ÿþM i c r o s o f t W o r d - p . 1 . d o c


ÿþM i c r o s o f t W o r d - p . 1 . d o c
SLO Coaster
May 2008
Volume 38
Edition 5
San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Newsletter
To promote safe and legal riding of bicycles and encourage bicycle riding as an acceptable mode of transportation
The Presidents Message
By Frank Mullin
I moved here late in 1998 from Los
Angles. For several years I had been
looking around at various areas to see if I
would want to live there. But I wasn’t finding
anything that I liked. Then in 1998 I took up
cycling again (I had cycled for a couple of years in the 70’s but
gave it up when I first moved to Germany and then Thousand
Oaks where I had a 35 mile commute to work). This caused me
to add the feasibility to cycle year around to my new home
criteria. After considering Thousand Oaks and Santa Barbara, I
finally decided to give San Luis Obispo a try. I rented a house in
Pismo Beach and have been living in heaven ever since. What a
lucky break for me!
When I moved here I was doing 3 or 4 25-mile rides per
week. I found a club newsletter at a bike shop, went to a couple
of meetings and decided to join. Bruce Collier had just become
president and Glen Gold had taken on the job of chairing the
Wildflower. Listening to the members talk about this ride, I
became determined to get strong enough to ride a century – it
would be my first. I found a nifty table in a Bicycling magazine
that suggested good ways to train for your first century and I
began to prepare.
In the weeks before the event, I even drove to Creston and
did portions of the route.
The Wildflower route in 1999 consisted of riding out 229 to
58, left to Huer Huero, right to Parkhill, back to 58 for the long trip
to Shell Creek before getting to Shandon. On the return, we
passed Creston and went into Atascadero on South El Pomar
before returning on El Pomar.
I really enjoyed the challenges of the route. It was a beautiful
day when we did the route that year. All was really going well for
me. The people and food at all the rest stops were all so very
enjoyable. Then I got to the lunch stop and was absolutely
blown away! There were several hundred riders being cared for
by a team of volunteers and it was all going so smoothly. How
could anyone organize such a complex operation? It was then
that I really fell in love with the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club.
The rest of the ride was a little more difficult because the wind
picked up and it was in our face all the way to Atascadero.
Moreover, I was now getting tired. But I managed to tag along
with another rider and we continued to grind it out until we finally
got back to Creston and the wonderful BBQ put on by the
Creston VFD.
What a wonderful experience that was for a first time century
After seeing all the club members out there slaving away to
help me enjoy this wonderful experience doing the ride, I decided
that I wanted to be part of that team in the future. So, when the
Lighthouse rolled around, I volunteered to captain a rest stop in
Cambria and had another wonderful time being on the other side
of the table meeting all the riders racing through as they enjoyed
the ride. I think I have volunteered for each of the rides since
then and have enjoyed the experience every time because I’ve
gotten to do it with this great bunch of members of the club.
It’s now mid-April as I write this. By the time you read it,
however, this year’s ride may be history. Hopefully it was cooler
than last year! But I know we are better prepared for whatever
happens because of the contingency planning we’ve done and
the formation of the logistics team which is to be prepared to
handle emergencies, should they occur. Moreover, with the late,
but ample rain we’ve had, there will be plentiful wildflowers to
beautify the route. All in all, I’m also sure that the 1300 riders
that signed up to do the ride will have had an enjoyable day
basking in the vistas and being catered to be the fantastic group
of club member volunteers that do such a wonderful job yearafter-year.
Thank you all for making this all happen!!
Volunteers are needed for our annual picnic on
Saturday, August 16!
Most importantly, no one has stepped forward to chair
the picnic and pick where the picnic will be held. Please
contact me ([email protected]) if you are willing to
take this on.
We also need someone to take charge of the fun and
games that always add to the enjoyment of the picnic.
Unfortunately, if we don’t get any response by our next
club meeting, then we’ll have to cancel the picnic.
So if you enjoy the event, please come forward to
ensure it is continued this year.
The SLO Coaster
Pamela Nargie &
Stu Goldenberg
The SLO Coaster is the monthly newsletter for the San Luis
Obispo Bicycle Club. It is distributed to all members, local
bicycle shops and some bicycle organizations. No
subscriptions are available to non-members. Circulation is
approximately 500.
All letters, stories of bicycling experiences, appropriate
classified ads, artwork etc. are welcome.
SLOBC Meetings
Thursday,May 1,(7:.00PM):SLOBCMembersMeeting
County Library, 995 Palm, downtown in San Luis Obispo.
Refreshments are served before the meeting starting at
7:00 p.m. See the back cover for information regarding
the next meeting.
Thursday, May 8, (6:00PM): Board Meeting
Coast National Bank, 500 Marsh Street, SLO. All Club
members are welcome to attend Board meetings. Special
thanks to Coast National and to Ms. Carol Williams for
providing this meeting place.
