Route A Map
Route A Map
Route A Route A – CityExpress makes limited stops for a faster ride! Board and alight exclusively at these bus stops: Aloha Stadium Salt L ake College/University State Capitol schematic map – not to scale 45 437 438 439 987 1018 3160 989 990 1020 4523 Be ret ani a Dillingham Kin g KA L I H I DOW N TOW N University of Hawaii Sinclair Circle K The Queen’s Medical Center I H1 Straub Clinic & Hospital Kaiser Clinic McKinley High School H Dole J Unive rsity Hw y M A NOA Ala Moana Center King Kapiolani Hawaii Convention Center School Key Destination 181 aua lak Ka Medical Facility 984 1016 3053 986 431 Keeaumoku Kalihi Transit Center G Pensacola Nim itz Kalihi Bus Facility H1 Ala Transit Hub 983 416 Metcalf Farrington High School Wa rd F Kin g Bis ho p Timepoint Kamehameha Hwy AT Radford 475 Kalaloa 477 Salt Lake 479 Pali Momi 481 Kaonohi 482 Hila 486 Waimano Home 491 ON Farrington Hwy AT Waiawa 493 Kahualii 454 Paiwa 455 Mokuola 1021 Waipahu Transit Center 4420 Pupukahi 462 Leoku 464 ON Leolua AT Leoku 3379 ON Sinclair Circle King ON Kapiolani AT Isenberg McCully Kaheka Keeaumoku Kamakee ON Alapai AT King ON Beretania AT Punchbowl Pali/Bishop Smith River ON King AT Liliha Palama Kohou Kalihi Gulick Umi Kalihi Transit Center i an ol pi Ka Route A CityExpress! University AT Pu nch bo wl Mi dd le Radford H1 Legend ON Ala pa i Kamehameha Hwy H1 kea D Lili ha nia Ku WA I PA H U AIEA Kalihi Transit Center 4523 Kalihi Bus Facility 163 ON King AT Umi 1025 Gulick 993 Kalihi 994 Kohou 3064 Palama 1027 Dillingham 996 Maukakea 997 Bethel 393 Alakea 4400 Punchbowl 131 ON Kapiolani AT South 595 Kamakee 600 Keeaumoku 999 Mahukona 2989 McCully 363 Isenberg 365 ON University AT King 296 Sinclair Circle 983 mil o y Pearlridge Center E Waipahu Intermediate School Waipahu Town Center Leeward Community College Kam eham eha H w Wa iak a Waipahu High School ku Leo lua Leo H1 Leolua AT Leoku 3379 ON Leoku AT Farrington Hwy 1017 ON Farrington Hwy AT Leoku 669 Pupukahi 670 Waipahu Transit Center 4421 Mokuola 1024 Paiwa 677 Waipio Point 678 Waiawa 679 ON Kamehameha Hwy AT Waimano Home 681 Kaahumanu 688 Kaonohi 691 Pali Momi 692 Salt Lake 695 Arizona Memorial 697 Radford 699 Ka lihi y Hw ton g rin Far oe im Hik C Westbound Stops ON Pali Momi Medical Center Pa li M om i wa Pai Waipahu Transit Center H-1 ay ew Fre Ka on oh i Waim ano H ome H1 Kaah uman u Local-stop service is available in all areas served by Route A – CityExpress. Check TheBus System Map or for details. PE A R L CITY Route A Eastbound Stops ALA MOA N A Iolani School
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