詳細書單 - KUAS 國立高雄應用科技大學圖書館
詳細書單 - KUAS 國立高雄應用科技大學圖書館
102年5月新書通報-紙本圖書(102.6.6製) 編號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 書名/作者 索書號 中文紙本圖書-總館9-10樓書庫 MOLESKINE「傳奇筆記本」的活用術 : 激發你記錄、創意與個 019.2 8547 性的75種使用方法 / 堀正岳, 中牟田洋子著; 葉小燕, 張凌虛 069.07 8456 博物館與文化 / 王嵩山著 146.79 8555 102 傅柯 : 危險哲學家 / Alain Brossat著; 羅惠珍譯 你的大腦是什麼顏色? : 看清你的本色, 看懂別人臉色, 人際 173.73 8646 溝通更出色 / 希拉.葛拉卓芙(Sheila N. Glazov)著; 蔡承志 有些事過去不懂, 現在覺悟還來得及! / 詹姆斯.阿圖徹(James 177.2 8557:4 Altucher)著; 沈台訓譯 記事本圓夢計畫 : 為自己量身打造理想的人生金字塔 / 熊谷 177.2 8564:2 100 正壽著; 王淑儀譯 177.2 8776:3 101 勇敢做自己 : 你的選擇, 成就你的人生 / 林少波著 20世代, 你的人生是不是卡住了...... : 你以為時間還很多, 178.3 838 101 但有些決定不能拖 / 梅格.潔伊(Meg Jay)著; 胡琦君譯 178.4 8669 諮商理論 / 周文欽等編著 192.5 8465 簡單就好, 生活可以很德國 / 門倉多仁亞著; 王淑絹譯 RS232/網路喚醒/GPIB儀器控制/遠端遙控和監控 : 實例應用和 312.932B3 8499 解析使用VB6 / 鄭集集編著 TQC+基礎零件設計認證指南Pro/E wildfire 5 : 工程設計領域 312.949P725 8567 / 中華民國電腦技能基金會編著 312.953022 829-2 100 作業系統分類題庫(94-99年)(研究所) / 洪逸編著 線性代數分類題庫 : 線性代數及其應用習題詳解(研究所) / 313.3022 8344 100 黃子嘉編著 331.7029 8764 虛擬儀器技術分析與設計 / 張重雄編著 條碼 E172203 E172931 E172965 E171864 E172967 E172205 E172968 E172952 E173872 E171870 E170034 E172983 E170032 E170033 E170036 編號 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 書名/作者 高普特考.技師命題精要 : 流體力學(公職考試) / 胡世平, 李 祥編著 熱力學與熱機學. 上(研究所 高考 技師 插大) / 李祥編著 高普特考.技師命題精要 : 熱力學(公職人員) / 胡世平, 李祥 壓電力學 / 周卓明編著 丟掉50樣東西, 我學會勇敢 / 蓋兒.布蘭克(Gail Blanke)著; 林麗冠譯 先進高溫結構材料與技術 / 李嘉榮, 熊繼春, 唐定中著 都市設計策略 : 全球化與快速城市化背景下的城市規劃設計 / 李晴, 張建著 主題式機械製造(含識圖)高分題庫(國民營、高普、各類特考. 台電.中油.中鋼.捷運.中華電信) / 何曜辰編著 天線設計與應用 : 使用Ansoft HFSS模擬器 / 鄧聖明, 蔡慶 龍, 柏小松著 買畫也能賺大錢 : 黃河帶你進入藝術投資的26堂課(2012增訂 版) / 黃河著 永不鬆脫的螺絲 : 小公司成為世界第一的祕密 / 若林克彥著; 孫玉珍譯 CEO要的不是你 : 新時代CEO選才思考力 / 許書揚著 高橋流簡報 / 高橋征義作; Jedi, Pluto譯 不必說話就贏的簡報術 / 天野暢子著; 陳美瑛譯 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 引言.圖表 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 改正.組合 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 改寫.補寫 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 設定情境.改變文體 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行編輯 索書號 條碼 332.6022 8455 100 E172934 335.6022 844 97 v.1 335.6022 8455 100 337.6 8665 E172932 E172933 E172936 429.8 8585 100 E172202 440.35 8446 101 E172981-E172982 445.1 845:2 96 E171880 446.89022 8757 102 E172980 448.821029 8545 101 E172979 489.71 834 E171887 494 8575:5 101 E172957 494.21 8446 101 494.6 8346 494.6 8767 98 523.313 8565 523.313 8565-2 523.313 8565-3 E171861 E172204 E171862 E170092 E170095 E170098 523.313 8565-4 E170097 編號 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 書名/作者 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 詞語訓練.仿寫 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦 執行編輯 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 整理.賞析 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行 魔法作文新式寫作教學 : 縮寫.擴寫 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行 「客庄12大節慶」特輯 : 年頭Happy到年尾 / 廣宣揚有限公司 企劃製作 文化節慶管理 / Greg Richards, Robert Palmer作; 國立臺灣 師範大學歐洲文化與觀光研究所譯 臺灣傳統民俗節慶講座文集 / 俞美霞等作; 國立歷史博物館編 輯委員會編輯 職業訓練與就業服務 / 詹火生等編著 空間經濟學 : 城市、區域與國際貿易 / 藤田昌久, 保羅.克魯 格曼(Paul Krugman), 安東尼.維納布爾斯(Anthony J. Venables)著; 梁琦主譯 史前時代 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著 斯坦利歐工作室 繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 美索不達米亞與聖經領域 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 古埃及與古希臘 / 尼爾.格蘭(Neil Grant)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 羅馬世界 / 東尼.亞蘭(Tony Allan)原著; 斯坦利歐工作室繪 圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 亞洲文明 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 美洲與太平洋 / 席安.康諾利(Sean Connolly)原著; 斯坦利 歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 索書號 條碼 523.313 8565-5 E170094 523.313 8565-6 523.313 8565-7 E170093 E170096 536.211 8236 E171886 538.54 8444 E171883 538.827 8767:2 E171888 542.75 8666:2 92 E173878 552.16 8455 100 E171884 711 8564:2 v.1 E170037 711 8564:2 v.2 E170038 711 8564:2 v.3 E170039 711 8564:2 v.4 E170040 711 8564:2 v.5 E170041 711 8564:2 v.6 E170042 編號 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 書名/作者 中世紀早期 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 歐洲之外 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 中世紀晚期的歐洲 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦 利歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 文藝復興時期的歐洲 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著 斯坦 利歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 地理大發現 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 現代國家的誕生 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利 歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組繪圖 移民新大陸 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 亞非帝國 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 工業革命 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 啟蒙時代 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 民族主義 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工作 室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 帝國時代 / 安妮.麥雷(Anne McRae)原著; 斯坦利歐工作室繪 圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 北美的崛起 / 麗莎.伊森曼(Lisa Isenman)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 索書號 條碼 711 8564:2 v.7 E170043 711 8564:2 v.8 E170044 711 8564:2 v.9 E170045 711 8564:2 v.10 E170046 711 8564:2 v.11 E170047 711 8564:2 v.12 E170048 711 8564:2 v.13 E170049 711 8564:2 v.14 E170050 711 8564:2 v.15 E170051 711 8564:2 v.16 E170052 711 8564:2 v.17 E170053 711 8564:2 v.18 E170054 711 8564:2 v.19 E170055 編號 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 書名/作者 世紀變遷與世界大戰 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯 坦利歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 第二次世界大戰 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利 歐工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 告別20世紀 / 尼爾.毛律士(Neil Morris)原著; 斯坦利歐工 作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 21世紀 / 密歇爾.克雷根(Michael Kerrigan)原著; 斯坦利歐 工作室繪圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 今日世界 / 東尼.亞蘭(Tony Allan)原著; 斯坦利歐工作室繪 圖; 閣林翻譯組翻譯 探索世界的旅程 : 地理現象和原理 / Clive Gifford作; 閣 林工作室翻譯 新大陸的淘金夢 : 北極地區、北美洲和中美洲 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作室翻譯 神鬼奇航的海域 : 加勒比海地區和南美洲 / Clive Gifford 作; 閣林工作室翻譯 文藝復興發祥地 : 歐洲 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作室翻 神聖的宗教殿堂 : 南歐、東歐和西亞 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作室翻譯 聳立的世界屋脊 : 亞洲 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作室翻 源遠流長的遺跡 : 東亞和東南亞 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林 工作室翻譯 古文明孕育之源 : 非洲 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作室翻 海洋上的白沙漠 : 大洋洲和南極洲 / Clive Gifford作; 閣 林工作室翻譯 期待和平地球村 : 世界概況 / Clive Gifford作; 閣林工作 索書號 條碼 711 8564:2 v.20 E170056 711 8564:2 v.21 E170057 711 8564:2 v.22 E170058 711 8564:2 v.23 E170059 711 8564:2 v.24 E170060 716 8645 99v.1 E170061 716 8645 99v.2 E170062 716 8645 99v.3 E170063 716 8645 99v.4 E170064 716 8645 99v.5 E170065 716 8645 99v.6 E170066 716 8645 99v.7 E170067 716 8645 99v.8 E170068 716 8645 99v.9 E170069 716 8645 99v.10 E170070 編號 書名/作者 76 全腦語文能力大挑戰 / 呂佳蓉主編; 黃曦執行編輯 國文/測驗解題一本通(高普.三四等特考.各類特考.升等升 77 資)(2013年最新版) / 楊昕編著 78 語言是我們的希望 / 南方朔著 全球化英語 : 輕鬆和全世界溝通 / 秦易耶(Jean-Paul 79 Nerriere), 大衛洪(David Hon)著; 嚴麗娟譯 英文熱門題庫(高普.三四等特考.各類特考.升等升資)(2013最 80 新版) / 林惠華編著 81 論文寫作的通關密碼 : 想畢業?讀這本 / 蔡清田著 82 推理之門由此進 : 推理的四門必修課 / 楊照著 83 故人故事 / 江青著 84 您撥的電話未開機! / 李偉文著 85 羅輯課 : 24個媽媽教我的街頭智慧 / 羅志祥著 86 誰在銀閃閃的地方, 等你 : 老年書寫與凋零幻想 / 簡媜著 寬恕, 是療愈的開始 : 每個人都有傷心的權利, 在淚水中覺察 87 成長的自己。 / 吳若權作 88 山海經密碼. 2, 決戰滇池 / 阿菩作 89 山海經密碼. 3, 水漫大陸 / 阿菩作 90 山海經密碼. 4, 血宗祕謀 / 阿菩作 91 山海經密碼. 5, 應龍現世 / 阿菩作 92 山海經密碼. 6, 夏商開戰 / 阿菩作 93 山海經密碼. 7, 崑崙玄戰 / 阿菩作 94 地中海的春天 : 重返阿拉伯之春與歐債風暴現場 / 張翠容作 95 燕心果 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 96 火雞與孔雀的戰爭 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 97 十二支鉛筆 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 索書號 802.022 8565 條碼 E170091 802.022 866-2 101 E172929 802.19 8553 E172970 805.1 8375 E172953 805.189 8736 101 E172930 811.4 8435:2 812.7 864 855 834:9 855 8476:8-5 855 8534:5 855 865-15 E170035 E172940 E172937 E172956 E171865 E172935 855 8854-31 E172966 857.7 855:15 v.2 857.7 855:15 v.3 857.7 855:15 v.4 857.7 855:15 v.5 857.7 855:15 v.6 857.7 855:15 v.7 857.85 8753-2 859.6 8436:2-2 v.1 859.6 8436:2-2 v.2 859.6 8436:2-2 v.3 E172959 E172960 E172961 E172962 E172963 E172964 E172949 E171874 E171875 E171876 編號 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 書名/作者 鹿角神木 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 飛傘 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 松鼠的尾巴 / 鄭清文原著; 林婉玉改寫; 陳貴芳繪圖 不中用的我仰望天空。 / 窪美澄作; 許金玉譯 驚爆危機 8, 結束的Day by day 上 / 賀東招二作; 四季童子 插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 9 , 結束的Day by day 下 / 賀東招二作; 四季童 子插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 19 , 集結的Make my day / 賀東招二作; 四季童子 插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 20 , 迫近Nick of time / 賀東招二作; 四季童子 插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 21 , 永遠的Stand by me 上 / 賀東招二作; 四季 童子插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 22 , 永遠的Stand by me 下 / 賀東招二作; 四季 童子插畫; 劉彥琳譯 驚爆危機 23 , 真是危險的九死一生? / 賀東招二作; 四季童 子插畫; 劉彥琳譯 天空之蜂 / 東野圭吾著; 王蘊潔譯 請勿在此丟棄屍體 / 東川篤哉作; 鄭舜瓏譯 隧道2部曲 : 深溝 / 羅德里克.戈登(Roderick Gordon), 布萊 恩.威廉斯(Brian Williams)著; 肖毛譯 一個心跳的距離 / 蘿拉.賽門斯(Laura Summers)著; 黃聿君 決絕 : 我是什麼?被拘禁的靈魂, 或牢籠裡的獸? / 菲莉絲.卡 司特(P. C. Cast), 克麗絲婷.卡司特(Kristin Cast)著; 郭寶 荒野新生 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 高子梅譯 索書號 859.6 8436:2-2 v.4 859.6 8436:2-2 v.5 859.6 8436:2-2 v.6 861.57 8363 條碼 E171877 E171878 E171879 E172971 861.57 8374 v.8 E172972 861.57 8374 v.9 E172973 861.57 8374 v.19 E172974 861.57 8374 v.20 E172975 861.57 8374 v.21 E172976 861.57 8374 v.22 E172977 861.57 8374 v.23 E172978 861.57 8764-22 861.57 8775:2-6 E172941 E172942 873.57 836 v.2 E172938 873.57 8545:4 101 E172958 874.57 8445:3-9 E172969 874.57 845:5 v.1-1 E172943 編號 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 書名/作者 烈火寒冰 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 吳湘湄譯 祕密之森 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 韓宜辰譯 風暴將臨 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 蔡梵谷譯 危險小徑 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 韓宜辰譯 黑暗時刻 / 艾琳.杭特(Erin Hunter)著; 高子梅譯 火兒 / 克莉絲汀.卡修(Kristin Cashore)著; 周沛郁譯 骸骨之城. 3. 灰燼之城 / 卡珊卓拉.克蕾兒(Cassandra Clare)著; 費咪譯 骸骨之城. 4. 獵月 / 卡珊卓拉.克蕾兒(Cassandra Clare)著; 費咪譯 骸骨之城. 5. 玻璃之城 / 卡珊卓拉.克蕾兒(Cassandra Clare)著; 費咪譯 地底王國 / 蘇珊.柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)著; 周倩如譯 混血營英雄. 1, 迷路英雄 / 雷克.萊爾頓(Rick Riordan)著; 蔡青恩譯 埃及王朝. II, 蠍子之火 / 克里斯提昂.賈克(Christian Jacq)著; 蔡雅琪譯 埃及王朝. III, 雄鷹之眼 / 克里斯提昂.賈克(Christian Jacq)著; 周伶芝譯 日安憂鬱 / 莎岡(Francoise Sagan)作; 陳春琴譯 公共藝術的制度設計與城市形象塑造 : 美國.澳大利亞 / 馬欽 忠等編委 極致美術 : 世界名畫賞析 / Karen Hosack Janes, Ian Cailvers, Lan Zaczek作; 王翎翻譯 LOMO LIFE : the future is analogue : 從相機到影像語言, 未來的視覺開拓者 / Lomography作; 傅艾迪, 呂孟哲譯 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 索書號 845:5 v.1-2 845:5 v.1-3 845:5 v.1-4 845:5 v.1-5 845:5 v.1-6 848:2 條碼 E172944 E172945 E172946 E172947 E172948 E171869 874.57 8563:3 v.3 E171867 874.57 8563:3 v.4 E171868 874.57 8563:3 v.5 E171866 874.57 8575:3-4 v.4 E172950 874.57 8596-2 v.1 E172951 876.57 835-4 v.2 E172954 876.57 835-4 v.3 E172955 876.57 876-2 E172939 920 8394 99 E171885 947.5 8655 E171871 951.1 8943 E171872-E171873 編號 索書號 書名/作者 刺陵影像概念書 : 流動於沙漠的光, 影, 傳奇 / 長宏影視股 132 987.83 8727 份有限公司製作著作; 蔡榮豐攝影 西文紙本圖書-總館9樓書庫 How to attend, speak, or present a poster at an academic conference : [a guidebook for Taiwanese 133 001.42 W194 2011 researchers] / Steve Wallace [edited by Adrian Reid, Daniel Boles, Bill Thornton] Grey systems : theory and applications / Sifeng Liu and 134 003 L783 2010 Yi Lin Multiple criteria decision making : from early history 135 to the 21st century / Murat Koksalan, Jyrki Wallenius, 003.56 K79 2011 & Stanley Zionts Cross-cultural design for IT products and services / 136 004.019 R239 2013 Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Tom Plocher, Yee-Yin Choong 137 Multi-core embedded systems / edited by Georgios 004.16 M961:2 2010 Embedded multiprocessors : scheduling and 138 004.16 S774 2009 synchronization / Sundararajan Sriram, Shuvra S. Fast and effective embedded systems design : applying 139 004.21 T725 2012 the ARM mbed / Rob Toulson, Tim Wilmshurst Computer architecture : a quantitative approach / John 140 L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson with contributions by 004.22 H515-2 2012 Krste Asanovic ... [et al.] Design of low-power coarse-grained reconfigurable 141 004.22 K49 2011 architectures / Yoonjin Kim, Rabi N. Mahapatra Formal specification of industry foundation class 142 004.22 V471 2012 concepts using engineering ontologies / by Manu 條碼 E171882 W051596 W045869 W045890 W045884 W049816 W049769 W049832 W049825 W049767 W051600 編號 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 書名/作者 Real-time concepts for embedded systems / Qing Li with Caroline Yao Data flow analysis : theory and practice / Uday P. Khedker, Amitabha Sanyal, Bageshri Karkare USB mass storage : designing and programming devices and embedded hosts / Jan Axelson Networking systems design and development / Lee Chao Data acquisition techniques using PCs / Howard Advances in differential evolution / Uday K. Chakraborty (ed.) Making embedded systems / Elecia White Python 3 object oriented programming : harness the power of Python 3 objects / Dusty Phillips Python essential reference / David M. Beazley Visual quickstart guide : Python / Chris Fehily Starting out with Java : Early objects / Tony Gaddis; international edition contributions by Arup Kumar Bhattacharjee, Soumen Mukherjee Introduction to Java programming : comprehensive version / Y. Daniel Liang Introduction to Java programming : comprehensive version / Y. Daniel Liang Learning Python / Mark Lutz Python for data analysis / Wes McKinney Violent Python : a cookbook for hackers, forensic analysts, penetration testers and security engineers / 索書號 條碼 004.33 L693 2003 W049730 004.35 K45 2009 W049766 004.5 A969 2006 W049735 004.6 C461 2010 004.616 A934 2003 W049786 W049721 005.1 A244 2008 W049799 005.1 W583 2012 W049731 005.117 P558 2010 W049742 005.133 B386 2009 005.133 F296 2002 W049738 W049740 005.133 G123-2 2011 W049755 005.133 L693-2 2013 W049817 005.133 L693-3 2013 W049836 005.133 L975 2009 005.133 M158 2013 W049741 W049739 005.133 O18 2013 W049737 編號 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 書名/作者 Python programming : an introduction to computer science / John M. Zelle Java programs to accompany Programming logic and design / by Jo Ann Smith Programming computer vision with Python / Jan Erik Understanding the Linux kernel / Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati Building embedded Linux systems / Karim Yaghmour ... [et al.] Visual Basic programmer's guide to serial communications / Richard Grier Data acquisition and process control using personal computers / Tarik Ozkul Embedded systems : circuits and programming / Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton Artificial intelligence : a guide to intelligent systems / Michael Negnevitsky Learning from data : a short course / Yaser S. AbuMostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Hsuan-Tien Lin Machine learning in non-stationary environments : introduction to covariate shift adaptation / Masashi Sugiyama and Motoaki Kawanabe Ensemble methods : foundations and algorithms / Zhi-Hua Constraint-handling in evolutionary optimization / Efren Mezura-Montes (ed.) 索書號 條碼 005.133 Z51 2010 W049736 005.2762 S651 2013 W049835 005.37 S685 2012 W049743 005.432 B783 2006 W049733 005.432 B932 2008 W049732 005.71268 G848 2006 W049734 006 O99 1996 W049720 006.22 S211 2012 W049814 006.3 N384:2 2011 W049753 006.31 A165 2012 W050685 006.31 S947 2012 W049801 006.31 Z63 2012 W050688 006.32 C758 2009 W049800 編號 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 書名/作者 Face recognition : from theory to applications / edited by Harry Wechsler ... [et al.] Audio-visual person tracking : a practical approach / Fotios Talantzis, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Anthony G. Constantinides Face recognition using multiple classifier fusion : multiple classifier fusion based face recognition system for person identification / by Rizoan Toufiq and Pattern Recognition and Classification : an Fingerprint recognition technology - related topics : skin diseases, image quality and liveness detection / by Martin Drahansky Introduction to pattern recognition : a MATLAB approach / Sergios Theodoridis ... [et al.] Fingerprint recognition system : implementation and evaluation with ROC graphs using Mex-Files / by Tangellapally Sreekanth Rao and Josef Strom Bartunek Statistical pattern recognition / Andrew R. Webb, Keith D. Copsey Multimedia image and video processing / edited by Ling Guan, Yifeng He, Sun-Yuan Kung Advanced color image processing and analysis / Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, editor Image restoration : fundamentals and advances / edited by Bahadir K. Gunturk, Xin Li 索書號 條碼 006.37 F138 1998 W050682 006.37 T137 2012 W049791 006.37 T722 2012 W050683 006.4 D732 2013 W050687 006.4 D759 2011 W050689 006.4 I61 2010 W050684 006.4 R215 2011 W050690 006.4 W365 2011 W050686 006.42 M961 2012 W049812 006.6 A244 2013 W049821 006.6 I31 2013 W049830 編號 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 書名/作者 Video over IP : IPTV, Internet video, H.264, P2P, web TV, and streaming : a complete guide to understanding the technology / Wes Simpson Sony Vegas Pro 11 beginner's guide : edit videos with style and ease using Vegas Pro / Duncan Wood Android how to program / Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel Adobe After Effects CS5 classroom in a book : the official training workbook from Adobe Systems Seth, dreams & projections of consciousness The Seth material / by Jane Roberts The nature of personal reality : specific, practical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know / [channeled by] Jane Roberts; notes by Robert F. Butts Seth speaks : the eternal validity of the soul / [channeled by] Jane Roberts; notes by Robert F. Butts The unknown reality / [channelled by] Jane Roberts; notes and cover art by Robert F. Butts The magical approach : Seth speaks about the art of creative living / Jane Roberts; notes by Robert F. Face recognition : new research / Katherine B. Leeland, editor Computer-aided forensic facial comparison / edited by Martin Paul Evison, Richard W. Vorder Bruegge 索書號 條碼 006.7 S611 2008 W049824 006.7 W874 2012 W051594 006.76 D325 2013 W049818 006.786 A239 2010 W051593 133.91 R639 1998 133.91 R645 2001 W049746 W049748 133.93 S495 1994 W049745 133.93 S495-2 1994 W049749 133.93 S495-3 1996 W049744 133.93 S495-4 2011 W049747 153.758 F138 2008 W050681 363.2580285 C737 2010 W049823 編號 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 書名/作者 Modern instrumentation for scientists and engineers / James A. Blackburn Coloured petri nets : basic concepts, analysis methods and practical use / Kurt Jensen Coloured Petri nets : basic concepts, analysis methods and practical use / Kurt Jensen Graph theory and interconnection networks / Lih-Hsing Hsu and Cheng-Kuan Lin A primer on wavelets and their scientific applications / James S. Walker Stochastic processes / J. Medhi Combinatorial optimization and applications : 5th international conference, COCOA 2011, Zhangjiajie, China, August 4-6, 2011 : proceedings / Weifan Wang, Xuding Zhu, Ding-Zhu Du (eds.) Data envelopment analysis : modeling operational processes and measuring productivity / Wade D. Cook, Handbook on data envelopment analysis / William W. Cooper, Lawrence M. Seiford, Joe Zhu, editors Image analysis, classification, and change detection in remote sensing : with algorithms for ENVI/IDL / Morton J. Canty Photogrammetry : geometry from images and laser scans / Karl Kraus; translated by Ian Harley, Stephen Kyle Digital color imaging / edited by Christine FernandezMaloine, Frederique Robert-Inacio, Ludovic Macaire 索書號 條碼 502.8 B628 2001 W049722 511.3 J54 1997v.3 W051580 511.3 J54 2010v.2 W051579 511.5 H873 2009 W049770 515.2433 W181 2008 W049751 519.23 M488 2010 W049792 519.64 C667 2011 W049802 519.7 C771 2008 W045868 519.72 H236 2011 W045866 526.982 C234 2010 W049781 526.982 K91 2007 W051570 535.60151 D574 2012 W049829 編號 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 書名/作者 Mathematical models of biological systems / Hugo van den Berg Computational knowledge discovery for bioinformatics research / Xiao-Li Li and See-Kiong Ng, editors Strategic technology management : building bridges between sciences, engineering, and business management / edited by George Tesar ... [et al.] Image processing with MATLAB : applications in medicine and biology / Omer Demirkaya, Musa Hakan Asyali, Prasanna K. Sahoo Medical imaging signals and systems / Jerry L. Prince, Jonathan M. Links Human eye imaging and modeling / editors, E. Y. K. Ng ... [et al.] Designing complex systems : foundations of design in the functional domain / Erik W. Aslaksen Uncertainty modeling and analysis in engineering and the sciences / Bilal M. Ayyub, George J. Klir Advances in human factors, ergonomics, and safety in manufacturing and service industries / editors, Waldemar Karwowski, Gavriel Salvendy Advances in ergonomics in manufacturing / edited by Stefan Trzcielinski, Waldemar Karwowski Mechatronics : a foundation course / Clarence W. de Mechatronics : an integrated approach / Clarence W. de 索書號 條碼 570.15118 B493 2011 W049762 572.330285 C737 2012 W049803 607.2 S898 2008 W045893 616.0754 D381 2009 W049782 616.0754 P955 2013 W049840 617.715 H918 2012 W049811 620.001171 A835-2 2009 W049752 620.00151 A989 2006 W049750 620.82 A244:2 2011 W045874 620.82 A244:2 2013 W045887 621 D457 2010 621.3 D457 2005 W049764 W049760 編號 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 書名/作者 Instrumentation and measurement in electrical engineering / Roman Malaric Design of rotating electrical machines / Juha Pyrhonen, Tapani Jokinen, Valeria Hrabovcova translated by Hanna Niemel Battery technology handbook / edited by H.A. Kiehne Battery management systems for large lithium-ion battery packs / Davide Andrea Introduction to image processing and analysis / John C. Russ, J. Christian Russ Super-resolution imaging / edited by Peyman Milanfar VLSI for pattern recognition and image processing / editor, King-sun Fu Introduction to remote sensing / James B. Campbell, Randolph H. Wynne Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data : principles and practices / Russell G. Congalton and Remote sensing digital image analysis : an introduction / John A. Richards Classification methods for remotely sensed data / Brandt Tso, Paul M. Mather An introduction to contemporary remote sensing / Qihao Digital electronics / Robert K. Dueck, Kenneth J. Reid Electronics for electricians / Stephen L. Herman Switchmode power supply handbook / Keith Billings, Taylor Morey 索書號 條碼 621.3 M237 2011 W049717 621.31042 P998 2008 W049726 621.31242 B335:2 2003 W049758 621.312424 A556 2010 W051604 621.367 R958-2 2008 W049783 621.367 S959 2011 W049810 621.367 V871 2012 W049833 621.3678 C188 2011 W051567 621.3678 C749 2009 W049778 621.3678 R516 2013 W051568 621.3678 T882 2009 W049779 621.3678 W474 2012 621.381 D852 2012 621.381 H551 2012 W051566 W049838 W049839 621.381044 B598 2011 W049761 編號 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 書名/作者 Optical electronics : self-organized integration and applications / Tetsuzo Yoshimura Lab on the Web : running real electronics experiments via the Internet / Tor A. Fjeldly, Michael S. Shur Engineering the CMOS library : enhancing digital design kits for competitive silicon / David Doman EDA for IC system design, verification, and testing / edited by Lou Scheffer, Luciano Lavagno, Grant Martin EDA for IC implementation, circuit design, and process technology / edited by Louis Scheffer, Luciano Lavagno, Grant Martin Integrated circuits for analog signal processing / Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, editor Electronic circuit design : from concept to implementation / Nihal Kularatna Design for high performance, low power, and reliable 3D integrated circuits / Sung Kyu Lim Microelectronics to nanoelectronics : materials, devices & manufacturability / editor, Anupama B. Kaul Computational electronics : semiclassical and quantum device modeling and simulation / Dragica Vasileska, Stephen M. Goodnick, Gerhard Klimeck Introduction to light emitting diode technology and applications / Gilbert Held Modern analog filter analysis and design : a practical approach / Rabin Raut and M.N.S. Swamy 索書號 條碼 621.381045 Y65 2012 W049841 621.381078 F567 2003 W049718 621.3815 D666 2012 W051605 621.3815 E21 2006 W049774 621.3815 E21-2 2006 W049775 621.3815 I61 2013 W049822 621.3815 K96 2008 W049773 621.3815 L732 2013 W049819 621.3815 M626:2 2013 W049804 621.381520113 V334 2010 W049772 621.381522 H474 2009 W049776 621.3815324 R249 2010 W049788 編號 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 書名/作者 Illumination, color, and imaging : evaluation and optimization of visual displays / Peter Bodrogi and Tran Quoc Khanh Digital and analogue instrumentation : testing and measurement / Nihal Kularatna Fast hopping frequency generation in digital CMOS / Mohammad Farazian, Lawrence E. Larson, Prasad S. Gudem Design of VLSI circuits : based on VENUS / E. Horbst, C. Muller-Schloer, H. Schwartzel Communication architectures for systems-on-chip / edited by Jose L. Ayala Adaptive filtering : algorithms and practical implementation / Paulo S. R. Diniz Discrete systems and digital signal processing with MATLAB / Taan S. ElAli Speech and audio signal processing : processing and perception of speech and music / Ben Gold, Nelson Morgan, Dan Ellis with contributions from Herve Bourlard ... [et al.] Theory and use of the EM algorithm / Maya R. Gupta, Yihua Chen Signals and systems : analysis using transform methods and MATLAB / Michael J. Roberts Wireless optical communications / Olivier Bouchet series editor, Pierre-Noel Favennec 索書號 條碼 621.3815422 B668 2012 W049827 621.381548 K96 2003 W049725 621.3815486 F219 2013 W049837 621.38173 H811 2012 W049834 621.382 C737 2011 W049813 621.3822 D585 2013 W049828 621.3822 E37 2012 W049808 621.3822 G618 2011 W049807 621.3822 G977 2011 W049796 621.3822 R646 2012 W049806 621.3827 B753 2012 W051603 編號 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 書名/作者 Location-based services handbook : applications, technologies, and security / edited by Syed A. Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with MATLAB / Yong Soo Cho ... [et al.] Ad hoc mobile wireless networks : principles, protocols, and applications / Subir Kumar Sarkar, T.G. Basavaraju, C. Puttamadappa RF circuit design / Richard Chi Hsi Li Position location : theory, practice and advances / edited by Seyed A. (Reza) Zekavat and R. Michael Polarimetric radar imaging : from basics to applications / Jong-Sen Lee, Eric Pottier Digital video and audio broadcasting technology : a practical engineering guide / Walter Fischer Physical audio signal processing : for virtual musical instruments and audio effects / Julius O. Smith III Underwater acoustics : analysis, design, and performance of sonar / Richard P. Hodges Digital design and Verilog HDL fundamentals / Joseph Cavanagh Embedded systems design with FPGAs / Peter Athanas, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Nicolas Sklavos, editors 3D integration for VLSI systems / edited by Chuan Seng Tan, Kuan-Neng Chen, Steven J . Koester 索書號 條碼 621.384 L811 2011 W049785 621.384 M662:2 2010 W049794 621.384 S245 2008 W049784 621.38412 L693 2012 W049826 621.384191 H236 2012 W049715 621.3848 L478 2009 W049757 621.38807 F529 2010 W049842 621.3893 S653 2010 W049714 621.3895 H691 2010 W049798 621.395 C377 2008 W049768 621.395 E53 2013 W049820 621.395 T531 2012 W049815 編號 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 書名/作者 Introduction to logic design / Svetlana N. Yanushkevich, Vlad P. Shmerko IEEE-488, general purpose instrumentation bus manual / Anthony J. Caristi Telecommunication networks / Eugenio Iannone Brushless permanent magnet motor design / Duane Design of brushless permanent-magnet machines / J.R. Hendershot Jr., T.J.E. Miller Electric motors and drives : fundamentals, types, and applications / Austin Hughes Control of electric machine drive system / Seung-Ki Sul Introduction to UAV systems / Paul Gerin Fahlstrom, Thomas James Gleason A novel method for photogrammetric mapping using UAV rotary system : integration between consumer digital camera and UAV in photogrammetric mapping / Khairul Nizam Tahar, Anuar Ahmad Sensor systems for environmental monitoring / edited by M. Campbell Flight mechanics modeling and analysis / Jitendra R. Raol, Jatinder Singh Spacecraft power systems / Mukund R. Patel Real world instrumentation with Python / J. M. Hughes Bio-inspired flying robots : experimental synthesis of autonomous indoor flyers / Jean-Christophe Zufferey 索書號 條碼 621.395 Y24 2008 W049777 621.398 C277 1989 W049716 621.3981 I11 2012 621.46 H249 2006 W049809 W049729 621.46 H495 2010 W049728 621.46 H893 2006 W049727 621.46 S949 2011 W049797 623.7469 F157 2012 W051574 623.7469 T128 2012 W051573 628.50287 S478 1997 W049724 629.13230011 R215 2009 W049756 629.4744 P295 2005 629.89 H893 2011 W049771 W049719 629.892 Z94 2008 W049759 編號 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 書名/作者 Simultaneous localization and mapping : exactly sparse information filters / Zhan Wang, Shoudong Huang, Gamini Dissanayake Research methods for business students / Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill System management : planning, enterprise identity, and deployment / Jeffrey O. Grady Electronic commerce 2010 : a managerial perspective / Efraim Turban ... [et al.] Life cycle costing for engineers / author, editor, B.S. Dhillon Facilities design / Sunderesh S. Heragu Service productivity management : improving service performance using data envelopment analysis (DEA) / H. David Sherman, Joe Zhu Theory of strategic management : with cases / Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill Technological know-how, organizational capabilities, and strategic management : business strategy and enterprise development in competitive environments / Design for Six Sigma in product and service development : applications and case studies / edited by Elizabeth A. Cudney and Sandra L. Furterer Modeling business processes : a petri net-oriented approach / Wil van der Aalst and Christian Stahl 索書號 條碼 629.8932 W246 2011 W049765 650.072 S257 2009 W045865 658 G733 2010 W045877 658.054678 E38 2010 W045864 658.1552 D534 2010 W045875 658.23 H531 2008 W045882 658.314 S553 2006 W045867 658.4012 J77 2013 W045863 658.4012 T258 2008 W045892 658.4013 D457 2012 W045870 658.403 A112 2011 W051592 編號 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 索書號 條碼 書名/作者 Decision by objectives : how to convince others that 658.403 F724 2001 W045891 you are right / Ernest H. Forman, Mary Ann Selly Knowledge management : an interdisciplinary perspective 658.4038 J39 2012 W045889 / Sajjad M. Jasimuddin Managing organizational knowledge : 3rd generation 658.4038 T875 2012 W045871 knowledge management and beyond / Charles A. Tryon, Jr Project management : a systems approach to planning, 658.404 K41 2009 W045860 scheduling, and controlling / Harold Kerzner Toyota production system : an integrated approach to 658.5 M741 2012 W045883 just-in-time / Yasuhiro Monden Lean manufacturing : business bottom-line based / John 658.5 W246 2011 W045876 X. Wang Systems life cycle costing : economics analysis, 658.5038 F239 2011 W045873 estimation, and management / author, John Vail Farr A first course in quality engineering : integrating 658.562 K92 2012 W045878 statistical and management methods of quality Root cause analysis : improving performance for bottom658.562 L357 2011 W045879 line results / Robert J. Latino, Kenneth C. Latino, Mark A. Latino Statistical quality control : a modern introduction / 658.562015195 M787 2009 W045862 Douglas C. Montgomery Innovations of kansei engineering / Mitsuo Nagamachi, 658.575 N147 2011 W045894 Anitawati Mohd Lokman Design thinking : integrating innovation, customer 658.5752 D457 2009 W051590 experience, and brand value / edited by Thomas Lockwood 編號 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 書名/作者 Human factors and ergonomics in consumer product design / edited by Waldemar Karwowski, Marcelo M. Soares, Neville A. Stanton Lean design management / edited by Stephen Emmitt Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation / Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl Measuring marketing : 110+ key metrics every marketer needs / John A. Davis Greener products : the making and marketing of sustainable brands / Al Iannuzzi E-business & e-commerce management : strategy, implementation and practice / Dave Chaffey Introduction to process control / Jose A. Romagnoli, Ahmet Palazoglu Electrochemical nanotechnologies / Tetsuya Osaka, Madhav Datta, Yosi Shacham-Diamand, editors Practical data acquisition for instrumentation and control systems / John Park, Steve Mackay Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks : theory and practice / Waltenegus Dargie, Christian Poellabauer Underwater acoustic sensor networks / edited by Yang Control of color imaging systems : analysis and design / Lalit K. Mestha and Sohail A. Dianat Big BIM little bim : the practical approach to building information modeling : integrated practice done the right way! / Finith E. Jernigan 索書號 條碼 658.5752 H918 2011 W045885-W045886 658.5752 L437 2012 W045881 658.7 C549 2010 W045861 658.8 D262-2 2013 W045888 658.802 I11 2012 W045880 658.872 C433 2011 W049754 660.2815 R756 2012 W045872 660.297 E38 2010 W049805 670.4275416 P235 2003 W049723 681.2 D217 2010 W049793 681.2 U56 2010 W049787 681.62 M586 2009 W049780 690.011 J55 2008 W051581 編號 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 書名/作者 BIM and construction management : proven tools, methods, and workflows / Brad Hardin Guide to the LEED AP building design and construction (BD + C) exam / Michelle Cottrell How to measure the benefits of BIM : a case study approach / by Kristen Barlish Factors Influencing the Use of Building Information Modeling (Bim) Within Leading Construction Firms in the United States of America / by Anthony Mutai Green building with concrete : sustainable design and construction / edited by Gajanan M. Sabnis Structural timber design to Eurocode 5 / Jack Porteous, Abdy Kermani Manual for the design of timber building structures to Eurocode 5 Integrated design in contemporary architecture / Kiel Architectural drawing course / Mo Zell Mastering Autodesk Revit MEP 2013 / Don Bokmiller, Simon Whitbread, Plamen Hristov Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2013 / Phil Read, Eddy Krygiel. James Vandezande Emerald architecture : case studies in green building / GreenSource, the magazine of sustainable design Fundamentals of integrated design for sustainable building / Marian Keeler, Bill Burke 索書號 條碼 690.0285 H262 2009 W051591 690.0286 C851 2011 W051589 692 B257 2011 W051583 692 M992 2010 W051582 693.5 G795 2012 W051586 694.02184 P843 2007 W051575 694.10218 M294 2007 W051576 720 M693 2008 720.284 A673 2008 W051598 W051588 720.2840285536 B686 2012 W051577 720.2840285536 R284 2012 W051578 720.47 E53 2008 W051585 720.47 K26 2009 W051587 編號 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 書名/作者 Aerial photography and image interpretation / David P. Paine, James D. Kiser Adobe after effects cs6 / [Angie Taylor and Todd Adobe After Effects CS5 : digital classroom / Jerron Smith and the AGI Creative Team Applied close-range photogrammetry in construction : for 3D modeling, quantity surveying, and augmented reality / Fei Dai, Ming Lu Close range photogrammetry technique : a validation study on craniofacial soft tissue measurement / Shaifulizan Ab Rahman, Micheal Ong Ah Hup, Zulkifli Exploring the world of music. Faculty manual / prepared by Diane U. Eisenberg in association with Dorothea E. Hast, James R. Cowdery, Stanley A. Scott Exploring the world of music : an introduction to music from a world music perspective / Dorothea E. Hast, general editor; James R. Cowdery; Stan Scott; additional material by R. Paul Brier, Ira H. Klugerman A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago style for students and researchers / Kate L. Turabian revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and University of Chicago Press editorial staff How to write and submit an academic paper in 18 weeks : a textbook for Taiwanese academic writers / by Steve Wallace; edited and contributed by Bill Thornton 索書號 778.35 P144 2012 條碼 W051569 778.523450285 T238 2013 W051599 778.5345 A239 2010 W051584 778.94 D132 2011 W051571 778.961 R147 2010 W051572 781.17 E36 1999 W050788 785.1 E96 2010 W050787 808.02 T929-2 2007 W045859 808.042 W194 2011 W051595 編號 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 索書號 書名/作者 How to write and publish a scientific paper / Robert A. 808.0665 D274 2011 Day and Barbara Gastel Science research writing for non-native speakers of 808.0665 G548 2010 English / Hilary Glasman-Deal How to write and illustrate scientific papers / Bjorn 808.0665 G982 2008 Gustavii Scientific writing 2.0 : a reader and writer's guide / 808.0665 L454 2011 by Jean-Luc Lebrun 808.0666 A435 1996 The craft of scientific writing / Michael Alley Enjoy writing your science thesis or dissertation! : a step by step guide to planning and writing 808.0666 H758 1999 dissertations and theses for undergraduate and graduate science students / Daniel Holtom & Elizabeth Fisher How to Present Confidently in English in 18 weeks : a 808.51 W194 2009 textbook for Taiwanese public speakers / by Steve Wallace; edited by Melissa Wallace, Daniel Boles, 813.6 G869 2010 The kitchen house : a novel / Kathleen Grissom Spatial data analysis : an introduction for GIS users / 910.015195 L793 2010 Christopher D. Lloyd 視聽資料-總館9樓數位媒體室(限館內閱覽) DO 192.1 8353 培養生命的活力 [錄音資料] / 黃順成主講 International Conference on Sustainable Building 2007 DO 441.3 I58 Taipei : proceedings : SB07 Taipei [electronic resource]/ Chief editor, Yeong-Tyi Day; Executive 身在輻中要知輻 : 漫談輻射. [電子資源]/ 行政院原子能委員 DO 449 8775 條碼 W045856 W049795 W045857 W045858 W045855 W049790 W051597 W051602 W049763 AV008932 AV008926 AV008927 編號 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 書名/作者 臺灣百年來學校藝術教育發展 = 100 years of arts education in Taiwan. [電子資源]/ 鄭明憲總編輯; 國立彰 技術及職業教育季刊 = Quarterly journal of technological and vocational education. [電子資源] / 國立臺灣師範大學 技術及職業教育研究中心編 透視內幕: 國立故宮博物院= Inside : the emperor's treasure [錄影資料] / 國家地理頻道製作 正義 : 一場思辨之旅= Justice : what's the right thing to do [錄影資料]/ 邁可.桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)主講 生態科技綠生活 1 , 燃料新紀元 [錄影資料] / Robert Campos, Donna Locicero製作 Norman Smith剪輯 生態科技綠生活 2 , 替代能源 [錄影資料] / Robert Campos, Donna Locicero製作 Omar Tinoco, Norman Smith, Rick Cikowski剪輯 生態科技綠生活 3 , 綠色建築 [錄影資料] / Jamie Hellman 製作撰稿導演 Nico Agostino, Susan Perla剪輯 生態科技綠生活 4 , 垃圾零廢棄 [錄影資料] / Melissa Kennedy製作 Paul Fargione, Duncan Pettigrew剪輯 生態科技綠生活 5 , 天候巨變 [錄影資料] / Emily M. Bernstein製作 John Balcom, Andrew Pogacar, Peter 企業的社會責任 : 原則與利益的衝突 [錄影資料] / Zoe Welsh, Tracy Mason, Richard Newman製片 Carlos Rodriguez, Bill Grist執行製作 Keith Long剪輯 矮靈牽繫賽夏情: 傳唱巴斯達隘= The Saisiyat Ritual of the Short People: passing on the Tradition of Pas-ta'ai [錄影資料] / 尖端公司製作 索書號 條碼 DO 520.933 8452 AV008912 DO 524.05 8777-2 AV008916 VD 069.8331 8565 AV008931 VD 198.57 8753 AV008918 VD 445.9 8657 v.1 AV008977 VD 445.9 8657 v.2 AV008978 VD 445.9 8657 v.3 AV008979 VD 445.9 8657 v.4 AV008980 VD 445.9 8657 v.5 AV008981 VD 494 8537 AV008976 VD 536.292 8445 AV008910 編號 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 書名/作者 臺中文化創意產業園區簡介: A Brief Introduction to the Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park [錄影資 料] / 漢笙股份有限公司製作 虛擬革命 1 , 偉大的開拓 [錄影資料] / Philip Smith製作. 導演 Russell Barnes製作; Rick Aplin剪輯 虛擬革命 2 , 國家的敵人 [錄影資料] / Francis Hanly製作. 導演 Russell Barnes執行製作; Martin Cooper, Andy 虛擬革命 3 , 免費的代價 [錄影資料] / Dan Kendall製作.導 演 Russell Barnes執行製作; Doug Newman剪輯 虛擬革命 4 , 網際網路人 [錄影資料] / Molly Milton製作. 導演 Russell Barnes執行製作; Julian Hart剪輯 法務部多媒體簡介 [錄影資料] Exploring the world of music [videorecording] / a coproduction of Pacific Street Films and Educational Film Center; producer/director/editor, Martin D. Toub; writers, Dorothea Hast, Martin D. Taub 臺灣資深藝術家影音紀錄片= Video documentary senior artists in Taiwan [錄影資料] / 國立台灣美術館監製; 公視 光子+ : 新北市科技藝術國際交流展. 2011 [錄影資料] / 新 北市政府主辦 百年藝教 數位影音創作 [錄影資料] / 凌軒影音媒體錄製 臺中學研討會. 2011 : 設計文化篇論文集 = 2011 Taichung study design culture the paradise of designer. [錄影資 料] / 臺中市政府文化局, 亞洲大學編印 糊紙: 獨具匠心躍紙上= Unique creations crafted in paper pasted-paper sculptures [錄影資料] / 尖端公司製作 索書號 條碼 VD 541.29 8669 AV008908 VD 541.415 8575 v.1 AV008982 VD 541.415 8575 v.2 AV008983 VD 541.415 8575 v.3 AV008984 VD 541.415 8575 v.4 AV008985 VD 589.13 8264-3 AV008930 VD 780 E96 1999 AV008996-AV008998 VD 909.933 8536 AV008913-AV008915 VD 956 8454 AV008907 VD 956 8657 AV008911 VD 964 8464 AV008929 VD 972 8445 AV008909 編號 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 索書號 書名/作者 夢想從改變開始= Dreams begin with change [錄影資料] / VD 987.81 8437 李素卿導演 勇敢傳說 [錄影資料] / Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman導演 VD 987.85 8355:2 Katherine Sarafian製片 Nicholas C. Smith剪輯 未來小子 [錄影資料] / Steve Anderson導演 Doroyhy McKim VD 987.85 8357 製片 Ellen Keneshea剪輯 琴之森 [錄影資料] / 小島正幸監督' 藤村直人等製片; 笠原 VD 987.85 8474 義宏編集 馴龍高手 [錄影資料] / Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois導演; VD 987.85 8754 Bonnie Arnold製片; Maryann Brandon, Darren T. Holmes剪 中文紙本圖書-燕巢4樓圖書館 我在包裡放本書 : 能幹的人、聰明的人、有自信的人, 都怎麼 019.1 8345 看書? / 松本幸夫著; 劉錦秀譯 078 8326-3 101 龍應台的香港筆記 / 龍應台著 超譯尼采 / 尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)作; 白取春彥編譯; 147.66 859-7 楊明綺譯 2秒優勢力 / 維微克.拉納戴夫(Vivek Ranadive), 凱文.曼尼 172.1 8458 (Kevin Maney)著; 黃怡芳譯 173.7 8356 1分鐘觀人術 / 麥凡勒主編 173.73 8896 一個人狂歡 : 內向者的成功心理學 / 穆秋月著 輕鬆駕馭意志力 : 史丹佛大學最受歡迎的心理素質課 / 凱莉. 173.764 8335 麥高尼格(Kelly McGonigal)著; 薛怡心譯 夢的解析(新版) / 西格蒙德.佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)著; 孫 175.1 7738-2 99 名之譯 175.7 864 頹癈、壓抑與昇華 : 解析<<夢的解析>> / 楊照主講 條碼 AV008928 AV008987 AV008989 AV008986 AV008988 E172115 E172915 E172893 E172073 E172112 E172082 E172194 E172197 E172199 編號 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 書名/作者 精神分析引論(新版) / 西格蒙德.佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud) 著; 彭舜譯 1分鐘讀心術 / 麥凡勒主編 今天創意教什麼? : 進入文化創意產業必修的13堂課 / 薛良凱 30歲了, 我不想就這樣平凡地過一生 : 用創意來一決勝負吧! / 金榮漢, 金鐘沅著; 宇忠信譯 更快樂 : 哈佛最受歡迎的一堂課 / 塔爾.班夏哈(Tal BenShahar)著; 譚家瑜譯 不生氣的技術 / 嶋津良智作; 朱麗真譯 為什麼我們這樣生活, 那樣工作? : 全球瘋行的習慣改造指南 / 查爾斯.杜希格(Charles Duhigg)著; 鍾玉玨, 許恬寧譯 一眼把人看到骨子裡 : 你不能不懂的察言觀色厚黑法則 / 王 他比你成功, 因為他懂攻心術 : 快速了解人心、操控人心的攻 心術 / 齊思群編著 做事也要懂心機 : 9個準則教你辦好事 / 萬劍聲編著 溝通就是這麼簡單 : 十週教你提升溝通能力 / 邢桂平編著 巴菲特給年輕人的忠告 : 巴菲特的名言語錄最好的忠告 / 黃 志堅, 蘇翠著 做自己, 還是做罐頭? : 勇敢挺自己的第一堂課 / 黃士鈞(哈 告訴世界我是誰 : 倒立先生黃明正的夢想拼圖 / 黃明正作 魔鬼藏在細節 : 成敗不是偶然 / 李君同編著 第九隻兔 : 一個冒險, 成就非凡卓越人生的故事 / 王興川著 唉!向動物學做人, 做事才會像個人 : 看寓言故事得智慧 / 鄭 書旻編著 索書號 條碼 175.7 8738 99 E172196 175.92 8356 176.4 8665:4 E172148 E172071 176.4 8666 E172029 176.51 8475 101 E172198 176.56 8446 E172157 176.74 8474 E172051 177 844:3 101 E172057 177 8445:2 101 E172095 177 8475 177.1 8545 E172076 E172129 177.2 8334:2 E172077 177.2 177.2 177.2 177.2 E172195 E172216 E172108 E172045 8346 8354:7 8445:7 8447:3 177.2 8448:3 101 E172081 編號 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 書名/作者 不要做最好, 但要搶第一 : 從銀行門僮到登上太空, 打破設 限、轉換思維, 西班牙傳奇富翁的100個人生提醒 / 哈維爾.加 布里(Xavier Gabriel)著; 張沂昀譯 全球第一CEO傑克.威爾許給青年人的11條忠告 / 王慶著 何不斗膽一下 : 改造工作, 改寫人生 / 王盈勛著 改變你一生的成功法則 : 神奇的A4思考術 / 三木雄信作; 簡 大為譯 要管好別人先管好自己 : 一本全面打造自我的成功讀本 / 鄭 后宮甄嬛傳教我的八十件事 / 夕顏作 富人有什麼? : 了解富人的生活, 改變你的現狀 / 方軍著 聰明做人智慧做事 : 你應該要懂的做人做事成功之道 / 方州 成功人生的焦點法則 : 抓對重點, 你就能贏回工作和人生! / 布萊恩.崔西(Brian Tracy)著; 李靈芝譯 不拖延工作術 : 改變150萬人、數百家大公司受惠的高效率祕 技 / 傑夫.戴維森(Jeff Davidson)著; 周沛郁譯 40歲前必須完成的九堂成功課 / 周耀童著 女人其實更容易成功 : 發現女人的潛能力 / 曉筠著 定位決定未來, 行動才有結果 : 55招教你找到人生的定位 / 白山編著 時間管理成功術 : 腦科專家教你善用時間62招 / 米山公啟著 慕樂譯 這輩子要這樣窮下去嗎? : 沒有富爸可靠也能致富的40種思考 術 / 竹內謙禮著; 林欣怡譯 為成功找方法, 不要為失敗找藉口 : 人生只有夢想是不夠的, 必須使之強烈的變成慾望 / 吳桐作 35歲前你就應該知道的15件事 : 千金難買的人生哲理 / 吳嫣 索書號 條碼 177.2 8455:2 E172155 177.2 846:8 101 177.2 8467 E172098 E172924 177.2 8474:3 E172133 177.2 177.2 177.2 177.2 E172097 E172927 E172046 E172048 8493 852:3 854:4-3 854:6-4 177.2 854-7 E172124 177.2 8567:4 101 E172150 177.2 8653:4 101 177.2 866:4 101 E172035 E172058 177.2 866:5 E172059 177.2 8665:2 E172137 177.2 8746:3 E172156 177.2 884:4 101 E172037 177.2 8853:2-2 101 E172034 編號 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 書名/作者 <<人性的弱點>>75周年最新增訂紀念版 : 改變一生的人際溝通 關鍵法則 / 戴爾.卡內基訓練機構(Dale Carnegie & Associates)著; 蕭美惠, 林佳誼譯 成功人士與你不同的人脈學 / 麥加主編 別教貓坐下 : 老闆、同事、客戶、親戚......有些人你永遠躲 不過, 心理學家教你如何跟他相處 / 內藤誼人著; 鄭舜瓏譯 話別說太死、事別做太絕 : 你我都要懂的人際相處之道 / 方 圖解35則職場人際增進術 : 強化自我地位, 扭轉職場人氣的心 理術 / 繁田千惠著; 林欣怡譯 華頓商學院的高效談判學 : 讓你成為最好的談判者! / 理查. 謝爾(G. Richard Shell)著; 劉復苓譯 誰搬走了我的乳酪? / 史賓賽.強森(Spencer Johnson)作; 謝 佳真譯 樂在工作 / 丹尼斯.魏特利(Denis Waitley), 芮妮.薇特(Reni L. Witt)合著; 尹萍譯 巴菲特給年輕人的24堂財富課 / 成杰著 有些事, 這些年我才懂 : 小野的人生思考 / 小野著 哈佛哲學課 : 徹底改變你看待世界的方式 / 胡雯雯著 活出生命最好的可能 : 彭明輝談現實與理想 : <<生命是長期 而持續的累積>>續集 / 彭明輝著 老二哲學 / 林芸著 沉得住氣 : 人生才能成大器 : 這是一個人成熟的標誌, 是成 大事的基礎 / 鄭逸安著 御風而上 : 嚴長壽談視野與溝通 / 嚴長壽著 心理專家的說話技巧 : 教你說話不委屈, 做人沒壓力 / 津田 秀樹, 西村銳介著; 陳惠莉譯 索書號 條碼 177.3 8334 E172041 177.3 834 E172063 177.3 8443 E172152 177.3 854:2-2 E172094 177.3 8557 E172125 177.4 863 E172145 178.3 836-2 E172224 191 8557 99 E172160 191.9 833 191.9 846:3 191.9 8477 101 E172060 E172292 E172024 191.9 8656-2 E172191 191.9 874 E172070 192.1 8493 E172054 192.13 8873 95 E172244 192.32 8456 E172066 編號 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 書名/作者 一點小信仰 : 在最困難的時候, 你能不能把自己放下, 相信希 望? / 米奇.艾爾邦(Mitch Albom)著; 張定綺譯 冰鑑識人學 : 看曾國藩如何成功識人、用人 / 公孫策著 全面攔截P2P主流技術 / 張春紅等合著 精通HTML5 Canvas / Steve Fulton, Jeff Fulton著; 陳美君 通吃iOS及Android : 用HTML5+Script就能開發APP / 唐俊開編 ASP.NET MVC 4開發實戰 / 黃保翕著 Sencha Touch權威指南 / 陸凌牛著 HTML5完美風暴 / 呂高旭作 Silverlight高階實務應用開發 / 魏永超編著 深入淺出HTML5程式設計 : 用Javascript建造網路應用程式 / Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson著; 莊惠淳譯 物件導向程式設計的精髓 : 使用UML工具和Java語言 / 高橋麻 奈著; 鄭英龍譯 想學好設計模式?從物件導向開始! / 劉濟華編著 丙級電腦軟體設計學術科解析 / 張建原, 漆慶福, 呂廷宇編著 C++入門進階 : C&C++基本語法/物件導向觀念/例外處理/樣版 /STL / 位元文化編著 徹底研究Python科學計算 / 張若愚作 效率達人用的Excel和你想的不一樣! : 144招絕對秒殺操控術 / 艾凡斯著 iOS SDK開發範例大全 : 100+隨貼即用的真實範例 / Erica Sadun著; 江良志譯 Android錦囊妙計 / Ian F. Darwin編著; 李宜修譯 Cocos2D遊戲程式開發攻略 : 動手撰寫你的第一支iOS遊戲 / Rod Strougo, Ray Wenderlich著; 蔡明志譯 索書號 條碼 265 8837 101 E172287 293.2 8539 312.91653 8746 101 312.91695 8333:2 312.91695 8395 101 312.91695 8396-2 101 312.91695 8467:3-2 101 312.91695 8536:3 312.91695 8564:2 101 E172122 E172186 E172172 E172180 E172185 E172171 E172178 E172179 312.91695 8758:3 E172168 312.92 8346:4 E172184 312.92 8746 312.92022 8773 E172181 E172169 312.932C 8656-7 E172187 312.932P97 8754 E172182 312.949E9 8855 E172026 312.952 854 101 E172177 312.952 8736 E172173 312.98 8855 E172188 編號 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 書名/作者 cocos2d-x手機游戲開發 : 跨iOS、Android和沃Phone平台 / 徐松林, 黃猛編著 別鬧了, 費曼先生 : 科學頑童的故事 / 理查.費曼(Richard P. Feynman)著; 吳程遠譯 HFSS電磁仿真設計從入門到精通 : 一樣的軟件, 不一樣的學習 方法 / 李明洋, 劉敏編著 反對完美 : 科技與人性的正義之戰 / 邁可.桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)著; 黃慧慧譯 所羅門王的指環 : 與蟲魚鳥獸親密對話 / 勞倫茲(Konrad Lorenz)著; 游復熙, 季光容譯 醫療崩壞 : 烏托邦的實現與幻滅 / 劉育志著 幸福美肌, 一輩子就買這一本 : 美膚心法&化妝保養品真相大 公開 / 邱品齊著、攝影 好吃不發胖低卡甜點. Part 2 , 38道低脂食譜大公開 / 茨木 くみ子作; 瞿中蓮譯 iOS SDK+OpenGL ES開發者的學習殿堂 : iOS 3D動畫程式開發 / 酒井裕司著; 博碩文化, 廖文斌編譯 Windows Phone開發實戰 / Henry Lee, Eugene Chuvyrov作; 黃保翕, 張崟譯 Arduino錦囊妙計(第二版) / Michael Margolis著; 徐德發譯 最簡單的互動設計Arduino一試就上手 / 孫駿榮, 吳明展, 盧 IKEA的祕密 : 真正的宜家家居(IKEA)精神 / 陳廣著 蘋果為時代上了一課 : 一個「沒有第二名」的世界 / 金大元 科技精英最想任職的公司 : Google如何思考?怎樣運作? / 博 納德.吉拉德(Bernard Girard)著; 吳浩, 李娜譯 索書號 條碼 312.986 8537 101 E172200 330.9952 838-2 94 E172134 338.1029 8454-2 102 E172928 363.9 8753 E172190 383.7 8574 98 E172043 412.5607 8733 E172922 425.4 8754 E172919 427.16 8876.2 E172916 448.845029 8353 E172183 448.845029 8396 100 E172176 471.516 8337 471.516 8376 101 474.3 872 484.6 8675 E172174 E172175 E172055 E172027 484.67 8445:2-2 E172036 編號 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 書名/作者 書店時光 : 世界夢幻書店巡禮, 品味人與書交織的知識氣息 / 清水玲奈, 大原ケイ作; 何姵儀譯 希望, 永遠在路上 : <<天下>>的故事 / 林秀姿, 許芳菊合著 你一定用得上的交涉術! : 掌握對手最渴求的目標、對抗惡意 攻擊, 讓彼此滿意度大增的13種溝通技巧 / 高杉尚孝著; 梁世 與賈伯斯一起尋找蘋果的秘密 / 高曼, 黃志堅著 華人首富李嘉誠奮鬥傳奇 / 李燕軍作 管理大未來 : 新管理正在淘汰舊商業! / 蓋瑞.哈默爾(Gary Hamel), 比爾.布林(Bill Breen)著; 廖建容, 楊美齡, 周宜芳 在兩難中學管理 : 管理的主導邏輯 / 李培齊著 像間諜一樣思考 : CIA中情局首度公開出奇制勝的商戰祕笈 / 彼得.恩尼斯特(Peter Earnest), 瑪麗安.卡林區(Maryann Karinch)合著; 吳宗璘, 劉道捷合譯 小的力量 : 中小企業也能以小博大, 創造巨大影響力 / 亨利. 杜伯洛夫(Herry Dubroff), 蘇珊.馬克斯(Susan J. Marks)作; 管理, 學杜拉克就夠了 : 跟著杜拉克輕鬆學好管理 / Daniel Brain著 賈伯斯的人生語錄 : 關於科技創新.經營領導.生命與愛的250 則智慧結晶 / 亞倫.肯恩.湯瑪斯(Alan Ken Thomas)編選; 吳 三星成長300倍的祕密 : 揭露管理鬼才李健熙的27個致勝關鍵 / 金炳完著; 徐若英譯 彼得.杜拉克的管理DNA / 詹文明著 與成功有約 / 史蒂芬.柯維(Stephen R. Covey)著; 顧淑馨譯 (圖文版)36計商業、處世與軍事 / 劉燁編著 我懂了!專案管理(全新增訂版) / 約瑟夫.希格尼(Joseph Heagney)著; 何霖譯 索書號 條碼 487.6 8383 E172207 487.7 8763 101 E172841 490.17 8365 E172056 494 838:3 494 8434:2-2 E172031 E172110 494 8443 101 E172085 494 8444:4 E173974 494 8455:6 E172135 494 8463:9 E172075 494 8584:2 E172022 494 8585 E172164 494 8624 E172158 494 8665:4 101 494 8736-6 99v.7 494 874:4 E172167 E172161 E172109 494 8745:6 E172136 編號 書名/作者 490 談判 : 原理與實務 / 張國忠著 1小時讀懂!圖解杜拉克入門 : 1本掌握杜拉克畢生管理精髓 / 491 森岡謙仁著; 朱麗真譯 492 1分鐘成為效率高手 / 西村克己著; 翁淑華譯 從零效率到高效率 : 用20%時間 完成80%工作 / 珍.葉格(Jan 493 Yager)著 ; 李振昌譯 越帶刺的點子越有用 : 不要放棄讓你坐立難安的好創意 / 艾 494 爾福.瑞恩(Alf Rehn)著; 吳鴻譯 495 王永慶經營理念研究 / 郭泰著 簡單讀懂麥可.波特 : 活用競爭策略必讀經典 / 瓊.瑪格瑞塔 496 (Joan Magretta)著; 顧淑馨譯 麥肯錫教我的思考武器 : 從邏輯思考到真正解決問題 / 安宅 497 和人著; 郭菀琪譯 企業樹法則 : 讓你節省六倍成本, 創意無限獲利 / 漢克.摩爾 498 (Hank Moore)著; 陳琇玲譯 499 企鵝怎麼開咖啡店? : 企劃力訓練講座 / 三谷宏治著; 謝育 創業教我的50件事 : 一個做人、做事、做夢、做自己的故事 / 500 王文華作 501 啟動革命 / 蓋瑞‧哈默爾(Gary Hamel)著; 李田樹, 李芳齡譯 慧眼挑金 : 矽谷創投家的真心告白 / 安迪.凱斯勒(Andy 502 Kessler)著; 羅耀宗譯 極大化 : 從台灣、日本、韓國、中國企業「全球化血淚史」, 503 找到致勝策略 / 楊國安等著; 鄭佳珍譯 面對危機, 領導人的關鍵決策 : 39位頂尖企業領袖現身說法 / 504 哈蘭.史泰恩包姆(Harlan Steinbaum), 戴夫.康提(Dave Conti), 麥可.史泰恩包姆(Michael Steinbaum)著; 吳國卿譯 索書號 494 8754:3-2 99 條碼 E174084 494 8766:6 E172030 494.01 8435:3-2 E172093 494.01 8843:2 E172120 494.08 8246 v.401 E172064 494.08 8246 v.405 E172038 494.1 8345:2 101 E172105 494.1 8346 E172121 494.1 843:3 E172126 494.1 8462 E172118 494.1 8466:2 101 E172146 494.1 8543:2-2 96 E172042 494.1 8556:3 101 E172113 494.1 8653:5 E172102 494.1 8834:2 E172106 編號 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 書名/作者 創業逼我想通的賺錢道理 : 一生為自己當一次老闆, 你可以現 在先學的腦袋與技術 / 萊行樂著 現在, 什麼才重要? : 決定未來贏家的5大關鍵 / 蓋瑞.哈默爾 (Gary Hamel)作; 李芳齡譯 開放式領導 : 從辦公室到塗鴉牆, 善用社群的新思維 / 李夏 琳(Charlene Li)著; 胡瑋珊譯 員工第一, 顧客第二 / 文尼.納雅(Vineet Nayar)作; 司徒 引導學Facilitation : 創造場域、高效溝通、討論架構化、形 成共識, 21世紀最重要的專業能力! / 堀公俊著; 梁世英譯 寫封與工作無關的信, 給部屬 : 一個年輕主管創造升遷奇蹟的 真實故事 / 田阪廣志著; 鄭舜瓏譯 貧民窟裡的領導 : 德雷莎修女的管理智慧 / 露瑪.伯斯(Ruma Bose), 路.佛斯特(Lou Faust)著; 朱道凱譯 一個小動作, 打敗笨問題! : 對付爛服務到死規定,你可以這樣 改變「問題背後系統」!/ / 羅素.艾可夫(Russell L. Ackoff), 謝爾頓.洛文(Sheldon Rovin)著; 黃怡雪譯 CEO幫你找到好工作 / 高永謀著 這些事, 當上主管才學就太慢了! : 運用20道籃中演練思考題, 訓練出讓老闆激賞、客戶滿意、員工喜愛的超級好主管 / 鳥原 隆志著; 鄭曉蘭譯 三星揭密 : 推動第一神話的16位關鍵CEO / 洪夏祥著; 徐若 電腦稽核 : 理論與實務應用 / 黃士銘, 嚴紀中, 阮金聲編著 簡單管理 / 李津作 擠入老闆口袋名單的9個方法 / 高山著 職場心理學 : 職場如戰場, 工作如戰鬥 / 李津著 索書號 條碼 494.1 8879 E172131 494.2 8443:4 101 E172114 494.2 8477 E172144 494.2 8543:4 E172039 494.2 8559 E172091 494.2 8572 E172151 494.2 865:5 101 E172128 494.2 8857:2 E172926 494.21 8366 E172117 494.21 8534 E172053 494.23 8274 494.28029 8346 102 494.3 844:4 494.35 836:3 101 494.35 844:3 E172092 E173973 E172061 E172074 E172047 編號 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 書名/作者 不管我是老闆或伙計, 我都能混出一條活路來 : 那些寓言故事 教會我的求生術 / 王可文編著 我愛白痴老闆 / 約翰.胡佛(John Hoover)著; 楊雯珺譯 窮得只剩下創意 : 小小的創意, 卻可做成大生意! / 黑天使, 白如意編著 人脈是設計出來的 : 教你如何打造結實而寬廣的人脈關係網 / 鄭逸安著 工作DNA. 鳥之卷 : 基層 / 郝明義著 工作DNA 駱駝之卷 : 中堅幹部 / 郝明義著 工作DNA 鯨魚之卷 : 決策者 / 郝明義著 記得你是誰 : 哈佛的最後一堂課 / 戴西.魏德蔓(Daisy Wademan)作; 譚家瑜譯 第一眼就看出問題 : 七種方法, 鍛鍊你的預判力 / 丹尼爾.布 魯斯(Daniel Burrus), 約翰.大衛.曼恩(John David Mann)著; 連育德譯 賈伯斯送給管理者的9個忠告 : 讓最優秀的人才為我所用 / 金 解讀大師觀點 : 一本書看懂28位全球頂尖商管大師的智慧 / 伊恩.瓦里斯(Ian Wallis)編; 郭恬君譯 拿破崙.希爾的自我行銷學 / 拿破崙.希爾(Napoleon Hill)著; 胡重光譯 致富法則大揭密 : 塵封一世紀的拿破崙.希爾黃金法則 / 拿破 崙.希爾(Napoleon Hill)著; 鄭雅雯譯 職場達人 / 張琳, 程秋平, 劉娟編著 其實, 我這麼努力 : 吳若權的精采履歷 / 吳若權著 但願我18歲就懂的成功學 : 讓20、30世代相見恨晚的人生指南 / 麥可.艾斯伯格(Michael Ellsberg)著; 黃怡芳譯 索書號 條碼 494.35 8456 101 E172080 494.35 847:2-2 E172044 494.35 8479 E172062 494.35 8493 E172068 494.35 8552:2 494.35 8552:2-2 494.35 8552:2-3 E172883 E172289 E172288 494.35 8558 101 E172065 494.35 8645:2 101 E172087 494.35 866:2 101 E172099 494.35 8675:3 E172040 494.35 873-2 E172079 494.35 873-3 E172072 494.35 877:3 494.35 8854:2 101 E172088 E172833 494.35 8856 E172132 編號 書名/作者 536 會議革命(暢銷改版) / 齋藤孝著; 劉瑩慧譯 供應鏈管理 : 從願景到實現(修訂版) / 佛瑟特(Stanley E. 537 Fawcett), 埃拉姆(Lisa M. Ellram), 奧格登(Jeffrey A. Ogden)原著; 馮遠耀,陳志騰, 陳秋逢編譯 538 6S管理運作技巧 / 陳德鑫編著 539 商品管理流程控制 / 鄧崇文編著 540 簡單X簡報 : 化繁為簡的簡報藝術 / 韓明文作 541 極致完美的簡報術 : 打造優質簡報的7個關鍵字 / 酆士昌著 542 風險管理新論 : 全方位與整合 / 宋明哲著 543 財務管理 / 劉亞秋,薛立言合著 544 ERP : 企業資源規劃導論 / 國立中央大學管理學院ERP中心著 545 中級會計學 / 郝強編著 546 會計軟體應用 / 全華商管研究室, 周昌儒編著 547 成本與管理會計(含概要) / 蕭靖編著 548 ACL資料分析與電腦稽核教戰手冊 / 黃士銘, 莊盛祺著 怪咖時代 : 小眾勢力崛起, 愈怪愈有商機 / 賽斯.高汀(Seth 549 Godin)著; 吳書榆譯 550 行銷管理 : 理論解析與實務應用 / 曾光華著 551 行銷學原理 / 曾光華, 饒怡雲著 552 一輩子受用的杜拉克行銷思考法 / 藤屋伸二著; 江裕真譯 獵殺巨人 : 十個競爭策略, 打倒產業老大! / 史蒂芬.丹尼 553 (Stephen Denny)著; 吳書榆譯 引爆需求 : 讓顧客無可救藥愛上你的6個祕密 / 史萊渥斯基 554 (Adrian J. Slywotzky), 卡爾.韋伯(Karl Weber)著; 陳信宏 Apple、Google、Amazon熱銷的祕密 : 讓顧客成為品牌傳道者, 555 不只自己買, 還揪人幫你賣 / 高德範(Alex L. Goldfayn)著; 索書號 494.4 8444:2 101 條碼 E172067 494.5 8735:2 101 E174076 494.5 8756 494.57 8546 101 494.6 8556 494.6 8645 494.6 8654:2 101 494.7 8749-3 101 494.8 8687 102 495.022 853-2 101 495.029 8663 495.71022 863-2 101 495.9029 8346 99 E172100 E172101 E174018 E172025 E174058 E174029 E174017 E173996 E173971 E174004 E173972 496 836:2-4 101 E172130 496 8366:3 101 496 8366:3-5 101 496 8447 E174089 E174088 E172028 496 855:8 E172140 496.3 8876 101 E172084 496.5 8357:2 E172107 編號 書名/作者 556 讓顧客開口說成交 / 湯姆.霍普金斯(Tom Hopkins)作; 江裕 做生意, 要快狠準 : 讓你秒殺成交的完美提案 / 馬克.喬那 557 (Mark Joyner)著; 吳幸玲譯 精實服務 : 將精實原則延伸到消費端, 全面消除浪費, 創造獲 558 利 / 詹姆斯.沃馬克(James P. Womack), 丹尼爾.瓊斯(Daniel T. Jones)著; 褚耐安譯 百圓可樂如何賣千圓?! : 打敗市場行銷大師的秒殺行銷法 / 559 永井孝尚著; 巫文嘉譯 推銷攻心術 : 讓人拒絕不了的推銷 : 讓你成為頂尖的銷售高 560 手 / 史摩爾著 叫你們店長過來 : 萬名店長「解決奧客」終極密技 / 外食相 561 談研究會作; 賴庭筠譯 562 定價管理 / 戴國良著 深入Apple直營門市 : 一生中一定要體驗一次的蘋果經驗 / 卡 563 曼.蓋洛(Carmine Gallo)著; 林錦慧譯 新.注意力經濟 : 在對的時間, 找到產品最強的定位! / 艾德 564 里安.奧特(Adrian C. Ott)著; 羅若蘋譯 物流與運籌管理 / 美國SOLE國際物流協會臺灣分會, 臺灣全球 565 運籌發展協會主編 廣告學 / 魏爾茲(William Wells), 莫里爾提(Sandra 566 Moriarty), 密契爾(Nancy Mitchell), 著; 陳尚永編譯 文案大師教你精準勸敗術 : 第一次行銷寫作, 你如何找出熱賣 567 語感與動人用字? / 羅伯特.布萊(Robert W. Bly)著; 劉怡女 568 沃爾瑪傳奇 : 解讀沃爾瑪成功的定律 / 陳廣作 廉價商品 : 全球貿易與便宜貨的窮途末路? / 劉高登(Gordon 569 Laird)著; 黃慧慧譯 索書號 496.5 8436:3-3 條碼 E172127 496.5 8485 101 E172139 496.5 8635-2 E172116 496.5 8654:3 101 E172083 496.5 8843 E172033 496.5 8994 E172162 496.6 8356 101 E174057 496.7 855 E172111 496.7 875 101 E172069 496.8 8655 101 E174098 497 8534-2 101 E174034 497.5 858 E172149 498.2 872 E172078 498.2 8734 E172153 編號 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 書名/作者 7-ELEVEN零售聖經 / 鈴木敏文口述; 緒方知行編撰; 劉錦秀 7-ELEVEN經商之道 / 鈴木敏文口述; 緒方知行編撰; 劉錦秀 統計學 : 基礎與應用 / Gerald Keller著; 顏慧, 丁淑方譯 易學易用SPSS PASW統計分析實務 / 李金泉編著 e指搞定大小事 : 進入數位生活的第一本書 / 李安妮, 李世鳴 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 論情說理說明文選 / 柯華葳主編 蔣 真相 : 喚醒內在領導力 / 張曼琳著 這樣做, 保證你有好工作 : 求職必勝的20堂課 / 戴晨志著 家有中等生 / 劉繼榮作 20幾歲必須規劃的富裕人生計畫 : 上班族, 怎樣儲備自己的退 休財富呢? / 劉貞言著 法醫.屍體.解剖室 : 犯罪搜查216問 / 道格拉斯.萊爾(D. P. Lyle)著; 蔡承志譯 讀懂那些人, 暸解這些事 : 最妙趣橫生的經濟學 / 熊毓婷作 飲食男女經濟學 : 美醜和事業成功有關嗎?外遇為什麼可以變 債券? / 楊少強著 基礎經濟學 / 毛慶生等著 經濟學概要 / 毛慶生等合著 計量經濟學 / 奚爾(R. Carter Hill), 葛里費茲(William E. Griffiths), 林姆(Guay C. Lim)原著; 黃智聰, 梁儀盈合譯 藍毛衣 / 賈桂琳.諾佛葛拉茲(Jacqueline Novogratz)著; 姜 經濟學人權威預測 : 2050趨勢巨流 / 丹尼爾.富蘭克林 (Daniel Franklin), 約翰.安德魯斯(John Andrews)編著; 羅 誰來拯救全球經濟? : 歐美榮景不在,中國成長趨緩,誰能成為 全球經濟的救贖? / 盧奇.夏瑪(Ruchir Sharma)作; 吳國卿譯 索書號 498.93 8579 101 498.93 8579-2 101 510 856-2 512.4 8469-2 99 521.539 8437 524.313 8564 101 541.776 8787-5 542.77 8383 544.107 8776 條碼 E172123 E172138 E173984 E174074 E172143 E172831 E172049 E172142 E172239 544.83 8743 101 E172086 548.6 833 E172921 550 8577 101 E172052 550 8673 E172918 550 8766 101 550 8766-3 101 E173978 E173977 550.1879 893 102 E174010 551.84 8376 99 E172869 551.98 8785 101 E172193 552.17 8733 E172141 編號 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 書名/作者 投資大師伯恩斯坦金融三部曲 : 繁榮的代價 / 彼得.伯恩斯坦 (Peter L. Bernstein)作; 田唯, 穆瑞年譯 投資大師伯恩斯坦金融三部曲 : 金融簡史 / 彼得.伯恩斯坦 (Peter L. Bernstein)作; 田唯, 穆瑞年譯 台灣產業發展何去何從 / 于宗先, 王金利著 貿易融資 / 蔡緣編著 未來5年, 決定你年薪千萬的創富能力 / 法諾許.托拉比 (Farnoosh Torabi)著; 何道原, 李佩珊, 曾婉琳譯 雲端科技產業大商機 / 楊森總編輯 綠角教你前進美國券商 : Step by Step圖解實戰手冊 / 綠角 交易, 趨勢雲 / 黃怡中著 程式交易 : 方法與實務應用-含演算法交易與高頻交易 / 姜林 杰祐著 滴水穿石 : 成功在於水的堅持 / 蘇明玉著 政府會計 / 張建昭, 張敬章編著 走在趨勢之前 : 智慧生活的領航者中興保全 / 林靜君著 常用小六法 / 李永然彙編 說走就走 : 父子徒步環島51天 / 魯文學, 蕭麗吉, 魯適維作 一句話讀懂世界史 / 黑爾格.赫塞(Helge Hesse)著; 王榮輝 深夜特急. vol.1 , 第一班車黃金宮殿 / 澤木耕太郎作; 陳 深夜特急. vol.2 , 第二班車波斯之風 / 澤木耕太郎作; 陳 深夜特急. vol.3 , 第三班車飛光啊!飛光啊! / 澤木耕太郎 作; 陳寶蓮譯 深夜特急最終回 : 旅行的力量 / 澤木耕太郎作; 張秋明譯 魚的德西旅行 / 趙于萱圖.文.攝影 索書號 條碼 552.52 8445 101 E172090 552.52 8445-3 101 E172166 555.927 8527 558.7 849-2 101 E172104 E174031 563 8545 E172023 563.5 867:2-4 563.528 897 563.53 8336 E172103 E172923 E174054 563.53029 8373 E172917 563.7 8853 564.7022 8775 101 575.8 8754 582.18 8465 101 677.69 8666 711 838 730.9 8477-2 96v.1 730.9 8477-2 96v.2 E172050 E173992 E172154 E174011 E172213 E172201 E172863 E172843 730.9 8477-2 96v.3 E172844 730.9 8477-2 v.4 743.9 8455 744.39 8455 E172876 E172210 E172212 編號 書名/作者 610 611 這就是我的堅持 : 楊基寬與104傳奇 / 楊基寬, 顧蘊祥著 612 柔軟成就不凡 : 奧林匹克麵包師吳寶春 / 吳寶春, 劉永毅合 這一生, 至少當一次傻瓜 : 木村阿公的奇蹟蘋果 / 石川拓治 613 著; 王蘊潔譯 佛洛伊德 : 幽微的心靈世界 / 彼得.克拉瑪(Peter D. 614 Kramer)著; 連芯譯 三杯茶 / 葛瑞格.摩頓森(Greg Mortenson), 大衛.奧利佛.瑞 615 林(David Oliver Relin)著; 黃玉華譯 三杯茶. 2 : 石頭變學校 / 葛瑞格.摩頓森(Greg Mortenson) 616 著; 劉復苓, 張毓如譯 617 英文文法有道理! : 重新認識英文文法觀念 / 劉美君著 連老外都在用的英文書信大全集 : 寫英文書信要抄得漂亮! / 618 蔣志榆作 倒著學New TOEIC新多益字彙 / 大賀理惠, Bill Benfield, 619 Ann Gleason著; 王復國總編審 620 文字編織 : 讓寫作變容易的六章策略 / 廖玉蕙著 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 放眼天下勵志文選 / 張忠謀等作 殷 621 允芃主編 622 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 世紀之聲演講文集 / 楊照主編 柏拉 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 文學大師短篇名作選 / 普希金等作; 623 張子樟主編; 潘昀珈繪圖 [中學生]晨讀10分鍾 : 幽默散文集 / 余光中等作; 廖玉蕙主 624 編; Rae繪圖 625 最後一本書 / 海明威等作 626 新詩一百句 / 張新穎解讀 索書號 749.59 8455 782.886 8642 782.886 8824:2 條碼 E172211 E172243 E172240 783.18 8739:2 E172828 784.38 8738-2 E172189 785.28 8437 E172835 785.28 8437 v.2 E172247 805.16 8764 E172170 805.179 8435 101 E171863 805.1895 8734 E174055 811.1 8534 E172237 813.4 8746 100 E172836 813.5 864 100 E172840 815.9 8376 99 E172234 815.97 8566 99 E172232 830.86 8253 831.8 8743 E172908 E172890 編號 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 索書號 831.86 8366 妖怪純情詩 / 曾淑美主編 人生自是有情癡 : 寫給情人的一百首浪漫古典詩詞 / 王鼎編 831.92 846 831.92 8786-2 98 愛情, 詩流域 / 張曼娟著 831.92 8786-3 98 時光詞場 / 張曼娟作 當你途經我的盛放 : 一個行者的心靈旅程 / 札西拉姆.多多著 848.6 8544 851 8345 當世界留下二行詩。 / 瓦歷斯.諾幹著 851.486 833 99 瘂弦詩集 / 瘂弦著 851.486 8354 善遞饅頭 / 孫梓評詩; 郭鑒予插畫 851.486 8369:2 妖獸 / 潘家欣著 851.486 8444:3 棄的故事 : 駱以軍詩集 / 駱以軍著 851.486 8445-5 以詩之名 : 席慕蓉詩集 / 席慕蓉作 851.486 8496-3 雨天脫隊的點點滴滴 / 李進文作 851.486 8562 大雄 / 鯨向海作 851.486 8563-4 透明鳥 : 羅智成詩集 / 羅智成作 851.486 8574 偽博物誌 / 羅毓嘉作 851.486 877:3 小女兒 : 夏夏詩集 / 夏夏作 851.486 884:3 101 雨水直接打進眼睛 : 葉青詩集 / 葉青作; 葉青, 雪意攝影 851.486 884:3-2 101 下輩子更加決定 : 葉青詩集 / 葉青作; 葉青, 雪意攝影 851.486 8875 交換愛人的肋骨 / 吳俞萱作 855 8326-7 102 大江大海一九四九 / 龍應台作 855 8354:6 昨天是世界末日 / 湖南蟲著 855 8445-10 席慕蓉精選集 / 席慕蓉著; 陳義芝主編 855 8445-9 金色的馬鞍 / 席慕蓉作 855 8458:3-2 第三人 / 胡晴舫作 855 8534-11 為什麼你不問我為什麼 / 廖玉蕙著; 蔡全茂圖 855 8534-12 後來 / 廖玉蕙著; 蔡全茂圖 條碼 書名/作者 E172904 E172877 E172867 E172868 E172241 E172891 E172248 E172290 E172906 E172261 E172894 E172305 E172864 E172901 E172242 E172899 E172862 E172865 E172907 E172215 E172312 E172286 E172214 E172861 E172276 E172277 編號 書名/作者 653 像我這樣的老師 / 廖玉蕙文; 蔡全茂圖 繁華散盡 : 廖玉蕙散文中英對照 / 廖玉蕙作; 胡守芳, 湯麗 654 明, 謝孟宗等譯 655 如果記憶像風 / 廖玉蕙著; 蔡全茂圖 不老騎士 : 那些歲月帶不走的夢想與勇氣 / 阮怡瑜作; 弘道 656 老人福利基金會統籌製作 657 浪漫不浪漫 / 平路著 658 香港已成往事 / 平路著 659 逍遙遊 / 余光中著 660 自豪與自幸 : 二十堂名家的國文課 / 余光中等作; 李素真主 661 起向高樓撞曉鐘 : 二十堂名家的國文課 / 余光中等作 662 慢慢來, 比較快 / 九把刀著 663 我買過最貴的東西,是夢想 / 九把刀著 人生最厲害就是這個BUT! : 「參見, 九把刀」BLOG亂寫文學. 664 3 / 九把刀作 665 萬象歷然 / 薛仁明著 666 論語隨喜 / 薛仁明著 667 平路精選集 / 陳義芝主編 668 我們, 都是末日殘存者 / 歐陽靖作 669 我只丟掉老虎 / 劉繼榮著 670 從前, 有個笨小孩 : 輸在起跑線的逆轉人生 / 吳若權作 671 離島醫生 / 侯文詠著 672 烏魯木齊大夫說 / 侯文詠作; Bo2圖 673 親愛的老婆 / 侯文詠作; 恩佐插畫 674 我就是忍不住笑了 / 侯文詠作 675 大醫院小醫師 / 侯文詠作 索書號 855 8534-13 101 E172279 855 8534-14 E172285 855 8534-5 100 E172278 855 8535:4 E172192 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 E172311 E172821 E172902 E172850 E172854 E172878 E172881 855:6-4 855:6-5 8566:2-8 89 8566-13 8566-14 8656 8656-5 條碼 855 8656-6 E172880 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 E172245 E172246 E172274 E172219 E172238 E172855 E172265 E172263 E172266 E172313 E172264 8665:9 8665:9-2 8728-3 8763:13 8776:6 8854-29 101 8966 95 8966-2 97 8966-4 8966-6 8966-7 95 編號 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 書名/作者 小說二十家 / 平路主編 五印封緘 / 平路作 玉米田之死 / 平路著 百齡箋 / 平路著 蒙妮卡日記 / 平路著 凝脂溫泉 / 平路著 後。青春期的詩 / 九把刀作 敲昏鯨魚 / 包冠涵著 未來, 我是你的老婆 / H著 侯文詠短篇小說集 / 侯文詠作 侯文詠極短篇 / 侯文詠作 淘氣故事集 / 侯文詠作 於是, 上帝派來天使 / Di Fer著 行道天涯 : 孫中山、宋慶齡的革命與愛情故事 / 平路著 東方之東 / 平路著 婆娑之島 / 平路作 椿哥 / 平路著 何日君再來 / 平路著 殺手, 出租中 / 柳漢鎂著 台北同棲生活 : 這是寫給台北的情書、或告別信? / 米果著 一千年動物園 / 夏夏作 張茵嘉攝影 煮海 / 夏夏著 帶我去月球 / 侯文詠作 頑皮故事集 / 侯文詠著; 竇仁安繪圖 天作不合 / 侯文詠作 索書號 857.61 855 857.63 855:2-3 857.63 855:2-4 857.63 855:2-5 98 857.63 855:2-6 857.63 855:2-7 98 857.63 8656:2-2 100 857.63 8724:3 857.63 8775:4 101 857.63 8966 98 857.63 8966-3 857.63 8966-4 96 857.7 833:4-2 857.7 855:2 99 857.7 855:2-2 857.7 855:2-3 857.7 855:2-4 857.7 855:2-5 857.7 8569:2 857.7 868-3 857.7 877:8 857.7 877:8-2 857.7 8966-4 859.6 8966 100 859.6 8966-2 條碼 E172283 E172271 E172870 E172255 E172310 E172824 E172882 E172275 E172920 E172267 E172268 E172269 E172879 E172299 E172300 E172856 E172273 E172272 E172905 E172270 E172220 E172256 E172253 E172284 E172262 編號 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 書名/作者 [小學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 奇妙的飛行生活散文集 / 王淑芬等作; 林良賞讀; 陳盈帆繪 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 愛.情故事集 / 蔣勳等作; 方文山主 編; 葉懿瑩繪圖 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 挑戰極限探險故事 / 劉克襄等作 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 啟蒙人生故事集 / 張曼娟, 王文華, 顏擇雅等文; 何琦瑜主編 [中學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 青春無敵早點詩.新詩選 / 楊佳嫻, 鯨 向海主編; 楊牧等文; 潘昀珈繪 [小學生]晨讀10分鐘 : 樹先生跑哪去了? : 童詩精選集 / 林 良等作; 林世仁編選賞析故事; 許文綺等繪 暗獸 : 續三島屋奇異百物語 / 宮部美幸作; 高詹燦譯 聽風的歌 / 村上春樹作; 賴明珠譯 海邊的卡夫卡 / 村上春樹著; 賴明珠譯 1Q84 / 村上春樹著; 賴明珠譯 村上春樹雜文集 / 村上春樹作; 賴明珠譯 神的孩子都在跳舞 / 村上春樹著; 賴明珠譯 甜美的來生 / 吉本芭娜娜作; 陳寶蓮譯 付喪神出租中! / 畠中惠著; 蘇文淑譯 娑婆氣 / 畠中惠著; 柴田尤插畫 葉凱翎譯 致當家大人 / 畠中惠作; 柴田尤插畫 葉凱翎譯 貓婆婆 /畠中惠作; 劉惠卿, 業凱翎譯 會動的怪影 / 畠中惠作; 柴田尤插畫 Timeout譯 溫泉鄉夜逃 / 畠中惠作; 柴田尤插畫 Timeout譯 告白 / 湊佳苗著; 丁世佳譯 贖罪 / 湊佳苗著; 陳嫻若譯 索書號 條碼 859.7 8467 101 E172837 859.7 848 100 E172235 859.7 8756 100 E172236 859.7 8786 101 E172838 859.8 8669 101 E172839 859.8 876-2 99 E172233 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 861.57 E172853 E172820 E172249-E172250 E172258 E172251 E172303 E172898 E172306 E172885 E172886 E172888 E172887 E172889 E172318 E172252 8346-12 8354:2-13 98 8354:2-2 8354:2-21 8354:2-23 8354:2-7 8446:2-7 8663:2 8663:2-2 v.1 8663:2-2 v.2 8663:2-2 v.3 8663:2-2 v.4 8663:2-2 v.5 8665:4 8665:4-2 編號 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 書名/作者 少女 / 湊佳苗作; 王蘊潔譯 往復書簡 / 湊佳苗作; 丁世佳譯 境遇 / 湊佳苗作; 丁世佳譯 藍天緞帶 / 湊佳苗著; 陶山夕香繪; 丁世佳譯 怪笑小說 / 東野圭吾作; 林佩瑾譯 超.殺人事件 : 推理作家的苦惱 / 東野圭吾作; 張智淵譯 黑笑小說 / 東野圭吾作; 阿夜譯 嫌疑犯X的獻身 / 東野圭吾作; 劉子倩譯 浪花少年偵探團 / 東野圭吾作; 王蘊潔譯 浪花少年偵探團. 2 , 再見了, 忍老師 / 東野圭吾著; 王蘊 伽利略的苦惱 / 東野圭吾作; 葉韋利譯 推理要在晚餐後 / 東川篤哉作; 黃健育譯 推理要在晚餐後. 2 / 東川篤哉著; 中村佑介繪; 黃健育 賽姬的眼淚 / 柴村仁著; 也插畫; 許金玉譯 六百六十圓的實情 / 入間人間作; 林冠汾譯 旅行的所在 / 松浦彌太郎作; 葉韋利譯 尋找漩渦貓的方法 / 村上春樹著; 安西水丸繪圖; 賴明珠譯 瘋子與掃把 : 邁克.帕爾瑪詩選 / 邁克.帕爾瑪(Michael Palmer)[著]; 黃運特譯 魔戒首部曲 : 魔戒現身 / 托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien)著; 朱 學恆譯 魔戒二部曲 : 雙城奇謀 / 托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien)著; 朱 學恆譯 魔戒三部曲 : 王者再臨 / 托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien)著; 朱 學恆譯 索書號 861.57 8665:4-3 861.57 8665:4-5 861.57 8665:4-6 861.57 8665:4-7 861.57 8764-16 861.57 8764-17 99 861.57 8764-18 861.57 8764-2 98 861.57 8764-21 v.1 861.57 8764-21 v.2 861.57 8764-9 861.57 8775:2-3 100v.1 861.57 8775:2-3 101v.2 861.57 8836:2 861.57 8949-2 861.6 8323 861.6 8354-18 條碼 E172317 E172294 E172260 E171265 E172866 E172913 E172302 E172914 E172315 E172316 E172842 E172911 E172912 E172826 E172827 E172903 E172304 873.51 8543 E172223 873.57 8554:2 101v.1 E172309 873.57 8554:2 101v.2 E172307 873.57 8554:2 101v.3 E172308 編號 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 書名/作者 哈利波特 : 鳳凰會的密令 / 羅琳(J. K. Rowling)著; 皇冠 編譯組譯 哈利波特 : 神秘的魔法石 / J. K. 羅琳(J. K. Rowling)著; 彭倩文譯 臨時空缺 / J.K.羅琳(J. K. Rowling)作 林靜華, 趙丕慧譯 魔法萬花筒 / 黛安娜.韋恩.瓊斯(Diana Wynne Jones)著; 佐 竹美保繪圖; 舒靈譯 一個乾淨明亮的地方 : 海明威短篇傑作選 / 海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)著; 陳夏民譯 第13個故事 / 黛安.賽特菲爾德(Diane Setterfield)作; 呂 地海孤雛 / 娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)著; 段宗忱 地海故事集 / 娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)著; 段宗 地海奇風 / 娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)著; 段宗忱 死亡約定 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 施清真譯 當愛遠行 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 蘇瑩文譯 事發的19分鐘 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 顏湘如譯 換心 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 謝蕙心譯 凡妮莎的妻子 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 蘇瑩文譯 小心輕放 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 林劭貞譯 失去的幸福時光 / 茱迪.皮考特(Judi Picoult)著; 呂玉嬋譯 完全真相 / 茱迪.波考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 施清真譯 家規 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 郭寶蓮譯 留住信念 / 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)著; 呂玉嬋譯 悲慘世界[經典全譯本] / 維克多.雨果(Victor-Marie Hugo) 著; 李玉民譯 索書號 條碼 873.57 857:3-7 E172230-E172231 873.57 857:3-8 E172314 873.57 857:3-9 E172254 873.57 875:4 96 E172909 874.57 8253-9 E172892 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 874.57 E172845 E172895 E172896 E172897 E172848 E172849 E172851 E172822 E172857 E172257 E172871 E172823 E172847 E172858 8255:2 8634 96v.4 8634 96v.5 8634 96v.6 8745:2-2 8745:2-3 8765 8765-2 8765-3 8765-4 8765-5 8765-6 8765-7 8765-9 876.57 838-3 E172280-E172282 編號 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 索書號 書名/作者 小王子 / 安東尼.聖修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)著; 876.59 8458 張譯譯 天空的囚徒 / 卡洛斯.魯依斯.薩豐(Carlos Ruiz Zafon)著; 878.57 855-3 范湲譯 881.357 847-2 玩火的女孩 / 史迪格.拉森(Stieg Larsson)著; 顏湘如譯 直搗蜂窩的女孩 / 史迪格.拉森(Stieg Larsson)著; 顏湘如 881.357 847-3 少年Pi的奇幻漂流(繪圖版) / 楊.馬泰爾(Yann Martel)著; 885.357 8333-2 湯米斯拉夫.托札那(Tomislav Torjanac)圖; 趙丕慧譯 牧羊少年奇幻之旅(繪圖本) / 保羅.科爾賀(Paulo Coelho)著; 885.7157 8455-2 93 恩佐(Enzo)繪圖; 周惠玲譯 9288奇幻之旅 / 保羅.科爾賀(Paulo Coelho)著; 陳佳琳譯 885.7157 8733-4 907 8926 文化每天都是進行式 / 朱宗慶著 安藤忠雄 : 我的人生履歷書 / 安藤忠雄著; 褚炫初, 王筱玲 920.9931 8344 964 8476:3 永恆如新的日常設計 / 小林和人作; 邱喜麗譯 空出位子給幸福。逆轉人生的空間診斷術 : 你的房間, 就是你 967 8455:2 的人生 / 艾克索榮.貝比斯(Xorin Balbes)著; 楊語芸譯 976.927 8765 跟雲門去流浪 / 林懷民作 劇場名朝 : 當代大師李名覺的舞台設計美學 / 戴伯特.烏拉 981.33 844 (Delbert Unruh)著; 王孟超譯 981.35 8756 舞台光景 : 林克華的設計與沉思 / 林克華, 王婉容著 987.44 8755 聲色盒子 / 張靚蓓著 992 8873 97 我所看見的未來 / 嚴長壽著 西文紙本圖書-燕巢4樓圖書館 How will you measure your life? / Clayton M. 158.1 C554 2012 Christensen, James Allworth, Karen Dillon 條碼 E172301 E172829 E172830 E172291 E172228 E172298 E172319 E172222 E172163 E172208 E172832 E172218 E172209 E172217 E172884 E172221 W051601 編號 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 書名/作者 Behavioral economics and its applications / Peter Diamond, Hannu Vartiainen, editors An introduction to behavioral economics / Nick Wilkinson and Matthias Klaes Naked Forex : high-probability techniques for trading without indicators / Alex Nekritin, Walter Peters The intelligent asset allocator : how to build your portfolio to maximize returns and minimize risk / William J. Bernstein Value averaging : the safe and easy strategy for higher investment returns / Michael E. Edleson foreword by William J. Bernstein Financial trading and investing / John L. Teall Trading with Ichimoku clouds : the essential guide to Ichimoku Kinko Hyo technical analysis / Manesh Patel Trading by numbers : scoring strategies for every market / Rick Swope, W. Shawn Howell Trading in a nutshell : planning for consistently profitable trading / Stuart McPhee Trading secrets : killer trading strategies to beat the markets and finally achieve the success you deserve / Louise Bedford The handbook of energy trading / Stefano Fiorenzani, Samuele Ravelli, Enrico Edoli The handbook of pairs trading : strategies using equities, options, and futures / Douglas S. Ehrman 索書號 條碼 330.01 B419 2007 W050315 330.019 W687 2012 W050316 332.45 N418 2012 W050297 332.6 B531 2001 W050294 332.6 E23 2007 W050295 332.6 T253 2013 W050298 332.632042 P295 2010 W050296 332.632042 S979 2012 W050300 332.6322 M172 2012 W050301 332.632280994 B411 2012 W050302 332.644 F518 2012 W050299 332.645 E33 2006 W050305 編號 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 書名/作者 Trading pairs : capturing profits and hedging risk with statistical arbitrage strategies / Mark Whistler Pairs trading : quantitative methods and analysis / Ganapathy Vidyamurthy The intelligent investor : a book of practical counsel / Benjamin Graham updated with new commentary by Forensic accounting and fraud examination / Mary-Jo Kranacher, Richard A. (Dick) Riley, Joseph T. Wells Eating behavior and obesity : behavioral economics strategies for health professionals / Shahram Heshmat Wiley IFRS 2013 : interpretation and application of international financial reporting standards / by Bruce Mackenzie ... [et al.] Wiley GAAP 2013 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles / Joanne M. Auditing & assurance services / Aasmund Eilifsen ... [et al.] Wiley practitioner's guide to GAAS 2013 : covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and interpretations / Joanne M. Frequently asked questions in corporate finance / Pierre Vernimmen ... [et al.] CFO fundamentals : your quick guide to internal controls, financial reporting, IFRS, Web 2.0, cloud computing, and more / Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel, Managerial accounting / Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso 索書號 條碼 332.645 W576 2004 W050303 332.64524 V655 2004 W050304 332.678 G738 2003 W050293 363.25963 K89 2011 W050306 616.8526 H584 2011 W050314 657.0218 E64-2 2013 W050324 657.0218 W676 2013 W050322 657.45 A912 2010 W050311 657.45021873 R175 2013 W050323 658.15 F879 2011 W050317 658.15 S556 2012 W050319 658.1511 W547 2012 W050310 編號 804 805 806 807 808 索書號 書名/作者 Cash flow analysis and forecasting : the definitive 658.15244 J95 2012 guide to understanding and using published cash flow data / Timothy D.H. Jury Secrets of the moneylab : how behavioral economics can 658.4032 C518 2010 improve your business / Kay-Yut Chen and Marina 碩博士論文-燕巢2樓閉架區 KT 008.8 8432:14 102 三大法人籌碼面預測臺灣加權股價指數之研究 / 郭裕凉研究 KT 008.8 8552:12 102 美元兌新台幣匯率預測 : ARIMA與SVM之應用 / 余奇潔研究 KT 008.8 8752:25 102 企業評價模型研究與投資策略之應用 / 陳韋心研究 條碼 W050318 W050313 E118473 E118472 E118471 102年5月新書通報-中文電子書(102.6.6製) 編號 書名/作者 連結網址 http://www.lib.kuas.edu.tw/library2/big5/03校外使用時請點選此連結,透過認證使用電子資源 5.asp http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 1 30秒打動人心說話術 [電子圖書] / 梁金梅,黃正昌著 tail.jsp?id=19820 http://www.airitibooks.com/detail.aspx 2 Android雲端實務程式設計 [電子圖書] / 李昇暾,詹智安著 ?PublicationID=P20120719017 Facebook精準行銷術 [電子圖書] : 這樣打廣告最吸客 / cacaFly http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 3 作 tail.jsp?id=11463 http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 4 I love Mac!