1997 - LaGrange Engine Club
1997 - LaGrange Engine Club
December 1997 Dear Friends I hope this letter finds all members of the LaGrange Engine Club well as we come to the close of another successful year. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank club members for all their help and support. And a very special thank you goes out to my administrative board for all their hard work and dedication. As a club, we once again found ourselves being greatly affected by the weather. Due to extremely wet conditions, there was no plowing at the Spring Warm Up. The small engines, however, were still able to be warmed up after a long, cold winter stored in their sheds and we had a very nice picnic and social gathering at the Gordon Farms. The heavy rains during fair week didn’t seem to spoil one of the nicest displays we’ve ever had. And, with everyone’s cooperation, we were able to put on a very successful show this year in spite of all the last minute changes necessitated by not being able to use the infield which was torn up during the rainy week of our fair. At least our fall picnic was held at the LaGrange Lions Park in LaGrange was not hampered by rain. About 60 persons attended the annual potluck event and liked the location so well that the decision was made to rent the hall again next year. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the families of the following: John Brassee; Ellis Eagle; Tom Hricovic; Emery Klooz; Harry Maule; and John Sharier. I would like to thank the club members for their devotion during my two-year term as Chairman. I am certain that you will offer the same loyalty and devotion to my successor. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season, I will close, but not before I extend a special thank you to my Assistant Chairman, Roger Moore. In Grateful Appreciation, Scott Anderson, Chairman THINGS SHOULD BE MADE AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE BUT NO SIMPLER ALBERT EINSTEIN 1998 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan. 8 Feb. 12 Mar. 12 Apr. 9 Apr. ?? May 14 June 11 July 9 Aug. 13 Aug. 17-23 Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Spring Warm Up* Meeting * Meeting Meeting Meeting Lorain County Fair (16 Fair Set-Up) Sept. 10 Meeting Sept. 18-19-20 28th Engine Show Oct. 8 Meeting A NICELY RESTORED CLETRAC Oct. 18 Fall Picnic Nov. 19 Meeting ** * Multi -Purpose Room ** Third Thursday of the month CLUB MEETINGS Never blame the legislature for not doing something. When they do nothing, that don’t hurt anybody. When they do something that’s when they become dangerous. Will Rogers Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Public Workshop room of the Visitor’s Center of the Lorain County Metro Parks. Located at 12882 Diagonal Road LaGrange Ohio [4 ½ miles North of Rt. 303]. Please note that November 19 is the 3rd Thursday. SPRING WARM UP will be held in late April or early May at Gordon Farms, corner of West Rd. and Jones Rd. in Wellington. The date will be announced at the April meeting. If you have never attended this event, it was set up to give us a chance to get some of our equipment out that hasn’t run all winter or maybe to test run the project you have been working on lately. If the weather cooperates, we try plowing with the tractors. This is a good chance to put some load on that engine, to get things adjusted, and to get some good advice from other members. LORAIN CO. FAIR For years, the LaGrange Engine Club has put on a great display at the Lorain County Fair. If you can’t participate, at Hard Work for a Dog Bone least stop by and see us. This is almost a mini-show with tractors, steamers, and small engines. The crowds always enjoy it, particularly when the displays are operating. By the way, we could use a few more small engines (or even a large one) to round out our display. Unfortunately due to the limited number of exhibitor passes, everyone must sign up prior to the fair to receive a pass. These are given out on a first-come basis. You can sign up at the July or August meeting or by mail. We’ll show the world we are prosperous, even if we have to go broke to do it. Will Rogers SEPTEMBER SHOW The 28th annual show will once again be a three-day affair. Please mark these dates on your new calendar – September 18th, 19th & 20th. Setup will be the 16th and 17th and cleanup the 21st. Besides the featured Baker tractors, we will have the parade, tractor pull, concerts, thrashing and baling demonstrations, and flea market. We hope the weather will be more cooperative before the show next year so we can get more of these events in. If you have any suggestions for new events, I’d like to hear from you. FALL PICNIC October is the time to put away the engines for the winter and to slow down and reminisce about the highlight of our year at the fall potluck picnic which will be held on October 18th at Lions Park in LaGrange. Don’ miss the good food and a chance to see show pictures or to swap stories about the show, warm up or fair. CATERPILLAR 60 The Largest Cat in the 1920’s I don’t make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts Will Rogers