manual shall also contain the Contractor’s Inspection and
Testing Specification.
The quality control program shall follow the applicable requirements laid out in 7.1.4. For the
structural fabrication this shall include but not be limited to the following:
Inventory of incoming material, consumables components and machinery.
Traceability procedures for materials together with traceability identification codes,
which shall be serial and indexed to the controlled manufacturing procedures.
Cutting, fit up, welding, forming and dimensions of structural components.
Welding and inspection procedures identifying clearly the type and extent of NDT
inspection carried out on the cranes structure.
Welding and inspection personnel qualification and certification (see 3.12).
Welding, machining, measuring and inspection equipment maintenance and
Machining finishes surfaces, bolt tensioning procedures.
Procedures for non-conformance (NCR) and Punch List (PL) reporting and rectification
of defects.
Design and manufacturing drawing control and procedures for revisions, updates and
reissue of drawings
Procedures for material cleaning, preparation blasting and painting.
Temporary Structures
Temporary Structures
Connections details of temporary structures (such as lifting lugs, etc.) fitted onto Operationally Critical
Components must be reviewed by the Purchaser.
At least three months before the intended shipment, the Contractor shall submit sea-fastening structure
connection details to crane structures for the Purchaser’s review, consideration and acceptance or
otherwise. The submission shall also provide details of the proposed methods for removal of the
temporary bracings and fixings. The Purchaser prefers a system that minimizes any “Hot Work” at the
site to minimize the risk of damage to paintwork and the need for extensive paint system repairs.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Lifting lugs shall be provided for all sub-assemblies such as engine, generator, reducers, gantry / trolley /
hoist motors, hydraulic tanks etc. These should be installed on each assembly, clearly identified and
marked (stamped) with SWL.
Main Hoist
Main Hoist
The Main Hoist system shall consist of AC Motor (s), two (2) AC servo operated brakes, Reduction
Gear (s) and wire rope drum (s).
The main hoist drive reduction gearbox shall be totally enclosed, oil bath lubricated type.
Couplings which connect the hoist gearbox to the hoist drum shall be manufactured by an
internationally recognized manufacturer of this type of component. Wear indication marks shall be
provided in a convenient place for viewing without dismantling of any components.
Two (2), AC servo operated disc brakes shall be fitted on the high-speed pinion shaft. Each brake
shall be rated at 150% rated motor torque and shall be capable of stopping and holding the
maximum rated load from full rated speed. The calculated setting torque of each brake shall be at
least 10% less than the full capacity of the brake.
A calculation of brake compliance for the defined duty shall be provided from the brake
Over-speed switch shall be fitted to the main hoist motor to shut down the drive and set the
brakes if the load exceeds 115% of rated speed.
Heavy duty, pulse encoder, of IP55, shall be installed on the main hoist motor for closed loop
speed feedback and control and a cam limit switch shall be installed at the hoist rope drum shaft
for hoist limit switches and slow down checks. The encoder shall be mounted externally from the
motor/fan casing.
Acceleration from zero speed to a maximum speed or deceleration to zero speed shall be smooth
and stepless for all load combinations.
There shall be two (2) stages of upper hoist slowdown to cater for an empty spreader and a
loaded spreader in order to enhance performance of container handling. For this function a
software limit switch system “track limit switch” shall be provided using an absolute encoder on
the hoist drum to calculate exact hoist position at all times.
In the condition of empty spreader, the hoist shall incorporate a lower slow down whilst the loaded
spreader condition shall incorporate a higher slow down position using position from absolute
encoder and lock/unlock signals
Under each condition the emergency upper hoist limit shall not be tripped. The Contractor shall
propose a method statement with calculations for the Purchaser’s review.
Frequent inching operation and plugging operation shall be catered for in the design.
The hoist brakes, pads and disc shall be protected from the weather with an easily removable or
accessible enclosure, so designed to allow access to all components for maintenance.
The main hoist wire ropes to the head-block shall not interfere with stacked containers when the
Crane is working on a single slot between two (2) five (5) high stacks.
Outboard wire ropes shall be stationary during the hoisting and lowering motions and all dead-end
wire ropes shall be terminated with Wedge Sockets.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Sway Control
The Anti-sway/yaw device or sway/yaw damping system shall work effectively for a short distance
travel as well as for a stop after full deceleration. The operation of the system shall not alter the
elevation of the spreader with or without load at any height.
A simple anti-sway system which is of proven design shall be provided. Hydraulic mechanisms will
not be accepted.
The sway control shall bring the spreader to a stop following full deceleration of the trolley
from full speed with any operational load to within 150mm at any lifting height as measured at
the bottom corners of the 40’ container or the twist lock of an empty spreader. It shall be
capable of bringing the spreader to a stop to within 2.5 cycles of sway.
Skew Control
The Spreader skew motion to be controllable up to its maximum angle of ±5º at a speed 0.5º per
sec minimum.
One push button switch on the control console shall automatically correct the spreader position to
a ‘Zero skew’ position.
“Zero skew” position shall be indicated with a lamp on the panel in cab.
The system shall be electrically operated; no hydraulic mechanisms will be permitted.
Trim Control
The Spreader trim motion to be controllable up to its maximum angle of ±3.0º at a speed 0.125º
per sec minimum
One push button switch on the control console shall automatically correct the spreader position to
a ‘Zero List’ position.
“Zero List” position shall be indicated with a lamp on the panel in cab.
The system shall be electrically operated; no hydraulic mechanisms will be permitted.
Trolley Frame
The trolley frame shall be fitted with the main hoist machinery, trolley drive machinery, antisway device, skew/trim device, operator’s cab, and buffers (or buffer reaction stoppers) for
forward motion and backward motion collision impact. The buffers shall be capable of
absorbing and dissipating the impact of collision at full speed with rated load.
The trolley frame shall be fitted with safety “drop-stop” lugs which shall support the trolley in
case of wheel or axle failure.
The trolley frame shall have jacking points for trolley wheel replacement work and wheelbearing housings shall be split to permit wheels and axles to be dismantled easily.
The trolley frame shall provide a safe emergency access from the operator’s cab to the
walkways of the girder at any point of trolley travel range.
The trolley frame shall be provided within safe maintenance platform and access to all of its
components and machineries for maintenance.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
A mirror of non-breakable material construction shall be provided to assist viewing the far side
of lifted container in a slot underside of the trolley frame. The mirror position shall be easy for
the operator to adjust.
Two pairs of heavy duty side guide rollers shall be fitted on one side of the trolley frame at
fore and aft to guide the trolley movement. The cam following roller bearings of the rail guide
shall be heavy duty and strong enough to resist damages by horizontal force.
An electrically operated maintenance hoist for carrying tools and components up to 500kg
capacity shall be installed on the trolley platform. Total time to raise rated load from ground to
trolley shall be less than 1 minute and operation shall be controlled provided by a portable
wireless remote control unit. The hoist motor shall be provided with overload protection.
Trolley Drive
The Trolley shall be driven by one (1) or two (2) trolley motors, dependent upon the Contractors
The trolley brake(s) shall be rated at 160% of rated motor torque.
The reduction gears shall be totally enclosed, oil bath lubricated type.
Geared limit switch drive shall be by a proper gear reducer and a flexible coupling. Chain drive is
not permitted. The design of the coupling shall be such that when the coupling is required to be
dismantled, it is not required to shift the gearbox or trolley motor.
The trolley drive system, and wheel, shaft and bearing system shall be designed to facilitate fast
replacement of components at any point on the girder. The replacement of a trolley wheel shall
not take longer than 1 hour with 2 people.
Frequent inching operation and plugging operation shall be catered for in the design.
The trolley drive system design shall take into account effects of ±2% cross grades of the runway,
and additional grades caused by deflection of the tire due to moving loads.
Energy Chain System
A low noise weather proof, heavy duty energy chain system designed for rated speed of the trolley
shall be provided from the junction boxes on the fixed trolley girder to a similar junction box
mounted on the moving trolley.
The energy chain shall have extra slots for extra cables (in addition to the specified spare wires)
and shall be designed so replacement and cable replacement can be accomplished without
dismantling or taking down the carrier assembly.
The chain design shall afford segregation of cables for power, control and data transmission.
Cables shall be suitably rated, extra flexible round or flat form adequately sized *(minimum wire
diameter of 0.5mm² for twisted pair cables).
The installation shall not generate mechanical damage to cables and be such that bend radius
specified by the cable manufacturer is not exceeded.
The installation, including junction boxes terminations shall be EMC compliant.
The required quantity of each size and type of conductor shall be provided plus with the exception
of AC Motor power cables, 25% of each as spares.
* CLARIFICATION – Multi-core control cables shall have 20% spare cores. Twisted pair shield cables shall have 50%
spare cores and fiber optic cables shall have 100% spare cores. Others shall have no spare cores.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Access to the energy chain system shall be by a permanent walkway and platform. Manufacturer’s
recommendations shall be adhered to strictly for installation detail and tolerances. A platform on
the trolley may be used for access to the energy chain providing it provides safe access and hand
rails are fitted.
The system design shall not generate water traps internally, between cables and chain material or
externally between chain material or crane structure.
Gantry Drive
Eight (8) - rubber tyred wheels shall be provided for the gantry drive mechanism with 4 wheels
driven. All the tires shall be tubeless rubber having size designed specifically for crane duty.
The gantry drive, motors and brake system shall provide sufficient thermal capacity, torque and
traction for all operating condition.
The gantry motors and brakes shall be rated to be able to safely operate the unladen crane on a
slope of ±2% for long distance and 3% for short distance with rated speed. The brake capacity to
be sufficient to stop the Crane whilst not sustaining damage in the event that an emergency stop
button is pressed during full-speed gantry traveling with 22 m/s tail wind.
Wheel yoke and equalizer beams shall be designed to allow simple removal of any wheel. Easily
identifiable jacking points shall be provided on the wheel yoke. The Jacking load and position shall
be reviewed by the Purchaser to prevent overloading of crane runways.
Two towing points positioned 90 degrees in relationship to each other shall be provided at each
corner of the crane and mounted outside centrally on the equalizer beam. These shall allow the
crane to be safely towed in any of the four main directions in the event of a gantry drive failure.
These towing points shall permit the use of suitably rated shackles for rope location. The towing
points shall be easily accessible by maintenance staff from ground level and allow towing without
fouling the wheel guards.
Robust tire guards shall be provided on all wheels and painted as per specification.
All gantry Motors, Brakes and Encoder / Tacho-Generator shall be water proof with a minimum
rating of IP55.
The crane shall be equipped with automatic control system for of steering in normal mode and
manual cross travel control of gantry drive operation.
Gantry travel guides shall be provided near to ground level which can be used by the operator for
aligning the crane with the runways during gantry travel.
The crane shall be provided with an automatic steering system. The following features to be
a. Steering positional accuracy to +/- 10cm of the programmed position.
b. Facility to switch back to manual steering in the event of malfunction or failure.
c. User interface such as Operators Panel to indicate correct function and information.
The Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary for the auto steer to function correctly and to
commission the entire system before offering the first RTG for Tests on Completion.
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Right Angle and Pivot Turn
Each wheel shall be able to be turned 90 degrees for cross travel, or an intermediate angle to
allow spin turn of the Crane for shifting the crane to another lane. The turning of the wheels shall
be controlled by the operator in the cab. Positive locks to keep the wheel in position parallel, at an
intermediate angle, or at 90 degrees to the sill beams shall be provided. An audible signal shall be
given in the cab when all wheels have fully rotated and locked in the designated position. The
maximum time to turn the wheels through 90 degrees shall be 60 seconds.
Gantry Anti-collision System
The crane shall be equipped with proprietary anti-collision systems to prevent collision between
the crane and container stack or vehicle and crane to crane.
It is preferred that the crane to container system be based upon a “Cats Whisker” switch
positioned at each corner of the crane structure approximately 2m from ground level.
It’s also preferred that the crane to crane system be based upon a long range laser sensor
positioned to detect RTG cranes travelling in the stacking isle. The system shall be capable of
detecting any RTG in configurations from “one over three” high and the sensor shall be
positioned in a location where it may be accessed for maintenance from the fixed ladders or
platforms. An audible warning of crane approach shall be provided in the operator’s cabin and
motion slowdown/stop features shall be provided in a logical sequence in the direction of
Gantry CCTV
The crane shall be equipped with CCTV cameras on the far side which provide high resolution
views in both directions of gantry travel of the gantry runways. The purpose of the system is to
provide additional vision for the operator to detect personnel or obstacles which may be positioned
out of his field of view.
Flat screen panels shall be positioned either side of the operator towards the front lower corners of
the cabin in a convenient position so that the relationship between the panels and the cameras is
logically perceived. The screens shall be shaded as necessary to ensure clear view in all cabin
ambient lighting levels
Panel brightness shall be adjustable for day and nighttime operation and the sensitivity of the
cameras shall be suitable for operating efficiently during nighttime operation to provide good
definition down to 10lux lighting level.
Cameras shall be positioned in a convenient location so that maintenance can be performed
without additional access equipment. The cameras shall be adjustable for position, enclosed within
a weatherproof, security housing and having an automatic thermostatically controlled
condensation heater.
Engine Generator, Engine Generator House, Fuel Tank, Battery
The engine generator set together with the starting battery shall be installed opposite to the cab
end on the far side on the crane. The engine starting panel and the generator control panel shall
be mounted on the wall of the engine generator house where they are easily accessible without
opening any retractable platform.
The engine generator set shall be constructed on one common rigid base with adequate antivibration mounts so that transmission of the reciprocating and rotary vibration of the engine
generator to the chassis and structure is minimized.
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All connections of the chassis or structure of the Crane to the engine generators shall be of a
flexible type so as to minimize the vibration transmission and abnormal wear and tear of
connectors and connections.
Engine, Fuel
The engine shall comply to the latest applicable EC directive for Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)
emissions. The manufacturer’s standards will be accepted but, wherever available in the manufacturer’s
design capability the following shall be provided.
The engine shall be of industrial type, water cooled with belt driven close-loop radiator, 4 stroke,
single line or V configuration, direct injection, turbo charged, complying with BS649, BS5514,
DIN6271 or alternatively the latest SAE, NEMA, IEC or JIS standard. The engine shall be designed
to provide 500-hour oil change intervals and 20,000 hours to first engine overhaul, based on
factory approved engine oil specification being utilized by the Purchaser.
Replaceable coolant filter elements shall be provided as appropriate. In the event the coolant filter
has an incorporated chemical inhibitor system, the type and strength of the inhibitor must be
clearly defined on the filter body.
The engine manufacturer shall carefully design the coolant system so as to provide the best
possible corrosion protection, cavitation suppression, pH control and scale build up. The cooling
system shall be designed so that with the appropriate maintenance, total coolant replacement shall
not be less than 10,000 hours.
The engine shall be equipped with a high efficiency air-to-air charged or water-cooled inter or after
cooler and an exhaust driven turbo-charger so as to increase the combustion efficiency, fuel
economy and decrease the carbon content of the exhaust and the operating noise. The exhaust
driven turbo-charger shall be well balanced, with a fail to safe lubricating system and the
lubricating system shall act as a barrier between the exhaust turbo and the aspired compressor.
The design and construction of the engine and its mountings shall eliminate any undue heating,
vibration or wear. Proper alignment shall be maintained at all times and under all conditions of
load. A tray shall be provided under the engine to contain all engine oil and cooling water spillage.
The tray shall be drained to a tank provided near the ground level. Outlet with gate valve for
draining the waste oil from the tank shall be provided.
Brake power input from the engine to the generator shall be sufficient to ensure that full rated
output from the generator is achieved under emergency loading conditions. This shall also include
the percentage of overload, which can be sustained for a specified period in accordance with the
control/drive design of the Crane. The engine shall be selected and designed to withstand the
regenerated back EMF and the harmonics that will be existed in the distribution system when the
control/drive are in activation.
The exhaust manifold shall be a dry type design. Wet type exhaust manifold is not acceptable. A
high performance reactive/absorptive silencer shall be provided to minimize noise. The Contractor
shall take particular attention to minimize additional exhaust silencer pipe bends in order to
eliminate high exhaust backpressure.
The engine exhaust pipe shall be led to a level of 1m above the girder and the exhaust opening
shall be installed and pointed right when looking from the operator’s cabin. The exhaust system
shall be designed so that the total head loss of the exhaust pipe will not lead to any de-rating in
engine rated output performance. All bends shall be standard cold rolled long bends. Short bends
are not accepted.
A stainless steel type bird screen shall be provided at the opening of the exhaust pipe. The
exhaust pipe shall be designed to eliminate ingress of rainwater into the exhaust system or engine
block when the engine is either running or stopped in all weather conditions. A plugged drain port
shall be provided in an appropriate position pipes to allow for condensation draining off at the
lowest point.
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The exhaust system inside the enclosure shall be insulated so as to avoid accidental burning of any
persons who may be performing maintenance or repair duties in the vicinity. The exhaust silencer
and exhaust system shall be adequately supported and installed in such a way that its weight is
not applied to the engine’s exhaust manifold or turbocharger.
If engine flywheels are exposed, they shall be fitted with a protective screen or guard. Similar
arrangements shall be provided for any other dangerous moving parts, which are exposed.
The engine shall be suitable for operation on light diesel fuel oil to BS2869 clause 1, commonly
known as No. 2 Diesel Oil.
Fuel injection system mounted on the engine shall include a high-pressure pump, which draws fuel
from fuel tank through the primary fuel filter. An appropriate and approved design shall be
included to maintain fuel pressure in the line as surplus fuel returns to the fuel tank.
Primary fuel filters shall be provided with a minimum micron rating of twenty-five (25) at 98%
single pass efficiency. Secondary fuel filters shall be provided with a minimum micron rating of
eight (8) at 98% single pass efficiency. Filters shall be of the highest quality construction and of an
internationally approved manufacturer. Remote mounting of the fuel filters in order to improve
maintenance is acceptable; however, particular attention shall be given to proper fuel line sizing,
access and visibility of transparent bowls.
Fuel pressure switch shall be incorporated into the fuel pump power supply in order to interrupt
the power to the fuel pump if the pressure falls below the manufacturers designed minimum value
or if fuel supply to engine is shut off.
The electronic engine management system shall operate and control engine speed under all
conditions and in rapid response to requirements but without hunting.
The electronic engine management system shall be included on the engine to control the speed
and generator output frequency under all conditions of load. The electronic engine management
system shall include an automatic device to shut off engine fuel supply in the event of a 15% overspeed.
An electronic pulse decoding type over-speed protection device shall be installed so that the
engine is stopped positively when the speed is more than 15% of its rated nominal speed. This
over-speed protection device could also serve for the speed detection for electronic type governors
and also performed as an under-speed protection device. The engine shall also be stopped when
the speed is less than 15% of its rated nominal speed.
All moving parts of the engine shall be adequately lubricated at all speeds by oil circulated under
pressure from a pump driven directly by the engine crankshaft or camshaft. The oil reservoir shall
be within the main crankcase.
Full flow lubricating oil filters shall be provided with a minimum micron rating of twenty-five (25) at
98% single pass efficiency. Lubricating oil filters shall meet or exceed the appropriate SAE
performance specifications, or approved equivalent.
Lubricating oil filters shall be replaceable and the system shall include all necessary pipe work,
pressure relief valves and drain taps.
The lubricating oil reservoir shall be equipped with a shut-off valve, flexible piping and rigid pipes
so that the lubricating oil can be drained at ground level. At the end of the pipe work, a suitable
lockable end-plug shall be provided.
The engine starting system shall be an electric starter type with centrifugal clutches to disengage
from the flywheel teeth after the engine is fired or when operating over 700 RPM
The starting key switch of the engine shall be fitted within the consolidated instrument panel. The
consolidated instrument panel shall be located outside the engine generator house, on the inner
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side of the vertical column and opposite to the engine generator house. The consolidated
instrument panel shall be fitted with appropriate canopy and water resistant with a hinged door
complete with glass front.
The starting system shall incorporate maintenance free batteries located near to ground level with
capacity providing 5 consecutive cold starts in 15 minutes with a starter terminal voltage drop of
no more than 30% of the rated voltage.
The consolidated instrument panel for the diesel engine shall be arranged in two banks. One
bank shall include but not be limited to the following:(i)
Oil pressure gauge
Water temperature gauge
Revolution counter/meter
Hours run counter
Battery switch
Indications for over-speed and under-speed
Battery low voltage indication light
Fault indicating lamp
Battery charging meter
Water level gauge
The remaining bank of the consolidated instrument panel for the AC generator is defined in
Clause 4.4.4.
Diesel engine protection
The diesel engine shall be protected to stop under the following conditions:
Over-speed of 15% above the rated speed of the engine
Under speed of 15% below the rated speed of the engine.
Lubricating oil pressure below 70KPA (10psi) or as recommended by engine
manufacturer, during running of the diesel engine at both idling and full speed shall shut
off the fuel to stop the engine. A time lapse after engine start up should be incorporated
into the engine control circuit whilst lubricating oil pressure is low during the start-up
In case of overheat due to loss of water coolant as a result of hose burst or leakage of
water into the cooling path.
Water level sensors and gauges to monitor the level of water in the radiator and auxiliary
tank shall be provided. The sensors shall enable the shutdown of the engine when the
water level in the radiator is below the critical limit.
Two temperature sensors for the coolant water over-temperature shall be provided.
Provision shall be made on the engine instrument panel for remote indication of alarm conditions
as well as analogue signals.
The engine manufacturer shall have a well-established technical, parts and service center in the
country of operation suitably equipped for overhaul and repair work of similar rating engines.
The engine batteries shall be able to be disconnected by a double pole, double throw insulated
manual switch inside the engine generator room for maintenance purposes.
The engine shall be suitable for operation on light diesel fuel oil to BS2869 Clause 1 or
commonly known as No.2 Diesel Oil.
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Engine Management Control System (EMCS)
The engine shall be provided with an electronic engine management control system (EMCS) that
primarily fulfills, but not limited to, the following tasks;
Controlling the diesel engine
Monitoring engine for optimum performance
Controlling engine under various load conditions
Provide engine protection and diagnostic monitoring
Monitoring the operating states
Provide status, alarm and trip status
Regulating speed of the diesel engine
Indicating incorrect operating states via fault codes.
The following engine conditions as a minimum shall be monitored by the EMCS;
Coolant level
Coolant temperature
Engine oil level
Oil temperature
Oil pressure
Fuel pressure
Fuel temperature
Battery voltage
Battery charging rate
Inlet manifold temperature
Inlet manifold pressure
Exhaust manifold temperature
Exhaust manifold pressure
Engine RPM
The engine shut down “safety circuits shall be “fail-safe” whereby interruption of an electrical
signal will identify an unacceptable condition and shut down the engine.
The EMCS shall perform a complete function check of all sensors, senders, wiring etc. in order to
ensure all systems are operating correctly prior to permitting engine cranking for start-up.
Fault display screen shall be provided in the operator’s cabin. The engine fault or warning
condition shall be displayed in an easy to read format in order that unqualified engineering
persons, can accurately relay fault messages to workshop personnel.
*CLARIFICATION fault display screen shall be integrated in to operators fault and indication screen mounted
on console
Alarms shall activate when critical operating states are near to being reached. This condition
shall be displayed and highlighted in “YELLOW” on the operators and CCMS units. Alarms shall
activate when critical operating states (especially engine over-speed) are reached. This
condition shall be displayed and highlighted in “RED” on the operators and CCMS units. When
alarms have been reset and fault has been eliminated the alarm shall be displayed and
highlighted in ‘GREEN’ on the operators and CCMS units.
