All American Lodge
All American Lodge
The “All American Lodge” Division 5 Garden Grove 1952 Elk Call City of Garden Grove Spirit Award 2005/2006 Garden Grove Non-Profit of the Year 2012/2013 Volume 60, No. 7 C.H.E.A. Ritual Champions 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION -- GARDEN GROVE ELKS LODGE NO. 1952 October 2016 LODGE OFFICERS 2016-2017 Exalted Ruler...................................... Karen Lewin Leading Knight .............................. Mark Mahoney Loyal Knight.....................................Sherrie Larson Lecturing Knight............................ Anthony Manzo Secretary............................................Jim Faulkner Treasurer ..........................................Larry Hudson Tiler.......................................................Tina Duarte Assistant Tilers............Michael Smith, Mike White, James Brown, Sharon Violano, Peter La Combe Esquire ................................................Tony Lopez Assistant Esquire . ................................................. Ambassador of Goodwill............... Dowell Williams Chaplain.................................Joe De La Luz, PER Assistant Chaplain..................................Ron Yates Inner Guard....................................... Eric Skillman Officer at Large............................ Gerry McConnell Organist............................................ Elmer Roldan Assistant Organist.................... Bernadette Roldan Chairman of the Board....................David Coombs 2 Year Trustee................................. Jack Whitwam 3 Year Trustee.......................... John Miller IV PER 4 Year Trustee.......................... Jim Anderson PER 5 Year Trustee.................................... Rod Watkins GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Stanley D. Taeger .....................P.D.D.G.E.R. Edward Shozda (+) ..............P.D.D.G.E.R. David Skelton.......................................P.D.D.G.E.R. PAST EXALTED RULERS Richard Haster (+)........................................ 1955-56 George Honold (+) ...................................... 1956-57 Ronald L. Tiday (+)....................................... 1957-58 Elmer L. Mylar (+)......................................... 1958-59 Ross S. Dick (+)........................................... 1959-60 Garland Rice (+)........................................... 1960-61 Norman E. Culver (+)................................... 1961-62 John McKinley (+) ....................................... 1963-64 Will Tweedle (+) ........................................... 1964-65 Ken O’Reilly (+)............................................ 1965-66 John B. McNamara PSVP (+)....................... 1966-67 Ernest E. Hamor (+)..................................... 1967-68 Dick Riordan (+)........................................... 1968-69 Leco (Pete) Sexton (+)................................. 1969-70 Ray Dewitt (+) ............................................ 1970-71 Dave Homewood PDDGER (*)..................... 1971-72 Miles Matthews (+)....................................... 1972-73 Al Jansen (+) ......................................... 1973-74 Mike Julya (+) ............................................. 1974-75 Edward Shozda, PDDGER (+)..................... 1975-76 Jim Choate (+) . .......................................... 1976-77 Bill Van Horn (+)........................................... 1977-78 Waiter Frank Habiger (+).............................. 1978-79 Frank Rizuto, PDDGER (+).......................... 1979-80 Gay Hamilton . .......................................... 1980-81 Harold Wall, PDDGER (+)............................ 1981-82 Stan Taeger, PDDGER................................. 1982-83 Ed Faulkner (+) ........................................ 1983-84 Joe Farquhar (+)........................................... 1984-85 Darrell Nolen ............................................. 1985-86 Boyd Bogart (+) ........................................ 1986-87 Howard Simpson (+)..................................... 1987-88 Art Barnett (+) . ......................................... 1988-89 Norris Wallace (+)......................................... 1989-90 Rod Butler (+) ............................................. 1990-91 Neil Baker ............................................... 1991-92 Kevin O’Shaughnessey................................ 1992-93 Robert Crist (+) . ........................................ 1993-94 Lynn Johnston (+) . ..................................... 1994-95 Dick Strong (+) ......................................... 1996-97 Myles Kowalcyk .......................................... 1997-98 Jim Hitt ................................................. 1998-99 Nelson Burke ............................................ 1999-00 Ron Cooper ............................................ 2000-01 John Miller Ill ............................................... 2001-02 lrv Geller (+) ............................................ 2002-03 Ken Charity (+) ........................................ 2003-04 Dave Offhaus ........................................... 2004-05 David Skelton, PDDGER ........................... 2005-06 Gary Mueller................................................. 2006-07 Randy Barrows............................................. 2007-08 John Miller IV................................................ 2008-09 Jim Anderson................................................ 2009-10 Kevin Perkins................................................2010-11 David Stamper . ............................................2011-12 Rick Ross..................................................... 2012-13 Bill O’Hearn.................................................. 2013-14 Randy Eldridge............................................. 2014-15 Joe De La Luz.............................................. 2015-16 2016-2017 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Americanism..........................................Larry Hudson Audit Committee ..........Emily Hsu, Rose Giangiobbe, Barry Brockman Bequest & Living Trust..........................Kevin Perkins Bingo Chairman...................................... Bob Holliday Building Committee.......................................Trustees Bulletin.................................................. Nivek Snikrep Business Practices......................... Howard Whittaker By Laws & House Rules......................... Jim Faulkner Canopies .....................................................The Club Car Cruise..................................................... Bill Rojo Car Show........................................... Winnie Coombs Card Room ...............................................Ron Danko Ceiling Tiles................................Randy Barrows PER Christmas Baskets........... David Skelton, Tony Lopez Circle of Flags................Tina Duarte, Dean Johnson, Peter La Combe Clowns......................................................Jim Perkins Community Service......................................Bill Catlin Computers.................................... Robert N. White Jr. Darts.........................................................Jim Perkins Dictionaries................................................ Berry Kelly Drug Awareness.................................. Jack Whitwam Elk National Foundation...................... Sherrie Larson Elk of the Month......................................Karen Lewin Elk Enders..........................................Randy Barrows Entertainment........................................Jim Anderson Fireworks...............................................Larry Hudson Flag Day..............................................Sherrie Larson Fun Night & Activities.......................... Jack Whitwam Funeral & Memorial Service.............Gerry McConnell Golf......................................................... John Douthit Good of the Order...............................Mark Mahoney Government Relations............................ Jim Faulkner Grant Coordinator................................Sherrie Larson Greeters.......................Connie Douthit, Carol Privett, Lee Allen, Jean Redinger, John Douthit, Bob Mills, Eric Skillman, Scott Cardon, Bill Flores, Myrna Allen, Eileen Rasmussen, Peter La Combe, Claudia Richie, Andy Benjock Hall Bulletin...................................Eileen Rasmussen Ham Club..................................................Dave Elder Historian.............................................Neil Baker PER Hoop Shoot................................................ Rick Ross Horseshoes................................................................. Investigation............................................... Ron Yates Jewelry..........................................Bernadette Roldan July 4th Picnic.....................................Sherrie Larson Labor Day............................................Mark Mahoney Lapsation............................................. Jack Whitwam Lodge Activities................................Karen Lewin, ER Lodge Advisor....................... David Skelton PDDGER Lodge Mediator......................................Crist Wagner Maintenance........................................... Rod Watkins Major Project/Purple Pig......................Mark Mahoney Mediator...............................................Crist Wagoner Membership........................................Anthony Manzo Memorials.........................................Gerry McConnell Memorial Sunday.......................Joe De La Luz, PER Memorial Board.......................... John & Shirley Ryan Miss Garden Grove.................................Karen Lewin Orientation..................................Joe De La Luz, PER PER Association........................Randy Eldridge, PER Park....................................................... Dave Wilmes Parliamentarians.................. David Skelton PDDGER Photographers............. Myles Kowalcyk, Bruce Griffin Presiding Justice.....................David Armstrong, PER Public Relations......................................Ericka Flores Lead Ritual Coach ............... David Skelton PDDGER Asst. Ritual Coaches...................Jim Anderson, PER, David Stamper, PER, Randy Barrows, PER, Randy Eldridge, PER, John Miller IV, PER Rolling Billboard.........................David Stamper, PER Safety and Security...............................John Miller IV Saturday Bar B Q............................... Sharon Violano Scholarships......................................... Jeremy Harris Shuffle Board.............................................Mike Wight Sickness and Distress......................... Terry Woodard Social and Community Welfare............. Larry Hudson Soccer Shootout.......................................................... Sound Booth........................................ Dean Johnson PER’S BY DIMIT Robert G. Robb, PSP-PDDGER (+).......................1952-53 Sam Stanley (+) ....................................................1956-57 Charles J. Gibb (+) ................................................1958-59 Doyle E. Christian (+).............................................1967-68 Bob Rhodes (+) ....................................................1968-69 George Corbari (+) ...............................................1979-80 Daniel Molinari (+)..................................................1986-87 PAGE 2 Bill Searcy (+) ........................................................1982-83 Lee Gatti (+)...........................................................1993-94 Ron Volman............................................................1996-97 Paul Pantages........................................................2000-01 David Hough...........................................................2004-05 (**) Transferred (+) Deceased Standing Relief.................................Karen Lewin, ER Stray Elks...............................................Jim Faulkner Sunday Breakfasts........ David Skelton, Chuck O’Dey Veterans Day..........................................Jim Faulkner Veterans Services.....................................Mike Wight Visiting Sick........................................... Hans Lamme Visits Away.............................................Jack Hansen Wall Plaques..................................... Tsuki Tsukiyama Youth Activities.................................... Jack Whitwam PER’S BY ASSOCIATION Carl Brewner(+), George Mountford, Lee Ferrell, George Van de Langeryt, Dave Bakke PDDGER, Jim Rutherford, Todd Parris, Wayne Nowakowski, Eugene DeAngelis PDDGER, Jack Massie STATISTICS Membership as of: April 1, 2016..................... 1111 Gain by Initiation.................. 39 Gain by Transfer................... 11 Gain by Reinstatement............3 Total Gain............................53 Loss by Dropped.....................0 Loss by Transfer......................6 Loss by Absolute Dimit..........2 Loss by Death....................... 12 Total Loss............................. 20 Membership as of: August 31, 2016................ 