Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK - Catalogue
Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK - Catalogue
Collaboration is flowering in Europe Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Catalogue FP6 Specific Support Action CEAF project Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 1 Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5 Estonia ............................................................................................................................... 6 Hungary ........................................................................................................................... 19 Latvia ............................................................................................................................... 26 Poland .............................................................................................................................. 38 Slovak Republic ................................................................................................................ 81 Others ............................................................................................................................. 84 This publication was produced in the scope of the CEAF project (contract number: FOODCT-2004-510409) financed by the European Commission in the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development. 2 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 3 Introduction The CEAF project is a Specific Support Action (SSA) financed by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme. The overall aim of this project is to create synergy for virtual networking and strengthening cooperation in the area of Food Quality and Safety with partners from new Member States contributing to the creation of the European Research Area (ERA) in Central Europe. This catalogue contains data collected as part of the CEAF project FOOD-CT-2004-510409 entitled: Stimulating participation of the Central Europe in Agri-Food Sector in the FP6. This catalogue was prepared as part of the CEAF project activities called Deliverable No. 8 in order to present details of active food and agriculture institutions in the CEAF partnering countries like Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, and the Netherlands. The aim of this work is to encourage all European partners to increase their cooperation with the excellent institutions in those countries for wider collaboration in the future under FP7 in order to create a real European Research Area. This catalogue contains information such as contact details, research activities/profiles, and the areas of interest. By providing you with this catalogue we hope to improve your access to information on the institutions in the CEAF partnering countries that are active in food and agriculture sectors. We also hope that the catalogue will make a significant contribution to the strengthening of the food science base in Europe. In addition, information and dissemination activities on the CEAF project were very good and sufficiently spread to arouse interest and collect profiles from countries like Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Ukraine. All the additional profiles are included in the chapter ‘others’. The registration and submissions of information to the catalogue were on a voluntary basis and the project coordinator cannot be held responsible for the content or the accuracy of the entries as they appear in the exact form submitted by the interested parties. If you have any questions regarding the database or the project please contact our project partners – contact details are on the back cover. Bozena Podlaska CEAF project coordinator 4 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 5 Estonia Agrobiocentre of Estonian Agricultural University Information of organization Estonia Depertment of Food Processing, Tallinn University of Technology Main researchers and expertise Silva Sutt, MSc. Information of organization Research Main researchers and expertise Raivo Vokk, PhD. Organization type Organization size >250 Organization type Education Short description (main research activities) The main research work of our institute is molecular diagnostic (PCR) of foodborne pathogens (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes). Organization size >250 Expertise offered Meat Milk food-borne pathogens. Short description (main research activities) Department of Food Processing is a part of the university responsible for the study programmes in the field of Food and Foodservice Technology, lately Food Engineering and Product Development. Started in 1956, annual enrolment 36 daily students on Bachelor level, 15 on the Master level, and 2-4 on the PhD level. Target partner (expertise) We have a good knowledges and experiences of molecular methods for pathogen diagnostic. Expertise offered Training courses in food quality and safety. International cooperation and partnership No Target partner (expertise) Universities in the field of food technology. International projects (last 5 years) No International cooperation and partnership VTT University of Helsinki Technical University of Helsinki University of Kuopio The Royal Agricultural and Veterinary University University of Lund Neu Brandenburg High School Norwich Food Research ICC. International projects (last 5 years) Socrates IP Food Safety CEAF QUAMANCEEC FP6 EUROFIR. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 6 Silva Sutt Roomu tee 10 51013 Tartu Estonia +37 27 339589 +37 27 339717 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Raivo Vokk Ehitajate tee 5 19086 Tallinn Estonia +3726202952 +3726202950 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 7 Estonia Estonian Agricultural University Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Kadri Karp, PhD. Organization type Research Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) The Estonian Agricultural University is the centre of research and development in such fields as agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal science, veterinary science, rural life and economy, food science and environmentally friendly technologies. In the Institute of Horticulture scientific research has its aims in each field. In ornamental gardening the main attention is paid to finding new perspective ornamental plants for growing in Estonia, also collecting and maintaining old valuable species and cultivars. Expertise offered Fruit-vegetables Cereal. Target partner (expertise) Our research is focused on the horticultural products rich in biologically active compounds (as strawberries, blueberries, black currant, sea buckthorn, garlic, onion, spinach etc). In large scale planned experiments could be divided into four different sections: 1) field experiments using different growing technologies 2) laboratory experiments to test different growing technologies (with fast-growing crops) 3) postharvest experiments to study different storage regimes in various storage rooms. 4) economical evaluation of different production and storage technologies. In production fields the influence of different soil types, fertilisation, pruning (in sea buckthorn), burning, mulching (in strawberries), sowing- and planting times (in vegetables) on the content of antioxidants will be studied. In laboratory experiments mostly the influence of different fertilisers would be studied. Small and medium sized enterprises would have a big role in our research from the beginning, because some of the experiments would be carried out in commercial conditions, meaning fields and storehouses of small farms. International cooperation and partnership No International projects (last 5 years) No 8 Estonia Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Kadri Karp Kreutzwaldi 64 Tartu 51014 Estonia +372 731 3514 +372 731 3535 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 9 Estonia Estonian Agricultural University Information of organization Estonia Estonian Agricultural University, Polli Horticultural Institute Main researchers and expertise Ilme Liblikas, PhD. Information of organization Organization type Research Main researchers and expertise Kalju Kask DSc; Edgar Haak PhD; Toivo Univer PhD; Heljo Janes PhD; Asta Libek PhD. Organization size >250 Organization type Research Short description (main research activities) Main fields of research of faculties and research institutes of Estonian Agricultural University see our homepage Organization size 10-49 Expertise offered Meat Milk Fish Fruit-vegetables Oil and fats Fodder Sustainable plant protection systems in safer and environmentally friendly food production. Short description (main research activities) EAU Polli Horticultural Institute investigate agricultural methods of orchards establishing, breeding and evaluating of apple, plum, sweet cherry, blackcurrant, and raspberry. Investigation of genetic resources of tree fruits and small fruits. Expertise offered Tree fruits, small fruits, new crops, chemical composition. Target partner (expertise) Sustainable plant protection systems (natural pesticides, insect ecology). Environmentally friendly food production. Organic food production. Basic and applied research on usage of ecochemicals: pheromones and kairomones. Pheromones and kairomones for control of pest insects. Optimization, design and evaluation of insect pheromone and kairomone dispensers. Syntheses, analyses and purifications of insect pheromone components and insect behaviourally active compounds from plants. Determination of fatty acid composition from milk, meat, fish, oils and fats by GC. Target partner (expertise) Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture. International cooperation and partnership Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Horticulture Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture Pure Horticultural Research Station, Latvia. International projects (last 5 years) No International cooperation and partnership No International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 10 Ilme Liblikas Institute of Animal Science Kreutzwaldi 1 51014 Tartu Estonia +372 742 1128 +372 731 3429 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Neeme Univer Polli Karksi-Nuia 69104 Viljandimaa Estonia +372 43 31 433 +372 43 31 442 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 11 Estonia Estonia Estonian Nutrition Society FIE Pille Soidik Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Mai Maser, PhD Sirje Vaask, MSc. Main researchers and expertise Andrus Soidik, BSc. Organization type Non-Commercial Organization type SME Organization size 10-49 Organization size <10 Short description (main research activities) R&D works in food and nutrition area, consultancy, expertise and training. Short description (main research activities) Agricultural production, mainly dill, parsley, onion etc. Novel technologies for new alternative agricultural products like oleoresins, aquaresins. Expertise offered Food chemical composition fruit and vegetable groups. Expertise offered Raw material, quality assessment. Target partner (expertise) Research Institute of Nutrition Research Institute of Food Science. Target partner (expertise) Application of oleoresins, aquaresins in food items, quality parameters required. International cooperation and partnership VTT Finland University of Lund, Sweden IFR, UK German Institute of Nutrition The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark University of Helsinki, Finland. International cooperation and partnership Only the Tallinn University of Technology. International projects (last 5 years) No International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 12 Contact details Sirje Vaask Ehitajate tee 5 Tallinn 19086 Estonia +372 620 2951 +372 620 2950 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Andrus Soidik Pajusi Jogeva County Estonia 48211 +372 5143 273 +372 6332 046 [email protected] No Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 13 Estonia Estonia Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute OU Salubris Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Maia Raudseping Ph.D. Ingrid Bender M.Sc. Main researchers and expertise Villem Vohu Organization type Research Organization type SME Organization size 100-199 Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) Vegetables breeding and maintenance breeding, seed production, organic cultivation of tomato. Short description (main research activities) Sea-buckthorn production, New product development. Expertise offered Maintenance breeding, seed production, organic cultivation, vegetables agrotechnology. Expertise offered Sea-buckthorn production, New product development Sea-buckthorn agrotechnics. Target partner (expertise) Leguminous vegetables and long-day onion seed production agrotechnology. Tomato organic cultivation. Perspective of new vegetable crops for field for Nordic condition. Target partner (expertise) Sea-buckthorn products. Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Lithuania; Pure Horticulture Research Station, Latvia. International cooperation and partnership Austrian partner. International cooperation and partnership No international projects. International projects (last 5 years) No International projects (last 5 years) Contact details Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 14 Ingrid Bender 48309 Jogeva alevik Estonia +372 776 6901 +372 776 6902 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Villem Vohu Muraste Harku Harju County Estoniau +372 5078607 No [email protected] No Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 15 Estonia Estonia Pagaripoisid Ltd Sireli Mesindus OU (Sireli Beekeeping Ltd) Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Janno Semidor, BSc. Main researchers and expertise Peep Martverk, PhD. Organization type SME Organization type SME Organization size 50-99 Organization size <10 Short description (main research activities) Bakery products, confectionery. Frozen food emulsions, new whipping items. Short description (main research activities) Beekeeping, honey import, export Honey packing Beekeeping instruments Honey packing lines, honey processing lines. Expertise offered Frozen food emulsions, frozen bakery products and their quality assurance. Expertise offered Honey packing. Target partner (expertise) Frozen food emulsions, product development for confectionery. Target partner (expertise) Honey export. International cooperation and partnership Finland, University of Helsinki. International cooperation and partnership No International projects (last 5 years) No International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 16 Contact details Janno Semidor Vana-Louna 37, Tallinn 10134 Estonia +372 6273 713 +372 6273 720 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Peep Martverk Peterburi tee 53D-19 Tallinn Estonia +3726050949 +3726050949 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 17 Estonia Tervix OU Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Pomology Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Nuter-Tammin Henry, BSc. Information of organization SME Main researchers and expertise Prof. Karoly Hrotko, PhD. Organization type Organization size 10-49 Organization type University Short description (main research activities) Natural products, medicine-like products Product development and new technologies for product enrichment. Organization size 10-49 Expertise offered Sea-buckthorn agrotechnics, sea-buckthorn products. Short description (main research activities) • Rootstock/scion relationship and water use of fruit trees • Environmental physiology in orchard systems (light interception, water consumption) of high density orchard systems • Fruit quality and high density systems of stone fruit orchards • Propagation of fruit trees and shrubs. Target partner (expertise) Plant medicinal products. Expertise offered In the above listed topics. International cooperation and partnership Magnum Medical, the University of Tartu, the Tallinn University of Technology. Target partner (expertise) Industry, universities and research institutes. International projects (last 5 years) No International cooperation and partnership Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland Research Institute of Pomology and Ornamentals, Skierniewice, Poland BOKU (Universitaet fur Bodenkultur) Vienna, Austria, Northwest Agricultural University, Shaanxi, China. International projects (last 5 years) • Development in rootstock usage and high density orchard systems, mobility project with Warsaw Agricultural University, financed by the Hungarian State, (coordinator, 2002-2004) • Workshop, Vegetable and Fruit production in an Expanding European Union. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 18 Henry Nuter-Tammin Riia 185A Tartu 51014 Estonia +372 5134376 +372 7383041 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Prof. Karoly Hrotko Gyumolcstermo Novenyek Tanszek, 1118 Budapest, Villanyi ut 35-43, Hungary +36 1 4826284 +36 1 4826337 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 19 Hungary Hungary Department of Biochemistry and Food Technology, BUTE Gradiens Ltd. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr. Tibor Keve, PhD. Organization type SME Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Tamas Meszaros PhD Proteomics, in vitro protein translation, molecular biology, plant signal transduction. Organization type Education Organization size <10 Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Protein in vitro translation with wheat germ extract, 2D-gel electrophoresis, protein kinase studies in plants, real time RT-PCR, GMO detection in food products. Short description (main research activities) Expertise offered Protein over expression and purification, 2D-gel electrophoresis, molecular biology, real time RT-PCR. Our primary products are medical herbs of which we first produce standardized extracts and subsequently different products according to the challenge of the market and we get the registrated. Our cosmetics are trademarked as BIOPERLAa, AMBROSIAa represents our healthcare (OTC) products and we have introduced our functional and food additive products as a brand new product family on market. Using high pressured CO2 we produce different liquid spices both in traditional and organic version as liquid paprika, garlic etc. for sausage industries and restaurant table. Target partner (expertise) Food toxic protein and pathogen detection, food analysis. Expertise offered International cooperation and partnership School of Biol. Sc. Royal Holloway University of London, U.K. Inst. of Exp. Bot. and Inst. of Microbiol., Academy of Sc. of the Czech Rep., Czech Republic. We have wide experiences producing different extracts by organic solvents and high pressured CO2 for row materials of cosmetics and liquid spices with standardisated substances, those medicinal plants and spices are manufactured in our other products. Producers, research institutes. International projects (last 5 years) None Target partner (expertise) International cooperation and partnership EU CRAFT Project. International projects (last 5 years) CRAFT project: acronym: EXTRANAT, 2 years, partner. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 20 Tamas Meszaros Muegyetem rkp. 3., Budapest H-1111, Hungary +36 1 4633857 +36 1 4633855 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Dr. Tibor Keve 1143-Budapest, Gizella ut 42, Hungary +36 1 460 0428 +36 1 460 0427 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 21 Hungary Hungary Institute for Small Animal Research, Dept. Honeybee Biology Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Eger Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Borbala Balo Ph.D, Zoltan Szilagyi Ph.D, Sandor Misik Ph.D, Lajos Gal Msc (Ph.D student), Zsolt Zsofi Msc (Ph.D student), Kalman Vaczy Msc, Erzsebet Szucs Msc, Peter Kiss Msc. Organization type Research Organization size 10-49 Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Eniko Szalai Matray eng. agr. Laszlo Bekesi MDV, PhD. Organization type Research Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) Resistance breeding with Carniolan race Non chemical IPMs for Varroa Honey quality control GM pollen and bees. Short description (main research activities) Department of Viticulture: Carrying out physiological and biochemical research on environmental stresses of the different varieties (drought, UV-B light, chilling temperature). Examining the effect of fertigation and irrigation on vine physiology. Expertise offered Microbiological laboratory (bee diseases) Chemical analyzes of honey 100 colonies of Carniolan bees. Expertise offered Grapevine stress physiology, water relations, (IRGA, PAM, Pressure chamber) irrigation, lisimeter, chromatographic analysis, GC-MS, HPLC, viticulture. Target partner (expertise) As offered. Target partner (expertise) Plant physiology, water relations, viticulture, enology. International cooperation and partnership SMEs SzIE University, agromony and veterinary faculty. International cooperation and partnership International projects (last 5 years) Participation in Carniolan breeding program with Austrian and German partners. • Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim, Germany • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel • Bordeaux, INRA • University of California, Davis • University of Stellenbosh, South Africa • Northern Illinois University, USA • Research Ins. of Food Sciences. International projects (last 5 years) • Advanced Technlogies for the Improvement of Grape and Wine Production. USAIsrael-Hungary 1996-1998 AID CDR TA-MOU-14-189 (partner) • HUNGARYGERMANY INTERGOVERNMENTAL S & T COOPERATION PROGRAMME (Adaptive strategies of different grapevine cultivation). Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 22 Laszlo Bekesi 2101 Godollo, PF.: 417. Hungary +36 28 511 344 +36 28 430 184 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Borbala Balo, Zsolt Zsofi Eger Kolyukteto, Pbox. 83; 3301-Hungary +36 36 310533 +36 36 310306 [email protected], [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 23 Hungary Hungary Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Horticultural Technologies yield and quality of strawberry • Effects of acidification of irrigation water on the yield and quality of strawberry. Other: • Truffle production in Hungary (adaptation possibilities of new technologies) • Ecological demand of different truffle species native in Hungary • Adaptation methods for the cultivation of Physalis perivuana and Solanum muricatum. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise (Ms.) Prof. Dr. Judit Dimeny, Head of department. Lecturers – researchers: (Mr.) Dr. rer. agr. Bujaki, Gabor; (Mr.) Dr. rer. agr. Helyes, Lajos; (Mr) Dipl.-Ing. hort. (Univ.) Kassai, Tamas; (Miss) Dr. rer. agr. Koczka, Noemi; (Mr.) Dr. rer. agr. Ombodi, Attila; (Mr.) Dr. rer. agr. Pek, Zoltan; (Mr.) Dr. rer. agr. Varga, Gyorgy; (Miss) Dr. rer. agr. Locher, Judit; (Miss) Dipl.-Ing. agr. (Univ.) Pestine Nagy, Orsolya; (Miss) Dipl.-Ing. agr. (Univ.) Csorbaine Gogan, Andrea. PhD students: (Mr.) Dipl.Ing. agr. (Univ.), Paksi, Andras; (Mr.) Dipl.-Ing. agr. (Univ.), Schober, Gyula. Expertise: • Horticultural Internet sight management (Zoltan Pek) • Development and inauguration of EU-conform HACCP quality insurance system for vegetable and fruit production (Dr. Judit Dimeny, Noemi Koczka) • HACCP risk analysis and its technical background in vegetable and fruit production (Dr. Judit Dimeny Noemi Koczka, Tamas Kassai) • Improvement of irrigation of horticultural plants (Dr. Gyorgy Varga, and Dr. Lajos Helyes) • Vegetable forcing (Dr. Lajos Helyes, Dr Attila Ombodi) • Truffle production in Hungary (adaptation possibilities of new technologies) (Andrea Gogan) • Ecological demand of different truffle species native in Hungary (Andrea Gogan) • Adaptation methods for the cultivation of Physalis perivuana and Solanum muricatum (Andras Paksi). Organization type Research and education Organization size <250 Short description (main research activities) Vegetable and fruit production: • Effects of agricultural and environmental factors on the quality of some vegetable crops • Development of Internet service for planning and timing of irrigation of vegetable crops • Usage of slow-release fertilisers in vegetable production • Improvement of seedling production methods • Improvement of vegetable forcing methods • Modelling of fruit development of some glasshouse vegetables • Improvement of trellis tomato production methods • Improvement of processing tomato production methods • Estimation of harvest date of processing tomato on the base of climatic data • Optimalisation of irrigation for processing tomato production • Examination of inner quality of tomato • Improvement of plastic house sweet pepper production methods • Economical evaluation of plastic house sweet pepper production • Improvement of field sweet pepper production methods • Improvement of cauliflower production methods, • Adaptation of artichoke production • Effect of coloure plastic mulches in field sweet pepper production. Fruit production: • Development of HACCP system for field strawberry production • Intensive strawberry production • Effects of environmental factors on the development of strawberry fruits • Effects of fertilisation method on the Expertise offered Expert advice for growers, especially in regions, which are situated near to our university. They are also often invited to give lectures for the growers about current horticultural topics. On our experimental field exhibitions and discussion sessions have been held for years, especially about topics of vegetable production. Target partner (expertise) – International cooperation and partnership Wageningen University (The Netherlands), BOKU University (Austria), Volcani Center (Israel), Kafr-el Sheikh University (Egypt), Tohaku University (Japan). International projects (last 5 years) – Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Andrea Gogan Godollo, Pater Karoly utca 1. 2103, Hungary +36 28 522 071 +36 28 410 804 [email protected] Ê 24 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 25 Latvia Institute of Biology of University of Latvia Information of organization Latvia Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia Main researchers and expertise Dr. biol. Nadezhda Berzina. Information of organization Organization type Research Main researchers and expertise Director of Institute – Prof. Uldis Viesturs, Dr. habil. ing. biotechnology, chemical engineering, bioengineering. Organization size 100-199 Organization type Research Short description (main research activities) The Institute of Biology was founded in 1951 as a research institution of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. In 1997, the Institute joined the University of Latvia as an independent research unit. Presently, the Institute embraces 10 research laboratories. Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) Expertise offered The nutrient composition of foodstuffs and feed additives (crude and digestive protein, amino acids, fat, fiber, all vitamins, macro and trace elements) is determined using chemical methods, chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometry etc. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology;physiology and genetics of producers of organic substances; metabolism regulation and bioenergetics of producers of organic substances; microorganism metabolism under extreme environmental conditions;research of microbial storage products; food and biofuel biotechnology. Expertise offered Isolation and characteristisc of microorganisms with biodegradation activity on soil and water pollutants included organic compounds; optimization of microorganisms physiological activity under different extreme conditions; microbial synthesis of biodegradable polymers and evaluation of its biodegradation level. Target partner (expertise) Research institutes, universities, SMEs with expertise in biotecnnological approaches in biodegradation of soil and waste water pollutants; in investigation of environmental extreme conditions influence on the physiology of pollutant degrading microbial population; physiology of PHA accumulating microorganisms, biodegradable polymeric materials. International cooperation and partnership Lund University, Goteborg University, Sweden; Vlaamse instelling voor technologisch onderzoek, Mol, Belgium. International projects (last 5 years) Multifunctional permeable barriers carrying well-performing microbial biofilms for treatment of mixed pollutant plumes under acronym “Multibarrier”, EU contribution, 2001-2006, subcontractor. Target partner (expertise) Research groups preparing projects on thematic areas: T5.4.1.3. Improving the quality and safety of ready-to-eat products and semi-prepared foodstuffs by the exploitation of new and innovative technologies. International cooperation and partnership No International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 26 Nadezhda Berzina 3 Miera Str., Salaspils LV 2169, Latvia +371 7945401 +371 7944986 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Irina Krallish Kronvald bulv., 4, Riga LV 1586, Latvia +371 7034889 +371 7034885 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 27 Latvia Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr. Ina Alsina, head of research division. Main researchers and expertise Armands Krauze, Msc. Organization type Research Organization type Research Organization size >250 Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Latvia University of Agriculture provides education, research, extension and continuing studies in agriculture, forestry, food technology, veterinary medicine, civil and environmental engineering, economics, education, social sciences and information. Short description (main research activities) Latvia University of Agriculture provides education, research, extension and continuing studies in agriculture, forestry, food technology, veterinary medicine, civil and environmental engineering, economics, education, social sciences and information. Expertise offered Risk factors, risk assessment and management in agriculture Plant protection Forage quality Food processing Apiculture. Expertise offered Apiculture. Target partner (expertise) Research groups preparing projects on topics: – STREP – Improving the quality and safety of ready-to-eat products and semi-prepared foodstuffs by the exploitation of new and innovative technologies. Target partner (expertise) Research groups preparing projects on topics: – STREP – Sustainable apiculture and honey production. International cooperation and partnership Estonian Agricultural University Lithuanian University of Agriculture Lithuanian Veterinary Academy Swedish University of Agricultural sciences University of Helsinki. International projects (last 5 years) No answer. International cooperation and partnership Estonian Agricultural University Lithuanian University of Agriculture Lithuanian Veterinary Academy The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark Swedish University of Agricultural sciences University of Helsinki Uppsala university. International projects (last 5 years) Participation in 5th and 6th Framework programme projects: 1. An European Commission-funded Thematic network ECO-PAC Recyclable and biodegradable eco-efficient packaging solutions for the food industry, Contract Nr QLK1-CT2001-01823. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 28 Ina Alsina Liela str. 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia +3713005685 +3713005685 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Armands Krauze Liela str. 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia +3713005677, +3719591933 +3713005685 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 29 Latvia Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Inara Turka Dr. habil. agr., Prof. Biruta Bankina Dr. biol., Main researchers and expertise Mintauts Abolins Dr. agr., asoc. Prof. Organization type Research Organization type Research Organization size >250 Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) The objective of the research work is to investigate biological peculiarities of those pathogens, which survive in soil or plant residue to reduce crop plant infection potential and forecast risk of diseases in crop plants. Short description (main research activities) Every year fruit plant nurseries produce more and more high quality plantings material. Mainly it succeeds, but sometimes not. The possible reason may be incompatibility between graft and rootstock. Expertise offered Biology of soil-borne pathogens, their influence on crop production. Expertise offered Cranberries and blueberries research. Target partner (expertise) Research groups preparing projects on topics – STREP – Improving the quality and safety of ready-to-eat products and semi-prepared foodstuffs by the exploitation of new and innovative technologies. Target partner (expertise) – STREP – Improving the quality and safety of ready-to-eat products and semi-prepared foodstuffs by the exploitation of new and innovative technologies. International cooperation and partnership Estonian Agricultural University Lithuanian University of Agriculture The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark Swedish University of Agricultural sciences. International cooperation and partnership Yes International projects (last 5 years) Decision Support Systems for Integrate Management. International projects (last 5 years) I. Growth rhythm investigations of apple trees grafting components II. Cranberry growing technologies. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 30 Contact details Inara Turka, Biruta Bankina Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plan Biology and Protection, Liela 2, Jelgava, LV 3001, Latvia +371 30 21998 +371 30 27238 [email protected], [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Mintauts Abolins Faculty of Agriculture Department of Horticulture, Liela iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia +371 30 05630 +371 30 0563 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 31 Latvia Latvian Plant Protection Research Centre, State Ltd Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Maija Eihe, Dr. agric. Olga Treikale, Dr. biol. Ilze Priekule, Ilze Apenite, Organization type Research Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) LPPRC is conducting research in main plant protection areas: • studies of species composition, biology and evaluation of harmful organisms (plant diseases, pests, weeds) in field crops, field vegetables, fruit and glasshouse crops • laboratory screening of new substances and evaluation of biological efficacy • elaboration of new methods for evaluation of disease resistance • efficacy testing of plant protection products and methods of application • developing applied plant protection schedules for different crops • working out and testing new Integrated Plant Protection Technologies, including on PC and Internet based forecasting and recommendation models for precise and reduced pesticide usage. Expertise offered Research staff of LPPRC is providing a high potential for expertise in identification of plant harmful organisms. There is accumulated long-term experience in pesticide biological efficacy testing. Accordingly to the requirements of plant protection policy in Europe about decrease of pesticide use there is carried out research on efficacy of optimised or reduced pesticide dosages – control of cereal diseases, potatoes late blight, weeds in cereals, apple scab. Testing, adaptation to Latvian conditions and expertise of PC and Internet based DSS has been carried out in from 2000. Its works objectives are also preparation and dissemination of information about crop protection products and crop protection schedules to promote their adoption in the agricultural practice; preparation of informative, analytical and methodical materials on plant protection problems in agriculture for State Plant Protection Service and Ministry of Agriculture. Target partner (expertise) LPPRS has interest to collaborate with partner institution in projects on plant diseases (mainly cereals, orchards, pests in cranberries and other agricultural crops, weeds in different agricultural crops and invasive weeds. We have interest to work out a project on fusarium head blight of cereales. International cooperation and partnership Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. International projects (last 5 years) LPPRC is currently participating in the project “EVK2-CT-2001-00128 Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) a pernicious invasive weed: development of a sustainable strategy for alien plant management in Europe” financed by the FP 5. 