2011 Keynote Speakers Doug Phillips
2011 Keynote Speakers Doug Phillips
Exciting New Additions To This Years 2011 Conference Civil War Ball Following the last workshop on Wednesday. Open to Conference Attendees only. For all ages. $ 3 per dancer or $15 per family. Pay when registering for conference. Other conference attendees who wish not to dance are welcome to watch. Civil War dance lessons not mandatory. Civil War costumes not mandatory. No low necklines, no spaghetti or strapless dresses allowed. Foremost authorities on the Civil War Foremost National Home School Speakers Foremost Constitutional Attorney Civil War Vendors 2 Civil War Art Activity-Given by Sharon Jeffus Create two projects after learning the basics of shading, shadow, and texture from master works of art about the Civil War by Winslow Homer and Conrad Wise Chapman. First 500 Families to pre-register receive the quintessential homeschooling book-Safely Home. Author Tom Eldredge will be signing your books in the Lobby. Author and Speaker John Dwyer will be signing The War Between the States Americas Uncivil War in the Lobby. - ―The War of 1861-1865 was the hinge of American history in which, despite the ―saving‖ of the union and the freeing of the slaves, many of those Founding Fathers‘ wise and hard-won principles were forfeited, and replaced by other, less beneficial ones, ones that are conspiring to form a dangerous future for our children and grandchildren. Treating others not as you would have them treat you, obeying the law only when it serves your immediate purposes, and resorting to violence to resolve differences are unwise practices for individuals and nations alike. Alfred the Great said, ‗The past is given to those in the present, to keep and guard those in the future.‘ May we American Christians learn from the past, and remember how good and faithful are the teachings of God. May we love our children and protect them best by following in the future in the way of the Lord Jesus.‖ -Dwyer Civil War Reenactors 3 CHEF Services Seek God‘s wisdom, grace and protection through His Word, fasting and prayer • Train, nurture, minister and support our precious families • Answer all homeschoolers‘ inquiries • Distribute useful, encouraging and timely information on home education and family issues, including monthly emails and a homeschooler‘s handbook, in direct response to Christian Home Educators Fellowship the needs of homeschool families • Coordinate monthly Leading With a Vision activities for Christian fellowship • Registered Lobbyist in Jefferson City • Lobby to maintain our freedom to educate Training Generations for God‘s Throne Room our precious children • Monitor federal & state legislation • Alert families of detrimental legislation via email • Diligently elieving that children are a gift from the Lord and that God commands parents to diligently teach their children, CHEF’s mission is to encourage and equip families to fulfill God’s commandment to train up godly children for His throne room. work to elect godly candidates • Promote homeschooling through media interviews, literature, seminars and networking with national, state and community leaders Keep informed about what’s happening in Christian homeschooling in our area. Our vision is to raise up godly generations that will fill the earth with God’s standards; generations who know their father’s God and serve him with a whole heart and a willing mind (1 Chronicles 28:9); generations who fear the Lord and walk in all His ways, who love Him and serve Him with all their hearts and all their souls (Deuteronomy 10:12); faithful generations fearing God more than many (Nehemiah 7:2); generations anointed with the Spirit of the Lord (1 Samuel 16:13); generations who will be strong and courageous, careful to do according to all the law, not turning from right or left, whose Lord is with them wherever they go (Joshua 1:19); generations who show intelligence in every branch of 0wisdom, endowed with understanding, discerning knowledge, who have the ability to serve in the King’s court (Daniel 1); generations who will shepherd God’s people and rule (2 Samuel 5:2). www.chef-missouri.com Our conference is designed for training parents and their children, therefore, no provisions are made for child care. On the other hand, we encourage parents to bring those children whom they believe will glean from our godly speakers. However, to ensure good sound quality of the workshop recordings, please make certain that your younger children sit quietly with you during the workshop sessions and remain with you throughout the entire conference. Young adults are allowed to attend workshops without their parents. Parents of nursing babies, please sit near the back entrance and step out if your baby becomes noisy. Also, set pagers and cell phones on vibration mode, or turn them off, while attending workshops. Thank you! Table of Contents Audio CDs Available Exciting New Additions........................................................2-3 Can’t make all the workshops you want to? No problem. Rhino Technologies will have CDs available for purchase after workshop presentations. Information about CHEF..........................................................4 Directions & Accommodations................................................5 Keynote Speaker & Vendor Demonstration Speaker Bios.......................................................................6-12 6 Keynote & Vendor Workshop Descriptions...................13-19 New Low Price Registration Form..................................................................20 $ Vendor Workshop Schedule..................................................21 List of Participating Vendors.................................................21 PER CD BUY 10 CDS, For only $50 Full Set in MP3 Format, SPECIAL $69 4 Accommodations Directions Embassy Suites Hotel St.Louis-St.Charles Two Convention Center Plaza, St. Charles, MO 63303 Reserve online at http://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/ groups/personalized/S/STLEMES-CHE-20110620/index.jhtml (Convention code: CHE) Or call 1-800-EMBASSY and mention “CHEF” group. Rates: $129 (King and pull out sofa); $139 (two doubles and pull our sofa). Each additional adult (18 & up) $10.00. Comfort Suites 1400 S. Fifth Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 Reservations accepted by phone only (636) 949-0694. To obtain special convention rate, mention Group/Convention code “CHEF.” Rate: $84.00 (1Room Suite, 2 Double Beds, Partial Room Divider, Sofabed-2 Person, Max Occupancy: 6 persons) Hampton Inn The St. Charles Convention Center is conveniently located on Interstate 70’s south outer road, Veterans Memorial Parkway, between the 5th Street Exit and the First Capitol Drive Exit. 3720 West Clay, St. Charles, MO 63301-4422 Reserve online at http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/groups/personalized/ STLSTHX-CHF-20110620/index.jhtml?WT.ms_id=POG (Convention code: CHE) Or call (636) 947-6800 or 1-800HAMPTON and mention “CHEF.” Rate: $89 plus tax (1-5 persons) When Traveling from the East (Downtown/Airport): Take Interstate 70 West over the Blanchette Bridge to St. Charles. Take the second exit after the bridge, 5th Street South Exit #229A. At the first light, make a right onto the south outer roadVeterans Memorial Parkway. Travel west .5 miles. The convention Center will be immediately on your left. Quality Inn & Suites When Traveling from the West (Columbia): Residence Inn By Marriott Take Interstate 70 East to St. Charles. Take the First Capitol Drive (State Highway 94) Exit #228. Make an immediate right onto First Capitol Drive and then an immediate left at the first light onto Veterans Memorial Parkway. Travel .8 miles, and the Convention Center will be immediately on your right. 101 Progress Point Ct., O’Fallon, MO 63368 Reserve online at http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/STLOF?groupCode=CH ECHES&app=resvlink&fromDate=6/20/11&toDate=6/22/ or call 636-300-3535. Mention group code “CHEF”. Rates: Studio Suite $109.00 or Two Bedroom $169.00 1425 S. Fifth Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 Reserve online at http://www.qualityinnstl.com mention or call 636-946-6936. Mention group code “CHEF”. Rates: $75 (Max Occupancy: 4 persons) For those traveling by RV: Sundermeier RV Park 111 Transit St., St. Charles, MO 63301 www.sundermeierrvpark.com (800) 929-0832 Reservations accepted by phone, 1-800-929-0832. Mention “CHEF” to obtain a 25% discount. There’s so much to be thankful for in 2011! 21 Speakers • 55 full one-hour workshops 41 keynote speaker workshops • 12 vendor workshops A revival worship service • 10 and a half hours of shopping on Tuesday 8 hours of shopping on Wednesday • Spectacular Civil War Ball How grateful we are to our Lord and Savior for providing us with such wonderful speakers and such a lovely facility to host our 27th Annual CHEF Conference and Curriculum Fair! The beautiful St. Charles Convention Center is uniquely themed to offer the hospitality and warmth of 19th century early America. This modern, state-of-the-art, 154,000 square foot facility includes the following amenities: 1100 free surface parking spaces, gorgeous ballrooms for our speakers’ workshops, rooms for vendor demonstrations, and 27,600 square feet of exhibit hall space. This facility affords us the opportunity to offer our vendors the convenience of larger booth spaces, unlimited amount of booths, covered loading docks with direct access to the exhibit floor, high speed Internet access, data ports, and networking capabilities. This spacious exhibit hall offers you plenty of room for navigating around all our vendors’ booths as you peruse all the wonderful educational materials. Furthermore, food will be provided throughout the conference at a food bar conveniently located in the Exhibit Hall. There are also elevators and escalators to give you easy access from the Exhibit Hall to the workshop ballrooms upstairs. Bathrooms and Family Assist Rooms for nursing mothers are located on each floor. Benches for relaxing, fellowshipping, and picnicking are situated right outside the lobby looking out upon a beautiful fountain and lovely flowering planters. Conveniently connected to the St. Charles Convention Center is a 12-story, 296-room Embassy Suites Hotel complete with a day spa and a Master Chef from Germany. Once you arrive, you need not leave for the entire two-day event because everything you need will be all in one location. We are very thankful to be able to serve and accommodate you, our vendors, and our speakers in such a beautiful facility. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Conference as we continue to endeavor to honor God and bless His people with another superb conference. 2011 Keynote Speakers Doug Phillips Doug Phillip‘s father personally discipled Doug for much of his life, as he took Doug with him around the country, faithfully read both Old and New Testament to him at the dinner table, taught him constitutional law and public policy, and communicated to Doug a remarkable passion for history. Because of his father‘s work as a statesman, Doug had the opportunity to learn from many of the great Christian leaders of the last 30 years. It was during this time, however, that Doug came to realize that the greatest witness a man could offer for Jesus Christ was not what he knew, but how he lived his life as a father and a husband. It was at this time that God began to build a vision in Doug‘s life for seeing the restoration of biblical manhood, godly femininity, and the Christian home. Doug graduated from George Mason School of Law and then served for six years at the Home School Legal Defense Association. Doug is the founder of Vision Forum Ministries designed to communicate a vision for the restoration of the Christian family and the rebuilding of culture for the glory of God. In addition to editing and writing numerous books, Doug founded the Witherspoon School of Law and Public Policy, the Christian Boys‘ & Men‘s Titanic Society, the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches, the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, the All-American Boy‘s Adventure Catalog, the Beautiful Girlhood Collection catalog, and the Vision Forum Family Books and Media catalog. Doug has spoken at more than 100 homeschool conferences. He is also the featured speaker at the Back to Genesis conferences hosted by the Institute for Creation Research, where he holds the title of Professor of Apologetics with their adjunct faculty. Doug is a committed homeschooling father to his own eight children. He also pastors Boerne Christian Assembly, a local church work which boldly proclaims the sufficiency of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, the continuing relevance of the entire Word of God to all of life, distinctively Christian education, and the importance of family-reinforcing local churches. The greatest joys in Doug‘s life are his wife Beall and the eight children that God has graciously given to them. www.visionforumministries.org Dr. Voddie Baucham Dr. Voddie Baucham is one of the most sought-after preachers of his generation. His unique blend of sound biblical exposition, theological content, down-to-earth demeanor and engaging presence make it clear why this man is considered a modern day prophet. He has authored The Ever Loving Truth, Family Driven Faith, What He Must Be, and was a contributing author to The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World. Advocates of home education, Voddie, along with his wife, Bridget, view education as an essential aspect of discipleship (Luke 6:40) and have seen firsthand the dangers of surrendering this crucial ground; thus both of them are committed to educating their seven children. Voddie earned BAs in Christianity and Sociology from Houston Baptist University; a M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; a D. Min. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; and has done post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, England. His academic disciplines include Evangelism/Missions and Apologetics. He has served as an adjunct professor at a number of colleges and seminaries including the College of Biblical Studies (Houston) and Union University (Jackson, TN). He currently serves as Pastor of Grace Family Baptist Church in TX. www.voddiebaucham.org 6 Herb Titus Herb Titus is an Attorney of Counsel to the law firm of William J. Olson, P.C., specializing in constitutional law, with emphasis on the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution. His law practice concentrates on promoting limited civil government and protecting individual and family liberties. Herb graduated Phi Beta Kappa, University of Oregon and cum laude from Harvard Law School. He has taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for 30 years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools. He is the founding Dean of Regent University School of Law in Virginia (1986-93). Prior to his academic career he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, DC and Kansas City, Missouri. Herb has authored God, Man & Law: The Biblical Principles –a widely acclaimed text on American common law. Herb was the vice-presidential candidate of the Constitution Party as Howard Phillip‘s running-mate. Along with Roy Moore, Titus was an original drafter of the Constitution Restoration Act, which sought to take out of federal court jurisdiction cases that involved public officials that acknowledged God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government, and provided for the impeachment of federal judges who disregarded the act. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Texas and North Dakota. He has testified on constitutional issues before the United States Congress and other state legislatures. He has appeared on radio and television shows and hosted his own daily radio program. Herb and his wife Marilyn have been married for 48 years and reside in Chesapeake, Virginia. They have four children and 15 grandchildren. www.lawandfreedom.com Bill Potter Bill Potter, as a consummate historian and avid bibliophile, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to each of his lectures. Although best known for his teaching in military history, especially the War Between the States, Bill‘s expertise covers every era of the history of the United States. Bill is the author of Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife, and The Boy’s Guide to the Historical Adventures of G.A. Henty. Bill Potter is also the lecturer of the best-selling Providential Battles: Twenty Battles that Changed the World CD album. He is the historian and curator of the Circa History Guild in Roswell, Georgia and the staff historian of The Vision Forum. With a personal library in excess of 4,000 antiquated hardbacks and a background as a top Ph.D. candidate in history at the College of William and Mary, Bill has earned a welldeserved reputation as a man gifted in communicating the story of God‘s providential hand in American history. As a homeschooling father of eight children, he appreciates the necessity of passing on to the succeeding generations the richness of both our regional and national history. He and his wife Leslie live in Alpharetta, Georgia. John J. Dwyer John J. Dwyer is a theological seminary graduate, adjunct professor of history at both Southern Nazarene University and Oklahoma City Community College, a popular speaker, and the author of The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War, Stonewall, Robert E. Lee, Faith in God and Generals, and When the Bluebonnets Come. Dwyer‘s journalism career began during his high school days when he served in a variety of roles, including news and sports reporter, for The Duncan Banner, a daily newspaper in Oklahoma. He was the youngest sports editor in the newspaper‘s history by the time he attended the University of Oklahoma on a journalism scholarship, graduating in 1978 with a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree in journalism. While earning his masters degree at Dallas Theological Seminary, Dwyer worked part time on the sports staff of The Dallas Times Herald, which at the time owned one of the five largest circulations of any daily newspaper in Texas. In the spring of 1992, John J. Dwyer and his wife Grace founded The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage newspaper. A full color monthly publication, The Heritage was designed to fill perhaps the only void remaining in the Metroplex newspaper pantheon—news and events of interest to the area‘s vast Christian community. This newspaper wove together an array of the generation‘s finest and most compelling writers and thinkers, including Dallas Morning News columnist William Murchison, theologians R.C. Sproul and Tony Evans, author and 7 educator George Grant, news commentator and broadcaster Kerby Anderson, and best-selling author Elisabeth Elliot, as well as Dwyer himself. The Heritage also pioneered innovative features such as full color photography and graphics, an expansive website, a cluster of informative daily radio programs, and an aggressive, uncompromising brand of investigative news reporting unprecedented for contemporary news publications holding an orthodox Christian worldview. By the time the Dwyers sold The Heritage upon the release of its January 2000 issue, the paper had grown to a circulation of around 50,000 copies per month, a readership of around 80,000 per month, and a monthly ―hit‖ total of over 150,000 on its website. Dwyer also worked as a radio announcer and play-by-play football and basketball announcer for several radio stations. He won the coveted position of sports director for the University of Oklahoma‘s 100,000 watt KGOU-FM radio station, which at the time featured a sports staff of fifteen, many of whom have since gone on to top roles around the country in radio and television news and sports reporting. And for seven years, he provided live, on-air reports to America‘s largest radio networks of University of Oklahoma college football games. The Dwyer family are long-term members of the Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.), where Grace and John have both served in a variety of teaching, mission, and other ministry roles. www.johnjdwyer.com Reb Bradley Reb Bradley, father of 6, is a pastor who ministers to the Body of Christ at large. Reb has been a radio counselor and talk show host, and as a writer and national conference speaker he works diligently to strengthen the modern Christian family. He conducts seminars and teaches extensively on issues related to marriage, fatherhood, child training, and single Christian living. Reb is most noted for his bestselling book Child Training Tips: What I Wish I Knew When My Children Were Young. Reb and his wife, Beverly, have taught all six of their children at home, with four now grown and two still at home. www.familyministries.com Beverly Bradley Beverly Bradley, Reb's wife and mother of 6, devotes