1144 Remember . . . Donate your Aluminum cans to the lodge for recycling! Banquet Office 714-534-0226 Hours: 9:30 am-5:00 p.m. Voice Mail Available Lodge Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 9:00-4:00 pm (Closed 12-1 for Lunch) Call: 534-1952 or 534-0226 Fax: 534-6194 Check Your Elk Call . . . . . . for your Lodge membership number. It entitles you to a FREE dinner. See the Lodge Secretary for your dinner ticket. It is important that you notify the Lodge office of any address changes or new phone numbers. This will save the Lodge money on returned mail and also eliminate any interruption in your mail. Thanks OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL From the Station of Fidelity Elk Ender Halloween weekend, October 27-30. I am looking forward to the costume party – there are always some great ones. Before that there is Emblem’s Fashion Show on October 16th after the Breakfast – yours truly has been asked to model some outfits – The Dictionary committee is hard at work delivering our Dictionaries to our Third graders. Grand Lodge estimates 2,917,218 books have been delivered throughout the country. Our 46 schools receive approximately 3600 books each year. Scholarships are open on line at Elks.Org. If you know a student graduating next June, encourage them to check out the Most Valuable Student Scholarship applications. Students of Elk families should also check out the Legacy scholarships. Our Scholarship Chairman is Jeremy Harris. Check out the flyers for our “Socks for Heroes” program. Our lodge is scheduled to Exalted Ruler complete donations for November delivery. Thank you to all who have turned out for our many events this year. We hope you are enjoying your Lodge. If you are not on a committee you might want to consider volunteering. Alternatively, giving the Lodge just 5 hours of your time a month would be awesome … attend an event, bus your own table, donate something. This time of year our Emblem Club collects Christmas cards with pens and stamps for our troops – just 5 cards, one pen and 5 stamps will enable a serviceman to send cards to loved ones. Please donate if you can. Yes, Christmas is not that far away! See you at the Lodge….. Karen Lewin Exalted Ruler From the Station of Charity Wow! What a great day it was our annual Labor Day Family Fun Festival. The weather couldn’t have been better, which is why we had such a great crowd all day. With so many people to thank for all of their efforts, a general huge THANK YOU to all! A special thanks to those who stepped up to sell all of the raffle tickets, breakfast tickets, dinner tickets, etc. Many of you stayed well beyond your designated shifts in order to get it all done. Many thanks to those who came early to finish set up and decorating, and those who stayed after the event to help clean up and put things away. Without all of you, none of this would have come off as well as it did. To David Skelton and Chuck O’Dey who headed up the breakfast cooking, and dinner prep (which began days prior), a special job well done! The Elk-Enders as always did their excellent job with helping at breakfast, shucking the corn on Sunday before, and cooking the corn the day of, you guys are great. To Sharon Violano and her crew at lunch, Esteemed a very special thanks. The people present enjoyed ALL of the meals so much, we pretty Leading Knight much ran out of just about everything. To the Emblem ladies thank you once again for your contributions and efforts. The raffle baskets were well received and enjoyed a record yearthanks to Janice Eldridge and her crew. To those ladies that stepped up to help Debbie Mahoney set up for dinner and help serve and clean up afterwards, a huge thanks. What fun it was for us by way of Anthony Manzo bringing the water bucket dump to raise funds for the Purple Pig-great fun and a great job. Another special thanks to Tommy Porter for procuring the 2 TV’s which were part of our grand prize give away. To Randy Eldridge and Keith Mitchell we say kudos to a nice job keeping the jail in order and running smoothly. To Lee Allen and Eileen Rasmussen many thanks for running and taking care of the banks that entire day. I’m sure I have missed someone who went above and beyond the call of duty that day, and if I have my apologies. Of course there is always a few glitches, but any that day were rectified and we moved on. All of our days’ winners have received their prizes, and are elated. Once again the Garden Grove Elks can be proud of what was accomplished on Labor Day. Thanks Again! #8382 Be Charitable To All Mankind, Mark Mahoney Leading Knight Editor reserves the right to edit the submissions for Grammar, Punctuation, and Content as space allows. OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL PAGE 3 From the Station of Justice My Brothers and Sisters, Welcome to the month of our Lodge’s Halloween Rally. It is a lodge event and all members and their guests are invited to attend all the festivities. If you have a motorhome or camping trailer, please bring it as there will be plenty of parking in our parking lot. If you don’t camp you can still join us for all the fun. The fun will start on Thursday, October 27th through Sunday morning October 30th. There will be fun games, a silent auction, and a horse auction Friday night for a horse in the horse races that are planned for Saturday. There is be a costume party Friday night along with dinner and dancing. There will also be a Saturday night dinner and dancing. The annual California-Hawaii Elks Rally at the Golden Palm Resort in Hemet, CA will be on Thursday, October 6th through Sunday morning the 9th. Our lodge will be cooking breakfast on Friday and Saturday morning and also burgers and hot dogs for lunch. There will be all kinds of drawings and raffles. They will have pig races and dinner and dancing. It is always lots of fun and all the proceeds go to our Major Project/Piggy Bank. If you would like to attend go the following website Esteemed to register. Loyal Knight I hope that you didn’t miss out on all of the fun events that occurred last month. First we had our annual “Rudy Kaul’s Night at the Races on Saturday, September 3rd. If you did not go to this party, you missed a very exciting event. It was so much fun seeing so many of our members dressed up as jockeys and racing forward to the roll of the large foam dice. Needless to say, the whole event was exciting. This event was followed by our annual Labor Day Family Fun Festival. It was an all-day event for families and friends. The event’s chairman was our Esteemed Leading Knight Mark Mahoney who did an exemplar job of running the event. The volunteers served breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the Garden Grove Elk-Enders camping group served corn on the cob. Our ladies from the Emblem Club #279 served all kinds of goodies and snacks along with refreshing drinks. There was face painting by our Elk clown’s and a water slide for the children to enjoy. Thanks to our Esteemed Lecturing