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banco patagonia - FeaturedCustomers
BUSINESS WHITE PAPER / FINANCIAL SERVICES BANCO PATAGONIA We’re Reducing the Time to Market. BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary. . . . . 2 Executive Summary Banco Patagonia believes that he who knows the most about their customer Background. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 and can take relevant action in the quickest time frame will likely be the winner in the financial services marketplace. A strong commitment to customer first philosophies requires an even stronger set of disciplines, Time for a Change . . . . . . 5 processes, and employee dedication that can be greatly enabled by tech- nologies. Having the right product or the right offer for a particular customer or segment, and being able to deliver that offer in the right time frame via Solution Selection and Implementation. . . . . 6 the customer’s preferred channel is what the team at Banco Patagonia is most passionate about. Headquartered in Buenos Aires, Banco Patagonia has rapidly become one of the top financial services providers in all of Argentina. While customer Impact on the Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 first philosophies helped drive a significant portion of that growth during the past 5 decades, growth by acquisition was also a key strategy for the bank. With each new acquisition the business became more diverse and the underlying technology infrastructure became increasingly difficult to harness in fulfillment of their customer centric visions. An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) project supported by Teradata infrastructure was deployed in 2003 following a very large acquisition. While the EDW helped unify many financial and operational data sets to provide a more complete view of customers, the ability of Banco Patagonia’s marketing team to take direct control of the campaign management process was severely ham- pered by the lack of an automated customer relationship software solution. Following best practices, the marketing and IT teams collaborated on specifying the exact needs of a new campaign management solution and what the logical business outcomes would be if they were successful. By eliminating bottlenecks in the manual process, the collaborators realized they could reduce the time to market, save money, and likely deliver smarter response rates through a more differentiated customer experience across multiple segments and channels. But underneath all of the business out- comes analysis and the establishment of specific project objectives, there were distinct tones of frustration, anguish, and underachievement given both marketing and IT’s inability to fully deliver on the customer relationship vision. Passion often does that. EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 2 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. Following a careful and well vetted evaluation process, Background Teradata® Relationship Manager as the solution of choice. Banco Patagonia is an Argentine commercial bank head- considerable backing from both IT and marketing across largest bank in Argentina serving more than ¾ of a million place for implementation, training, and adoption supported corporate, public, and finance banking segments. Listed sional services group. The solution went live in August of Bovespa, Banco Patagonia is a publicly traded company functional and technical specifications. the outstanding shares will be held by Banco do Brasil, the the multi-disciplinary team at Banco Patagonia selected Teradata’s technical solution and support staff earned quartered in Buenos Aires. The company is currently the 6th a diverse set of criteria. An aggressive timeline was put in customers in the retail, small and medium size business, at each step by a dedicated team from Teradata’s profes- on both the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and Brazil’s 2009, on-time, on-budget, and in accordance with both and in the near future (regulatory approval pending) 51% of Within a very short period of time the anticipated process largest financial institution in Latin America. improvements began to materialize. Able to control their Originally established as a brokerage house in 1976, the ing team was quickly able to reduce time to market by a late 1980’s through the acquisition of Finagen, the financ- campaigns executed in a give quarter increased, while the Mildesa, a commercial banking entity. Following more than relevance, integrate channels, and drive superior results for Banco de Rio Negro and was subsequently renamed after own campaign segmentation and execution, the market- company entered into the automobile loan business in the significant, if not staggering, amount of time. The number of ing arm of Volkswagen in Argentina and became Banco quality of those campaigns helped reduced waste, improve a decade of growth, the bank acquired the newly privatized the entire enterprise. Rio Negro’s home region of Patagonia in 2000. Additional The return on investment in Teradata® Relationship Manager the insolvent Banco Sudameris in 2003, whose portfolio will meet the cost-savings only standards used by Banco Patagonia in evaluating technology investments. It will also continue to have a positive impact on generating revenue and profitability as the vision of right product, right offer, acquisitions were made as