faculty of engineering


faculty of engineering
Main Campus
Yukarıyurtçu Mah. Mimar Sinan Cad. (Eskişehir Yolu 29. km) No:4
06790 Etimesgut / ANKARA - TURKEY I Tel: +90 312 233 10 00
Balgat Campus
Çukurambar Mah. Öğretmenler Cad. No:14
06530 Çankaya / ANKARA - TURKEY I Tel: +90 312 284 45 00
Science is the truest mentor in life.
The Message of the Chair of Board of Trustees..... 4
Faculty of Engineering..................................... 56
The Vision, Mission and Fundamental
Values of Çankaya University............................. 6
Computer Engineering...................................... 60
The Message of the Rector.................................. 7
General Information............................................. 8
Faculties and Departments........................... 20
Faculty of Arts and Sciences........................... 22
Electrical–Electronics Engineering.................. 62
Electronic and Communication Engineering.... 64
Industrial Engineering....................................... 66
Civil Engineering................................................ 68
English Language and Literature..................... 24
Mechanical Engineering.................................... 70
Mathematics ...................................................... 26
Materials Science and Engineering................. 72
Translation and Interpreting Studies............... 28
Mechatronics Engineering................................ 74
Psychology.......................................................... 30
Faculty of Law.................................................. 32
Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences........................................................... 34
Çankaya Vocational School.............................. 76
Banking and Insurance..................................... 78
Foreign Trade..................................................... 80
Banking and Finance......................................... 38
Vocational School of Justice................................. 82
Economics.......................................................... 40
English Preparatory School................................. 84
Management...................................................... 42
Academic English Unit......................................... 88
Political Science and International Relations.44
International Trade............................................ 46
Faculty of Architecture.................................... 48
Interior Architecture.......................................... 50
Graduate Schools ................................................. 90
Non-Departmental Courses Coordinatorship.... 92
Library................................................................... 93
Architecture........................................................ 52
Laboratories.......................................................... 94
City and Regional Planning............................... 54
Campus Life.......................................................... 98
The Message of the Chair of Board of Trustees
After spending over forty years in the field of education with Arı Primary School and Arı High School,
an investment in higher education and research became inevitable. This endeavour was realized
through the collaboration and genuine contribution of all the teaching and administrative staff as
well as the thousands of young people who have attended these schools. In fact, this was the source
of the motivation that led to the establishment of Çankaya University, the last link in our educational
project. The official establishment of Çankaya University was finalised in 1997. We live in an age
where each nation is trying to be a centre of excellence. Education, reliable and efficient education,
is undoubtedly the basis for excellence in a world dominated by progress and competition. Having
such a perspective, our goal is to train the students of Çankaya University in the best way possible
through well-developed curricula in various fields. This academic institution will also provide its
graduates with a solidly founded future, where employment opportunities will be open at large. As
the founders of the University, it is our sincere hope and desire to interact with all academic and
administrative members as well as with the students as members of the same family of Çankaya
Sıtkı Alp
Chair of The Board of Trustees
Çankaya University aims at
providing high-quality higher education and training at world standards,
producing knowledge and encouraging research and development at international
considering public service within its primary objectives,
raising individuals who love their country and nation in particular, but embrace all
humanity in general.
The Mission of Çankaya University is to
do basic and applied research at world standards,
raise young people who know how to produce, transmit, and use knowledge,
put into practice the principles of good management,
preserve and improve high-quality in education and training,
realize student and teaching staff mobility by cooperating with outstanding universities of the world,
provide students with universal values and equip them with the ability of research and analytical thinking,
encourage them to work and do research on interdisciplinary issues.
The Fundamental Values of Çankaya University are
scientific and interdisciplinary approach,
academic freedom,
support, care and tolerance towards students,
public service,
good administration,
participatory management,
lifelong learning,
equal treatment of all individuals without discrimination based on
gender, religion, language, race or nationality.
The Message of the Rector
Çankaya University has four main objectives: to give
high quality education, to do scientific research on
an international scale, to encourage an innovative
mindset that transform pure research outcomes
to practical utility, and to enhance institutional
internationalization. The realization of these
objectives is of course dependent on several
factors: experienced academic staff, rational
administration and academic organization, and
sufficient funding and infrastructure. The principal
agent of success, however, is a person focused
on success. This is why student motivation is of
utmost importance, and our primary aim.
In line with these objectives, Çankaya
University has an appropriate strategy: the
selection of academicians; the scientific and
educational needs of the area of employment;
the psychological and practical requirements
of the working environment; collaborating
with international universities, and exchanging
students and faculty with these universities.
By means of this strategy, both the quality of
education and that of academic publications is
increasing. Çankaya University was first in 2014
in the field of Mathematics, and first in 2015 in
the fields Business Administration, Marketing,
Banking and Finance, and International Trade.
In these two fields, the University is in the top
500 in the world.
Having underlined these principles and facts, I
invite those who would like to have high quality
education in a friendly environment to join
Çankaya University family.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Mollamahmutoğlu
General Information
Eligibility for Application to the University
Provided that they have completed their high school
education or are in the last year of their high school
education, the applications of the students from abroad
who carry the qualities listed below will be accepted.
1) Citizens of a foreign country,
2) Those who were born as Turkish citizens and then
gained permission from the Ministry of Internal affairs
to renounce their Turkish citizenship, and those who
hold the official documents for their children under
legal age registered on the documents that certify
the abandonment of Turkish citizenship for the use of
rights granted by the Turkish Citizenship Law, (in the
number 5901 of Turkish citizenship Law, in item 7 there is the judgment that “(1) If the father or the
mother is Turkish citizen, the child born in the conjugal union within or out of the borders of Turkey is
a Turkish citizen” and, it is useful for the applicants from abroad to examine Turkish Citizenship Law)
3) Those who were born as foreign citizens but acquired Turkish citizenship later and have dual
4) Those who have the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey, and completed all the high school education
in a foreign country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), (including the ones
who completed their high school education in Turkish Schools in a foreign country other than TRNC)
5) Those who have citizenship of TRNC, reside in TRNC, and have completed their high school education
in TRNC, and have GCE-AL exam score, and the ones who have graduated from a high school or a
college in a foreign country between the years 2005-2010 and who currently have or will have the
results of GCE-AL exam score.
The applications of the following candidates will not be accepted:
1) The Turkish Republic citizens having their entire secondary education in Turkey or in TRNC.
2) The TRNC citizens (except those with GCE-AL results, who have finished their entire secondary
education in TRNC high schools; and those who registered high schools and colleges in other countries
between 2005-2010 and got/will get GCE-AL exam results)
3) Those with dual nationalities whose first citizenship was given by the Turkish Republic by birth as
described in the subclause 2 above (except those having finished the high school in a foreign country
other than TRNC / and those having completed their entire secondary education in Turkish schools
located in foreign countries other than TRNC)
4) Those with dual nationalities one of which is TRNC citizenship (except those with GCE-AL results
having finished their entire secondary education in TRNC high schools; and those who registered high
schools and colleges in other countries and got their education between 2005-2010 and had/will get
GCE-AL exam results)
5) The Turkish citizens studying in the schools within the body of the embassies in Turkey, or in foreign
high schools in Turkey / or those whose first citizenship was given by the Turkish Republic by birth as
described in the subclause 2 above.
Required Documents For
• Application Form,
• A copy of the Exam Score Sheet
approved by a notary or a Turkish
Embassy in foreign countries,
• A copy of the High School diploma,
approved by a notary or a Turkish
Embassy in foreign countries,
• The applicant’s transcript, which
specifies the courses and grades taken,
signed by the High School Directorate,
and its translated version approved by a
notary or a Turkish Embassy in foreign
• A photocopy of the candidate’s passport
and its translated version approved by a
notary or a Turkish Embassy in foreign
• 2 passport-size photos of the applicant,
• Application Fee Receipt showing that
the application fee, 100 TL, has been
deposited in Çankaya University’s
bank account: T. Vakıflar Bankası
Meşrutiyet Branch Account Number:
TR280001500158007260429262 (100
TL will be deposited for each program
application and it will not be refunded)
General Information
National and International Diplomas, and Required Scores Of High School Completion And
University Entrance Exams
Types of Examinations and Diplomas Required
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I)
General Certificate of Education (GCE) (A Level) Qualifications
Scores Required
A minimum total score of 1000 out of 1600 in “Math” and “Critical
Reading” exams of “Sat Reasoning,” with a minimum “Math” score of
600 out of 800 for “Engineering and Architecture” and “Economics and
Administrative Sciences” programs.
In Advanced level, a minimum grade of “C” in the stream related to the
program applied for; also in Advanced level grades, A= 120, B= 100, C=
80, D= 60, E=40, and apart from Advanced level subjects, in Advanced
Subsidiary level grades, a minimum of total score of 200, calculated by
dividing the scores into half above
International Baccalaureate (IB)
A minimum total score of 28
Matura Degree
A maximum diploma grade of 2
Baccalaureate Exam (Senegal, Cameroon, Nijer, Mali, Middle Africa, Burkina
A minimum score of 12
Faso, Chad, Togo, Benin, Madagascar, Algeria, Tunisia, ve Morocco)
East African Certificate of Education (EAACE))
A minimum grade of “C+”
International Science Olympiads
A gold, silver or bronze medal in the International Science Olympiads
recognized and participated by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical
Research Council of Turkey)
Examination for Students from Turkic Republics (TCS) Basic Learning
Skills Test
A minimum score of 50
Student Selection and Placement Tests (OSYS)
From the OSYS tests, the studends are required to achieve the minimum
score needed for the university program that they have applied
Diploma average grade of foreign nationals who graduated from any high
A minimum of 60/100
school in Turkey
Foreign Students Admission Exams (YÖS) administered (at most 2 years
Minimum scores designated by the university
before) by the universities in Turkey
High school cumulative grade average of foreign nationals
Considered by the university
Candidates applying with secondary education grade
At least 60% of the overall grade
Afghanistan: Nationwide University Entrance Examination of
Afghanistan (KONKUR General State Examination)
A minimum score of 265 out of 350
Germany: ABITUR exam
A maximum overall grade of 4
America: American College Test (ACT)
A minimum score of 21
Albania: General Secondary Education Certificate (Matura)
A minimum score of 6,5 out of 10
Azerbaijan: Nationwide University Entrance Examination of Azerbaijan
A minimum score of 400 out of 700
Bahrein: General Secondary Education Certificate
Bangladesh: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) / Intermediate)
Graduation Score
United Arab Emirates: General Secondary Education Certificate
A minimum exam score of 80% in the stream related to the program
applied for
A minimum graduation score of 60% in the stream related to the
program applied for
A minimum exam score of 80% in the stream related to the program
applied for
China: Nationwide University Entrance Examination (GAOKAO) or 12
Grade Senior Secondary School Certificate
A minimum University Entrance Examination (GAOKAO) score of 450 out
of 750 in the stream related to the program applied for, or a minimum
score of 75% in the 12 grade Senior Secondary School Certificate
Indonesia: Ujian Nasional (UN) Examination
A minimum score of 40 out of 60
Palestine: Tawjihi Examination
A minimum score of 70 out of 100
France: French Baccalaureate
Gambia: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior School
Certificate Examination (SSCE)
Ghana: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior School
Certificate Examination (SSCE)
A minimum score of 12 out of 20 in the stream related to the program
applied for
A maximum score of 3 in each of the six subjects related to the program
applied for, and maximum total grades of 15 in six subjects
A maximum score of 3 in each of the six subjects related to the program
applied for, and maximum total grades of 15 in six subjects
General Information
South Korea: College Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT) organized by
Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
A minimum standard score of 400 out of 800 in the stream related to
the program applied for
Georgia: National Examination of Georgia
A minimum score of 250
India: Higher Secondary School Certificates - Indian School Certificate
(ISC) / Intermediate Certificate / Higher School Certificate / Higher
Secondary Certificate / All India Senior School Certificate / Pre-University
course - awarded on completion of Standard XII
A minimum graduation score of 60% in the stream related to the
program applied for
Iraq: General Secondary Education Certificate (Baccalaureate Iraq)
A minimum exam score of 60% in the stream related to the program
applied for
Iran: General Secondary Education Certificate (Dabiristan) or Preuniversity Education (Pishdaneshgahi)
A minimum score of 13 out of 20
Qatar: General Secondary Education Certificate
A minimum exam score of 8 % in the stream related to the program
applied for
Kazakhstan: National University Entrance Examination
A minimum score of 65%
Kenya: Kenya Certificate of Education (KCSE)
A minimum average grade of “C+”
Kyrgyzstan: National University Entrance Examination (ORT)
A minimum score of 180 out of 250
Kosovo: University Entrance Examination
A minimum score of 40% and above
Kuwait: General Secondary Education Certificate
Liberia: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior School
Certificate Examination (SSCE)
Libya: Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya Examination
A minimum exam score of 70% in the stream related to the program
applied for
A maximum score of 3 in each of the six subjects related to the program
applied for, and maximum total grades of 15 in six subjects
A minimum graduation score of 70% in the stream related to the
program applied for
Lebanon: Baccalaureate Libanais
A minimum score of 13 out of 20
Macedonia: General Secondary Education Certificate (Matura)
A minimum grade of 3 out of 5
Egypt: General Secondary Education Certificate
A minimum exam score of 70% in the stream related to the program
applied for
Mongolia: National University Entrance Exam (KONKUR General State
Nigeria: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior School
Certificate Examination (SSCE)
Pakistan: 12 grade high school diploma (Higher Secondary Certificate
(HSC) / Intermediate))
A minimum score of 600 out of 800 in each of the four areas related to
the program applied for
A minimum exam score of 7 out of 10 in each of the four areas related
to the program applied for
A maximum score of 3 in each of the six subjects related to the program
applied for, and maximum total grades of 15 in six subjects
A minimum graduation score of 60% in the stream related to the
program applied for
Russia: Russia National University Entrance Exam (EGE)
A minimum score of 50 out of 100
Sierra Leone: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior
School Certificate Examination (SSCE)
A maximum score of 3 in each of the six subjects related to the program
applied for, and maximum total grades of 15 in six subjects
A minimum graduation score of 70% in the stream related to the
program applied for
A minimum exam score of 80% in the stream related to the program
applied for, and minimum of 65% from "Kudrat" Examination taken
within the last two years
A minimum score of 7 out of 12
Moldova: Baccalaureate
Syria: Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya Examination
Saudi Arabia: General Secondary Education Certificate and "Kudrat"
Ukraine: Attestat / Certificate of Secondary Education
Oman: General Secondary Education Certificate
A minimum exam score of 70% in the stream related to the program
applied for
Jordan: Tawjihi Examination
A minimum score of 70 out of 100
Yemen: National Baccalaureate Examination
A minimum exam score of 70% in the stream related to the program
applied for
Greece: University Entrance Exam (Apolytirion Of Lykeio)
A minimum score of 10 out of 20
Zimbabwe: General Certificate of Education / Cambridge School
Certificate / Cambridge Higher School Certificate
A minimum of one “B” and two “C” grades from three ZIMSEC A-Levels
in the subjects related to the program applied for
The scores from exams, with the status of the University Entrance Exam
(SAT, SCI, etc.) are valid for two years. The scores from High School
Graduation Exams (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, Tawjihi, etc.) are
valid indefinitely.
The score from similar exams which will be accepted by the university
General Information
Evaluation of the Applications
The evaluation of applications and the placement
of candidates are done by Çankaya University. The
university is not obliged to fill its quotas. Having
fulfilled the necessary conditions does not necessarily
mean acceptance is guaranteed. For the acceptance
of candidates, a list that contains an ordering based
on quota and the program is made by a committee
formed by Çankaya University and is presented to
the Rectorate for approval. The evaluation of the
applications to our departments that accept students
with the Special Ability Exam is done by the Special
Ability Exam Admission Committee before the list
based on quotas is presented to the Rectorate for
Application Results and Registration
Application results are announced on the university’s
website. A letter of acceptance is sent to the accepted
applicants provided that they deposit the tuition fee for
the first semester in the university’s bank account. In
addition to the acceptance letter, the applicant must
obtain a visa with “annotation to education” from the
nearest Turkish Embassy. Documents required for
registration will be announced to the applicants within
the acceptance letter as well as on the university’s
website. At the beginning of each semester, students
have to renew their registration within the period
determined in the academic calendar by paying
the required tuition fees and taking the approval of
their advisors. Students are responsible for all the
registration renewal procedure and they are obliged
to register in person.
Medium of Instruction
Çankaya University is an English medium university except for the Faculty of Law and the Vocational
School of Justice. Students who do not fulfill the English proficiency requirements of the university
attend English Preparatory School.
Tuition Fee
At Çankaya University, education is subject to the tuition fee which is determined by the Board of
Trustees for every academic year. Students are required to pay the half of the tuition fee at the
beginning of the academic year during the registration period. The other half is to be paid at the
beginning of the second term during the registration period. The tuition fee increases each year in
proportion to the changes in CPI (Consumer Price Index).
Academic Programs
Çankaya University has 5 faculties with 21 departments; two institutes with 19 master’s programs
and 6 Ph.D programs; 2 vocational schools with 3 programs; an English Language coordinatorship to
support English language education and a non-departmental courses coordinatorship to offer elective
Academic Year
One academic year consists of two semesters, each of which includes 14 weeks of teaching followed
by a two-week final examination period.
Summer Term
The Summer Term is an intensive seven-week program, which gives students the opportunity to benefit
from educational facilities during summer months. Students who wish to take courses during this
term are required to pay the per credit tuition fee determined for that year by the Board of Trustees.
Student can take up to 3 courses at most, provided that they have not exceeded 12 credits.
General Information
Undergraduate Transfers
Students may apply for transfer between the higher education institutions
(universities) implementing equivalent curricula and the departments in the
institutions at the beginning of each academic year in accordance with the
“Regulations Governing the Principles for the Process of Transfers, Double
Major, Minor and Inter-institutional Credit Transfer in Associate Degree and
Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions” and “Çankaya
University Instructions for Transfer in Associate Degree and Undergraduate
Programs”. Transfer admissions are limited with the quotas determined by
faculty boards and the orientation procedure of the students are executed by
these boards.
Vertical Transfer
The principles regarding the admission of the graduates of Vocational School to
undergraduate programs and the semester that they will register is determined
by the faculty boards in accordance with “Regulations for the Continuation of
Graduates of Vocational Schools and Open Education Associate Programs to
Undergradaute Programs”.
Double Major and Minor Programs
Eligible undergraduate students may enroll concurrently in another double
major and/or minor program along with their major undergraduate program.
Student Exchange
Çankaya University carries out student and lecturer exchange within Erasmus
Programme. Departments have agreements with various universities in Europe.