SLOBC Contact Information
Submittal Deadline: 15th of each month
San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club. Inc.
P.O. Box 1585
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Email submittals To:
Pamela Nargie - [email protected]
Stu Goldenberg - [email protected]
Club Hotline (answering machine) at 543-5973.
Formats: Provide text in an email or as attachments in Word (.doc)
Club Web Site: www.slobc.org
Camera-ready material, including artwork, may be used as
provided or edited in order to conform to our newsletter
standards. Nothing will be accepted verbally. The newsletter is
available on-line, so please indicate if you do not wish
submitted material to appear on-line
Table of Contents
Presidents Message
General Information
The editor reserves the right to edit or reject material. Each
article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily
represent the opinion or endorsement of the SLOBC or the
April General Meeting Minutes
Advocate’s Report
Safety Report
Evolution of the Aerodynamic Helmet
The Board of Directors
Ride Calendar, Special Events, Meetings
Weekly Rides
Weekly Rides, Directions to Starting Locations
Directions to Starting Locations (cont), Ride Ratings
Announcements and Letters: Thanks you notes
Announcements: Central Coast Double, Bike Month
Announcements: Indulgence Ride, Pedaling … Past
Photos of the Month
May Program
Frank Mullin 518-9003
Vice President
Sharon Sutliff 544-4034
Alston Paff 462-8662
Larry Rutter 784-9450
Ride Coordinator
Mark Lyon 929-5998
Chris Broome 772-5900
Dale Sutliff 544-4034
Janie Goldenberg 544-4720
Co-Newsletter Editors
Directors at Large
Past President
May 2008
Pamela Nargie
Stu Goldenberg
Warren Hockenbary
Will Benedict
Robert Davis
SLO Coaster
Page 2
General Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2008
By Joan Petersen
You guessed it- “The Rutter” was
absent so “The Petersen” filled in.
Would it suffice to say that the
meeting was called to order at 7:27
p.m. by President Frank Mullin,
business as usual was conducted, a
program was presented and
adjournment was moved and approved at 8:57 p.m.?
Probably not, so a few more details follow!
Introduction of new members:
Sharon “Fletch” Fletcher, sister (Anne Kelly's) Kate from
Africa, and Hugo (sorry, didn't get the last name; please
check directory)
Warren Hockenbary - Interested in Bike Ed classes?
Mark Lyon - Indulgence Ride (Sept. 13) sign-up.
Gail Davis - Wildflower Volunteer Brunch (April 27) signup.
Tim Long - Wildflower volunteer positions still open.
Frank Mullin – Club Picnic scheduled for August 16.
Sign up for Chair and teams or no picnic!
Approval of March 6, 2008 minutes: moved by Tony Leap/
seconded by Robert Fuller Davis
Thank You:
Greeters: Ken Price/John Long
Refreshment set up – Mark Lyon subbing for Kathy and
Harvey Cohon
Refreshments – Sandy Pitt, John Long, Kathy (cookies
from Poker Ride)
Thank You from Shandon scholarship recipient Cody
Chris Fylling- suggested a bike tour of Nipomo Mesa
greenhouse and floral growers open house on April 5.
Brian Stark – looking for SAG drivers for 14th Central
Coast Double on May 10th.
Safety Director Warren Hockenbary:
Reviewed “rules of the road” - again, after riding sweep
during a recent ride; Signal when turning; signal when
slowing or stopping; shouting “Car Back” and when
pointing out road obstacles. If and when riding
double, the outside person speeds up and gets in front
of the person with whom you have been chatting.
We all need to be cycling advocates! Kudos to Chris
Fylling who took pictures of road hazards and sent them to
the right people. The circled potholes were fixed!
No Historian's report.
No Newsletter editor, but we all know the deadline is 8 a.m.
on April15th.
No Wildflower Ride Chairs' report.
Adam Fukushima, SLO County Bicycle Coalition:
(1) Bike Ed class on May 17th.
(2) Attended Federal Bicycle Summit in Washington,
D.C. with Robert (Red) Davis. Had meetings with
legislators Lois Capps and Kevin McCarthy.
(3) Statewide Bicycle Summit on April 30 - May 1 in
Sacramento; opportunity to meet with State
legislators. May is Bike Month with T-shirt for
commuter miles and movie, “Breaking Away”, at
YMCA in SLO on May 9th .
Sam Rabourn, who had just driven in from Sacramento,
took us on his two-year cycling tour of circumnavigating the
four corners of the U.S. plus north into Newfoundland and
back via a slide show, photo albums and talk. (Some
awesome photography; not always about the trip!). Some
of his thoughts about touring; experience the land using all
your senses; it as about the people and their genuine
hospitality; say Yes to everything to take advantage of
some neat experiences; loved his black and white cat that
traveled with him since Calgary, only to be killed the next
day or two after arriving home in Atascadero.