Patagonia gained control of included Caja de Ahorro, the nation’s largest savings and loan, and absorbed the Argentine operations of Lloyds TSB Bank in the following year. right segment, and right channel in the most responsive Today, the company is a diversified financial services firm tant, the entire business process transformation enabled ARS as of 12/31/09) and over 2,700 employees. Revenues passion of those dedicated to serving customers the Banco exceeding US$100 million (ARS 448.8 million), a 68% time frame delivers real competitive advantage. Most impor- with more than US$ 2.5 billion in total assets (9.759 billion by Teradata Relationship Manager will continue to fuel the in 2009 topped the US$ 375 million mark with net income Patagonia way. increase vs. 2008. The bank has a nationwide network of branches and ATM’s and is one of the few financial service institutions with physical presence in all Argentine provinces. A strong service orientation has enabled Patagonia to direct its focus on the customer and simplify the way a customer does business with a bank. Products and services include savings accounts; credit and debit cards; consumer, housing and EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 3 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. student loans; time deposits, mutual funds, foreign currency trading, safety deposit boxes, bill payments, bank transfer, and remittance services. It also provides insurance services related to retirement and pension; automobile and home property insurance; life and accident insurance and holds a clear leadership position in payroll services to the public sector in Argentina plus a relevant and increasing market share in the private business and corporate sector. But the path to success was full of challenges created by the absorption of many entities over the years. Each of these institutions had their own systems and processes, Mission To be active participants in offering financial products and services to our customers and highly responsive to their needs, by providing an expressed care for the quality of customer service, in a place where our employees can access opportunities for personal and professional development, all framed in the search for a profitable, growing organization. Vision To become a leading bank in the transaction banking marketplace, with a strong presence throughout Argentina. and the resulting information technology and operational environments were often in silos. The lack of data management principles across units often led to inefficiencies Neve’s team quickly adopted the Teradata logical data Sudameris, it became evident to senior leadership that a wide range of information sources into a clean, common and resulting higher expenses. By the 2003 acquisition of comprehensive data warehouse solution was required. “Data brings competitive advantage,” notes José Luis Neve, Chief Information Officer at Banco Patagonia, “and the development of an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) was an essential step in achieving our vision of becoming a leading bank in all transaction categories with a strong presence throughout Argentina.” Harnessing the expertise and technical prowess of Teradata, Banco Patagonia deployed a new EDW platform in 2003 and never looked back. model for financial services (FS-LDM) and integrated a structure for standardized processing, reporting, analytics, and accessibility by the business users. “The EDW played an important role in helping grow our business,” notes Neve, and the entire organization quickly learned to leverage information into daily operations, branch level profitability metrics, performance improvement, and overall customer service. As the customer view became more complete, and customer level profitability measures became reality, the ability to conduct highly segmented campaigns with the right offer through all available channels was increasingly vital to the bank’s growth strategy and resulting profitability. With campaign success came increased utilization. “Data brings competitive advantage, and the development of an enterprise data warehouse was an essential step in achieving our vision of becoming a leading bank in all transaction categories with a strong presence throughout Argentina.” José Luis Neve, Chief Information Officer at Banco Patagonia Marketing users required speed, agility, and increased independence from IT resources to further refine their segmentation schemes; yet extending accessibility was technically challenging and had to abide by the ever increasing complexities of customer data confidentiality. Federico Lojo, Banco Patagonia’s Data Warehouse Man- ager on Neve’s team, clearly felt the concerns of all and he heard a chorus of “more, more, faster, faster” coupled with market dynamics that we changing every day. “It was not a pleasant situation,” noted Lojo, “it was time to do something.” EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 4 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. Time for a Change changing dynamics of the Argentine market and Patagonia Banco Patagonia’s EDW was maturing and by 2008 uncovered because of a lack of speed in getting to market. had been active for more than 5 years. Using Teradata was not able to fully capitalize on all the opportunities infrastructure and the FS-LDM, the EDW was capable of Instead of applying action plans and insights from the IT