DAYTON versus NOTRE DAME SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1980 * A ,ffi ffi r' TONIGHTS SPORTS IS BROUGH| TO YOU 8Y,.. OAYTON'S TOP SPORTS TEAM WE WANTEO THE BEST FOR THE MIAMI VALLEY AT 6,7 &nPM neu,sce{lter9** ooD * * * ENDING tNc. OFFICES FACTORIES /NSflrUI/ONS CUSTOI\,4 DECOR TO YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS FOOD PREPARED IN OUR OWN COMMISSARY Personalized Service DAYTON COLUMBUS (614) 846-9666 22e7 ARBoR arvo. "Go 1" Qt-27 Woy" sso FREEWAv RD. 294-1362 University of Dayton Basketball 1979-80 . 3 ... ... .. . ..4.5 ,' 6 ............ 7 ... - " 11 . - .... ... .... . . . .. ..... '77 Schedule ..-... Basketball Coach Don Donoher Assista.nt Coaches.. University of Dayton Officials Torights . University of Dayton Roster . .. . Opponent s Roster. . . Tonight s Lineup - Dayton's. . - The Opponent's .. . . . . . Sketches on the UD Ftyers .. .. . Women s Basdelba ll Rosler.... Women's Opponent. Feature Stories ..... University of Dayton Feature Editor ............. . Sports Inlormation Direcior. Contributing Editor Make-up and Design Program Sa,Ies and Advertising. ....... .. 20 ........ - 21 24 .. .. ...... . ....25 .. .... ..27. 31, 33' 35' 37, 39, 43 ..28 ..,' -2S .............32.4t,45 .. .. . ... .Doug Hauschild . Gene Schill Garv Brackle' Marv M'Donald ........ . Robert Brown lID Press .... .. .. Rory Falato. Promotions Coordinator John Moreau and R,on Strong. UD Gra,phic Arts Photography Typesetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florence Benner, UD Press, and Duma,r Typesetting. Inc Brown and Kroger Pdnting and Lithography Printing . . . . .. .... .. btli )Llll ii ,( ,rtlt _ FLYER GIFTS NOW ON SALE _ Special gllts lor your favorile Flyer Fan Thev make excellent Chrlstmas orb rthdaypreserts YoucanpurchasetheseiiemsfromourstandsLocaied throughout the arena or use thls handv order forrn Pavment rnust be includedwthalorders. oiDEfl roRrvl Send order and makecheckpayabletoUniversilyolDavlonArena fl tl sKl CAP h. blue/novy $5 00 NAVY sHIRT- lr b!!e/ehile Flyers AiIUh. Tl S NM EL !XL D WHITE sHIRI Aduh, PUBL SHLNG CO[IPANY 4720Wadswodh Boad Daylon, Oh o 454r4 (513)278'9631 ! NAVY lt, blue/novy tr s -trM -L logo logo LlxL SHORT lr. blue/while Flyor ed. Dt Davton Ohlo 4546s logo trXt only Add $1 OO lor processing and handlng charqe. Poslage ncluded n price $.1.25 1 YOU HAVE AI.IWHING WITH " DO A SUNROOF ? '/ Call for Reservations CHEAPER BY THE BUNCH 25 East 4th Street Plan now to attend some away games this season Dayto n z 2,5-,tz1z 6TOACAR STUDENTS IT'S EASY TO RENT A CAR FROM US. ALL YOU NEED IS A STUDENT I.D., VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE AND CASH DEPOSIT, YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, 8 TO A STATION WAGON 12 TO A VAN we atlet S & H Geen Stanp cetliticat.d o, /.riars We feature GM cars like this Chevrolet Chevette , €, 50 u s srards, 1979-80 FLYER VARSITY SCHEDULE OPPON ENT DATE Sat. Dec. L Wed. Dec. 5 Sat. Dec. 8 Wed. Sat. Mon. Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Ashland Miami Calilornia Poly" B iscayne l\4ichigan" Eastern Kentucky* SJTE TIM E Home 8;15 p.m. EST Away 7:30 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Away 2:05 p.m EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Fri. Dec. 21 lowa vs. Home ississippi State Pacilic vs. 6:30 p.m. EST M 8 30 p.m. EST Dayton Sat. Dec.22 29 Baldwin-Wallace Wed. Jan. 2 Miami Sat. Jan. 5 Cincinnati'' Wed. Jan. 9 Howard Sat- Jan.72 New Orleans Thurs. Jan. L7 Memphis State':' Sat. Jan. 19 Xavierl' Mon. Jan.2I Western Kent ucky Sat. Jan. 26 Southern Tues. Ja n. 29 Toledo" Sat. Feb. 2 Loyola/Chicago Wed. Feb. 6 B utler'' Sat. Feb. 9 DePa l" Wed. Feb. 13 Drexel Sat. Feb. 16 I\4arquette':' Tues. Feb. 19 San Francisco Su n, Feb. 24 Duquesne Tues. Feb. 26 Xavier Sat. Mar. 1 Notre Dame*'* Sat. 6:30 p.m. EST 8:30 p-m. EST Consolation Championship Dec. u *Televised by wHlO.TV Channel 7 Dayton (Alltimes listed are game site times) 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 8;15 p.m. EST 3:30 p.m. EST Away 7:30 p.m. CST Away Home 8:15 p.m. EST 8:00 p. rn. EST Away Home 8:15 p.m. EST 8:00 p.m. EST Away 7:30 p.m. CST Away Home 8:15 p.m. EST 8:00 p.m. CST Away 8:00 p.m. PST Away 3:00 p.m, EST Home 8:15 p.m. EST Home 3:00 p.m. EST Home *i -Tvs hJ J f, o bJ IU o o a\ t l.tJ J|.L TODAY'S PROGRAM IS DEDI I JACK ZIMMERMAN The Universiiy pl Dayton has seen sorne of the best: Johny Davis Donald Smith, Don May, Jim Paxson. Aiter today s game we w il add another fame to this prestigious lisi, Jack Zimmerman. A siarting g!ard slnce the second game oi his fresh rnan year, Zirr1merman will pay his last col eglate game today to cornplete a greai career. He willfinish 10th in career scoring, and ho ds two Dayton all-time records. He has been responsible for countless Flyer w ns in hisfouryearsanditisdoubtiulwhetherDayton w 1l ever see another shooter the llkes ol Jack Z mmer man When he is hol he is a one-man team. He has had nlghts when he shot 7 for 7 and 10 for 1T from the field dLrring his brilllant career a11d his shooiing percentage has always been right at 50 per cent. Zinrmerman, a 6-3 180 pound guard, admits his ast game is going to be very emotiona . " l m exc ted aboul it but malsosad. Im sure I'll have a f ew tears in my eyes when lm introduced ior ihe last i me. Ive been th nk ng about it ior a long I me. ld ikeforthetast game of my career 10 be my best ond." "Basketball has meant everything to me," Zimmer man exp ained "ll s grven me a college ddgree and it's given me al my1rends. ltsbeenmyIle,everythng I have put greater mportance on basketball than anything except nry lam ly. There has been so much hard work sacriJrce and dedication bul t's al been worth tt. ' A Busrness Adm nistration malor at U.D Zimmerman hopes he has a chance of play ng in the pros. "l know there have been scouts watchlng th s year bul li s just too ear y to know what they think," he said. " really haven't had a iol of pu b llc ty but I guess you don t when your team is not going well." Zmmerman played his high school basketball at Alter, lor Joe Petrocelli, where he started his junior year and was named Dayton s 'Player of the Year" his senior year. He is the last of the "A ter Connect on" io play at U.D. Jol ow ng in the footst€ps of Doug Harris "Paxson bolh in high school and in college has always been an inspiration to me," sa d Zimmerman. He s always been a good friend and really learned a lot irom him." Zimmerman is also very c ose io h s roommaie and teamrnale. Tim Poh man. "Melvin and are reaal y trghi," he sald. "We came tn tOgether We ve been through lt a iogether " Unse fish, is one oi the best words to describe Zimmerman both on and oif the court. He saquietperson and rarely ilnds it necessary to ta k about himse f. When most players talk about their best oames they seem to go on iorever, not Zimmerrnan: " had a few 4 good games that we won and lve had some good games slat wrse that we lost but I can't cor]sider those best games. You have to w n your best games. lts something I'm stil shooting for. I'm always ook ng to improve and maybe my besl game rs yet to come. Respect for the who e U.D. coachlng stalJ ls instil ed into Zimmerman. especially for head coach Don Donoher. "L th nk he is an excel ent coach. He knows the game and Ive never seen anybody work as hard. l ve a ways respected the man and I ve a ways played as hard as cou d ior hrm He's a good, mora , honest person lnr worry he has had to take all the heatthis year l'd be happy to take just as much of ihe blame " As far as thrilllng moments go, Zimrnerman has had h s share bui he says, "Winning lhe Notre Dame game my sophomore year Was a key moment and also playrng n the NIT tournaments. liwasthri lingtoseeErv (Giddings) dunk a ball, I rea iy got exclted watching lhat. Bul my b ggest thrrl wasplayingwilhJimPaxson ln the backcourt.' Z rnmerman is lhe o dest of five chlldren. He has tw n s sters thai are freshmen at U D, a brother at Wright State and a sister who is a sophomore in hlg h school His lamiy rnoved from Dayton to IVaryland two years (cc)ntinued on page 45) CATED TO THE UD CAPTAINS TIM POHLMAN miss h m in future games. Tm has,lodate nhisfouryearcareerplayedinl02 of 1 11 games forthe Red and BLue During thattime, he has had to play in some pretty tight situations and has always responded as the coaching siaff knew he would. Desp te not seeing consislent p aying time, Tlrn has goal for this year, and as he ex plains, he seems satisa fied w ih the results. "l\,4y main goal this year was to be more conslstent than in previous years, and to also remain frlends with everyone on the team." The 79-80 season has been a frustratlng one for the Flyers, and captaln Tim had some observations concerning thls "lt has been a d sappo niin g season for al of us this year, record-wise and after a while t begins ltsto lontheplayers B!tmanytimes Jackand myseli have sat down and tried to tigure out, as captail]s, what we were doing wrong. We really never came up with an answer, and I g!ess as many captajns, we wll look back on the situation and try to figLrre it alloLrt. We never rea ly put al o!r talenl together, and I guess thai ls lhe d sappointing part oi tall, we really had a lot ol potential." The role ol the sen or s oiten unknow. and in Pohlman s case, wasn t determ r]ed unli the season was underway. "l knew lcou d p ay, but I didn't know if I would or how much. Thls year i spent mosi of the time trying to keep everyone together, because lthi.k that s iTpo lanl Alco. /o.r ^dve lo kaFo a llhe corrr_ caiion c h anne s open." Tim has p ayed during four years that have seen many dilierent kinds of p ayers come and go. Buiorle thing for sure, he has had h s moments. 