May 2007 Subpoena - San Antonio Bar Association


May 2007 Subpoena - San Antonio Bar Association
Official newsletter of the
San Antonio Bar Association
May 2007
Vol. LXXXII Number 10
in this issue
Fox Tech essay contest
Peacemaker photo spread
Natl. Conference on Restoratice Justice 6
Law Day honorees
St. Mary’s Distinguished Young Alumni 10
SABA Nominations Committee
SABA Family Law Section scholarship 12
SABAux. couples event
Memorial Service
President’s Message
New member welcome
Community Justice Program
SABA monthly luncheon info
Wills Clinic thank you
SABF page
Committee Corner
Briefly announcements
Save the Date:
F-I-E-S-T-A! The Court Jesters attorney band entertained
a lively crowd at their Spring Fling/Pre-Fiesta Party held at
the Cadillac Bar on April 5.
Dont miss Anatomy of
a Civil Trial XI - June 29
Realizing that most attorneys will conduct
research to find out about the judge they are assigned to for trial, particularly when it is a judge
from another county, the Bexar County Civil
District Judges have created a seminar unlike
any other in Texas. It is geared towards those attorneys who know how to try a case, but want
to know more about how to try a case in front of
the Bexar County Civil District Judges. The day is
full of opportunities to understand the individual
judges better, to find out how they conduct court
proceedings, and how to prepare for trial in specific courtrooms and before specific judges. The
seminar also provides insight into how to use the
Bexar County Presiding Court and Monitoring
Court dockets more effectively for your clients.
This seminar is a MUST for civil practitioners
in Bexar County or out-of-town attorneys who try
- continued on page 12 -
Law Day Luncheon, 5/11
SABA nominations deadline, 5/11
Subpoena deadline, 5/16
Memorial Service, 5/17
Ethics video, 5/23
Monthly luncheon, 5/24
Last Chance Videos, 5/24-25
Bexar County holiday, 5/28
Law Day 2007
The annual LawDay Luncheon
on Friday, May 11, 2007 is just
around the corner!
This year’s national Law Day
theme is “Liberty Under Law: Empowering Youth, Assuring Democracy.” The Law Day committee has
planned the Law Day Luncheon as
a time for lawyers from all areas of
practice and members of our community to come together to celebrate and show appreciation for
our legal system. In keeping with
this year’s theme of empowering
the youth, please consider inviting
a student to sit at your table!
Several awards will be presented at the luncheon, including
th Joe Frazier Brown, Sr. Award of
- continued on page 7 -
SABA Federal Courts Committee sponsors annual Fox Tech essay contest
As part of its continuing commitment
to the San Antonio community, the Federal
Courts Committee of the San Antonio Bar
Association sponsors an annual essay contest for student enrolled in the Fox Tech Law
and Research Magnet Program. The contest
is designed to provide the students in grades
9-12 with an opportunity to develop their legal research and writing skills, and to reward
those contestants whose submissions are
clearly superior by providing cash prizes to
the top three contestants in each grade level.
The Fox Tech Law and Research Magnet
Program offers a comprehensive academic
curriculum for approximately 175 select college-bound students who have demonstrated
a clear interest in pursuing a law career. To
be admitted to this select program, candidates
must have a superior academic record, exhibit
a strong commitment to academic excellence,
and must obtain the recommendations of
teachers, counselors, and the program administrator. Once accepted to the Law and
Research Magnet Program, students are required to maintain high academic, attendance
and behavior standards and to successfully
complete four years of specialized coursework, including classes in Civil Law, Criminal Law, and the Foundations of the American
Legal System. Students are also expected to
participate in a mock trial competition and to
work as an intern at a law firm or courthouse
during their senior year. The Program also
permits students to earn college credit while
furthering their understanding of the law by
offering advance placement courses.
Members of the Committee have received
unstinting support from many federal judges
and local law firms since the contest began in
2002. These generous sponsors have donated
approximately $8,000 in prize money and in
kind donations (such as personal computers)
to over 60 students since the contest began.
The sponsors for this year’s contest
include U.S. Magistrate Judge Pamela A.
Mathy; U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Stein
Nowak, Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP, Clemens
& Spencer, a Professional Corporation, Cox,
Smith & Matthews, Incorporated, Gunn &
Lee, P.C., Oppenheimer, Blend, Harrison
& Tate, Inc. Committee member Joe Hinojosa of Oppenheimer Blend has organized
the fundraising efforts for the past several
contests, and has consistently exceeded the
Committee’s annual fundraising goals.
Stan Pietrusiak of Bracewell & Giuliani
has developed the essay topics and research
packets for each of the past six contests. Essay
topics are selected to provide students with
timely controversial legal issues that permit
them to advocate for or against a particular
position. Each student is provided with a
research packet comprised of law review excerpts, editorials, advocacy group position
statements and other legal materials. This
year’s essay topic is “National ID Cards: How
Can the U.S. Balance Personal Freedoms with
the Need for a Strong Homeland Defense?”
The students will be required to write a 5001000 word memorandum regarding the following questions: Would a national ID card
make us more secure? Why or why not? What
are the advantages of a national ID card? What
- continued on page 11 -
The Fourth Court of Appeals &
the San Antonio Bar Association
will sponsor a
Thursday, May 17
for Nina Ellen Henderson
and Anne S. Johnson
Services begin promptly at 2 p.m.
in the Fourth Court of Appeals, 3rd floor
of the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center
Board Certified in Criminal Law Since 1979
Past President, San Antonio Bar Association
Past Director, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Assoc.
Former Asst. Bexar County District Attorney
Former Prosecutor for DWI Task Force
Over 100 DWI Trials
405 S. Presa St • San Antonio TX 78205
Specializing in DWI and all other State and Federal offenses including
I have just spent the past 45 minutes
of my life ridding my junk mail box of
4,972 emails received in a 7-day period
on subjects ranging from Cheap Ink, to
Cialis, Viagra, Ambien, Anatrim and Valium, to Las Vegas, hot stocks and getting
wealthy quickly with no money or effort,
to anything one could ever imagine about
having sex, seeing sex, getting sex products and finding sexual partners. I then
turned to my In Box and began eliminating the 3,750 additional unwanted emails
that were polluting it on a different variety of topics ranging from bad jokes
to golf deals to “chain” emails to travel
specials. What impressive technological
progress we have made. I have eliminated more junk mail in the past hour and a
half than I could possibly have ever received from the post office in a 6-month
period before the advent of email!
Email is one of the most revolutionary
developments of our time. It empowers us
with the ability of instant communication
unimpeded by cost or geographic boundaries. With the ubiquitous BlackBerry (I
am still resisting the urge to get one), we
can now deliver and receive messages
from wherever we are—no computer, fax
machine or other work station necessary.
We can answer clients questions, respond
to inquiries from opposing counsel, schedule meetings with multiple parties or keep
track of friends, family or colleagues with
remarkable ease and efficiency. (On the
other hand, it is an increasing cause of car
accidents; and who hasn’t felt annoyed
when their colleague, companion, friend,
etc. has kept staring at his lap at any restaurant, bar or golf course at any time of
the day or night, finding his BlackBerry
more intriguing than our company.)
