Pathology of the equine salpinx - Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine
Pathology of the equine salpinx - Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine
Pferdeheilkunde15 (1999)6 (November/Dezember) 560-567 Pathologyof the equinesalpinx KerstinMedenbachl, Heike Aupperlel, Doris Schoonl, M.M. Wittenbrinkzand H.-A. Schoonl I lnstitutfür Veterinär-Pathologie, UniversitätLeipzig,Deutschland;2 lnstitutfür Veterinär-Bakteriologie, UniversitätZürich,Schwerz Summary Equineutennetubeswereevaluated (n=100) macroscopically andmicroscopically (n=76).l\.4acroscopic lesionsoccurredas infundibular adhesionsandinfundibular cysts.Microscopically, themostcommonfindings wereintraepithelial cystswithintheampulla, slight,multfocalepithelial andsubepithelial infiltration withlymphoc!'tes andtheoccurrence junction. of collagen masses withinthelum€noftheampullary-isthmic In the majority of the uterinetubesepithelial cellsshowedan extraordinary coexpression of desminandc!,tokeratin. Thepathological significanceof thiscoexpression is questionable andmightbe attributed to the physiologic hormonal activityduringcycleandpregnancy respectivelV. Forthe frst timechlamydial antigenwasdemonstrated in the equinesalpinxby meansof an immunohistologic technique. In liveof twenty maresa positive psittaci-antibody stainingfor Chlamydia wasevidentin someepithelial cellsof the isthmusandto a lesserextentin thoseof theampulla. Thesemaresshoweda multifocal c!'toplasmic eosinophilia of theuterinetubeepithelium anda slightto moderate endometrosis of the endometrium. In two maresdetectionof chlamydial antigenwasassociated witha slightchronicsalpingitis and in two othermares witha slightchronicendometritis. Keywords: equine,salpingitis, chlamydia, desmin,immunohistology Pathologie der equinen Salpinx Eileitervon Stuten wurden makroskopisch(n=100)und mikroskopisch(n=76)untersucht.Als makroskopischeVeränderungenlageninfundibuläreAdhäsionenund infundibuläreZysten vor. Die häufigstenmikroskopischenBefundewaren intraepitheliale Zysten, multifokaleInfiltrationenvon Lymphozytensowie luminalvorkommendekollageneMassenim Bereichdes Übergangsvon der Ampullarn den lsthmus. Bei der immunhistologischen Untersuchungzeigtendie Epithelzellen der meistenEileiterepithelien eine außergewöhnliche Koexpressionvon Desminund Z,'tokeratin.Die BedeutungdieserKoexpressionist fraglich,ursächlichkönntenphysiologischeVeränderungendes Hormonstatus im Verlaufdes Zyklusbeziehungsweise der Graviditätverantwortlichsein. Mit Hilfeimmunhistologischer Verfahrenwurde erstmaljgChlamydien-Antigen in der equinenSalpinxnachgewiesen.In fünf von zwanziguntersuchtenStuten konnteChlamydien-Antigen in den Epithelzellen des lsthmusund in einemgeringeremMaß in der Ampulladargestelltwerden. DieseStuten zeigteneine multifokalezytoplasmatische Eosinophiliedes Eileiterepithels und eine gering- bis mittelgradigeEndometrose des Endometrlums.Der Nachweisvon Clamydien-Antigen war bei zwei Stuten mit einergeringgradigenchronisch€nSalpingitisund bei zwei weiterenStuten mit einergerlnggradigen chronischenEndometritisverbunden. Schlüsselwörter: Pferd,Salpingitis,Chlamydien,Desmin,lmmunhistologie Introduction The mammalianuterinetube servesas a conduit from the ovary to the uterus providinga satisfactoryenvironmentfor final maturationof the oocyte, sperm transport, sperm capacitation,fertilisation and earlyembryonicdevelopment. D u e to t he uniquec on d i ti o n so f th e e q u i n es a l p i n xthe , environmentof the uterinetube is a known intrinsicfactor of possiblecausesfor embryonicloss in mares.These conditions are a prolongedpassageof the equineembryo,resulting in a more advancedstage of developmentof the embryo, retentionof unferlilisedoocytes and the selectivepassage of embryos (Ball, 19BB). There is extensiveliteratureon the pathologyof the equine endometriumrelatingto reduced fertility,but in only very few studies has the influenceof alterationsof the eouine salpinxbeen examined. Pathologicallesionsof the uterinetube play an important role in other domesticanimalssuch as cows (Kessyet al., 19BS)and sows (Wilsonet al., 1949). Tube-associatedinfertilityin women is frequentlycaused by Chlamydia-in- 560 duced salpingitis. A similaretiologyof equinesalpingitishas not yet been reported. The object of this study was - to characterisepathologicalfindingsof the equineuterine tube by lightmicroscopy,supporledby immunohistological examination, - to determinethe presenceof chlamydialantigen in the equinesalpinxby immunohistological techniqueand - to evaluatepossible relationsbetween