Knight, there was even a dunk tank in which the officers volunteered to get wet in the name of the Purple Pig. Watching our Trustee Jim Anderson PER climb the water slide and slide down it for donations was a sight to see. Randy Eldridge PER and Keith Mitchel (who drove in from Las Vegas) played the Sheriffs and placed many of the attendees into custody for charity. There were also all kinds of raffle prizes and less not forget, the drawing for a brand new car. The young lady that won the car bought her ticket at the Strawberry Festival in honor of her father who was a Garden Grove Elk and is on our Memorial Wall in the Lodge Room. And remember my members… “Be Just to Your Fellow Man” Greetings From the Station of Brotherly Love Fraternally yours, Sherrie Larson Esteemed Loyal Knight Fall is upon us and I can feel the seasonal change in the air! September brought us many happy faces during the several events we had. Our Annual Labor Day Picnic was packed with a lot of people. It was so great to see everyone having a great time. It was also great to see so many people volunteering for this extremely important lodge fundraiser. We could not have pulled it off without everyone’s support. ~ Many thanks to all who put in their time! Volunteers with Elk Pride! It’s contagious! Our 5th Annual Orange Coast District Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies took place on September 18th. It was great seeing everyone and talking amongst our fellow Elks from our District Lodges in anticipation of the games we were about to participate in! These Olympic Games not only bring Elk Athletes together for some friendly competition, but it also helps our OC District become greater than it already is! We are a strong & proud district! Congratulations Rick Ross and all of the volunteers from all of the Lodges’ Olympic Committees who make this happen! I can’t wait to be a part of the closing ceremonies! October is here and this marks a special time of the year for our Elk Enders as they will be putting Esteemed on their Annual Halloween Rally! Starting Thursday, October 27th thru Sunday October 29th the Elk Lecturing Knight Enders will pack our parking lot with their RVs in a Tailgate Style Rally. They will be offering up Dinners Specials that Friday and Saturday nights at the lodge and also hosting a special breakfast that Saturday. Let’s not forget that there will be a Halloween costume contest with great prize awards for several different categories! So, get creative. Dress in costume and have some fun! Also, we will be having our Pizza Sunday on October 30th. I am looking forward to celebrating with everyone! I am very proud to be this year’s Chairman for the Needy Children’s Christmas Party on December 11th. There is a lot of planning to be done, and I am actively looking for volunteers to help my wife and me with this wonderful community event. Please reach out to me or Michelle if you’d like to participate. Let’s make this party an event these kids will forever remember! Remember that your membership matters! Bring family and friends to your lodge and enjoy good fellowship! Participation in activities and events helps our lodge function as the best in our district! I hope that everyone enjoys the fall season! And, as always my friends…….”Ever Practice Brotherly Love”. Sincerely, Anthony Manzo Esteemed Lecturing Knight PAGE 4 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL Rear View Mirror Oceano Campout August 11-14 2016 by LuAnn Barrows Emblem Club President’s Message Dear Emblem Sisters and Brothers, Thank you for the opportunity to represent Garden Grove #279 at the 90 th Supreme Emblem Club Convention in Arlington Virginia. Char Cyrus was elected as the new 4th Vice President, and several Emblem Club of the State Past Presidents President from California were elected to positions serving with our new Supreme President Marty Lynch. Watch for all of the information in the next Topics. Our own Past President LuAnn Barrows was appointed to the office of Supreme Deputy South for the State of California. I know a lot went on while I was gone and want to thank all of you that stepped up to help at the Elks Labor Day Festival and Emblem Bake Sale. Our 61st Birthday party was a lot of fun. How wonderful it is that we continue to thrive when so many clubs are closing? Lots of events are coming up please try to attend at least one this year. Remember, you agreed to your support when you took your oath. The committee is hard at work on the Fashion Show slated for October 16th. Then, we get into the holiday season. How time flies! November 13th is our next Bus Trip, and then we pack Thanksgiving baskets on the 22nd. If you know of a family in need please contact LuAnn Barrows. We always want to take care of our own first! Until next time, Ruthann German President 2016-2017 ELK OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER 2016 This month’s Elk of the Month has been a member for six years. She has been active in several committees including the Inaugural Ball committee, New Year’s, our visitation dinners for the State Vice President and the District Deputy. Her latest effort was to Chair our Annual Car Show. This entails a lot of behind the scenes work leading up to the event. This year’s Show was a super success. Thanks to Winnie and her committee for their dedication. For all her hard work, Our Elk of the Month for October is Winnie Coombs. OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL Several of our campers arrived on Tuesday. The rest trickled in on Wednesday and Thursday. Due to surgeries, procedures, and various other issues we had a smaller crowd than usual but it allowed us to get to know some of the newer members! Thursday several groups went to the street fair and dinner at McClintocks. Friday was our wine tour expertly put together by David and Janice Skelton. John Zahn arranged an outing to a new restaurant on Friday night and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Saturday morning was another fabulous pot luck breakfast followed by the Melodrama in the afternoon, this year it was” Under the Boardwalk of Pismo Beach”. We left with our cheeks hurting from all of the one liners! Back to the campground and a great spread of Hors d’oeuvres. Each night found a larger than ever group at the campfire. We were joined by Bill & Shirley O’Hearn who stayed at the Hotel and provided us with Yummy Bloody Mary’s on Saturday morning. We were also visited by several members of Newport Harbor. The weather was fantastic. Thanks to all who were able to be there and we look forward to next year. Do you know a High School Senior? It’s scholarship season! Both the Most Valuable Student and