Swivels - Mann Tek
Swivels - Mann Tek
Sweden Swivels Swivel Joints Product Information Art. No: XB08 Version: 140630 Introduction About Mann Tek Swivels Mann Teknik AB is a Swedish company located in Mariestad, Sweden. Swivel Joints are used in the industry wherever a movable pipe-connection system between two equipment parts is needed. Avoiding one of the biggest causes of premature hose failure. Torque stress is the largest single cause of PTFE and Stainless steel convoluted hose failure. Mann Teknik AB designs, manufactures and markets products for safe and environmentally friendly handling of !""#$%%&'$()*&+%(,-#(./$(0/$1&0!2(!3+( petrochemical industries. The main product is the Dry Disconnect Couplings, DDCouplings®, for spill free liquid handling. The products are marketed through independent representatives in more than 30 countries. !"#$%&'#"(#')*+#,-%.-'#/%0#1-#&-$&"234-2#*5#%50#("&/#"
#%50#/-%5+#6*')"3'#$-&/*++*"5#*5#6&*'*57#(&"/#')-#$31,*+)-&8 Mann Teknik AB have many years of experience in designing, producing and marketing of DDCouplings® all since 1977. The swivel joints are designed for slow rotary mo.&-3%(*3+$#(./$(&3)*$30$(-,(/&"/(&3.$#3!2(5#$%%*#$%( and/or external stress such as traction and bending forces. With an appropriate combination of swivel joints nearly all movements from the simple rotation or swivelling motion up to motional actions in space can be realized. Mann Teknik AB has shown a high rate of growth during the past years and is now a major player in its specialised 4$2+(-,(-5$#!.&-36(7/&%(&%(+*$(.-(!(+$.$#mined expansion into growing markets and recognition by customers of the robust design and reliable quality of the products. 8!33(7$93&9(:;(!#$(0$#.&4$+(.-( ISO9001:2008. The products are CE2!<$2$+6(7/$(1!&3(5#-+*0.%(!#$(0$#.&4$+( to PED, the European Pressure Equipment Directive and ATEX, the European directive for Equipment intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres. The products are produced in accordance with several important standards, e.g. the NATO STANAG 3756 Company Approvals Swivels Swivel Joints Table of content Content Company information and introduction Page 2 Hose Swivels - single ball bearing 3-4 Heavy Duty Swivels - double ball race 5-6 How to order Swivels 7 Flange facing types according to EN 1092 8 Flange Measurement 9-10 Flange connection 11 About NPT and BSP threads 12 Flat Seals for thread 13 Flat Seals for thread 14 O-ring materials 15 =./$#(2$!)$.%(!3+(0-3.!0.(&3,-#1!.&-3( (>? 2 Hose Swivels - single ball bearing Use of Hose Swivels The use of hose swivel avoids torsion of /-%$(!%%$1<2&$%@(&6$6(&3(422&3"(1!0/&3$%@( and improves the handling and coupling of nozzles for refuelling of petroleum based products and chemicals. Applications • Hose assemblies • Filling machines • Handling of refuelling of equipment e.t.c. Low maintenance Each unit consist of two body halves. Stainless Steel balls and a single spring assisted O-ring seal. Compact external dimensions !"#$%&'(%)*+,%-%.'(%/),001),%2)'/ Full range of sizes, materials, seals and connections Safety Swivel function - allows the hose to relax to it´s natural rest position whilst allowing freedom of movement without imparting torque stress at the point of connection - Torque stress is the largest single cause of Composite, PTFE and Stainless Steel convoluted hose failure. NOTE Unsuitable for high bending moments. Heavy Duty Swivels should be used in these applications. Economical Cost effective solution to prolong lifetime of hoselines. Mann Tek standard Hose Swivel Available with parallel BSP and tapered NPT threads. Standard Flat seal (for BSP threads and body in Stainless Steel) in PTFE !"#$%&'()*+,-#.*%&*.#/0#1,2 Swivel body in Aluminium, Brass or Stainless Steel. Other on request! Standard O-rings in FPM (Viton®). Other on request! Ballbearings in Stainless Steel Wavy washer in Stainless Steel Available with parallel BSP and tapered NPT threads. Swivels Swivel Joints 3 !"#$%&'#"(#')*+#,-%.-'#/%0#1-#&-$&"234-2#*5#%50#("&/#"
#%50#/-%5+#6*')"3'#$-&/*++*"5#*5#6&*'*57#(&"/#')-#$31,*+)-&8 Minimal maintenance requirements Hose Swivels - single ball bearing Combinations of sizes, connections and materials Sizes Swivel sizes M-GN @N @%@-GN @%@-CN CN C%@-CN MN GN Connections 7$),*20%>8,9*.,%-%:*.,1)) Flanges BSP (ISO 228) ;<6%8.*=#,%><4?%@ABC%56%@A-@DE%56%CF-GA%>7H/,%A, B, E, F 2) ) 657%>I4:J-I64<%@KCAK@ I4I%8.*=#,%>I4:J-I64<%@DKFL 3457%>J6%@ACCDL TW-Flange (DIN 28459) ACME T.T.M.A Weld end 1) Any combinations of male and female threads is possible. 2) Se page14 for illustrations of different ((((.H5$%(-,(CIJK)!3"$% Materials and Seals !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 Standard Materials and standard Seals Component Material Aluminium Body Material Standard -40oC to 250oC 85:-O8: (Viton®) EN 10272 - 1.4404+AT PUR (Vulkollan®) PTFE F7$)-3BG EN 10213 - 1.4409+AT Illustrations of combinations Flat Seal PUR (Vulkollan®) EN 1706-AC-42100-T6 EN 1982 - CB491K-GS Stainless Steel O-ring EN 755 - AW-6262-T6 EN 12164 - CW614N Brass Operation temp Working Pressure: (10 bar) - 300 psi (20 bar) We manufacture Swivels in different sizes, connections and materials on request! One side Other side One side Other side One side Other side 345-657%:*., 345-657%8,9*., 345-657%8,9*., 345-657%8,9*., 345-657%:*., 345-657%:*., One side One side Other side One side Other side Flange Flange Weld end Weld end *) Other side 345-657%7$),*2 Flange 1 *) Or other connection on request A&.