'My biggest momenls have been againsi Syracuse my sophomore season. we beat ihem and I started and at the iime they were ranked sth in the naiion This year ihe N,,1lam gamewas abigone butmybestgamehadtobeagainst C nclnnati." ln thai game T m scored 12 po nts, had had 5 rebounds Sasssis 2stealsand l blockedshot. Another one of ihose b g moments, as Tim remem bers was agalnst none other than Notre Dame 'The t me we beai N.D., my sophomore year, was also a big one." And as Tim Poh manpreparedh mselfiorhislasl confrontatlon wiih the lrlsh of N.D., he had ihese things to say. "li has been a rough seasof, and think a w n over Notre Dame wouLd make it easier to accept lts always nice to beat N. D., an d it would be n tce to go out on a winning note, but you can't lorget that lhey' I be fired up, too." to take Timothy Lee Pohlman. Every team has sorneone ike him. A person ke T m Pohlman is not a star, is noth bragger, and s a preity good bet not to make A I Amerlcan, in anyone s poll. He won'i be among the eaders in perceniage in tie d goa s orireethrows orevenpo nis per game average But enough aboul what Tim Pohlman won t be in siead, let s foc!s in on what he rea ly islAnd the s mple truth abo!t Trm Pohlman is that H E was always there. That rare human q!a liy in tself is what makes hlm valuable to the Flyer team. Among a I the doubters. a I the cr ticism, and al the fans who bel eve that T m Poh man was never really that good, r ses one blaring iact, Tim was consistent. He s one of the many of the vanishing breed in co _ leg ate sports nstead of being the star, or the p ayer who excells ln every aspect of the game, Tlm is one oi few who excepts his ro e w th lhat attitude ot unselfish_ ness. He s always w l ing to work, and work hard. He fever se Ls hrmsell short, and can be coLtnted cn to iu rn in another guity perforrnance. lts these gutty performances that Flyer fans have come to know, and many tlmes, taken ior granted. But th ere are a so those, among the many who have come io appreclate Tlm Pohlrnan for what he real y is. and those lew will also (continued on page 45) DON DONOHER Director of Athletics and I{ead Basketball Coach 16th Year Worr272,Losi747 Donald lam.s Donoher is his full . nuc brt mosr everyone kno$s After 15 seasors as head lasletball coach at ihe Unilersiiv of 1 . " . r .o . ' e; ,c",,r', Ddrror.l '!D o" com!1ish in aljletjme. "" Donoher has had losjrs scason [1s74-7s] jn his career. DuriDg that 1974-75 scason he picked up hls 200ih career Nin and in 1977-78 against Lo,r''ola/Chicago capiured his 2soth. Donoher,s .thenl re.ord is 272 1r17. His r€cord includes six seasons in rvhich his Dalton iean1s ha!,e (an 20 games or more. o, D dp Do.or " D" r l" p i, onoh-"r s l 5 ye ars rlith d, p- o "r "r "in r olrnaneni l errhs six NCAA ard tour NIT Those touDament -!ears include an NIT championship in 1e68, a Nnn€r-u| spot behind UCLA in the NCAA fjnats jn:1967 ard a pulse-bcati!s o D. trjlle or.eriinc loss to the d€fendins natioral chan- r" i- h^ t9-d \( AA 11".1 r"gional. s , I. pro.8L o !i-" Da " b"ll $d, ro Donol "r D ri,sr choim for a prcfession follolvins graduariorl from ihe UniveNity ofDalion in 1s54. Donohcr had play€d three vears for rhe Ftvers and was icam cattain as a senior, but after servins iwo lears jn th€ \.r .. t" ,4. o pu ouF rcor..r i lir" \. t\ h DU..1F-" sJr ristratior desree lron UD. He becane a satcsnan and sotd otficc equipment lor a duplicaiins companv lor six rears. D:.' ;' o-o' .r."r. iloo . 10$"!", ,, h.o jtthe lesendar! ""..;.ll Ton Blackburn fDcinoh.i's fomer caach) hc got his chan.e to retrrn to his spart. Blackbun gave hjn Flx€r sc;utjns assisrnents ivhich lauDched Donoler's corchins career. Donaho scoLrled lor lla.llum on a !art-ii!1e !asis rvhile coDtfiuins rill hjs job as a salesman. Ir the fall ol 1e61 Tom Frericks who r,as lat.r to become UD s Athletl. Director, lroughi Donoher ia Chaninadc High Scholl ir DavtoD as his assjslrnt coa.h. DON DONOHIRT FACTS AND FIGURES bii[Jtrlqr750l!l!!ich!nluiiri r 7, !E ii sr6 s r sr;i/:d r.- -i; fi -r a' i ::!. I l-"r , dFon.,.Bnor t" b",or, Bt".r rrn Do.ol \. ol-". ":."lrr anL -i.r",t | "r'.d r,j"-'""lrarea h"" ro. "p,Bloto"rJado t-.,Do ot-" oaLheJ rhe Fl-!€rs in the final lhree of lhc 1s64 season then rvas sames naned head coa.h on llarch 17,19e4, tlr'o $'ceks alrcr Blackbum,s deaih. "Urhen I lilled in for Coach BlackLurn Donoher recalls, it $,as the lirst tine I had crer coached a larsit! same in m) ]ile." Now, l6 lcars later, DoDoh-"r las coachcd 41s larsty games walking awa! wjth 272 victories. That $.oiks out to a 6s9i, lrjnning perccntase not bad lor a nan $'ho staried out sellins office Donoher \ras also a!!oinred Davron,s Arhleric Director in thc summer o11976, srtervising the aciivilies of thirteen lniercollegiare sports for Daltor's studcnts. 6 r"r.:"r: .i,q+ " r . u' r):.oriqi .!!r I d,.i n: ASSISTANT COACHES lack Butler Assistant Coach Sir.ring 1,:s oiJ,il, .oach l.r the |!,reE i5 iDmer hiskpihall rtar:d ta.i Ldsl.tlrall la.k !rtler a ort at lifie.rrs lL,rid. nl,,A,l Buil.r,d rh. Ilr.r stall te71 alie.sen gl{.tcr,s:,sin,,!in..nnrs Wtri!.nr \Iinc-"nDes luuerreDruited lwo F]a"-.,s who arc nor' llaJi.s nl rhe NB]\ E.1) Nr.A{l.o rnd c r:1,nft [F!!rs] J:lllJ B! l{,, :,lni lrs a n,qnber Dl th. !n,.Drn.s ,,.rdin,rr stril rJ,.! lh. TrrilLhzDrs r.n the NatioDal Ir or Colles. Chanpiorshp nr :L-q/0. Fntler became Vir.ennes all'1ime sco.ins chan! in the tno yeas he rlared with the Trailblazers lrom 1s62 6.1. ,\s a 6 5 cenler he 1,383 !!inls to linlsh rlth a llvo season 22.7 poini scoring a!erag.. He ilso tle si!gle :tame 5.,.rins nark ol a3 Foinls. Buller cl.sed out his,!Uege baskdtl,all ca,eer aL rvcsle!i Ken- tu.h'w1... h.l.ll.rc,l l\!o !.iis.l Ioruanl a.d c.rter. ,\ nrri!., .l \ltrrl..rl,,illu KL Itrder ,.,3irl.s rn Llilton fim Ehler Assistant Coach N..!nrin: hi! iilth stas.J, rs rsshliii [iriri c!..,.h \ill l], Iid Lhler $h! frpr:i!slJ tul...d lhc jDior tarrnr: \itiL li:! lL:ll liniL. El,l,r rill !srst ir L0ih:.ortins 3nd ,r.r!n:ng iDr the LrLreri irhlLe Fnlin as rthL.lrr D,ilJri,, :lFrirn.ol Jinis a 1916 lraduate ol tanier Hisl, srl,o..L\vheE he FarticiFated in hasl.tliill. lr3,,k a.,l nosr c.urt\ rron Ia,ie., F,hl1,.fLrru{xl his cdu.rljon!l !Dd rtnleric endearrrr5 at .,,r,|) TherD he $as a Feml,er .i the R,allli s lI.t :.Ltrrd lfhrle he nraj.rea in h.ilth, dd phl!j.rl.dtr.ition dd r,".ts1led his ls .lt!n,. in 1e50 nhler n!s nnd .otrchnrs rlinrs ln l,irltl,ll,sll rt l-u?r vostrrlLes and Fai.m.nt Ei* Hi!1, Srl,,nn \\'itl, rLl Iir lei.hins ard c!a.nnrq dtrli.s ELl.rstllll.Dndtimei.eanhG.,rstersdfsr,{ lnrdurrtion admirntrition lron \liiml H., is nrrrn,d l,i ll,. l.rlrer rlirlhi L.e Kinnai anrl the .rrrlp Pat Haley Assistant Coach Pat Halct lorner fl!.r Bscistart coach l.on lebs thr!!g\ lurn.,Ll to UIJ iD 19rr as i\lte. rn in1, rq70 sD.soD. 1e70 r. a!sistaDl llaler r{ c.r.hiDg jor. at lr s alna nater. !olvLinq G*,en Sial. Unirersit,v ani Nas nrxird hoad co!.h thp 1e71 72 d.Inprign. He heln thdl t!r.u:h the 1s75'r6 seasor $hij,li. !.!!!red. Duinshjs liv', !car stnrt is BG s nunber !.e nan, Pal's fr!.on leams fostea B 02 3s r..or.l His best sin!1. s..s.n nrrk .anie iD 19:1 t5 rl,.r hG sqnad linisl!d 13 10 lh. tols l.r r lal..n sqn:d il alnDn 1.n leas Pat is a nrlivp .l K.ll.rir.! Ohio ard a1ie.,led Frnnl..t hish cepted an assislrnt letters il lasll,tl,rll fron ther. !c B.