蘋果軟體事件簿 [電子圖書] / Kouko著 tail.jsp?id=13372 http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 5 一克拉的夢想 [電子圖書] / La Vie編輯部作 tail.jsp?id=19047 人生不是只有步驟一二三 [電子圖書] : 一個年輕外商總經理的職 http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 6 涯經驗分享 / 鍾子偉著 tail.jsp?id=17648 http://kuas.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDe 7 人氣設計師好評100選. 2012 [電子圖書] / 張麗寶總編輯 tail.jsp?id=18758 大亨小傳 [電子圖書] / F. 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Nelson Y18712121Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Benjamin Graham on investing [electronic resource] / edited 72 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb by Rodney G. Klein commentary by David M. Darst Y18711dbeY Benjamin Graham, building a profession : classic writings of http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 73 the father of security analysis [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Jason Zweig, Rodney N. Sullivan, editors Y187122f2Y 編號 74 75 76 77 書名/作者 Beyond success : building a personal, financial, and philanthropic legacy [electronic resource] / Randall J. Ottinger Beyond the deal : mergers & acquisitions that achieve breakthrough performance gains [electronic resource] / Hubert Saint-Onge, Jay Chatzkel Beyond the one room school [electronic resource] / by P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Kristen E. Bunn Big book of brain-building games : fun activities to stimulate the brain--for better group learning, communication, and understanding [electronic resource] / Edward Scannell & Carol Burnett Biochemistry demystified [electronic resource] / Sharon 78 Walker, David McMahon 79 Biodiversity, biofuels, agroforestry and conservation agriculture [electronic resource] / edited by Eric 80 Bioinformatics : sequence alignment and Markov models [electronic resource] / Kal Renganathan Sharma 81 Biomedical applications of light scattering [electronic resource] / Adam Wax, Vadim Backman 82 Biomedical engineering and design handbook [electronic resource] / Myer Kutz, editor 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121eeY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712244Y http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6091287-0 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122f9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121dcY http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-4819513-8 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712268Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712276Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121fbY 編號 書名/作者 Biomedical ethics in Asia [electronic resources] : a 83 casebook for multicultural learners / Akira Akabayashi, Satoshi Kodama, B. 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Slingsby 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 連結網址 http://lb20.mcgrawhill.libraryandbook.net /FE/search_viewOpen.action?bookId=Ysdsdeb Y18713448Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Biosystems engineering [electronic resource] / Ahindra Nag advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712297Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Biotechnology demystified [electronic resource] / Sharon advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Walker Y187120dfY Blog marketing : the revolutionary new way to increase http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ sales, build your brand, and get exceptional results advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Jeremy Wright Y1871232eY Boat mechanical systems handbook : how to design, install, http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ and evaluate mechanical systems in boats [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / [Dave Gerr] Y187120d6Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Bob miller's algebra for the clueless : algebra [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Robert Miller Y18712137Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Bob Miller's basic math and prealgebra : basic math and advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb prealgebra [electronic resource] / Robert Miller Y187121a1Y Bob Miller's high school calculus for the clueless : high http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ school calculus : honors calculus, AB and BC calculus advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Robert Miller Y187121a0Y 編號 書名/作者 Body by science : a research based program to get the 91 results you want in 12 minutes a week [electronic resource] / Doug McGuff, John Little Book smart : your essential reading list for becoming a 92 literary genius in 365 days [electronic resource] / Jane Mallison Bringing out the best in everyone you coach : use the 93 enneagram system for exceptional results [electronic resource] / Ginger Lapid-Bogda 94 95 96 97 98 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871226aY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711d95Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712302Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Build your own electric motorcycle [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Carl Vogel Y18711dc0Y Building real estate wealth in a changing market : reap http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ large profits from bargain purchases in any economy advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / John W. Schaub Y187121ccY Building financial models : the complete guide to designing, http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ building, and applying projection models [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / John S. Tjia Y1871229dY Building quantities : an introduction using construction http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ electronic measurement standardsh[electronic resource] / AiadvanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Lin Teo, Davis Langdon and Seah Singapore Pte Ltd, KPK Y187120a1Y Quantity Surveyors http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Building wealth buying foreclosures [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb John W. Schaub Y1871225dY 編號 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 書名/作者 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Built to serve : how to drive the bottom line with peopleadvanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb first practices [electronic resource] / Dan J. Sanders Y187121f6Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Business calculus demystified [electronic resource] / Rhonda advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Huettenmueller Y187120e4Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Business economics : a contemporary approach [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Peter Earl & Tim Wakeley Y18711e1fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Business math demystified [electronic resource] / Allan G. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Bluman Y18712110Y Business plans that work : a guide for small business http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ [electronic resource] / Jeffry A. Timmons, Stephen Spinelli, advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Andrew Zacharakis Y187120c0Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Buy me! : new ways to get customers to choose your products advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb and ignore the rest [electronic resource] / Marshal Cohen Y1871233fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Buying real estate foreclosures [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Melissa Kollen-Rice Y18712231Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Calculus for the utterly confused [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Robert Oman, Daniel Oman Y18712165Y 編號 書名/作者 107 Calculus know-it-all : beginner to advanced, and everything in between [electronic resource] / Stan Gibilisco 108 Camping in comfort : a guide to roughing it with ease and style [electronic resource] / Lynn Haney Candlestick charting explained : timeless techniques for 109 trading stocks and futures [electronic resource] / Gregory L. Morris with Ryan Litchfield 110 Care packages for your customers : an idea a week to enhance customer service [electronic resource] / Barbara A. Glanz Career warfare : 10 rules for building your successful brand 111 on the business battlefield [electronic resource] / David F. D'Alessandro with Michele Owens 112 Careers for aquatic types & others who want to make a splash [electronic resource] / Blythe Camenson 113 Careers for foreign language aficionados & other multilingual types [electronic resource] / J. Laurence Day 114 Careers for people on the move & other road warriors [electronic resource] / Marjorie Eberts and Margaret Gisler 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8e5Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120edY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712347Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871217fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871226cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712173Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712174Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121bfY 編號 書名/作者 115 Careers for persuasive types & others who won't take no for an answer [electronic resource] / Jan Goldberg 116 Careers in architecture [electronic resource] / Blythe Camenson 117 Careers in child care [electronic resource] / Marjorie Eberts and Margaret Gisler 118 Careers in engineering [electronic resource] / Geraldine Garner 119 Careers in high tech [electronic resource] / Nicholas Basta 120 Careers in marketing [electronic resource] / Lila Stair and Leslie Stair 121 Careers in medicine [electronic resource] / Terence J. Sacks 122 Careers in social & rehabilitation services [electronic resource] / Geraldine Garner 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712147Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871222cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712171Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871222bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712146Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121bcY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120f9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121bdY 編號 書名/作者 Carl Runk's coaching lacrosse : strategies, drills & plays 123 from an NCAA tournament winning coach's playbook. [electronic resource] 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712248Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Biochemistry [electronic resource] / Eugene C. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Toy ... [et al.] Y18712190Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Microbiology [electronic resource] / Eugene C. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Toy ... [et al.] Y187121b1Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Neurology [electronic resource] / Eugene C. Toy advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb ... [et al.] Y1871217eY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Neuroscience [electronic resource] / Eugene advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb C.Toy ... [et al.] Y187121a6Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Pathology [electronic resource] / Eugene C. Toy advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb ... [et al.] Y18712191Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Pharmacology [electronic resource] / Eugene C. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Toy ... [et al.] Y187121a3Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Case files. Physiology [electronic resource] / Eugene C. Toy advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb ... [et al.] Y187121c7Y 編號 書名/作者 連結網址 Catamarans : the complete guide for cruising sailors http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 131 [electronic resource] / Gregor Tarjan foreword by Charles advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb K. Chiodi Y18712201Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Cats : the nine lives of innovation [electronic resource] / 132 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Stephen C. Lundin Y18712287Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 133 Cell physiology [electronic resource] / David Landowne advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712112Y CEMS : part 1 reviewed [electronic resource] / Ai-Lin Teo, http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 134 Davis Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte. Ltd, KPK Quantity advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Surveyors Y187120a0Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Chase's calendar of events 2010 [electronic resource] / 135 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb McGraw-Hill companies Y187122daY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Chemistry for the utterly confused [electronic resource] / 136 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb John Moore, Richard Langley Y1871213eY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Child abuse : towards a knowledge base [electronic resource] 137 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / Brian Corby Y18711e5cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 138 CISSP exam guide [electronic resource] / Shon Harris advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121f5Y 編號 書名/作者 139 Civil engineering formulas [electronic resource] / Tyler G. Hicks Clinical malignant hematology [electronic resource] / 140 editors, Mikkael A. Sekeres, Matt E. Kalaycio, Brian J. Bolwell 141 Cloud computing : a practical approach [electronic resource] / Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter 142 Coach yourself to a new career : 7 steps to reinventing your professional life [electronic resource] / by Talane Miedaner 143 Coaching football : from youth leagues to the pros [electronic resource] / Tom Flores and Bob O'Connor 144 Commodities demystified [electronic resource] / Scott Frush 145 Communicate effectively : 24 lessons for day-to-day business success [electronic resource] / Lani Arredondo 146 Comparative international management [electronic resource] / Carla I. Koen 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122acY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120c7Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122d7Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712342Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120cdY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8e7Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121c4Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711e1eY 編號 書名/作者 147 Complex variables demystified [electronic resource] / David McMahon 148 Compliance management for public, private, or nonprofit organizations [electronic resource] / Michael G. Silverman 149 CompTIA A+ certification [electronic resource] / Mike Meyers, Scott Jernigan 150 CompTIA A+ certification study guide. [electronic resource] / Charles Holcombe, Michael A. Pastore 151 CompTIA Linux+ certification study guide [electronic resource] / Robb H. Tracy 152 Concise manual of cosmetic dermatologic surgery [electronic resource] / Neil Sadick ... [et al.] Confessions of a real estate entrepreneur : what it takes to 153 win in high-stakes commercial real estate [electronic resource] / James A. Randel Connectability : 8 keys to building strong partnerships with 154 your colleagues and your customers [electronic resource] / by David Ryback with Jim Cathcart and David Nour 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871223fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711da1Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871232fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711d99Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121a5Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120eaY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712120Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871230aY 編號 書名/作者 155 Construction databook : construction materials and equipment [electronic resource] / Sidney M. Levy 156 Contemporary American cinema [electronic resource] / edited by Linda Ruth Williams and Michael Hammond 157 Corporate financial analysis with Microsoft Excel [electronic resource] / Francis J. Clauss 158 Cosmetic dermatology for skin of color [electronic resource] / editors, Murad Alam ... [et al.] Count down your age : look, feel, and live better than you 159 ever have before [electronic resource] / Frederic J. Vagnini, Dave Bunnell 160 Crack the fat-loss code : outsmart your metabolism and conquer the diet plateau [electronic resource] / Wendy Chant 161 Creating infrastructures for Latino mental health [electronic resource] / edited by Lydia P. Buki, Lissette M. 162 Credit risk management : how to avoid lending disasters and maximize earnings [electronic resource] / JoEtta Colquitt Crisis leadership now : a real-world guide to preparing for 163 threats, disaster, sabotage, and scandal [electronic resource] / Laurence Barton 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712337Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f4dY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871233bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712195Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712156Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8b7Y http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-44199452-3 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120daY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121ffY 編號 164 165 166 167 168 書名/作者 Critical care medicine : just the facts [electronic resource] / Jesse B. Hall, Gregory A. Schmidt associate editor, D. Kyle Hogarth Critical care ultrasonography [electronic resource] / [edited by] Alexander Levitov, Paul H. Mayo, Anthony D. Slonim Critical reflection in health and social care [electronic resource] / [edited by] Sue White, Jan Fook and Fiona Gardner CRM at the speed of light : social CRM strategies, tools, and techniques for engaging your customers [electronic resource] / Paul Greenberg Cross-cultural perspectives on educational research [electronic resource] / Anna Robinson-Pant 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120ceY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712265Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f4bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871224aY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f09Y Crossroads between innate and adaptive immunity III http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419169 [electronic resource] / edited by Bali Pulendran, Peter D. 5632-3 Katsikis, Stephen P. Schoenberger Crush price objections : sales tactics for holding your http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 170 ground and protecting your profit [electronic resource] / by advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Tom Reilly Y18712318Y CS Checklists : portable review for the USMLE step 2 CS http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 171 (clinical skills exam) [electronic resource] / Jennifer K. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Rooney reviewed by Patrick Rooney Y1871219aY 編號 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 書名/作者 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Current diagnosis & treatment critical care. [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] Y187120c8Y Current diagnosis & treatment. Gastroenterology, hepatology, http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ & endoscopy [electronic resource] / editor, Norton J. advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Greenberger associate editors, Richard S. Blumberg, Robert Y187121adY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Current procedures : pediatrics [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Denise M. Goodman ... [et al.] Y187120fdY Customer obsession : how to acquire, retain, and grow http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ customers in the new age of relationship marketing advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Abaete de Azevedo and Ricardo Y0003e8fbY Customer-driven operations : aligning quality tools and http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ business processes for customer excellence [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Christopher Ahoy Y18712299Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ CWTS certified wireless technology specialist study guide advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb (exam PW0-070) [electronic resource] / Tom Carpenter Y187122b2Y Damage models and algorithms for assessment of structures http://marc.crcnetbase.com/isbn/978020387 under operating conditions [electronic resource] / Siu-Seong 0877 Law and Xin-Qun Zhu http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Dark noon : the final voyage of the fishing boat Pelican advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Tom Clavin Y1871218eY 編號 書名/作者 180 Deja review : family medicine [electronic resource] / Mayra Perez, Lindsay K. Botsford, Winston Liaw 181 Deja review : obstetrics & gynecology [electronic resource] / Catherine J. Lee, Emily S. Miller 182 Deja review : pediatrics [electronic resource] / Brooke T. Davey 183 Deja review : psychiatry [electronic resource] / Abilash A. Gopal, Alexander E. Ropper, Louis A. Tramontozzi III 184 Deja review : surgery [electronic resource] / Amit D. Tevar, Scott King, Jonathan Thompson 185 Design for environment : a guide to sustainable product development [electronic resource] / Joseph Fiksel 186 Design for six sigma : a roadmap for product development [electronic resource] / Kai Yang, Basem El-Haik Design for Six Sigma statistics : 59 tools for diagnosing 187 and solving problems in DFSS initiatives [electronic resource] / Andrew D. Sleeper 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712185Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712161Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712153Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871219cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871215fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711db9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711a54Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711ab1Y 編號 書名/作者 188 Developing a coaching business [electronic resource] / Jenny Rogers 189 Diabetes demystified [electronic resource] / Umesh Masharani 190 Digital analysis of remotely sensed imagery [electronic resource] / Jay Gao 191 Dimensional analysis [electronic resource] / by J.C. 