-3B(!3+(7$)-3B(!#$(#$"&%.$#$+(.#!+$1!#9%(-,(C*D-3.@(C*D-3.(E2!%.-1$#%6(((((Vulkollan® is registered trademark of Bayer AG Swivels Swivel Joints 4 Heavy Duty Swivels - double ball race Use of Heavy Duty Swivel - double ball race Low maintenance Each unit consist of two body halves. Stainless Steel balls and a single spring assisted O-ring seal. The swivel Heavy duty is designed especially for hose rails to load and unload products like Aliphatic and Aromatic hydrocarbons, Alcohols and Amines, Ether and Ester, Glycos and Water, Liquid Fertilizers, Acids and Lyes. Compact external dimensions !"#$%&'(%)*+,%-%.'(%/),001),%2)'/ Full range of sizes, materials, seals and connections NOTE Please ask us for your special application. Minimal maintenance requirements Safety Swivel function - allows the hose to relax to it´s natural rest position whilst allowing freedom of movement without imparting torque stress at the point of connection - Torque stress is the largest single cause of Composite, PTFE and Stainless Steel convoluted hose failure. • Offshore hose reels ship-to-shore • Oil platform loading rigs • Marine and industrial loading arms • Hoses for road and rail tanker • Chemical and petrochemical liquids ((!3+(2&L*$4$+("!%$% Economical Cost effective solution to prolong lifetime of hoselines. Heavy duty Swivel in Stainless Steel Available with parallel BSP,and tapered NPT threads.(-#()!3"$%6 Standard Flat seal (for BSP threads and body in Stainless Steel) in PTFE !"#$%&'()*+,-#.*%&*.#/0#1,2 Swivel body in Stainless Steel. +,-#.*%&*.#/0#1,2 Ballbearings in Stainless Steel 3,4&54.5*+6.7&81 7&*9:;*!<7,%&'() +,-#.*%&*.#/0#1,2 Standard seal in :"9=*!"#$%&'() +,-#.*%&*.#/0#1,2 Available with parallel BSP and tapered NPT threads. Swivels Swivel Joints 5 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 Applications Heavy Duty Swivels - double ball race Combinations of sizes, connections and materials Sizes Swivel sizes 2" 3" 4" DN 5" 8" 10" Connections 7$),*20%>8,9*.,%-%:*.,1)) Flanges BSP (ISO 228) ;<6%8.*=#,%><4?%@ABC%56%@A-@DE%56%CF-GA%>7H/,%A, B, E, F 2) ) 657%>I4:J-I64<%@KCAK@ I4I%8.*=#,%%@FA%/0"%-%MAA%/0"%>I4:J-I64<%@DKFL 3457%>J6%@ACCDL TW-Flange (DIN 28459) ACME T.T.M.A Victaulic Weld end 1) Any 2) Se page 14 for illustrations of different ((((.H5$%(-,(CIJK)!3"$% combinations of male and female threads is possible. Standard Materials and standard Seals Component Material Material Standard Aluminium Body Stainless Steel Operation temp Seal EN 755 - AW-6262-T6 EN 1706-AC-42100-T6 PUR (Vulkollan®) PTFE -100oC to 250oC EN 10272 - 1.4404+AT Flat Seal F7$)-3BG EN 10213 - 1.4409+AT PTFE F7$)-3BG Working Pressure: 150 psi (10 bar)-1800 psi (125 bar) Illustrations of combinations We manufacture Swivels in different sizes, connections and materials on request! Other side 345-657%8 345-657%8 One side Other side 345-657%8 345-657%: One side Other side 345-657%: 345-657%: One side Other side Thread Flange Revision comprises 031 htd One side Flange Other side Flange One side Victaulic Other side *) Victaulic One side Other side Weld end *) Weld end Compact version 1)*+,-.*,/.*!2" *) Or other cconnection *) Or other connection on request on request A&.-3B(!3+(7$)-3B(!#$(#$"&%.$#$+(.#!+$1!#9%(-,(C*D-3.@(C*D-3.(E2!%.-1$#%6(((((Vulkollan® is registered trademark of Bayer AG Swivels Swivel Joints D NO. One side TPN "4 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 Materials and Seals How to order Swivels Letter B between connection and material indicates a special Hose Swivel with bushring &3(D7ME(!3+(=K#&3"%(&3(MED(F7$)-3BG Letter O between connection and material indicates a short version. Swivel Code No: D 1 2 8 0 2 4 0 1 B Connection one side. Letter D indicates that the product is a Swivel Connection other side. Material body+innerparts. Material Seal. Used for Extra NOTE For loading arm applications, contact our technical department, Connections F./#$!+@()!3"$($.06G Material (Swivel body + innerparts) Vb!#!`]!5$.!3S'<+:! 98!#!`!a]!;D$!3S'<+:!! 96!#!`!a]!5$.!3S'<+:! 9`!#!7]!;D$!3S'<+:! 97!#!7]!5$.!3S'<+:! 9K!#!K]!;D$!3S'<+:! 9L!#!K]!5$.!3S'<+:! 9W!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!`]!cW8^L!2//+,! 9V!#!G<'/P+!.T!6!3`]!?5L8:!! 99!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!`]!cL8&cV8!3Z<'*:! 9b!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!`]!cLV!32/*X!MF'OZ+,:! b8!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!`]!cW8!3I@*+,!MF'OZ+,:! b6!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!7]!cVL&cb8!3Z<'*:! b`!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!7]!cVW!32/*X!MF'OZ+,:! b7!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!7]!c9b!3I@*+,X!MF'OZ+,:! bK!