the Legacy Awards scholarship contests kicked off September 1. The applications are now available online. The MVS contest is open to any high school senior who is a U.S. citizen. The Legacy contest is open only to high school seniors who are children or grandchildren of Elks. November 30: Most Valuable Student scholarship applications due online by 11:59 p.m. Central Time. #8966 PAGE 5 House/Trustee Committee Highlights – 9/3/16 HELP WANTED The following items were discussed at House/Trustee Committee Meetings • Socks for Heroes – collection through Sept, Oct. Delivery to Orange by November 12th • Drug Awareness Bookmarks for stuffing Dictionaries – cost is .10 cents. Ordered 1600 for the September book stuffing. • Flag retirement – bring your old flags into the lodge to be folded on November 5th. • Emblem requested to sell baked goods at Pizza Sunday for their charities. Voted and passed. • Ericka Flores has donated 30 bubble lights for Christmas decorations for the lodge. • Tiler is required on the back gate during outside events. Trustee: Howard will continue to donate his DJ time, however the value of his donations will be put into a fund for accent lighting for the Lodge room new curtains. Motion, 2nd and passed. Lights cost approximately $250 and we need about 20. Phil Jones wishes to donate a soft electronic dart machine which takes quarters. Credit Cards – the Lodge will need to switch over to chip cards in the future. Cemetery plots – still have them up for sale. Fire Alarm system – Progress. RV income – Jack Whitwam reports we have taken in $46,725 year to date (April – March) 4th Monday Taco Team – We are in need of a taco person for this team – with John Poat’s passing Greg Silver now has two slots to fill – please call Greg if you can assist – 714-595-0530 ALL members are invited to attend House Committee/ Trustee meetings, usually on the First Saturday of the month, as well as the Trustee Workshops, usually on Wednesday evenings. This is YOUR Lodge. If you want to have input on what is being done please come to these meetings. If you have suggestions for improvements this is the place to present them. Canopies – Looking for a crew to set up and take down our canopies – when we leave them up in the weather they get holes very quickly – on an as needed basis, especially for volunteer events. Purple Pigs for Major Project Matt Grenert Gary Whitaker Walter Kenney A.D. Elmore Whatley McDaniel Table Tops James Faulkner PAGE 6 52 Club 52 Club Century Club Social and Community Welfare –We need members to work this committee. Normally meetings are once a month, the first Tuesday for about one hour. Review donation requests from local charitable organizations. We are also looking for a Chair Person for this one. Bingo ---- Our bingo team is always in need of help. Training available. Tuesday evenings. Early or late shift. Stop in and see us in action. Thanks to those who have stepped up. Clowns -- Our clown committee has been a dedicated group for many years. We are looking for a new chairman so they can take a rest. If this is your passion, please contact me. Horseshoes ---- Looking for someone to step up. Currently we compete for the District Olympic Games and like to have the pits used on Labor Day. If this is your interest please contact us. Publicity Chairman --- Coordinate photos with our photographers and write up articles for local papers, TV, Radio and the Elk magazines. FILLED – THANK YOU!!! Circle of Flags – Looking for another team of at least two to put out our flags in front on Holidays If you are interested please contact any officer in the lodge or me at 310-890-5040. Karen Lewin September, 2016 Flag Retirement 2016 This year’s “Flag Retirement Ceremony” will be held at the Orange Elks Lodge #1475 on November 12, 2016. The ceremony will start at 11AM. Immediately following the ceremony there will be a light lunch served for a nominal charge and a no-host bar in the dining room. It’s time to start collecting those “Old Glories” and prepare them for retirement. Retired flags can be dropped off at the Orange Elks Lodge for storage prior to the ceremony. Please ensure that they are properly folded and not rolled up or in disarray before dropping them off. R.C. “Stoney” Bourke, PAVP District Americanism Chairman OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL PAGE 7 GARDEN GROVE ELKS NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT WITH OUR "Socks for Heroes" Program American Gold Star Parents, Carla and Jim Hogan are donating over 720 pairs of socks to be stuffed with "Goodies from Home" then shipped to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Items needed are: CIGARS, BEEF JERKY, SLIM JIM BEEF STICKS, CHEWING TOBACCO, AMERICAN SPIRITS CIGARETTES (cartons), GOURMET HOT SAUCE AND FAST FOOD CONDIMENTS. Donate your "Goodies to the Garden Grove Elks Lodge on: DATES: October 6 & 7 October 13 & 14 October 20 & 21 Then Join the "Packing Party" on: Sunday, November 6 at 10 am For more details, contact the Garden Grove Elks Lodge Veterans Committee Members: Mike Wight 714 469 4348 or Jim Faulkner 714 425 2919 EXALTED RULER’S GET AWAY CRUISE COME ALONG AND JOIN EXALTED RULER KAREN LEWIN ON A FANTASTIC VOYAGE ONBOARD THE BEAUTIFUL Carnival ISPIRATION 3 Day ENSENADA Cruise Sailing from LONG BEACH, CA 02/17/2017 – 02/20/2017 11551 Trask Avenue • Garden Grove, CA Enjoy the many different wines from: All proceeds of this event go to the Garden Grove Elks Christmas Basket Fund Interior $259.00 Ocean View $309.00 Suite $549.00 * Taxes, fees and port expenses are $81.5 pp additional Gratuity is not included: $12.00 per day per person DEPOSIT IS ONLY $100.00 PER PERSON NO PASS PORTS REQUIRED FOR THIS CRUISE!! Special Item for Silent Auction: Commemorative Elk Bottle 46 year old bottle and a Centennial limited edition (1866-1966) PAGE 8 Complimentary 19 oz. Bordeaux Wine Glass Silent Auction • Door Prizes Purchase Wines by the Bottle or the Case Cash, Check or Visa/MC See the Lodge Office Staff or Greg Silver for Pre-Sale Tickets For more information contact Greg Silver (714) 595-0530 Or email to: [email protected] *Ask me about Carnival's Optional Vacation Protection Plan (VPP) which is available at an additional charge. With Carnival's VPP, there is no need to worry about trip cancellations, baggage protection or medical protection while on your Fun Ship Cruise. Your Fun Vacation Includes: • 8 Fabulous meals every day • 24-Hour Complimentary Room Service • Lavish Entertainment • Las Vegas Style Casinos • Full Service Health Club and Spa • And Non-Stop Exciting Activities…. Please call TERISHA ROSELIN ASAP to reserve a cabin at: 1-800-819-3902 Ext: 82573 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL The Quick View Page WEDNESDAY NIGHT FAMILY DINNERS $10.00 per person October 5th Cornish Game Hen Halibut October 12th Beef Stew Baked Chicken October 19 Tips & Noodles Roast Pork th Dinner served 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 26th Salmon Spaghetti & Meatballs Garden Grove Elks Lodge 1952 SOUP AND SALAD BAR $7.00 This includes mixed green vegetables, along with lots of side dishes and great toppings. MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Create your own salad and enjoy what you like! Bluegrass Saturdays FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS Fri. & Sat. October 7th & 8th Meat Loaf Lobster Featuring Jody Silver and Friends First Saturday of every Month Noon Until 2 pm Fri. & Sat. October 14th & 15th Lamb Shank Chicken Alfredo “Please call Monday to Friday, the earlier the better. Please understand we will make every effort to accommodate your requests for tables whenever possible, but we cannot make guarantees. Only reservations will be guaranteed, not necessarily tables. Thank you in advance for your understanding.” OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL DOORS OPEN 4:30pm EARLY BIRD GAMES: 6:30pm MAIN GAMES: 7pm $20.00 MAIN GAMES BUY-IN EARLY BIRDS - $5.00 OR 3 SETS FOR $10.00 $35.00 PACKAGE -2EB/2MAINS/1 SPECIAL MONEY TRAIN - $5.00 (PAYOFF $500) POWERBALL ENTRY - $2.00 BULLSEYE BINGO GAME - $2.00ea DOUBLE ACTION SHEETS $1 ea OR 6 for $5 POWERBALL GAME BIRTHDAY BINGO COLOR TV MONITORS PULL TABS DOUBLE ACTION BULLSEYE BINGO PAYS MIN. $300 MONEY TRAIN PAYS $500.00 $2 INNER FULL D ESDAY U T T S LA TH!! E MON OF TH EXCELLENT PARKING SNACK BAR FREE PRETZEL & COFFEE Mexican Mondays 5:30-7 pm Tacos Margaritas Coronas in the East Room! BAND STAND OCTOBER 2016 Fri. & Sat. October 28th & 29th LODGE ROOM ONLY TICKETED EVENT ELK ENDERS HALLOWEEN PARTY ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME FIXED PRICE MENU BOTH NIGHTS $16.00 Dinner 6:00 p.m. • Music 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY EVENINGS Fri. & Sat. October 21st & 22nd Chicken Parmesan Swordfish Fri. October 28th Baron of Beef & Chicken Fried Steak Sat. October 29th Fried Chicken & Pulled Pork GARDEN GROVE ELKS Sat. October 1 Jusstuss Fri. October 7 Grumps of Orange County Sat. October 8 Tom Potts Country Night Every SATURDAY BBQ !!!! Hamburgers & Hot Dogs $3.00 Fri. October 14 Breakaway Sat. October 15 JB & The Big Circle Riders Fri. October 21 Street Corner Sat. October 22 Bobby Cochran Fri. October 28 Howard Don’t call me Howie Sat. October 29 Dave Ambrose Sun. October 30 Pizza Sunday Back Home Band 11:00-2:00 PAGE 9 Our Prized Elk - October - Andrew “Andy” Benjock This column is for our special members who we feel have earned recognition for the time, dedication, loyalty, and support they have given to Our Elks Lodge over the years. When you think of a true American hero, what do you imagine? Someone who is brave and strong, selfless and noble? What about charitable, benevolent, and full of brotherly love? Andrew Elmer Benjock is all of the above. After more than 31 years of military service in the US Marines, 54 years of marriage, and 9 years as a Lodge Member, Andy has proven he is faithful, dedicated, hardworking, honest, and above all, inspirational. Andy was born in McKeesport, PA on Christmas Eve in 1921. He is 95 years old (looks about 70), and still goes to the gym 3 times a week! He claims “If you don’t use it, you lose it!”, a phrase we should all live by! He enlisted the US Marine Corps in 1941 with the help of his brother (he was technically too young to enlist). He became a Radio Operator Tail Runner with no knowledge of planes. In fact, he had never been near a plane in his life! He quickly learned how to fly. He was later sent in the 1st Squadron to fire rockets off of torpedo bombers on the Tokyo Rose with “Robbie’s Red Ass Rocketeers”. His plane was shot down by the Japanese in the South Pacific near Green Island, where he floated with 4 men on a 3 man life raft for 16 hours in 10-foot seas, surrounded by sharks, in 115-degree weather, before being rescued by a New Zealand Black Cat called “Dumbo”. Sunburned, dehydrated, and exhausted, he was allowed a whopping 7 days off of service to recover! He went right back to work, defending our country. After World War II, he fought in Korea. Right after, he was married to his lovely wife, Rachel. Once, he nearly froze to death in temperatures of 50 below (his nose is still numb!). He was one of the few chosen to pull the wounded from The Chosen Reservoir. He helped saved over 4,800 soldiers. He later did 3 tours to Vietnam, where he flew for the CIA as a Marine Advisor. In 1968, he had a near-death experience when his lungs collapsed from an injury. A nurse put a pen in his trachea to inflate his lungs. His right lung has never recovered. But, before they were able to resuscitate him, he saw a big, white light, and felt at total peace. After countless battles fought, deployments, unfathomable situations and unforgettable sights, he retired as a Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant on December 1, 1973, where he was awarded a Navy Commendation Medal. He and his wife Rachel (“Bert”) moved back to North Carolina for 20 years, before coming back to settle in Tustin. He has 4 children, Michele, Danny, Bobbie, and Barbara, 7 grandchildren, and 16 great grandchildren (and counting!). He and his family celebrated his 90th birthday at the Lodge, with a live country band strumming as they enjoyed his favorite meal being served, Pedro’s Tips & Noodles. Andy joined the Elks 9 years ago, thanks to his great friend Gordon “Ole” Olson persuaded him. They were both members of the Fleet Reserve in Westminster. And, despite living closer to the Santa Ana Lodge, Ole and secretary, Jenny Hayden convinced him the members at our lodge were much more friendly! To this day, Andy believes it still rings true. He says joining the Lodge was “the best thing that ever happened” to him, and “from the bottom of (my) heart it’s like a second home”. His favorite things are the camaraderie, the hug, kisses and hello’s from the beautiful ladies, as well as Pedro’s Lasagna and Tips and Noodles! He attends the Association of Naval Aviation’s Meetings every second Thursday of the month, and also joins Jack Whitwam with the Down Syndrome Parties that are held. You’ve probably also seen him volunteering at the delicious monthly Sunday Breakfast, helping to make sure everybody has exactly what they need to have a perfect meal. Although the dictionary defines ‘hero” as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”, Webster might want to include a picture of Sergeant Andy Benjock next to it. A