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Volume 4, Optical properties of materials, nonlinear optics, quantum optics [electronic resource] / by Michael Bass ... [et al.] Handbook of optics. Volume 5, Atmospheric optics, modulators, fiber optics, X-ray and neutron optics [electronic resource] / by Michael Bass ... [et al.] Handbook of rigging : lifting, hoisting, and scaffolding for construction and industrial operations [electronic resource] / Joseph A. MacDonald, W.E. Rossnagel, Lindley R. 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USMLE Step 3 [electronic resource] / [edited by] Donald A. Briscoe Last minute internal medicine [electronic resource] / 383 [edited by] Rebecca A. Miksad, Patricia A. DeLaMora, George Keith Meyer Lattice theory [electronic resource] : foundation / by 384 George Gratzer Lead generation for the complex sale : boost the quality and 385 quantity of leads to increase your ROI [electronic resource] / Brian J. Carroll 386 Leadership in Asia : challenges and opportunities. [electronic resource] / edited by Dave Ulrich Leadership in the era of economic uncertainty : the new 387 rules for getting the right things done in difficult times [electronic resource] / Ram Charan 388 Leadership secrets of Hillary Clinton [electronic resource] / Rebecca Shambaugh 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121afY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121cbY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121b2Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120d9Y http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-03480018-1 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120faY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871209fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122d2Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712314Y 編號 書名/作者 Leadership the Barack Obama way : lessons on teambuilding 389 and creating a winning culture in challenging times [electronic resource] / Shelly Leanne Leadership without excuses : how to create accountability 390 and high performance (instead of just talking about it) [electronic resource] / Jeff Grimshaw, Gregg Baron 391 Leading after a layoff : reignite your team's productivity in just 12 weeks! 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[electronic resources] / Arpita Lal /FE/search_viewOpen.action?bookId=Ysdsdeb Y18713446Y 編號 書名/作者 422 Masculinities in mathematics [electronic resource] / Heather Mendick 423 Masonry structural design [electronic resource] / Richard E. Klingner 424 425 426 427 428 Mastering project management : applying advanced concepts to systems thinking, control & evaluation, resource allocation / James P. Lewis. [electronic resource] Mastering technical analysis : using the tools of technical analysis for profitable trading [electronic resource] / John C. Brooks Mastering the art of asset allocation : comprehensive approaches to managing risk and optimizing returns [electronic resource] / David M. 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Dulan and the faculty of Advantage Education 443 Mcgraw-Hill's conquering GMAT math [electronic resource] / Robert E. Moyer 444 McGraw-Hill's conquering LSAT logic games [electronic resource] / Curvebreakers 445 McGraw-Hill's conquering the new SAT math [electronic resource] / Robert Postman and Ryan Postman 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712225Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871229aY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122e8Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8bfY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121dbY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711d96Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711da5Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121c5Y 編號 書名/作者 連結網址 McGraw-Hill's essential ESL grammar : a handbook for http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 446 intermediate and advanced ESL students [electronic resource] advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / Mark Lester Y187121e6Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ McGraw-Hill's firefighter exams [electronic resource] / 447 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Ronald R. 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[et al.] 463 Medical-surgical nursing demystified [electronic resource] / Mary Digiulio, Donna Jackson, Jim Keogh Medico-legal issues in emergency medicine and family 464 practice : case scenarios [electronic resource] / Catherine Swee Kian Tay, Shirley Ooi 465 Mental health promotion : a lifespan approach [electronic resource] / edited by Mima Cattan and Sylvia Tilford 466 Meteorology demystified [electronic resource] / Stan Gibilisco 467 Microeconomics demystified Depken, II [electronic resource] / Craig A. Microfinance for bankers and investors : understanding the 468 opportunities and challenges of the market at the bottom of the pyramid [electronic resource] / Elisabeth Rhyne 469 Microsoft Office 2007 quicksteps [electronic resource] / Carole Matthews, Marty Matthews 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871212cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8c7Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712095Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f5eY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120e1Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120feY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122c7Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712279Y 編號 書名/作者 470 Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ guide to managing and troubleshooting PCs [electronic resource] / Mike Meyers 471 Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ guide. Essentials (exam 220-601) [electronic resource] / Mike Meyers 472 Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ guide. PC technician (exams 220-602, 220-603, & 220-604) [electronic resource] / Mike Meyers Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ guide. PC technician (exams 220-602, 473 220-603, & 220-604) lab manual [electronic resource] / Mike Meyers, Dennis Haley Mind performance projects for the evil genius : 19 brain474 bending bio hacks [electronic resource] / Brad Graham and Kathy McGowan 475 Motivate like a CEO : communicate your strategic vision and inspire people to act! [electronic resource] / Suzanne Bates 476 Musculoskeletal imaging cases [electronic resource] / editor, Jamshid Tehranzadeh 477 Mutual funds for the utterly confused [electronic resource] / Paul Petillo 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712332Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712331Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712333Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712334Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122c5Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871227dY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e8f8Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871227bY 編號 書名/作者 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ MySQL database usage & administration [electronic resource] 478 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / Vikram Vaswani Y1871228eY Negotiate like the pros : a top sports negotiator's lessons http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 479 for making deals, building relationships, and getting what advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb you want [electronic resource] / Kenneth L. Shropshire Y18712237Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Negotiate your way to success : 24 steps to building 480 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb agreement [electronic resource] / Steven P. Cohen Y187121faY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Neonatal emergencies [electronic resource] / [edited by] 481 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Richard M. Cantor, Peter D. Sadowitz Y18712129Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Networking : a beginner's guide [electronic resource] / 482 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Bruce Hallberg Y187122f3Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 483 Neuroscience [electronic resource] / James S. White advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121e2Y Never fly solo : lead with courage, build trusting http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 484 partnerships and reach new heights in business [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / by Rob Waldo Waldman Y18712301Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ New nurse's survival guide [electronic resource] / Genevieve 485 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb E. Chandler Y18712263Y 編號 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 書名/作者 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ New perspectives on bullying [electronic resource] / Helen advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Cowie and Dawn Jennifer Y18712000Y Numbers rule your world : the hidden influence of http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ probability and statistics on everything you do [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Kaiser Fung Y187122d4Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Nurse to nurse. Evidence-based practice [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / June H. Larrabee Y187121c6Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Nurse to nurse. Palliative care [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Margaret L. Campbell Y187121c2Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Nursing laboratory and diagnostic tests demystified advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Jim Keogh Y18712339Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Nursing spectrum drug handbook. 2010 [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [edited by Patricia Dwyer Schull] Y18711dbfY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Obesity surgery : principles and practice [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / [edited by] Cid Pitombo ... [et al.] Y1871217dY Objectives and outcomes : questioning the practice of http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ therapy [electronic resource] / Jenifer Elton Wilson and advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Gabrielle Syme Y18711df8Y 編號 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 書名/作者 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ OCA Oracle database : SQL certified expert exam guide : advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb (exam 1Z0-047) [electronic resource] / Steve O'Hearn Y187122abY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ OCA Oracle Database 11g : Administration 1 exam guide (exam advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb 1Z0-052) [electronic resource] / John Watson Y18712252Y OCA Oracle database 11g : SQL fundamentals I exam guide http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ (exam 1Z0-051) [electronic resource] / John Watson, Roopesh advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Ramklass Y1871226fY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ One nation under debt : Hamilton, Jefferson, and the history advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb of what we owe [electronic resource] / Robert E. 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Brown Y18712144Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Opportunities in cartooning and animation careers advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Terence J. Sacks Y1871216cY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Opportunities in Direct Marketing. [electronic resource] advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121b9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Opportunities in forensic science careers [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Blythe Camenson Y18712223Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Opportunities in insurance careers [electronic resource] / advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Robert M. 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Black, Langis advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Gagnon Y1871247eY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Options demystified [electronic resource] / Thomas advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb McCafferty Y187120ecY 編號 書名/作者 518 Optofluidics : fundamentals, devices, and applications [electronic resource] / Yeshaiahu Fainman ... [et al.] 519 Oracle E-Business Suite development and extensibility handbook [electronic resource] / Anil Passi, Vladimir Ajvaz Oracle Essbase & Oracle OLAP : the guide to Oracle's 520 multidimensional solution [electronic resource] / Michael Schrader ... [et al.] Oracle Fusion developer guide : building rich Internet 521 applications with Oracle ADF business components and Oracle ADF Faces [electronic resource] / Frank Nimphius, Lynn Oracle JDeveloper 11g handbook : a guide to Oracle fusion 522 web development [electronic resource] / Duncan Mills, Peter Koletzke, Avrom Roy-Faderman 523 Oracle RMAN 11g : backup and recovery [electronic resource] / Robert G. Freeman, Matthew Hart Oracle WebCenter 11g handbook : build rich, customizable 524 enterprise 2.0 applications [electronic resource] / Frdric Desbiens, Peter Moskovits, Philipp Weckerle 525 Organic chemistry demystified [electronic resource] / Daniel R. 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Patel Y18711d9dY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Pain medicine [electronic resource] / Salahadin Abdi, advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Pradeep Chopra, Howard Smith Y187120d4Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ PALS (Pediatric advanced life support) review [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / editors Guy H. Haskell ... [et al.] Y1871219dY Panderer to power : the untold story of how Alan Greenspan http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ enriched Wall Street and left a legacy of recession advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Frederick J. Sheehan Y187122b3Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Pathology : the big picture [electronic resource] / by advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Walter L. Kemp, Dennis K. Burns, and Travis G. 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Yoegel Perfect phrases for letters of recommendation : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases you can use to recommend applicants to college, grad school, and professional school [electronic resource] / Paul Bodine Perfect phrases for managing your small business 544 [electronic resource] / Robert Bacal, Nancy Moore Perfect phrases for meetings : hundreds of ready-to-use 545 phrases to get your message across and advance your career [electronic resource] / Don Debelak Perfect phrases for perfect hiring : hundreds of ready-to546 use phrases for interviewing and hiring the best employees [electronic resource] / Lori Davila and Margot King 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871226dY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871211eY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y0003e901Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122d5Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712281Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712234Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712167Y 編號 書名/作者 Perfect phrases for presenting business strategies : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for writing effective, 547 informative, and powerful strategy presentations [electronic resource] / Don Debelak Perfect phrases for professional networking : hundreds of 548 ready-to-use phrases for meeting and keeping helpful contacts--everywhere you go [electronic resource] / Susan 549 550 551 552 553 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712311Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711dc9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Perfect phrases for real estate agents and brokers advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Dan Hamilton Y0003e8feY Perfect phrases for sales presentations : hundreds of ready- http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ to-use phrases for delivering powerful presentations that advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb close every sale [electronic resource] / Linda Eve Diamond Y187122f6Y Perfect phrases for school administrators : hundreds of http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ ready-to-use phrases for evaluations, meetings, contract advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb negotiations, grievances, and correspondences [electronic Y187122ebY resource] / Christine Canning Wilson Perfect phrases for the TOEFL speaking and writing sections http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases to improve your advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb conversational ability, develop your writing skills, and Y1871225fY build exam confidence [electronic resource] / Roberta G. 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Taub and R. Michael Koch Y18711d94Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ PMP certification : a beginner's guide [electronic resource] advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / George G. Angel Y187122f4Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Podcasting for learning in universities [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / edited by Gilly Salmon and Palitha Edirisingha Y18711ffbY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Policy [electronic resource] / H.K. Colebatch advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712029Y 編號 570 書名/作者 Politics and governance in Singapore : an introduction [electronic resource] / Bilveer Singh Portfolio performance measurement and benchmarking 571 [electronic resource] / Jon A. Christopherson, David R. Cario, Wayne E. Ferson Practical control engineering : a guide for engineers, 572 managers, and practitioners [electronic resource] / David M. 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Tobin 578 Probability and stochastics [electronic resource] / by Erhan Cinlar 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712090Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121ebY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712295Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122d9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712336Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871231dY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711d89Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187120ddY http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-38787859-1 編號 書名/作者 579 Procedures in critical care [electronic resource] / C. 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Cordier and Max Harrelson 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712168Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871231bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712188Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871218dY http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-44197127-2 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187121fcY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f5cY http://www.igpublish.com/columbiaebooks/Book.nsp?cid_BOOKCODE=DEMOCOLB0000 915&cid_BOOKPAGE=1 Volume VII: U Thant, 1965-1967 編號 587 書名/作者 Public speaking and presentations demystified [electronic resource] / Melody Templeton Pulmonary pathophysiology : a clinical approach [electronic 588 resource] / edited by Juzar Ali, Warren G. Summer, Michael G. Levitzky 589 Quality education in the early years [electronic resource] / edited by Lesley Abbott and Rosemary Rodger 590 Quantum field theory demystified [electronic resource] / David McMahon 591 Quantum mechanics demystified [electronic resource] / David McMahon 592 Radiography prep : program review and exam prep [electronic resource] / D.A. Saia 593 Radiology [electronic resource] / editor, Cheri L. Canon Rainfed farming systems [electronic resource] / edited by Philip Tow ... 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Tongway, John 611 Resumes for health and medical careers [electronic resource] / the editors of McGraw-Hill 612 Resumes for nursing careers [electronic resource] / the editors of McGraw-Hill 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712298Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871219bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f94Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711f95Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18711e14Y http://lb20.mcgrawhill.libraryandbook.net /FE/search_viewOpen.action?bookId=Ysdsdeb Y18712035Y http://dx.doi.org/10.5822/978-1-61091007-1 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712224Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712149Y 編號 書名/作者 613 Resumes for re-entering the job market [electronic resource] / the editors of McGraw-Hill 614 Resumes for science careers. [electronic resource] / McGrawHill Companies Rethinking the sales cycle : how superior sellers embrace 615 the buying cycle to achieve a sustainable and competitive advantage [electronic resource] / John R. Holland, Tim Young Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 161 616 [electronic resource] / edited by Susan G. Amara ... 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[et al.] 648 Schaum's outlines : mathematics for liberal arts majors [electronic resource] / Christopher Thomas 649 Schaum's outlines : organic chemistry [electronic resource] / Herbert Meislich ... [et al.] 650 Schaum's outlines : Russian grammar [electronic resource] / James S. Leine 651 Schaum's outlines calculus [electronic resource] / Frank Ayres, Jr., Elliot Mendelson 652 Schaum's outlines, French vocabulary [electronic resource] / Mary E. Coffman Crocker 653 Schaum's outlines. Statistics in psychology [electronic resource] / Larry J. 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[electronic resource] / by Warren Boroson The right decision : a mathematician reveals how the secrets of decision theory can help you make the right decision every time [electronic resource] / James Stein 連結網址 http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712180Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y1871211bY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122e9Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712278Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y18712130Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Y187122aaY http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ The ring in the rubble : dig through change and find your advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb next golden opportunity [electronic resource] / Gary Bradt Y187121a2Y The sailor's book of small cruising sailboats : reviews and http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ comparisons of 360 boats under 26 feet [electronic resource] advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / Steve Henkel Y187122ffY 編號 書名/作者 連結網址 The sales manager's guide to developing a winning sales team http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 829 : critical tools for outstanding results [electronic advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb resource] / Gerhard Gschwandtner Y18712141Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ The science of staying young [electronic resource] / John E. 830 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb Morley and Sheri R. 