{lins tltrtur &dlettered tn .rears nnderih...r.hing !J thc l.L.i -And! lndersor Alre. Iis 1s63 sralluainn iroin $Iere ne \.. 1r. va*iL! enmll pd ai o..r ,. .,t j :r. I ' o\r I irl, 'o, po "".". the head coachins job In 1967 nis .lul Fosted a 17 a rccord a.d PAr $rs ninpd S.nlhNpstprn lllii. Coa.h il1h. Ytu lat and his nile Dran. h.r...e s!n. Todll Jim Larkin Assistant Coach Lre!i rinB his lilLL \.rr tr! a cotch Lr rrr! LJLII 1h. L nl i pJ trPs;nl hrn , lr f,J,rl ,',1rdr.Dl duii.s rrhill, rl:. a! € ." ,r,ri.l,nrg I L) ! !oll !n,l lfonir t.r!is L Lid qrrdualed l im ll D. id 1372 and re.erred his de:rD hor th? unirerrilr in le74 As a l.eshnan Larkni llared oD the iastetl,all l.!n coa.hed bl chu.l ciissLr. lle snllered a knee inrury lhrl -ve whi.h fo.ced nin lo quit baskerball ror tnp .,,x1 thcc ye s Jim ltas a larsity nanaser uder ciach Donoh.r. He rvjll ..nlinnc lea{hn,s .leneriary !hrsical ,{hcation al Drin,oU and villas. Soulh S.hools in Certerlille I-ril\in ,,l l,is r: lL.SlLr!hani. trrc the parpnl! ol 1\r, n'rs. 11,. For o touch of Rome- dlne wil1l Fine Romon-ltolion Atmosphzrc Italian specialties includ€: Lasagna, Fettucine. Saltimbocca. Larq€ selection of Fresh Fish, Broiled Steaks, and Chops. Cock/oils on Sunday Wide choice ol Wines ond Cocktails 11om-lopm(Ftl & Sot. 'til midnisht) I1om-9pn Su dag-Closed Monday 3045 Solem Aue. 277-2264 ALL MAJOA CREDIT CAFDS ACCEPTED UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON WOMEN'S INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL ScHEDULE 1979-'1980 AFTER THE GAME A VICTORY CEL€BRATION ENJOY WITH YOUR FAVORITE FOOD 3r rec (.n Srore un!.rs & BEVERAGE AT y Vr.dDec12|3lel|]'vr:l' ri.. Se: ec 19 r.rr3ir srire rnle€{t De. 29 Lrieriy o',i,niis F Jai 11 KetteringVillage lan REAL ITATIAN CUISINE 8ow ^9 Crea Spogr. : soked t.rgiG Pino Crnlei co<ioio,c veol Po, 30i 8onenar. Ga, i( B40d 5n:ir! shotr & chop3 seo tood Royioli sar F.o 2 cr'r S:.'. unire,::! 293-2144 3910 F6r Hills A in Clrp'orsnu 6Fr) lilt0.u)lIN co c tA L SNOW RE|\ilOVAL 47 - ;>D< ta7,. l/4o/-e-zzuJ,/"_4e'z.yz, REATTOR . t\,4 t\,4 ER SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL BROKER Broadway Sand & Gravel LET A 1960 GRAD S'fAKE HIS REPUTATION ON YOUR YARD 2089 S. BROADWAY 45439 299-1166 299-8901 DAYTON. OHrO 299_5332 PROFESSIONAI AND MAHARG'S TRAVEL SERI/ICE PERSONAL ZED AND SERVICE S NCE OAKt{OOD.l(ETTERING TRAllET SERll|CE N BUY NG SEII NG i RENTLNG MANAGING CONSULTING rnAVFf "A fownal And (onpnhen aiaa Jnaoel Stuoi.!" . t5c0rr0 ro!r5 . rNDlrrNotrr nl\+1 . c,uiils fQde vnd,, v{tav, ,ad ",,_";::::;:,;:i:;,,,,,, . crr rwrALs 513-2947533 HOUAS: MON THRU FRI 3:30 AM - 5:3O PM EVENINGS & SAIURDAY A.M. BY APPT. [l[llARG'S rRAtEr. $Rlltct OAl(YIOOO IflAllEt . I(EITERII{G SERVTCI 2600 FAF HIILS 224-8352 294-4141 Hany J. O Bourke, CLU Harlan V. l',4iller, CLU Professional Life Underwriters The letters C.L.U. after a life underwriter's name mean Chartered Liie Underwriier. The C.L.U. designation cannot be given, it must be earned. ln order to qualify an individual is roquired to pass comprehensive examinations in life and health insurance, in such related fields as family and business finance, economics, annuities, pensions, Iaw, trusts, and taxation. ln addition, he must meet the moral and ethical business practice requirements of the American College of Life Underwriters. Harry J. O'Rourke and Harlan V. Miller have earned their credentials and are professional lile underwriters ln every sense of the word, Their offices are located at 1430 Woodman Drive in Dayton, Their phone number is 252-9933. American United Life is proud of Harry O'Rourke and Harlan V. lvliller and we recornmend their services to you. 7rtrTr. American United Life/ lndianapolis We have been guaranteeing futures for more than 100 years, UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON OFFICIALS Bio. Raymond I-. Iitz, S.M, Thomas J. Frericks Dr. Alden E. Ray Dr. R. EraiDe Dreidame Gene SchiU A$o. ot€ ol W.nen! Ken Keck Tom Dowling A*nldnr A,ena /r\o noger Maryalyce Jeremiah women! Heod Bollerbo Arh -"ri.. Eddie Kwest D!. WiUiam Donahue Herb Dintaman Gary Mccans Promolions Coordiiolo. ls ouF 8'srrrq' DII,,I-,S i?.t:$Nlss sUppLY 0(l. E i€9 rir\'* a- E o z lrs P= WONDER BREAD 9,17 S DAYTON, OIIIO Lud ow St Dayton Oh,o 15102 JAN FOR TIIE FINEST CHOPS t SEA FOODS cocXTAltS. UQUORS S'EAKS. ASSOCIATES Theatrical Lighting Equipment Sales & Renial SPRINGFIELD, OHIO THT PINT CI.UB GRAOING. PAVING ASPHALI. CONCRETE A Few Blocks South olthe University ol Dayton ASPHALT SEAIING 1926 S. Erown St. 2543 Cala pa Drive 277-4952 390 1213 226.9064 7500 RD. VANDALIA, OHIO 45377 open 4 p m. to 2:00 a h. JIT s, cAssEL G o rdo n's S rPP ly , inc. . For maintenanc e supplies...tie s0c0n er we get together, lhe longer you 'll remember us! Caall * I'or F ree C.atalog Presenting All Stocking Lines I N E FA [|r VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 2843 CUTVTR AVt. xtntRr G, 0. 45129 298.r393 JOHN L. MACBETH CO. Winters Bank Building Suile 2160. 461.4745 BtsT sil.UltG EtcAUSt rT'S BtsI stAilt{G t-,h..;t",f'I6:.,. ly,ror.:r211 B 0. rrop 5eo., & Asphalt Sealcoaters cl []ayton Po Bot ',1013 Northr d!e Bran.h 30r6 -o!!e Ave. Dayton Orr o Ph..e ?;-. 1616 B0B MAI]0EN CARPET and TILE C0. Select on oJWorkGarments, Commercia Fes derlLa Dust Contro Prod!cts. lndusirialG oves, LARGE SELECTION OF NAME BRAND CARPET ' ' Magee ConinlousBol Towels .. ' Armst.o.g B!r lngto. Holse - Forb!rY PePPeriL ' F nir llan Dyne-Grotty is helping business today. nterior Decorating Service Avai ab e 907 E congress Fk Dr vc (olf oi McEwen Fa ,,."" llUan ) 433-3942 a BlaA -rl UltiJo turlL purJ.lrL Telz'i't'to*... COURTESY OF FRANTZ FURNITURE AND APPLIANC'ES 2Z2I IINDEN AVENUE, DAYION ond 3IO SYCAIAORE Lucl<y Nunbet Prcgetu STREET, BROOKVIILE llinrct Annsrncd at Hal{tine Of Each Unirercity of Daylon Hone Cane. 14 JOIN THE FLYER LINEUP of the ROGER D. GEYER AGENCY Bui d ng an organization s much like building a baskeiba tearn Yo! sec{.re key personne and lse good coach ng and concenlTate on ihe fLrndarnentals of the game, progress w appear and championship forn can be atta ned. Here n olr agency we have key personnel $'ho have done a great lob of recru t ng qua ily men and women. P ctured on this page aTe sorne of the key personneL who do af exce lent job ol coaching and gu ding our tra nees inlo becom ng successf! . established career ife Lrnderwr ters. This is a career I fet me opportunity. Q!al fied ind v d!als rnay be promoled to rnanagemenl. ll you are a person who has a competitive background has been seroLrs about sLrccess and tr!ly desires a caTeer - not a iob - why not ca Roger D, Geyer or one of the other agency coaches of lhe Geyer Agency. GEYER AGENCY HEADQUARTE lll lst. 5r'eet Phone (513) 461.4470 5ulre 600 Doyron,0hio 4542 Kirk D, Blackmore or.krcr M.nag€r 11. Thohas E. Gorclyca oirticr Norman o srrici Manager Jellrey F. AGENCY "COACHEs" RS Meyer c. Moon Manase, Donald R. Houser. CLU witliam c. Lohnes Disticr Manare, Mel F. Ro$, CLU $bF) The FOL TtABLE Li,e A!!ur.nce Soci€lr or rhe Unired sr.ret ll.\ Ho-e oFi.", New Yo,l, New Yo,k roole An Equal Opporlunity Employer M/F 15 PHONE 224't762 PETER |EFl rt{-r,rr KUIiTZ LUMBER CO. MERCHANTS SECURITY SERVICE Unilormod Security Guards Night Parrol service Plant Prot6ction IIIAIN STREET DAYTON, OHIO 45409 1O5O SOUTH LETTERPRESS OFFSET LITHOGRAPHY ?uotenl INCORPORATED Desisnets -C!stom M work 'Hardwoods dul tla^ulactu.^ MEMORIALS 'Wi.dows CRA\_ITE. MARBI-E AND BRoNZF. 'Foon.g .loseph P. Enslet l42.l Alberla 223-7247 3]2 MOUND sT. SCHOOL BUS CHARTER SERVICE sEAsON CONIRACIS OR SINGTE TEIP CHARTCI 222_1261 _ Sr. 228-1i62 Sourh of U.D. Sr"diunr ST. "J@D{hg TRANSPORTATION GEIIERAL OFflCES 4828 WOLF CBTEK PIXE ME ffi FI Callonce. And{or.all. lFrEl EI EI t=lt H Pt)EPPELMEIER'S DECORATING CENTERS MACHINEFY COMPANY CARPEI WALLPAPER !r 34 Years SHADES LINOLEUM TOOL RENTALS TWO STORES & 1423 WAYNE AVENUE 293.2189 224-7474 TowN COUNTRY EASY PARKING 16 DI MONUMENTS. MAUSOLEUMS, Lumber lor Builders and lndu3lry 263.2601 884 VALLEY STREET DAYTON MONUMENT CO. N(]TRE DAME UNIVERSITY (lF DAYT(IN (21-4\ (13-13) Probable Stariers: F-Kel y Trlpucka, 6-6, 230, JR, 17.1 F-Tracy Jackson, 6-6, 210. JR, 14.7; Probab e Starters: F-Jim Rhoden, 6-6, 205, SO 10 6t F R chard Montague, 6-9, 205. JR, 13.2t C-Mke Gorney, 6-9. 230, SO, 3.4 G Tim Pohlman 6-8, 190. SR 46; G Jack,6 3, 180, SR. T71 C Orlando Woolridge 6-9, 215, JR, 12.0; G G Bill Hanzlik,6 7, 200, Sr,7.7 Subs: Paxson 4.6, Salinas 4.4, Andree 3.8, Varner 3.8, Wilcox 2.8 Mjtche I 2.5, Healy 0.7 Hawklns 0.6, Kely 0.4 Rich Branning, 6-3. 