*All fault data shall be written either to PLC and transferred to the on board CCMS or written
directly to the onboard CCMS. In either application fault messages must be stored to enable a
fault history to be generated. Alarms shall be displayed in order of occurrence with the ‘reason
for failure’ alarm clearly identified in order to expedite faultfinding and repair.
An engine test facility shall be provided for maintenance purposes in order that all functions,
shutdowns, tests etc. can be easily inspected and tested from a central point within the engine
compartment. The relevant hardware and software shall be capable of extracting and
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downloading to disc or via a serial link, all engine data stored within the on board EMCS for
further detailed evaluation.
The EMCS shall also provide the following information for at least but not limited to the
following conditions;
Data Accumulation
Diagnostic Data Request
EMCS Identification and Programming
Traceability/Engine Serial Number
EMCS Password Protection
Event Logging
Fault Detection, Code Classification and Code Retention
Vehicle Identification Number
Engine operating hours on & off load
Total engine hours
Resettable engine hour trip
Hours between service intervals
Fuel tank level
Software shall be provided to allow evaluation of all faults, trips etc. on a desktop PC. Faults/trips
shall be captured in such a way that it is possible to obtain a real time ‘snapshot’ of the engine
operating prior to a failure so that detailed ‘real time’ reviews can be processed on a desktop PC in
a controlled environment.
Function parameters shall be fully programmable to enable the Purchaser the flexibility to choose
between timed and immediate engine shutdowns and which engine conditions will require actual
shutdown of the engine.
An override function shall be provided in order to bypass a safety feature, which has tripped due
to a value violation for maintenance purposes only. This function shall be password protected. In
any event the engine shall always shutdown when ‘engine over-speed’ is detected. An ‘overspeed test’ to safely test the integrity of that circuit shall be provided in the engine management
system, whereby activating an input will lower the switching threshold thus simulating an engine
over-speed shutdown under safe and controlled conditions.
EMCS power supply shall be protected from over voltage, over current and short circuit.
The following features shall be provided:
The provided generator shall be of brushless type or of statically regulated and controlled rectifier
type. Special consideration shall be given for removal and installation of main alternator.
The generator shall be mounted on its bed-frame and directly connected to the engine by means
of a self-aligning flexible coupling fitted with a safety guard. Ball or roller bearings shall be used
for all rotating parts in the generator assemblies. Single bearing type generator is not acceptable.
The generator shall be a 3 phase star connected alternating current machine with star point
connected to the frame. Generator continuous maximum output shall be not less than its rated
value when operating under all conditions of load.
Included on the generator shall be all necessary cooling fans, temperature detection and anticondensation heaters. Excitation and voltage regulation shall be mounted extremely from the
generator in an approved enclosure. Voltage regulation shall be within ±2% from no load to full
rated load under all conditions of power factor and temperature variation.
The generator housing shall be of screen protected, drip proof pattern. Class F insulation shall be
used for stator and rotor windings and further protection shall be provided by epoxy resin
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impregnation. In addition, windings shall be coated with a top layer of resilient insulating material
to resist damage from external sources, and the effects of ambient conditions.
Line voltage waveform shall include a total harmonic content not greater than 2%. Reactive droop
compensation shall be provided. Adjustment controls for voltage droop, voltage level and voltage
gain shall be easily accessible. All the adjustments shall be equipped with a proper castle head
locking device.
Excess current and temperature rise protection for the generator shall be provided by a thermistor
buried in each winding and externally connected to the engine cut-off valve, through the control
A terminal box to contain outgoing power cable connections and main isolator shall be included on
the generator. The terminal box shall be of sufficient size to provide for the numbers and rating of
cables concerned, with adequate spacing between crimp type lugs fitted to cable coves. The
Contractor shall propose a position adjacent to the alternator for installation of suitable terminal /
The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) shall be continuously active when the engine is in healthy
run mode and of solid-state construction. The AVR shall be mounted in a waterproof enclosure
outside the generator enclosure with adequate anti-vibration mountings. All termination shall be
screwed type terminals. Pushes on type terminations are not acceptable.
Stator and rotor windings shall consist of electrolytic copper conductor of appropriate size, and
shall be securely located as part of their respective assemblies.
The generator shall include full suppression arrangements to prevent it causing radio interference.
These suppression arrangements shall comply with BS800.
The following instruments shall be provided on the consolidated instrument panel for AC
generator accessible from ground level. It shall be equipped but not limited to the followings:
Voltmeter – selectable 3 phase
Ammeter – selectable 3 phase
Frequency meters – selectable 3 phase
Power Factor meter
3 phase indicator
Main circuit breaker
Earth fault indicator
Failure indicators
Provision shall be made on the engine instrument panel for remote indication of alarm conditions
as well as the above-mentioned analogue signals.
Fuel Tank
The fuel tank shall be mounted on the side beam of the crane with a minimum service capacity
not less than 1500 liter. The tank shall be manufactured from stainless steel and baffled internally.
The design shall permit usage of up to 95% of all available fuel in the tank.
The fuel tank shall be provided with removable manhole covers of not less than 300mm diameter,
which are secured to the appropriate face of the tank by hexagon set screws.
The inlet and outlet pipe connection hoses shall be provided and welded to the tank. Connection
hoses for the connection to breathe with approved type back-fire protector, stop valves and sledge
valve shall also be provided. A pipe with end plugs shall be provided and connected to the sludge
valve so that maintenance staff can drain the fuel oil at Ground Floor Level. The tank shall be
fitted with drainpipe and shut off valve for draining purposes only.
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The fuel-filling pipe shall be located near to the diesel engine at top of side beam level and safely
accessible from the engine platform without opening a retractable platform. The Contractor shall
ensure correct inter-facing with present site equipment. The filling port shall have a hinged cover
to prevent ingress of rainwater during fuelling in heavy rain.
The pipe work for interconnecting fuel tanks with transfer pumps and engine fuel injection system
shall be adequately sized and shall be of copper or other suitable approved material so as to
minimize the possibility of erosion or corrosion. Galvanized pipes are not approved.
All pipes, valves, etc. fitted to the fuel pipe system shall be clearly and permanently identified by
plastic or metallic labels attached alongside.
A mechanical full range sight glass type fuel gauge shall be installed below the sill beam. The tank
shall be provided with openings of flange type connections, so that a mechanical 100mmφ dial
gauge with volt free dry contacts at full scale and ¼ scale can be installed.
Low fuel warning signal shall be provided in the Operators Cabin.
Fuel consumption liters/hr. shall be displayed in real time in CMS & RCMS
Engine Generator House
The engine generator house shall provide weatherproof acoustic treated enclosure to the whole
engine-generator set and the associated control panels.
The house shall be designed to facilitate easy and quick access to any part of the engine,
generator and panels for their operation and maintenance work through acoustic treated hinged
doors which are lockable at appropriate locations. The doors shall be fitted with non-corrosive
metallic locks in an approved type master key system.
The engine generator house shall be equipped with weather proof, non-corrosive metallic louvers
at an appropriate place. The louvers shall be designed to act as a low frictional loss intake for the
engine for aspiration system and engine generator cooling system. The air intake shall be from the
roof of the generator house.
The exhaust of radiator hot air shall be performed via a low frictional loss, non-corrosive metallic
louvers. In front of the louvers, no structures which may affect the efficiency of air flow shall be
erected. Particular attention shall be given to ventilation and radiator air intake/discharge to
minimize noise.
The entire house shall be easily removable without dismantling any equipment/fittings which are
housed inside the engine generator house.
The house shall be equipped with a battery operated, switchable lighting system providing a
minimum of 200 lux as measured 600mm above the anti-vibration mount of the engine base for
½ hour. This battery shall be an independent type and the battery operated lighting system can
only be switched on when the generator has no outputs and the switch is at ‘on’ position. In
normal operation, the system is charged automatically by the engine generator.
There shall be facility to locate forklift tines on underside of engine generator house to allow safe
and quick removal and installation.
Starting Battery
RTG Specification
The batteries (2 × 12 VDC) shall be weatherproof and positioned to allow easy access for routine
maintenance and replacement. The batteries shall be installed in a well-ventilated, weatherproof
enclosure of metallic construction with corrosive protection treatment, independent from the
engine house. To facilitate replacement of batteries, the batteries shall be housed in a
compartment near the ground level. A battery isolation switch shall be installed near the
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The starting batteries shall be charged by an appropriate type solid-state battery charger at a
minimum of DC 24 Volt and 20 Amp which is supplied by the engine-generator output. The
chargers shall be a high efficiency, solid-state automatic charger with the following alarm
Over discharged
Under charged
Low voltage
Battery fault
Charger fault
Reefer Container Power Generation (NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT)
Electrical House & Regenerative EMF Absorbing Resistors
General Construction
The electrical controls shall be housed in a walk-in type dust and weatherproof panel house
installed on top of nearside sill beam.
Special consideration shall be given for corrosion protection of the panel house and weather
protection of resistor banks.
E-House Temperature Control
The inside temperature of the panel house shall be maintained below 25ºC during all ambient temperatures
experienced at the Purchasers Site. Air intakes (via air conditioning system) to the house or panels shall be
filtered by non-corrosion washable mechanical filters. Over temperature protection shall be provided that
warns of over temperature. The over temperature value shall be 40ºC.
Emergency Lights and Fire Control
The electrical panel house shall be equipped with adequate lighting for maintenance work, along
with battery operated emergency lights.
The panel house shall be equipped with smoke detectors in each separate compartment which
provide warning vie CMS, RCMS and operators panel. Provision shall be made for warning
annunciations followed by shut down of the crane if the condition escalates or is not cleared.
Back Power Absorbing Resistors
Regenerated back EMF absorbing resistors shall be installed outside the panel house.
Energy Saving Device
The crane shall be fitted with a device which reduces diesel fuel consumption based upon a variable speed
generator which maintains power for auxiliary devices such as air conditioning at engine idle speed.
Technical details of the system shall be reviewed at Design Review stage.
Control Panel (in the panel house)
Panels within the main Electrical Panel House may be open type providing that HV components
are electrically protected and an insulated handrail is provided in front of the panels. The
handrail must not prevent access for maintenance, adjustment or for removal of components
from the panels. Removal handrails may be provided.
Each motion control panel shall be fitted with motor RPM meter, ampere meter and volt meters
which indicate operating frequency, motor revolution, and motor current and motor voltage.
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Operator’s Cab
Construction General
Operator’s cab shall be constructed of sheet steel, double bottom, double ceiling and double wall,
fire proof, fully air-conditioned. The cab shall be water tight as operated in the conditions as
specified in previous clauses.
The design of the cab shall allow the operator to clean the outside of all windows safely.
The cab connection to the trolley shall include anti-vibration mounts to reduce impact and
vibration to the operator.
A shield shall be fitted above the windscreen to prevent wire rope lubricants from splashing onto
the glass.
The operator’s cab shall be bolt mounted to the trolley and fitted with safety drop-stop lugs, which
shall prevent the cab from dropping off the trolley in case of supporting failure. Secondary,
redundant fixings shall be provided; each designed to carry the full mass of cabin and operator.
Cab Access
Operator Cab access shall be from a hinged door on one side of the cab. The door shall be selfclosing, with a latch to keep the door in the open position. It shall be possible to access the cabin
without passing over the trolley.
A secondary escape ladder shall be provided to enable the operator to climb up to the trolley
Window Visibility
Cab windows shall provide as much view as possible including lower rear view. The rear side of the cab
shall have half windows. It shall protect the operator from the glare of the sun with fine screen type roll up
sun shade on upper front, side and rear windows which have characteristics to allow vision through it.
Window glass shall be scratch resistant meeting the requirements of BS6206 class A safety glass with both
surfaces being flat, parallel and fine polished, giving clear undistorted vision. Full direct vision of a ground
slot between two - 5 high stacks immediately below the front bottom window shall be ensured without
supplemental devices, from the normal seating position of the operator. The front and bottom window shall
be laid out symmetrically about the Crane centerline in left and right direction.
Cab Dimensions
Minimum inside floor width of the cab shall to be *2,000mm and length (fore and aft including bottom glass
frame) 2,000mm.
Cab Fittings
The operator’s cab shall be fitted with the following fittings and shall not in any way obstruct operator’s view
required for Crane Operation.
One right-hand and one left-hand control console. The consoles together with the chair shall be
ergonomically laid out to minimize fatigue of the operator. (These may be combined with the
operator’s chair). For detailed requirements refer to 5.4.6 (Main Control Switches in Operators
One upholstered operator’s seat having contoured swab for “thru legs vision” with seat belt. The
seat height and position forward and backward shall be adjustable to best suit each operator.
Spreader ‘Landing’ (Yellow) and ‘Lock’ (Red), ‘Unlock’ (Green), ‘Wind Speed Warning’ (Amber) and
‘Wind Speed Alarm’ (Red) indicating lamps in a box fitted at lower (middle) front part of the cab.
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Window wipers and washers
Wipers and washers to ensure the view angle required for operation. Wipers and washers shall be
fitted to front and side windows.
Communication equipment.
Air conditioning unit shall be Split Type to maintain 20ºC in all ambient temperatures.
Service outlet (four 15 amp, Sockets) configuration as used in country of operation.
Lights and light switches.
Foot rests for the operator (position to be adjustable for each operator).
D. C. outlet for radio communication equipment
See Section 5.3.2 (7), (8) for details of this power supply complete with a battery relay to cut off
battery supply after 30 minutes when the engine is down.
Safety bars wherever necessary to prevent accidental fall of the operator or maintenance staff.
Siren switch (or call for emergency warning sound) incorporated into RH Master Controller
Joystick. For details see 6.5.1(2) (Gantry Travel Warning) for full description on the common
6 Spare MCB’s, 15 Amp capacity.
Coat hook.
A foldable chair fixed to the wall at suitable level for use by operator trainer or a second operator
inside the cab. The foldable chair shall be able to swing back to the wall with a latch when not in
use and shall mount flush on the wall surface.
Container load indicator.
Fault code and message panel.
Wind Speed Indicator – analogue type
CCTV flat panels and controls for Gantry travel
Checker’s Cab
This clause is not used – no checkers cab is required.
Personnel Elevator
This clause is not used – no personnel elevator is required.
Head-block Fittings
The major fittings on the head block are listed below. All components on the head-block shall be
laid out to maximize operator’s forward view.
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Main hoist sheave blocks. Arrangement to minimize the spreader rocking motion.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Baloney cable tub with guide ring.
Platform with handrails with access openings. Necessary access ladders to align with the
ladders on the spreader shall be fitted.
Head-block shall be designed with a twistlock connection according to the
manufacturers’ standard.
An electrical connector for the feeder cable for the spreader.
Anti-sway wire rope connections.
Limit switches, junction boxes, etc.
All the fittings shall be securely fitted to the head block to withstand frequent impact during
Head-block design to allow full access to the spreader terminal boxes.
Baloney Cable
The Baloney cable shall have at least 6 nos. spare 2.5 sq. mm spare wires and each shall be
terminated in plugs/sockets at both ends.
All the electrical wire connections shall be designed to withstand frequent impact of landing.
One telescopic spreader shall be provided with each crane. The spreader shall have the following general
Single Lift Telescopic Spreader
Spreader Frame
The structural frame shall be designed and constructed to have adequate safety factors
to prevent premature fatigue failure within 2 million load cycles. Flared guides shall be
provided at 4 corners of upper surface of the frame.
Access ladders to the platform on top of the head block shall be fitted to the main frame
on both sides and shall be positioned 1200mm either side of the spreader center line to
permit interchangeability with existing equipment.
The spreader frame design to allow at least 100mm clearance between the lowest point
of spreader frame and top of container when the spreader is landed on a container.
Spreader Power Unit
The spreader shall be “All Electric” type with no hydraulic power. The main electrical panel shall be
stainless steel, NEMA 4X standard easily accessible and provided with hinged door and robust
RTG Specification
Spreader Twist Locks
Twist-lock shape to fit ISO corner fitting.
Twist locks shall be floating type and fitted with sleeve type twist lock guides. Greasing
nipples shall be fitted suitable positions on the sleeve guide so that grease can be
injected into the sleeve for lubrication between the sleeve and twist lock shank.
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Twist lock movement from ‘Unlock’ position to ‘Lock’ position shall be prohibited by a
mechanical and electrical interlocks unless four twist locks are confirmed to be fully
inserted into corner fittings and the spreader is landed onto a container.
Twist lock movement from ‘Lock’ position to ‘Unlock’ position shall be prohibited by a
mechanical and electrical interlocks unless complete landing of the spreader is confirmed.
Main hoist motion is to be prohibited unless physical positions of the entire twist locks
match the ‘Lock’ or ‘Unlock’ command switch position on the control console. A method
of direct twist lock sensing is preferred.
The hoisting motion shall stop immediately if only one side (2 twist locks) is locked
inside two corner castings and the other side (2 twist locks) is locked outside the corner
*CLARIFICATION For this project as all four corners of spreader (twistlocks) shall be monitored and interlocked
individually by landing pins (including PLC logic)
Spreader Flipper, Side Guides
Four (4) fixed but manually retractable flippers shall be provided.
Spreader Telescoping
Telescoping guide shoes or rollers shall be designed to allow easy and quick access and
simple adjustment. Replacement of guide shoes shall be able to be performed without
dismantling main frames.
Mechanical stoppers shall be fitted for 20’ and 40’ positions. Such stoppers shall be
automatically engaged following operator’s command for desired spreader length.
Operating time for extension or retraction shall be less than 30 sec between 20’-40’
positions. The telescopic motion shall allow for approx. *The 3 seconds slow motion
period after start and before stop of telescopic motion to minimize impact of start/stop
on the driving system is not required
Telescoping mechanism shall be fitted at middle of the 20'-40' spreader complete with
telescoping motor and controls. All this equipment shall be easily accessible for
minimum down time.
Spreader Landing Probe
The landing probes shall positively detect the landing of the spreader on the container and
monitored individually by the PLC.
Spreader Lifting Lugs
Lifting lugs for handling a damaged container or an odd shaped cargo with slings and
shackles shall be fitted at four corners near each twist lock and 2 each at about one third
point from each end of the main frame (total 8 lugs on spreader).
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Spreader Protection
All mechanical, and electrical components fitted on the spreader shall be protected from
frequent impact and vibration of operation. All related fasteners shall be anti-loosening
All electrical cables connected to the moving parts of the spreader shall be properly
protected from damages due to interferences with stationary parts.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
All the electrical parts shall be protected from the weather.
Twistlock counter and spreader operating (extend/retract) hour meters shall be fitted in
the spreader junction box.
Each individual position sensing proximity switch for twist lock “Locked” and “Unlocked”
with LED indicator positioning shall be connected individually to the I/O unit in order to
prevent any miss-indication and unsafe movement of twist locks caused by short circuit
of any proximity switches failed during operation. Such short circuit status of a failed
proximity switch shall immediately prohibit the main hoist or lower function until a new
replacement proximity switch is in place.
Spreader E. Stop pushbutton switches shall be fitted on the side of the electrical panel
and at each end of the telescoping booms.
A padlocked spreader isolating switch for maintenance lock-out shall be installed on the
side of the electrical panel enclosure.
Visibility for Spotting
The inner lower edge lines of twist lock boxes of the spreader to be clearly visible by the
operator for spotting the spreader onto the 40’ container.
Spreader Meters and Indication.
A non-resettable, vibration damped twistlock counter shall be fitted inside the spreader
electrical panel. The counter is required to record actual number of boxes loaded and
unloaded by the spreader. As such the counter shall be designed to register one count
when the following combinations of motion is detected “not landed…landed…locked…not
landed…landed…unlocked…not landed….”
A spreader operating hour meter shall be fitted on the spreader (extend/retract motor
running hour).
LED indicating lights shall be fitted to the upper section of the main frame or on the
head-block. The lights shall be clearly visible in all lighting conditions and shall be
unobstructed from the operator’s field of vision. The lights shall follow the color code:
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Twistlock LOCKED
Twistlock UNLOCKED
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Mechanical System/Components
Bearing, Seals
All the bearing shall be anti-friction bearings except for the shafts or pins with a limited small angle
rotation such as the gantry truck equalizer pins or equalizer sheaves. For all types of bearings, effective
means of lubrication and seal shall be provided.
Oil less bearing or oil less bushes are not permitted.
The bearing design shall be based on full rated speed and maximum load with the following
life as a minimum requirement in accordance with machinery classification T7 (Continuous
Intensive Use)
For main hoist system:
For trolley travel system:
For gantry travel system:
25,000 hours
25,000 hours
25,000 hours
Bearing housing or retainer shall be a split type or bolt-down type to facilitate fast inspection
and replacement work.
Open gears are not permitted.
Gears shall be of helical or herringbone type and designed in accordance with the relevant BS,
AGMA or DIN standards.
The durability rating for the main hoist, trolley and gantry drives shall be based on a minimum
service factor of 1.3 for rated load and rated speed and a wear factor of 0.7.
All other gearing shall be selected or designed for a minimum service factor of 1.0.
The gearing for all main drives shall be totally enclosed in a split, oil tight steel box with oil bath
Gear Reducers
All main motion gearboxes shall be fitted with gear inspection windows, weatherproof breathers
and oil and temperature level gauges. The gearboxes shall be free from oil leakage. Dipstick type
oil level gauge is specifically not allowed.
The gearboxes shall be designed to allow easy replacement of gear or gear shafts without
removing the whole gearbox assembly from its mounting base.
Drain pipes with shut off valves and end plugs shall be fitted to each gear box. An appropriate
drain receiving space for each drain outlet shall be provided.
Particular care shall be taken during the overall design phase to ensure that adequate space and
facilities are provided for the changing of oil seals, draining of oil into adjacent receptacles,
checking of mounts and bolt on type covers for internal inspection of all gear teeth. All gearboxes
shall be mounted with shims and adjusting blocks.
Wire Rope Winch Drums
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The main hoist and drums shall be of rolled welded steel construction, stress relieved, statically
balanced and complete with machined grooves for single layer winding of wire ropes.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The grooves on the drum shall be pitched so that there is clearance between neighboring turns
of rope on the drum and also clearance between the part of the rope leading onto, or leaving
the drum, and the adjacent coil throughout the whole range of operation.
The bottom of the grooves should have a circular arc over an angle of not less than 120
degrees and the radius of the groove should not be less than 5% nor more than 7½% larger
than the nominal radius of the rope.
The diameter of the drum at the bottom of the groove shall not be less than 29.6 times the
nominal rope diameter.
The maximum angle of fleet between the rope and a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the drum shall not exceed 3.5 degrees.
The drum shall be flanged at both ends.
The wire ropes shall be secured to the drum by a suitable clamping device.
The length of the hoist drum and wire ropes shall be such that when the head-block is at its
lowest specified point at least three full turns of rope shall remain on the drum, and when the
load is at its highest possible point at least one empty groove shall separate two adjacent
ropes, depending on the drum configuration.
Wire rope winch drum shall have machined grooves sufficient to lay wire ropes in single layer.
One extra turn for service and appropriate number of dead turns for each wire rope end shall be
allowed for on the drum. Rope grooves shall be surface hardened to HB321 minimum.
Oil or grease tray of a removable type adequately segmented for easy removal by hand shall be
provided under each wire drum to receive excess lubricant. Prevention against overflow of oily
water out of trays during rainy operational condition shall be taken into consideration.
