“Training with a true purpose, with the cheerleader athlete in mind.”
“Training with a true purpose, with the cheerleader athlete in mind.”
“Training with a true purpose, with the cheerleader athlete in mind.” WELCOME TO UFIT UFIT, You Focused in Technique, is a camp company that reaches youth through a sport that is contagious. Cheerleading. This report contains information that will familiarize you with UFIT as the lead cheer training camp company in the southeast region redefining the cheerleading market. BACKGROUND The founders of UFIT… recognized the lack of cheerleading skills and abilities being performed poorly at the collegiate level filtering down to high and middle school cheerleading programs, which ignited the creation of a camp company that focuses solely on proper training and technique to boost the performance level of youth aspiring to become well developed athletes in the sport of cheerleading. Coach Estrada- since 2005 she has focused her passion, with previous years of coaching experience, in training cheerleaders on not just an athletic level but built a template, to shape young athletes to have a successful academic career, sustain mental stability, all the while teaching and introducing healthy lifestyles. Coach Hales- gears her passion toward the specific elements of unity, teamwork, and effective skills training during both the pre and post season’s so that athletes become well rounded learning how to work on their craft individually and with teammates and peers. TOGETHER they have birthed a “dynasty” that captures athlete’s attention through cheerleading allowing UFIT the opportunity to mold youth as individuals first and developing them as athletes second. UFIT offers a variety of features that delivers the best cheerleading training camp experience in our market. LOCATIONS Charlotte, North Carolina is UFIT’s primary location operating out of, Johnson C. Smith University, as the incubator site to introduce UFIT’s program to the surrounding community, while at the same time providing exposure that has become known with the University’s name and its athletic department. Fayetteville, North Carolina, and Richmond, Virginia serve as our sister cities where cheerleading team camps and clinics are also conducted allowing our company to cover major cities in the southeast region that breeds top level cheerleading athletes. These three prime locations appeal to UFITS cheerleading demographics, needs, and services. V.A. N.C. Company Objective- the go-to company for cheerleading training. Our objective will be measured through sales success & customer service as well as; Financial growth within the company would be generated through revenue and earnings. 15% increase within the next 12 months. Attract new investors. & continue to keep costs affordable to our customers. Further generate exposure about our company contributing towards K-12 and post-secondary education. Introduction of 3 new markets catering to collegiate and advanced level programs. CAMPS & CLINICS 5 DAY YOUTH CAMPS UFIT’s five day instructional cheerleading summer training camp caters to athletes at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Ages of 4-17 Operation Hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Instructional classes range from; motions, jumps, dance, fitness, tumble, and stunt taught by certified instructors. TEAM CAMPS & CLINICS Teambuilding, strengthening and conditioning of cheerleading teams. Pre-assessment screening based on; teams’ ability to stunt, tumble, cheer, dance, jump, game day operation plan, team chemistry, as well as the critical relationship between the coach and team. UFIT focuses and caters to the areas of weakness while constantly improving strengths of the team. In this particular setting team building is critical to our customer’s success. Offered to all team levels! FIT-2-COACH is a “coaching clinic” program for advisors, head coaches & assistant coaches, and volunteers who work with cheerleaders directly; FIT-2-Coach exposes coaches to: Key skills, competencies, and understating in developing a coaching process. Structure spirit program and skills to enhance athletes’ performance, growth and exposure, game day operation & preparation, as well as safety training. • F Coaching is as a powerful way to manage, mentor, and provide leadership to their spirit program. LIFE SKILLS Academically FIT Empowerment eXpo • Enhance academic leadership . • Increase confidence & motivation in he classroom. • Learning skills activities through academic enrichment classes. •Engaged , inform, and provide our athletes with resources through: •Life skills trainings, workshops, character building exercises, and post-secondary education options. UFIT Showcase DAY- All UFIT’s summer camps are uniquely celebrated on the last day. This fun filled celebration allows parents, families, sponsors, community leaders, and supports to come and witness the success of our UFIT participants. UFIT cheerleaders perform techniques, skills, & routines UFIT highlights all of our campers accomplishments UFIT’s showcase allows our community to engagement & support our young athletes!!! NEW MARKETS UFIT Get Ready! is a series of trainings that incorporates fitness and technical drills. Athletes train to become top candidates. Learn how to appeal to collegiate level programs. • Training offered to; High School Seniors, Juco, & College transfers . UFIT TOP NOTCH • Historically Black Colleges (HBCU’s) who need skills and technical training catered to their particular type of style. • Provide coaches with stunt /tumble safety certification training. UFIT COLLEGE Recruitment • UFIT’s college recruitment weekends allow coaches at the collegiate and competitive teams to recruit at a higher level. UFIT NEEDS T-Shirts Promotional Materials Trophies Goodie Bags Certificates Lunch Arts & Craft Materials Banners Snacks Draw String Backpacks Gatorade/ Water UFIT’s NEEDS 5 YEAR GOAL Utilize camp based training/ techniques and life skills to Expand the fundamentals of redefine the image and cheerleading perception of the sport in the 21st century. Expand our services in our market and continue to focus and offer specialized training! CONTACT UFIT Address: P.O. Box 621643 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 Website: www.u-fit365.com E-mail: [email protected] Office Number: (980) 819-1365 Social Media: Twitter & Instagram @ufit365 Marketing / Sponsorship James Bryant (704) 299-1044 [email protected] O n be ha lf of U F IT it is with gre a t hope tha t you will conside r to dona te to our orga niz a tion. U F IT is consta ntly a ppre cia tive of the e ntitie s tha t a re willing to assist in im proving the live s of our youth which dire ctly im pa cts our com m unity! T H AN K Y O U F O R Y O U R S U P P O R T & C O N S ID E R AT IO N ! U F IT