What was a lot yesterday is a bargain today. Why today, enough detergent to was a load of clothes costs more than 10 cents 1998 EXECUTIVE BOARD Jim Schmitkons John Finney Barb Baker Glen Norris Colin Coshway Harold Hartman Jim Smith Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Director Director Fair Board Liaison (440) 233-6828 (440) 647-3465 (440) 734-3124 (440) 355-6558 (440) 356-8990 (440) 647-3723 (440) 347-3966 1998 SPECIAL ASSISTANTS Steam Engine/Hauling Tractors Gas Engines Cars & Trucks Antique Tractor Pull Modelers American Indian Motorcycle/Publicity Ohio Watch Fob Collectors/Toy Show Flea Market Food Concessions Ed Maynard Roger Moore George Norton Barb Baker Bill Benton Steve Douglas Harold Hartman Butt Jordan Bonnie Hamrick Colin Coshway (419) 929-0828 (440) 647-3465 (440) 647-5312 (440) 734-3124 (440) 647-4597 (440) 775-2492 (440) 647-3723 (440) 647-5004 (440) 458-4815 (440) 356-8990 THE 1998 SHOW WILL FEATURE BAKER TRACTORS The A. D. Baker Company started building steam traction engines in 1898 in Swanson Ohio. Of note was Baker’s 1903 patent for his revolutionary steam valve gear. Its general design was also used extensively in locomotives. In the early 1920’s when most other steam tractor manufacturers were switching to gasoline engines, Baker introduced a line of lightweight steam tractors trying to compete. Baker introduced his 15-30, 20-40, and 22-45 steam tractors during the early 20’s. These tractors never sold well and steam tractor manufacture was discontinued around 1925. From then until the Second World War, Baker Company built gasoline tractors. The 22-40 and 25-50 were both relatively large rugged tractors. Plans are underway to feature Bakers at the 1998 show. The first Baker steam tractor will be on display. This is a truly unique machine so be sure to take the time to look it over. WE NEED HELP It takes a lot of people to put on the LaGrange Engine Show. All of you who take the time and make an effort to bring displays make the show successful and fun for us all. In addition, there are many people behind the scenes whose efforts make the show possible. In order to continue the many activities planned, we need additional help. Many people might be willing to help, but they don’t know whom to contact or they are just waiting to be asked. We don’t know each and everyone of you personally, so if you would be willing to spend an hour or two helping out, let me know. Here are a few of the areas where we could use some additional help: Tractor pull – We need help with What’s the matter Gramps? You loose your touch? organization, scoring, and track maintenance Shuttle drivers – We would like to have more shuttles in operation as many of the older people really appreciate being able to ride around to see all the exhibits. This is especially important now that the show is more spread out. Thrashing & Baling demonstrations – We need more people to help man these demonstrations. Setup – We begin setting up 2 or 3 days before the show and exta hans would help things speed up. Clean up – We are responsible for cleaning up the grounds after the show. This is a big job for a few people who are retired, as many of the directors have to return to work on Monday. If you are retired and would be willing to help out on Monday, we’d love to hear from you. ASSOCIATED CLUBS The show would not be as successful if a number of associated clubs were not participating. We’d like to thank the following clubs and their members who participated this year for taking the time to join us. Your exhibits were well done and generated much interest from those attending. Next year, we will be looking forward to seeing you and other new friends you might tell about our show. Perhaps some of you may be interested in finding out more about these groups, so we are including a description of each these organizations and a person to contact for more information. AMERICAN INDIAN MOTOCYCLE CLUB Contact person: Ernie Hartman, 25801 Clark Rd., Wellington, OH 44090 Phone: (440) 647-3723 This a family oriented group which meets four times a year for potlucks and road rides. Meetings are in May, June, September, and December. AMERICAN TRUCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY CRUISING P. O. Box 531168, Birmingham, Alabama 35253-1168 You must belong to the national in order to belong to a local chapter. We are located in between two chapters. They are as follows: The Black Swamp (Toledo) Chapter’s contact person: Marcia Webster, 2731 C.R.59, Fremont, OH 43420 Phone: (419) 332-0458 The Northeast Ohio Chapter’s contact person: Ray Johnson, 630 Plymouth Dr., Boardman, OH 44512 Phone: (330) 758-2818 These groups had quite a busy calendar of events and participate in many events locally, statewide and around the country. I have received several copies of these groups’ newsletters and they are very interesting. Old Trucks Never Die. They Just Keep On Trucking THE LORAIN COUNTY VINTAGE MOTORSCOOTER CLUB Contact person: Allan Murphy, 4680 Broadway, Lorain, OH 44052 Phone: (440) 233-7717 This group currently has over 25 members who own more than 50 scooters of various