products, channels, profitability, transactions, campaign operating tasks. Once they received the segmentation ness units across the bank. segmentation criteria before delivering targeted customer The campaign management process had always been a defined credit limits, first had to assess the individuals providing a wide range of information about customers, produced data sets, marketing analysts were focused on performance, credit, and operational risk to different busi- files from IT they had to manipulate the datasets to apply challenge at the bank. Marketing wanted flexibility and speed of execution. Their ideal state was defined by a system whereby they could conduct their own market segmentation in advance of a specific offer or campaign. But the campaign management process was not supported by a software solution and marketing was reliant on Lojo’s EDW team for segmentation and all campaign preparation functions. Lojo explains, “since marketing analysts didn’t have direct access to exploit the data warehouse, they had full dependency on IT to make customer segmentations. We had one fulltime IT human resource responding to all marketing dataset requirements. Depending on the workload, the analysis complexity, the changing needs, the rework due to inaccurate counts, and the response time requested by marketing users, sometimes that dependency generated a bottleneck, so we had to apply more IT human resources datasets to operational touch points. Credit Risk, which included in the segmentation to confirm that each customer met the bank’s standards for lending risk. The approved file passed to the operational office, where the actual campaign tactics were deployed and offers finalized, including any production coordination with outside mailing houses or credit partners. Finally, the information had to be deployed across all channels of potential response and the operational systems used by each channel to process customer requests. The entire process could take as long as two weeks. Given the lack of integration and traceability, it was difficult to control the workflow process. Moreover, the need for human intervention in customer data manipulation and delivery was resulting in time lost, low efficiency, weak control, high risk, and low confidentiality. to accomplish marketing requirements.” Neve and Lojo knew that an automated Customer Relation- The bottleneck was starting to impact business perfor- users with the flexibility and independence to conduct their mance. The quantity of campaigns, and their overall effectiveness, were strongly correlated to the analysis and segmentation of customer and product information contained within the EDW. The longer it took to perform the segmentation, and prepare the file for marketing purposes across any one of the available channels used by Patagonia, the worse it became. New products, services, and matching customer segments were appearing rapidly given the ship Management (CRM) platform could provide marketing own customer segmentations while eliminating the risks associated with the lack of confidentiality due to manual data manipulation across each of the touch points in the campaign management process. Working with the CMO and his team, a plan to automate the process was developed in early 2008 with the following objectives: 1) The integration of all customer and prospect campaign activities, including multi-channel campaigns, in a unique CRM solution. EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 5 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. 2) Reducing time to market from up to two weeks to a few days. 3) Improving the traceability and work flow process from origination to campaign response tracking and analysis. The business users wanted agility and independence, so the platform needed to be accessible and easy to use from their perspective. Process integration needs and response analysis requirements were also identified as key priorities. Most important, marketing needed to ensure that any technical solution allowed the analysts to re-focus on the strategic elements of market segments, offers, and communications. Solution Selection and Implementation With alignment between the CMO and CIO, and a healthy on-going dialogue among their respective teams, Banco Patagonia began a search for the ideal CRM software solution in May, 2008. Third party analyst reviews of the major software systems were studied in-depth. Gartner’s evaluation methodology was preferred by Patagonia and the “magic quadrant” tool identified five (5) potential partners regarding campaign management systems. IT led the first phase of the evaluation and one vendor was eliminated given the lack of a The IT team needed to ensure that the CRM software defined presence in Argentina. After a preliminary round of fied the type of functionality that would enable marketing to make presentations and demonstrate full proof of concept. process automation that would reduce the time to market. final evaluation process. solution would integrate easily with the EDW. They speci- solution evaluations, three (3) providers were invited in to conduct their own campaign segmentation and enable the Marketing joined the presentations and collaborated on the Finally, IT was looking for a short implementation and adoption timeline. “The sooner we could select a partner, implement the solu- tion, and provide the training and support needed to rapidly