Mapping the V-infinity Globe
Mapping the V-infinity Globe
AAS 07-277 MAPPING THE V-INFINITY GLOBE Nathan Strange, Ryan Russell∗, and Brent Buffington Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA, 91109-8099 Abstract This paper presents a graphical method for the design of transfers between the same gravityassist body (i.e., same-body transfers). This graphical method collapses a large and complex space of possible trajectories to a map on which a tour designer may use intuition and experience to design a gravity-assist tour. This method was used with great success in the Cassini extended mission design. Introduction The theory of patched conics [1, 2, 3] has long been used to solve for scientifically interesting, low ∆V trajectories in the 3-body problem. In particular, the Galileo mission [4] to Jupiter and the Cassini mission [5] to Saturn have used very complex sequences of multiple gravity-assist flybys to meet a myriad of disparate scientific goals. In using gravity-assists, these missions have achieved a diversity of orbit geometries that otherwise would have been unachievable. The complexity in choosing a sequence of gravity-assist flybys and associated orbital transfers between the flybys, (i.e. the pathfinding problem [6]) grows geometrically as the number of flybys increases. The combinatorics of the problem quickly overwhelms attempts at solving the problem computationally and forces tour designers to adopt experience based methods that are essentially trial and error driven by flashes of inspiration. This pathfinding problem is just another case of the traveling salesman problem [6] that has confounded mathematicians for decades. And although finding an optimal solution to this problem is extraordinarily difficult, traveling salesmen themselves seem to have little problem finding near optimal solutions that allow them to conduct their business. To do this, they use their experience coupled with a very important aid: a map. This analogy has inspired us to seek a similar tool that would be applicable to tour design. Earlier efforts led to a Tisserand criterion based method useful for planar transfers between different gravity assist bodies (i.e., multi-body transfers). That method is extremely useful for the heliocentric case [6] as well as for Jovian [7] and Uranian [8] tour design. But it is of limited utility for same-body transfers used for tour design at Saturn and Neptune. In this paper, we use the assumption of a same-body transfer to develop a new method based on the v-infinity globe [9] where all possible orbits around the central body are plotted as points on the v-infinity globe. Having plotted these points for all possible orbits, we can then plot a sequence of flybys to move from point to point. To do this, we calculate a bending angle for a flyby of a given altitude. This bending angle then translates to an angular distance between asymptotes before and after a flyby. A tour can then be mapped out by navigating across the surface in steps equal to or smaller than the bending angle. ∗ Currently Assistant Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0150. 1 A previous work [9] introduced the idea of mapping all the free-return trajectories on a 3dimensional velocity diagram (v-infinity globe) as a mission analysis tool. The resulting diagrams were successfully applied in the search and optimization of periodic interplanetary and intermoon (cycler) trajectories [9, 10, 11, 12]. We expand upon this concept, and map a variety of reachable orbital parameters onto the globe including inclination, node crossings, and periods. We also change the orientation of the v-infinity globe so that contours on the globe correspond directly to the asymptotic sub-pointsa when the gravity-assist body is tidally locked. This globe orientation (a 90 degree shift from that proposed earlier [9]) is therefore also convenient for designing flybys over specific regions on a flyby body. Figure 1 shows a simple version of the v-infinity globe with blue contours representing orbits with the same orbit period and green contours with the same inclination. Such a map may have contours that represent properties of orbits other than resonance and inclination. For example orbits that impact Saturn or its rings may be shown as well as orbits that cross the orbits of other moons. Contours describing many useful properties of orbits may be drawn on this globe to assist in the design of a tour. 0.6 0.4 ! c (v /v ) " p 3 0.2 0 !0.2 !0.4 !0.6 !0.5 0 0.5 0.4 0.6 !0.2 0 0.2 !0.4 !0.6 (v /v ) " p ! c (v!