Glacial Geology of Sask - University of Saskatchewan
Glacial Geology of Sask - University of Saskatchewan
GLACIAL GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN E.A. Christiansen, P. Eng., P. Geo., 48 Weir Crescent, Saskatoon, SK B.J. Schmid, Saskatchewan Research Council / University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK ABSTRACT The glacial geology of southern Saskatchewan will be considered under three sections: namely stratigraphy, geological processes and groundwater occurrence. Sequence stratigraphy is the technique utilized to separate and map stratigraphic units. A sequence is “A relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by unconformities”. Unconformities are defined as surfaces of erosion or nondeposition that represent gaps in geologic time. In Saskatchewan, these unconformities are indicated by oxidized zones and carbonate content of the tills (lithology). These sequences are called formations which are composed of till and associated stratified deposits. Formations are combined into groups and divided into members. Geological processes considered here include: (1) outwash of stratified sediments derived from melting glaciers, (2) inwash of deltaic stratified sediments deposited from extraglacial streams, and (3) salt collapse structures which occurred during the last glaciation about 20,000 years ago. In Saskatchewan, significant groundwater resources occur in the preglacial Tyner and Battleford bedrock valleys and associated Tessier, Fielding, Dalmeny, and Forestry Farm aquifers in the Floral Formation. Significant groundwater resources also occur in the Hatfield bedrock valley aquifer which extends across Saskatchewan. RÉSUMÉ La géologie glaciaire de la Saskatchewan sera examinée en trois sections: stratigraphie, processus géologiques, et présence de nappes phréatiques. La stratigraphie en séquences est la technique utilisée pour séparer et mapper les unités stratigraphiques. Une séquence est “une succession relativement concordante de strates génétiquement apparentés et bornés par des discordances”. On définit les discordances comme des surfaces d’érosion ou de nondépôt représentant des brèches dans le temps géologique. En Saskatchewan, ces discordances sont signalées par des zones oxydées et par le contenu en carbonate de l’argile à blocaux (lithologie). Ces séquences, appelées formations, sont composées d’argile à blocaux et autres gisements stratifiés. Les formations sont combinées en groupes et divisées en membres. Les processus géologiques étudiés ici comprennent: (1) l’épandage de sédiments stratifiés provenant de la fonte des glaciers, (2) la rétention de sédiments stratifiés deltaïques déposés par les cours d’eau extraglaciaires, et (3) les structures d’effondrement qui prirent place pendant la dernière glaciation, il y a environ 20 000 ans. En Saskatchewan, des ressources phréatiques importantes existent dans les vallées préglaciaires à socle rocheux de Tyner et de Battleford, ainsi que dans les aquifères annexes de Tessier, Fielding, Dalmeny et Forestry Farm, dans la Formation Florale. Des ressources phréatiques importantes existent également dans l’aquifère sur roche-mère de la vallée Hatfield, qui s’étend sur toute la Saskatchewan. 1. INTRODUCTION In considering the subject of geology of glacial deposits in southern Saskatchewan (Fig. 1), the following subjects of (1) stratigraphy; (2) geological processes including outwash and inwash of stratified deposits, and salt collapse; and (3) the occurrence of groundwater will be discussed. 2. STRATIGRAPHY 2.1 Introduction In dealing with the stratigraphy of glacial deposits, the use of the sequence stratigraphy approach, a technique used commonly in the petroleum industry, will be utilized. A sequence is “A relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by unconformities” (Mitchum 1977). An unconformity is a surface of erosion or nondeposition that represents a time gap in the geologic record. The stratigraphic unit formation is used here to classify tills and their associated stratified deposits, and like sequences, formations are bounded by unconformities. Formations are defined primarily on the basis of the nature of the tills which have unique lithologies and stratigraphic position. In Saskatchewan, carbonate content is the most distinct criterion in identifying tills. Because of the paucity of thick exposures of glacial deposits, geologic interpretations are based almost entirely on boreholes and geophysical logs (Table 1). 2.2 Bedrock surface The bedrock surface is normally located between the bedrock and the overlying glacial deposits (drift). In the preglacial Tyner and Battleford valleys, however, the bedrock surface is located between Cretaceous bedrock and overlying preglacial gravels (see Empress Group below). which include igneous, metamorphic, and carbonate clasts (Fig. 13). The lower unit is restricted to fills in preglacial valleys, whereas the upper unit occurs in both preglacial valleys and upland areas. The basal contact of the Empress Group is an erosional unconformity. 2.6.2 2.3 The stratigraphic interpretation is based on more than 3000 rotary-drill (Fig. 2) boreholes, all of which have driller’s logs and electric logs; some of which have rotary cutting samples (Fig. 3) and side-wall cores (Figs. 4, 5); and about 200 boreholes have the additional gamma-ray and calliper geophysical logs (Fig. 6). Carbonate content was determined on all cuttings and cores. The main contributors to this data bank are Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation, and Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology. 2.4 Compilation of borehole logs The borehole log (Fig. 6) at the Sutherland overpass along Highway 5 in Saskatoon exhibits gamma-ray, electric, and calliper geophysical logs; carbonate content of selected rotary cutting and drive-core samples; and geologic descriptions of the cutting and core samples. A geologic strip log is shown in the center of the log, and the oxidized zones are shown as black bars to the right of the strip log. 2.5 The role of oxidized zones Oxidized zones form when gray ferrous iron oxidizes to brown ferric iron. Oxidized zones are the most common indicator of weathering. The top of oxidized zones are unconformities (Figs. 7-10). According to Christiansen (1992), stratified deposits are associated with till as follows. (1) “If an intertill deposit is oxidized and the overlying till is unoxidized (Fig. 7), the intertill deposit is associated with the underlying till. (2) If an intertill deposit is unoxidized, and the underlying till is oxidized (Fig. 8), the intertill deposit is associated with the overlying till. (3) If the lower part of an intertill deposit is oxidized and the upper part is unoxidized (Figs. 9, 10), the lower part is associated with the underlying till and the upper part is associated with the overlying till. (4) If an oxidized zone penetrates more than one till (Fig. 11) or if both tills are unoxidized (Fig. 12, Floral/Dundurn), the tills can be separated only on the basis of lithology which in this case is carbonate content. 