Honor and High Honor Students
Students whose Grade Point Average (GPA) is between 3.00-3.49 are qualified
as Honor students; and those whose GPA is between 3,50 – 4,00 are qualified
as High Honors.
Faculties And Departments
Arts and Sciences
English Language Coordinatorship
Academic English Unit
English Language and Literature
Preparatory School
Translation and Interpreting Studies (English)
Economics and Administrative Sciences
Banking and Finance
Computer Engineering
International Trade
Civil Engineering
Electronic and Communication Engineering
Political Science and International Relations
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
City and Regional Planning
Mechanical Engineering
Interior Architecture
Mechatronics Engineering
Çankaya Vocational School
Banking and Insurance
Foreign Trade
Graduate Schools
Natural and Applied Sciences
Social Sciences
Vocational School of Justice
Vocational School of Justice
Inter-Curricular Courses Department
Faculty of Arts and Sciences is among the first faculties of our university, and it began in 1997 with
English Language and Literature and Mathematics and Computer Science departments. Two more
departments were formed in the following years: Translation and Interpretation (English) in 2006, and
Psychology in 2010. The medium of instruction is English.
Within the Faculty, Mathematics and Computer Laboratory, Simultaneous Interpreting Laboratory,
and Experimental, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology Laboratory were opened in order to provide the
students with practical training and research opportunities. These labs are equipped with state-of-theart technology. With its experienced staff and meticulously designed curricula, the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences aims to train students as independently and critically thinking creative individuals who are
capable of carrying out research and making research-based decisions.
Department of English Language and Literature offers graduate programs leading to master’s and
doctoral degrees in English Literature and Cultural Studies, while the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science grants MSc degree in Information Technology. The Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science also offers 11 service courses for 36 groups to other faculties of our university.
Furthermore, the departments of our Faculty offer double major and minor programs with other
departments (except Law), enabling students to receive training in multiple fields.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences aspires to achieve excellence in education, training, research and all other
academic scientific activities, while producing graduates who will contribute greatly to the present and
the future.
Language: ENGLISH
Instructor Dr. Erkan Murat TÜRKAN
Prof. Dr. Billur KAYMAKÇALAN
Instructor Aynur BAKİ GÜRSOY
English Language and Literature
Prof. Dr. H. Uğur ÖNER
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem UZUNDEMİR (Chairperson)
Res. Assist. Ayşe DOĞAN ÇALIŞIR
Res. Assist. Şeyma KAYAN
Part-time Instructor Dr. Sultan Eylem TOKSOY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johann PILLAI
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Assist. Prof. Dr. F. Neslihan EKMEKÇİOĞLU
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KOÇ (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Berkem GÜRENCİ SAĞLAM
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Alev YEMENİCİ
Instructor Dr. A. Özkan ÇAKIRLAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KIRCA
Instructor Halide ARAL
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuray LÜK GROVE
Instructor Yağmur DEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Susanne KLINGER
Prof. Dr. Billur KAYMAKÇALAN (Deputy
Instructor Dr. Bülent AKAT
Instructor Dr. Barış Emre ALKIM
Part-time Okan ARSLAN
Prof. Dr. Kenan TAŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma ALTUNBULAK AKSU
Prof. Dr. Ali DÖNMEZ (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Dumitru BALEANU
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı GÖNCÜ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özlem DEFTERLİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hande KAYNAK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgür Tolga PUSATLI
Instructor Aslı YALÇIN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin UĞURLU
Instructor Tuğba YILMAZ
Instructor Dr. Necip ÖZFİDAN
Part-time Yeşim KÜMBET
Language and
The Department of English Language and Literature was one of the first departments established at Çankaya
University. In addition to its undergraduate program, it offers graduate programs leading to the M.A. and Ph.D.
The undergraduate curriculum in English Language and Literature was designed in accordance with
contemporary developments in literary studies, particularly in the Western World. The departmental courses
are generally student-centered and emphasize research and writing skills: they include analysis and discussion
of literary genres and types; the origins and characteristics of classical and contemporary mythologies; literary
periods and movements; English social, economic, political and cultural history; American history and culture;
world literature; and issues in the theory and practice of criticism. Through critical and analytical engagement
with authors, styles and movements, the program provides a solid foundation in English and broader Western
and world literatures and cultures, while also developing students’ fluency and skills in spoken and written
communication and analytical thinking.
In addition to departmental courses, students take a range of elective courses offered by other departments of the
university, in such areas as foreign languages, translation, psychology, and political science; they may also take
a double major, or minor in another subject, in coordination with other departments. The educational experience
in the department is enriched by seminars and conferences featuring Turkish and international specialists in
literary studies and related fields; and students have further opportunities to broaden their perspectives by
participating in the Erasmus Exchange Program and spending a semester at a university in Europe.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature have a wide range of employment and career
opportunities available to them; their knowledge and skills make them well qualified to teach at schools and
universities, to work as translators in the public and private sectors, to pursue careers in tourism, public
relations and communications media, and also to continue their academic studies in related areas at the M.A.
and Ph.D. levels.
1st Year 1st Semester
English Grammar
Reading and Oral Interpretation I
Writing Skills I
Listening and Note Taking Skills
Introduction to Literature
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Reading and Oral Interpretation II
Writing Skills II (prereq. ELL 123)
Translation I
Survey of English Literature I
Classical Literature
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Translation II
Short Story
Survey of English Literature II
Medieval Literature
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
Elective (Dept. Elec.)
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Translation III
Research Techniques (prereq. ELL
British Culture and Society
Early Modern Literature
Elective (Free)
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Survey of American Literature I
Literary and Artistic Movements
British Drama I
18th Century Fiction
Restoration and 18th Century
Elective (Dept. Elec.)
Elective (Free)
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Survey of American Literature II
World Thinkers
Shakespeare I
19th Century Fiction
Romantic and Victorian Literature
Elective (Dept. Elec.)
Elective (Social Science Based)
4th Year 1st Semester
Shakespeare II
20th Century Fiction
20th Century Poetry
Literary Theory
Elective (Dept. Elec.)
Elective (Social Science Based)
4th Year 2nd Semester
World Literature
British Drama II
Contemporary Fiction
Contemporary Poetry
Elective (Dept. Elec.)
Elective (Social Science Based)
Elective Courses:
English for Academic Purposes
American Drama
Drama Performance
American Poetry
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Film and Literature
Introduction to Women’s Studies
Psychology in Literature
Popular Literature and Culture
Comparative Literature
Children’s Literature
Travel Writing
Single Author Study
American Novel
Gender Studies
Department of Mathematics, having received its new official name in March 2016,
is the continuation of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
which was founded in 1998 as one of the very first programs of Çankaya University.
At the time, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science was one of the
first of its kind in the country, but, although for many years the department had
very succesful graduates, having found job opportunities in various fields, due to
the rapidly decreasing interest in Basic Sciences throughout the country, in 2013,
the University upper administration decided to discontinue admitting students to
the program. Despite this drastic measure, according to the results of independent
scales, Çankaya University-Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
managed to secure the top place among similar programs in Turkey. Therefore, due
to the very high academic standards of the department, the Board of Trustees of
Çankaya University decided to support the re-organization request of the program,
and following the Council of Higher Education’s approval, the “NEW” Department
of Mathematics is being established, with the right to admit students again in 2016.
Modern technological society has various fields that require specialists in
mathematics and computer science. As a result, in the coming years, the
number of employment opportunities will increase for those who know how
to use mathematics for the real life problems. Employment forecasts predict
promising careers for those who are capable and well-prepared in mathematics.
Main mission of the department is to educate people through modern education
on mathematics with some fundamental training on computer science and other
related areas, and hence produce workforce with modern knowledge required
in science and industry. With this aim, in the bachelor’s program, there are 48
courses, 11 of them being elective. Through the scope of these courses, students
have the opportunity to learn the methods in mathematics, applied and pure
combined, so that they can have the ability to analyze and solve complicated
problems with mathematical modelling approaches. In
addition to social and free ones, the list of elective courses
are designed to provide the students the opportunity to work
on areas of their interest in mathematics. Moreover, they can
take advanced mathematics courses, as well as concentrate
on computer science and engineering fields by selecting
related elective courses.
Our students have the opportunity to complete double
major and minor degree programs in various Engineering
departments as well as in Economics, Management and
others. The department also has many bilateral agreements
with the European universities in the frame of the Erasmus
program. Through these agreements, students in our program
have the opportunity to take courses for one semester in
France, Spain, Portugal, Romania and other countries.
Recently bilateral agreements in Mathematics are underway
with Missouri University of Science and Technology of Rolla,
Missouri-U.S.A., through which student as well as faculty
exchange are expected.
The department provides a total of 11 different mathematics
service courses which are in the curricula of 16 programs
throughout the University, thereby serving the majority of the
total number of students. There are also 2 graduate programs
conducted by the faculty in the department, offering MS in
Mathematics as well as in Information Technology. These
programs attract many students from Turkey, along with an
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic English I
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus I
Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science
General Physics I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Academic English II
Calculus II
Introduction to History of Mathematics
Computer Programming I
General Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Linear Algebra I
Differential Equations
Advanced Calculus I
Computer Programming II
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
Summer Training
Linear Algebra II
Advanced Calculus II
Numerical Analysis
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
increasing demand from students of various Middle Eastern
and North African origins.
Active research is carried out in various areas of mathematics
such as analysis, applied mathematics and others. Throughout
the years, the department has hosted many prestigious
national and international conferences, with several of their
proceedings being published by respected international
publishing companies. Based on 2015 report of URAP, Çankaya
University has the first rank among the private universities in
Turkey in mathematics, and ranked in the top 500 in the world.
Additionally, one of our senior department members got into
the list of first 1% of the world highly cited researchers of 2015
ranked by Thomson Reuters, which is the world’s leading source
of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. The
areas that our graduates since 2001 are employed in include;
academia, as software experts, programmers in state and
private institutions, ministries, insurance sector, finance and
banking sectors, stock exchange markets, Turkish Statistical
Institute. Graduates with pedagogic formation certificate can
be employed as teachers in mathematics. Those who continue
to obtain a Ph.D can work as academic staff at universities.
Additionally, both in Turkey and abroad, some of our graduates
have completed their MS studies, working in companies with
high reputation, conducting post-doctoral research on grants in
respected universities, and participated in significant projects
in the industry and sciences.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Partial Differential Equations
Abstract Algebra
Scientific Computation
Elective (Social Science Based)
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Complex Calculus
Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Elective (Free)
4th Year 1st Semester
Computer Graphics with Java
Graduation Project I
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
4th Year 2nd Semester
Functional Analysis
Differential Geometry
Graduation Project II
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Elective (Depth in MCS, CENG)
Translation and
In an ever-globalizing world, the
need for high-quality and reliable
never been more crucial. As cultural
mediators, translators and interpreters
of high caliber are required to ensure
that your message will get across to
your target audience in a meaningful,
functionally intact and aesthetically
pleasing manner. Our Department
aims to transform our students into
professionals who could translate and
interpret from/to English and Turkish,
while meeting and exceeding the needs
of an increasingly competitive language
industry. The up-to-date curriculum of
our Department not only provides the
extensive translation and interpreting
skills in various fields but also furnishes
the students with theoretical knowledge
as to the translation theory, history and
criticism all the while incorporating
latest language technologies vital to
their training.
interpreters of high professional merit
who are:
institutions and sectors:
- Equipped with good command of their
native language, with high consciousness
of foreign language,
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Keeping the requirements of local and
domestic markets in mind, we seek
to train and educate translators and
1st Year 1st Semester
English Grammar in Context I
Turkish for Translators
Oral Communication in English I
Introduction to Translation I
Text Analysis
Lexis and Terminology
1st Year 2nd Semester
English Grammar in Context II
Comparative English-Turkish Grammar
Oral Communication in English II
Introduction to Translation II
Reading and Writing Skills in English
Lexis and Terminology II
- Informed about the cultures and
institutions of the target language,
- Having accumulation of theoretical
knowledge and the experience of
application in a variety of fields in
• Turkish Grand National Assembly
• Ministry of Culture
• Ministry of Tourism
• State Planning Organization
• Embassies
• European Union and European
• Related departments of universities
- Acquainted with field knowledge and
related terminology in such realms as
computer, technology, international
relations, political sciences, economics,
literature, history, communication and
• Institutions that employ English
Language teachers
- Informed about the ways in which to
use communication technologies,
• Publishing houses
- Preferred at national and international
• National or international press
Employment Opportunities:
• Graduates of the Department may
find employment in the following
• National and international
2nd Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Translation Studies
Active Listening and Note-taking I
Translation Technologies
Précis Writing and Translation I
History of Civilizations
Free Elective
Principles of Kemal Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Theories of Translation
Active Listening and Note-taking II
Translation-oriented Discourse Analysis
Précis Writing and Translation II
Social Institutions in Turkey
Free Elective
Principles of Kemal Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
• International companies
• Banks
• Turkish Radio Television
• Translation offices
• Tourism industry
3rd Year 1st Semester
Special Topics in Translation: Science and
Interpreting I
Special Topics in Translation: Law
Contemporary Issues in Translation
Comparative Cultural Studies
Free Elective
Special Topics in Translation: Media
Summer Practice I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Special Topics in Translation: EU Texts
Interpreting II
Research Methods in Translation Studies
Special Topics in Translation: Economics and
Administrative Sciences
Popular Culture and Literature
Translation Criticism
Free Elective
4th Year 1st Semester
Literary Translation
Special Topics in Translation: Medicine
On-sight Translation
Special Topics in Translation: Social Sciences
Formal Correspondence
Dubbing and Subtitling I
Summer Practice II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Translation Project
Special Topics in Translation: International
Relations and Diplomacy
Professional Standards and Practices
Applied Translation Studies
Translation Project
Dubbing and Subtitling II
The aim of this program is to educate students and academics with
Psychology degree who adopt the general mission and vision of Cankaya
University that is successful at both scientific education and application;
and who could provide plus value for corporations and institutes when
working for psychology and its subfields; have the ability of scientific
thinking, analyzing, synthesizing, modeling, and analysis; could do
original research; could produce information that would be used
universally, and during information producing and application procedures
following the ethical rules; could transfer the produced information
into practice; could share his/her knowledge and experiences actively
with the society and other scientists that work on related domains;
could make contributions on the cumulative psychology knowledge and
practice of our country. Furthermore, we aim to give lectures which are
based on the sub-domains, theoretical basics, research and application
methods, and principles of Psychology that would be guidance for the
students from other departments who have an interest in psychology but
have limited knowledge.
This program is planned to provide a strong background with the basic
topics, methods, approaches, and practices of psychology; and to
enhance the student’s abilities of analytical thinking. For the students to
be active and productive with the other domains like psychiatry, sociology,
political science and public administration, philosophy, management,
and cognitive neuroscience we have aimed to make them join in research
projects through cooperation. Therefore, it is aimed to support and
develop scientific information and produce innovative
thinking which is related to topics that are significant
for our country.
Cankaya University Psychology Department takes
an active role in the center of developments in
terms of academics and application. Congresses,
symposiums, national and international meetings are
organized in order to be successful in our aims. Our
studies are published in national and international
journals. We give importance to social projects
which are organized by TUBITAK, TUBA and Turkish
Psychology Association.
Employment Opportunities:
The need for psychologists has increased enormously
in both private and public sectors. Psychologists
graduate with the knowledge of human relationship
within different contexts. Therefore the working
area of psychology is broad, and there are lots of
opportunities for employment after graduation from
psychology department. Psychologists can work in
preschools; centers for disabled people; or prisons.
Hospitals, health and research centers are looking
for qualified psychologists. In addition, those who
are specialized in the area of perception (a branch
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Psychology I
Research Methods I
Mathematics for Business and Economics I
Academic Communication Skills I
Introduction to Biology
Turkish I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Psychology II
Statistics for Psychology I
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Economics
Academic Communication Skills II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Research Methods II
Developmental Psychology I
Clinical Psychology I
Social Psychology I
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Academic Communication Skills III
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Statistics for Psychology II
Developmental Psychology II
Clinical Psychology II: Observation and
Interview Techniques
Social Psychology II
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
Academic Communication Skills IV
of cognitive psychology) can work in the area of
advertisement. Our graduates who are specialized in
the area of industrial and organizational psychology
would have job opportunities in the human resources
and organizational development departments of the
public and private organizations. These psychologists
can also work as free-lance consultants in these
specified areas. Psychology graduates who
have a master’s degree in women studies and/
or clinical psychology can also work in women’
shelters. Psychologists who have studied on traffic
psychology could find work in psychotechnic centers.
Psychologists with doctorate degree can practice
in private clinics and in hospitals, they can work in
psychiatry, gynecology clinics and physiotherapy
centers. Furthermore, psychology graduates who
have a master’s and/or doctorate degree in audiology
can also work as audiologists in otorhinolaryngology
services. Finally, as soon as they have a doctorate
degree in the appropriate area of psychology, our
graduates can work in adult and child psychiatry
departments of medical schools, and in public and
private universities.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Testing and Measurement in Psychology
Theories of Personality
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Experimental Psychology I: Learning
Non-departmental Elective
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Experimental Psychology II: Perception
Physiological Psychology
Non-departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
4th Year 1st Semester
Free Elective
Non-departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Cognitive Psychology
Health Psychology
Summer Practice
4th Year 2nd Semester
Free Elective
Non-departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Çankaya University Faculty of Law started its bachelor’s degree education in 1997 and applies a termbased academic program. The medium of intruction is Turkish. Undergraduate program in our faculty
aims to train lawyers who have the faith of justice and human rights, the ability to follow current legal
problems in our country and the world.
The curriculum consists of different compulsory and elective courses from social sciences in order to
give students an interdisciplinary perspective. Law education in our faculty aims to create the ability
to analyze legal rules, terms and situations in a philosophical and sociological way, besides informing
material and formal legal information in order to make sense of legal logic. Thus our students will
be able to understand the adjustment of legal rules which is generated by social alteration and
development process, the underlying factors and ideas of this adjustment as well as learning the laws
and judicial opinions.
In our faculty activities like meetings, symposiums, conferences and seminars on theoretical and
current legal issues are held. Student communities and Law Research, Consultation and Application
Center support these activities. Furthermore Çankaya University Journal of Law which is published
with the support of faculty members provides conceptual and close examinational scientific works on
different fields of law.