/vc) " p2 1 Figure 1: The V-Infinity Globe a The hyperbolic asymptote is normal to the surface of the gravity-assist body and therefore has a unique sub-point on the surface. 2 Analysis This section will develop the equations that will be used to draw various contours on the v-infinity globe (also known as the crank sphere) and an associated coordinate system. We will then relate regions on this sphere to various qualities of orbits around the central body. This will enable us to construct a tour using a map of surface the globe. The Velocity Triangle By the patched-conic assumption, the spacecraft’s velocity relative to the central body (~vsc ) is given by the vector sum of the gravity-assist body velocity (~vga ) and the spacecraft’s v-infinity (~v∞ ) with respect to the gravity-assist body. This sum is shown both in Eqn. 1 and Fig. 2. ~vsc = ~vga + ~v∞ (1) !vsc !vga !v∞ !vsc !vga !v∞ !vsc !vga !v∞ α Figure 2: Gravity-Assist Vector Diagram The time of a flyby yields the position and velocity of the gravity-assist body. The spacecraft position is assumed to be the same as the gravity-assist body at this time (i.e. assuming zero sphere of influence patched conics). And by Eqn. 1, once we know ~v∞ , we can get the spacecraft’s velocity (~vsc ) from the gravity-assist body’s velocity (~vga ). Pump Angle The angle drawn in Fig. 2 is the pump angle[3] (α). Applying the law of cosines to Fig. 2, we may write: 2 2 2 vsc = v∞ + vga + 2v∞ vga cos(α) (2) or, in terms of cos(α): cos(α) = 2 2 2 vsc − v∞ − vga 2v∞ vga (3) where α is always positive by definition. Notice, since we know vga from the flyby time, that vsc is a function of v∞ and α. And, by vis viva, vsc is directly related to asc (or vi for a hyperbolic orbit): 1 2 2 − (4) vsc = µcb renc asc 2 vsc = 2µcb + vi2 renc (5) 1 3 1 1 1 where renc is the distance to the central body at the time of the flyby. These equations can be written more elegantlyb by dividing by the square of the local circular velocity (vc ): vsc vc 2 vsc vc 2 =2− renc asc =2+ vi vc (6) 2 (7) where vc is given by: r µcb vc = renc (8) This then allows us to write asc as: renc 1 2 2 = 2 − 2 v∞ + vga + 2v∞ vga cos(α) asc vc (9) For elliptical and circular orbits, the semi-major axis is directly related to the orbit period (for an ellipse) by Kepler’s third law: a3sc = µcb Tsc 2π 2 (10) Which we may also re-write using the local circular orbit period (Tc ) to: asc renc 3 = Tsc Tc 2 (11) where Tc is given by: s 3 renc Tc = 2π µcb (12) This allows us to write the spacecraft period in terms of the pump angle: Tsc = Tc 2− 3 −2 1 2 2 v + v + 2v v cos(α) ∞ ga ga vc2 ∞ (13) So if we know the v∞ magnitude, the pump angle gives us the orbit period (or vi ). Thus, α is a measure of the energy relative to the central body. This relationship is independent of inclination (isc ), i.e. ~vsc can rotate around ~vga without changing the relations Fig. 2 or Eqn. 2. Since π ≥ α ≥ 0 (i.e. α is a positive angle), we may now bound asc (and therefore energy) for all possible orbits with a given v∞ : 2− renc 1 2 1 2 2 2 v∞ + vga − 2v∞ vga ≤ ≤ 2 − 2 v∞ + vga + 2v∞ vga 2 vc asc vc (14) The pump angle also determines whether the spacecraft orbit is in the same direction as the gravity-assist bodies orbit or not. We shall use prograde to denote ~vsc in the same direction as the b This form suggests a non-dimensionalization given in the appendix that is helpful when using these equations programatically, because it avoids passing constants like µcb to subroutines. 4 gravity-asist body’s orbital motionc and a retrograde for the opposite direction. Then by inspection from Fig. 2: if prograde: vga > −v∞ cos(α) (15) if retrograde: vga < −v∞ cos(α) (16) When vga = v∞ cos(α) the spacecraft orbit is rectilinear and is headed on a straight line either away from or towards the central body. Crank Angle Since the pump angle is independent of inclination, in order to understand how inclinationd is a function of the direction of the ~v∞ , we need the other angle in our spherical coordinate system, crank (κ). This angle describes the orientation of the plane comprised of the ~vsc , ~vga , and ~v∞ vectors (i.e. the plane of Fig. 2) with respect to the plane of the gravity-assist body’s orbit. The pump and crank angles are illustrated in Fig. 3 with the sphere of possible ~v∞ directions. q̂1 p̂1 q̂3 p̂2 ĉ1 q̂1 ĉ3 q̂2 κ γga q̂1 q̂3 ĉ1 ĉ3 κ ga-bo !v!vscsc !v!vgaga !v!v∞∞ !vsc !vga !v∞ dy or κ α bit pla ne to cb Figure 3: Crank Angle To describe this orientation, we construct a reference framee from the gravity-assist body’s orbit tied to the direction of ~vga , the q̂i -frame:f q̂2 = v̂ga r̂enc × v̂ga q̂3 = cos(γga ) (17) q̂1 = q̂2 × q̂3 (19) (18) Next we define the ĉi -frame which is tied to the plane of Fig. 2, with ĉ2 in the same direction as q̂2 : ĉ2 = v̂ga v̂ga × v̂∞ ĉ3 = sin(α) ĉ1 = ĉ2 × ĉ3 (20) (21) (22) 1 c For Neptune’s moon Triton, this means what we will call a prograde orbit is retrograde with respect to Neptune’s 11 pole. d Traditionally, inclination is strictly positive. But a negative inclination may be used to correspond to inclination 1 measured at the descending node. 1 e All reference frames and their transformations are defined in the appendix. 