LSMW: Vendor Master Creation using Standard Batch


LSMW: Vendor Master Creation using Standard Batch
1 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Vendor Master Creation using Standard
Batch/Direct Input of LSMW
[Author-Editor-Designer = Pavan Golesar ~15.01.2016]
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
2 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Table of Contents
Initial Step:....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 1: Maintain Object Attributes ................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 2: Maintain Source Structures .................................................................................................................................. 8
Step 3: Maintain Source Fields ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Step 4. “Maintain Structure Relations” ............................................................................................................................11
Step 5. “Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules” ................................................................................................15
Step 6. “Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines”............................................................................16
Step 7. “Specify File” ......................................................................................................................................................16
Step 8: Assign Files ..........................................................................................................................................................19
Step 9: Read Files ............................................................................................................................................................19
Quick troubleshoot: ................................................................................................................................................20
Step 10: Display Read Data .............................................................................................................................................21
Step 11: Convert Data .....................................................................................................................................................21
Step 12: Display Converted Data .....................................................................................................................................22
Step 13: Create Batch Input Session ................................................................................................................................22
Step 14: Run Batch Input Session ....................................................................................................................................23
Testing: ...........................................................................................................................................................................24
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................25
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
3 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Introduction: Legacy System Migration Workbench or LSMW is an SAP System tool that
supports when you are copying data from non-SAP (LEGACY) systems.
LSMW can be used to easily load / change master data or transactions in SAP without any
programming at all. It can also be used in a production system to make changes to
existing data. Very limited authorization checks are available on the transaction, so the
use of it must be very well controlled.
Why is it needed: To mention one, it can be used to upload data at cutover, such as: open
orders, contracts, materials, vendors, stock on hand.
In simple terms, we need carry out migration activity so as to move from legacy system to
Initial Step:
Go to transaction code LSMW.
Click on new
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
4 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Enter details as below:
Hit enter or press
Enter as below for sub project details
Hit enter or press
Enter as below for object name details & continue.
Once done, it should be looking something like this (below):
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
5 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Step 1: Maintain Object Attributes
-> Click Execute
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In change mode select “Standard Batch/Direct Input”.
Press F4 key to get value help on Object field:
Press F4 key to get value help on Method field:
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
7 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Select Save and press F3 or back
Notice that system automatically select next step,
In our case it is step two,
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
8 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Step 2: Maintain Source Structures
-> Click Execute to get below screen
Create new source structure:
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
9 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Step 3: Maintain Source Fields
-> Click Execute to get below screen
Select the structure (Place cursor on structure name) and select
NOTE: In this tutorial, I’m only taking fields (mandatory field’s obvio), In real time such minimum fields may not suffice
thus you may need to get the technical details of fields.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
10 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Click Save
Back & Save
again here.
Tip: These fields in above image will be useful in making our flat file which will be
holding the data to be uploaded to our SAP System.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
11 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Step 4. “Maintain Structure Relations”
- > Execute
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
12 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Tip: To maintain structure relations click on BGR00 and ‘click relationship’ (ctrl +
F4) as shown in above screenshot it will assigned to structure. Repeat this for all
required relations in that screen.
So, Select
by placing cursor on respective structures.
Very.Imp step
Imp Tip:
Well this might be confusing for few guys so let me put it straight, if you ever been to tcode
XK01 (in below image), You probably have to enter Account group, Purchase Org, Company
code… These fields are referred in structure BLF00. (DOUBLE CLICK IT TO OPEN)
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
13 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Example: If you want to don’t know reconciliation a/c structure or table (like me) then simply goto
xk01/02/03 tcode and press F1 on that particular field. You’ll get the structure there.
Here, I went to XK02 tcode and press F1 on recon a/c and under technical information (button)
there it is LFB1…
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
14 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Okay, back to our main topic. Once relationships are done Screen looks (In my case) like below:
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
15 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Don’t forget to Save
Step 5. “Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules”
- > Execute this step
Keep your cursor on ‘TCODE’ field and click on ‘Insert Rule’ icon
Choose radio button ‘Constant’ (below image).
Enter value ‘XK01’ transaction code.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
16 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Now, Keep your cursor on field ‘BUKRS’ and click on ‘Assign source field’ icon
Similarly, Carryout this operation for our rest of the fields (Purch. Org, Comp code…etc)
Step 6. “Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines”
You can also maintain re-usable translation & user-defined routines, which can be used across
conversion tasks. In this case, that step is not required.
Step 7. “Specify File”
- > Execute
We define how the layout of the input file is.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
17 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Note: Before going further, create an Excel file & save it in Tab-delimited format on your local
You may see the
My .txt file looks like this.
attachment of this Pdf to
get flat file (.txt file)
Keep cursor on Legacy Data
- On the PC (Frontend) & click create button. Browse for your flat
file on your pc as here we specify files take file from legacy data (on the pc front end).
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
18 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Hit Enter (Click continue.)
Hit Save
and go back.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
19 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Step 8: Assign Files
- > Execute
System automatically defaults the file name to the source structure on execution of this step.
Step 9: Read Files
- > Execute
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
20 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Quick troubleshoot:
If you face Error:
Error when uploading file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\csk' (Return Code = 13).
Message no. /SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_070010.
Check file is proper tab-delimited. If still error exits then delete file perform step 7 again (imp).
If everything goes right, below screen appears (with Not Written = 0)
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
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Step 10: Display Read Data
- > Execute
Optional step: Used to verify field contents for the row of data read.
Step 11: Convert Data
- > Execute
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
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Step 12: Display Converted Data
- > Execute
Step 13: Create Batch Input Session
Once the source data is converted to internal format, you may create batch input session.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
23 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
Once you execute above step, to verify goto tcode SM35.
Yeaa ! Look Batch input session with session name ‘XK01’ is created.
Step 14: Run Batch Input Session
Successfully I had completed all these steps.
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
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Goto SE11 tcode, Enter table LFA1 - CONTENTS.
(REMEEMBER: We had entered search term as ZAPPER – ha haa that’s what I like)
All 5
from our
Flat file
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]
25 | Pavan Golesar +91 9730448063
In this way, We can upload (vendor master) data using LSMW Direct input method.
Below links are for more info:
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Pavan Golesar - [email protected]

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