Gail Vanderline moved that meeting adjourn at 8:57 p.m.;
approved by membership.
Treasurer's Report: Anne Kelly for Alston Paff$105,735.01
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 3
Advocate’s Report
By Dale Sutliff
SLO County Communities Are Planning For Expansion.
Are They Providing For Bicycles?
The magazine insert in the The Tribune at the
end of March called “Living Here 2008” contained an
excellent summary of each of San Luis Obispo County’s
communities, with segments on “key challenges ahead”.
The most commonly identified challenges are
associated with development, growth, and water supply,
with housing, parking, and traffic also cited more than
While the economy is taking a hiatus from
growth, communities are continuing to plan for it.
I attended the April SLO City Bicycle Advisory
Committee meeting where the principal item addressed
was the planned expansion of the Orcutt Area in the
southeast part of the city. (This is a more than 250 acre
area that may include more than 1,000 homes,
commercial development, a school and park. The area
is bounded by Orcutt Road, Tank Farm Road, and the
Union Pacific Railroad tracks. (For more information you
can go to:
It was encouraging to see that the city’s Orcutt
Area Specific Plan draft contains comprehensive
bicycle provisions. Included are the extension of the
Railroad Safety Trail to Tank Farm Road from its current
endpoint at Orcutt Road, near Laurel Lane, with a bike
bridge to cross Tank Farm Road, a Class I (separated)
path running diagonally across the area along with
Class II (bike lanes) along all major streets.
A concern for efficiency and safety was shown
by the BAC, and within the draft Specific Plan. The
most contentious aspect of the proposal is a
bike/pedestrian bridge crossing the railroad at Industrial
Way. While this item was not supported by the
landowners at the meeting, it was retained in the plan by
the committee. The draft Specific Plan will next go the
city’s Planning Commission for its action and
recommendations to the City Council.
This example illustrates just one of numerous
planning efforts taking place in the County of San Luis
Obispo and its communities. Bicyclists throughout the
county need to be attentive to what planning is taking
place and to assure that bicycle needs are an integral
part of all planning decisions if we hope for our county to
become a great cycling area for both commuters and
recreational riders. When bikes are included each place
is a better place – more attractive and efficient for
Bikes R Us: A bike ride is the culmination of
hundreds of thoughts and emotions and at times the
complete absence of thought and emotion. (The Noblest
Invention: An Illustrated History of the Bicycle, Editors of
Bicycling Magazine, 2003).
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 4
Safety Director’s Report
By Warren Hockenbary
Revision of Ride Captain Safety Checklist
About six month’s ago I distributed a preliminary Safety Checklist for Ride Captains to review with
cyclists prior to participating in the day’s ride. My reason for encouraging the use of a checklist was to
assure that everyone on the ride is initiating safe riding practices. Everyone, including newcomers, needs
to know what is expected of them when on a SLOBC sponsored ride.
I have received feedback from some Ride Captains and I have revised the Checklist, printed
below, incorporating their suggestions. Please remember that this Checklist is printed on a small laminated
card so it is convenient to carry on a ride. Do not confuse this Checklist with more detailed Safety
Guidelines that are being developed and may eventually be included in the SLOBC Policy Statements.
I ask everyone to become familiar with this Checklist and insist that the 11 points are discussed
prior to every ride. Everyone wants our rides to be fun; an opportunity to talk with friends with a common
interest in cycling. But, the most important part of a ride is that it be safe.
Ride Captain Safety Checklist
Ride single file. If safe to ride two abreast, stay alert to approaching cars.
Point out road hazards.
Call out approaching cars “Car Up” and “Car Back”
Ride as far to the right on roads as practicable
Signal you intentions (Stopping, turning, slowing) and call it out
Get entirely off the road when stopping to re-group
Pass another rider only on the left and call it out “On Your Left”
Use your mirror and scan over your shoulder for other riders around you
Be predictable – Be alert – Be visible – Be assertive – Be courteous
10. Encourage fellow riders to practice safe riding
11. Obey all traffic laws
Safety First
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 5
The Evolution of the Aerodynamic Helmet
By Stu Goldenberg
It certainly is important to know if a vehicle is
approaching from behind, especially on a narrow road,
or if riding in a group, side by side. We certainly don’t
want to spill out into the road unnecessarily, becoming
a hazard when a faster vehicle (car or truck) passes
us. There are things we can do to help with awareness
of approaching vehicles, like calling out about a car or
truck approaching. Of course our response should be
appropriate as to what is actually approaching.