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!K]!c688&c6`8!3Z<'*:! bL!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!K]!c68`!32/*X!MF'OZ+,:! bW!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!K]!c689!32/*X!MF'OZ+,:! bV!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!K]!c66K!3I@*+,X!MF'OZ+,:! b9!#!G<'/P+!.T!6!3`]!&!?5!L8:! !!!!!!!!!E2*F!(,'2/!MI//+M*2I/! bb!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L8!$5!`L! 688!#!G<'/P+!W]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 686!#!G<'/P+!W]!"5D%!><'AA!788! 68`!#!G<'/P+!?5!`88!$5!68! 687!#!G<'/P+!?5!`88!$5!6W! 68K!#!G<'/P+!?5!`88!$5!`L! 68L!#!G<'/P+!9]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 68W!#!G<'/P+!9]!"5D%!><'AA!788! 68V!#!G<'/P+!De@',+!%DJ!KL! 689!#!DW8fW!3G+O'<+:! 68b!#!DW8fW!3S'<+:! 668!#!W]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 666!#!W]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 66`!#!T`]!&!V!3G+O'<+:! 667!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!7]!cb`!2//+,! 66K!#!De@',+!Z<'/P+^!K!FI<+A! 66L!#!W]!;D$!3S'<+:! 66W!#!W]!5$.!3S'<+:! 66V!#!9]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 669!#!K]!-2M*'@<2M!! 66b!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!$5!`L[K8dd! 6`8!#!G<'/P+!?5!WL!$5!`L[K8dd! 6`6!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5!`L[K8dd! 6``!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!$5!`L[K8dd! 6`7!#!T`]!&!V!3S'<+:! 6`K!#!L]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 6`L!#!L]!5$.!3S'<+:! 6`W!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!$5W! 6`V!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5W! 6`9!#!G<'/P+!?5!WL!$5W! 6`b!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!$5W! 678!#!G<'/P+!9]!"5D%!><'AA!W88! 676!#!Tb8f6[W]!3G+O'<+:! 67`!#!a]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 677!#!a]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 67K!#!G<'/P+!g69KX`^!W!FI<+A! 67L!#!G<'/P+!.T!V!3W]!&!?5!6L8:! 67W!#!K]!"DD$.!3G+O'<+:! 67V!#!.,2M<'O)!?5!`L! 679!#!SLKf!6^L!3G+O'<+:! 67b!#!`]!.,2M<'O)!3%DJ!`9L`&L6:! 6K8!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!cV7!3I@*+,!MF'OZ+,:! 6K6!#!7]!-2M*'@<2M!! 6K`!#!G<'/P+!L]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 6K7!#!7]!;'<<!='<=+! 6KK!#!`]!-2M*'@<2M! 6KL!#!7]!;D$.!3S'<+:! 6KW!#!L]!-2M*'@<2M! 6KV!#!`]!;D$.!3G+O'<+:! 6K9!#!`]!;D$.!3S'<+:! 6Kb!#!6!a]!-2M*'@<2M! 6L8!#!`!a]!-2M*'@<2M! 6L6!#!G<'/P+!6]!?%5!669WK&`! 6L`!#!G<'/P+!`]!?%5!669WK&`! 6L7!#!G<'/P+!g67L^!9fSW! 6LK!#!K]!;D$.!3G+O'<+:! 6LL!#!K]!;D$.!3S'<+:! Revision comprises 6LW!#!T+<(!Z<'/P+!`]!gW6^L!32//+,:! 6LV!#!7]!;D$.!3G+O'<+:! 3 = Steel 6L9!#!T+<(!+/(!6a]!gK9!3I@*+,:! 6Lb!#!.F,+'(!.U!LVfK! 1 = Aluminium 4 = Stainless steel 6W8!#!G<'/P+!`]!;D68!.'Y<+!?! 2 = Brass 6W6!#!G<'/P+!6`]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 6W`!#!G<'/P+!68]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 6W7!#!G<'/P+!?5!`L8!$5!6W! 6WK!#!S678fW!3G+O'<+:! 6WL!#!G<'/P+!68]!"5D%!><'AA!788! 6WW!#!">S4!6_]!3G+O'<+:! 6WV!#!">S4!6\]!3G+O'<+:! 6W9!#!">S4!`_]!3G+O'<+:! 01 = Viton® (FPM/FKM) 6Wb!#!">S4!7_]!3G+O'<+:! 02 = Nitrile (NBR) 6V8!#!">S4!6_]!3S'<+:! 03 = EPDM 6V6!#!">S4!6\]!3S'<+:! 04 = Kalrez® (FFKM) 6V`!#!">S4!`_]!3S'<+:! 05 = NBR Low temp 6V7!#!">S4!7_]!3S'<+:! 06 = Teflon® (PTFE) 6VK!#!T+<(XZ<'/P+!cVW!3I@*+,X!MF'OZ+,:! 6VL!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L!$5!68[6W! 07 = Neoprene® (CR) 6VW!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L!$5!`L[K8! 08 = Silicone (VMQ) 6VV!#!S678fW!3S'<+:! 09 = Vulkollan® (PUR) 6V9!#!G<'/P+!W]!.X.XSX"X! 10 = Butyl (IIR) 6Vb!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5!`L[K8ddd! 11 = Nitrile (Gasol NBR 70 K-6) 698!#!a]!5$.!3S'<+:! 696!#!a]!;D$!3S'<+:! 12 = Perfluorelastomer (FFPM/FFKM) 69`!#!L]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 13 = PVC / NBR 697!#!L]!;D$!3S'<+:!! 14 = Fluorsilicone rubber (FVMQ) 69K!#!T+<(!+/(!9]!g`6b!3I@*+,:! 15 = FEP encapsulated silicone 69L!#!T+<(!+/(!W]!g6W9!3I@*+,:! 16 = Hypalon® (CSM) 69W!#!G<'/P+!?5!`L8!$5!`L! 69V!#!G<'/P+!`]!.X.XSX"X! 17 = Chemraz® 505 (FFKM) 699!#!G<'/P+!7]!;D68!.'Y<+!?! 18 = Xyflour® 860 (AFKM) 69b!#!G<'/P+!a]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! 19 = Zetpol® / Therban® (HNBR) 6b8!#!G<'/P+!6]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8!G<'*!G'M+! 20 = NBR 90 shore 6b6!#!G<'/P+!6`]!"5D%!><'AA!788! 21 = Viton®-GF (Special Viton quality) 6b`!#!G<'/P+!?5`L8!$568! 22 = Composite 6b7!#!T+<(!+/(!c66K!DMF+(@<+!K8! 6bK!#!T+<(!+/(!c66K!DMF+(@<+!98! 23 = Viton® GFLT-S 6bL!#!W]!-2M*'@<2M! 24 = Viton® GLT 6bW!#!6]!-2M*'@<2M! 25 = Klingerit® 6bV!#!G<'/P+!?5!6`L!h%D!LR! 26 = POM 6b9!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!h%D!LR!! 12 = Perfluorelastomer (FFPM/FFKM) 27 = Epiclorhydrin (ECO) 6bb!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!h%D!LR! `88!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!h%D!LR! 28 = Viton® GFLT-S NMO `86!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!h%D!LR! 29 = FPM/FKM High Temp `8`!#!G<'/P+!`]!?%5!669WK&7! 31 = Viton® 90 Shore (FPM/FKM) `87!