Becca Marsh, SIP State Coordinator Title I School Improvement
Becca Marsh, SIP State Coordinator Title I School Improvement
Becca Marsh, SIP State Coordinator Title I School Improvement Texas Education Agency Division of NCLB Program Coordination ©2010 by the Texas Education Agency The purpose of Title I, Part A School Improvement funds is to provide supplemental funding to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to assist Title I, Part A schools identified in need of improvement to implement school improvement strategies which provide a high-quality education, that will enable all children to meet the State student performance standards. 10-2011/sip-campus.html Fiscal Responsibilities LEA & Campus Addressed in detailed slides Campus Improvement Plan Revise within 3 months of SIP Identification In consultation with parents, school staff, LEA Cover a two year period Elements to be included found at link listed above LEA Responsibilities Review CIP within 45 days of receipt Technical assistance to campus Parent notification School Choice – Stage 1 School Choice and SES – Stage 2 and above Campus Principal required to participate Stage 1 – SIRC Introductory Meeting & TSI Stage 2 and above – Transition webinars & TSI Texas School Improvement (TSI) Conference Stage 1 must participate in the Campus Administrative Mentor (CAM) Program Stage 2 and above must participate in the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) If less than 100% core academic subject areas taught by highly qualified teachers at start of year: Stage 1 required to review the campus Highly Qualified Continuous Improvement Plan( HQCIP) with the CAM Stage 2 and above must submit the HQCIP to TEA by designated deadline Additional Stage 1 Requirements Criteria to be posted on LEA website for School Choice(SC) ◦ Number of students eligible for SC ◦ Number of students participating in SC ◦ List of available schools students may transfer Reallocation procedure to reallocate 20% reservation Additional Stage 2 and above Arrange for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) for eligible students Implement EZSES Management System Participate in the Evaluation of SES Criteria to be posted on LEA website for SC & SES Reallocation procedure for 20% reservation Additional Stage 3 Identify and implement a Corrective Action Additional Stage 4 Prepare a Restructuring Plan with parents and campus staff Make arrangements to implement Restructuring Plan if campus advanced to Stage 5 in following year Additional Stage 5 Implement Restructuring Plan Campuses are required to use the parent notification letters provided by TEA in both English and Spanish. These letters are available on the TEA web site at: 10-2011/sip-campus.html School Choice Parent Notification Letters are required to be sent at least 14 days before the uniform start date for school each year. School Choice Parent notification letters are required to be mailed to TEA at the same time they are disseminated from the LEA to the parents. SES parent notification letters and packets are due to parents by the uniform start date of school. SES parent notification letters and packets are required to be mailed to TEA at the same time they are disseminated from the LEA to the parents. Revise the district improvement plan to include the criteria listed NEW NEW NEW Notification to parents of all students in the district of the LEA SIP Stage and indicator missed, and how the parents can get involved. The dissemination of this notice to parents and TEA is due by October 15, 2010. ICR level will be elevated if notification is not sent. SIP LEA Fiscal Responsibilities Title I, Part A LEA Allocation Required Reservation Transportation SES Transportation + SES The statute (PL.107-110, Section 1116 (b) (10) (A)) states “an amount equal to” meaning that Title I, Part A; SIP; and/or other available funds may be used to meet this requirement. SIP LEA Fiscal Responsibilities Title I, Part A CAMPUS Allocation Required Reservation Professional Development Due in eGrants October 22, 2010 Actual roll forward from Formula Funding in early December Reallocated amount Maximum entitlements Amend Applications to budget additional amounts Pre-award Capital Outlay Schedule 6600 Justification Questions Letter or memo describing how roll over funds from a campus that exited SIP will be used at a different SIP campus SIP/SIP Academy Justification Questions: 1. How is the program, activity, strategy, or item reasonable and necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of the program? 2. How does the program, activity, strategy, or item address a need previously identified in the campus comprehensive needs assessment? How was the program, activity, strategy, or item to be funded described in the campus or district improvement plan before the decision was made to pay the expenditure from SIP funds? 4. How will the program, activity, strategy, or item be evaluated to measure a positive impact on student achievement? 3. 5. How is the program, activity, strategy, or item supplemental to nonfederal programs and is it supplemental to Title I, Part A? 6. How will this program, activity, strategy or item help the campus exit school improvement? eGrants – SIP Application ◦ Instructions ◦ Guidelines Related to Specific Costs OMB Circular A-87 Appendices Program Guidance PL 107-110 Ask Us Campuses that exit School Improvement are no longer eligible for SIP funds and may not obligate, encumber or expend SIP funds after the date of the AYP/SIP release indicating they met AYP status and exit SIP. For any funds obligated prior to exiting, the service must be received prior to exit. SIP/SIP ARRA Compliance Reports ◦ SIP/SIP ARRA LEA Compliance Report due through eGrants first business day of August ◦ SIP/SIP ARRA Campus Compliance Report due through eGrants September or October School Choice parent notification letters due for schools who do not exit SIP and for those newly identified in SIP 14 days before the uniform start date SES Parent Notification Letter and Packet due by uniform start date for school SIP/SIP ARRA Application Opens in eGrants in September SIP/SIP ARRA Application due to TEA six weeks after it opens SIP/SIP ARRA Application amendments due June 1 School Choice Parent Notification Letter for existing SIP campuses due in June NCLB Website School Improvement Program (SIP) 010-2011/ NCLB Updates SIP/SES Listserv Contact the Division of Performance Reporting for data questions Website: Phone: 512 463-9704 Texas Education Agency NCLB Program Coordination School Improvement Unit 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 NCLB Telephone (512) 463-9374 School Improvement Unit (512) 463-9374, Option 3 Fax (512) 305-9447 [email protected] Anita Villarreal, State Director Title I School Improvement 512-463-9402 [email protected] Rita Ghazal, SES State Coordinator 512-936-9374 [email protected] Becca Marsh, State Coordinator 512-936-2256 [email protected] Norma Yanez Program Specialist 512-463-3002 [email protected] Copyright © Notice The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: 1) Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. 2) Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. 3) Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. 4) No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or noneducational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Office of Intellectual Property, Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701-1494; phone 512-463-9270 or 512-463-9713; email: [email protected].