May 2016 - Before and After Schools Services
May 2016 - Before and After Schools Services
1151 NE Colbern Road, LS, MO 64086 (816) 986986-3440 May 2016 Dear BASS Families, Another year is coming to a close in a few short weeks, BASS has had a wonderful year as the department goal has been “Super Spaces”. No doubt you have seen some “Super Spaces” take form over this year at your BASS location. Reading Super Spaces have been successful! It has been reported that kids have enjoyed more reading time at their own initiative. Older Kids Super Spaces have given opportunity for our 3rd - 6th grade to have some time in their own space to engage in more complex and age appropriate activities. “Super Spaces” have encouraged staff to be creative and have caused each site to make the most out of shared space. Instead of kids playing in the atmosphere of a school cafeteria, “Super Spaces” enhances the comfort of the shared space. Carpet, soft chairs, special lighting, color coordination and much more goes into a “Super Spaces”. A few pictures of the “Super Spaces” across the BASS programs are provided. The BASS team endeavors this year of “Super Spaces” have truly helped engage the learning and fun for kids while in BASS. 5/2 16-17 School Year 5/6 Early Bird Deadline 16-17 School Year 5/23 Last day of school Early Release 5/24 First Day of Summer Camp 5/30 Memorial Day BASS CLOSED 7/4 Independence Day BASS CLOSED 8/10 Last Day of Summer Camp 8/17 First Day of 16-17 School Year Enrollment begins: April 14th Early-Bird Enrollment: April 14th - 25th DATE: May 24th - August 10th TIME: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. KIDS COUNTRY LOCATIONS: 3LYNX LOCATION: • Underwood Elementary • Longview Elementary • Prairie View Elementary SUMMER LEARNING INSTITUTE SESSION 2 - June 6th - July 1st DATE: 6:30 a.m. - school start & school dismissal - 6:00 p.m. TIME: • Bernard Campbell Middle School • Full Time - $535/month (June, July, Aug) • Part Time -$414/month (June, July, Aug) • Enrollment Fee - $75/child PRICE: LOCATIONS: • • • • • • Cedar Creek Elem. (CCE, LFE, HGE, HHE) Highland Park Elem. (HPE, MAE, RHE) Meadow Lane Elem. (MLE, UWE) Prairie View Elem. (PVE, SVE) Trailridge Elem. (TRE, GWE, SPE, WLE) Westview Elem. (WVE, LSE, PLE) PRICE: • • • • • Full Time - Before & After - $400 Full Time - Before OR After - $350 Part Time - Before & After - $297 Part Time - Before OR After - $235 Enrollment Fee - $30 INFO: • ESY - students served by the SPED department must enroll for the ESY Camp • K - 5th grades (Kids Country) • Graduated 6th - 8th grades (3LYNX) • Students NOT attending SLI INFO: EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR ELEMENTARY CAMP DATE: May 24th - Aug 10th TIME: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. OR 6:30 a.m. - school start & school dismissal - 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: • PRICE: INFO: SUMMER LEARNING INSTITUTE Prairie View Elementary • • • Full Time - $535/month (June, July, Aug) Part Time - $414/month (June, July, Aug) Enrollment Fee - $75/child • K - 6th grades (students must be receiving ser- DATE: SESSION 1 - May 24th - June 3rd SESSION 3 - July 5th - August 10th TIME: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. vices from SPED to enroll) LOCATIONS: • • • • • Online Enrollment at Payments are due on the 1st & late after the 15th Two weeks of vacation (5 consecutive days if full time or 3 consecutive days if part-time) may be requested by completing a vacation request form at the site. Requires enrollment for the entire summer All field trips are included in your fees Enrollment is limited - First come basis ALL programs are closed 5/30/16 & 7/4/16 Full Time - 5 days/week Part Time - 3 days/week Camps require a sack lunch unless attending SLI Session 2 or ESY. • Cedar Creek Elementary • Prairie View Elementary (CCE, GWE, HHE, HGE, LFE, SPE, TRE, WLE) (PVE, HPE, LSE, MAE, MLE, PLE, RHE, SVE, UWE, WVE) ENROLLMENT INFORMATION • • • $30/child PRICE: INFO: SESSION 1 • Full Time - $240 • Part Time - $226 SESSION 3 • Full Time - $730 (will be a split payment) (July - $365 & August - $365 = $730) • Part Time - $565 (will be a split payment) (July - $282.50 & August - $282.50 = $565) • Enrollment Fee - $45 • Cedar Creek and Prairie View are ignated sites for listed schools. des- For more Information, contact the BASS Administrative Office at (816) 986-3440 or log on to our website at & click on the Summer link under the Programs tab. SUMMER ENROLLMENT What does this mean? Full Time = 5 