Language: TURKISH
Assist. Prof. Dr. Şirin GÜVEN
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TURHAN
Assist. Prof. Uğur BAYILLIOĞLU
Prof. Dr. Hamdi MOLLAMAHMUTOĞLU (Rector)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Elvan KEÇELİOĞLU (Vice
Secretary General, Director)
Instructor Dr. Burcu ERTEM
Instructor Dr. Dilhun AYAYDIN
Instructor Dr. Emre KAYHAN
Prof. Dr. Bilge ÖZTAN Res. Assist. Ali ACAR
Prof. Dr. Doğan SOYASLAN
Res. Assist. Ayşe Merve BELGE
Res. Assist. Aziz Erman BAYRAM
Prof. Dr. Fırat ÖZTAN
Res. Assist. Begüm DİLEMRE ÖDEN
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tören YÜCEL
Prof. Dr. Nurettin BİLİCİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Uğur ERİŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Emel BADUR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Eser US
Assist. Prof. Dr. G. Çağlar ÇOPUROĞLU
Res. Assist. Belin KÖROĞLU ÖLMEZ
Res. Assist. Ceren DAMAR
Res. Assist. Hilal DÜZENLİ
Res. Assist. İsmet MAZLUM
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gamze TURAN BAŞARA
Res. Assist. Nihal KOŞER
Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Tolunay OZANEMRE YAYLA
Res. Assist. Uraz BULUT
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesibe KURT KONCA
Res. Assist. Zeynep Nihal AYDINOĞLU
Our faculty has a competent and experienced academic staff. With its faculty members, our faculty is one
of the foundation universities which has the most full-time faculty members.
Besides the undergraduate program in our faculty, pre-graduate education within the Vocational
School of Justice and LL.M. and PhD programs in private and public law within the Graduate School
of Social Sciences are provided. Thus the opportunity to specialize in various fields of law is given to
the students.
1st Year 1st Semester
Turkish Language I
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Foreign Language I
Civil Law I
Constitutional Law I
Introduction to Law I
Theory of State I
Roman Law I
Elective Course (In Department)
Judicial Organization
Law and Literature
1st Year 2nd Semester
Turkish Language II
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Foreign Language II
Civil Law II
Constitutional Law II
Introduction to Law II
Theory of State II
Ethic and Social Responsibility
2nd Year 1st Semester
Foreign Language III
Criminal Law I (General Provisions)
Administrative Law I
Law of Obligations I (General Provisions)
International Law I
Finance (Financial Law) I
History of Turkish Law I
Elective Course (In Department)
Constitutional Jurisdiction
Associations and Foundations Law
Communication Law
Law of Parliament
Elective Course (Out of Department)
History of Politics
History of Economic Theories
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Foreign Language IV
Criminal Law II (General Provisions)
Administrative Law II
Law of Obligations II (General Provisions)
International Law II
Finance (Financial Law) II
History of Turkish Law II
Elective Course (In Department)
Psychology of Justice
Children’s Law
IT Law
Press Law
Elective Course (Out of Department)
Labor Economics
3rd Year 1st Semester
Administrative Procedure Law I
Property Law I
Law of Obligations I (Special Provisions)
Law of Civil Procedure I
Commercial Law I
Criminal Law I (Special Provisions)
Tax Law I
The Sociology of Law
Elective Course (In Department)
The Methodology of Law
European Law
Economic Crimes
Alternative Legal Dispute Resolutions
Health Law
Law of Criminal Execution
Environmental Criminal Law
Medicine Criminal Law
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Administrative Procedure Law II
Property Law II
Law of Obligations II (Special Provisions)
Law of Civil Procedure II
Commercial Law II
Criminal Law II (Special Provisions)
Tax Law II
The Philosophy of Law
Elective Course (In Department)
Natural Resources Law
Military Criminal Law
Capital Market Law
Patent Law
New Contract Types
Maritime Law
Advertisement Law
Consumer Law
International Maritime Law
4th Year 1st Semester
International Private Law I
Commercial Law III
Law of Succession I
Law of Bankruptcy and Enforcement I
Law of Criminal Procedure I
Labor and Social Security Law
Forensic Medicine
Human Rights and International Protection I
Elective Course (In Department)
Environmental Law
Land Law
Foreign Trade Law
Intellectual Property Law
Legal Texts and Code of
IT Private Law
4th Year 2nd Semester
International Private Law II
Commercial Law IV
Law of Succession II
Law of Bankruptcy and Enforcement II
Law of Criminal Procedure II
Labor and Social Security Law II
Human Rights and International Protection II
Elective Course (In Department)
International Criminal Law
Banking Law
Zoning Law
Aero and Space Law
Competition Law
Children and Family Criminal Law
Elective Course (Out of Department)
Financial Institutions
Professional English
International Organizations
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences consists of the departments of Economics,
Management, Political Science and International Relations, International Trade, and Banking and
Finance. Education commenced in the Departments of Economics, and Management in 1997, in the
Department of International Trade in 1998, in the Department of Political Science and International
Relations in 2001, in the Department of Banking and Finance in 2012. Our experienced faculty members
work devotedly to educate our students in their respective fields of studies.
The objectives of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences are to train the students to
occupy managerial positions, enable them to determine problems and find solutions to those problems,
make them adopt international values, enable them to recognize the behavior and reactions of the
individuals and the society, enable them to follow and analyze the changes that occur in global context,
equip them with teamwork and leadership skills, make them care about human values, and equip them
with necessary skills demanded by today’s managerial environment. Within the framework of these
objectives, our Faculty prepared its academic programs in compliance with national and international
Our experienced faculty members support our students in every field to make them qualified
professionals who can combine national values with international values and occupy leadership
positions in business and politics. We encourage our students to join projects conducted jointly with
the university and the businesses as well as with the public organizations. These projects provide
our students the opportunity to become familiar with the industry while they pursue their university
education as well as they provide them the opportunity to find solutions to business problems.
Language: ENGLISH
Department of International Trade
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mete DOĞANAY
Prof. Dr. Mahir NAKİP (Chair Person)
Department of Economics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek TEMİZ DİNÇ
Prof. Dr. Ergun DOĞAN (Chair Person)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAZICI
Assist. Prof. Dr. Osman ARAY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül ERUYGUR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tamer KULAKSIZOĞLU
Res. Assist. Zeynep ERÜNLÜ
Department of Management
Prof. Dr. M. Mete DOĞANAY (Chair Person)
Prof. Dr. Alaeddin TİLEYLİOĞLU
Prof. Dr. Öznur YÜKSEL
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif AKAGÜN ERGİN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu KALEMCİ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAŞ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrge ŞENER
Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Orçun SAKARYA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Handan ÖZDEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer YURTSEVEN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aytaç GÖKMEN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin Ayşe ÖZŞUCA ERENOĞLU
Res. Assist. Zehra Burçin KANIK
Department of Political Science and
International Relations
Prof. Dr. Aykut KANSU (Chair Person)
Prof. Dr. Tanel DEMİREL
Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Bahadır TÜRK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Akça ATAÇ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. F. Didem EKİNCİ SARIER
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökhan AKŞEMSETTİNOĞLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ebru ÇOBAN ÖZTÜRK
Specialist Pembegül ÇETİNER
Department of Banking And Finance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ece C. KARADAĞLI (Chair Person)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Elif Öznur ACAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz İLALAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Can ÖZTÜRK
Instructor Dr. Mehmet Necdet HATİPOĞLU
Res. Assist. Zeynep Birce ERGÖR
Res. Assist. Ekin Barış ŞAH
and Finance
In our era of unprecedented globalization, financial markets around
the world have become progressively more connected. The resulting
financial globalization has brought substantial benefits to domestic
and international markets, investors and economies, and changed the
structure of the markets, creating new risks and challenges for the
practioners and policymakers. Moreover, the spectacular proliferation
in the variety of the markets, institutions and instruments brought
about a fierce international competition in the industry. Against this
framework, finance experts who are able to upgrade their skills
to meet the requirements of the new knowledge and technology
intensive activities, cope with risk and challenges and exploit
opportunities resulting from the huge momentum in the markets have
become critically important. Furthermore, the succession of various
financial crises have vastly affected the financial system spawning
new regulations and supervisions around the world to make it more
resilient. In order to thrive in this environment, finance experts who
can not only make consultation, management and auditing of financial
services to investors but also devise new financial instruments have
become invaluable. Thence, the high levels of dynamism and growth
potential have made the finance sector one of the most rewarding and
challenging employment field for our current era.
The Department of Banking and Finance is committed to prepare future business leaders and scholars
for success in the field of finance. The aim of the program is to equip our students with the necessary
knowledge and skills required in a wide-range of finance-related fields such as project financing,
financial planning, analysis and control, risk management, capital budgeting, cash flow management to
help them find respectable employment opportunities in the globalizing business world. In a nutshell,
the department is dedicated to train experts who can think and act analytically, use advanced research
techniques, and possess a strong finance background which is able to meet the demands of the dynamic
and competitive sector.
Besides our strong academic faculty profile, we offer with real-world, hands-on training given by
professionals in the finance sector. In addition to the theoretical lectures, these practical training modules
help our student get better equipped and competitive for their future careers. The objective is to train
modern Banking and Finance experts who can add value to their firms and institutions, assume highlevel decision and policy making roles, analyze financial problems, conduct original research, proficient
in modelling and problem-solving,
There exist a wide range of employment opportunities for our graduates; from public institutions such as
Capital Market Board, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Borsa Istanbul, Central Bank of the
Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Finance to private financial institutions including
banks, insurance, financial intermediation and portfolio management firms. Last but not least, our alumni
can assume professional roles in the finance departments of individual firms, as finance manager, portfolio
manager, investment project manager, stock market manager, bank manager, independent auditor, etc.
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Economics I
Introduction to Business I
Math. for Bus. and Econ. I
Fundamentals of Banking
Academic English I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to Business II
Math. for Bus and Econ I
Graphical Analysis
Academic English II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Principles of Accounting I
Statistics I
Banking Transactions
Financial Mathematics
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of
Turkish Revolution I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Accounting II
Statistics II
Corporate Finance
Computer Applications in Finance
Principles of Atatürk and Hist.of
Turkish Revolution II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Financial Markets & Instruments I
Money, Banking and Credits
Portfolio Analysis
Econometrics I
Advanced Writing Skills
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Financial Markets & Instruments II
Bank Accounting (T)
Financial Statement Analysis
Index Numbers
Econometrics II
4th Year 1st Semester
Technical Analysis
Working Capital Management
Capital Budgeting
4th Year 2nd Semester
International Finance
Independent Research
Elective Courses
Financial Crises
Behavioral Finance
Financial Economics
Current Issues in Financial Markets
Financial Econometrics
Special Topics in Finance
Multinational Financial Management
Firm Valuation
Market Indicators and Signals
Financial Market Terms
Banking Law (T)
Portfolio Game (T)
Principles and Practice of Insurance
Real Estate Finance and Investments
Special Topics in Banking
Financial Derivatives
Asset-Liability Management
Service Marketing
Customer Relationship Management
The purpose of the Department is to train students to
critically analyze economic and social issues, as well as
the issues faced by businesses and governments. We aim
to provide our students with critical thinking, problem
solving, and quantitative skills. Helping students to gain
good written and oral communication skills is also one of
our priorities.
Members of the Economics Department are all renowned
academics. Besides teaching they also engage in research
to make a contribution to their fields. Faculty research
also serves to enhance teaching and the reputation of the
Department. Faculty and the teaching assistants closely
interact with students both in and out of classrooms.
The program has been designed to prepare students
for private and public sector careers. Core program is
supported with courses from other disciplines such as
mathematics, statistics, business law, and computer
science. The Department offers compulsory courses such
as core economic theory, economic policy, international
economics, accounting, public finance, computer science
as well as a variety of elective courses in the final year.
Some of the elective courses are useful in preparation for
public and private sector exams.
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Economics I
Math for Bus. and Econ. I
Computer Applications in Social
Academic English I
Introduction to Business
Ethics and Social Respon.
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Economics II
Math for Bus. and Econ. II
Introduction to Sociology
Academic English II
Turkish II
Law for Business and Economics (T)
2nd Year 1st Semester
Microeconomic Theory I
Macroeconomic Theory I
Tax Law (T)
Principles of Accounting I
Statistics I
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Rev. I
Electıve (1)
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Microeconomic Theory II
Macroeconomic Theory II
History of Economic Thought
Statistics II
Principle of Accounting II
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Rev. II
Elective (2)
3rd Year 1st Semester
Theory of International Economics
Money and Banking
Employment Opportunities
Our students who have graduated since 2000 are
successful economists in the business world by now, and
many of our graduates are pursuing academic careers
at home and abroad. Our graduates can find work in
wide-ranging areas. The knowledge that they gain
during their undergraduate years enable our students to
specialize in any field they like. Our graduates can work
in any organization that does some work in fields like
public finance, environmental economics, economics of
education, agricultural economics, industrial economics,
urban economics, labor economics, energy economics,
development economics, economic growth, welfare
economics, monetary economics, banking and finance.
Employment opportunities in foreign trade, international
communications and transport, tourism, international
banking and related fields are also available.
Typical Employers of Economists
Accounting Firms, Banks, Brokerage Firms, Insurance
Companies, Chambers of Commerce, Market Research
Companies, Trade Associations, Import / Export Firms,
Consulting Firms, The Central Bank, Statistical Institutes,
Government Ministries, Regulatory Agencies.
Public Sector Economics
Econometrics I
Elective (3)
Elective (4)
3rd Year 2nd Semester
International Economics Policy
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy (T)
Econometrics II
Elective (5)
Elective (6)
4th Year 1st Semester
Development Economics
Turkish Economy
Elective (7)
Elective (8)
Elective (9)
Elective (10)
4th Year 2nd Semester
Financial Economics
Seminar in Economics
Labor Economıcs
Elective (11)
Elective (12)
Elective (13)
Elective Courses
Public Finance
Economic History
Resarch Methods
European Union
International Economic Relations of
Economic Analysis
Industrial Organization
Agricultural Economics
Competion Policy and Regulation
Financial Markets
Transition Economies
Turkish Tax System
Environmental Economics
Urban Economics
Business and Society
International Monetary System
Time Series Econometrics
Contemporary Issues of Economic
Applied Econometrics
Introduction to Game Theory
Introduction to Economic Dynamics
Economics of Innovation and
Game Theory with Economic
Topics in Econometrics
Panel Data Econometrics
Introduction to Economic Growth
Field Study
Department of Management provides a 4-year bachelor’s
degree program whose objective is to provide students
the opportunity to learn the fundamental aspects of
professional business administration in the context of
knowledge and skills as well as to improve the students’
intellectual capacities. Updated academic program
leading to undergraduate degree in management has
been developed within the framework of the national
program qualifications that were formed in compliance
with international standards.
purpose of departmental courses is to familiarize the
students with the basics of business administration.
The third pillar of the program is elective courses. The
number of the elective courses is high so as to give the
students the opportunity of specializing in a business
field that they choose (marketing, accounting, finance,
organization and management, etc.) and of improving
their intellectual capacities by taking courses from
other departments.
The main purpose of the undergraduate program is to
equip its graduates with the knowledge and skills so
that they can establish a business and/or professionally
manage the whole business or a department/function
within a business and to motivate its graduates to adopt
life long learning behavior. Undergraduate curriculum
of the Department of Management is built on three
pillars in order to achieve this purpose. First pillar is
university compulsory courses. Students in all programs
compulsory take these courses, which are Principles
of Atatürk and the History of Turkish Revolution,
Turkish, Ethics and Social Responsibility, and academic
English courses. The second pillar of the program is
departmental courses (core business curriculum). The
In addition, due to the agreements signed with
universities abroad, our students have the opportunity of
taking courses from these universities.
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic English-I
Introduction to Economics - I
Introduction to Behavioral Sciences
Introduction to Business
Mathematics for Business and Econ-I
Turkish-I (T)
Ethics and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Economics - II
Mathematics for Business and
Introduction to Management
Law for Business and Economics (T)
Academic English-II
Turkish-II (T)
2nd Year 1st Semester
Principles of Accounting-I
Introduction to Operations Research
Advanced Writing Skills
Organizational Behavioral
Computer Programming for Business
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution-I (T)
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Accounting-II
Operations Management
Taxation in Business (T)
Organization Theory
Business Communications
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution-II (T)
3rd Year 1st Semester
Business Finance-I
Employment Opportunities
The objective of this program in the context of employment
is to provide the students necessary fundamental
business knowledge and skills so that they can establish
and run their businesses or work for other businesses
as a specialist or manager in a successful and qualified
manner. It is observed that the majority of our graduates
are remarkably successful in their professional lives
after graduation.
Principles of Marketing
Managerial Economics
Elective 1
Elective 2
Elective 3
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Business Finance-II
Human Resources Management
Elective 4
Elective 5
Elective 6
Elective 7
4th Year 1st Semester
International Business
Marketing Research
Elective 8
Elective 9
Elective 10
Elective 11
4th Year 2nd Semester
Management Information Systems
Strategic Management
Elective 12
Elective 13
Elective 14
Elective 15
Elective Courses
Managerial Accounting
Operations Research
Business Law
Project Management
Business Forecasting
Turkish Capital Market and Stock
Investment Management
Marketing Model and Decisions
Cost Accounting
Business Simulation and Games
Business Ethics
Applications in Management Science
Small Business Management
Total Quality Management
Negotiation Process
Brand Management
Advertising Management
Managing Innovation Processes
Labor Law
Logistics and Supply Chain
Retail Marketing
Transnational Management
Consumer Behavior Research
Competition in Business
International Financial Reporting
Science and
The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers
both undergraduate and graduate programs, leading to Bachelor of
Science (B.S.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in Political Science
and International Relations. The Department’s main objective is not only
to enable students understand political processes but also develop their
analytical abilities and faculties of critical thinking. The Department
is comprised of two closely related disciplines: political science, and
international relations.
Political Science, analyzes, in general, current/contemporary political
events and processess. It also studies how political concepts and ideas
evolved in time and space. As the present we live in today is shaped by
our past, an approach encompassing historical developments provides a
broad understanding of these issues. The Department, therefore, makes a
conscious effort in providing an historical background in courses such as
political theory, comparative politics, and Turkish politics. Local, regional,
and global historical contexts are interwoven with current developments in
most of the courses the Department offers.
International Relations, a relatively new discipline within the social sciences,
has an equal footing in the Department. The discipline of International
Relations deals with complex relationships among states, international
organizations, as well as governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
International economic relations and international law, is an indispensable
part of the curriculum. The courses offered in the field of international
relations include, therefore, subjects such as Turkish and European
diplomatic history, theories of international relations, and international law
as well as the European Union, and Eurasian and Middle Eastern politics.