inflammatoryprocessesof the uterinetubes and the endometrium, The uterinetube of the mare, usually20 to 30 cm in length and 1.5 to 3.0 mm i n di ameter,can be di sti nguishedin three parts:the infundibulum, the ampullaand the isthmus runninginto the uterus (fhrelfall,1995). The epitheliumof the mucosaconsistsof two cell types: ciliatedand non-ciliatedcells (Fig. 1). The ciliatedcells play an importantrole in the transportof the oocyte,while most of the non-ciliatedepithelialcells represent secretory cells producingand releasingproteinsas well as glycoproteins '15 Pferdeheilkunde Kersttn Medenbach eI al. into the lumen.A third residentcell type,the peg cell,is variantof the secretorycell likelyto be a morphologic (Liebichet al., 1999). cycle stage was ascertainedby examinationof the ovaries and the uterinetubes were first evaluatedfor gross abnormalitiesand lesions, One half of the uterinetubes of 76 mares was removed by into longitudinal sectionfrom the transitionof the infundibulum a part the ampullato the tip of the uterinehorn.Additionally, of the corpus uteriwas excised.The specimenswere routinely embeddedin paraffin.The sectionswere stained,usingheperiodicacid-Schiff(PAS)-alcianblue-, toluimatoxilin-eosin-, staining. red- and Papanicolaou dineblue-,picro-sirius The endometriawere classifiedin categoriesaccordingto Kenney and Doig (1986). studies,the tissueswere stainedfor For immunohistolcgical CD 3, lgA, lgG and lgM and for the intermediatefilaments desmin,cytokeratinand vimentinby using the peroxidasenique, anti-peroxidase-tech The specimenswere investigatedby enzymehistochemistry mare,luteal for CLAE (chloracetatesterase). Fig.1: Normalmucosaof the ampulla,13-year-old phase:The epitheliumconsistof ciliatedand secretory The uterinetubes of 20 mares were stainedfor the expresarefoundbetweenthe epitheli- sion of chlamydialantigenusinga Chlamydiapsittaci-specicells,singlelymphocytes stain, al cellsor in the laminapropria.(PAS-alcianblue fic monoclonalantibodv, magnification 125x). 13jährige Stute,GelbMukosaderAmpulla, Unveränderte undsebestehtausZilienzellen körperphase: DasEpithel liegenzwischen Results Lymphozyten kretorische Zellen,einzelne propria.(PAS-Alcianden Epithelzellen oderin der Lamrna 125x) Vergrößerung Fxpression of intermed iate filaments blau-Färbung, Material and methods From summer 1996 to winter 1998 a total of 100 genital tracts from mares of differentage and breed was collected at the Instituteof VeterinaryPathology of the Leipzig University and at slaughterhousesand fixed in formalin.The Stromal cells and vascularendotheliaare stained positive for vimentin. The unstriated muscles and the smooth muscle cells of the vesselsshow an expressionof desmin and to a lesserextentof vimentin. Epithelialcells exhibit expressionof cytokeratinand in most of the mares unexpectedlya coexpressionof desmin is revealed.In these cases desminappearsto be presentespeciallywithinthe ciliatedcells(Fig.2). The stainingfor desmin in the ampulla,compared with the isthmus,is more remarkable,variesin intensityand occurs as smallspots eitherin the basalor the apicalcytoplasm. In only two of the 26 mares examined is the epithelialexpressionof desmin undetectable,Both mares are found in oestrus,in the absenceof other parameterssuch as age or pathologicalalterations.In seven mares some epithelial cellsof the ampullawith a very slightstainingare observed. The epitheliumof 13 mares is stained slight to moderate and the epitheliumof four maresis stronglystainedfor desmin revealingtwo pregnancies, Pathology l nfundi bul ar adhesi ons In nearlyhalf of the mares examined,thin fibresof conneclinkingfimbriaeand tive tissueare found, mostly bilaterally, UnveränderteMukosa der Ampulla, 3jährige, tragende ovary,The adhesionsare observedas thin strands of fibround in den glatStute (3. Monat):In epithelialenZilienzellen us tissue,sometimesassociatedwith blood clots, between ten Muskelzellen der Gefäßeist eine intrazytoplasmatische infundibulumand ovary, mesovarium,mesosalpinxor the nachweisbar. Die sekretorischen Expressionvon Desmin uterus(Fig.3). In no case howeveris the infundibulumobDesmin,NorZellenreagierennegativ.