Note from the President - Cielito Lindo de Tubac
Note from the President - Cielito Lindo de Tubac
Cielito Lindo de Tubac Board of Directors President Leo Francis 398-3139 Cell: 403-5577 Vice President Thom Johnstone 398-3210 Treasurer Mary Fay 398-3922 Secretary Homero Lopez 602-228-2347 Member-at-Large Cathy Marrero 398-9708 Newsletter Editor Claire Gerus Klein [email protected] Newsletter Publisher Marilynn Lowder [email protected] HOA Website Cadden Community Management 101 S. La Canada Dr, #20, Green Valley, AZ 85614 (520) 648-6730 tel (520) 648-6658 fax Linda Hansen, CAAM® Association Manager [email protected] Note from the President GREETINGS to all Cielito Lindo neighbors. And thank you so much for your warm and supportive welcome to this delightful community. It’s a tremendous pleasure to be here. Your Board of Directors has an ambitious agenda for the year. If anything on our todo list inspires you, we invite and welcome volunteers. In addition to your committees’ work described below, we plan to wrap up the following old business: removing obsolete references in our literature to being a gated community. New projects include clarifying the mission statements for each of your committees, evaluating your CC&Rs for currency and accuracy, and expanding community involvement. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE—Leo Francis, Chair We are newly re-populated with volunteers and ready to serve. Right up front, we have a request of you, our neighbors. Please reacquaint yourselves and familiarize your tenants with our community’s CC&Rs, especially Articles 9 & 10 and our Design Guidelines and Rules & Regulations. Your cooperation in observing the guidelines that have made this community such a desirable place to live would be greatly appreciated. One of our commitments to you for 2014 is that we will review all of our guidelines to ensure that they are current, clear, and comprehensive. Please direct any questions, concerns, and suggestions to Linda Hansen of Cadden Management: 520-648-6730. PAINTING SUB-COMMITTEE: So capably managed by Robert Moore, this committee needs a couple of volunteers. We’ll be updating Cielito Lindo’s Painting Policy and Procedures and bring our records at Cadden Management up to date. LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE—Cathy Marrero, Chair Please contact Linda Hansen, Cadden Management, 520-648-6730 ,with any concerns about the landscaping in the common areas of Cielito Lindo. AAA work crews are not authorized to take directions from any individual homeowners, so the quickest path to getting your concerns handled is to contact Linda. POOL COMMITTEE—Tom Johnstone, Chair The pool has undergone an extensive scrub and polish. The roof of the clubhouse has been cleaned and inspected, loose roofing tiles have been secured, the pool equipment area has undergone a bit of a polish (debris removed) and most importantly, the patio areas surrounding the pool have been power washed. The continuing saga of the pool cover has been set aside until early fall for two reasons. First, it is not economically beneficial to use the cover in the summer when heat loss is at a minimum. (continued on page 2) Note from the President (cont.) Second, we want to try to bring the total costs to a level where the saving on the heating bill will amortize the installation costs over a 36 to 48 month period, when new cover material may be necessary. The electric reels have a much longer life. Our efforts to save money will remain of paramount importance in our decisions. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE—Leo Francis, Chair This is a newly forming committee with only an outline of a mission statement. We’ll be focusing on providing expanded communication within our community, emphasizing increasing the use of our website. Projects include updating your Homeowner’s Directory, expanding access to previous minutes, updating emergency contact information, creating a “Homeowner Favorite Resources” list, keeping in touch with local realtors and property managers, and training at least one more person in managing our website. WELCOME SUB-COMMITTEE: Graciously launched by Sharon Pierce, this will be enhanced with early, personal contact with new homeowners to both welcome them to our community and provide them with guidance and information through the first few months of settling in. Please join us in continuing the traditions of maintaining this harmonious and attractive community. Your contributions, however large or small, are needed and welcomed. Best regards to all-Leo From Your Editor and Publisher We’re excited to bring you this second issue of the new Cielito Lindo Newsletter. Because we want to bring our readers the latest information, we’re introducing a new column in this issue. We invite you to share any ideas you might have for others, and we’ll take your suggestions very much to heart! We’ve already heard from one member of this community who has a terrific recipe he’s ready to share, so we decided to create a FAVORITE RECIPE column. It will appear in the next issue for those with culinary tips and recipes they’re willing to share! In this issue, we’re introducing a column that spotlights the important committees serving this community. We’re beginning with the Design Review Committee because it affects each and every resident. Others to follow in future issues will be the Communications Committee, the Landscape Committee, the Pool Committee, and any others that might spring up! Finally, we’d like to tip our hats to our outgoing President, Ron Kurpius, who