herself to raising her remaining two children, and allows time to disciple wives and mothers according to Titus 2:4-5. She is a powerful communicator and a popular speaker at women's gatherings. She is also the teacher on the television show "Moments With Moms." Committed to teaching the Word of God without compromise, she speaks with sensitivity, humor, and biblical wisdom in addressing issues related to motherhood, marriage, and homeschooling. Her frank, transparent style leaves her listeners challenged, yet hopeful in their walks with Christ. Many, in fact, have described Bev's ministry as "absolutely life changing." www.familyministries.com Silvia Mondragon Silvia Mondragón, wife, mother, and grandmother, has 27 years plus of homeschooling experience. She is an endorsed trainer for Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri. Silvia has worked with SWR for 10 years and has 22 years of experience using both SWR and The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spalding. Aside from teaching her own children, Silvia has tutored children of all ages using SWR and WRTR, taught ESL students, and has taught Spanish classes to both adults and adolescents. During her time as trainer for SWR, Silvia has taught seminars for homeschoolers and private school teachers in various states including Missouri, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, New Mexico, and her home state of Tennessee. She has been married to her high school sweetheart for over 35 years. www.semeducationalservices.com 8 Robert Oesch Robert Oesch has practiced in the fields of business and estate planning since 1989 and chairs the Trusts and Estates practice at the law firm of Riezman Berger, P.C. His expertise includes all aspects of estate planning and trust and estate administration, including the use of trusts for a wide variety of purposes, planning to minimize gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, administering probate estates and trusts, preparing gift and estate tax returns, creating and implementing business entities and business succession plans, and the use of guardianships. Mr. Oesch has practiced before the Internal Revenue Service for many years, successfully obtained Private Letter Rulings, represented clients in tax audits, and served as special tax consultant to other tax professionals. He enjoys serving as family advisor and counselor at law for a large number of families in Missouri and Illinois. Mr. Oesch received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1983 and his law degree from the Washington University School of Law in 1986. He was a member and associate editor of the Washington University Law Quarterly, and publisher of multiple articles for the Quarterly. Mr. Oesch is licensed to practice in Missouri and before the Internal Revenue Service. His professional memberships include the Real Property, Probate and Trust Section as well as the Tax Section of the American Bar Association, the Estate Planning Council of St. Louis, and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. He also serves on the Planned Giving Advisory Committee of the Saint Louis Zoo,and the Red Cross of Missouri Planned Giving Council. Mr. Oesch was honored with the 2008 Professional Advisors Legacy Award granted by the St. Louis Planned Giving Advisory Council for "creativity, service and excellence in estate planning." He has also been a speaker at a variety of tax and estate planning seminars. For more information on legal services, including estate planning, please contact David Klarich at 314-727-0101. www.riezmanberger.com Barry Petrowsky Barry Petrowsky has been a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones since January 2003. Prior to that he was a Financial Representative with A.G. Edwards for 3yrs and the Vice President of Leasing for the U.S. MW Region, Westfield, an International Shopping Center Corporation. Barry has received the ―Jack Phelan‖ production awards in ‗08, ‗09, the ―Century Award,‖ ‘09 and has been named one of the 2008, 2009 and 2010 ―Five Star Best in Client Satisfaction Wealth Managers in the greater St. Louis area,‖ that appeared in the St. Louis Magazine(s). Barry received both his B.A and his M.A from Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Barry is married to Jennifer, Principal of J.P. Marketsource, and they have two daughters, Lili (11) and Emma (8) adopted from China. Barry also has two grown children, Melissa and Todd. [email protected] Candy Summers Jon and Candy Summers have homeschooled since 1980, led Missouri's Christian Home Educators Fellowship since 1993, served as leaders of North County Christian Homeschool Association from 1987-1998 and again from 2006 to the present. They have published a newsletter since 1987 which is now emailed nationwide, authored a book, planner, and website by the same title, There's No Place Like Home. Together they also co-author in depth chronological Bible studies for the church Jon pastors, the Lord's Family Fellowship, dedicated to equipping families to train up generations for God's throne room. In 2003 they began a family business, Summers on the Lawn, a complete lawn care and landscaping company, which involves their entire family. www.theresnoplacelikehome-summers.com 9 Samuel Blair Turley Samuel Blair Turley has been a student of history and the War Between the States for over ten years. His extensive study on the subject has instilled in him a great respect for our Southern forefathers, and his observations of their godly character, exemplified by commitment to duty and sacrifice, have shaped his life goals. This, combined with a great interest in principles of law and Biblical history, has provided him with unique opportunities to speak to a variety of audiences on subjects related to the war. Samuel is a farmer in Middle Tennessee and history protégé of popular speaker and expert Civil War historian, Bill Potter. www.southernthundertn.blogspot.com/ Beth Ellen Nash Beth Ellen Nash is a certified teacher and Orton-Gillingham trained tutor with 13 years experience working with struggling learners. She has a degree in elementary education from the University of Wisconsin--Madison. For the past 6 1/2 years she has been the Lead Teacher, Director, and Curriculum Coordinator for Hope Academy, a private school in Madison, WI “where outside the box learners get wings to soar.” The school has served students ages 7-21. She has also tutored, assessed, &/or consulted with dozens of families ranging from preschool level on up through ACT and GED preparation. She is also the Homeschool and Special Needs Consultant, as well as Educational Buyer, for Cornerstone Learning Connections, her dad‟s educational store that shares adjacent space with Hope Academy on Madison‟s east side. Beth Ellen has evaluated literally hundreds of titles, especially in the area of language arts, through the lens of what may put a stumbling block in the way of struggling learners. In tutoring and in the classroom, working with a wide range of struggling learners, Beth Ellen has had the opportunity to try out many eclectic curriculum options and can speak from experience as to what makes many titles she recommends particularly suited to meet a specific need. www.cornerstonelearningconnections.com Tom Eldredge Tom Eldredge is the author of the quintessential homeschooling book, Safely Home, a call to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children. Father of nine children and 13 grandchildren, Tom and his wife Helen, 27-year homeschool veterans, are living out their vision for family on their homestead in the Missouri Ozarks. Surrounded by eight of their nine children and many grandchildren, Tom commutes about 40 feet from his home to work with four of his sons in their family business, MachMotion.com, where they manufacture computer based (CNC) controls for machine tools and machinery. As an electronics technician, with an engineering background, Tom is now teaching electronics to two of his grandchildren. His goal in this ―hands-on‖ course is to instill in his posterity a passion for being creative and making things. As he develops and refines this twelve-week program, he shares some of the highlights on www.TheCreatorClub.blogspot.com as he shares practical ideas and projects, which dads can use with their own sons and grandsons. He hopes to be able to share more practical ideas and projects that dads can work on with their sons and grandsons in their home workshops and maybe use this as an opportunity to disciple some neighbor boys at the same time. www.MachMotion.com Jamie Stull-praise and worship Jamie Stull has been singing with choirs and ensembles for much of his life and has directed music in two churches. He is a member of the Ambassadors of Harmony, the 2009 International Champion barbershop chorus located in St. Charles, MO. He currently teaches 4th-6th grade Social Studies and Language Arts at Chesterfield Day School and enjoys producing their 6th grade musical every year. He and his wife have four children and have been homeschooling for 20 years. 10 2011 VENDOR WORKSHOP SPEAKERS Jennifer Beck (My Father’s World) When Jennifer Beck left her career as a television news anchor, she never could have predicted how God would transform her life. From die- hard career woman to passionate stay at home mom, Jennifer quickly found herself desiring to be the wife and mom God always wanted her to be. Her story is one of a total change, both inside and out, leaving a world of fame and potential fortune and instead finding the true fortune that only God can provide. Today Jennifer balances her life between homeschooling the three children still in the home, attending to the needs of her husband, who is in public service, and working for My Father‘s World. She spent many years teaching speech and writing classes to homeschoolers both locally and worldwide. Jennifer‘s ultimate goal is to see young people grow to become valiant tools who will further God‘s kingdom. www.mfwbooks.com Alan Scholl, MBA (American Opinion Foundation-Freedom Project!) 