#!7a]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 33 = EPDM 291 `8K!#!G<'/P+!c668^!c9W[cLXL!3Wf:! `8L!#!T+<(!+/(!cW8!DMF+(@<+!98! 34 = Kalrez® 0040 `8W!#!T+<(!+/(!c9b!DMF+(@<+!K8! 37 = Chemraz® 510 (90 Shore) `8V!#!T+<(!+/(!c9b!DMF+(@<+!98! 40 = FEP PTFE encapsulated Viton® `89!#!G<'/P+!?5!`L!$5!W! 47 = Chemraz 605 High Temp `8b!#!G<'/P+!?5!7`!$5!W! 50 = Kalrez® (PFPM) 1050LF `68!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!$5!W! 51 = Nylon® (PA) `66!#!G<'/P+!?5!6`L!h%D!68R! `6`!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!h%D!68R!! 61 = Viton® (FPM), FDA, USP C6 & ADI `67!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!h%D!68R! 62 = Nitrile (NBR), FDA, USP C6 & ADI `6K!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!h%D!68R! 63 = EPDM, FDA, USP C6 & ADI `6L!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!h%D!68R! 64 = Kalrez® (FFKM) 6230, FDA, USP C6 & ADI `6W!#!G<'/P+!?5!98^!FI<+A!c6K!3Wf:! 66 = PTFE (Virgin), FDA `6V!#!G<'/P+!L]!"5D%!><'AA!788! `69!#!7]!.,2M<'O)!3%DJ!`9L`&VW:! 71 = FPM/FKM Low Temp `6b!#!T+<(!+/(!c7K!DMF+(@<+!K8! 75 = FEP Silicone, FDA, USP C6 & ADI ``8!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L8!h%D!68R! 77 = Chemraz® SD517, FDA, USP C6 & ADI ``6!#!G<'/P+!c6VL^!FI<+A!S68!39f:! 83 = EPDM BAM ```!#!T+<(!+/(!c6K8!$568[6W! ``7!#!G<'/P+!`]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8!G<'*!G'M+! ``K!#!G<'/P+!?5!`88!h%D!68R!! ``L!#!G<'/P+!?5!7`!$568[6W! ``W!#!G<'/P+!W]!"5D%!><'AA!W88! ``V!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!h%D!6WR! ``9!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!h%D!6WR! I%P%8.*+%4,*.E%578J%>7,&'=QL ``b!#!9]!5$.!3S'<+:! `78!#!6]!45!68``W!U)6!36]!;D$.!$','<<+<<:! 3%P%8.*+%4,*.%5RS%>T1.U'..*=QL `76!#!G<'/P+!?%5!9W`9`!$5W!"TLbL! `7`!#!G<'/P+!?5688!$5W!39!f!S6W:! ;%P%8.*+%4,*.%85:%>T"+'=QL ?V)"=#%-%4,*.0%9*+,)"*.0 Used for extra (last letter) W = Double Ball Race dd!45!68b`&6i`886!.N)+!G! Connection other side. A4 (316) ddd!45!68b`&6i`886!.N)+!>! E.G. Code No: D10794401A=Hose Swivel, Single ball bearing One side: 2" BSP (Female) Other side: 2" NPT (Male) Material: Stainless Steel, Flat Seal PTFE F7$)-3BG Connection one side. Swivels Swivel Joints JKWK%X'2,%6'Y%;ZFD@GGA@[=Swivel, Double ball race One side: 4" NPT (Male) Other side: Flange 3", ANSI (ASA) 150 psi Material: Stainless Steel 7 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 $-,&". 0," %!1 1") '!% %"0 5)&(!2&"# )**)!4")4 )&) '%!."&(,"#20+)*(,% d!45!68b`&6i`886!.N)+!4i!D)2PI*! NO. 86!#!\]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 8`!#!\]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 87!#!6]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 8K!#!6]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 8L!#!6!_]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 8W!#!6!_]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 8V!#!6!a]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 89!#!6!a]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 8b!#!6!\]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 68!#!`]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 66!#!`]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 6`!#!`!a]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 67!#!`!a]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 6K!#!7]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 6L!#!7]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 6W!#!K]!;D$!3G+O'<+:! 6V!#!K]!5$.!3G+O'<+:! 69!#!G<'/P+!@/(,2<<+(!c6LW! 6b!#!G<'/P+!@/(,2<<+(!c6WL! `8!#!G<'/P+!@/(,2<<+(!c`68! `6!#!G<'/P+!@/(,2<<+(!c`78! ``!#!G<'/P+!@/(,2<<+(!c`LK! `7!#!G<'/P+!?5!`L!$5!68[6W! `K!#!G<'/P+!?5!`L!$5!`L[K8! `L!#!G<'/P+!?5!7`!$5!68[6W! `W!#!G<'/P+!?5!7`!$5!`L[K8! `V!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!$5!68[6W! `9!#!G<'/P+!?5!K8!$5!`L[K8! `b!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!$5!`L[K8d! 78!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!$5!68[6W! 76!#!G<'/P+!?5!L8!$5!`L[K8! 7`!#!G<'/P+!?5!WL!$5!`L[K8d! 77!#!G<'/P+!?5!WL!$5!68[6W! 7K!#!G<'/P+!?5!WL!$5!`L[K8! 7L!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5!`L[K8d! 7W!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5!68[6W! 7V!#!G<'/P+!?5!98!$5!`L[K8! 79!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!$5!`L[K8d! 7b!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!$5!68[6W! K8!#!G<'/P+!?5!688!$5!`L[K8! K6!#!G<'/P+!?5!6`L!$5!W! K`!#!G<'/P+!?5!6`L!$5!68[6W! K7!#!G<'/P+!?5!6`L!$5!`L[K8! KK!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L8!$5!W! KL!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L8!$5!68[6W! KW!#!G<'/P+!?5!6L8!$5!`L[K8! KV!#!G<'/P+!?5!`8!$5!68[6W! K9!#!G<'/P+!?5!`8!$5!`L[K8! Kb!#!G<'/P+!\]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! L8!#!G<'/P+!\]!"5D%!><'AA!788! L6!#!G<'/P+!6]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! L`!#!G<'/P+!6]!"5D%!><'AA!788! L7!#!G<'/P+!6!_]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! LK!#!G<'/P+!6!_]!"5D%!><'AA!788! LL!#!G<'/P+!6!a]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! LW!