180, SR, 12.3; Season's Resulls (wlNS lN CAPS) 92 VALPANAISO 87 IOWA STATE 73 NORTHWESTERN 93 ST. LOU tS 77 7S UCLA ST. JOSEPH'S FAIRFIELD Kentucky San Francisco TULANE TCU VlLLINOVA UCLA 69 80 59 79 85 70 80 84 CAN ISUS 60 LaSa le 105 67 93 55 78 86 90 85 74 DAVIDSON 66 77 56 65 74 58 59 86 67 59 68 69 13 62 71 NAVY 53 MANHATTAN 49 North Caro|na State SAN FRANC SCO 63 66 76 66 72 17 FOR DHAIV'I SOUTH CAROLINA XAVIER Marquette February 27 DePaul March 1al Daylon Subsr Mike Kanieski 8.8, George Morr son 4.5 Sean llcNal y 36, Kevrn Conrad 2.3 Rusty Jackson 1.5, Nlike Byrd 1.0, Nl ke Reichert 0I Season's nesulls (WiNS lN CAPS) 108 ASHLAND 79 MIAMI 35 CAL POLY.PON,4ONA 70 BISCAYN E 54 t\,4ichigan 93 FASTERN KENTUCKY 75 PACIFIC 54 lowa 70 BALDWIN WALLACE 57 t\^AMr 68 Cincinnati 56 Howard 77 NEW ORLEANS 82 t\rEtMPHlS STATE 59 Xavier 65 Western KentLrcky 70 Southern 75 Toledo 72 LOYOLA/CHlCAGO 61 Butler 63 DePalJl 79 DREXEL 64 [,4arquetie 62 San Francisco 71 Duquesne 73 XAVIER 71 76 72 58 69 73 64 61 56 69 5l 64 71 79 76 63 62 65 67 73 71 85 60 March 1 Notre Dame N OTES Dayton game aga nst Xav er and Notre Dame game against DePau not ncluded...F yers ending worst year since T5 76 when they were 14-13.. rish ce ebrat ng the r fifth straight 20 win season and probably lhe r seventh stra ght NCAA Tournament appearance.. Th s w ll belina game for co-captains Jack Zimmerman and T m Pohlman.. Zim w ll end with two UD records to his cred t.. He has started 108 straiqht Oames lnol countngtoday) andasohodsiheuDcareerassistrecord..Hewllasoiinishl0thonUDAl TmeScorng L st. .Even though Dayion record wrll end near 500 Flyers are out-scor ng and out-rebounding opponents for t7 filD & ndfir!! bl! !l fisfiul!..] w;.;i,$RRD TRADITIONS IN CAFEIERIAS rwo tocATloNs 1064 Brown St. EXCELLENCE 2900 Norrh Dixie Good Roost Beel HO'vTE MADE PIES, CAKES ond RO[[S Bratwurt and Hillshire Farm Mefts are lealured in Dayton Arena and Your Favorite Food Market Kahn's total transpoftation from thc Famour Brothers! OLDSiI'OBILE .MG . E ohiy.E shl UD UD u0[{0lp ur0tl{0tJ, WALKEF BROS- 1a OLDSMOBILE IMPORTS HONOA 224.1051 224.9771 890.1000 B US!NESS A PPLICAT ION s 5 O FTWARE ERVICES INC. ENTERIAINING NOON&NIGHTLY alongwith my other deep frlends.* CONSULI.DESIGN.DEVELOP N.4lKE MCCALL (5131 2995732 Bor 2G/r K.t6.ins, o6io a64ia P. O, (rExcept o! Monday) JAY'S SEAFOOD RESTAUMNI 225 E. Stxth Si-reet Orcgon Dslrt<t MOTOR INN 840 NICHOLAS ROAD DAYTON, OHrO 45408 A/C 513 - 223-0166 FR EE INROOI\,4 tvlOVlES tetfuilt u s.A 800 s31 5900 - 292 52AA N IEXAS 800 OMEGA SERVING THE DAYTON, SPRINGFIELD, COLUMBUS. IVIDDLETOWN AND HAI\,4ILTON IVARKETS. OMEGA OIL COMPANY 3131 So!th Dix e Drive Te ephone 513 298-0618 Dayton, Oh o 45439 19 1979.1980 DAYTON VARSITY ilUf ,{YT0N l1 il, t Seated L-Rr Mike Gorney, Mike Kanieski, Dave Abel, Tim Pohlman, Jack Zimmerman. Richard J .11 Rhoo. r. CF.rge Morri" n. Standing L R: Head Coach Don Donoher. Assisiant Coach Pat Ha,ley. Mike Byrd, Sean McNa,lly. DaIIeLl Jackson. Mike Reichefi. John'fonlinson, Kewin Conri,d. Assistant Coach Jack Butler'. Manager Ken BeaU. 1979.80 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VARSITY BASKETBALL ROSTER 4! HT. {'+Dave Abel F 6-7 190 N4ike Byrd G 6.2 165 Kevin Con rad G 160 225 So. Jr. Orchard Lake, l,4ich. (Catholic Central) Fr. So!th Lebanon, Ohio (Kings) GLen E1lyn, lllinois (Benet) So. Chicago. 30 * ike Gorney c 61 69 23 DarrellJackson *M ke Kanleski F 6,6 F 610 274 220 G 6.5 190 So. cleveland, Oh o (Midpark) C eve and,0hio (St. lgnat !s) C 69 245 225 190 )t. Eyra,Oho(Eyra) So. Sr. Lawrenceb!rg, lnd. (Lawrenceburg) Delphos,0h o (St. John's) 2ra Fr. Celina, Oh o (Ce ina) 205 So. Lebanon, Ohio (Lebanon) Sr. Carpentersvi le. ll lnois (Barrington) Ketter ng, Ohio (A ter) 10 40 20 12 32 44 34 54 22 3 I\4 'lSean l\4cNally ,":Richard Nlontag!e ':George l\4orrison * *,;T nr Pohlman l\4 ke Reichert c F F +"Jim Rhoden John Torn nson G *Jack Zimmerman 'i " G +Ellc ble December29, 1979 20 HOMETOWN (HIGH SCHOOL) POS. NAME NO. F 6.10 6.8 68 66 6.5 6.3 nois (Holy Cross) New Lebanon, Ohio (Jefferson) 195 180 I UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME ROSTER NO, 53 l2 POS. HT. NAME u G G F G F G G G c F F G c rl And'ee Sraff ng"' ,12 B H:tnz K"' T R cir 22 Kelrn Hawk ns l1 Tm Hear--' 30 Trac! Jackson" 25 tularc Ke y 15 lvl (e f,4 ic're 23 John Paxson 55 G lSa ras' :1,1 Kr y Tr pLrcka 34 I Varner 2,1 Slan w cox ' 32 Or ando \r'/oo r dqe" cL. ll H O IlI ETOWN B rnr ngl'an. l,l b til 23t) 6-3 180 67 2AA 6-5 24.,) 6i 180 Sr Ft 66 214 Jr S ver Spr nlt : r60 r75 r80 FI Jr Ketter l0 62 62 ij tl 66 66 63 69 21a 234 Sf Jr 215 La Lrd e f!t rda e FL f"'1D OH Sar Antcn ! TX Jf 200 r80 H!ft rlltcn Beach CA Beot Y/l Jr Jr Ner,r Kefs n!tof PA North Baby on. NY HEAD COACH D ggef Phe ps LOCAT ON: So!tlr Berd. nd ana I t;- OrlandoWoolridge Center .-/ h Fich Branning !/A, Bill Hanzlik - Guard 21 Go with a Winning Tradition Jusl as \ri1h the Oh o State Footba Team i rsr c ass la ent teamwork and perTormance make a w nnei At the Cenlra Pr nlrnq Company we ve eslab ished a w nn ng rrad 1 on n the commerc a printrng nd!strylor over 58 lears. Neadq!artered in one oj the t.,tidwesl's mosl fac ties. Cenlra Pr fl ng has a w de rafqe of print ng capab lilies From smai modern pr nt ng snge coor presses io hlh-speed 5coor presses we have the capab ly to make yo!r pr ntlng a w nner Our consclenl ous expertenced leam oi spec a sts pr de themse ves on prodlc ng high qla ty pr nl ng whle prov d ng yoLr wth the Lr i mate I serv ce Every lob, arqe o. sraa t. cets Ca or wr te ior a Cenlra Pr nt ng Profess ona to ass sl you w lh yo!r pr nt ng needs Let Lrs rnc Lrdeyo! ln aw nninglradll on Central Printing Co. 2400 E. Fiver Road Daylon, Ohio 45439 (513) 298.4321 (Daylon) (614) 224.4321 (Columbus) Good Luck Flyers BIG BOY WHERE YOU'RE ALWAYS A WINNERI 14 Restaurants in the Greater Dayton Area 22 g tr Trnoerial House ederol loorrng W So,rrr EST 1915 il l?i ir 111 Carpet ng CeramicT e&Quarry Acoust ca Cei ings Custom Made Draper es Wa Coverings Woven Wood Shades Hardward F oors nd@r & 0uldmr 222 N. ST. CLATR ST. E eganl 0 Custom lnslallalion pu5 298-0121 3O5O SPFINGBOBO PIKE 513-223-2272 i ig Room aid Co.ita Lolnse Enk'li nreit ard 0 Binquei PHONE Fmh Fi.i I es lor600 c ig N lhl J Quality lnnlRed Horse 4625 S. Dixie Drive . l-75 Exit 47 Dayton, Ohio 45439 (s13) 294-7 500 Toll Free 800-228-5151 DAYTON FLYERS Throw. 2222222222 I l11r 11r 2222222222 rlrrllr! 2 222222222 llllllll 2 22222 2222 11111111 2222222222 11111111 2222222222 11111111 2 222222222 I l l l1111 2222222222 11111111 2222222222 lllllltr 2222222222 llltllll 2222222222 11i11111 2222222222 11111111 2222222222 llllllll 2 22 2222222 r 1111111 r2345 Fr.. 3 10 Jack Zimmerman Kevin Conrad '12 Richard Monlague 20 Sean McNally 22 John Tomlinson 23 Darrell Jackson 30 Mike Gorney 32 George Morrison 33 Mike Byrd 34 Mike Reicherl 40 Mike Kanieski 44 Tim Pohlman 54 Jim Rhoden 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 1234s r2345 r2345 12345 I I I I I I 24 222222222 1r 111111 12345 $r.oo oFF I ! The regular price of any Cassano's Large or King . . . Thin Crust. Thick Crust, or Deep Dish Pizza, with this coupon. One .outsn per pizza purha5z 43 NEW SUI OVER 30 VARIETIES OF SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 12345 12345 12345 2 222222222 11111111 12345 2 CASSI introt I I I I I I ANY COMBINATION WITH OR ILIJ AT ALL CASSANO'S PIZZA Cassano's Original Subs, Regular S,: Cold and Hoi. With lettuce, tomato. : Extra ingredienis, too. You name it : or Take Out. Or delivery service u::' vor at Cassano's. FREE DELIVT AFTER 4:00 P.l FROM MOST LOCA) Over 43 locations in the cr€at€r BEST OF LUCK TO A CLASS TEAM THE FLYERS APPREC ATE YOUR SUPPORT SO DO WE 25 YEARS OF RELIABILITY SERV CE AND EXPER ENCE JUST TEN IVl NUTES DOWN TI-]E P KE NOTRE DAME FIGHTING IRISH ANO'S )duces B SHOPPES! \l/Y::i- -=-.r . 'JOUT EXTRAS NOW AVAILABLE. i & SEAFOOD LOCATIONS FreeThross 11 12 2222222222 11r 11111 12345 2222222222 rl lI1I11 12345 2222222222 11r11111 12345 2222222222 11111111 12345 2222222222 11111111 12345 2222222222 11111111 12345 2222222222 111r 1111 12345 2222222222 11111111 12345 2222222222 11111111 12345 2 2 2 2222222 ll11ttI1 12345 2222222222 11111111 r2345 2222222222 11111t 11 12345 2222222222 111111. t 1 12345 2 222222222 1l r r1111 12345 Tim Healy Rich Branning 1s Mike Miichell 22 Kevin Hawkins 23 John Paxson 24 Slan Wilcox 25 Marc Kelly 30 Tracy Jackson 32 Orlando Woolridge 34 Bill Varner 42 Bill Hanzlik 44 Kelly Tripucka 53 Tim Andree 55 Gil Salinas Super Subs, Combos, New Subs. :: and banana peppers. Or without. style. Over 30 varieties. Sit Dolvn .:,,,ailable. So sink vour teeth in fla. ERY 2 22 22 2 2 2222 1111r 11r r 2345 222222222 11111111 12345 I FREE HALF SUB (d,-dr Wr , It Wh€. ,rloNs Personals ; -I purchas€ dr, anr, w5o'.