A word from The Administrator


A word from The Administrator
Fall 2012
Published Bi-Annually
Vol. 2, No. 1
A word from The Administrator
You are Camp Mardela
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” ~ Psalm 136:1
Each year I receive a few handwritten notes from campers. This year one arrived with each letter
written in a different color. In addition to the colors adding a cheerful effect, I found that message very
Dear Chief Gieta, Thank you! The camp was a fun place. I made new friends one of them is you! I
also loved archery and swimming. The best part of camp was I had lots of fun with you and the
crew. I hope I can come back next year.
P.S. Thank you so much! God is awesome. God is right all the time. You are like family to me.
This is why we work all year. It is why we hold fundraising events, and it is why we work together
to create a safe place for children and youth to spend summer days learning about the love of God in an
outdoor setting. During the summer of 2012, Camp Mardela welcomed more than 250 campers. Many
individuals made this possible. Some people cut the grass. Other persons cleaned facilities to welcome
campers. There are people who purchased and prepared food. There are Directors who planned activities.
Trained volunteer counselors welcomed each camper as the children arrived with their sleeping bags.
Camp Board members oversaw all aspects of the facilities, finances, program, long-range planning and
fund raising. Congregations provided funding through self allocations. Individuals generously gave to
provide needed scholarship funds. Talented persons proofread newsletters and brochures. Trained
friends taught canoeing, archery and lifeguard as campers swam. Hundreds of people prayed.
The note above was addressed to me, but it could have been written to so many people. As this
year comes to a close, I would like to say to each of you; thank you so much. God is awesome. Thank you
for working. Thank you for giving, and thank you for praying. I have made many friends at Camp Mardela;
one of them is YOU!
~ Chief Gieta Gresh
Thank you for being a part of the ministry we call Camp Mardela .
In This Issue
Letter from Chief Gieta .................. 1
Summer Camp Schedule ................2
Fundraising News ..........................3
Upcoming Fundraisers ...................4
Program News .............................. .4
Retreat Schedule ................................ 5
Featured Camp Recipe....................... .5
Brick Project........................................ 7
Specialty Camps
June 23-28
Completing Grades 5–7
Campers will have opportunities to learn about horses and
equestrian safety, and they will experience riding. Campers will
stay at Camp Mardela and travel offsite for riding activities. In
addition to "Horse Camp" activities, there will be time for
traditional camp activities. Activities may vary based on
schedules and availability. $440.00
3rd & 4th July 21-25
Grades 3-4
This camp provides an opportunity for young campers to make
a transition into the full week camping program. Campers have
the opportunity to take part in many of the traditional summer
camp activities including swimming, crafts, Bible lessons,
music, recreation, nature studies, camp fires and fishing.
Campers enjoy the opportunity to sleep in their cabin with two
counselors as a part of their camp family unit. $310.00
June 23-28
Grades 5-8
This is an exciting addition to our schedule for campers
completing the 5th through 8th grades. Music and drama will
be the focus of this camp. Campers will prepare a program to
present at the family picnic on Friday evening. Campers will
also experience the traditional camp activities such as
swimming and campfires. $320.00
CULINARY ARTS CAMP, June 23-28, Grades 4-7
Learn the basics of cooking—everything from food safety to
proper measuring methods to garnishing as you prepare actual
meals. Campers will have the opportunity to plan, prepare, and
serve their creations all week long. If you already love cooking
or you are just interested in learning something new….join us
for cooking fun. Bon Appetite! $330.00
June 23-28
Grades 6-8
Enjoy exploring Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore through a
variety of travel and camping opportunities. Campers will stay
in tents during this week of special adventures. The program
has included bicycling, high ropes courses, sailing instruction,
climbing walls, overnight canoe trips, pond stomping,
orienteering, nature studies, archery, fishing, and much more.
Activities will vary somewhat from year to year based on
schedules and availability. $360.00
TWEENS, June 16-21, Grades 5-7
Campfires, Bible lessons, crafts, nature hikes, recreation and
swimming are just the beginning of an activity filled week for
campers who are completing the 5th to 7th grades. Campers
will enjoy canoeing and archery. This is a wonderful
opportunity to make new friends and reconnect with those you
have met before. $310.00
TEENS, July 14-19, Grades 6-8
Teens camp is specifically designed to meet the needs of
maturing campers who have completed grades 6 to 8.