(lmmunohistologie, 125 x) Gerätevergrößerung marski-lnterlerenz-Kontrast, structedbv the adhesions. '15 Pferdeheilkunde 56'1 salPinx of theequine Pathology lnfundibular cysfs More than one third of the mares (n=37)has cysts, obserin the fimbriatedportionof the uterine ved macroscopically (n=23)and bilatetube (fig,4). The cysts occur unilaterally ra l l y(n = 14) . cyst with a diameterof '1.0x 1'3 x 0.9 Fig.4: An infundibular cm is locatedat the fimbriae(fixedin formalin;the uterioPened). netube is partiallY befindetsich eine des Infundibulums An den Fimbrien .1,3x 0,9 cm (in von 1,0x Zystemit einemDurchmesser partiell Eileiter)' erÖffneter fixiert, Formalin tissue Thinfibresof connective adhesions: Fig.3: Infundibular to the Liand the mesosalpinx linkingthe infundibulum gamentum ovariiProPrium. ZwischenInfundibulum, des Infundibulums: Adhäsionen ovariipropriumbefinden und Ligamentum Mesosalpinx sichdünneBindegewebsfäden. The diameterof the predominantlysmallcysts variesfrom a few millimetresup to one centimetre,only very few are larger than two centimetres.The uterinetubes concernedeither show a singlecyst (n=32)or a seriesof two to four adjacentfrequentlysmallcysts (n=19). Their luminacontain a transparentfluid,The epithelialcells of the cysts are flattened or cuboidal with hyperchromattc elongatedor round nuclei,The appearanceof some epithelialceltsliningthe cystic lumen is similarto those of the uterine tube. Some cells have few short cilia on their sudace, whereasothersresemblesecretorycells. lntraepithelial cysts cysts are found frequentlyin the ampullabut Intraepithelial not in the isthmus.The cysts are most often locatedwithin the epitheliumalongthe sidesand the basesof the mucosal folds.Theirdiametervariesfrom 1Oto 100 micrometerand the type of cell liningdiffers.Some of them are flattenedwith to the luminalspace, slendernucleiand orientperpendicular cilia proothers are cuboid with round nuclei.Occasionally ject into the cystic lumen.Some cysts containmatertalthat (Fig.5). is stainedlightbluewith PAS-alcianblue cysts. In 9 mareson13 of 66 mares have no intraepithelial cysts in the total of the ly one or two single intraepithelial longitudinalsection are detectable. cysts is found in The marked presence of intraepithelial (n--44\ into three degrees: and classified most of the mares (n=30), per mm 5 up to fivecysts sl i g h t( + ) (n=11) and per mm 5 (++) cysts six to fifteen moderate per mm (n=3)' 5 (+++) fifteen cysts than more severe is obsercysts intraepithelial of appearance the Frequently (n=7). unilaterally (n=35) less often and ved bilaterdly 562 The epithelialexpressionof desminis most intensein those mares classifiedas moderate(++) or severe(+++) with recysts. gard to the intraepithelial mares of known age with mode13 of It is strikingthat five (+++) of intraepithelialcysts are degree (++) or severe rate the mares are youngerthan of years Two thirds old. three pregnant. young is years, mare one eight pregnant mare(thirdmonth):Intrae3-year-old, Fig.5: Ampulla, pithelialcystsare locatedat the basesof the mucosal folds, their luminacontainlight blue stainedmaterial' 62.5x) (PAS-alcianblue stainmagnification Stute(3.Monat):Intraepitheliatragende Ampulla, 3jährige, lokalile Zystensind an der Basisder Schleimhautfalten Materiblaugefärbtes leuchtend siert,ihrLumenbeinhaltet 62,5x) GerätevergrÖßerung al.(PAS-AIcianblau-Färbung, of epithelialcells Degeneration In five mares a cytoplasmiceosinophiliaaffectingseveral groups of epithelialcells identifiedby HE stainingis remarkable. These epithelialcells show an alteration of the structureas well.They are increasedin Size,rouneOithelial ded, with a small round hyperchromaticnucleusand a vacuolated cytoplasm giving the cells a foamy appearance (Fig. 6). The cytoplasm of these epitheliais stained light green-greyand their nucleidark grey in the Papanicolaou stai n. 15 Pferdeheilkunde Kerstin Medenbach eI al. The epitheliumfrequentlyseemsto be stratified.Only in one mare is cytoplasmiceosinophilianot associatedwith alterations of the epithelialstructure. basal epitheliaand a comparablenumber of cells are scattered throughoutthe laminapropria,These small and oval or round cells with dark nucleiand scanty hypochromatic cytoplasmare stained positivefor CD 3 surface antigen, those cellsas T lymphocytes(Fig.B). therebycharacterising Inflammatoryprocessesat the entranceof the ampullaare n=12, obvi ousi n one thi rd of the mares (n= 27, uni l atera l: bilateral:n=15). Most of these mares (n=16)show a slight with lymphocytesin the ammultifocalor diffuseinfiltration pullarmucosasometimesassociatedwith plasmacells,hyoeraemiaor oedema of the mucosa. Plasmacells expressing lgA are the most common cell type in the laminapropria. Occasionallyplasma cells of lgG and rarely of lgM subtype are identified.Moderateto severe salpingitiswith infiltration of lymphocyteswas found lessoften (n=6). of mare:Cytoplasmic eosinophilia Fig.6: Ampulla,21-year-old epithelial cells.