I ntegrity - S ervice - E xcellence - National Guard Association of the
I ntegrity - S ervice - E xcellence - National Guard Association of the
Pacific Air Forces Integrity - Service - Excellence National Guard & Pacific Air Power Brig Gen Paul McGillicuddy PACAF Chief of Staff Pacific Air Forces Combat-ready American Airmen: the foundation of Asia-Pacific stability and security Integrity - Service - Excellence 2 The Strategic Environment: Challenges & Opportunities Non-State Threats Intrastate & Interstate Conflicts Growing Chinese Power Territorial / Resource Competition Evolving North Korean Threat Global Economic Development Natural Disasters & Disease Growing Democratization Integrity - Service - Excellence 3 The Operational Problem: Distance & Denial Eielson AFB JB Elmendorf-Richardson Ulaanbaatar Anti-Access/ Area Denial Beijing Osan AB Kunsan AB Misawa AB Yokota AB Midway Islands Kadena AB New Delhi Taiwan Manila Bangkok Wake Island JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam Andersen AFB Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Integrity - Service - Excellence 4 The Tactical Threat: Emerging Pacific Technologies Electronic Attack Space Effects Cyber Effects Land Attack Missiles Anti-Ship Missiles Advanced Surface-Air Missiles America’s Pacific assets & interests are reachable… Integrity - Service - Excellence 5 Strategic Guidance “…we will of necessity rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region” President Obama Integrity - Service - Excellence 6 PACOM & USAF Guidance PACOM Guiding Principles International Rules Partnership Presence Force Projection Unity of Effort Strategic Communication USAF Priorities PACAF Strategy Strengthen Nuclear Enterprise Partner with Joint & Coalition Team Develop & Care for Airmen & Families Modernize Air & Space Inventories, Organizations &Training Acquisition Excellence Integrity - Service - Excellence 7 PACAF Strategy Theater Security Cooperation Expand Engagement Increase Combat Capability Integrated Air and Missile Defense Posture for Contingency Ops Power Projection Ensure Stability & Free Access Deter Aggression Improve Warfighter Integration Agile, Flexible Command & Control Defend U.S. Interests Resilient Airmen Core Tenets Lines of Operation Integrity - Service - Excellence End State 8 Expand Engagement Energize Old Alliances & Foster New Partnerships Bilateral Multilateral Engage At Home & Abroad Relationships are foundational to access Integrity - Service - Excellence 9 FY 12 Engagements Ulchi Freedom Guardian 12 Key Resolve12 Foal Eagle 12 Max Thunder 12 PACRIM Airpower Symposium 12 Yama Sakura 12 Keen Edge/Sword 12 Red Flag-AK 12-1 Red Flag-AK 12-2 Red Flag-AK 12-3 (Japan) (AK JPARC) (Republic of Korea) Pacific Angel 12-4 (Nepal) Pacific Angel 12-2 (Laos) Cope South 12 (Bangladesh) Pacific Angel 12-1 Balikatan 12 Terminal Fury Pacific Unity (Philippines) (Hawaii) Cope North 12 (Guam) Cobra Gold Cope Tiger (Thailand) Cope Taufan Pacific Angel 12-3 (Vietnam) Commando Sling (Singapore) (Malaysia) Cope West 12 Pitch Black 12 Talisman Saber 12 (Indonesia) (Australia) Kiwi Flag Op Deep Freeze (New Zealand) (Antarctic) I n200+ t e g Engagements r i t y - S e r with v i c 28 e -Nations E x c einl lFY12 ence 10 Expand Engagement: FY 13 Engagements Ulchi Freedom Guardian 13 Max Thunder 13 Keen Sword 13 Red Flag-AK 13-1 (Japan) Red Flag-AK 13-2 (Republic of Korea) Red Flag-AK 13-3 Pacific Airlift Rally 13 Pacific Angel 13-5 (Cambodia) (AK JPARC) Northern Edge 13 (Gulf of Alaska) Commando Sling 13-2 & 13-3 Red Flag-Nellis 13-4 (Singapore) Balikatan 13 Pacific Angel 13-4 (Sri Lanka) Terminal Fury Pacific Angel 13-1 Kona Airshow (Philippines) (Hawaii) Cope North 13 (Guam) Pacific Angel 13-3 (Vietnam) Cope West 13 Cope Tiger 13 PACRIM Airpower Symposium 13 Pacific Angel 13-2 Jt Ex Indonesia 13 Garuda Shield 13 Talisman Saber 13 (Indonesia) (Australia) (Thailand) n t e g r i t y Yellow: - Serv i c e - E xGreen: c e l l eCompleted nce Red: ICancelled Limited Op Deep Freeze (Antarctic) 11 FY 14 Engagements Ulchi Freedom Guardian 14 Key Resolve14 Foal Eagle 14 Max Thunder 14 Cobra Gold Cope Tiger PACRIM Airpower Symposium (Republic of Korea) (Thailand) Pacific Angel 14-4 (Mongolia) Red Flag-AK 14-1 Red Flag-AK 14-2 Red Flag-AK 14-3 (AK JPARC) Yama Sakura 14 Keen Edge 14 (Japan) Pacific Angel 14-2 Cope South 14 Pacific Angel 14-1 (Bangladesh) (Laos) Balikatan 14 (Philippines) Terminal Fury RIMPAC 14 Cope North 14 (Hawaii) (Guam) Commando Sling 14-1 Commando Sling 14-2 Commando Sling 14-3 (Singapore) Cope Taufan Pacific Angel 14-3 (Malaysia) (Tonga) Cope West 14 Indonesia Joint Ex 14 (Indonesia) Pitch Black 14 Unified Engagement Kiwi Flag Op Deep Freeze (New Zealand) (Antarctic) (Australia) I n t eMajor g r i tEngagements y - S e r v i cPlanned e - E xfor c eFY14 llence 12 Expand Engagement: Operation PACIFIC ANGEL Integrity - Service - Excellence 13 Expand Engagement: State Partnership Programs Integrity - Service - Excellence 14 Increase Combat Capability Procure • Long-range platforms • Next-Gen munitions • Persistent ISR Deploy • New systems in Pacific first • Increased rotational presence Protect • Hardening • Dispersal • Redundancy • Active Defense Employ • Info sharing • CONOPS & TTP development • Educate • Train • Exercise • Combined ops Only a credible capability deters threats to the Global Commons Integrity - Service - Excellence 15 Increase Combat Capability: Theater AF Forces Eielson AFB Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson Osan AB Misawa AB Joint Base Lewis-McChord Yokota AB Kunsan AB Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Kadena AB Andersen AFB I n t e gAssigned r i t y - S eRed: r v i cRotational/Non-PACAF e - Excellence Black: 16 Increase Combat Capability: Operation DEEP FREEZE Integrity - Service - Excellence 17 Improve Warfighter Integration Synch USAF Capabilities Joint Integration Air Hi-Fi Training w/Key Allies Space Cyber Electronic Warfare Command & Control Allied Interoperability Air-Sea Battle Integrated Air & Missile Defense Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief Exercise w/New Partners Integration minimizes the effects of austere fiscal times Integrity - Service - Excellence 18 Improve Warfighter Integration: RED FLAG-Alaska Integrity - Service - Excellence 19 Improve Warfighter Integration: Hawaiian Raptors Integrity - Service - Excellence 20 Improve Warfighter Integration: Resilient Airmen “Only the spirit of attack borne in a brave heart will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” Adolf Galland Integrity - Service - Excellence 21 PACAF Takeaways Pacific Rebalance - fully engaged in U.S. strategic shift Sequestration - slowing us down, but not stopping us TFI - together we’re meeting Asia-Pacific challenges Resilient Airmen - critical enabler to accomplish our mission Integrity - Service - Excellence 22
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