Tubular Steel wire rope guards shall be fitted behind the wire rope drum to prevent rope jumping
the grooves. The clearance between main host wire rope and the surface of the guards shall be
equal to half of the wire rope diameter.
Wire Rope Sheaves
All wire rope sheaves shall be centrifugally cast or forged or machined steel construction with
smoothly machined grooves. Fabricated or gravity cast sheaves are not acceptable.
The bottom of the grooves shall have a circular arc over an angle of not less than 120 degrees,
have an included angle of 52 degrees and the radius of the groove should not be less than
7½% nor more than 15% larger than the nominal radius of the rope with 11% being the
Wire rope sheaves shall have pitch diameter of 29.4 times the nominal rope diameter. Guide
rollers (fairleads) shall have a minimum diameter of 5 times the rope diameter and the
diameter of equalizing shaves shall not be less than 18 rope diameters.
The maximum angle of fleet between the rope and a plane perpendicular to the axis of the
sheave shall not exceed 2.5 degrees.
The surface of the groove of the sheave shall have a hardness value of minimum 280-320 on
the Brinell Scale. The depth of the material hardened to this level shall be at least 5mm.
Certification of Hardness is required. Rope Sheaves shall include requirement for 100% MT in
the rope grooves and provision for one spare sheave of each type so that depth of hardness
may be checked by destructive testing
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All running sheaves shall be fitted with anti-friction roller bearings with grease fittings for
pressure lubrication.
Minimum designed life of the sheave, specifically the groove and bearing retainer, shall match the
bearing life of 25,000 hoist operating hours.
The pitch diameter shall be at least 30 times the wire rope diameter. An equalizer sheaves may
have smaller diameter provided that the small radius will not reduce the safety factor of wire rope
below specified value.
Application of hanger sheave (sheave mounted on swinging hanger) is categorically rejected.
All sheaves shall be mounted by shaft and supported at both sides. Single side support with
retainer ring is not allowed.
All sheaves shall be designed with easy access and with ample space for maintenance and repair.
The clamp and retainer shall be fitted opposite to the wire rope pulling force direction. Clamp
and retainer bracket shall easily be removed for sheave replacement.
Wire Ropes
The factor of safety shall not be less than 6 for all ropes under concentric lifting conditions.
All the wire ropes shall be right regular lay (Z-lay) wire rope 1770 N/mm2 unless agreed otherwise.
Wire rope lubricant shall be carefully selected to minimize dripping problems.
Wire rope dead end splice shall be a mechanical splice (wire rope clips and cotter socket are
specifically not allowed), and the dead end fitting shall be articulated to allow rope end to move
freely in long travel and cross travel directions.
Shafts, Axles
Axles and Shafts shall be designed with due consideration and within acceptable allowances and
finishes for stress concentration at keyway, fillets, necks, lubrication holes or other notches. All
splines, gear teeth, or threads shall run out smoothly or shall be undercut and the surface finish
shall be uniformly smooth and free from defects.
Grooves in shafting and axles shall not be located in areas subject to bending loads, unless
oversized stock is provided in compensation.
Gearing axle brackets shall be a split type or a bolted type for simple removal of axle and bearing.
Shafts shall be properly covered or guarded for safety.
Particular attention shall be made during design to ensure that the removal of the axles and shafts
is facilitated by means of drawing holes.
All main drive couplings shall be supplied by an internationally recognized manufacturer of
Main driving shafts shall be fitted with flexible couplings. All coupling bolts shall be locked with a
proper anti-loosening system such as lock wires. Grease nipples shall be fitted at OEM’s greasing
Rotating Couplings shall be lubricated with special grease to prevent oil separation and leakage
under the effects of centrifugal force.
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Couplings shall be properly covered or guarded for safety. The cover or the guard shall allow easy
access for lubrication of the coupling without removing entire cover or guard.
All spline couplings shall be fitted with a maximum allowable wear indicator visible without
dismantling the coupling. The grease nipple for the spline coupling shall be extended to the edge
of the main hoist winch drum to facilitate easy maintenance.
Steel Wheels
Trolley wheels shall be flangeless type, forged steel wheel with hardened tread. Certification of
hardness depth and standard followed will be required by the purchaser. Minimum designed life
shall be 25,000 trolley operating hours. If guide rollers are required, the guide rollers shall be
designed to have a minimum operating life of 25,000 trolley-operating hours. Prevention of falling
of guide rollers when failed shall be taken into design consideration. In normal operating
condition, the guide rollers shall not cause any damage to the rail or associated fixtures.
Crane trolley wheels shall include requirement for 100% MT on the wheel tread.
Gantry tire wheels shall be suitable for tubeless pneumatic tires of international size universally
available in the country of operation.
Pins, Pin Brackets
For pins which require jacking or pulling for dismantling, adequate space for a jack or a puller shall
be provided.
All bolts are to be manufactured in compliance with the ISO-metric standard.
Tightening torque for all fitting bolts shall be clarified by the Contractor in a form of a bolt list
clearly indicating bolt location, size, materials and quantities. Loctite shall not be applied to any
fastening, unless approved in writing by BCT.
All the moving parts shall be effectively lubricated.
All the lubricants specified by the Contractor shall be locally available in the country of operation
and manufactured to the latest appropriate API service classifications. The lubricants initially filled
in manufacturer’s shops shall be pre-approved by the Purchaser for their compatibilities with those
lubricants used by the Purchaser.
Any excess lubricant shall be trapped in removable trays or receivers.
Mechanical operating parts shall be lubricated by high pressure grease gun using corrosion,
resistant grease nipples of the ‘hydraulic’ type to B.S. 1486: Part 1 with ‘nipple grease straight’
form heads.
All points on the crane requiring lubrication shall be easily accessible from permanent service
platforms or walkways.
All grease points shall be clearly indicated and color coded in order that all grease points requiring
the same lubricant can be readily identifiable.
Trolley Buffer
Trolley buffers shall be installed above the trolley platform at the four corners of the gantry frame girder.
The buffers shall be capable of absorbing and dissipating the impact of collision at full speed with rated
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load. The buffer shall be of sufficient stroke so as to decelerate the trolley at no more than, 4.90m/sec²
(0.5G) at 50% rated trolley speed.
Rubber Tires
Gantry tire wheels shall be for tubeless pneumatic tires and sized according to the crane manufacturer’s
Hydraulic System / Components
Hydraulic systems shall be designed in accordance with relevant international Standards. As a minimum all
components must be capable of operating continuously i.e. pumps, valves etc.
Due to the corrosive condition of the environment, cold drawn, carbon steel seamless tube, to DIN 239 Part
1 to be used and painted to specification. All couplings shall be ZINC plated passivated type for corrosion
protection to DIN 2353
Components Sources
All components shall be sourced from internationally approved suppliers, and the hydraulic systems shall
use components, which are readily available in the country of operation.
Operating Condition
Under conditions of continuous operation, the pump inlet temperature of the fluid must not exceed 65
degrees C. The equipment shall operate efficiently in an ambient temperature range of 15 ºC to 40 ºC.
The system shall incorporate fluid over temperature protection, which shall operate to indicate the fault and
stop the operation of the pump.
Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir
The type of hydraulic fluid for the initial fill by the Contractor must be pre-approved by the
All Hydraulic reservoirs/storage tanks shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities to permit
the draining of the hydraulic fluid into waste oil receptacles through shut-off valves which can be
easily accessed. Space shall be provided around and below the drain valve to allow this essential
maintenance work without spillage.
Hydraulic reservoirs shall be fitted with level switches which are designed to switch off the
associated pump when level falls below a pre-determined level. The purpose of this feature is to
prevent continuous pumping of hydraulic oil in the event of hose or fitting failure.
The capacity of the fluid reservoir shall be sufficient to contain all the fluid that can flow from the
system into the reservoir. The fluid level shall be maintained at a safe working height to prevent
cavitation in the pump during the operating cycle.
Reservoirs shall be equipped with clearly viewed flush mounted or protected fluid level indicators.
They must be provided with markings indicating high level when pumps are stopped and low level
when the pumps are in operation.
Reservoirs shall be constructed to prevent entry of foreign matter, including fluid contamination
and moisture.
Both fluid intake and return points shall terminate sufficiently below the minimum fluid level to
prevent aeration.
All hydraulic reservoirs shall have an access suitable for cleaning purposes.
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Power Unit
Positive displacement pumps and motors are preferred.
Submerged pumps are not permitted
Means and good access shall be provided for filling and draining pump and motor casings in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Valve Mounting
Wherever possible, valves shall be mounted so that their removal and replacement can be made without
disconnecting pipe fittings. Adjustable valves shall be such that their settings, when made, will be
maintained against vibration.
Relief Valve
A pressure relief valve capable of relieving the maximum flow at the outlet of the pump shall be
provided on the delivery side of the pump and there shall be no other valve between the pump
and the relief valve.
Relief valves shall reseat within 3% maximum of cracking pressure, and shall have a rated
working pressure of not less than 150% of operating pressure. Relief valves subject to
changeable backpressure shall be externally drained. Wherever possible, relief valves shall be
used as safety reliefs and shall be set a minimum of 10% higher than maximum operating
pressure. Solenoid operated directional valves shall have oil immersed or wet pin solenoids.
Each solenoid shall have means for external mechanical actuation for testing. If internally
drained, tank ports will not be subjected to more than 1,000 psi or maximum pressure allowed
by manufacturer, whichever is less. External drain lines shall be designed to minimize pressure
surges and reduce backpressure. Four-way valves shall spring center or spring offset to a
failsafe position upon electrical failure.
Flow Control Valve
Variable flow control valves shall show the direction of operation for increase and decrease of
Flow control valves shall be pressure and temperature compensated over the full range of flow
for which the valve is rated. Flow setting shall be adjustable and shall have facilities for
locking when proper flow setting is reached. Flow control valves must be adjustable to zero
Check valves
Check valves may be either ball type or piston type. Swing checks shall not be used. Check valves shall
be spring loaded closed and have zero reverse flow.
Servo Valves
Servo valves shall be rated for maximum operating flow with a maximum pressure drop of 400 psi
across both ports combined. Servo valves shall have non-bypass type 3 micron absolute full flow filters
on their supply lines. Each servo valve shall have externally adjustable null.
Control Valves
All control valves shall be sub plate mounted or cartridge type. Shut off valves, check valves and needle
valves may be line mounted. Maximum flow rates and pressures through valves shall not exceed
manufacturer’s rated flow and pressure.
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Solenoid Valves
All solenoid valves shall be replaceable without disassembling the valve or removing it from the
sub-plate or manifold.
All solenoid valves shall be protected from weather.
Valves including specifically solenoid valves shall be readily accessible to allow for any
adjustment, operational check, or manual operation in an emergency.
Solenoids shall have continuous rating and be equipped with an LED indicator for indicating
All solenoids shall be fitted with an independent surge absorber to absorb high voltage spike
due to ‘close’ and ‘open’ of highly inductive load = solenoid.
Solenoid valves shall be equipped to provide remote signals to operator’s cab / computer control
and to central data collecting point.
*CLARIFICATION limit switches on hydraulic cylinders shall provide position feedback to PLC and CCMS instead of
solenoid valves.
Welded joints in hydraulic pipe work shall not be permitted.
All rigid piping shall be securely supported to minimize vibration or movement. The length and
method of supporting flexible piping shall be such as to avoid sharp flexing and straining,
particularly at the end fittings. The spacing between adjacent rigid pipes and between rigid pipes
and the surrounding steelwork etc. shall be sufficient to allow the pipe couplings to be secured
with ease and without damage to adjacent pipes or couplings.
All the piping shall be securely fixed and located to the structure and shall withstand internal and
external vibration and be protected so as to prevent damage from external forces.
Piping between actuating and control devices shall be as short as possible and pipes must be
removable without dismantling equipment, components or adjacent piping.
Piping shall not be used to support valves or other equipment.
Where pressure-testing points are necessary, they shall be provided in accessible positions.
The bores of all pipes and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned to ensure that all scale and foreign
matter is removed prior to final assembly.
Flexible hoses and couplings shall be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
international Standards and shall be of an approved type and manufacturer.
Flexible hose shall be protected from mechanical damages due to interference with structure,
equipment, or any moving parts.
Where the pressure adjustment is critical, a pressure gauge port with shut off valve shall be
provided in the line so that the pressure can be checked without disconnecting the lines.
Hoses shall be designed for burst pressures of 10,000 psig and shall be tested at 5,000 psig.
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Assembly Test
Components of the hydraulic system shall be hydrostatically tested to 150% of the safe working pressure.
All hydraulic pipes shall be flushed and capped to prevent contamination before installation.
Catch Basins
All hydraulic power units will have catch basins to collect leakage for the power unit and its
components. The basin shall be sized to a minimum of 10% of the reservoir’s volume.
Catch basins shall be fitted with a manual valve equipped with drains. The drains shall either
be accessible from crane walkways, machinery decks, the wharf, or from the trolley. Space
shall be provided for a container to accept the drained fluid. Where the catch basin is
compartmentalized, the various compartments shall be piped together to form a single drain
Filters shall be full-flow, non-bypass type complete with visual condition monitoring. The filter may
generally be fitted either in the intake, pressure, or return lines and shall have a 10-micron
nominal filtration rating. When the filter is installed in the pressure or return lines the pump intake
shall be fitted with a wire mesh screen (125 mesh or finer).
The filter shall be easily accessible for element replacement purposes without having to drain the
reservoir and/or system.
A magnet shall also be fitted in the bottom of the reservoir between the return side of the
reservoir and the suction strainers. Magnets shall be easily removable for cleaning.
All actuators shall be laid out to allow easy removal and reinstallation.
Application for Spreader
Spreader shall be all electric – no hydraulic systems are permitted.
A high quality delivery pressure gauge shall be provided. The gauge shall be connected via a fail
to-safe valve and damping loop, and rigidly mounted on a structure. It can only be read by
operation of a fail-safe valve.
An oil level gauge on the reservoir shall be provided at a location convenient for inspection by
direct eyesight.
Any cover for the hydraulic system must be manufactured in order to allow prompt and direct access to
manually check the solenoid valves. This should be allowed without the need to remove the whole cover.
Hydraulic Fluid
The type of hydraulic oil for the initial fill by the Contractor shall be pre-approved by the Purchaser.
Hydraulic oil of appropriate grade for the ambient conditions experienced at the site of operation shall
be installed in the hydraulic system by the manufacturer prior to shipment for factory testing purposes
and shall remain in the system during transport to site. Prior to filling with hydraulic oil, the entire
system shall be flushed to remove foreign materials such as swarf or other contamination. Oil
cleanliness shall conform to ISO 4406 Code 16/13 or better.
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Electrical and Electronic System / Components
Electrical system shall be designed to allow for simultaneous operation of Main Hoist and Trolley motions,
and Gantry and Trolley motions.
Main Power Supplies
Main drives AC motor voltage and control power voltage to be proposed by the Contractor.
AC motors - AC 400V, 3-phase 50Hz.
Lighting - AC 230 V 1 - phase 50 Hz.
Alarm, and other accessories - AC 230V 1-phase 50 Hz.
Air-conditioning Systems – AC 230 V, 1-phase, 50Hz
Window wiper and washer - DC. 24V.
Radio communication equipment and Intercom DC 24 V (10 Amp) and DC 12V (20 Amp) (sourced
at 24V engine starter battery system, and stabilized.)
Emergency stop shall be activated when any of the following events has occurred.
Activation of any emergency stop buttons on the Crane
Fault detected on the brake chopper
Over travel detected on the hoist or trolley travel
Over-speed detected during hoisting / lowering motion
Fault detected on the ‘watchdog’ for PLC communication system
Fault detected on the converters, inverters, remote I/O and PLC’s
Protection against Power Surge
All electrical and electronic equipment shall be protected by transient surge suppressor installed as close as
possible to each piece of equipment, which requires protection from the surge in power and control circuit.
The transient surge of the power supply shall be recorded as a permanent record for information to the
maintenance personnel that there has been a surge in the line at specific time of such occurrence. Any
electrical apparatus or device on the Crane or device on the Crane which may introduce a surge shall be
properly designed to suppress surge within its own environment and shall not cause any interference to
other equipment or control functions of the Crane. The followings are, but not limited to, particular areas
which require special attention in terms of the transient surge suppression.
The incoming circuit shall be protected by suitable surge absorbers on AC three phase power
supply lines of the alternator to stabilize the incoming power in case of any surge in the AC
All rectifiers from AC to DC shall be protected by surge absorber on the AC side as well as the DC
side to have a clean DC output and with a suitable zener diode to maintain the voltage at
optimum level.
All AC contactors, DC contactors and relays shall be connected in parallel with suitable surge
absorber to absorb transient surge due to make and break of coils contact and minimize the
disturbance of voltage to the sensitive areas within the Crane.
All hydraulic solenoids shall be connected with surge absorber to be protected from any induced
voltage, which may cause burn off of the solenoid during operation.
Critical items such as Programmable Logic Controllers, computers and I/O modules shall be
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protected from external transient surge by independent surge absorber on their power supply
Any other items considered vulnerable to any transient surge must be properly protected from
transient surge to minimize interruption of Crane operation.
All brake coils shall be protected with a varistor over voltage protection.
CLARIFICATION – Power Surge Protection shall be in accordance with the standard of the electrical control
system manufacturer
Protection against Voltage Dip/Loss of Power Supply
The alternator voltage power supply electrical circuit of the Crane shall be properly designed to
minimize Crane recovery time in case of power supply failure in form of short duration voltage
dip or a complete loss of alternator voltage power supply.
The inverter drive for the Crane shall be designed so that in case of power supply voltage dip, it
shall always trip the under voltage relay before burning the protection fuses and/or transistors.
The electrical circuit shall be designed to allow simple and quick reset of the system by a push
button fitted on the inverter drive control unit assembly.
The AC line low voltage power supply beyond the transformer shall be connected in series with a
properly designed AC current limiting reactor to reduce the short circuit current between the
transformer and the Converter in case of a short circuit at the output circuit.
The minimum wire size shall be 1.5 mm² except for factory wired panels which may include
smaller size wires and communication cables. In general, minimum 2.5 mm² is used (power), 1.5
mm² will be used on equipment which does not have sufficient space to allow the use of 2.5 mm²
such as I/O modules, small limit switches, solenoid valves, encoders etc. The wiring size will be
based on IEC regulations
The Contractor shall ensure that all heavy current low voltage power cables are sized to include
suitable de-rating for the temperature and space factor. The mixing of control wires and power
wires shall not be acceptable.
The Contractor shall submit all calculations on sizing of cables for review by the Purchaser.
Wire shall be connected only at the terminal blocks in panels, control box, joint box, or at the
terminal for electrical equipment. Wire shall not be joined other than at proper terminals.
All conductor wires of 4 sq. mm or smaller shall be terminated at terminal strips and at
components having screw type terminals with spade or ring tongue crimped solderless lugs.
All wire end terminations shall be checked and where necessary retightened prior to the
Commissioning Test.
All the wires shall be run in trunking, conduit or stainless steel cable trays with cover except those
wires used in moving application. It is preferable that all the wires are so designed and installed
inside the interior of the Structural System. Excess / slack cables shall be provided at all bend
points of the cable installation to allow for expansion / contraction of the cable trays. All the wire
run through holes and openings of structure shall be protected from insulation damages due to
mechanical contact with structures. Control and signal wires (including encoder cables) shall be
separated from power wires and routed through flexible conduit to avoid any interference causing
false signals. Mufti-core cables may be run on cable trays or raceways with adequate cable
clamps, and covered with sun-shield and mechanical protection covers.
All cable ties shall be heavy duty and UV tolerant without degrading over time.
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At least 10% of control wires as spare wires shall be installed on all routes and specifically labeled
as such.
Vertical long distance wiring shall be designed to prevent wire breakage due to suspension of selfweight of wires or cables.
Crane structure shall be electrically continuous with flexible wire links over bolted joints, pins and
Wiring on the trolley, head-block and spreader shall be designed to withstand continuous vibration
and impact.
Each wire shall be fitted with terminal lugs and marked at both ends with ferrule with number
corresponding to the number in schematic diagram.
Marking and Identification
All conductors (internal and external to panels), contactors, breakers, fuses etc. shall be suitably
labeled with their function name at both ends with hot foil printed, plastic tubing wire markers in
accordance with electrical drawings and wire schedules. All terminal blocks shall be properly
marked as to block number and terminal number per drawings. On all remote I/O’s, every signal
shall be labeled with its function name and address code. Color or alphanumeric coding shall
comply with IEC 60446 (Basic And Safety Principles For Man-Machine Interface, Marking And
All terminal blocks shall be properly marked with the block number and terminal number as
shown on the drawings.
Groups of cables entering junction boxes, cabinets, panels and pull boxes shall be tagged as to
location of the other end.
All panels, junction boxes and cabinets shall be marked on the outside using engraved plastic
name tags fastened with stainless steel screws containing unit number and general function,
name or description. Detailed wire schedules shall be provided in every panel and junction box.
Individual control devices in cabinets shall be labeled by number description in accordance with
the drawings using durable, heat resistant labels with permanent markings, and fixed in a
manner designed to combat extreme hot and cold conditions over long periods.
Major control cabinets shall be labeled with engraved plastic description tags fastened with
stainless steel screws.
The method securing cables within the control panels shall utilize a proper and correct method of
attachment. The use of self-adhesive pads to secure the cables to the panel walls shall not be
*CLARIFICATION if stick-on labels are used as an alternative by Contractor to identify power and control
items/devices in electrical panels, the labels shall be resistant to high temperatures and be good quality.
Conduit Cable Tray and Junction Box Panels
Conduit (rigid and flexible), with pull boxes at appropriate locations, shall be water proof and
continuous. Inside of the conduit must be smooth, and inner edges of both ends must be rounded
Flexible conduit with proper fittings shall be used between rigid conduit and pull boxes or terminal
boxes of motors, brakes, limit switches and all other independently installed electrical equipment
which require adjustment, realignment or removal for maintenance or are subject to vibration.
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Rigid conduits shall be rigidly fastened to the crane structures.
All conduits shall be contained within the protection of the crane structures.
No conduit is to be installed across walkways or working platforms or in any way that could be
considered to impede access, safety operation, etc.
For conduit runs of more than 6 metres a pull wire shall be left in place.
Top entry in to terminal/junction boxes shall be avoided
A drain hole(s) shall be provided at the lowest point in each junction box.
Ladder type, open electrical cable tray shall be stainless steel (T304 Grade) and fixed to the
structure using stainless steel bolts and nuts. The type and fixing of cable tray shall be reviewed
by the Purchaser and a procedure for repairing damage or cut section edges shall be presented for
All exterior electrical panels and junction boxes shall be constructed from stainless steel (T304
Grade) enclosure of a quality grade which will not display corrosion throughout the lifetime of the
crane. Vertically hinged doors shall be provided, having a facility to secure in the open position
during maintenance activities. Panels which have doors secured by means of stainless steel clips
and bolt are preferred. Environmental Protection shall be IP65 minimum and no fixing bolts shall
be permitted to pass through the walls of the enclosure. It shall be possible to remove and replace
all internal components without removing the back panel.
Small electrical termination/junction boxes for lighting may be manufactured from plastic material.
Electrical Trunking
Electrical trunking and trunking covers shall be stainless steel (T304 Grade) and free from sharp
edges or sharp corners to protect the wires.
Trunking shall have appropriate partitions to separate power and control wires, and clamps to
prevent excessive wire movement in the duct.