adopt the tool throughout Banco Patagonia,” noted Neve, “the better off we would be from a business perspective.” Teradata Relationship Manager emerged as the clear choice. The vendor selection was based on a blend of attributes scored by both IT and marketing. The skills and capabilities of the potential partner were closely examined. Teradata was a known factor inside of Patagonia given the positive EDW experiences over the past 5 years. The flexibility and scal- ability of the solution were key performance attributes scored by the teams. Teradata Relationship Manager demonstrated “The sooner we could select a partner, implement the solution, and provide the training and support needed to rapidly adopt the tool throughout Banco Patagonia, the better off we would be from a business perspective.” José Luis Neve, Chief Information Officer at Banco Patagonia a wide variety of campaign management and segmentation approaches which satisfied both business and technical audiences. Additionally, Teradata Relationship Manager’s installed base included many other large financial services providers and clearly indicated it could scale to serve much larger organizations with massive customer database and campaign management needs. The knowledge of the bank- ing and insurance industries was especially important criteria to Patagonia and the Teradata team consistently demon- strated their insights and past experiences with respect to the business challenges Patagonia was facing. Teradata Rela- tionship Manager also passed the user friendly test imposed by marketing. It was obvious that the Teradata Relationship EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 6 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. Manager user interface had been engineered and developed “We could not have gotten the solution up and running focus. The last evaluation criteria – the ability to integrate with Neve, “and their knowledge-base, tools, and experience with the needs and attitudes of marketing personnel in sharp the EDW and be deployed quickly – left Teradata Relationship Manager as the uncontested choice for both technical and business team members. Banco Patagonia and Teradata reached an agreement in March, 2009. 4½ month timeline involving two data warehouse analysts from the bank with solid EDW expertise and two Teradata professional services consultants. Project leaders from both sides past experience with other Teradata Relationship Manager implementations to avoid the unexpected. Business Units Channels implementation.” As the implementation process unfolded, and training/ IT and marketing personnel met and decided to move one data warehouse team member to marketing on a permanent basis. The underlying knowledge of the data structure contained within the Teradata system allowed this resource consultants were instrumental in helping Patagonia throughout the implementation period and consistently applied their allowed us to focus on the data warehouse side of the adoption needs came into the overall project plan, Patagonia The implementation project plan specified an aggressive were also involved. The Teradata professional services in the time frame specified without their help,” comments to provide an exceptional level of hands on support for the on-going utilization of the solution inside the marketing team. Teradata Relationship Manager went live on time on August 7, 2009. Credit Risk Operational Office Marketing • Letter Mailing • Credit Card Pre-issuing • Credit Card Limit Upgrade Alert to make credit qualification MicroStrategy Teradata Relationship Manager Analytic Applications BI Monitor • Customer understanding across the business • Complex analysis upon demand • Campaign Effectiveness tracking Loan Pre-issuing Lead Republication Teradata EDW { Propensity to Buy Predictive Models Lead Responsive Transactional Systems External Systems/ Companies EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 7 OF 9 SGC Contact Manager System Call Centers Bantotal Product Logistics Credit Card Companies Mailing Company BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. Solution’s Components Database Teradata V2R6 Platform Teradata 5450E 2-Node System Cabinet Users Teradata Relationship Manager: 10 (5 concurrent) Operating System UNIX MP-RAS Storage 1TB Teradata Utilities Teradata Tools & Utilities: MultiLoad, BTEQ, FastExport, ODBC Driver, JDBC Driver, Administrator, Teradata Manager Tools/ Applications Teradata Relationship Manager, MicroStrategy, PASW 13 (Clementine), DTS Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Teradata Database: 35 (10 concurrent) DBAs 3 Data Model Logical: FS-LDM Physical: 3rd Normal Form Impact on the Business “We went from 2 weeks lead time to execute certain cam- As expected, the initial impact felt by Banco Patagonia has gotten a lot better since Teradata Relationship Manager.” was on the process and work flow side of the equation. paigns to 1 day,” confirms a smiling Federico Lojo. “My life Segmentation and campaign planning were 100% controlled The streamlined work flow and the speed to market allowed and channels gave them access to a single view of work of absolute time. Within 6 months of solution adoption, had the almost immediate impact of putting the market- than 20% providing both an opportunity for more customer campaign timelines while providing the ability to monitor ated with the communications. by marketing and direct