28 years of youth instruction, 27 years homeschooling 7 children, 30 years study of American Heritage/ History. www.FreedomProject.com Amanda Capps (Math-U-See) Amanda Capps is herself a homeschool graduate. She currently lives in Eureka Springs, Arkansas where she homeschools 2 of her 4 children. www.mathusee.com Dr. Brandon Maxwell (Maximized Living) Certified maximized Living Doctor, Husband and Father of 2. Graduate of Logan Chiropractic. www.abundantlifechirostl.com David Dye, M.Ed. (CreateBetterWriters.com) David Dye has been a teacher in Southern California for twenty years. He has a Master‘s degree in education and has been a mentor teacher for ten years. His seventeen books on writing and grammar are in use all over the world and have been incorporated by school districts across the country. He developed CreateBetterWriters.com to help share his writing curriculum with the homeschool community. www.CreateBetterWriters.com Mary Ann Otley (Family Wellness for Life) Mary Ann is a certified coach for Dr. William Sears. She is Co-Founder of Family Wellness for Life, a not-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and wellness of families. www.familywellness4life.org Sharon Jeffus (Visual Manna/Young Lions) Sharon Jeffus, homeschool mother, graduated with a B.S.S.E. in art education from John Brown University and then went on to get her certification to teach English from the University of Arkansas. She studied painting at Metropolitan in Denver and sculpting at Southern Illinois University. Sharon taught for ten years in the public schools in three different states, and then wrote the Visual Manna Complete Art Curriculum in 1992 and began homeschooling her two sons. She received an outstanding rating from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for her implementation of an Indian Arts and Crafts Program. Sharon has written over 20 books on teaching art and focusing on using art to reinforce core learning for visual and kinesthetic learners. Sharon recently wrote a class on Studio Art 2D approved for Advanced Placement hours. She has presented at Wonders of Wildlife Museum, Audubon Society, Precious Moments, ACSI, Azusa Pacific University, various state and national teaching organizations and has materials recommended by Montessori. www.visualmanna.com Rebecca Hertwig (Gospel for Asia) Rebecca Hertwig currently resides near St Louis, Missouri. She has been very active in volunteering her time to help with VBS, 40 Days for Life, United Way and other non-profit services. Although kept busy, she enjoys growing her flower garden. Specifically, Rebecca has been volunteering with Gospel for Asia since 2010 and is passionate about raising the awareness of what God is doing in South Asia through GFA. www.gfa.org 11 2011 Building for the Kingdom High School Seminar Jacque Ramey homeschooled her 3 children for 16 years, has served as a KONOS representative and CHEF‘s twelfth grade graduation coordinator, and serves as CHEF‘s KONOS support group leader and high school and college coordinator consultant. Anne Belley has homeschooled her nine children since 1986. She coordinates the CHEF Spelling Bee, co-coordinates the CHEF Art Festival, and is in charge of decorations for the Heart to Heart Tea. Anne has shared the various materials that she has implemented for her high school students at Building for the Kingdom seminars and North County support group meetings. She has also contributed articles to There’s No Place Like Home magazine. Teresa May has homeschooled her 10 children since 1987, has served as CHEF‘s Northwest County support group leader and serves as CHEF treasurer, conference registration coordinator, and graduation coordinator for many twelfth grade graduations. She presently has 2 college graduates, an accountant and nurse. ---------------------- CHEF’s Covenanted Families Discipleship Conference Imparting Vision - Hope - Victory We are deeply grateful to God that our CHEF Conference is considered by national homeschooling leaders and speakers to be one of the top three conferences in America out of over 250 nationwide. Not only this, but our CHEF organization is seen as impacting the entire nation. For this great and glorious heritage, we must impart to our children a genuine gratitude to God for His mercy and grace and also to those who have sacrificed to secure such a biblically sound foundation. Since God‘s strategy for reconciling the world to Him has always been accomplished through parents‘ discipleship of their children, it is our responsibility to pass on to our children God‘s mandate for discipleship and to charge them with their duty to maintain this foundation and its ancient landmarks for generations to come. In such uncertain and perilous times, it is a comfort to know that the victory is ours through a firm reliance on God‘s Divine Providence for our spiritual fidelity. 12 PLEASE NOTE: Vendor workshops are marked with an *asterisk. lessons in the morning with time to pursue individual interests in the afternoon. Tuesday, June 21 Schedule ---------------------- LUNCH BREAK and SHOPPING 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Doors Open for Registration and Curriculum Fair 9:00 a.m. ---------------------- Shopping Tom Eldredge signing Safely Home in Lobby 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. The Proverbs 31 Husband 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Doug Phillips In the midst of this pinnacle passage defining the Virtuous woman we find a man whose heart safely trusts in his bride who equips him to stand in the gates of the city. Who is this man? Building for the Kingdom: High School and Beyond Curriculum, College Selection, CLEP Exams 11:00-12:00 Harvard or Heaven 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Voddie Baucham What are you aiming for in the education of your children? Is it the same thing every other person in America is striving to attain? Is being a follower of Christ a determining factor in the goals toward which you educate your children? Does your child absolutely have to have a college degree? If so, is the traditional college route a wise investment of time and money? In this session, we will expose the harsh truth about what Forbes Magazine calls “The Great College Con.” Most Bachelors degrees aren‟t worth the paper they‟re written on. There are also a host of trades and careers that don‟t require going to college. And if your child does end up needing a college degree, there are inexpensive, convenient, safe ways to get it done in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost. This is a session college administrators don‟t want you to attend. The Declaration of Independence: The Nation’s Charter Covenant 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Herb Titus A basic study of the Declaration of Independence as the legal and political founding document of the United States of America. We will explore the original text and meaning of such phrases as Laws of Nature and Nature‘s God, Self-evident truths, all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Supreme Judge of the world, and divine Providence. We will uncover the Christian principles upon which the nation was founded and why those principles are of vital importance today. Proverbs 25:2 and Revelation 1:6. Keeper of the Home 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Beverly Bradley Many Christian women have difficulty balancing their duties to husband, children, and ministries. They struggle to be a combination of the "Titus 2" and the "Proverbs 31 Woman," yet feel like they barely survive each day. They are sure that the "Proverbs 31 Woman" could not have homeschooled her kids. This workshop offers solid biblical direction to those women who want to understand their biblical responsibilities as wife, mother, and homeschool teacher. A truly inspiring look at the high calling of Christian womanhood as presented in Titus 2:4-5. Historiography of the Causes of Secession and War: How to Teach the Theories of Why the South Left the Union 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Bill Potter Opinions on how and why the War Between the States occurred were published before the war actually ended, and the controversies and theories have not stopped since. What is the truth? What part did slavery play in the states-rights debate? Why were there two waves of secession? Was secession constitutional in the first place? Spell to Write and Read-Learn the Hidden Secrets of the English Language 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Silvia Mondragon This unique program, written by Wanda Sanseri, a homeschool educator with experience as a professional teacher and private tutor, shows how to teach reading the "write" way. Spelling is the backbone for reading, thus, we teach all students spelling phonetically from the start regardless of learning styles, to read and spell. If your students already know how to read, this program will provide an excellent basis for spelling and English instruction. Your students will learn how to analyze words by understanding the rules for spelling. SWR is a complete spelling program, from beginning to college level; integrates Penmanship with phonics and spelling; teaches comprehensive, explicit phonics; teaches the love of reading using ―real‖ books; integrates beginning grammar with composition; and reinforces vocabulary building, including when and how to introduce derivatives and Greek & Latin roots. SWR is appropriate for students *God’s Design for Your Family’s Health 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Dr. Brandon Maxwell Preventing Disease in your family. Essentials of wellness. *Combining Classical Education, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies with a Christian Perspective 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Jennifer Beck The myriad of homeschool choices can be overwhelming like interstates, highways, back roads and scenic routes. There are so many ways and opinions, how can one navigate through it all and still homeschool effectively? Why not blend the best of each method? Join My Father‘s World as we show how to instill Christian values while integrating great literature, chronological history, geography, hands-on activities, notebooks and timelines, narration, study of Greek and Latin roots, nature studies, and more. Enjoy short, well-planned 13 Kindergarten to adult, for beginning, remedial, ESL, and illiterate readers. Join us and learn the logic of the English language! question: "What are the best books, experiences, directives and opportunities that parents can share with their sons to prepare them to be noble men and manly leaders?" *From the Paragraph to the Essay 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. David Dye, M.Ed. Need help teaching the paragraph? Want to learn an easy technique to teach essay writing? Come and learn a simple trick to help your students master the paragraph as well as the essay. You will learn several more valuable tips to improve your students‘ writing as we preview CreateBetterWriters.com‘s curriculum. Help your students write powerful, intelligent sentences, build a stronger vocabulary, improve their grammar, and much more. Finally, learn how to get much of this material for free. The United States Constitution: The Nation’s Civil Government’s Covenant 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Herb Titus According to America‘s national charter, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed to the end that the people‘s God-given rights are secured. We will learn the political and legal differences between the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution, the political and legal connection between the Constitution and the Declaration, and the political and legal significance of the prohibition of religious tests ... as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. 