The advantage of email is the same
thing that makes it so dangerous—its efficiency. The Send button is only an easy
click away. In a split second, a lawyer can
thoroughly embarrass, anger, insult, offend
or obfuscate on a massive scale. There is
no governor or “check” in sending email,
like there is with a letter, or even a fax. The
solemnity of actually applying a physical
signature on a document serves as an effective “check.” With email, there is no
“sleep on it,” so we act on the immediate
emotion, often irritation, that is evoked
from receiving a provocative email. It is
the urge to deliver the rapid counter-punch
that makes email so dangerous. Replying
quickly can easily become the end game,
rather than responding precisely.
The compulsion to get something out,
combined with the cumbersome nature of
typing with two thumbs, contributes to
messages that are often unproductive because they are cluttered with confusing vocabulary, improper punctuation, and partial
sentences that add little to the discussion,
and may require the reader to spend so
much energy trying to decipher the message that the point becomes lost. And the
cascading effect of the impulsive message
and visceral counter-punch can make effective communication impossible and quickly lead to misuse, misunderstanding and
misguided and unnecessary confrontation.
Email definitely has its place and
when properly used is truly an awesome
tool with amazing potential for improving
the qualify of life and the delivery of client
service. But it has its limits. When one is
attempting to educate, persuade or inspire,
there is no more effective method than
one-on-one, face-to-face, live and in person
interaction. I believe that is why there is
still such a thing as oral argument and is a
reason why trial and appellate advocates
will never become extinct. And it is also
why I have resisted (so far) the temptation to succumb to peer pressure and join
the BlackBerry Society. The problem with
BlackBerrys is that while one is always “in
touch,” one is also always “in reach.” For
me, a little down time is therapeutic.
Peacemaker 2007
(Left to right) Immediate-Past Chair Joe Casseb, Pioneer Peacemaker award
winner Judge Karen Pozza, Chair Jo Chris Lopez, SABA President Lamont Jefferson and Pioneer Peacemaker award winner Justice Phyils Speedlin.
Wounded soldiers being treated at the Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC)
and their mothers, who are staying at the Army Fisher House, attended the
Gala as special guests of the San Antonio Bar Foundation.
Left: (left to right) Chair Jo
Chris Lopez, Pioneer Peacemaker award winner Abigail
Kampmann and ImmediatePast Chair Joe Casseb.
Right: Brigadier General
James K. Gilman (second from
left) accepted the Community Service award on behalf
of The Army Fisher Houses
Program. Pictured with Immediate-Past Chair Joe Casseb
(left), BG (Ret.) M. Scott Magers (second from right) and
Chair Jo Chris Lopez (right).
Southside Heritage Elementary received the Outstanding School Peer Mediation Program Award, recognizing its dedication to providing coordinated peer mediation.
Peer Mediation Coordinator Frank Rizzo and Bexar County’s Dispute
Resolution Center Director Marlene Labenz-Hough work tirelessly to
ensure the success of the Amigos in Mediation (AIM) program.
Clockwise from far left:
What a voice! Mary
Belan Doggett is
good enough to give
up her day job!
Joe Casseb (left) and
Mark Luitjen (right)
jam with guest Jesters
Chief Justice Wallace
Jefferson and SABA
President Lamont
Left: Stephen Barrera & Michael Jackson
Below left: The Court Jesters’ “wall of sound” (left to right) Jim Frost, Brett
Rowe, Doug Walsdorf and Ruben Barrera
Below right: Sol Casseb and Bobby Trevino
...Is Time Running Out?
G your CLE with SABA-sponsored
Last Chance Videos
“Advanced Employment Law 2007”
May 24 and 25
to NEW members of the
San Antonio BarAssociation!
Diana S. Aguilar
Judge Robert Barnes
Elizabeth A. Caballero
John D. Fleming
Robert S. Howard
Mandi M. Martini
Laura M. Morrison
G. Matt Osborn
Ketan N. Patel
Steven M. Pena, Sr.
Saima Shaikh
Todd C. Simons
Videos start promptly at 8:30 a.m.
5th floor, Bexar County Courthouse
Walk-ins welcome!
Jeff Small
Law Office of
Appeals Briefed/Argued
Error Preservation
Dispositive Motions
Original Proceedings
Jury Charges
Flexible Arrangements
(Hourly, Contingency, Flat Fee)
Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Civil Appeals
Litigation Support
[email protected]
f: 210.579.1399
Restorative justice conference features judges,
policy makers, victims, offenders
The first-ever National Conference on
Restorative Justice, June 23–28 with events
in San Antonio and Kerrville, will examine
responses to crime and ways to repair harms
for victims, offenders and the community.
Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice
and Marquette University Law Professor Janine
P. Geske will be among the featured presenters.
She will be joined by U.S. Congressman Danny
K. Davis, co-sponsor of the Second Chance Act,
juvenile justice authority Dr. Gordon Bazemore,
victims’ advocates Dr. Howard Zehr and Dr.
Mark Umbreit, Australian practitioner and criminal justice reformer Leigh Garrett, peacemaking
circles champion Kay Pranis and church and social justice leaders Elaine Enns and Ched Myers.
San Antonio events with Howard Zehr
and Congressman Danny K. Davis will take
place Saturday, June 23, while Justice Janine
P. Geske will take part in a San Antonio bench
and bar luncheon on Thursday, June 28.
Schreiner University in Kerrville plays host
to the national conference on restorative justice
starting at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 24, and continuing through noon on Wednesday, June 27.
U.S. District Judge Rob Junell, Western
District of Texas, will be featured in two programs on Monday, June 25. He will be joined
at 1:45 p.m. for a judges’ panel on restorative practices to include Judge Nancy Stein
Nowak, Judge Peter Sakai, Judge Catherine
Torres-Stahl, and Judge Kimberley Kreider.
Restorative justice emphasizes the repair of
harms caused by criminal or deviant behavior. It
advocates for practical ways to better use society’s
resources so as to lead toward reconciliation and
healing. Restorative justice seeks to account for
victims’ needs, to help offenders recognize the
harms they have caused, to restore offenders to
law-abiding citizenship and to repair harms done
to interpersonal relationships and the community.
The conference is presented by the College of Public Policy and Department of
Criminal Justice at the University of Texas at
San Antonio; the Ghost Ranch National Conference Center of Santa Fe and Abiqui, New
Mexico; Schreiner University, Kerrville, Texas;
and the SoL (Source of Light) Center at University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio.