(H.-E.stain,magnification degenerated 62. 5x ) Eosinophilie Ampulla,21jährige Stute:Zytoplasmatische (H.-E.-Färbung, GeräteEpithelzellen. der degenerierten vergrößerung 62,5x) Collagenmasses ln half of the mares uterinetubes are found to containeosiThe masnophilicmassesof varyingsize,mostlyunilaterally, junctionconsisting ses are locatednearthe ampullary-isthmic of swirlingbundlesof fibres.They are not connectedto the epitheliumand frequentlydistendthe lumen,The bundlesof fibresare stainedred with picro-siriusred (Fig.7) and blueThese results stronglysuggest violet with PAS-alcianblue. that the massesconsistof collaoenfibres, Fig.8: Normal mucosa of the ampulla, 3-year-old, pregnant mare (thirdmonth):T lymphocytes(brown)in the epitheCD 3 lium and in the laminapropria.(lmmunohistology, magnisurface antigen, Nomarski-interference-contrast, fication62.5 x) UnveränderteMukosa der Ampulla, 3jährige,tragende Stute (3. Monat):T-Lymphozyten(braun)im Epithelund CD 3 Oberin der Lamina propria. (lmmunhistologie, Geräteflächenantrgen,Nomarski-lnterferenz-Kontrast, 62,5 x ). vergrößerung In rare cases (n=5) a moderate to severe infiltration with neutrophilic granulocytes is observed and interpreted as indicative for an exudative salpingitis (Fig.9). In three cases some eosinophilic granulocytes are detectable in the lamina Fig. 7: junction, 1B-year-oldmare: Collagen Ampullary-isthmic masses are located within the lumen and consist of swirling bundles of fibres. There is no attachmentto the (Picro-Sirius Red stain,magnification 31.25 x) epithelium. Übergangder Ampulla in den lsthmus, 18jährigeStute: KollageneMassen sind im Lumen lokalisiertund bestehen aus wirbeligen Faserbündeln,die nicht mit dem Epithel verbunden sind. (Pikrosirius-rotFärbung, Verg rößeru ng3 1,2 5 x ) S alping itis ln the amoulla as well as in the isthmus of the unaffected uterine tubes a few lymphoid cells are located between the 15 Pferdeheilkunde propna. Neither slight nor moderate mononuclearinfiltrationsare associated with mucosal damage as observed by light microscopy,Severeinfiltrationof lymphocytesand neutrophilicgranulocyteshowevercausesdestructionof epithelial cel l s. The unaffectedisthmus,comparedto the ampulla,shows a loweramountof T lymphocytes(CD 3 positivecells),Inflammation of the isthmusis diagnosedin 12 mares characterisedby a slight(n=9)or moderate(n=3)diffuseor multifocal infiltration of lymphocytes.Plasmacellsare rarelydetectable. In only one mare are neutrophilicgranulocytesidentified, granulocytes are absentfl-ab.1). whereaseosinophilic 20 of 76 mares investigatedshow a slight(n=6),moderate (n='10)or severe(n=4)endometritis.In 17 of these cases a 563 Pathologyof the equinesalpinx mononuclear endometritis is diagnosed and mares an acute exudativepurulent endometritis t ?, the apical and to a lesser extent in the central or the basal cytoplasmof the epithelialcells (Fig.10).A non-specificreaction can be excluded because these reaction products are not found in the negativecontrols.All positivefive mares show a multifocal,slight to severedegenerationof ciliated and secretory cells with cytoplasmic eosinophilia.The positivestainingis only detectablein severalintact epithelial cells and the degeneratedeosinophiricceils, The epithelial cells involvedhave largeand hypochromaticnucleisometimes showingindentations. The stainingfor chlamydialantigen is more intense in the epithelialcells of the isthmus comparedto those of the ampulla. Exsudative Ampullitis, 6 MonatealtesFohlen:Infiltration von neutrophilen Granulozyten (rot)in der Mukosa.(En_ zym-Histochemie, CLAEChloracetatesterase, Verqröße_ rung62,5x) In one half of these mares with endometritis(n=10)a syn_ chronous inflammationof the uterine tubes is observed. salpingitisis evident in 2 of 6 mares (33vo)with slight, 4 of 10 mares (4)o/o)with moderate and 4 of 4 mares (100%) with signsof a severemononuclearendometritis. ln 17 oI 27 maressalpingitis withoutendometritis is diagnosed,17of 23 mares (75%)with salpingitisare youngerthan 10 years, whereas g of 15 mares (60%) with endometritis are olderthan .10years. Tab. 1: Distributionof differentinflammatory cells comparing ampulla, isthmusandendometrium (totalnumberof maresinvestigated: n=76). lsthmus, 21jährige Stute:Chlamydien-Antigen (braun) ist vorwiegendim apikalenZytoplasmader Epithelzellen darstellbar. (lmmunhistologie, chlamydiapsittaci-spezifischermonoklonaler Antikörper, Vergrößerung l23 x) In only three of these mares is a slight increaseof lymVergleichder Verteirung verschiedener Entzündungszerlen in