Trunking shall be designed to prevent water ingress. Nevertheless the trunking shall not trap any
water in case of water ingress.
Motors shall be sized according to FEM 3rd edition, booklet 5 – Electrical Equipment. The minimum
rating and duty of the motors, designated according to IEC 34-1 standard, shall be as follows:
Main Hoist motors
Trolley travel motors
Gantry travel motors
Minimum Duty Ratings required
S1 Continuous duty
S1 Continuous duty
S2 Intermittent duty type, 60min
Motor terminal box shall be fitted facing an open space for maintenance.
All the main motors shall be fitted with space heaters.
Cables fitted to motor terminal boxes shall be glanded.
Ample space shall be provided for inspection of AC Induction motor itself.
All motors shall be connected with an earthing wire from the motor body to the nearest support
metal structure to provide a proper earthing connection.
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Motor cables shall be braided screened to eliminate interference.
Outdoor motors shall be specified to provide a minimum of IP55 protection
Ample space shall be provided around brakes for inspection and maintenance works.
Brake discs shall be dynamically balanced.
Brakes disc shall not sustain damages due to an emergency stop operation.
Main hoist and trolley brakes shall be approved by the Purchaser. The deceleration shall be
accompanied electrically and regeneratively with the brakes applied only when the motion has
slowed down to essentially stopped condition
Brake linings to be of non-asbestos material.
The main hoist brakes shall be protected from ingress of grease from external rotating
The main hoist brakes shall be fitted inside an enclosure. The enclosure shall be designed to
provide for ease of brake maintenance with suitable removable doors.
Transformers shall be dry type.
The location of transformers shall be selected not to raise panel temperature.
All transformers shall be connected with an earthing wire from the transformer body to the
nearest support metal structure to provide a proper earthing connection.
Short circuit protection shall be provided on the load side / output of the transformers.
Regenerated back EMF absorption resistor bank shall be installed independent of electrical control
house (panel house) in a position where it will not raise the temperature of control panels or
damage connecting cables.
Resistor banks shall be protected from weather and properly shielded or fenced off to avoid
accidental contact by operational and maintenance staff.
All external components mounted within outdoor enclosures must be designed to allow for wind
driven rain and conform to minimum class of IP55.
Control boxes and junction boxes exposed to the weather shall be manufactured from stainless
steel (T304 Grade). Other outdoor boxes such as enclosures for lights, switches and small
terminal boxes, which are commercial products, shall be provided in IP55 rated cast iron,
painted steel or in plastic material.
Meters, Counters
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All meters shown in (2) below shall be enclosed in a purpose built single cabinet mounted inside
the electrical house at a height not exceeding 1.7m from the floor level and not below 1.2m from
the floor level. The cabinet shall be glass fronted and illumination shall be provided by switched
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
fluorescent light with an on/off timer circuit of 15 minutes. The position of the cabinet shall be
approved by the Purchaser.
The following individual meters and counters shall be installed in the electrical house in addition to
ordinary meters on the control panels. The display for all meters shall be mechanical digit type
In the operator's cab the following meters shall be provided:i)
Trim, & Skew meters.
Load Indicator in MT.
On the spreader mechanical type meters shall be provided (unless otherwise specified) as follows
Main Hoist Drive Hour-meter
Trolley Drive Hour-meter
Gantry Drive Hour-meter
Control “On” or “Occupied” Hour-meter
Twist lock counter (For function refer to 4.9.1 (10)) – Spreader meters and Indication).
Hoist Brake counter
Trolley Brake counter
Overlapping Main Hoist & Trolley Hours
Non resettable mechanical digit Twist lock counter (For function refer to 4.9.1(10)
Spreader Meter Indication)
Non resettable operating hour meter (hydraulic pump motor operating hours)
Limit Switches
Mechanical lever type limit switches shall be utilized for safety over-travel applications and shall be
easily and quickly accessible for adjustment and maintenance. All limit switches shall be mounted
on a uni-strut (C-rail) – non-corrosive material.
Trolley Travel
Over travel limit switches shall be mechanical lever type.
There shall be three (3) proximity limit switches with magnet actuators for speed slow
down, speed check and stop.
Over travel limit switches for hoist shall be ‘weight pull’ cantilever type.
There shall be three (3) cam switches installed on the hoist drum for speed slow down,
speed check and stop.
Application of proximity switches shall be ‘fail-to-safe’ application. Short circuit status created
within the switch at the time of its failure must prevent further motion which is controlled by the
switch, and such short circuit fault must be registered for tracing.
Special attention is drawn to the twist lock ‘Locked’ and ‘Unlocked’ signals from the proximity
switches, which shall be ‘fail-to-safe’. In order to avoid damage to the spreader and the
container by lifting one end only, the proximity switches for ‘Locked’ and ‘Unlocked’ signal shall
be individually connected to the PLC through an I/O module. When the PLC detects a shortcircuited proximity switch on ‘Locked’ or ‘Unlocked’ the hoisting motion shall be immediately
stopped. Further motion will be restricted to lowering only.
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Space Heaters
Space heaters shall be fitted to the following locations
All AC and if applicable DC motors *above 7.5kW
All control panels.
Name Plates
Electrical equipment shall be supplied with a nameplate immediately adjacent and symmetrical to the
equipment. These nameplates shall contain appropriate inscriptions or identification markings to convey all
relevant information appertaining to the characteristics of the equipment. The use of adhesive labels as
identification shall not be acceptable.
DC Power Supply
The DC power supply shall be able to self-regulate the output DC voltages to a constant value against
variations in the input AC supply voltage. There shall be sufficient cooling / heat dissipating ability for the DC
power supply.
Electronic pulse encoders shall be used for position feedback for main hoist, trolley and gantry travel
motors. For trolley and hoist position, absolute encoders shall be used.
Circuit Breakers
All electrical circuit breakers shall be molded type circuit breaker, except otherwise specified.
Circuit breakers shall be designed to isolate defective circuits such as over current or short
circuit conditions.
When the molded type circuit breakers are tripped, the lever shall stay at mid position to
show that it is tripped. The lever shall be pushed down once before it can be switched “on”
again. Mid position of the lever is to show that the outgoing circuit is faulty.
Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCB) shall be used to protect the flood light system in
individual branch so that only the affected area will lose the lighting and not the other healthy
Circuit breakers shall be fitted indoors only. If fitted outside, it shall be enclosed inside a
waterproof stainless steel box.
Crane Motion Controls
Control System General
The Crane control system design shall be based on a control system consists of programmable logical
controllers (PLC) designed to the latest industrial standards. The Programmable Logical Controllers and
satellite stations are to be installed in the Electrical house, operators cab and other locations to be reviewed
by the purchaser which are operated in the following environment and operating conditions.
Environment - The entire system shall be designed and operated in hot and humid atmosphere
where installations are subject to prevailing heavy condensation and high fungi. Equipment shall
also be treated so as to resist attacks and entry of bugs and mites such as termites, beetles, fly,
etc. All components shall be tropicalized.
Degree of Protection - A minimum IP class (IEC 144 and 529) of IP41 is required for all in house,
enclosed installations. Equipment of installations at open, exposed atmosphere shall have an IP
class of IP55 as a minimum degree of protection. Finger protection against electrical hazard to
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operators or maintenance personnel shall be equipped according to the latest industrial standards.
This clause does not apply to E.House panels which are accepted to be open type.
Ambient Temperature - the system shall be designed and operated in an ambient temperature
between -250C to +350C. It shall also withstand a storage temperature range between -200C to
Relative Humidity - the operating and storage humidity of this system shall have a range from 8%
to 95% (non-condensing).
Vibration and Shock Resistance - The entire system shall be designed and installed with an
adequate vibration and shock resistance of not less than 16.7 Hz at a 3 dimensional amplitude of
minimum 3mm in vibration and 10G in shocks.
Control Voltage - the system shall be designed and operated with a power supply as specified
elsewhere. The Contractor shall install harmonic filters and power surge absorbers as a standard
feature. The system shall have a minimum isolation resistance between external circuits and
internal circuits of 50M ohm at 500VDC. An isolation voltage of up to 1500VAC for 1 minute is also
Duty Cycle - The system shall be designed to be operated 24 hours a day for the whole year round
with a mean time between failure (MTBF) at the component level of not less than 30,000 hours
and an operational mean time to repair (MTTR) of not more than ½ hour per component
replacement and module replacement. The operating availability shall be not less than 99.997%
per every continuous duration or period of 3 months.
One unit of Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with a minimum of 30 minutes shall be provided to
enable the system to back up all status data for an orderly shutdown in case of power failure so
that all previous status data can be retrieved and safe operation can be resumed when the power
is restored.
The UPS shall support the following equipment during power failure:
PLC and discrete I/O modules.
Public address system
Intercom system
Crane computer system and on-board CCMS.
Trunk radio
Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC)
The PLCs shall be of cartridge-insert type design with a rack that can provide the installation of
power suppliers, I/O modules (as specified in the related clauses), etc. in a compact and low
operating cost environment. A standard approved bus system shall be provided. If Profibus is
selected, the installation shall conform to the Profibus guidelines.
The PLCs shall be able to intercommunicate with each other through a network following the Open
System Interconnection communication architecture.
The racks shall be industrial type with a capability of expansion via simple communication interface
between and among the racks. It is preferable to have a racking system of a minimum slot or
cartridge-insert space for at least 8 modules excluding the slots or cartridge-insert space for the
power supply and CPUs.
The racks shall have a back-plate communication design and back-plate power supply distribution
system. This is to achieve maximum feasibility in module replacement as well as minimize the
mean time to repair when it is required.
The PLCs shall have multi-tasking, remote communication capabilities and supporting interrupts.
The input interrupts shall be hard wired to the front of the logic processor module. When
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triggered, the logical processor immediately halts the execution of the main control program and
executes the interrupt routine associated with the given input interrupt.
The PLCs shall have sufficient memory capacity to hold control algorithms for more than one
process plus at least 30% redundant memory capacity. The program shall be stored in EEPROM
and RAM. Facilities shall be incorporated on the PLCs to enable programming of the EEPROM.
There shall be facilities and space provided for adding memory for future developments.
Power Supply
The power supply unit shall be a high efficiency, low loss, cartridge-insert type design with a fuse
protected, surface mount input plug for connecting the main supply mounted to this power supply
LED shall be provided to show the healthy status of the incoming supply and the outgoing supply.
This shall be a standard feature of this power supply unit.
The rating of the power supply shall be at least 25% more than the total normal consumption of
all the modules that are connected or that are going to be connected in future.
Discrete I/O Modules
The discrete I/O modules shall be designed from the latest industrial standards with
cartridge-insert type installation and the modules are expected to be operated under an
environment which is specified in 2.6.6 (Climatic Condition).
The discrete I/O modules shall be designed to have an I/O points with 8, 16 and 32 in steps. All
the I/O points shall be equipped with screw type terminals. Individual, fused power supplies shall
be provided for each module. Common fuse protection system shall not be acceptable. All solid
state output points shall be protected with the installation of switchable relays where the output
energizes or de-energizes relay coils, mounted as near to the output module so as to reduce cable
runs to a minimum. All solid-state output points shall be protected with fast blow fuses for system
protection if this protection is not incorporated into the Output module. Replacement of the fast
blow fuse shall require no dismantling or disassembly of modules and racks. The I/O modules
shall be equipped with LEDs which show the status of the inputs and outputs.
The discrete I/O modules shall be equipped with a removable tab that indicates I/O address code
and Function. The Contractor shall label all I/O’s as per wiring schematics.
There shall be at least 10% spare Input and 10% spare Output points for each voltage level.
Space in the cubicles or junction boxes for adding I/O modules shall be provided.
Power supply failure to all I/O modules shall be monitored and stop crane functions. Input and
Output signals shall be monitored and stop crane functions in the event of open circuit failure.
Motion Control Switches in Operator’s Cab
Main hoist and gantry motion control (right console)
A right-hand control console shall control main hoist and gantry motion with one joystick
controller. The controller shall be spring returned and lockable at zero notch and released by push
button switch incorporated into the controller joysticks. Fore and aft movement for main hoist,
lowering and hoisting, left and right movement for gantry travel. Selection of motions on firstcome-first-served basis
Trolley motion control (Left console)
A left-hand control console shall control trolley motion with one joystick controller. The controller
shall be spring returned and lockable at zero notch and released by push button switch
incorporated into the controller joysticks.
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Other motion control switches or control buttons shall be ergonomically laid out on control
Following motion control switches shall be laid out on both consoles.
Twist lock ‘Lock/Unlock’ changeover switch. A heavy duty, oversize lever switch on Right
Hand Console positioned far enough away from the Master Controller that the operator is
required to remove his hand from the Master Controller to operate.
Spreader ‘Extend/Retract’ control switches.
Spreader ‘Skew’ joystick.
One push button switch to automatically correct spreader position to ‘Zero Skew’
Window wiper ‘On/Off’ switches.
Window washer ‘On/Off’ switches.
Warning siren push button switch. This warning siren push button switch shall activate
the same amplifier speaker as the landing by-pass, twist lock by-pass alarm sound.
Other control switches necessary for normal operation.
Emergency stop push buttons.
To cut out main hoist, trolley and gantry power.
To stop diesel engine and labeled “Engine Stop”.
The button shall be a mushroom type with raised guard to prevent accidental tripping. If
operator hits this button switch to stop the diesel engine, the battery relay fitted with a
timer of 300 – 500 sec. shall be activated. After time is elapsed, the battery relay shall
drop out and cut off battery power to avoid a flat battery as described above.
Following equipment start-stop switches and selectors are less frequently operated switches shall
be installed either on the control consoles, or an independent panel within operator’s reach from
his seating position.
Indicating lamps on the console
Spreader Electrical Power ‘On/Off’ push button switch.
Lighting switch.
Engine idling/full speed control switch.
Exciter switch.
Gantry wheel 90 degree steering switch.
Gantry wheel intermediate angle steering switch for spin turn.
Auxiliary power source ‘On’ indicator.
Spreader position indicator (20’ or 40’).
Spreader ‘Zero Skew’ position indicator.
Other indicating lamps as necessary to indicate operable condition with the lamp ‘On’.
Interlock override spring return key switches
Labels shall be provided for each switch and indicator in English and Polish language, approved
by the Purchaser.
Remote Motion Control
The Contractor shall provide Hoist, Spreader and Gantry Wheel Turning remote control station, at
ground level on the Nearside of the crane facing the inboard side of the crane in order that the
Purchaser can carry out operational checks, maintenance and service functions on the Hoist,
Spreader and Gantry Wheel turning.
The following switches shall be included in the Remote Motion Panel, indicator lights shall also be
fitted to indicate correct function:
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Hoist Raise
Hoist Lower
Trolley Forward
Trolley Reverse
Wheels Normal Travel
Wheels Cross Travel
Wheels Spin Turn
Skew Clockwise
Skew Counter Clockwise
Trim Left
Trim Right
Steering Locks Engaged
Steering Locks Disengaged
Spreader Extend
Spreader Retract
Twistlocks LOCK
Twistlocks UNLOCK
Emergency Stop Pushbutton
Key Switch for Authorized Person to operate
Control ON Pushbutton
Gantry Wheels “Typhoon Stow” Position (NOT USED THIS PROJECT)
Engine Start
Engine Stop
Landed Bypass
Twistlock Bypass
Operational Safety Interlocks
The Contractor shall provide hardware/software status and an operational verification on all
motion protection devices, such as, but not limited to; limit switches, proximity switches, cam
switches, speed sensors, encoders, brakes, couplings, solenoid coils and solenoid valves.
The Contractor shall display the safety Interlock verification status on the CCMS. Failure of any
safety interlock shall inhibit all motions.
In addition to all the necessary protection of structural, mechanical and electrical/electronic system
and system components, following interlocks are required.
Main Motions Interlocks
Main hoist (hoisting or lowering) motion to stop:
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At upper and lower hoist limits.
With brake malfunction or not activated or not in correct position.
With wire rope slack either with or without spreader.
With over-speed.
With motor over-heat.
Hoisting with an incomplete ‘lock’ position of twist lock after the spreader is landed on a
load fitted with corner fittings.
Hoisting with an incomplete ‘unlock’ position of twist lock.
When the actual position of any of the twistlocks is different from Lock/Unlock command
switch command.
With the activation of an E Stop command.
With a position check fault.
With loss of lubrication oil pressure if forced lubrication is applied. With the spreader
interlock incorrect spreader size, unlock & lock signal interlock, twistlock selector
With the master controller interlock or check fault.
PLC / bus transmission error or fault.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Main hoist (hoisting or lowering) motion to slow down, or in slow speed (20%):
Landing limit switch detected as not at its intermediate position (spreader attached with
a container).
When the operator turns the twist lock switch from ‘unlocked’ to ‘lock’ or from ‘locked’ to
‘unlock’ while the spreader is not sat properly on top of a container. Operator must turn
the twist lock switch back to original position to continue hoisting operation.
While the gantry brake is energized.
Torque verification fault.
Drive unit protection on Over-Voltage (OV), Over-Load (OL), Under-Voltage (UV) and
Over-Current (OC).
Motor side protection on Over-speed (OS), OC, and OV.
Speed deviation / control check fault.
Two main hoist slow-downs shall be provided to cater for empty spreader and loaded
with a container condition on hoisting. Both empty spreader slow down and spreader
attached with a container slow down shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval.
Both cases shall not hit the emergency stop limit switch striker with sufficient height to
clear the combination of 9’-6” high containers.
Lowering near the lower hoist limit.
Hoisting until slack wire rope is taken up.
When ‘Twist-lock’ or ‘Landing’ by-pass is being depressed by the operator to alert
people underneath the crane by an audible alarm that it is dangerous and by-pass of
interlock is being used by the operator.
When Limit Switch or Bypass Key is activated
Hoisting shall be inhibited when the load cell measuring system detects 110% overload.
Lowering shall be permitted, but at a reduced speed, 10% of normal lowering speed.
For Trolley Operation
Trolley motion to stop:
Trolley motion to slow down, or in slow speed:
RTG Specification
At travel end limits.
With brake malfunction.
With motor overheat.
With the cab access swing door in ‘unlocked’ condition.
When the operator turns the twist lock switch from ‘unlocked’ to ‘lock’ or from ‘locked’ to
‘unlock’ while the spreader is not sat properly on top of a container. Operator must turn
the twist lock switch back to original position to continue trolley operation.
Motor Over-speed.
Torque detection fault.
Converter and or inverter fault.
Speed Supervision fault.
Motor differential fault. (Two motor system, if applicable, shall have individual motor
protection devices).
Trolley positioning fault.
With the Master Controller interlock or check fault.
With the activation of an E Stop command.
Near the travel limits forwards and backwards with a safety margin for full deceleration
distance before hitting the end stopper.
When ‘Twist lock’ or Landing’ by-pass is being depressed by the operator to alert people
underneath the crane by an audible alarm that it is dangerous and by-pass of interlock
is being used by the operator.
When Limit Switch or Bypass Key is activated
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For Gantry Travel Operation
Gantry motion to stop:
Gantry travel warning sound and warning lights shall be kept activated while the gantry control
lever is moved to either direction.
Gantry travel anti-collision device shall be installed to detect the close proximity of another Crane
or container stack, which is likely to cause collision. The device shall:
While turning wheels to or from 90 degree or intermediate spin turn angle steering
With brake malfunction.
With motor overheat.
While the main hoist brake is energized.
With turning wheels are not at the similar steering position.
Converter and or inverter fault.
Over-speed fault.
Torque detection fault.
With the Master Controller interlock of check fault.
Motor overload.
With the activation of an E-Stop command.
Operate audio warning signal in Operators Cabin and via a remote device to warning
personnel at ground level.
Operate motion ‘Fast Stop’.
Prevent wheel turn or stop a wheel turn if already in progress
Spreader Functional Interlock
Twistlock function
The Spreader twist lock movement shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked
with the spreader landing detection so that ‘lock’ movement is prohibited unless all
the twist locks are confirmed as inserted into the container corner fittings. The
landing signal shall allow for a one (1) second time lag to indicate the completion of
landing to the operator and to activate the interlock
The ‘premature unlocking’ movement with a suspended load shall be prohibited by
means of an electrical interlock. There shall be no physical movement of the twist locks
on the spreader even though the twistlock switch may be turned to ‘Unlock’ position.
Audible and visual alarms detectable at ground level and at the inside of the operator’s
cab shall be activated by this premature movement of switches to unlock. Any such
premature movement of switches shall deactivate all crane motions. Both audible and
visual alarms shall cease when the twist lock switch is returned to its original position.
Alarm tone to be approved by the purchaser.
Telescopic function
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Interlock ‘permit’ on the zero notch of all master controllers.
Interlock ‘permit’ on landing delay ‘on’ signal.
Load cell interlock for unlock function.
Signal interlock on unlock and lock sensors.
Interlock on twistlock selector and twistlock signal.
Interlock on holding signal.
Interlock on the landing or lock signal.
Spreader size selector interlock
When telescoping, hoist shall still be enabled unless position fault occurs for 40
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The twist locks shall remain in their last position after power interruption. i.e. when
power is resumed.
Cab Entrance Door Interlock.
Refer to 5.5.2
Intercom System
A communication system which allows selective and partly (simultaneous) communication among
the following locations shall be installed:
Panel house
Engine house
Two central locations at ground level, each side of the crane
Trolley platform
Operator’s cab
Handsets shall be provided. The intercom system shall be functional for at least 30 minutes after
the engine has been shut down.
Two talkback speakers with volume control in a lockable cabinet shall be fitted inside the checker’s
cab under sill beam and in the operator’s cab facing inside to allow communication between
operator in the operator’s cab and ground staff. An amplifier and a microphone shall be installed
in the operator’s cab.
Radio Communication System
The radio and UHF set shall be provided by the Purchaser. The Contractor shall supply DC outlet for radio
communication equipment.
Data Communication System
This Clause is not used.
Public Address System
A public address system consists of an amplifier with a hand free microphone (goose neck type) shall be
installed in the driver’s cab. Loud speakers of waterproof construction shall be installed at the following
At one of the legs of the engine-alternator enclosure side.
At one of the legs of the electrical panel house side.
Operation Centre / Maintenance Office Station
This Clause is not used.
Crane Condition Monitoring System (CCMS)
The Contractor shall supply, deliver, install and commission a Crane Condition Monitoring System
(hereinafter referred to as the CCMS). The design of the CCMS shall facilitate future expansion in terms
of capacity and functional features. The CCMS hardware and software shall be modular in design and
construction to facilitate future expansion. There shall not be major re-configuration of the hardware
and software modification and development. System expansion shall not be limited by the capacity of
individual On-Board CCMS and PLCs.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The Crane Condition Monitoring System shall be installed in the following locations:
In the electrical room of each Crane (hereinafter referred to as the On-Board Crane Condition
Monitoring System, On-Board CCMS.
CCMS Description
The On-Board CCMS shall incorporate alarm/fault monitoring and graphics display, the condition status
monitoring with graphics display, the fault diagnostic functions, Crane operation and shall allow access
to the programming logic and software. These functions must be able to be downloaded as a softcopy
and printed as a hardcopy. The CCMS shall consist of but not be limited to the following elements:
One (1) set of On-Board CCMS on each crane. This shall consist of a personal computer with
monitor, keyboards and necessary associated peripherals and software. All hardware and
software required for interface to the communication network and peripheral devices shall be
included and reviewed by the Purchaser.