Conference co-sponsors include the International Community Corrections Association (ICCA), the National TASC (Treatment
Accountability for Safer Communities), the
Marquette University Law School Restorative
Justice Initiative, the General Board of Church
and Society of the United Methodist Church,
the Baptist General Convention of Texas
(BGCT), and the Victim Services Division of
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
33 other workshops and panel discussions
focus on topics such as mediation, victim-offender dialogue, juvenile offenders, domestic violence, community crime prevention, biblical concepts, peacemaking circles, clergy abuse, mental
health issues, addictive behaviors, families of
offenders and caring for victims of crime. For
conference information and registration, contact
Jack Jackson at 210.732.9927, or visit the conference website at
2007 Law Day
Jack Pasqual
Joe Frazier Brown, Sr.
Award of Excellence
Beth Squires
SAYLA Outstanding
Young Lawyer Award
Dr. Richard Gambitta
Liberty Bell Award
Diann M. Bartek
Outstanding Mentor Award
2007 LawDay Luncheon: Friday, May 11
“Liberty Under Law: Empowering Youth, Assuring Democracy”
- continued from front page Excellence, created in 1994 for the purpose
of recognizing an outstanding lawyer in
the community. The San Antonio Bar Association’s Board of Directors has selected
Jack Pasqual to receive the 2007 award.
A former president of the San Antonio
Bar Association and active member of the
Bar, Mr. Pasqual has been described by his
peers as “a top flight” trial lawyer whose
dedication and unwavering integrity “exemplifies what is good about the legal
profession.” Other Law Day honorees
include Beth Squires (Squires Law Firm),
who will receive the SAYLA Outstanding
Young Lawyer Award, Dr. Richard Gambitta (UTSA), who will receive the Liberty
Bell Award, and Diann Bartek (Cox Smith
Matthews Incorporated), who will receive
the Outstanding Mentor Award.
The luncheon’s keynote speaker, Austin attorney Dicky Grigg, will present his
experiences representing detainees held
at Guantanamo. This is a very difficult
legal environment requiring the integration of multiple aspects of laws never before tried or tested together. The relatively
new U.S. Patriot Act, meanings of “enemy
combatant,” restrictions on habeas corpus,
limited or no access to clients, mixtures of
criminal, Constitutional, and military law
all test the vital role and ethical obligations
of the defense attorney. Mr. Grigg’s work
is the subject of numerous news reports in
local and national papers and magazines
and of articles in professional journals.
The speaker comes highly recommended
by President Lamont Jefferson, who observed his presentation and Power Point
at a recent program.
The luncheon will be held at the RiverCenter Marriott Hotel. Due to the increased hotel and food expenses, the cost
per table of ten is $1,000. Individual tickets cost $45. This year, Law Day proceeds
will benefit the SABA/SABF computer
upgrades, which will in turn, help the
staff to better serve YOU, the members of
the Bar. If you have any questions about
the Law Day Luncheon or would like to
purchase a table, please contact Jimmy Allison at 210.227.8822 x21.
as of April 26, 2007
• ACC South-Central Texas
• AT&T Services, Inc.
• Allen, Stein & Durbin, P.C.
• Bexar County Womens Bar Foundation
• Bill & Beth Squires
• Bracewell & Giuliani
• Branton & Hall, P.C.
• Brock Person Guerra Reyna, P.C.
• Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated
• Esquire Litigation Services
• Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
• Goode, Casseb, Jones, Riklin, Choate &
Watson, PC
• Gunn and Lee, P.C.
• Jackson Walker LLP
• Law Office of Rosie Gonzalez
and Marialyn Barnard
• Law Offices of Fidel Rodriguez, Jr.
• Langley & Banack, Inc.
• Mexican American Bar Association San Antonio
• St. Mary’s University School of Law
• SABA Family Law Section
• SABA Real Estate Section
• San Antonio Bar Foundation
• San Antonio City Attorney’s Office
• San Antonio Young Lawyers Association
• Strasburger & Price, LLP
• Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
“Thank you April volunteers”
Allen, Stein & Durbin,
Blair Fassburg
Frank Ford
John Howell
Brian Jacob
Jordan Mark
Clay Morgan
Tom Newton
San Antonio Criminal
Defense Lawyers
Ted Cackowski
Anton Hajek
Cindy Hudson
Adam Kobs
Angus McGinty
Pat Montgomery
George Taylor
James Wheat
Sergio Ybarra
Association of Corporate Counsel South
Central Texas Chapter
Howard Anderson
Julie Corwin Truss
Kelli Cubeta
Michael Cubeta
Ingrid Etienne
Diane Hirsch
Brennan Holland
John Longoria
Reagan McCoy
Edward A. Nilan, II
Julie Rendon
Serina Rivela
Cynthia Smith
Bob Temple
Lindow & Treat, L.L.P.
Marc Massad
Kim Scott
David Treat
Shelton & Valadez,
Cassandra Cascos
Mark Giltner
Leslie Kassahn
Clarissa Rodriguez
Wade Shelton
Other Volunteer Attys
Frank Alvillar
Support Volunteers
Gissel Acevedo
Elena Arizmendez
Jennifer Ann Gillespie
Patti Giuliano
Liz Keefe
Rosalia Ortiz
Martina Perez
Yolanda Ramos
Karen Marvel
Kim Pettit
Karen Pozza
Mary Becerra
Jessica Bogardus
Maria Herrera
Court Reporter
Sherri McDonald
San Antonio Bar
San Antonio Trial
Lawyers Association
Jorge Herrera
Will Maiberger
Nelson Skinner
Laura Tamez
Shalimar Wallis
Guy Watts
Support Volunteers
Kathy Burnside
Janie Cahill
Luz Flores
Norbertu Hodges
Mary Peña
Carolyn Thurmond
Members of the San Antonio Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
volunteer their time and pose with Justice Phylis Speedlin (center) at the
April St. Mary’s clinic.
Support Volunteers
Charlene Carroll
Gabriela Garza
Rachel Morley
Delia Narvaiz
Mary Jane Rivera
Lisa Santos
Harry Munsinger
Kim Munsinger
Pat Reyna
Zan Brown
Amber Liddell
Lindsay Martin
Jim McNeel
Marty Roos
David Stanush
Karen Pozza
Laura Parker
Monica Hernandez
Kimberly Kennedy
Annabelle Kung
Veronica Rodriguez
Jessica Bogardus
Chris Castillo
Monica Hernandez
Kimberly Kennedy
Court Reporter
Teri Thomas
Court Reporter
Judy Stewart
San Antonio Trial
Lawyers Association
Prichard, Hawkins,
Mcfarland & Tate,
Attorneys and staff from the law firm of Shelton & Valadez, P.C. participate in
the April Carver Academy clinic. Pictured with Judge Karen Pozza (center).
Attorneys from Oppenheimer, Blend, Harrison & Tate participate as
mentors and pose with Judge Karen Pozza (center) at the April Wesley
Community Center Clinic.
Volunteer legal assistants take a moment to pose for a picture before helping attorneys with their legal documents at the April Wesley Community Center clinic.
(Left to right) Volunteer attorneys Guy Watts, Shalimar Wallis, Will Maiberger and
Nelson Skinner join Judge Karen Pozza (center) at the St. Mary’s April clinic.