Ampulla,lsthmusund Endometrium (Gesamtzahl phocytes and a few plasma cells of the lgA subtype observed. In two of the maresonly,the mucosaof the uterinetuuntersuchter Stuten:n=76). bes appearsto be markedlychangedand a slightinfiltration Ampufla lsthmus Endometrium of mononuclearinflammatorycells and moderate to severe degenerationof epithelialcells is evident. Infiltrationwith slight to 9 7 In the endometriumof all of the five mares a slight to modelymphocytes, moderateto rate endometrosisis observed, slight to moderate endoplasmacells severe b 10 metritisis diagnosedin only two cases. All mares are claslnfiltrationwith slight 1 sified in the category ll b and those with known age (n=4) neutrophilic moderateto are olderthan 15 vears, granulocytes Ä severe Infiltrationwith eosinophilic granulocytes No infiltration slight moderateto z Discussion Q O \ / ATA A 49 o4 56 lmmunohistological stainingfor chlamydialantigen In five of twenty mares investigatedpositive staining for chlamydialantigenis evidentand occurs as small spots in 564 The examinationof the equine uterine tube revealsa high incidence of macroscopic and microscopic lesions. The presentstudy finds infundibularadhesionsto be the most common macroscopiclesionsin the mare, in agreement with Henry and Vandeplassche(1981) and Saltiel et al. (1980).In accordancewith our results Henry and Vandeplassche(1981)diagnoseno case of infundibularobstrucPferdeheilkunde 15 KerstinMedenbach eI al. tion. The origin of the infundibularadhesionsis unknown but the authors suggest that frequent attacks of colic and peritonealinflammatoryprocesses lead to the adhesions. The migration of Strongylusedentatus seems to be a further cause of infundibularinflammationsresultingin adhesions [/andeplassche and Henry, 7977). Furthermorethe authors consider that postovulatoryhemorrhagesfrom the ovulatoryfossa might be responsible. Comparing the incidence of adhesions in pregnant and non-pregnantmares Saltielet al. (1.986)cannot ascertaina marked differencebetween the two groups indicatingthat these lesionsmay not be detrimentalto fertilityin mares. One of eight pregnant mares in the present study reveals bilateralmoderateinfundibular adhesions,whereasthe fertilityof this mare remainedintact. The frequentobservationof cysts found in the infundibulum by the current examinationis supported by the results of Saltiel et al. (1986) who describe ,,paraovariancysts" in 44o/oof mares. Mc Entee (1990) suggesteda redefinitionof the term ,,paraovariancyst" - incorrectlydeterminingany type of cyst located around the ovary - and use of a specific designationfor each type of cyst. The histologicstructure as well as the location of a cyst are important for the ascertainmentof the origin.Cysts close to the uterinetube or the ovary are usuallyremnantsof the mesonephricor paramesonephrictubules or ducts and are common in most speciesof domestic animals. These small congenital cysts frequently occur in the fimbriated portion of the equine salpinx and tend to be multiple.The presentstudy revealsthree of eight pregnant mares havingsmall infundibularcysts, therebyprovingthat infundibularcysts had no effects on fertility. Blue (1984) describes the presence of a tubo-ovariancyst (9cm in diameter)of a young thoroughbredmare causingunilateral obstruction of the uterine tube. This type of cyst is described as a complete fusion of fimbria with the ovary and is extremelyrare. The aetiologyin the mare remains unkn o wn. As repofted in the study of Saltielet al. (1986/ intraepithelial cysts are the most frequent microscopic lesions of the equinesalpinxin our materialtoo. In cows the intraepithelial cysts are interpretedas a sequelaof hyperestrogenicsituations (Donaldsen,7969).Mc Entee (1990) observes similar cysts in the fimbriaand to a lesserextent in the ampullaof cows on days 9 through to 30 postpartum. Odor (1991) revealsthe largest number of intraepithelial cysts in rabbits, especiallyin the isthmus, with estradiol treatment.The authorsuggeststhat intraepithelial cysts derive from a fusion of adjacent ciliated vacuoles. Atypical ciliogenesrsmay be responsiblefor the developmentof ciliatedvacuoles. Microtubules,microfilamentsand intermediatefilamentsmight be involvedin this processtoo. The current study reports an atypical immunohistological coexpressionof the intermediatefilaments desmin and cytokeratinin the epithelialcells. Smooth muscle cells are usuallystainedfor desmin,but the coexpressionof desmin and cytokeratinin the epithelialcells is extraordinary,Wakui (1994) demonstratesthe coexpressionof