

Jazzercise is a dance-based group fitness program that is a phenomenally successful
brand. Jazzercise is still evolving and transforming people’s bodies and their lives.
Business Fitness Franchise
9115 Judicial Dr #4538, San Diego,
CA, 92122
Hilton Sher
[email protected]
Jazzercise was launching a new branding campaign with a completely new look, new
messaging, new class offerings, and a new online community for customers and
franchisees. The website needed a complete redesign of the look and feel, a rebuild
and improvement of the existing functionality, and the addition of new functionality
including a new fully integrated, dynamic social wall. In addition, it was important to
correct issues from the original implementation that negatively impacted the
performance and functionality of the website. The user experience needed to be
improved to enable current and potential customers and franchisees to find the
content they needed quickly and easily.
A significant challenge faced was an extremely tight deadline. The initial design was
started in October of 2014. The deadline for the live launch of the site was January 1,
2015. 4Hilton were able to complete the implementation and successfully launch the
site on time.
It took 12 weeks to develop and QA the new responsive site.
It was decided to start with a new instance instead of upgrading, even though it was a
large and challenging undertaking. 4Hilton benefited from a fresh start with a new
instance, building the site using Kentico best practices and upgrading to the latest
version of Kentico CMS.
Bootstrap 3.0 was used to
implement the custom
design for a flexible and
responsive layout that
would look good on all
devices and browsers.
The site required extensive
multi-lingual functionality
and custom elements such
as the “find a location near
you” search and site
search adjustments.
“4Hilton has been an absolute
pleasure to work with. We have
worked closely with one of their
top developers, Adam, who is
extremely knowledgeable and
has a deep understanding
of .NET and the Kentico platform.
They have provided top notch
support and have been able to
resolve any issues quickly and
effectively. I would highly
recommend them.”
Andrew Blocksidge
Global Information Technology
The complex page layout meant that a flexible, dynamic
template solution was needed to allow for maximum visual
control of each page’s look and feel. Multiple page types
were used to create each of the pages and allow for several
visual and graphic design options in the page type itself such
as the diagonal lines that can easily be toggled on or off for
each section of a page. Each page type can be combined
with others to make a totally unique page – unlimited
combinations are available. In addition, custom banners
were built that could be reused on the site for promotions.
4Hilton implemented social media integration using Postano
to enable users to see new content every time they visit the
site and create a sense of community for fans of the
company who post or reference Jazzercise in social media.
Leveraging Kentico 4Hilton was able to achieve the
objectives for the website: improve the end-user experience by enabling new
customers, existing customers, and franchisees to easily access the information they
need, launch a completely new look and feel with all new content and branding, add
functionality including a new online community and interactive social media wall,
improve the ability to manage content in 13 languages, and enhance the performance
of the website.
One of the highlights is the responsive design that allows for easy template and
content management all in one place via the CMS and eliminates the need to maintain
content for separate mobile and desktop sites.
Jazzercise were able to create a completely updated expression of its brand that is
modern, edgy, impactful, integrated with social media, fully functional, and responsive.
The graphic design of the new website now reflects the energy and intensity of the
classes and enables Jazzercise to reach out and respond to a new audience with a bold
new message: “you think you know us, but you don’t.”
Increase in traffic – 800,000 per month to 1.3M
Estimated hours/days saved in development— An estimated saving of 50+ hours
of development per month based on previous maintenance and development
Key criteria for choosing Kentico
4Hilton have been using Kentico since 2012. It was selected due the ease of use of the
CMS, multi-lingual support, and integration with social media. Kentico’s tool set allows
for rapid development and testing, flexibility in graphic design, and extensive
functionality and modules that are easily deployable right out of the box.