1 Samuel 10:8 and 10:25 and 1 Timothy 1:8. New Homeschoolers Workshop Part 1 of 3 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Candy Summers ―By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches‖ (Proverbs 24:3,4). In this fast paced, fully-packed, continuous 3-hour workshop, Candy will cover the Hebrew Method of Education, The Father‘s Role, Maintaining Our Vision, Curriculum, Organization, Flexibility, Creative Teaching Methods for Each Subject, Unit Studies, Grading, Testing, College Preparation, Missouri‘s Requirements, Teaching with Toddlers, Avoiding the Enemy‘s Lure to Over Commitment, Protecting Our Children from Satan‘s Grip, Staying the Course, Child Training, The Blessed Joy of Motherhood, Surprising and Delighting Your Family, and How to Celebrate Your Family‘s Greatest Gift-Each Other. Abraham Lincoln: Step Father of Our Country 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. John Dwyer The real story of America's most revered President is vastly more interesting--and controversial--than what the history books have taught us. Learn Lincoln's real opinions, in his own words, on numerous key subjects. What were his views on the Constitution, government, economics, war and peace, slavery, and religion? Was he a conservative or a liberal? Did he believe in a free market or command economy? Was he a Christian or not? What did his friends consider his views? His business associates? His wife? You may be in for some surprises. ---------------------- *You Can Homeschool High School! 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Jennifer Beck Studies indicate that homeschooled high-schoolers are far more likely to remain committed to Christ than those who attend public school. My Father‘s World high school curriculum integrates Bible, history and English, allowing your student to develop a strong Biblical worldview using easy to follow self-directed lesson plans for all subjects. Students read through the entire Bible, apply Biblical analysis when reading classical literature, develop strong composition skills and nurture a heart to serve others. Look forward to homeschooling your student through high school and make Christ a central focus during these crucial growing years. SHOPPING BREAK 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ---------------------- New Homeschoolers Workshop, Part 2 of 3 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Candy Summers Sam Davis, Patrick Cleburne and John Pelham: Stories of Bravery from Fallen Heroes of the Confederacy 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Samuel Blair Turley Inspiring tales of duty and sacrifice by young Christian men who understood true liberty and shed their blood in defense of it. New Homeschoolers Workshop, Part 3 of 3 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Candy Summers Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool 3:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Voddie Baucham Two hundred years ago a man could be excommunicated from his church for failing to lead his household in regular family worship. Today a man can become a pastor without ever having engaged in the process. What happened? Why do so few families engage in family worship? And what‘s the big deal anyway? In this session, we will learn about the history and theology of family worship and its importance in the life of every Christian family. We will also look at practical ways every family can institute this vital practice. ---------------------- Rebuilding a Culture of Virtuous Boyhood: Why we have lost a masculine vision for our sons and how to regain it. 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Doug Phillips Twenty-first century Christian boys have much to learn from boys of the past. Issues of courtesy to women, sacrifice, and vision are critical to raising modern boys. Our goal must be to move beyond the pretty platitudes and to aspire to rebuilding an entire culture of virtuous boyhood, such that every aspect of a young man's life is preparation for chivalrous leadership in the name of Jesus Christ. In this message, Doug Phillips answers the 14 ---------------------- The Power of Symbol and Controversy: Battle Flags of the Civil War 3:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bill Potter Few objects invoke the emotional power of a nation's flag. In the Civil War, every regiment on both sides carried a flag into battle and was willing to sacrifice everything to keep it waving. The flags came to symbolize everything they were fighting for and the comrades who died defending it. The battle flag of the Confederacy still evokes controversy today, but what were its historical meanings to the men who fought? What is your reaction when you see the stars and stripes run up the flagpole in the Olympics or at a military funeral? DINNER & SHOPPING BREAK 4:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (Curriculum Fair Closes at 7:30) ---------------------- GENERAL SESSION The Christian Life of Stonewall Jackson 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Doug Phillips In this poignant insight into the character of the General Jackson, we see an extraordinary man able to articulate theology and military history, while galloping to the sound of the guns. Jackson ‘s theology was supremely orthodox, being rooted in the biblical tradition of Knox, Calvin, and Edwards. In a day bereft of true heroes, Stonewall‘s gallant deeds and virtuous conduct still move our hearts with admiration. He shows us how a Christian soldier should live and die. Estate Planning: Stewarding Your Assets and Values 3:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Robert Oesch Too many people delay getting their financial house in order, especially when it comes to estate planning. Attorney Bob Oesch will discuss the importance of estate planning as good and proper stewardship of your assets and values. He will also discuss the basics of planning, including the use of Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney, and the laws involving responsibility for your property during life and at death. Beyond Labels: Understanding Your Child’s Strengths and Weaknesses 3:10 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Beth Ellen Nash In this workshop, Beth Ellen will summarize material about 8 systems of the mind from several resources produced by Mel Levine and the All Kinds of Minds Institute to help make it accessible to busy homeschooling parents. We will explore these 8 systems of the mind (or neurodevelopmental constructs): Language, Memory, Attention, Sequential and Spatial Ordering, Social and Higher Thinking, and Motor Skills. As we explore each of these systems of the mind you may discover specific breakdown areas in these systems that are part of your students‟ weaknesses and other areas that are part of their patterns of individual strengths. These specific patterns of strengths and weaknesses that create an individual‟s personal profile are often more informative as to how to help a struggling student than labels on an IEP or psychologist‟s report, as important as those documents may be. Specific resources that may be useful in meeting specific needs will be mentioned as we explore each of these systems of the mind. Participants will be asked to keep their children in mind as we go through the material and note areas that strike them as particular strengths or weaknesses. This will allow participants to go home with a preliminary portrait of their children‟s systems of the mind and how that can inform using their strengths and meeting their needs as we seek to go beyond the label to reaching the individual child. ---------------------- SHOPPING BREAK 7:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m. ---------------------- The Role of the Father in Home Education/Discipleship 7:20 p.m.-8:20 p.m. Voddie Baucham Many homeschool dads view their role in home education as little more than providing the money to buy curriculum each year. However, the results of such passivity can be devastating. Marriages are strained, homeschool boys are feminized, moms are frustrated and isolated, and feminism often exploits the opening. As a result, the homeschool movement is in jeopardy of being feminized altogether. While you may not be able to do anything about the big picture, you can (and must) do something about your own home. However, this mandate must be viewed in light of the overall view of the home laid out in the Scriptures. This session will explore how dads can be more than just sideline spectators (or worse, bullies who demand results and threaten to pull the plug if their kids don‟t get up-to-speed). Dads will learn how to cast vision, set goals, offer support, and get involved. Moms will learn how to apply the principles of 1 Peter 3:1-6 in ways that encourage their husband to assume his role as leader in the home without using manipulation or guilt. The Civil War: Art Activities that Reinforce Learning and Teach Art Basics 3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. Sharon Jeffus Students will learn art basics of shading, shadow, and texture and look at master works of art about the Civil War by Winslow Homer and Conrad Wise Chapman. We will look at how they created atmospheric and linear perspective in their pictures and how they captured moments in Civil War history. Students will do two projects.... $10 for art supplies. Send to Sharon Jeffus, 700 County Road 6630, Salem MO 65560. The Death of a Regiment: The First Texas at Antietam 7:20 p.m.