“Just Take One”
Judge Karen Pozza &
Justice Phylis Speedlin
Suzanne DeWalt
Patricia Giuliano
Kim and Harry Munsinger of Munsinger & Munsinger, participate for the second time in 2007 as
mentors at the April St. Mary’s clinic.
Shalimar Wallis (left) and Laura Tamez (center), who
recruited attorneys through the San Antonio Trial
Lawyers Association, pose with Judge Karen Pozza.
Mary Peña
Lisa Santos
Ann Zaragoza (TRLA)
Maria “Lulu” Villanueva (TRLA)
To volunteer to “Just Take One”
pro bono case per year; call Suzanne
DeWalt @ 210.227.8822 x24
Volunteer attorneys from the Association of Corporate Counsel South Central Texas Chapter participate
in the April clinic at the Wesley Community Center.
monthly luncheon
featuring speaker
Martha Dickie
• Thursday, May 24; Noon
• The Plaza Club (The Frost Bank Tower)
• $18/$20 includes lunch &
0.75 hrs. CLE credit
• RSVP: 210.227.8822
St. Mary’s Law Alumni
Association Honors
Distinguished Young Alumnus
The St. Mary’s Law Alumni Association honored Austin attorney Karin Crump with the
initial Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
during a luncheon at the School of Law’s
Homecoming event, Friday, March 30.
Crump, of counsel in the Austin office of
Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, graduated from St. Mary’s in 1997.
Karin Crump
The Distinguished Young Alumnus Award,
in its first year, recognizes an alumnus who
has graduated from St. Mary’s University within the past 10 years
and has shown outstanding achievement in the legal profession
and service to the community.
Crump, president of the Texas Young Lawyers Association, is a
civil litigator and mediator. Prior to joining the Austin law firm in
2003, she was in private practice in Dallas. Her areas of practice
include insurance coverage and bad faith litigation, commercial
litigation and mediation.
Ducloux presented the award at the Alumni Luncheon in Conference Room A of the University Center on the campus of St.
Mary’s University.
SABA Nominations
Committe seeks
officer candidates
Each year the SABA Nominations committee meets to nominate candidates for
president-elect, vice-president, secretary,
treasurer, and directors for the upcoming
bar year, which begins August 1. The Nominations committee is seeking SABA members who are interested in being considered
by the committee for nomination.
Any SABA member who can demonstrate a history of activity within the organized bar may submit a resume along
with the position title to: Jimmy Allison,
Executive Director, San Antonio Bar Association, 100 Dolorosa, Suite 500, San Antonio, TX 78205 no later than Friday, May 11.
Officer positions are one-year terms and
director positions are for two years. Any
qualified member not receiving the nomination of the committee may be included
on the ballot by submitting a written petition signed by 25 members of SABA.
Subpoena (USPS #010728) (ISSN #1073-5135)
is published monthly at the annual rate of $20
by the San Antonio Bar Association,
Bexar County Courthouse, Suite 500,
San Antonio, Texas 78205.
Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, TX
POSTMASTER send address changes to:
Subpoena, San Antonio Bar Association,
Bexar County Courthouse, Suite 500,
San Antonio, Texas 78205.
Press releases, calendar announcements and
inquiries about the Subpoena must be sent by
the 15th of the month preceding publication to
the attention of:
Kimberly Palmer
Managing Editor
email: [email protected]
210.227.8822; Fax: 210.271.9614;
SABA website:
SABA office hours: Monday-Friday 8-5 p.m.;
Closed weekends and county holidays
Fox Tech essay contest (cont.)
- continued from page 2 are the disadvantages? Should national ID
cards be voluntary? Why or why not?
The judges will grade the essays by assigning points based on standard criteria
such as quality of writing, proper use of
grammar, coherence, organization, punctuation, spelling and quality of legal analysis.
The winners will be announced at the Fox
Tech High School May 2007 awards cere-
mony and the San Antonio Bar Association
Law Day luncheon on May 11, 2007.
The San Antonio Bar Association Federal Courts Committee is proud of its continuing commitment to the students of Fox
Tech High School Law Magnet Program.
The Committee wishes to thank the many
judges and law firms who have provided
unconditional support of this worthwhile
project, and wishes the current contestants
good luck in this year’s contest.
Anatomy (cont.)
- continued from front page cases in Bexar County. Topics this year will
include the following:
• Hands-on Training for the New HighTech Courtrooms in Bexar County.
• Panel Discussion: How to Manage
a Document-Intensive Complex Case
(and Not Lose the Jury)
• How to Handle the Fastest Docket in
South Texas
• Effective Preperation for Jury and
Non-Jury Matters in Bexar County
• Emerging Techniques in Modern Trial
• Case Law Update: Cases You Need to
Know to Write a Proper Jury Charge
On April 17, the SABA Family Law Section awarded its annual Jacqueline Riebach scholarship to two deserving young recipients at its monthly luncheon at the Palm. Section Chiar Art Rossi (center) presented
the award to Jessica Britt, (right) a nursing student at San Antonio College, and Cordera Walton (left), a
criminal justice major at St. Philip’s College.
2007 Annual Meeting — A Deal Too Good To Refuse!
Join us in San Antonio June 21-22, 2007, for the State Bar of Texas Annual
Meeting. This year’s Annual Meeting offers value, convenience, and excellent CLE. By attending, you will have the opportunity to gain beneficial CLE
presented bysome of the most knowledgeable practitioners in their fields. New
this year! Receive all CLE materials on a flash drive. No paper handouts!
Your Registration Includes:
• Admission to all CLE programs. Save time and money —two full days of
CLE for one lowprice.
• Admission to Annual Meeting breakfasts and luncheons. Don’t miss the
Thursday luncheon featuring best-selling author John Grisham. NYU School
of Law Professor Noah Feldman speaks at the Bench Bar Breakfast on Friday.
Richard Ben-Veniste and Douglas W. Kmiec tackle “Striking the Right
Balance Between Liberty and Security” during Friday’s General Session
Luncheon and Litigation Section CLE/Debate.
Featured CLE
• Legislative Update —be among the first to learn how the 80th Texas
LegislativeSession will affect lawyers.
• Full-day Business Law and Corporate Counsel Sections joint CLE program
• Statewide Bench Bar CLE featuring presentations by some of our state’s most
respected judges and lawyers. Sponsored by the Judicial and Litigation Sections.
• Open Government Forum promises a top-notch panel discussion on open
records and open meetings laws. Sponsored by the SBOT Public Affairs
Committee and Government Lawyers Section.
• Diversity Forum —gain valuable knowledge about diversity in the legal
profession from those at the top and those in the trenches.
• Numerous Section-sponsored tracks
The 11th annual Anatomy of a Civil Trial seminar will be held in the Central Jury
Room of the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center
on Friday, June 29, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Cost is $100 to SABA members and $125 to
nonmembers for 6.0 hours of CLE credit, including 1.0 hour of live ethics. This course
has also been approved by the Texas Board of
Legal Specialization in the areas of Personal
Injury and Civil Trial Law. Materials are included in the cost of registration. Send your
check made payable to the San Antonio Bar
Association, Bexar County Courthouse, 100
Dolorosa, Suite 500, San Antonio, TX 78205.