We can also use our own senses, perhaps
with enhancements to be more aware of our
surroundings. This might be a handlebar or helmet or
glasses mounted mirror. Some people are more
comfortable with one type than the other. There is a
very real downside to the helmet mirror. After cycling
for a while, when walking, one might find that he or she
continues to look for what in behind in a mirror that is
no longer there.
approaching vehicle. The problem here is that the
vehicle was already upon them by the time they heard
it and moved over. Perhaps we should admit that,
especially on higher speed roads, our ears are not as
reliable as we would like to think they are, and should
rely more on each other calling out about a vehicle
approaching and also add a few extra grams to the
weight of our bicycle-rider package and use mirrors.
We can listen for approaching cars, which is
what actually inspired me to write this particular edition
of the Aerodynamic Helmet. We are not very fast
riders. You can blame it on the small wheels on our
bicycles, but the truth is that the blame lies with our
bodies. The results of this is that we are often near
the back of the pack where we can observe others
ahead of us. The adjacent comic is motivated by what
we saw. Everyone that was riding side by side did pull
into the single file line when they heard the
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 6
May 2008 Ride Calendar
By Mark Lyon
BW-LO Ride
SLOBC Meeting
Easy Friday
NC Brunch
BW-LO Ride
SLO Pokes
BW-LO Ride
Board Meeting
Easy Friday
NC Brunch
BW-LO Ride
SLO Pokes
BW-LO Ride
Farmer's Market
Easy Friday
NC Brunch
BW-LO Ride
SLO Pokes
BW-LO Ride
Easy Friday
NC Brunch
BW-LO Ride
SLO Pokes
BW-LO Ride
Easy Friday
Special Events (Rain Cancels)
Saturday, May 10 (9:00 AM) - Favorite Ride Series (Favorite) (B-4).
Meet at Lompoc River Park. Ride out to Jalama Beach for a snack, then
return. About 36 miles. Be sure to call if you plan to participate in case of
late changes in schedule. Contact Frank Mullin (518-9003) for more
Saturday, June 14 (8:00 AM) - Favorite Ride Series (Favorite) (B-4).
Meet at Gazebo (AG). Do some south county hills including Printz,
Ormonde and Prefumo, About 42 miles. Be sure to call if you plan to
participate in case of late changes in schedule. Contact Frank Mullin
(518-9003) for more information.
Saturday, July 12 (7:30 AM) - Favorite Ride Series (Favorite) (B-4).
Meet at New Frontiers (SLO). Cuesta Grade. Note 7:30 AM start time.
Climb Cuesta Grade, then proceed through Atascadero to coffee at Cider
Creek Bakery. Return on High 46, down Old Creek and then Highway 1.
Lunch at New Frontier Market. The length is about 60 miles. Call if you
plan to participate. Be sure to call if you plan to participate in case of late
changes in schedule. Contact Frank Mullin (518-9003) for more
Thursday, May 1 (7:00 PM) - General Membership
Meeting (SLOBC Meeting).
7:00 PM at the Library at 995 Palm in San Luis
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Thursday, May 8 (6:00 PM) - Board of Directors
Meeting (Board Meeting).
Meet at Coast National Bank, 500 Marsh St
Thursday, May 15 (6:00 PM) - Farmer's Market
Support (Farmer's Market). Support club's
Farmer's Market booth (located in front of Novo's
Restaurant at 726 Higuera Street) by handing out
material to or answering questions from people
interested in the SLOBC. One benefit of
supporting this enterprise is being able to eat the
wonderful food served at the market!
Page 7
Weekly Rides (Rain Cancels)
Sunday (9:00 AM) - North County Brunch Ride (NC Brunch)
Meet at Vanderlinde's House (Atascadero). A different route
each week of 20 to 40 miles. It may stop along the way for
breakfast, or hold off until the end of the ride - depends upon
the route. Led by Glenn & Gail Vanderlinde (466-4221).
Sunday (8:30 AM) - Sunday Baywood / Los Osos Ride
(BW/LO) (B-2).
Meet at Nazarene Church (BP). Casual pace to coffee shop
in Cayucos and nobody gets left behind. Led by Jack
Robison (528-3478).
Sunday (9:00 AM) - Sunday Warriors (Warriors) (D-4).
Show & Go from French Park (SLO). Distance 20-25 miles,
with no big hills; this is a recovery ride from Saturday's effort.
Monday (9:00 AM) - Breakaways Mondays (Breakaways) (C3).
The ride departs from Damon Garcia Sports Field and is led
by Russ Robinson (781-0903).
Monday (9:00 AM) - Easy Riders (Easy) (B-3).
These rides start from various locations in the North County
and go to various destinations. The ride is generally decided
the day before the ride, so call then. Contact Corry & Gerard
Van Boheemen (239-0481) for more information.