#!G<'/P+!6!a]!"5D%!><'AA!788! LV!#!G<'/P+!`]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! L9!#!G<'/P+!`]!"5D%!><'AA!788! Lb!#!G<'/P+!`!a]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! W8!#!G<'/P+!`!a]!"5D%!><'AA!788! W6!#!G<'/P+!7]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! W`!#!G<'/P+!7]!"5D%!><'AA!788! W7!#!G<'/P+!K]!"5D%!><'AA!6L8! WK!#!G<'/P+!K]!"5D%!><'AA!788! WL!#!G<'/P+!.T!6!37]!&!?5!98:! WW!#!G<'/P+!.T!7!3K]!&!?5!688:! WV!#!G<'/P+!7]!.X.XSX"X! W9!#!G<'/P+!K]!.X.XSX"X! Wb!#!\]!;D$!3S'<+:! V8!#!\]!5$.!3S'<+:! V6!#!6]!;D$!3S'<+:! V`!#!6]!5$.!3S'<+:! V7!#!6!_]!;D$!3S'<+:! VK!#!6!_]!5$.!3S'<+:! VL!#!6!a]!;D$!3S'<+:! VW!#!6!a]!5$.!3S'<+:! VV!#!6!\]!;D$!3S'<+:! V9!#!`]!;D$!3S'<+:! Flange facing types according to EN 1092 01 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 Type A Flat face 01 !81' -#4(#%' !81' -#4(#%' Type E Spigot Type B Raised face Type C Tongue Type D Groove !81' #+3'&(#%'A#/& A3''!#$-'BB !81' #+3'&(#%'A#/& Type F Recess A3''!#$-'BB !81' !0/)5' !81' I2006' !81' !0/)5' !81' I2006' Type G O-ring Spigot Type G O-ring Groove !81' 1+)04 !81' '%'33 !81'I 2+/)31+)04 !81' 2+/))2006' !81' 1+)04 !81' '%'33 !81'I 2+/)31+)04 !81' 2+/))2006' ! !*'42#/3+4+0/(20.4*''&)'0(4*'2#+3'&(#%'404*'(-#/)'(#%'.#8$'$82#&+5302%*#.('2(02481'3#/& I0/-8A3'' B ! ! #/'2#+3'&(#%'A481'B(02&+(('2'/4#11-+%#4+0/3A3'' #/&!#$-'B !*'42#/3+4+0/(20.4*''&)'0(4*'2#+3'&(#%'404*'(-#/)'(#%'.#8$'$82#&+5302%*#.('2(02481'3#/& I0/-8A3'' B 8 ! 024*'&+.'/3+0/30((-#/)'(#%+/)33''+)52'#/&!#$-' Swivels Swivel Joints ! #/'2#+3'&(#%'A481'B(02&+(('2'/4#11-+%#4+0/3A3'' #/&!#$-'B 8.*=#,%:,*01),9,=+%V%@-C Ød Øk ØD ØD Øk n Ød = = = = Diameter Centre diameter Numer of holes Hole diameter EN 1092-1 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 ØD Øk mm 105 75 inch mm inch mm 4.13 115 4.53 140 2.95 85 3.35 100 inch mm inch mm inch mm inch 5.51 150 5.91 165 6.50 185 7.28 3.94 110 4.33 125 4.92 145 5.71 mm 200 inch 7.87 mm 220 160 6.30 180 inch 8.66 7.09 250 210 inch 9.84 mm 8.27 mm 240 285 inch 11.22 mm 340 inch 13.39 9.45 295 11.61 mm 355 395 inch 15.55 mm 445 inch 17.52 13.98 400 15.75 PN 16 n Ød 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 12 ØD Øk 14 105 75 0.55 14 0.55 18 4.13 115 4.53 140 2.95 85 3.35 100 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 5.51 150 5.91 165 6.50 185 7.28 3.94 110 4.33 125 4.92 145 5.71 18 0.71 18 200 7.87 220 160 6.30 180 0.71 8.66 7.09 n 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 PN 25 Ød 105 75 0.55 14 0.55 18 4.13 115 4.53 140 2.95 85 3.35 100 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 5.51 150 5.91 165 6.50 185 7.28 3.94 110 4.33 125 4.92 145 5.71 18 0.71 18 200 7.87 235 160 6.30 190 0.71 9.25 7.48 18 250 210 0.71 9.84 8.27 22 285 240 0.87 22 0.87 11.22 340 13.39 9.45 295 11.61 22 405 355 15.94 460 18.11 13.98 1.02 410 26 12 16.14 1.02 0.87 22 12 0.87 8 8 18 270 220 0.71 10.63 8.66 22 300 250 11.81 360 14.17 9.84 310 12.20 425 370 16.73 485 19.09 14.57 430 16.93 0.87 22 12 0.87 12 ØD Øk 14 26 Flange translation EN 1092 ---- DIN EN 1092-1 DIN. EN 1092-1 PN 6 EN 1092-1 PN 10 EN 1092-1 PN 16 EN 1092-1 PN 25 EN 1092-1 PN 40 EN 1092-1 Type B Raised Face EN 1092-1 Type C Tongue EN 1092-1 Type D Groove EN 1092-1 Type E Spigot EN 1092-1 Type F Recess DIN 2631 DIN 2632 DIN 2633 DIN 2634 DIN 2635 DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2512 Form F DIN 2512 Form N DIN 2513 Form V DIN 2513 Form R Swivels Swivel Joints 9 n 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 PN 40 Ød 105 75 0.55 14 0.55 18 4.13 115 4.53 140 2.95 85 3.35 100 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 5.51 150 5.91 165 6.50 185 7.28 3.94 110 4.33 125 4.92 145 5.71 18 0.71 22 200 7.87 235 160 6.30 190 0.87 9.25 7.48 26 270 220 1.02 10.63 8.66 26 300 250 11.81 375 14.76 9.84 320 12.60 450 385 17.72 515 20.28 15.16 450 17.65 1.02 26 12 1.02 12 ØD Øk 14 30 1.18 30 16 1.18 n 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 Ød 14 0.55 14 0.55 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 18 0.71 22 0.87 26 1.02 26 1.02 30 1.18 33 1.30 33 1.30 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 PN 10 DN 8.*=#,%:,*01),9,=+%V%C-C Ød Øk ØD ØD = Diameter Øk = Centre diameter n = Numer of holes Ød = Hole diameter ANSI (ASA) B 16,5 150 psi INCH !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 3/4” 1” ØD mm 98,4 inch 3 7/ 8 mm 107,7 inch 4 1/ 4 Øk 69,8 2 /4 79,4 3 3 /8 mm 117,5 88,9 1 1/4” inch 5 3½ 4 /8 mm 127 98,4 1 1/2” inch 5 3 7/ 8 1 mm 152,4 120,6 inch 6 4 3/ 4 mm 177,8 139,7 2 1/2” inch 7 5½ 2” n 4 4 4 4 4 4” mm 228,5 190,5 inch 9 7½ 8 5” mm 254 inch 10 6” mm 279,4 241,3 inch 11 9½ 10” 12” mm 342,9 298,4 inch 13½ 11 3/ 4 mm 406,4 361,9 inch 16 141/ 4 mm 482,6 431,8 inch 19 17 Swivels Swivel Joints ØD Øk 15,9 117,5 82,5 /8 5 5 1 15,9 133,3 98,4 5 1/ 4 3 7/ 8 15,9 155,6 114,3 4 5 / 8 6 1/ 8 4½ mm 190,5 152,4 inch 7½ 6 8” 300 psi Ød 4 /8 3 /4 15,9 123,8 88,9 4 5 / 8 4 7/ 8 3½ 3” 215,9 8½ TW DIN 28459 /8 5 19 /4 3 19 /4 3 19 /4 3 19 /4 165,1 127 6½ 5 190,5 149,2 7½ 5 7/ 8 209,5 168,3 8 /4 254 10 1 6 /8 200 5 7 /8 22,2 