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here - The Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Missionary Prayer Notes
May 2014
Catriona Macdonald, in front of a mural painted by the students of Colegio San Andrés (7th &
29th May)
Session 2013/2014
May 2014
South Africa:
Alastair & Jenny Wilson
Jack & Nancy Whytock
Manuel & Patty Reaño
Service to Overseas Students:
James & Vickie Ross
Donald & Julia Smith
Karen Leckie
Catriona Macdonald
National Worker:
Adam (West & Central Asia)
AIM International:
Marsali Campbell
Richard & Barbara Davies
Joan Mackenzie
Ally & Angela Lunan
World Evangelism for Christ:
Karina MacLeod
Donald & Rosangela Fraser
Overseas Missionary Fellowship:
Sandra MacDonald (Diaspora Ministries Team)
Neil & Rachel Rae (Philippines)
Caitriana Nicholson
Key to Abbreviations
Africa Inland Mission
Asian Outreach
Christian Witness to Israel
Eastern Europe for Christ
Emmaus Road Trust
Latin Link
Operation Mobilisation
Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Lima Evangelical Seminary
Something for Romania
Service to Overseas Students
WEC Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ
May 2014
‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.’
Isaiah 26:3
Thurs 1st
Osamu is giving a talk to 100 students during chapel time at
Tohokugakuin University tomorrow. Pray that many students will have
ears to listen and be interested in the gospel.
Fri 2nd
Give thanks that Andrea has been able to establish good relationships
with staff at the Oncology hospital in Cluj where she is volunteering one
day per week. This is not an easy ‘transition’ for those involved and
much prayer is required that hearts might be changed and motivations
directed to focus on real patient care within the healthcare services.
Sat 3rd
Please pray for the OMF Scottish conference this weekend. Pray for Iain
McDonald giving the Bible readings. Pray for God`s blessing on every
aspect of the weekend. Pray too for good contacts to be made when the
cruise liners are berthed in Invergordon and for opportunities to share the
Gospel. Give thanks for the dedicated team involved in this ministry.
Sun 4th
The first of this year’s CWI outreaches to New Agers will take place in
London this month. Two years ago, after a zealous helper told a visitor to
The Jesus Experience that Jesus was the only way to God; the team were
denied a place at last year’s exhibition. Pray that many Jews and Gentiles
will visit The Jesus Experience stand and that all the helpers will be wise
as well as zealous in their witness.
Mon 5th
Remember Donald Fraser as he studies in Tasmania, he is happy to
have his first module successfully completed. His placement is at a dropin centre in the city. Please pray for the 20 staff and 19 students at WEC's
Missionary Training Centre in Tasmania, that God will continue to teach
and equip each one that has committed their life to His service.
Tues 6th During this week, Manuel is interpreting for a group of Colombians who
Colombia are attending one of Ransomed Heart's Boot Camps. He will also be
leading a Bible study in the second meeting of the Circle of Liturgical
Reflection in Medellin, a joint effort between the Bible Seminary of
Colombia and Christ for the City. The first one was attended by more
than 70 pastors and was very well reviewed.
Wed 7th
Pray for Olinda, the recently appointed female chaplain at San Andres.
Pray that she’ll settle into her new role quickly and develop good
relationships with the girls. Please pray for the negotiations with Lima
city council regarding renting the building next door for the nursery
department to use, which would give everyone much needed space.
Thurs 8th
Leadership training ministry HASAT trains first generation Turkish
church leaders in various aspects of ministry and theological education.
They have their sights set on a textbook for students, Roger Olson’s
“The story of Christian theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition &
Reform” (IVP). This is going to require a fundraising effort, in which
The Emmaus Road Trust hopes to help. Pray for speedy and accurate
translation and fundraising success.
Fri 9th
During the month of May, James will be looking at the life of Abraham
in the Sunday morning Bible studies. They will focus on Abraham's
journey of faith waiting for the promised son. Pray that students would
see Jesus as the promised Son who brings blessing to all nations.
Sat 10th
Please remember Brigi (Diakonia Social worker) who was diagnosed
with Hepatitis C while she was pregnant last year. This had lain
undiagnosed after a transfusion but due to risk to her unborn child could
not be treated. Brigi and her baby Peter are now in Germany awaiting
the result of blood tests with the hope that she can receive treatment,
which could last 24 weeks! Please pray that Brigi would know God’s
nearness in a ‘foreign land’ where loneliness is a real issue and that He
would provide for her and give her the strength and comfort that only He
can. Also remember her husband Barna who is still in Cluj.
Sun 11th
During the CWI outreach in Hungary last July, we met Andrea, a
vivacious nine year-old and her father. Andrea has a brain tumour and
Feri Kozma has visited the family since then. However, Andrea’s
condition has deteriorated and the doctors hold no hope for her. Please
pray that God will be merciful and do for Andrea what the doctors cannot
do, and that she and her family will come to trust in the Lord Jesus.
Mon 12th
Give thanks that Rosangela Fraser has found her feet very quickly in the
Worldview kitchen and is happy being a full time staff member. She
loves working with the fresh produce that comes up to the kitchen every
morning from the college’s own garden.
Tues 13th
Osamu and Mairi are preparing to give out a leaflet to the people in
Shichigahama town to come to a Bible study. Many Christian activities
are still going on around the earthquake-hit area. May many be attracted
to come to the study of the word of God.