differentcytokePferdeheilkunde 15 ratins,vimentinand desmin in the epitheliumof the rete testis in the dog. It might be possiblethat the ciliatedcellsof the uterinetube express desmin indicatingmotilitysupport. The variationof desmin expressionin the epitheliumthereforecan attribute to differentcycle stages. Our results reveal a marked exoression of desmin associated with an increaseof intraepithelialcysts, but the flattened cells lining the cysts are rarely stained for desmin. Thereforeit is doubtfulwhetherdesmin should be interpreted as a markerof epithelialdamage such as abnormalities of ciliogeniccells.Electronmicroscopywill be necessaryto understand physiologicalor pathologicalconditions that leadto the exoressionof desminin the eoithelialcells. It is questionablewhether pathologicalsignificancecan be deduced from the frequent occurrence of intraepithelial cysts in mares, especiallyin those being young or pregnant. lf comparablefindings in rabbits after estradioltreatment and in cows postpartum are considered an atypical ciliogenesis, likelyas a resultof hormonalundulation,might leadto intraepithelial cysts. The incidenceof globularmasses reported in the uterine tubes of mares varies from 2OVolo B7o/o(van Niekerkand Gerneke, 1966; Liu et al., 1990). The masses, predominantlycharacterisedas collagenfibres by specialstainings, juncare always located at or near the ampullary-isthmic (1979) tion, While Isutsumi et al. report that the materialis connected to the epithelium,Liu et al. (1990) find no attachmentto the epithelialcells.Two opinionsare presented as to the origin of the masses; namelythe ovarianor peritonealorigin (van Niekerkand Gerneke, 1966; Liu et al, 1990) and the uterinetube mucosal origin (fsutsumi et al., 1979). In our material we can observe neither collagen massesattachedto the eoitheliumnor the evidenceof desquamated tubal cells, Therefore we agree with Lru et al. (1990) who presume that the collagen derives from the ovary or the peritonealcavity. Aquilar et al. (1997) find livingcells within the intraluminal masses that are predominantly identified as fibroblasts. Lantz et al. (1998)attributethe collagenmasses with viable fibroblaststo recent ovulationand conclude that connective tissue, drawn in the uterinetube at ovulation,is retained and collagensynthesiscontinuesat leastfor a few days. The intraluminalaccumulationof large masses of collagen fibres may potentiallyresult in a complete occlusion,causing retentionof the ova. Furthermorethe collagenmight irritatethe uterinetube musclesor interferewith the waves of ciliary activity (Liu et al., 1990). The authors suspect that the age of a mare might influencethe amount of masses since largermassestend to be presentin the uterinetube of some older mares. The retentionof unfertilisedoocytes in the mare is unique among domestic animals,These ova originatefrom previous normalcycle ovulationand persistin the uterinetube for several months (Betteridge and Mitchell, 1974). Most frequentlythe ova are found in the ampullary-isthmicjunction and do not have any attachment to the epithelium. Horse embryos therefore bypass the unfertilisedoocytes 565 Pathology of theequine salprnx hardly observed. Henry and Vandeplassche (1981) who and enter the uterus.Freemanet al. (1989a)suggestthat likewisedescribe an increaseof inflammatoryalterations horse embryos initiate transport mechanismswithin the uterinetube by secretinga mediator.Weber et al. (1991) from the isthmusto the infundibulumsuggest that the infundi bul umand the ampul l ami ght be more susceptiblet o support the hypothesisthat embryonicPGE2is involvedin inflammationwith regard to their more folded mucosa or the initiationof uterinetube transoortin the mare. To determinethe retentionof unfertilised oocytesit is of adthat the isthmus recoversmore rapidlyfrom inflammation, vantageto flush the uterinetube and to search for ova in The authors have no doubt that salpingitiscan originate investigation from an endometritisbut they also discuss the possibility the flushingswherebylightmicroscopic of parof salpingitisdevelopingdue to an extensionof inflammaaffin slides only occasionallyrevealspositiveresults.This might be an explanationfor the negativeresultsin our study tory processesfrom the infundibulumand the peritoneal cavity, concerningthe detectionof unfertilisedoocytes. The intactuterinetube is determinedto be almostfree of inSaltielet al. (1980) diagnose slight inflammatorylesions filtratinglymphocytesby Vandeplassche and Henry (1977) correspondingto the upper segment of the uterine tube The