2003-2005, partner. 32 Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Latvia Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Ilze Priekule Lielvardes iela 36/38 Riga LV-1006 Latvia +371 7551501 +371 7551226 [email protected] No Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 33 Latvia Pure Horticultural Research Station Information of organization Latvia Research Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine “Sigra” Main researchers and expertise Andris Bite Dr Agr Liga Lepse Dr Agr. Information of organization Organization type Research Main researchers and expertise Organization size 10-49 Dr.habil.agr. Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs, Janis Bluzmanis, Inese Zitare, Dr.biol. Janis Miculis, Dr.agr. Reimars Kaugers, Egils Ramins, Dr.agr. Alfreds Stira, Dr.agr. Janis Nudiens, Dr.agr. Vera Krastina, Dr.agr. Ira Vitina, Dr.agr. Didzus Strautmanis. Short description (main research activities) Fruit and vegetable growing technologies (including biological production), testing of cultivars, biotechnology, horticultural plant propagation, maintaining of collections, studies on local genetic resources. Organization type Research Organization size 50-99 Expertise offered Research on fruits and vegetables, plant propagation, biotechnology, genetic resources. Short description (main research activities) Target partner (expertise) Research institutions, laboratories, processing enterprises, plant nurseries, fruit and vegetable growers. International cooperation and partnership Collaboration agreements with Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Michurinsk Agrarian Academy (Russia), Genbank Obst Dresden-Pillnitz (Germany), Russian Fruit Breeding Institute, Russian Fruit Breeding and Nursery Technological Institute,Michurin Russian Institute for Fruit Growing, Institute for Fruit Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belorus. Members of ISHS, MEIOSIS Ltd. (UK). Research Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine “Sigra” of the Latvia University of Agriculture includes three Scientific Departments and Biochemical Laboratory accredited by Latvia National Bureau of Accreditation. Scientists of institution carry out investigations for elaborating scientifically motivated basic conceptions for the production and processing of animal products to ensure obtaining of high quality, healthy, harmless, and visually attractive products. In this process, risk factors of food production are determined. Investigations cover the whole technological chain from farm to table. Expertise offered Research areas: Animals feed quality and breeding. Qualitative grass feed production and domestic animals feeding. Food quality and animals health. Domestic animals disaeses prevention and treatment. Biochemical and microbiological investigations. Milk and milk productions quality. Sustainable agriculture. Utilization of food and feed wastes. International projects (last 5 years) 1. Partner in International Project “International Ecological Investigation Programme about Evaluation of Intensive Apple Orchard Types on Dwarf Rootstocks”. Duration: from 1993-continued. Selffinanced. 2. Coordinator of International Project “Baltic Fruit Rootstock Studies”. Duration: from 1999continued. Selffinanced. 3. Partner in Project SI-002 “Promotion of Durable Cooperation between Latvian and Lithuanian Fruit Growers for Sustainable Development of Horticulture/BALTHORT”. Duration: March of 2005-August of 2006. European Regional Development Fund INTERREG IIIA. Target partner (expertise) Consortia preparing project proposals on corresponding topics. International cooperation and partnership Iowa State University (USA) Sweden Agricultural University International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk prevention (Italy) Estonian Agricultural University Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. International projects (last 5 years) 6th Framework Programme project “Chemical Food Safety Network for the enlarging Europe”. Contract No FOOD-CT-2004-513988 SAFEFOODNET, partner of project. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 34 Liga Lepse Pures DIS, Abavas-2, Pure, Tukuma raj. LV-3124, Latvia +371 31 91 271 +371 81 263 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs Instituta Street, 1 Sigulda, LV-2150, Latvia +371 7976074 +371 7976655 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 35 Latvia State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute Latvia Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr. agr. Sanita Zute, Dr. biol. Ina Belicka, Dr. sc. Ievina Sturite. Organization type Research Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) The State Stende Cereal Breeding Institute was founded in 1922. The main research activities: • Maintenance of cereal crop genetic resources • Developing varieties of cereal crops • Elaboration of field crop growing technologies • Field crop varieties maintenance, breeder seed and pre-basic seed production • Organic management methods • Summarizing and disseminating information obtained at the result of research. Expertise offered Area of interests: • Development of new varieties of cereal crops – spring and winter wheat, spring barley (hulled and hulless) and oat (hulled and naked), variety models for conventional and organic management systems • New plant breeding methods including biotechnological ones • Production cereal crops with improved composition and characteristics that will satisfy the proven needs of consumers, procesors and producers • Genotype-environmental interaction for different traits • Cereal grain quality for different end-uses • Growing technologies for conventional agriculture: sowing rates and time, optimal pesticides and fertilizer rates, their use efficiency for different field crops (cereals, rape, potatoes, clover, green manure crops). Organic management methods and agro technical measures (crop rotation); requirements for organic cereal seed production (including seed rate, sowing time, seed-borne diseases, weed control and plant protection methods). Target partner (expertise) Research groups corresponding topics. International cooperation and partnership Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute, Estonia; Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Plant Breeding Centre, Lithuania; Danish Institute of Agricultural Science, Research Centre Flakkebjerg, Denmark; Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd., Finland; ICARDA; CIMMYT. International projects (last 5 years) Project FP-2003-SSA-1-007003 ENVIRFOOD. “Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production”. Duration 12 month, funded by EC. Coordinator: Dr. biol. Ina Belicka. Ina Belicka, Sanita Zute, Ievina Sturite p.o. Dizstende LV-3258, Talsi district, Latvia +371 3291288 +371 3291288 [email protected] Ê 36 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 37 Poland Poland Agricultural University in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Plant Physiology Department The physiology of plant development, physiology of crop yield, plant tissue cultures application and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques is also of our interest. We offer analytical and research methods: a) Professional plant growth analysis, b) Assay of plant injury, c) Biochemical assays of oxidative stress, antioxidative response, and plant antioxidant status, d) Biochemical assays of the activity of major photosynthetic, antioxidative and phenylpropanoid pathway enzymes, e) Measurement of plant photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration (infrared gas analysis and oxygen electrode), f) Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence, g) Measurements of water balance in plant tissue and soil, h) Molecular techniques (protein and RNA extraction and electrophoresis; blottings), i) Tissue culture. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Prof. dr hab. Wladyslaw Filek (Head of Department), Prof. dr hab. Janusz Koscielniak, Dr hab. Agnieszka Plazek, Dr hab. Marcin Rapacz, Dr Renata BaczekKwinta, Dr Katarzyna Hura, Dr. Ewa Pociecha, Prof. dr hab. Franciszek Dubert (Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences), 3 PhD students. Organization type Education Organization size 10-49 (Department itself) Short description (main research activities) Research area is dealing with the improvement of the resistance of plants to environmental stresses and the quality of raw material used as food and nutraceuticals. Priorities: 1. Physiology and biochemistry of plant response to environmental stresses: drought or waterlogging, winter stress, chilling and high-temperature stress, fungal pathogens (Phoma lingam, Bipolaris sorokiniana), heavy metals, ozone, irradiation. 2. The studies of the level of oxidative damage, plant antioxidant status and antioxidative mechanisms. 3. The physiology of plant development, physiology of crop yield, plant tissue cultures application and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Plants being studied: Cereals (maize, wheat, barley, triticale), medicinal and aromatic plants (German chamomile, lemon balm, basil, sage), oilseed crops (rapeseed), pasture grasses (Festulolium), model plants (maize, ice plant, Arabidopsis). Research work is performed in a cooperation with Institite of Plant Physiology of Polish Academy of Sciences ( Expertise offered 38 The R&D projects would deal with: a) the improvement of the resistance of plants to environmental stresses, b) the quality of raw material used as the resource of food and nutraceuticals. For breeders and plant producers, our techniques would allow selecting the genotypes/cultivars/species of improved resistance to stress factors and of greater productivity. We offer a phytotron chambers and air-conditioned greenhouses which allow to study the plant growth and development in controlled conditions (light, air humidity, temperature). The team of the Department is able to examine the physiology and biochemistry of plant response to environmental stresses (drought or waterlogging, winter stress, chilling and high-temperature stress, fungal pathogens, ozone, heavy metals, irradiation). A special interest is turned toward the oxidative stress triggered by various environmental conditions. We offer the study of the level of oxidative damage, plant antioxidant status and antioxidative mechanisms. Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Target partner (expertise) 1. A scientific partner of similar interest. 2. A commercial partner who is willing to test the own plant material. Both 1 and 2 may be e.g. a plant breeder or a farmer/a company interested in a study of the influence of climatic conditions on plants commercially cultivated and being introduced, in order to select the genotypes/cultivars/species of improved resistance to stress factors and of greater productivity. Other proposals are requested. International cooperation and partnership 1. A member of Scientific Network of Centres of Excellence Q-FOOD NET (Biological Basis of Sustainable Agriculture and of High Quality Food (Seed) Production). 2. Universities: Institute of Grasslands and Environmental Research (IGER), Wales; Experimental Institute for Cereal Research, Section of Fiorenzuola d’Arda (Italy). 3. International companies: Pioneer Hi-Bred Poland. International projects (last 5 years) 2001-2003: Sustainable Grasslands Withstanding Environmental Stresses (SAGES)/ QLK5-CT-2000-0076; a partner. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Dr Renata Baczek-Kwinta ul. Podluzna 3, 30-239 Krakow, Poland +48 12 425 33 01 +48 12 425 33 20 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 39 Poland Avis Naturall Poland Ltd. Poland International projects (last 5 years) Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Ewa Solarska Ph.D. Our firm is interesting in Food safety and food quality of the natural product, from the beginning of plant growth, it means from seeds dressing to food processing of this plant. We are care about safety transport of these product to their last consumer, too. The transport must be free from bacterial, fungi and other diseases, it is main reason for our protection all way of transport. Organization type SME Organization size >10 Short description (main research activities) Avis Naturall Poland is the firm which looking for, studied and produced only natural and ecological different kind of product. These products are have following property: I Stage – Plant protection against bacterial, fungi and viruses diseases in vegetation period, from seeds dressing. This stage provide in ecological agriculture to enlarge of cultivation area and cultivation of problematic type of plant. But, in conventional agriculture provide to reducing of using chemical plant protection products. II Stage – This stage provide to better condition of plant and plant product. From harvest of plant, through keeping in storage and processing of food we are protect all of these product before mildew and other diseases. After that process food have longer period to eat, or process of freezing is easier and cheaper, because we can use only natural component for preservation in place the chemical one. Especially, we take care about processing food and in this take care about human health. III Stage – The next stage concerning sanitary hygiene and disinfection different agents, involving food, accommodations, instruments, transport. The natural product, which we produce, it may be used to disinfection animal breeding or milk processing. IV Stage – In the end of this, knowing that all information about natural products in above applying, we leading experts help and consultancy for other firm and farmers in the agricultural area for better protection of our environmental, involve i.a. plant protection, food safety and efficacy trials. Expertise offered Influence of using natural product on each stage of food production, including growth, protection and transport. Target partner (expertise) Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – Ewa Solarska Ph. D. International cooperation and partnership – – Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Izabela Harmaj-Patalon Swiatowida Street 49 Pasaz Lok. Nr 3, 03-144 Warsaw, Poland +48 22 889 24 50 +48 22 889 24 51 [email protected], [email protected] (under construction) Ê 40 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 41 Poland Poland Agricultural Advisory Centre in Radom Bio-Chic Ltd Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Andrzej Szymanski Main researchers and expertise – Organization type Consultancy Organization type SME Organization size 50-99 Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) Informing people (farmers particularly) about new technology how to obtain European financial support and organic farming dissemination. Short description (main research activities) Expertise offered Cost of production of organic farming (different kind of production). The company mission is qualified outsourcing for small and medium enterprises from the cosmetic – pharmaceutical sectors making adaptation of offered products or service requirements in collaboration with universities and research centers. Bio-Chic prepares quality measures of products and offers microbiological monitoring of production lines and products based on its own laboratory that meets GMP standards. The company has got ISO 9001:2000 certificate in field of specialized microbiological services. Target partner (expertise) Individual farmers, producer group, research institutes. Expertise offered International cooperation and partnership TEAGASC – Irish Agriculture Advisory Institute, Norwegian Institute for organic farming. Microbiological test – products, environment, Presevatives’ efficiency test, Presevatives’ selection (including efficiency test), microbiological monitoring and R&D projects managment. Planning and products development. International projects (last 5 years) PHARE PROGRAMME (several), LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME. Target partner (expertise) The company is interested in projects aiming to develop products from health sector and projects investigating hazards in microbiology potential role in the project: RTD partner or Know-how supplier. International cooperation and partnership The company took part in projects under PHARE fund and prepared a project under FP6. International projects (last 5 years) The Company has an experience in EU projects as coordinator and as a partner. The company has been involved in FP6 project from the area of microbiology but didn’t get enough points to be accepted. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Andrzej Szymanski and Jan Schoenthaler ul. Londynska 62/1, 26-600 Radom, Poland +48 483656925, +48 60914156 +48 483654970 [email protected] Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 42 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Katarzyna Wojcicka Chlodna 56/60, 00-872 Warszawa +48 22 654 15 89 +48 22 661 64 32 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 43 Poland Poland Centre of Applied Biotechnology, Polonia University Confectionery Hildebrand Company general partnership Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Tyrka Miroslaw, PhD, plant genetics and breeding. Main researchers and expertise None Organization type Research Organization type SME Organization size <10 Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) DNA markers (microsatellites, AFLP) for crop (cereals, Fragaria) improvment (fertility restoration, pathogen and cold stress tolerance). Short description (main research activities) Expertise offered Microsatellites and AFLP analyses. Company is the producer of broad range of chocolate products including exclusive chocolates. It also offers occasional products (Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day etc.). Company is one of the biggest on Polish market and has got a chain of stores across the country. Company has got ISO 9001 and HACCP certificates and has been awarded in many national and international competitions. Target partner (expertise) Breeding company. Expertise offered Production of broad range of chocolate products including exclusive chocolates. Potential role in the project: • End-/Pilot-User • RTD partner • Know-how supplier • Training. International cooperation and partnership Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Head Institute of Epidemiology and Resistance in Aschersleben. Target partner (expertise) Modern production technologies, chocolate technology production know-how supplier. International projects (last 5 years) None International cooperation and partnership None International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 44 Miroslaw Tyrka ul. Pulaskiego 4/6 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland +48 34 3684233 +48 34 3249662 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Aleksandra Hildebrand Mickiewicza 2, 64-330 Opalenica, Poland +48 61 44 77 207 +48 61 44 74 279 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 45 Poland Poland Consortium Plant press: Horticultural magazine “Haslo Ogrodnicze” Ecological Farm Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Krystyna Wadzynska Organization type SME Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Piotr Goscilo MSc, information transfers to producers. Organization type Technology Transfer Organization size <10 Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) Redactor of horticultural magazine “Haslo Ogrodnicze” – Plant press Extention service in regard to fruit trees growing. Short description (main research activities) Specialisation in herbs, small fruit-shrubs growing (berries). Vegetables from the families of: solanaceae, cruciffereae and compositeae. Expertise offered Technologies in ecological vegetable growing. Expertise offered Experiences with ecological manures: Planochron, Ekochron, Chronplon. Experience on fruits quality – “Influence of different factors on fruit quality”. Target partner (expertise) RTD: Universities and Research Institution. Target partner (expertise) Different organisation within frame of ecological horticulture. Not yet. International cooperation and partnership Not yet. International cooperation and partnership Not yet. International projects (last 5 years) Not yet. International projects (last 5 years) Contact details Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 46 Piotr Goscilo Nowa Wies 70c/9, 05-660 Warka, Poland +48 667 41 39, +502 546 650, +600 489 557 +48 667 44 43 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Krystyna Wadzynska Aleja Krakowska 37, 05-090 Raszyn Sekocin Nowy, Poland +22 720 25 08 +22 720 25 08 [email protected] Not available Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 47 Poland Faculty of Food Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland International projects (last 5 years) Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Prof. dr hab. Wlodzimierz Bednarski Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Babuchowski Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Dziuba Prof. dr hab. Stefan Ziajka Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Smietana Prof. dr hab. Arnold Reps Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Zadernowski Prof. dr hab. Lucja Fornal Prof. dr hab. Lidia Wadolowska Prof. dr hab. Jan Klobukowski Prof. dr hab. Boguslaw Staniewski Prof. dr hab. Wladyslaw Chojnowski Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Borowski. Organization type Education Organization size 100-199 Short description (main research activities) Research issues of the Faculty • characteristics of components, and improvement of raw materials and food procucts evaluation methods • optimization of traditional methods and development of new technologies and bio-technologies • evaluation of physiological activities of microorganisms in food products, with reference to their application or elimination • production methods and characterization of bio-preparations useful in food technology • characteristics of biological active substances in raw food materials and food products and their interactions • research on functional and nutritional properties of food components and evaluation of their nutritional and healthy value • engineery of unit processes and reseraches on rheological properties of raw materials and foods in technological processes • transport and economy of raw materials, products and energy in food industry • implementation of control systems, as well as food quality and safety assurance systems in production Technologies • utilization of amid and renet whey • improvement of tvarog cheese and cottage cheese technology • modification of milk fat • lipolysis process in dairy products. Expertise offered • Improvement of technical-technological knowledge in food industry environment, • modern equipment, installations and technology for food industry • hygiene of production and processing of animal raw materials • improvement of analytical knowledge in food industry • quality management in food sector, implementation of HACCP system in food sector companies • marketing in food industry and food economy. Target partner (expertise) SMEs, Universities, Research Insitutes. International cooperation and partnership The Faculty cooperate with many scientific and industrial institutions from Poland and abroad. 1999-2001 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN THE POLISH DAIRY AND FISH SECTORS, Funds from PHARE; Partner 2003-2006 Warmia and Mazury Dairy Excellence Center WAMADAIREC; QLK1-CT-2002-30401; Funds from 5Framework Programme; Coordinator 2003-2006 Food in Later Life – Senior Food-QOL; QLK1-CT-2002-02447; Funds from 5 Framework Programme, Partner. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Stefan Ziajka Oczapowski Str. 7, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland +48 89 523 32 77 +48 89 523 34 01 [email protected] Ê 48 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 49 Poland Poland Fruit-Growing Farm Fruit-Growing Farm Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Professional experience in fruit-growing, harvesting and selling. Main researchers and expertise Henryk Frasek, Iwona (M.A) and Jens (M.A) Frasek. Organization type SME Organization type SME Organization size <10 Organization size <10 Short description (main research activities) New technologies in raspberries growing and harvesting. Planning investments and buying combine, building modern storage. Short description (main research activities) Patent: • Spraying technology and equipment for trees and shrubs • expertise in regard to double ennoblement trees • investigation on different types of grasses suitable for ecological orchard • collecting of local types of apple-trees and pear-trees. Expertise offered Experimental field with small fruit plots plus storage facilities. Target partner (expertise) Agricultural Academy of Lublin. Looking for partners in industry and academia. Expertise offered In the range mentioned above. Willing to cooperate with other different institutions. Target partner (expertise) Research institutions dealing with activities mentioned above. International cooperation and partnership Not yet established. International projects (last 5 years) Not yet. International cooperation and partnership International projects (last 5 years) Not yet. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 50 Elzbieta Bula Kol. Swidnik Maly, 20-258 Lublin, Poland +81 7510226 +81 7510137 [email protected] Not available Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Iwona Frasek Powstancow Slaskich 15, 46-042 Szczedrzyk, Poland +77 4202300 Not available [email protected] Not available Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 51 Poland HIMAL (SME) Poland International projects (last 5 years) Information of organization Beneficient of PHARE-STRUDER (European Union pre-accesion fund). Contact details Main researchers and expertise Ryszard Chudzik (chemistry engineer). Organization type SME Organization size <10 Short description (main research activities) Ecological plant protection products. Expertise offered 1. Optimalisation of food products obtained by ecological methods (organic farms). Reduction of the use of chemical substances which are harmful for useful soil microorganisms. 2. Reduction of the use of plant protection measures which are harmful for health and environment through replacing them with new plant protecting measures which can be used in ecological farming. These new measures should be composed of raw materials of plant origin. 3. It will allow the existence of useful microorganisms. To achieve this goal tests on plants of several new ecological plant protection measures are needed. These tests should include the following integrated activity: 1) Fighting against fungi and bacteria diseases 2)Preventive and intervention actions against pests (including mostly insects). The effect of anti pests measures should be double: a) repellent b) contact fighting The best would be if the test of effects against diseases and insects could be combined. The budget will depend on the number of participants and scope of research which will be conducted. Target partner (expertise) a) Research institutes involved in plant protection from: Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia and Ukraine which can test measures in agriculture (ecologically oriented). It concerns domestic plants typical for a given country. For such plants it is economically justified to use a measure at the price level from 2 to 6 Euro with a delusion to concentration 1-2% and 2 to 3 interventions. b) Research institutes involved in plant protection from the Netherlands, which can manage the following activities: I. Tests on ornamental flowers II. And/or managing the budget III. And/ or laboratory measurements of the effectiveness of new measures against fungi and bacteria diseases (microbiological method) and insects (laboratory method). The last measurements can select 1 or 2 most effective measures among 5 or 6 prepared. c) Research institutes involved in plant protection from countries such as: Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Rumania, which have capacities to test measures on warm climate plants, typical for a given country. International cooperation and partnership a) Institute of Vegetables Skierniewice – Poland b) Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice – Poland c) organic farms – Poland. 52 Poland Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Chudzik Ryszard 91-116 Lodz ul. Traktorowa 17 B Poland +48 42 652 19 61 +48 42 652 19 61 [email protected] Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 53 Poland Poland Horticultural Farm Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Jerzy Stodolny Main researchers and expertise Prof. Ewa Solarska Organization type SME Organization type Research Organization size <10 Organization size Short description (main research activities) Ornamental plants, bioenergy plants (Miskantus), in vitro plant laboratory. Expertise offered Horticultural production, in vitro plant tissue culture. Target partner (expertise) RTD: Universities and Research Institution. International cooperation and partnership Trade with EU countries. International projects (last 5 years) Not yet. Short description (main research activities) The organization of research in Institute is based on a continuous review of the needs of the end-user such as government agencies, advisory centres, farmers’ organizations and policy makers. Present activity of the Institute is represented by the programme “Sustainable development of crop production and management of agricultural area of Poland” including two major areas of interest: • crop sciences • agroenvironmental and soil sciences. The first area of the Institute interest is related to management at the farm level and is mainly focused on the implementation of the best management practices, improving farming efficiency and the quality of agro-products. This includes studies on organization and management of organic farms. Intensive education activities in this area are carried out on the regional and country scales in co-operation with other scientific institutions. The second area of the Institute interest is related to needs concerning protection of rural environment, agricultural policy and strategy of rural development. Expertise offered Working-up of biological methods of Verticillium wilt control on hops Obtaining of virus and viroid free hops Estimation of health status of agricultural plants growing in organic production system Biological control of diseases and pests on agricultural plants. Target partner (expertise) SMEs, company: AVIS NATURAL POLAND LTD. International cooperation and partnership Agricultural Research Institute in Zalec (Slovenia), Hop Research Institute in Zatec (Czech Republic), Hop Research Institute in Hull (Germany). International projects (last 5 years) No answer. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Jerzy Stodolny Kurochowska 3, 63-430 Odolanow, Poland +62 733 17 56 Not available Not available Not available Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 54 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Ewa Solarska 24-100 Pulawy Czartoryskich 8 Poland +48 81 8863421 ext. 332 +48 81 8864547 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 55 Poland Poland Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG) Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr Arkadiusz Tujaka Organization type Research Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Present activity of the Institute includes two major areas of interest: • crop sciences • agroenvironmental and soil sciences. The first area of the Institute interest is related to management at the farm level and is mainly focused on the implementation of the best management practices, improving farming efficiency and the quality of agro-products. This includes studies on organization and management of organic farms. Intensive education activities in this area are carried out on the regional and country scales in co-operation with other scientific institutions. The second area of the Institute interest is related to needs concerning protection of rural environment, agricultural policy and strategy of rural development. Expertise offered Qualitative and quantitative assessment of raw plant material derived from organic farming system Monitoring of different additives used in organic farming Assessment of chemical degradation of soil Agricultural implications of different wastes enriched with heavy metals Advancement of soil phosphorus management and fertilization. Target partner (expertise) Research and Development institutions and SMEs specialized in similar activities, any country. International cooperation and partnership No defined. International projects (last 5 years) No defined. 56 Prof. Seweryn Kukula, Prof. Stanislaw Krasowicz, Prof. Wieslaw Oleszek, Prof. Barbara Maliszewska-Kordybach, Prof. Jan Kus, Asst. Prof. Jerzy Ksiezak, Dr Teresa Doroszewska, Dr Janusz Igras, Dr Jerzy Grabinski, Dr Krzysztof Domaradzki. Organization type Research Organization size <250 Short description (main research activities) The fundamental goal of the Institute is to provide scientific grounds for development of crop production as well as supply methods to prevent agricultural ecosystems. Expertise offered 1. Methods and indexes to assess threats to agricultural environment. 