\'rq>rool whole Kins Sub at Cassano's os . . uel Get cUBVARINF or orp",dole rgreoerr-,|RELI r ' r\"youHALr ! ovfq'oianturtrs o.iqn".Suo, Beer,1 rrx"e,Pcpperorr. I I ! Salami. Ham. resular, super. combos, cold, or hot I I uf,,ul?lnff h?.lu?, o 'u "o*' 1r+['p,';',lt:'*";' Exc€lleni Ior lunch, dinner, and I I 25 We have tr.vo suggestions that can send a good time into overtime. The Plaza 5uiLe Louiq- o rhe C'oq-hon n Sroul[" - Da,lon Ploz" Horel. Tr o P a-a qJ te Lourge i-- hp 'oPh " co r,d . oie o be. Tl e '1 '--1dle seiting js so dght {or reLaxatjon and conversatton SoJt music. lor llstenrng o' dan ino. Iill. Lh. bo.\qroLrrc. b rt '. ',er .r trude. Fo. r-ure o,c'r. men:. vou rdn T rr-- o. th" r:rog.hol D>ror 'c keep drjnks A frrendlv cr orr rl that keep: things lively. And music that "r''ill vou mo\'lng. You're so close. Fifth and Jefferson Streets.224 0E00. DAVE ABEL DAVID ALA[\ ABEL has beer an in1- partant part ol the Flyer's plans over ihe past tNo seasons. As d freshmaD he pla].ed 307 hinutes ir 28 of 20 games, sone as a sta er. Last year he saw aclion in 25 ol 2! .ontests for a total ol 596 ninut€s. A laie season ankle iojury forc€d hin to niss thrcc inportant hall games and Dryton lost all three of those .eames. H€'s a tough .odpetilor under the Loards and has the ahiliry to bc a bis scorcr. His confidenc. sc€med to corne Lack last season alter a shaky lrosh start. Can plav both elds of ihe clurt and seems io ilrile on the rhvsical !art of the sane. W,rs the tean's thjrd teading r€lounder last season and showed introvcment all year 1ons. Hc i{as second in blocked shots [21] and third in assists [68]. A health,\' and agsressilc s€asoD for Dave Nill nean a sreat deal to ihe Fl]ers in 197S-80. An All-Stater al Detroit Catholic Central. Hc is an Arls & Scicnce major Play.d his !re! lall lar Bcr Holorvicki. MIKE BYRD }'IICHAEL KEITH BYRD comes to Da-v ith a rclutaiion as n outstaDding s.odng guard. tle a\.eraged 23 poinis per gane in his thr€e varsity irea.s in ion hish school and sct a school car€er record of 1262 poinis as i{ell as a single game mark of 51. As a senior he hii 56% iron the lield and 72% frcm rhc Line. N1ike t'as nam€d Class "AA" All Stats in his ljnal pr€! wasiivicc sclcct.d 33 GUARD-6.1, 165 FRESHMAN SOUTH LEBANON, OHIO as Kins s season and NIosl Valu- alle Player. Play€d n! ihe Akron All Anerica Case Classic where hc scored 50 lojnts io tn'o games. His 3 3 grade point a!erase earncd hin National Honor Sacietv nenbership. He also won pret r,rrsiit lelters in lootLall and bas€ha]]. Byrd cane to UD because of the basketball tradition at the school. He is an u!de.lared maior. Pldyed his high school ball for Tin Bisho!. c 4l FORWARD_6.7, 190 JUNIOR ORCHARD LAKE, MICHIGAN 1979.80 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL aifl'r 1,, lb EackRow AssstantcoachRandyMascore a caro Lammers JoLlrneyBeard AnnMeyers Beverly crLlsoe, Mary lMcDonald. Mar ene Jarzynka. Head Coach Maralyce JereFn ah Froni Fow: TrainerPatJayson. Mary Caro G eason. Sue Youngpeler Ju eJohnson,TammyStritenberger. Pat Hoilrnan, K m Ramsey, Manager Donna Schwariz 1979 - NAME Jo!rney Beard Beler y Crusoe Mary Caro G eason Pat Hoifman l\,4arlene Jarzyn ka JLr e Johnson CaTo Larnmers Mary lvlcDonald K m Ramsey Tanrmy Str tenberger Sue Younqpeter 1980 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON BASKETBALL TEAM HT. POS. YR. HOI\4ETOWN (HIGH SCHOOL) MAJOB Phys. Ed 44 5 iT C,iF Sr Convoy OH (Crestv ew) Po Sc 34 5-11 G Sr Dayton, oH (Dunbar) Phys ED Fr. Go den CO (Marycresi) 33 5-6 G Biology (Pope XXI John ) Jr Sparta. NJ 40 5 8 G Crrm Just 53 5-10 Ci F Fr Baden PA (Ouig ey) Comm Arts So. Ketterinq OH (Fa rmont Easl) 14 5 8 G l"lath Ed Jr Mil er C iv OH (Mi er C tyl 54 5-11 C 13 5-11 G/F Jr. Kettering OH (Archb shop Altea Phys Ed 32 6 1 CiF Sr Dayton OH (Chamlnade-Ju enne) N4atrr Ed Jr. Springf eld OH (Northwestern) Account ng 21 5-9 F Phys Ed Jr Davton OH (Colonel Whte) 25 5-5 G Comrn Arts Fr Delphos, OH (St Johns) T5 5-7 G NO. F.i HEAD COACH: Dr Maryalyce Jerem ah ASSISTANT COACHT RandY Mascore a MANAG EF: Donna Schwartz HEAD TRAIN ER: PAt JAYSON 28 Wlnn ng. lt s all part of the process of attaining a team's ult mate goal: to be national champions. Daytons 25-2 (as of press time) Flyers know t better than any other contenders for theAlAW D vision I tite. Each victoryforthe team ranked Number One by the American Women s Sports Foundat on poll puts them that much c oser to captu[ing the crown at the Nationa Champ onships in March The "F nal Four" garnes will be p ayed n the UD Arena on l\,4arch 21 and 23. The semifinals are on Friday, [,4arch 21, at 7 and I p.m. The final willl be at 3:00 p.m.. Sunday, llarch 23. The consolation game (1:00 p.rn.) precedes the fina on Sunday. The fina s are only the lip of the jceberg as iar as the Flyers are concerned Firs1, the Divis on ll Flyers w i I have com pleted a 29-game schedule against a I Division I teams except th ree. Assuming that the F yers reach the iinals, here is the road they will take The State Tournament. at Xavier U., wili be end ng tonight wlth the championship game at 7:30. Wright State's Raiders are seeded number two n Divlsion Ll in the state; the Flyers are number one. The state champion advances to the N,4idwest AIAW tournament at Green Bay, W s., March 6-8. As competition stiffens, the Flyers will face the champs from I linois, lndiana, Mich qan, West V rginia. and Wisconsin. The University of Charleston (W. Va.), currently ranked nurnber seven in Division ll by the AWSF, should prove toughest ior Dayton. Winners from the 10 quaifying tournaments from the AIAWs nine geographical regions merit berths in the national play offs. Regions whose teams iinished in the top eight last year also send their runner-ups to the natrona,s. At-.arge seleclions fillthe re'na ring n ine slots to complete the field oi 24 teams. The AIAW champ onship is a slngle-elimi- nat on tourney The top eight seeds receive first-round byes First- and second-round act on takes place on the home courts oi the h ghest seeds. All f rst-round games (from which Dayton is expected to qet a bye) are l\,4arch 12. Second round games are on Saturday, lvlarch 15. Dayton shou d host thls game in the Fieldhouse at 7:30 p.m. Th rd-round games wlll be played Thursday, March 18, at 7:30 p m. The survivors of these satel ite games advance to the Fina Four Champ io nship. l\,4arch 21 and 23. inthe UD Arena. P enty oi good seats are still ava able by contacting LD Arena T ckel Salas Dayton Ohio 45469 229-4433 FlnvroN's Uorasro REr\4EMBER MARCH 1 l\.4ARCH 6-8 - State Champ onship fina s 7:30pm Xavier U. M dwest Champ onshlps Greenbay, Wis. 12 -F rsi Round Action in Naiiona Tourney - S tes Nationally MABCH MARCH 15 - Second Round Action in Nat ona Tourney 7:30 pm UD (UD F eldhouse) (tenrative) MARCH 18 - Third RoLrnd Action n Nationa Tourney 7 30 pm - UD F eldhouse (tentat ve) MARCH MARCH 21 Fina Folr Champ onship Senri-Fnals 7 &9 pm - UD Arena 23 National Champ onship Consolation Game 1:00 pnr - UD Arena 3:00 pm UD Arena T CKETS FOR FINALS & SENIIFINALS: Ad!lis $5 00; Students - $3 00 -Group Rate - $2.00 29 ot trv a f)inner Bell hot frorfr the concession stan between bounces? Naturally smoked Dinner Bell hot dogs are made $lii 3l,i,j'ii!"oe rlrxxanff=r:-rinspectedcutsof lean meat. AvaiL l:*,!'!'ffff :|i".::mt$,.iv they go as well with fresh buns as they do with Dar",ton Fluers basketball. II DINNERCBELL :-'. Our taste rings a bell ,-:! 30 flrf 7l'; KEVIN CONRAD KEVIN PATRICK CONRAD is one ol ttr o ncw fr€shrncn to comF io rhc l\ ers lrom tlc ClicNso afea luhn T.nljnson is ihe othcrl. He |rinss wilh hin an ortstandiDg hish school record aDd a Nealth ol plaling cxpcrience.In three larsity ir high school, Kevin's 8 record and Conrad areraged oler 1; points and 10 as sists per same. Forhis outstanding play Conrad s'as namedAll,Siar€ as a senior seasoDs teans posted an along 8.1 with ,{ll Conler.rce and All, Tournan1ent ho! orr. He wa s alsa ramed Benct A.ademlis NIVP as a junior aod seDior. Alter ths !re! se Kelin as sele.ted as a menl)er .l thc 1979 Chicaso AAU lunior Olvnpic All Star t€a]n that .ompctcd aAairsr th€ Yur.sli,ldn Tunror Nationrl souarl a.I then nlarF I io thF So\i.t U;ron against the USSR ]unjor rcam. Kevi s athleti. ability is a strotrs lanilv trajt. His father was an outsti.rllrs iaqlct lhJl plarcr for i.oiola oL rhe S,urh n1 thc 1e5o s and his oldei brother Dob is lresently a staD.loui gDard lor rhe ClcmsoD Tirers. Kevin is a Business ,{dminishatioD m.ior at UD. He nl.led his hiqh school ball for Bill cpiqi MIKE GORNEY NIICH,{EL THONfAS GORNEY came to Dayion alter threc suc.esslul sca, sons at Hol-! Cross hish in Chicaso. As a seniorlhere he a!