Both Political Science, and International Relations
disciplines help us in understanding the political, social
and economic processes and their transformation at the
national and international levels. Since the end of the
Cold War, an increasing pace of globalisation has made
the study of international relations even more important
and attractive. The boundary between domestic, and
foreign politics has further been blurred, and become
meaningless. The Department, with its finely balanced
curriculum between political science and international
relations, enables students to make sense in an
evermore changing and complex world. The Department
also encourages students to learn a second and, even, a
third foreign language in addition to English during their
undergraduate education in order to be well-prepared for
the national and international competitive environment.
The faculty in the Department aim to provide our
students with theoretical and analytical skills to
criticize and evaluate a variety of social issues. Through
institutional arrangements made with various exchange
programs, the Department also encourages students to
broaden their international outlook by taking advantage
of the various opportunities to study for a semester or
a year abroad in European universities. The Department
also welcomes foreign exchange students who want
to expand their understanding of Turkish political life.
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic English I
Introduction to Economics I
International Relations I
Political Science I
Introduction to Law
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Academic English II
Introduction to Economics II
International Relations II
Political Science II
Constitutional Law
Turkish II
Introduction to Sociology
2nd Year 1st Semester
Advanced Writing Skills
Diplomatic History I
Turkish Politics I
International Law I
History of Political Thought
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Diplomatic History II
Turkish Politics II
International Law II
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Research Methods in Political
Elective (Non-Departmental Free
Our Department’s philosophy is characterized by a
balance between teaching, and research, a reflection of
our strong commitment to the spirit of universitas. As
the Department of Political Science and International
Relations, we believe that we have a role in not only
training public and private sector managers but also
intellectuals of the future.
Employment Opportunities
The program aims at preparing students for a wide range
of career opportunities in public institutions, bureaucracy,
private sector, governmental and nongovernmental
organizations, and the media. Our students have the
opportunity to be employed as diplomats, consultants,
supervisors, inspectors, experts, researchers, and
correspondents in various private and public institutions.
At the international level, they have been provided
with necessary skills to work at various international
organizations. After the completion of the second
year of their undergraduate curriculum, students are
encouraged to specialize in various subfields depending
on career paths they have chosen. With our distinguished
faculty members, we have a great confidence that the
Department can meet the demands and aspirations of
its students.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Turkish Foreign Policy I
Turkish Civil Law
International Relations Theory
Elective (Departmental Elective I)
Elective (Departmental Elective II)
Elective (Departmental Elective III)
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Turkish Foreign Policy II
International Organizations
Contemporary Political Theories
Elective (Departmental Elective IV)
Elective (Departmental Elective V)
Elective (Departmental Elective VI)
4th Year 1st Semester
American Policy and Foreign Policy
European Integration
International Political Economy
Elective (Departmental Elective VII)
Elective (Departmental Elective VIII)
Elective (Departmental Elective IX)
4th Year 2nd Semester
Comparative Politics
Politics in the Middle East
Political Sociology
Elective (Departmental Elective X)
Elective (Departmental Elective XI)
Elective (Departmental Elective XII)
Elective Courses
Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis
Comparative State and Democracy
Russian Politics and Foreign Policy
Globalization and the Post Modern
Balkan Politics
Environmental Politics
Culture and Politics
Gender and Society
International Security
Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy
The Ottoman Empire in the 19 th
Politics in Developing World
Turkey-EU Relations
Euro-Asian Politics
Issues in Turkish Politics
Selected Topics in History of Political
Turkish Administrative History
Trade is the fastest globalizing phenomenon in today’s world. It leads the way in international
relations. Globalization of foreign investments and national economies has made international
trade the major component of business life. Managers who wish to be successful in a competitive
and global environment need to be aware of these changes. To achieve this, we strive for
educating students in foreign trade financing, transportation, logistics as well as business
administration, marketing, economics and strategic management.
In addition, students are given opportunities to learn about business life through assignments,
projects and required summer training program. Students are also advised, in order to obtain
a broader perspective about global markets to select one additional language from German,
Russian and Chinese. The medium of instruction in our department is English.
Employment Opportunities
Students who successfully complete the undergraduate program will have an opportunity to
work in Undersecreteriat of Foreign Trade, Capital Markets Board, Turkish Central Bank, Turkish
Statistical Institute, Undersecreteriat of Treasury, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy,
Ministry of Development, Ministry of European Union, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination
Agency and Presidency for Turks, Abroad and Related Communities. In addition, to these
public organizations, students will have a chance to be employed in multinational companies,
logistics, import/export firms and foreign or domestic firms that wish to do business abroad.
Moreover, Chambers of Trade and Industry, various research and project development centers
are potential areas of employment for our graduates.
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic Communication Skills I
Introduction to Economics I
Introduction to Int. Trade I
Math. for Inter. Trade I
Turkish I
Economic Statistics and Indicators
1st Year 2nd Semester
Academic Communication Skills II Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to Int. Trade II
Math. for Inter. Trade II
Business Law
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Academic Communication Skills III
Principles of Accounting I
Statistics I
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of
Turkish Revolution I
German I/Chinese I/ Russian I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Academic Communication Skills IV
Principles of Accounting II
Statistics II
Principles of Finance
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of
Turkish Revolution II
German II/Chinese II/ Russian II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Int. Trade Theory and Policy
International Trade Law (T)
Principles of Marketing
Business Research Methods
“German III/ Chinese III/ Russian III
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Global Business Studies
Multinational Business Finance
Export Incentives (T)
Marketing Management and
“German IV/
Chinese IV/ Russian IV
Summer Practice
4th Year 1st Semester
Transportation and Customs Regu. (T)
International Marketing
International Investment
International Trade Logistics
4th Year 2nd Semester
Foreign Trade Financing
International Management and
European Union and Turkey
Elective Courses
International Financial Markets and
Practice on Computerized
International Trade
International Distribution Channels
International Business
Small Business Management
Natural Resource Economics
Current Economic Issues in Turkey
International Accounting
International Sales and Negatiotions
Economic Integrations and EU
Taxation and Foreign Trade
Industrial Economics and
Special Topics
International Marketing Research
Economic Growth
Term Project
Logistics Management
E-Commerce Studies
Independent Study and Research
Founded in 2012, Çankaya University Faculty of Architecture offers bachelor’s programs in Architecture,
Interior Architecture and City & Regional Planning. In addition, our Faculty offers the opportunity to go
on to pursue research degrees, both Master’s in Interior Design and PhD in Design across interrelated
disciplines -architecture, engineering design, architectural science, design computing and cognition, and
urban and regional policy and planning-. Although the Architecture and the City and Regional Planning
programs are young, the bachelor’s program in Interior Design has been founded in the foundation year
of the University in 1997 and has twenty years of experience in design and arts.
Architecture Faculty is an exclusive design school with a family-like atmosphere among students and
staff. We are constantly expanding and improving our curriculum to the latest marked demands. In every
program in Architecture Faculty, study is always centered on a rigorous vertical studio-based practice of
making, informed by intensive and regular critique, and the opportunity to observe and work with leading
practitioners in their own studio environments. Students receive a great deal of personal attention and
one-to-one tuition from their teachers. The energetic, creative and inspiring atmosphere of vertical studio
also gives opportunity for students to interact with scholars of all levels, in a casual, warm and informal
atmosphere. We encourage our students to collaborate and experiment with their designs with their tutor
and their scholars to develop critical thinking skills and to apply them to challenges.
Teaching consists not only of lectures, but also seminars and practical classes led by people who are
experts in their field. Faculty’s transformative education includes programs such as student exchange,
(Erasmus programs), double degree and joint degree programs with the other degrees, offering students
opportunities and challenges to realize their potential. We seek to develop students’ ability and passion
to work wisely, creatively, effectively and ethically for the betterment of humankind.
Language: ENGLISH
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Zeynep ONUR
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Zeynep ONUR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cengiz ÖZMEN (Chairperson)
Interior Architecture
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceren KATİPOĞLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. İpek MEMİKOĞLU (Acting Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Gül ÖZTÜRK
Assist. Prof. Dr. G. Ufuk DEMİRBAŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem B. GÖKHAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖNGE
Assist. Prof. Dr. Timuçin HARPUTLUGİL
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülru MUTLU TUNCA
Instructor Oktay VERAL
Assist. Prof. Dr. Papatya Nur DÖKMECİ YÖRÜKOĞLU
Instructor Selçuk UYSAL
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge SÜZER
Instructor Dr. Saadet AKBAY YENİGÜL
Instructor Güniz SAĞOCAK
Res. Assist. Leyla DENİZ
Res. Assist. Şafak SAKÇAK
City and Regional Planning
Instructor Serkan MERTYÜREK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Z. Ezgi KAHRAMAN (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz Altay KAYA (Vice Chairperson)
Instructor Rabia Çiğdem ÇAVDAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Suna ÖZDEMİR
Instructor (Specialist) Gökçe ATAKAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Orhan NALBANTOĞLU
Res. Assist. Semih KELLECİ
Res. Assist. Ayşe Nihan AVCI
Res. Assist. Can GÖLGELİOĞLU
Res. Assist. Zeyca ÖRER
Instructor Nuri Tunga KÖROĞLU
Interior architecture is a profession which is interested in design
of objective beings used in order to equip all the places of the daily
life activities. In addition to this, the profession should satisfy the
abstract and concrete needs of users with changing and increasing
need of place, parallel to the of technology. Furthermore,
profession of interior architecture involves not only solving the
technical, social and economic problems of the building but also
designating new and different utilizations to the previous usage of
the building. With the increasing level of welfare, there is a need of
more qualified and equipped interior architects in order to design
quality places.
The prime purpose of our education is to provide students with
a creative identity and technical knowledge of building science
while emphasizing that the profession is between art and science.
The aim of Interior Architecture Department is to educating
students who are creatively and technically competent in and
sensitive to human and environment.
The aim of the program is to ensure transferring theoretical
knowledge on various subjects to the classrooms. The necessary
competence in and skills required in application is transferred by
“workshops” which constitute the most vital part of the program. Due to summer practices required in the
curriculum, the education at Çankaya University is different from education at other universities. Therefore,
compared to their colleagues, our graduates are more knowledgeable about construction techniques. To
teach students the relationships of user-function-space concepts, various local and upstate field trips are
organized according to topics of workshop studies. Another aspect of this program is to enable students
have successful collaboration with related disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture and
There are lots of options for the graduates of interior architecture. For the ones who are eager to pursue
their career in academic field, master’s and doctoral programs provide specializations on preferred
areas. Moreover, for graduates who want to start their career in the field, there is a chance to have
specializations on some specific building types. For instance, there are interior architects who conduct
only public or commercial projects. Most of the famous furniture designers and producers are from
the discipline of interior architecture. Acoustics, natural and artificial lighting design, interior design of
yacht, stage design and TV-set design are some areas of specialization for interior architects.
In the areas such as photography, painting, sculpture, there are well - known and prominent people
who graduated from interior architecture. Due to the nature of intertwined working style in interior
architecture, the education involves the fundamental formation of other disciplines. Therefore, there is a
rich range of options for graduates of interior architecture department.
1st Year 1st Semester
Basic Design I
Technical Representations
Human Factors for Interior Architects
Art & Culture
Turkish I
English I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Basic Design II
Basics of Construction
Visual Expressions
Computer Applications I
Turkish II
English II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Design Studio I
Construction for Interiors
History of Art & Architecture
Natural and Artificial Lighting
Computer Applications II
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Design Studio II
Design Details
Modern Art & Architecture
Indoor Thermal Comfort
Summer Practice I (Site)
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Design Studio III
Innovative Product Design
Building Service
Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Faculty Elective
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Design Studio IV
Modular Systems
Architectural Acoustics
Departmental Elective
Summer Practice II (Workshop)
4th Year 1st Semester
Design Studio V
Professional Documentation
Departmental Elective
Faculty Elective
Free Elective
4th Year 2nd Semester
Diploma Project
Environmental Psychology
Departmental Elective
Faculty Elective
Summer Practice III (Office)
The Department of Architecture, founded in 2011 within
the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, continues
education within the Faculty of Architecture, together with
the Department of Interior Architecture and the Department
of City and Regional Planning, since 2012.
year with technological and scientific developments, in
order to educate students to become architects, who master
environmental topics, are conscious of the importance of a
sustainable future, hold ethical values and are able to find
original solutions to their problems.
The first year of education in the department is projected as
a medium of discussion of the common basic approaches of
design and art, through which the students meet the world of
arts and design, science and technology, and set foot in the
track of getting to know themselves. This term is the period
of education for self-realization. Students complete more
than one design project in this term in more than one media.
Our educational program is built upon a medium that aims at
the intersection of sense and reason, for educating students
to become architects who are capable of thinking critically
and applying their thoughts. The excellence of education
rests on its multiple dimensionality, and in line with this, our
professional education is supported by seminars, student
exchange programs, trips and competitions, with a special
emphasis on the capability of foreign language, importance
of research, and cooperation between professors and
students. In this way, our graduates who complete the
undergraduate program of architecture would become
distinguished professionals both in the national and in the
international competitive arena.
The education in the department involves design projects,
which are enriched in many different scientific and artistic
aspects, with the help of an educational medium where
experienced professionals from many different disciplines,
ranging from civil engineering to art and sculpture, cinema
to journalism, anthropology to philosophy, transfer their
knowledge and experiences to students, together with the
full-time faculty of the department.
The core educational program of the Department of
Architecture is design studios. Studios are nurtured by
theoretical courses (city ± art: history of architecture,
design theories) along with courses about technology and
structure. The second, third and fourth years of education
are aimed at nurturing the sensibilities gained in the first
1st Year 1st Semester
Basics of Design
Introduction to Architecture
Technical Drawing
Innovative Digital Applications I
Geometry for Architects
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Academic English I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Architectural Design
Architectural History I
Introduction to Architectural Theory
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
Architectural Drawing
Materials of Architectural Construction
Academic English II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Architectural Design Studio I
Architectural History II
Construction Systems I
Behavior and Analysis of Structures
Building Science I
Innovative Digital Applications II
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Architectural Design Studio II
Architectural History III
Construction Systems II
Innovative Structural Applications
Building Science II
Departmental Elective I
The students of Çankaya University Department of
Architecture could take two professional degrees during
their undergraduate studies by completing double-major or
minor degree programs, either with the other departments
of our faculty, such as City and Regional Planning and
Interior Architecture, or with departments in other faculties
of our university, such as Civil Engineering, Computer
Engineering and Material Engineering.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Architectural Design Studio III
Construction Systems III
Architectural History IV
Departmental Elective II
Departmental Elective III
Turkish I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Architectural Design Studio IV
Heritage Consciousness&Documentation
Departmental Elective IV
Turkish II
Summer Practice: Building Site
4th Year 1st Semester
Architectural Design Studio V
Departmental Elective V
Departmental Elective VI
Faculty Elective
Free Elective
Principles of Kemal Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
4th Year 2nd Semester
Architectural Design Studio VI
Architectural Design Management
Departmental Elective IX
Principles of Kemal Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Summer Practice: Architectural Office
Elective Courses
Course Title
City and Regional
City and Regional Planning profession fundamentally aims to
influence and supervise public and private sector urban development,
investment and design decisions which affect the society, places,
environment and economy. It has a significant role in the development
of civilized, contemporary and egalitarian living environments. Land
use decisions, conservation of cultural heritage and environment,
housing, transportation and urban function are among the numerous
issues addressed by City and Regional Planning profession. Scale of
study varies from country and region level to local level with respect to
the nature of problems.
Within this context, in order to ensure planned development
under changing circumstances, planners evaluate spatial, social,
demographic, economic and technical data together with aesthetic,
cultural (historical-archeological), natural/ecological factors so as to
determine aims and objectives for the future, define tools and processes
of implementation, recommend alternative proposals to decision
makers and undertake role and responsibility in the implementation of
those proposals. Planners are ingenious and responsive professionals.
Knowledge and experience related to various fields, ability to synthesize
several different disciplines particularly social sciences, quantitative
techniques, architecture, and engineering, protection of public
interest, bringing different actors together and undertaking the role of
mediating or facilitating are necessary for planners.
There are a number of factors that highlight the significance of City and
Regional Planning profession in the current circumstances of Turkey,
these are; ongoing urbanization together with its problems related to
site selection, transportation and environment; continuing urban transformation efforts in the whole country;
recent changes in legislations related to planning, development, urban transformation, etc.; current issues in the
agenda such as designing disaster resilient urban environments and risk management, demand for designing
technological and aesthetic urban environments considering the recent developments in the construction sector,
and new trends which are aimed at creating balanced, livable, and sustainable living environments that are
responsive to the different life styles and needs. Furthermore, establishment of Ministry of Environment and
Urbanization and regional development agencies and declaration of additional metropolitan municipalities
enhance the need for planners.
Çankaya University is the first and only foundation university with a City and Regional Planning Department.
Undergraduate program of the Department, which offers four years of education, is established in line with
the Bologna Process under the European Union cohesion policies. In addition to the compulsory and elective
courses offered in the program, summer practices take place in the second and third years of the education.
Employment Opportunities
The field of City and Regional Planning brings different specializations together; it allows multidimensional
and interdisciplinary studies and collaborations. Due to the multifaceted education offered, City and Regional
Planning graduates are able to find jobs not only in their own field but also in several fields which require
abilities related to problem definition, analytical thinking, solution recommendations development, system
establishing, coordination and organization. Furthermore, jobs related to urban research, urban consultancy,
urban management, and project management fields which require determination of spatial, social and economic
urban problems are also available for the City and Regional Planners.
Major employment opportunities for City and Regional Planning graduates are: public bodies such as Ministry
of Environment and Urbanization, Prime Ministry Housing Development Administration (TOKİ), Ministry of
Development, Ministry of European Union, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Bank of Provinces, Ministry of Energy,
regional development agencies, and municipalities; international institutions such as UNESCO, World Bank and
UNDP; planning offices, remote sensing and geographic information system firms, and real estate appraisal firms.