served this community with imagination and dedication for the past four years. Thanks so much for all you’ve done, Ron! Best to you all, Claire and Marilynn Q: I’m out of town a lot. Can I rent or lease my home for a week or two? A: In compliance with Cielito Lindo’s CC&Rs, owners can rent or lease their homes, but only if it’s for 30 days and over. No shorter-term rentals are permitted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Am I responsible if my tenant is in noncompliance with the CC&Rs, even if he’s not a full time resident here? A: Yes, every owner must ensure that the renter has a copy of the CC&Rs and recognizes that while residing in this community, he/she must obey the same rules that the residents do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: If a friend of mine is renting my place for a couple of months, do I need to actually have a written lease? A: Absolutely. This is for your protection as well as for the tenant and is included in our CC&Rs. A CLOSER LOOK AT OUR COMMITTEES The Design Review Committee We’ll be taking a look at some of the commit- What is not within the DRC’s realm of influence tees that serve this community. Our first is The are areas not visible to others, such as inside Design Review Committee. It is the only com- the home and within the back patio areas. mittee required by Ceilito Lindo de Tubac’s However, if an object is visible to passersby, its CC&Rs (see Article 9). presence can be challenged if it appears incon- Its members are responsible for approving sistent with the standards of the community. every change to the appearance of the commu- Our CC&R’s are clear that this committee’s de- nity to preserve the harmony and integrity of cisions shall be “binding and conclusive.” the overall scheme of the development. However, a homeowner may appeal a decision All homeowners are required to obtain ap- of the DRC to the Board, the ultimate decision- proval from the DRC for any modification to maker. homes or landscaping, which includes all addi- In addition to approval from Cielito Lindo’s De- tions to homes that are visible to others, in- sign Review Committee, the final step is obtain- cluding gates, paint color, décor and plants. ing approval from the Master Association. (For a list of plants on the “approved” list check the Cielito Lindo website: Cielto Lindo Community Parking Owner/Renter Vehicles Please review your CC&R Rules and Regulations regarding parking. It is a violation to park your vehicle(s) anywhere but in your garage-both day and night, with the garage door closed. Your vehicles may be in your driveway for a short reasonable time for loading and unloading; if your driveway apron is short, be sure your vehicle will not extend into the street. Any extra vehicle beyond the number that will fit in your garage must be parked offsite. Should an incident occur making your garage unavailable, contact Cadden Management (520-648-6730) for a short term variance that will be directed to the Design Review Committee for evaluation. Visitor Parking Your visitors may park in your driveway for 24 hours, as long as no part of the street is blocked. If visitor vehicles block the street, they must be parked in a garage or one of the visitor parking areas. Visits longer than 24 hours require the visitor's vehicle to be located in the visitor parking areas. Marked visitor parking areas are located: Adjacent to 13 Calle Dorado (one space) Circulo Diego Rivera across from the pool (several spaces) Barrio de Tubac Road across from 128 Barrio de Tubac (several spaces) Vehicle Exceptions If your vehicle is a full size pickup (crew cab with 8 foot bed), is used on a regular (daily) basis, and will not fit in your garage due to length or width, you can apply for a variance to park in visitor parking. This type of variance is reviewed and may be granted by the Design Review Committee. It is likely this variance will require a monthly parking fee to be determined. Please review your HOA documentation for the complete CC&R parking description. Recreational vehicles that do not fit in your garage are prohibited in the Cielito Lindo Community. Fines Per the Association's Procedures for Correcting Violation, fines can be levied for not complying with the Association's parking rules. Dog Trainer Paul Blauschild Answers your Questions WHAT CAN WE DO IF OUR DOGS GET AGGRESSIVE? While we love our pets, we need to take aggression toward others seriously. If given the opportunity, a dog can suddenly attack and injure other dogs or people, even while on the leash. To help avoid this situation, you can carry a favorite squeak toy in your pocket and some high value treats, like cooked chicken, liver, etc. When you dog first reacts negatively to a dog or a person, use the toy to get his attention, then reward with the treat. Repeat as necessary and verbally praise your dog until the distraction has passed. If your dog has been trained to “heel,” keep moving along with numerous turns and pace changes focusing the attention on you. Don’t try to sweet-talk your dog out of snarling or growling— it may send the message that you’re pleased with his behavior. Dogs respond to tone, rather than words, and if you’re sounding like a buddy, he’ll get the wrong message! Paul Blauschild has trained dogs for over 40 years. He has experience in many types of training including behavioral (obedience), agility, protection, and service dogs. You can listen to him every Saturday morning on PAWS radio, 104.1 FM from 8-10am or reach him at 520-429-5133. A Big Thank You to the Work Party in March