Provision shall be provided at 2 locations, inside E/House for main computer and screen and
Operators Cabin for display. The Contractor shall provide a fault display unit in the Operators
Cabin which shall display Alarm Trips and Faults.
All text messages, graphics, displays, monitoring, data and status shall be accessible in both
English and Polish languages.
The Contractor shall provide technical training for the engineering staff of the purchaser. The
training shall be conducted in language specified by a competent person representing the
The Contractor shall provide 6 sets, reproducible maintenance manuals, and operator manuals,
recommended spare part list and spare part manual to the Purchaser.
The CCMS shall have proper documentation of circuit diagrams, source codes, hardware and
software and associated peripherals.
The Contractor shall submit within three (3) months after the date of award of contract, the CCMS
system architecture for review by the Purchaser.
On-Board Crane Condition Monitoring System (On-Board CCMS)
General Specification
The On-Board CCMS is located in the electrical room of the Crane. The On-Board CCMS is
designed to provide a diagnostic and condition / status real time monitoring of the crane
control system. The On-Board CCMS shall consist of the necessary sensors and transducers to
be installed on each crane with in conjunction with the PLC’s to provide continuous monitoring,
diagnostics, data collection on the crane’s operating systems, in all modes of operation and
supply status. i.e. Main Crane Power or Auxiliary Shore Power.
The Contractor shall provide a UPS, suitably rated to allow as a minimum, 30 minutes of full
access to the CCMS in the event of power failure.
The system shall also provide Crane operational data that is used to determine Crane
performance, maintenance scheduling, spare part details and daily/shift reports.
On-Board CCMS Software Requirements
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The On-Board CCMS operating system shall be a real-time, multi-tasking, multi-user operating
system. The operating system shall allow the On-Board CCMS and other programs to run
simultaneously and allow the user to access any software, PLC, remote PLC, remote I/O and
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Drives without affecting the real time condition monitoring of the crane control system.
The Contractor shall develop a user interface software to meet the following requirements:
The software shall be able to run on the operating platform. The operating platform and
user interface software has to be approved by the Purchaser. The Contractor shall supply
a complete back-up system that shall include the operating system and application
The back-up system shall be supplied as follows:
Spare Hard Disk containing operating system and application software, with
all parameters and settings set as required for the crane.
Stored in CD-ROM.
The Contractor shall confirm that in the event of a system failure, reloading of the system
shall be completed in an acceptable time frame, approved by the Purchaser. The operating
system shall be an English version with loading instructions in English.
The software shall be commercially available and it shall serve as an interface to display
on the screen all the captured data from the On-Board CCMS. The software shall be able
to generate but not restricted to historical trend charts/files, trending, alarm management
and fault logging, crane maintenance and performance report, planned maintenance
information. The Purchaser will release the reporting format and details to the Contractor
and the Contractor shall comply with the same as part of the Works. The capacity of the
memory shall be able to store not less than 1000 fault messages together with the related
fault records and at least 3 years of historical productivity data / information. The software
shall be able to download or export data files to other commercially available software .
The export data files shall include but not be limited to ”txt”, “csr”, “out” format.
The proposed structure of the database system for storing the CCMS data and information
has to be discussed and approved by the Purchaser.
The software shall allow engineers to access (read and write) the ladder diagrams of the
PLC, remote PLC and Drives. Forcing-on and forcing-off of switches, contacts and relays
on the PLC ladder diagram, Parameter adjustments and internal settings of both PLC and
Drives shall be available on the On-Board CCMS. Key switch and password shall be
available to authorized personnel to carry out any modifications as described above.
The On-Board CCMS shall be able to copy or upload PLC software program to each PLC
within 2 minutes. The On-Board CCMS shall be able to download all data files, which shall
include all real time information of the CCMS and time response graphs. This information
shall be able to store in a diskette for printing . Time response graphs displaying different
signals simultaneously shall be incorporated in the On-Board CCMS.
The software in the On-Board CCMS shall be made accessible for the Purchaser to include
additional or new monitoring points and to modify software for presentation, reports for
future enhancements.
Original Licensed software shall be used; these include the operating system application
software. One original licensed copy each of the software package shall be provided for
every computer in the Agreement. All software instructions, including operating systems
shall be in English language.
On-Board CCMS Hardware Requirements
RTG Specification
The On-Board CCMS shall be mounted in an environmental controlled, industrial type cabinet
that can withstand vibration.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The On-Board CCMS shall consist of but not limited to the following items:
The personal computer shall consist of the following hardware:
The CPU shall be a processor with a clock speed of not less than 2.4GHz, at least
4GB on board memory, 1024KB cache, 320GB hard disk with a speed of 7200rpm in
SATA format, one wireless PCI card B/G/N, one unit of DVD Writer, key board,
mouse, one unit of 17” LCD flat screen monitor (16.0” v.i.s), two (2) parallel COM
ports and (3) USB ports, an Ethernet card and a portable hard disk with 250GB
memory for connection to the parallel interface for downloading of data and printer.
Heat sink shall be installed with fan mounted on the heat sink. CD drive shall be
mechanically lockable.
It is the intention of the Purchaser to standardize the make and model of the OnBoard CCMS computer. The details will be released to the Contractor
Remote Displays
Remote Display Units shall be as a minimum “One Line Text” display units, of an
approved design. Faults display code and text shall be agreed between the Contractor
and Purchaser. Units shall be positioned in Operators Cabin and Checkers Cabin or
Platform at ground level.
Condition Monitoring
The status and condition for the electrical systems, sub-systems and all the essential
components, Electrical, Mechanical and Hydraulic which are critical to the proper functioning of
the crane shall be monitored, during all modes of operation and status of power supplies.
The Contractor shall provide a UPS, suitably rated for 30 minutes, to afford access to all
information in the event of power failure, either relating to the main generator or shore power.
The CCMS shall present all information, status, graphics and data in easy to read window
display formats. The Purchasers preferred format for real time data, being graphical displays
rather than numerical presentation of the relevant data.
The main screen shall lead the user to separate screens, divided into the following major
application screens.
Principle functions and components, associated with each application shall be displayed, in real
time mode, on individual screens, such as, but not limited to:
Motor Feedback Signals, i.e. Speed, Current, Voltage, Frequency, Torque Revolutions,
Directions and Temperature
Reference signals of Controller, Ramp Generator and Acceleration/ Deceleration Ramps,
Encoders, Pulse Generators.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Performance, Operation, Positioning, Current, Voltage and Speeds of Converters, Inverters,
Brake Chopper Units, Brakes, Contactors, Relays and other devices, applicable to the
Hardware status of Limit Switches, Interlocks, Cam Switches, Sensors, Encoders, Fuses and
other Protection devices shall be monitored and displayed in an approved format.
Data relating to Loads, Component Operational Time and Operational hours of major devices
i.e. Motors, Converters, Inverters, Brakes shall be displayed in an approved format.
Provision shall be made for Status Warning, Alarm Trips and Faults to be displayed at all times
on all screens.
The system shall provide sub-windows, where operational performance of sub-assemblies can
be monitored, such as, but not limited to:
Generator Supply, Shore Supply, Hydraulic Motors and Pumps, Wheel Turning operation and
Spreader Functions
The Contractor shall provide easy to access data of Systems, Parameter Settings of PLC and/or
Drives and Components in easy to read formats. These systems and components shall include,
but not limited to the following:
Performance of the Drives (Inverters and Converters) which includes the AC Supply, AC Motor
Control, DC Motor Control (if any), Operator Control, Motion Interlocks, Safety Interlocks,
Sequence Interlocks.
The temperatures for all AC Motors, DC Motors (if any), Gears, Reducers, Rope Drums for the
Main Hoist, Gantry Travel, Trolley Travel.
Monitoring and status of relevant data associated with Engine and Generator.
The Contractor shall provide interconnection facilities between the Purchasers Engine
Management Unit and the cranes CCMS and shall present all Engine data in approved format.
The operating voltages and currents for all the Converters, Invertors, Braking Chopper Units,
Brakes and Motors
The status of the high voltage switches, low voltage switches, protection relay.
A real time update of all Positioning / Distance sensors.
Threshold values for warning and shutdown shall be incorporated in the CCMS. Adjustment of
the threshold values shall be made accessible to the Purchaser.
Any abnormality in the Crane’s system and components shall be prompted and immediately
displayed on the screen of the On-Board CCMS.
A real time update of all speeds, motions and operations.
All Ramps
Actual Loads
The following, as a minimum, data associated with the Hoist operation shall be displayed:
RTG Specification
Controller Position of Forward, Reverse, Hoist, Lower, Left, Right and Zero, shall be
displayed. Actual proportional position of Controller reference shall be displayed in
an approved graphical format and indicates to the user actual percentage (%).
Hoist motion interlocks, Spreader interlocks, Slack Rope, Load Cell measuring.
Kind of electrical energy supply ( from main system or generator)
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The following, as a minimum, data associated with the Trolley operation shall be displayed:
Controller Position of Forward, Reverse, Hoist, Lower, Left, Right and Zero shall be
displayed. Actual proportional position of Controller reference shall be displayed in
an approved graphical format and indicates to the user actual percentage (%).
Spreader motion interlocks, Spreader Retract and Expand interlocks,
Spreader Motor status, interlocks, performance and protection devices.
Spreader Electrical Function, Operation and Proving shall be displayed
Function and Operation of Limit Switches, Cam Switches, Encoders, TachoGenerators and Pulse Encoders.
Spreader Stop and Positioning.
Spreader Twistlocks, Lock and Unlock, including indication and By-Pass status.
Function clock shall display actual operation time of Expand/Retract, Twistlock
Operation and Flipper Operation.
The following, as a minimum, data associated with the General Crane Control System shall be
Page 68 of 113
Controller Position of Forward, Reverse, Hoist, Lower, Left, Right and Zero shall be
displayed. Actual proportional position of Controller reference shall be displayed in
an approved graphical format and indicates to the user actual percentage (%).
Gantry motion interlocks, Wheel Turning interlocks,
Gantry Inverter status, interlocks, performance and protection devices.
Gantry Brake Function, Operation and Brake Proving shall be displayed.
Function and Operation of Limit Switches, Cam Switches, Encoders, TachoGenerators and Pulse Encoders.
Gantry Speed, Slowdown, Stop and Positioning.
Hydraulic Wheel Turning, function, Operation and positioning.
Collision Bypass log with time and date
The following, as a minimum, data associated with the Spreader operation shall be displayed:
Controller Position of Forward, Reverse, Hoist, Lower, Left, Right and Zero, shall be
displayed. Actual proportional position of Controller reference shall be displayed in
an approved graphical format and indicates to the user actual percentage (%).
Trolley motion interlocks, Spreader interlocks,
Trolley Inverter status, interlocks, performance and protection devices.
Trolley Brake Function, Operation and Brake Proving shall be displayed
Function and Operation of Limit Switches, Cam Switches, Encoders (Absolute and
Trolley Speed, Slowdown, Speed Check, Stop and Positioning.
Limit Switch/Interlock Bypass Log with time and date.
The following, as a minimum, data associated with the Gantry operation shall be displayed:
Hoist Inverter status, interlocks, performance and protection devices.
Hoist Brake Function, Operation and Brake Proving shall be displayed
Function and Operation of Limit Switches, Cam Switches, Encoders, TachoGenerators and Pulse Encoders.
Hoist Speed, Slowdown, Speed Check, Stop and Positioning.
Twistlock Bypass Log with time and date
Landed Bypass Log with time and date
Limit Switch/Interlock Bypass Log with time and date.
Emergency Stop operation where the status of individual stations shall be displayed
in graphical format – Green OK & Red Activated
Main Power Supply, Auxiliary Power Supply, Shore Power Supply and UPS function,
status and performance.
Function Operation and Status of Circuit Breakers, Fuses, Contactors, Relays and
Protection devices, shall be displayed.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Operator Mode Selection, Function and Status
Fault Diagnosis
The faults and status data including historical data shall be stored in the On-Board CCMS
database. All the data in the database shall be translated and stored in a suitable text file for a
standard editor. All data shall be easily downloaded to a floppy disk and removable hard disk.
A zip function shall be available in the software for file compression.
The objective of the fault diagnosis is to assist Purchaser’s engineers to remedy the fault or
confirm the exact nature of a fault within a very short time. All faults shall be coded with a
suitable numerical code and the first fault causing an alarm, trip or crane stoppage shall be
highlighted as first fault. Provision shall be provided that as a minimum the system shall
display twenty (20) faults that may occur at any one time.
This first fault shall be displayed clearly to assist the Purchasers engineers on the CCMS and
remote display units. Faults interrupting crane operation shall be highlighted, either by flashing
or appearing in a “Pop-up” window, regardless of screen selected and fault indication shall be
only when crane motion or operation is selected.
The fault diagnosis shall be able to narrow down the faults to the exact components; safety
interlocks failures, drive faults, PLC controller failures.
There shall be details and information on faulty component locations and possible remedy
actions to be taken. There shall be intermediate fault tracing and measurements checkpoints
and these functions shall be made available to Purchaser’s qualified personnel to input new
parameters for troubleshooting purposes. The resolution and duration of these measurements
are 10ms to 100ms and 5s to 50s respectively.
Drawings on electrical circuit, PCB layout, schematic drawing, software ladder and software
device listing of crane control, Drives and PLC shall be made available in the fault diagnostic
mode. Access to the information shall be easily obtainable on any CCMS screen.
The CCMS shall store all faults in appropriate historic files in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
log folders, easily accessible and selection of data shall be by selecting a daily, weekly, monthly
or yearly option.
Equipment Performance Data and Operation Log
The CCMS shall provide records on equipment performance and operation data. This data shall
include but not limited to the following:
RTG Specification
Frequency of breakdowns
Twist Lock Count
Main Hoist Hours
Trolley Hours
Gantry Hours
Overlapping Main Hoist & Trolley Hours
Occupied Time
Average Cycle Time
Number of containers handled according to the size and weight of the containers.
This data shall be available in trend graphs / charts plotted against time. The equipment
performance and operation report format and the formulas for the equipment performance
parameters shall be discussed and approved by the Purchaser before implementation. The
Purchaser will release the exact details to the Contractor at design stage. The data shall be
stored in the On-Board CCMS. The data shall be able to download or export data files to other
commercially available software. All counters in the CCMS shall be able to be reset by the
Purchaser’s engineering personnel.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Remote Crane Condition Monitoring System (RCCMS)
General Specification
The RCCMS shall allow engineering personnel to perform diagnostic, condition monitoring of
the CCMS in the engineering workshop remote from the Cranes using a wireless network
connection. The RCCMS shall be able to perform all the functions of the On-Board CCMS and
the following additional requirements:
All the information and functions on the Cranes’ On-Board CCMS specified in this
Specification shall be available for the RCCMS.
All the alarm and fault messages on the Crane, which requires the attention of
engineering personnel, shall interrupt the RCCMS. The response time for the alarm
and fault messages shall be less than 5 seconds. After the interrupt has been
acknowledged, the present task shall be able to continue. The fault messages shall
include but not limited to the following:
Crane ID
Fault code / messages
Part code
Date/time reported
There shall be a server for the CCMS by each drive supplier. The RCCMS computers
shall be able to access to the On-Board CCMS of any Crane via the respective server
and CCMS software.
RCCMS Software Requirements
The RCCMS software shall be able to perform all the On-Board CCMS functions.
RCCMS Hardware Requirements
The RCCMS shall consist of but not limited to the following items:
The personal computer shall consist of the following hardware:
The CPU shall be a processor with a clock speed of not less than 2.4GHz, at least 4GB on
board memory, 1024KB cache, 320GB hard disk with a speed of 7200rpm in SATA format, one
wireless PCI card B/G/N, one unit of DVD Writer, key board, mouse, one unit of 17” LCD flat
screen monitor (16.0” v.i.s), two (2) parallel COM ports and (3) USB ports, an Ethernet card
and a portable hard disk with 250GB memory for connection to the parallel interface for
downloading of data.
The heat sink shall be installed with a fan mounted on the heat sink.
It is the intention of the Purchaser to standardize the make and model of the RCCMS
computer. The details will be released to the Contractor.
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One unit of UPS with a minimum of 30 minutes
One unit of laser jet printer.
One unit of server. The function of the server is to allow RCCMS to access to all the
information on On-Board CCMS on the cranes specified in this tender. It shall also
enable the On-Board CCMS to send real time information, status and alarms by means
of interrupts to the RCCMS.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
One unit of standby server. The function of the standby server is to automatically
resume the server’s function when the server is not functioning.
Antennas (including mounting kit), base unit, power supplies and cables necessary to
receive wireless data from the RTG cranes and interface with the workshop server.
Equipment to be mounted and located remotely in the workshop shall be supplied
free of charge by the Contractor to the Purchaser in advance of the crane delivery.
Remote equipment shall be installed by the Purchaser according to drawings and
specifications provided by the Contractor.
The server shall allow the RCCMS computers to access to the On-Board CCMS computers
including file transfer, crane diagnostic, receive status and alarm messages. It shall also enable
the On-board CCMS computers to send status data and alarms by means of interrupts to the
RCCMS and computers (outside the terminal). A standby server shall be configured to
automatically take over the operation when the main server fails. The server shall be modular
and upgradeable to enable all the On-Board CCMS to be served.
The servers shall run with Quad Core processor, Memory RAM 4GB Fast DIMM 100Hz, 1Mb cache
memory, 2 Controllers SCSI RAID 5, 2 networking cards PCI 10/100/1000 Mbits , 3 Hard Disk 90
GB, CD ROM min 56x 1 DAT 72GB w/interface ultra SCSI (LVD/SE)
CCMS Reporting Format
The CCMS reporting format shall be offered to the Purchaser for approval.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Walkways, Stairs, Ladders and Platforms
Applicable Code or Engineering Standard
Walkways, stairways and platforms shall be designed to avoid tripping, skidding, ducking or
crawling. Clear headroom of 2.1m shall be maintained throughout the walkways, stairways and
platforms. Special non-skidding treatment shall be applied for flat structural surface if used as
The design of walkways, stairs and ladders shall comply with the requirements of OSHA and all
local regulations.
Stairway Requirements
Access to the operator’s cab shall be by stairways with appropriate landings throughout.
Landings shall be provided for stairs at intervals of not more than 8 meters. The gradient of stairs
shall not exceed 50 degrees.
Stairways shall be designed to avoid tripping, skidding, ducking or crawling. Clear headroom of
1.9m shall be maintained throughout the stairways.
The height of kick plate from the stairway tread level shall be minimum 100mm. The kick plate
shall be continuous along stairways, and constructed of minimum 100mm wide steel strip of
minimum thickness 4.0mm.
Stairway treads shall be expanded metal or open grid metal construction, hot dip galvanized.
Stairs shall be provided to allow ample and safe access to all sheaves, pins, wheels, carriers,
ropes, machineries, switches and control equipment, etc., where preventive maintenance is
necessary. At least 600mm clear passage around any machinery shall be provided.
Ladder Requirements
Vertical ladders are allowed at the ground level and last part of access to the operator’s cabin and
the rise shall not be more than 5 meters. Approval must be obtained from the Purchaser if vertical
ladders are used elsewhere.
Ladders shall be provided to allow ample and safe access to all sheaves, pins, wheels, carriers,
ropes, machineries, switches and control equipment, etc., where preventive maintenance is
necessary. At least 600mm clear passage around any machinery shall be provided.
Platforms Requirements
The inspection and maintenance platforms for the Engine Generator set shall be sliding or folding
type to minimize total width of Engine Generator house and to create adequate safety clearances
for the operation. When extended, the platforms may be allowed to project over the Structure
Limit of the Crane and limit switches shall inhibit gantry motion until the platforms are fully
Platforms shall be designed to avoid tripping, skidding, ducking or crawling. Clear headroom of
1.9m shall be maintained throughout the platforms.
Platforms shall be provided to allow ample and safe access to all sheaves, pins, wheels, carriers,
ropes, machineries, switches and control equipment, etc., where preventive maintenance is
necessary. At least 600mm clear passage around any machinery shall be provided.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
A permanent inspection and maintenance platforms shall be provided on top of head block to
facilitate cab maintenance from outside.
Permanent inspection and maintenance platforms shall be provided under the trolley for inspection
and replacement of wire ropes if access is required for this purpose. For NCSC design, where no
maintenance is required, the platform may be omitted.
Walkway Handrail Requirements
The height of handrails shall be 1000mm to 1100mm and an intermediate rail height 685mm for a
level walkway. The height shall be increased as necessary to ensure safety of passage. The
handrail shall be constructed with pipe, all welded joints finished smooth to same diameter as the
pipe, and continuous along walkways platforms and stairways. Adequate safety straps or bars
shall be installed between the lowest safety hoop of a vertical ladder and handrail for landing
wherever there is a wide clearance which may allow a person to fall.
A special permanent handrail or safety line shall be provided above inside top edge of trolley
girders to prevent accidental fall of operators or maintenance personnel who are required to work
on the girder. The design to be approved by the Purchaser. As an alternative, the Contractor
may provide the two walkways below the top of the beam girder level. The actual level shall be
a design that will not cause any inconvenience to both the operator and maintenance
The height of kick plate from the walkway tread level shall be 100mm. The kick plate shall be
continuous along walkways and platforms, and constructed of minimum 100mm wide steel strip of
minimum thickness 4.0mm.
Cab Access Platforms
The cab entrance platform or walkway at the access/transfer point shall be provided at the same level as
cab platform, and shall be equipped with tubular frame construction, inward opening and self-closing (by
gravity) hinged doors on trolley side and gantry structure side. Opening of the door shall prohibit the trolley
Walkway Requirements
Walkways shall be designed to avoid tripping, skidding, duckling or crawling. Clear headroom of
1.9m shall be maintained throughout the walkways. Special non-skidding treatment shall be
applied for flat structural surface if used as walkways.
Walkways shall be provided to allow ample and safe access to all sheaves, pins, wheels, carriers,
ropes, machineries, switches and control equipment, etc., where preventive maintenance is
necessary. At least 600mm clear passage around any machinery shall be provided.
Illumination and Lighting
Walkways, Stairs, Ladders, Cab Access
The supply voltage for lighting sources shall be as specified in 5.3.2 (4) (Main Power Supply).
Special consideration to be given to minimize phase unbalance
The lighting system shall provide adequate illumination for all ladders, platforms, walkways,
machinery house and operator's cab.
Work Area Floodlights
RTG Specification
A floodlight system shall provide adequate lighting to all work areas of the Crane including
penetration into bottom of a slot between two 5-high stacks. An illumination level of 150 Lux or
more at the ground level measured at 7.5m either side of the centerline of the Crane along entire
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
trolley travel range, and specifically 250 Lux or more under the trolley measured at ground level
7.5 meter either side of the centerline shall be achieved. Such floodlights shall not cause glare in
the operator’s cab for the operator or shadows which make it difficult to safely operate the Crane.
The gantry runways shall be well illuminated for viewing from operator's cab for gantry travel.
These lights shall be installed at sufficiently high position to avoid glare to terminal tractor
All floodlights are to be fitted with safety chains to prevent from falling off the structure if the main
fixings fail.
A photocell shall be installed to switch off floodlights in daylight but an override switch shall also be
incorporated to energize the lights in case the photocell should fail to the open condition.
Floodlights on Trolley
Powerful spot lights (4 nos. minimum) shall be mounted under the cab to provide excellent viewing of a
ground slot in between two 5 - high stacked containers at night. The floodlight shall be mounted such that it
will not obstruct the view of the driver during container handling operation.