For more information, contact Jimmy Allison
at 210.227.8822 or [email protected].
The Bexar County Women’s Bar Foundation and the San Antonio Bar Foundation wish to thank the following individuals for participating in the Wills
Clinic on April 11: Toti Aubrey, Richard
Crow, Christine Dauphin, Janet King,
Marilyn King, Bruce Phillips, Carl Oliver, Robert Saenz, Casey Seitz, Clayton Smaistrla, Pamela St. John, Bob
Steiger, Steven Strickland, Deborah
Verbil, Tom Vickers, Patricia Rouse,
Carl Werner (Attorney Mentor), Arthur
Allen, Giancarlo Glenn, Mack Harrison, Jennifer Gillespie, Linda Dietal,
Valerie Humphreys, Karen Wright,
Nathan Chappell, Sil Gonzalez, Lucy
Perez, Dan Kearney, Patty Kearney
(SABF) and Stephanie Zucco.
The San Antonio
Bar Foundation
Have you ever wondered what the
San Antonio Bar Foundation does?
As the membership drive for the San Antonio
Bar Foundation gets underway, you may wonder what SABF does. The following is a brief
explanation of the San Antonio Bar Foundation
(SABF) and its service to the legal community.
SABF supports the Pro Bono Wills Clinic,
whose coordinator and costs are provided
by the Foundation, along with financial assistance from the Bexar County Women’s
Bar Foundation. Low-income clients are
served by this monthly clinic at St. Mary’s
Center for Legal and Social Justice. When a
client leaves the Wills Clinic, they not only
have a will but also ancillary papers, which
are notarized and completed the evening of
the clinic. The Wills Clinic is manned by volunteers from the legal community, including
attorneys, notaries and paralegals from San
Antonio Legal Secretaries Association and
law students from St. Mary’s School of Law.
Amigos in Mediation (AIM) is another Foundation beneficiary. AIM, the groundbreaking
Peer Mediation Program, is administered by
the Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center
in collaboration with SABF. Since 1999, AIM
has helped schools establish self-sustaining
peer mediation programs, enabling students
trained as peer mediators to resolve campus
conflicts between students without school
staff intervention. AIM offers peer mediation
training and consultation services to elementary, middle and high schools within all 15
school districts in Bexar County. Students
trained as peer mediators come from a broad
cross-section of the student population, assuring that vast ethnic and economic sectors
are represented. As of September 2006, 122
Bexar County schools have active peer mediation programs and 10,723 students have
been trained as peer mediators. Student peer
mediators have conducted 7,967 mediations,
with 96 pecent of those mediations resulting
in agreements between disputing students.
Of those students using mediation to resolve
disputes, 87 pecent stated mediation has prevented them from engaging in inappropriate
actions and 94 pecent of them stated they
would use mediation again for any future
disputes. In 2003, SABF received the Outstanding Partnership Program Award for the
AIM Program by the State Bar of Texas.
The Police Athletic League (PAL) enjoys the
support of the San Antonio Bar Foundation.
Through the annual fun-filled Courthouse
Walk/Run, PAL receives funding for its work
with at-risk youth sports program. PAL is
the largest organization of law-enforcement
agencies formed to prevent juvenile crime
and violence, utilizing a recreation-oriented
juvenile crime prevention program that relies heavily on athletics, recreational activities and education to help children “..go right
and stay right.” Through their crime prevention programs, PAL’s mission is simply stated, “Filling Playgrounds, Not Prisons.”
People’s Law School is an annual event of
the Bar Foundation that provides legal and
consumer education to the general public
at no cost. There are a number of selections
from which the attendees can choose. Captioning is provided for the hearing-impaired.
The sections on Social Security and Elder
Law continue to be very well attended. The
feedback received indicates that this public
service is very much appreciated.
The Foundation donates to the Campus
Ministry Fund at St. Mary’s University
In memory of...
George Anders
from Robert and Diane Cowan
Betty Fulenwider
from Carolyn Thurmond
Keith E. Kaiser
from Joe and Beth Casseb
Keith E. Kaiser
from Langley & Banack, Inc.
Keith E. Kaiser
from Jo Chris Lopez
Keith E. Kaiser
from Carolyn Thurmond and family
Thomas M. Thurmond
from Carolyn Thurmond
Peter Torres, Jr.
from Joe and Beth Casseb
School of Law under the able supervision
of Sister Grace Walle. This fund provides
honorariums for outstanding leadership in
its programs, including the Legal Clinic at
St. Jude’s Catholic Church, providing legal
aid facilities for the indigent.
At the recent Peacemaker Gala on March 31,
2007, the Foundation presented a $15,000 check
to the US Army Fisher Houses, which were the
recipient of the 2007 Peacemaker Community
Service Award. The Foundation also presented
a check for $15,000 to the Community Justice
Program, whose founders Justice Phylis Speedlin and Judge Karen Pozza were honored with
the 2007 Pioneer Peacemaker Awards. Abigail
Kampmann also was honored with the 2007
Pioneer Peacemaker award for her efforts to
establish the monthly Pro Bono Wills Clinic.
The programs supported by the San Antonio
Bar Foundation are related to the legal community and afford a chance for attorneys to
make a difference. We hope you will join us
in our endeavors. If you have any questions,
please contact our Membership Chair, Nissa
Dunn, at [email protected].
The District Courts Committee met April 5.
SABA and the District Judges will arrange
for training in the new high tech courtrooms,
the 73rd and the 131st. The judges are monitoring several bills filed in the legislature. Judge
Nellermoe confirmed that information. A
committee of District Judges will soon meet
to discuss issues regarding the Children’s
Court, and abuse and neglect cases. And the
judges have met and will continue meeting
on the budget process-there is concern about
the growing Pro Se docket and how that and
other matters are affecting the office of the
Staff Attorney. We welcomed Jon Yedor, who
is the chair of the SABA Lawyer to Lawyer
Mentor Committee. He asked that we spread
the word about the work of this committee,
and the availability of the members for mentoring other lawyers. He especially asked
that the district judges, including presiding
judges, monitoring judges and ADR judges,
announce that the Lawyer to Lawyer Mentor
Committee is available to those who need or
want mentoring. For more information about
the Lawyer to Lawyer Mentor Committee,
visit Jon
indicated the committee intends to soon update the webpage. Lawyers seeking mentors
may either call SABA at 210.227.8822 for a
referral, or call Jon or one of the other committee members directly. Dan Vana informed
us about the new web page for the District
Courts Committee. Please inform Dan or Kim
Palmer at the SABA offices if any part of the
webpage needs to be corrected. Ben Wallis,
the chair of the jury selection subcommittee,
told us about attending a jury selection seminar in Dallas, where he learned that judges
in other counties are doing the unthinkable:
conducting federal court type voir dire, limiting attorney involvement to a few minutes,
being stingy with “for cause” strikes. He and
his subcommittee members, Dan Vana, Marvin Zimmerman and Roger Bresnahan plan
to get started quick on the next chapter in the
jury selection project so that they can head off
any efforts by our District Judges to federalize their practices. Karen Vowell and Robin
Teague reported on sending packages to soldiers in Iraq, in the Adopt a Soldier program
begun by Judge Peden. Next month we hope
other committee members will report on supporting the Adopt-a-Soldier program. Judge
Diaz was tied up in a mediation so could not
attend to report on the plans for the second
quarter 2007 Brown Bag luncheon. Email or
call him if you have ideas for a program. Robin Teague reported that he is still working on
the proposed judicial evaluation/performance
poll. And he reminded everyone that the ABA
Litigation Section Annual Conference will be
held in SA next week, April 11-14. You should
have received information by email about that
conference. Let’s make a good showing impression. Our next meeting will be Thursday
May 3, at noon, in the old courtroom of the
court of appeals, on the 5th floor of the courthouse. Please make your reservations to Ben
Wallis, vice chair of the committee, since Robin Teague will be out of town that day.
