Current Newsletter - Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center


Current Newsletter - Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center
Communication Choices
Options for Parents
Video Phone: 903-253-9655
Communication Coordinator:
Lonny Mckinzie, DC, President
Kelly Drumm, Vice President
Stephanie Deibert, Secretary
Wana Crouch
Chris Detkos
Susie Grona, President
Elizabeth Crook
Daphne Smith
Sign Language
or email the
communication coordinator
[email protected]
Visit our WEBPAGE
follow us on FACEBOOK
Texas Hands & Voices (TXH&V) offers support, information and resources
in an unbiased manner to families with children who are deaf or hard of
hearing. Outreach activities, parent/professional/community collaboration,
and advocacy efforts are focused on enabling Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
children to reach their highest potential.
THE MISSION: Hands & Voices is a parent driven organization that supports
families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias
around communication modes or methodology.
THE MOTTO: “What works for your child is what makes the choice right.” TM
THE VISION: We envision a world where children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing have every
opportunity to achieve their full potential. Find more information at
Texas Guide By Your Side™ (GBYS) is a family support program that embodies the mission of
Hands & Voices, which is to provide unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or
hard of hearing. Guide services to families include:
Direct parent-to-parent emotional support
Sharing information and resources in an unbiased manner
Workshops, trainings, and events for parents and children
Networking opportunities with other families
Referrals to other programs that serve deaf or hard of hearing children
For more information contact area representative Katie Rapp: [email protected]
...If I had my child to raise all over again...
I’d do less correcting and more connecting...
from a poem by Diane Loomans
Which Option is Best? One Perspective
This newsletter
is dedicated to uniting
the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
of East Texas and all supporters
by providing information and
reporting events that enhance
our lives and our community
To receive a newsletter
mail your name and address to
TDHHC at PO Box 6134
Tyler, TX 75711-6134
or email:
[email protected]
Articles and photos are welcome
J. Parrish Lewis, author of The Goblin Road and The Rabbit List, is profoundly deaf and uses
American Sign Language to communicate. He wrote the article Your Kids and the Dinner Table
published online and written to hearing parents of deaf children who have not learned to sign.
The story is one for all of us to read as it drives home the importance of communication in the
home. Basic conversation by parents sharing with their children the highs and lows of daily life is
the kind of incidental learning that has a lifelong influence on a child’s value system.
Lewis contrasts two households both with hearing parents of a deaf child. The scenario is the
family dinner table and the communication differences and how it affects the child. In each of
these houses, at each table, there is an 8 year old deaf child who is with loving parents. In both
cases, the parents want the best for their children. In his story, Lewis demonstrates the benefits of
inclusive conversation as he points to the child’s opportunities for learning. Lewis believes that
ASL can work beautifully with any language; and believes it is a myth that learning ASL will
hinder the development of written or spoken language.
The story is too lengthy for this space but is well worth the time to check it out online at
Excerpts of this article were taken from The Good Men Project at the above listed website.
Suzy’s Zone
In my column I want to share issues within the educational, political, business, interpreting, and legislative organizations that may impact us.
It is imperative that we empower ourselves and strive for solutions.
Our Children
As an American citizen, every person has
the right to a free public education that is
appropriate; unfortunately many deaf and
hard of hearing children are currently left
FAR behind and it is time for us to take
action for our children and our community.
According to Grant Laird, Jr. owner of
the largest Deaf Community Resource &
Newsletter in Texas there are several
legislative issues that affect our children
and families. I urge you to contact your
senator and representatives on the
• US H.R. 3535, the Alice Cogswell and
Anne Sullivan Macy Act: A
comprehensive bill to promote and ensure
delivery of highly quality special
education and related services for students
who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind through educational methodologies
that will meet their unique educational multiple sources such as Medicaid and private
needs. This bill that has been introduced insurance companies. This hearing aid
by Representative Matt Cartwright, D- legislative encourages hearing aid coverage.
PA on September 17, 2015 and is For more information about this
currently in the legislative pending on legislative issue go to the website:
sponsorship from house and senate
The Conference of earingaid.html
Educational Administrators of Schools
For more information about other
and Programs for the Deaf (CEASD) legislative issues, Deaf community news, and
urges that everyone contact the resources log on the Deaf Network website:
representatives and senators. A sample
letter is found in CEASD website:
I'd like to close with an inspiration from
Abraham Lincoln: The best way to
•National Center for Hearing predicate the future is to create it. We
A s s e s s m e n t a n d M a n a g e m e n t Americans can create the best for our children
(NCHAM) states, “a child's ability to and community. Let's be proactive and make
hear should not be determined based on good things happen!
family income. It should be viewed as a With confidence,
fundamental right to the citizens and Susie Grona
provide access to hearing aids via Community Committee President
COME and JOIN this friendly FUN group
Share creative skills and learn new ones
Individual and group projects are
made in support of TDHHC Fund raisers
Group Meets every Wednesday 1pm
For more information send a text to
Josephine Arner: 214-578-9429
Photos by Michael Byram
September 2016 Page 2
C ffee Chat
1st Saturdays 7pm
1817 E. SE. Loop 323
3rd Fridays 7pm
311 S Main Street, Lindale
(Hwy 69 near Brookshire’s)
Basic Conversational
Sign Language I
in the Workplace
Sept. 12 - Oct. 5
6:00pm - 8:00pm
TJC West Campus
1530 SSW Loop 323
Tyler, TX 75701
For more information or to register call
TJC Continuing Studies: 903-510-2900
Seniors Outting
First Thursday, Sept. 1
Little Italy
3320 S. Broadway, Tyler
Cookout and Games
Saturday, Sept. 3
11am - 4pm
Westberry Landing
14620 Harbor Way, Flint, TX
Bring one pot luck dish and meat
of your preference to cook on our Grill
Yummy Ice Cream and all needed plates, etc.
will be furnished by TMAD
October 3
Meet us at the TDHHC Booth
Blueberry Square
Downtown Lindale
October 21-23
5 year Anniversary Revival
Fri- Sunday, October 21-23, 2016
Calvary Baptist Church, Tyler, Texas.
For more information contact Kathy:
[email protected]
or Look for the registration form
December 3rd
KissFist Christmas
September 2016 Page 3
We APPRECIATE our Supporters and Sponsors
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
To receive a FREE paper copy of the TDHHC newsletter in your home mailbox
Send your request with your name and full address to
TDHHC at PO Box 6134
Tyler, TX 75711-6134
or email Newsletter@
[email protected]
For more information about entering your articles or photos
email Newsletter @
[email protected]
September 2016 Page 4

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