1st Year 1st Semester
Basic Design Studio for Planners
Introduction to City Planning
Changing Urban Dynamics and Origins
of Planning
Technical Drawing for Planners
Mathematics for Planners
Academic English I
Turkish I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Planning Studios
Introduction to Information Technologies
Statistical Methods for Planners
Roots of Urbanism and Urbanization
Topographical Measurement and
Site Planning
Academic English II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Planning Studio I
City in History I
Urban Sociology
Introduction to Economics I
Urban Infrastructure and
Transport Planning
Principles of Kemal Atatürk I
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Planning Studio II
Urban Geography
Introduction to GIS for Planners
Research in Planning
Principles of Kemal Atatürk II
Departmental Elective
3rd Year 1st Semester
Planning Studio III
Institutional and Legislational Framework in Planning
Fundamentals of Regional Planning
and Development
Urban Regeneration Processes
Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Summer Practice I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Planning Studio IV
The Economics of Urban Planning
Planning Theory and Techniques
Departmental Elective
Faculty Elective
Faculty Elective
4th Year 1st Semester
Planning Studio V
Fundamentals of Housing
The Economics of Regional Planning
Departmental Elective
Summer Practice II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Planning Studio VI
Environment, Risk and Mitigation Planning
Departmental Elective
Free Elective
Free Elective
Elective Courses
GIS Applications: Project
Housing, Reinvestment and
Household Behaviour
Urban Archaelogy
Development Agencies and
Contemporary Changes in Regional
Development Policy
Everyday Life, Politics and Space
City in History II
Urban Conservation
Contemporary Issues in City and
Regional Planning
Project Planning and Management
Urban Infrastructure and Transport
Urban Property Economics
Strategic Planning and Participatory
The Economics of Regional Planning
CAD Modelling for 3D Studio
Computer Application of Statistical
Techniques for Planners
Research in Planning
Economics for Planners II
New Political Debates in Planning
Engineering is a profession to develop methods to utilize the knowledge of mathematical and natural
sciences captured through education, experience and applications, natural power and resources for
the benefit of humanity by taking the sustainability principles, and engineering ethics into account.
A good engineer deducts objective syntheses through wisdom and experience, creates designs and
applicable solutions to problems by best evaluating methods, time, environment, financial and physical
Engineering is a human oriented profession, which is closely related to welfare, security and health of
the community. Good engineers can be raised by equipping them with certain knowledge and skills.
The most important knowledge and skills are comprehending, defining, modeling, solving complex
problems, applying natural and engineering sciences knowledge to them, designing a complex system,
process or product under realistic constraints and conditions, utilizing new technologies to meet the
requirements; using modern design methods to attain these objectives. The other knowledge and
skills are experiment design for investigating, making experiments, collecting data, analyzing and
evaluating the results, working efficiently in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, awareness
of the necessity of lifelong learning, accessing knowledge, monitoring the development in the science
and technology, and updating oneself continuously. A good engineer is conscious of professional and
ethical responsibility. S/he is conscious of universal and social impacts of the engineering solutions and
applications; the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovation; and possesses knowledge and sensitivity
about contemporary issues. S/he is conscious of the project management, enterprise practices, health
of employees, environmental and work safety; and aware of the legal consequences.
Language: ENGLISH
Engineering Faculty of Çankaya University applies
comprehensive educational programs to equip its students
with these knowledge and skills. For the success of the
educational programs, our Faculty has the distinguished
academic personnel that are expert in their fields with
proven scientific backgrounds, cognizant of the areas and
applications, and experienced in teaching; and we have
the laboratories and classrooms with the infrastructure
Çankaya University was founded in 1997. Our Faculty
began its academic life in the same year with Computer
Engineering, and Industrial Engineering Departments.
Following these two departments, Electronic and
education in 2001. When the new campus facilities were
constructed in 2011, we opened four new departments: Civil
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material Science
and Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering. Finally,
in 2014 we opened Electrical-Electronics Engineering.
Today we have 8 engineering departments.
In the Engineering Faculty, as of 19.10.2015 we have
1293 students in the undergraduate programs. Among
81 full time academic personnel we have 12 professors,
6 associate professors and 31 assistant professors.
The number of undergraduate students per academic
personnel is 27, which is below the average of that for the
Turkish Universities (35).
Our departments are at the same time undertaking
graduate programs too. We offer 7 master and 1 PhD
Engineering Faculty has 17 laboratories for research and
34 educational laboratories for undergraduate programs
as of today. Successful undergraduate students can also
participate the research in the research laboratories, and
some of them fulfill summer training.
Educational language in our faculty is English, except
for the courses of Turkish, History and Ethics and Social
Responsibility. Summer Training is compulsory for two
semesters in all the departments. The design experience
is a must and is thoroughly lived in all the departments by
all the students. The knowledge and skills required for the
design experience is given through the programs mainly
by the Graduation Project in the senior year. Every student
should live this experience by making designs under
realistic conditions using the knowledge and skills gained
in the previous courses and engineering standards. In the
Graduation Projects we desire the academic personnel to
choose the problems from industry to the extent possible.
In the Engineering Faculty we promote the double major
and minor programs such that a successful student
can also graduate from another department and get an
additional diploma if successful or gain an expertise to a
certain level in another program.
Controlling outputs in a program by establishing a Quality
Assurance system in our faculty is essential. We are
accrediting our programs towards this direction. The
three programs that had been established earlier enough
to have the graduates already have applied to MUDEK, an
agency certified by the Committee of the Higher Education
of Turkey (YÖK in Turkish), and successfully got the MUDEK
accreditations which includes the Eur-Ace certificate as
well. The other 5 programs are also preparing themselves
by adopting the processes developed by the 3 programs
already, and as soon as they have enough graduates they
will also apply for the accreditation.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. Nevzat ONUR
Prof. Dr. Yahya Kemal BAYKAL (Chairperson)
Computer Engineering
Assist. Prof. Dr. Barbaros PREVEZE
Prof. Dr. Müslim BOZYİĞİT (Chairperson)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hadi Hakan MARAŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Reza ZARE HASSANPOUR
Assist. Prof. Dr. A.Nurdan SARAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdül Kadir GÖRÜR
Specialist İrem ÜLKÜ
Electronic and Communication Engineering
Prof. Dr. Halil T. EYYUBOĞLU (Chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Z. UMUL
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Orhan GAZİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre SERMUTLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serap Altay ARPALİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gül TOKDEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Deniz BAŞDEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Murat SARAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Murat YILMAZ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sadık EŞMELİOĞLU
Res. Assist. Mert BAYRAKTAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sibel TARIYAN ÖZYER
Res. Assist. Ahmet Çağrı ARLI
Lecturer Faris Serdar TAŞEL
Lecturer Roya CHOUPANI
Dr. Ersin ELBAŞI
Res. Assist. Elif Yasemin ÇETİNKAYA
Specialist Efe ÇİFTCİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Göker ŞENER
Specialist Muhsin Caner GÖKÇE
Specialist Ayşe Nur SÜLEK
Specialist Ömer Kemal ÇATMAKAŞ
Industrial Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferda Can ÇETİNKAYA (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nureddin KIRKAVAK
Specialist Hasan Emre AKKUŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Haluk AYGÜNEŞ
Specialist Sinan Onur ALTINUÇ
Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Alp ERTEM
Specialist Ulaş GÜLEÇ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Benhür SATIR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gonca YILDIRIM
Mechanical Engineering
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan ÖZAKTAŞ
Prof. Dr. Sıtkı Kemal İDER (Chairperson)
Instructor Dr. Ahmet KABARCIK
Prof. Dr. Nevzat ONUR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgut AKYÜREK
Instructor Figen EREN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ender YILDIRIM
Res. Assist. Simge YOZGAT
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgün SELVİ
Specialist Atıl KURT
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan TANRIÖVER
Specialist Funda GÜNER
Res. Assist. Ferah ÇOĞUN
Res. Assist. Sühan MERGEN
Specialist Derya AKBULUT
Res. Assist. Samet YAVUZ
Specialist Hale AKKOCAOĞLU
Materials Science and Engineering
Specialist Hasan KAVLAK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Serdar KARAKAŞ (Chairperson)
Civil Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ziya ESEN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Seniz KUŞHAN AKIN
Prof. Dr. Hakkı Polat GÜLKAN (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. İlkay KALAY
Prof. Dr. Tekin GÜLTOP
Res. Assist. Emre YILMAZ
Prof.Dr. Serhat KÜÇÜKALI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem DINÇKAL
Specialist Ezgi BÜTEV
Mechatronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. Müfit GÜLGEÇ (Chairperson)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gence GENÇ ÇELIK
Prof. Dr. Can ÇOĞUN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih TILEYLIOĞLU
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner SCHMIDT
Assist. Prof. Dr. Seda YEŞILMEN
Res. Assist. Arda ÖCAL
Specialist Halil İbrahim ANDIÇ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağlar ARPALİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ulaş BELDEK
Res. Assist. Hilal BİNGÖL
Specialist Sarper ALKAN
Our vision is to be one of the highly recognized Computer Engineering
departments in the country, whose graduates are preferred by the industry,
well known and respected at the national and international level.
The aim is to furnish our students with high level practical skills and solid
theoretical knowledge, who:• possess the ability to work as a team as well as on their own,
• are investigative, inquisitive, and analytical,
• are creative and innovative,
• can perform interdisciplinary work,
• can design and implement in the field of software, hardware, and
information technologies,
• are ethically and socially responsible individuals protecting public and
environmental interests,
Çankaya University Computer Engineering Department’s undergraduate
program started in 1997. Its graduate program (with/without thesis MS)
started in 2000. The undergraduate program is certified by MÜDEK.
Employment Opportunities
Computer engineering subject is a fast growing area. Computer Engineering
Department offers a program that allows its graduates to analyze, design,
implement, maintain and manage large and complex information systems.
In addition to comprehensive science and mathematics foundation,
the students take courses in the fields such as digital systems, data
communications, databases, programming languages, operating systems, networking, computer graphics and
intelligence systems. In the final year, the students are expected to complete a senior project where they can apply
the theoretical and practical knowledge gained, in innovative and diverse ways, to real-life complex problems. The
students, before graduation have to conduct two 4 weeks long summer training to gain experience in software and
computer companies, RD centers or IT departments of private/public organizations.
Computer Engineers’ job opportunities are versatile. Computer Engineers may take on responsibilities in software
companies, universities, public (government) institutions, IT departments, multinational corporations and research
and development centers. Some of the titles graduates can take include software engineer, system analyst, systems
engineer, systems programmer, design engineer, communication-network engineer or manager, data base designer
or administrator, IT specialists, IT consultant and IT manager.
Aims of the Program
Çankaya University Computer Engineering Department, with its strong academic staff, aims to equip students with
the necessary knowledge and skills for the coming century. In particular, it aims its graduates to be able to:• possess the necessary analysis, design and development skills to develop information systems to meet the user
needs from different industries,
• learn and apply new technologies and approaches in his/her field,
• be inquisitive and bring diverse and innovative solutions to complex problems,
• be well sought by national, international, and academic organizations and establishments,
• possess the awareness and skills to continue graduate and further studies.
Laboratory Facilities
Çankaya University, Engineering Departments have well-equipped teaching and research laboratories. These
laboratories are General Purpose Computer, Electronics, Microprocessors, parallel, and Scientific computing, Game
Research, CUDA Teaching Center, and Spatial/Medical Modeling and Simulation, CISCO Internetworking laboratories.
1st Year 1st Semester
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering
Introduction to Biology
Academic English I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Calculus for Engineering I
Physics I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Computer Programming
Discrete Structures
Academic English II
Calculus for Engineering II
Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Object Oriented Programming
Digital Design
Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation +
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Introduction to Differential Equations
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Data Structures
Computer Organization
Numerical Computations
Data Communications
Basic Linear Algebra
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Summer Training I
Data Management and File Structure
Computer Networks
Elective (Social Sciences)
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Web Development
Operating Systems
Database Management Systems
Software Engineering
Elective (Engineering)
Elective (Free)
4th Year 1st Semester
Summer Training II
Innovative System Design and Development I
Computer Graphics
Formal Languages and Automata
Elective (Social Sciences)
Elective (Engineering)
4th Year 2nd Semester
Innovative System Design and Development II
Programming Language Concepts
Engineering Management
Artificial Intelligence
Elective (Engineering)
Elective (Free)
Our department has just started its academic education life based on
nearly twenty years of experience of our university in the field of teaching
and research. We aim to educate our students as electrical and electronics
engineers with a strong academic staff.
Electrical and electronics engineering is one of the major engineering
disciplines. Its contribution and positive impact to our daily lives has been
increasing each day. We witness this positive effect in the areas of education,
health, security, and communication all over the world.
Our department considers our students as technology designers and life
architects of the future. Our goal is to train electrical & electronics engineers
that can be sensitive to the environment, be productive, be able to set up their
own business on their own ideas, and work as qualified engineers worldwide.
In order to achieve this goal, we possess sufficient laboratory and campus
facilities along with ambitious and motivated academic experts.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering consists of some base subjects such
as Lighting, Analog and Digital Communication, Electrical Circuits, Electrical
Power Systems, Power Electronics, Communications, Microprocessors and
Control Systems etc. By the time, it became a field of engineering which also
covers mathemathical and physical methods.
In our Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, which became one
of the most important working fields of the age, the education will dominate
on mathematics and physics during the first 2 years and the Circuits, Control
Systems, Electronics, Communication etc. will be offered more during the
last 2 years.
Employment Opportunities
• Business and factories electrical contracting and consulting services
• Electromechanical industry
• Energy production plants, distribution and consumption-related business
• Electrical machines and manufacturing industry
• Electrical machines modeling, control, and dynamics
• Building & route lightings
• Building and factory automation
• Cable manufacturing industry
• Electrical project, implementation and consulting firms
• Communication
• Information technology
• R & D departments
• Universities and institutes
• Electrical and electronics-related work in public institutions and facilities.
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to C Programming
Engineering Orientation
Academic English I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Calculus for Engineering I
Physics I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Chemistry I
Advanced Programming
Academic English II
Calculus for Engineering II
Introduction to Differential Equations
Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Signals and Systems
Electrical Circuit Analysis I
Digital Design I
Basic Linear Algebra
Materials Science for Electronic
Elective (Social Science Based)
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Mathematical Techniques in
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Circuit Analysis II
Electronics I
Introductory Electromagnetics and
Wave Theory
Digital Design II
3rd Year 1st Semester
Probability and Random Variables
Electronics II
Electromagnetic Energy Conversion
Elective (EE) I
Summer Training I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Telecommunication Essentials
Feedback Systems
Energy Distribution
Power Systems
Elective (EE) II
Elective (EE) III
4th Year 1st Semester
Innovative Engineering Analysis and
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
Elective (EE) IV
Elective (EE) V
Restricted Elective
Summer Training II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Engineering Economic Analysis
Applied Electronics
Innovative Engineering Design and
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
Elective (Free)
Elective (EE) VI
Elective (EE) VII
Elective Courses
Antenna Theory
Microwave Circuit Design
Optical Communication Systems
Performance Management of
Computer Networks
Data Communications using
Traffic Management of Internet
Processing of Random Signals
Microprocessor Based System Design
Static Power Conversion I
Static Power Conversion II
Basics of Image Enhancement
Electronic and
Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering in Çankaya University was
established in 2001. The department has Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD programs
which are based on speciality of Electronic and Communication Engineering.
The first year ungraduate students of this department start their education with basic
fundamental science courses. After these courses they get depatment courses that
are based on application and recent technology. The undergraduate program has two
summer internships, which are completed at industrial companies, and a senior project
that takes two terms. The Electronic and Communication Engineering Department
has a full academic staff that consists of experienced, qualified and strong scientists.
Also the department has modern academic environment and advanced laboratories.
There are 19 courses in the Undergraduate education program
of Electronic and Communication Engineering Department are
realised with laboratory applications. Each engineering senior
project is cooperated with one of the industrial companies that
is called as ‘KOBİ Tedavi’ project. This project satisfies that the
students can be adapted to the industry more easily and they
can get more real design experience than theoretical courses.
Scientific research and working on application development
is a continous activity in the Department of Electronic and
Communication Engineering. Some of most recent research
areas of the academic people of the department can be sort
like: Remote sensing image processing, Electomagnetic wave
propagation and diffraction, microwave and radar antennas,
space-time signal processing, acoustics, telecommunication,
free space optic transmission, optic and photonic applications,
scientific calculations, embedded system design with FPGA,
simulation and applications, lighting systems with LED.
Optic and Photonics Research Laboratory (OFAL) started
to research on optic and photonics areas this year. At that
laboratory, the students can make various research projects,
summer internship, senior projects, thesis of master of science
or PhD.
The Undergraduate education program of Electronic and
Communication Engineering Department is evaluated by
MÜDEK and the program is certified about its qualification
1st Year 1st Semester
Calculus for Engineering I
Engineering Orientation + Lab.
Introduction to Computer Programming
Academic English I
Elective (1) (Free)
Physics I
Turkish I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Calculus for Engineering II
Introduction to Differential Equations
Engineering Orientation II
Academic English II
Elective (2) (Social Science Based)
Turkish II
Physics II
is same with the other developed engineering program from
different part of the world. Our program get MÜDEK and EURACE certificate. These certificates satisfy that the diploma of
graduated students from our department covers more area in
international areas.
There is double major undergraduate program and minor
undergraduate program opportunities to successful
undergraduate students of our department.
Nowadays electronic design, development, electronic system
entegration, information technologies are the most fast and
intensive development technology areas and they dominate
all the other areas. These areas need a lot of specialities and
has important job opportunities because they are changed and
developed rapidly. So the graduated students from Electronic
and Communication Engineering Department has a big job
opportunity in this continuously broading technology area. The
requirement of the electronic and communication engineers
incerases every day. Because the usage of electronic devices
in industry increases, communication technology improves
rapidly and education and health areas depends on electronic
and software more than before. The graduated students from
this department can get a job in a various area, such as: in
national and international companies, in public institutions, in
electronic and informatics areas, in health industry, in defense
industry etc.
2nd Year 1st Semester
Digital Design + Lab.
Electrical Circuit Analysis + Lab.
Introduction to Telecommunication Network
Analytical Tech. in Elec. and Comm. Eng. + Lab.
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Electromagnetic Theory
Advanced Electrical Circuit Analysis +Lab.
Principles of Signals and Systems + Lab.
Fundamentals of Electronics + Lab.
Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Numerical Techniques for Electronic Engineers
3rd Year 1st Semester
Fields and Waves
Probability and Random Processes
Fundamentals of Communication + Lab.
Digital Design II +Lab.
Electronics + Lab.
Summer Training I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Microprocessors + Lab.
Microwave Engineering + Lab.
Digital Communications + Lab.
Automatic Control Systems + Lab.
Digital Signal Processing + Lab.
Elective (3) (ECE)
4th Year 1st Semester
Applied Electronics + Lab.
Antennas and Propagation + Lab.
Engineering Design Project I
Principles of Kemal Atatürk I
Elective (4) (ECE)
Summer Training II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Engineering Design Project II
Optical Communication Systems + Lab.
Principles of Kemal Atatürk II
Elective (5) (ECE)
Elective (6) (ECE)
Elective (7) (ECE)
Industrial Engineering Department at
Çankaya University was established in
1997 as one of the first two engineering
departments in the Faculty of Engineering.
Among the non-profit private universities
in Turkey, it is the second Industrial
undergraduate program graduates. The
undergraduate program of Industrial
Engineering at Çankaya University has
been developed in consideration with the
aforementioned features. The program
follows the Bologna credit system and is
accredited by MÜDEK, which is the Turkish
equivalent of ABET or ENIA. The majority
of the courses cover mathematical tools
extensively for the purpose of generating
solutions based on the analysis of the
interactions among the subsystems of a
system and on the interactions with its
environment. Especially during the first
three years, courses such as statistics,
mathematical modelling, and production
planning are given in addition to basic
engineering courses. In these courses
students are equipped with the ability of
data gathering and analysis, interpretation,
synthesis, problem definition, and most
importantly -considering the uncertainty
and the variability of the environment-
generating alternative solutions/scenarios,
and deciding on the optimal one among
them. In their last year, our students
work in teams for the graduation project
course, under the guidance of their
project advisors. They try to find a solution
to the problem of a company mostly a
small to medium-sized enterprise with a
computer based decision support system
and gain the practical experience of
their last three years of education. The
opportunity of expertise is given to our
students in their areas of interest by the
departmental elective courses offered by
selected practitioners from the business
life who are experts in their own areas. As
a result of these studies, it is aimed that
our students to have professional ethics
and legal awareness besides having the
skills like improved analytical thinking
capability, looking at events and problems
from different perspectives, and taking
initiative. Our students can select the most
appropriate one among the sectors; they
become familiar during their four years of
education, through their summer trainings
with a minimum of four weeks period at
the end of second and third years, and
the graduation project course in the last
year. Undergraduate students who satisfy
certain requirements may also apply a
second department for a double major
degree or a minor program certificate.
Those students who graduate from their
own program and a major degree program
receive undergraduate diplomas from both
departments, whereas those students who
successfully complete a minor program
receive a certificate from their minor
program along with an undergraduate
diploma from their own department.
Mission of the Department
Our department’s mission is to:
• analyze and synthesize problems faced
by companies and institutions of various
sizes in different sectors using scientific
research methodologies and systems
• produce industrial engineering graduates
who build models taking into account the
human and environmental factors, are
equipped with the knowledge and ability to
produce sustainable solutions and make
decisions using resources efficiently to
society’s benefit, use technology effectively,
are able to work in multi-disciplinary
• contribute to science and national
development through advanced research.
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic English I
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Industrial Engineering Orientation
Calculus for Engineering I
Fundamentals of Computer Aided Engineering
Physics I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Computer Programming
Principles of Economics
Academic English II
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
Calculus for Engineering II
Vision of the Department
Employment Opportunities
Our vision is to be a department, which:
Industrial engineers can work in very different sectors. They can work in the production sector, mainly in automotive, defence, food, electronics, durable goods,
chemicals, textile, and construction, on the
other hand in the service sector, mainly in
health, education, tourism, logistics, banking, finance, insurance, software/computing, consultancy, research and development, energy and telecommunication.
Based on 2014-2015 Academic Year records, more than 775 graduates of our department work in various companies and
take responsibilities in the areas such as
production planning, project management,
finance, budget planning, cost accounting,
investment planning, work improvement,
process management, quality management, after sales technical support, human resources management, purchasing, inventory management, maintenance
and repair planning, internal audit, sales,
marketing, systems analysis, information
technologies, product design, and product
development. An updated list of companies
in which our graduates work, can be seen
at the departmental web site.
• is the first choice of prospective students
who wish to pursue a degree in Industrial
• graduates Industrial Engineers recognized by prestigious national and international institutions,
• is certified for its education programs,
research competence and continuous
improvement targeted at contributing
decision process systems by authorized
accreditation institutions,
• produces quality knowledge through
internationally-recognized research and
• contributes to national development
through its various approaches to university-industry collaborations.
Educational Objectives
The graduates of IE undergraduate
education, are able to find job positions
in manufacturing and service sectors in
a short amount of time, pursue graduate
studies in higher education institutions,
and work in industrial engineering related
areas of projects involving teamwork.
Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Probability
Cost Analysis in Engineering
Basic Linear Algebra
Introduction to Differential Equations
Introduction to Materials Science
Restricted Manufacturing Processes Elective
(ME 243, ME 210)
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Work Study and Ergonomics
Computer Applications in IE
Engineering Statistics
Operations Research I - Modeling
Free Elective
3rd Year 1st Semester
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Summer Training I
System Simulation
Operations Research II - Deterministic
Engineering Economic Analysis
Manufacturing and Service Systems Planning I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Facilities Design and Location
Operations Research III - Stochastic Problems
Production Information Systems
Manufacturing and Service Systems Planning II
Restricted Non-Departmental Elective
4th Year 1st Semester
Summer Training II
Systems’ Analysis
Quality Engineering
Seminars in IE Practice
IE Elective 1
IE Elective 2
4th Year 2nd Semester
Systems’ Design and Implementation
Industrial Psychology and Organizational
IE Elective 3
Restricted Management Elective (MAN 433,
MAN 432, MAN 102*)
MAN/ECON Elective
Restricted Law Elective (IE 464, MAN 323,
MAN 429)
What is Civil Engineering?
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is the profession that
deals with the design, construction,
maintenance and the quality control of all
built facilities that are required to ensure
the well-being of societies. Civil engineers
consider factors such as safety, economy,
and aesthetics and safety in all of their
activities. The built environment may be
offices, schools, hospitals, residences,
factories, transportation facilities, etc.
The practice of this profession requires
mastery in the fields of mathematics
and mechanics. Civil engineers examine,
consider experience, and make use of
theoretical and computational methods
that allow a more efficient utilization of
natural resources. This discipline has the
distinction of being the first universitylevel engineering branch founded in
Turkey (1883). Changes in conditions at
the beginning of the 21st century have led
to the rise of new issues in front of civil
engineering. Globalization, environmental
issues, the reliability of ensuring energy
availability, and challenges for the
sustainability of economic development,
complexity of new technology all require
careful re-examination of tools of the
trade. The formulation and solution of
the aforementioned new problems have
driven a demand for engineers with a
good fundamental knowledge who have
the flexibility to apply this knowledge
on various areas. Engineers who fit this
profile are those with strong analytical
thinking skills and one that can apply
modern calculation techniques to
complex engineering problems. The
civil engineering profession serves
communities. Well designed and safely
constructed buildings and structures
such as transportation systems, water
and energy structures are the main focus
of the profession. Their designs should be
able to endure natural disasters such as
floods, storms and earthquakes.
The curriculum of the civil engineering
department at Çankaya University
was created in a way to achieve the
aforementioned goals. All laboratory
facilities required for undergraduate
education are present and are fully
functional. The undergraduate program
was established at the beginning of the
2011-2012 academic year and is a 4-year
program. Students who do not have English
language proficiency at the level set by
the university, are required to go through the one-year English
language preparatory class and pass the English language
proficiency test before they can begin their undergraduate
studies. During eight semesters, students are required to be
successful (based on university’s criteria) in the mandatory and
elective classes and complete two summer training sessions.
Furthermore the education activities are supported by laboratory
work and technical field trips to supplement practice. It is our
goal to produce graduates who are able to design safe and
economical structures; who have an analytical and creative
thinking ability, with effective communication skills; who are
able to work in interdisciplinary groups; who are informed about
project management. The language of education is English.
This not only provides an opportunity for students to have good
command in technical English, but also provides a required set of
skills for those students who choose to seek a graduate degree
abroad. The department’s current undergraduate acceptance
quota is 65; 8 of which are provided with full scholarship and 45
with 50% scholarship.
Our department’s first students were accepted at the beginning
of the 2011-2012 academic year; most of those students attended
the English language preparatory school. Hence, a majority of
our first students will be graduating at the end of the 2015-2016
academic year. The success of our first graduating class in the
public and private sectors will pave the way for the following
Area of Practice of Civil Engineers
Recent development statistics show that the construction sector
is by far the fastest growing sector of the Turkish economy. The
1st Year 1st Semester
Computer Aided Drawing for Civil
Chemistry I
Physics I
Calculus for Engineering I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Turkish I
Academic English I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Introduction to Civil Engineering
Engineering Geology
Physics II
Calculus for Engineering II
Introduction to Computer
Turkish II
Academic English II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Engineering Economy
Engineering Mechanics:Statics
Introduction to Materials Science
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra
Free Elective I
Geographical Information Systems
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Mechanics of Materials
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
Introduction to Probability and
Materials of Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to Differential Equations
construction sector makes up approximately 6% of the GDP.
The increasing demand for engineers in a developing country
such as Turkey means continued employment opportunities
for qualified engineers in our country and abroad. There are
diverse employment opportunities for graduates within the area
of practice of civil engineering. Whether it is at a construction
site or office, we expect that our graduates will easily find jobs in
our country or abroad. The opportunities can be anywhere from
working in engineering consulting companies to construction
auditing firms. Graduates may also choose to establish their
own firms provided that they fulfill certain requirements. Civil
engineering graduates may also find jobs within the public sector.
This sector includes large establishments such as the Ministry
of Environment and Urban Planning, General Directorate of
State Hydraulic Works, General Directorate of Highways and the
Bank of Provinces, which invests first and foremost on urban
renewal projects and other large-scale projects. In addition,
the sector includes the housing development administration of
Turkey, municipalities and their subsidiaries, which also provide
employment opportunities for civil engineers. In the recent
years, there has been a growing demand for civil engineers in the
finance and insurance sectors. Another area is research, which
includes academia and research institutes such as TUBITAK.
As the country develops economically, there will be a continuing
demand for civil engineers. It is our department’s policy to have
strong ties with our graduates, particularly ones who choose to
establish their own companies.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Structural Analysis
Geotechnical Engineering
Numerical Methods for Civil
Construction Management
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
Summer Practice I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Water Resources Engineering
Reinforced Concrete Structures
Foundation Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Freel Elective II
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Civil Engineering Elective I
4th Year 1st Semester
Civil Engineering Design I:Reinforced
Concrete Structures
Civil Engineering Elective II
Civil Engineering Elective III
Occupational Health and Safety
Steel Structures
Summer Practice II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Civil Engineering Design II
Civil Engineering Elective IV
Civil Engineering Elective V
Civil Engineering Elective VI
Civil Engineering Elective VII
Elective Courses
Computer Applications in Civil
Project Management in Civil
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Cement Based Materials
Traffic Engineering and Management
Applied Hydraulics
Structural Analysis II
Finite Elements in Structural
Pozzolanic Materials
Introduction to Ground Improvement
Sediment Transport and Scour
Pre-Stressed Concrete Fundamentals
Introduction to Structural Dynamics
Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest of fundamental engineering
disciplines and encompasses a wide variety of engineering fields and many
specialties. Mechanical engineering deals with design, development, manufacturing
and implementation of mechanical systems, energy conversion systems, and the
equipments to be used in production and testing, that meet the user requirements
within the defined constraints. Mechanical engineers may work in a broad range of
areas like the design, manufacturing and automation of automotive, aerospace and
robotic systems, all kinds of machines, power generation systems, air conditioning
and heating/cooling systems, and alternative energy sources including wind and
solar energies. Mechanical engineers work in cooperation with professionals of
other disciplines in the design and development of engineering systems in order to
raise the life standards of human beings.
Mechanical Engineering Education
Mechanical engineers are expected to be proficient in both fundamental sciences
and engineering sciences. They should also be skilled in contemporary fields,
such as information technologies. Our education program aims at teaching our
students the ability to solve up-to-date complex engineering problems and the
methodologies and tools that they will use throughout their professional lives.
During their education, our students take part in projects in which they experience
problem analysis and solution procedures, especially in the fourth year. Our aim is
to have our graduates possess pioneering and leadership characteristics, and be
able to perform theoretical and experimental analyses of engineering problems,
conduct original research and share knowledge and experience with the society
and industry. Throughout their study, our students learn how to design thermal and
mechanical systems, develop new machines and equipments, design and conduct
experiments and build manufacturing systems. The first two years of our curriculum
involve courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics,
technical drawing and materials and manufacturing. Sophomore classes include
machine kinematics and dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat
transfer, machine elements and automatic control courses.
The senior class deals with experimentation techniques,
system dynamics, engineering economy and graduation
design and implementation project. Our curriculum gives
special importance to laboratory activities and design projects.
Our students work in teams on real industrial problems in the
“innovative engineering analysis, design and implementation”
courses. These are supported by “experimentation and
measurement” and “mechanical engineering laboratory”
courses where the students not only conduct experiments
on ready set-ups but also design and implement new
experimental set-ups. Hence they gain knowledge on how to
make experiments and how to gather and analyze data. Most
engineering products used in daily life involve mechanical,
thermal, fluidic and electronic subsystems. For this reason
abilities to model and analyze integrated systems are also
gained in the fourth year. Additionally, our students develop
their computer skills through the use of advanced commercial
softwares in various courses. Furthermore our elective
courses allow specialization in topics like combustion, micro
fluidics, automotive engineering, heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, solar energy, manufacturing technologies, finite
element analysis, etc.
Practical Training
Mechanical Engineering students successfully complete
two summer practices before graduation, each having
a period of 20 days. During these practices, students
1st Year 1st Semester
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing I
Chemistry for Engineering I
Calculus for Engineering I
Physics I
Academic English I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Mechanical Engineering Orientation
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing II
Calculus for Engineering II
Introduction to Computer Programming
Academic English II
Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Thermodynamics I
Introduction to Materials Science
Introduction to Differential Equations
Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation
+ Laboratory
Advanced Writing Skills
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Strength of Materials
Manufacturing Processes
Thermodynamics II
Engineering Materials
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra
3rd Year 1st Semester
Fluid Mechanics I
Machine Elements I
observe manufacturing processes and their relations with
management functions, and are expected to get acquainted
with a real business environment by studying various
managerial and engineering practices through active
participation. Summer training aims to give students the
opportunity to observe various types of organizations in which
they are likely to work after graduation.
Employment Opportunities
Mechanical engineers are employed in a very wide range of
areas including machine design, automotive engineering,
robotics, power generation, renewable energy, air conditioning,
acoustics, computer aided design, manufacturing, defence
industries, aeronautics, agriculture and construction
machinery and environmental systems. In fact, most products
used in modern life are designed, manufactured and tested
partly or wholly by mechanical engineers. Developments
in engineering profession indicate that there will always
be a high demand for mechanical engineers. Mechanical
engineering is a challenging and rewarding profession.
Our graduates, with an excellent R&D capability, technology
development skills, industrial experience, innovation
capability, personal creativity, breadth of knowledge and
versatility will also have the opportunity of self-employment as
well as being employed by private or public sector companies
and institutions conducting basic and applied research.
Heat Transfer
Numerical Methods for Mechanical
Theory of Machines I
Summer Training I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Fluid Mechanics II
Theory of Machines II
Machine Elements II
Introduction to Automatic Control
Free Elective
Restricted Elective*
4th Year 1st Semester
Innovative Engineering Analysis and
Experimentation and Measurement
Engineering Economy
System Dynamics
Technical Elective**
Summer Training II
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
4th Year 2nd Semester
Innovative Engineering Design and
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Technical Elective**
Technical Elective**
Technical Elective**
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Elective Courses
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
Mechanical Vibrations
Metal Cutting
Design of Thermal Systems
Design of Mechanical Systems
Design of Mechanisms and Machines
Additive Manufacturting
Industrial Fluid Power
Introduction to Construction Machinery
Applications of Solar Energy
Combustion Processes
Internal Combustion Engines
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Computer Aided Design
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Introduction To Microfluidics
Introduction to Microelectromechanical
Science and
Materials Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary comprehensive field which
underlies the disciplines of fundamental sciences, mechanical civil, electrical and
electronics, industrial, and computer engineering, as well as aeronautical and
environmental engineering and medicine. To use existing materials in the best
possible ways and to create new materials with new combinations of properties for
demanding applications for the development of new products and technologies to
make our lives safer, more comfortable and pleasant is the main goal of materials
science. In recent years materials science and engineering has been leading
the way for global technological progress. Today, materials with new/advanced
properties and behavior are evolving faster than ever, and in turn enhancing the
overall quality of our lives.
Materials engineers are involved in the design, development and characterization of metallic, ceramic, polymeric and
composite materials with the aim of adapting technologies to the technical needs of the industry. By applying their
knowledge in fundamental and engineering sciences, they can make design recommendations in all fields of engineering
concerning the production of raw materials, synthesis and processing of materials, product design.
The aim of our department is to train research-oriented Materials Engineers at the international level, equipped with
practical and theoretical knowledge, capable of investigating, developing and modifying the structure and correspondingly
the physical and chemical properties of both conventional and advanced metallic, ceramic, polymeric and composite
materials from atomic to macro scale, closely following the scientific and technological developments in the design and
applications of both traditional and advanced manufacturing techniques.
An undergraduate degree program is implemented, with additional opportunities in majors and minors from other
departments, and work is underway for the establishment of postgraduate degree programs. Additionally, bilateral
agreements have been signed with universities in the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain within the
framework of the Erasmus+ international student exchange program.
Research is carried out on nanomaterials, composites, biomaterials, electronic and magnetic materials as well as on
modeling and simulation studies. The currently active Nanotechnology Research Laboratory (NanoTal) is conducting
research focused on biomedical materials, smart composites, silicon-rich silicon-nitrogen thin films, bulk metallic glasses
and nanocomposites, armor materials protective coatings, thermal conductivity behavior of advanced ceramic materials,
organic materials for solar cells, ferroelectric crystals and the modeling of nanostructures (boron- and carbon-based
materials, hydrogen storage).
Career Opportunities
Materials engineers are involved in the integrated iron, steel and non-ferrous metal industries, aviation, aerospace,
institutions operating in the medical and biomedical fields, defense, electrical and electronics, machinery manufacturing,
automotive, energy conversion, household appliances, petrochemical, glass, ceramic and refractory products, plastics and
metal forming industries. In addition, foundries, heat treatment facilities, quality control institutes and university research
centers are within the work areas of the Materials Engineer.
1st Year 1st Semester
Academic English
Chemistry I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Calculus for Engineering I
Fundamentals of Computer Aided
Physics I
Turkish I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Academic English II
Introduction to Computer
Chemistry II
Calculus for Engineering II
Material Science and Engineering
Physics II
Turkish II
2nd Year 1st Semester
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution I
Introduction to Probability and
Introduction to Differential Equations
Statics and Strength of Materials
Material Science I
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Academic Writing Skills 2nd Year 2nd Semester
Academic Presentation Skills
Electrical Circuits and
Instrumentation + Laboratory
Principles of Atatürk and History of
Turkish Revolution II
Materials Science II
Thermodynamics and Phase
Materials Characterization I
3rd Year 1st Semester
Summer Training I
Materials Processing I
Transport Phenomena
Materials Characterization II
Phase Diagrams
Social Elective
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Materials Processing II
Kinetics and Microstructural
Ceramic Materials
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Casting and Solidification
Free Elective
4th Year 1st Semester
Summer Training II
Design in Materials Engineering
Introduction to Polymer Science and
Innovative Engineering Analysis and
Phase Transformations
Departmental Elective I
Departmental Elective II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Advanced Materials in Composites
Science and Technology of
Innovative Engineering Design and
Corrosion and Degredation of
Departmental Elective III
Departmental Elective IV
Engineering Elective
Elective Courses
Diffusion in Solids
Powder Metallurgy
Joining Of Materials
Thermal Processing Of Materials
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic
Materials and Devices
Materials for Biomedical Applications
Failure Analysis
Glass Technology
Key Innovation for
Future: Nanotechnology
Mechatronics Engineering is emerging as a multi disciplinary program that
aspires development and analysis of every kind of mechanical and electronic
systems. Every system that interpret the data being sensed from the
environment by the help of control hardware and the software which realizes
this control hardware and react (response) to the sensed signal accordingly are
a kind of Mechatronic systems. Having these abilities, Mechatronic systems
(sensing measuring, interpreting and responding and decision making as the
result of interpretation) are used in defense industry, safety systems, banking,
agriculture, mining, industrial automation, clinical medicine and machine
Although it is a newly established department, as the advantage of its multi
disciplinary character, most of the engineering-based undergraduate courses
will be given by the departments like Electronic and Communication Engineering
Department, Computer Engineering Department and Industrial Engineering
Department that have been serving for many years in the organization of
Çankaya University as well as by the departments like Mechanical Engineering
Department and Material Science and Engineering Department that are
established recently however completed staff, laboratory and classroom
By means of Electronic, Communication, Digital and Microprocessor
laboratories owned by Electronic and Communication Engineering Department
that are in service for years, Robotics and Control Laboratories that will be
active recently for Mechatronics Engineering Department; and also Computer,
Technical Drawing, Mechanics and Manufacturing Laboratories that are
used by Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Industrial
Engineering Departments, the students will have the opportunity to perform
their courses practically. Thanks to senior project courses
and particularly to the third and the fourth year courses
including project works; an education which the students
are able to design and develop different Mechatronic
systems is planned.
As the undergraduate program of Çankaya University
Mechatronics Engineering Department is being arranged,
especially attention is paid for providing the domination of
a multi disciplinary nature into the program and facilitating
specialization of the third and fourth year students in an
area that they determine by means of the engineering
based technical elective courses that outnumber similar
program technical elective courses in other universities.
Another important point that distinguishes our program
from other similar programs is even though our program
is strong from the perspective of processing both
Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering
subjects; it has a structure that does not disregard other
engineering fields. Especially by means of the compulsory
and the engineering technical elective courses that
our students take from Computer Engineering and
Industrial Engineering departments, it is aimed to equip
our students with knowledge from different fields and
to use this knowledge in business life. These points
are the distinguishing characteristics of Mechatronics
Engineering Department’s undergraduate program.
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Computer Science + Lab.
Academic English I
Calculus for Engineering I
Physics I
Turkish I
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing I
1st Year 2nd Semester
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing II
Computer Programming I + Lab.
Academic English II
Calculus for Engineering II
Physics II
Turkish II
Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering
2nd Year 1st Semester
Manufacturing Processes
Probability and Random Processes
Electrical Circuit Analysis + Lab.
Digital Design I + Lab.
Introduction to Differential Equation
Advanced Writing Skills 2nd Year 2nd Semester
Fundamentals of Electronics + Lab.
Academic Presentation Skills
Strength of Materials
Advanced Electrical Circuit Analysis + Lab.
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra
Principles of Signals and Systems + Lab.
Mechatronics Engineering Department’s undergraduate
program is prepared within the frame of collaboration
with other engineering departments and it possesses a
character that permits the students to continue minor
or double major programs with different departments.
Our department intends to open master and doctorate
programs in the following years by improving its academic
staff and laboratory infrastructure. The research topics
of our department are Robotic Applications, Intelligent
Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Employment Opportunities
Mechatronics Engineers can find working opportunities
in factories, worksites, stations, research centers as well
as in manufacturing industry, energy sector, construction
sector, chemical industry, defense industry and medicine
industry. Having the ability to follow the technological
developments, Mechatronics Engineers can conduct
research, can take part in development processes in
factories and worksites and can be involved in innovation
practices. They also have the opportunity to work freelance
as well as working in foundations and institutions that do
fundamental or applied researches or in industries that
concentrate on high technology materials.
3rd Year 1st Semester
Machine Elements I
Free Elective I
Materials Science for Electronics
Electronics + Lab.
Kinematics of Machinery
Free Elective II
Summer Training I
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Automatic Control System + Lab.
Thermodynamics I
Technical Elective I*
Sensors and Measurement
Microprocessors I + Lab.
Electromechanical Energy Conversion
4th Year 1st Semester
Engineering Economy
Technical Elective II*
Technical Elective III*
Introduction to Robotics
Innovative Engineering Analysis and Design
Principles of Kemal Atatürk
Summer Training II
4th Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Kemal Atatürk II
Technical Elective IV*
Technical Elective V*
Technical Elective VI*
Technical Elective VII*
Project Engineering Management
Innovative Engineering Design and
In accordance with the Çankaya University’s “Maintaining and Developing High Level
Quality in Education” mission; Çankaya Vocational School has been carrying out its
educational activities since 1997. Our main purpose is to provide added value to our
country’s development with the schools’ measurable nature of objectives, qualified
academic members, students and constantly updated programs.
Çankaya Vocational School has 4 assistant professors, 2 instructors and 1
administrative staff under its structure of Foreign Trade, Banking and Insurance
Programs. Çankaya Vocational School offers educational services in modern and
contemporary classrooms in the new and award-winning campus with its design.
Our educational program curriculum contains courses designed not only to provide
students with occupational knowledge, but also to develop their skills in analytical
thinking and solving real world problems. Additionally, our programs are equipped
with social and vocational foreign language courses, basic computer literacy and
a variety of elective courses presenting opportunities for our students to further
develop themselves in diverse interest areas and multicultural activities.
Our students may choose to continue their education by taking a special examination
(Dikey Geçiş Sınavı - DGS) and transferring to a four-year university program to
obtain a bachelor’s degree. Our curriculum is designed with compatible courses to
mitigate the transfer.
We strive to ensure educating contemporary, extroverted and qualified individuals
with our dedicated, experienced, and professional faculty to meet the highest level of
industrial and service-oriented needs and expectations of our country.
Language: ENGLISH
Acting Director
Assist. Prof. Dr. Can ÖZTÜRK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZSAÇMACI
Assist. Prof. Dr. Handan ÖZDEMİR
Academic Staff
Instructor Nermin YAŞAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri UÇAR
Instructor Seyran BALKAŞ
Head of Department: Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri UÇAR
Banking and
Banking and insurance sector in our country is developing
rapidly and the location of the main parts of the financial
services increased its share in the economy. The continued
growth and development of the banking and insurance sectors
in the industry provide a major area of employment.
Banks are collecting deposits and lending institutions as a
basis; to transfer, write letters of guarantee, foreign currency
transactions and offer to institutions and individuals to make
services such as portfolio management.
Insurance is a system that is specified in the relevant laws
and institutions of the individuals exposed to the same risks,
created to meet the economic consequences caused by primary
payment method that may arise in the future when it performs
The purpose of the Banking and Insurance program is to
prepare our students who hold ethical values in the foreground,
increase management quality, closely follow and interpret what happens in the financial
markets and have the ability to analyze the problems and even cover the basic law structure
of the insurance system to provide high quality service for insurance companies, capital
market intermediaries, international audit companies, public financial institutions and
other agencies and organizations.
Our program’s language is English and the goal of this program is to train the students with
the skills that they needed through their business life. Theoretical knowledge is primarily
given to the students and these theoretical issues are transferred into the practices within
the classroom applications.
In our program; the first year credits mainly involve economics, business, accounting
and law basis courses; and second year credits are more occupational courses; Turkish
financial system and banking, insurance operations and portfolio management which are
provided in the curriculum.
Students who have graduated from our program can work in areas such as banks, insurance
companies, international audit companies, public financial institutions, leasing companies
and finance department of the firms. On the other hand, students also stay in the education
system and continue their education in the faculty programs by taking Transfer Exam for
four-year programs (DGS).
1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Banking
Introduction to Economics I
Mathematics for International Trade
Academic English I
Turkish I
Introduction to Computers+Lab
Elective Courses
Introduction to Management
1st Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Accounting
Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to Law
Academic English II
Turkish II
Introduction to Insurance
Business Finance
Elective Courses
Sales Management
International Banking
2nd Year 1st Semester
Accounting for Banking and Insurance (T)
Basic Credit Transactions
Marketing for Banking and Insurance
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of Turkish Rev. I
Operations in Banking
Elective Courses
Business Communication
Financial Investment Analysis
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Financial Markets and Institutions (T)
Banking and Insurance Law (T)
Insurance Operations and Instruments
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of Turkish
Rev. II
Customer Relationship Management
Computer Application in Finance
Elective Courses
Introduction to Quantitative Finance
International Finance
Head of Department: Assist. Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZSAÇMACI
Foreign Trade
Historically, foreign trade, has played a critical role in
economic growth, development and improvement of the
many countries in the world. Recently, a significant increase
in Turkey’s economic growth has been observed as a result
of the expansion in the global economy, as well as national
economic development and industrialization. Turkey’s
international trade potential has steadily increased especially
after 1980s. As a major element of the global market Turkey
aims to provide high quality products and services to the
international markets, this requires Turkey to have welltrained professionals. In the environment where Turkey’s
international trade volume gradually rises, the need for
trained staff has significantly increased, and led to many new
career opportunities in this area.
The main purpose of our foreign trade program is to provide students with the main
framework of international trade, economics, finance, marketing, accounting, law and
other dimensions of trade to ensure wide analytical framework. This education program
provides required knowledge and skills for students to develop themselves in key areas of
foreign trade. The contents of this program take into account the importance of cultural
interaction in the trade relations that would help students to adapt to a foreign culture
In this context, in addition to current business and communications courses, our programme
provides students with opportunity to learn more than one foreign language, along with
forming wide framework of financial markets, laws, rules and regulations on the field of
vocational training area. Our graduates can be employed in public sectors as well as in
private sectors. They are highly trained foreign trade experts that international companies,
foreign exchange and foreign trade departments of banks and other financial institutions
1st Year 1st Semester
Global Business Fundamentals
Introduction to Economics I
Mathematics for International Trade
Academic English I
Turkish I
Introduction to Computers+Lab
Elective Courses
Business Communication
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
1st Year 2nd Semester
Principles of Accounting
Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to Law
Academic English II
Turkish II
Elective Courses
Management Fundamentals
Foreign Trade Logistics
Free Zones
2nd Year 1st Semester
Business Finance
Principles of Marketing
Foreign Trade Formalities and Practices (T)
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of Turkish Rev. I
Fundamentals of Foreign Trade I
Elective Courses
Economic Development and Foreign Trade
International Trade Law
Turkish Economy and EU
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Fundamentals of Foreing Trade II
International Marketing
Principles of Atatürk and Hist. of Turkish Rev. II
The Turkish Customs Regime and International
Elective Courses
Financing and Institutions of Foreign Trade
In Turkey
International Financial Markets and
Foreing Trade Practices (T)
Vocational School of Justice is established within
the structure of our University’s Law Faculty.
The only vocational School that gives formation
to the justice members other than judges and
prosecutors within Ministry of Justice, aims to
raise individuals who have a good knowledge of
law and practice. With the expanding cases and
work load in civil and administrative procedure,
it renders the increase in number of the judiciary
member of professions. The importance of the
subject is clear as the progressing establishment
work of the regional courts of justice.
Program Properties
Recommended program aims to give the
students the qualification on both private and
public sectors such as courthouse organization,
penal institutions, advocacy, notary, banking
and insurance, special security. The graduates
of this program are qualified to have the pre-
graduate diploma of Vocational School of Justice.
Furthermore, the graduates have the right to
enter External Transfer Exam and in case they
succeed they will have the opportunity to transfer
to law faculties and have a bachelor degree.
Employment Opportunities
The graduates will be able to work as a chief
clerk, debt enforcement office chief, court clerk,
penal institution chief in case of the success
in exams held by Ministry of Justice. On the
other hand law offices, notaries, banking and
insurance organizations employ graduates
who are qualified with either legal or official
correspondence knowledge. Especially in recent
years in private companies and law offices
of banking organizations, the demand to the
graduates of the Vocational School of Justice is
increasing with the knowledge of the graduates.
Language: TURKISH
Academic Staff
Assist. Prof. Dr. Elvan KEÇELİOĞLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cem Duran UZUN
Assist. Prof. Dr. İlker KILIÇ
Lecturer Dr. Ayşe Funda KILIÇ
1st Year 1st Semester
Keyboard Usage I
Computer Operating I
Introduction to Law
Judicial Organization
Constitutional Law
Law (Preliminary Provisions) / Law of
Persons/Law of Obligations)
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution I
Turkish Language I
Foreign Language I
Compulsory Elective Course
Ethic and Social Responsibility
1st Year 2nd Semester
Keyboard Usage II
Computer Operating II
Techniques of Office Management
Administrative Law
Private Law II (Family Law/Property Law/
Law of Successions)
Law of Civil Procedure
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish
Revolution II
Turkish Language II
Foreign Language II
Elective Courses
Public Relations and Vocational
Constitutional Review
Land Registry and Cadastre Operations
2nd Year 1st Semester
Keyboard Usage III
Professional Computer I
Law of Notifications
Code of Quashing I (Law of Enforcement)
Legal Language and Judicial Correspondences
Criminal Law
Private Law III (Commercial Enterprise/
Company Law/Negotiable Instruments Law)
Administrative Procedure Law
Financial Law
Elective Courses
Psychology of Justice
Human Rights
European Union Law
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Keyboard Usage IV
Professional Computer II
Labor and Social Security Law
Prison Administration and Law on Criminal
Legislation on Editorial Office
Law of Advocacy and Notary
Code of Quashing II (Law of Bankruptcy)
Knowledge of Criminal Procedure Law
Knowledge of Stamp Tax and Fees
Elective Courses
Banking Law
Insurance Law
Public Procurement Law
The medium of education at our university is English. The necessity of speaking the English language
In order to function effectively in academic and professional life, is an indisputable fact. Taking this into
account, the aim of the Preparatory School is to equip you with a certain level of English proficiency
that will help you succeed in your future academic and business life. We achieve this goal by providing a
modern, scientific and student-centered language education program with instructors who are experts
in the field of teaching English.
We offer Proficiency and Placement tests every year for incoming students. The proficiency test
determines whether you will be exempt from the English Preparatory School Program. If not exempt,
your level will be determined in accordance with the results of the Placement test. Students are placed
into three different levels: “Starter”, “Elementary” and “Pre-intermediate.”
At the Preparatory School, classes are offered in eight-week periods.
a)Starter Level: 24 hours per week.
b)Elementary Level: 23 hours per week.
c)Pre-Intermediate Level: 22 hours per week.
Language: ENGLISH
1. Multimedia Classes: Students may engage in various activities that improve their language skills in
these classrooms during their classes.
2. Computer Lab and Internet Access: Students will use the computer labs during their lesson times
and may also use the labs outside of these times. In addition to the three computer labs and multimedia
classes, wireless internet access is available throughout the whole school.
3. Web-Based Applications: We are well aware of the significance of individual learner differences
and the convenience of technology in language education. For this reason, the web-based applications
are used for at least two lecture hours per week under the supervision of the advisor instructors.
These lectures are aimed at encouraging student autonomy in line with contemporary trends, utilizing
information technologies both more effectively and systematically, and developing and improving
independent learning skills.
For this purpose, the Moodle Platform –a virtual environment developed for teaching and learning
purposes and currently used in over 200 countries and by around 50,000 educational institutions, wiki
applications, Google Docs and various other instructional and educational Internet sites are employed
extensively to enable our students to practice foreign languages interactively in and out of the school
The Moodle Platform provides for the sharing of information and its sources, assists in assessment
and evaluation, serves as a means of communication and makes educational resources accessible
to instructors and students. By accessing discussion forums and other communication tools through
Moodle, where they may maintain correspondence concerning their language education both with
their instructors and among themselves, our students accumulate experience in communication
technologies, which are now paramount in professional life.
4. Advisor Instructors: The advisor instructors announce the meeting times and places for classes in
the beginning of each semester. These meetings (two hours per week) are reserved for discussing the
students’ study methods, the problems they might encounter in their learning, and for administrative,
academic, and general issues.
5. Social Activities: Students have the opportunity to join many student clubs, organize and take part in
various activities (including literature, photography, music, sports, and trips) on both the main campus
and Balgat Campus under the supervision of the instructors and make effective use of their leisure
6. Health Services: All students can benefit from
the health services provided by the Health Center
on the main campus.
Since the medium of education is English in all
departments (except for the Faculty of Law) any
student with an insufficient grade in the English
Proficiency Exam (which is administered at the
beginning of the academic year) is required
to complete the English Preparatory School
successfully. Law faculty students may attend
the English Preparatory School program at their
New students enrolled in associate degree,
undergraduate and graduate programs are
given the English Proficiency Exam at the
beginning of the academic year in order to
identify whether their English language skills
meet the level required by the departmental
programs in which they have been enrolled.
The evaluation of the English Proficiency Exam
is carried out by a committee appointed by
the Rectorate. Students who score lower than
60 or who do not take this exam are obliged
to commence the English Preparatory School
Students, who complete the Preparatory School,
are required to complete the Intermediate Level
successfully in order to be eligible to take the
English Proficiency Exam.
The total grade of the students at the Preparatory School is
calculated by adding 40% of the Intermediate Level Success Grade
and 60% of the Proficiency Exam grade.
At the end of the Preparatory School, students who score 60 or
higher may begin their undergraduate programs and continue
their English education in academic English classes suitable
to their related programs. The English Language and Literature
Department and Translation and Interpretation Department require
a total score of 70 or higher. For the evaluation of the Preparatory
School overall success grade, which is carried out at the end of
the second semester and at the end of the summer school, the
successful performance of every student is taken into consideration
according to the advice of the Preparatory School Unit and the
decision of Çankaya University English Language Coordination.
Applications of students who have international exam result
documents, such as TOEFL and other exams that are specified
by the Çankaya University Rectorate, are evaluated by the English
Preparatory School. Students with adequate grades and certificates
are given the right to continue their related programs.
The equivalence table for English Language exams recognized
by Çankaya University English Preparatory School applicable in
admissions to undergraduate and graduate programs is as follows:
Pass Score
Pass Score
The mission of the Academic English Unit is to
enable our undergraduate and graduate students
to attain, in accordance with international
standards, the English language skills necessary
to follow the courses in their departments, and to
improve their language skills for scientific study
and for their professional fields.
ENG 121 is a required introductory course in
university-level reading and writing integrating
the four language skills (reading, writing, listening
and speaking) required for academic studies in
various disciplines. The course is offered primarily
in the Fall semester for freshman students and
meets four hours per week
ENG 122 is a required course for freshman
students, designed to offer theme-based
instruction through further study of academic
language skills in an integrated manner. The
course is a continuation of ENG 121. It is offered
primarily in the Spring semester and meets four
hours per week
studied in the course. The course meets two
hours per week
ENG 109 is a fall semester required course for
freshman students in the Faculty of Law. The
course aims to improve the basic language skills
at the elementary level. The purpose of the course
is to teach the students basic English grammar
rules and enable them to become skillful in
speaking, writing, reading and listening. The
course meets two hours per week
ENG 110 is a continuation of ENG 109, which aims
to teach the basic English skills at the elementary
level. The purpose of the course is to improve
the students’ vocabulary and grammar and by
extension, enable them to reach the intermediate
level through the practice of reading, writing,
listening and speaking skills.
ENG 221 is an elective academic writing course
designed to guide students through their first
research paper. The course is offered primarily
in the Fall semester for sophomore students and
meets two hours per week
ENG 209 is a fall semester required course for
sophomore students in the Faculty of Law. The
course is designed for upper-intermediate and
advanced students. The course aims to improve
the advanced level of grammar rules as well as
reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Apart from language skills, contributing to the
students’ socialising process and providing
systematical study habits are among the aims of
this course. The course meets two hours per week
ENG 222 is a spring semester elective language
course, designed to provide sophomore students
with the necessary skills to develop and deliver
an effective presentation, applying the techniques
ENG 210 is a spring semester required course
for sophomore students in the Faculty of Law.
The course is a continuation of ENG 209, which
aims to improve the language skills of the
students through the practice of reading, writing,
listening and speaking skills, and by extension,
help students to deal with the potential language
problems they might encounter in their academic
and professional lives. The course meets two
hours per week.
What do we offer at the Academic English Center?
* Reading techniques to improve your reading
* Video and film screening hours to improve your
listening skills
* Individual Vocabulary Learning Strategies
* Worksheets and individual tutoring to improve
English Grammar
What language skills will you develop at
the Academic Writing Center?
What services do we offer at the
Academic Speaking Center?
*Personalized assistance
presentations at any stage
*Feedback tailored to oral communication
assignments required by instructors across
*Support in helping to manage stage fright
(communication apprehension)
*Assessment and feedback for the improvement
of delivery (eye contact, gestures, body movement,
voice, etc.)
*Help in developing strategies for improvement of
academic presentations in English.
Dr. Nuray Lük GROVE
*Generating and organizing ideas for various
writing formats including paragraphs, essay, CVs,
letter of intention, etc.
Mine Nimet BASKAN
*Using impressive hook strategies and writing
effective thesis statements
Nilüfer Akın TAZEGÜNEY
Müslüme DEMİR
*Creating coherent and cohesive texts
Sevilay Kaplan ALTUN
*Self-evaluation and self-editing during and after
Gülçin GÜLEÇ
Mustafa GÜNEŞ
Elgin Görkem KOÇ
Despite being a relatively new university, Çankaya University has managed to become one of top
Universities and it aims to provide an education at world standards through Graduate Programs.
These programs help students gain skills they will need to compete in the job market, expand their
carrier options and develop their professional networks.
Graduate programs at Çankaya University are run by two Institutes; Graduate School of Social
Sciences and Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
Detailed information about programs can be obtained at Institute websites (sbe.cankaya.edu.tr, fbe.
cankaya.edu.tr). Lectures are conducted in evenings (except for PhD courses) at Balgat Campus
which is only one-bus ride away from downtown, Kızılay.
Language: ENGLISH
Director of Graduate School of Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAZICI
Director of Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Halil Tanyer EYYUBOĞLU
Programs at Graduate School of Social Sciences
• Master’s in Business Administration (Master’s,
Thesis/Non-Thesis, English)
• Business Administration (Ph.D., Turkish)
• Human Resource Management (Master’s, Thesis/
Non-Thesis, Turkish)
• International Trade and Finance (Master’s, Thesis/
Non-Thesis, English)
• International Trade and Its Logistics (Master’s,
Thesis/Non-Thesis, Turkish)
• Financial Economics (Master’s, Thesis/Non-Thesis,
• Political Science (Master’s, Thesis/Non-Thesis,
• English Literature and Cultural Studies (Master’s,
Thesis/Non-Thesis, English)
• English Literature and Cultural Studies (Ph.D.,
• Public Law (Master’s, Thesis, Turkish)
• Public Law (Ph.D., Turkish)
• Private Law (Master’s, Thesis, Turkish)
• Private Law (Ph.D., Turkish)
Programs at Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
• Electronics and Communications Engineering
(Master’s, Thesis/Non-Thesis, English)
• Electronics and Communications Engineering
(Ph.D., English)
• Design - Interior Architecture (Ph. D., English)
• Computer Engineering (Master’s, Thesis/NonThesis, English)
• Industrial Engineering (Master’s, Thesis/NonThesis, English)
• Interior Architecture (Master’s, Thesis, English)
• Mechanical Engineering (Master’s, Thesis/NonThesis, English)
• Information Technologies (Master’s, Thesis/NonThesis, English)
• Urban Transformation (Master’s, Thesis/NonThesis, Turkish)
• Mathematics and Computer Science (Master’s,
Thesis/Non-Thesis, English)
• Civil Engineering (Master’s, Thesis/Non-Thesis,
• Occupational Health and Safety (Master’s, Thesis/
Non-Thesis, Turkish)
Non-Departmental Courses Coordinatorship
There are a variety of extracurricular courses offered by Non-Departmental Courses Coordinatorship. Depending on their
interests, students may choose among the courses such as ceramics, stained glass, painting, jewellery design, piano,
guitar, body language, effective communication, psychology, conflict resolution, literature and cinema, Ottoman Turkish,
history of education, chess, swimming, billiards, table tennis, and pilates. Besides different language courses such as
Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, French, and Chinese, Turkish courses are also available for Erasmus students.
Çankaya University Library is an academic
library, giving service to researchers at two
campuses with 750 seating capacity at the
main campus and 350 seating capacity at
the Balgat campus. Using the Library of
Congress Classification, the library holds
a print collection of around 46,000 books
and journals, 544 e-books and 32,300
e-journals and it is a member of 16 online
databases and 2 plagiarism programs
(Turnitin and IThenticate). The library also
offers services to researchers through the
Inter Library Loan.
Çankaya University provides both students and researchers
with a wide variety of laboratories to enable them to put
their theoretical knowledge into practice. Among the
laboratories pertaining to the faculties and departments
Computer Engineering Department Laboratories
General Purpose Computer and Microprocessor
Simultaneous Interpreting Laboratory
CISCO Internetworking Laboratories
Mathematics-Computer Laboratory
Parallel and Scientific Computing Laboratory
Psychology Laboratory
CUDA Teaching Center
Game Research Laboratory
Spatial/Medical Modeling and Simulation Laboratory
Industrial Engineering Department Laboratories
Work Study and Ergonomics Laboratory
Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (ModSim Laboratory)
Computer Aided Design (CAD) Laboratories (I and II)
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department Laboratories
Research Laboratories:
Optoelectronic and Nanoelectronic (OPEN) Laboratories
Electronic and Communication
Engineering Department Laboratories
Electronic Laboratory
Communication Laboratory
Digital Electronics Laboratory
Optical Communication Laboratory
Microwave and Antenna Laboratory
Çankaya Electronic Design Community
(ÇETT) Laboratory: Workshop
Research Laboratories
Optics and Photonics Research
Laboratory (OFAL)
Civil Engineering Department
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic
Structural Mechanics Laboratory
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Department Laboratories
Machine Shop
Flexible Manufacturing Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Testing I/II Laboratories
Welding Education Laboratory
Research Laboratories
Numerical Analysis Laboratory
Microfluidic Design and Characterization Laboratory
Materials Science and Engineering Department Laboratories
Metallography Laboratory (Educational Department Lab.)
Mechanical Laboratory (Educational Department Lab.)
Scientific and Parallel Computation Laboratory (Educational Department Lab.)
Research Laboratories
Atomic Force Microscopy (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Scientific and Parallel Computation Laboratory (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Biomaterials Laboratory (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Advanced Metallic Alloys Laboratory (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Composite Materials Laboratory (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Structural and Functional Materials Laboratory (NanoTechnology Research Laboratories)
Materials Processing Laboratory (Nano Technology Research Laboratories)
Mechatronics Engineering Department Laboratories
Sensors and Measurement Laboratory
Robotics and Electric Machines Laboratory
Control Systems Laboratory
Campus Life
In the Common Area
•Reception desk,
•Maintenance, reparation and clearance service,
•24 hour security service,
•Health service in the campus,
•Phone boxes in the lobby,
•Internet connection at 134 different points,
•Personal desks and computers with internet
connection in the study room,
•Comfortable sitting-groups, big-screen TV and
VCD in the living room,
Next to the Balgat campus of Çankaya University,
a student house -Petek Kız Öğrenci Evi- with
modern facilities and high standards is at female
students’ service. In Petek Kız Öğrenci Evi, there
are single and double rooms, special suits and
Among the facilities the following can be
In the rooms
•Personal, free and unlimited access to the
•Cable television in each room,
•Extension telephone,
•Bathroom and shower in each room,
•Hot water round the clock,
•Refrigerator and kitchen unit,
•Personal desk with computer equipment.
•Washing and drying machines, and the ironing
opportunity in the laundry,
•Breakfast and dinner,
•Special parking area for our student house,
Next to The Dorm
•Half-olympic indoor swimming pool, training
•Sun-bathing terraces
•Tennis court
•Fitness, sauna
•Terrace, billiards, Sport’s Café
•Independent garden and recreation places
Contact Information
T.C. MEB. Özel Yükseköğrenim Petek Kız Öğrenci Yurdu
Öğretmenler Caddesi No: 14 06530 Balgat - Ankara / Turkey
Tel: +90 312 285 26 00
Fax: +90 (312) 285 16 36
Web: www.petekkizyurdu.com.tr
Brand new dorms for both male and female
students have been designed and opened in 20152016 academic year. Each dorm has a capacity
of 80, plus one male and one female room for
disabled students.
There are
20 Single Rooms
20 Triple Rooms
1 Single for the Disabled in each dorm.
•Personal desks and computers with internet
connection in the study room,
Among the facilities the following can be
•Comfortable sitting-groups, big-screen TV and
VCD in the living room,
In the rooms
•Personal, free and unlimited access to the
•Cable television in each room,
•Washing and drying machines, and the ironing
facility in the laundry,
•Breakfast and dinner,
•Parking lots within the campus,
•Extension telephone,
Health Center
•Bathroom and shower in each room,
Medical services are carried out in both campuses
by experienced physicians, psychologists and
•Hot water round the clock,
•Mini refrigerator,
•Personal desk with computer equipment.
In the Common Area
•Reception desk,
•Maintenance, reparation and clearance service,
•24 hour security service,
•Health service in the campus,
•Phone boxes in the lobby,
•Internet connection,
Students and staff are inspected and treated
for their illnesses at the Medical Service Unit.
If necessary, they are transferred to the fully
equipped hospitals that provide advanced
Psychological Counselling Center helps
students adapt to the university and informs
them about stress management, methods of
handling anxiety, building communication skills
and efficient techniques on studying.
Çankaya University Sports Club and Sports Center
Established in 1986, Çankaya University
Sports Club aims at improving players
for its teams and at national level.
Since its establishment, our club
has achieved countless successes
in many tournaments, leagues and
championships. Students who are
successful in various sports branches
are provided with sports scholarships
and a lot of facilities of the university.
Within the Çankaya University
campuses there are 2 gymnasiums
with olympic qualities, 5 smaller halls,
one football pitch with artificial grass,
one semi-olympic indoor swimming
pool, and fitness centers. The club
has more than 290 athletes with
athletic licence, 41 student athletes
with scholarship, and 20 personnel.
Among the basic activities are
basketball, volleyball, table tennis,
chess, gymnastics, and arm wrestling.
Sports Center organizes many interuniversity and intramural tournaments
in which students have a chance to join
various sports teams of the university to
enjoy themselves. In this way they have
the opportunity to distance themselves
from the intense academic work
and relax. There are many university
teams tournaments students can join.
Among them are basketball, volleyball,
table tennis, billards, orienteering,
swimming, bowling, kick box, chess,
and arm wrestling.
In the fall semester of 2016-2017
academic year, a new and state-ofthe-art gymnasium will be opened with
its modern and multifaceted facilities
such as indoor and outdoor basketball
pitches, volleyball and tennis courts,
fitness center, and sauna.
Campus Life
Student Clubs and Unions
In addition to equipping students with academic proficiency
in their fields, Çankaya University also provides them
opportunities to develop themselves socially and to take
active part in the decision making process of the university.
There are tens of student clubs established to reinforce
students’ social skills and to ensure that a variety of events
are organized. As well as enrolling to an existing student club,
students are encouraged to take initiative and establish their
own clubs. Student clubs organize various events involving
the following areas: photography, capoeira, translation,
dancing, electronic design, music, literature, law, architecture, personal-growth, theatre, underwater
and outdoor sports, applied mathematics, computer, software, international trade, and psychology.
Under the umbrella of Student Union, a group of representative students seek solutions for the problems
of students, discuss opinions and suggestions, convey the messages of students to the administrative
units of the university. By this way, students are given chance to work together in teams which also
develops their interpersonal skills.
Campus Life
Çankaya University Balgat Campus is located
in the city center of Ankara, so transportation
facilities are quite frequent and reliable. There
are subway lines nearby as well as city buses
and minibus shuttles.
As for the central campus, students and staff
can benefit from shuttle services from/to
almost every district of Ankara in the mornings
and at the end of the school day. There are
also shuttles from/to central campus from/
to Balgat Campus and city center throughout
All services are free of charge. For more
information please visit http://www.cankaya.edu.
There are two main restaurants and several
cafeterias and canteens to serve to both
students and staff in Balgat and Central
Campuses. Students and staff are served
traditional Turkish food as well as fast food,
sandwiches and snacks in these food courts.
About Turkey
Geographically, the Republic of Turkey is a
bridge between Europe and Asia, which makes
the country become a bridge between eastern
and western cultures figuratively. The Republic
was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in
1923 which marked the end of the long reign
of the Ottoman Empire. Since then, Turkey
has developed into a modern, democratic and
secular state. Turkey is currently a candidate for
membership of the European Union. Turkey’s
population is about 78 million and reflects a rich
variety of cultures.
The Turkish landscape encompasses a vast
variety of geographical zones. This landscape
has the combined characteristics of three
continents of the world: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Anatolia was the center of world civilization
manifested in the ruins and monuments which
adorn today’s landscape. Turkey is also known
for an abundance and diversity of handicrafts,
cuisine, music, customs and traditions.
About Turkey
Turkey’s focal points are its three largest cities: İstanbul, Ankara and
İzmir which have become major urban centers by their historical
heritage as well as modern design. Mythology and history are
intermingled in Antalya on the Mediterranean coast, together with its
beautiful beaches and seaside resorts. Myra (now called Demre), near
Antalya, is where St. Nicholas is buried. “Cappadocia,” named during
the Roman Empire, was a well-known religious center during the
Byzantine Empire. Even today cave dwellings in rock cones and village
houses of volcanic tuff merge harmoniously into the landscape. The
Black Sea region is renowned for its mountainous, green landscape.
The 14th-century “Sümela Monastery” (Virgin Mary) is perched on
a cliff-face 270 meters above a deep gorge. Nemrut Mountain in
Adıyaman is where the tomb of King Antiokhos I was built two thousand
years ago, surrounded by huge stoneheads of gods. In the east, Mount
Ararat, where Noah’s ark is believed to be buried, rises to a height
of 5,165 meters. On the ancient Silk Road, near Kars, lie the ruins of
the medieval city Ani. These are just a few of the characteristics and
excitements of Turkey. For more detailed information on both Turkey
and Ankara you can visit the pages listed below.
http://www.kultur.gov.tr • http://www.ankara.gov.tr
Nemrut Mountain
Sümela Monastery
Photos: www.milliparklar.gov.tr • http://www.igeder.org.tr/4-kose-istanbul-gezileri
About Ankara
Ankara, formerly Angora, is Turkey’s capital city
and can be accepted as a university town. There
are 20 universities located in Ankara, which
paves the way to a quite enjoyable and colourful
life for students coming from other cities and
abroad alike. Various alternatives in food,
accommodation and entertainment for different
preferences and tastes as well as reasonable
prices and safety make Ankara a reliable city for
university students.
The city at an altitude of 848 meters (2782 feet) is a
sprawling metropolis of about five million people,
many of them employed in government ministries
and embassies, in universities and schools, in
hospitals and medical centres, and some in light
industry on the outskirts. Ankara also has several
interesting sights such as Anıtkabir (Ataturk ‘s
Mausoleum), Ankara Castle, Museum of Anatolian
Civilisations, and Roman ruins. Centrally located,
Ankara is a transportation nexus for all of Turkey’s
bus, train, plane and highway routes. So it is easy
for foreign students to travel all around Turkey at
their spare time.
is appropirate. Medium-weight jackets and
raincoats are suitable for fall and spring. For the
winter period we strongly recommend heavy wool
coat or parka, sweater, gloves, boots, and berets.
Weather in Ankara
8 to 15 °C
mid-September to November
-10 to 3°C
December to mid-March
3 to 15 °C
mid-March to May
20 to 35 °C
June to mid-September
For details about weather report in Ankara you
can visit: www.meteor.gov.tr
In Ankara the temperature can vary quite
widely. For summer period light-weight clothing
Photos: http://www.fotodiyafram.com
Main Campus
Yukarıyurtçu Mah. Mimar Sinan Cad. (Eskişehir Yolu 29. km) No:4
06790 Etimesgut / ANKARA - TURKEY I Tel: +90 312 233 10 00
Balgat Campus
Çukurambar Mah. Öğretmenler Cad. No:14
06530 Çankaya / ANKARA - TURKEY I Tel: +90 312 284 45 00