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The San Antonio Trial Lawyers Association is pleased to announce its elected officers for 2007: President, Laura G. Tamez;
President-Elect, Glenn Cunningham; Treasurer: Matthew Pearson; Secretary: Laura
Pazin Porter; VP of Finance: Will Maiberger; VP of Political Affairs: Robert Rios; VP
of Community Affairs: Shalimar Wallis; VP
of Communications: Alex Wyatt Wright;
VP of Judicial Relations: Sonia Rodriguez;
VP of CLE: Carmen Samaniego; and VP of
Membership: Omar Alvarez.
McNelis + Associates, PLLC announces
the addition of West W. Winter, formerly
a shareholder of Clemens & Spencer, P.C.,
to its construction and real estate practice
where he will continue to focus on litigation
matters. A graduate of Southern Methodist University and St. Mary’s University
School of Law, West is a Fellow of the Texas
Bar Foundation and a past president of the
Defense Counsel of San Antonio. West was
recognized as a “Texas Super Lawyer Rising Star” by Texas Monthly Magazine in
2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007.
Holland & Holland, L.L.C. is pleased to
announce the opening of its new office located at 1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 808, San
Antonio, TX 78209; (phone) 210.824.8282;
and (fax) 210.824.8585. Michael L. Holland
is board certified in labor and employment
law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and will continue to represent employers in employment law matters in Central
and South Texas. W. Lamoine Holland will
continue his general practice including representing families in estate, probate and family law matters. Susan Stone will be joining
the firm of counsel, and will continue her
practice in labor and employment law.
of Professional Corporations, has moved its
San Antonio office. Mary Belan Doggett
may now be reached at the Locust Street
Professional Building, 206 East Locust
Street, Suite 214, San Antonio, TX 78212, or
via email at [email protected]. Her
telephone and facsimile numbers remain
the same: 210.444.1900 and 210.444.1901.
Joseph M. Harrison still may be reached at
the firm’s Floresville office at 830.393.0500
or via email at [email protected]. The firm
continues to represent business and property owners in all matters relating to ad
valorem taxation. For more information,
please see
The Immigration Law firm of De Mott,
McChesney, Curtright & Associates, L.L.P.
is pleased to announce the following new
associate attorneys: Dustin O’Quinn graduated from the University Of Texas School
Of Law in 2005. He will work in the firm’s
Employment Based Immigration Department. Scott Benson graduated from the
University Of Oklahoma College Of Law in
2000. He has been practicing Immigration
Law for the last five years working with
Catholic Charities in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Both will be working at the firm’s main office at 8930 Fourwinds Dr., San Antonio,
TX, 78239 across from Immigration’s San
Antonio District Office. The firm has another office downtown in the same building as
the Immigration Courts.
Clark, Thomas & Winters, PC is pleased to
announce that Pamela McClain has been
named a shareholder in the law firm and she
is Board Certified in Personal Injury Law by
the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Davidson & Troilo, P.C. is pleased to announce that James C. Woo has been elected
to the Board of Directors. He is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by
the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He
is the Section Head for the Firm’s Estate Planning and Probate Law Section. Mr. Woo’s
practice is primarily focused in the areas of
Wills, Trusts, Estate Administration, Probate Litigation, and Guardianship and also
includes business succession planning, asset protection, corporations, and real estate
transactions. Dalby Fleming and Maria
Sanchez have been elected shareholders. Mr.
Fleming’s practice includes the representation of governmental entities, financial institutions, commercial motor carriers, insurance
carriers, construction contractors, architects,
engineers and large and small businesses.
Ms. Sanchez has experience handling complex administrative hearings, air permit proceedings including emergency orders, Water
District matters, proceedings for applications
of water and sewer Certificates of Convenience and Necessity, wholesale rate appeals,
ratemaking, rulemaking, and prepared bill
impact statement during the legislative sessions. She represents clients before the Public
Utility Commission and Texas Commission
on Environmental Quality.”
The Law Office of Jeffrey A. Goldberg is
proud to announce Cynthia M. Cano has
become a partner with the firm. The firm
represents employees and executives in
Employment Litigation.
John Compere, senior shareholder of Shaddox, Compere, Walraven & Good, PC and
San Antonio family lawyer/mediator, has
retired from active law practice after 40 years
and relocated with his wife, Dee, to the family ranch at Baird, Texas. John is a past San
Antonio Young Lawyers Association president, San Antonio Outstanding Young Lawyer, SABA and SBOT director, SBT Family
Law Section and Military Law Section chair,
Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists
president and American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Texas Chapter president.
He is also a Brigadier General, U.S. Army
(Retired). Compere may be reached at
[email protected].
Nissa Dunn, board certified in civil appellate law, is pleased to announce the formation of the Law Offices of Nissa Dunn, P.C.,
located at 600 Navarro Street, Suite 500, San
Antonio, TX 78205. Nissa can be reached
at 210.581.2073 (tel.), 210.581.2074 (fax), or
[email protected].
Margaret Corning Boldrick is pleased to
announce the relocation of the law offices of
Margaret Corning Boldrick, P.C. to 926 Chulie Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216-6522. Ms.
Boldrick is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law. She can be reached
at 210.349.1199 or [email protected].
SABAux. holds
couples event,
elects new officers
The San Antonio Bar Auxiliary held
its annual couples event at Pat O’Brien’s
on The Riverwalk, Tuesday evening,
March 27. The slate of officers for 20072008 were presented and elected.
Newly elected officers are: Mrs.
Richard (Marcia) Harris, President; Mrs.
Robert (Rita) Thompson, PresidentElect; Mrs. Larry (Patsy) Noll, 1st Vice
President; Mrs. Jeff (Yvonne) Hawkins,
2nd Vice President; Ms. Susan Orr Taylor,
3rd Vice President; Mrs. Brent (Cindy)
Farney, 4th Vice-President; Mrs. James
(Darlene) Bass, Treasurer; Mrs. Reed
(Cecilia) Greene; Recording Secretary;
Mrs. Don (June) McManus, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. Paul (Rhonda)
Canales, Historian.