Emergency Lighting for Escape Routes
Battery operated lamps shall be provided inside the operator’s cabin, main stairway, electrical control
enclosure, engine-alternator enclosure and on the trolley platform.
Lighting Control Switches
Light switches shall be gathered in several convenient locations to allow centralized control. Two (2) - Onoff control switches for all the operational lights and walkway lights shall be located at near the panel house
where close to the operator’s passage and in operator’s cab to allow switching from either locations.
High Pressure Sodium Lamp and Ballast
The high-pressure sodium lamps shall be outdoor type and fitted with spring loaded anti-vibration bulb
socket complete with integral ballasts. These ballasts shall be high power factor type of not less than 0.85
All work area lamps and flood lights shall be securely fixed to structures, protected against vibration and
fitted with safety ropes to arrest the fall of the lamp should the main fixings fail.
Fluorescent Lamps
The Fluorescent lamps shall be rapid-start type.
Exterior lighting fixtures shall be specially designed for outdoor conditions. Externally mounted lighting
fixtures shall have an IP55 class of protection.
Access for Lights Maintenance
All light fixtures shall have safe access for replacement of bulbs.
Painting and Protective Coating
Paint System General
The Contractor shall submit the preparation, cleaning, painting and protection against
corrosion as specified hereafter, of the whole of the work to be provided in the Specification.
Surface not required to be painted, but which are adjacent to steel work which is to be cleaned
and painted, shall be protected by appropriate masking during cleaning and painting of the
adjacent work.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Special care shall be taken during manufacture to ensure that foreign matter is excluded from
all working parts of the crane.
All parts of the crane shall be surface treated during manufacture to ensure their protection
from the effects of moisture during storage, transport and erection.
All bright surface and machined parts, including gear teeth, screws threads, etc., shall be
protected by a suitable approved rust preventive compound. Particular care shall be taken
with the protection of anti-friction bearings and enclosed gears and shafts.
All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to bare metal, removing rust, loose scale, dirt,
grease, oil, dust and other foreign materials in accordance with 6-3.2 and 6-3.3 hereof.
Particular care shall be used at joints and all other places to which access for cleaning is
Faying surfaces of structural members intended to be clamped together by bolts shall be shot
blast cleaned as specified in Clause 6-3.3(3) hereof and shall be given one coat of Epoxy zinc
rich-primer, 25 microns thick. Coatings shall be used on faying surfaces of slip critical
connections only if they have been qualified to provide the slip coefficient required by the
connection design.
Machined mating surfaces of all ferrous components (other than structural members) which
are to be clamped together by bolts, in final assembly, shall be protected, as specified in
Clause 6.3.1(4) above, after fabrication and just prior to final assembly shall thoroughly
cleaned and smoothly coated with a suitable protective compound approved by the Purchaser.
All structural steel plates and sections which shall form sealed internal surfaces shall be blast
cleaned and prime coated using “whole of plate” blasting and painting with a suitable weldthrough primer. Angle or flat sections used for plate stiffening shall be similarly treated by
mechanized treatment methods.
Providing damage to such prime coating during fabrication is minimal, in the opinion of the
Purchaser, power brush and cleaning of such pre-primed surfaces with a suitable approved
solvent may be accepted in lieu of a second blast cleaning.
For the purposes of this Specification 6.3, the term “External Surface” shall include the
following areas :
The exterior surfaces of all structural members.
The whole of the surface of any object such as an equalizing beam or bogie.
The whole surface of any component part such as a lug or cheek plate.
The outside surface of any gearbox, motor, brake, bearing spacer, collar, track wheel
(excluding the actual tread), rope drum (excluding the rope groove) or other similar
mechanical or electrical part which is not protected from the weather by being
enclosed in a cabin or housing.
The outside surface of any guard, cabin or housing.
Surface Preparation
All castings shall be properly fettled and cleaned. All runners, veins, pins, etc., shall be
carefully chipped off so that no lumps or rough areas are left.
All welding slag and spatter shall be carefully cleaned off by chipping and power brush and,
where necessary, grinding.
All sharp edges shall be smoothly ground to a radius of not less than 1.6 mm.
Any areas of surfaces which are to be blast cleaned as specified in 6-3.3 hereof, and which
show any traces of oil or grease, shall be thoroughly degreased prior to such blast cleaning,
using an approved solvent.
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The outside surface of sheet metal components, such as electrical cubicles, shall be dressed by
means of a finishing machine or orbital sander to produce a smooth finish, free from weld
protrusions, spatter, surface blemishes, etc.
All sheet metal components and thin walled section (below 3 mm in wall thickness) shall be
degreased by an approved process in accordance with BS5493 and shall then be pickled, to
remove all mill scale, mill bloom, accordance with BS5493.
After appropriate neutralization and rinsing, such components, with the exception of those,
which are to be galvanized, shall be given an approved chemical or electro chemical surface
passivation and anti-corrosion treatments.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure that surfaces which have been prepared and cleaned
for painting, other protective coating or treatment, are not re-contaminated by handling with
bare hands or by exposure to any contaminating environment.
Abrasive Blast Cleaning
All un-machined steel and cast iron surfaces, apart from sheet metal components and thin
walled sections (below 3 mm wall thickness) shall be abrasive blast cleaned, as specified
hereunder, after all fabrication and hot work has been completed.
The use of pre-blast pre-painted workshop primed steel plate may be accepted, subject to all
mechanical and heat affected areas being suitably re-prepared to the equivalent of the Sa2.5
by either abrasive blast cleaning or other mechanical methods prior to the application of
subsequent coatings. The welding on of lugs, brackets etc. after the application of undercoats
or topcoats is considered to be poor construction practice, comprises the paint system and
must therefore be avoided. Only when it can be shown to be physically impossible to carry out
blasting after fabrication will blasting and prime coating prior to fabrication be permitted.
Contractor shall submit details of the blast cleaning proposed to be used, including type of
equipment, type and grade of abrasive and profile height expected from use of such abrasive.
External surfaces as defined in 6.3.1(9) shall be dry abrasive blast cleaned to a white metal
finish in accordance with SIS005900 Sa2.5.
Internal surfaces to be abrasive blast cleaned shall be dry abrasive blast cleaned to a finish in
accordance with SIS005900Sa2.
After blast cleaning, surfaces shall be fiber brushed or blown with clean dry air (provided
adequate driers and oil mist filters are used in air lines) or vacuum cleaned to remove all blast
products and abrasives from the entire surface, including pockets and corners.
Blast cleaning shall not be performed on surfaces that may in the opinion of the Purchaser’s
Representative, become wetted after blasting and before painting, or other protective coating,
nor shall blasting operations be performed on surfaces the temperature of which is less than
3oC above the dew point of the surrounding air, or when the wet bulb temperature in the
immediate neighborhood, as measured by a standard wet and dry bulb thermometer, differs
from the dry bulb temperature by less than seven and one half (7.5) percent of the dry bulb
temperature, nor shall blasting operations be performed when the temperature of the metal is
higher than 38oC or lower than 10oC. Contractor shall ensure that all measuring equipment is
available and tested to record the above conditions.
* All shall be in accordance with paint manufacturers’ recommendations and checked by Third Party Inspection
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Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that no damage to or contamination of partially
or entirely completed portions of the work, or to machinery, occurs from blast cleaning.
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All free oil and moisture shall be effectively removed from the air supply lines of all blasting
equipment, using adequate and approved filters and driers.
Blast cleaned surfaces shall be kept free of all contamination before painting, etc., as required
by 6-3.2(5) above
Operators shall wear fabric gloves of an approved type during cleaning operations and any
area inadvertently touched by bare parts of the body, shall be immediately solvent cleaned by
approved methods.
All items of metal work to be painted shall be so treated not more than *four hours after
surface preparation of each item has been completed.
Any unpainted surfaces which have been subjected to conditions which might induce
condensation of water thereon, or which have been left longer than the above specified *four
hours after blast cleaning, shall be again blast cleaned before being painted.
All painting shall be in accordance with paint manufacturers’ recommendations and with the
paint manufacturers’ representative present on site during preparation and painting, verified by
Third Party Inspection Company
Painting General
All painting and coating operations shall be performed in a neat, thorough workmanlike
manner. All paint and coating materials shall be in a thoroughly mixed condition at the time of
application and shall be thinned only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Paint or coating material shall not be applied unless the temperature of the metal surface and
the atmospheric conditions satisfy the requirements specified in 6.3.3(6) above.
The first coating shall be applied as soon as possible after cleaning the surface, but in any case
not longer than 2 hours after cleaning.
All surfaces to be coated shall be completely free of moisture, foreign surface matter and
abrasive dust at the time of application of each coat.
Each coat shall be uniform and free from runs, sags and other imperfections.
Limitations on minimum and maximum inter-coat drying periods recommended by the paint
manufacturer shall be strictly observed.
All paints shall be of approved colors which will be defined by the Purchaser during the design
The color of each coat shall differ from that of the previous coat to a sufficient extent to enable
missed areas and uneven or inadequate covering to be readily apparent. The final coat shall be
the specified color.
All paint shall be applied to the thickness as specified, and such paint thickness shall be
gauged by a certified thickness gauge supplied by the Contractor.
Paint shall be applied by approved spray equipment corresponding to the equipment
recommended by the paint manufacturer for the particular type of paint.
It is preferred that as far as practicable, semi-hollow components such as switchboard cubicles
and consoles and any other smaller items where difficulty could be encountered in obtaining
even coverage, be painted by means of electrostatic spray equipment.
All welds and edges shall be double passed with each coat.
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The Contractor shall, at his own expense, take all precautions and provide all equipment,
including ventilation plant, which may be necessary to obviate health hazards arising from the
use of specified paints and coating materials in confined spaces or elsewhere.
All joints, including bolt heads, bolt ends, nuts, washers and attachments, shall be painted,
after the connection has been made, to complete the protection in the same system as that
specified for the adjacent steel work.
The Contractor shall submit full technical, application and service details from the
manufacturer of the paints they propose to use.
Proprietary Equipment
The external surfaces of all mechanical and electrical equipment shall be protected by paint
systems having durability comparable with that of the systems specified herein for other steel
work in similar environment.
Any equipment having external surfaces of materials which are subject to corrosion and which
shall be exposed to the weather shall be protected by an approved paint system equivalent in
durability to that used on the main structures.
Alternative Paint Systems
Contractor may offer alternative paint systems to those specified, but such will only be
considered if evidence is submitted to support claims that the systems offered are of at least
equivalent durability to that of the system specified.
Paint Systems
External Steel Work
After preparation and cleaning in accordance with 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 above all external steel
surfaces with the exception of (a) galvanized surface and (b) machined surfaces referred to in
Clauses 6.3.1(4) and 6.3.1(8) shall be given the following protective treatment:
First Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of a zinc rich primer, to a minimum dry film thickness of 75 microns.
Second Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of epoxy micaceous iron oxide primer / under coat, to a minimum dry film
thickness of 100 microns.
Third Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of a high performance anti corrosive barrier coating based on polyurethane
enamel, to a minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns.
The topcoat colors shall meet ICTSI Terminal Equipment Color Specification. The Contractor shall
submit a crane livery schedule drawing and color samples for the Purchaser’s approval
N.B. Total Dry Film Thickness of system to be not less than 225 microns
Internal Unsealed Surfaces
After preparation and cleaning in accordance with 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 above, all internal surfaces
with the exception of (a) galvanized and non-ferrous surfaces (b) machined surfaces referred to
in 6.3.1(4) and 6.3.1(8) hereof shall be given the following protective treatment:
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First Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of epoxy zinc rich primer, to a minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns.
Second Coat:
Apply one coat of epoxy micaceous iron oxide primer / undercoat to a dry film thickness of 100
microns minimum.
N.B. Total Dry Film Thickness of system to be not less than 150 microns.
Galvanized and Non-Ferrous Surface, both Internal and External
Galvanized and non-ferrous components shall, after appropriate cleaning by an approved
method, be given the following protective treatment:
Galvanized and Non-Ferrous Surfaces, both Internal and External
Surface Preparation:
Ensure that all surfaces are free from all grease, oil or other contaminants by application of a
degreasing solution formulated from a blend of solvent and emulsifier. Apply Degreaser liberally
ensuring that material does not spill on existing paintwork, working well into the surface to be
degreased. Allow 5-10 minutes for the solvent to take place. Flush with clean fresh water and
allow to dry thoroughly prior to application of the primer coating.
First Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of micaceous iron oxide primer / undercoat to a minimum dry film thickness of
50 microns.
Top Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of a high performance anti corrosive barrier coating based on polyurethane
enamel, to a minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns.
N.B. Total Dry Film Thickness of system to be not less than 150 microns.
Motor, Gearboxes, etc.
The external surfaces of all machinery such as motors, rope drums, gearboxes, couplings, etc. in
exposed locations shall be given protective treatment as specified for external steel work,
galvanized and non-ferrous surfaces in 6.3.5(1) and 6.3.5(3) above.
The external surface of such machinery enclosed in housings or enclosures shall be given the
protective treatment specified for internal steel work, galvanized and non-ferrous surfaces in
6.3.5(2) and 6.3.5(3) above.
After preparation and cleaning in accordance with 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 above, all external surfaces of
such machinery shall receive the following protective treatment:
First Coat:
Apply one (1) coat of an epoxy zinc rich primer, to a dry film thickness of 75 microns.
Second Coat (Top Coat):
Apply one (1) coat of epoxy-based enamel, to a dry film thickness of 50 microns.
Where it can be shown that proprietary items such as electric motors have received the basic
preparation, the Contractor may with the approval of the Purchaser’s Representative on
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submission of technical details, complement such systems with additional coatings to bring the
system up to the standard of the specified system.
The contractor shall remain responsible for ensuring paint system compatibility.
Horizontal Surfaces of Access Ways, etc.
Horizontal Surfaces of Access Ways
All horizontal surfaces used for pedestrian or traffic surfaces for access to any part of the crane
for normal operation or maintenance procedures, including such surfaces on structural members,
shall be given an approved special paint treatment.
Such special treatment shall provide improved abrasion resistance and non-slip characteristics
while providing protection and having durability not less than that of the top coating specified for
each relevant environment, i.e. external or internal.
Non Skid Powder shall be applied to second last coat while still tacky and allowed to set prior to
application of final coating.
Components or surfaces required to be galvanized shall be prepared generally as specified in 63.2 hereof and shall than be either acid pickled in accordance with BS5493 or abrasive blast
cleaned in accordance with Clause 6.3.3 hereof. Abrasive blast cleaning shall only be permitted
on components or surfaces where there is no likelihood of distortion due to such cleaning
After such cleaning, all components or surfaces so required by this specification shall be given a
hot dipped galvanized coating conforming to the requirements of BS5493
Galvanizing of any component or surface shall only be carried out after completion of all
fabrication work on such component or surface. No welding on any pre-galvanized component or
surface will be tolerated unless the component or surface is to be subsequently re-galvanized.
Reinstatement of Protective Coatings at Site
Care shall be taken at all times to ensure that the protective coatings and treatment shall not
suffer any damage during handling, transport and erection.
After the components have been transported to the Site, assembled and welded where
necessary, all protective coatings shall be carefully inspected and any areas where protective
coatings have been damaged or found defective shall be clearly marked with orange colored
spray paint or paint stick or chalk, for ready identification and remedial treatment.
All weld slag and spatter or heat affected coatings on surfaces that have not been adequately
protected during field welding, shall be completely removed and any high points on field welds
shall be ground completely smooth.
All such areas together with field welds, weld margins and burn marks shall be abrasive blast
cleaned as specified in Clause 6.3.3 hereof, with due care of other areas of the coating to avoid
further damage.
All site abrasive blast cleaning shall be done with approved closed cycle vacuum blasting
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Within two hours of cleaning as specified in 6.3.7(2) above, and before any contamination or
discoloration can take place, the blast cleaned areas shall be recoated with the priming coat and
to the thickness specified in 6.3.5 hereof for the relevant type of surface and location.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Undercoats and top coats of the type and thickness, as specified in Clause 6-3.5 hereof, for the
relevant type of surface and location shall subsequently be applied, with suitable feathering of
coats to avoid ledging. Manufacturer’s recommendations regarding application and drying or
inter-coat intervals shall be strictly observed.
Damage to paint coatings such as scratches or abrasions which, in the opinion of the Purchaser’s
Representative, do not penetrate the total paint system may, at the discretion of the Purchaser’s
Representative, be reinstated by cleaning with a suitable solvent and then touch up painting with
the relevant primer(s), intermediate and top coats as directed by the Purchaser’s Representative.
For all repair painting, the final coating shall comprise paint from the same batch as that
originally used on the particular surface.
Cleaning and repair painting of the crane or its equipment shall be carried out only when the
conditions specified for the original cleaning and painting in 6.3.3(6) and 6.3.4(2) hereof, are
Painting shall not be permitted if there is dust being deposited on the surface to be painted or
conditions are not in accordance with Clause 6.3.3(6).
Inspection and Sample Panels
Attention is drawn to Inspection Control Sheets which shall be designed and approved by the
Inspection shall take place before and after preparation and coating and also on site.
Before any surface treatment is carried out, the Contractor shall supply to the Purchaser’s
Representative, free of charge;
Samples of each type and color of paint approved for use on the crane for testing. The
Purchaser reserves the right to call for further random samples during the entire
painting operation. Should the tests prove unsatisfactory, the entire batch shall be
rejected and the Contractor shall take corrective action to re-blast and re-paint all
sections painted using the rejected batch to the satisfaction of the Purchaser’s
Two sample blast cleaned panels one panel cleaned in accordance with 6.3.3(3) and the
other cleaned in accordance with 6.3.3(4) hereof, each panel measuring not less than
150mm x 150mm x 6mm, and adequately protected after cleaning by sealed clean
polythene wrapping.
If approved, the sample shall then be retained by the Purchaser’s Representative for
comparison with the prepared steel work.
Two steel panels for each painting system, at the commencement of painting
operations, cleaned and painted in accordance with the relevant requirements of this
specification with the exception of any site coat.
One of each pair of panels is to be “stepped” to show the successive buildup of the
paint treatment and will be used as a standard of acceptance throughout the painting
Purchaser’s Logo, Crane Numbers, Signs
Purchaser’s Logo
Purchaser’s logo shall be painted on outer sides of the main girders. The design of the logo shall be advised
to the Contractor. The size shall be decided by the Purchaser.
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Crane Numbers
Crane number shall be displayed on the outer sides of the columns at the top and on side beams. The
location and size to be advised by the Purchaser.
Crane Capacity Signs
Capacity signs showing the safe working load of the Crane shall be fitted to both sides of the
gantry structure where clearly legible from the ground level.
Capacity signs showing the safe working load of the spreader and spreader number which will be
designated by the Purchaser during drawing approval process shall be fitted or painted on both
sides of the spreader.
Capacity of each lifting lug on the spreader shall be indicated near each lug.
All capacity signs shall be in metric units = ‘Metric Tonnes or in abbreviation ‘MT’.
Manufacturer’s Name Plates
Manufacturer’s nameplate could be placed on the gantry structure only. The size and location
must be approved by the Purchaser.
A plate showing year and place of manufacturing, mfg. no., principal dimensions, speeds and
capacity of the Crane shall be fitted in the operator’s cab.
Manufacturer’s name plate shall be fitted on each major electrical and mechanical component
showing type, capacity, serial number, manufacturer’s number manufacturing date etc., for future
Other Signs
A plate indicating lift height of the Crane shall be fitted at upper front wall of the operator’s cab (in
local language, size 75mm x 900mm). Wording shall be provided by the Purchaser in design
Each machinery shall be properly labeled for its direction of motion or operation and for any
precautions to be taken before operation or maintenance.
(3) All labels and caution plates shall be in English and Polish language.
Alarm, Warning Signals
Gantry Travel Warning
4-flashing electronic type strobe warning lights shall be installed at four corners of the crane.
These lights shall be automatically activated by gantry motion. The type must be approved by the
One common amplifier for travel alarm sound and emergency warning sound shall be installed
inside the panel house, and the alarm and warning sound shall be emitted through four (4)
speakers installed at four corners of the crane. The gantry travel alarm sound shall be
automatically activated and sustained during gantry motion. The alarm tone shall consist of an
intermittent signal, sounding at 1 second for duration of 0.5 second. The emergency warning
sound shall be activated by the operator by pressing down the foot switch on the floor of
operations cab, and it shall override the travel alarm sound when pressed during gantry motion.
The type of both travel alarm and emergency warning sounds to be approved by the Purchaser.
*CLARIFICATION – Amplifier shall be built into the warning device for this contract
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The alarm sounder speakers shall be located at a maximum height of 2.5m above ground level.
The generated signal level shall not be less than 95dB at 1 KHz at the point 1m forward of each
speaker measured at a height of 1.5m above ground level. The signal shall not exceed the above
limit by 3dB.
The volume of the warning sounds to be adjustable at the amplifier independently for travel alarm
sound and the emergency warning sound.
Main Hoist Overload Warning
Main hoist system shall include overload warning and tripping system.
80% load for over 3 second: Intermittent warning signal.
100% load for over 3 seconds: Continuous warning signal.
110% overload for over 3 seconds: Trip hoist motion. Allow lowering motion in slow
speed only.
Premature Twistlock Operation Warning
Spreader twist lock movement shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked with spreader
landing detection so that ‘lock’ movement is prohibited unless all the twist locks are confirmed to
be inserted into the corner fittings. The landing signal shall allow a one (1) second time lag to
indicate the completion of landing to the operator and to trigger interlock so that momentary
landing completion signal do not activate interlock.
The ‘premature locking’ movement before the spreader is landed on a container shall be prohibited
by means of electrical interlock on the logic control circuitry and mechanical interlock. There shall
be no physical movement of the twist locks on the spreader even though the switch is turned to
‘Lock’ position before landing is completed as described in 6-5.3(1) above. Audible and visual
alarms noticeable at ground level and at inside the operator’s cab shall be activated by this
premature turning of the lever type twist lock switch and all motions of the crane shall be
deactivated. Both audible and visual alarms shall cease when the twist lock switch is returned to
its’ original position. The alarm tone shall be approved by the Purchaser.
The ‘premature unlocking’ movement while suspending the load with twist locks shall be prohibited
by means of electrical interlock on the logic control circuitry and mechanical interlock. There shall
be no physical movement of the twist locks on the spreader even though the switch is turned to
‘Unlock’ position while the load is suspended with twist locks. Audible and visual alarms noticeable
at ground level and at inside the operator’s cab shall be activated by this premature turning of the
lever type twist lock switch and all motions of the crane shall be deactivated. Both audible and
visual alarms shall cease when the twist lock switch is returned to its original position. The alarm
tone shall be approved by the Purchaser.
The twist locks shall remain on its last position after power interruption.
resumption of electrical power.
i.e. failure and
By-Pass Switch Abuse Warning
Twist lock interlock bypass push button
When the Twistlock Interlock Bypass push button is depressed to overcome a difficult situation to
carry out hoisting or lowering function, an alarm sound shall be broadcast through an independent
amplifier through a speaker located outside the operator’s cab and facing downward. The hoisting
speed and the trolley speed shall be slow-down mode.
Landing bypass push button
When the Landing Bypass push button is depressed to permit the twistlocks to rotate without a
landed signal, an alarm sound shall be broadcast through an independent amplifier (same as the
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one for twist lock interlock bypass push button) through a speaker located outside the operator's
cab and facing downward. The hoisting speed and trolley speed shall be at slow down mode since
it is a difficult condition and safety is required.
