Lake Of The Woods County Land Use and Cover
Lake Of The Woods County Land Use and Cover
Lake Of The Woods County Land Use and Cover State of Minnesota August 30, 1996 R36W R34W R35W R31W R32W R33W R30W / . 49 T164 T164 (313 ) / . 13 T163 / . Warroad 17 T163 / . 12 T162 / . ROSEAU / . 12 12 / . 8 / . 2 T162 / . 12 Roosevelt / . 2 / . (11 ) 4 Williams (172 ) T161 (11 ) T161 / . 13 (11 ) BAUDETTE / . 2 / (11 ) )(11 (11 ) 9 T160 / . 3 / . 3 T160 / . 4 9 T159 / . 1 / . 18 T159 (72 ) KOOCHICHING T158 T158 BELTRAMI T157 T157 / . 44 R36W R34W R35W R31W R32W R33W MAP FEATURES Kittson 2 1 Roseau Cities Land Use Lake of COUNTY SEAT Urban/Industrial Municipal Boundary Lake Of The Woods County Land Use Statistics Koochiching Source: The Land Management Information Center (LMIC) Red Lake ,' /( Grassland "Æ Shrubby Grassland # S Regeneration/Young Forest Mixed Forest Interstate Highway U.S. Trunk Highway State Trunk Highway County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) DESCRIPTION 4 State Boundary County Boundary Township & Range ACRES The following groups also participated over an extended period: Linnett Geosystems, Winnipeg 7.5 4 10 Section 383.4 < 0.1 420.6 < 0.1 Other Rural Developments 958.7 < 0.1 Cultivated Land 60346.8 5.3 Grassland 61103.3 5.4 4648 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources University of Minnesota - Department of Forest Resources 6 33806.9 3 Mixed Forest 83879.3 7.4 T34 R25W Township Range & Direction Bare Rock D a ta S o u r c e s : Hubbard 154302.5 13.6 Cass Mapped County Location Becker Land Use Data Sources* Wadena Wilkin Wetlands: Marsh and Fens 29138.6 2.6 330396.5 29 68265.3 6 Water Bare Rock TOTAL 309232.5 27.2 1009.5 < 0.1 18.8 1,137,911 < 0.1 100% W ith th e e xc e p tio n of ro a d s , th e la n d u s e / la n d co ve r c a te g o rie s d is p la y e d Bemidji State University - Department of Geography Wing Grant The Land Management Information Center (LMIC) does not warrant the results you may obtain by using this map. A u g u s t, 1 9 96 . T he ro a d c a te g o ry w a s cre a te d fro m ro ad la y e rs fo u n d in th e M in n e so ta Pine Mille Kana- Traverse Benton Stearns Stone Isanti Sherburne Swift D a ta In te rp r e ta tio n a n d C o m p u t e r iz a tio n : T h e M a n ito ba R e m o te S e n sin g C e n tre Source Photography Date: 1986 (M R S C ) in te rp re te d th e L an d sa t im a g e ry u s in g a su p e rvise d m a xim u m like lih o o d Kandiyohi Meeker Chisago # This map was prepared in April, 1999. Both the map and the data used m a n u a l ve rifica tio n -e d itin g p ro c e ss u sin g th e N H A P p h o to gra p h y . T ra n sitio n a l fe a tu re to create it are available from the Land Management Information Center Source Imagery Dates: 1991-1996 ty p e s (e .g . c o n ife ro u s, m ixe d , d e c id uo u s fo re st c la ss e s) w e re p ro c e s s ed b y firs t at Minnesota Planning. Rochester - Olmsted Planning Department p e rf o rm in g a lim ite d cla s s ifica tio n a ro un d a tig h tly co n tro lle d co n fid e n ce in te rva l. M ixe d Source Photography Date: 1992 c la sse s fa llin g o utsid e o f th e p u re cla s s co nfid en ce in te rva l w e re th e n a s sign e d to a sin gle Source Photography Dates: 1988-1990 Ramsey # # Carver Renville Scott M R S C u s e d th e U S F S p lo t d a ta to re c la ss ify so m e L a ke C o u n ty co n ife rou s a re a s to m ixe d fo re st. T h e re ge n e ra tio n/y o u n g fo re s t ca te g o ry w a s sp o t f ie ld -ch e ck e d b y M in n e s o ta Washington Redwood Dakota Le Nicollet Data Sources Brown Source Imagery Dates: 1991-1996 2 TIGER/Line Census Files, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1995. 