days a week Part Time = 3 days a week PRICING for Full Day Summer Camp, 3LYNX, and ESY – Summer Camp Fees are divided into 3 equal payments (total number of days care is provided in summer divided by 3 months—holidays have been omitted) Questions about SLI Session 2 (June 6th – July 1st) 6:30 a.m. until SLI begins and SLI ends until 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on Fridays Pricing Full Time Before and After - $400 Full Time Before Only - $350 Full Time After Only - $350 Part Time Before and After - $297 Part Time Before Only - $235 Part Time After Only - $235 Payment DUE: June 1. Late after the 15th. Times for Summer Learning Institute (8:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.) – HPE, MLE, PVE (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) – CCE, TRE, WVE First come First Serve. Space is limited. Parents can choose your preferred location. Enrollment is limited to ensure proper staffing and bus transportation capacities. Camp Locations : LFE, UWE, and PVE Before and after care for SLI students is divided into 3 Sessions Session 1 (May 24th – June 3rd) Full Day Camp: 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pricing $240 – Full Time (every day) $226 – Part Time (3 days/week) Payment DUE: June 1st 2 Camp Locations: Cedar Creek (CCE, TRE) Prairie View (PVE, HPE, WLE, MLE) Questions about Full Day Summer Camp Pricing: Full Time - $535/ month – June, July, August 6 Camp Locations: Cedar Creek – (CCE, LFE, HGE, HHE) Highland Park - (HPE, MAE, RHE) Meadow Lane – (MLE, UWE) Prairie View(ESY/SEB/CLASS)– (PVE, SVE) Trailridge – (GWE, SPE, WLE) Westview – (WVE, LSE, PLE) Session 3 (July 5th – August 10th) Full Day Camp: 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed on July 4th Pricing Full Time $730 (Billed in two equal payments of $365) Part Time $565 (Billed in two equal payments of $282.50) Payment DUE: July 2nd, and August 1st. (Late after the 15th) 2 Camp Locations: Cedar Creek (CCE, TRE) Prairie View (PVE, HPE, WLE, MLE) The following options are available: - Session 2 Only - Sessions 1 and 2 - Sessions 2 and 3 - Sessions 1, 2, and 3 Part Time - $414/month - June, July, August Due 1st of the month. Late after the 15th. Questions about 3LYNX Summer Camp Camp Location: Bernard Campbell Middle School Pricing: Full Time - $535/ month – June, July, August Part Time - $414/month - June, July, August Due first of the month. Late after the 15th. Questions about ESY (Extended School Year) Camp Location: Prairie View Students served by the SPED department: SEB (Social Emotional Behavior), ESY (Extended School Year) or CLASS should register for this program. Pricing: Full Time - $535/ month – June, July, August Part Time - $414/month - June, July, August Due First of the month. Late after the 15th. Note: Session 1 and 3 cannot be signed up for without Session 2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Enrollment is limited. Fir st come, Fir st Ser ve. Difficulty enrolling? Enrollment capacities may have been reached and enrollment for a specific location may be closed in the parent portal. Call the BASS Administrative Office if you wish to be added to a waiting list for placement upon availability. New to the program? Care may be delayed to ensure proper staffing is in place to accommodate your child’s behavioral, medical or physical needs. School District SLI questions? More information about courses and teachers for Summer Learning Institute will be out shortly by the School District. SLI Session 3 will have the same field trip locations as Full Day Kids Country Summer Camp. There will not be any Field Trips on Mondays or Fridays. 20162016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR ENROLLMENT Lee's Summit R-7 School District Award Winning Program Program Mission The BASS mission is to provide support to families by caring for their children during out of school /me in a safe, nurturing, fun and educa/onal environment. Program Locaon • • • The Kids Country program is offered in each of the 18 elementary schools for grades K through 6. The 3LYNX program is offered for all middle school students and through age 21 as approved. Loca/on TBD. The KC Cubbies program is offered at Great Beginnings Early Childhood Center and Underwood - for ages 3-5 (age 3 by July 31st) Program Hours • • • Kids Country hours are 6:30 a.m. un/l school star/ng /me and directly a=er school un/l 6:00 p.m. 3LYNX does NOT have a morning program. Program starts directly a=er school un/l 6:00 p.m. KC Cubbies hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Enrollment Fee Informaon • • • • Program Informaon • • • Monthly Child Fees Early Bird Enrollment Fee May 2nd - 6th, 2016 $30/child, $55/family Enrollment Fee A=er May 6th, 2016 $80/child, $105/family Enrollment fee and completed online enrollment must be received prior to a@endance. To ensure the safety of students, please allow 2 business days to process enrollment. All monthly fees include early release days, most non-school days and all snow days. Spring Break week is an addi/onal fee. (Excludes KC Cubbies) Addi/onal children receive a 10% discount (Excludes 3LYNX) The first fee is due on September 1st. There are no par/al monthly fees due in August. All monthly payments must be received in the Before & A=er School Services Administra/ve Office no later than the 15th of each month to avoid a $40 late fee. Please refer to the Parent Handbook available online for detailed policy and procedures and other incidental fees. KIDS COUNTRY ENROLLMENT STATUS $412 Full Time Before AND A=er—(5 days a week) $361 Full Time Before Only—(5 mornings a week) $361 Full Time A=er Only—(5 a=ernoons a week) $306 Part Time Before AND A=er—(3 days a week) $242 Part Time Before Only—(3 mornings a week) $242 Part Time A=er Only—(3 a=ernoons a week) Daily Child Fees Snow day starting time is 7:00 a.m. for all programs ONE DAY DROP-IN STATUS $30 Single Day Drop-In Both Morning and A=ernoon OR Full Day/Non-School Day $30 Single Morning Drop-In Session $30 Single A=ernoon Drop-In Session Monthly/Daily Child Fees 3LYNX ENROLLMENT STATUS $244/mo Full Time A=er Only $30/day Single Day Drop-In Special Day Monthly Child Fees KC CUBBIES ENROLLMENT STATUS $673 5 Days 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. $568 3 Days 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. $525 5 Days 6:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. OR 12:30p.m. - 6:00p.m. To enroll, visit our website at and click on the “Enrollment” tab or contact the BASS Administrative Office at (816) 986-3440 1151 NE Colbern Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, BASS is requesting that all payments by check be made online through the parent portal. The EZChild Track billing system allows payments to be made online via e-check with no added convenience fee. Parents have the advantage of having payments posted to their account immediately, although it can take from 3-5 days for funds to be withdrawn from accounts. Payments are also accepted by debit or credit card; however, a $10 per transaction fee will be assessed. Cash and money orders will continue to be accepted from 8:00 – 4:30 Monday through Friday in the BASS Administrative Office. As an added convenience, parents can also enroll for “Auto Pay” which will automatically schedule your payment on the 1st of each month for the balance due using your preferred method of payment. To sign up for Auto Pay, simply log into your account and click on the Signup for Autopay button on your home screen. Benefits: • Save time and money. There are no checks to write, stamps to buy, or late fees to pay. • Stay reliable. Your bill payment will never be lost in the mail. How It Works: • You can enroll in automatic payment by providing information on the payment method of your choice. • You can choose to pay automatically from any of your credit cards or direct debit from your bank account (checking or savings) • An email receipt will be automatically sent to you when payment is completed. • You can change the payment method any time you want. • You can cancel automatic payment any time you want. Page 5 B E F O R E & A F T E R S C H O O L S E R V I CE S N E W S L E T T E R — M A Y 20 1 6 BASS 2015-2016 HIGHLIGHTS!!! Cedar Creek CCE's highlight for this school year was our "Inside Out" themed half day! We played gym games that reflected different emotions and then made masks of the different emotion characters from the movie. Of course we ended our day watching "Inside Out!" Greenwood GWE's most memorable Highlights for the 2015-16 School Year is definitely....Our Special "ROYALS" Fun Days! The Kids were able to chart the Royals Victory by guessing how many runs per inning, B.B’s (base on balls) and also how many pitches were thrown per inning. We enjoyed a fun time in the Library watching the exciting game, having snacks and had many of our Teachers gathered with us to share in all the excitement. Forever ROYAL!! Hawthorn Hill Our favorite highlight was one of the last Royal’s games, all the kiddos wore