€raged 18 poinis and l0 rebounds per same. Anived al UD and lound sone tou8h conpeiition lor thc center slot. He pla,led onlir 59 ,4 \:::' rniDutes -::. ir 23 ganes last season. bul showed sisns ol ihprovencnt in boih game conpetilion and an the practicc floor Needs to rvork or quickness ard an outside shol. A good d€lensive a nean scr..n. d player and seis for hls solhonare -!ear in top shape. Worked out o!er ihe summerandseens io ha\.e his weisht und€r cortrol. Needs io keep it ihat t'a-v to llay effeclively. An Accountins major. Pla-led his hish 30 cENTER-6.9,225 SOPHOMORE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS school ball lor Pai CompoLasso. 10 GUARD-6.1, 170 FRESHIVAN GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON 1980 WOMEN'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Day Tues Thu rsday Saiurday Date April April Apri Wednesday Apri Fr day Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Tuesday Fr. - Sat Thurs Sat Apri Apr Apri Apr Apri Apri May May Home games pLayed Opponenl Sile Time 8 BOWL NG GREEN STATE U HOME 3:30 p m. 1O WRIGHT STATE U, HOME 3:00 p m 12 Ohio Un vers ty Tl 00 a.m West Virgin a U (at Oh o) T:00 p.m 16 Ohio Northern U 4:00 p m. l8 Cleveland Staie U 7100 p m. 19 Kent State U. 100 p.m. 21 MUSK NGUN/ COLLEGE HOME 3:30 p.m. 26 AKRON UN LVERS TY HOME I00 p.m. 28 Miami U 3:30 p m. 29 Wr ghl State U. 3:00 p.m. 2-3 OAISW Champ onship 8 10 NrlAlAW Champlonship Greenvr e Col ege ilL) on Champagne Fie d Games DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH 1980 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON BASEBALL SCHEDULE Day Sat Sat. Thursday Ft day Saturday l/onday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Ftiday Saturday Sunday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Saturday Sunday Oponent Date Mat 22-29 FloridaTrip Apri Apri Apr Apri Apri Apri Apr I April Apr Apr L Apri Apr I Apr I Apri Apr I May Nlay lMay lvlay N,lay l,^ay 3 Miami lnvilational Site Time Games Panama City FL TBA Oxford TBA 12 TBA TBA TBA 4 5 7 Otterbein Col ege 8 Eastern Kentlcky 11 Deliance 12 To edo 13 THOMAS N.4ORE COLLEGE T5 XAVIER 18 DEFIANCE 19 Notre Dame 20 WILMINGTON 26 WRIGHT STATE 29 Earlham 30 CINCINNATI 3 Xavier 4 Wilmington 5 CEDARVILLE 7 OTTERBEIN 10 Cleveland Staie 11 Wr ghi State Home games played on Sluart Field. Away 2:00 p m DH Away Away Away 1:00 p m 3:30 p m 1:00 p.m. DH HOI\.4E 1:00 p.rn DH HOME HOME Away HOME 2:00 nr. 3:30 p.m DH 1:00 1:00 p m. DH HOME Away 1i00 p.m. 6 30 p.m. DH HOI',4E 2:30 p.m '1 00 p.m DH 1:00 p m. 3100 p.m DH 3:30 p m. 1r00 p.m. DH 1:00 p.m DH Away Away HOME HOI\,'1E Away Away p. S DH S DH DH DH DH DH DARRELL JACKSON DARRELL \'VII-LlA\'1 IACKSON kno\Ys what ii means to rin. Last season he helped lead lelferson high ia the Ohio State "A,1" Chamlionship As a senior h€ led the Broncos ]n both scorins ll6 al and rDboundins [11.7). He js considercd oflersile rellu der and soad scorer. Ea.ned tlrec \,rGri! let ter\ n baslerbilL dudtrs hN nrP| 'ld,\s ard he ants to irr ease that number in college Nicknaned "Rusiy," hui pre lers the Dane Robir." Won nunerous All-State honors includins AA' Staie All Totrmamcnt Team.,{ll Districi, -^llCity, and All-Ohio hororaue mertioD. Afier the seasoD he plalcd in the lvlid \{€st All Star Ciassic in Dayton and $.as nan€d NIVP irs he sco.ed 27 Poirts and srabbed 20 rebouIlds. He also pla,vedin the lvIr. ero Classic in Clelelaod. fackson is an undeclared major at UIl. Pla,!€d his prep la]] lor IohD aD excelleDt t l 23 FORWARD-6-6,210 FRESHMAN NEW LEBANON, OHIO MIKE KANIESKI N,IICH,{EL CERALD KA\IESKI rvas the bis suryrise of ihe 1!78 79 Flyer squad He broke lnto the startins lineu! on opefins drqtil d rd nr.Pr rFlrnquished ,r r\like s.ored in ,l.ubl. hqtLreq rF times dLrrirs th€ year irnd did the sane in the rebounding col l1n on 15 occasions. He led the squad in reLoundins Fnd llocked shots ar.l linished third in scorj.s Not bad lor a rookie lf hard work counts lor irnlthirg Kanieski rvill inprove on each ol last season's stats. He's a -\'oung athLetc $'lo is dedi cated io lhe sane .l hasketball. He vorked over ih€ summer on in!roving all fhases ol his same tlus addins tweniv pounds 40 FORWARD-6-10, 220 SOPHOMORE CLEVELAND, OHIO 10 his 220lh frame Laie in the sunmer he w,r, iniured in a sdme rn CIF\ Flard ard ,\.tri'd !p with a L,rol.€. \rist an,l slrolJer scpata t set him back nuch He tas icad) io practice on Ociober 15 and the stalf leels he lrill tion. E!,en that shoukln be as soad as ever on Deccmirer th. 'Shorty l. won Sharpenter R€loundins ai{ard last season aDd is a Dean's List student inBusiness Nith a 3 58 average. An All Stale !layer at N4idpark hish in Cle\,eland. plaJed for lin phcDeger. w ;li) @ 61,\NTBlt[0[[5 . 0,{0d n)ut tH .JlalJ ltlt dMI]LtITEJ rllrEsltll{t: r$ INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISPOSAL CO.. ALSO FEATURING: GOURMET SUNDAY BRUNCH 1l A. M. to3P.M. lr..rc. PO cfflntu r! AOX 1453 3975'"!'AGONER FORO ROAD oaYTof oH o ,trfuxPErmsb 4s41J PHONE 513 ?7A Just South of the Dayton Mall 8901 Kingsridge Drive 433-6200 03 21 DANIS. 5O YEARS BEHIND THE FLYERS BAUJAN FIELD FIELD HOUSE 1950 19 23 ALUI4N I'1E I HALL CHAMlNADE HALL-REI'1ODEL KENNEDY UNION BUILDING CH. ENGINEER I NG BLDG. ALBERT EI.lANUEL LIBRARY SHERITAN HALL WOHL LE ST. OJ GOSIGER HEALTH CENTER BEN HALL REILLY BUILDING I"lARYCREST HALL BOOKSTORE ADDITION V I SUAL ARTS CENTER ARENA.- 1969 ].tUS I C-RESEARCH YOUR CONSTRUCTION NEE DS ARE B.G. DANIS COMPANY DIVISION OF OAN S INOUSTFIES CORP. CONTFACTORS . ENGINEEFS EnSrneered Qu&llly 34 BLDG. HALL-REIIODEL CAMPUS SOUTH KETTE R ING LABORATORIES GARDEN APTS. (STUD . HOUS. ) -OU BETTER BU lLD S ITARY I R GOAt S" t",,"." llaJL! l:'' 1re"l rNG l;i',i!r:i;:5""" AT A LoWERI cosl l:?:;:,:'iil;'4"?t t,",'*'.'" SEAN McNALLY SEAN PATRICK NIC\ALLY saN action in 23 Fl-vers games as a fieshnan and scor€d in .louble lisures trlice. He stirrted some caniests due to the jriury ol lin Paxson, |ut a'as mainly used in a ba.ku! c.ttacil), Came to Dayion from St. Isratius hish in Clev€land rvhere he led ihe Wildcats iD scorins, rebounding and iree throw percentasc as a seDior and received All-State and All-Area recosnition lor his ellolrs. A scralp€r on ihe couit who caD go at eilher sua.d or forwar.l aDd aas used i! boih s!ols lasi,1'ear. Ne€ds to !olish his slyle ard become a "Thinker" on the court. Has the tools to t,e a big help. His )ear's expcri€nce and a sumn1er lilled i{ith baskeiball should hel! hin1thjs season NIust impror,e hjs lield soal and frce throi{ pcrcentase. Enrolled in the School of ,A.lts and Sci enc€s. pla-rcd his trep ball for lvlart]. Chanbers. 20 GUARD-6.6,200 SOPHOMORE CLEVELAND, OHIO RICHARD MONTAGUE RICH,{RD LEWIS N1ONIAGUE has been an irnportant cog in thc Flyer mactrinert for the.t,rst. ru o seasoN. As d trpetrmar j1c plated r// mrnLrl€s Nnn finished as the sixth leading scorer and rebounrler oI the team. Last -!car he siartcd eveq, conttst and pla,!€d 816 minutes. He l(,ound uP as the squad's s.clnd Lest reloun.ler and lourth lead' inq s.or€r. Has score.l iI douhle lijrures 22:rimes in trvo seasons. He alsi irn- proled his lield soal !erceDta!e by niore than 5 lercentaSe p.nns it1 tlro years The bis probl€n contjnues to be in the pcrsonal loul colLrmn where he 12 cENTER-6-9,205 JUNIOR ELYRIA, OHIO had the dubious distinclion of leadins the ieam in fouls lrith 11211 and dis.rualillcations {91. A fine p€rinetd shooter with sood moves. His lack of bllk has held rlorvn lis rebounding aLilitr, but the effort is there. Has made a c oncen irated cflort io gain weight but has noi been ioo successlul. His determinalion aDd posifi,c attiiLrde n,:ke up for his shortconings on th. court. A quality aillete and a quaiiiy person. Ri.hard an AllSt.ier at Elyria hish. EDrolled iD thc School ol Business Plavcd his prep ball for lvlike Ril.l. C-arryaHttleGreen Don't be caught short withoLrt the 2'1-hour con venience oi the Creen !1achine. Cet _vour Creen Carcl at anl,Thlrcl National offlce. Use Thircl@ NatiOnal EveD,4rocjy a g""o ou'.n. i:r*:*:l Bank',jr,i:Ti:rl,Jti:ir at t t" c' .en lnci *ao ,,i"-a',i'air. N'1ach gonde!