makes and models. Activities include getting together to ride around the county or to participate in local parades and attending state and national meets. Monthly meetings are the 2nd Wednesday at 7PM at the Sugarcreek Restaurant, 5196 Detroit Rd., Avon. God put me here to accomplish certain things.. Right now I am so far behind, I’ll never die! Nice Bike! So you made ’er yourself. Y O UR M O T H E R DOESN’T WORK HERE C L E A N U P A FT E R Y O UR S E L F OHIO WATCH FOB COLLECTORS CLUB Contact : Lawrence Jordan, Jr., 143 Jones St., Wellington, OH 44090 Phone: (440) 647-5004 This group was started about 15 years ago. They hold their annual get-together at our show. The International Watch Fob group holds its annual meeting in Cleveland each April. Many of the members of the Ohio group attend this meeting. THE ORRVILLE RAILROAD HERITAGE SOCIETY IN COOPERATION WITH THE WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RAILWAY P. O. Box 11, Orrville, OH 44667 Phone: (330) 683-2426 This group puts on several interesting trips each year. If you’d like to ride the train to our show or take one of their other trips, I’m sure they’d be glad to hear from you. TOY SHOW Contact person: Lawrence Jordan, Jr. 143 Jones St., Wellington, OH 44090 Phone (440) 647-5004 The Jordan’s are busy people who enjoy selling toy farm, construction, wood, Nascar, and railroad replica toys along with exhibiting the watch fobs. Their exhibit draws lots of kids and the toys make great gifts for grandparents to put away for Christmas. Farming is the only business where labor is not considered a business expense. Baxter Black Taxpayer: One who doesn’t have to pass a civil service exam to work for the government A Man Who Hasn’t Done One Half A Day’s Work By Ten O’clock Stands A Good Chance Of Not Completing The Other Half Henry Ford THE NIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS Written by Doris Soults and published in the December ’93 edition of “Gas Engine” ‘Twas the night after Christmas When all through the house Not a creature was stirring, Not even my spouse. The stockings were empty, The chimney was bare. We all knew St. Nicholas Had already been there. I searched through the gifts Scattered here and there Couldn’t find what I wanted, Just socks and underwear. I’d hoped for some parts; A new carburetor, A hood or a seat, Even a generator. Decals would be nice, A fender just great. A new magneto? I guess it’s too late. I’d asked for a muffler. She’d misunderstood. She gave me a scarf And a sweatshirt with a hood. I’d given up hope As I sat by the tree. Then my wife took my hand As she smiled at me. She looked through the window And said, “Come with me!” For out in the yard Stood an old “GP”, It was a wondrous sight As it proudly stood there. All the parts that I needed On that old John Deere. And I say to you now As I drive out of sight, “Happy New Year to all And to all a Good Night.” Respect cannot be learned, purchased or required. It can only be earned A Bargain is Anything That is Overpriced Less Than it Could Be LaGrange Engine Club Inc. P.O. Box 91 LaGrange, Ohio 44050-0091 GIVE TOOLS FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS 1997 TRACTOR PULL RESULTS Perhaps you weren’t able to attend the tractor show or the pull but you enjoy reading about what kind of tractors won the various weight classes so here’s the results. 3500# Antique Class 1st Jessica Krause 2nd Denny Finkel 3rd Aloys J. Nagel 3500# Classic ’38 JD B JD B ’36 JD BO 209.9 feet 59.1 53.1 ’38 JD B ’37 JD A Farm regular 204.5 159.6 153.3 Huber L.C. Farmall 20 154.7 135.11 ’38 JD D 178.0 Huber 20-36 192.1 4000# Antique Class 1st Mike Krause 2nd Herb Hodges 3rd Lyle Hoffman Larry Reep Gary Weigel Rick Ternes Oliver Super 71 AC WD JD 430 199.1 165.8 161.3 Farmall M JD A Cockshutt 40 192.1 180.1 178.2 Oliver Super 88 Oliver Super 88 JD 620 232.2 228.1 190.8 MM GB JD 730 diesel JD 730 diesel 262.2 256.2 250.1 ’56 JD 80 Case 900 B ’56 JD 80 175.6 175.4 170.8 ’59 JD 830 JD 830 191.3 184.3 5500# Classic 6500# Antique Class 1st Andy Weigel 2nd 3rd 182.1 feet 43.1 41.6 4500# Classic 5500# Antique Class 1st Jeff Wagamon 2nd 3rd Ford 2N ’41 Ford MM R 4000# Classic 4500# Antique Class 1st Willard Smith 2nd John Rumsey 3rd Robert Hickel Allen Earl Dave Wright Donald Crawford Craig Finkel T. J. Regal 6500# Classic Larry Reep Gary Smith Jr. Dean Finkel 8500 # Antique Class 8500# Classic 1st 2nd 3rd Chris Johnson Jerry McKinnet Harold McKinney 10,000# Antique Class 10,000# Classic 1st 2nd 3rd Lyn Ickes Bob Jackson Randy Finkel 10,500# Antique Class 10,500# Classic 1st 2nd Ben Klotzsche Celeste Bislich Which one would you like to have parked in the backyard on Christmas morning? The 10 most frightening words in the English language are "Hi I am from the government and I am here to help you” Ronald Reagan If you don’t know where you are going any road you take will get you there. The Cheshire Cat Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it A.W.S. If you didn’t put it together with your own hands, it’s not really yours. Tim the “Tool Man” Taylor
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