Campers at this age may have attended previous camp
programs, but if not this is a GREAT time to begin. Come with
ideas (things to do) to share that would make this week
memorable. Teen activities may include swimming, canoeing,
fishing, and archery. There also will be time for carpet pool,
ping pong and 4-Square. Remember to pack your flashlight
and be ready for the nightly lane walk! $310.00
ME & YOU CAMP, July 26-27
K-1st Grade
This camp serves as an introduction to the camping program at
Camp Mardela. Any child completing kindergarten or first
grade is invited to attend this first time camping experience
with one of his or her parents, or another adult family member
(with parent's permission). Both parent and child will be able to
familiarize themselves with the camp setting as they participate
in traditional camp activities including Bible lessons, crafts,
music, nature studies, games, and more. $130.00
YOUTH CAMP, July 7-13, Grades 9-12
Youth Camp Senior High School campers, who have
completed grades 9 to 12, will enjoy the many well-loved
activities of the traditional camping program. However, youth
campers will also treasure memories that are made during
activities such as service projects, talent show, a theme night
and off-camp trips. This year Youth Camp will be directed by
none other than…..WALT! Once again this year there will be
an evening concert by August Exchange (previously Adonia)
This camp promises to be an exciting program that reenergizes
campers with a love for camp and new insights into God's
Word. It is an exciting week, so be prepared for surprises along
the way. $310.00
MINI-CAMP, July 28-30
Grades 2-3
Mini-Camp is an introduction for young children to experience
Christian Community in practice. It is a brief encounter with
God's creation where campers enjoy a mixture of activities
within the context of a church camp: two and one half days of
hiking, swimming, campfires, Bible stories and games. It is just
enough time to learn everyone’s name, and build bonds that
last for life. $170.00
Fundraising Notes 2012
Camp Supper 2012 Update
Words cannot express the thanks to all
who helped with any and all aspects of
this years’ Camp Supper. Once again our
amazing crew lead by Mrs. Amy M. Hutchison
made it look so easy! (We aren’t fooled Amy –
we know it’s tons and tons of work!) And we
cannot thank you all enough.
The numbers break down as follows……..We
served 219 carry outs and 339 eat in. 558 total
Took in 6,022.26, including apples and
applesauce sold -- Expenses were 2364.48
Profit of 3,657.78 -- Average is $6.53 each -Actual costs $4.22
Some discussion took place at the last Board
Meeting and it was decided to create a
committee dedicated to Camp Supper only. We
do have a list of names of people we will be
asking to help us out, but if you, or if someone
you know is willing to help – we openly
appreciate everyone’s input. We will meet very
shortly after the first of the year to get started!
However, if you have suggestions now --please feel free to forward them to me, Laura
Swann ---- [email protected] or
410-364-5232 (leave message).
This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we
need everyone’s help to keep it that way!
Fundraising was varied and had mixed results
this year. Expenses have increased and the
camp ministry depends on church and
individual contributions. It would amaze you to see the
license fees and insurance that are required!
The facility rentals is a good income and requires some
planning and cleaning.
The annual camp supper net profit was $3657.78 Some
guests do not understand that this is a fund raiser and
bulk at the suggestion of a $5 donation. Each year the
board looks at ways to make more profit from this huge
Stanley Hutchison has taken items to sell at the
American Corner auction. This is an ongoing project. So
far the profits are $375.20
Fundraisers have also been held at the Easton Bob
Evans, Pizza Hut and Applebees with profits this year of
$810.64 This is a fun time of eating & fellowship for the
A successful walk a thon was held during camp
appreciation with $1086.00
Shorebirds tickets were bought by the camp and resold
however we did not meet the sales expectations.
On Nov 10th, a chicken bar b q & bake sale will be
held with the Rehobeth Ruritans at Westover.
Gieta Gresh our administrator is involved in every aspect
of the camp including fund raising. She has made great
connections to people and businesses who have been
generous in their support.
Submitted by Laura Swann / Vice Chair
Since the COB congregations are spread out on the
peninsula, maybe your church could hold a fundraiser
for the camp scholarship fund. This helps a child attend
camp and the camp then uses the money for expenses.
Please consider how you can help this ministry with your
time, talents and treasures.
Submitted by Chris Redman, Chairperson of the
Fundraising Committee
Program Committee 2012 Update
The Program Committee as well as the entire Board
would like to say thank you to Curtis and Betty
Hartman for their years of directing the Junior High
Camp and look forward to their participation in new
adventures at Camp Mardela! Stay tuned and see
where they pop up in the future! It is also our honor
to thank Daryl See for his years of directing
Outdoor Adventure Camp. Daryl will be pursuing
adventures in other directions and we wish him well
and know that he too, will pop up at Camp Mardela
here and there!
We are excited about some new Summer Camp
programs we are planning for 2013 as well as the
addition of new directors! Middler Camp was at
capacity this past year and we are working to split
that camp into two so that the campers are better
able to access all the great opportunities Camp
Mardela has to offer. We will now offer a Tweens
week lead by me (Laura Swann) and a Teens week
lead by Nicki Swann. There is also a possibility
that the ‘ending day’ may change for one or two of
the camps. Stay tuned for more details!
