July 2010 - Crazy Cavan Fan Club


July 2010 - Crazy Cavan Fan Club
Issue Number 3
July 2010
A little later than planned
here is our second Newsletter for 2010
The first part of this Year has been very busy ,
with the Band and the Fan Club in great
demand at Gigs and lot’s of hard work behind
the scenes on the New Album .
”Who’s Gonna Rock Ya?” we are pleased to say
is now released and available from Crazy Cavan
and Crazy Cavan Fan Club .
The first Gig’s of the Year were amazing ,
Rockers Reunion in January was a Blast !
Kicking off the Anniversary Tour .
The Reunion is always a magnet for the Rockin’
fraternity from all over the UK , Scandinavia
and beyond . It was great to meet R.Reunion
Tickets , Fan Club Prize Winner Ari , from
Finland , plus many more Fan Club Members ,
sorry if I missed you , but we will have another
chance to meet next Year at Rockers , the Band
are already booked for January 22nd 2011.
Left to Right , Brian “Bunner” Davies , Lyndon Needs,
Steve “ Vance “ Vincent , Graham Price ,
Don Kinsella , Mike Coffey , Terry Walley ,
Cavan Grogan
Pictured at Dewstow Golf Club ,
South Wales 20th February 2010
February brought a suprise appearance of
previous Crazy Cavan Bass players ,Don
Kinsella and Steve “Vance” Vincent , who
joined the Band for a celebration of the
Anniversary on their home Turf in “God’s Own
Country“ , Dewstow Golf Club , South Wales .
The Gig was the jewel in the Crown of the Tour
with the Band , family members and friends
mingling with the huge turn out of Fans before
and after the Gig .Many People had travelled
from far and wide to be there and it was an
amazing night!.We have our host and Fan Club
Member John Harris to thank once again for
his warm welcome to one and all , his
generosity and support of the Fan Club and
Band and for making the Gig possible .
Good News ! the Boys play Dewstow again
Special mention to Spike and Linette
Richardson who , in March in Southend Essex
Uk , gave the Band another chance to revisit the
Town that featured so heavily in their Career ,
A night to remember ! with a packed venue and
great music from Crazy Cavan and fantastic
support Band The Rat Pack Thank you Spike
and Linette for your Contribution of Tickets for
our Fan Club Draw and for the Beautiful
Flowers you presented me with ! -Louise
Fan Club Secretary
29 August - Doncaster
3/4 Sept - Finland
10 Sept -Spain
02 Oct - Scarbrough
16 Oct - Spain
03 December- Pakefield
(Christmas Party)
22nd January - 28th Annual Rockers
Reunion Reading UK
19th February - Dewstow, S.Wales ,
30th April - Leeds UK
2nd July 2011 - Suffolk , UK .
Wildest Cat's In Town
More Info on Gig’s at: www.crazycavanfanclub.com
© Crazy Cavan 2010 All Rights Reserved
Two Disc Box set containing a total of
52 Tracks , a 64 Page Booklet with
previously unseen Photo's 12 Previously Unreleased Demos and
the very first Crazy Rhythm EP ,
for the first time on CD!!
Available to Fan Club Members for
£15.30 inc Post and Packing
PLEASE EMAIL YOUR ORDER TO:[email protected]
Quote your name &
Membership Number
Discount will not be deducted from the
Website on any CDs or DVDs
Payments accepted through Paypal ,
Cheque or Postal Order
Price to Non Members £ 18.50 inc P+P
“The tracks on this anniversary CD are a must have for all aficionados of real British Rock’n’ Roll at
it’s purest and most compelling . Do yourself a favour and grab the opportunity to aqaint
yourselves with some of the finest Rockin’ music from a Band that helped kick start it all Forty
Years ago,” - John Kennedy
“Got it today, all the songs sound faster and
more powerful!!!!! Excellent album, must have!
Booklet is worth the cost alone” Bill Jones
( Federation of Teddyboys Forum Member )
“Hi Lou,
Just a bit of feedback for you;
I have found the 64 page booklet so
very interesting and informative. It has
filled so many gaps about music and
trends over the period I was livin.To be
told that ''so and so'' was the original
sound enables me to decide more on my
personal preferences.tracks 1-4 and 1526 are magic! “
Dave Clarke ( Fan Club Member )
“I just had a look at the cd & it's more than I expected, It's
beautifully presented, love the fact that it's in a box as
opposed to a plastic cd case.
Great book & just had a quick look through it, it's
breathtaking, I could cry...ha ha, how stupid.