-8:20 p.m. Bill Potter The soldiers of the War Between the States were organized into regiments of men from the same state. Perhaps the most distinguished combat force in the Army of Northern Virginia was the Texas Brigade, of which the 1st was a part. They sustained the largest percentage of casualties of any single regiment in one battle of the war. I tell the story of the men of the 1st and how they stood their ultimate test. It is an illustration of the experiences of all the men on both sides but to an extraordinary degree. 15 children, all who grow to revere him; becomes the most famous American soldier in the Mexican War; leads the Army of Northern Virginia to immortal fame; and serves the South and all of America in the post-war role of a forgiving, forbearing peacemaker. Foundations of Investing 7:20 p.m.-8:20 p.m. Barry Petrowsky Foundations of Investing is an in-depth seminar that will not only cover the basics of investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds but also explaining other investment topics such as: "The Rule of 72" How long it would take to double your money at fixed interest rates Determining your own personalized risk tolerance Developing your own personal investment pyramid Explaining the difference of investment ranges such as growth, income, growth and income, and aggressive Investing for minor children Comparing retirement and non-retirement investing Worksheets will be provided to all attendees to complement the covered topics. We will have a vendor booth available for the entire conference to answer any questions or concerns you might have. ---------------------- Wednesday, June 22 Schedule Door Open for Registration and Curriculum Fair 8:45 Although workshops begin at 9:00 the Curriculum Fair does not open until 10:00 Education and Worldview 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Voddie Baucham It is impossible to separate education and worldview. In fact, the main purpose of education is worldview discipleship. Unfortunately, many home educators have come to believe that worldview is a subject to be taught in the late teen years before a child goes off to college. That is a terrible mistake. This session will examine the central question, “What is a Worldview” and demonstrate how every aspect of our home education from beginning to end is crucial in forming our child‟s worldview. We will also examine the main competing worldviews of our day and show how government education has served as a principle exponent of neo-Marxism and secular humanism over the past century and a half. ---------------------- Understanding the Heart of Your Wife 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Reb Bradley This session reveals how the commands in the fifth chapter of Ephesians to husbands are each intended by God to meet the specific needs of a man's wife. Wives have raved that this is the best message Reb has ever given. Reb believes that this workshop is needed by every husband -- it will help him gain insight into his wife's heart, explaining why she is hurt so easily by innocent comments, why she seems so illogical at times and why her girlfriends understand her perfectly. It explains the nature of true biblical leadership and how a man who exercises it can fan the flames of love in his wife's heart. 13th, 14h, and 15th Amendments: Transformative or Preservative of the Nation’s Civil Covenant 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Herb Titus A potpourri of critical issues for our country. The revolutionary nature of the 13th Amendment prohibition against slavery and involuntary servitude, the later ratification and repeal of the 23d Amendment prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors and the proposed Human Life Amendment and the perversion of the due process clause as argued by Texas in Roe v. Wade. Does equal protection of the laws really prohibit laws that limit marriage to one man and one woman? The question of natural born U.S. citizenship and the 14th Amendment definition of citizenship, subordinating state citizenship to United States citizenship (e.g., the 15th Amendment). What are the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States? Genesis 9:6 and Deuteronomy 17:6 and Acts 22:25. The Bill of Rights: Securing Individual Liberty and Property in the Nation’s Civil Government 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Herb Titus Originally, the first ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, popularly known as the Bill of Rights, applied only to limit the powers of the United States government. We will discover the providential structure of the Bill of Rights, why the first liberty secured by the First Amendment is freedom of religion, and why the other liberties secured by the 1st Amendment and the liberties of the 2d, 3d and first sentence of the 4th Amendment secure the liberty and property only of American citizens, whereas the rest of the 4th amendment and the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments secure the liberty and property of all persons, including American citizens. 2 Chronicles 19:11 and Luke 20:25. 10 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Began Homeschooling 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Beverly Bradley When Beverly started homeschooling more than 25 years ago she had been a credentialed teacher who taught classrooms full of children, so felt confident to teach her own children at home. As the years progressed however, she discovered that her professional experience wasn‘t what she needed to influence her children; The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. John Dwyer Most people know of Lee's military exploits, but few know that his greatest legacy is that of a peacemaker. Accompany Lee as he courts and marries Mary Custis, great-granddaughter of Martha Washington; saves the city of St. Louis by engineering the rerouting of the Mississippi River; fathers and raises seven 16 it was an understanding of God‘s values and His grace to impart them. Rise of Abolitionist Terrorism: John Brown and The Secret Six : 11:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Bill Potter One of the most influential events leading to secession occurred when a small invasion force entered Virginia, financed by Unitarian ministers and intellectuals, and led by a dedicated killer who saw himself as God‘s avenging spirit. At Harper‘s Ferry, Virginia the terrorist plot fell apart, and the vision of a nationwide slave insurrection was stamped out in the engine room of a firestation. The aftermath elevated Brown to martyr status among northern radicals and fired up southern radicals to white hot calls for secession. *A Child’s Health Begins with the Parent 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Mary Ann Otley From ―America‘s Pediatrician,‖ Dr. Bill Sears will explain that food impacts how well a child‘s brain works, affecting their moods and abilities. Parents will leave with a family-friendly practical guide to eating healthy. *Occupying Preschoolers While Teaching Older Children 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Jennifer Beck Our children are precious gifts from the Lord, but sometimes they can interfere with our human plans. These little ones seem to seek attention at the wrong time. What can we do at these times to creatively involve them in the learning process? My Father‘s World shares many suggestions on how to educate and occupy little ones. How to Learn a Foreign Language? 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Silvia Mondragon What is your first impression of teaching your students a foreign language? ―UGH! I took _______in high school and do not remember a thing?‖ Sound familiar? Most of us experience the same pain of dealing with subjects ―foreign‖ to us. When teaching a foreign language most programs start with vocabulary. The student memorizes the vocabulary, stores it away for the test and then forgets it. Some have a great memory and will remember but must translate word for word. As a result, we truly do not learn to speak a new language. The best way to learn a language is immersion. This involves using all your senses not memorizing vocabulary. The Learnables® is a highly acclaimed, easy to use language immersion system. A proven linguistic sequence combined with thousands of carefully drawn pictures and clearly spoken recordings by native speakers assures success. Language comprehension is quick, enabling you to think in the foreign language. An extensive vocabulary and thousands of conversations in a variety of contexts teaches you to express yourself well in the foreign language. Humorous and interesting stories provide an enjoyable experience while you learn. ---------------------- Doors Open for Curriculum Fair 10:00 ---------------------- PRAISE AND WORSHIP with Jamie Stull 10:00 a.m.-10:45 p.m. ---------------------- LUNCH BREAK and SHOPPING 10:45 p.m.-11:30 p.m. ---------------------- *From the Paragraph to the Essay 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. David Dye, M.Ed, Need help teaching the paragraph? Want to learn an easy technique to teach essay writing? Come and learn a simple trick to help your students master the paragraph as well as the essay. You will learn several more valuable tips to improve your students‘ writing as we preview CreateBetterWriters.com‘s curriculum. Help your students write powerful, intelligent sentences, build a stronger vocabulary, improve their grammar, and much more. Finally, learn how to get much of this material for free. Building For the Kingdom: High School and Beyond Transcripts, Accelerated Distance Learning 10:45-11:30 Providence and Perseverance: Why History Teaches us to Hope 11:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Doug Phillips This present generation lacks hope. Our children don't know who they are, where they came from, nor where they should be going. Psalm 78 reminds us that God has ordained the telling of providential history to children as a primary means of communicating hope to the next generation. Doug Phillips explains the doctrine of Providence and the legacy of faithful believers who have persevered. He looks at the two of the most significant men of the last 1000 years and prepares Christians to offer a distinctively biblical view of their influence on nations and cultures. He provides parents with a practical defense of providential history against the liberal revisionists of our day and inspires home educators to make the discipline of providential history a core element of their home education. *Math-U-See and Understand 11:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Amanda Capps Amanda will demonstrate how the use of manipulatives is key in making math both visual and concrete for both teacher and student. Using our ―build it, say it, write it‖ philosophy makes learning math concrete no matter your student‘s learning style. Come ―see‖ how fun Math can be! ---------------------- SHOPPING BREAK 12:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. ---------------------- 17 can be layered to provide the degree of support and practice an individual student may need. Raising Respectful Children 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Reb Bradley If there is one word which describes what is absent in modern American children, it is "respect." A generation of children is growing up with little understanding of what it means to honor their parents or respect any established authority. Neither do they properly respect other people's possessions or their feelings. As Christian parents we need not be swept along with our society's parenting techniques, which foster such a lack of honor for others. This workshop will help parents identify what they accidentally do to foster disrespect in their children and will give them a biblical plan to cultivate genuine love and respect, instead. ---------------------- SHOPPING BREAK 2:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Book Signing in Lobby: John Dwyer author of The War Between the States America’s Uncivil War ---------------------- Into to the Amazon: Why Men Must Worship the Creature, not the Creator, and the Great Battle Against the Radical Environmentalism. 3:15 p.m.-4:15 p.m. Doug Phillips Environmentalism is one of the most radical ideological battles raging today. What are we to think of the Green movement? How should we define conservation? Environmental Pantheism presents itself in the name of conservation but Biblical stewardship never supplants the Creator from His throne or apposes His commission. We are Christ‘s ambassadors in all that we lay our hands to. And, we must lawfully steward all of the resources God has given us in His Creation. A Darwinism Revolution: The Living Constitution a Covenant with Death 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Herb Titus A critique of the constitutional right of a woman to terminate her pregnancy, as established in Roe v. Wade, and reaffirmed in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Life as defined by the Court vs. life as defined by the Declaration of Independence; which definition should prevail in a true understanding of the very essence of a written constitution? The threat to the life of the nation posed by a constitutional order that changes with changing times. America‘s descent into tyranny.1 Samuel 13 and 15 and Galatians 3:15. Reconstruction or Deconstruction? 3:15 p.m.-4:15 p.m. John Dwyer Did the U.S. government's program for the South following the War Between the States constitute an attempt at Reconstruction or Deconstruction? That is, was the effort geared toward repair, healing, and reconciliation or a forcible remaking of the defeated section? Why did this volatile era produce carpetbaggers, scalawags, robber barons, the Black Friday Stock Market Crash, the most corrupt Presidential administration in U.S. history, the Gilded Age, the Ku Klux Klan, the Union League, and lasting enmity between the black and white races in the South? Great Revivals During the War Between the States 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. John Dwyer Learn how America's greatest tragedy also birthed one of its mightiest spiritual awakenings. Travel the camps of a Federal Army, which grew in faith as its war fortunes improved, and a Confederate Army that experienced mass religious revival as its hopes came to ruin. Learn how some surprising leaders on both sides-McClellan, Rosecrans, and Howard, Lee, Jackson, and Stuart-led thousands of their men to faith. See how sorrowing homes and broken hearths witnessed mass conversion on the civilian front, amongst male and female, rich and poor, black and white, and North and South alike. Warrior Mother: Fighting For the Kids not With Them 3:15 p.m.-4:15 p.m. Beverly Bradley Why is it that while moms so often desire a close relationship with their children they end up in conflict with them? Not only is homeschooling near impossible when there is tension in the family, but the ability to influence children‘s values is lost. In this session Beverly opens the Word to reveal important help for family harmony. She shares about the transformation in her own home when she recognized the spiritual warfare directed at her own children and made the choice to fight not WITH them, but FOR them. *Finance Matters! Live it! 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Leann Voss Leann will deal with the aspects of teaching our children by example, based on Deuteronomy 6:4-25. Components of a Complete Language Arts Program 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Beth Ellen Nash In this workshop Beth Ellen Nash will address the many aspects that make up a comprehensive language arts program including Phonics & Phonemic Awareness; Spelling; Vocabulary & Word Study; Reading Strategies, Fluency, & Comprehension; Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, & Editing; and Written Composition. We will touch briefly on handwriting and keyboarding, as well as how critical thinking, listening, speech, and drama are related to the language arts program. In each of these areas Beth Ellen will highlight a few resources that she has found the most useful in meeting the needs of the struggling learners she serves. She will provide a thumbnail look at what her top picks offer and what audience would most benefit from each of them. A helpful chart crossreferencing how several of these resources fit together will also be shared as an example of a way that multiple resources *Teaching Principles of the United States Constitution to teens 3:15 p.m.- 4:15 p.m. Alan Scholl, MBA Basic principles of the Constitution in understandable language, how to present ideas of good government, self-reliance, and the limitation of government. *What’s Most Important for Your Child? 3:15 a.m.-4:15 a.m. Rebecca Hertwig What is God‘s calling on your life as a parent to raise your child? Knowing the Lord and His calling is the most important heritage you can give your child. Come hear how other families are living this out. 18 ---------------------- The Life of a Christian Soldier: General Thomas Jonathan Jackson 7:10 p.m.-8:10 p.m. Bill Potter How does a warrior retain his faith and testimony amidst the slaughter and hard decisions of war? Stonewall Jackson shows us. DINNER & SHOPPING BREAK 4:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE Curriculum Fair Closes at 6:00 ONLY the speaker’s tables will be open for purchases after 6:00! ---------------------- ---------------------- General Session CIVIL WAR BALL 8:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. (OPEN TO CONFERENCE ATTENDEES ONLY) FOR ALL AGES. $3.00 per dancer or $15.00 per family. Teaching Your Children with Your Grandchildren in Mind 6:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. Voddie Baucham I am surprised at how many homeschool kids aren‟t sure whether or not they are going to educate their own children at home. I‟m more surprised that some are sure they won‟t. Usually, further examination reveals a complete lack of any theological/philosophical reflection on the topic. Their parents simply did what was best for them at the moment; not what was best, period. In this session, we will examine key theological and philosophical motivations for home education and how to pass these on to our children. Do your children know why you homeschool? Do You? Do they have a „big picture‟ perspective on the impact home education can have on our culture for the sake of the Kingdom? Do they understand what government education has done to the culture at large (or that it has been intentional)? Are they thinking about ways their marriage, educational and career choices will impact the education and discipleship of their children? We will also look at the way our approach to educating our children figures into the scenario and the kinds of things we need to encourage our children to invest in now so they can invest in their children in the future. ---------------------- Here’s what homeschooling families had to say about last year’s conference: "It is so evident that you all (those planning the conference) have prayed diligently about which speakers and topics to address. Thank you for your service and being open to the Lord's leading! God Bless your efforts! Our family is truly blessed each year we attend the conference. It‘s about so much more than just homeschooling!!! Thank you!"- ---------------------- " I love that this conference is about way more than homeschooling. It is about raising Godly families and warriors for the kingdom."- Williamsburg, MO The Providence of God on D-Day: The Lessons and Legacies of the Last Constitutional War 7:10 p.m.-8:10 p.m. Doug Phillips Faithful men of the past laid down their lives in protection of their wives, their sons, and their daughters. Behind this conviction was a worldview rooted in centuries of biblical precedence – defense of the weaker vessels. What are the lessons we must learn from these heroes? "We would like to express our deep appreciation to the CHEF directors for this spiritually enriching conference. We met so many followers of Jesus here. There was a very sweet spirit in this place."- Mansfield, MO “I can‟t say enough positive things about CHEF. This conference was instrumental in our decision to pull our kids from public school and homeschool seven years ago. God let us now His will through the CHEF Conference. We are encouraged and „recharged‟ by hearing the speakers remind us why we are doing this.” - Centralia, MO Restoring Civil Covenant: Interposition and the Original Constitutional Text 7:10 p.m.-8:10 p.m. Herb Titus Obamacare: A case-study of states‘ interposition on behalf of her people. How far are the state‘s governors and legislatures willing to go? Will resistance end with a decision by the United States Supreme Court that the individual mandate requires every American to purchase a health insurance policy approved by the United States government? What about the rest of Obamacare? Is it within the constitutionally enumerated powers of the United States government? What does the nation‘s charter say about resistance to laws like Obamacare? What does the Bible say? 2 Chronicles 23:11-16 and Acts 5:29. "We love the inspiration we all receive for the big picturediscipling, long term."