-of!;1"at9oudo noul#l{""d:"|*:::.,::*.,...,..., ? rdstng stedks broiled ro !oLr order: A /anldslic All You Con Eot solod b,rr inclLrded urith cr// dinners Delicious desserls. Euen Llnlimlt'ed reJills on coJJee. tea dnd sofi drinks. A1l serued rrith lost. htendlg seftJic€ . . in cr plecrsont- relaxed ornrosphere. And ot uery reosonable prices. Hou: do rre do rt? Conre in todog ond seeforlourse/l ta GEORGE MORRISON CEORGE GORDON IIORRISON IN could be a key io ll]y€r s cccss this xear. One of onlr ihree cenie.s on the club and il he shows major imtrovenert could tre invaluahle to the team efforl. pla-\ed onlv 271 miDutes as a Ireslnan and cnthusiasm was noi his troulle, in fact, h€ became a croNd falorile due to his cnthusiasn for the garne. George had a lot to lcarn and his frosh ycar lta, de!'oted to the Schoal ol Hard Ktrocks," bui he did inprole as the vear prosrcss€d and he n'otked exceplionrlly hard olcr th€ suDner on all lhascs ol his sarne. ll the improvenent is suflicient. Nlordsan .ould Nell bc a doninaDt ligure jnsjde lor ihe Re.l ard Bhe. He has the size and iniellisercc 10 sei the job dore. Ceorge n'as ihe tlird lcddins shai-blocker 111l last scason and ranked sixih ano!s Flyer .cboudeN. uon thc Lutpe Nlenodal ar\ard Ln rq/u lor n6 courEqe o€srre irnd int.Brjiy. \'loDison is a's Lisi stu.lent with a 3 56 acadeniic al,erage in N{aih pla\,ed his hish school ball at l,ar,rerceburs for lim Easi. 32 cENTER-6.10,225 SOPHOIVORE LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA IM POHLMAN TINIOTHY LEE POHLIVIAN has seen action in 76 ori of a possiblc 85 games in his firsl thrcc 44 seasons at Dayton He has starled se\,cral ol those contests, but has nomaly been ihe nunber 3 or a foF{ard on the squad. Came out !f Dplphos St lohn s hish Nlth thF rF.ftatror of a hnr shoot€r but tras rlor,-n that ability in coll€-se A "ere" {ine ballhandl€r, with sood size and moljilit!. Conlidence seems io be his hieeest'rroblem. Tim is rvell liked by lans and fellow pla"vers and hc has a ereat con!etitive spirii. Takes his col' L.!e lasl.tL,,rll \erl serjo!sll At St. rohnc beh hp rot ooh t,ldled the ioundball sport, lDi was a nember al the cross country ieatn. A solid student in ihe classrocot in Comnunication Arts and Nauld like to get ini. T\r Sales alier sraduriion. played his hish school ball for B.b Amzen FORWARD_6.8, 195 SENIOR DELPHOS. OHIO I MIKE REICHERT I,IICIIAEL ALOYS REICIIIRT Nell le coul.1 one of the bis a!s\{ers io Day- ton's rebauodins queslior. R.cNited for scorins and rcboundhs pro ess, NIike has inpressi!e hish school credcntials to open somc lask.lball doors for hnnsclf. A three year st.rier ai C€hna hjsh. Reich€rt alerased 18 poirts aDd 14 rebouDds pcr gane durirlg his prep career. lle hol.]s Loth ihe career m.rks lor sc.rins a.'l reti!uDdirs for the Bulld oss an d shoirc d maLked ir each of his ihree sealeads ihe Fher stall to be iniprorem€nt soDs rnricl licvc that he is just sta ins to nature on th. court Hc was an All-Ohio "AAA'llaver. as Nell as irn All-Leasue and Disidci perlorn1er. Serl'cd as his leam's .aplain fo. hv! .lcars and lvas clcctcd to th. Ndtjonal H.nor S.ciely for his acadenic aDd extracuuicular excellen.e. N,Iike is also an outstanding ritcher irnd lirst lasrman durins the baseball season. lvlik.s .lad, Barne!' Rei.hert, Nas a fonner f r lascball player in ihe D.dger org.rnizatjon and his lrolher C]rris (as a rccord settiDg roundtralle. at Heidelbers Colle-ge. Reichcrt is majoriDs in BusiDess AdninistraiioD. He pla,r'cd hish school ball for IIM Hill. RHODEN JAIVIES PERRY RHODEN retur!s to the Dayton Flver lineup alter sitting out a vear. Rhodcl cnrollcd at UD in ih-" lall u! in jannary ol le7s ror his freihnan year hc averased 10.6 paints pe. gnne iath on the teaml and 5.7 rebourds llrd on the teanl. Ile also rvas secord in tlocked shots [21] aDd fourth in assists f461. li!1 lefi school in the fill of 1e78 to take a full-time job in canstructioD. He dccided to returolhis Jear 54 FORWARD-6-6,210 SOPHOMORE LEBANON, OHIO and r\,i11 elisiblc lor varsity compelilion .n Deccmber 2s. Rhoden vas an -^ll-Sta1e hish school llayer at LeLaror hlgh and led his te.m to irvo undefeated rcsular seasons. As a s€nior he alerascd 20 ppg aod hit on s99'" of hjs shots fron thc floor. A !e{, powcrlul plirter rDd a line offelsive relourdcr, Rhoden should add a srcat denl lotheFlyer' scored h dauhle-figures in la of the 23 games in 1\'lich he Iilayed in 1977-78 and shorved ihe ability to play at the hjghcst level of.ollese Lasketlall. Rhoden is ar undeclared miior at Da\'1on. He played his hish school lalL lor Ron 34 FoRWARD-6-8,210 FRESHIMAN CELINA, OHIO HERITAGE v- Fr-.q-rloRs "" rvhere F[YENS 434-7600 2599 Miannbu.s Centerville lond belore or olter tlre gome! Rd. 435-4900 435-7759 OOI.DEI{ I{IIEEE Pancakes and Much l\llore ,*4:r...'-- super food and aflordable prices. -,,:<!ii<=:- 2932SoulhDxerlqhwa! 748-2352 20 S Main {Rt ?41 . . .t al Doro ry La.e 3651 5a em Av€n!e 73) 1538 RESIDENTIAL RELOCATION NATIONWIDF Q,l/t 0,rttoff Q,,IL Brtt* . . ( o5s . S*r,te. Bhta, VI(I PR15 DENT ROBIRT No Keovre. Sl al Sta. ev PRISIDTNT IIRO]\4I V. BUTLIR I. BUTITR ol 1942 C os! of 1949 "Jl* J-fo-' Of '-lL' D'fu"J"[,Lo" SEBVING THE I\4IA]\,I I VALLEY FOR OVER 25 YEABS 40 Bdl-n HEATnc - AtR C0[DtTtolilltG 253-8871 120 SPRINGFIELD ST. M.s. Tlypesette.r It has been said that "Behind every successful program editor is a woma,n./r (What do you mean nobody ever says that? I just didr) In ihis case that woman is the typesetter for UD Press. Florence Benner. And because she is reiiring in Augusi. today is Flo s last program. Flo began working at UD Press in Aprit of 196?. At that time the press was housed in a white building behind the O1dWomen s Gym. whereparking lot B is now located. Now it is in the basement of St. Joseph's Hatl. When she firsi sta,rted working. Flo did la,yout, typesetting, anything that wa,s needed to make up a piece for final pdnting. Now she is strictly a typesetter. R,obert Brown doesthe layout work. Bui having someone like Flo wiih layout experience doing the types€tting is a big help to Bob. "Sometimes she wlll correct someihing I give her if she realizes tha,t it won't work oui," he saidHe went on io add th at mo st type setters nowadays aie specia,lists. They lealn how to set type on a computer. and they know litile about pasting up the final layout. Flo began to set type on something called a vari typer- It is something like an oldtypewdter. but a Iot noisier. She would set something once. then arrange it to make ii fit the specified column tength and iype size, then type it aga,in the way it would appea,r when it was Printed. Three years ago. UD Press bought a computerized typesetting ma,chine. After allthose years on the varityper, she wasn't surc that she could learn how. bui she types cha,ra,cters on the keyboard faster than the machine can take iheml Flo doesnt make many mista,kes, but Bob sa,ys "As f ast as she goes, its a wonder she doesn't ma,ke a whole lot more." "When she doesn i make mistakes," he continued. "she s surprised." (I can vouch for that. Whenever I'm proofieading something for the basketball or football programs, I'll reiurn it to her telling her that there are no mistakes on it. She will look at me like I'm crazy and say/iAre you sure?" Sometimes I feel obligated to go back and change something even though it was correct, just to make herhappy.) Mistakes are Flo s obsession. "She ha,tes making mistakes, and if she catches hersell making one, she'll yell at herself. But when somethingha,s been proofread and she finds a mistake after lts been printed, that's when she really yells," Bob said. laughing. When asked what he will miss most aboutworking with F1o. the first thinghe said was "our bickering." If a stranger would \iralk into their office, he might think tha,t Flo and Bob could not stand the sighi of one another. But that s just their way of keeping things loose in the face of a,Uthe dead line presssures that come with the job. When "Foxy Flo" retires in August. she will be litelally going out to pasturc. Flo and her husband, Charlie live on a small f arm in Miamisburg, and she willbe a,bleto spendmoretime gardening, and working on the farm. She also is an avidrea,der and she hopes to be abLe to work part-time typesetting somewhere wh€n needed. FIo s a super worker and a, fine typesetter, but tha,t s not the rca,son she will be missed. Any worker can be replaced, But it's going to be very toughto find someone to the pla,ce of Fl orence Benner. the person- Associate Athletic Director and Sports Information Director Gene Schill, who has worked with Flo since soon a,fterUD Press begd n dorng rhe fooLball and basketball programs in 1973, spoke for a lot of people when he said "She's just a, heck of a pleasure to be around. Personally and professionally. we're going to miss her." (Arlist's Not'er.Florence did not setthis article; I djd. Sne k ew nothlng about this story belore it was printed. So, Florence, I hope that I didn't nake any mistakes! yout the greatest!) 