Nice to see Get yerself a band on there...one of my very faves,
that I nearly wore out on the record, lol.
Same goes for Rockabilly star & Sadie.
You can tell Lyndon....this is a MUST for all Cavan fans!
It is an absolute treasure to have. Owning this, is like the
feeling I had when I bought Cavan's first album.
It's a great souvenir to own & at £16 it's a flippin' bargain!
Whoever has worked on all the aspects of this cd box set
have all obviously worked very hard. “ - Janie Warner
2 Rock ‘n’ Roll Club
© Crazy Cavan 2010 All Rights Reserved
& More !
Fan Club News
Later this year there are plans for Geoff Barker to
record a Radio Show for BBC WALES based around Crazy
Cavan’s 40th Anniversary , with Lyndon and Cavan as
Studio Guests! More News ASAP
Lost your Fan Club Pin Badge? now you can purchase a
replacement for £3.50 plus P+P from the Website or
Email Louise.
[email protected]
We have increased Fan Club Discount on CD’s & DVD’s
ONLY, to 20% for Members .
you purchase from the Band at Gigs the Discount
remains at 10% .
big thank you to those members who have chosen not
to receive a Newsletter by post , you have enabled this
increase in Discount as a direct result of lower printing
& postage costs .
We now have a 4” Oval Crazy Cavan Cloth patch priced
£3.75 plus P+P
The Fan Club Will be Doing a presentation again at this
years Teddy Boys Reunited Canvey Island Essex Uk on
the 14 th August. www.teddyboysreunited.co.ukLouise
will be travelling with the Band to the Following Gigs
this year and she will have a Selection of Merchandise .
With Cavan
What was the first rock'n'roll/rockabilly record
you've heard?
When I was a kid I lived in a town called Claremorrris
in County Mayo in the west of Ireland. The music
there was mostly country or traditional Irish. But you
had the fair grounds the radio, and the cinema. I
remember hearing Billy Haley quite often, But what
really knocked me out , Was when I saw the film
Lovin You with Elvis in the amazing scenes like
lonesome cowboy with the spotlight. Got a lot of livin
to do, with his scruffy denims, and i couldn't stop
singing let's have a party. !! I wasn't to see this
movie again for about 20 years. But i never forgot
those scenes. And have never seen anything to beat
them to this day. I'm sure that was the day I decided
to be a singer. (On their* latest album, Cavan
wrote a song called Groovy At The Movie about
this memories) * Let’s F****n’ Rock “
What did appeal to you in Rockabilly?
Rockabilly to me is a rock'n'roll stripped down to it's
bare essentials. The appeal is like skiffle. You feel if
you can hold a good steady beat play a few chords,
It's open for anyone to have a go. Although in the
reality it's far more complicated then that. I loved
that ol slap bass, and the echo's vocal's 'n' hiccups
yeah man!!
One can safely say you didn't feel very
concerned by the music of your generation?
Yes I had no interest in the music of my generation,
Rock'n'roll to me was the big explosion. My interest
was to look back on what caused this, not to follow a
bit of sharpnal that flew off into space from it.
There's always been a huge dose of country
music in your songs. Was it easy to find this
stuff in the UK?
Yeah it was fairly easy i think Hank William's was the
first one i took to.
Did you see onstage or hear on record a band
that impressed you recently?
Yes i often see bands that impress me. I like bands
who don't copy who try to do things their own way.
And put all there energy into putting it over
What is the album you're never tired of
listening to?
Gotta be Carl Perkins Dance album or maybe Elvis
Rock'n'Roll No2. And now thinking about it there are
quite a few actually.
Just by curiosity, what is the last record you
I recently found a copy of Nellie Lutcher singing Fine
Brown Frame on a 78, Doe's that count ?
29 August - Doncaster
4 Sept - Finland
10 Sept -Spain
2 Oct - Scarbrough
16 Oct - Spain
3 December- Pakefield
It sure does, one last word?
With Thank to Fred Turgis
© Crazy Cavan 2010 All Rights Reserved
With Jojo - Kergrist 56
With Otto Fuchs
With Jordi Aaron -Andorra
John Harris
Spike Richardson - Southend
Dewstow Febraury 2010 with family and Friends
Buddy , Dick , John and Jordi
Furious & Cavan
Rockin’ Pauly RIP
With Thanks to all the promoters ,
friends , family members and fans ,
who have supported the
Fan Club and the Band
some of your photo’s appear here !
Louise x
Ritchie Gee , Andy ,
and Frank
© Crazy Cavan 2010 All Rights Reserved
Janie Warner