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Corey http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Toyota talent : developing your people the Toyota way 858 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb [electronic resource] / Jeffrey K. Liker, David P. Meier Y1871214fY Trading options as a professional : techniques for market http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ 859 makers and experienced traders [electronic resource] / James advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb B. Bittman Y0003e905Y http://taebcmgh.sa.libraryandbook.net/FE/ Trading strategies for capital markets [electronic resource] 860 advanceSearch.do?method=toView&id=Ysdsdeb / Joseph F. 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Selley, Richard 224 applied spectroscopy Workman, Jr., Jerry approaches to scaling of trace gas fluxes in 225 ecosystems (developments in atmospheric Bouwman, A.F. science, 24) approximate engineering methods design 226 Furman, T.T. (mathematics in science and engineering, 155) approximation and optimization of discrete and 227 Mahmudov, Elimhan differential inclusions 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444512864 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444517012 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080450513 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123706201 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123819574 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444889362 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444828873 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444500779 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884151012 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884156512 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126363753 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127640709 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444829344 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122699603 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123884282 編號 書名 approximation of continuously differentiable 228 functions (north-holland mathematics studies, approximation of nonlinear evolution systems 229 (mathematics in science and engineering, 164) approximation of vector valued functions 230 (north-holland mathematics studies, 25) approximation problems in analysis and 231 probability (north-holland mathematics studies, 232 assessing nanoparticle risks to human health 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 approximation theory and functional analysis (north-holland mathematics studies, 35) aquatic bioenvironmental studies: the hanford experience 1944-84 (studies in environmental science, 39) aqueous size-exclusion chromatography (journal of chromatography library, 40) aqueous systems at elevated temperatures and pressures archaean geochemistry (developments in precambrian geology, 1) archean crustal evolution (developments in precambrian geology, 11) archean greenstone belts (developments in precambrian geology, 3) architecture and patterns for it service management, resource planning, and governance: making shoes for the cobbler's 作者 連結網址 G. 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Boundary Layer Flow over Elastic Surfaces Babenko, Viktor boundary value problems in mechanics of Antontsev, S.N. ; nonhomogeneous fluids (studies in mathematics Kazhikhov, A.V. ; and its applications, 22) Monakhov, V.N. boundary value problems in queueing system Cohen, J.W. ; Boxma, analysis (north-holland mathematics studies, 79) O.J. bounded analytic functions (pure and applied B. Garnett, John mathematics, 96) Bramwell, A. R. S. ; bramwell's helicopter dynamics Balmford, David ; Done, George Branan's Rules of Thumb for Chemical Hall, Steven brassinosteroids Khripach, V. 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Delmon, G.F. and catalysis, 6) Froment catalyst deactivation 1987 (studies in surface B. Delmon, G.F. science and catalysis, 34) Froment catalyst deactivation 1991 (studies in surface Calvin H. science and catalysis, 68) Bartholomew, John B. catalyst deactivation 1994 (studies in surface B. Delmon, G.F. science and catalysis, 88) Froment catalyst deactivation 1997 (studies in surface C.H. Bartholomew, science and catalysis, 111) G.A. Fuentes catalyst deactivation 1999 (studies in surface B. Delmon, G.F. science and catalysis, 126) Froment catalyst deactivation 2001 (studies in surface J.J. Spivey, G.W. science and catalysis, 139) Roberts, B.H. 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LARSEN, GUNNAR ; diagenesis in sediments and sedimentary rocks CHILINGAR, (developments in sedimentology, 25) GEORGE V. diagenesis, i (developments in sedimentology, Chilingarian, G.V. ; 41) Wolf, K.H. diagenesis, ii (developments in sedimentology, Chilingarian, G.V. ; 43) Wolf, K.H. diagenesis, iii (developments in sedimentology, Wolf, K.H. ; 47) Chilingarian, G.V. diagenesis, iv (developments in sedimentology, Wolf, K.H. ; 51) Chilingarian, G.V. diakoptics and networks (mathematics in Happ, H.H. science and engineering, 69) diamond chemical vapor deposition (materials Liu, Huimin ; Haber, science and process technology series) David S. diamond films Kobashi, Koji http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437778816 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533449 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444416575 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444420138 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444427205 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444429223 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444885166 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444885173 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123241504 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513803 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080447230 編號 書名 dielectric elastomers as electromechanical 877 transducers 878 dielectric phenomena in solids difference schemes an introduction to the 879 underlying theory (studies in mathematics and its applications, 19) differential and integral inequalities - theory and applications: functional, partial, abstract, and 880 complex differential equations (mathematics in science and engineering, 55 Pt2) differential and integral inequalities - theory and 881 applications: ordinary differential equations (mathematics in science and engineering, 55 differential calculus and holomorphy real and 882 complex analysis in locally convex spaces (north-holland mathematics studies, 64) differential equations (north-holland 883 mathematics studies, 92) differential equations and applications (north884 holland mathematics studies, 31) differential equations and mathematical physics 885 (mathematics in science and engineering, 186) differential equations classical to controlled 886 (mathematics in science and engineering, 162) differential equations in abstract spaces 887 (mathematics in science and engineering, 85) Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and 888 an Introduction to Chaos 作者 連結網址 Carpi, Federico http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080474885 Chi Kao, Kwan http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123965615 Godunov, S.K. ; Ryabenkii, V.S. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444702333 Lakshmikantham, V. ; Leela, S. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124341029 Lakshmikantham, V. ; Leela, S. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124341012 Francois Colombeau, Jean http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444863973 Knowles, Ian W. ; Lewis, Roger T. 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Cowley, J.M. Bamford, C.H. Miloš D. Ercegovac, Tomás Lang Tam, Wai M http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120848508 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444822185 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444423542 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781558607989 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080451510 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127788 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127795 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127702 Daniel, Larry Altheide, Cory Goldberg , Bar-Giora Broesch , JamesD. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597496438 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597495868 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781878707475 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781878707161 編號 書名 digital soil mapping (developments in soil 905 science, 31) 906 digital terrain analysis in soil science and 907 digital triage forensics 908 Digital Video and HD 909 Digital Video Processing for Engineers 910 dilute nitride semiconductors Dimensionless Physical Quantities in Science 911 and Engineering diode laser materials & devices - a worldwide 912 market & technology overview to 2005 dioxygen activation and homogeneous catalytic 913 oxidation (studies in surface science and catalysis, 66) direct synthesis of coordination and 914 organometallic compounds direct-write technologies for rapid prototyping: 915 applications to sensors, electronics, and passivation coatings dirichlet forms and markov processes (north916 holland mathematical library, 23) discrete and continuous boundary problems 917 (mathematics in science and engineering, 8) 918 discrete cosine and sine transforms discrete dynamical systems, bifurcations and 919 chaos in economics (mathematics in science and engineering, 204) 作者 連結網址 Lagacherie, Philippe http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444529589 Florinsky, Igor Pearson, Stephen Poynton, Charles Parker, Michael Henini, Mohamed http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123850362 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597495967 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123919267 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124157606 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080445021 Kuneš, Josef http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124160132 Szweda , R. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856173865 Simandi, L.I. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444888761 Garnovskii, A.D. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444720009 Pique, Alberto ; Chrisey, Douglas B. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121742317 Fukushima, Masatoshi http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444854216 Atkinson, F.V. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120658503 Britanak, Vladimir http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123736246 Zhang, Wei-Bin http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444521972 編號 書名 discrete numerical methods in physics and 920 engineering (mathematics in science and engineering, 107) discrete-parameter martingales (north-holland 921 mathematical library, 10) discretetime control system analysis and design 922 (control and dynamic systems, 71) discretetime control system implementation 923 techniques (control and dynamic systems, 72) 924 dislocations in solids (dis/dislocations in solids, 925 dislocations in solids (dis/dislocations in solids, 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 作者 連結網址 Greenspan, Donald http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123003508 Neveu, J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720428100 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127719 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127726 Hirth, J.P. ; Kubin, L. Hirth, J.P. ; Kubin, L. Nabarro, Frank R.N. ; dislocations in solids (dislocations in solids, 13) Hirth, John P. dislocations in solids, volume 11 (dislocations Nabarro, Frank N.R. ; in solids, 11) Duesbery, M.S. dislocations in solids, volume 12 (dislocations Nabarro, Frank N.R. ; in solids, 12) Duesbery, M.S. dissecting the hack: the f0rb1dd3n network, Street, Jayson revised edition dissipative processes in tribology (tribology D. Dowson, D. z series, 27) Dissolved Gas Concentration in Water Colt, John Distributed Renewable Energies for Off-Grid El Bassam, N. Communities Dragotti, Pier Luigi ; distributed source coding Gastpar, Michael diversity in barley (hordeum vulgare) von Bothmer, R. (developments in plant genetics and breeding, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444532855 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444534439 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444518880 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444509666 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444514837 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597495684 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444817648 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124159167 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123971784 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123744852 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444505859 編號 書名 divisor theory in module categories (north935 holland mathematics studies, 14) 936 dr. tom shinder's isa server 2006 migration 937 dredging: a handbook for engineers drops and bubbles in interfacial research 938 (studies in interface science, 6) 939 drosophila drug monitoring and clinical chemistry 940 (handbook of analytical separations, 5) 941 DSP for Embedded and Real-Time Systems Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related 942 Syndromes 943 dust explosions in the process industries dust in the solar system and other planetary 944 systems (cospar colloquia series, 15) 945 dynamic aquaria 946 947 948 949 dynamic food webs: multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development and environmental change (theoretical ecology) dynamic fracture dynamic model development: methods, theory and applications (computer aided chemical engineering, 16) dynamic programming and its application to optimal control (mathematics in science and engineering, 81) 作者 Nachbin, Leopoldo ; Vasconcelos, W.V. 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Andersen, Lars Dovling graph theory in memory of g.a. dirac (annals of http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444871299 1550 ; Jakobsen, Ivan discrete mathematics, 41) Tafteberg ; Thomassen, graph theory in modern engineering computer Henley, Ernest J. ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123408501 1551 aided design, control, optimization, reliability Williams, R.A. analysis (mathematics in science and 編號 書名 1552 Graphene 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 graphs and hypergraphs (north-holland mathematical library, 6) graphs and questionnaires (north-holland mathematics studies, 32) graphs, dynamic programming, and finite games (mathematics in science and engineering, 36) graphs, groups and surfaces (north-holland mathematics studies, 8) grazing management great white sharks greek, indian and arabic logic (handbook of the history of logic, 1) green electronics/green bottom line: environmentally responsible engineering green marine clays (developments in sedimentology, 45) green profits: the manager's handbook for iso 14001 and pollution prevention green trading markets green's function and boundary elements of multifield materials ground improvements (elsevier geo-engineering book series, 3) ground penetrating radar theory and Grounded Innovation 作者 Warner, Jamie H.; Schaffel, Fransizka; Bachmatiuk, Alicja 連結網址 Berge, Claude http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444876034 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123945938 Francois Picard, Claude http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444852397 Bellman, Richard http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124023567 T. 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A. King, D. P. Woodruff Kozlowski, Theodore T. ; Pallardy, Stephen Tarassenko, Lionel Mitchell, Ed ; Dubrawsky, Ido ; Miles, Wyman ; Lynch, F Williams Chad Todd, Norris L., Jr. Johnson Shema, Mike Maruyama , K. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444827685 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124242104 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780340705896 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781928994442 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781931836494 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597499514 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444505392 Ondrej Dolý, Pavel Reh http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444520395 ák Johansson, Ingegard ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444516640 Somasundaran, P. Sher, Eran http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126398557 James, I.M. 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Lagaly handbook of complex analysis, volume 1 Kuhnau, Reiner (handbook of complex analysis, 1) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815514244 1601 handbook of chemical processing equipment http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750671262 1602 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444897244 1603 1604 1605 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444828538 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080441832 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444828453 編號 書名 handbook of complex analysis, volume 2 1606 (handbook of complex analysis, 2) 1607 handbook of compound semiconductors 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 handbook of computability theory (studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 140) handbook of computational fluid mechanics handbook of computational geometry handbook of computer aided geometric design integer programming (mathematics in science and engineering, 76) handbook of conveying and handling of particulate solids (handbook of powder 1614 handbook of ellipsometry 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 handbook of emergency response to toxic chemical releases handbook of environmental degradation of materials Handbook of Environmental Degradation of Materials Handbook of Environmental Engineering Assessment handbook of farm, dairy, and food machinery 1620 handbook of filter media 作者 連結網址 Kuhnau, Reiner http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444515476 Paul H. 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Blackburn, Patrick ; Benthem, , Johan F.A.K. van ; Wolter, Fischer, Jerry Fischer, Jerry Mokhatab, Saeid ; Poe, William A. ; Speight, James G. 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781555582982 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123746955 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444516909 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781884207723 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781455725977 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750677769 Mokhatab, Saeid http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123869142 Jan Bergstra, Mark Burgess http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444521989 編號 書名 1655 handbook of nonwoven filter media 1656 handbook of offshore engineering 1657 handbook of palladium-catalyzed organic handbook of petroleum exploration and 1658 production, vol. 1 (handbook of petroleum exploration and production, 1) handbook of petroleum exploration and 1659 production, vol. 3 (handbook of petroleum exploration and production, 3) handbook of petroleum exploration and 1660 production, vol. 5 (handbook of petroleum exploration and production, 5) handbook of petroleum exploration and 1661 production, vol. 6 (handbook of petroleum exploration and production, 6) 1662 handbook of plastic foams handbook of pollution prevention and cleaner 1663 production - best practices in the petroleum industry handbook of pollution prevention and cleaner 1664 production : best practices in the wood and paper industries handbook of polymer-modified concrete and 1665 mortars (building materials science series) 1666 handbook of process algebra 1667 handbook of production management methods 作者 M. 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Gabbay, .H. Johnson, H.J. Ohlbach, J. Woods L. Yaws, Carl Seshan, Krishna Boxman, Raymond L. ; Haber, David ; Martin, Philip J.Martin 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444506504 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884153825 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437778731 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513759 L. Yaws, Carl http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884153948 Capinera , John John N. Helbert, John N. 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Frankiewicz, Ryszard ; Zbierski, Pawel W. Bradstreet, Jeffrey T. White, Logan Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. ; Haber, 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444878342 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444894908 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513865 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815514695 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513728 Stoeppler, M. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444890788 Bachmann, T.M. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444522184 Florczak, Clifford ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750674362 Roughton, James Lippitt, John ; Webb, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750671354 Paul ; Martin, William M. 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Heezen, Bruce http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444415691 編號 書名 information control problems in manufacturing 1860 2006 (a proceedings volume from the 12th ifac conference 17-19 may 2006, saint-etienne, 1861 Information Security Risk Assessment information systems transformation (902r/the 1862 mk/omg press) 1863 information theory of molecular systems 1864 Information Visualization information-based inversion and processing 1865 with applications (handbook of geophysical exploration: seismic exploration, 36) information-theoretic methods for estimating of 1866 complicated probability distributions (mathematics in science and engineering, 207) 1867 infosec career hacking 1868 infosecurity 2008 threat analysis infrared spectroscopy for food quality analysis and control inhaled particles (interface science and 1870 technology, 5) initial value methods for boundary value 1871 problems: theory and application of invariant imbedding (mathematics in science and 1869 作者 連結網址 Dolgui, Alexandre ; Morel, Gerard ; Pereira, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080446547 Carlos E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597497350 Talabis, Mark Ulrich, William http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123749130 Nalewajski, Roman Ware, Colin http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444519665 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123814647 Ulrych, T.J. ; Sacchi, M.D. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080447216 Zong, Zhi http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444527967 Hurley, Chris ; Long, Johnny ; Bayles, Aaron http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597490115 ; Brindley, Ed Schiller, Craig; Fogie, Seth ; DeRodeff, Colby http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597492249 ; Gregg, Michael Sun, Da-Wen http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123741363 Wang, Chiusen http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120885794 H. 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Abramczyk, Halina B.U. , Haq, Nokes, L. ; Jennings, 1970 introduction to medical electronics applications D. ; Flint, T. ; Turton, introduction to micrometeorology (international 1971 Pal Arya, S. geophysics, 42) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080443485 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780125889407 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444516626 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444826725 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780340614570 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120644902 編號 書名 introduction to micrometeorology (international 1972 geophysics, 79) introduction to model theory and to the 1973 metamathematics of algebra (studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 32) introduction to molecularmicrosimulation for 1974 colloidal dispersions (studies in interface science, 17) 1975 introduction to naval architecture introduction to operations research 1976 (mathematics in science and engineering, 47) introduction to paleolimnology (developments 1977 in sedimentology, 11) 1978 introduction to practical fluid flow 1979 Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology Introduction to Robust Estimation and 1980 Hypothesis Testing introduction to sensitivity and stability analysis 1981 in nonlinear programming (mathematics in science and engineering, 165) introduction to space sciences and spacecraft 1982 applications introduction to stochastic control theory (mathematics in science and engineering, 70) introduction to the modelling of marine 1984 ecosystems (elsevier oceanography series, 72) 1983 作者 Arya, Paul ; Holton, James 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120593545 Robinson, Abraham http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533975 Satoh, A. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444514240 C. 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Bekkum, H. van ; Flanigen, E.M. ; Jansen, J.C. Nelson, Peter R. ; Copeland, Karen A.F.; Coffin, Marie Rash, Michael ; Orebaugh, Angela ; Clark, Graham Heyting, A. 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444824219 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444889690 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780125154239 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781932266474 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444534064 A. Kino, J. Myhill, R.E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720422573 Vesley Chris Fitting, Melvin http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444534187 David Logan, John http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124547506 Tanaka , M. 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Rose, H.E. ; Shepherdson, J.C. Gandy, R.O. ; Hyland, J.M.E. Macintyre, Angus ; Pacholski, Leszek ; Paris, Jeff Boffa, Maurice ; Dalen, Dirkvan ; Mcaloon, Kenneth 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444104069 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597496353 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444516220 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720422610 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444106421 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720406917 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444851789 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444853783 Dalen, D. Van ; Lascar, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444864659 D. ; Smiley, T.J. Lolli, G. ; Longo, G. ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444868763 Marcja, A. J.B. Paris, A.J. Wilkie, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444879998 G.M. 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Gabbay, John Woods logic from russell to church (handbook of the history of logic, 5) logic in algebraic form three languages and 2156 theories (studies in logic and the foundations of Craig, William mathematics, 72) Aiserman, Mark A. ; logic, automata, and algorithms (mathematics in 2157 Gusev, Leonid A. ; science and engineering, 79) Rozonoer, Lev logic, methodology and philosophy of science Ernest Nagel, Patrick 2158 (studies in logic and the foundations of Suppes, Alfred Tarski mathematics, 44) logic, methodology and philosophy of science B. 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Francombe, Maurice films, 29) nonequilibrium processing of materials 2582 Suryanarayana, C. 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Yen, Teh Fu ;Chilingarian,George Ornitz , B. Chaudhry, Amanat Ivin , K. Niaounakis, M. ;Halvadakis,C.P. Preedy, Victor 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123748799 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884155140 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884151388 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437735246 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123854759 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750677035 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856178709 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444520609 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444414083 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080428147 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750677066 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123770455 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080448510 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123744203 J. Aczel, Z. 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Curry, Haskell foundations of mathematics, 3) Gamba, Aldo ;Colella, oxide based materials (studies in surface science Carmine ; and catalysis, 155) Coluccia,Salvatore oxide surfaces (the chemical physics of solid Woodruff, D.P. surfaces, 9) oxidebased systems at the crossroads of Gamba, A. ; Colella, C. chemistry (studies in surface science and ; Coluccia, S. oxoacidity: reactions of oxocompounds in ionic Cherginets, Victor solvents (comprehensive chemical kinetics, 41) ozone air pollution in the sierra nevada: Bytnerowicz, A. ; distribution and effects on forests Arbaugh, M.J. ; (developments in environmental science, 2) Alonso, R. packed bed columns Kolev , Nikolai 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444888914 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750647571 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750675598 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597492409 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444536365 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123969521 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533685 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444519757 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444507457 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444506320 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444517821 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080441931 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444528292 編號 書名 連結網址 2755 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123739728 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 作者 Taylor, Thomas N. paleobotany ;Taylor, Edith L. ;Krings,Michael paleoclimatology (international geophysics, 68) Bradley, Raymond McElhinny, Michael paleomagnetism (international geophysics, 73) ;McFadden, Phillip ;Dmowska, Renata paleoseismology (international geophysics, 62) McCalpin, James palladium in heterocyclic chemistry Li, Jie Jack (tetrahedron organic chemistry, 26) ;Gribble,Gordon W Coombe, Ben ;Lyons, palm os web application developer's guide R. 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Suttner Aster, Richard C.; Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems Borchers, Brian; Thurber, Clifford H. parameter estimation and inverse problems Aster, Richard (international geophysics, 90) ;Borchers, Brian ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121240103 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124833555 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124818262 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080451169 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781928994329 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444423375 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781558608702 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444505606 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444997128 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444824868 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123850485 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120656042 編號 書名 連結網址 2768 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444530806 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 作者 Salman, Agba D. particle breakage (handbook of powder ;Ghadiri, Mojtaba technology, 12) ;Hounslow,Michael Elimelech,M. ; Jia, particle deposition & aggregation: Xiadong;Gregory,John measurement, modelling and simulation ;Williams,Richard Kazakov, particle physics beyond the standard model (les Dmitri;Lavignac, Sté houches summer school proceedings, 84) phane ;Dalibard,Jean particles at fluid interfaces and membranes Kralchevsky, P. (studies in interface science, 10) ;Nagayama,K. particles at interfaces (interface science and Adamczyk, Zbigniew technology, 9) particulate colloids (fundamentals of interface Lyklema, J. and colloid science, 4) Particulate Morphology Gotoh, Keishi passivation of metals and semiconductors, and Marcus, Philippe properties of thin oxide layers passive optical networks F. Lam, Cedric past and present in denox catalysis: from Pascal Granger, Vasile molecular modelling to chemical engineering Pârvulescu (studies in surface science and catalysis, 171) patras logic symposion (studies in logic and the Metakides, George foundations of mathematics, 109) pattern recognition in industry Bhagat, Phiroz pattern recognition in medical imaging Meyer-Baese, Anke http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750670241 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444528148 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444502346 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123705419 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124605299 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123969743 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444522245 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123738530 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444530585 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444864765 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080445380 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124932906 編號 書名 patterns and waves qualitative analysis of 2781 nonlinear differential equations (studies in mathematics and its applications, 18) patterns of evolution as illustrated by the fossil 2782 record (developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy, 5) pauling's legacy (theoretical and computational 2783 chemistry, 6) 2784 pc interfacing pc interfacing and data acquisition: techniques 2785 for measurement, instrumentation and control. 2786 pci bus demystified 2787 pci compliance 2788 PCI Compliance pcs for chemists (data handling in science and 2789 technology, 5) peatlands (developments in earth surface 2790 processes, 9) 2791 Pediatric Surgery pedogenesis and soil taxonomy i. concepts and 2792 interactions (developments in soil science, 11) pedogenesis and soil taxonomy ii. the soil 2793 orders (developments in soil science, 11) 2794 peek biomaterials handbook 2795 PEM Fuel Cells 2796 penetration tester's open source toolkit 2797 perfect password 2798 performance and durability assessment 作者 連結網址 Nishida, Takaaki ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444701442 Mimura, Masayasu;Fujii,Hiroshi Hallam, A. 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Hall Kurtz, Steven Barbir, Frano Faircloth, Jeremy Burnett, Mark Kohl, Michael http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444528834 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780323072557 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444421005 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444421371 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437744637 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123877109 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597496278 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597490412 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080444017 編號 書名 2799 performance and stability of aircraft Performance Evaluation and Attribution of 2800 Security Portfolios 2801 Periodic Operation of Chemical Reactors 2802 perl scripting for windows security permanent magnet and electromechanical 2803 devices: materials, analysis, and applications (electromagnetism) permian-triassic evolution of tethys and western 2804 circum-pacific (developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy, 18) perspectives for agronomy (developments in 2805 crop science, 25) persuasive technology: using computers to 2806 change what we think and do (interactive 作者 Russell, J. 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780340631706 Fischer, Bernd http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127444833 Silveston, P. 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Unger, Thomas 2813 Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers Alford, David http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781558606432 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444513151 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123820945 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123854810 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444989031 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444530875 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815514015 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123985156 編號 書名 2814 petroleum biotechnology (studies in surface science and catalysis, 151) 作者 連結網址 Vazquez-Duhalt, Rafael http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444516992 ; QuinteroRamirez,Rodolfo petroleum exploration and exploitation in 2815 norway (norwegian petroleum society special Hanslien, S. publications, 4) petroleum geology (developments in petroleum 2816 Chapman, R.E. science, 16) 2817 petroleum geology of libya Hallett, D. Buryakovsky, L. 2818 petroleum geology of the south caspian basin ;Chilingar, G.V. ;Aminzadeh,Fred Guo, Boyun ;Lyons, petroleum production engineering, a computer2819 William C. ; assisted approach Ghalambor,Ali petroleum related rock mechanics Fjar, Erling;Holt, R.M. 2820 (developments in petroleum science, 33) ;Horsrud, P. petroleum related rock mechanics Fjar, Erling;Holt, R.M. 2821 (developments in petroleum science, 53) ;Horsrud, P. 2822 petroleum rock mechanics Aadnøy, Bernt petrology of the ocean floor (elsevier 2823 Hekinian, R. oceanography series, 33) 2824 petrophysics Tiab, Djebbar petrophysics: theory and practice of measuring Djebbar Tiab, Erle C. 2825 reservoir rock and fluid transport properties Donaldson phase transitions and critical phenomena, C. 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Lenard, John 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123725769 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080453194 E. Brown, Michael http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444820853 Gallin, John Gawley, Robert http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123821676 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080448602 R.E. Gawley, J. Aubé http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080418759 Atkinson, Jr., Arthur; Huang, Shiew-Mei; Lertora, Juan J.L.; Markey, Sanford P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123854711 Berge, C. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120897506 Ahmad, Zaki http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750659246 Doan, AnHai V. Chiles, S. Black, A. Lissaman, S. Martin Tien, Chi Meyer, Andreas Kaufman,A.A. ; Dashevsky,Y.A. G. Metakides, A. Nerode Rowe, W. 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Apel, John http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120588664 Goodwin, Alan Pennell, W. ; Barton,B.A. Kirkham, M.B. Kaufman, Alex A. ;Hansen,Richard O. Kaufman, Alex A. ;Hansen, Richard O. ; Kleinberg,Robert L. Philip A. Bernstein, Eric Newcomer H Y TEBBUTT, T http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122897702 Jaiswal, N.K. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123800503 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444821522 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124097513 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444529930 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444529954 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781558606234 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750636582 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123869227 Nemeth, Charles Neapolitan, Richard E ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123704771 Jiang,Xia Fullwood, Ralph Dellacherie, Claude ; Meyer,Paul-Andre Dellacherie, Claude; Meyer,Paul-Andre Dellacherie, Claude; Meyer,Paul-Andre http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750672085 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720407013 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444865267 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444703866 編號 書名 problem solving: methods, programming and 3044 future concepts (studies in computer science and artificial intelligence, 12) problems and solutions for students (methods in 3045 experimental physics, 8) problems in distributions and partial differential 3046 equations (north-holland mathematics studies, problems in the philosophy of mathematics 3047 (studies in logic and the foundations of problems in the philosophy of science (studies 3048 in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 49) proceedings 2003 vldb conference: 29th 3049 international conference on very large databases (vldb) proceedings 2004 vldb conference: the 30th 3050 international conference on very large databases (vldb) proceedings from the international conference 3051 on advances in engineering and technology 3052 proceedings iwisp '96 3053 proceedings of the 1st annual gas processing symposium (advances in gas processing) proceedings of the 9th international congress on deterioration and conservation of stone proceedings of the analysis conference, 3055 singapore 1986 (north-holland mathematics studies, 150) 3054 作者 連結網址 German, O.V. ; Ofitserov,D.V. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444822260 Marton, L. ;Hornyak,W.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124759084 Zully, C. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444702487 Lakatos, Imre http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444534118 Lakatos, Imre ; Musgrave,Alan http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444534132 VLDB http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127224428 VLDB http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120884698 Mwakali, Jackson http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080453125 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444825872 Mertzios, B.G. Alfadala, Hassan E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444532923 ;Reklaitis, G.V. Rex ;El-Halwagi,Mahmoud Fassina, V. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444505170 Choy, Stephen T.L. ;Jesudason, Judith P. ;Lee,P.Y. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444703415 編號 書名 proceedings of the fourth international congress for logic, methodology and philosophy of 3056 science, bucharest, 1971 (studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 74) proceedings of the herbrand symposium (studies 3057 in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 proceedings of the natural gas conversion viii: (studies in surface science and catalysis, 167) proceedings of the second scandinavian logic symposium (studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 63) proceedings of the third scandinavian logic symposium (studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 82) proceedings of the xxi international mineral processing congress, july 2327, 2000, rome, italy (developments in mineral processing, 13) process heat transfer process integration (process systems engineering, 7) process modelling and model analysis (process systems engineering, 4) 3065 process plant machinery 3066 process systems engineering 2003 (computer aided chemical engineering, 15 a & b) 作者 連結網址 Suppes, Patrick http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444104915 ;Henkin, Leon ;Joja, Athanase ;Moisil,Gr C. Stern, J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444864178 Schmal, Martin ;Noronha, Fabio Bellot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444530783 ;Souza Aguiar,Eduardo Falabella de Fenstad, J.E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720422597 Kanger, Stig http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444106797 Massacci, P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444502834 W. Serth, Robert M. El-Halwagi, Mahmoud Hangos, Katalin ;Cameron,Ian Bloch, Heinz P. ;Soares,Claire http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123735881 Chen, Bingzhen http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444514042 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123705327 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121569310 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750670814 編號 書名 process systems risk management (process 3067 systems engineering, 6) 3068 processes of fiber formation processing of wide band gap semiconductors 3069 (materials science and process technology processor description languages (systems on 3070 silicon, 1) 3071 produced water treatment field manual 3072 product and process modelling production and transport of oil and gas 3073 (developments in petroleum science, 3) production and transport of oil and gas part a: 3074 flow mechanics and production (developments in petroleum science, 18) production and transport of oil and gas: second completely revised edition gathering and 3075 transportation (developments in petroleum science, 18) 3076 production rights in european agriculture 3077 professional penetration testing profile of the international filtration & 3078 separation industry: market prospects to 2009 profile of the international fluid sealing industry 3079 - market prospects to 2008 profile of the international membrane industry 3080 market prospects to 2008 profile of the international valve industry: 3081 market prospects to 2009 作者 Cameron, Ian ;Raman,Raghu Walczak, Z.K. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121569327 J. Pearton, Stephen http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815514398 Mishra, Prabhat ;Dutt,Nikil Stewart, Maurice Cameron, Ian 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080440408 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123742872 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856179843 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444531612 Szilas, A.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444998699 Szilas, A.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444995988 Szilas, A.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780044499565 Barthélemy, D. 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Parr, E. Bolton, W. Moore, Ron Di Jasio, Lucio VanSickle, Ted http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750657570 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856177511 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750679169 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750687096 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781878707574 Hellebuyck, Chuck http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781589950016 Smith, Jack http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750679466 Smith, Kevin J. ;Sanford,Emerson C. Bierstedt, Klaus D. ;Bonet, Jose ;Horvath, John Maestre, John 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444895561 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444893789 P.V. Kamat, D. Meisel http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444820648 Gribble, Gordon W ;Joule,J. Gribble, Gordon W ;Joule,J. Gribble, Gordon W ;Joule,J. Gribble, Gordon; Joule, John A. Gribble, Gordon Gribble, Gordon http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080450254 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080454078 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080469751 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080968070 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080966854 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080968056 編號 書名 progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 10 3098 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 10) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 11 3099 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 11) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 12 3100 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 12) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 13 3101 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 13) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 14 3102 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 14) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 15 3103 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 15) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 16 3104 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 16) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 17 3105 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 17) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 7 3106 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 7) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 8 3107 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 8) progress in heterocyclic chemistry, volume 9 3108 (progress in heterocyclic chemistry, 9) progress in low temperature physics volume 1 3109 (progress in low temperature physics, 1) progress in low temperature physics volume 10 3110 (progress in low temperature physics, 10) progress in low temperature physics volume 11 3111 (progress in low temperature physics, 11) 作者 Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. Gribble, G.W. ; Joule,J.A. Gribble, G.W. ; Joule,J.A. Gribble, G.W. ; Joule,J.A. Scriven, E.F.V. ; Suschitzky, H. Gribble, G.W. ;Suschitzky,H. Gribble, G.W. ;Gilchrist,T.L. 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080434025 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080434070 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080438825 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080440057 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080441900 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080442877 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080444826 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080447117 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080420905 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080427959 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080428017 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533074 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444869869 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444870407 編號 書名 progress in low temperature physics volume 12 3112 (progress in low temperature physics, 12) progress in low temperature physics volume 13 3113 (progress in low temperature physics, 13) progress in low temperature physics volume 2 3114 (progress in low temperature physics, 2) progress in low temperature physics volume 3 3115 (progress in low temperature physics, 3) 3116 sewers: repair and renovation 3117 sewers: replacement and new construction progress in low temperature physics volume 4 3118 (progress in low temperature physics, 4) progress in low temperature physics volume 5 3119 (progress in low temperature physics, 5) progress in low temperature physics volume 6 3120 (progress in low temperature physics, 6) progress in low temperature physics volume 7 3121 (progress in low temperature physics, 7) progress in low temperature physics volume 7 3122 (progress in low temperature physics, 7) progress in low temperature physics volume 8 3123 (progress in low temperature physics, 8) short-range wireless communication: 3124 fundamentals of rf system design and progress in low temperature physics volume 9 3125 (progress in low temperature physics, 9) 作者 連結網址 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444872739 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444891099 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533081 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533098 Read, Geoffrey F ; Vickridge,Ian F Read, Geoffrey http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780340544723 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750650830 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533104 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533111 Gorter, C.J. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720412567 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444851772 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444852090 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444862280 Bensky, Alan http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750677820 Brewer, D.F. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444869548 編號 書名 progress in low temperature physics, volume 14 3126 (progress in low temperature physics, 14) progress in low temperature physics, volume 15 3127 (progress in low temperature physics, 15) progress in low temperature physics: quantum 3128 turbulence (progress in low temperature physics, 16) progress in olefin polymerization catalysts and 3129 polyolefin materials (studies in surface science and catalysis, 161) progress in zeolite and microporous materials 3130 (studies in surface science and catalysis, 105) 3131 Project Finance in Theory and Practice 3132 projects for calculus: the language of change proof theory (studies in logic and the 3133 foundations of mathematics, 81) 3134 protecting personnel at hazardous waste sites 3e 3135 protection of industrial power systems protein liquid chromatography (journal of 3136 chromatography library, 61) proteins at liquid interfaces (studies in interface 3137 science, 7) proterozoic crustal evolution (developments in 3138 precambrian geology, 10) proton transfer (comprehensive chemical 3139 kinetics, 8) 作者 連結網址 Halperin, W.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444822338 Halperin, Bill http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444519443 Tsubota, M. ;Halperin,W.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080548104 Shiono, Takeshi ;Nomura, Kotohiro ;Terano,Minoru Chon, H. ;Ihm, S.-K. ; Uh,Y.S. Gatti, Stefano D. Stroyan, K. Takeuti, Gaisi Martin, William ;Gochfeld,Michael DAVIES, T. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444527516 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444823441 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123919465 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126730319 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444104922 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750670494 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750626620 Kastner, Michael http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444502100 D. Möbius, R. 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Sommerfeld, Arnold ;Straus,Ernst G. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123820181 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856172165 S. Frank, Leonid http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444881342 Feintuch, Avraham ;Saeks,Richard http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122517501 O'Neill, Barrett http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780125267403 Zhevlakov, K.A. ;Slin'ko, A.M. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127798509 Grenander, Ulf http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123017505 M. Hess, Thomas http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124862609 P. Morse, Anthony http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780125079525 I. 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Berstel,Jean ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120934201 Perrin,Dominique Edwards, Lewin Hurd, Albert E. ;Loeb,Peter A. Aliprantis, Charalambos D. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750679534 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123624406 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120502608 Helgason, Sigurdur http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123384508 M. Boothby, William http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121160524 C. 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Froment, K.C. 3318 catalytic processes (studies in surface science Waugh and catalysis, 122) 3319 reaction-diffusion computers Adamatzky, Andrew reactions at the liquid-solid interface 3320 Compton, R.G. 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(methods in experimental physics, 28) ;Vardeman,Stephen B. statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences Wilks, Daniel statistical methods in water resources (studies in D.R. Helsel, R.M. environmental science, 49) Hirsch statistical optimization for geometric computation: theory and practice (machine Kanatani, K. intelligence and pattern recognition, 18) statistical orbit determination Tapley , Byron statistical signal processing for neuroscience Oweiss, Karim G. Statistics for Physical Sciences Martin, Brian Statistics in Medicine Riffenburgh, Robert statistics of linear polymers in disordered media Chakrabarti , Bikas Long, Johnny ; Mullen, Stealing the Network: How to Own a Shadow Timothy; Russell,Ryan Russell, Ryan ; Eller, Stealing the Network: How to Own an Identity Riley; Beale,Jay Llewellyn, David ; steels: metallurgy and applications Hudd,Roger Bhadeshia, Harry ; Steels: Microstructure and Properties Honeycombe, Robert http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122203176 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124759732 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123850225 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444885289 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444824271 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126836301 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123750273 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123877604 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123848642 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444517098 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597490818 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781597490061 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750637572 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750680844 編號 書名 stereoselective synthesis (part j) (studies in 3745 natural product chemistry, 16) 3746 transmission and distribution electrical stereoselective synthesis (part k) (studies in 3747 natural product chemistry, 18) still going wrong!: case histories of process 3748 plant disasters and how they could have been stochastic analysis (north-holland mathematical 3749 library, 32) stochastic control by functional analysis 3750 methods (studies in mathematics and its stochastic differential equations and diffusion 3751 processes (north-holland mathematical library, stochastic digital control system techniques 3752 (control and dynamic systems, 76) stochastic dynamics: modeling solute transport 3753 in porous media (north-holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics, 44) stochastic equations through the eye of the 3754 physicist 3755 stochastic methods for flow in porous media stochastic optimal control: the discrete time case 3756 (mathematics in science and engineering, 139) stochastic stability and control (mathematics in 3757 science and engineering, 33) stochastic systems (mathematics in science and 3758 engineering, 169) 3759 stochastic transport in complex systems 作者 連結網址 Rahman,Atta Ur http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444822642 Bayliss, Colin http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080969121 Rahman,Atta Ur http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444824585 Kletz, Trevor http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750677097 Ito, Kiyosi http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444875884 Bensoussan, Alain http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444863294 Ikeda, Nobuyuki ; Watanabe,Shinzo http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444861726 Leondes, Cornelius http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120127764 Kulasiri, Don ; Verwoerd,Wynand http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444511027 Klyatskin, Valery http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444517975 Zhang, Dongxiao Bertsekas, Dimitri P. ;Shreve,Steven E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127796215 J. 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Jones, Patrick J. Mulholland Cushing, Colbert Ross, Carl T. F. ; Chilver,A. Patnaik, Surya ; Hopkins,Dale M., Hanbucken, Brandau, Ottmar http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123860279 Cugliandolo, Leticia http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080548135 Harrell, R.M. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444825476 Walter, M.R. 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Lewis, R. 4309 turbulence in porous media de Lemos, Marcelo 4310 Turbulence in Porous Media de Lemos, Marcelo 4311 turbulent jets (developments in water science, 5) Rajaratnam, N. 4312 turnaround management Lenahan, Tom 4313 turnaround, shutdown and outage management Lenahan, Tom tutorials in event related potential research: Gaillard, Anthony 4314 endogenous components (advances in W.K. ; Ritter,Walter psychology, 10) tutorials in motor behavior (advances in Stelmach, George E. ; 4315 psychology, 1) Requin,Jean 4316 tyre and vehicle dynamics Pacejka, Hans 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533760 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720422696 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444515520 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123850539 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781884207990 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122226960 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122226953 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444533142 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884155096 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780340631911 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080444918 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080982410 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444413727 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750642835 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750667876 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444865519 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444854667 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750669184 編號 書名 uhmwpe biomaterials handbook (the uhmwpe 4317 handbook) 4318 Ultananocrystalline Diamond Ultracold Bosonic and Fermionic Gases 4319 (Contemporary Concepts of Condensed Matter Science, 5) ultra-fine particles (materials science and 4320 process technology series) 4321 ultrahigh pressure metamorphism ultrananocrystalline diamond (materials science 4322 and process technology series) 4323 ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions 4324 ultrasonic techniques for fluids characterization 4325 ultrasonics (methods in experimental physics, ultrasound for characterizing colloids particle 4326 sizing, zeta potential rheology (studies in interface science, 15) 作者 連結網址 M. 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Samson, James A. ; vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy Ederer,David L. vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy i (experimental Samson, J.A.R. ; methods in the physical sciences, 31) Ederer,D.L. vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy ii Samson, J.A.R. ; (experimental methods in the physical sciences, Ederer,D.L. valence bond theory (theoretical and L. Cooper, David computational chemistry, 10) valuation methods and policy making in Folmer, H. ; lerland,E. environmental economics (studies in van environmental science, 36) valuing wind generation on integrated power Dragoon, Ken systems valve amplifiers Jones, Morgan valve and transistor audio amplifiers Linsley Hood, John valve-regulated lead-acid batteries Rand, D.A.J. variable phase approach to potential scattering Calogero, F. (mathematics in science and engineering, 35) variable speed pumping: a guide to successful Europump; Hydraulic applications Institute variation Hallgrímsson, Benedikt variational and extremum principles in Sieniutycz, Stanislaw macroscopic systems variational methods in nonconservative Vujanovic, B.D. ; phenomena (mathematics in science and Jones,S.E. 連結網址 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124759145 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126175608 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124759787 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780124759794 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444508898 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444873828 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815520474 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080966403 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780750633567 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444507464 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121555504 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781856174497 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780120887774 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080444888 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127284507 編號 書名 variational methods in optimum control theory 4393 (mathematics in science and engineering, 45) Vascular Medicine: A Companion to 4394 Braunwald's Heart Disease vascular transport in plants (physiological 4395 ecology series) 4396 vb.net developer's guide 作者 連結網址 Petrov, Iu.P. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780125528504 Creager, Mark http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437729306 Holbrook, N. 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Goumans, J.J.J.M. ; waste materials in construction (studies in Senden, G.J.; environmental science, 71) Sloot,H.A. van der Woolley, G.R. ; waste materials in construction (waste Goumans, J.J.J.M.; management series, 1) Wainwright,P.J. waste materials used in concrete manufacturing Chandra, Satish ; (building materials science series) Chandra,Satish waste minimization and cost reduction for the N. Cheremisinoff, Paul process industries waste: a handbook for management Letcher, Trevor waste-to-energy Rogoff, Marc J. water and peace in the middle east proceedings of the first israeli-palestinian international J. Isaac, H. Shuval academic conference on water (studies in environmental science, 58) water and wastewater system analysis Stephenson, David (developments in water science, 34) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444522023 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444890894 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444827715 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080437903 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513933 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780815513889 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123814753 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781437778717 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444814647 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444429452 編號 書名 作者 water at the surface of the earth an introduction 4451 to ecosystem hydrodynamics (international H. 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Jermar, Milan (developments in water science, 28) water resources development in developine Stephenson, David ; 4457 countries (developments in water science, 41) Petersen,Margaret S. water resources perspectives: evaluation, Alsharhan, A.S ; 4458 management and policy (developments in water Wood,W.W. science, 50) water resources systems planning and Jain, Sharad ; 4459 management (developments in water science, Singh,V.P Ratnayaka, Don D. ; 4460 water supply Brandt, Malcolm J.; Johnson,Michael water supply and health (studies in Lelyveld, H. van ; 4461 environmental science, 12) Zoeteman,B.C.J. water use, management, and planning in the 4462 A. 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