presentstudy howeverstatesthat HE stainingalone is and thereforehypothesisethat the lesionsdo not originate inadeouatefor the detectionof the total numberof mucosal from the uterineportionbut are the resultof disorders,such melymphocytes.With use of specificrmmunohistological as non-reproductive diseasesin the abdominalcavity,octhods for CD 3 lymphocyticsurfaceantigenit is possibleto curringtowardsthe ovarianportionof the salpinx.In mares, revealthe existenceof a certainT lymphocytepopulationin the occlusionby a sphinctermuscle about the uterineostithe epitheliumand the stromaeven under obviouslyphysio- um might preventascendinginfections. logicalconditions.Some studiesreportthe natureof ,,basal" The positiveimmunohistologicreactionsusing Chlamydia psittaci-antibodyis demonstratedfor the first time in the cellsin the epitheliumof the uterinetube. Peters(1986)idenequinesalpinx.The selectivetropism of Chlamydiaspp. to tifiesthe ,,basal"cellsin humanbeingsas T lymphocytes. Light focal or diffusemucosal infiltrationof lymphocytesis cervix and salpinx is suggested as an important circumnot uncommon and also frequentlyobserved by Henry and stance of chlamydialgenitalinfectionsin severalstudies in humanbei ngs, Vandeplassche(1981) and Sa/fielet al. (1986).These lymphocytesmay or may not indicateinflammation. The decisi- Rank and Sanders (1992) investigatethe pathogenesisof on in a certaincase is arbitrary.Undoubtedlythe infiltration ascending chlamydial infection of the genital tract in fi ndi ngsare acute or chr oof neutroohilshas to be interoretedas an exudativeinflam- gui neapi gs. P athohi stol ogi cal nic endometritisand salpingitis.Chlamydiaare reisolated matoryprocessin the equinesalpinx, Our results agree with those of Vandeplasscheand Henry by culture technique in most of the uterinetubes (78%), (1 9 7 7 )des c r ibings alpin g i tiisn th e m a re a s m i l d n o n -occl u- while only half of the animalsinfected(49%)show pathohisive, infiltrative, or less often exudative,infundibulitis, amstologicalchanges. p u l l i ti sa nd is t hm it is O The presenceof plasma cells in three of five mares might . n th e o th e r h a n d s a l p i n g i ti si n the be a morphol ogi cal fi ndi ngi ndi cati nga cel l ul ari mmuner escow is characterisedby masses of connectivetissue wrth ponse followingprimarychlamydialinfectionsas described extensivecellularinfiltrationreplacingthe mucosa and reby Patton et al. (1989) in the monkey subcutaneouspocket sultingin a completeobstructionof the lumen(Kessyet al., 7985).Neithertransluminaladhesionsof mucosa folds nor model.The authorsobserveearlyepithelialdamagesin the secretoryand ciliatedcells by vacuolisation. Chlamydialinobstructionof the lumen is diagnosedin the presentstudy confirmingthe resultsof Henry and Vandeplassche(1981) clusionsare found in secretorybut not in ciliatedcells.After tertiary infection especially epithelial eosinophilia,focal who checked the tubal patency by the injectionof Bouin's areas of eoithelialdestructionand luminalexudatecorrelasolutionand assume that salpingitisin the mare is not as ted with mononuclearcell infiltrates are detectable. severe,or healsmore readilythan rn cows and sows. This observationagreeswith the resultsof the currentstudy Allen et al. (1979) investigatethe usefulnessof two experimentalproceduresfor the diagnosisof occlusionsaffecting revealingeosinophiliaof the epitheliumin associationwith the equine salpinx.The starch grain test, which is carried the evidenceof chlamydialantigen.Furthermore,infiltration out by the injectionof a starch suspensiononto the ovary with lymphocytesis found. By use of special staining(Papanicolaoustain) it can be and the subsequentrecoveryof starchfrom the cervix,is a provensafe and reliablemethod. Each tube can be investi- excludedthat the degenerationof the epitheliumis related gated separatelyin contrastto the phenolsulphonphthalein to a metaplastickeratinisation.Electronmicroscopicstu(PSP)test, which impliesthe depositionof a dye solutionindies will have to be carriedout to establishwhether cytoplasmiceosinophiliais due to chlamydia-induced to the uterusand its subseouentidentification in urineafter cytoplasperitonealabsorption. mic degeneration. The presentstudy finds no predominanceof unilateralor biCytoplasmiceosinophiliain the human uterinetube is delateralsalpingitisand thereforecannot agree with the rescribedas oncocyticmetaplasiaas well and in the case of sults of Henry and Vandeplassche(1981) who witnessed associationwith salpingitisand papillarychanges is interpreted as a benign tumour (Saffos, 1980). By contrast, no more frequentoccurrencesof unilateralsalpingitis. case of papillarychangesin the equinesalpinxis observed Compared with the isthmusthe ampulla is most often involved in inflammatoryprocesses, whereas an isthmitis is in the presentstudy. 