great father, a war veteran, a caring friend, loving husband, and devoted fellow Elk, he is a man who says we should all just “Love one another”. If you see him around the Lodge, be sure to shower him with appreciation, because Lord knows he deserves it! Thank you Sergeant Benjock, for providing us with the freedom we have today. We are all so lucky that you made it out of that 3-man life raft alive! Andy being recognized for his “Service and Sacrifice of This Nation” by The SoCal Quilts of Valor Foundation in March 2015 American Hero If you know someone deserving who should be our next Prized Elk, please email AngelJohnsonGGElks@, or call (714) 683-6445. PAGE 10 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL PHCSI_5x7.75_ad.pdf 4/12/16 9:12:20 AM Professional Health Care Consultants, Inc. Services We Provide ® S pecializing in the care of clients with: • • • • “Your Loved One are Our Loved Ones”® Alzheimer’s/Dementia Parkinson’s Stroke Infirmities Multiple Sclerosis L ength of Care Services • Hourly care, Weekly & Monthly • 24/7 Care (Multiple Shifts) • Weekends & holidays • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Senior Concierge Service Companionship Meal preparation Light housekeeping Errands and shopping Grooming and dressing guidance Mail assistance & organization Periodic monitoring & communication with the family Medication reminders Doctor visits Reading Incidental transportation Respite for family caregivers Hospice support 6765 Westminster Ave., Suite C416 • Westminster, CA 92683 • Phone: (888) 534-8082 • (714) 554-0878 • (949) 681-8383 Fax: (657) 227-7554 • email: [email protected] Rocky & Roni Rochlen New and Used Manufactured Homes Specializing in Senior Parks in Orange County Bus: 714.891.6383 Fax: 714.891.8120 Home: 714.236.5176 Roni’s Cell: 714.654.6539 Rocky’s Cell: 714.472.1906 [email protected] Office: 11810 Beach Blvd., Stanton, CA 90680 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL PAGE 11 PAGE 12 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL Nancy J. Mourek-Green Owner Custom Embroidery & Promotional Products 714-530-2357 12371 Walnut Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92840 Danny’s 12783 Newhope Street Garden Grove, CA 92840 Ph. (714) 926-8477 Fax (714) 362-3177 AUTO PAINTING & BODY REPAIR 5885 Paramount Blvd. (between 91 Fwy. & South St.) Long Beach, CA 90805 Tel. (562) 423-5335 License #797154 • Insured * Collision & Frame Specialists * All Insurance Claims Welcomed * Fleet Service Specialists * Hot Rods & Restoration * Fiber Glass Repairs * All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES * RESONABLE RATES * IN BUSINESS SINCE 1958 * BABY BOOMERS * Downsizing • Buying Up Call: Big Mike McFadden/Agent 714-820-3150 Realty One Group Web: The Surf City Freedom Executive Chef General Manager is NOT Retirement Living 12900 Main St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 Tel. (714) 539-4DDG • Fax (714) 539-4343 e-mail: [email protected] FREE B&C Concrete Driveways and Patios Concrete Lic. #865190 C-8 BRIAN KIEFFER Ph: (888) 903-1235 Fax: (714) 741-3993 Cell: (562) 884-1095 PH (714) 540-0200 FX (714) 540-3939 LA PLACA EXTERMINATING BEST DEAL SO-CAL Doug Coleman INC. COMPLETE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL SERVICES (800) 525-BUGS (2847) 2039 S. Lyon St., Santa Ana, CA 92705 P.O. Box 2156 Garden Grove, CA 92842 [email protected] Freedom is NOT FREE Leisure World Seal Beach Jim Duncan 714-356-6717 Berkshire Hathaway BRE #1918803 BUDDY’S AUTO REPAIR &YQFSJFODFZPVDBOUSVTU 15% Off Parts & Labor up to $75 with ad EXCLUDES SPECIAL ORDER AND DEALER PARTS My Grandpa Buddy has been doing this a long time. If he can’t fix it, nobody can. #6%%:µ4"6503&1"*3)"4#&&/"55)*4"-0/(5*.& Walt Mahler Proud Elk &91&3*&/$&:06$"/53645 "MM.BLFT.PEFMT 8&8*--53:50'*5:063#6%(&5 4QFDJBMJ[JOHJO$PNQVUFS%JBHOPTUJDT 4NPH3FQBJST$PMMJTJPO3FQBJST State licensed technicians %FBMFS3FDPNNFOEFE1SFWFOUBUJWF Approved with Nationwide only discounts Warranty .BJOUFOBODF$PNQMFUF"VUP3FQBJS All Major Credit Cards Accepted. CZ6TJOHUIF#FTU5FDIOPMPHZXJUI (PPE0ME'BTIJPOFE4FSWJDF 10601 Acacia Ave, Garden Grove 714-539-9175 92840 Visit Our Website at (714/949/562) OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL PAGE 13 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU . . . October 1 Beaudin, Edmund Berryman, Robert Ingram, Wayne Lehmann, Klaus Szabo, Steven October 2 Flores, Charles Mitchell, Charles A Pinon, Phillip Record, David A Whitwam, Patrick October 3 Ervin, Elena Kimbler, Eugene Larsen, H B Maver, Shelly Perillard, Shelly Poynter, Richard October 4 Diamond, Charlie Grass, James Morgan, Jay F October 5 Fridley, Dave October 6 Pulsipher, Larry October 7 Johnson, Bob Wilmes, David M October 8 Vigil, Gilbert October 9 Brown, Clayton D Girard, Robert Moriel, Humberto October 10 Stringer, James October 11 Kitchen, Joe October 12 Olivieri, Tony Paul, Kelly October 13 Johnson, Danny Nicklus, Frank October 14 Shinn, James Patrick White, Jimmy October 15 Bridges, Charles Crawford, Jack Lyons, Daniel Off, Robert Serrato, Lily A Witteveen, Anna Maria October 16 Bendt, James R Giese, James A Hansen, Kimberly October 17 Bennett, William Blanchard, Warren Henderson, Thomas Hilliard, Richard Schultz, Lynn Smith, Donald K October 18 Escobedo, Lauro Lazzara, Catherine F Thomas, Kevin October 19 White, Robert N Zuniga, Vicente October 20 Dorsz, Lawrence Kress, Jerome Buck Larson, Sherrie October 21 Carter, Peter Tellefsen, Ed October 22 Caughlin, Bernard October 23 Gonzalez, Jack October 24 Collins, Paul Oliver, Nancy L Wallin, Jack October 25 Korb, William Wasinger, Chris Wilson, Parks October 26 Mello, Mark Sickness, Distress & GOOD STUFF October 27 Barrows, Randy Carlin, Gerald Fortson Jr., Arthur Hirsch, Donald Gene Stewart, David Whitaker, Gary October 28 Jones, Dale John Miskimen, James October 29 Bowerman, Verlin De La Luz, Joe D Ellis, Johnny October 30 Hensel, Steven R Magdaleno, Lawrence Szumita, Robert A Wilson, James October 31 Bunnell, Carol A Jarvis, John Payne, Mark W #8623 Please call Terry Woodard at 714-533-1833 to report sickness, death or good news about your loved ones. Larry Hudson – Feeling much better. Al Quinn – attended a meeting and has been seen around the Lodge for lunch. David Coombs – had an angiogram and small stent put in. Resting comfortably. Rick Ross PER – Thanks everyone for the cards and prayers at the passing of his son. David Hough PER – wife Sherry was in a severe car accident cards and prayers are requested. Terry Woodard – reported that Billie Shozda Widow of PDDGER Edward Shozda, will be having a procedure to remove a melanoma. Prayers and cards are appreciated. David Skelton PDDGER – sister Juanita had 