- Troy, MO "Our favorite part of the conference is hearing words that aren‟t spoken from the pulpit at home. Here we don't feel like aliens."- Mexico, MO 19 - REGISTER EARLY! REGISTER EARLY! www.chef-missouri.com Name Phone Address City/State/Zip COUPLE $50*($60 at the door) INDIVIDUAL $35*($45 at the door) REGISTER EARLY! REGISTER EARLY! Email CHILDREN $10*EACH(Up to 2 children. Additional children are free) Additional children still need to register, so please fill out a form for them as well. Makecheckspayableto: CHEF(ChristianHomeEducatorsFellowship), c/o Dan & TeresaMay,3110FultonWay,St.Ann,MO63074 Ball $3 or $15/family Pre-registration must be postmarked by June 15 CURRICULUM FAIR ONLY $15 per family for 2-day pass. (Note: Pre-registration is not required if attending curriculum fair only.) Due to limited seating, workshops ore available on a first-come, first serve basis. Indicate 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for each attendee by placing a 1, 2, or 3 in the appropriate boxes. We do not mail out confirmation letters; however, your registration form will be at the registration table with your workshop schedule highlighted. 9:00 Doors Open for Registration and Curriculum Fair 10:00 - 11:00 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 11:00 - 12:00 The Proverbs 31 Husband Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 1:00 - 2:00 Voddie Baucham Harvard or Heaven Book Signing of Safely Home in Lobby Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Bill Potter Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus The United States Constitution Spouse: The Nation’s Civil Government’s Covenant Young Adults: Abraham Lincoln: Step Father of our Country Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Bill Potter Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Robert Oesch Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Barry Petrowsky Self: Spouse: Young Adults: John Dwyer The Declaration of Independence: The Nation’s Charter Covenant Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Beverly Bradley Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Silvia Mondragon The Keeper of the Home Historiography of the Causes Of Secession and War: Why The South Left the Union Spell to Write and Read Learn the Hidden Secrets of The English Language SHOPPING 2:00 - 3:00 Doug Phillips 3:10 - 4:10 Voddie Baucham Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 4:10 - 6:00 Rebuilding a Culture of Virtuous Boyhood: Regain a Masculine Vision for Our Sons Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool The Power of Symbol and Controversy: Battle Flags of The Civil War Self: John Dwyer Estate Planning: Stewarding Your Assets And Values DINNER and SHOPPING (Curriculum Fair Closes at 7:30 p.m.) 6:00 - 7:00 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 7:00 – 7:20 Doug Phillips The Christian Life of Stonewall Jackson SHOPPING 7:20 - 8:20 Voddie Baucham 8:30 - 9:30 Reb Bradley Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 8:45 SHOPPING LUNCH and SHOPPING 12:00 - 1:00 TUESDAY, June 21 Doug Phillips The Role of the Father in Home Education/Discipleship Understanding the Heart of Your Wife Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Bill Potter Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus The Death of a Regiment: The First Texas at Antietam The Bill of Rights: Securing Individual Liberty & Property In the Nation’s Civil Govt. Foundations of Investing The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee Doors Open for Registration 9:00 - 10:00 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Voddie Baucham Education and Worldview 10:00 Curriculum Fair Opens for SHOPPING Self: 13th, 14th, &15th Amendments: Spouse: Transformative or Preservative Of the Nation’s Civil Covenant Young Adults: Beverly Bradley 10 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Began Homeschooling 10:00 - 10:45 PRAISE & WORSHIP with Jamie Stull WEDNESDAY, June 22 10:45 - 11:30 LUNCH and SHOPPING 11:30 - 12:30 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 12:30 - 1:30 Providence and Perseverance: Why History Teaches us to Hope Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Bill Potter Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus Rise of Abolitionist Terrorism John Brown and the Secret Six Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Silvia Mondragon Self: Spouse: Young Adults: John Dwyer How to Learn a Foreign Language SHOPPING 1:30 - 2:30 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 2:30 - 3:15 SHOPPING 3:15 - 4:15 Self: Spouse: Young Adults: 4:15 - 6:00 Doug Phillips Reb Bradley Raising Respectful Children A Darwinism Revolution: The Living Constitution a Covenant with Death Great Revivals During the War Between the States Book Signing of The War Between the States America’s Uncivil War in Lobby Doug Phillips Into the Amazon: The Great Battle Against Radical Environmentalism Self: Spouse: Young Adults: John Dwyer Reconstruction or Deconstruction? Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Beverly Bradley Self: Spouse: Young Adults: BILL POTTER Warrior Mother: Fighting for the Kids not With Them DINNER and SHOPPING (Curriculum Fair Closes at 6:00 p.m.) 6:00 - 7:00 Voddie Baucham 7:10 - 8:10 Doug Phillips Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Teaching Your Children with Your Grandchildren in Mind The Providence of God on DDay: Lessons and Legacies of the Last Constitutional War 8:30 – 10:30 CIVIL WAR BALL in Ballroom upstairs Self: Spouse: Young Adults: Herb Titus Restoring Civil Covenant: Interposition and the Original Constitutional Text The Life of a Christian Soldier General Thomas Jonathan Jackson Continued Workshop Schedule Registration is not required for these workshops -- Just come and enjoy! 9:00 Doors Open for Registration and Curriculum Fair Tuesday, June 21 Room 104 Room 105 10:00 - 11:00 Gods Design for your Family’s Health Dr. Brandon Maxwell, Maximized Living Combining Classical Education, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies with a Christian Perspective Jennifer Beck, My Father’s World 11:00 – 12:00 Shopping Building for the Kingdom: High School & Beyond Curriculum, College Selection, CLEP Exams 12:00 - 1:00 From the Paragraph to the Essay David Dye, M.Ed., CreateBetterWriters.com New Homeschoolers Workshop Part 1 of 3 Candy Summers, 1:00 - 2:00 Sam Davis, Patrick Cleburne and John Pelham: Stories of Bravery from Fallen Heroes of the Confederacy Samuel Blair Turley New Homeschoolers Workshop Part 2 of 3 Candy Summers 2:00 - 3:00 You Can Homeschool High School! Jennifer Beck, My Father’s World New Homeschoolers Workshop Part 3 of 3 Candy Summers 3:10 - 4:10 Beyond Labels: Understanding Your Child’s Strengths and Weaknesses Beth Ellen Nash, Cornerstone The Civil War: Art Activities that Reinforce Learning and Teach Art Basics Sharon Jeffus, Visual Manna WEDNESDAY, June 22 8:45 Doors Open for Registration and Curriculum Fair Room 104 Room 105 9:00 - 10:00 A Child’s Health Begins with the Parent Mary Ann Otley, Family Wellness Occupying Preschoolers While Teaching Older Children Jennifer Beck, My Father’s World 10:45 – 11:30 Shopping Building for the Kingdom: High School and Beyond Transcripts, Accelerated Distance Learning 11:30 - 12:30 From the Paragraph to the Essay David Dye, M.Ed., CreateBetterWriters.com Math-U-See and Understand Amanda Capps, Math-U-See 1:30 - 2:30 Finance Matters! Live it! Leann Voss Components of a Complete Language Arts Program Beth Ellen Nash 3:15 – 4:15 Teaching Principles of the United States Constitution to Teens Alan Scholl, MBA, American Opinion Foundation-Freedom Project! What’s most important for your child? Rebecca Hertwig, Gospel for Asia Participating Vendors Scheduled Thus Far A Beka Academy www.abekaacademy.org A Beka Book www.abeka.com *Adler’s Dry Goods [email protected] Alpha Omega www.aop.com American Opinion Foundation www.FreedomProject.com Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co., LLC www.rareseeds.com Bill Potter BJU Press/Precept Marketing www.bjupresshomeschool.com Brennan innovators LLC “Creator of the Reading Focus Card” www.ReadingFocusCard.com www.BrennanInnovators.com Civil War…and More! www.civilwar---andmore.blogspot.com Cornerstone Learning Connections www.cornerstonelearningconnections.com Covenant Seminary Bookstore www.covenantseminarybookstore.com *Create Better Writers www.CreateBetterWriters.com *Creator Club www.MachMotion.com Discovery Toys www.discoverytoyslink.com/JillConnors Doorposts www.doorposts.com *Edward Jones www.edwardjones.com or [email protected] *Essentials in Writing www.essentialsinwriting.com New vendors marked with * Family Ministries www.familyministries.com Family Wellness for Life www.familywellness4life.org Genevan Foundation for Cultural Renewal www.genevanfoundation.com Gospel For Asia www.gfa.org Grace and Truth Books www.GRACEANDTRUTHBOOKS.com Herb Titus www.lawandfreedom.com Homeschool Planbook/State Histories in Light of the Cross www.homeschoolplanbook.com inKLEINations www.inkleinations.com International ALERT Academy www.alertacademy.com *IYR, LLC www.VossFinanceMatters.com *JMCremp’s Adventures for Boys www.jmcremps.com *John Dwyer www.johnjdwyer.com Juice Plus+ www.bethlammersjuiceplus.com Liberty Bell Press www.libertybellpress.com Light of Faith Resources www.lightoffaith.com Math-U-See www.mathusee.com Maximized Living www.abundantlifechirostl.com Miller Pads and Paper www.millerpadsandpaper.com My Father’s World www.mfwbooks.com National Center for Family Integrated Churches www.NCFIC.org Nature’s Workshop Plus www.workshopplus.com *Piano By Ear www.thepianobyear.com Rainbow Resource Center www.rainbowresource.com Reformation Heritage Books www.heritagebooks.org *Riezman Berger, P.C. www.riezmanberger.com Rod and Staff Samaritan Ministries Int. www.samaritanministries.org *SEM Educational Services www.semeducationalservices.com Solomon’s Secrets Sonlight Curriculum www.sonlight.com *Sprinkle Publications www.sprinklepublications.net [email protected] The Family Vision www.thefamilyvision.org There’s No Place Like Home www.theresnoplacelikehome-summers.com Teaching Textbooks www.teachingtextbooks.com Vision Forum Ministries, www.visionforumministries.org Visual Manna/Young Lions www.visualmanna.com Voddie Baucham Ministries www.voddiebaucham.org