279,4 234,9 8 7 9 1/ 4 / 8 11 3 7 DN n Ød 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 19 /4 3 19 TW1 80 /4 mm 154 130 inch 6.06 5.12 mm 154 130 inch 6.06 5.12 mm 174 150 inch 6.85 5.91 mm 204 176 inch 8.03 6.93 mm 240 210 inch 9.45 8.27 n 8 Ød 11 0.43 8 11 0.43 3 19 TW3 100 /4 3 22,2 TW5 125 /8 7 19 TW7 150 /4 3 8 14 0.55 8 14 0.55 12 14 0.55 22,2 /8 7 T.T.M.A 22,2 /8 7 22,2 /8 7 22,2 /8 7 22,2 317,5 269,9 22,2 12 7 5 12½ 10 / 8 /8 /8 22,2 381 330,2 25,4 8 7 12 15 13 1 /8 8 TW1 50 ØD Øk 7 25,4 444,5 387,3 28,6 16 1 1 17½ 15 / 4 1 1/ 8 25,4 520,7 450,8 31,7 12 16 3 1 20½ 17 / 4 1 1/ 4 12 10 INCH 2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” ØD Øk n mm 114,3 95,3 inch 4.50 3.75 0.44 mm 142,9 123,8 8 11,1 inch 5.63 4.87 0.44 mm 168,3 149,2 8 11,1 inch 6.63 5.87 0.44 mm 196,9 177,8 12 11,1 inch 7.75 7.00 0.44 mm 228,6 206,4 12 11,1 6 Ød 11,1 inch 9.00 8.13 0.44 mm 276,2 257,2 16 11,1 inch 10.87 10.13 0.44 Flange Connection Mounting instruction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he Mann-Tek product can be installed directly in the product line and is ready for use after removing the transport protection. The installation is recommended as follows: a. !"#$%"&'("&)*+,*-./-&*/0&'("&1*/-"&&)2$'"+'.$/ 34&&5("+,&'("&+$6)7./-&8$2&0*#*-"9&3"8$2"&#$6/'./-4 04&&</962"&'(*'&'("&)2$06+'&7./"&.9&"#)'=&*/0&*77&%*7%"9&*2"&+7$9" &&&&&3"8$2"&=$6&+$//"+'&'("&+$6)7./-&./'$&'("&7./"4 "4&&>"'&./&*77&3$7'9&?29'&*/0&'.-('"/&'("#&3=&(*/04&:("/&./+2"*9"&'("&'.-('"/./-&'$2@6"&./&A&&9'")9&6)&'$&'("&& &&&&&2"+$##"/0"0&%*76"&./&'("&8$77$;./-&'*37"4&B2$+""0&"%"2=&'.#"&*++$20./-&'$&'("&9"@6"/+"&9($;/&./&-4 84&&:.-('"/./-&'$2@6"1)&8$2&3$7'9C Size Inch Metric 8.8 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 24 Nm 50 Nm 85 Nm 210 Nm 410 Nm 550 Nm 700 Nm Size A193 B7 5/16 -18 UNC 3/8 -16 UNC 1/2 -13 UNC 5/8 -11 UNC 3/4 -10 UNC 7/8 -9 UNC 1 -8 UNC 16 lbf-ft 29 lbf-ft 70 lbf-ft 139 lbf-ft 243 lbf-ft 389 lbf-ft 582 lbf-ft -4&&D$7'&'.-('"/./-&9"@6"/+"4 12 Bolt Pattern 8 Bolt Pattern 4 Bolt Pattern 1 1 1 4 3 2 8 6 11 10 5 4 7 4 3 6 3 8 7 2 12 9 5 2 :("&9'*2'L6)&#*=&'*,"&)7*+"&$/7=&;("/&'("&F*//L:",&)2$06+'&(*9&3""/&#$6/'"0&*9&./9'26+'"0&*/0&'(" &3 '"0& &. '2 /"+"99*2=&86/+'.$/&'"9'9&*/0&7"*,&'"9'9&(*%"&3""/&+$/06+'"0&3=&'("&*))2$%"0&*6'($2.'."94 1) :("&'$2@6"&8$2+"9&2"+$##"/0"0&3*9"9&$/&*&'(2"*0&82.+'.$/&+$"8?+."/'&MNOGPQ&*/0&*&9'*/0*20&1*'&9"*7& *++$20./-&'$&<R&PSPQLP Swivels Swivel Joints 11 !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 +4&&:$&)2"%"/'&0*#*-"9&062./-&#$6/'./-&*&96.'*37"&;2"/+(&9($670&3"&69"0&8$2&'("&./'"/0"0&3$7'9&*/0&/6'94 About NPT and BSP threads NPT Sealing NPT threads can be an exasperating experience if certain techniques are not followed. The following tips will help alleviate many common problems in thread sealing: 1. Always use some type of sealant (tape or paste) and apply sealant to male thread only. If using a hydraulic %$!2!3.@( !22-N( %*,40&$3.( 0*#&3"( .&1$( <$,-#$( %H%.$1( &%( pressurized. 2. When using tape sealant, wrap the threads in a clockN&%$(1-.&-3(%.!#.&3"(!.(./$(4#%.(./#$!+(!3+@(!% layers are applied, work towards the imperfect (vanishing) thread. If the system that the connection being made to cannot tolerate foreign matter (i.e. air systems), 2$!'$(./$(4#%.(./#$!+($O5-%$+(!3+(!552H(./$(.!5$ sealant as outlined above. PTFE-tape !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 3. When using paste sealant, apply to threads with a brush, using the brush to work the sealant into the ./#$!+%6(:552H($3-*"/(%$!2!3.(.-(422(&3(!22(./$(./#$!+%(!22( the way around. 4. When connecting one stainless steel part to another stainless steel part that will require future disassembly, use a thread sealant that is designed for stainless steel. This stainless steel thread sealant is also useful when connecting aluminium to aluminium that needs to be disconnected in the future. These two materials gall easily, and if the correct sealant is not used, it can be next to impossible to disassemble. 5. When connecting parts made of dissimilar metals (i.e. steel and aluminium), standard tape or paste sealant per forms satisfactory. DK For sizes 2” and below, tape or paste performs satisfactory. When using thread tape, four wraps (covering all 3$0$%%!#H(./#$!+%G(&%(*%*!22H(%*,40&$3.6 Figure NPT 8. For stubborn to seal threads, apply a normal coating of thread paste followed by a normal layer of thread tape. 9. For extremely stubborn to seal threads, apply a normal coating of thread paste followed by a single layer of gauze bandage followed by a normal layer of thread tape. Caution! When this procedure is done, the connection becomes permanent. Extreme measures will be necessary to disconnect these components. All other measures to seal the threads should be explored prior to use of this technique. 10. Over-tightening threads can be just as detrimental !%(&3%*,40&$3.(.&"/.$3&3"6(M-#(%&P$%(QR(!3+(<$2-N@(/!3+( 7. For sizes 2½” and above, thread paste is recommen- tighten the components and, with a wrench, tighten 3 full ded. If thread tape is used, eight wraps (covering all ne- turns. For sizes 2½” and above, hand tighten the compo0$%%!