hog snorts - York HOG Chapter


hog snorts - York HOG Chapter
Sponsored by Laugerman’s Harley-Davidson
user name: yorkhog - password: member
Chapter Officers
Don Gill - 852-9781
e-mail: [email protected]
Asst. Director:
Warren Smith - 235-7233
e-mail: [email protected]
Cherie Sicola - 767-6712
e-mail: [email protected]
Martina Rusnov - 225-1288
e-mail: [email protected]
LOH Director:
Carrie Haines - 324-1603
e-mail: [email protected]
Asst. LOH Director
Tina Matte - 792-2876
Activities Director:
John Harris - 382-4182
e-mail: [email protected]
Membership Director:
Glennice Harris - 382-4182
e-mail: [email protected]
Dave Rider - 993-3784
e-mail: [email protected]
Ann Combs - 292-6789
e-mail: [email protected]
Safety Director:
Paul Quickel - 818-4328
[email protected]
Steve Koller - 324-6460
e-mail: [email protected]
Dwayne Hostetter - 569-8010
Web Master:
Ken Beard - 993-2215
e-mail: [email protected]
Head Road Captain:
Charlie Weaver - 917-3314
Road Captains:
Frank Cable - 792-5464
Ron Danner - 266-3881
Rick Himelwright - 225-1288
Steve Koller - 324-6460
Don Gill - 852-9781
Mike Gentzler - 792-9866
John Harris - 382-4182
Activities Committee:
John Harris 382-4182
Don Gill - 852-9781
Betsy Genzler - 557-6814
Mike Gentzler - 793-1305
Warren Smith - 235-7233
Monthly Meeting
August 10th
Ruby Jade’s
1500 S George St
Officers Meeting
August 25th
All members
August, 2010
News from your Director...
Can you believe it’s August. The summer is flying by and the weather has been hot,
hot and hotter.
I would like to thank Cherie Sicola for her “Meet the Members” articles and the
members that have helped write and tell their story. I find it very interesting to truly
meet the members.
Thanks to Warren Smith for taking the time to obtain our new chapter mileage
plaque that will be updated each year.
Frank Sicola has again agreed to chair the Winter Party. If your incline to give
Frank a hand please sign up at the next meeting or give me a call or email. Thank you Frank.
You can help the chapter by selling tickets to raffle the quilt that Glennice created and donated. Call
Glennice Harris for tickets.
Rick Himelwright, Fawn Grove VFW, Postal Union and our chapter did a fantastic job raising
$2,400.00 for the God Bless America Ride to support the veterans at the Lebanon VA. Thank you Rick
and everyone involved in the fund raising.
There are two rooms available at the Grey Ghost Inn. The dates for the event are August 19th to the
22nd. Give John Harris a call if you would like to join us for some great riding in Vermont.
Our chapter picnic is scheduled for August 29th and will be in a new location, Muddy Run. Please sign
up at the next chapter meeting August 10th at Ruby Jades. Frank Cable has again volunteered to lead the
Officer nominations are now being accepted. All positions are open for election. If interested in
becoming an officer of the chapter, you can nominate yourself or others. Nominations will be taken
through September for October elections. New officers will shadow existing officers until December
2010. Please get involved with your chapter.
Chapter Polo Shirts are at the shop and can be purchased for $48.00
Check our York Hog website for the latest ride and event schedule.
Don’t forget to wear your York PA HOG colors when you are out and about.
Ride and have fun,
Don Gill
News from your Asst. Director...
Hi folks,
I know one thing its really been hot. Actually to hot to ride, don’t forget to drink
plenty of fluids. Dehydration can hit you without you knowing it.
There is plenty to do in the upcoming months so watch your newsletter and look out
for the email blasts.
Job well done to Rick Himelwright for raising all the money for the Veterans
The month of July is shot in the butt where has the time flown to. The Gray Ghost ride is coming upon
us fast can hardly wait. There happens to be 2 rooms left if anyone is interested. Contact John Harris.
Lots of things to do so come out and have some fun.
Also elections for new officers is fast approaching us so think about running for an office and support
the HOG Chapter. Ballots for officer positions will be handed out at the August meeting.
Also I have info on a HOG Rally in New Jursey.
Till next month ride safe with 2 wheels down.
See you on the Road!
Warren Smith
News from your Activities Director...
Hi everyone,
Another month has gone by already and we have several good rides coming up this
month we’ll just hope it’s not so hot. All rides will leave from Laugerman’s this
month. The first is an ice cream ride on August 7th at noon. Sunday August 8th at
9:30 will be a lunch ride. Friday August 13th Laugerman’s is having a movie night
at 9pm in the back parking lot, bring lawn chairs. Saturday August 14th will be a
hotdog and bake sale at Laugerman’s. Sunday August 15th at 11am we will be going
to Coakleys Pub in Havre de Grace MD. August 19th to 22nd is The Gray Ghost Inn trip. Sorry we don’t
have any local rides that weekend as most of the road captains are going on the trip. August 21st ice
cream ride leaving Laugerman’s at noon. August 29th Chapter picnic at Muddy Run Park, ride will be
leaving Laugermans at 10:30am and going to the park. Remember to sign up for this, no charge for
chapter members and always a good time and good food.