their Royals shirts and we watched the game and ate popcorn. Our kids loved it and still talk about and wonder if will be doing it again this season! Fun time for all. Hazel Grove Hazel Grove's favorite memory this year was our photo shoot days. The Sit-Coordinator brought in her studio equipment and set up lights. The kids helped make back drops and props. Then all the kids took turns posing in front of the camera with their friends and even families. We even had A+ dress up at Mickey and Minnie mouse to pose with the children as well. They all had a bunch of fun, the pictures turned out great, and everyone left with some fun memories Highland Park Our kindergartners at Highland Park are builders!! They have built some awesome themes out of our blocks! They have created the zoo (including adding animals), bridges and a race car track. They are extremely creative and they are our next generation of leader's!!! Lee’s Summit LSE's favorite memory this year was getting to "travel" to Alice in Wonderland. On one of our early release days, the LSE Kids Country staff transformed the entire cafeteria and Kids Country room into our own amazing Wonderland. Inside the "House of Cards", we got to make little Card Soldiers using playing cards, hair bows and bow ties using playing cards, and try to build our own house of cards using old playing cards. In the "Mad Hatter's Hat Shop", we got to decorate our own hats and showcase our own styles! We also had a photo booth called "Cheshire's Cat-cha Smile" that had some neat props dress up items to go along with the Alice in Wonderland theme. Half of the cafeteria was set up to be the "Queen's Royal Croquet Court" where we got to play an indoor game of croquet and if you had to wait your turn to play, you could play a bean bag toss game and toss bean bags toward a giant two of diamonds card to make it into one of the diamond cutouts. After all of that fun, we got to do a food craft! We got to design our own card soldiers using rice krispie treats and sweet hearts and then eat them!!! Our cafeteria manager was very generous to lend us the use of the Campus Cuisine Cart to use for snack. We decorated it to be our "Wonderland Treats". Our older kids helped to stock it with healthy treats such as string cheese, apples, carrots w/ranch, yogurt, milk and juice and then served the younger kids and kept it stocked. And to top off the day, the Kids Country room was transformed into a "Wonderland Theater" where we got to watch Alice in Wonderland - comfy style! We had a blast and hope that we can have just as much fun on other early release days! Meadow Lane This year at Meadow Lane Kids Country we have had a lot of fun discovering that everybody is a superhero. The students were able to share their superpower and they have also shown what characteristics that a superhero might have. They have become mentors to visitors from our Combo Group as well as new students that have started with us. We have also discussed other superheroes around us such as parents, community workers, and school staff. It's great to know that the students can relate superheroes to more than just a comic book character. Pleasant Lea We have had a great time at PLE doing crafts with Ms. Judy. One of the crafts that really took off with our kids was our pillow crafts. Judy taught the older kids how to sow and the kids would stuff and decorate their own unique pillows! Prairie View The Octoberfest Party was one of the best afternoons at PVE with the younger kids enjoying a party that was put together by the older kids. There was music, strobe lights, face painting, and a scavenger hunt. Last but not least was a taste test of Coke vs Pepsi and yes, the Coca Cola won! Page 6 B E F O R E & A F T E R S C H O O L S E R V I CE S N E W S L E T T E R — M A Y 20 1 6 Mason When reflecting on the past school year, it was bittersweet. It is hard to imagine that the school year is almost coming to a close but we created so many wonderful and memorable moments! One of the top highlights the kids remembered was the field trips we had this year. The top two mentioned were the Zoo and Lunar bowl. When the kids were talking about their experiences, their faces lit up with joy. We played in the dirt to make Plant Pals! The children really enjoyed creating their own plants as well as sticking their hands in dirt. We had really great art projects but when someone hears the word slime, it brings the inner kid out. Another highlight was making slime for one of our science activities. The project was sticky and smelled of glue but the kids loved being able to make their own slime and making many colors of it. They literally played with the slime almost the entire time at Kids Country. It was fun to watch them smile and get excited over something so simple. Something else the kids thought was great was our clubs, we did a cooking club, which were cars made out of fruit and made robots with recycled material. This year was a lot of fun and enjoyable for all! It is sad to see time pass by so fast but we made some memorable moments that will last a lifetime! Richardson Richardson- The students here at Richardson really enjoyed decorating for the holidays. They made a fire place out of boxes and used red construction paper for bricks. We also had a tree with lights and ornaments that the kids put together. The Kids Country staff also wrapped new board games, art supplies and placed them under the tree. The kids had a blast opening the present! :) Summit Pointe At Summit Pointe this year we have seen a flurry of block and LEGO building. A large group of morning students has spent a great deal of time building large structures of blocks. They have created LEGO boats, airplanes, robots, and cars with their block cities. Sunset Valley In the month of December we adopted a family from the Salvation Army. We adopted a family of 3 which included a single mother and 2 children. The kiddos got really involved with the whole process of helping those less fortunate. It was a truly magical time. Trailridge Trailridge has a yearly St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The children work all week making signs, streamers and flowers for the parade. After the busses leave the teachers and other school staff line the halls and wave as the parade goes by. Many of the children play percussion instruments which adds to the parade atmosphere. It is a nice opportunity for both children and staff to enjoy each other. Underwood Our children at Underwood this year have loved playing in the dramatic play area. They have taken many orders and served many meals. They do wear their aprons to keep their clothing from getting dirty. When they are finished playing they are the BEST at cleaning up. Westview WVE students loved getting introduced to new STEM topics throughout the year. Engineering topics were by far the most popular. If it has to do with building, they are in! It was fun getting to watch them process through what worked well, and deciding what changes needed to be made to their structures. Woodland Woodland enjoyed our early release days this year. The kids love having extra time to play in the gym or outside. We also did fun things like; decorating gingerbread houses and gingerbread men as well as painting canvases and pumpkins. KC Cubbies KC Cubbies UW enjoyed learning through play with paint, markers, stamps and play dough. We learned our colors, numbers, shapes and letters. KC Cubbies GB enjoyed watching the construction on the new amphitheater, and learning about BIG trucks and machines this year. 3LYNX At 3LYNX we had a great winter break! Some of the BASS office admin came out to visit the site wearing fun holiday head gear! The kids enjoyed watching the flashing wiggling hats that they were wear and even more enjoyed playing a game of kickball! Page 7 B E F O R E & A F T E R S C H O O L S E R V I CE S N E W S L E T T E R — M A Y 20 1 6 R-7 offers Let’s Talk! to enhance communicaons with community Submit quesons, comments, suggesons, concerns and compliments 24/7 Lee’s Summit R-7 is making it even easier to reach school district leadership with the fall 2015 launch of a new, cloud-based communica/ons tool, known as Let’s Talk! Community members, staff and students are invited to contact the district with ques/ons, comments, sugges/ons, concerns or compliments via the website at h@p:// or via the Let’s Talk! op/on on the district’s homepage at With Let’s Talk!, individuals may visit the district’s website 24/7 to communicate with various departments on a wide variety of topics. In return, district officials pledge to respond within a reasonable /me frame, normally within just a couple of days at the most. Submissions may be anonymous although to receive a personal response, you must include contact informa/on. The goal of Let’s Talk! is to streamline communica/on, iden/fy opportuni/es for engagement, spot poten/al hot topics and build stronger community rela/onships. It helps facilitate an open dialogue between district leaders and ci/zens while