10 screws Helping Veterans and in her arm and a steel ball in her hip after her fall, she is recuperating. Active Military into Tommy Porter – was back in ICU but out again. BILL SMITH their dream home. Doug DeRoxas (Pineapple) – was here for the Luau, BRE #01813105 | C: 714.756.1715 healing slowing and still needs to lose a few pounds. Ask Traci about Reverse Mortgages. John Miller III PER – leg is healing well from the melanoma, happy it won’t be going with him to Idaho! Tsuki Tsukiyama – had a bout with AFIB, was in the hospital but is home and feeling better. Ron Starr – threw his back out. TRACI STIER NMLS ID: 453506 | C: 714.369.4887 Ron Yates – not feeling well. A reverse mortgage is a loan and may result in loss or negative equity, and will be recouped Al Quinn – fell and sprained his ankle. from the proceeds of the house. All Veterans must qualify; they are not automatically eligible for the program. imortgage 7755 Center Ave., Suite 1200, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Corporate NMLS ID 174457. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act CRMLA 4131040. 07262016 6851 PAGE 14 OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL KAMIKAZE KORNER To Our Absent Members The faults of our members we write upon the sand; their virtues upon tablets of love and memory . . . #7643 John Poat #9213 Born: April 8, 1943 Initiated: March 15, 2012 Passed: August 1, 2016 August 4 Jackpot #1 $250.00 Mo Meeting Closed due to SCE August 18 Jackpot #1 $275.00 9033 – Kenneth Maxfield 7414 – Jim Faulkner WINNER Save The Date NOTICE -- New Year’s Eve December 31, 2016 The 5 Star Band Filet and Lobster Dinner Tickets Go On Sale December 5 DUE TO HALLOWEEN there will be no PER Dinner on Monday, October 31, 2016. August 11 Jackpot #1 $250.00 3791 – Tony Olivieri 8435 – Ronald Yates 8730 – Benjamin Velazquez 8183 – William White WINNER NONE August 25 Jackpot #1 $200.00 4041 – Ernest Moore 6981 – Joe Kitchen 9222 – Ed Tellefsen 8581 – Paul Solorzano WINNER NONE Remember, my Brothers, It pays to attend lodge meetings! Garden Grove Elks Calendar for NOVEMBER, 2016 Sunday Monday CHEA Midterm Convention San Diego, CA November 4-5 6 Charity Wine Tasting Sunday Sports Club Bar Open Daylight Savings Ends 13 Emblem Bus Trip Sunday Sports Club Bar Open 20 Breakfast 9 am Sunday Sports Club Bar Open 27 Sunday Sports Club Bar Open Pizza Sunday Team #3 7Taco Night 5:30 Darts 6 pm Emblem Board Mtg. Investigation Leading Knight’s Clinic-La Habra 7 pm 14 Taco Night 5:30 pm Darts 6 pm 21 Taco Night 5:30 pm Darts 6 pm 28 Taco Night 5:30 pm Darts 6 pm Officer’s Ritual Meet 7 pm OCTOBER 2016 / ELK CALL Tuesday 1 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. HC/Trustees 7 pm 8 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. 15 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. 22 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. Emblem Thanksgiving Baskets 29 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. Wednesday 2 Family Night Elk Enders 7:30 pm Karaoke 7:00 pm Emblem Bake Sale 9 Family Night Emblem Club 7 pm Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm 16 Family Night Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm Emblem Bake Sale 23 Family Night Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm Thursday 3 4 Family Night Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm Saturday 5 Lodge Night PER Dinner Dinner - Dancing Dinner - Dancing Host - Mahoney Host - Violano Host - Wight 10 11 Lodge Night Balloting Host - Larson 17 Ham Club 9 am Entertainment Comm. Mtg 10 12 Dinner - Dancing Dinner-Line Dancing Host - De La Luz Host - Duarte Elk Enders - DO IT IN THE DIRT 11/10-13 18 19 Lodge Night Dinner - Dancing Orientation 5 pm Host - Manzo Host - Smith Host - Johnson 24 Thanksgiving (No Meeting) 25 Dinner - Dancing 26 Dinner - Dancing Dinner - Dancing Host - Lewin Host - Faulkner Buffet 11-2 Office Closed 30 Friday RAFFLES 11/4 & 5 Team 4 Number listed after the date is team 11/11 & 12 Team 1 responsible for 11/18 & 19 Team 2 sales for the evening. 11/25 & 26 Team 3 PAGE 15 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE A VERY IMPORTANT ELK PAID PERMIT NO. 49 GARDEN GROVE, CA BENEVOLENT & PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS LODGE #1952 11551 TRASK AVENUE GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843-3889 POSTMASTER: This Publication is of vital interest. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Dated Material DO NOT DELAY Reading Matter: Typed, Single Spaced, No Longhand Word Documents Preferred Printed Matter Acceptable Pictures: Black & White or High Contrast Color OK, No Negatives E-mail to: [email protected] Copy Deadline: 12th of the Month POSTMASTER: REQUESTED IN-HOME DELIVERY DATE: October 1, 2016 Garden Grove Elks Calendar for OCTOBER, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday RAFFLES 3 Sunday Sports Club Bar Open 9 4 Taco Night Bingo 5:30 pm Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. Darts 6 pm Emblem Board Mtg. HC/Trustees 7 pm 10 Sunday Sports Club Bar Open 16 Breakfast 9 am Emblem Fashion Show Sunday Sports Club Bar Open 23 Taco Night 5:30 pm Darts 6 pm 17 Taco Night 5:30 pm Darts 6 pm 24 Taco Night Sunday Sports Sunday 5:30 pm NO Club Bar Sports TACOS Open Darts Club Bar Open 6 pm Darts 6 pm Pizza Sunday 30 HALLOWEEN 31 Team #2 11 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. DD Visit Santa Ana 18 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. 25 Bingo Member’s Happy Hour - 4-6 p.m. 5 Family Night Elk Enders 7:30 pm Karaoke 7:00 pm Emblem Bake Sale 12 Family Night Emblem Club 7 pm Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm 19 Family Night Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm Emblem Bake Sale 26 Family Night Karaoke 7:00 pm HC/Trustees 7 pm 6 Lodge Night PER Dinner DD Visit Fullerton Host - Williams 13 Lodge Night Host - Roldan 20 Saturday 1 California Elks Rally Hemet, CA October 6-8 10/1 Team 3 Number listed after 10/7 & 8 Team 4 the date is team responsible for 10/14 & 15 T eam 1 sales for the 10/21 & 22 T eam 2 evening. 10/28 & 29 T eam 3 2 Friday HC/Trustees 9 am Bluegrass Jam Dinner - Dancing Host - Mahoney 7 8 Dinner - Dancing Host - Manzo 14 Dinner - Dancing Host - Larson 21 Entertainment Comm. Mtg 10 Ham Club 10 am Dinner-Line Dancing Host - Coombs 15 Dinner Show Dinner - Dancing Host - Whitwam 22 Lodge Night DD Homecoming La Habra Dinner - Dancing Dinner - Dancing Host - Johnson Host - Miller IV Host - Anderson 27 Lodge Night Open Meeting 28 Dinner - Dancing 29 Dinner - Dancing Host - Anderson Host - Watkins Host - La Combe Elk Enders - HALLOWEEN RALLY GG LODGE 10/27-30
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