1 1 f By the convention in the appendix, v̂ vga . ga is a unit vector in the direction of ~ 1 5 q̂1 q̂3 q̂1 ĉ1 q̂3 ĉ3 ĉ1 κ ĉ3 κ q̂1 q̂3 ĉ1 ĉ3 q̂1 κ q̂3 ĉ1 ĉ3 q̂q̂1 1 κ q̂q̂3 3 ĉĉ1 1 ĉĉ3 3 κκ Figure 4: Definition of Crank Angle The crank angle (κ) is then defined as the angle between the gravity-assist body’s orbit normal, i.e. q̂3 , and the plane of the triangle in Fig. 2 (ĉ3 ). In the ĉi -frame, it is straightforward to write the components of ~v∞ from Fig. 2: ~v∞ = v∞ sin(α)ĉ1 + v∞ cos(α)ĉ2 (23) Which, in the q̂i -frame is: ~v∞ = v∞ sin(α) cos(κ)q̂1 + v∞ cos(α)q̂2 − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ)q̂3 (24) Next, the components of ~vsc can be used from Eqn. 1 to write another equation for ~v∞ . To do this, we will introduce two new reference frames tied to the position vector at the flyby (~renc ): a p̂i -frame in the gravity-assist body’s orbit plane,g and a ŝi -frame in the spacecraft’s orbit plane. p̂1 = r̂enc r̂enc × v̂ga p̂3 = cos(γga ) (25) (26) 1 p̂2 = p̂3 × p̂1 ŝ1 = r̂enc r̂enc × v̂sc ŝ3 = cos(γsc ) ŝ2 = ŝ3 × ŝ1 1 (27) 1 (28) 1 (29) (30) At the time of the flyby, the location both the spacecraft and the gravity assist body with respect to the central body can now be described as: 11 ~renc = renc ŝ1 = renc p̂1 (31) We may write each velocity vector from Fig. 2 in the p̂i -frame: g If the gravity-assist body is in a circular orbit, the p̂i -frame is identical to the q̂i -frame. 6 ~vga = vga q̂2 (32) = vga sin(γga )p̂1 + vga cos(γga )p̂2 ~vsc = vsc sin(γsc )ŝ1 + vsc cos(γsc )ŝ2 = vsc sin(γsc )p̂1 + vsc cos(γsc ) cos(isc )p̂2 + vsc cos(γsc ) sin(isc )p̂3 (33) We may write ~v∞ in the p̂i -frame either from Eqn. 1: ~v∞ = ~vsc − ~vga = [vsc sin(γsc ) − vga sin(γga )]p̂1 + [vsc cos(γsc ) cos(isc ) − vga cos(γga )]p̂2 (34) + vsc cos(γsc ) sin(isc )p̂3 or from Eqn. 24: ~v∞ = v∞ [sin(α) cos(κ) cos(γga ) + cos(α) sin(γga )]p̂1 + v∞ [cos(α) cos(γga ) − sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga )]p̂2 − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ)p̂3 (35) By combining Eqn. 34 and Eqn. 35, we get an equation from each of the p̂i : vsc sin(γsc ) − vga sin(γga ) = v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) sin(γga ) (36) vsc cos(γsc ) cos(isc ) − vga cos(γga ) = v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) − v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga ) (37) vsc cos(γsc ) sin(isc ) = −v∞ sin(α) sin(κ) (38) We may solveEqn. 36 for cos(κ): cos(κ) = 1 vsc sin(γsc ) − vga sin(γga ) − v∞ cos(α) sin(γga ) v∞ sin(α) cos(γga ) (39) In the case of γga = 0 this simplifies to: cos(κ) = vsc sin(γsc ) v∞ sin(α) (40) To resolve quadrant ambiguities in Eqn. 39, from Eqn. 38: vsc cos(γsc ) sin(isc ) v∞ sin(α) (41) sign(κ) = sign(isc cos(γsc )) (42) sin(κ) = Which tells us: When the orbit is prograde, cos(γsc ) ≥ 0 and κ will have the same sign as isc . A further derivation from the above relations can be found in the appendix. Relations are given that allow conversion between pump & crank and a full set of orbit elements. The V-Infinity Globe Figure 3 shows a sphere for all v-infinity vectors with the same magnitude. Each point on this sphere represents a direction of ~v∞ , the corresponding ~vsc , and therefore an orbit about the central body. This v-infinty globe represents all orbits with a given v-infinty magnitude with repsect to the gravity-assist body. By relating the pump and crank of a v-infinity vector to the orbit of the central body, we can then draw contours of orbits on the v-infinty globe representing orbits with a given characteristic such as orbit period or inclination as shown in Fig. 1. To draw contours of constant period we use Eqn. 13, and to draw contours of constant inclination we use Eqn. 39. 