Monday (9:00 AM) - Yellowjackets SLO Rides (Yellowjackets)
Meet at Ben's House (SLO). Ride supports one riding group
(pace, 12-14 MPH) to various destinations. Be on time
because the rides leave at the scheduled time. Led by Ben
Patrick (543-2803).
Tuesday (8:30 AM) - Baywood / Los Osos Ride (BW-LO Ride)
Meet at Nazarene Church (BP). Casual pace and nobody
gets left behind. The route will go North, South or East to
some coffee shop (the route and destination are selected by
consensus). Led by Jerry Lundstrom (528-1069).
Tuesday (6:00 PM) - Tuesday Night Rides (TNR) (C/D-2).
Meet at Gazebo (AG). Join one of three rides: Todd
Fourdyce (20+ MPH), John Sasaki (18 MPH) and Donna
Sasaki (15 MPH) will be your ride leaders. A knowledge of
group riding skills or a willingness to learn are required. "We
always go to dinner after the ride." Led by John Sasaki (4741417).
Wednesday (9:00 AM) - Easy Riders (Easy) (B-3).
See Monday Description.
Wednesday (9:00 AM) - Flyers (C-3).
Ride starts at various locations and times.
7 The ride departs from Gazebo (AG) and is led by Larry
Bradford (474-8764).
14 The ride departs from State Park Marina (MB) and is led
by Russ Robinson (781-0903).
May 2008
SLO Coaster
21 The ride departs from Santa Margarita Park and is led by
Glenn Vanderlinde (466-4221).
28 The ride departs from Santa Margarita Park and is led by
Glenn Vanderlinde (466-4221).
Wednesday (9:00 AM) - Frequent Feeders (B-2).
Rides starts at various locations and times.
7 The ride departs from Santa Margarita Park and is led by
Jay Johnson (786-8651).
14 The ride departs from French Park (SLO) and is led by
Mark Lyon (929-5998).
21 The ride departs from Gazebo (AG) and is led by Gary
Lewis (541-4333).
28 The ride departs from Lila Keiser Park (MB) and is led by
Hal Severn (549-8267).
Wednesday (9:00 AM) - SLO Pokes (A-2).
These rides start at various locations and times. They are
tailored for riders wanting to travel no more than 12 miles per
7 Meet at Centennial Park (PR). Ride to San Miguel for
coffee at the San Miguel bakery. Note 9:30 AM start
time. Led by Bob Lindquist (595-7686).
14 Meet at Old Edna. Ride Price Canyon, Pismo, Avila, SLO
loop, coffee at Woodstone Deli on the Bob Jones Bike
Trail. Lunch after at Old Edna? Led by Stu & Janie
Goldenberg (544-4720).
21 Meet at Beach Ramp (GB). Ride ride the Highway 1,
Price Canyon, Corbett Canyon, Highway 1 loop, coffee at
the Branch Street Deli. Led by Kathy Cohon (594-1249).
28 Meet at Nipomo Regional Park. Do the Nipomo Mesa
loop, coffee at a golf course. Led by Helen Fylling (9340376).
Thursday (8:30 AM) - Baywood / Los Osos Ride (BW-LO
Ride) (B-2).
See Tuesday Description.
Thursday (6:00 PM) - Thursday Night Rides (ThNR) (D-3).
Meet at French Park (SLO). Ride between 25 and 42 miles,
depending on weather, interest and daylight. The routes will
include AG via Corbett Cyn, Lopez Lake, Hi Mtn, and out to
Huasna. Led by Gary Stansel (544-4079).
Friday (9:00 AM) - Breakaways Fridays (Breakaways) (C-3).
The ride departs from Gazebo (AG) and is led by Russ
Robinson (781-0903).
Friday (9:00 AM) - Easy Riders Friday (Easy Friday) (B-2).
Meet at Railroad Station (PR). Distance will be 25 to 45
miles. The route, depending upon participants, will include
an alternate extended leg so that a faster (15+ MPH) group is
accommodated. Both will rendezvous at the same coffee
stop. Regroups as requested to rest - or as necessary to
wait for riders. There will be weekly reminders / routes sent
prior to each ride. Led by Mike Duffy
([email protected]).
Page 8
Weekly Rides (Rain Cancels)
Friday (9:00 AM) - Tortoises Introduction Rides (Tortoises)
This group is intended for people that just want to get out for
a short, easy, slow ride. We will ride approximately10 miles
and average 10 miles per hour. We will also try to minimize
hill climbing. A coffee stop is included.
2 Meet at Gazebo (AG). Ride around parts of South County,
lunch afterwards at the Stedman home! Led by Gini
Stedman (473-8287).
9 Meet at Bethel Road Park. Ride around Templeton. Led
by Bob Behnke (239-4042).
16 Meet at Bob Jones Trail Head. Ride around the Avila
area. Led by Heulan and Eva Brown (595-2167).