All spouses of the San Antonio Bar
Association are invited into the membership. You can find out more about the organization and its activities by contacting
President Anabel Rodriguez 210.805.8855.
Above left: Kelly and
SABA Program Chair Jenny
Above right: Reed and
SABA Recording SecretaryElect Cecilia Greene
Left: Three “girls!”
Marcia Harris, SABAux.
President Elect (left); June
McManus, SABAux. Treasurer and President Elect Texas
Lawyers Auxiliary (center);
and SABA President Anabel
Rodriguez (right).
Anatomy of a
Civil Trial XI
Friday, June 29
Central Jury Room, Cadena-Reeves Justice Center
210.227.8822 x99
Historic house at 419 South Presa at Durango. Suitable
for one or two attorneys. Offices include receptionist,
conference room, phone system, fax, copier, kitchen
facilities, outside garden area and excellent parking.
Call Arden Specia at (210) 849-4121.
MODERN BUILDING, Office Space Available
for sublease. Located at 13333 Blanco Rd. Reception,
Westlaw and ProDoc available. Includes conference room,
kitchen, fax, scanner, copier and telephone. Internet hookup available. Available July 1, 2007. Call 210-479-3195.
Space available for 1 atty/1 staff, effective 5/15/07 at
Wells Fargo Bank Bldg-750 East Mulberry. Copier, 3
separate phone lines, kitchenette, conference room and
covered parking. Attractive finish-out. Opportunity for
referrals. Call Jaymie 733-6555. ($475.00/mo. sublease).
Beautifully renovated colonial office building, luxuriously
appointed with hardwood floors, crown molding, marble,
to name just a few. Amenities include: fabulous conference rooms, bilingual receptionist, telephone, fax, copier,
courier, kitchen facilities & covered parking. Located at
3107 Broadway, near the Mulberry intersection. Also leasing
VIRTUAL OFFICES with same amenities for as low as $250/
month. For information call Art Augustine at 210.316.9583.
One large office and two small offices, with secretarial
service, receptionist, conference room, phone system, fax,
copier, kitchen facilities with lovely view of river. Possibility
of referrals. Call Sol Casseb III or Ken Isenberg at 223-4381
NEW Loop 1604/Blanco location
Professional/executive office space-four offices (average
15x20). Smaller secretarial office space available. Includes
conference room, kitchen, receptionist, voice mail, utilities, janitorial, security, covered parking, internet ready
(T-1). Storage, copier and fax available for additional
charge. For more information, e-mail [email protected].
Office & secretarial space in the 281 & Bitters area – use
of receptionist, library and conference rooms.
Call 377-1990 for information.
Whole building: 5000 sq. ft. or take just part. Corner of
Buena Vista and Colorado. Custom finish-out available.
Rent only $.99-$1.49/sq. ft. Easy access to jail, courthouse
and western corridor. Call John Hernden at 210.414.4210.
OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE – (shared office sublease) 281 & JONES MALTSBERGER
One large office with a spectacular view, private secretarial
area, separate space for files, 2 conference rooms, break
room, covered parking, telephones w/voice mail, DSL
hookup available, Westlaw, bilingual Receptionist. Contact
Jeffrey C. Anderson - 210/340-8880 or
New Construction. Excellent location. Receptionist,
3 conference rooms, 2 copier/fax machines, postage
meter, secretarial space available, free parking, phone
system, law library, kitchen and outdoor garden area.
Call Craig White at 930-7700 or Peter Susca at 829-7183.
EXECUTIVE SUITES, top floor of Crown Tower
in Alamo Heights. Two elegant conference rooms, phones,
fax, copier, postage, kitchenette, internet, receptionist, secretarial services, parking and window offices with balconies.
VIRTUAL OFFICES also available at $150/month. Easy
access to major freeways. Contact Linda at 210-293-7800.
NEW Loop 1604/Blanco location
Professional/executive office space-four offices (average
15x20). Smaller secretarial office space available. Includes
conference room, kitchen, receptionist, voice mail, utilities,
janitorial, security, covered parking, internet ready (T-1).
Storage, copier and fax available for additional charge.
For more information, email [email protected].
Law offices avaiable to share with other established
attorneys and staff; great location, easy access to Courthouse, furnished/unfurnished. Includes: bilingual
receptionist, conference room, kitchen, fax, voicemail,
copier and mailing equipment. Call Jeff Morehouse
@ 210.227.2700 or 1.800.9263489.
Pulman, Bresnahan & Pullen, LLP
6919 Blanco Road
San Antonio, Texas 78216
210.222.9494, x109; 210.892.1610 fax
Board Certified - Personal Injury Trial Law
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
One price includes office space, receptionist, conference
rooms, covered parking, client parking, telephone system.
Fax, Internet and copier services also available. Five
minutes from downtown. Virtual offices available. Call
Ernest Karam at 857-8970 or Kathy Hoffman at 884-1375.
Joel H. Pullen - MEDIATOR
Pulman, Bresnahan & Pullen, LLP
6919 Blanco Road
San Antonio, Texas
210.892.0425 • 210.892.1610 fax
With income & garage parking. 801 N. St. Mary’s &
825 N. St. Mary’s. Approx. 6,500 SF office to be vacated
by current tenant (D. B. Harrell Co.), 5,800 SF of garage
(15 car parks) & approx. 2,700 SF leased to State of
Texas. Plus 8,000 SF surface lot for 23 car parks.
$1,500,000. Info package available online, or call Terri Rubiola 222-2424.
TMCA Credentialed
Jerry King Law Office
P.O. Box 591111 San Antonio, Texas 78280
Tel: (210) 497-8046
Contract - Family - Real Estate - Consumer - Landlord/
Tenant - Probate - Insurance - Business
Visit website for details, fees, calendar:
The Ariel House
8118 Datapoint Drive
Telephone – 210.614.6400.
Video surveillance; fraud, death; missing
persons; aviation; court records, process serving.
434 Pershing Ave., San Antonio, TX 78209
Tel. 210.824.6300 or 1.800.928.7474
Family Law Mediation
The Naylor House
1919 San Pedro
San Antonio, Texas 78212
Phone: (210) 735-9911
Email: [email protected]
Large comfortable mediation rooms equipped with DirecTV,
espresso machine, dart board, Internet and telephones.
Business Mediation Attorney
19202 Huebner Road, Suite 103
San Antonio, Texas 78258
O: 210.404.9200 F: 210.404.9203
[email protected]
non-profit provides mediation services for cases within
Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch and Menard counties. Kerrville offices available
for depositions. Phone 888-292-1502 or 830-792-5000.
Fax 830-792-6220. Email [email protected].