7 Relating Pump & Crank to Latitude and Longitude Most moons in the solar systemh are tidally locked to their planet. In terms of coordinate systems, this means that the moon’s prime meridian, on average, points towards the planet, i.e. the −p̂1 direction. In addition, the poles of most moons point in the direction of their orbit normals. This creates a correspondence in the orientation of the v-infinity globe shown in Fig. 1 and the latitude and longitude on a body. And we may write the v-infinty unit vector in terms of latitude (φ) and longitude (λ) for such moons[14] (assuming no libration of the prime-meridian): v̂∞ = − cos(φ)cos(λ)p̂1 − cos(φ) sin(λ)p̂2 + sin(φ)p̂3 (43) Equation 43 may be used with Eqn. 35 to convert pump and crank to latitude and longitude, and Eqn. 34 may be used with inclination and flight path angle. We have used outbound asymptotes to draw our tour map. The inbound flyby asymptotes may also be plotted as the negative vector of the previous flybys outbound asymptote. If this is done, a flyby’s groundtrack is then a great circle connecting these two points. Analytic expressions for drawing these groundtracks are given in [14]. Resonant Transfers If a the time of flight of a transfer is an integer multiple of the gravity-assist body’s period that transfer is resonant. Resonant transfers are labeled m : n, where m is the number of gravity-assist body revs and n is the number of spacecraft revs. m Tsc = Tga n (44) In resonant transfers both flybys occur at the same point in the gravity-assist body’s orbit. Therefore, the spacecraft orbit plane is only constrained to contain the line connecting this point to the central body and the transfer may achieve a wide range of inclination. Because of this flexibility, period contours on the v-infinity globe are only plotted for resonant transfers. Nodal Control of Resonant Transfers During inclined resonant transfers, one node crossing is at the gravity-assist body (e.g. Titan) and the other node radius, called the vacant node,[16] is a function of the orbit geometry[6]. Figure 5 illustrates vacant node. By controlling the location of this node crossing the spacecraft may be targeted to cross the orbit of another moon or to avoid the rings. x direction L des of no line vacant node encounter Figure 5: Vacant Node h Saturn’s moon Hyperion is not tidally locked. In fact, it is chaotically rotating. But all moons at Saturn larger than Hyperion and Jupiter’s Galilean satellites are all tidally locked and their poles point towards their orbit normals. 8 Manipulation of Eqn. 103 and Eqn. 104 from the appendix gives the following equation[16] for the vacant node: asc (1 − e2sc ) rvac = rencasc renc 2 − renc (1 − e2sc ) = 2 (45) psc renc sc − rpenc Equation 45 is can be used with other relations in the appendix to find the pump & crank angles for orbits that avoid ring debris or radiation fields. It may also be used to place a vacant node crossing at the orbit of another moon to set up a geometry favorable to non-targeted encounters. Non-Resonant & Backflip Transfers A transfer in which the flybys occur at different places in the gravity-assist body’s orbit is called a non-resonant transfer. In general, the two flybys and the central body do not fall on a line and the spacecraft inclination is constrained to be in the gravity-assist body’s orbit plane. The special case of a non-resonant transfer where the angle between flybys is π radians is called a backflip transfer[3] or a pi-transfer. Because the encounters fall on a line in a backflip transfer, these transfers are typically inclined. These transfers can be found analytically via the method given in [15]. An interesting result is that backflip transfers have an inclination specified by the v-infinty: renc v2 1 3− (46) − ∞ cos(isc ) = 2 asc vc2 The pump angle for these transfers can be found from the period given by the method given in [15]. The crank angle for a non-resonant transfer is either 0 or π depending on whether the flyby is inbound or outbound respectively, and the crank angle for a backflip transfer may be found from the inclination given in Eqn. 46. On the v-infinity globe these transfers appear as a set of two points with the same pump angle, one inbound and the other outbound. In plotting a tour across the globe they act as wormholes, teleporting to the opposite hemisphere of the v-infinity globe. Non-Dimensionalisation of Tour Map If we assume that the gravity-assist body is in a circular orbit we can non-dimensionalize the tour map so that it is applicable to any moon. To do this we divide distances by renc , velocities by vc , and times by Tc . Figure 6 shows this map for v∞ /vc = 0.75 with vacant node contours, non-resonant, and backflip transfers added. Figure 7 through Fig. 11 shows this for other values of v∞ /vc . In these plots, contours of constant