23 Meet at Hardie Park (Cayucos). Ride out Cayucos Creek
Road. Led by Stu & Janie Goldenberg (544-4720).
30 Meet at Sinsheimer Park (SLO). Ride to "new part" of Bob
Jones trail. Led by Pat & John Rogers (544-3018).
Friday (9:00 AM) - Yellowjackets SLO Rides (Yellowjackets)
See Monday Description.
Saturday (8:00 AM) - Slabtown Rollers (Slabtown) (C-4).
Meet at B&A Realty (Cambria). Variable itinerary, call for
details. Led by Tom Parsons (927-5514).
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Directions to Starting Locations
B&A Realty (Cambria)
Take 101 to Highway 1 west, continue 34 miles to Cambria Rd,
then turn left onto Main St. Continue 0.4 miles to B&A Realty on
the left.
Beach Ramp (GB)
End of Grand in Grover Beach. Take 101 to Highway 1 off ramp
in Pismo Beach. Go south 1 mile to Grand Avenue. Turn right
into and go to the parking area.
Ben's House (SLO)
Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road. Go east 0.5 mile to Higuera,
left 0.4 mile to Tank Farm Rd, right 1.9 miles to Poinsettia St,
right 0.1 mile to Alyssum Court, left one house -- Ben's house is
first on left.
Bethel Road Park
Take 101 north to Templeton, exit at Las Tables Road, turn left
0.9 miles to Bethel Road, turn left one block to park on the right.
Bob Jones Trail Head
Take 101 toward the five cities. Exit at San Luis Bay drive. Go
left on Ontario for 0.8 miles. Park in the lot on your left.
Centennial Park (PR)
Take 101 to Paso Robles. Exit at Paso Robles Street. Continue
0.7 miles to 13th Street, right 1 mile to Nickerson Street, right 0.2
miles to park on left.
Damon Garcia Sports Field
Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road exit, east 0.4 miles to
Higuera, left 0.2 miles to Tank Farm, right 1.5 miles to Broad, left
0.2 miles to the park on the left (across from Industrial Way).
French Park (SLO)
Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road. East 0.5 mile to Higuera, left
0.4 mile to Tank Farm Rd, right 1.9 miles to Poinsettia St, right
0.4 miles to Fuller, left 0.1 mile to park (on the left).
Gazebo (AG)
Take 101 to Grand exit in Arroyo Grande. Go east (becomes
Branch St) to Bridge Street. Turn right past Ira's Bike Shop and
left into parking lot. Gazebo is halfway through lot on your right.
Hardie Park (Cayucos)
Take 101 to Highway 1. Go west (through Morro Bay) 19 miles to
Cayucos Drive. Go west 0.2 miles to Birch, right to park.
Lila Keiser Park (MB)
Go north/west on highway 1 from 101 to Morro Bay. Take
highway 41 off ramp and turn left. Go 0.1 mile and turn left into
the park.
Lompoc River Park.
Take 101 to past Santa Maria to Clark Road, go west 2.2 miles
to Rte-135, left 1.9 miles to Highway 1, south 20.1 miles into
Lompoc, continue 0.4 miles on Rte-246, left into park.
Page 9
Directions to starting Locations continued:
Lompoc River Park
Take 101 to past Santa Maria to Clark Road, go west 2.2 miles to
Rte-135, left 1.9 miles to Highway 1, south 20.1 miles into
Lompoc, continue 0.4 miles on Rte-246, left into park.
Nazarene Church (BP)
Corner of Santa Ysabel and South Bay Blvd in Los Osos. From
101, take Los Osos Valley Rd exit. Travel west for 9 miles to
South Bay Blvd. Travel right about 1 mile to light, church is on your
New Frontiers (SLO)
Exit 101 at Highway 1 in SLO, go NW 0.4 miles to Foothill Blvd,
left, then right into parking lot.
Nipomo Regional Park
Take 101 to the Tefft exit (10 miles south of AG), right 0.7 miles to
Pomeroy Rd, left 0.1 mile, right into park.
Old Edna
From the north, take 101 to Marsh exit in SLO, turn onto March St
for 0.4 miles, right 5.4 miles on Price (Edna) Street, right into Old
Edna parking log. From south, take 101 to Price exit, continue 0.1
mile on Price Street, right 4.8 miles on Hinds Street (Price Canyon
Road), right 0.2 miles on Edna Rd, left into Old Edna parking lot.
Ride Ratings
All scheduled SLOBC rides are designated as to PACE and
TERRAIN to give riders a better idea of how hard or easy the
ride will be. Here are the definitions (these are for road rides,
unless otherwise stated).
Very Slow
Less than 10 MPH. Regroups
often. Waits for slowest riders
About 9 to 12 MPH average.
Regroups occasionally. (SLO
with some
Averages 12 to 15 MPH.