566 15 Pferdeheilkunde Kerstin Medenbach eI al. Henry,M. and Vandeplassche, M. (1981):Pathologyof the oviductin mares.VlaamsDiergeneesk. Tijdschr,, 5, 301-325 Kenney,R. M. and, Doig,P. A. (1986):Equineendometrialbiobsy.In Morrow,D. A. (Hrsg.):Currenttherapyin theriogenology 2. W.B. 723-729 Saunders, Comp.,Philadelphia, Kessy,B. M. and l'/oakes,D. E. 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Anat.,190,334-348 Salpingitisappearsto be slightand only singlecases of sePatton,D. L. and Kuo, C.-C. (1989):Histopathology of Chlamydiatravere inflammationand damages of epithelialstructureare chomatissalpingitisafter primaryand repeatedreinfectionsin the observed. pocketmodel.J. Reprod.Fert.85, 647-656 monkeysubcutaneous Tubal infertilityof other domesticanimalsand in women is Patton,D. L., SweeneyY. T. and Kuo, C. C. (1994):Demonstration of frequentlycaused by occlusionsof the uterinetube, Salpindelayed hypersensitivity in chlamydia trachomatissalpingitisin monkeys:A pathogenic mechanism of tubaldamage.J. Infect.Dis., gitis in the mare, however,is found to be non-occlusiveby 1 6 9 , 6 8 0 6 8 3 the methods applied, also in the cases with evidenceof Peters,W. M. (1980):Natureof ,,basal"and ,,reserve" cellsin oviductal chlamydialantigen. in man,J. Clin.Pathol.,39, 306-312 and cervicalepithelium Chlamydia-inducedinfertilityhowever is based on several Rank,R. G. and Sanders,M. M. (1992):Pathogenesis of endometritis pathologicalprocesses. Recent studies in monkeys reand salpingitis in a guineapig modelof chlamydiagenitalinfection. A m . J . P a t h . ,1 4 0 , 9 2 7 - 9 3 6 vealedthat chlamydialinfectioncauses delayedhypersenSaffos, R. O., Rhatigan,R. M. and Scully, R. E. (1980): Metaplastic sitivity which is mediated by the heat-shock-protein papillary tumor of the fallopiantube - A distinctive lesionof preg(HSP)60. As a potentialantigenthis protein leads to imn a n c yA . m . J . C l i n .P a t h o l . , 7 4 , 2 3 2 - 2 3 6 mun-inducedinflammatoryprocessesof the uterinetube Saltiel,A., Päramo,R,, Murcia,C. and Tolosa,J. (1980):Pathologic (Pattonet al., 1994). Furthermorethese pathologicalmefindingsin the oviductsof mares.Am. J. Vet.Res.,47,594-598. chanisms might directlycause the eliminationof the emThrelfail,W. R. (1995):Anatomy of the mare's reproductivetract. , 7, 14-16 E q u i n eP r a c t . 1 bryo becausethe heat-shock-protein 60 is one of the first Tsutsumi,Y., Suzuki,H., Takeda,T. and Teramt,Y. (1979):Evidence proteinsthat is evidenton the surfaceof the conceptus. massesin the oviductof mares,J. of the originof the gelatinous The eoitheliumof the uterinetube is not able to realiseits Reprod.Ferl.,57, 287-290 This epitheli- Vandeplassche, functionin the case of epithelialdegeneration. M. and Henry, M. (1977)',Salpingitisin the mare. al damage,probablyinducedby chlamydialinfection,might P r o c .2 3 r dA n n u .C o n v . A , 2 3 -1 3 1 , m . A s s o c .E q u i n eP r a c t . 1 Van Niekerk,C. H. and Gerneke,W. H, (1966):Persistenceand partimplyearlyembryonicloss in maresas well. henogenetic cleavageof tubal ova in the mare.Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res.33,195-232 Literature Wakui,5., Furusato,M., Ushigome,S. and Kano, Y. 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Anim.Sci.,B, 558-568 Correlation between salpingitis and endometritis Halfof the mareswith endometritisshow signsof salpingitis as well, whereby increasingseverityof the endometritis lead to a higherincidenceof salpingitis, Theseobservations indicatethat the agent causingendometritiscan be an impodant cause of salpingitisas well (Vandeplasscheand Henry, 1977).The presentstudy reveals'17casesof salpingitis in the absence of endometritissuppoftingthe suggestion that an originof inflammationfrom the proximalportion of the uterinetube is oossibletoo. The evidenceof chlamydialantigenin the salpinxof the mare is not in any case associatedwith salpingitis or endometritis. All mareshowevershow a multifocal, cytoplasmiceosinophilia in the uterinetube and a sliohtto moderateendometrosis, Vet.Clin,North.Am. Equrne ses,and diagnostic considerations. Pract.,4,263-290 K. J. and Mitchell,D. (1974):Directevidence Betteridge, of retentron of unfertilised ovain theoviductof the mare.J. Reprod. 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