#H(./#$!+%G(&%(*%*!22H(%*,40&$3.6(:552H(1-#$(N#!5%( nents and, with a wrench, tighten 2 full turns. if necessary. BSP The threads are parallel with &*+%0,*."=#%01)\*],K% This allows to use the full thread length for screwed-on parts. The largest possible transfer of force is guaranteed for short length. The thread seal behind the relief groove of the thread cannot drop out. Simple screwing down, makes Subsequent tightening during sible at any time. Change of sembly do not require any a safe connection. operation is posseal and new asexpert knowledge. Thread Seal Figure BSP The European standardisations for hose assemblies #$L*&#$( 5!#!22$2( ./#$!+%( N&./( )!.( %$!2%@( <$0!*%$( -,( ./$( advantages. Swivels Swivel Joints 12 Flat Seals for thread Materials Application 0,001 D7ME(F(7$)-3BG white , massive continuously hard, universally resistant 7,&'=® is a registered trademark of DuPont BSP ½” 3 0,001 BSP 0,002 BSP 1” 0,003 /4” BSP 1 1/4” Dimensions Product ^%99 No D d s 20 13 2 On request 26 19 2 1498-06 33 24 2 1220-06 42 34 2 1536-06 48 39 2 1196-06 60 49 2 1052-06 0,003 BSP 1 ½” 0,004 BSP 2” 0,007 BSP 2 ½” 76 63 2,5 1181-06 0,006 BSP 3” 88 77 3 1110-06 0,009 BSP 4” 114 100 3 1295-06 0,016 BSP 6” 164 150 3 1963-06 0,001 BSP ½” 20 13 2 On request 0,001 BSP 3/4” 26 19 2 1498-25 0,002 BSP 1” 33 24 2 1220-25 0,002 BSP 1 1/4” 42 34 2 1536-25 1196-25 0,003 BSP 1 ½” 0,004 BSP 2” 0,005 BSP 2 ½” 0,009 Thermopac asbestos free, light hard. Especially for hot oils and hot bitumen up to 250º C and for hot water and saturated steam up to 25 bar. 48 39 2 60 49 2 1052-25 76 63 3 1181-25 BSP 3” 88 77 3 1110-25 0,013 BSP 4” 114 100 3 1295-25 0,016 BSP 6” 164 150 3 1963-25 0,001 BSP 1/2” 20 13 2 On request 0,001 BSP 3/4” 26 19 2 1498-01 0,002 BSP 1” 0,002 BSP 1 1 /4” FPM/FKM (Viton®) soft for aromatic hydrocarbons and hot oils. 33 24 2 1220-01 42 34 2 1536-01 Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont 48 39 2 1196-01 60 49 2 1052-01 0,003 BSP 1 ½” 0,004 BSP 2” 0,006 BSP 2 ½” 76 63 3 1181-01 0,008 BSP 3” 88 77 3 1110-01 0,014 BSP 4” 114 100 3 1295-01 0,016 164 150 3 1963-01 0,001 BSP 6” BSP 3/4” 26 19 2 1498-09 0,001 BSP 1” 33 24 2 1220-09 42 34 2 1536-09 48 39 2 1196-09 54 44 2,5 On request 60 49 2 1052-09 76 63 2,5 1181-09 88 77 3 1110-09 100 80 3 On request 114 100 3 1295-09 140 124 3 On request 164 150 3 1963-09 1 0,001 BSP 1 0,002 BSP 1 ½ ” 3 /4” 0,003 BSP 1 0,003 BSP 2” 0,005 BSP 2 ½ ” 0,006 BSP 3” 0,010 BSP 3½” 0,009 BSP 4” 0,012 BSP 5” ( No std) 0,016 BSP 6” Swivels Swivel Joints /4” 5RS%>T1.U'..*=QL Flat seals type of polyurethane, hightly resitant to abrasion, non-toxic. Shore hardness=900 . For all petroleum based products and many solvents. Colour:Blue T1.U'..*=Q is a registered trademark of Bayer 13 d s D ;-3+$+(4<#$(1!.$#&!2 d s D d s D d s D !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 weight Thread S9" BSP Flange Seals Product No Dimensions 8.*=#,%4+*=2*)2%-%41"+*_.,%\') S(11 D !"#$%&"!'"&()*"+,$-,&".$/"0,"%,#%!123,1")4"$4/"'!%."!%"0/"$4/".,$4*"5)&(!2&"#,%.)**)!4")4"5%)&)46"'%!."&(,"#20+)*(,%7 Øk 108 78,5 91 140 43 100 140 61 110 154 50 130 154 90 130 165 61 125 174 110 150 185 76 145 200 90 160 204 135 176 220 115 180 240 160 210 250 141 210 280 169 240 340 220 295 340 220 295 Øh s 4 x 6,5 4 x 18 4 x 15 8 x 12 8 x 12 4 x 18 8 x 14 4 x 18 8 x 18 8 x 14 8 x 18 12 x 14 8 x 18 8 x 22 8 x 22 12 x 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - On request DN 25 PN 10/16 DN 32 PN 10/16 DN 50 PN 6 DN 50 TW 1 DN 80 TW 1 DN 50 PN 10/16 DN 100 TW3 DN 65 PN 10/16 DN 80 PN 10/16 DN 125 TW5 DN 100 PN 10/16 DN 150 TW7 DN 125 PN 10/16 DN 150 PN 10/16 DN 200 PN 10 DN 200 PN 16 d D d Øh s kØ !(/&"/(!+!5.!<&2&.H@(N/$#$()!3"$(%$!2%(%/-*2+(%.&22(/!'$("--+( )$O&<&2&.H(.-(!'-&+(5&5$(,#!0.*#$%(-#(%&152$(%$!2&3"(1!.$#&!2%( ELAPAC- FD is a three component mixture, made of because little or no force can be used to tighten the joint. Not RUBBER (NBR) vulcanised, for the adhesion and resissuitable for use as thread seal, because the material is too tance to kinking. soft and does not have enough lateral strength, this allows CORK for compressibility and sealing capability. the medium to attack the seal material. Also not suitable for T/$3(.&"/.$3&3"(./$()!3"$(%$!2(+-$%(3-.(1-'$(.-N!#+%( !552&0!.&-3%(N/$#$(./$()!3"$(%$!2(&%(-32H(%L*!%/$+(-3(Q( ./$(-*.$#(-#(&33$#($+"$(-,(./$(%$!2&3"(,!0$%67/$()!3"$( mm to 3 mm of the total width. Care should be taken not to seal does not ”settle,” and can be re-used in most cases. squash the material to much especially the 2 mm material, if FIBRES give the material the necessary rigidity in doubt please use the 3 mm material. !3+(./$(%.!<&2&.H(.-(&3%$#.()!3"$(%$!2%(&3.-(3!##-N("!5%( GAS IMPERMEABILITY : from the side. The values for swelling are considerably C*$(.-(./$(4<#$(0-3.$3.(-,(EU:D:VW("!%(5$#1$!<&2&.H(&%(.-(<$( 2-N$#(,-#(4<#$(#$&3,-#0$+(1&O.*#$%(./!3(,-#(52!&3(#*<<$#( expected when using seals with narrow width – especially at seals. high vacuum operation. Further advantages: No leaching out of softening agents. No shrinking or hardening through drying. No APPROVALS: &3)*$30$(-3(-#(+&%0-2-#!.