2.6 Sutherland Group Information Stratigraphic Units 2.6.1 Empress Group The Empress Group (Fig. 13) is composed of stratified sediments between bedrock and till (Whitaker and Christiansen, 1972). The sediments consist of a lower preglacial unit of sand and chert and quartzite gravel and an upper proglacial unit composed stratified sediment The Sutherland Group was divided into Mennon, Dundurn, and Warman formations by Christiansen (1992) on the bases of carbonate content and stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 6, Tables 1, 2). The Dundurn Formation is divided informally into lower and upper units on carbonate content (Fig. 6, Table 2). 2.6.3 Saskatoon Group The Saskatoon Group is divided into Floral and Battleford formations on preconsolidation pressure of tills, structure, staining, and carbonate content of tills (Fig. 14, Tables 1, 2). Till of the Floral Formation has a preconsolidation pressure of 1800 ± 200 kPa, whereas till of the Battleford Formation has a preconsolidation pressure of 400-750 kPa (Sauer et al., 1993). Till of the Floral Formation is jointed and stained, whereas till of the Battleford Formation is massive and unstained. Table 1. Carbonate Saskatchewan. content of tills in southern Stratigraphic Unit Saskatoon Group Battleford Formation Floral Formation No. of samples Mean mL CO2/g SD mL CO2/g 552 1855 28.2 38.2 13.5 13.9 Sutherland Group Warman Formation Dundurn Formation Mennon Formation 561 1048 310 16.6 29.1 14.1 5.0 8.3 4.5 Saskatoon Group Sutherland Group 2407 1919 35.9 23.0 14.4 9.7 Table 2. Carbonate content of tills at Sutherland Overpass 04 and SHT Eagle 196.* Stratigraphic unit Saskatoon Group Battleford Formation Floral Formation Upper till Lower till Floral Formation (all till samples) Sutherland Group Warman Formation No. of sample s Mean mL CO2/g 2 32.8 8.1 4 9 13 38.3 32.9 34.6 5.5 4.5 5.3 16 14.3 3.5 SD mL CO2/g Stratigraphic unit Dundurn Formation Upper till Lower till Dundurn Formation (all till samples) Mennon Formation No. of sample s Mean mL CO2/g 17 16 33 27.5 20.5 24.1 4.3 3.8 5.4 36 11.4 2.0 SD mL CO2/g Saskatoon Group 15 34.3 5.4 Sutherland Group 85 16.9 7.0 *Borehole log at same location as 04 but is not shown. 2.7 Methods of Separating Stratigraphic Units 2.7.1 Phase No. 2 Divide the tills and intertill stratified deposits into Saskatoon and Sutherland groups (Fig. 16). The contact between the two groups is an unconformity as evidenced by an oxidized zone on top of the Sutherland Group and by the difference in carbonate content between the Sutherland and Saskatoon groups (Fig. 16, Table 2). 2.7.3 Phase No. 3 Divide the Sutherland Group into Mennon, Dundurn, and Warman formations and the Saskatoon Group into the Floral and Battleford formations on carbonate content of tills and the oxidized zone in the upper part of the Warman Formation (Fig. 17). The contacts between the formations are unconformities. 2.7.4 Keewatin area and another to the east in Labrador (Fig. 19). Schreiner (1990) used these centers of ice accumulation to explain the south and west flow of ice in Saskatchewan. Schreiner (1990) concluded that the Keewatin center was the main center of ice accumulation for all tills except till of the Dundurn Formation. He sited the presence of Hudson Bay Omar erratics in the western plains (Prest and Nielsen, 1987) and westward striations in Manitoba as evidence for an eastern ice center in Labrador (Fig. 19). This eastern source of ice and the presence of carbonate rocks in Manitoba would explain the higher carbonate content in the till of the Dundurn Formation (Table 1, 2). Phase No. 1 Divide a column on the right side of the borehole log into bedrock, Empress Group, and till and intertill stratified deposits (Fig. 15). The contact between bedrock and the Empress Group is an erosional unconformity. 2.7.2 Two centers of glaciation have been postulated by Vincent and Prest (1987), one to the north in the Phase No. 4 Divide the Dundurn and Floral formations into lower and upper units on carbonate content in the Dundurn Formation and on an oxidized zone in the Floral Formation (Fig. 18). Because the difference in carbonate content between the lower and upper units of the Dundurn Formation have not been shown to have regional extent, the formation cannot be formally subdivided and named at this time. Even though the oxidized zone within the Floral Formation indicates that the formation was deposited during two glaciations, composition differences do not permit lithological separation at this time. 2.8 Source of Tills 2.8.1 Glacial ice accumulation 2.8.2 Glacial Stripping According to Schreiner (1990) progressive glacial stripping of Cretaceous shales occurred in a band extending from as far north as Deep Bay, Reindeer Lake to near Prince Albert (Fig. 20). During this glacial stripping, Cretaceous shales were removed from Precambrian Shield and the Lower Cretaceous sandstones south of the Shield. After loading up with Cretaceous shales, the glacier advanced southward to its terminus as described by Schreiner (1990, p. 91, 92) in the following summary. 2.8.3 Summary “In summary, the evidence indicates that successive ice advances came off the resistant shield unsaturated with material. When the ice encountered the sedimentary rocks, it selectively eroded the softer deformable bedrock units. The ice became saturated over a short distance with relatively uniform material which dominated the lithology of the glacial load. The load was then carried in the ice without the incorporation of much new material as the ice extended to its terminus. The load was then let down as the ice ablated.” 3. GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES 3.1 Introduction The geological processes that will be considered here include outwash and inwash of stratified deposits and the Saskatoon Low salt collapse structure. 3.2 Outwash 3.2.1 Introduction Outwash is mainly silt, sand, and gravel “washed out” from a glacier by meltwater. Most outwash in Saskatchewan was deposited where subglacial channels discharge meltwater to form fans such as the Welby sand plain (Christiansen, 1962). 3.2.2 The Welby sand plain was formed by sand delivered to a re-entrant in the ice margin by the subglacial Deerhorn channels (Fig. 21). The re-entrant area is defined by the washboard moraine. Figure 22 shows the surficial geology of the same area as shown in Figure 21. The shape of the ice margins is well illustrated by the trend of the washboard moraines, and the direction of glacier movement is shown by the fluting in Figure 22. The sediments encountered in the Welby borehole include bedrock, Empress Group and Floral and Battleford formations of the Saskatoon Group (Fig. 23). Two aquifers exist in the borehole log, one in the sand of the Empress Group and the other in the Welby sand. Each aquifer has a different water level (Fig. 23) because of the proximity of the Qu’Appelle Valley (Fig. 22). The water levels in the borehole (Fig. 23) were obtained from the abrupt changes in the resistance log in the Empress Group and Welby sand (Fig. 23). 3.3 Inwash 3.3.1 Introduction Inwash is used here for deltaic sediments brought into ice bound glacial lakes by extraglacial rivers. The Prince Albert delta (Christiansen, 1979) is an example of one of many deltas that formed where the North and South Saskatchewan rivers emptied into glacial Lake Saskatchewan (Fig. 24). 3.3.2 Prince Albert delta The Prince Albert delta formed where the North and South Saskatchewan rivers and Shellbrook, Sturgeon, and Spruce channels entered Lake Saskatchewan (Fig. 24). The sediment in the Prince Albert delta coarsens upward (Fig. 25) as a result of progradation of the delta. Inwash is finer grained than outwash because inwash is derived from erosion of bedrock and the reworking of glacial deposits, whereas outwash is mainly glacially derived. 3.4 3.5 Saskatoon Low salt collapse structure 3.5.1 Introduction Welby sand plain Differentiation of outwash and inwash in borehole logs Two upward coarsening sequences of silts and sands occur in the Demaine borehole log (Fig. 26). The lower sequence was deposited as outwash during the advance of the glacier that deposited till of the upper Dundurn Formation or as inwash in a proglacial delta that formed during the advance of the upper Dundurn glacier. The upper sequence was deposited as inwash in a proglacial delta during the retreat of the Floral glacier. If this upper sand and silt had been deposited during the retreat of the Floral glacier, it would have become finer grained upward. The Saskatoon Low extends southward from Saskatoon (Figs. 27, 28). The thickness of salt in the vicinity of the Saskatoon Low is at least 180 m (Holter, 1969) and the structural closure is at least 150 m suggesting that about 30 m of Prairie Evaporite Formation remains beneath the structure. 3.5.2 Structure A schematic gravity fault model was utilized to interpret the stratigraphy (Fig. 29). The Saskatoon Low was filled with up to 110 m of till of the Battleford Formation (Fig. 30) and up to 77 m of clay, silt, and sand of the Haultain Member of the Battleford Formation (Fig. 31). 3.5.3 Effective stress-depth Battleford Formation profile of till of the Prior to the work of Sauer and Christiansen (1991) and Sauer in Christiansen and Sauer (2001), the Battleford Formation was differentiated on the basis of field observations. Till of the Battleford Formation is soft, massive, and unstained, whereas the underlying till of the Floral Formation is hard, jointed, and stained where oxidized (Christiansen, 1992). In 1966, a borehole was drilled, electric logged, and sidewall cored (Fig. 32). The side-wall cores in the Battleford Formation could be deformed by squeezing them between the thumb and forefinger. Upon hearing about the softened state of the Battleford Formation, Sauer (in Christiansen and Sauer, 2001) decided to obtain rotarydrill cores from the same site of the borehole in Fig. 32 and to conduct effective stress measurements on till and the Haultain Member of the Battleford Formation. The divergence of the preconsolidation pressure from the present overburden curve in the upper 40 m of the borehole log (Fig. 33) was interpreted by Sauer (in Christiansen and Sauer, 2001) as being the result of desiccation of the Haultain Member and the upper part of the till of the Battleford Formation following the drainage of glacial Lake Saskatchewan. The remainder of the preconsolidation curve closely follows the present overburden pressure curve. This similarity of the preconsolidation and present overburden curves (Fig. 33) explains the softness of cores observed in the field. 3.5.4 Origin Two events are required to explain the stratigraphy in Fig. 29: (1) the Saskatoon Low collapsed from the weight of the Battleford glacier and (2) the collapse of the Saskatoon Low provided the environment for compressive flow (Sauer in Christiansen and Sauer (2001)). During compressive flow of the glacier, the previously faulted Bearpaw (Fig. 29, 3a, b, c), Dundurn (6), and Floral (7) formations were sheared from the Saskatoon Low. The base of the glacially eroded Saskatoon Low is the Ardkenneth Member of the Bearpaw Formation (Fig. 29, 3b). The Ardkenneth Member resisted shearing by the Battleford glacier because of its sandier composition resulting in a higher shear resistance. From the Tyner Valley cross section (Fig. 38a, 38b), the groundwater flows northward through the Tyner Valley aquifer (Fig. 34), by the Warman observation well site (Fig. 41), to its confluence with the Battleford valley aquifer, and from there through the Battleford valley aquifer into the North Saskatchewan River (Meneley, 1970). 4.2 4.2.1 4. GROUNDWATER OCCURRENCE 4.1 Tyner valley and Tessier aquifer system 4.1.1 Tyner valley aquifer The Tyner valley aquifer extended intermittently from the Alberta-Saskatchewan border to its confluence with the Battleford valley north of Saskatoon (Fig. 34). The Tyner valley aquifer is in preglacial chert and quartzite gravel and overlying glacial sand of the Empress Group (Fig. 35). The observation well was installed in the Tyner valley near borehole log 9 (Fig. 36). The high head and concentration of constituents in this observation well may be explained by the removal of the Tyner valley aquifer in the vicinity of borehole log 10 (Fig. 36) which impeded groundwater flow northwestward in this part of the Tyner valley. 4.1.2 Tessier aquifer The Tessier aquifer (Figs. 37-39, 40) is composed of two sands separated by clay in borehole log 12 and till in borehole logs 20-22 (Fig. 39). The clay in borehole log 12 (Fig. 39) and the lower Floral sand in borehole log 21 are oxidized indicating that the lower and upper units of the Floral Formation are separated by an unconformity. The unconformity indicates that the two units in the Floral Formation were deposited by two separate and distinct glaciations. Battleford valley and associated aquifers Battleford valley aquifer The Battleford valley extends from the AlbertaSaskatchewan border to its confluence with the Tyner valley north of Saskatoon (Fig. 42). The Battleford valley aquifer is in preglacial chert and quartzite gravel and sand, interbedded (lower unit) and glacial sand and silt (upper unit) of the Empress Group (Fig. 43). The Lilac observation well was completed in glacial sand and silt of the Empress Group (Fig. 44). A map showing the location of (a) cross section E-E’ across the Battleford valley aquifer, (b) boundaries of the Battleford valley, and (c) the geomorphology of the walls of the North Saskatchewan River valley (Fig. 45). At borehole sites 24 and 27 (Figs. 45, 46), the North Saskatchewan River eroded into bedrock shales, whereas at borehole sites 25 and 26 (Figs. 45, 46), the valley is eroded into sands of the Empress Group. The angle of repose of the valley wall developed in bedrock (Fig. 45) is about 5°, similar to that in the Denholm landslide (Sauer 1983), whereas the angle of reposed of the valley wall developed in drift over the Battleford valley is about 13°. The Tessier observation well (Figs. 34, 37-39, 40) was completed in sand of the lower Floral Formation (Fig. 39, borehole log 12). The low angle of reposed (5°) for the valley walls at borehole sites 24 and 27 (Figs. 45, 46) and the horst and graben structure of the valley wall at borehole site 27 (Fig. 45) indicate these features are landslides. The amphitheatre features in the east wall of the North Saskatchewan River valley (Fig. 45) are being formed by springhead sapping or piping as a result of groundwater discharging from the Dalmeny aquifer (Fig. 47). The Battleford valley aquifer discharges groundwater into the North Saskatchewan River alluvium (Figs. 47, 48). 4.1.3 4.2.2 Groundwater flow Meneley (in Christiansen et al. 1970) showed that precipitation recharges the Tessier aquifer and that a portion of the recharge returns to depressions in the land surface (Fig. 38a). Another portion of groundwater recharge flows directly from the land surface into the Judith River Formation and from there to the Tyner valley aquifer. Finally, a portion of the groundwater in the Tessier aquifer flows into the Judith River Formation and from there into the Tyner valley aquifer. North Saskatchewan River alluvium aquifer At the Hepburn Ferry site (Fig. 49, borehole log 29), the North Saskatchewan River valley alluvium is composed of 3m of basal gravel overlain by 36 m of fine to medium grained sand. In borehole logs 35 and 36 (Fig. 49), 4 and 3 m of bedrock silt and sand were encountered in the alluvium. The toe of the Denholm landslide over-riding the North Saskatchewan River alluvium (Sauer and Christiansen, 1987) provides a model for the bedrock slumping encountered in borehole logs 35 and 36 (Fig. 49). Radiocarbon dates on wood in the North Saskatchewan River alluvium suggest that deposition of the alluvium began about 11,000 years ago (Fig. 50) and is continuing at a rate of 2.4 mm per year. 4.2.3 Fielding, Dalmeny, and Forestry Farm aquifers The Fielding, Dalmeny, and Forestry Farm aquifers (Fig. 51) like the Tessier aquifer (Fig. 39) are in lower and upper sands of the Floral Formation separated by oxidized till which indicates that these sands were deposited by two separate glaciations. The Fielding, Dalmeny, and Forestry Farm aquifers are separated by the North and South Saskatchewan river valleys (Fig. 51). The Fielding aquifer discharges groundwater through contact springs into the North Saskatchewan River valley (Figs. 47, 48). The Dalmeny aquifer discharges groundwater into the North and South Saskatchewan river valleys through the springs (Figs. 47, 51). The Dalmeny observation well was completed in the upper sand of the Floral Formation (Fig. 52). The Forestry Farm aquifer is in the lower sand of the Floral Formation (Fig. 51). Groundwater discharge has formed the Petursson’s Ravine by spring sapping or piping of sand and gravel from the lower sand of the Floral Formation (Fig. 53). 4.3 Hatfield valley aquifer The Hatfield valley aquifer extends from the AlbertaSaskatchewan to the Saskatchewan-Manitoba borders, a distance of about 800 km (Fig. 54). The valley appears to exhibit a slight gradient to the northwest. The Hatfield valley aquifer at the St. Louis bridge site is a flowing artesian aquifer from sand and gravel of the Empress Group. A detailed geological and geotechnical cross section display of the St. Louis bridge site will be shown in the poster session. 5. 5.1 SITE INVESTIGATION FROM A GEOLOGIST’S POINT OF VIEW Introduction The following items should be considered in any geotechnical investigation to provide a geological framework. 5.2 Base of exploration If the base of exploration is unknown, a rotary-drill borehole should be drilled, sampled at 1.5 to 3 m intervals, and geophysically logged as described by Christiansen (1983). Selected till samples should be submitted for total carbonate content analysis. If the base of exploration is thought to be less than 15 m, auger-flight equipment may be used. 5.3 Piezometers A single piezometer at a site may define the water table. A nest of two, preferably three piezometers are required to determine the hydraulic gradient and whether the groundwater movement is upward or downward. Saline soils are indicative of upward flow of groundwater (Henry, 2003). The Credit Union Centre and The Saskatoon Field House at the University of Saskatchewan are in areas of upward groundwater flow which have required drainage systems. 5.4 Atterberg limits Natural water content (Wn) is commonly reported without Atterberg limits (Wp, Wl) and Atterberg limits without natural water content. If the Atterberg limits and natural water content are presented together (Fig. 14), it is possible to separate tills of the Floral and Battleford formations. In till of the Floral Formation (Fig. 14), the natural water content is about equal to the plastic limit, whereas in till of the Battleford Formation, the natural water content is greater than the plastic limit. 5.5 Preconsolidation of tills It is also possible to separate tills of the Floral and Battleford formations on the effect stress-depth curve (Fig. 14). Till of the Floral Formation has a preconsolidation pressure of about 2000 kPa, whereas till of the Battleford Formation has a preconsolidation pressure of up to only about 500 kPa. Furthermore, it is possible to separate basal meltout tills from ablation meltout tills on the effective stress-depth curve (Fig. 14). Basal meltout till of the Battleford Formation has a preconsolidation of about 500 kPa (Fig. 14), whereas ablation meltout till of the Battleford Formation is normally consolidated. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The late Dr. E. Karl Sauer, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan worked and published with the senior author for 25 years. He provided the soil and ice mechanics and the geohydrology of glacial deposits, while the senior author was responsible for the geology. Dr. Sauer’s contribution to the understanding of glacial processes is particularly noteworthy. The Saskatchewan Research Council provided access to their data bank of logs, typed the manuscript, prepared the figures, and were helpful in every way. The manuscript was read by Mr. M. Simpson, Saskatchewan Research Council and Dr. J.S. Sharma, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. 7. REFERENCES Christiansen, E.A. 1962. Hydrogeology of surficial and bedrock valley aquifers in southern Saskatchewan. Hydrology Symposium No. 3 – Groundwater. National Research Council of Canada, Associated Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics, Subcommittee on Hydrology. p. 49-65. Christiansen, E.A. 1979. The Wisconsinan deglaciation of southern Saskatchewan and adjacent areas. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16:913-938. Christiansen, E.A. 1983. The Denholm landslide, Saskatchewan. Part I: Geology. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 20:197-207. Christiansen, E.A. 1992. Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Saskatoon area, Saskatchewan, Canada: an update. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29:1767-1778. Christiansen, E.A. and Meneley, W.A. 1970. Slope stability. In Physical Environment of Saskatoon, Canada. Edited by E.A. Christiansen. Published by Saskatchewan Research Council in co-operation with the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. NRC Publication Number 11378, pp.52. Christiansen, E.A., Meneley, W.A., and Whitaker, S.H. 1970. Brochure on Saskatchewan Research Council Groundwater Program. Funded through the ARDA Program. Christiansen, E.A. and Sauer E. Karl. 2001. Stratigraphy and structure of a Late Wisconsinan salt collapse in the Saskatoon Low, south of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada: an update. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38:1601-1613. Christiansen, E.A., Sauer, E. Karl, and Schreiner Bryan T. 1995. Glacial Lake Saskatchewan and Lake Agassiz deltas in east-central Saskatchewan with special emphasis on the Nipawin delta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32:334-348. Christiansen, E.A. and Whitaker, S.H. 1976. Glacial thrusting of drift and bedrock. In Glacial till, an interdisciplinary study. Edited by Robert F. Legget. The Royal Society of Canada Special Publication 12. Published by The Royal Society of Canada in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada: pp. 121-130. Henry, Les. 2003. Henry’s handbook of soil and water. Published by Henry Perspectives, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 218 p. Holter, M.E. 1969. The Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Sciences Branch, Industrial Mineral Division, Report 123. Maathuis, H. 2005. Major aquifers in Saskatchewan yielding potable water. Saskatchewan Research Council Aquifer map. Meneley, W.A. 1964. Geology of the Melfort area (73A), Saskatchewan. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Meneley, W.A. 1970. Groundwater resources. In Physical environment of Saskatoon, Canada. Edited by E.A. Christiansen, Saskatchewan Research Council in co-operation with The National Research Council of Canada. NRC Publication Number 11378:39-50. Mitchum, R.M., Jr. 1977. Seismic stratigraphy and global changes in sea level, Part II: glossary of terms used in seismic stratigraphy, in C.E. Payton, editor, Seismic stratigraphy. American Association of Petroleum geologists. Memoir 26, p. 205-212. Morrison, B. 1969. A side-wall sampler. Geotechnical Journal, 6:431-439. Canadian Prest, V.K. and Nielsen, E. 1987. The Lauentide ice sheet and long-distance transport. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 3, p. 91-101. Sauer, E. Karl. 1983. The Denholm landslide, Saskatchewan. Part II: analysis, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 20:208-220. Sauer, E. Karl and Christiansen, E.A. 1991. Preconsolidation pressures in the Battleford Formation, southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28:1613-1623. Sauer, E.K. and Christiansen, E.A. 1987. The Denholm landslide, Saskatchewan, Canada, an update. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 24:163-168. Sauer, E. Karl, Egeland, Anne K., and Christiansen, E.A. 1993. Compression characteristics and index properties of tills and intertill clays in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 30:257-275. Schreiner, B.T. 1990. Lithostratigraphic correlation of Saskatchewan tills, a mirror image of Cretaceous bedrock. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 401 p. Vincent, J.S. and Prest, V.K. 1987. The Early Wisconsinan history of the Lauentide Ice Sheet. Géographic Physique et Quaternaire, XLI, No. 2, pp. 199-213. Whitaker, S.H. and Christiansen, E.A. 1972. The Empress Group in southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 9:353-360. Fig. 3. Rotary-drill cuttings samples. Fig. 1. Map of southern Saskatchewan showing the location of 130 borehole logs selected for carbonate analyses. Fig. 4. Side-wall coring equipment (Morrison, 1969). Fig. 2. Rotary-drill equipment drilling a borehole on the University of Saskatchewan campus. Fig. 5. Side-wall cores. Fig. 6. Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation borehole logs 04 from the Sutherland Overpass along Highway 5 in Saskatoon showing electric, gamma-ray, and calliper geophysical logs; carbonate and zinc content and texture of tills; and geologic strip logs and sample descriptions. Fig. 10. Borehole log showing an unconformity within the stratified deposits between tills of the Dundurn and Floral formations. SRC Saskatoon 0 10 Resistivity Ohms 20 30 40 50 0 CO2 evolved ml/g 10 20 30 40 0 Haultain Unconformity 10 Floral Unconformity Warman 20 Upper 40 Lower 50 Sutherland Unconformity 30 Dundurn Fig. 7. Unconformity between an oxidized stratified deposit and an overlying unoxidized till. Battleford Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 Saskatoon SW-11-26-36-5-W3 Depth m 60 70 80 Fig. 8. Unconformity between oxidized till and an overlying unoxidized stratified deposit. 