period are shown in blue and labeled with their resonance with respect to gravity-assist body. Inclination contours are shown in green for steps of 10 degrees. Node radius contours non-dimesionlized in terms of rvac /renc are shown in cyan. The red period contour represents escape energy and the orbits in the region bounded by it are hyperbolic with respect to the central body. Similarly, the dashed black contour bounds orbits that are retrograde. Finally the magenta ’x’ and ’o’ marks represent some non-resonant and backflip transfers. The ‘x’ represents the asymptote before a transfer, and the ‘o’ is the asymptote after the transfer. On these maps, the “northern hemisphere” is comprised of orbits which have the gravity-assist encounter at the ascending node, and the “southern hemisphere” of encounters at the descending node. The hemisphere from 90◦ E to 90◦ W (i.e. the moon’s anti-planet hemisphere) is comprised of asymptotes for orbits which encounter the gravity-assist body outbound from periapsis, and the opposite hemisphere is comprised of orbits with inbound flybys. 9 Figure 6: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 0.75 Figure 7: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 0.25 10 Figure 8: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 0.5 Figure 9: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 1.0 11 Figure 10: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 1.5 Figure 11: Non-Dimensional Tour Map, v∞ /vc = 2.0 12 Bending Angle Now that we can draw a map, we need to deduce how flybys can move us across the v-infinity globe so that we can plan a route between orbits that interest us (i.e. to design a tour). To do this we use the bending angle from the flyby (derived in the appendix): sin δ µga = 2 2 µga + rpf b v∞ (47) This bending angle translates to the v-inifnty globe as simply a distance on the surface. If we had a 3D globe we could measure this distance with a pair of spanners much as with terrestrial navigation. In practice we can also do this with a ruler on more convenient 2D projections as long as we stay away form the high latitudes of the tour map. Application To Cassini Extended Mission Design 90 80 6:1 5:1 4:1 3:1 5:2 Asymptote North Latitude 70 2:1 5:3 3:2 5:4 6:5 60 1:1 Hy 6:7 5:6 4:5 3:4 5:7 2:3 5:8 3:5 4:7 5:9 6:11 Ti 50 40 Rh Di 1:2 Te 6:13 5:11 4:9 30 En T44 T43 T42 Mi 3:7 5:12 T41 2:5 20 60 70 85 80 75 65 50 45 40 10 35 30 15 10 0 5 0 0 20 40 T38 25 20 T40 T39 55 60 80 100 Asymptote East Longitude 120 140 T37 160 180 Figure 12: Tour Map For Cassini Extended Mission Figure 12 is the tour map that was used for much of the early Cassini extended mission design. It is a detailed map for the Cassini v-infinty at the end of the prime mission (5.8 km/s) showing many various Titan resonances. Node crossing distances are shown for the orbits of all of the major satellites except for Iapetusi , and node crossings that intersect the rings are shown as a grey region. Orbits with periapses below Saturn’s surface are in the central white region. The last few orbits of the Cassini prime mission are plotted on Fig. 12. Each orbit is a point, and the flybys are the lines connecting the points. The last orbit of the prime mission is marked with an asterisk and a red circle is drawn around it showing the 8◦ of bending from a 1000 km Titan flyby. The extended mission will start from this point and move in steps of 8◦ or less across the map. With this map, the Cassini tour designers were able to draw in tours with a pencil and a ruler. The flight times of the tours could then be estimated by adding up the Titan revs of the various i Iapetus orbits in a different plane from the other satellites end encounters with it do not necessarily occur on the line of nodes. 13 resonant orbits. From this map the tour designers could quickly assess the various methods for achieving equatorial orbits or of placing the node crossings at the orbits of other moons (particularly Enceladus). Conclusion This method allows the tour designer to plot a course through many possible gravity-assist transfers to find a tour that meets scientific objectives in a systematic and efficient manner. It is especially useful with inclined orbits. It’s use in the Cassini extended mission was important in developing insight and intuition into the complex space of possible tours. In the future, we hope to extend the application of this method to tours that use ∆V to change the v-infinity. This would be equivalent to adding different layers to the map which can be shifted between with maneuvers. Similarly, we would like to look at extensions to the Jovian system where flybys of other moons could also be used to modulate v-infinity. We are also interested in possible applications of this method to planetary science. This method could possibly be used to reconstruct the orbits of objects that have hit a tidally-locked moon. A crater’s size can give an estimate of the energy of the impact, and the latitude and longitude of a crater corresponds to a point on the v-infinity globe. