BSMB BSDB draft programme_June14
BSMB BSDB draft programme_June14
THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, FROM DEVELOPMENT TO DISEASE 1st joint meeting of the British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB) and the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) The University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich UK 1.-3. September 2014 Monday 1. September 11:00 onwards: Registration 13:00 Opening remarks BSMB BSDB 13:10-13:50 Tom Rando (Stanford) “Molecular Regulation of Stem Cell Quiescence” The MOD-ISDB Keynote, sponsored by: Session 1: Signaling and development Chair: Andrea Münsterberg 13:50-14:20 Gabriel Kardon (Utah) “Muscle and connective tissue interactions during development and regeneration” 14:20-14:50 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 14:50-15:30 COFFEE break, POSTERS and EXHIBITS 15:30-16:00 Malcolm Logan (NIMR) "The role of muscle connective tissue in morphogenesis of the limb soft tissues" 16:00-16:30 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 16:30-17:00 Christine Hartmann (Münster) “Wnt-signaling and trabecular bone formation” 17:00-17:30 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 17:30-20:00 POSTERS, Evening reception and buffet food draft programme 1 Tuesday 2. September Session 2: Mechanobiology and Anatomy Chair: Graham Riley 8:30-9:00 Eli Zelzer (Weizmann Institute) “How bones acquire their morphology while connecting to tendons” 9:00-9:30 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 9:30-10:00 Paul O’Higgins (York) “Virtual anatomies: how computers are transforming studies of musculoskeletal form and function.” 10:00-10:30 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 10:30-11:00 Chrissy Hammond (Bristol) “Unpicking the relationship between mechanical loading and genes in shaping the developing joint.” 11:00-11:45 COFFEE break, POSTERS and EXHIBITS 11:45-12:15 Ronen Schweitzer (Portland) “Regulation of tendon growth and maturation” 12:15-12:30 1 short talk selected from abstract, tbc 12:30-13:00 Andy Pitsillides (Royal Veterinary College) “Limb growth and joint formation: move-it, move-it” 13:10-14:00 LUNCH Session 3: Human Genetics and pathology Chair: Ulrike Mayer 14:00-14:30 Mike Briggs (Newcastle) "Refining disease mechanisms in genetic skeletal diseases" 14:30-15:00 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 15:00-15:30 Madeleine Durbeej (Lund) “Laminin-deficient muscular dystrophy: pathogenesis and development of treatment” 15:30-16:30 COFFEE break, POSTERS and EXHIBITS draft programme 2 16:30-17:00 Linda Troeberg (Kennedy Institute) “Regulation of cartilage extracellular matrix turnover by the endocytic receptor LRP-1” 17:00-17:15 1 short talk selected from abstract 17:15-17:45 Cay Kielty (Manchester) “Fibrillin microfibrils: genotype-to-phenotype in the fibrillinopathies” 18:30 DEPARTURE BY COACH TO ST. ANDREWS’ HALL FOR CONFERENCE DINNER Wednesday 3. September Session 4: Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation Chair: Ian Clark 8:30-9:00 Veronique Lefebvre (Cleveland) “Rivalry between Sox proteins define your skeleton” 9:00-9:30 2 short talks selected from abstract, tbc 9:30-10:00 Simon Tew (Liverpool) “Post transcriptional gene regulation in human chondrocytes” 10:00-10:45 COFFEE break, POSTERS and EXHIBITS 10:45-11:15 BSMB prize lecture 11:15-12:00 David Glass (Novartis) “Signaling pathways that regulate skeletal muscle size and function” Developmental Dynamics Keynote, sponsored by: 12:00 CLOSING REMARKS TONIA VINCENT 12:15 Lunch bag and departure draft programme 3 ADDITIONAL MEETING SPONSORS: draft programme 4
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