90 Bedrock 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Fig. 9. Unconformity between an oxidized stratified deposit and an overlying unoxidized stratified deposit. SRC Holdfast SW-3-18-23-25-W2 Specific Conductivity mV 30 20 10 0 50 40 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Battleford Floral 10 Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 11. Borehole log showing three unconformities in one oxidized zone based on the carbonate content of tills. SRC Xena Saskatoon NE-16-2-32-26-W2 Depth m Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 60 0 Battleford Upper Dundurn Lower 60 Sutherland 50 Floral Dundurn 20 30 40 Saskatoon 10 20 Sutherland Depth m Sand, fine to med 30 40 50 60 70 70 80 80 Empress 90 90 100 100 110 Bedrock 110 Empress 120 120 130 130 Bearpaw 140 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Gravel Till Oxidized zone 150 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 12. Borehole log showing an unconformity between two unoxidized tills of the Dundurn and Floral formations based on the carbonate content of tills. SRC Empress SW-4-4-23-29-W3 Depth m Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 Battleford Floral 20 Saskatoon 0 10 30 Warman 50 60 Sutherland 40 70 Dundurn 80 110 120 130 Upper Empress Tyner Valley Aquifer 90 100 Lower 140 Lea Park 150 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 13. Borehole log from the type locality of the Empress Group in the Tyner valley at the confluence of the South Saskatchewan and Red Deer rivers. SW-5-3-36-4-W3 Specific Conductivity mV 30 20 10 0 50 40 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 5060 0 Depth m 0 500 Effective Stress (kPa) 1000 1500 2000 2 10 4 20 6 30 8 40 10 50 Ablation Meltout 12 60 14 2500 Haultain Member Battleford Formation UofS Eagle No. 141 Goodale Farm Depth m 10 Index Properties 20 30 wp wn 40 50 wl 70 Basal Meltout 16 80 Unconformity 18 20 100 Preconsolidation Pressure 22 110 24 120 26 130 Sand, fine to med Clay Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Oxidized zone 28 Present Overburden Pressure Floral Formation 90 30 Fig. 14. Preconsolidation pressures and index properties of tills of the Floral and Battleford formations at the Goodale Farm site (Eagle 141). From Sauer et al. 1993. Fig. 15. Phase No. 1 in separation of bedrock, Empress Group, and tills and intertill stratified deposits. Fig. 17. Phase No. 3 in separation of Sutherland Group into Mennon, Dundurn, and Warman formations and the Saskatoon Group into Floral and Battleford formations. Fig. 16. Phase No. 2 in separation of Sutherland and Saskatoon groups. Fig. 18. Phase No. 4 of an informal separation of lower and upper units in the Dundurn and Floral formations. Fig. 19. Map showing the location of the Keewatin and Labrador ice centers from Vincent and Prest (1987, Fig. 4). The arrows suggest the general flow of ice from these two centers. Fig. 20. Map showing progressive stripping of Cretaceous shales during Mennon, Dundurn, Warman, Floral and Battleford glaciations undifferentiated. Fig. 21. plain. Phase 1 of the origin of the Welby sand Fig. 22. plain. Phase 2 of the origin of the Welby sand SRC Holmes SRC Welby SW-4-29-47-26-W2 NW-12-9-18-30-W1 Depth m Specific Conductivity mV 10080 60 40 20 0 0 Depth m CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 25 50 75 100125 10 20 30 40 50 60 Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0 Till 20 30 40 50 16 Floral 60 20 70 24 Empress Silt Clay Till 80 28 Sand Battleford Saskatoon 12 Prince Albert Delta Deposits 8 Saskatoon Welby Sand 4 Battleford 10 90 100 32 110 Upper Colorado 36 120 130 40 Bedrock 44 140 150 48 Lower 160 52 170 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Gravel Till Oxidized zone Fig. 23. Welby borehole log showing stratigraphy and groundwater levels. Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 25. Borehole log showing coarsening upward in the Prince Albert delta deposits. SRC Demaine SE-9-27-22-10-W3 Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Battleford Unconformity 10 Inwash 20 30 Saskatoon Depth m Floral 40 50 60 70 Unconformity 110 120 Upper Unconformity 130 Dundurn 90 100 Sutherland Outwash or Inwash 80 140 Lower 150 170 Upper 180 Lower Unconformity 190 Empress 160 Bedrock 200 210 Fig. 24. Prince Albert delta forming in glacial Lake Saskatchewan 11500 years ago (Christiansen, 1979). Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 26. The differentiation of outwash and inwash in the Demaine borehole log. Fig. 27. Isopach map of Prairie Evaporite showing location of Saskatoon Low. Modified slightly from Holter (1969). Fig. 28. Structure contour map on top of the Lea Park Formation (Christiansen and Sauer, 2001) showing the location of cross section A-A’. Fig. 30. Isopach map of till of the Battleford Formation. Arrow points to location of Figs. 32, 33. Fig. 31. Isopach map of the Haultain Member of the Battleford Formation. Arrow points to location where the Haultain Member is up to a maximum of 77 m thick. 2.5 km 2.0 km SRC 72O/15 1970 Pike Lake SW 4-15-34-6-W3 3 SRC 72O/15 1970 Pike Lake SE 1-17-34-6-W3 2 SRC 72O/15 1970 Pike Lake SE 3-18-34-6-W3 1 4.3 km 5.8 km UofS 72O/15 1991 Eagle No.171 Camp Dundurn SE 3-18-34-5-W3 5 SRC 72O/15 1970 Whitecap SE 3-18-34-6-W3 4 A 8.3 km 11.0 km SRC 72O/15 1976 Haultain NW14-20-34-4-W3 6 11.0 km SRC 72O/15 1976 Allan SE 9-29-33-2-W3 8 NRC-SRC 72O/15 1966 Strehlow SW 4-5-34-3-W3 7 A' Saskatoon Low 7 Dundurn Fm. Till 2 3a 6 Bearpaw Formation 400 m 3c 3b Late Early M. Pliestocene Time Units Group Formation Pike Lake Saskatoon Unnamed Battleford Member or unit No. 10 9 8b 8a Floral 7 6 Sutherland Dundurn Mennon 5 Empress 4 Upper 3c Bearpaw Ardkenneth 3b Montana Lower 3a Judith River 2 Lea Park 1 Haultain Deposit Sand and silt Eolian sand and silt Clay, silt, and sand Till Till and sand Till Till Silt Shale Sandstone and shale Shale Sandstone and shale Shale 300 m Fig. 29. Cross section A-A’ across the Saskatoon Low. 3a Ardkenneth Member sandstone and shale 3a 2 Judith River Formation Bearpaw Formation 3a Floral Fm. 7 Till 6 Dundurn Fm. 5 Mennon Fm. 3b Till 8b Haultain Member 10 8a Till ? Battleford Formation 7 6 Late Cretaceous Elevation above mean sea level Pike Lake 9 500 m S. Sask. River South Saskatchewan River Valley Eolian sand and silt Pike Lake sand and silt 2 Glacially Eroded Surface 3c 4 2 NRC-SRC Haultain U of S Eagle No.168 Haultain No.01 SW-4-19-35-4-W3 Depth m Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 SW-4-19-35-4-W3 CO 2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 Depth m 0 Specific Conductivity mV 30 20 10 0 Gamma-Ray cps 50 100 50 40 0 10 CO2 evolved Resisti vity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 500 Effective Stress kPa 1000 1500 0 10 10 Haultain Member Haultain Member 0 Preconsolidation Pressure 20 30 20 Pre en burd ve r 50 40 60 re ssu Pr e 70 Soft Till 80 Saskatoon Group 60 Battleford Formation 70 50 Battleford Formation tO sen 40 30 80 90 100 110 120 90 130 100 140 Bedrock 150 110 120 130 Bedrock 140 150 Sand, fine to med Clay, be ntonite Shale Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Gravel Till Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Fig. 33. U of S Eagle No. 168 (SW-04-19-35-04-W3) borehole log (a) and effective-depth profile (b) for till and Haultain Member of the Battleford Formation. SRC Tyner SE-1-10-24-18-W3 Depth m Oxidized zone Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Fig. 32. NRC-SRC Haultain borehole log obtained in 1966. SW-04-19-35-04-W3 10 Clay 20 30 40 Silt 50 60 70 Mainly Till 80 90 Sand 110 Chert & Quartzile Gravel Empress 100 Bedrock 120 130 Fig. 34. Brochure of southern Saskatchewan (Christiansen et al., 1970) showing major and minor aquifers, location of Fig. 13; and Tyner (A), Warman (B), and Tessier (C) observation wells. Arrows show direction of groundwater flow through Tyner and Battleford valley aquifers. Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Constituent Carbonate as CO3 Bicarbonate as HCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Chloride as Cl Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg Sodium as Na ppm Nil 712 1150 141 128 72 600 Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone Concentration Conductivity (uS/cm) Hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 2819 3090 615 584 Date of analyses: August 26, 1971 Fig. 35. Tyner observation well (Fig. 34(A)) is completed in preglacial chert and quartzite gravel and sand of the Empress Group. A chemical analysis is included with concentration, hardness, and sulphate constituents high-lighted. Fig. 36. Cross section B-B’ showing that the continuity of the Tyner Valley aquifer was interrupted by glacial erosion of the Empress Group in which the Tyner observation well was completed. From Christiansen and Whitaker, 1976. Fig. 37. Tessier and Tyner valley aquifers showing the location of cross sections C-C’ and D-D’ and the Tessier observation well. Fig. 38a. Cross section C-C’ showing the hydrogeology of the Tyner valley and Tessier aquifers (Meneley in Christiansen et al. 1970). 17 km SRC 72O/13 1966 Tessier NW 13-33-33-11-W3 12 6 km CLP 72O/14 1966 Laura NW 10-19-33-9-W3 13 2 km CLP 72O/14 1966 Chambers NW 14-23-33-9-W3 14 2 km CLP 72O/14 1966 Chambers SE 1-25-33-9-W3 15 3 km 8 km CLP 72O/14 1966 Chambers NE 9-21-33-8-W3 17 CLP 72O/14 1966 Chambers SE 16-19-33-8-W3 16 CLP 72O/14 1966 Delisle NW 13-12-34-8-W3 18 Tessier Aquifer 500 m San da nd San gra da vel nd gra vel Battleford Formation Floral Formation Clay Dundurn Formation Sand and silt Bedrock Surface Bedrock Surface Tyner valley aquifer Judith River Formation Clay and silt Bedrock Surface 400 m Saskatoon Group C' Clay, silt and sand Sutherland Group Empress Group Elevation above mean sea level C Till Till Till Bedrock Block Bed rock Surface Silt, sand, and Gravel Judith River Formation Lea Park Formation Tyner valley aquifer Variable horizontal Scale to shorten section Groundwater flow into cross section Fig. 38b. An update of cross section C-C’ showing stratigraphy of the Tyner valley and Tessier aquifers and the groundwater flow system (Meneley in Christiansen et al. 1970). Arrows show the direction of groundwater flow. See Fig. 37 for the location of cross section. 14 km D EPD 72O/13 1975 Harris SE 1-13-33-12-W3 20 18 km SRC 72O/13 1966 Tessier NW 13-33-33-11-W3 12 13 km CLP 72O/14 1966 Delisle SW 4-30-34-9-W3 21 6 km CLP 73B/03 1966 Asquith NW 15-32-35-9-W3 22 Elevation above mean sea level Formation Be dr oc kS ur fa ce Upper Lower Saskatoon Group S and and g ra Sand and vel Till g rave l Till Sand and silt Bedrock Surface Empress Group Judith River Formation Clay and silt Clay, silt, and sand LowerUpper Clay Dundurn 400 m D' Tessier Aquifer Battleford Formation Floral Formation Till Till 500 m CLP 73B/03 1966 Urban SW 13-18-36-9-W3 23 Intersection AA' Tessier Observation Well 600 m SRC 72O/13 1966 Valley Centre NE 9-23-32-13-W3 19 7 km Sutherland Group Dundurn Formation Sand and silt Bedrock Surface Lea Park Formation Clay and silt Variable horizontal Scale to shorten section Fig. 39. Cross section D-D’ showing the Tessier aquifer and observation well completed in the lower unit of the Floral Formation. See Fig. 37 for the location of cross section. SRC Warman SRC Tessier NE-13-9-39-5-W3 Silt 10 Till 20 Sand Clay 30 Sand CO2 evolved ml/g 25 50 Resistivity Ohms 40 60 80 100 0 0 Upper 20 Lower 30 50 50 Sutherland 40 Dundurn 20 10 40 60 0 Floral 0 Specific Conductivity mV 50 25 0 100 75 Warman 60 70 70 Dundurn 80 Empress 90 90 100 100 110 Screen 110 Bedrock 120 120 130 130 140 140 150 Tyner valley aquifer 80 Saskatoon 0 Depth m CO2 evolved ml/g 10 20 30 40 Sutherland Resistivity Ohms 20 40 60 80100 0 Battleford Specific Conductivity mV 10080 60 40 20 0 Floral Saskatoon NW-13-33-33-11-W3 Depth m Empress Bedrock 150 Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, fine to med Clay Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Gravel Till Sand, fine to med Constituent Hydroxide as OH Carbonate as CO3 Bicarbonate as HCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Chloride as Cl Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg Sodium as Na ppm Nil Nil 449 548 11 172 88 72 Oxidized zone pH Concentration Conductivity (uS/cm) Hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 7.35 1350 1520 788 368 Date of analyses: June, 1970 Fig. 40. Tessier observation well completed in the Tessier aquifer (Figs. 37-39). A chemical analysis is included with the concentration, hardness, and sulphate constituents high-lighted. Constituent Hydroxide as OH Carbonate as CO3 Bicarbonate as HCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Chloride as Cl Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg Sodium as Na Shale Oxidized zone ppm Nil Nil 690 840 82 132 51 458 pH Concentration Conductivity (uS/cm) Hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 7.70 2269 2490 539 539 Date of analyses: November 22, 1965 Fig. 41. Warman observation well (Fig. 34(B)) completed in glacial sand of the Dundurn Formation. A chemical analysis is included with the concentration, hardness, and sulphate high-lighted. Depth m Sutherland SRC Lilac SRC Lilac NE-16-35-43-14-W3 NE1-2-44-14-W3 Specific Conductivity mV 30 20 10 0 50 40 0 10 CO2 evolved Depth Resistivity Specific Conductivity m Ohms ml/g mV 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 50 403020100 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 140 150 150 160 Fig. 42. Brochure of southern Saskatchewan (Christiansen et al. 1970) showing the location of major and minor aquifers, Battleford valley aquifer, and the Lilac observation well, and Petrofka bridge sites. SRC North Battleford NE-8-32-44-16-W3 Specific Conductivity mV 