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Jerry Jones and Robert Mitchell for their support of the development of these techniques for the Cassini extended mission design. The research described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 14 REFERENCES [1] Broucke, R.A., “The Celestial Mechanics of Gravity Assist,” AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 88-4220, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aug. 1988. [2] Cesarone, R.J., “A Gravity Assist Primer,” AIAA Student Journal, Vol. 16, Spring 1989, pp. 16-22. 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[16] Strange, N.J., “Control of Node Crossings in Saturnian Gravity-Assist Tours,” AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, AAS Paper 03-545, Big Sky, MT, Aug. 2003. 15 A Nomenclature Appendix A.1 α αe γ δ θ η κ µ τ φ ψ Ω ω a B CT iss E e f f∞ h I i J L M m A.2 cb fb ga n IO OI sc 0 00 Variables pump angle pump angle for ve flight path angle flyby bending angle b-plane angle angle from asc. node (f + ω) crank angle gravitational parameter time wrt periapsis declination or latitude right ascension or longitude longitude of the ascending node argument of periapsis semi-major axis impact parameter Tisserand invariant eccentric anomaly eccentricity true anomaly true anomaly of asymptote specific angular momentum inclination wrt cb pole inclination wrt ga-body orbit a cost function longitude of encounter integer number of ga-body orbits number of ga-body orbits N n p q r ra rasc rdsc renc rp rpf b rvac s T Tc t tof u v v∞ va vc ve vi vp vpf b integer number of sc orbits number of sc orbits semi-latus rectum non-dimensional orbit period distance from center of body apoapsis radius wrt central body radius of asc. node crossing wrt cb radius of desc. node crossing wrt cb radius wrt central body at encounter periapsis radius wrt central body periapsis radius wrt ga-body radius of vacant node crossing wrt cb non-dimensional radius orbit period circular orbit period at renc time time of flight between encounters non-dimensional velocity velocity hyperbolic excess velocity wrt ga-body velocity at apoapsis wrt cb circular velocity wrt cb at renc local escape velocity wrt cb hyperbolic excess velocity wrt cb velocity at periapsis wrt cb velocity at periapsis wrt ga-body Subscripts / Superscripts pertains to central body pertains to patched-conic spacecraft orbit relative to gravity assist body at encounter pertains to gravity-assist body orbit relative to central body at encounter nondimensional patched-conic spacecraft orbit relative to central body at encounter inbound to outbound transfer outbound to inbound transfer pertains to patched-conic spacecraft orbit relative to central body at encounter quantity before flyby or maneuver quantity after flyby or maneuver 16 A.3 ~x x̂ x Vectors A.5.6 a vector a unit vector a vector magnitude A.4 0 Ŝ = b̂3 = v̂∞ (63) v̂ 0 × (r̂enc × v̂ga ) ~ T~ = b̂1 = ∞ R cos(φ0 ) cos(γga ) Nondimensionalization posiition time velocity b̂i : b-plane wrt ga-body orbit = b̂2 = b̂3 × b̂1 (64) divide by renc divide by Tc divide by vc Frame Transformations p̂1 A.6.1 p̂i ↔ q̂i p̂2 p̂1 p̂ A.5 Reference Frame Definitions 1 q̂1 p̂1 p̂2 p̂2 p̂q̂12 A.5.1 p̂i : gravity-assist body position p̂2 q̂1 q̂1 p̂ga 2 γ q̂1 q̂2 p̂1 = r̂enc (48) q̂ q̂ 2 1 p̂1γ q̂2 ga r̂enc × v̂ga γ q̂ ga 2 (49) p̂3 = p̂2 γga cos(γga ) γ ga q̂1 p̂2 = p̂3 × p̂1 A.5.2 A.6 (50) q̂2 p̂1 = cos(γ γ ga )q̂1 + sin(γga )q̂2 q̂i : gravity-assist body velocity q̂2 = v̂ga r̂enc × v̂ga q̂3 = cos(γga ) (51) q̂1 = q̂2 × q̂3 (53) A.5.3 A.5.4 p̂2 = − sin(γga )q̂1 + cos(γga )q̂2 (66) p̂3 = q̂3 (67) q̂1 = cos(γga )p̂1 − sin(γga )p̂2 (68) q̂2 = sin(γga )p̂1 + cos(γga )p̂2 (69) q̂3 = p̂3 (70) A.6.2 p̂2 p̂i p̂ ↔2 ŝi p̂ 3 p̂ p̂3 ŝ22 ŝ2 ŝp̂33 ŝ2 ŝ3 isc ŝ3 isc isc p̂2 p̂2 p̂3 p̂3 ŝ2 ŝ2 ŝ3 ŝ3 isc p̂2 isc 1p̂3 ŝ2 1 p̂1 = ŝ1 1 ŝ3 p̂2 = cos(isc )ŝ2 − sin(isc )ŝ3 1 isc (54) (55) (56) r̂i : spacecraft velocity r̂2 = v̂sc r̂enc × v̂sc r̂3 = cos(γsc ) r̂1 = ŝ2 × ŝ3 A.5.5 (52) ŝi : spacecraft position ŝ1 = r̂enc r̂enc × v̂sc ŝ3 = cos(γsc ) ŝ2 = ŝ3 × ŝ1 (57) (58) (59) (71) 1 (72) p̂3 = sin(isc )ŝ2 + cos(isc )ŝ3 (73) ŝ1 = p̂1 (74) ŝ2 = ĉi : crank plane cos(i1 sc )p̂2 + sin(isc )p̂3 ŝ3 = − sin(isc )p̂2 + cos(isc )p̂3 ĉ2 = v̂ga v̂ga × v̂∞ ĉ3 = sin(α) ĉ1 = ĉ2 × ĉ3 (65) ga (60) (61) (62) 17 1 1 1 1 1 (75) (76) A.6.3 ŝ1 ŝŝ1 2 ŝr̂2 1 r̂r̂1 2 r̂γ2 sc γsc ŝi ↔ r̂i ŝ1 ŝ1 ŝ2 ŝ2 r̂1 r̂1 r̂2 ŝ1γsc r̂2 ŝ2 γsc r̂1 r̂2 ŝ1 = cos(γsc )r̂1 + sin(γsc )r̂2 γsc ŝ1 ŝ2 r̂1 r̂2 γsc (77) ŝ2 = − sin(γsc )r̂1 + cos(γsc )r̂2 (78) ŝ3 = q̂3 (79) r̂1 = cos(γsc )ŝ1 − sin(γsc )ŝ2 (80) r̂2 = sin(γsc )ŝ1 + cos(γsc )ŝ2 (81) r̂3 = ŝ3 (82) A.6.4 q̂1 q̂i ↔ ĉiq̂ 3 q̂1 ĉ1 q̂3 ĉ3 ĉ1 κ ĉ3 κ 1 q̂1 q̂3 ĉ1 ĉ3 q̂1 κ q̂3 ĉ1 ĉ3 q̂1q̂111 1 κ q̂q̂3 3 1 ĉĉ1 1 ĉĉ3 3 κκ 1 q̂1 = cos(κ)ĉ1 + sin(κ)ĉ3 (83) q̂2 = ĉ2 (84) q̂3 = − sin(κ)ĉ1 + cos(κ)ĉ3 (85) ĉ1 = cos(κ)q̂1 − sin(κ)q̂3 (86) ĉ2 = q̂2 (87) ĉ3 = sin(κ)q̂1 + cos(κ)q̂3 (88) 18 1 1 1 B Flight Path Angle Relations In Eqn. 39 to Eqn. 42, orbital angular momentum will give us γsc as a function of asc and esc from this cross product: ~hsc = ~renc × ~vsc (89) = hsc ŝ3 = renc vsc cos(γsc )ŝ3 but also it is also given by this equation[13] from the solution to the two-body problem: p hsc = µcb asc (1 − e2sc ) Combining Eqn. 89 with Eqn. 90 gives: p µcb asc (1 − e2sc ) cos(γsc ) = r v r enc sc vc asc = (1 − e2sc ) vsc renc (90) (91) Which we may combine with Eqn. 6: s cos(γsc ) = asc renc (1 − e2sc ) 2− (92) renc asc and then sin(γsc ) is: s sin(γsc ) = sign(fsc ) 1 − asc renc (1 − e2sc ) 2− (93) renc asc The sign of γsc in Eqn. 91 may be determined by noting whether the flyby occurs before periapsis (i.e. inbound) or after periapsis (i.e. outbound) of the orbit relative the central body. For inbound flybys γsc < 0, and for outbound flybys γsc > 0. When γsc = 0 the flyby occurs at either periapsis (if asc < renc ) or apoapsis (if asc > renc ). Or from Eqn. 36: sign(γsc ) = sign[v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) sin(γga ) + vga sin(γga )] (94) which when γga = 0 simplifies to: sign(γsc ) = sign[cos(κ)] (95) But what if we’re given κ and want to solve for γsc ? From Eqn. 37: cos(γsc ) = 1 [vga cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) − v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga )] vsc cos(isc ) Equation 91 may then be used to find eccentricity: renc renc 2 2 esc = 1 − 2 − [cos(γsc )] asc asc (96) (97) Equation 38 can be rewritten for isc : sin(isc ) = − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ) vsc cos(γsc ) (98) 19 if we then substitue in Eqn. 96: tan(isc ) = − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ)/ vga cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) −v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga ) (99) Which when γga = 0 reduces to: tan(isc ) = − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ) vga + v∞ cos(α) (100) Since 0 ≤ |isc | ≤ π2 for prograde orbits and π2 ≤ |isc | ≤ π for retrograde orbits, we know the quadrant of isc based on whether the orbit is prograde or retrograde. Although inclination is traditionally a strictly positive quantity, we have allowed negative values for isc in Eqn. 99 and elsewhere. In Eqn. 33, the p̂3 component of ~vsc will have the same sign as isc . This means that a negative inclination corresponds to a flyby at the spacecraft’s descending node. By allowing isc to go negative, we do not have to track whether a flyby is at the ascending or descending node separately. The maximum value for inclination happens when, in Eqn. 99, κ = ± π2 . Therefore, inclination, for a given α, is boundedj by: | tan(isc )| ≤ C v∞ sin(α) vga cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) (101) Orbit Orientation We start by describing the spacecraft orbit orientation. To do this, we first describe the longitude of encounter (L) as the angle from some reference direction to the encounter, as shown in Fig. 5. The longitude of the encounter is the longitude of the ascending node (Ωsc ) if the encounter is at the ascending node, and π − Ωsc if the encounter is at the descending node. Since isc > 0 when a flyby is at the ascending node, and isc < 0 for the descending node, we made write: ( Ωsc = L L+π if isc ≥ 0 if isc < 0 (102) When isc = 0, the choice of Ωsc is arbitrary, so the relation above sets it equal to L in that case. The longitude of the ascending node and the inclination gives the orientation of the spacecraft’s orbit plane. To orient the orbit in this plane we use the argument of periapsis (ωsc ) as shown in Fig. 13. The argument of periapsis is defined as the angle from the ascending node to periapsis. Since the true anomaly of the encounter (fsc ) is the angle from periapsis to the encounter: fsc ( −ωsc = π − ωsc if isc ≥ 0 if isc < 0 (103) If we substitute these values for fsc into the conic equation, setting r = renc : renc = j due asc (1 − e2sc ) 1 ± esc cos(ωsc ) (104) to our definition of prograde, cos(γga ) is always positive 20 lin ap e o sid f es wsc line of nodes isc e lan ep c n ere ref Figure 13: Argument of Periapsis we may then write ωsc as the following: if at ascending node (i.e., isc ≥ 0): 1 asc cos(ωsc ) = (1 − e2sc ) − 1 esc renc (105) if at descending node (i.e., isc < 0): 1 asc 2 cos(ωsc ) = (1 − esc ) 1− esc renc (106) This gives us cos(ωsc ), but not the sign of ωsc . To resolve this quadrant ambiguity, we note from Fig. 13 that the sign of ωsc depends of whether the flyby is inbound (i.e. before periapsis) or outbound (i.e. after periapsis): ( sign(ωsc ) = 1 −1 if flyby inbound if flyby outbound (107) This means that ωsc will have the opposite sign of γsc , and, for prograde orbits, ωsc will also have the opposite sign of κ. D Summary of Pump & Crank Relations Pump & Crank to Orbit Elements We now have derived equations to relate the flyby ~v∞ vector to the orbit around the central central body. This section summarizes these relations and presents them in the correct order. The time of the flyby gives us vga , γga , renc , and L from the gravity-assist body’s ephemeris. From Eqn. 9, we may write the orbit semi-major axis from v∞ , and α: asc = 2− 1 vc2 2 v∞ + renc 2 vga + 2v∞ vga cos(α) (108) Which also gives us period from Eqn. 11 Tsc Tc 2 = asc renc 3 (109) 21 Next, Eqn. 99 gives us the flight path angle: tan(isc ) = − v∞ sin(α) sin(κ)/ vga cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) −v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga ) (110) where the quadrant is given by: ( 1 sign(cos(isc )) = −1 if orbit prograde if orbit retrograde (111) and from Eqn. 15 and Eqn. 16: vga > −v∞ cos(α) ⇒ prograde (112) vga < −v∞ cos(α) ⇒ retrograde (113) The eccentricity is given by Eqn. 97: e2sc renc renc 2 =1− 2− [cos(γsc )] asc asc (114) where: cos(γsc ) = 1 [vga cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) cos(γga ) vsc cos(isc ) − v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) sin(γga )] (115) The longitude of the ascending node is then given by the longitude of the encounter: ( Ωsc = L L+π if isc ≥ 0 if isc < 0 (116) and the argument of periapsis by Eqn. 105 and Eqn. 106: cos(ωsc ) = sign(isc ) asc (1 − e2sc ) − 1 esc renc (117) where Eqn. 94 and Eqn. 107 tell us the quadrant of ωsc : sign(ωsc ) = − sign[v∞ sin(α) cos(κ) cos(γga ) + v∞ cos(α) sin(γga ) + vga sin(γga )] (118) And finally, the true anomaly of the flyby is: fsc ( −ωsc = π − ωsc if isc ≥ 0 if isc < 0 (119) Orbit Elements to Pump & Crank The v∞ magnitude is given by Eqn. ??: 2 2 2 v∞ = vsc + vga − 2vsc vga [sin(γsc ) sin(γga ) + cos(γsc ) cos(γga ) cos(isc )] 22 (120) where: s cos(γsc ) = asc renc (1 − e2sc ) 2− (121) renc asc s sin(γsc ) = sign(fsc ) 1 − asc renc (1 − e2sc ) 2− (122) renc asc The semi-major axis gives us the pump angle (which is always positive): cos(α) = 2 2 2 vsc − v∞ − vga 2v∞ vga (123) And crank is given by Eqn. 39 and Eqn. 42: cos(κ) = 1 vsc sin(γsc ) − vga sin(γga ) − v∞ cos(α) sin(γga ) v∞ sin(α) cos(γga ) sign(κ) = sign(isc cos(γsc )) E (124) (125) Bending Angle Relations In the theory of patched conics, we model the flyby as a hyperbola and calculate the angle, the 00 0 vector. The flyby is then vector and the outgoing ~v∞ bending angle, between the incoming ~v∞ modeled as a rotation of the ~v∞ , which is treated as an instantaneous ∆V applied to the orbit around the central body. δ f∞ f∞ " "v∞ "" "v∞ δδ f∞f∞ " " "v∞ "v∞ "" "" "v∞"v∞ δ π + 2 2 Figure 14: Hyperbolic Flyby Figure 14 shows the hyperbolic flyby in detail. The bending angle (δ) is the angle between the two asymptotes. To find this angle, we will find the true anomaly of the asymtotes (f∞ ). We begin with the conic equation: rf b = af b (1 − e2f b ) 1 + ef b cos(ff b ) (126) 23 which we solve for true anomaly: 1 af b cos(ff b ) = (1 − e2f b ) − 1 ef b rf b (127) and then take the limit as radius goes to infinity: # " af b (1 − e2f b ) 1 − cos(f∞ ) = lim rf b →∞ rf b ef b ef b (128) 1 =− ef b and the eccentricity of the flyby is given by: ef b = 1 − rpf b af b (129) µf b 2 v∞ 2 rpf b v∞ =1+ µga af b = − (130) ef b (131) By the geometric construction in Fig. 14, the f∞ angle is also given by: f∞ = δ π + 2 2 (132) which means: − cos(f∞ ) = − cos δ π + 2 2 = sin δ 2 (133) So, the bending angle of the flyby is: µga δ sin = 2 2 µga + rpf b v∞ (134) Which we can translate into ∆V : ∆Vf b = 2v∞ µga 2 µga + rpf b v∞ (135) 24