41 llUBtB0lt Designers and manufacturers of processing equipment for those who produce, use, or must dispose of corrosive solutions. Worldwide sales of more than $125 million annually with manufacturing plants in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. I ounrnoi The D!r ron 42 Compa.y n. c IOHN TOMLINSON IOIIN EDl\r,A.RD TOMLI\SoN Nas ihe lirst recrujl sisned b-\,the Fly€rs this vear. Comcs to thc Hilltop rvith eves on the guard s!ot !,acated ly All-Anericar Jim Paxson. He'll have to battle some talented \elerans and Dcivconers to earn thc slot but hc figlres to be in the ihick ol the lisirt all the \ray. Tomljnson 1{as a four year starLer and leilerwiDne. oi Barrinsi.n high and capped his prcp carccr b"v a!eraging 20 !oints, l0 rebounds atrd,l assists a San€ io his senior vear. h his lasi three scasons, Ea[in!ton rosted a 78-11 recold. IohD was an Al1 State A11 Arca and All-c.n- fererce perfonner ard won "pldycr of ile Year" honors in Northcn llliDois. He !la,\'ed jn several !ost seas.n .lassics incledfis All Star sanes against players from KaDsas and Indiana. He hirs played lolh fonvard and guard, b,il it l.oks like the br.k.onfi (,ill hF his honc at UD. IIe is aD undeclared major. Pla,lcd his lrep lall lor Gar] Cook. IACK ZIMMERMAN IACK P,,\TRICK ZI\I\{ERIVIAN is prelaring to complete a great colleSiate car€crir Dayton. A starting guard sin.e the second sane ol his lr€shnan year, lack has been reslolsible for nan] Flyer i{hs during his llrsi three seasons. AD excelletrt outsid€ shootc.. Zin mcrman has had nights ol 7 of 7 and 10 ol 11 during iis career. when he s hoi he becones a orc nan scorinsma chiDe ftom lans ralse. Has inproved hjs all around samc each scasor and has ivorked exceptiorallv hard on his def€Ds.. jack's role will chanse cor sideri:bl,\r this vear. In the lasi he has had All-Ane.ican Iin Paxson as his backcourt running-mate. This seasor Iack will be thc s€nior suard" and wjll in a De$' parlner. His have to lreak GUARD_6.3, I80 SENIOR KETTERING, OHIO mahirity aDd leade.shi! should help lim s,ith that task Zimnermar plaved lor tlie U.S. I.ter...tin€nial Cu| team i. Europe this tasl sudner and that cxpcriencc will hclp in thc camiDg season. r\ Adniristration maio. atUD.Iackis thelastof the,A.llerConnecljon" rvhere he rla,\'ed for loe pctro eclli. 22 GUARD-6-4, 200 FRESHMAN CARPENTERSVILLE, ILLINOIS Dcrlzton Trcrdition Yeln oun zgth tully broolrs 44 ,ffi!t'gy* sforfl ng goods,o**?%';;*,,, 461-5570 294-6215 Cottinued lrom page 4) JACK ZIMMERMAN (corttinue.l frcrn page 5) TIM POHLMAN ago and it was qu te an adjustment for hrm. Zimmerman became very 6lose to his un6le, a bachelor from Centerville. [,4y lJnc]e George (Zimmerman) slikeasecond father lo rne, l've spent a loi of time wrth him and I have really appreciated his friendship. The whole iamily will be at the Notre Dame game which will make I even 1!1 ior me." "There are lwo people," Zimmerman said, "who have meant more to me n my career than anybody, more emotional my Mom and Dad. They were always very understanding and cooperat ve and sensitive to iheway I was feel- ing. They were always posltive towards me. Anytime I ever needed anything they were always there. I could never have done it without ihem. No wayl They mean more io me than anyone." The fact s U.D. baskeiball would not have been the same the lasl iour years without Jack Zimmerman His leadership, sprrit and agressive style of play were a de ight for all Flyer fans. "l m glad I came to U.D.," Zimmerman said, "l'd do it all over again. li-been a great four years." The Zimmerman era will be remernbered as one oi the most enjoyable and exiling periods in U.D. basketball history. Yes, it has been a great four yearsl 44 =-" As Tim Pohlman takes the court ihe last time lor the Flyers, it will also be the iast time thai he plays orga- nized basketball for anything other than fun. But as Tim summed up hrs 4-year career here al Dayton, one had to get the feeling thai he would do it all over again if presented the sarne situation. "l've really enioyed playing here tour years. l've mei some fine people, and have made some even beiter friends. but I think the most rmportant lhing to me, the thing that l'll remember the most, is lhat l've learned a lot." 45 A Quarter-Century of S ervlce A trusted member of his clrents- prolessional financlal p anning ieams, Marvin Brown works wrth awyers, accountants, and trust otficers to heip so ve cornpiex business probiems throltgh le insurance. He is a life and qualify ng member of the prestigioLrs, industry-wide M lion Dollar RoLrnd Table For 20 years he has earned the National Qual ty Award, a r.easure oi h s professional \o . cr' lo..ton.s 1 orotealt,lg r1e o,> ras,a. and n providing irnanc al security ior the r lam ies But h s most cher shed achievemenl during more than 25 years of serv ce as a New York L le Agent s the conf dence of his clienls. l\lay he serve you, too? New York Lile lnsurance Company 40 !!. Fourlh 51 Sr lF 13nn Davton Oir o 45402 Phon. 513r41i1-491r THE H. J. OSTERFELD CO. ECHANICAL CONTRACTORS AND CHAMPION SERVICE DIVISION M COMI\,4ERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL PLUMBING DESIGN & BUILD 362 Hullman Ave. - REPLACEIVENTS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING I\,4AINTENANCE CONTRACTS Dayton, Ohio 45401 Phone 254-8433 I Supply & Equip. Co. Disposable Products For: The Food Service lndustry Super Market Packaging Bakeries Doctors, Dentists & Hospitals lndustrial Packaging Sanitary Maintenance Supplies Phone: 864-1911 For Service Supreme 46 OLD TICKETS FOR THE BEST IN SPORTS & //a*ag Ban&a STFV€ KOLE RESTAURANT AND THE STATE OF OHIO COCKTAIL LOUNGE Serv ng our ianous tor lhe ctNctNNATr (513) 421-6500 cLEVELAND {216) 661-4774 nerernoru" Y0ut N0GHB0rN000 80x orflcr LOW BAR.B.Q RIBS & CHICKEN compl€le menu of STEAKS. CHOPS, SEAFOOD localaon nearesl you calli @ IS A COMPLETE L NE OF FRESH OAIFY PFODUCTS JOE KISS ENTERTAINMENT IN PRODUCTS AtYour FavorlteSlore MEADOW GOLD DAIRY Rooms lor Pr vate Parties OPEN DA]LY 4 P,M MEAOOW GOLD DAIRY PRODUCTS iLLlAM. A D v s on of Bealrice Foods FRI.&SAT.4PM T LL 4 A.M. 1082 Brown Si. 461-47 t0 224.5252 "Sendnq. la'd*ttzq" ryTAIN SUPPLY CO., INC.90s E. Third DIsTNIBUTORS Of St., Dayton, Ohio 45402 INDUSTNIAL PNODUCTS AND ?]PINC SUPPLIEs 46/ -5544 uEeco To r,,-,t, ,-,,t 1"t' " f rh€ H-"art oi KerterinS' 298-3141 rlol trn slrnrp RoJd South I)ai"\on Area Faithlal Flyer FAR HILLS OFFICE Fans SUPPLIES, INC, all aur OLE SPANISH VTLLAGE 6372 FAR HILLS AVE. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE COPIER AVAILABLE 435-1244 47 HLrdepoh ls ndeed a rare I nd in today s beer market It rs thal rare, lop,quality ceer that can only be achi€\/ed n the timetess lrad 1 onal iash on th - wshort no shorl cuts that ,,,,,i cut flavorl !udepohl tate . that s a tap-quatity beet THE "I.OOI DECORftTING IDET6" FETffUREHOTTIE.. IETTOIETililCISffiAEIC The Scholz Design Meadowbrook is the home featured by the editors of 1,00'l Decorating ldeas magazine in their December issue. Now, we've duplicated that home right down to the last nail. Right here in this community. And you're invited to visit the Meadowbrook and explore it for yourself. D FECT ONS Ncrlh or Vanda a o. 25A 10 G .ghansburg. r sht on G rahamsblrq Road to Deer Clill Run, 'q,#t6#,@) Contemporary Builders lnc. 7439 S, Kimmel Rd., Clayton, Ohio 45315 836-7628 836-0634 We have the home for you. ll we don t, |/e ll build lour dciign home on your /ot or o!6. We have ber!tiill/y dej'Ared homes Jn n,rtt r,zer a.d rtyleJ at prices fou car or---1. r--- -=1oF-=---1.I=----1 Or=- --iJ6 be served ang one of a variery of meals ar DWCB Enjoy a fine selection of prime cut steaks and seafood, plus your favorite Italian dishes with our unique sauce. Whateuer your pleasure, Dominic's is sure to please! 1066 SOUTH MAIN ST. 222-4801