Labels shall be provided for each switch and indicator in English and Polish language to be
approved by the Purchaser.
Electrical Control House A/C Warning
Control house shall be well insulated to keep the inside temperature below 25°C all the time (Ref. to 4.5.2.
(1)). The air conditioning system failure shall be indicated at outside of the room, and a warning buzzer in
the operator’s cab shall be activated in case inside temperature of the panel room rises over 40 degree C.
The air conditioner main circuit shall be activated when the engine is turned ‘on’ and deactivated when the
engine is cut off. Duplicate air conditioning units shall be provided to ensure that the failure of one unit
does not stop the crane operation. Each unit shall be rated to maintain the set conditions independently of
the other.
Public Address/Warning
One loudspeaker pointing down shall be mounted on the trolley or near the operator’s cab to
broadcast the following warning sound:
Twist lock interlock bypass push button.
Landing interlock bypass push button.
Premature ‘ Locking’ switching
Premature ‘unlocking’ switching
Emergency Stop Push Buttons & Drive Lock Out
The Emergency Stop and Drive Lock-Out circuit shall be a hard wired independent circuit that will stop all
motions and isolate power to all drives, rectifier units, inverters and brake contactors. PLC shall be
configured to monitor E-stop circuit for isolation and CCMS purposes.
Total of Eight (8) Emergency Stop push buttons shall be installed on the Crane.
Near Main Hoist motor.
Near Trolley Travel motor(s).
In Operator’s Cab (1 for engine stop, 1 for motion stop).
Two at side beam ground level on the far side and two at side beam level on the near
side facing inside and outside of the crane to be easily reached by ground operation
PLC room
Total of Four (4) Drive Lock-Out switches shall be installed as follows:
Near Hoist Motor
In Operators Cabin
Two (2) at Side- beam ground level, one (1) on the near-side and one (1) on the far-side
Emergency stop pushbutton (self-latching) mushroom head switches shall be provided. All
Emergency Stop buttons shall be recessed to prevent them from being actuated accidentally.
Drive Lock-Out switches shall be an independent isolator switch which can be locked in the open
position with a padlock or may be incorporated into an existing Emergency Stop Pushbutton
through with a padlock could be applied to prevent reset.
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Emergency Stop Signs
Adequate signs shall be provided in English & Polish to clearly identify their locations to ground floor
personnel. The size of the signboard shall be 300mm x 300mm minimum.
Service Outlets
Two independent service outlets (one pair) local voltage, 1-phase, local type shall be provided and
mounted adjacent to each other as a combination at the following locations:
Two pairs in the Operator's cab.
Two pairs in the control panel house.
One pair at ground level, one each under engine side and panel side sill beam, facing
inside of the Crane.
Type Model
Matching plug of industrial type for each outlet (one plug per outlet) shall be supplied by the Contractor,
Fire Extinguishers
All fire extinguishers shall be placed in a properly designed holder so that they are firmly secured and
easily accessible. The lower part of the holder shall have a cylindrical wall of at least 150mm in height and
3mm in thickness. Drain hole shall be provided at the lower part to release water. A ‘fast releasing’ type
clip or fastener shall be installed at the upper part of the holder so that the fire extinguisher could be
released quickly. This holder shall be welded onto a permanent structure member of the Crane.
Outside panel house – one (1) of 5kg capacity.
Outside engine house – one (1) 5kg capacity.
Outside driver’s cab – one (1) 5kg capacity
On top of Trolley– one (1) 5kg capacity.
All the fire extinguishers shall be CO2 type, fitted in locked cabinets with emergency “Break to Use” glass.
Maintenance Tools and Equipment
Mechanical Maintenance Tools
Four torque wrench with socket sets
Four Open Ended Spanner (Wrench) Set
Four Ring Spanner (Wrench) Set
Four Set long allen key sets
Four Toolboxes
Electrical/Electronic Maintenance Tools
RTG Specification
Two (2) notebook computers shall be provided per RTG contract. With all relevant interfacing
cables & programming software.
One (1) units of digital multi-meter equivalent to “Fluke 87 model”.
One (1) clamp on ammeters
One (1) Noise Meter
One (1) Vibration Meter
One (1) Light Measurement Meter
One (1) Insulated Electrical Tool Kit
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Hydraulic Maintenance Tools
One (1) units of hydraulic jacks suitable for replacement of rubber tires.
Special Tools and Equipment
One unit of control panel for operating and testing spreaders in the workshop. The panel shall
incorporate push button switches, selector switches, indicator lamps, PLC, input / output devices,
spreader multi-pin connector, cables and all parts and software necessary for operating and
confirming all the functions and safety features of the spreader. Power supply cable and plug shall
be provided.
Special tools and jigs necessary for mechanical, electrical and electronic maintenance works shall
be supplied with the Crane, and stored in appropriate locations of the Crane.
Wear Gauges
One (1) complete sets of stainless steel wear gauges to measure and indicate the allowable wear
on components identified below shall be supplied with each Crane and stored in an appropriate
storage box fitted on the Crane
i. All wire rope sheave grooves.
ii. Rope Drum grooves
Each wear gauge shall be engraved with the component name to be gauged.
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Document Submission (Project)
Project Organization Chart (Shop & Site)
The Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser a project organization chart within one (1) month
after the date of the Agreement.
The schedule shall show the organization of the Contractor’s resources, which he intends to
employ in the total project from shop manufacturing through to the site commissioning phases.
This will clearly identify the departments involved, the people responsible for each and the number
of personnel directly involved in administering the project.
Project Schedule (Shop & Site) (Program)
The Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser a project schedule within one (1) month after the
date of the Agreement.
The project schedule shall be presented in the form of a timed schedule covering all activities
appertaining to the manufacture of the Crane(s). The contents shall include but not be limited to
the following: i)
Contract start date.
Engineering Design Period.
Submission of Drawing/Design Calculations.
Procurement of Materials and Components.
Manufacturing Periods for the main Structural Sections.
Erection in the Contractors Facility.
Shop Test and Commissioning.
Transportation Period.
Site Commissioning.
Completion Date(s)
Dates when Purchaser supplied information or permits are required
The Program shall be provided in “MS Project” format and shall be presented in a way that clearly
shows each activity connected in a logical program sequence. Each activity shall show the
duration, early start and early finish and shall identify the critical path of the project.
Project Progress Report
The Program shall subsequently be updated and submitted to the Purchaser at intervals of no
more than 1 month throughout the course of the project until the Taking-over Certificate has been
The monthly update will show actual progress against the original baseline so that effect of any
slip or improvement in progress can be easily identified.
Quality Assurance Program/ Manuals
Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser a quality assurance program for review within one (1)
month after the date of the Agreement.
The program shall consist of General Quality Assurance Program, which states Contractor's general
practice and organization to assure quality during design, procurement, fabrication and erection
periods, and a Specific Quality Assurance Program.
The Specific Quality Assurance Program is particularly for the Cranes and Related Equipment in
this Contract, which shall include drawings / data submittal schedule for review of drawings by the
Purchaser and key inspection and test items during fabrication and delivery up to hand over of the
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Crane or other Goods to the Purchaser with proposed timing and locations of conducting such
inspection and test.
This Program must cover all the inspection and review items as set out in the Appendix
"Inspection Control Sheet" and Appendix "Minimum Requirement for Drawings / Calculations /
Data Submission".
An organization chart with names of the quality assurance team personnel for the Agreement for
each major stage of fabrication, delivery, commissioning and Defects Liability Period shall be
included in this Program.
Daily Plan and Report (Site Work)
For the duration of the period of site work at the Purchaser’s Site, the Contractor shall submit, at daily
intervals in a form approved by the Purchaser, his progress of activities and tests carried out. This daily plan
shall also indicate weather conditions, number of Contractors personnel and sub-contractors engaged at site
together with the activities planned for the next day.
Document Submission (Technical)
Submission Schedule
The Contractor shall submit technical information at the times outlined below for the Purchaser’s review.
Conceptual Design
The Contractor shall provide evidence to the Purchaser that the requirements of the Specification are met
by calculation but formal document submission and schedule for same shall be discussed and mutually
agreed at the design review meeting. The design shall show clearly by drawings and description the
following details: •
General arrangement of the Crane
Trolley and operators cab
Hoist Drive System
Trolley Drive System
Gantry Drive System
Rope reeving arrangement
Anti-Sway System
Trim and Skew System Arrangement
Spreader and Head-block Arrangement
Engine House and Assembly
Electrical House and Assembly
Crane structure
Gantry equalizers, bogies and wheel arrangement
Auto Steering System (if applicable)
Collision Avoidance System
Hydraulic System Inc. Schematic Diagram
One Line Electrical Schematic Drawing
Drawings and Calculations for the Purchaser's Review
Following review and acceptance of the conceptual design and prior to the fabrication or ordering of
components, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings and calculations in digital format for review to
the Purchaser. This information shall include but not be limited to the following: (1)
Structural, mechanical and electrical calculations on all aspects of the Crane design, for example
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Stability and wheel load calculations
Wind Load Analysis, methods and wind load calculations
Crane structure stress calculations
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Fatigue analysis for all stress carrying structural members.
Load combinations for various design criteria.
Design calculations for the hoist, trolley, gantry motion component parts
Drive Motor sizing calculations
Brake Sizing and capacity calculations
Crane electrical load calculations.
Lighting calculations.
Skew and anti-sway system component sizing calculation
Gearbox sizing calculation
Hydraulic System sizing calculation
General arrangement and design drawings showing all elements, sub elements, component parts,
layouts, structure details, connections of the Crane.
The drawings shall include but not be limited to those items listed in the List contained in the
General arrangement drawings, calculations and drawings other than listed in above list, which
clarifies further details, shall be submitted from time to time at the request of the Purchaser for
Contractor shall submit any other documents as requested from time to time by the Purchaser.
The Purchaser's comments on the drawings or submittals shall not waive Contractor's duties or
obligations to achieve satisfactory performance of the Crane and all other Goods as set out in the
Conditions of Contract, specifically Clause 3 and to otherwise comply with the Contract. The
Purchaser undertakes no duty to the Contractor to neither identify nor notify to the Contractor any
errors or omissions in the Contractor's design.
One month before the shipment of the first Crane(s), the Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser
four (4) sets of all drawings reviewed and if necessary revised according to the Purchaser
comments or for other agreed reasons
Lubricant List
The Contractor shall supply a complete list of oil and lubricants to be used on the Crane three (3)
months prior to the test of the Crane in Contractor's shop for the Purchaser's approval.
The list shall specify the system to be lubricated, its volumetric capacity, Typical Manufacturer,
Lubricant name, Specification and Grade.
All the oil and lubricant used for the crane shall be selected from those available locally in country
of operation and used by the Purchaser.
Ordered Spare Parts List
The Priced Spare Parts shall consist of the Purchasers list and a list of consumable spare parts
recommended by the Contractor.
No later than three (3) months after the date of the Agreement, the Purchaser shall select from
the Priced Spare Parts items that he intends to purchase. Those items selected by the Purchaser
for purchase will be incorporated into the Ordered Spare Parts list defined in the Agreement.
Sea Fastening
RTG Specification
No later than one month before the intended shipment date, the Contractor shall submit a seafastening and loading proposal showing connection details of all sea fastenings which are
connected to the crane structure for the Purchaser’s review.
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The submission shall also provide details of the proposed methods for removal of any
temporary bracings and fixings.
Crane Delivery Method Statement
No later than two (2) months before the Delivery of the first Crane(s), the Contractor shall submit
a method statement for the Purchaser’s approval for the roll-off or lift-off of the Crane(s) and other
Goods to the Purchaser’s quay deck. The method statement shall include: (i)
The proposal shall also show a period of occupancy and the length of the Purchaser's berth
required for roll-off or lift-off operation
Site Work Method Statement
No later than three (3) months before the arrival of the first Crane(s), the Contractor shall submit
to the Purchaser a site work method statement for the Purchasers approval showing all activities
from arrival of the Crane(s) through to acceptance. The method statement shall include:
The total area required for the roll-off operation.
Full details of the transportation vessel and the stowage of the Crane(s)
Sea Fastening Drawing showing details of the system used
Orientation of the vessel when offloading
Number and position of bollards and moor lines,
Length and position of sea anchors. (if applicable)
System of transferring the Crane to the quay deck
All skid beams and skid beam centers. (If applicable)
All positions and magnitude of loadings applied to the quay deck during the offloading
The total area required to commission the crane(s) and to store the loose items and
spare parts. (This will be strictly subject to the Purchasers approval)
Roll-off or Lift-off scheme and date of performance.
Key activities of the commissioning and duration.
Number of days required from the date the Crane is ready for starting up and load
Date the Crane will be Commissioned and handed over to the Purchaser.
Date the Crane will be finally handed over to the Purchaser.
Other key dates of significance.
Tests on Completion
No later than four (4) months before the arrival of the first Crane(s), The Contractor shall submit
to the Purchaser for his approval a “Tests on Completion” Procedure.
The Tests on Completion Procedure shall be in a form of a document and shall contain detailed
field and function check procedure to fully demonstrate that the Crane and other Goods meet the
requirements of the Agreement including suitability of the Crane for container handling operations.
All crane functions and features shall be checked. The procedure shall describe the tests to be
performed, the indications to be measured and the method by which they are measured. It shall
contain the design or acceptable values of each measurement along with blanks in which the
tester can enter the measured values.
Provision shall be made within the procedure for the tester and the Purchaser’s Representative to
initial and date each separate test.
The Tests on Completion Procedure shall be duly completed by the Contractor following each
individual test or each series of tests conducted at the Contractor’s facility or at site. Where
necessary the Purchaser’s Representative shall verify the results.
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The Contractor shall submit the completed Commissioning Test Procedure no later than one (1)
month after the notification of successful completion of the Commissioning Test for the Goods in
Up-Dated Drawings
No later than one (1) month after the date of the Agreement, the Contractor shall submit to the
Purchaser full details of the Contractor’s system of drawing management, which shall be
maintained throughout the project.
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Purchaser that a logical system of drawing administration
exists. And shall clearly establish to the Purchaser, the procedures and current practices in place
which deal with alterations, modifications and re-issue of drawings from the design stage through
to the as built drawings.
Training Program
No later than three (3) months before the arrival of the Cranes, the Contractor shall provide a
comprehensive training program to cover the theoretical and practical training requirements for
the Port’s Crane operators, electrical and mechanical tradesmen and electronic technicians. The
program shall be aimed at all aspects of the Crane in the respective disciplines in order to provide
the trainees with a sound basic knowledge of the Crane(s) and their systems
The Contractor shall use the training personnel from the sub-contracted suppliers where possible
and shall not rely upon untrained trainers or site commissioning personnel.
The scope of training to be conducted for the disciplines shall be generally as outlined in 7.6.
The language used for the training shall be according to the language used in the country of
Structural Maintenance Program
The fatigue criteria in this Specification are based on producing a damage tolerant design.
Because of the scatter of fatigue performance and that usage may exceed the design
conditions, there is a risk that a structure or component may fail in service. When fatigue
cracks develop, the remaining structure should sustain the maximum working load until the
cracks are discovered. Satisfactory performance of the damage tolerant design, therefore,
depends on adequate methods of fatigue crack detection and the ability to repair or replace
the damaged component. The intent of this section is to define a method of routinely
inspecting for fatigue cracks to significantly improve the structural reliability.
The inspection intervals defined below are based on fracture mechanics calculations and
reliability analysis and on the fact that fatigue cracks can be classified as infant failures and
aging failures. The first inspection should detect infant failures and the later periodic
inspections should detect aging failures. Infant failures are primarily due to deficient
fabrication, under estimation of the fatigue damage which may be due to deficient design or
excessive loading, or a combination of all these. Aging failures are primarily due to cumulative
damage from normal operations and properly designed and manufactured components.
Since the integrity of the structure depends on the inspections and interpretation of the results
and the choice of repair, it is important for the Contractor to review all reports. So copies of all
inspection reports, reports of structural difficulties of any nature, and reports describing any
modifications will be sent the Contractor and to the Engineer.
Periodic structural inspection is required to detect cracks that have developed during the
warranty period and the life of the crane.
The Contractor shall repair, at his own cost, all defects and cracks on the cranes discovered
during the structural warranty period of ten years from the Date of issue of Taking-over
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certificate, regardless of the cause. During the first ten years after the issue of the Taking-over
certificate, the Contractor shall repair all cracks that are not the result of Purchaser’s misuse of
the crane.
No later than three (3) months before the arrival of the crane(s) the Contractor shall submit a
Structural Maintenance Program for review. The program shall be based on the principles of
fracture mechanics. This program shall include:
Inspection intervals
Locations to be inspected
NDT procedures to be used
Reporting procedures
Repair procedures
Documentation showing the parameters used to determine the inspection intervals in
accordance with the criteria specified below
The first structural inspection will be made during the defect liability period, but later than after
200,000 moves, in accordance with the Structural Maintenance Program. The inspection results
will be given to the Contractor. Within 30 days, the Contractor shall submit a plan to repair any
defects found. Upon Purchaser’s approval of the Contractor’s plan, the Contractor shall repair the
defects at his expense. The Purchaser’s independent agency will inspect the repaired defects. If
any of the repairs are not acceptable the Contractor shall make additional repairs as necessary.
The cost of the inspection of the additional repairs shall be borne by the Contractor.
Later inspections will be made according to the recommended inspection interval, which shall be
included in the Structural Maintenance Program. The inspection interval shall be determined
according to the following table “Inspection Interval Criteria”. Locations where the cumulative
damage ratio is less than the minimum 24-year values do not need to be included in the Structural
Maintenance Program. The first inspection period will begin after completion of the first inspection
during Defect Liability Period.
The inspection method shall be selected to detect fatigue cracks. Only the critical locations need to
be inspected by NDT. The critical locations on all members are those locations where fatigue
cracks, if any, would be expected to initiate. The inspected region shall extend a reasonable
distance beyond the critical point. MT shall be used at the critical locations of filet welds and UT
shall be used at the critical locations of butt welds. VT shall be used at all locations of potential
fatigue cracks.
The Contractor shall provide permanent access ladders and platforms at all inspection locations,
with inspection intervals of 12 years or less. Access shall meet applicable safety laws and
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Not allowed
Not allowed
Inspection Interval Criteria
Not allowed
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Operation Manuals
The Contractor shall provide 5-sets each of operating instruction manuals *(English and Polish
language) to the Purchaser two (2) months before the date of the first Crane departure from the
Contractor's manufacturing site.
The operating instruction manual shall clearly state the startup procedure of every device on the
Crane including all bought-in equipment, and all the points to be observed or checked during the
start up.
Corrections shall be made by the Contractor to the Manuals for any changes made in the
instructions during the commissioning period, and the revised instruction manuals shall be
submitted one (1) month after the notification of successful completion of the Tests on Completion
of the first Crane(s)
Two sets of above instructions shall be submitted in a CD ROM format.
Maintenance Manuals
The Contractor shall provide 5-sets each of maintenance manuals *(English and Polish language)
to the Purchaser two (2) months before the date of the first Crane departure from the Contractor's
manufacturing site.
The maintenance manual shall include a complete list of wearing parts showing the allowable limit
of wear for each part. The manual shall provide comprehensive ‘full function’ test documents in
accordance with format currently in use at Purchaser’s engineering department. Full function test
document shall be designed so as to determine integrity and correct operation of all system
functions, safety circuits and operating speeds of the Crane.
Maintenance and service documents shall be separated into the appropriate hourly or date time
intervals. The Purchaser will provide sample service and functional test documents following
placement of Contract.
The manual shall include maintenance intervals and procedures for all the bought-in equipment,
and also calibration instructions and standards for meters, gauges and any components which
require periodical calibration to allow calibration by the Purchaser's maintenance staff.
The relevant parts of manuals shall be revised and resubmitted as soon as practicable by the
Contractor for any changes in system or component design.
Two sets of manuals in CD ROM shall be submitted.
As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser 3 sets A1 size copies and two sets in CD ROM (English version,
pdf format) of the following as-built drawings within 30 days after the date of issue of the Taking-over
Certificate for the first Crane(s) to achieve Completion.
All drawings that were previously submitted for the Purchaser's review and revised as built as at
the shipment date.
Detailed drawings for wearing parts showing machining tolerances, wherever applicable, and wear
RTG Specification
Brake drums (or discs)
Brake pads or shoes
Anti-friction bearings
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Bearing plates
Oil seals and O-rings
Table for consumable parts of electrical machineries
All other wearing parts.
Detailed electrical control circuit drawings, control logic programs, and wiring diagrams.
Full details of all bought-in equipment, drawings instructions, etc.
List of structural connection bolts and machinery fitting bolts with tightening torque value for each
The Contractor shall revise and resubmit drawings for replacement in case any modification or
revision is made on the Works after the initial submission.
Shop Inspection and Tests
Shop Inspection and Verification
Inspection and testing of the Crane shall be performed by the Contractor to verify or demonstrate
the Crane's conformance to this Specification and the other Contract Documents, following the
approved Specific Quality Assurance Program as stated in 7.1.4.(3).
Without limitation to the Purchaser's rights under the Agreement, the Contractor and the
Purchaser shall agree to the content, nature and extent of the review, inspection and tests to be
carried out to any of the Works at each of the following stages:
Fabrication and assembly;
Upon Delivery;
Tests pursuant to the Conditions of Contract, which, if successful will lead to the issue of
a Taking-over Certificate.
Such further tests as otherwise may be required that in the opinion of the Purchaser are
pursuant to the Conditions of Contract.
The Contractor shall notify the Purchaser of the date and place of each key inspection or test, at
least three (3) weeks prior to the date when the key inspection or test is to be made.
Inspection and test items shall generally include (but not limited to) the following fundamental
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Materials and components sources and identification of standards applied.
Workmanship overall.
Inspection of Operational and Maintenance Safety, Test of all safety equipment and
safety devices.
Inspection of Operational Efficiency, Functional Test of all components equipped for
Inspection of Maintenance Efficiency, Functional Test and inspection of all equipment for
Rated Load Tests, 1/2 Loads Tests, 1/4 Load Tests and No Load Tests including
Anti-sway Function Test and Measurement of Speeds and accelerations.
Overload Tests including Stability Test and Measurement of Structural Deflection.
Operating Instruction and Maintenance Manual Review.
Weight verification as necessary.
Statutory inspection and tests.
Static Wheel Load Verification (see 7.3.2 (6))
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
The Purchaser reserves the right for itself or any party authorized by the Purchaser to inspect the
Crane or other Goods at any time including during fabrication and delivery.
Any inspection or test results verified by the Purchaser shall not waive Contractor's duties or
obligations to achieve satisfactory performance of the Crane in actual operation as set out in the
Conditions of Contract or any other obligation or liability of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser a list of designed weights of the moving loads,
namely, the trolley, head block and spreader, and any other moving loads, when the design of
these components are completed.
At the same time, Contractor shall submit a list of calculated maximum structural stresses at
critical points of the Crane structure.
The Contractor shall verify the calculated stress level by actually weighing these moving weights
after the fabrication and assembly are completed.
The weight of trolley assembly, head block assembly and spreader assembly shall be weighed by a
third party, who will issue an authorized certificate. The Certificate shall be submitted to the
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the calculated stress level within allowable
limits. If there are differences between the designed weights and the actual measured weights,
the Contractor shall re-submit calculations of all stress levels based on the true weights to show
that the levels are maintained within requirements. Any stress levels over the allowable limit will
require a redesign to be carried out by the Contractor.