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 CO2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Battleford 0 10 Floral 20 CO 2 evolved ml/g 10 20 30 40 50 60 Saskatoon Empress Bedrock 160 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Gravel Till Gravel Till Constituent Hydroxide as OH Carbonate as CO3 Bicarbonate as HCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Chloride as Cl Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg Sodium as Na Oxidized zone ppm Nil Nil 604 276 10 131 47 108 Oxidized zone pH Concentration Conductivity (uS/cm) Hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 7.80 1188 1400 522 495 Date of analyses: August 10, 1970 Fig. 44. Lilac observation well completed in glacial sand of the Empress Group and a borehole log to bedrock about 300 m from the well along Highway 40. A chemical analysis is included with the concentration, hardness, and sulphate constituents high-lighted. Saskatoon Depth m Resistivity Ohm s 0 10203040 50 30 40 60 Warman 70 Sutherland 50 80 90 100 Lower 120 Empress Upper 110 130 Bedrock 140 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Shale Sand, coarse Silt Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Gravel Till Oxidized zone Fig. 43. Borehole log showing the hydrogeology of the Battleford valley aquifer. Fig. 45. Map showing location of cross section E-E’ across the preglacial Battleford valley aquifer east of the North Saskatchewan River valley. E 2.8 km 2.3 km SRC 73B/7 1966 Langham SE 9-26-40-7-W3 25 SRC 73B/7 1966 Langham SE 16-14-40-7-W3 24 SRC 1964 Langham NW 13-36-40-7-W3 26 Intersection F-F' Upper Floral Formation 500 m Saskatoon Group Battleford Formation Lower Dalmeny aquifer Dundurn Formation Warman Formation Sutherland Group Elevation above mean sea level Intersection I-I' Upper Lower Empress Group Sand 400 m E' 5.8 km Battleford valley aquifer ce Bedrock Surfa Lea Park Formation Shale Variable horizontal scale to shorten section Fig. 46. Cross section E-E’ across the Battleford valley aquifer. See Fig. 45 for location of cross section SRC 1964 Hepburn NE 16-24-41-7-W3 27 F F' SRC 73B/7 1966 Langham SE 16-14-40-7-W3 24 SRC 73B/7 1966 Langham SE 9-26-40-7-W3 25 SRC 1964 Langham NW 13-36-40-7-W3 26 Intersection H-H' Intersection E-E' Spring Spring Upper Sand 500 m Lower North Saskatchewan River valley Fielding aquifer Dalmeny aquifer Saskatoon Group Battleford Formation Till Floral Formation Warman Formation Till Dundurn Formation Till North Saskatchewan River Alluvium Aquifer Sand Sutherland Group Elevation above mean sea level Projected 5.3 km upstream Intersection I-I' Empress Group Sand Battleford valley aquifer 400 m Gravel Bedrock Surface Lea Park Formation Direction of Groundwater Flow Fig. 47. Cross section F-F’ across the North Saskatchewan River valley and along the Battleford valley aquifer northwest of Saskatoon (Fig. 34) showing the Battleford valley aquifer discharging groundwater into the North Saskatchewan River alluvium aquifer. Fig. 48. Longitudinal section G-G’ crossing the North Saskatchewan River valley at North Battleford (G-G’, borehole log 31) showing the Battleford valley aquifer discharging groundwater into the North Saskatchewan River valley alluvium aquifer. Fig. 49. Longitudinal section H-H’ showing the North Saskatchewan River alluvium between Battleford and Petrofka bridge. I 8 km SIP 73B/11 1985 Radisson 85-302 SW 4-11-41-8-W3 38 5 km U of S 73B/7 1981 Eagle No.13 NW 8-33-40-7-W3 28 16 km 15 km SRC 73B/7 1965 Langham SE 16-14-40-7-W3 24 11 km SRC 73B/7 1983 Dalmeny SE 1-13-38-6-W3 40 NRC 73B/7 1966 Langham SE 15-33-38-7-W3 39 5 km SRC 73B/2 1972 Saskatoon NW 14-14-37-5-W3 41 I' 11 km PM 73B/2 1980 Forestry Farm Trunk SE 9-1-37-5-W3 42 SIP 73B/2 1984 Goodale Farm 84-103 SE 8-4-36-4-W3 43 Intersection F-F' Floral Fm South Sask. River Valley Saskatoon Group Bedrock Surface Empress Group Be dr oc kS ur fa c e Dundurn Formation Mennon Formation Upper Lower Sutherland Group Dundurn Formation Battleford valley aquifer Bedrock Surface Lower Upper Floral Formation Dundurn Formation Empress Group 400 m Forestry Farm Aquifer Warman Fm. Sutherland Group m. an F War m Dalmeny Aquifer Battleford Formation North Sask. River Valley Floral Formation Lower Upper 500 m Saskatoon Group Battleford Formation Sutherland Group Elevation above mean sea level Fielding Aquifer d Be roc u rf kS ace North Sask. River Alluvium Lea Park Formation Shale Variable horizontal scale to shorten section Fig. 51. Cross section I-I’ through Fielding, Dalmeny, and Forestry Farm aquifers showing groundwater discharge to the North and South Saskatchewan river valleys. Depth, North Saskatchewan River Alluvium 0m AG E( 10 m 20 m yr) =4 30, De pth ( m) =1 214 Post Glacial Alluvium r=0 .9 7 33 30 m Glacial Alluvium Maximum Depth of Alluvium 40 m 0 5000 10000 Radiocaron Age (Years Before Present) eford Ba ttl ation Floral Fo rm Ba nk Seepage 1 Floral 30 Sutherland Dundurn 2 Rive r 1590 3 1 61 0 0 160 1630 0 500 Fig. 53. Petursson’s Ravine formed by spring sapping or piping of sand from the east bank of South Saskatchewan River about 2 km north of the intersection of Attridge Drive and Central Avenue, Saskatoon. From Christiansen and Meneley (1970, Fig. 46, p. 52). 60 80 12-12-37-5-W3 1630 1 feet 50 70 500 feet Vertical Exageration 10x Lower 40 0 70 15 1580 162 0 Saskatoon Upper 20 16 20 chew an 0 10 9-11-37-5-W3 10-11-17-5-W3 1550 1560 CO 2 evolved Resistivity Ohms ml/g 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 Sutherland Group Sou th Sa skat 10 Forestry Farm Aquifer Origi na l Va lley 0 South Saskatchewan River SE-1-13-38-6-W3 Specific Conductivity mV 30 20 10 0 50 40 Formation Water Table SRC Dalmeny Depth m 3 2 Fig. 50. Relationship between depth and age of North Saskatchewan River alluvium (Christiansen, 1983). 90 100 Empress 110 120 130 Bedrock 140 150 Sand, fine to med Clay, bentonite Sand, coarse Silt Gravel Till Constituent Hydroxide as OH Carbonate as CO3 Bicarbonate as HCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Chloride as Cl Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg Sodium as Na ppm Nil Nil 709 1255 11 358 182 98 Shale Fill, concretion, rock, boulder Oxidized zone pH Concentration Conductivity (uS/cm) Hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 6.90 2637 2500 1656 581 Date of analyses: June 21, 1968 Fig. 52. Dalmeny observation well completed in the upper sand of the Dalmeny aquifer (Fig. 51). A chemical analysis is included with the concentration, hardness, and sulphate constituents high-lighted. Fig. 54. Major aquifers in Saskatchewan yielding potable water by H. Maathuis, Saskatchewan Research Council showing the location of the St. Louis bridge site over the Hatfield valley.