Ride Safe!
John Harris
Ruby Jade’s Restaurant
July 13, 2010
60 Members and 1 Guest Attended
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
New Members: None
Treasurer’s Report: None due to minimal change. The total donation for the God Bless America Ride was $7,600. The Chapter donated $2,400 which
included chapter activities, pin sales, a donation from the Fawn Grove VFW and also from the Postal Union.
Secretary: The June minutes were read and approved.
Dealer Report:
6/17 Dealer Ride for Ice Cream leaving at noon
6/24 Diamond Dealer Ride from 9 am­ 5pm
Breakfast Ride leaving the shop at noon
8/13 Drive­in Movie Night at the Shop.
8/13­14Earn “Laugerman Cash” for future purchases
8/21 Ice Cream Ride
Laugerman’s has discount tickets for Outlaw Jam at the Fredrick Fairgrounds. There are 9 bands scheduled. The tickets are $36 at the dealer or
$60 through Ticketmaster. A ride will be led to the Fairgrounds.
9/25 Fox43
News Pride & Ride at the Sovereign Bank Center.
9/27 5 Annual MDA Golf Outing at Briarwoods
MDA: The 2011 event has been scheduled for 4/30­5/1 and will be a two­day event including a day at Dorney Park.
Activities Director:
7/17­18Greg Hobb’s Poker Run Benefit – information at the front table
7/19 Charlie leading a ride to the Dover Car and Air Show leaving Centerville at 9:30 am
Activities Continued:
Food Ride led by Charlie leaving Centerville at 11:00 am
Pancake Breakfast prior to the Diamond Dealer Ride – volunteers needed
Brown Bag Lunch Ride led by Frank Cable leaving Laugerman’s 11:00 am
Mike Gentzler leading “Bay Ride” leaving at 10:00 am from the shop
8/19­22 Grey Ghost Inn: One remaining room – call John if interested.
Benefit ride for Brian Ekert – from Stewartstown VFW
Ladies of Harley:
6:30 pm dinner at John Wright
Christmas in July – jewelry sale to benefit the chapter
Crab night – RSVP by 8/4
New date for wine and cheese train ride ­ $35 per person. Email Denise if interested
Mileage Contest: Mileage Cards are still at the front table for this year’s contest.
Winter Party: Frank volunteered to lead the committee. A sign up is at the front table.
2011 Rally: Glennice stated that volunteers for committees will be discussed at the next meeting.
Quilt: Tickets to raffle the quilt are available at the shop. Proceeds from the tickets will benefit the chapter.
Chapter Picnic: Event is scheduled for 8/29 at Muddy Run. The event begins at noon. The sign up sheet is at the front table.
Hawgs & Heineys: Kelly is hosting the event to benefit colorectal cancer research. There is a poker run from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm leaving from the Tourist
Inn. There are 3 stops, and the ride will end at the Hawg Pen. The poker run is $10 per person. She is also having a pig roast from 3 pm ­ 10 pm at the
Hawg Pen. Cost is $20 per person in advance. The fee includes pulled pork platter, beer truck and DJ.
God Bless America: Rick acknowledged all of the members who participated in making this year’s event a success.
Continue next page
Chapter Meeting Minutes cont.
Officer Nominations: Denise discussed nominations for officers which will be scheduled this October. If interested in becoming involved in the chapter,
you can nominate yourself or others. Nominations will be taken in September for October elections. New officers will shadow existing officers until
December, 2010.
Chapter Polo Shirts: Let Denise know if you are interested in purchasing a chapter polo shirt. The cost is $48.
Membership: Steve Kollar
Colors: Kim Salabsky
50/50: John Ely, Rick Himmelwright
Door Prize: Carl, Diane and Scott
Thanks to Steve and Rick who donated the prizes to the VA. Please forgive me if I missed anyone else.
LOH Corner...
Schedule of Activities
Friday August 6th - Crab nite location TBD 6PM
Saturday August 14th - Pancake Breakfast at Laugerman’s (volunteers needed) 10AM
Carrie Haines
Recently there has been some questions as to why weivers need to
be signed before going on a chapter ride. This is for YOUR
protection. If their is an accident during the ride this is proof that
you were on a chapter ride so you have coverage, so please sign the
weivers when asked by the road captain.
Best wishes to the following members who are
celebrating Birthday’s and Anniversaries this month
Members Birthday’s
Steve Koller
Connie Funk
Donna Zahner
Kelly Rhoads
David Wherley
Barbara Bolen
Richard Sherman
Linda Hill
Members Anniversaries
Ronald & Ruth Ann Danner - 51 years
Dwayne & Sue Hostetter - 37 years
Scott & Ellen Kline
Jeff & Carrie Haines - 17 years
Mike & Betsy Gentzler - 19 years
Fred & Liz Cramer - 49 years
Thomas Strickler & Arlene Schreiber