&-3(-,(1$+&!6(J-(/!#+$3&3"(!.( :55#-'$+(!%()!3"$(%$!2&3"(1!.$#&!2(,-#(!22(,*$2%(!3+(2*<#&temperature range of -25 o up to +70o Celsius. No stick- cants by the German military and the major oil companies &3"(-3()!3"$6(:++&.&-3!2(R!+/$%&'$%R(!#$(3-.(3$0$%%!#H6( ,-#(.!39(.#*09%@(#$43$#&$%(!3+(!�#!,.(#$,*$22$#%6(:55#-'$+(&3( – Therefore good reusability. 3 mm thickness by the German railway (Mat. No. 150.309). ELAPAC-FD meets the DIN 28 463. MATERIAL: RESISTANCE: 7/$(+$.!&2%(#$,$#(.-(4..$+()!3"$(%$!2%6(=32H(./$(&33$#(#&1( -,(./$()!3"$(%$!2(&%(&3(0-3.!0.(N&./(./$(1$+&*16(I3(./$( event of a possible attack this would only result in low 5$3$.#!.&-3(!3+(./$(*%$(&%(%.&22(5-%%&<2$6(I,(./$()!3"$(%$!2( is completely immerged in the medium during laboratory tests, swelling and loss of stability is of course higher. If the resistance of ELAPAC(&%(3-.(%*,40&$3.(<*.( good compressibility is required, we offer the special design ”TM” seal which is PTFE encapsulated. Application of foodstuffs: ELAPAC-FD is only suitable N&./(D7MEK0-'$#@(-./$#N&%$(1&O.*#$(5!#.&02$%(0!3(&3)*ence the quality of the foodstuffs. APPLICATION: :%(!3($2!%.&0()!3"$(%$!2(,-#(.!39(.#*09(!3+(.!39(52!3.( construction etc., where rough sealing surfaces require Swivels Swivel Joints TECHNICAL DATA: hardness, Shore tensile strength elongation at break compressibility recovery compression set 24h, 700 C tear resistance working pressure maximal colour marking 14 A 86 ± 3 longitudinal 10 N/mm2 lateral 4,5 N/mm2 longitudinal 15 N/mm2 lateral 70 N/mm2 75 % 90 % 40 % longitudinal 7 N/mm2 lateral 10 N/mm2 25 bar blue print ELAPAC-FD O-ring materials Trade name ISO 1629 ASTM 1418 Temp Field of Application Range oC Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Buna N® Europrene N® Hycar® Nipol N® Perbunan N® NBR NBR -45 110 Standard material for hydraulics and pneumatics. !"#$%&'()"'*+&,$-(./-%&'"0(12"-,3(&#"4&'(&#-(5$6$7&ble oils and fats. Flame retardant liquids. 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Stainless steel. 2-M&,(7"-&,)">*(6#(,&N=&*-:( DACouplings, Sampling, Vent Sa or Drain unit Sweden ;,9(HP)"-)6#(<6=8>)#?:( FU@B(CD(54:(!")#(V6/9()#(H>=7)#)=7: Standards:(012(OGB(!1(FOOAOB(DH%2( STANAG 3105, I,)-)*M(H&,6*8"+&(18&+:( F<5O: Full Flow - ballvalves Aviation Fuelling Equipment St Stainless Steel SS-EN 10 088-1.4404+AT WH010(X5EYZ:((I">>(S">P&()#(5:4E53("#/(5:OX45 WH Sampling, Vent or Drain unit Product Information Art. nr: PR-021001-0121 Version: 130507 Swivel joints Sweden F@(-6(O@B(CD(54B(H>=7)#)=7: I">>P">P&("#/(F$Q"9(I">>P">P&: !"/&(R6,(C&-,6>&=7(%"#'(%,=+'*:(S",)"-)6#*(6R(T"#?&( connections. Swivels ¾" to 10", PN 10 - PN 25. H>=7)#)=7B(I,"**$J=#7&-">B( Stainless Steel. 2-M&,(7"-&,)">*(6#(,&N=&*-: <6##&+-)6#[(I1CB(DC%:(\>"#?&/(+6##&+-)6#( W;0DB(HD10]H1H(&:-:+Z Swivel Joints Product Information Art. No: PR-010501-0112 Version: 131126 SBCouplings, bolt series Industrial and Marine Safety Break-away, breaking bolts, H>=7)#)=7B(I,"**B(1-")#>&**(1-&&>B(5@(-6(5F@B(R&7">&]7">&(-M,&"/*("#/(Q)-M(T"#?&*B(Q)-M(V,&"')#?(V6>-*: Safety Break-away, cable release 1-")#>&**(1-&&>B(CD54(](CD(FG:(F@(-6(O@B(R&7">&(-M,&"/*:(6@(-6(5F@B(T"#?&/(+6##&+-)6# Business Segment Information Sweden Sweden Sweden Gas (LPG) Offshore Offsho re & Marine Marine DGCouplings Dry Gas Couplings ® Swivels Swivel Joints SBCouplings ® Swivels Swivel Joints SBCouplings SBCoupling s Tank Trucks Trucks Rail Tankers Tankers Sweden Sweden Sweden Container Container Militar Military Cryogenic Couplings Cryogenic Coupling Coupling uplings ® Safety Break-away Couplings DDCouplings Dry Disconnect Couplings DDCouplings DDCoupling s Dry Disconnect Couplings Sweden ® Swivels Swivel Joints SBCouplings ® DDCouplings Dry Disconnect Couplings Safety Break-away Couplings ® Swivels SBCouplings Swivel Joints Safety Break-away Couplings ® DDCouplings ® Dry Disconnect Couplings ® Swivels SBCouplings Swivel Joints Safety Break-away Couplings ® DDCouplings Dry Disconnect Couplings ® Swivels SBCouplings Swivel Joints Safety Break-away Couplings ® Safety Break-away Couplings Version 091012 Version 100113 2RR*M6,&( & Marine J"*(WYCJZ Rail tankers Company Information <M&7)+">( )#/=*-,9 !)>)-",9(((( Approval Information Sweden General Information General Informatio Informatio rmation %"#' %" #'(#' (-,= (,=+' +'*( +' *((( %"#'(-,=+'*( J&#&,">(0#R6,7"-)6#( "V6=-(!"##(%&'B( 8,6/=+-*("#/(I=*)#&**( Segments Version 100113 Version 100113 ^=">)-9B(_&">-MB(1"R&-9("#/( K#P),6#7&#-(C6>)+9:( ^=">)-9(H88,6P">*B( C,6/=+-(H88,6P">*("#/( ;&+>","-)6#(6R(<6#R6,7)-9 <6#-")#&,(( Version 120927 <,96?&#)+ <6=8>)#?* Service Service )#*-,=+-)6#*( "#/(68&,"-)6#( 7"#=">* Art. nr.: PR-091901-01 Version: 130415 Your distributor Contact Mann Tek for your local distributor Your distributor: www.mann-tek.com Phone: Fax: Email: Web site: +46 501 39 32 00 +46 501 39 32 09 [email protected] www.mann-tek.com Address: Address: Mann Teknik AB Strandvägen 16 SE-542 31 Mariestad Sweden !"#$%& !"##$%&'()*("(+&,-).&/(0123445$+678"#9: