Abbot Press Vito Umbro – Interim Principal Joanna Perron – Interim Assistant Principal 25 Depot Road – Westford – MA – 10886 978-692-5580 February 27, 2012 During our last SPIRIT Assembly I spoke to the students about how loud transitions were becoming in the hallways. Students returning to class from specialist or lunch were very loud and disturbing other classrooms in session. I spoke to the student body about how their loud behavior in the hallways is disrespectful to those students who are in class listening to their teacher or working on an assignment. As a school community, we need to work together to help make our transitions quieter so that others can continue to learn. I stressed our Q.R.S rule. Students should walk Quietly, to the Right side of the hallway and in a Straight line. I then challenged the students of the Abbot School to become “Silent Stars” in the hallways during transition times. Any Abbot Staff who witnesses a class walking Quietly, on the right, and in a Straight line, can nominate the classroom for a Silent Star. Classrooms that receive a Silent Star will be mentioned at the end of the day prior to dismissal. As of today, three Silent Stars have been awarded. Scientist’s and Inventor’s Fair – Friday, March 2nd The Abbot Scientist’s and Inventor’s Fair will take place on Friday March 2nd in the gym. All projects may be dropped off before school and can be picked up at the end of the day. More information about the fair (such as viewing times and judging times) will be sent home this week. Grade Five Parents – Save The Date Wednesday, March 14th - 9:30AM Peter Cohen, Principal of the Stony Brook School will visit the Abbot School to meet with parents of current 5th Grade students. Mr. Cohen and a few staff members from Stony Brook School will present the middle school programs and provide parents an opportunity to ask questions. Heart Walk In celebration of Heart Health month, the Community Service Group has organized a Heart Walk during the week of February 27th-March 2nd - students and staff are encouraged to take time and walk during the recess period. A track will be marked off in the field behind the Abbot School. American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart Students at the Abbot School will participate in the America Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart event this year. This event will begin February 27th. Mrs. DeVarney will review the heart in Wellness class and will have the students jumping in PE. Mrs. DeVarney also handed out jump rope for heart forms to students who wanted to be part of the fundraiser. These forms were distributed during the week of February 13th and can be brought back after our event the week of 2/27 or early March. Car Arrival & Dismissal Our dismissal procedure is continuing to flow very smoothly. Please remember to not pass cars on the left. Students may be getting out or getting into a car. Your continued attention to the safety procedures helps make arrival and dismissal time move along more quickly and helps ensure everyone’s safety. Elevator Update The elevator is complete! The last step in the process is to have all inspections completed - we hope that the final inspections will be done this week and we will have an operational elevator by Friday. Your child may have mentioned that on Wednesday, February 22nd the fire alarms went off several times. We had some inspections scheduled for Wednesday and unfortunately we ran into some minor problems. As they attempted to remedy the issues, we had to keep setting off the alarm to see if a damper would open. We again will need to set off the fire alarms next week when the inspector arrives. I have asked that these final inspections with the alarms be completed prior to the beginning of the school day. This is all dependent on the schedule of the inspectors. W.O.W. Abbot Elementary is walking to Fenway!!!!!! The Abbot School will be sponsoring our first W.O.W Program (Wildcat Outdoor Walking). This health initiative has been successfully used by Nabnasset School as well as the Day School. It is intended to encourage students to increase physical activity by walking. A pre‐measured course will be indicated around the schoolyard. During recess, children will be encouraged to participate by walking (or jogging) as many laps in the schoolyard as possible. Upon completion of each lap of the course, they will receive a wrist bracelet. At the end of each recess period, bracelets will be gathered and counted. Mileage will be calculated by grade level, and tracked on a bulletin board showing total mileage walked by each grade. Our destination…..Fenway Park ! Let’s see which grade will be the first to walk the equivalent mileage it would take to get from Abbot Elementary to Boston’s favorite baseball mecca. Walking is an easy and healthy way to increase physical activity, especially during our winter months. The W.O.W. Program also provides a great alternative recess activity for students who typically choose not to participate in sports at recess. We hope to bring all the children together aiming for the same fun goal. W.O.W. Program will begin Tuesday, March 6th. It will be held each Tuesday and Thursday through Thursday, April 12th. Grade 3 Tour of Westford - Field Trip March 8th Mrs. Kelly - 8:50am-11:10am Ms. Anderson - 11:20am-1:40pm Mrs. Conlin - 11:20am-1:40pm March 9th Mrs. Breen - 8:50am-11:10am Mrs. McKenna - 8:50am-11:10am Mrs. Koski - 11:20am-1:40pm Mrs. Martinson - 11:20am-1:40pm Grade 3 String Performance – March 6th, 8th and March 9th Since the beginning of the school year Mr. Hamelin has been working with many of our third grade students helping them learn to play the violin, viola or the cello. Each year, Mr. Hamelin hosts a recital for parents and guardians. This provides the students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. We hope you can join us in celebrating their hard work. Below is the schedule of each classroom’s performance date and time. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Hamelin at [email protected] March 6th Ms. Anderson’s and Mrs. Kelly’s Mrs. Koski’s Mrs. Conlin’s class Mrs. Martinson’s class - 9:00 AM - 10:25 AM - 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM Mrs. Breen’s class - 2:00 PM March 8th March 9th Mrs. McKenna’s class March MCAS Testing Dates - 12:30 PM March 20th – Grade 4 English Language Arts Long Composition March 21st and 22nd – Grade 3 English Language Arts March 23rd – English Language Arts - Make-Up March 26th and 27th – Grade 4 English Language Arts March 28th and 29th – Grade 5 English Language Arts March 29 – Grade 4 English Language Arts Long Composition Make-Up Field Day Ad for Volunteers Abbot School’s annual Field Day will take place on Wednesday, May 23rd. We are changing the format this year and will have a school wide Field Day for all grades. We are starting our planning early. We are currently looking for parent volunteers to join the Field Day Committee and help plan the day as well as looking for volunteers for the day. Want to join the Field Day Committee – Contact Mr. Umbro? – [email protected] Want to volunteer to help with the activities on Field Day? – Contact Mrs. DeVarney – [email protected] A Note for the Westford PTO Our newsletter, the PTO INFO TO KNOW, is designed to bring you the latest news on our town-wide activities, as well as your site-based team's initiatives. This will complement the principal's school newsletter. Note: always verify the dates listed on the calendar. Also, look for information in the Westford Eagle, the PTO bulletin board at each school, on Cable Channel 8, and on our web site. Additionally, your school coordinator is a resource for you, so don't hesitate to introduce yourself! You can visit to read issues of the PTO INFO TO KNOW newsletter. Flower Power Spring is right around the corner! WEPTO is thrilled to announce a new fundraiser launching on Monday, February 27th called Flower Power. It is the perfect time to order colorful perennial flower bulbs to plant in your garden, for enjoyment this season and in years to come through this new and exciting fundraiser. Be on the look out for brochures and order forms in your child’s backpack on Monday, February 27th. To get a sneak peek at the beautiful flowers offered and to place an order, follow this link: Grade 3 and 4 Math and Science Nights Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants who made our annual Math and Science Nights such a success. It is great to see so many student and parents come back to the school after hours to enjoy some educational investigation and fun. Get Your Dancing Shoes Ready! Fabulous Footloose Friday Dance – April 27th The P.T.O continues to seek volunteers to help with the dance. If you are able to volunteer please contact our Site Based Coordinator, Lori Pestana, [email protected] Box Tops for Education News The total Box Tops submissions for the Abbot School for the 2011-2012 school year is $840.90! That is over 8000 box tops! This money is distributed by the PTO to fund wonderful enrichment opportunities for our children, including the Arts & Education Program. Although the final submission for this school year has occurred, the collection box is always in the lobby waiting for your box tops. Please keep sending them in, they really add up. Please check out the WEPTO website at: for more information about the Box Tops program and other ways to help the PTO. Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s program a huge success! As my youngest child is moving up to Stony Brook next fall, this has been my last submission on behalf of our school. In the four years that I have served in this position, I have processed over 20,000 box tops and we have collected well over $2,000 (and counting)! It is time to look for someone to replace me as Box Top Coordinator for the Abbot School. It would be great to start transitioning as soon as possible. It is a wonderful opportunity and my kids and friends have been very helpful. If you would like to find out more about this position, please contact me at [email protected] and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Margaret Carlson, PTO President, [email protected] and Cheryl Carpenter, Townwide Box Top Coordinator, [email protected] are also happy to help you. It has been a pleasure to serve our school and the PTO in this way. Thanks again and keep those box tops coming! Thank you, Leslie Schroder 2012 Apple Blossom Festival The Westford Kiwanis will Sponsor the 44th annual Apple Blossom Festival the week of May 16-20 2012 with the parade and crowning of this year’s Apple Blossom Queen on Saturday May 19th 2012. The Parade will kick off at 10:00 AM sharp rain or shine. If you are interested in creating a float for the parade that represents the Abbot School please contact me via email, [email protected] or by phone, 978-692-5580. If you have any other questions call Rick McNeil at 978-692-8077 or [email protected] A Look Ahead Mon., Feb. 27 Abbot School Heart Walk – Recess Period (all week) Tues., Feb. 28 Safety Patrol Meeting – 2:45pm Abbot School Advisory Council Meeting – 4:30PM Wed., Feb. 29 Wee Deliver Delivery Newspaper Club – 2:45pm Thur., Mar. 1 Yoga Club‐ 2:45PM Community Service Group – 2:45pm Fri., Mar. 2 Inventor’s Fair Week of 3/1/12 Mon., Mar. 5 Tues., Mar. 6 Wed., Mar. 7 Thur., Mar. 8 Fri., Mar. 9 MEPA Testing Gr. 5 Meteorologist Visit P.T.O Meeting – 2:45PM MEPA Testing Primary Election Day Grade 3 Strings Performance Ms. Anderson’s, Mrs. Kelly’s, Mrs. Conlin’s and Mrs. Martinson’s Class (Schedule above) Grade 3 Tour of Westford Grade 3 Strings Performance – Mrs. Breen’s Class ‐ (Schedule above) Grade 3 Tour of Westford Grade 4 Lowell Mills Field Trip – Ms. Traywick’s and Mrs. Britko’s class Grade 3 Strings Performance – Mrs. McKenna’s Class – (Schedule above) Absentee Line: 978-692-5580 extension 40 Please notify the office before 8:20AM each day if your child will be absent from school or tardy. We maintain a separate line for this purpose.