Visit our website at
MICHAEL CURRY, Atty-Mediator
AAM Certified
823 Congress Ave., Ste. 1100
Austin, TX 78701
Full-time mediator since 1994
Email: [email protected]
Website with calendar:
No travel charges for San Antonio mediations.
Employment Law Mediation
16500 San Pedro, Suite 296
San Antonio, Texas 78232
Tel. 210.545.3331
Email: [email protected]
ADRSI Credentialed
Board Certified – Labor & Employment Law
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Employment, personal injury, contract disputes, commercial & insurance coverage
McClenahan, Anderson & Stryker
2135 E. Hildebrand Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Ph: (210) 736-2222; fax: (210) 587-4519
[email protected]
Investigations by former FBI agents-throughout the
US; surveillance, locating and interviewing witnesses,
criminal history, insurance fraud, background information, security analysis, computer database searches,
still and video photography. 210-491-9567;; email: [email protected].
Do you need a “law” lawyer to assist with the preparation/defense of your case? Experienced attorney handles
all aspects of appellate process, from error preservation
and charge conferences, to briefing and argument. Dispositive motions written and argued. References available.
Call Jeff Small @ 210.496.0611 or [email protected].
Motions - Trial Assistance - Appeals
Over 20 Years of Experience
Licensed in Federal District Court;
5th Circuit; U.S. Supreme Court
Do you have a signature in question or possible altered business document? BPI Laboratories LLC has experienced experts
on staff board certified in Forensic Document Examination and
court qualified to handle all aspects of questioned documents.
Call us at 210.497.2705 or 866.624.0326. Or visit our website at for more information.
Is seeking an experienced commercial
Litigation attorney. Please contact the office
at 210.404-9200 or forward information to
[email protected]
Successful AV-rated mid-sized Texas firm seeking to hire
attorney or small practice group with experience in immigration and/or family law, to start immediately in the
San Antonio office. Portables required; Spanish speaking
preferred. Contact Stephan Rogers (210) 734-3444.
Downtown Austin law firm seeks associate
with at least three years experience for its Georgetown
office. Practice areas include commercial litigation, probate, estate planning, real estate and commercial transactions and general business and corporate work. Please
send resume to P. O. Box 852, Austin, TX 78767.
May calendar
BCWBF & SABF WILLS CLINIC TRAINING CLE. SABA offices. Noon - 1 p.m. MCLE: Info: 210.227.8822 x25.
T.B.A. CLE requested. RSVP 210.226.6621.
FEDERAL COURT PRACTICE SEMINAR. Adrian Spears Judicial Training Center (643 E. Durango). 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. INFO:
COMMUNITY JUSTICE PROGRAM CARVER ACADEMY CLINIC. 217 Paso Hondo. 5:30 p.m. Info: 210.227.8822 x24.
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING. Petroleum Club (8620 N. New Braunfels Ave, 7th floor). 7:30 a.m.
Speaker/topic: Judge Janet Littlejohn. Cost (includes buffet breakfast): $6 members/$3 students. INFO: paulr.
[email protected]
BCWBF & SABF SPONSORED WILLS CLINIC. St. Mary’s Center for Legal & Social Justice. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Info:
210.227.8822 x25.
SABA CONSTRUCTION LAW SECTION. The Plaza Club. 11:45 a.m. Speaker/topic: T.B.A. RSVP: 210.495.6789.
LAW DAY U.S.A. LUNCHEON. RiverCenter Mariott Hotel. 11:30 a.m. Speaker/topic: Dicky Grigg. “Liberty Under
Law: Empowering Youth, Assuring Democracy.” INFO: 210.227.8822 x21.
SABA INTERNATIONAL LAW SECTION MEETING. The Plaza Club. Noon. Speaker/topic: T.B.A. MCLE: 1.0 hr. Cost:
$15/$18. RSVP: 210.244.0209; [email protected]
COMMUNITY JUSTICE PROGRAM ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY CLINIC. Center for Legal & Social Justice. 5:30 p.m. Info:
210.227.8822 x24.
SABA FAMILY LAW SECTION MONTHLY MEETING. The Palm. Noon. Speaker/topic: T.B.A. RSVP: 210.735.9911.
FBA MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING. Quarry Golf Club (444 E. Basse Road). 11:45 a.m. Speaker/topic: LTC
Michael Isacco, Staff Judge Advocate, 4th Infantry Division. “Legal Operations in Iraq.” Cost: $18.
RSVP:; 210.554.5404.
SABA NATURAL RESOURCES SECTION MONTHLY MEETING. The Petroleum Club. Noon. Speaker/topic: Ryan M. Sweeney. “Surface Owner Rights.” MCLE: 0.75 hrs. Cost: $17. RSVP: 210.978.7460; [email protected]
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THE JUNE SUBPOENA. INFO: [email protected]; 210.227.8822 x20.
RSVP: 210.525.5568; [email protected]
SAN ANTONIO TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION. Palm Restaurant. Noon. Open to members and invited guests. Speaker/
topic: T.B.A. RSVP: [email protected]; 210.228.0202.
ALAMO AREA PARALEGALS ASSOCIATION, INC. LUNCHEON. The Quarry Golf Club. 11:30 a.m. Speaker/topic: Former
Judges Richard Price and Renee Diaz. “Life After The Bench: Mediation and/or Arbitration” Cost: $17 members/$20 nonmembers. RSVP:
SABA ETHICS SEMINAR (VIDEOTAPED). Bexar County Courthouse, 5th floor. 2-5 p.m. “A Musical Treat!” MCLE: 3.0
hrs. ethics. Cost: $45 member/$60 nonmember. RSVP: 210.227.8822 x99.
SALSA MONTHLY MEETING. Waterstreet Oyster Bar. 6:30 p.m. RSVP: 210.731.6458; [email protected]
SABA MONTHLY LUNCHEON. Plaza Club. Noon. Speaker/topic: SBOT president Martha Dickie. MCLE: 0.75 hrs.
Cost: $18 members/$20 nonmembers. RSVP: 210.227.8822 x99.
LAST CHANCE VIDEOS: ADV. EMPLOYMENT LAW 2007 (PART I). Bexar County Courthouse, 5th floor. 8:30 a.m. Cost: $75
member/$100 nonmember (per day). MCLE: 7.5 hrs., 1.75 ethics. RSVP: 210.227.8822 x99.
LAST CHANCE VIDEOS: ADV. EMPLOYMENT LAW 2007 (PART II). Bexar County Courthouse, 5th floor. 8:30 a.m. Cost: $75
member/$100 nonmember (per day). MCLE: 6.75 hrs., 1.25 ethics. RSVP: 210 .227.8822 x99.
(June 1) FEDERAL COURT SUMMER ASSOCIATE PROGRAM. Federal Courthouse (655 E. Durango), Courtroom 2. 1 - 4:30 p.m.
to be followed by social function. Topic: Functions of Clerk’s Office, federal court licensing requirements, docket
management, panel discussion on work of younger lawyers and more. Cost: Suggested donation of $25. MCLE: 3.0 hrs.