offering unique features that help the school district track the quality of its service for con/nual improvement. Looking ahead: 2016-17 school calendar The Lee's Summit R-7 Board of Educa/on approved the school district's 2016-17 calendar at its Dec. 17 mee/ng. The complete calendar is available on the district’s webpage. The first day of school for 2016-17 will be Aug. 17. Winter break will be Dec. 22 through Jan. 3 for students. School staff members will return to work Jan. 3 with classes resuming Jan. 4. The last day of school -- pending snow days -- will be May 18. Any snow days will be made up beginning May 19. LSR-7 KC Cubbies Preschool NOW Enrolling! The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District’s Before- and A=er-School Services KC Cubbies is now accep/ng enrollments for preschool. KC Cubbies is a quality, year-round preschool program that was established in response to needs expressed by the R-7 community. Families residing in the Lee’s Summit R-7 boundaries needing preschool care for ages 3 through 5 may choose to enroll in the program; enrollment is limited. Ac/vi/es such as center /me, arts and cra=s, calendar and circle /me, music and movement, gross motor ac/vi/es, outside play/me and rest /me are all a part of the curriculum. The loca/on currently with openings is KC Cubbies - Underwood, adjacent to the Before- and A=er-School Services Administra/ve office on Colbern Road. For more informa/on visit our website at or call (816) 986-3446. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Search for Before and After School Services Before and After School Services had their annual awards celebration on May 2nd this year. We celebrated the year with Waldo pizza and salad, a big game of Family Feud and awards. Check out the awards!!! ENERGIZER ASSOCIATE OF THE YEAR OVERACHIEVER OF THE YEAR OF THE YEAR OF THE YEAR SUMMER SUPER STAR SVE Leah Schmidt LSE Alyssa Twaddell LFE Ben Byrne PLE Judy Ward RHE Courtney Moore ROOKIE ASSISTANT SITE COORDINATOR OF THE YEAR SITE COORDINATOR OF THE YEAR MR. BASS MS. BASS KCCUW Judith Witte WLE Rachel Martino MLE Clarence Cunningham SVE Debbie Bopp BUSINESS PARTNERS Page 9 SITE OF THE YEAR COMBO SITE OF THE YEAR HHE MLE LSE HGE WVE Thanks for a wonderful year!!! SEE YOU FOR THE 2016 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR!!! B E F O R E & A F T E R S C H O O L S E R V I CE S N E W S L E T T E R — M A Y 20 1 6 Sunset Valley Kids Country has had the distinction of winning the MARCH Missouri Afterschool Program of the month award. Alyssa Twaddell has also won MARCH Staffer of the Month! MASN (Missouri Afterschool Network) reaches out to programs throughout the state to provide trainings, leadership and networking opportunities for programs like ours. Congratulations for winning this honor!!! Staying Safe during a Thunderstorm Spring in the Kansas City area means that lovely warm days are ahead of us. It can also mean gentle rains, or not so gentle thunderstorms. The first step to staying safe during a thunderstorm is being aware of the situation. Tune in to local radio or TV stations, or have an NOAA weather radio to listen to so that you can have up to the minute information regarding a storm. NOAA radios are available at several retail outlets and on the internet. According to FEMA, all thunderstorms are dangerous. Every thunderstorm produces lightning. Lightning strikes approximately 300 people in the US each year, and kills about 80. Most of these strikes and subsequent problems occur when people are caught outdoors, usually during the afternoon and evening. To learn more specific information about staying safe during a storm, check out these websites. Just copy and paste into your browser and learn about safety during a Thunderstorm! The following website has an awesome checklist. m4340185_Thunderstorm.pdf The following website has awesome information, games and experiments about weather. This is a factsheet from FEMA. thunderstormsfactsheet_finalrev2_5_07.pdf Login to Parent portal à After login click on the My Account tab In ‘My Account’ page click on the Change Account Information button For each adult, who will pick up, add the PIN number. We recommend you set a PIN # with at least 6 digits as each person in the system must have a unique PIN #. Cell phone numbers work well for this and are easy to remember. Click on the Submit Changes button on the top right hand corner of the page. Page 12 B E F O R E & A F T E R S C H O O L S E R V I CE S N E W S L E T T E R — M A Y 20 1 6