As for Family Camp – we need some input from
those of you who have enjoyed this event in the
past. We want to revitalize this wonderful weekend
opportunity and would welcome your suggestions!
As for this fall and winter – please don’t forget
about Camp Mardela! We will still be busy bees!
Watch for all the great retreats coming your way! If
you ever have a retreat idea – feel free to let me
know! Thank you!
Upcoming Fundraisers
On Nov 10th, a Chicken Barbecue and
bake sale will be held at the Green Hill
Church of the Brethren. A delicious one
half of a chicken and roll is reasonably
priced at $6.00. There will also be baked
items available. If you would like to donate
baked items to help support Summer Camp
programming, please contact your Camp
board representative for pick up details.
Thank you for your help with this
Applebees Flapjack Fundraiser!
When: Saturday, December 1st
Where: Applebees, Easton, MD
Cost: $7 per ticket
All you can eat pancakes and sausage! Beverages
included. Come out and enjoy breakfast served by
friends of Camp Mardela!
Submitted by
Laura Swann / Program Committee Chair
Upcoming Retreats 2013
The 2012 fall Women’s retreat will be
Jr. High Retreat: Jan. 25 to 27
held in the spring of 2013. Our recent
Sr. High Retreat
visit from Sandy left the camp grounds
4th/5th Grade Retreat TBA
with many downed trees and debris.
Brethren Beliefs Retreat TBA
Feb. 15 to 17
Watch your church bulletin for the
rescheduled date of the retreat. Our
retreat leader will be none other than
the amazing, Laura Swann. If you are in
need of some relaxation (be honest, you
know you are) and fun then this is the
retreat for you. There will be time for
Camp Mardela’s Baked Oatmeal
fellowship and good food. So, pack your
1 cup oil , 1 ½ cups sugar, 4 eggs, 6
sleeping bag and join us for an amazing
cups quick oats,1 tablespoon plus 1
time as we find out exactly what the
teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon
Bible has to say about “fall”.
salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 cups
Online Registration
Mix oil, sugar and eggs in mixer until
yellow and glossy. Add remaining
Online registration is now available for all
Camp Mardela retreats and summer camp
programs. There are fees associated with
the convenience of online registration. For
this reason the cost of online registration
will be slightly higher than the cost for
those registering the old fashioned way.
ingredients and mix until blended (do
not over mix). Pour into sprayed sheet
pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 30-40
minutes. Serve with your favorite ice
cream (I like vanilla).
If you have had any part in camp this
past year, whether it was being at camp;
supporting camp financially; or lifting camp up
in your prayers; we THANK YOU for helping to
make Camp Mardela a safe and wonderful
place to be.
Campers coming for a week or a few days to
have fun and explore God’s earth.
Making new friends and seeing old ones.
Learning about God and His promises to us.
As you know, camp cannot be a success
without your help. It takes lots and lots of
caring people giving of their time and talents. I
hope that you will pray about how you can
help Camp Mardela the rest of this year and in
the year 2013.
Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers!
Dedicated people who spend hours working
and teaching.
Directors and leaders who share their love of
God and nature with others.
Submitted by Dawn Lare, Board Chair
Planning, planning, and more planning.
Raising money for scholarships and the
operational expenses of camp.
Hugs, laughter, tears.
Applesauce making, Camp Supper, Bob Evans,
Applebees, and Chicken BBB.
Kids, youth, adults!
2013 DATES
Leeches, mosquitoes, and all kinds of bugs!
Summer Camp Online Registration Opens
Hiking, swimming, games, kayaking, and
Appreciation Day
A dedicated director who works endless hours.
Camp Clean Up Deadline
Apple Sauce Making
Camp Supper
“ Celebrating 65 Years ”
Leave Your “ Footprint” at Camp Mardela
Be a part of Camp Mardela …. Forever!
Last Chance!
Individual Order form
Ordering Deadline Dec. 31, 2012
Name _________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State __________ Zip _____________
Phone (day)_____________________ (cell) ________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________________
Please check brick selection and print exactly what is to appear on brick
_____ 4” x 8” brick -- $60
or (2) 4”x 8” bricks for $100 ____
3 lines with 20 spaces per line – this includes blank spaces and punctuation
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3 lines with 20 spaces per line – this includes blank spaces and punctuation
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
I do not wish to buy a brick at this time, but I do wish Camp Mardela many more
years with this gift. My gift of $__________ is included.
Return Completed Form with Payment to:
Make checks payable to Camp Mardela
Camp Mardela
P.O. Box 460
Denton, MD 21629
Camp Mardela
PO Box 460
Denton, MD 21629
Mail to:
Thanks to everyone who helped with our special kayak project this spring. As a result of
donations and grant income we now have 12 kayaks. During the summer of 2012 campers enjoyed
kayaking on Watts Creek under the direction of Camp Mardela staff members.