Rethinking Nature in Japan: From Tradition to Modernity


Rethinking Nature in Japan: From Tradition to Modernity
of Venice
Department of Asian
and North African
Paolo Calvetti
Massimo Raveri
Bonaventura Ruperti
Luisa Bienati
Aldo Tollini
Marcella Mariotti
Carolina Negri
Silvia Vesco
Giovanni Bulian
Caterina Mazza
Toshio Miyake
Andrea Revelant
Pierantonio Zanotti
Miyayama Hiroaki, Wakamurasaki,
incisione su carta, anni ‘90.
©Miyama Hiroaki
School of Asian
Studies and Business
International Symposium
Rethinking Nature
in Japan:
From Tradition
to Modernity
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Auditorium Santa Margherita
Dorsoduro 3689 - Venezia
March 17th-18th, 2014
March 17th
9:30 Opening Ceremony
10.00 Haruo SHIRANE (Columbia University )
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons: Nature,
Literature & the Arts
March 18th
PANEL: “Nature and Environment in Japanese
Chair Massimo RAVERI (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
10.00 Aldo TOLLINI (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Japanese Buddhism and Nature: Man and Natural
Phenomena in the Quest for Enlightenment
Coffee break
PANEL: “Nature and Environment in Japanese Fine
Arts: from Tradition to Modernity”
Chair Silvia VESCO (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
11.15 Timon SCREECH (SOAS, University of London)
Uji Bridge as a Site of Nature and Culture in the Edo
11.45 Agnese HAIJIMA (University of Latvia)
Nature in Miniature in Modern Japanese Urban Space:
Tsubo Niwa - Pocket Gardens
12.15 Daniel O’NEILL (University of California, Berkeley)
Precarious Settings: Nature as Object and Frame
PANEL: “Nature and Environment in Japanese
Literature: from Tradition to Modernity”
Chair Carolina NEGRI (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
14.30 HIRANO Yukiko (Ochanomizu University)
The Relationship between Nature and Human Feelings
in Heian Waka
15.00 David T. BIALOCK (University of Southern California)
Once Upon a Time Before Meiji: Japanese Literature in
a Time of Climate Change
15.30 NAKAGAWA Shigemi (Ritsumeikan University)
Nature as a Problematic Concept in Japanese
Literature: Looking for Reality
10.30 Federico MARCON (Princeton University)
Without Nature: Thinking about the Environment in
Tokugawa Japan
11.00 Matteo CESTARI (University of Turin)
Ethics, Politics and Environment: Perspectives from
East Asian Philosophies
11.30 Giovanni BULIAN (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
On the Road of the Winds: Ethno-meteorological
Knowledge in Japanese Coastal Fisheries
PANEL: “Nature and Environment in Performing Arts:
from Tradition to Modernity”
Chair Bonaventura RUPERTI (Ca’ Foscari University of
14.30 YAMANAKA Reiko (Hōsei University)
(Fraternizing with the Spirits in Noh Plays:
Saigyōzakura and Yamanba)
15.00 SATŌ Eri (Kōchi University)
「山」の発想 ― 歌舞伎「荒事」を通路として
(The Idea of “Festival Floats” through “Aragoto”, the
Style of “Superhuman Strength” in Kabuki)
15.30 INOUE Yoshie (Tōhō Gakuen College of Drama and
(A Study of the Relationship between “Fertilizer and
Soil” in Land of Volcanic Ash by Kubo Sakae)

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