Regroups every 30 minutes.
Waits for slower riders
(Frequent Feeders)
Rolling hills
county hills
such as
Averages 14 to 17 MPH.
Regroups every 30-45 minutes.
Waits for slower riders. (Flyers)
Hard hills.
46 from
coast to
Averages over 16 MPH.
Requires experienced riders
and pace line riding. (Tuesday
Night Rides)
Note: Both Pace and Terrain designations will appear in the
descriptions of each ride and are the responsibility of the ride
leader to follow. By the way, more than one designation is
possible for some rides. When that happens, the Ride Leader
is responsible to see that both groups have a leader.
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 10
Announcements & Letters to the Editors
All letters received by the SLO Bike Club will be reprinted as space allows.
Please submit your letters to Pamela Nargie’s email: [email protected] and copy
Stu Goldenberg at [email protected] in Word format. Every effort will be
made to print them all in their entirety. Your letter may be edited for space and
format but not for content and acceptance for publication is at the discretion of the
Thank you, Pamela Nargie & Stu Goldenberg
We have recently returned from two weeks of tandem cycling in SLO County. We had a wonderful trip and it is all due to your club.
While deciding where to go for our early season warmup vacation we Googled "cycling central California coast" and your club
website came up. There were ride descriptions by your former fearless leader Red Davis as well as numerous ride cue sheets with
descriptions and elevation profiles and numerous club rides every day of the week. We figured SLO County had to be a great place
to ride.
We stayed in Morro Bay for two weeks and rode with the club 5 times. Three times with Jerry Lundstrom and the BW/LO group.
What a group that was - recumbents, uprights and even a trike. The group - Jerry, Mike, Jay, Dan, Will, Garry, Tony, Jack, Jim and
Liz were all welcoming and helped get us acquainted with the rides in the area as well as the bakery in Cayucos. We also rode
once with the Yellowjackets and Ben Patrick and enjoyed talking and riding with Jerry and Russ, who recommended that we get out
to Shell Creek Road for the wildflowers, which we did. Thank you Russ. We also attempted to ride with the Breakaways on a
Monday morning with Jeff, Scott and Steve. They were very kind to us and got us out to Lopez Lake before we told them to go on
without us. For us it was the beginning of our cycling season and we were not able to keep up the pace but we had a beautiful ride
up to Hi Mountain Rd and got some more advice on where to go.
We also rode 7 days on our own - San Miguel, Paso Robles, Old Creek Road, Ragged Point, Foxen Canyon, Drum Canyon,
Peachy Canyon, Montaña De Oro. For these rides we depended on Red Davis' narrative descriptions as well as cue sheets and
maps from the "Favorite Ride Series."
Thank you for welcoming us to your cycling paradise. We will be back.
Patrick and Mary Clark
Middlebury VT
April 5, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for choosing me as one of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Scholarship winners. This award has helped me
pay for my college utilities, which nowadays are really expensive. I wanted to fill you in on what you might be asking yourselves
what I have been doing with my education. Well, I have been going to Cuesta College since my graduation in June of 2007. I am
taking my general ed classes so I can soon transfer to a CSU or UC. I have also decided to achieve a Master's Degree in Interior
Design. With the help of my parents and this scholarship I plan to accomplish my dream of becoming a role model for my family
and community. Thank you all once again for selecting me as one of your scholarship winners.
Maria Elena Ramirez
May 2008
SLO Coaster
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Announcements & Letters continued:
Positions still need to be filled for some of the rest stops and SAG, also checking in riders at the end. SAG drivers will be
reimbursed for gas. All volunteers will receive a T- shirt, ride patch and dinner at the North County Christian Church in Paso
Robles. The ride is on Saturday, May 10th. For further information please contact Brian Stark.
Home phone (805) 239-4397
Cell Phone (805) 459-2856
Work Phone (805) 549-0161
E-mail [email protected]
3rd Annual SLO Community Happening & Bike-In Movie
Come for a “Wheel Experience” at the 3rd Annual San Luis Obispo Community Happening & Bike-In Movie. This free FamilyFriendly, Bike Month event will take place on Friday evening May 9th, 2008. Bring your bikes to the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza
meeting location at 6:30pm. At 7:00pm ride leaders will take the group on a courteous downtown bike ride and then to Johnson
Park by way of the Morro Street Bicycle Blvd. and Railroad Safety Trail.
There will be prizes, food, and refreshments at the park before the 8:15pm showing of the movie Breaking Away, on the YMCA’s
white wall: Lawn seating, dress warmly, and bring your lights for the ride home. Secure bicycle parking will be provided by SLO Bike
Visit the Bike section on the www.rideshare.org website for the event calendar that includes this and the other great Bike Month
2008 Wheel Experiences.
This event is brought to you by: SLO County Air Pollution Control District, SLO County Bicycle Coalition, SLO YMCA, SLO Chai,
Gus’s Grocery, Cambria Bicycle Outfitters, Peak Racks, and SLO Bike Valet. For more information contact Andy Mutziger at 7815956.