The recalculation and if necessary the redesign plan shall be submitted to the Purchaser for review
no later than commencement of the pre-shipment Crane assembly load test.
Pre-Shipment Inspection and Test
The Crane is to be fully erected in the Contractor’s facility and tested prior to shipment.
The Contractor shall prepare a shop assembly and Crane erection program including all tests and
dimensions to verify the proper installation and assembly of the Crane’s components. The
drawings shall include assembly procedures, drawings, dimensional acceptance criteria, structural
member dimensional checks, structural frame alignment dimensions, structural pin and bore fits,
structural bolt torques and machinery alignments.
The Contractor shall inspect the assembly of components and Crane erection throughout the
process to verify and to be satisfied that the requirements of the Specification are being fully
complied with in all respects.
The Crane shall be fully lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation prior to
any shop testing. A lubrication checklist shall be included in the test documentation.
The assembled Crane shall be inspected and tested at the Contractor’s assembly facility. All
installations and functions shall be verified for compliance to the Specification. The Crane testing
shall include the following: -
RTG Specification
Verify trolley speed, acceleration according to Specification – General Design Criteria)
Verify hoist speeds, accelerations according to Specification – General Design Criteria)
The sway control and anti-sway system shall be set up and tuned under a range of load
conditions. Verify the sway control and the effectiveness of the mechanical anti-sway.
Skew motions.
Interlocks and limit switch settings, and software.
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Brake dynamic torque values shall be verified for each drive by driving through each
brake and calculating the braking torque from the current draw. Thermal capacity of the
brakes shall be verified in the same manner with torque, time and brake revolutions
recorded. All brakes shall have their linings properly burnished or seated to the
manufacturer's recommendations prior to conducting these tests.
Check structural alignment and integrity.
Inspect and demonstrate that all electrical wiring and wiring components are installed
and properly marked.
The Crane’s static wheel loads shall not exceed the declared wheel loads. Should any Crane’s
static wheel load exceed any such wheel load this shall constitute a Defect and the Contractor shall
not be entitled to dispute this on any grounds or in any circumstances. The Contractor shall be
required to carry out appropriate and accurate tests in order to identify the static wheel loads of
the completely assembled Crane complete with the rated load throughout the range of trolley
travel. These tests shall verify that the static wheel loads do not exceed the declared wheel loads
defined in the Form of Tender. These tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Purchaser or
his representative.
Shipment, Delivery and Site Work
Clearance for Shipment
The Crane(s) shall be totally assembled in the Contractor's yard and tested for functions of all the
devices before shipment. The Load test is essential to be performed in the Contractor's yard.
Heat run tests and operational check of interlocks and safety devices shall be performed through
the permanent control gear and components installed on the crane in the Contractor's yard.
The Engineer shall check pre-shipment test data and issue a formal approval before the cranes are
loaded onto the delivery vessel.
Notification of ETA Site
The Crane shall be in fully assembled condition when delivered to the quayside of the Port.
The Contractor shall notify the Purchaser of the estimated time of arrival of the marine transport
vessel ("ETA") which is carrying the Goods (or any part of the Goods) at least 14 days prior to
such ETA. Upon receiving such notice, the Purchaser shall tentatively allocate a berth at Site for
delivery and unloading of the Goods. The Contractor shall confirm to the Purchaser the date of
actual departure of the vessel from the loading port and thereafter the daily Noon position of the
vessel together with an up-dated ETA by daily facsimile transmission to the Purchaser. The exact
berthing time and berthing position for the vessel shall be agreed and fixed at least one day prior
to the ETA between the Purchaser and the Contractor based on the Contractor's daily position and
ETA report.
The Crane shall be rolled off or lifted off from a vessel onto the designated position of the quay,
then shifted to a designated test position by the Contractor. Such operations shall in no way
over-stress any part of the piled quay deck or the yard. Specifically any loads on the quay apron
waterside, of the waterside crane rail beam; (overhung slab) is prohibited.
Navigation Requirement
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The Contractor shall be responsible for following all necessary procedures to ensure the safe
passages of vessels whilst navigating in the Port. The Contractor shall maintain close contacts with
the relevant Maritime Authorities in the country of operation.
The Cranes aviation warning lights shall be kept illuminated continually from the time the vessel
carrying the crane approaches the Harbor. The temporary power source for the warning lights
shall be prepared by the Contractor.
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Berthing and Roll-off Requirements
The time allowed for the vessel to stay at the Purchaser's berth for the delivery and unloading of
the Goods shall be as provided for in the Conditions of Contract calculated from the agreed time of
berthing as set out in 7-4.2 (2) above notwithstanding the actual time of the berthing of the
The vessel must leave the berth as soon as practicable after completion of the unloading
regardless of the above time limit. The Contractor shall inform to the Purchaser the estimated time
of departure ("ETD") of the vessel at least four (4) hours before such ETD.
All the necessary calculations, design, engineering, preparation works and clean up works for the
roll-off and shifting the Crane to a designated test position and testing at the Site shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. The preparation works shall include obtaining necessary technical
information of the quay and the Port generally from outside consulting engineers and elsewhere as
necessary, and obtaining necessary clearance or permit for the works from government offices and
all other competent authorities concerned.
The Contractor shall have obtained all necessary approval, clearance, permits etc. required for the
site works prior to the vessel departing from the Contractor’s facility
Customs Clearance
Refer to the Conditions of Contract
Work Permits
All engineer/supervisors dispatched for start-up, testing and training shall obtain proper working visas for
the Purchasers Site which must be valid for the entire estimated period of stay.
Site Safety and Security
The Contractor shall comply with the Purchaser's security requirements for making entry or exit to
and from the Port, and inside the Port.
The Contractor and its subcontractors shall be responsible for protecting their own plant, tools,
temporary site offices and other belongings from weather, fire or theft. The Crane and other
Works shall be protected by the Contractor from fire, collision and any other possible risk until the
Crane or other Works are Taken-over by the Purchaser.
Erection All Risk insurance, Third Party Liability insurance, Workmen’s Compensation insurance and
other necessary insurances shall be secured and maintained by the Contractor
Site Erection Area and Access
Refer to Conditions of Contract
Site Office Communication
The Contractor shall at his own cost provide for the installation of a telephone line for outside call and
facsimile purposes.
Test Weight
The load test weights shall be provided by the Purchaser for the load testing and adjustment of the Crane.
Water, Electricity Supply
The Contractor shall at his own cost provide for the installation of suitable metering equipment, supply fix
and dismantle after use all pipe work, valves, meters, cables, switchgear etc. and shall pay for the cost of
supply of water, diesel and electricity that he may require for any purpose.
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Contractor’s Representatives
One English / Local Language speaking principal site engineer shall be dispatched prior to arrival of
the Crane(s) to plan and coordinate the work and to communicate with and report to the
Purchaser. He shall stay in the Purchaser’s locality for the entire period from delivery to Taking–
over of the Crane to the Purchaser.
Sufficient number of qualified start-up engineers and training engineers shall be dispatched to the
Port to handover the Cranes in an expeditious manner.
The Contactor shall provide a qualified and competent Electro/Mechanical Service Engineer to
remain on Site for a period of 9 months after issue of the final Taking-over Certificate. The
Contactors Service Engineer will be required to provide support to the Purchaser’s maintenance
engineers, assist with fault diagnosis and identification and to liaise with the Contractor’s office
Site Inspection and Tests, Certification
Tests on Completion
The Crane or other Works shall be verified at Site as operational and safe under any load
conditions prior to the Tests on Completion. Only minor items pertaining to maintainability which
do not affect the safety of operations or maintenance work may be allowed by the Purchaser as a
pending item for correction at the time of the Commissioning Certificate. These items shall form
part of the Defects List.
The Tests on Completion which will be as defined in the agreed Tests on Completion Procedure.
(See Clause 7.2.8) The Contractor shall show the Purchaser by documentation or by physical
demonstration (in either case as determined by the Purchaser) that all functions of the Crane or
other Works are safe and conform to the Agreement. The Contractor shall correct or modify
whatever aspect is found unsafe. The Crane(s) and shall pass the statutory tests, which will be
carried out and witnessed by the Purchaser’s Representative.
Application for inspection for the Commissioning Tests must be submitted to the Purchaser's in
writing at least 2 days prior to the intended inspection date.
Defects List
The Purchaser or his representative shall be allowed to gain access to any part of the Crane(s) or
other Goods during their assembly at the Contractors facility and at any other time for the
purposes of inspecting part or completed works. If in their opinion certain parts of the works do
not meet with the requirements of the Agreement, or is deemed as bad practice or poor
workmanship, then these shall be noted as a defect and informed to the Contractor in a list.
The compilation and provision of this list by the Purchaser or his representative will in no way
relieve the Contractor from his obligation to provide defect free Crane(s) or other Goods.
Rectification Report
The Contractor will be obliged to correct these defects and any other defects before the Tests on
Completion or within an appropriate timeframe approved by the Purchaser.
The rectification of defects in the defects list shall be carried out in a thorough and workmanlike
manner. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Purchaser a rectification report that
confirms defect completion together with a description of the action taken.
Endurance Test
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The Endurance Test forms part of the Tests on Completion. The Crane(s) shall be required to
undergo a test to demonstrate the combined operation of all Crane systems and the reliability of
the components. The endurance test shall consist of repetitive cycling as follows whilst handling
the Crane’s rated load
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Pick up the container from roadway.
Hoist 15 meters.
Trolley forward 15 meters.
Lower 15 meters on to ground.
Wait 5 seconds.
Hoist 15 meters.
Trolley reverse 15 meters.
Lower 15 meters on to ground.
Unlatch and hoist 1 meter.
Lower 1 meter and latch.
Repeat the above cycle
After each 30 minutes operation the Crane(s) shall gantry for a minimum of 125 meters
to a transfer position, the wheel rotated through 90 degree, wait for 1 minute, wheels
rotated through 90 degree and the Crane gantry back to the original test position.
This cycle is a preliminary proposal and the final test cycle shall be determined by the Crane
configuration and in agreement with the Purchaser.
The cycling test shall be continued for a period of 24 hours, minor malfunctions which only require
single reset will be accepted during the first 16 hours but the final 8 hours shall be fault free. In
the event of a malfunction during the final 8 hours, the test shall be repeated until 8 hours of
trouble free operation has been logged.
Throughout the period of testing the current, voltage, speed, main drive mechanism temperature,
noise and vibration shall be recorded at intervals of 60 minutes. Any malfunctions or problems and
any remedial action taken during the test shall be recorded.
Taking-over Certificate
The Taking-over Certificate will be issued on successful completion of the Tests on Completion
(including the Endurance Test), training as defined in Clause 7.5 and issuing of a Proof Load
Certificate from an independent inspection authority acceptable to the local authorities.
Access for Remedial Work
Following the issue of the Commissioning Certificate, the Contractor shall be allowed access to the Crane(s)
for remedial work only with the approval of the Purchaser.
Training & Support
Training Off-Site
In advance of delivery of the crane, Contractor shall provide a 7 Day classroom/practical training course
for four (4) supervisory maintenance engineers (Two Electrical Techs & Two Mechanics) at the
manufacturing plant. Documentation is to be presented in English and Polish language. Cost of Training,
Documentation, Economy air tickets (From and to Purchasers Site), accommodation and subsistence to
be to the Contractor’s account.
Training On-Site (Operators)
The Contractor shall carry out the operator training of the Purchaser's staff during the on-site
commissioning period and for a period of seven (7) days following the Tests on Completion of the Crane or
other Works. The training shall be conducted by qualified Contractor’s trainers. The training shall cater for
approximately three (3) groups of operators and the content shall include but not be limited to the
following: (1)
Instruction and hands-on training of the cranes start-up procedure.
Instruction on lighting control.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Instruction and hands-on training of normal container handling operation in the cab.
Instruction and hands-on training of normal shutdown procedure.
Instruction on the use of equipment for emergency.
Emergency stop buttons
Escape route
Fire-fighting equipment
Training On-Site (Maintenance)
The Contractor shall carry out the maintenance training of the Purchaser's staff during the commissioning
period and for a period of five (5) days following the Tests on Completion of the Crane or other Works. The
training shall be conducted by suitable Contractor and Crane or other Goods component supplier trainers.
The training shall cater for approximately two (2) groups of electrical maintenance staff, and two (2) groups
of mechanical maintenance staff and the content of the training shall include but not be limited to the
following: (1)
Instruction and hands-on training of starting and shutdown procedure.
Instruction and explanation of all the devices on the Crane (separately for electrical and
mechanical staff).
Instruction of Start-stop procedure and checking points of all the devices or systems on the Crane.
Lectures on electrical/electronic control systems of the Crane and adjustment method/standards
both in a classroom and on the Crane. This shall include an appropriate period dedicated to the
PLC (and electronic drive regulator if fitted) by the component Vendor’s qualified trainer. This shall
also include an appropriate period dedicated to the spreader by the component Vendor’s qualified
Lectures on mechanical/hydraulic systems of the Crane and adjustment method/standard both in a
classroom and on the Crane.
Lectures on Condition Monitoring System on the Crane and in a classroom.
Inspection and Maintenance of Operationally Critical Components.
Instruction on troubleshooting and repair.
Instruction on emergency equipment.
Emergency stop buttons
Escape route
Fire-fighting equipment
Instruction on routine maintenance of devices and preventive maintenance plan, including
explanation of special tools, gauges or jigs.
Training for Critical Components (On Site)
The operationally critical components (see 2.10) shall be defined and the Contractor shall prepare and
present training on this subject separately. As a minimum, the following components shall be considered as
Operationally Critical:
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Spreader and Head-block Twistlocks
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Training & Service Visits following Taking Over (On Site)
Six months after Taking Over the first crane, the Contractor shall provide one week service
visit by competent, qualified service engineer for purpose of checking crane systems,
preventive maintenance schedules and providing further, more detailed maintenance
Two months prior to the end of the Defect Liability Period, Contractor to provide one week
service visit by competent, qualified service engineer for purpose of checking crane systems
prior to the Warranty expiring.
Spare Parts
Availability Spare Parts
Hoisting Wire Ropes
Hoist Drum Coupling
Hoist Brakes
Steel Structure of the Crane
The Contractor shall warrant in writing its capability for providing spare parts, spare components,
and repair and/or replacement services for a period of 15 years after date of issue of the Takingover Certificate for each crane.
Spare parts for Commissioning Work
The spare parts for the commissioning work shall be provided by the Contractor in addition to the
Ordered Spare Parts.
The Contractor shall indemnify the Purchaser against any cost, loss or damage if the operational
Crane(s) suffers stoppage due to the unavailability of an Ordered Spare Part which has been
consumed by the Contractor during the commissioning period and not replaced before the issue of
the Commissioning Certificate.
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Appendix 1 – Document Submittals
List of Drawings / Calculations to be reviewed by the Purchaser (Minimum Requirements)
(Information required to be submitted after confirmation of order)
Drawings and Specifications
Crane General Arrangement
Operator Visibility Diagram showing line of vision for operator within container stack
Trolley General Arrangement
Head-block General Arrangement
Spreader General Arrangement
Spreader Twist Locks Assembly
Head-block Twist Lock Assembly
Gantry Wheels & Equipment General Arrangement
Collector Trolley and Drive In System for main power supply General Arrangement
Electrical House General Arrangement
Engine General Arrangement
Operator’s Cab General Arrangement
Control Consoles & Chair Layout in the cab
Steering System Arrangement including Auto Steering if ordered
Top Beam / Trolley Rail Clamp Arrangement
Tie Down Equipment (Gantry, Trolley – if applicable)
Walkways, Stairs & Platforms Layouts and Details
Rope Reeving Diagram with Rope End Fixing Details
Main Hoist Drive Arrangement
Trolley Drive Unit Arrangement
Gantry Drive Arrangement
Trimming Device Arrangement
Skewing Device Arrangement
Wheels (Gantry and Trolley) Detail
Sheaves Detail with material, treatment and profile
One Line Diagram
Electrical Schematic Diagram
PLC Ladder Logic Diagram
Control Panels General Arrangement
Switch Gears General Arrangement
Annunciation Messages
Power Cable Specification and Sectional Dimension Drawing
Main Hoist Load – Speed Curve
Checker’s Cab General Arrangement
Air Conditioners
Anti-Collision System
CCTV System
All main structure general and detailed drawings.
All other structural general and detailed drawings as requested by BCT’s reviewing engineer.
All other mechanical general and detailed drawings as requested by BCT’s reviewing engineer.
All other electrical arrangement drawings as requested by BCT’s reviewing engineer.
All loading, shipping, sea-fastening, and unloading drawings (arrangements and details)
Calculations and Data
Stability Calculations (including Dynamic Snag Load Condition)
Wheel Loads and Tie Down Loads Calculations
Peak Power Consumption Calculations
Stress Calculation for Critical Areas of Structure
Noise Calculations
Trolley Buffer Load Calculations
Gantry Braking Capacity and Braking Distance Calculations (under various wind load conditions
up to braking limit)
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Main Drive Motor sizing calculations
Main Drive Motor Selection & Configuration Data
Wire Rope Fleet Angle Calculations
Quay Loading Calculations for Roll-off Operations and Commissioning
Hoisting and Trolley Brakes Calculations
Structural Maintenance Program
All other structural, mechanical, and electrical calculations as requested by BCT’s reviewing
Appendix 2 – Inspection / Test Control Sheets
The following six sheets provide a guide to the minimum inspection, test, reports and certifications which are
required by the Purchaser.
Codes depicted in the Inspection / Test Control Sheets are defined as follows:
By the Contractor
Mill Certificate to be submitted
Inspection Report to be submitted
Test Report to be submitted
By the Purchaser, Engineer or Engineer’s Representative
RTG Specification
Certificates or reports to be produced
Inspection / Test to be witnessed for 100% of the Works
Inspection / Test to be witnessed at random for 5% - 20% of the Works
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Top Beams
Trolley Structure Frame
Head-block Frame
Spreader Frame
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note
Side beams
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Wheel Yoke Structure
Breaking Test
Proof Load Test
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Mechanical Properties
Wheel Rim / Knave
Non Destructive Test
Chemical Properties
Main Structure
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (1 of 6)
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RTG Technical Specification
Mechanical Properties
Machinery Equipment
Rope Drum
(Head-block & Spreader
Rope Sheave
Wheels (Gantry & Trolley)
Wire Rope
(Main Hoist)
Hydraulic Unit (Wheel Turn
& Anti-sway)
RTG Specification
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note )
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Breaking Test
Proof Load Test
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Non Destructive Test
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
Chemical Properties
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (2 of 6)
Page 105 of 113
Devices Subassembly
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Page 106 of 113
Gantry Drives
Main Hoist Drive
Head Block
Anti-sway Device
Trolley Drive
Trim / Skew Device
Steering System
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Breaking Test
Proof Load Test
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Non Destructive Test
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
Mechanical Properties
Chemical Properties
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (3 of 6)
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Breaking Test
Dimensional Check
Proof Load Test
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Non Destructive Test
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
Mechanical Properties
Devices Subassembly
(Sheet 2 of 2)
Chemical Properties
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (4 of 6)
T ( T )
( W 1 )
Air Conditioner in
Operators Cab & Electrical
Operators Cab, Cab
Fittings and Control
Trolley Assembly
Engine Bay
Electrical House
Note: 1. Item in ( ) shall be carried out at Site.
2. Load Test includes Rated Load Test, Overload Test and Intermediate Load Test
RTG Specification
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Electrical Equipment
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SCR Unit
AC Motor
Magnetic Brake
Induction Motor
Control Panel
Limit Switches
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Breaking Test
Proof Load Test
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Non Destructive Test
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
Mechanical Properties
Chemical Properties
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (5 of 6)
RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Crane Assembly
1 W3
( W 1 )( W 1 )
( W 3 )
Preparation work for Ship/Pack
Deflection Measurement
Load Test (Note
Characteristics Test
Insulation Test
Dielectric Test
Function or Heat Run Test
Breaking Test
Proof Load Test
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection and Weather
Protection Check
Non Destructive Test
Welding Process and Welder
Edge Preparation check & Visual
Inspection of Welds
Mechanical Properties
Total Crane Assembly,
Spare Parts,
Accessories and
Chemical Properties
RTG Cranes
Inspection Sheet (6 of 6)
(T) (T)
( W 1 )( W 1 )( W 1 )
( W 1 )( W 1 )
Spare Parts
W 1 W1
( W 1 )
Wear Gauges
( W 1 )
W 1 W1
( W 1 )
( W 1 )
Ro-Ro Method Statement
& Program
W 1
Operating Instructions
W 1
Maintenance Manual
Oil & Lubricant List
1. Item in ( ) shall be carried out at Site
2. Load Test includes rated load test, overload test and intermediate load test.
3. The vertical deflection of the top beams shall be measured at rated load and overload. Vertical and horizontal
measurements of trolley rails and top beam straightness at no load shall be recorded.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Appendix 3 – Corporate Colors and Decals
In accordance with Clause 6.3.5 (Paint systems) of the Technical Specification for RTG Crane, the following paint
color scheme based on the RAL standard shall be used for the final finish coat. For comparison, the original
register cards issued by RAL shall be the controlling reference.
Traffic Orange
RAL 2009
Main Steel Structure
Wheel Yokes, Axles & Rims
Bogie Beams
Hydraulic Power Units & Cylinders
Traffic White
RAL 9016
Operators Cabin
Electrical House
Exterior only
Exterior & Interior
Traffic Yellow
RAL 1023
Excluding Flippers
Treads of Stairways shall be left in
galvanized condition
Traffic Red
RAL 3020
Gather Guides on Spreader
Gantry Travel Guides
Pastel Green
RAL 6019
Traffic Grey
RAL 7042
Operators Cabin
The steel structure of end of travel
buffer and cylinders.
Around machinery, wheels, couplings
Including hoops
Around wheels
Interior except floor
Floor of Operators Cabin
Floor of Electrical House
The asset number to be provided after the Contract Agreement.
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RTG Technical Specification
Technical Specification – RTG Crane
RTG Crane Telescopic Spreader
In accordance with Clause 6.4.3 (2) of the Technical Specification for the RTG Crane, the following selfadhesive laser cut decals and signage shall be fitted to the spreader (local language) in the positions defined
using a font of Arial Bold in Black Colour:
To be applied each side of Spreader Center Section.
150mm High.
To be applied on the cabin side only and directly beneath the
SWL decals.
100mm High.
This is the Asset Number for each spreader to be applied each
side in the lower right hand corner.
80mm High
To be applied on the Non Cabin Side only, directly beneath the
SWL decal.
100mm High.
SWL 12.5 MT
This is the Safe Working Load of each Pad Eye. To be applied
adjacent to each Pad Eye.
50mm High
All above decals are additional to Manufacturers Serial Number Plate, Safety, Length Indication and
Maintenance decals.
The Contractor shall submit a drawing showing locations, specification and dimension of all decals for approval
by the Purchaser prior to manufacture.
Spreader manufacturer’s nameplate will be permitted but the size and position shall be approved by the
Purchaser before manufacture.
RTG Crane
Decals applied in 8 positions on each crane, white background and black letters.
RTG Specification
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
Appendix 4 – RTG roadways and limitation of outside RTG dimensions
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Technical Specification – RTG Crane
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RTG Specification
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