Wed 14th Patty will be interpreting and facilitating workshops in a conference for
Colombia counsellors, psychologists and therapists organised by Vinculo in the city
of Armenia this week and Manuel will join her at the weekend when he
will be preaching at a local church on Sunday.
Thurs 15th Caitriana ask that as she settles back to work in East Asia, she will have
East Asia a good beginning to relationships with her new boss and colleagues at the
institute where she’ll be working, and for good re-connection with old
friends; for His hand to be on all these relationships, that there would be
lasting fruit.
Fri 16th
Please continue to pray for Rev Robert MacLeod and Joy Elliott
(Accord Hospice Family Support Coordinator) as they prepare for and
deliver the planned Spiritual and Emotional Training Course in Cluj (1923 May). This is a most important and vital part of palliation. Please
pray for safety in travel today for Lachie and his daughter Lorna who
will spend a week with Joy, Robert and his wife Jean in Cluj. May God
have all the glory, honour and praise.
Sat 17th
May is the time for final exams, a time of high pressure for many
students. Pray that they would turn to God for strength and peace, and
that exam time would not prevent students from continuing to read, pray
and learn.
Sun 18th
Pray for Silviu Tatu, lecturer in Old Testament and Exegesis in
Bucharest, as he writes a book for Romanian readers titled: “The Return
of the King of Kings: Reflections on Revelation.” The few commentaries
that exist in Romanian tend to get stuck in the first 3 chapters. Silviu
says “I want to open up the whole text, and especially help readers
to discover the character of God and his plans for humanity in relation to
Mon 19th
Please pray that while Lorna and Lachie are in Cluj (16-24) they will
have opportunity to network with other health professionals, particularly
those within the National health system, with a view to promoting the
good work being done by Diakonia in relation to palliation. Much
wisdom and grace are needed in order to ensure that free palliative care is
more readily accessible to those who are in great need and that the
National system recognises these needs!
Tues 20th
A number of CWI staff, retired staff, their spouses and relatives are
unwell, some of them seriously. Please pray that God will mercifully
grant them a recovery to health and strength quickly.
Wed 21st
Please pray for Alistair Wilson as he travels around Scotland and then to
Europe through May. He will be attending the Assembly this week. Also
Jack and Nancy as they travel back to Canada and settle back into their
life there for 4 months (including their son's wedding) before returning to
Thurs 22nd Many ladies will gather in Edinburgh today for the AGM of ‘Women for
Mission’. Pray for safety in travel and for a blessed time of fellowship
and learning for all and liberty for those taking part. Pray too for Joan
Mackenzie as she starts her Home Assignment.
Fri 23rd
Pray for the Parents’ Meetings tonight in San Andres, when parents
come to the school to meet the teachers and discuss their children’s
progress. Pray for good communication and positive relationships with
parents in general.
Sat 24th Manuel and Patty will lead a one-day couple's retreat in Bogota today.
Colombia Please pray for them and for Manuel as he preaches in a church in
Bogota tomorrow, which has old and close ties with the seminary.
Sun 25th
Osamu has taken up the responsibility of “the power of the Gospel”
program for TWR which will start from July. 11 pastors are participating
in preaching the gospel every week through the radio. May they be well
prepared so that listeners will be drawn to Christ.
Mon 26th
May and June are the hot dry months in Central India. Schools are on
holiday. Medical and all kinds of outreach work can be difficult because
of the heat. Pray that those working in the name of our Lord will be
Tues 27th
Give thanks for the success of the CWI Passover festival outreach in
Glasgow in April. About fifty people attended the event, 11 of whom
were Jewish and 5 of whom were unbelievers. The Jewish lady who was
baptised last month (see April Prayer Topics) took a friend. Pray that the
message of Passover and the testimony of a Jewish believer will take root
in the hearts of the unbelievers who were present.
Wed 28th
James and Vicki are busy making preparations for a trip to the
Highlands in June. Give thanks for willing hosts from the Dingwall
congregation. Pray that students will enjoy relaxing and enjoying God's
creation. Also pray that our Bible readings on Daniel's life of faith in a
hostile environment would prove helpful for the students.
Thurs 29th There is a camp for 4th year pupils this weekend (29th-31st) at which
Catriona Macdonald is helping. Pray for God’s blessing, protection and
presence as the young folk enjoy their time out.
Fri 30th
Sandra asks us to please pray for Thai who come to faith while here in
Scotland. Pray for them as they return home. They often face opposition
in a variety of forms.
Sat 31st
Richard and Barbara ask us to continue to pray for the Easter message
to sink into the hearts and minds of those who came to their presentation
of it. About 40 people were present including 9 islanders. Richard has
started to help another island teenager with maths homework and feels
that this is a real opener. Pray that they will connect with families like
these and be able to share Christ with them.
Free Church of Scotland Missionary Prayer Notes
James & Vicki Ross (9th & 28th May)
These notes are compiled by
Mrs Mairi MacDonald, Greenfaulds, 8 Linicro, by Portree, Isle of Skye,
IV51 9YN
Tel: 01470 542 215
E-mail: [email protected]
on behalf of the Free Church of Scotland International Missions Board.
For further information regarding the work of the International Missions Board, please contact
the Missions Co-ordinator:
Sarah Macleod,
Free Church Offices, The Mound,
Edinburgh, EH1 2LS.
Tel: 0131 226 5286
Email: [email protected]
Items of information for inclusion in future issues should be sent to Mairi MacDonald by
the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Some of the information in the Prayer
Notes is sensitive. Share it thoughtfully
with those who pray.