The Land Conservancy’s Restoration Bike Ride
Sunday, May 18th 9-11am (Adult Ride)
Meet at the Bob Jones Trailhead at Ontario Rd.
Ride with us as we tour various restoration projects in the SLO Creek Watershed. The ride covers nearly 14 miles but brief stops
will be made at six different sites where riders will learn first-hand about The Land Conservancy’s work.
The route travels busy public roads; Helmet & waiver required. This event is part of SLO County Bike Month 2008. Check out
additional bike-related events at: http://www.rideshare.org
Thursday Night Farmer’s Market Booth Location Change
Our booth downtown on Thursday nights is no longer in front of Kevin Main Jewelry. We are in front of Novo's, and
Kevin has moved up Higuera a block for earthquake retrofitting.
May 2008
SLO Coaster
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Announcements & Letters continued:
Indulgence Ride is coming……….
Join us for our annual Indulgence Ride. If you have your name on the list but have not paid, the trip is nearly full. Please
send a check. I will take participants that have paid first until the coach is full.
Saturday, September 13th
6:30 am, we will load our bikes on our bike trailer. Then we will depart San Luis
Obispo on a beautiful motor coach. After a drive up the coast we arrive in Marina. We will mount our bikes and ride down
the Monterey class one bike path into the former Fort Ord. There we will meander through the new BLM back country.
There are no cars allowed! Next we get back on the Recreation Trail and head for Monterey. We stop for lunch at Bird
Rock, on the beautiful 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach.
After a wonderful lunch we head for Carmel by the Sea, then Carmel Valley. If time permits, and you want to continue
riding, we can ride out to Point Lobos State Park. We will have a hot shower at the Carmel Middle School Gym. After our
shower we will gather on the coach and ride to a nice Mexican Restaurant on the ocean and Cannery Row.
Our trip home will take about 2 hours. We should be back in San Luis Obispo by about 9:30 pm. Cost is $35, not
including dinner.
To sign up, send a check payable to SLOBC. The distance is either 32 or 49 miles depending on your choice of routes.
There are few hills on the short route and one challenging hill on the long route.
Contact for more information –
Mark Lyon
1071 Olympic Way
Nipomo, CA 93444
[email protected]
(805) 929-5998
Pedaling Through the Past
By Janie Goldenberg, Historian
May 2008
The May 1999 SLO Coaster contained the following article written by Bob Garing, the Historian at that time. Some people just don’t
understand the joy of touring by bicycle.
It was May 4, 1983 at the Roadside Rest near Gila Bend, my goal for the day. The temperature was 95 in the shade, and
there was no shade, when I stopped to fill my water bottles. I was riding my bicycle from San Luis Obispo, California, to
Tucson, Arizona, about a 900 mile ride. I had done the ride several times, so I knew where I could fill up bottles. The
Arizona dry heat can be easily taken care of by squirting water on your back and shoulders.
I was at the fountain when a brand new yellow air conditioned Cadillac pulled into the diagonal parking slot. A young
woman got out and I could see that she was immediately struck by the 95 degree temperature as compared with the
Cadillac’s comfortable 70 degree air conditioned interior.
She saw me, a sweaty 63 year old man in bicycle attire, in the middle of the hot Arizona desert. She was startled. “Why
are you doing this?” I said, “I’m going home to visit my Mommy and Daddy, as I do every year.”
May 2008
SLO Coaster
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SLOBC Membership News
By: Chris Broome
The expiration date of your membership is printed above your name and address on
the cover of this SLO Coaster. A lot of memberships expired on January 1st and yours might be
one of them.
A renewal form and instructions can be found on the SLOBC website at:
Note that you now have options for receiving the SLO Coaster and the Membership
directory by email, in printed form or not at all. You can check off the options you want on the
renewal form. If your membership is current, just send an email to [email protected]
indicating how you prefer to receive the publications.
If you live in SLO County, or Santa Maria, and you have recently renewed, please pickup your new membership
cards at the monthly meeting. We only mail new cards to members who are outside the area – this saves the club a lot of
time and money.
May 2008
SLO Coaster
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Photos of the Month
Birthday Rides
Anne Kelly and Stan Cherman
Joan Petersen
Chris Fylling
May 2008
SLO Coaster
Page 15
General Meeting
May 1, 2008, 7 PM
City – County Library
995 Palm
Downtown San Luis Obispo
Jeri Roberts of Pacific Wildlife Care
will give a presentation about local
wildlife. Come meet some of the
organization's rehabilitated fauna.
"Jack" the Merlin falcon
San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 1585
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406