3 4 Produced by the Minnesota Land Management stone Murray Cottonwood Waton- Goodhue Rice Sueur Wabasha Blue Earth Dodge Waseca wan Information Center from U.S. Geological 1986. along with detailed information about land use data at: Steele Olmsted Winona D e p a rtm e n t o f N a tu ra l R e s o u rc e s, F o re s try D ivis io n p e rs on n e l, a fte r w h ich th e y re vise d Source Photography Date: 1990 th e c a te g o ry d e fin itio n to in clu d e so m e old e r tre e s o n p o o re r site s . Department of Natural Resources T h is d a ta e xh ib its a p e r c la s s a n d o ve ra ll cla ss ifica tion a ccu ra c y o f n o t le s s th an 9 5 Division of Forestry - Resource Assessment p e rc e n t. copies of this map, contact: O n - lin e d o c u m e n ta tio n : h ttp ://lu c y .lm ic.sta te .m n .u s /m e ta d a ta /m rs c _ lu .h tm l Land Management Information Center Source Imagery Dates: 1992, 1993 and 1996 * Land use classifications vary slightly between data sources. For further assistance, or to order 658 Cedar Street Centennial Building, Room 330 Survey (USGS), 1:100,000 scale, 30'x60' quadrangle maps published between 1977 and You may also view a generalized, interactive land use map of Minnesota, Metropolitan Council Sibley Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre, Distribution information The International Coalition Hennepin McLeod Pipe- advised of the possibility of such damages or any other claim by any third party. Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre m ixe d cla s s. Wright Chippewa Lyon including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a LMIC representative has been c la ssifica tio n . T h re e cla s sific a tio n ite ra tio n s w e re typ ic a lly p e rf o rm e d p rio r to a n e xh a u stiv e Anoka Lac Lincoln Rock Nobles In no event will LMIC be liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages, d e ve lo p in g a cla ss ifica tio n u s in g re la tive ly p u re sa m p le s o f in d ivid u a l typ e s a n d th e n b y Pope Yellow Medicine c la ssifica tio n s fo r L a k e C o u n ty . Soil and Water Conservation Districts Lacs Morrison bec Qui Parle ve rifie d u sin g 1 :6 0 ,0 0 0 c o lo r a n d b la c k -a n d -w h ite in fra re d N a tion a l H ig h A ltitu d e This map is provided 'as is' without express or implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness. Beltrami and Clearwater County Douglas Stevens Liability statement im a g e ry , b a n d s 3 , 4 a n d 5 . S ate llite im a g e ry d a te s ra n g e d fro m S e p te m b e r, 1 9 9 1 to P h o to g ra p h y (N H A P ). U .S . F o re st S e rvice p lo t d a ta w e re u se d to ch e ck th e fo re s t Carlton Aitkin Crow Todd Coniferous Forest Widseth, Smith and Nolting o n th is m a p w e re d e rive d fro m 3 0 m e te r re s o lu tio n L a nd s a t T h em atic M a p pe r s a te llite D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n sp o rta tio n 's 1 :2 4 ,0 00 -sca le B a se M a p 9 7 d a ta s e t. C la ss ifica tio n s w e re Otter Tail Deciduous Forest Miles Datum: NAD83 nomen Clay 8 A B O U T T H IS M A P Mah- Norman The Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre, Winnipeg Map Projection: UTM, Extended Zone 15 St. Louis Itasca 0.4 Regeneration/Young Forest Gravel Pits and Open Mines Water 1 Kilometers Lake water Big Gravel Pits and Open Mines Minnesota Resources (LCMR). Cook Beltrami % ACRES Farmsteads and Rural Residences Wetlands: Bogs Marsh and Fens 2 Resources Fund as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Clear- Urban/Industrial Shrubby Grassland Wetlands: Bogs Wetlands: 5 Data collection and interpretation supported by the Minnesota Future Polk Public Land Survey Coniferous Forest 0 2.5 Credits and Acknowledgements 3 Highways Deciduous Forest 2 Pennington Other Rural Developments Cultivated Land 0 Marshall Other Cities Farmsteads and Rural Residences 2.5 the Woods 4 R30W Jackson Martin Faribault Freeborn Mower Fillmore Houston St. Paul, MN 55155 Minnesota Department of Transportation, 1997-98. Phone: (651) 296-1211 FAX: (651) 296-1212 E-Mail: [email protected]
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