interactions with credit, operations, Patagonia to execute more campaigns in the same period flow across the enterprise. Teradata Relationship Manager the number of marketing campaigns increased by more ing analysts in control of all customer information and and understand what was occurring from both a process and outcomes perspective. Speed in campaign execution improved significantly. touches and a more consistent cadence and pattern associ- But it wasn’t just the quantity of campaigns, it was quality. Teradata Relationship Manager gave the analysts more precision in defining segmentation criteria. Complex analysis could now be done on demand. The strategic side of marketing flowed out of the combination of better insight and “We went from 2 weeks lead time to execute certain campaigns to 1 day. My life has gotten a lot better since Teradata Relationship Manager.” Federico Lojo, Banco Patagonia’s Data Warehouse Manager more time away from operational tasks. Since campaign results were being fed back to the EDW through the busi- ness intelligence tools, a rapid learning/recalibration cycle began which allowed Patagonia to improve precision, lower outbound quantities per campaign, improve both channel and offer relevance. Contact optimization had significant business impact both from a cost reduction perspective and increased customer response. EB-6271 > 1110 > PAGE 8 OF 9 BANCO PATAGONIA / We’re Reducing the Time to Market. TERADATA.COM Within 6 months of the Teradata Relationship Manager And, given marketing’s independence, fewer resources were deployment, sales per campaign increased an average of needed in IT during campaign crunch times. Bottlenecks versus the previous year. Less waste in campaign man- environment were significantly reduced. 10%, a significant contribution to the bank’s 2009 results agement meant additional savings versus pre- Teradata Relationship Manager time frames. While Teradata Relationship Manager was generating the expected impact, if not more, on the marketing functions at Banco Patagonia, the impact on IT was also significant. Campaign information was being fed back to the EDW and improved decision making capabilities (near real time) were now available to the data warehouse teams. Enhanced flexibility gave IT improved responsiveness to internal customers and allowed EDW analysts to devise new approaches to unexpected problems on the fly. The data warehouse team implemented daily execution of propensity to buy predictive models within the EDW, further refining marketing effectiveness. The result was to extend data warehousing capabilities to support many operational business processes and improve organizational agility, all from the perspective of the customer. Additionally, the Teradata Relationship Manager deployment had eliminated many concerns over data security and customer privacy by removing the manual file adjustments across several internal departments. were avoided and the costs associated with the previous Lojo estimates that “cost savings alone will produce a return on investment within 36 months” of Teradata Relationship Manager’s initial deployment. He bases his estimate on known cost reductions from process automation, improved efficiencies, and less head count applied to manual proce- dures. Additionally, his ROI calculations include reductions in marketing spend due to the elimination of waste and certain external fees from third party service providers no longer needed. While this approach is conservative, and the sales generating impact of Teradata Relationship Manager has already proved to be significant, the true ROI is undeniable to CIO Neve. “It is a matter of organizational agility,” he describes, “the ability to think in terms of customers, understand behaviors, build processes, analyze segments, and trans- late that focus into action. That’s what gives us competitive advantage. Teradata Relationship Manager has enabled us to move quickly from talking about customer relationships to applying a customer centric philosophy across each and every aspect of our business.” And future enhancements are being planned which will enable continued contact optimization, including the ability to send customized emails to customers along with their “Teradata Relationship Manager has enabled us to move quickly from talking about customer relationships to applying a customer centric philosophy across each and every aspect of our business.” José Luis Neve, Chief Information Officer at Banco Patagonia credit card and account statements. The team also seeks to add web analytics capabilities to the system for tracking and analysis of customer interactions in the on-line channel. “Our willingness to share ideas about customers, products, and programs has increased dramatically since Teradata Relationship Manager,” concluded Lojo, “and now everybody can participate in the process of doing what Banco Patagonia does best – serving customers.” Teradata, the Teradata logo, and Raising Intelligence are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S or worldwide. Teradata continually improves products as new technologies and components become available. Teradata, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed in all parts of the world. Consult your Teradata representative or for more information. Copyright © 2010 by Teradata Corporation All Rights Reserved. Produced in U.S.A. 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