2. Use of the integrated information system on agricultural space to indicate the areas useful for the production of plant materials that are safe for the health of people and animals. Target partner (expertise) R&D institution Country: Any country. International cooperation and partnership Center for Agricultural Landscape and Land Use Research (ZALF) – Muncheberg (Germany), Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences – Tjele (Denmark), Institute of Agriculture of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences – Chabany (Ukraine). International projects (last 5 years) • EC Centre of Excellence Protection of Land and Water Quality and Sustainable Development of Rural Areas) – PROLAND – 2003-2006 – coordinator • Assessment and reduction of heavy metal input into agro-ecosystems. Contact details Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Main researchers and expertise Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Prof. Seweryn Kukula, Director General IUNG, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Pulawy, Poland +48 81 886 4960 +48 81 886 45 47 [email protected] Arkadiusz Tujaka 24-100 Pulawy Czartoryskich 8 Poland +48 81 8863421 ext. 232 +48 81 8864547 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 57 Poland Poland Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences • The Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research (SC-DLO), Wageningen, Holandia • Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia • Institute of Basic Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia • Institute of Agrophysics RAAS, Petersburg, Russia • National Academy of Agriculture in Irkuck, Russia • Institute of Hydrology Sloval Academy of Sciences, Bratislawa, Slovak Republic • The Slovak University of Agriculture Faculty of Agricultural Engineering in Nitra, Slovak Republic • Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology CSIC, Sevilla, Spain • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden • Cranfield University, Silsoe College, Land Resources Division, UK • Institute of Ecology of the Karpatian National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lwów, Ukraine • Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Charków, Ukraine • The Lviv State Agrarian University in Lviv-Dubljany, Ukraine • Dept. of Agricultural Eng., Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, USA • Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise prof. Ryszard Walczak Organization type SME Organization size 100-199 Short description (main research activities) Agrophysics is a branch of applied physics, which investigates the properties of materials and processes involved in the production and processing of agricultural products. In particular, it deals with the relationship between soil-plant-atmosphere and soil-plant-machine-agricultural products, with special focus on the state of natural environment and the quality of raw materials and food products. The main areas of agrophysical activity: • Environmental physics • Physics of plant materials • Agrophysical metrology • Computer modelling and simulations. Expertise offered Monitoring systems Processing of agricultural products Physical methods of evaluation of food quality Food powder characterisation for efficient and reliable processing and handling Physical and physicochemical methods of evaluation of the soil conditions for sustainable agriculture. Target partner (expertise) Agro and food industry, Scientific organizations. International cooperation and partnership • Institute of Soil Science University of Agricultural Sciences, Wien, Austria • Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology National Academy of Science of Belarus • Universiteit Gent, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Department of Soil Management and Soil Care Division of Soil Physics, Belgium • Dept. of Agro-Engineering Katholic University of Leuven, Belgium • N. Poushkarov Institute of Soil and Agroecology Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria • University of Guelph, Ontario Agricultural College, School of Engineering, Canada • Department of Mc Gill University, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Quebec, Canada • Institute of Soil Science, ChAN, Nankin, China • Physics Department Czech University of Agriculture, Prague, Czech Republic • Agricultural Chemistry and Physics, Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Agriculture, Helsinki, Finland • Institut für Okologie, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany • Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany • Center for Agricultural Landscape and Land Use Research, Müncheberg, Germany • Faculty of Architecture, Technical University, Dresden, Germany • Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, WAN, Budapeszt, Hungary • Institute of Agricultural Engineering CNR, Turyn, Italy • Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel • Laboratory of Soil Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan • Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan International projects (last 5 years) FAIR5-CT97-3589 Experiences With the Impact of Subsoil Compaction on Soil, Crop Growth and Environment and Ways to Prevent Subsoil Compaction. Coordination: Netherlands; 1998-2000 • INCO-Copernicus ERB IC15-CT980125 (DG12-CDPE). Experiences With the Impact of Subsoil Compaction on Soil Nutrition, Crop Growth and Environment and Ways to Prevent Subsoil Compaction. Coordination: Netherlands; 1998-2001 • 5 Framework Programme EC: INSUMAT. Competitive and Sustainable Growth. Development of Specially Designed Insulation Materials for Building Renovation. Coordination: Germany; 2000-2003 • 5 Framework Programme EC: ACCELERATES. Assessing Climate Change Effects on Land Use in Central and Eastern European Countries. Coordination: Belgium; 2002-2004 • Programme EC: COST Action 623. Soil Erosion and Global Change. Coordination: France; 2002-2006 • Programme EC: COST Action 634. On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion. Coordination: France; 2004-2007 • PL-MOC NETWORK, MOBI-CT-2004003746. Polish Network of Mobility Information Centres; 2004-2007. • Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture, AGROPHYSICS; QLK5-CT-2002-30428; 2003-2006. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Ewelina Hallmann ul. Nowoursynowska 159c 02-767 Warsaw Poland +22 59 370 35 – [email protected] – Ê 58 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 59 Poland Poland Institute of Biopolimers and Chemical Fibres 3. Nato SfP No 97-2949 “Thermoresistant Polyester Fibres and Resins”, EU, partner 4. “The European Polysaccharide Network”, acronym: EPNOE, EU, partner. 5. “Biomedical Textiles from Dibutyrylochitin and Chitin”, acronym: CHITOMED, EU, partner. 6. Action COST 847: “Textile Quality and Biotechnology”, EU, partner. 7. “Advanced Chitosan Modified Proactive Biobased Cheese Packing”, acronym: NAS – BIOPACK, EU, partner 8. “Biotechnological Process for Manufacturing Cellulosic Products with Added Value”, acronym: BIOCELSOL, EU, partner. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Danuta Ciechanska, Ph.D – biotechnology Tadeusz Antczak, Ph.D D.Sc – biotechnology Antoni Niekraszewicz, Ph.D – materials for agriculture and food application, biomaterials Dariusz Wawro, Ph.D – technology of processing different natural polymers into fibres, films. Organization type Research Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) The R&D works conducted at Institute can be split into three main groups:natural polymers and fibres, synthetic polymers and fibres, biomaterials and biotechnology. Institute is active in manufacture and applications of special polymers and manmade fibres for medicine and hygiene products, agriculture like plant care and protection, commodity textiles with special out-fit (antibacterial, antifungal, antimite). Expertise offered Modification and application of natural and synthetic polymers e.g. cellulose, chitin, chitosan, starch, alginates, polyamides, polyesters, polyolefines. Classical, modified and novel chemical fibres from natural and synthetic polymers like cellulose, chitosan, alginates, proteins, keratin, polyamides, polyesters and polyolefines. New technologies for the manufacture of cellulosic fibres like fibre-forming from cellulose derivatives solution and from a cellulose direct soluble in alkalis. Biomaterials mainly for uses in medicine, agriculture and technics. Special fibres and fibrous materials biotechnological methods for synthesis and processing of polymers. Application of special polymeric materials in environment protection, agriculture and technics. Manufacture of cellulose foil for packaging applications. Manufacture of sausage casings. Target partner (expertise) Institute offers the technology for producing fluorescent indicators for microbiological quality check of food products. We are looking for partners interested in applications of these bioindicators. International cooperation and partnership Tampere University of Technology, Finland University of Potsdam, Germany Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia Ahlstrom Research and Services, France VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Spolsin, spol.s.r.o. Czech Republik Oy Visco Ab, Finland CEMEF, ARMINES-Ecole des Mines de Paris Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Germany University of Graz, Austria Thurinhische Institut furTextil und Kunststoff Forschung, Germany. International projects (last 5 years) 1. Action COST 628: “Life-cycle assessment of textile products, eco-efficiency and definition of best available technology (BAT) of textile processing.”, EU, partner. 2. “New Environmentally Friendly Technology for High Added Value Cellulose – Chitosan Three Dimensional Objects”, acronym: NAS – SPONGE, EU, partner. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Danuta Ciechanska Sklodowskiej-Curie 19/27 90-570 Lodz, Poland +48 42 6376744 +48 42 6376214 [email protected] Ê 60 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 61 Poland Institute for Building, Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture Information of organization Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Main researchers and expertise Prof. Waclaw Romaniuk Dr eng. Grzegorz Fiedorowicz. Organization type Research Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) 1. Mechanization of animal production. 2. Technology of animal production, including main operations – milking, feeding, manure removing and management – elaboration of technological standards. 3. Research of exploitation of biogas device. Expertise offered 1. Technical projects of biogas device. 2. Technical projects of removing and storage of manure. 3. Measuring of internal microclimate’s parameters in farm livestock 4. Elaborating of technological standards in animal production according to EU requirements and legislation. Target partner (expertise) Research – science institute which main activity is research in biogas devices, manure removing and storage. To other projects – research institute in agriculture (animal production, microclimate in housing for animals). International cooperation and partnership 1. Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, Skejby, Denmark 2. Russian ScienceResearch Institute for Animal Production, Podolsk near Moscow, Russia 3. North – West Science – Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Sankt Petersburg, Russia 3. Belarus Science – Research Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture Minsk, Belarus, 4. Institute für Agrartechnik – Bornim/ Potsdam, Germany 5. Wageningen University &Research Centre, Nederlands. International projects (last 5 years) 1995-1997 – International project – EUREKA – EU 1241 ANAEROBTREAT – realized by IBMER, BIOMET (Sweden) and Biological Research Centre Hungarian Science Academy – it was new technology for organic waste utilization by methane fermentation called “BIOMET-IBMER-EUROTECHNOLOGY” elaborated. 2002-2003 – MATRESA – number of contract: QLKS-200-30020 – “Processing strategies for farm livestock manures to enable maximize nutrient use with minimum environmental problems – water/air/soil pollution, disease risk and odour nuisance” Project Acronym: MATRESA (Manure TREatment Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture); Source of funds – European Commission, Polish National Budget. 2002-2004 project “FARM STANDARDS” PL/IB/2001/AG/03 (PHARE PL01.04.03, 7 handbooks was elaborated: technological systems (standards) for pigs, cattle, poultry, horses, sheep, manure storage and feed storage and 3 catalogs with construction examples: cattle, pig, poultry; Source of funds – PHARE and Polish National Budget. 62 Poland Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Prof. dr hab. eng. Waclaw Romaniuk Department for Mechanization of Animal Production Rakowiecka Str. 32 02-532 Warsaw Poland +48 22 849 32 31 +48 22 849 63 90 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 63 Poland Poland Military Institute of Hygiene & Epidemiology of Defence of Czech Army in Hradec Kralove 3. Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology fo Slovak Army in Bratislava 4. US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Information of organization International projects (last 5 years) Main researchers and expertise Jerzy Bertrandt, Associate Profesor Anna Klos, Associate Profesor. Organization type Research Organization size 100-199 Short description (main research activities) • Carrying out research, developmental, diagnostic, prophylactic, and training activities as well as providing expertise and services in the fields of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology, radiobiology, applied physiology, physiology of nutrition, veterinary sciences, and radiation protection with special emphasis on health risks of and defense against biological, chemical, and radiological/nuclear weapons • participation in the development of systems of detection, identification, and countering of biological, chemical, and radiological contaminations of the environment • participation in prevention against and management of health injuries caused by natural and industrial disasters and catastrophes • examinations of bio-medical effects of and development of protective measures against highly dangerous biological pathogens and toxins • examinations of bio-medical effects of and development of protective measures against dangerous chemical compounds and preparations • examinations of biomedical effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation with special emphasis on low-level exposures • assessment of the radiological hazards and compliance with the rules of radiation protection in and around units utilizing sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation • examinations of the physical fitness and elaboration of methods of its increase in the military personnel with special emphasis on the physically demanding services • assessment of the quality of food hygiene and elaboration of methods of its improvement and studies on the physiology of nutrition of the military in the garrison and in the field • functioning as the reference center for defense against biological weapons and certain aspects of toxicology and radiological protection • participation in national and international security systems against biological, chemical, and radiological threats. Expertise offered 1. Evaluation of the overweight and obesity occurrence in young men from Polish population with reference to their pattern of consumption taking into account tradition and eating habits. 2. Estimation of the disturbances ccurrence in the mineralisation of the skeleton (osteopenia, osteoporosis) in young men and the calcium supply in their daily diets. Target partner (expertise) Coordinator in 5.4.2. International cooperation and partnership 1. Institut fur Ernahrungswissenschafen Lehrstuhl fur Ernahrungsphysiologie Fridrich-Schller University – Jena 2. Faculty of Military Health Sciences University 64 None Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Jerzy Bertrandt 4 Kozielska Street, Warsaw, Poland +48 22 6853134 +48 22 6853134 [email protected] Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 65 Poland Poland Michalscy Confectionery Catering Natural Sciences University in Wroclaw Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise None Main researchers and expertise Management and marketing, international cooperation, genetics, plant breeding (especially maize breeding), pedagogy Katarzyna Dmochowska-Huba, Master of Science. Organization type SME Organization size 10-49 Organization type Education Short description (main research activities) Company produces and sales confectionery products. Company’s investments are focused on production site: modern machines and appliances necessary for production. Cake production technology is up to european standards. Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Doctoral studies: estimation of initial plant material in maize breeding, heterosis, observation of maize lines and hybrids, statistical analysis of data. Expertise offered Production and sales confectionery products. Catering services. Target partner (expertise) The company is interested in modern production machines investment. Expertise offered Organization and coordination of project actions: conferences, workshops and professional trainings. International cooperation and partnership None Target partner (expertise) Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute in Radzikow, Institute of Plant Genetics in Poznan, Plant Breeding and Seed Production Companies. French, Ukrainian and Hungarian universities, research institutes and production firms. None International cooperation and partnership International projects (last 5 years) International projects (last 5 years) Participation in two CICSA (Crop Improvement Centre for Sustainable Agriculture) workshops, 4 month practice in CICSA project in Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute in Radzikow. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 66 Aneta Kielczykowska Radzikowskiego 37, 31-315 Krakow, Poland +48 12 637 73 35 +48 12 638 44 36 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Katarzyna Dmochowska-Huba Plac Grunwaldzki 24 A 50-363 Wroclaw Poland +71 320 18 42, +660 272 687 +71 320 1828 [email protected], [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 67 Poland PFO Vetos-Farma sp. z o.o. Information of organization Poland Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Apiculture Division Main researchers and expertise Piotr Okoniewski DVM, Krystyna Gromek DPham. Information of organization Organization type SME Main researchers and expertise Organization size 50-99 Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Skowronek, prof. dr hab. Wit Chmielewski, doc. dr hab. Mieczyslaw Bilinski, dr Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, dr Teresa Szczesna, dr Malgorzata Bienkowska, dr Krystyna Pohorecka, dr Zbigniew Koltowski, dr Piotr Skubida. Short description (main research activities) Veterinary pharmaceutical factory with modernist and largest research laboratory for veterinary drug residue and bioequivalent in Poland. Organization type Research Organization size 10-49 Expertise offered Veterinary drugs and xenobiotics residue analysis on HPLC, ASS, MS/MS. Short description (main research activities) The Apiculture Division in Pulawy is part of the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice. Research activities: bee breeding and biology, apiary management methods, testing of the composition and quality of the entire range of bee products, importance of bees and other insects as crop pollinators. In 2004 in Apiculture Division was establish Bee Products Quality Laboratory aimed at analyses of chemical and biological contaminations and development of new methods for quality control of bee products. Expertise offered • Bee breeding • Improvement of bee products collection, conservation and storage • Introduction of bumblebee and wild bees for plant pollination • Extension of research results among growers and horticultural societies • Quality control ob bee products according Codex Alimentarius and the European Union Standards. Target partner (expertise) Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Skowronek, prof. dr hab. Wit Chmielewski, doc. dr hab. Mieczyslaw Bilinski, dr Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, dr Teresa Szczesna, dr Malgorzata Bienkowska, dr Krystyna Pohorecka, dr Zbigniew Koltowski, dr Piotr Skubida (expertise as above). International cooperation and partnership Cooperation with national network of research, and with educational and extension institutions in Poland and in many countries in the world. Target partner (expertise) International cooperation and partnership Dep. of Pharmacology Vet. Faculty AR Wroclaw (Poland), Biotechnology Dep. of Wroclaw University (Poland), DNDKI Lvov Research Institute for Vet drugs and Feed Additives (Ukraine). International projects (last 5 years) No one. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Piotr Okoniewski 58-260 Bielawa ul. Dzierzoniowska 21 Poland +48 606 389 130, +48 74 83 34 565 +48 74 83 35 669 [email protected] International projects (last 5 years) Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 68 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Dr Teresa Szczesna Kazimierska 2 Str., 24-100 Pulawy, Poland +48 81 886 42 08 +48 81 886 42 09 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 69 Poland Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture Poland Contact details Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Prof. dr hab. Edward Zurawicz – pomology, genetics, top and small fruit breeding, Dr. Lidia Sas Paszt – sustainable management of fruit production, innovative, efficient and economic production techniques. Dr. M. Cieslinska, Dr. B. Komorowska – plant virology, detection, identification and characterization of virus phytoplasma diseases of fruit trees and small fruit using biological, serological and molecular methods. Organization type Research Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture is a governmental research organization and equal opportunity employer. Creative breeding of fruit trees and bushes, especially apple rootstocks, apple cultivars, blackcurrants and strawberries. Plant nutrition and pro-ecological nutrient management strategies in fruit crops, rhizosphere and root research. Applying of molecular methods for detection and identification viruses and virus-like pathogens of fruit trees and small fruits -cDNA library of some fruit trees viruses, (ACLSV, CGRMV, CNRMV, CMLV, LChV, SMoV, GVBV). Expertise offered Creative breeding of fruit crop plants, plant physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, phytopathology, entomology, pro-ecological nutrient management strategies, sustainable fruit production, plant nutrition, rhizosphere and root research, protection of genetic resources, detection, identification, biological, molecular and serological characterization of plant viruses, phytoplasmas and viroids. Target partner (expertise) Professors E. Zurawicz, P. Sobiczewski, W. Plocharski, R. Olszak, L. Michalczuk, J. Nowak, L. Orlikowski, Dr. L. Sas Paszt, Dr. M. Cieslinska, Dr. B. Komorowska. International cooperation and partnership The Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture (RIPF) cooperates with national network of research, and with educational and extension institutions in Poland and in many countries in the world. International projects (last 5 years) 1. Research Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Pomology “Pomo Centre”, 2003-2004 (Coordination), 2. HIDRAS – High-quality Disease Resistant Apples for Sustainable Agriculture, 2003-2006 (Partnership) 3. BFPs CRAFT Ensuring the Quality of Innovative Crop Growth Inputs Derived from Biological Raw Materials, 2004-2006 (Coordination), 4. ISAFRUIT Increasing Fruit Consumption Through a Trans Disciplinary Approach Leading to High Quality Produce from Environmentally Safe, Sustainable Methods, 2006-2010 (Partnership). 5. ESoF, Developing the Entrepreneurial Skills of Farmers, 2004-2007 (Partnership). Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Agnieszka Pelka 58-260 Bielawa ul. Dzierzoniowska 21 Poland +48 46 8345306 +48 46 8333228 [email protected] Ê 70 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 71 Poland Poland Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Specialized Fruit-Growing Farm Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise dr Anna Szafirowska Main researchers and expertise Marian Szeliga Main direction of production: apple-trees 27ha, berries fruits (black currants – 16ha, chokeberry – 4ha), pear-trees – 3ha. Organization type Research Organization type SME Organization size 100-199 Organization size 55-99 Short description (main research activities) Cultivation of vegetable crops, fertilization, crop rotation cultivars, ecological production. Seed technology and physiology. Applied research. Short description (main research activities) Intensive apple-tree orchard on dwarf rood stocks, M-9, P60. Integrated production, mechanical harvesting, cool storage facilities with controlled atmosphere for 1000t, other storage facilities for 150t, facilities for sorting. Sale direction: kindergartens, military service, supermarkets, small shops. Expertise offered Application of ecological methods in vegetable production (fresh product and sowing materials of vegetables). Expertise offered Berries collected by combine, fruits collected by hand to boxes, transport to packing-room on forklift truck, keeping fruits in KA ULO. Target partner (expertise) Search Scientific Institution, commercial partner. Aim – introduce new technologies of production, marketing, healhty and safety food production for consumer. International cooperation and partnership Farmer Soviet Union Countries, Scandinavic countries, Western European countries. International projects (last 5 years) Filipowski Programme USA Fapa – England, France, Germany. Target partner (expertise) All kind institutions dealing with vegetable crops (growing. processing, commercial). International cooperation and partnership University in Lelystad The Netherlands. International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 72 Contact details Anna Szafirowska Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland +46 833 40 38 +46 833 31 86 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Marian Szeliga Ogrodowa 2, Zurawica 37-710, Poland +16 672 36 60 or 61 +16 672 36 62 [email protected] Not available Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 73 Poland Poland UNIFREEZE sp. z o.o. University of Technology and Agriculture Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Jaroslaw Jama – proxy management responsible for investments. Main researchers and expertise Elwira Sliwinska, Dr. Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Organization type SME Organization type Education Organization size 100-199 Organization size <250 Short description (main research activities) Production of fruits and other horticultural crops. Standard and ecological type of farming. Food processing: frozen foodstuff and ready-to-eat foodstuff. Shareholders: Cooperatives of Agricultural Farms. Area of 1200ha in the kujawskopomorski region (north-west part of Poland). Short description (main research activities) (Main research activities) application of flow cytometry and molecular biology in genetics, plant breeding and seed science; seed testing and enhancement; polysomaty in different plant organs; programmed cell death in plants; genome size of different plant species (including medicinal plants). Expertise offered Frozen food production, ecological plant crops farming, trade. Expertise offered Estimation of ploidy and absolute DNA content, testing of seed quality seed treatment, molecular methods of DNA and RNA analysis. Target partner (expertise) Other SME, RTD-sector: Universities and Research Institution. Target partner (expertise) Universities, scientific institutes, breeding and seed companies, biotechnology companies. International cooperation and partnership Trade with foreign SMEs. International cooperation and partnership International projects (last 5 years) No yet. University of Arizona, USA; Lion Seeds, UK; Institut International de Recherches Betteravieres, Belgium; University of Guelph, Canada; University of Salamanca, Spain; TNO Food and Nutrition w Leiden, the Netherlands; Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. International projects (last 5 years) Selection of interspecific hybrids between wheat and resistant wild species using flow cytometry, Fundation Araucaria, Brazil, State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland, 2002, partner; Physiological and practical aspects of the yield and seed quality improvement by ecological methods, Ministry of Education and Science, Poland, 2004-2006, partner. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Jaroslaw Jama Sw. Wojciecha 10/10, 61-749 Poznan, Poland +601 896 364 +61 852 48 31 [email protected] Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 74 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Elwira Sliwinska Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, al. Kaliskiego 7, 85-789 Bydgoszcz, Poland +48 52 3408722 +48 52 3408722 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 75 Poland Poland Warsaw Agricultural University, Division of Organic Food Warsaw Agricultural University, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plants Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Assoc. prof Ewa Rembialkowska Organization type Education Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Organic farmnig in Poland Evaluation of the wholesome, nutritive, storage and sensory quality of plant crops (vegetables, potatoes, fruits) from organic agriculture potential impact of the organically produced food on human health. Expertise offered Organic fruit and vegetable quality analysis from Polish organic farms. Target partner (expertise) Organic fruit and vegetable quality analysis from local organic farms. International cooperation and partnership We need SME-e with organic production, research institutes and other universities. International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Ewelina Hallmann Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland +48 22 59 370 35 +48 22 59 370 36 [email protected] No Main researchers and expertise Prof. Zenon Weglarz, Prof. Jolanta Kobryn, Prof. Barbara Dabrowska, Dr hab. Marek Gajewski. Organization type Education Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) Growing methods of vegetables in open field and in glasshouse. New growing media. Environment-friendly methods of vegetable crops production. Influence of preharvest and postharvest factors on biological value and quality of vegetables. Sensory and consumer-orientated methods in product quality evaluation. Postharvest physiology and technology of vegetables. Introducing of new species and cultivars to horticultural practice. Biological aspects of medicinal plant development, cultivation and processing with special reference to accumulation of active substances. Research on morphological, developmental and chemical variability of selected medicinal and aromatic plants. Influence of environmental factors on synthesis and composition of essential oils and other components. Introducing of native wild and exotic plants into cultivation. Isolation methods and chemical composition of extracts from medicinal, aromatic and vegetable plants. Expertise offered Research, development and training in the field of growing and postharvest technologies of vegetables and medicinal plants. Application of new methods of storage and postharvest treatments. Studies on quality of vegetables, particularly on their biological value and sensory characteristics. Target partner (expertise) Institute, university or enterprise working in similar field (horticulture – vegetable or medicinal plants, postharvest, food quality). International cooperation and partnership Cooperation agreement with Egypt and Belorussia in the field of medicinal plant. International projects (last 5 years) No Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 76 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Dr hab. Marek Gajewski ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland +48 22 59 322 50 +48 22 59 322 32 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 77 Poland Warsaw Agricultural University, Faculty of Food Engineering, Department of Food Engineering and Process Management Poland Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Prof. Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert, Piotr P. Lewicki, Prof. Andrzej Lenart. Organization type Education Organization size 10-49 Short description (main research activities) • Drying of food materials – optimisation of process parameters in the aspect of physical properties and its rehydrating and water binding properties • physical properties of food materials: machanical, sorptive, acoustic properties, changes in the structure caused by drying, freezing and rehydration • properties of instant food: aglomeration, enriching with beneficial factors in the aspect of food quality • food bioengineering: bioreactors, controlled cultivation of yeast biomass, enzymatic reaction kinetics, enzyme drying, application of enzymes for novel food production • the role and state of water in food: water activity, sorption isotherms, glass transition phenomenon, water state changes due to technological processes like drying, osmotic dehydration, agglomeration, freezing, thawing • organization of the production process and the exploitation of lines of production. Expertise offered Experience and knowledge in: • food processing, including: drying, osmotic dehydration, agglomeration, freezing, thawing • food bioengineering, including: yeast biomass cultivation, enzyme drying • topics related to the state of water in food materials, including: water activity, glass transition phenomenon, water binging food properties, sorption isotherms, structure and texture-related role of water. Target partner (expertise) Institution working in the same research area (food bioengineering, role and state of water in food). International cooperation and partnership – International projects (last 5 years) – Katarzyna Samborska ul. Nowoursynowska 159C 07-776 Warsaw, Poland +48 22 5937569 +48 22 5937576 [email protected], Ê 78 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 79 Poland Slovak Republic University of Technology and Agriculture BIRO ROBO Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Elwira Sliwinska, Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Main researchers and expertise Robert Biro, Dipl.Ing. Organization type Education Organization type Industry Organization size >250 Organization size >10 Short description (main research activities) Application of flow cytometry and molecular biology in genetics, plant breeding and seed science; seed testing and enhancement; polysomaty in different plant organs; genome size of plant species. Short description (main research activities) Production of cut flowers in open field and under cover as well as production of flower arrangements. Expertise offered Estimation of ploidy and absolute DNA content, testing of seed quality, seed treatment, molecular methodsof DNA and RNA analysis. Expertise offered Advisory service in the field of cut flowers growing and arranging. Universities, scientific institutes, breeding and seed companies, biotechnology companies. Target partner (expertise) Research and advisory organizations, producers. Target partner (expertise) University of Arizona, USA; Lion Seeds, UK; Institut International de Recherches Betteravieres, Belgium; University of Guelph, Canada; University of Salamanca, Spain. International cooperation and partnership No International cooperation and partnership Selection of interspecific hybrids between wheat and resistant wild species using flow cytometry, Fundation Araucaria, Brazil, State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland, 2002, partner. International projects (last 5 years) No International projects (last 5 years) Contact details Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 80 Elwira Sliwinska Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, al. Kaliskiego 7, 85-789 Bydgoszcz, Poland +48 52 3408722 +48 52 3408722 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Robert Biro Schurmanova 27, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic +421 37 6504573 No fax actually No mail Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 81 Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Research Institute of Plant Production Piest'any Victoria trvalkova skolka Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Jan Kraic, RNDr., PhD., Daniela Benedikova Ing., PhD., Juraj Farago, RNDr.,CSc., Pavol Hauptvogel, Ing.PhD., Alzbeta Zofajova, Ing. PhD. Main researchers and expertise Martina Sasikova, Dipl.Ing. Organization type Research Organization type Industry Organization size 200-249 Organization size <10 Short description (main research activities) RIPP Piestany is a scientific and research organization of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic aimed at research of growing technologies and breeding methods and breeding of selected field crops, advisory service in plant production. Short description (main research activities) Production of outdoor perennial flowers as well as advisory service in the field. Expertise offered Advisory service concerning perennials growing. Expertise offered Expertise and advisory service in the sphere of plant production, coordination of National program of protection of genetic plant resources in Slovakia, Gene bank, breeding products – new plant cultivars, molecular breds and pathogens diagnostic. Target partner (expertise) Producing and advisory organizations in the field of perennial flower production and exploitation. Slovak Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural enterprises, stations of National program of protection of plant genetic resources, universities, research institutes etc. International cooperation and partnership No Target partner (expertise) International cooperation and partnership RIPP Praha Ruzyne Czech Republic, IHAR Radzikow Poland, Bulb Research Centre Lisse Netherland, Institute of Agrobotany Tapioszele Hungary, University of Birmingham Great Britain, Suceava Genebank Romania, Lansstyrelsen Vastra Gotaland Sweden, IPGRI Rome. International projects (last 5 years) LEONARDO DA VINCI. International projects (last 5 years) 1. Partner EVK2-CT-2002 PGR FORUM “European Crop Wild Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation FORUM” 11/2002-12/2005, finance EU 5FP 2. Partner COST Programme project 843. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 82 Daniela Benedikova Bratislavska 122, 921 68 Piest'any, Slovak Republic +421 33 7722311 +421 33 7726306 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Martina Sasikova Pri strelnici 61, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic +421 907 793162 No [email protected] No Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 83 Others / Bulgaria Others / Czech Republic University of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture Agrotest Fyto Ltd. Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Todorova, Ass. Proff. PhD Gospodin Kolev, PhD student Raina Andonova. Organization type Research Organization size Main researchers and expertise Ing. Karel Klem Ph.D. Ing. Antonin Dreiseitl CSc. Dr. Ing. Ludvik Tvaruzek RNDr. Ivana Polisenska Ph.D. Ing. Katerina Vaculova CSc. Ing. Petr Martinek CSc. Mgr. Pavel Matusinsky Ph.D. Ing. Petr Misa Ph.D. Ing. Radka Stralkova Ph.D. Ing. Zdenek Nesvadba Ph.D. Ing. Marie Vanova CSc. >250 Organization type Research Short description (main research activities) Education and research in the area of plant pathology and plant disease control, new diagnostic methods, biologic control of pathogens, host-pathogen interactions on physiologic, cell and molecular level, pathogen specialisation, pathogenpopulation polymorphism, disease resistance and breeding for resistance. Organization size 50-99 Expertise offered Monitoring, identification and advisory service in the area of plant diseases (especially cereal). Investigations on disease resistance and pesticide efficacy. Short description (main research activities) Target partner (expertise) Universities, Institutes, SMEs, agricultural farms. Research institute with the following research activities: • Genetic resources of disease resistance and alternative qualitative parameters • Sensors for precision agriculture and variable rate applications • Prediction models for cereal diseases • Breeding methods of cereals • Genetic and breeding improvement of food and feed quality of cereals • Agroecology, research on soil properties and processes • Growth analysis and dynamics of yield formation processes. Expertise offered International cooperation and partnership BOKU (Austria), Wageningen University (the Netherlands), University of Belgrade (Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia), Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Serbia), Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Plant Pathology and Plant Pritection (Germany). • Genetic resources for disease resistance and alternative food quality • Biosensors for herbicide detection • Chlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance sensors for precision agriculture • Prediction models for disease forsecasting. Target partner (expertise) International projects (last 5 years) No Universities, research institutes focused on disease resistance, biosensors for pesticide or mycotoxin detection, sensors in precision agriculture, decision making methods for reduction of pesticide use, soil quality etc. International cooperation and partnership Individual bilateral cooperation with universities and research institutes in Netherland, UK, Denmark, USA, Israel, France – short term fellowships. International projects (last 5 years) COST Action 860. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 84 Maria Todorova bull. Kliment Ochridski No. 10, Sofia 1756, Bulgaria +359 2 91907/429 +359 2 8622830 [email protected] – Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Karel Klem Havlickova 2787 76701 Kromeriz Czech Republic +420573317135 +420573339725 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 85 Others / Egypt Others / France National Research Center Photeomix Information of organization Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Ahmed El-Ghorab PhD. (Ass. prof. Dr.). Organization type Research Organization size Main researchers and expertise Iain, Pemberton PhD Jane, MacDougall PhD Biochemistry, protein biomarkers, clinical proteomics, drug target validation, diagnostics, mass spectrometry, MALDItof, Molecular biology, protein purification, protein engineering, protein interaction analysis. >250 Organization type SME Short description (main research activities) Functional Food, Natural Antioxidants, Flavour chemistry, Acrylamide. Organization size >10 Expertise offered – Short description (main research activities) Discovery and analysis of protein factors involved in the mechanisms of disease and other cellular processes. Target partner (expertise) Flavour, extraction, analysis ,antioxidant activity and aromatherapy. Expertise offered International cooperation and partnership – MALDItof MS, SELDItof MS, protein fractionation, protein profile differential analysis, biomarker discovery, cellular mechanisms, apoptosis, signalling pathways, differentiation factors, disease markers, protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. International projects (last 5 years) – Target partner (expertise) Clinical or academic researchers studying a specific disease or cellular pathway requiring a proteomics approach towards the discovery of novel protein factors as therapeutic or diagnostic targets. International cooperation and partnership SMEs, universities, research institutes. International projects (last 5 years) None in last 5 years. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 86 Ahmed El-Ghorab Flavors and Aroma Dept., National Research Center Tahrir St. Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 12622 +202 7213290 +202 3370931 [email protected] – Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Iain Pemberton 34 Rue Carnot Noisy Le Grand 93160 France +33 1 58 84 25 57 +33 1 43 05 46 19 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 87 Others / Germany Others / Germany Technology Transfer Centre Bremerhaven enterprises (SMEs). Besides scientific-technical services, ttz Bremerhaven offers additional support in marketing and project fundraising. • Biotechnology • Environmental Technology • Agriculture and Water Issues – Biological wastewater treatment – Decentralised water treatment – Wastewater analyses – Membrane Separation • Energy and Process Engineering • Bioinformatics • Bakery • Food sensory analysis • Feasibility studies • Biological waste treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) • Renewable energies (Biomass, Biogas, Solar Energy) • Energy Efficiency • Formulation of food and cosmetic products • Biosensors for determination of food quality and safety • Fuel Cell technology • Biomass characterisation • Fermentation techniques • Innovative food ingredients • Microencapsulation • Extrusion • Extraction technology... Organic management methods and agro technical measures (crop rotation); requirements for organic cereal seed production (including seed rate, sowing time, seed-borne diseases, weed control and plant protection methods). Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schories (Process and environmental engineering), Technical Director at the Environmental Institute and Head of Future Technology Group at TTZ-Bremerhaven Dr.-Ing. Anja Noke. Head of Natural Resources and Foodtechnology group. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Dietrich, Head of of Bio Process Engineering group. Dipl.-Ing. Irene Minguez, Head of baking and cereal technologies group. Organization type Research Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) The Technology Transfer Centre (ttz)-Bremerhaven offers small and mediumsized companies (SME's) a number of opportunities to realize thoughts and plans for new products and processes – taking advantage of public funding and international cooperation opportunities. In your job as owner or executive of an SME, you know best the chances – or even the necessities – to optimise technical production cycles within the company. Or you have a head full of ideas on how to overhaul and improve the conventional product, or which innovations would have excellent sales perspectives in your branch of business – if only you knew how to make it work… ttz Bremerhaven maintains six institutes with competent teams, state-of-the-art research facilities and extensive experience in obtaining public funding. We will put the pieces together and engage in the needed research and development activities – for which your own company does not have the capacities. The original thought will always be your property – just like the research results and the newly gained know-how. We'll bring your ideas to life – call us, mail us or meet with us for a brainstorm. Expertise offered 88 The Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum Bremerhaven (ttz Bremerhaven) was established in 1987 and comprises six institutes for applied research and development (R&D). More than 80 highly qualified employees (scientists and engineers) are working on business-related projects in the fields of Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, Energy and Process Engineering, Food and Bio Process Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, and Organisation. TTZ’s intention is to strengthen the regional economy through the development of new, innovative products and services. The goal is to help create new industrial work opportunities in the region. All ttz-institutes have the most modern technical infrastructure at their disposal – from industrial scale processes (e.g. Supercritical CO2 High Pressure Extraction), analyses techniques (GC, AAS etc.) all the way up to information and communication technologies (e.g. ATM-Net). Furthermore, ttz has more than 1200 m² of technical laboratories and 700 m² of office space available, including the newly constructed centre for biotechnology, Bio-Nord. Since its establishment, ttz Bremerhaven has successfully completed more than 4000 Projects. The majority of contracts come from small and medium-sized Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Target partner (expertise) SMEs, Universities, Institutions, Asociations, Food technoly and food fields like Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, Food and Bio Process Engineering, food producers, Manufacturing Technology, Cosmetics sector, Environmental sector, Packaging sector, quality control, research partners for European projects in the filed of food quality and safety. International cooperation and partnership NASA, USA; Nutribiotech, USA, Danish Technical Institute, Denmark; DTU, Denmark; APV Bakery Ltd, UK; Kelco Nutrasweet, UK; Institute of Food Research, UK; Uni Stirling, UK; Uni Manchester, UK; Ray Technologies, Israel; Uni Jerusalem, Israel; CTCPA, France; Institut Pasteur, France; Ecoles de Cuisine Francais, France, Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Japan; ATO-DLO, The Netherlands; TNO, The Netherlands; Technische Universitat Kaliningrad, Russia; Microvaccum Ltd, Hungary; Thessaloniki Technology Park, Greece; GAIKER, Spain; AZTI, Spain; Uni Alicante, Spain; Cardiopeixe, Portugal; IPIMAR, Portugal; Uni Coimbra, Portugal; Institute of Wood Chemistry, Lithuania; Alphamos, France; MATFORSK, Norway; Norconserve, Norway; IFL, Iceland; Technical University of Lodz, Poland; Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Poland; National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia; LVA, Austria; ESIL, Ireland; Uni Tampere, Finland; Uni Cluj, Rumania; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. International projects (last 5 years) AGE Automatisation of Aloe Vera gel recovery under inert atmosphere (24 months-partner-EU funds) AWARNET Agro-food wastes minimisation and reduction network. Thematic network for prevention, minimization and reduction of wastes from the European agro-food industry (42months-partner-EU funds) BYPROFEED Utilization of by products from shrimp peeling, for feed addition to lobster fry, halibut juveniles, organic farmed salmon par and arctic char par and adults (24 months-partner-EU funds) CHICKFOOD Chickpea as a potential source of high quality protein for food formula (24 months-Partner-EU funds) CHITOFOOD Development of new innovative functional foods (24 monthsPartner-EU funds) COWE New Food Consistent Colours from Seaweed through Extraction (28 months-Partner-EU funds) CRUSTAMEL New approaches to the crustaceans prevention of melanosis and quality indices (24 months-Partner-Eu Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Ê 89 Others / Germany funds) Cationic Bran (24 months-Partner-EU funds) Development of a Technology for the industrial production of Cationic Bran as an additive for papermaking ECOPACK Recyclable and Biodegradable Eco-efficient Packaging Solutions for the Food Industry (24 months-Partners-EU funds) FERMATEC Development of a Biotechnological High Yield Process for Ethanol Production, based on a Continuous Fermentation Reactor (24 months-Partner-EU funds) FLOCAP Novel Flow Focusing technology to produce microencapsulated probiotic bacteria for the food sector. (24 months-co-ordinators-EU funds) FISHNOSE Development of an electronic nose system for the automated quality control of smoked fish (24 months-Partner-EU funds) INICON Introduction of innovative technologies in modern gastronomy for modernization of cooking (36 months-Partner-EU funds) MYCOPLEX Development of innovative immuno-PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Ochratoxin and Aflatoxin in complex matrices (milk, coffee) (24 months-co-ordinators-EU funds) MYCOSENS Development of a novel test kit for the rapid on-site determination of mycotoxins in food (24 months-co-ordinators-Eu funds) PACKTECH Assimilation and Standardisation of Environmentally Friendly Packaging Technologies within the Food Industry (24 months-Partner-EU funds) PESTISENS Development of a test kit for the automated determination of pesticides in foodstuffs (24 months-Partner-EU funds) PROFIBRE Development of High Quality Dietary Fibre Products from Fruit and Vegetable Pulp (24 months-Partner-EU funds) TOM Development of new food additives extracted from the solid residue of the tomato processing industry for the application in functional food (24 months-Co-ordinators-EU funds) Further information are available on Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Igor Kobek Fischkai 1 27572 Bremerhaven Germany +49 471 4832 144 +49 471 4832 129 [email protected] Others / The Netherlands Agrobio Products B.V. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Dr. ir. Nicolas Stutterheim. Agronomist, Soil scientist, Environmental sciences. Organization type SME Organization size >10 Short description (main research activities) Development of intensive cropping systems with no or minimal chemical inputs based on the use of innovative natural (organic) inputs and resulting in higher and better quality yields and less soil and plant diseases. Expertise offered Innovative crop growth products (BFPs) available Concepts of production for intensive horticulture as already applied in practise in the NL Scientific backstopping of Projects. Target partner (expertise) End-users, companies and Research Institutes searching for more natural production techniques with overall better economic results. Our approach is especially suited for nature areas with agricultural activities where pollution must be minimized. International cooperation and partnership Co-operation exists with SMEs, universities and research institutes throughout the EU. International projects (last 5 years) At this moment we are involved in an EU-CRAFT project (BFPS) in which some of our products are scientifically evaluated for efficacy, safety and effects on endproduct quality. Before, Dr. Stutterheim participated in several EU projects and COST actions on industrial crops. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 90 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Nicolas Stutterheim Reeboklaan 16 NL-6705 DB Wageningen, The Netherlands +31 0 6 22698853 +31 0 317 840416 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 91 Others / Ukraine Others / Ukraine Institute of Biochemistry of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences of genotoxic and mutagenic effects of chemical and physical factors of environment • Development of opto-electronic, electrochemical and thermal biosensors for multi-parametrical determination of: heavy metal ions, pesticides, nonylphenol, T-2 mycotoxin, specific antibodies, surface active substances, retroviral infections (Bovine leucosis, AIDS, Fish carcinoma, New Castle disease), antibiotics in food, microbial contamination of air and others • Developed optical biosensors based on Daphnia and bacteria from Black sea for express control of total toxicity in water, milk, and vegetables as well as for feedback control of water purification technology. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Starodub Mykola Fedorovich, Professor, PhD., Dr.Sci. Organization type Research Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) Palladin Institute of Biochemistry was the first institute of biochemistry of animals and human in FSU, being organized in 1925. Scientists of the Institute contributed prominent results to fundamental biochemistry, developed new technologies for manufacturing new preventive and medicinal preparations. Currently the Institute consists from nine departments: Molecular Immunology, Neurochemistry, Biochemistry of Lipids, Biochemistry of Muscles, Regulation of Metabolism, Chemistry and Biochemistry of Enzymes, Protein Structure and Function, Biochemistry of Coenzymes and Molecular Biology. Prof. Nikolaj Starodub is author of over 250 scientific papers and 4 monographs in biophysics, biochemistry and molecular biology. His current research interests are connected with problems of immunochemistry and enzymology, molecular diagnostics and environmental monitoring, creation and development of different biosensors as well with biological effects of low intensive irradiation. The Laboratory, which heeded Prof. Starodub, works under the development of different chemical, immune, enzymatic and cell sensors for medical diagnostics, control of biotechnological processes and environmental monitoring. The team has experience in development of different analytical approaches. In addition to solid phase immuno- and enzymoanalyses, emphasis on chemo- and biosensors increases recently. Examples include: sensors based on field-effect transistors and surface plasmon resonance, fiber optic immunosensors, thermistors. Techniques of incorporation of sensitive bioreceptors (enzymes and immunoreactants) onto electrochemical and optical transducers are developed. A great attention is given to creation of immunosensors and enzymosensors for determination of phosphoorganic pesticides, mycotoxins and heavy metal ions in environment. Expertise offered Development of biosensors based on different types of transducers and biological structures for medicine, ecology and biotechnology: • Ion sensitive field effect transistors, surface plasmon resonance, planar electrodes, fibre optics, thermistors, electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor structures, laser correlative spectroscopy as transducers • Enzymatic biosensors for analysis of some antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metal ions, cyanides and triglycerydes • Immune biosensors for determination of myoglobin, atrazine, phytopatogenes, Salmonella typhimorium, protein contamination of air, mycotoxins, nonylphenol and others • Development of the express instrumental method for determination Ê 92 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Target partner (expertise) Development of instrumental analytical devices based on the principles of biosensorics technology for express control of quality of different types of environmental objects. International cooperation and partnership Within Ukraine Prof. Starodub and coworkers have some close collaborative ties with the Institute of Semiconductors Physics of Ukraine NAS, Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of Ukraine NAS, the Institute of Biocolloidal Chemistry of Ukrraine NAS, the Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry of Ukraine NAS, Ukrainian Scientific Hyygienic Center, the Institute of Ecology and Toxicology of Ukraine Ministry of Public Health, Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine of Ukraine Ministry of Public Health, Stock Ccomppany “Ukranalytprylad” (Kyiv) and “Engineering Laboratory” (Lviv), T. Shevchenko Kyiiv National University and National Agrarian Academy. They conduct some joint projects with the scientific staffs off the close and distant foreign countries, such as: Bakh Institute of Biochemistry of RAS (Moscow), the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of RAS (Puschino on the Oka-river), Medical Institute (Samarkand), the Institute of Microelectronic Devices and Systems (Drezden, FRG), the Institute of Bioenergetics and Bioengineering Medicine of Poland Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), the Institute of Plants Protection of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest), Research Center in Fort Detrik (USA), as well as with the Universities: Hallam University (Sheffield, England), Klement Ogrinsky University, Sophia, Bulgaria), New Castle University (England), Tel Aviv University (Israel), Lund University (Sweden) and Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark and others. International projects (last 5 years) Main international collaboration: • COPERNICUS program of European Commission. Projects: 1. Development and design of new types of chemical sensors and sensor arrays for medicine, biology and ecology (1997-1999). Contract N:IC15CT960818. In collaboration with: Prof. Asim Ray from School of Engineering of Sheffield Hallam University, UK; Prof. Shirshov Ju.M. from Institute of Semiconductors Physics of UNAS, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. Electrochemical Immunosensors for Control of Pesticide and Microbial Contamination of Food (IMMUNOSENS). Contract N:IC15CT980913. (19982000). In collaboration with: Dr. Mc Neil C. from the Medical School of University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Prof. Rishpon J. from Tel Aviv University of Israel; Prof. Dzantiev B. from A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, Russia; Dr. Sitdikov R. from Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan. Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Ê 93 Others / Ukraine Others / Ukraine 3. Biosensor feedback control of wastewater purification: photooxidation followed by biological degradation using highly active surfactant degrading bacteria (20002003). Contract: ICA2-CT-2000-10033. In collaboration with: Dr. Margrethe Winther-Nielsen from DHI Water & Environment, Hoersholm, Denmark; Prof. Goncharuk V. from Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry of NASU; Ass. Prof. Reshetilov A. from Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia; Ass. Prof. Emneus J. from Department of Analytical Chemistry of Lund University, Sweden; Ass. Prof. Noergaard L. from Department of Dairy and Food Science of the Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University, Denmark. 4. Development of new express enzyme immunotechniques for pesticides and surfactants monitoring in water (EXPRESS-IMMUNOTECH). Contract N: ICA2CT-2001-10007. (2001-2003). In collaboration with: Dr. Kramer P. M. from GSF – National Research Centre for Environment and Health GmbH, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg (Oberschleißheim), Germany; Dr. Barcelo D. from Department of Environmental Chemistry, IIQAB-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain; Prof. Dzantiev B. B. from A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, Russia; Prof. Piven N. V. from Experimental Production Company of the Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk; Dr. Dmitrenko N. P. from L.L: Medved Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology, of Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health, Kiev, Ukraine. • INTAS program of European Commission. Project: 1. Biosensor feedback control of wastewater purification: photooxidation followed by biological degradation using highly active surfactant degrading bacteria (19992003). Contract N: 99-0995. In collaboration with: Assoc. Prof. Emnéus Jenny from Dept. Analytical Chemistry of Chemical Center, Lund University, Sweden; Dr. Margrethe Winther-Nielsen from DHI Water & Environment, Hoersholm, Denmark; Prof. Goncharuk V. from Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry of NASU; Prof. Boronin A. from Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia. • Program of Civilian Research Development Foundation (USA). Project: 1. Development of portable biosensor instrumentation for rapid serological detection of plant pathogenic bacteria. Award Number: (1997-1998) UP1-333 In collaboration with: Dr. Schaad N.W. from USDA, ARS, FDWSRU, Fort Detrick, MD, USA. 2. CRDF Travel grant (TGP-584). • NATO Linkage grant: 1. “Optical immune biosensor for express control of mycotoxins” within program Defence against terrorism. Ref. No. LST.CLG.980158. In collaboration with: Dr. Nabok A. V. Sheffield Hallam University, UK. • Russian-Ukrainian collaborative grant: 1. Development of systems for express immune detection of pesticides at the monitoring of environment and control of quality of agriculture production. (2002-2004). In collaboration with: Prof. Dzantiev B. B. from A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, Russia. • Byelorussia-Ukrainian collaborative grant: Development of new express method of immune biosensor analysis of antiinsuline antibodies on the basis of principles of surface plasmon resonance. (2005-2007). In collaboration with: Prof. Piven N. V. from Experimental Production Company of the Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Nickolaj Starodub 9 Leontovicha Str., 01601 Kiev, Ukraine +380 44 2794743 +380 44 2796365 [email protected] Temporary absent (in reconstruction) Ê 94 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 95 Others / Ukraine Others / Ukraine National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” (NSC KIPT). • STCU Project # 2144: “Elaboration of new ecologically safe technological methods of pre-sowing treatment of crop seeds by the ozone enriched air”. Financing parties: USA, Canada. Project duration: 2,5 years. • STCU Project # Uzb55j: “Elaboration of ozone technologies for pre-sowing treatment and disinfecting of seed material of wheat, cotton, and other agricultural plants”. Financing parties: USA. Project duration: 2 years. Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Ivan Matviyovych Neklyudov, Academician, General director of the NSC KIPT. Organization type Research, Technology Transfer. Organization size >250 Short description (main research activities) National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” is the leading center in Ukraine on study of fundamental and applied aspects of plasma-chemistry, physics and technology of charge particle accelerators and generators, development of beam and plasma technologies. Elaboration in the field of physics of heavy charged particle accelerators are connected with solving of fundamental problems in physics of atomic nucleus, nuclear technologies and physics of radioactive damages. Researches on physics of gas discharge and low temperature plasma-chemistry, which have been carried out in the department of “Low-temperature nonequilibrium plasma-chemistry”, allowed to develop effective plasma-chemical reactors which can be used for synthesis of ozone. Expertise offered • In NSC KIPT after the assistance of international funds unique technology of pre-sowing treatment of crop seeds by the ozone enriched air was developed • Ozone displays a complex effect on seeds as a disinfective and activating agent • The grain crop from the seeds pretreated with ozone increases by 10 to 15% as compared with traditional chemical methods of presowing treatment of seeds; the quality of grain is improved • The ozone treatment of seeds is an ecologically clean process • Ozone is produce simply from an atmospheric air directly at the place of its use and remained ozone decomposes into molecular oxygen, thus, doing no harm to the environment and the raw material. Target partner (expertise) Cooperation in development of technology and bringing it to the market. Jointventure in manufacture of barrier less ozonizers. International cooperation and partnership DOE NNSA, USA; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA; Oases Federal Systems, USA; International Nuclear Policy & Programmes, UK Department of Trade & Industry, United Kingdom. International projects (last 5 years) • STCU Project # 1069: “Elaboration of water purification technology using high pressure glow discharge ozone generators”. Financing parties: Europe, USA, Canada. Project duration: 3 years. • STCU Project # 1971: “Purification of Water from Pathogens and Medical Compounds by a Combined Action of Ozone and a High-Energy Electron Beam”. Financing parties: USA. Project duration: 2 years. Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Volodymyr Ivanovych Golota, Ph.D, Head of the department of NSC KIPT 1, Akademicheskay Street, Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine +38 057 335 3926 +38 057 335 3564 [email protected] Ê 96 Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 97 Others / Ukraine Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products (LQSAP) of National Agrarian University of Ukraine Information of organization Others / Ukraine International cooperation and partnership Food and Agriculture Organization of UN; Environmental Protection Agency USA, Russian Academy of Sciences. International projects (last 5 years) 1. TCP/UKR/3003 Title: Strengthening The Ukrainian Laboratory For Quality And Safety Of Food And Agricultural Products. Funding Source: FAO Technical Cooperation Programme. Duration: Nov. 2004-June 2006, prolonged up to Feb. 2007. 2. Project P-169 “Management and destruction of obsolete pesticides in pilot oblasts in Ukraine (Cherkassy and Lviv oblasts)”. Funding Source: EPA USA. Duration: 2004-2006, prolonged up to 2007. Main researchers and expertise Quality And Safety Of Food And Agricultural Products Expertise. Organization type Research Contact details Organization size 50-99 Short description (main research activities) Base Functions: The participation in preparation and raising the level of the quality and safety of AIC production specialists skills; Carrying out the consulting activity; Carrying out the monitoring researches of xenobiotics pollution of the AIC production and environment; Preparing the objective examinational counsels for international, state, judicial and other competent establishments of the AIC production quality and safety questions; Training and retraining of the staff for regional and sectoral LQSAP and the system introduction of the quality certification and managing; Working out and introduction in practice of AIC the new methods of agricultural production quality and safety identifying, its standardization and certification accordingly with international and national requirements; Holding conferences, seminars, symposiums, congresses including international ones; The preparation of scientific works and presenting the recommendations and materials of internal and external monitoring, state of AIC production quality and safety, assistance for adaptation of national standards to international model of LQSAP and consumer rights. Base Tasks: Making the independent quality and safety examination of AIC production accordingly with the National and International standards; Researching the influence on the environment and the effectiveness of fertilizers, pesticides and other agrochemicals, biologically active substances and addings use in farming, forestry and fish industry; The identifying of transgenic materials and also the agents of virus, bacterial and mycological diseases in AIC production; The working out, examination and use of genetic, molecular-biological, analytical and other modern diagnostic disease methods among plants and animals, and also the identifying of their origin and genetic identification of breeds and sorts; The introduction of the managing quality system on the enterprises of AIC; The ensuring of training and retraining of the staff. Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site Expertise offered LQSAP caries out more than 500 analysis of food, soil, water and other quality and safety constituents of agriculture. Target partner (expertise) Agricultural, Ecology Universities and food safety laboratories. 98 Sergey Melnychuk 15, Geroev Oborony Str., Kiev 03041, Ukraine +38 044 527 88 54 +38 044 258 42 59 [email protected], [email protected] Ê Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK 99 Others / Ukraine Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of Academy of Science of Ukraine Information of organization Main researchers and expertise Director, Dr Igor A. Akimov (Acarology Department) Dr Viktor FURSOV (Dept. of Entomophagous Insects and Biocontrol). Organization type Research Organization size 100-199 Short description (main research activities) Biodiversity of animals, insects, acari biocontrol of forestry and agricultural pests. Expertise offered Taxonomic identification of insects (Hymenoptera, Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Trichogrammatidae, egg-parasitoids) and acari, biocontrol of pests, biocontrol agents search. Target partner (expertise) Agriculture research Institutes, Warsaw Agriculture University, Institute of Ecology of Polish Academy of Science, Lomianki. International cooperation and partnership CABI Bioscience International (Delemont, Switzerland). International projects (last 5 years) SCOPE – with CABI Bioscience International (Delemont, Switzerland). Contact details Name, surname Address Phone Fax E-mail Web site 100 Dr Viktor Fursov Bogdan Khmelnitskiy Street 15, Kiev-30, 01601, Ukraine +44 234 93 33 +44 234 15 69 [email protected] Collaboration is flowering in Europe / Agri-food research in EE, HU, LV, PL, SK
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