Thanks to our new president, Leo Francis, for putting together a great team for the work party on Saturday, March 22. The pool area was power-washed, including the sidewalks around the pool by Rob Foulkes (and thanks for that power-washer, Rob)! New steps were installed through the back way to the pool as a safety feature, and the fountain was cleaned and dismantled, then resurrected as a planter. The storage area for the pool equipment was also cleaned and organized. The roof was cleaned, a loose tile repaired, and exposed drainage pipes were recovered. For this, a million thanks to Dave Dunham, Mike Fay, Thom Johnstone, Chris Miller, Bob Roberts, Peter Rennebohm, Rob Foulkes and Ken Veal. Sharon Pierce, Shari Rennebohm and Marilynn Lowder provided a much appreciated lunch. That’s teamwork! Cielito Lindo de Tubac CC&R Summary Welcome to Cielito Lindo de Tubac! Whether you are a full time or part time owner/resident, renter, or visitor, welcome to our Community. In order to make your time here as enjoyable as possible, in a densely planned community such as ours, it is crucial we all adhere to the following Rules and Regulations developed by the HOA and it's Board of Directors. 1. PARKING: Vehicles must be stored in your garage, not in the driveway, on the street, common area, or easements. RV's cannot be parked on any public street except for temporary loading/unloading. A small number of visitor parking spaces are provided in designated areas for temporary parking for short term visitors only. 2. NOISE: No loud or offensive noise or outdoor glaring lights are allowed at any time. 3. DESIGN GUIDELINES: In a planned community, to preserve property values as well as overall beauty of the Community, it is essential that common design guidelines be followed by everyone. Consult the CC&R's for details and make no outside alterations of any kind without first contacting the HOA Management Office (Cadden Management, Linda Hansen, 648-6730) and/or the HOA Design Review Committee. Renters should make no alterations of any kind. 4. PETS: Pets generally accepted as house pets are welcome at Cielito Lindo. The general rule is two pets per household. No pets may be confined unattended to in the garden/patio for an unreasonable amount of time. Questions in this area fall under the sole discretion of the Design Review Committee. All pets taken outside garden walls must be on leashes at all times (Santa Cruz County Leash Law) and owners must pick up feces immediately. 5. ANZA PARK: Enjoy our beautiful Park but keep any pets on a leash at all times and pick up after them immediately. Do not deposit personal trash in Park trash containers. 6. COMMON AREAS: Any land outside your wall is considered a common area. No outdoor decor of any kind including statues, bird feeders, etc. can be placed there without consulting the Design Review Committee. Cielito Lindo de Tubac CC&R Summary (Continued) 7. POOL: Pool use is limited to Cielito Lindo HOA members and their guests. Keys and ID tags are to be carried at all times when in the pool area. Absolutely no noise allowed between 9 pm and 9 am. No pets and no smoking are allowed. No glass can be brought in for safety reasons. Take out all trash with you as there is no pickup. Do not ever loan your key to anyone. Return the cover to the hot tub and close and lock both gates when you leave. 8. TRASH: Cielito Lindo has no trash pick up. You must arrange with a service (eg Canyon Disposal ( 287-2511) or Rio Rico Sanitation (761-761-1604) or take your trash to the local landfill. Covered containers for trash should be hidden from view at all times except trash pick up day. No trash of any kind should accumulate on any lot including patios or porches. NOTE: This Fact Sheet is provided for your convenience. See the Cielito Lindo CC&R's for full details. Owners are responsible for informing their renters and monitoring compliance. Failure to follow these Rules & Regulations will result in fines. QUESTIONS? Call Linda Hansen, Cadden Management (520-648-6730) ALARMING! This is simple and brilliant. This tip came from a Neighborhood Watch coordinator. I’m sure all of you have an extra set of car keys. Put a set beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home, or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will set off and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar won’t stick around. After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows! Next time you come home for the night and start to put your keys away, think of this: It’s a security alarm system that you already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from almost anywhere inside your house and will keep honking until it is reset. It works if you park in your driveway or garage. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. Cielito Lindo de Tubac 101 S LaCanada #20 Green Valley, AZ 85614 TIPS TO PRESERVE YOUR WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Do’s and Don’t’s From Baca Float Water Company Here are some common-sense, but often neglected, tips to extend the life of your wastewater system. DON’T FLUSH: Excessive amounts of bath or body oils Water softener backlash Household cleaners such as floor wax and rug cleaners Flammable or toxic products Chlorine bleach, chlorides or pool/spa products Pesticides, herbicides or agricultural chemicals or fertilizers DO PUT THESE IN YOUR TRASH, NOT INTO THE SEPTIC SYSTEM : Egg shells, cantaloupe seeds, gum, coffee grounds, tea bags, Chewing tobacco, cigarette butts Paper towels, newspapers, diapers, kitty litter, candy wrappers